Screening Damage Mechanism - 581 & 571
Screening Damage Mechanism - 581 & 571
Screening Damage Mechanism - 581 & 571
Aqueous Organic Acid Corrosion
Boiler Water and Steam Condensate
Brine Corrosion
Caustic Corrosion
Concentration Cell Corrosion
Flue Gas Dew Point Corrosion
Fuel Ash Corrosion
Galvanic Corrosion
Graphitic Corrosion of Cast Irons
Metal Dusting
Oxygenated Process Water Corrosion
Phenol (Carbolic Acid) Corrosion
Phosphoric Acid Corrosion
Component Lining Damage Component Lining Damage
External Corrosion —Ferritic Component
Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)
Atmospheric Corrosion
Thermal Shock
Caustic Cracking
Amine Cracking
Sulfide Stress Cracking
Alkaline Carbonate SCC
Polythionic Acid SCC
Hydrogen SCC-HF
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
Ammonia Stress Corrosion Cracking
Dissimilar Metal Weld Cracking
Ethanol Stress Corrosion Cracking
Hydrofluoric Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking
of Nickel Alloys
HCl present
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)
Corrosion Water present
pH < 7.0
High Temprerature Hydrogen sulfide or Carbonyl sulfide or Sulfur present
Sulfidic/Naphthenic Acid TOp > 204 °C (400 °F)
High Temperature H2S/H2 H2S or hydrogen present
Corrosion TOp > 204 °C (400 °F)
Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) H2SO4 present
Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) HF present
H2S present
Sour Water Corrosion
Water present
MEA, DEA, DIPA, MDEA, acid gas treating amines present
Amine Corrosion present
TOp ≥ 482 °C (900 °F)
High Temprerature Oxidation
Oxygen present
H2S present
Water present
Acid Sour Water
pH < 7.0
Chlorides < 50 ppm
Cooling Water Equipment in cooling water service
Buried or partially buried
Soil-side corrosion
Material = carbon steel
CO2 present
CO2 Corrosion Water present
Material = carbon steel or < 13 % Cr
AST Bottom Equipment = AST
90-10 Cu-Ni 1— 16
70-30 Cu-Ni (0.05 %Fe) 0.3 — 32
External Corrosion —
Ferritic Component Material = carbon steel or Low Alloy Steel or Alloy steel or Cast Iron
TOp = −12 °C to 177 °C (10 °F to 350 °F).
Insulation present
Corrosion Under
Insulation (CUI) —
Ferritic Component Material = carbon steel or Low Alloy Steel or Alloy steel or Cast Iron
TOp = −12 °C to 175 °C (10 °F to 350 °F)
External Chloride
Stress Corrosion Material = austenitic stainless steel.
Cracking (ExtClSCC) — External surface = chloride present
Austenitic TOp = 50 °C to 150 °C (120 °F to 300 °F)
Material = austenitic stainless steel.
External CUI ClSCC — Insulation present
Component External surface = chloride present
TOp = 50 °C to 150 °C (120 °F to 300 °F)
Damage present
Overheating—Stress All fired heater tube or boiler tube materials or
Rupture (Including common materials of construction
Steam Blanketing)
Table Threshold TOps for Creep
Material TOp Limit
Carbon steel [UTS > 414 MPa (60 ksi)] 650 °F (345 °C)
Carbon steel [UTS > 414 MPa (60 ksi)] 700 °F (370 °C)
Carbon steel—Graphitized 700 °F (370 °C)
C-½Mo 750 °F (400 °C)
1¼Cr-½Mo—Normalized and tempered 800 °F (425 °C)
1¼Cr-½Mo—Annealed 800 °F (425 °C)
2¼Cr-1Mo—Normalized and tempered 800 °F (425 °C)
2¼Cr-1Mo—Annealed 800 °F (425 °C)
2¼Cr-1Mo—Quenched and tempered 800 °F (425 °C)
2¼Cr-1Mo-V 825 °F (440 °C)
3Cr-1Mo-V 825 °F (440 °C)
5Cr-½Mo 800 °F (425 °C)
7Cr-½Mo 800 °F (425 °C)
9Cr-1Mo 800 °F (425 °C)
9Cr-1Mo-V 850 °F (455 °C)
12 Cr 900 °F (480 °C)
AISI Type 304 and 304H 950 °F (510 °C)
AISI Type 316 and 316H 1000 °F (540 °C)
AISI Type 321 1000 °F (540 °C)
AISI Type 321H 1000 °F (540 °C)
AISI Type 347 1000 °F (540 °C)
AISI Type 347H 1000 °F (540 °C)
Alloy 800 1050 °F (565 °C)
Alloy 800H 1050 °F (565 °C)
Alloy 800HT 1050 °F (565 °C)
HK-40 1200 °F (650 °C)
Weakening Screening Damage Criteria
Material = Carbon steels or low-alloy steels
Gas phase present
Material = copper alloys (brasses or bronzes or Cu-Ni
alloys) or Alloy 400 or Monel
Brasses (>15 % Zn) = Waters resent or stagnant
Aluminum bronze (> 8 % Al) = HF or chloride acid or
Dealloying seawater
Silicon bronzes = Acidic present
Tin bronzes = Hot brine or steam
Copper nickels (70 to 30) = High heat flux and low water
Monel = Acid present
Material = carbon steel or ½Mo steels
Temarature = 800 °F to 1100 °F (425 °C to 595 °C)
Chromium-molybdenum (chromoly) steels
Nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels
Nickel-molybdenum steels
Chromium steels
Chromium-vanadium steels
Tungsten-chromium steels
Silicon-manganese steels
High-strength low-alloy steels
Type, and composition by weight
Carbon steels Austenite SS: 1xx Series; 200 Series; 300 S
Plain carbon (Mn 1.00% max.) Ferritic SS: 400 Series
Resulfurized and rephosphorized Low Alloy steel (Cr – Mo Steel) grades and
Plain Carbon (Mn 1.00–1.65% max.)
Steel category
Manganese steels
Mn 1.75% 0.5%Mo
Nickel steels 0.5%Cr-0.5%Mo
Ni 3.50% 1.25%Cr-0.5%Mo
Ni 5.00% 2.25%Cr-1.0%Mo
Nickel-chromium steels 5.0%Cr-0.5%Mo
Ni 1.25%; Cr 0.65% or 0.80% 9.0%Cr-1.0%Mo
Ni 1.75%; Cr 1.07%
Ni 3.50%; Cr 1.50% or 1.57% Principal low-alloy stee
Ni 3.00%; Cr 0.77% SAE designation
Molybdenum steels 13xx
Mo 0.20%, 0.25% or Mo 0.25% and S 0.042%[1] 40xx
Mo 0.40% or 0.52%
Chromium-molybdenum (chromoly) steels 43xx
Cr 0.50%, 0.80% or 0.95%; Mo 0.12%, 0.20%, 0.25% or 0.30% 44xx
Nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels 46xx
Ni 1.82%; Cr 0.50–0.80%; Mo 0.25% 47xx
Ni 1.82%; Cr 0.50%; Mo 0.12% or 0.35%; V 0.03% min 48xx
Ni 1.05%; Cr 0.45%; Mo 0.20% or 0.35% 50xx
Ni 0.30%; Cr 0.40%; Mo 0.12% 50xxx
Ni 0.30%; Cr 0.45%; Mo 0.12%; and added boron[1] 50Bxx
Ni 0.55%; Cr 0.50%; Mo 0.20% 51xx
Ni 0.55%; Cr 0.50%; Mo 0.25% 51xxx
Ni 0.55%; Cr 0.50%; Mo 0.35% 51Bxx
Ni 3.25%; Cr 1.20%; Mo 0.12% 52xxx
Ni 0.45%; Cr 0.40%; Mo 0.12% 61xx
Ni 0.55%; Cr 0.20%; Mo 0.20% 86xx
Ni 1.00%; Cr 0.80%; Mo 0.25% 87xx
Nickel-molybdenum steels 88xx
Ni 0.85% or 1.82%; Mo 0.20% or 0.25%
Ni 3.50%; Mo 0.25% 94Bxx
Chromium steels
Cr 0.27%, 0.40%, 0.50% or 0.65%
Cr 0.50%; C 1.00% min
Cr 0.28% or 0.50%; and added boron[1]
Cr 0.80%, 0.87%, 0.92%, 1.00% or 1.05%
Cr 1.02%; C 1.00% min.
Cr 0.80%; and added boron[1]
Cr 1.45%; C 1.00% min.
Chromium-vanadium steels
Cr 0.60%, 0.80%, 0.95%; V 0.10% or 0.15% min.
Tungsten-chromium steels
W 1.75%; Cr 0.75%
Silicon-manganese steels
Si 1.40% or 2.00%; Mn 0.65%, 0.82% or 0.85%; Cr 0.00% or 0.65%
High-strength low-alloy steels
Various SAE grades
Boron steels
Leaded steels
e SS: 1xx Series; 200 Series; 300 Series
S: 400 Series
low-alloy stee
Mn 1.75%
Mo 0.20% or 0.25% or 0.25% Mo & 0.042% S
Cr 0.50% or 0.80% or 0.95%, Mo 0.12% or 0.20% or 0.25% or
Ni 1.82%, Cr 0.50% to 0.80%, Mo 0.25%
Mo 0.40% or 0.52%
Ni 0.85% or 1.82%, Mo 0.20% or 0.25%
Ni 1.05%, Cr 0.45%, Mo 0.20% or 0.35%
Ni 3.50%, Mo 0.25%
Cr 0.27% or 0.40% or 0.50% or 0.65%
Cr 0.50%, C 1.00% min
Cr 0.28% or 0.50%, and added boron
Cr 0.80% or 0.87% or 0.92% or 1.00% or 1.05%
Cr 1.02%, C 1.00% min
Cr 0.80%, and added boron
Cr 1.45%, C 1.00% min
Cr 0.60% or 0.80% or 0.95%, V 0.10% or 0.15% min
Ni 0.55%, Cr 0.50%, Mo 0.20%
Ni 0.55%, Cr 0.50%, Mo 0.25%
Ni 0.55%, Cr 0.50%, Mo 0.35%
Si 1.40% or 2.00%, Mn 0.65% or 0.82% or 0.85%, Cr 0.00% or
Ni 0.45%, Cr 0.40%, Mo 0.12%, and added boron
Ni 5%, Cr 2%, Si 1.25%, W 1%, Mn 0.85%, Mo 0.55%, Cu 0.5%,
Cr 0.40%, C 0.2%, V 0.1%
ASTM / ASME standard
SMAW Electrode/ Rod Flux Cored Wires
Low Alloy Steel Pipe
A209 Grade T1 A335 Grade P1 GL76/78A1 GMX 811A1
A213 Grade T2 A335 Grade P2 GL86/88B1
A213 Grade T11, 12 A335 Grade P11, 12 A182 Grade F11 GL86/88B2 GMX 811B2
A213 Grade T22 A335 Grade P22 A182 Grade F22 GL86/88B3 GMX 911B3
A335 Grade P5 GL86/88B6
A335 Grade P9 GL86/88B8