Eco Project Draft 1
Eco Project Draft 1
Eco Project Draft 1
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a value added tax to be implemented in India,
thedecisionon which is pending.GST is the only indirect tax that directly affects all
sectors and sections ofour economy. The goods and services tax (GST) is aimed at
creating a single, unified market thatwillbenefit both corporate and the economy.
Under the GST scheme, no distinction is
made between goods and services for levying of tax. In other words, goods and servi
ces attract thesame rate of tax. GST is a multi-tier tax where ultimate burden of tax
fall on the consumer ofgoods/ services. It is called as value added tax because at
every stage, tax is being paid on thevalue addition.Goods and Service Tax is a
comprehensive tax levy on manufacture, sale andconsumption of Goods and
services. GST is termed as biggest tax reform In Indian TaxStructure. It will not be an
additional tax; it will include central excise duty, service taxadditional duties of
customers at the central level, VAT, central sales tax, entertainment tax,octroi, state
surcharge, luxury tax, lottery tax and other surcharge on supply of goods
andservices. The purpose of GST is to replace all these taxes with single
comprehensive tax, bringing it all under single umbrella. The purpose is to eliminate
tax on tax. Given the passage ofthe Constitution (122nd) Amendment Bill, 2014 for
Goods and Services Tax (GST) in the LokSabha on 6th May, 2015, the Government of
India seems committed to replace all the indirecttaxes levied on goods and services
by the Centre and States and implement GST by 2016. WithGST, it is anticipated that
the tax base will be comprehensive, as virtually all goods and serviceswill be taxable,
with minimum exemptions. This paper highlights the concept of GST. It explainsthe
features of the suggestedGST. It also throws light on benefits and limitations of
implementing GST in India
Objective of study
The objective of the study is to highlight the impact of GST on economic growth of India
which is said to be a one of major taxation reform post independence. The new reform
has helped the country to increase its GDP tax ratio on par with the global taxation
system. The study adopted exploratory research model based on past literature using
information from research journals, reports, news papers and magazine covering wide
collections of academic literature on India's growth story post GST implementation. The
study concludes that introduction of GST received a mixed response from stakeholders
initially and have brought both positive and negative changes in the performance of all
the sectors of the economy. The model result finds that the government spending ratio is
1:0.27 which means if the government spends one crore, the 27 lakh comes from GST
tax collection
On Various Sectors:
IT sector:
Today, most IT service providers have a multi-locational presence with
the preferred mode of service tax compliance being on a centralized basis from a singl
elocation and IT service provider also enjoys the input service credits as well as
enjoys therefunds. But under GST, service provider may be required to pay State GST
or CentralGST or Integrated and GST across multiple states, which is not clear yet.
Supply chain decisions are vital for e-commerce industry. With theimplementation of
GST it will resolve the supply chain issues, as the shipment andreturns across the
country will be done more efficiently and with lesser paper work. Asthe tax
standardized across all the state boarders, companies will be able to execute
Transport sector:
GST is a positive for transportation sector in two ways, as it reduces the logistics cost
and increases the efficiency both within India and exports.
Land, Real Estate, and Renting: Currently, real estates are taxed in the
form of stamp duty and rental transactions are covered under service tax.
Construction activities and works contracts are liable to service tax. So this sector is
currently under multiple tax burdens. As of now, it is not clear whether real
estate/land activities are covered under GST net or not as this is a cash cow for
both state and central.
Old Wine in a New Bottle – According to the experts, terms such as GST
which includes CGST, SGST, and IGST is nothing but just a new name in accordance
with the existing tax systems. Kind of old wine in a new bottle.
Costlier Service – The current Service Tax stands at 15% as of now which will
increase to 18%-20% when GST is levied. As such many services will be on the
costlier side with telecom, airline and banking affected majorly. In fact, insurance
and petroleum are also said to be majorly affected by the enactment of GST Tax.
Complexity for the Businessmen – According to the proposal of the GST Tax,
the control on business will be rendered to Central and State Governments with
businessmen binding by-laws. As such complexity may arise for many businessmen
across the nation.
Income Tax Credit Mismatch – As the change in tax guard will take place, the
first few instances of application would mean high tax paying at the start. That said,
they will only be able to exercise the tax input on the latter stages when the loop is
exercised. With that in place, there would be ITC mismatch during the early uses of
GST Tax.