Ensite Pro To CIU 888 Migration Manual: Release R140
Ensite Pro To CIU 888 Migration Manual: Release R140
Ensite Pro To CIU 888 Migration Manual: Release R140
Commissioning is the first step following the installation of the CIU 888.
During commissioning, the CIU 888 site configuration is created and
site elements such as gauges, tanks and the CIU 888 are configured.
When the site is in operation and there are changes, for example a
gauge is added or an additional host system is connected, these
changes need to be implemented, and the CIU 888 needs to be
updated with the new site configuration.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Purpose of this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Target audience of this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
3.3 Setting up the site configuration and generating INI files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3.3.1 Supported topologies of deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Redundant pairs of CIU Plus and CIU Prime with a single host system . . . . 3-4 Redundant pairs of CIU Plus and CIU Prime with redundant host systems . 3-5
3.3.2 Mapping of host ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
3.3.3 Setting up a site configuration for a redundant CIU 888 system setup . . . . . 3-8
3.3.4 Generating INI files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
3.4 Uploading the site configuration to the primary CIU 888 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
3.5 Configuring the additional configuration settings of the CIU 888. . . . . . . . . 3-14
3.6 End commissioning of the primary CIU 888 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
3.7 Commissioning of the secondary CIU 888 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
3.8 Updating the INI files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
3.9 Restarting Entis Pro and loading the updated INI files in Entis Pro. . . . . . . 3-17
3.10 Sealing the CIU 888s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
3.11 Verifying the working of the system setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
FIGURE 1-2 Graphic overview of the CIU 888 Configuration System and the CIU 888
NOTE: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 is installed automatically during the installation
of Windows 7.
NOTE: Refer to the Instruction Manual Ensite Pro Configuration Tool version 3.0 (Part
No. 4416593) for more information about using Ensite Pro.
1. Click (Start) > All Programs > Enraf > Configuration >
Ensite Pro.
Ensite Pro is launched. The Ensite Pro splash screen is displayed
(see FIGURE 1-4) followed by the Ensite Pro login window (see
FIGURE 1-5).
2. Enter the username and password to log in to Ensite Pro. Next, click
After entering a valid username and password the Ensite Pro tool bar
is displayed (see FIGURE 1-6).
FIGURE 1-6 Ensite Pro tool bar - Select Site button active
Furthermore, the Ensite Pro to CIU 888 Migration tool is used for
updating the INI files needed for the Entis Pro tank inventory
management system.
The CIU 888 Web interface can be accessed using a standard browser.
NOTE: In this release, only Internet Explorer 10 and 11, and Google Chrome (version
40 or later) are supported.
REMARK: If a Security Warning message is displayed (see FIGURE 1-15), click the Yes
button and then the OK button.
d) Click the Browse button and select the certificate file with a .p7b
extension. You must select PKCS #7 certificates option to view
the certificate file with the .p7b extension.
e) Click Next.
f) In the Certificate Store screen, select the Place all certificates in
the following store option and click Browse.
h) Click Next. Details of the certificate file you are importing are
displayed. Verify the details and click Finish.
k) Verify that the certificate CIU888 has been added by clicking the
Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab.
NOTE: In this release, only Internet Explorer 10 and 11, and Google Chrome version
40 or later are supported.
2. Enter the IP address of the CIU 888 in the address bar of the
browser. The IP address is: Next, press the Enter key.
The CIU 888 Login window is displayed (see FIGURE 1-27).
3. Enter the username and password to log in to the CIU 888. The
username is: ciuadmin. Next, click LOG IN.
After entering a valid username and password, the CIU 888 Web
interface is displayed (see FIGURE 1-28).
2.2.1 Logging on to the CIU 888 and changing the initial password
During the initial setup, a user has to log on to the CIU 888 and change
the initial password first.
1. On the PC/laptop connected to the CIU 888, launch a browser.
NOTE: In this release, only Internet Explorer 10 and 11, and Google Chrome (version
40 or later) are supported.
2. Enter the IP address of the CIU 888 in the address bar of the
browser. The IP address is: Next, press the Enter key.
The Login window of the CIU 888 is displayed.
3. Enter the username and password to log in to the CIU 888. The
username is: ciuadmin. The initial password is CIU888@Enraf.
Next, click LOG IN.
After entering a valid username and password, the CIU 888 prompts
NOTE: Changing the password is only required during the initial setup of the CIU 888.
c) Click Apply.
The CIU 888 Web interface is displayed. The Diagnostics window
is displayed by default (see FIGURE 2-4).
NOTE: Refer to the Firmware Upgrade Manual (Part No. 4417596) for more
information about the CIU 888 license.
1. In the CIU 888 Web interface, click CONFIGURE in the section
menu bar.
The Configure window is displayed (see FIGURE 2-5).
4. Verify if the correct license is installed on the CIU 888. If this is not
the case, contact Honeywell Enraf.
REMARK: If an existing CIU 880 site configuration needs to be migrated, it should also be
in one of the supported configurations listed above before using the site
configuration in the CIU 888. If the existing site configuration is not in one of
these configurations (e.g. a single CIU Plus two CIU Primes or multiple
CIU Pluses and/or CIU Primes configured in the same site database), the site
NOTE: A single CIU Prime cannot be connected to an Entis Pro host system.
In this topology, a single pair of CIU Prime and CIU Plus is connected to
a host system (i.e. Entis Pro) via one of the four host ports of the
CIU Plus (see FIGURE 2-8). A configured host port has its own unique
RTU address and enables Modbus on serial communication.
FIGURE 2-8 Schematic representation of a site with a single pair of CIU Plus and CIU Prime
FIGURE 2-9 shows an example of how the CIU Plus/CIU Prime host
ports are mapped to the CIU 888 host ports in the site configuration.
FIGURE 2-9 Mapping of CIU Prime/CIU Plus host ports to CIU 888 host ports
CIU emulation (compatible with the CIU 858) can be configured for any
of the CIU 888 host ports. For example: If CIU 888 fixed host port 2
must be enabled for CIU emulation, then in the site configuration
CIU Plus host port 2 must be left unconfigured (as shown in FIGURE 2-
9). CIU emulation can be configured via CIU Prime host port 2 (see
FIGURE 2-10).
FIGURE 2-10 Ensite Pro: Edit CIU Prime window - CIU emulation enabled
NOTE: Refer to the Protocol Manual - CIU Emulation (Part No. 4417589) for more
information about CIU Emulation.
NOTE: For more details, refer to the Instruction manual Ensite Pro Configuration Tool
version 3.0 (Part No. 4416593).
1. Preparation
Before starting with creating and configuring the site, a number of
details must be known, e.g. site layout, information about field
cabling, tag names of site elements (i.e. gauges, tanks and CIUs),
tank information (tank strapping tables or tank capacity tables, roof
details, etc.), information on types of stored product, host
communication setup (if applicable).
2. Creating the site and defining the global settings
The creation of the site allows Ensite Pro to store a configuration set
with a database. The global settings are required for initiating the
configuration database. When the global settings have been defined,
Ensite Pro will create a site database.
3. Retrieving the configuration settings of the tank gauges
NOTE: The difference between the Create New Configuration option and the Update
Configuration option is described in Table 2-1:
TABLE 2-1 Difference between Create New Configuration option and Update Configuration option
Create New Configuration: Deletes the existing site configuration completely (if
already uploaded) and uploads the new site configura-
tion to the CIU 888.
The Create New Configuration operation can only be
performed after a Reset to Factory Defaults operation
via the CIU 888 display has been performed or after
the CIU 888 has been dispatched from the factory.
Update Configuration Uploads the implemented changes to the site configu-
ration that is already uploaded to the CIU 888. An
Update Configuration operation is allowed only on a
commissioned CIU 888.
4. Click Yes.
The dialogue box is closed. If the site configuration is successfully
uploaded to the CIU 888, the following dialogue box is displayed
(see FIGURE 2-13).
FIGURE 2-14 CIU 888 Web interface: Configuration window: FlexConn address setting
Tank HighLevelMoni- Indicates the configured % of Tank capacity. CIU double value 90
toringLimit (%) 888 scans product level with a higher frequency if
Product level crosses the configured % of Tank
Flexcon Flexcon Flexcon address of the gauge. 0-1899 0
GPU GPU Cache For emulation requests, will this data be received Enabled Enabled
Cache from cache or directly from the field. Disabled
VPN Port IP Address IP address of partners VPN port in case of redun- Valid IP address
dant configuration. This field is not used in case of
non redundant configuration.
VPN Port Subnet Mask Input valid subnet for VPN port Valid Subnet
6. Select the “Gauge type” as 954 and set the “Flexconn Address” to
the required value.
2. Click Update.
The INI files are updated. When the INI files have been updated
successfully, the following dialogue box is displayed (see FIGURE 2-
FIGURE 2-19 Ensite Pro to CIU 888 Migration tool: INI files succesfully updated dialogue box
2.8 Restarting Entis Pro and loading the updated INI files in Entis Pro
When the INI files have been updated, the next step is to restart the
Entis Pro system connected to the CIU 888 and then load the updated
INI files in Entis Pro. Refer to the Configuration manual Entis Pro
version 2.70x for Windows 7 (Part No. 4416381) for more information.
NOTE: If the CIU 888 does not feature the option to be sealed, the W&M configuration
settings can either be locked or left unlocked.
1. Launch the CIU 888 Web interface. See section 1.4.2 for more
2. Minimize the browser window to hide the CIU 888 Web interface but
to keep it running and accessible.
3. Launch Ensite Pro, see section 1.2.1.
The Ensite Pro tool bar is displayed (see FIGURE 2-21).
FIGURE 2-21 Ensite Pro: tool bar - Select Site button is active
FIGURE 2-23 Ensite Pro: Tool bar - All buttons are active
b) Check if the red indicator lights in the lower left side of the window
are blinking. If the lights are blinking data is being sent and
c) Select the CIU Plus from the drop-down list.
d) Select the tank from the drop-down list.
The data of the selected tank will be displayed.
e) Check the tank data for the following:
- Do the measured items match the gauge readings?
- Is the TOV correct (based on level and STRAP tables of this
- Are WVol, GOV and GSV reasonable?
f) Repeat steps d through e for all tanks associated with the
CIU 888.
g) Click Close to close the Tank Viewer window.
7. Click (Close button) in the Ensite Pro tool bar to close
NOTE: Refer to the Protocol Manual - Modbus Host (Part No. 4417588) for more
information about setting up of Modbus host for redundancy.
NOTE: The active CIU 888 can either be the primary CIU 888 or the secondary
CIU 888.
the front of the CIU 888 (see FIGURE 3-2). See CHAPTER 1 for
more information about the CIU 888 Configuration System.
Two pairs of CIU Plus and CIU Prime in a redundant setup, each pair
connected to a host system (i.e. Ensite Pro), see section Redundant pairs of CIU Plus and CIU Prime with a single host system
In this topology, two pairs of CIU Plus and CIU Prime are configured in a
redundant setup with corresponding host ports, field ports, tanks and
gauges. Both pairs are connected to one and the same host system (i.e.
Entis Pro). Each pair is connected to the host system via one of the four
host ports of the CIU Plus.
A configured host port has its own unique RTU address and enables
Modbus on serial communication.
FIGURE 3-3 Schematic representation of a site with two pairs of CIU Plus and CIU Prime in a
redundant setup (Single host system)
NOTE: A cross-connection between the two pairs, in which the primary CIU Plus is
connected to the secondary CIU Prime and the secondary CIU Plus is
connected to the primary CIU Prime, is not supported. Redundant pairs of CIU Plus and CIU Prime with redundant host systems
In this topology, two pairs of CIU Plus and CIU Prime are configured in a
redundant setup with corresponding host ports, field ports, tanks and
gauges. Each pair is connected to a separate host system (i.e.
Entis Pro). Each pair is connected to the host system via one of the four
host ports of the CIU Plus. A configured host port has its own unique
RTU address and enables Modbus on serial communication.
FIGURE 3-4 Schematic representation of a site with a redundant pair of CIU Plus and CIU Prime
(Redundant host systems)
NOTE: A cross-connection between the two pairs, in which the primary CIU Plus is
connected to the secondary CIU Prime and the secondary CIU Plus is
connected to the primary CIU Prime, is not supported.
NOTE: FIGURE 3-5 only shows the configuration of the primary CIU Plus host ports.
The configuration of the secondary CIU Plus host ports must be identical to the
configuration of the primary CIU Plus host ports.
FIGURE 3-5 Mapping of CIU Prime/CIU Plus host ports to CIU 888 host ports (redundant system)
CIU emulation (compatible with the CIU 858) can be configured for any
of the CIU 888 host ports. For example: If CIU 888 fixed host port 2
must be enabled for CIU emulation, then in the site configuration
CIU Plus host port 2 must be left unconfigured (as shown in FIGURE 3-
5). CIU emulation can be configured via CIU Prime host port 2 (see
FIGURE 3-6).
NOTE: FIGURE 3-6 only shows the configuration of primary CIU Prime host port 2.
The configuration of secondary CIU Prime host port 2 must be identical to the
configuration of primary CIU Prime host port 2, with the exception of the RTU
address which must be unique.
FIGURE 3-6 Ensite Pro: Edit CIU Prime window - CIU emulation enabled
NOTE: Refer to the Protocol Manual - CIU Emulation (Part No. 4417589) for more
information about CIU Emulation.
3.3.3 Setting up a site configuration for a redundant CIU 888 system setup
Since the procedure for setting up the site configuration for a redundant
system setup is similar to the procedure for setting up the site
configuration for a standalone system setup, this section focuses on the
changes that need to be made when setting up the site configuration of
a redundant system setup.
NOTE: Refer to the Instruction manual Ensite Pro Configuration Tool version 3.0 (Part
No. 4416593) for detailed information about setting up a site configuration
using Ensite Pro.
FIGURE 3-7 Ensite Pro: Hot standby configuration settings of the primary CIU Prime
FIGURE 3-8 Ensite Pro: Hot standby configuration settings of the secondary CIU Prime
FIGURE 3-9 Ensite Pro: Hot standby configuration settings of the primary CIU Plus
FIGURE 3-10 Redundant system setup - CIU Prime connected to single CIU Plus
NOTE: If in an existing redundant system setup the option CIU Primes connected to
both primary and secondary Plus is selected as type of connection, this
setting has to be changed to CIU Primes connected to one Plus only.
Furthermore, the cabling between the primary CIU Prime/CIU Plus and the
secondary CIU Prime/CIU Plus needs to be changed so it will match the site
FIGURE 3-11 Ensite Pro: Hot Standby configuration settings of the secondary CIU Plus
FIGURE 3-12 Ensite Pro: CIU Prime linked to CIU Plus through Field port 1
4. Highlight the OK option using the display keys. Next, press the OK
The secondary CIU 888 will be reset to the factory settings and will
reboot twice. Because the Entis Pro system(s) connected to the
CIU 888s is shutdown, redundancy switchover will be disabled
during reboot.
When commissioning of both the primary CIU 888 and secondary
CIU 888 has been completed, the role of each CIU 888 in the
redundant system setup is indicated in the Status Dashboard (see
FIGURE 3-17).
FIGURE 3-17 Status Dashboard of primary CIU 888 (left) and secondary CIU 888 (right)
3.9 Restarting Entis Pro and loading the updated INI files in Entis Pro
When the INI files have been updated, the next step is to restart the
Entis Pro system(s) connected to the CIU 888s and then load the
updated INI files in Entis Pro. Refer to the Configuration manual
Entis Pro version 2.70x for Windows 7 (Part No. 4416381) for more
NOTE: If the CIU 888s do not feature the option to be sealed, the W&M configuration
settings can either be locked or left unlocked.
If there are changes in the CIU 888 system setup, these changes must
be implemented in the site configuration. Subsequently, the updated
site configuration must be uploaded to the CIU 888 for the changes to
become effective.
Changes in the CIU 888 system setup can be the result of, for example:
Connection of additional tank gauging instruments to the CIU 888
Connection of additional host systems to the CIU 888
Installation of a new CIU 888 license resulting in the expansion of the
features and functionalities of the CIU 888 (e.g. redundancy, support
of a larger number of tanks)
The procedure for updating the CIU 888 site configuration consists of
the following steps:
1. Implementing the required changes in the site configuration and
regenerating the INI files, see section 4.2
2. Regenerating the INI files required for Entis Pro, see section 4.3
3. Uploading the updated site configuration to the CIU 888, see
section 4.4
4. If required, configuring the additional configuration settings, see
section 4.5
5. Updating the INI files required for Entis Pro, see section 4.6
6. Restarting the Entis Pro system connected to the CIU 888, and
reloading the INI files in Entis Pro, see section 4.7
7. Sealing the CIU 888, see section 4.8
8. Verifying the working of the system setup, see section 4.9
the CIU 888 (see FIGURE 4-1). See Chapter 1 for more information
about the CIU 888 Configuration System.
During updating of the CIU 888 site configuration, the Entis Pro
system connected to the CIU 888 must be shut down.
FIGURE 4-2 Ensite Pro: Tool bar - Only Select Site button is active
FIGURE 4-4 Ensite Pro: Tool bar - All buttons are active
Migration Type
Select the Update Configuration option.
NOTE: The difference between the Create New Configuration option and the Update
Configuration option is described in TABLE 4-1:
TABLE 4-1 Difference between Create New Configuration and Update Configuration option
Create New Configuration: Deletes the existing site configuration completely (if
already uploaded) and uploads the new site configura-
tion to the CIU 888.
The Create New Configuration operation can only be
performed after a Reset to Factory Defaults operation
via the CIU 888 display has been performed or after
the CIU 888 has been dispatched from the factory.
Update Configuration Uploads the implemented changes to the site configu-
ration that is already uploaded to the CIU 888. An
Update Configuration operation is allowed only on a
commissioned CIU 888.
FIGURE 4-6 Migration tool: Migration Status dialogue box (No restart of CIU 888 required)
FIGURE 4-7 Migration tool: Migration Status dialogue box (Restart of CIU 888 required)
4. Click Yes.
The implemented changes to the site configuration are uploaded to
the CIU 888.
When the implemented changes have been successfully uploaded
and the changes did not required a restart of the CIU 888, the
following dialogue box is displayed (see FIGURE 4-8).
FIGURE 4-9 Migration tool: Successfully Migrated dialogue box (after restart of CIU 888)
Depending on the entities that were changed during the update, the
CIU 888 will automatically restart after the upload. See TABLE A.3, to
view list of entities that do not require a restart after they have been
4.7 Restarting Entis Pro and reloading updated INI files in Entis Pro
When the INI files have been updated, the next step is to restart the
Entis Pro system connected to the CIU 888 and then reload the
updated INI files in Entis Pro. Refer to the Configuration manual
Entis Pro version 2.70x for Windows 7 (Part No. 4416381) for more
NOTE: If the CIU 888 does not feature the option to be sealed, the W&M configuration
settings can either be locked or left unlocked.
During startup, the CIU 888 Loading... splash screen is shown on the
CIU 888 display (see FIGURE 5-2).
FIGURE 5-2 CIU 888 display: CIU 888 Loading... splash screen
NOTE: If the CIU 888 is built into a storage cabinet, the on/off switch should be in the
‘ON’ position as it is no longer accessible. In this case, you can start the
CIU 888 by switching on the mains.
FIGURE 5-3 CIU 888 Web interface: Restart CIU option in CIU 888 menu
During restart, the CIU 888 Restarting... splash screen is shown on the
CIU 888 display (see FIGURE 5-4).
FIGURE 5-4 CIU 888 display: CIU 888 Restarting... splash screen
down the CIU 888, select Shutdown CIU from the CIU 888 menu (see
FIGURE 5-5).
FIGURE 5-5 CIU 888 Web interface: Shutdown CIU option in CIU 888 menu
NOTE: To switch the CIU 888 back on, use the on/off switch at the back of the device,
see section 5.1.1. Because the on/off switch is still in the ‘ON’ position, the on/
off switch must be switched to the ‘OFF’ position first. Subsequently, the
CIU 888 can be started by switching the on/off switch to the ‘ON’ position.
5.2 W&M lock key switch and Configuration lock key switch
The CIU 888 features two key switches located at the front of the
W&M lock key switch, see section 5.2.1.
Configuration lock key switch, see section 5.2.2.
On the CIU 888 display, the status of the W&M lock key switch
changes from (‘locked’) to (‘unlocked’) (see FIGURE 5-7).
FIGURE 5-7 CIU 888 display: W&M relevant configuration settings are unlocked
3. Remove the key from the key switch and store it.
FIGURE 5-8 CIU 888 display: W&M relevant configuration settings are locked
3. Remove the key from the key switch and store it.
3. Remove the key from the key switch and store it.
3. Remove the key from the key switch and store it.
FIGURE 5-12 CIU 888 Web interface: Enter Safe Mode option in CIU 888 menu
You can exit safe mode of CIU 888 via the CIU 888 Web interface. To
exit safe mode, select Exit Safe Mode from the CIU 888 menu (see
figure 5-13)
FIGURE 5-13 CIU 888 Web interface: Exit Safe Mode option in CIU 888 menu
One of the serial host ports located at the back of the CIU 888 using
a serial cable (see FIGURE 6-2)
2. From the drop-down list, select the CIU for which you want to set the
date and time.
3. Enable the New date and time check box if you want to set a new
date and time.
4. Enter the time. The format is: Hours (00...23) - Minutes (00...59) -
Seconds (00...59). Use the arrow buttons to increase or decrease
the hours, minutes or seconds.
5. Select the month and year in the calender. Next, select the day from
the calender. Use the arrow buttons to display the previous or the
next month.
6. Enable the Daylight Saving Time ON check box, if necessary.
REMARK: If the “Daylight Saving Time ON” option is enabled (checked), the clock is
adjusted forward one hour near the start of spring and adjusted backward one
hour in the autumn.
7. Click the OK button to save the settings and to close the window.
The CIU 888 displays its floating point numeric data with a decimal
separator which is either a dot (default) or a comma. Other characters
are not allowed. A number cannot start nor end with a decimal
separator. So ‘0.2’ is correct, but ‘.2’ is not correct.
NOTE: The decimal separator parameter falls under the W&M seal.
The CIU 888 displays its numeric data with a thousand separator which
is either a dot, a comma (default) or no separator. Other characters are
not allowed. The thousand separator is applied before and after the
decimal separator to group three digits. A number cannot start nor end
with a thousand separator.
NOTE: The thousand separator parameter falls under the W&M seal.
5. From the list box next to ‘Decimal symbol:’ select the symbol to be
used as decimal separator.
6. From the list box next to ‘Digit grouping symbol:’ select the symbol to
be used as thousand separator.
7. Click OK to save the settings and to close the window.
A.2.3.1 Date
A.2.3.2 Time
hh = zero-padded hour between 00 and 24
mm = zero-padded minute between 00 and 59
ss = zero-padded second between 00 and 60
ttt = zero-padded between 000 and 999
The main task of the CIU 888 is scanning the connected tank gauging
instruments continuously for the measured values of the connected
The Sync Link port is located at the back of the CIU 888 (see
C.2.1 RS-232 host port redundancy with redundant CIU 888s and host port
redundancy on demand of host system
In this configuration, both CIU 888s in the redundant configuration are
connected to the same host system, i.e. Entis Pro (see FIGURE C-2).
The CIU 888s are connected to the host system via one of their fixed
host ports. Each host port has its own unique RTU address and is
configured for communication through Modbus RTU on serial.
FIGURE C-2 RS-232 Host port redundancy with redundant CIU 888s and host port redundancy on
demand of host system
NOTE: Refer to the chapter ‘CIU Plus Links’ in the Configuration Manual Entis Pro
2.70x for Windows (Part No. 4416381) for more information about connecting
the CIU 888 to the Entis Pro system.
C.2.2 RS-232 host port redundancy with redundant CIU 888s and data
synchronization between host systems
In this configuration, each CIU 888 in the redundant configuration is
connected to a separate host system, i.e. Entis Pro (see FIGURE C-3).
The CIU 888s are connected to the host system via one of their fixed
Host ports. Each host port has its own unique RTU address and is
configured for communication through Modbus RTU on serial. By
connecting each CIU 888 to a separate instance of Entis Pro, an extra
safety is created in the event of failure of one of the two host systems.
FIGURE C-3 RS-232 host port redundancy with redundant pair of CIU 888s and data synchronization
between host systems
Abbreviation Description
BPM Bi-Phase Mark
CIU Communication Interface Unit
DCS Distributed Control System
GOV Gross Observed Volume
GPU Gauge Processing Unit
GSV Gross Standard Volume
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
PC Personal Computer
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
RAM Random Access Memory
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
TOV Total Observed Volume
W&M Weights and Measures
XML Extensible Markup Language