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The Influence of Joining English Club On Improving The Speaking Skill at The 1 Grade of State Junior Haigh School Larangan Pamekasan

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Compiled to fulfill the assignment of
Ssupervised by

By :
Ahlul Maghfiroh
NIM. 19381032031


The Influence of joining English Club on improving the speaking skill at the 1 st grade of
State Junio High school Larangan Pamekasan

A. Research Context
In Indonesia, English is a compulsory subject for students from elementary school
s, lower secondary school to university level. To master English requires 4 skills, there are s
peaking, reading, listening and writing. From the four skills that must be mastered, researche
r is interested in learning speaking skills because there are many problems regarding to skills
development such as lack of students confidence about vocabulary.
People believe that students can build English communication if they can speak Engli
sh in public, friends, or others fluently and confidently. But this is not something that is easy
to practice for both English instructors and learners. To produce effective speaking skills, co
mmunication strategies play an important role to avoid misunderstanding.
Basically speaking is a way to communicate, ask something about the information we
want to know. According to Ladouse speaking is explaining about an activity where the spea
ker as a form of self-ability to express themselves in the situation or an activity to explain ac
tions, or situations with the right words or the ability to communicate to express a sequence
of ideas fluently.
Speaking is an oral language activity carried out by people to communicate and intera
ct with other humans or the surrounding environment. Speaking is also one of the language s
kills that must be mastered by students.
When speaking, the speaker must know what to say. Thornbury states that the types o
f knowledge that speakers bring to speaking skills consist of extra linguistic knowledge, suc
h as knowledge of topics and cultural backgrounds, and linguistic knowledge, including kno
wledge of discourse, knowledge of speech acts, and knowledge of language grammar, vocab
ulary, and phonology. Some of the functions of speaking are to communicate and convey me
ssages to be conveyed to listeners. The ability to master speaking is to determine how far a s
tudent has understood and mastered the language he is learning.1

Thornbury, S, How to Teach Speaking, New York: Longman 2005. Hlm., 26
In curriculum 2013, speaking is one of the skills that have to be mastered by students
for each level. Allocation of time to study English is very limited. They only have about 90
minutes to study English every week. It is not enough time to improve their English skills es
pecially in speaking skills. That is why the school held English club program to improve thei
r English skill well especially in speaking. Unfortunately, most of students still feel difficult
to speak English fluently; causal factors of these problems are such as lack of motivation, fe
eling nervous to speak English, lack of grammar mastery, lack of vocabulary and feeling afr
aid of making mistakes. However, each teacher has their own method to solve those student
s’speaking problem.
There are many reasons causing English learner poor in speaking skill. They are lack
of curriculum emphasis on speaking skill, teachers’ limited 5 English proficiency, class cond
itions do not favor oral activities, limited opportunities outside of class to practice and exami
nation system not emphasis oral skills. In addition, having a poor-quality coach as a mentor
or role model also can be influenced on students’ perception in English. Poor coaches are fo
und in almost every community. They may lack proper understanding of students’ growth an
d do not implement great tenets of sportsmanship. It happens to students at 1st grade of State
Junio High school Larangan Pamekasan.
Besides attending the English classes the students’ also need to practice English out o
f the classes. They can speak or practice English with their friends and join an English club.
English club may come as a way to solve the problems. It is a place where students can learn
English through practice of activities. In such a place, pupils entertain only in English. The l
eader can initiate debate, games, sketches, poem, song, etc. Furthermore, in the English clu
b, students feel more comfortable to speak with their friends because they can share their ide
as freely. The students can share information and add new vocabulary to enrich their vocabu
lary mastery. It has been known that in improving speaking ability, vocabulary is one of the
most important parts; vocabulary is all the words known to a person or used in a particular b
ook, subject, etc. English vocabulary is very important, not only for practicing oral communi
cation but also for mastering other skills (reading, writing and listening).
Based on the statement above the researcher was interesting to conduct the research a
bout The Influence of joining English Club on improving the speaking skill at the 1st grade
of State Junio High school larangan pamekasan. The researcher wanted to know and identify
there is a significant influenced in speaking ability toward students who joining English club
or not.

B. Research Problem:
1. How do the students join English Club?
2. How is students' speaking skill?
3. How influence does English Club the students' speaking skill?

C. Research Objective
1. To know How the students join English Club.
2. To know How students' speaking skill is.
3. To know influence English Club the students' speaking skill.

D. Significances of the Research

This research will be expected to provide a significant contribution both theoretically
and practically
1. Theoretical Significances
The researcher extremely hopes that readers will receive a lot of knowledge related
to this research and also to be able to contribute and provide empirical evidence to support
the influence of joining English Club toward students’ speaking ability.
2. Practical Significance
The practical significances of the research can be useful for the students itself, the t
eacher, the researcher and also for the school, as follows:
a) For students
The result of this research is expected to increase students’ speaking ability by
joining English Club.
b) For the teacher
This research is hoped to help the teacher to know the students' English profici
ency in speaking ability
c) For the research
The researcher can get more knowledge and develop our ability to teach Englis
h course well. The researcher also can know how to conduct research especially quan
titative research
d) For the other researcher
It is hoped that this research can be one of the references.
e) For the school
The researcher can help the school to attract students’ interest in learning Engli
sh, especially in speaking ability.

E. Theoretical Background
1. English Club
Government Regulation no 19/25 on National Education Standards stated that
every school could allow developing its students' competence by having an extracurri
cular program. Extracurricular is a program which is not part of the course that a stud
ent is doing at a school, different school may have different extracurricular program.
The main reason for the establishment of the extracurricular program is to accommod
ate or give opportunity for students in developing their talent and interest. Mulyasa st
ated that an extracurricular program is a certain program held outside the school regul
ar time for supporting and improving students' competence.2
The point of the English Club as an extracurricular held by the school is to giv
e students a chance to improve their English and have more exposures and time in lea
rning English because they do not get extra time in regular class. The activities in the
English Club also can help the students to improve the students' ability in English.
According to Malu that Community-based English clubs are informal gatherin
gs of individuals who meet regularly and often voluntarily and who come from differ
ent parts of a community, town, or village for the express purpose of practicing Engli
sh. Members may be professionals or students at secondary and university levels. Me
mbers commit to speaking in English during meetings as they engage in activities that
support and encourage them to use the language.3

Mulyasa, E., & Mukhlis. Standar kompetensi dan sertifikasi guru. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007.hlm., 81
Malu, K. F., & Smedley, B. The English Club Handbook: A Guide for English Club Leaders. The U.S. Department
of State, United States Embassy, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2015. hlm., 10
2. Speaking Skill
In language learning, it is not only enough for someone understanding about la
nguage knowledge but also how to use the language. Among the four skills of a langu
age learning that someone has to be mastered, speaking is considered as the challengi
ng basic skill of the language use since it requires spontaneity. Spoken language was
used by people around the world as their daily communication device.
Speaking is a productive skill that will be observed directly and empirically, th
is observation is always colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of the test-taker’s l
istening skills, which of course endangers the reability and validity of the oral produc
tion test.
Based on Competency Based Curriculum speaking is one of the four basic co
mpetencies that students must have well. It has an important role in communication.
Speaking can be found in the oral cycle especially in the Joint Text Construction stag
e (Menteri Pendidikan Nasional, 2004).
Speaking is a productive skill. It cannot be separated from listening. When we
speak we produce text and it must be meaningful. In the nature of communication, we
can find speakers, listeners, messages and feedback. Speaking cannot be separated fro
m pronunciation because it encourages students to learn English sounds.
In some classroom speaking means that the students repeat sentences or dialog
ues or chant english words. Repetition is only one useful way of practising new langu
age. It is important for learners to practise the language they are learning in situations
which are similar to life outside the classroom. They need to practice real communica
tion about talking about their lives, talking about news , expressing their ideas and dis
cussing issues.
Speaking lessons can follow a standard pattern of preparation, presentation, pr
actice, evaluation, and extension. The teacher can use the preparatory step to determi
ne the context for the speaking assignment (where, when, why, and with whom it will
happen) and to initiate awareness of the speaking skill to be targeted (ask for clarifica
tion, emphasize key words, using reduced types of words). In presentation, the teache
r can equip students with a preproduction models that improve students understandin
g and helps them become more attentive observers of language use. Exercise engages
the learners in reproducing a targeted structure, usually in a controlled or highly supp
orted manner. Evaluation involves directing attention to the skill being examined and
asking 12 students to see and rate their own progress. Finally, outreach consists of act
ivities that ask learners to use the strategies or skills during a different contexts or aut
hentic communicative situations, or to integrate the use of the new skills or strategies
with previously acquired ones.
The ability to Speak in English is useful in many situations and places in this e
ra. Like in the school education, applying for have a job, or when someone goes to th
e other country or abroad, because English is an international language.
Speaking skills are the most important thing that must be mastered when peopl
e learn English because speaking is a process of building meaning, it includes almost
all of language components. Through speaking a person can express their thoughts, id
eas, and thoughts freely and spontaneously. In addition, the aim of teaching speaking
is to guide the teachers and students to use the target language as a common language
in the teaching and learning process even in everyday life. The importance of the pow
er of speaking or writing English has recently increased significantly recently as Engl
ish has become the de facto standard. Learning the English language has become pop
ular for business, commerce and cultural reasons and particular for internet communi
cations worldwide. English is not a standard language because it is widely used by m
any information and technology industries and is recognized as the 13 standard langu
age. The call center phenomenon has driven a massive expansion of internet related a
ctivities shaping India’s long-term cyber technological super-power. Modern commu
nications, videos, journals and newspapers on the internet use English and have made
knowledge English indispensable.

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