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Kentucky Rock Asphalt Hot-Mix Surfaces

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August 27, 1968


MEMO TO: A. 0. Neiser, State Highway Engineer

Chairman, Research Committee

SUBJECT: Research Report (Final); "Kentucky

Rock Asphalt Hot-Mix Surfaces"
KYHPR-64-10; HPR-1(4), Part II

Kentucky Rock Asphalt has served prominently on our roads for many
years. At times its performance proved to be unreliable. About 1956, its use
was discontinued altogether--except for some de-slicking applications. The
Kentucky Rock Asphalt Company dissolved soon thereafter. H. G. Reynolds and
Associates acquired extensive holdings from the old company. Eventually, in-
terest reverted to redevelopment of the deposits as a source of bituminous
paving aggregateG T1;.;o avenues of choice were apparent: one was to pre-roast
the rich rock immediately prior to paving, and the other t,ras to produce and
ship lean or non-bituminous aggregate for conventional processing through hot-
mix plants. Beginning in 1962, serveral attempts were maoP to use lean rock
from the old quarries on traffic-bound roads in the area around Edmonson
County. These were not very successful: in some cases the lean pEoduct had
sufficient bitumen to cause it to bind together while in others it remained
loose--and reverted to sand. Thi.cker applications with bituminous seals on
top were also tried. Somewhat as a last resort, a compacted base course and,
optionally, a hot-processed su.rfac.e cou!'se o·r mu.lt:lple seal topping was speci-
fied experimentally on the Nolin Dam Road (KY 728) in Edmonson County. Forth-
with, the redevelopers made a. trial run of the crushed, lean rock through a
hot-mix plant and supplemented the indigenous asphalt with refinery asphalt;
whereupon, they determined to pave the. entire section of the project in this
manner. Unfortunately, the raw, lean, aggregate base did not perform well--
apparently it was too porous and unstable. Nevertheless, the project demon-
started the feasibility of processing and laying a high-type surfacing product.
Thereafter, the Department undertook a series of resurfacing projects employing
the processed product on an experimental basis. The report submitted herewith
is largely concerned with the eonstruct.ion and performance of those projects.

Rock Asphalt surfaces have always been admired for their high skid
resistance and quietness. Both of these qualities have persisted throughout
the redevelopment experiments"

As a specific summary to our current report, I shall mention two

observations: first, the bituminous binders are necessarily quite hard;
second, the porosity (percentage of voids) in the compacted mixtures remains
high. I believe that the latter quality is essential to skid resistance and


August 27, 1968


MEMO TO: A. 0. Neiser, State Highway Engineer

Chairman, Research Committee

SUBJECT: Research Report (Final); "Kentucky

Rock Asphalt Hot-Mix Surfaces"
KYHPR-64-10; HPR-1(4), Part II

Kentucky Rock Asphalt has served prominently on our roads for many
years. At times its performance proved to be unreliable. About 1956, its use
was discontinued altogether--except for some de-slicking applications. The
Kentucky Rock Asphalt Company dissolved soon thereafter. H. G. Reynolds and
Associates acquired extensive holdings from the old company. Eventually, in-
terest reverted to redevelopment of the de.posits as a source of bituminous
paving aggregate. Two avenues of choice were apparent: one was to pre-roast
the rich rock immediately prior to paving, and the other was to produce and
ship lean or non-bituminous aggregate for conventional processing through hot-
mix plants. Beginning in 1962, serveral attempts 1>1ere maciP to use lean rock
from the old quarries on traffic-bound roads in the area around Edmonson
County. These were not very successful: in same cases the lean product had
sufficient bitumen to cause it to bind together while in others it remained
loose--and reverted to sand. Thicker applications with bituminous seals on
top were also tried. Somewhat as a last resort, a compacte.d base course and,
optionally, a hot--processed surface course or multiple seal topping Has speci-
fied experimentally on the Nolin Dam Road (KY 728) in Edmonson County. Forth-
with, the redevelopers made s trial run of the c. rushed, lean rock through a
hot-mix plant and supplemented the indigenous asphalt with refinery asphalt;
whereupon, they determined t.o pave the entire section of the project in this
manner. Unfortunately, the rmv, lean, aggregate base did not perform well·--
apparently it was too porous and unstable. Nevertheless, the project demon-
started the feasibility of processing and laying a high-type surfacing product.
Thereafter, the Department undertook a series of resurfacing projects employing
the processed product on an experimental basis. The report submitted herewith
is largely concerned with the construction and performance of those projects.

Roc.k Asphalt surfaces have always been admired for their high skid
resistance and quietness. Both of these qualities have persisted throughout
the redevelopment experiments.

As a specific summary to our current report, I shall mention two

observations: first, the bituminous binders are ne.cessarily quite hard;
second, the porosity (percentage of voids) in the compacted mixtures remains
high. I believe that the latter quality .is essential to skid resistance a.nd
A. 0. Neiser 2 August 27, 19&8

that hard binders assure sufficient stability--to prevent scaling but yet
permit some sacrificial wear.

For the sake of continuity among research projects, and although

this is presumably the final report on this particular study, the two features
of Rock Asphalt--mentioned above--are being synthesized or designed into mix-
tures employing other sands. In fact, these and other variables have been in-
corporated into a rather extensive experimental surfacing project on US 27,
north of Somerset, Paving there will probably be completed before you have
this report in hand. Results from those experiments will be forthcoming under
KYHPR-64-24 and under KYI!PR-·67-44* subitems.

Mr. Florence, who prepared the manuscript for this report and was
head of our Bituminous Section, resigned June 28, 1968, to accept a position
with the Bureau of Public Roads in North Carolina.


H. Havens
JHH:em Director of Research
cc 1 s: Research Committee

R. 0. Beauchamp, Assistant State Highway Engineer

W. B. Drake, Assistant State Highway Engineer
J. T. Anderson, Projects Management Engineer
K. B. Johns, Operations Management Engineer
J. R. Harbison, Program Management Engineer
C. G. Cook, Director, Division of Bridges
G. F. Kemper, Direc.tor, Division of Construction
R. Brandon, Director, Division of Data Processing
E. B. Gaither, Director, Division of Design
T. J. Hopgood, Director, Division of Maintenance
H. G. Mays, Director, Division of Materials
J, M. Carigan, Director, Division of Photogrammetry
J. W. Fehr, Director, Division of Planning
C. H. Bradley, Director, Division of Right of Way
K. C. Arnold, Director, Division of Roadside Development
Nancy Phares, Director, Division of Service and Supply
H. G. Galloway, Director, Division of Traffic
District Engineers
J. 0. Gray, II 1, Paducah
A. H. Clements, # 2, Madisonville
H. J, Padgett, # 3, Bowling Green
H. R. Ditto, II 4, Elizabethtown
R. c. Aldrich, # 5, Louisville
Howard Hale, II 6, Covington
R. A. Johnson, # 7, Lexington
J. P. Noonan, # 8, Somerset
S. B. Riddle, # 9, Flemingsburg
B. A. Knight, # 10, Jackson
A. 0. Neiser 3 August 27, 1968

G. W. Asbury, # 11, Jackson

W. Bayes, II 12, Pikeville
R. E. Johnson, Division Engineer, Bureau of Public Roads
D. K. Blythe, Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering,
Associate Dean, College of Engineering, U. of Ky.
Research Report


KYHPR-64-10; HPR-1 (1,), Part II

Robert L. Florence
Formerly Research Engineer

Division of Research
Commonwealth of Kentucky

in cooperation with the

U. S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Bureau of Public Roads

The opinions, findings, and conclusions

in this report are not necessarily those of
the Department of Highways or the Bureau of
Public Roads.

August 1968

When this study was initiated in 1962, the objectives were disposed
toward the development of Kentucky Rock Asphalt for use as a traffic-bound
base and surface on rural roads near its source and toward redevelopment of
the material for use as hot-mixed, hot-laid, skid·-resistant surface course
for higher echelon roads. Between July 1962 and August 1965, eight experi-
mental, lean rock-asphalt bases were constructed and evaluated (1, 2, 3).

During the fall of 1965 a hot-mixed, enriched, rock-asphalt surfacing

material was successfully produced through a conventional hot-mix plant and
laid with a paver on a 8.4-mile section of Nolin Dam Road (KY 728) in
Edmonson County. The construction and interim performance of this project
has been reported previously (3). The hot-mix process consisted of crushed
rock asphalt, containing approximately four percent indigenous bitumen, as
the total cold-feed aggregate, heated to 250- 300°F, and enriched with
four to five percent asphalt cement. The mixture was then laid and compacted
with conventional hot-mix paving equipment.

The success of the hot-mix surface on the Nolin Dam Road project re-
newed interest in rock asphalt for high-type surfacing and resurfacing. A
series of eight resurfacing projects, totaling 92.9 miles in length, was
let for the 1966 construction season. A Special Provision (dated March
1966, Appendix C) \vas prepared to govern this work. The developer, W. G.
Reynolds and Associates, expanded their rock asphalt production operations
during the spring of 1966. A company was formed under the name of Gripstop
Corporation and a large capacity crushing plant was set up in the Indian
Creek Rock Asphalt Quarry in Edmonson County. At the end of the 1966 con-
struction season, three of the resurfacing projects were completed and two
were partially completed. On the basis of the experience gained during the
1966 construction season, a revised Special Provision (dated March 1967,
Appendix C) was prepared, and seven additional resurfacing projects -- totaling
53.5 miles in length --were let to contract.

The major revisions in the Special Provision pertained to laying

procedures. During 1966 it was found that the hot··mix rock asphalt became
stiff and unworkable very quickly after placing. As a consequence, the
material was difficult to hand work, and i t was also difficult to grader lay
the material as a leveling course. The first two projects under construction
in 1966 used rock asphalt as the leveling course material. On one project
(US 68, Christian County) constructed in 1966, Class I binder was used for the
leveling course. Change orders were prepared for the other projects awarded
in 1966 in order to use the usual hot-mix surfacing (Class I, Type A) for the
leveling course. These change orders did not materially change the total cost
of the contract. The contractors and the Department agreed upon a price per
ton for the asphaltic concrete leveling course material. Sufficient
quantities of the remaining contract materials were deducted to balance the
cost of the leveling course.
The application rate of the hot-mix rock asphalt was set at 85 pounds
per square yard for an estimated one inch of compacted thickness for those
projects let to contract during 1966. The asphalt cement added to the mixture
was set up as a separate pay item. For those projects let during 1967, the
hot-mix rock asphalt application rate was set at 60 pounds per square yard,
the asphalt cement was not set up as a separate pay item; and leveling course
material (conventional hot-mix material) was provided.

Construction of all resurfacing projects has been completed. The Nolin

Dam Road surfacing has been in service two full years, and several performance
inspections have been made--some of which have been reported (3). The other
15 hot-mix surfacing projects have been in service for periods of 1-1/4 years
to a few months. Two performance inspections have been made on the projects
constructed during 1966 and 1967, and one inspection has been made on the most
recent project (Butler County). The construction and performance of each
project is presented in this report (Appendix A) in the order of the start of
construction. Discussion of the Nolin Dam Road is presented in Appendix D.

A discussion of the Moutardier Boat Ramp Road is also given in Appendix

D. This is one of the lean rock-asphalt base projects which was surfaced with
conventional hot-mix bituminous concrete during 1966.


Construction Inspections

Inspection and construction control was exercised by the Construction

and Materials Divisions in the same manner as on routine resurfacing projects.
Research Division personnel inspected the projects at various times during
construction. The number of inspections made and the detail of the inspection
was quite variable due to limitations in personnel and the number of projects
under construction. Rather detailed inspections were made of the first two
projects under construction. However, no construction inspections 'vere mad~
on five of the projects. During the inspections, notes were made of any problems
experienced in producing and laying the mixtures, photographs were taken of
the plant and paving operations, and samples of the material were obtained.

Materials Sampling

On the first project under construction, US 31W, Hardin-Meade Counties,

samples of the cold-feed aggregate and of the finished mix were obtained in
cloth bags and returned to the laboratory for testing. On succeeding projects,
samples of material were taken in cloth bags and in one-gallon, sealable tins.
Samples of the material were taken from cold feed, the hot bins, and the truck
beds and immediately sealed in the tins. On one project, US 31W in Warren
County, samples of material were taken from a few areas in the finished
surface which showed distress soon after construction.

Laboratory Testing

Cold-feed material which was sampled in cloth bags was tested in the
laboratory for bitumen content by benzene extraction. The samples were dried
in the oven at 220°F prior to performing the extraction test. The extracted
aggregate was tested for gradation.

The finished mix, sampled from truck beds and placed in cloth bags, was
reheated to 280°F; and three or more Marshall specimens were prepared from each
sample. A Marshall mechanical compactor was used to prepare the specimens --
50-blow compaction at 260°F. A portion of the sample was tested for asphalt
content by Rotarex extraction with benzene. Gradation tests were performed on
the extracted aggregate. A summary of the Marshall test results is shown in
Table 1, Appendix B. The extraction test results on the cold-feed aggregate
and on the finished mix are summarized in Table 2 in Appendix B.

Recoveries of the asphalt were made on samples taken in the one·-

gallon tins. The asphalt was extracted from the aggregate using a Rotarex
extractor and reagent-grade benzene as the solvent. The effluent was centri-
fuged to remove the fine mineral matter and the benzene was then removed in a
Cal Lab, Model C, thin film evaporator at a maximum temperature of 280°F under
15 em of mercury pressure. All of the recovered asphalts were tested for
penetration according to ASTM D 5. Selected recovered asphalts were tested
for softening point by ASTM D 36, ductility by ASTM D 113, specific gravity
by ASTM D 70, effect of heat and air (TFOT) by ASTM 1754, and viscosity. The

viscosity measurements were made at 77°F with a rotating coaxial cylinder
viscometer. A summary of the test results on the recovered asphalts is shown
in Table 3 in Appendix B.

For comparative purposes a tabulation of the sources and routine accep-

tance test results on the asphalt cements used for enrichment of the material
on the various projects is shown in Table 4 of Appendix B. These data were
obtained from the Materials Division.

Skid-test measurements were also made on eleven of the hot-mix rock-

asphalt surfacings. These tests consisted of skidding an automobile with its
wheels fully locked on the wetted surfaces from a velocity above 30 mph to 0
mph. From the recording of velocity and time, the coefficient of friction
between 30 mph and 20 mph was calculated. Skid-test measurements were made on
three of the surfaces during 1966 and tests on these surfaces were repeated in
1967. A summary of the frictional test results is listed in Table 5 in
Appendix B.


Gripstop Corporation's Crushing Plant and Material Production

During the spring of 1966, the Gripstop Corporation set up a large

capacity plant for crushing and grading rock asphalt in the Indian Creek
Quarry in Edmonson County (Figure 1). This quarry was the source of material
used for the Nolin Dam Road surfacing and for the lean rock-asphalt traffic-
bound bases. For those projects, the material was crushed to gradation at
a limestone crushing plant located on the Nolin Dam Road.

The Indian Creek Quarry was operated by the Kentucky Roack Asphalt
Company in the period between 1928 and 1956. The Kentucky Rock Asphalt Company
hand picked material that would yield an average asphalt content of approxi-
mately seven percent, leaving the lower asphalt content material on the
quarry floor. This waste material was loose and exposed to weathering for a
period ranging from 10 to 38 years. The waste material ranged in size from
large boulders to sand grains. This loose, weathered material was processed
first and used in the first hot-mix surfacings. When this loose material
was exhausted, ledge rock from a portion of the quarry floor was processed.
In the spring of 1967, overburden was cleared from an area immediately
adjoining the existing quarry and the freshly exposed ledge rock was quarried
and processed.

During 1966 and a large part of 1967, the rock asphalt was processed
over a 1/2-inch screen. The aggregate used on the last four projects
constructed in 1967 was processed over a 3/8-inch screen. This change in
aggregate size was made by agreement between the Department and the producer
and did not require a modification of the existing gradation specification.

As previously mentioned, a revised Special Provision was prepared for

the resurfacing projects let to contract in 1967. A reduction was made in
the minimum natural asphalt content requirement -- from 4.0 percent to 3.5 per-

In the spring of 1968, a kiln-type drier was installed at the Indian

Creek Quarry. Some of the rock asphalt used on US 231 in Butler County was
pretreated by heating to 300°F at the quarry in an attempt to harden the
bitumen in the crushed rock asphalt. As the rock asphalt passes the screens,
it is watercooled to 130• - 150°F. Marshall tests on the heat-treated rock
asphalt indicated stabilities of approximately 590 pounds and flow-values of
about 6.5. Penetration tests and bitumen content values for the various
materials are tabulated below:

Natural Rock Heat-treated

Asphalt Asphalt us 231

Bitumen Content (Average) 3.8% 4.1% 9.3%

Penetration 46 26 28

Approximately one mile of the 11.5 miles on the US 231, Butler County, project
was laid using the heat-treated rock asphalt. During an inspection on July 7,
1968, it was impossible to distinguish between this section and the remaining

Figure 1. Indian Creek Quarry and Crushing Plant in Edmonson County.

portion of this project resurfaced with rock asphalt which had not been heat
treated. No difficulties were reported by the contractor in laying the heat-
treated material.

Construction and Performance of Hot-Mix,Rock-Asphalt Surfacing_

A general discussion and evaluation of the construction and performance

of the surfacings follows. A more detailed account of the construction and
performance of each surfacing project is given in Appendix A. There, the
projects are presented in order of date of start of construction. Information
on the project location, contract quantities and costs, and the hot-mix plants
is also presented. Summaries of laboratory test data are tabulated in Appendix

The primary factors to be considered in evaluation of the hot-mixed

rock asphalt are skid resistance, cost, uniformity (homogeneity), stability
and durability. Problems associated with plant-mixing and placing and
techniques to overcome these problems are also of interest.

Skid resistance. Coefficients of friction measured on eleven of the

surfacings during 1967 were in the range between 0.57 and 0.72, a high level
of skid resistance, and corresponds to the level of skid resitance measured on
rock-asphalt surfacings in the past. Skid tests were performed on three pro-
jects in 1966 and the tests were repeated during 1967. On two projects the
coefficients were lower in 1967 and on the third the coefficient was higher.

Cost. Detailed cost data for each project are included in Appendix A.
These data were obtained from the final Contractor's Pay Estimate for ten
projects and for the remaining four projects from the most recent Contractor's
Pay Estimate available. Inasmuch as these four estimates were complete
except for minor adjustments, it is believed the average costs given here are
reasonably accurate. For those projects let to contract during 1966, asphalt
cement enrichment was a separate bid item. During 1967 the price of the
asphalt cement was concomitant with the bid price of the rock-asphalt mixture.
Following is a tabulation of average cost data for these projects:

For contracts let during 1966:

Average bid price for rock-asphalt mixture $12.25 per ton

Average cost for rock-asphalt mixture $11.86 per ton
Bid price for asphalt cement $ 0.14 and $0.15
per gallon
Average cost for asphalt cement $ 1.59 per ton of
finished mix
Average cost for rock-asphalt mixture with
asphalt cement enrichment $13.!,5 per ton

For contracts let during 1967:

Average bid price for rock-asphalt mixture $17.25 per ton

Average cost for rock-asphalt mixture $17.58 per ton

From these data it is apparent that the finished rock-asphalt mixture (cost
of asphalt-cement enrichment included) cost an average of $4.13 per ton more
for those projects let to contract and completed during 1967. This is approxi-
mately a 30 percent increase in cost.

Uniformity. In the spring of 1966, at the beginning of large scale

quarry production of lean rock asphalt, there was concern about the uniformity
of the natural asphalt content and gradation of the material. The material
supplied to date has proven to be uniform in gradation and reasonably uniform
in asphalt content. It was necessary to reject some of the very first rock
asphalt supplied to the Hardin-Meade Counties project (US 31W) as a result
of some oversize (plus 1/2-inch) material. Initially the material was
produced to pass the 1/2-inch screen and then production was changed to the
3/8-inch screen for the last four projects constructed during 1967. For both
maximum sizes, minus 1/2-inch and minus 3/8-inch, the gradation was very
uniform. In the following table are the average extracted gradations for each
size. Gradations of extracted aggregates from samples of the cold feed and
from samples of the finished mix indicate that degradation of the aggregate
during the heating and mixing process is negligible.

Percent Passing
Minus 1/2-inch Minus 3/8-inch
Sieve Size Maximum Size Maximum Size

1/2,-inch 100
3/8-inch 97.6 100
No. 4 88.:3 95.4
No. 8 82.7 91.3
No.• 16 . 79.9 88.8
No. 30 76.5 85.8
No. 50 39.5 41.9
No. 100 9.8 1().9
No. 200 4.2 3.8

Little difficulty was experienced with variation of the natural asphalt

content. The rock asphalt was tested for bitumen content by District Materials
personnel as the material was delivered to the plant sites. On one project,
US 31E in Barren-Hart Counties, approximately twelve loads of rock asphalt
were rejected as deficient in natural asphalt (containing less than 4.0 percent).
On a second project, US 31E in Nelson County, the natural asphalt content was
very close to the minimum limit of 3.5 percent. Extraction test results on
samples of the finished mix indicated that the variation in asphalt content
was approximately one percent.

During the 1966 construction season the usual procedure was to add
sufficient manufactured asphalt to maintain a total asphalt content of 8.5
percent. Based on the pay quantities, manufactured asphalt cement was added
at an average rate of 4.4 percent. For those projects let to contract during
1966, the total asphalt content was required to be in the range of 7 to 10
percent and the minimum allowable asphalt content of the cold-feed material
was 4.0 percent. During the 1967 construction season the total asphalt content
was generally maintained between 9 and 10 percent. For those projects,
the total asphalt content was required to be in the range of 8 to 11 percent,
and the required minimum asphalt content of the cold-feed material was 3.5 per-

Considerable variation in consistency of the natural asphalt was

experienced. Penetration and other laboratory tests were performed on natural
asphalt extracted from stockpile material and on heat-treated natural asphalt
extracted from samples of materials taken at the hot bins of the plants.
The tests were also performed on blended natural and refinery asphalts
extracted from samples of the finished mix. Table 3 in Appendix B is a summary
of the test results obtained on these recovered asphalts, For those projects
constructed during 1966 and early in 1967, the penetration of the natural
asphalt ranged around 18 and the penetration of the blended natural asphalt
and refinery asphalt ranged around 30. For those projects constructed during
the latter part of the 1967 construction season, the penetration of the natural
asphalt. ranged around 55 and the blended natural and manufactured asphalt ranged
around 60. The variation in consistency is related to the type of material
processed at the quarry. The low penetration (18 pen) natural asphalt was
from the loose waste material that was processed first. This natural asphalt
was also highly oxidized as evidenced by its lower solubility in carbon te-
trachloride than in carbon disulfide. The natural material in the 55 penetra-
tion range was obtained from freshly quarried ledge rock. This variation in
consistency may prove to be significant in that penetrations in the range of
100 to 300 have been measured in previous studies (5).

Thin film oven tests (ASTM D 1754) were performed on four samples of
recovered asphalts and these test results are summarized below:

Thin Film Oven Test

Penetration ity of
Asphalt Description Penetration % Loss of Residue Residue

Natural Asphalt (weathered) 21 4.57 12 5

Natural Asphalt (weathered
and heat-treated in dryer) 31 3.22 16 5
Natural Asphalt (um<eathered) 44 4.57 31 100+
Blend of Natural Asphalt (weathered)
and Manufactured Asphalt (Approxi-
mately a 50-50 blend) 30 1.81 16 7

These data are very limited as a result of the quantity of material available
for the tests, but some interesting results were observed. It may be noted
that the percent loss was 4.6 percent for both smaples of natural asphalt even
though the samples varied in degree of weathering and penetration. Manufactured
asphalt cements used to enrich the rock-asphalt mixtures had losses of less
than 0.2 percent for the PAC-5 grade (85 to 100 penetration grade). Thus,
these natural asphalts have a relatively high proportion of constituents
that are volatile at the thin film oven test temperature (325°F). It may be
noted that the weight loss was reduced, but still substantial, for the
natural asphalt recovered from material sampled from the hot bin of an
asphalt plant. The weight loss of the blend of refinery and natural asphalt,
recovered from a sample of finished mix, was fairly predictable, inasmuch as
the weight loss (1.8 percent) was intermediate between that for the manufactured

asphalt (0.0 percent) and that for the heat-treated natural asphalt (3.2

A factor of primary significance revealed by the test results on the

recovered asphalts is that the consistency, as measured by penetration, of
the natural asphalt in all material incorporated in the hot-mix resurfacings
is harder than that encountered in previous studies of Kentucky rock asphalt.
It is possible that much softer natural asphalt will be encountered in future
quarrying operations and that the material may prove difficult to cure.

Stability. Narshall test values are shm•n in Table 1 of Appendix B.

Stability of the mixture varied over an extremely large range. Inasmuch as the
aggregate gradation was very uniform from project to project, this variation
in stability must be attributed to variations in the consistency of the natural
asphalt. Stabilities on the 1/2-inch top size material ranged from 1000 to
5000 pounds and on the 3/8-inch top size material from 380 to 1000 pounds. The
stabilities of the mixtures generally decreased as production of raw material
shifted from the weathered material to freshly quarried ledge rock, The minus
3/8-inc.h material was wholly produced from freshly quarried ledge rock.
Stabiliti.es measured on the last two projects constructed in the fall of 1967
were in the range of 300 to 700 pounds. It is apparent that further reductions
in the hardness of the natural asphalt >Jill result in instability of the
finished mixtures. At present all of the surfacings are exhibiting adequate
stab ili.ty.

Durabilit~. Full evaluation of the durability of the surfacings

must be relegated to some future date. The various surfacing projects have
been in service from a maximum of about two years to a minimum of just a few
months under varied traffic volumes. At present all of the surfacings appear
to be performing >Jell. Reflection cracking has been noted in the two
sections located on US 31W. Some of these cracks appear to be widening
rather rapidly. Crack filler has been used in many of the cracks on the
Warren County section and a few small broken areas adjacent to the cracks have
been patched in the Neade-Hardin Counties section.

Plant Operations. The primary problem experienced at the hot-mix

plants was that the heated rock asphalt would build up on the interior
surfaces of the plants. This accumulation of material would create many
problems in controlling the mixtures. At several of the plants, fires were
experienced in the driers and ductwork of the exhaust systems. It was necessary
for the contractors to spend considerable time in cleaning the accumulations
of material from the plants during shut downs in order to operate properly.
In general, satisfactory mixtures were produced on all of the projects
after contractor personnel had gained experience in handling the material.

A potential problem associated with plant-mixing the rock asphalt is that

of air pollution. A considerable amount of odor and soot was emitted from
virtually all of the plants. The plants were operated with a variety of dust
collection systems and modifications of the systems. With one exception,
NaGo Construction Company at Bardstown, all of the plants used to date have
been located in rural areas and few complaints were registered by local

Paving Operations. Several problems were experienced in placing the

rock-asphalt mixtures. On the first two projects under construction,rock asphalt

was used in the leveling course. The material became stiff and um<orkable too
rapidly for proper manipulation with a grader. This problem was circumvented
by using conventional hot mix for leveling on the remaining projects. On
several projects the paver screed would tear or scrub the surface of the mat.
On one project, US 31E in Barren-Hart Counties, the paver left a small transverse
bump in the mat whenever the paver stopped. The addition of silicone fluid
appeared to reduce the tearing of the mat. It was found that these problems
were also reduced by operating the paver as continuously as possible. Revisions
were made in the Special Provision to promote continuous paver operation.
On most projects, entrances, crossovers and other areas inaccessible to the paver
and which required considerable handwork were paved with conventional hot-mix
surface course material. This v7ork was usually done after the main-line paving
was completed.

Much of the problem in laying the material must be attributed to the high
viscosity of the natural asphalt binder. The following are viscosities at
77"F for natural asphalt and blends of natural and manufactured asphalt re-
covered from the rock-asphalt aggregates and finished mixtures. For compara-
tive purposes, the viscosity of a 60 penetration asphalt cement is also shown.

Penetration Viscosity
at 77°F at 77°F
Asphalt Description (0.1 mm) (poises)

Weathered natural asphalt 25 70.61 X 106

Blend of weathered natural asphalt
and manufactured asphalt cement 30 23.21 X 10 6
Blend of natural asphalt and
manufactured asphalt cement 52 6.87 X 106
Heat-treated natural asphalt
(e.xtracted from hot-bin sample) 50 4.97 X 106
Manufactured asphalt (PAC-3) 60 3.89 X 106

The hardest asphalt cement normally used for hot-mix paving is PAC-3
(60 to 70 penetration). From the tabulation of viscosities given above, it
is apparent that the blend of manufactured and weathered natural asphalts,
incorporated in the first surfacings, was about five times as viscous as
a 60 penetration material. The viscosity of the natural asphalt obtained
from freshly quarried ledge rock is much more comparable to the PAC-3, This
large variation in viscosity, of course, explains the greater difficulty
experienced in laying the material on the first projects as compared to the
last projects constructed.


The prime motivation in using rock asphalt for hot-mix surfacing is its
proven history of high skid resitance. Skid tests performed to date on the
hot-mix, rock-asphalt surfacings have yielded coefficients in the range of
0.57 to 0.72, which is excellent in comparison to results obtained on other
type surfaces.

The average cost of the rock-asphalt resurfacing was $13.45 per ton
(asphalt cement included) for those contracts awarded during calendar year 1966
and $17.58 per ton for those projects awarded and constructed during calendar
year 1967.

The lean, rock-asphalt aggregate was very uniform in gradation and re-
asonably uniform in natural asphalt content. The consistency of the natural
asphalt varied over a wide range. The natural asphalt contained in the loose
waste material processed first at the crushing plant was very hard, and mixtures
produced with this material had very high stabilities but were difficult to
place. The natural asphalt in material produced from freshly quarried ledge
rock was much softer and the mixtures produced from this material had much
lower stabilities and were much easier to place.

To date the surfaces have exhibited adequate stability and durability.

Three of the lower-stability surfacings have not experienced hot-weather
conditions. Further observations of the surfacings will be necessary to
fully evaluate the stability and durability of the material.

Host of the problems associated with plant mixing the material have been
minimized by thorough, daily cleaning of the plant. The soot and odor in
exhaust gases presents a potential problem for plants without adequate dust
collecting and washing systems.

Satisfactory-to-good results have been obtained in laying the material

with pavers. Good results were generally attained on the projects constructed
during 1967. It is believed that a better-appearing mat was obtained with
material crushed to pass the 3/8-inch sieve.


Inasmuch as improved workability and appearance were 'xperienced using

material crushed to pass the 3/8··-inch sieve, it is recommended that the Depart-
ment continue to use this gradation. This size range was allowed, but not
necessarily required, by the gradation limits in Special Provision No. 24-B. It
is recommended that Special Provision No. 24-B be amended to include the
following gradation limits for the extracted aggregate:

Sieve Size Percent Passing

3/8-inch 100
No. 16 80- 98
No. 100 0- 15

In view of the large variation in consistency (viscosity) of the natural

asphalt experienced over the 1966-67 construction seasons, it is recommended
that a minimum limit of consistency be incorporated into Special Provision
No. 24-B. Under present operating conditions, this consistency control can best
be exercised on materials sampled from the Gripstop Corporation's stockpile. There
are two alternative methods of testing for consistency of the natural asphalt.
In one case this may be done by extracting and recovering the natural asphalt and
testing for penetration. This method is presently specified in Special
Provision No. 69 for Crushed Bituminous Sandstone Slurry Seal (Experimental).
For slurry applieations the consistency of the natural asphalt is limited by a
maximum penetration of 75 at 77°F, 100 gm, 5 sec. The disadvantage to this method
is that it is tedious and time consuming. A second method would be to specify
a minimum Marshall stability on specimens prepared from material sampled from
the Gripstop stockpile. A minimum Marshall stability of 300 pounds should be


1. Laughlin, G. R. "Construction Report on Experimental Use of Natural,

Bituminous, Quartz Sandstone (Kentucky Rock Asphalt) as a Traffic-Bound
Aggregate", Division of Research, Kentucky Department of Highways,
December 1962.

2. Laughlin, G. R. "Kentucky Roack Asphalt, Traffic-Bound Bases", Division

of Research, Kentucky Department of Highways, June 1964.

3. Florence, R. L. "Kentucky Rock Asphalt Bases and Hot-Mix Surfaces;

Experimental Construction", Division of Research, Kentucky Department of
High,vays, April 1966.

4. Havens, J. H. and Williams, E. G. "A Preliminary Report on the Performance

of Kentucky (Natural Sandstone) Rock Asphalt", Division of Research,
Kentucky Department of Highways, April 1955.

5. Havens, J. H. and Williams, E. G. "A Study of the Properties and Per-

formance of Kentucky (Natural Sandstone) Rock Asphalt", Division of
Research, Kentucky Department of Highways, February 1956.

6. Rose, J. G. "Modified Kentucky Rock Asphalt (Grips top), Hot-Mix, Skid-

Resistant, Road Surfacing Material", Masters Thesis, Department of
Civil Engineering, University of Kentucky, 1967.

SP 82-3, SP 47-39, SP 47-1039

Description: The Louisville-Elizabethtown Road (US 31W and US 60) from 550 feet
north of KY 868 in Nuldraugh (Neade County) to the south end of the Salt River
Bridge at the Jefferson County line in West Point

Length: 5 .180 miles

Width: Double, 22-foot roadways (4 lanes)

Letting Date: April 22, 1966

Contractor: Warren Brothers Company and Consolidated Subsidiaries-Niddle West

Roads, Louisville, Kentucky

Contract Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Nixture for Surfacing 6,265 tons

Rock-Asphalt Nixture for Leveling 3,107 tons

Total 9, 372 tons

Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) lll, 340 gallons

Diluted SS-lh for Tack 14,7 40 gallons

Note: Contract irtcluded removing bituminous concrete

median artd constructiort of dense-graded aggregate

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt Hixture (Leveling and Surfacing) $ ll.OO per ton
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) $ 0,14 per gallon
Diluted SS-lh $ 0.20 per gallon

Total Contract Amount $156,937.70

Pay Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Hixture 8,411 tons

Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) 75,743 gallons
Diluted SS-lh 25,249 gallons

Total Cost of Above Items $108,173.72

Total Cost of Contract $143,665.22

Surfacing Dates: August 18 through September 13, 1967

Plant Description: Warren Brothers Batch, 4000-pound capacity (Figures 2 and 3)

Plant Location: Osborn Brothers Quarry on KY 434, 1.8 miles east of intersection
with US 31W

Approximate Average Haul Distance: 15-1/2 miles

Figure 2. Middle West Roads Plant, August 18, 1966. Note that the
plant is exhausted through the wet collector.

Figure 3. Middle West Roads Plant, August 29, 1966. A view of the
plant after an explosion collapsed the duct between the
dry and wet dust collectors. An exhaust stack was. erected
immediately after the dry collector. Note the burned area
on the dry collector.

Plant Operations: The lean rock asphalt was first hauled to the plant site on
July 5, 1966. The first 200 tons of material was too coarse, a result of the
producer, Gripstop, Inc., changing from a 1/2-inch square opening screen to a
1/2-inc.h slotted screen. This material was returned to the source, Thereafter
material arriving at the plant site satisfactorily met all material requirements.
The following is the average indigenous asphalt content and average gradation
as indicated by District Materials reports:

Indige&~tts a.ipJtalt .~ 4.7%

."r/J.dation.: .· Sieve~i:ze - 1/2-.:l.nch ~o~.;,. 4 No. 100
~assirig ·~· · 100% .85.3% 10;5%

The bitumen content of the rock asphalt was determined by centrifuge extraction
using first trichlorethylene as the slovent for two washes and then using a
final '"ash with gasoline. The trichlorethylene was necessary as the native
bitumen was found to b<" difficult to remove from the material using gasoline
alone. This test procedure was used for all projects, After the material was
dumped from trucks at the plant site, a clamshell was used to move the material
to a second stockpile. The material ~1as then loaded from the second stockpile
into two cold·-feed bins. In this manner thorough blending of the material was
insured and a uniform asphalt content was maintained in the final mixture.
Initially there was some concern that the indigenous bitumen content would be
variable and thereby cuase a variation in the bitumen content of the finished

The dried and heated rock asphalt was scalped over a 9/16-inch screen into
one hot bin. Petroleum asphalt cement (PAC 5) was added at a rate of 4 percent
of the final total batch l'leight. The material ,;as mixed in 3600-pound batches
with 5 seconds dry-mixing time (before adding petroleum asphalt) and 40 seconds
wet-mixing time (after adding petroleum asphalt). Average test values on the
final mixture at the plant (data taken from the plant inspector's field reports)
were as follows:

Total asphalt cbnteh t - 8 ;8%

Gradation: Sieye Size - 1/2•:tnch No •. 4 No. 100
Passing - 1()0% 87 .• 5% 10.5%

Some problems were experienced in producing the mixture. The heated

material would build up on the walls of the hot bin and the dryer, and very
fine material would build up within the ductwork of the dust collection
system, It was reported that on one occasion the material cooled in the hot
bins, while there was a wait for trucks, and then the material had to be removed
using jackhammers. On another occasion, it was reported that the dryer
foreman saturated the material accumulated on the walls of the dryer with fuel
oil, and the excess fuel caused an explosion which shattered the ductwork between
the dry and wet dust collectors. Afterwards the wet collector was not
reconnected to the plant; the plant was exhausted through a stack immediately
after the dry collector. Considerable dirt was exhausted and this discolored
the plant and accumulated about the plant site. It was necessary to frequently
clean the accumulations of material from the plant. The dryer was cleaned at the
end of each day by running the heat up and burning out the accumulated material.

Paving Operations: The project proposal called for grader application of the
rock-asphalt leveling material. A uniform tack coat of diluted SS-lh was
applied before the mix was tailgated onto the road; but the mix became cool

and unworkable before it could be spread to the desired thickness (Figure 4).
A Barber-Greene paver was used for the remainder of the leveling operation
(Figure 5). As the outer lanes were rutted, a continuous leveling course was
placed. Approximately 50 pounds per square yard was used for this continuous
leveling. Spot leveling was used on the inside lanes. In some areas, a
considerable thickness of leveling resulted (Figure 6). However, the material
was very stable and appeared to stand up well under traffic. Approximately
2040 tons of mix and 10,300 gallons of tack (SS-lh) were used in the leveling
operation. About 0.1 gallon per square yard of tack was used between the
leveling and surfacing operation. In surfacing, a Cedar Rapids paver with
electronic screed control was used (Figure 7). The inside lanes were placed
first using a 20-foot ski which rode the outside lanes on which the full
leveling course had been placed. In laying the final surface on the outside
lanes, a foot rode on and matched the level of the inner lane. An application
rate of approximately 91 pounds per square yard was used in the final surface

At the beginning of the final surfacing operation on August 29, the

material was being placed at approximately 300°F, and the material pulled in
the center of the mat for a distance of about 1/2 mile. The temperature was
then reduced to approximately 260°F and thereafter pulling was limited to an
occasional small area in the center of the mat. It was also reported that the
thickness of the mat was reduced. Silicone was also used in the asphalt cement
at a rate of one ounce per 1000 gallons.

A tandem roller was used immediately behind the paver and a three-wheel
roller was used for back rolling. The material appeared to cool and become
stable very quickly. Only a minimum amount of rolling was used on the surface

Performance Inspections: An inspection was made of the surface on March 14,

1967. The surface appeared to be in much the same condition as when the
surfacing was completed. The surface appeared to be porous in those areas
pulled by the paver screed. Cracks in the underlying cement concrete surface
had reflected through the bituminous overlay (Figure 8).

The surface was inspected one year later, March 7, 1968, and found to be
in good condition (Figure 9). At several locations cracking near the joints of
the underlying concrete has become rather severe (Figure 10), A few bituminous
patches have been placed at these locations,

Figure 4. US 31W, Hardin-Meade Counties. Leveling with a patrol
grader, as shown above, was unsuccessful as the material
cooled quickly and became stiff.

Figure 5. US 31W, Hardin-Meade COunties. A Barber-Greene paver was

used to lay the leveling throughout the length of the

Figure 6. US 31W, Hardin-Meade Counties. The leveling was laid very
thick in some areas. The material has high stability and
appears to be performing well.

Figure 7. US 31W, Hardin-Meade Counties. A Cedar Rapids paver with
electronic screed control was used to lay the surface course.

Figure 8. US 31W, Hardin-Meade Counties. Typical appearance of the

surface on March 14, 1967. The dark areas are moist areas
in the surface course. Note the reflection cracks from
the underlying concrete.

Figure 9. US 31W, Hardin-Meade Counties, March 7, 1968. The surface
was in good condition overall.

Figure 10. US 31W, Hardin-Meade Counties, March 7, 1968. Reflection

cracking from the underlying concrete results' in breakup
at some joints.

SP 5-12, SP 50-40

Description: The Glasgow-Hodgenville Road (US 31E) from the north city limits
of Glasgow to the Larue County line

Length: 31.848 miles

Width: Variable width for 21.854 miles; 22 feet wide from north city limts of
Canmer to the Larue County line.

Letting Date: May 5, 1966

Contractor: Henry Farris Paving Contractor, Horse Cave, Kentucky

Contract Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Mixture for Surfacing 19,462.2 tons

Rock-Asphalt Mixture for Leveling 1,100 tons
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) 257,380 gallons
Class I, Type A Surface for Leveling 1,623 tons
Diluted SS-lh for Tack 46,085 gallons

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt Mixture for Surfacing $ 11. SO per ton

Rock-Asphalt !1ixture for Leveling $ 12.50 per ton
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) $ 0.15 per gallon
Class I, Type A Surface $ 7.80 per ton
Diluted SS-lh $ 0. 20 per gallon

Total Contract Amount $298,071.50

Pay Quantities: Rock-Asphalt !1ixture for Surfacing 18,607.2 tons

Rock-Asphalt Mixture for Leveling 1,517.7 tons
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) 235,799 gallons
Diluted SS-lh 37,678 gallons
Class I, Type A Surface 1, 881.6 tons

Total Cost of Contract $290,535.98

Liquidated Damages $ 400.00

Surfacing Dates: September 9, 1966 through July 3, 1967

Plant Description: Barber-Greene 845L Continuous used in fall 1966 (Figure 11)
Hetherington-Berner Batch used in spring 1967 (Figure 12)

Plant Location: }!cLellan Stone Company on KY 218, 1.0 mile south of inter-
section with US 31W

Approximate Average Haul Distance: 9 miles

Figure 11. Henry Farris Paving Plant, September 23, 1966. This plant,
a Barber-Greene continuous plant, was used to produce the
mixture in the fall of 1966.

Figure 12. Henry Farris Paving Plant, June 1967. A view of the dryer
of the Hetherington-Berner batch plant used to produce the
rock-asphalt mixture in the spring of 1967. Paint was
burned off much of the duct of the plant.

Plant Operations: This project started September 8, 1966, and paving was dis-
continued November 15 with approximately 1/3 of the project remaining to be
completed. Paving was resumed in the spring of 1967 and the project was com-
pleted July 3, 1967. A Barber-Greene continuous mix plant was used during the
fall of 1966 and a Hetherington-Berner batch plant was used in the spring of

All rock asphalt was hauled to the job site by truck and all of the
material passed the specifications requirements except for approximately ten
loads which were deficient in native asphalt. This material was returned to
the supplier. The following is the average native bitumen content and the average
extracted gradation for the stockpile materials as reported by the District
Materials Engineer for the fall of 1966:

Indigenous asphalt - 4.8%

Gradation: Sieve Size - 1/2-inch No. 4 No, 100
Passing - 100% 85.3% 10.5%

At first, the rock asphalt would not feed through the cold-feed bins, equipped
with reciprocating type feeders. After some experimentation it was found tha~
the material would feed with a vibrator attached to the bin. A 10-foot smoke
stack was attached to the dust collector. The dust washer was not used for
this project. Operation of the dryer required constant attention from plant
personnel. It was reported that erratic cold feeding or fluctuating moisture
content of the cold-feed material would cause temperature fluctuations as
large as 100°F. It was necessary to clean the plant at several points every
time the plant shut dmm.

Plant production was set at 71 tons per hour with asphalt cement (PAC 5)
added at 4.0 percent. Data from the plant inspector's field reports, for the
fall of 1966, indicated the following average extraction test results:

Total bitumen content - 8.9%

Gradation: Sieve size - 1/2-inch No. 4 No. 100
Passing - 100% 86.6% 11.0%

These data, when compared to the data previously given on the stockpile material,
indicate that the gradation of the material is altered very slightly in the
plant processing.

Temperatures of the mix at the plant generally ranged between 250°F and
290°F. Some patching material was mixed at temperatures above 300°F in an
effort to increase workability. Mix temperatures between the first week of
October and when the work was discontinued were usually below 275°F. Some
material was laid satisfactorily at temperatures of 240°F.

In the spring of 1967 production was continued with a l!etherington-

Berner batch plant. Asphalt cement was added at 1,,3 percent to 5000-pound
batches. Mixing time was set for 10 seconds dry mixing and 35 seconds wet
mixing. The plant was operated with the wet washer connected and the dry
collector disconnected. The dryer was operated with an automatic burner. The
rock asphalt would collect around the heat sensing elements, thus causing

erroneously low temperatures to be indicated and the automatic burner would
operate continuously causing fires in the plant.

Paving Operation: Tacking was done >lith diluted SS-lh and uniform coverage
was obtained. On cool days it was necessary to tack ahead for a considerable
distance in order for the tack to break properly prior to applying the hot mix.
When it was necessary to leave tack dotvn overnight, it t<as sanded with the lean
rock-asphalt aggregate.

Leveling was accomplished with a small grader (Figure 13), Many of the
leveled areas were rough as the material becomes um;orkable very quickly as it

The final surface course was started at the northern end of the project
in Hart County. Transverse bumps can be observed in the surface at regular
intervals. These were caused by the paver screed "riding over" cool material
after the paver was stopped for several minutes. Four different pavers were
used on the project during the fall. The first was an old clutch operated,
Barber-Greene; the second a Cedar Rapids: the third a small Blaw-Knox; and
the last a larger Blaw-Knox (Figure 14).

When work ceased in the fall of 1966, the surfacing was completed
from the Hart-Larue County line south to approximately 300 feet north of its
intersection with KY 218, an approximate distance of 19.8 miles. The road>1ay
>1as also completed on the southern end from the north city limts of Glasgow
to a point approximately 3.25 miles north.

Performance Inspections: A performance inspection was made of the surfacing

completed in the fall of 1966 on April 12, 1967 (Figure 15). In the first
two miles below the Larue County line, many transverse bumps were left by the
paver screed, and there were also many shallow, pulled areas in the southbound
lane. From a point approximately 0.2 miles north of the Green River bridge to
the southern end of the northern section the appearance improved noticeably.
The only section showing serious distress was the northbound lane of the
southern section (Figure 16). Ravelling was apparent at eleven locations in
the northbound lane and at one location in the southbound lane. These ravelled
areas were confined to the lane width and varied from about 25 to 75 feet in
length. It is suspected that these ravelled areas >1ere the result of insuf-
ficient compaction of the material in cool weather. These ravelled areas >1ere
more concentrated in location toward the northern end of the southern section.
These areas were repaired with overlays in the spring of 1967.

The surfacing was last inspected March 7, 1968. Overall the surfacing
appeared to be in very good condition (Figure 17). The transverse bumps left
by the paver screed were still noticeable at the northern end of the project.
It wasabserved that the surface texture appeared to be somewhat improved since
the surfacing >1as first laid.

Figure 13. US 31E, Barren-Hart Counties, September 20, 1966. All of
the leveling on this project was grader-laid. The grader
could make about three passes over the material before it
became too stiff to work properly.

Figure 14. US 31E, Barren-Hart Counties, June 1967. A view of the Blaw-
Knox paver with electronic screed control which was used to
l-ay most of the surface.

Figure 15. US 31E, Barren-Hart Counties, April 12, 1967. An overall
view of the rock-asphalt surface near Glasgow.

Figure 16. US 31E, Barren-Hart Counties, April 12, 1967. A view of one
of the ravelled areas in the northbound lane of the southern
section paved in the fall of 1966.

Figure 17. US 31E, Barren-Hart Counties, March 7, 1968. An overall
view of the surface 4.0 miles north of Glasgow.

SP 51-299, SP 51-99

pescription: The Henderson-Sebree Road (US 41) from 0.311 miles south of KY
54 to KY 136 at Anthoston

Length: 5.089 miles

Width: 22 feet
- -
Letting Date: May 6, 1966

C?ntractor: Dixie Pavers Inc., Hopkinsville, Kentucky

Contract Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Mixture for Surfacing 2,745 tons

Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) 63,140 gallons
Class I, Type A Surface for Leveling 5,260 tons
Diluted SS-lh for Tack 7,225 gallons

Note: Class I, Type A Surface substituted for rock-asphalt

mixture for leveling by change order.

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt Mixture for Surfacing $ 14.60 per ton

Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) $ 0 .15 per gallon
Class I, Type A Surface $ 7.50 per ton
Diluted SS·-lh $ 0.15 per gallon

Total Contract Amount $88,153.75

Pay Quanti ties: Rock-··Asphal t Mixture 2,820.6 ton

Class I, Type A Surface 5,753.1 tons
Asphalt Cern en t (PAC 5) 29,641 gallons
Diluted SS-lh 3,056 gallons

Total Cost Contract $90,056.16

Surfacing Dates: October 18, 1966 through October 31, 1966

Plant Description: Hetherington-Barner Batch, 5000-pound capacity

Plant Locatl:on: Just off US 41, Henderson, Kentucky

Approximate Average Haul Dista~ce: 3 miles

Plant Operations: The rock asphalt was shipped to the plant site in railroad
cars and considerable difficulty was experineced in unloading the cars. After
some trials, the material was successfully unloaded by warming the material
with diesel fuel in five-gallon buckets prior to and during unloading. In
loading the cars, care was exercised to prevent the material from packing over
the discharge shutes. A vibrator 1vas also used in the unloading operation.
Average test results on the stockpile material as reported by the District
Materials Engineer were as follm;s:

Indigenous asphalt - 4.8%

Gradation: Sieve Size 1/2-inch No. 4 No. 100
Passing - 100% 85.0% 10,0%

Production of the hot-mix rock asphalt began October 25, 1966 and con-
tinued through October 29, 1966. The mixture was produced in 4000-pound batches
and asphalt cement was added at 4.2 percent. The mixing time was set for 3
seconds dry mixing and 42 seconds wet mixing. Dow-Corning silicone fluid was
added to the asphalt cement. During the first day of production, some oversize
material was found in the mix. The plant was equipped with a 9/16-inch scalper
screen which did not completely cover the three hot bins. The mixture was
produced at a temperature of 275°F + l5°F. The following is an average of the
field tests on the plant's production:

Total asphalt content - 9.2%

Gradation: Sieve Size - 1/2-inch No. 4 No. 100
Passing - 100% 85.5% 11.0%

Paving Operation: The contract required leveling and patching to be done

with the rock-asphalt mixture. A change order permitted leveling with
Class I, Type A surface. The surface was tacked with SS-lh diluted with an
equal volume of water and applied at a rate of 0.1 gallon per square yard.
Flagmen were used to keep traffic off the tack coat until the tack cured.
Curing time varied from 25 minutes to 1-1/2 hours, depending upon weather
conditions. Excellent tack coverage was obtained. A Cedar Rapids electronic
leveling control paver, equipped with a 20-foot skid was used to lay the level-
ing course. The leveling course was then compacted with a 10-ton, 3-wheel
roller and a 10-ton tandem roller. This leveling course greatly improved the
riding qualities of the surface but some long logitudinal dips remained. A
land leveler with a 40-foot rigid wheel base was used to remove these long dips.
The machine was pulled by a farm tractor and was equipped with a blade to spread
material which has been dumpted on the roadway. The electronic leveling controls
were not used in laying the final surface course. A full day's run was laid
on one lane before setting the paver back for the follmdng day's work. The
longitudinal joint was tacked before the adjacent mat was placed. The paver
was run as continuously as possible. Entrances and intersections were con-
structed with Class I, Type A surface course material. The surface course was
compacted with a 10-ton,3-wheel roller and a 10-ton tandem roller.

Performance Inspections: A performance inspection was made of the surface

on April 3, 1967. The surfacing was in generally good condition (Figure 18)
except for several ravelled and pulled areas (Figures 19 and 20), The
ravelled areas, primarily located at the ends of bridges (Figure 21) or at
the extreme ends of the project, are apparently related to the non-continuous
operation of the paver and hand working. The cross-section and riding quality
of the surfacing is very good.

The surface was inspected a second time on March 6, 1968, and the
surface was still in good condition. The ravelled areas had been repaired
and these areas are no longer noticeable.

Figure 18. US 41, Henderson County, March 16, 1967. An overall view that is
typical of the generally good appearance of the surfacing.

Figure 19. US 41, Henderson County, March 16, 1967. A ravelled area at
the extreme northern end of the northbound laneo

Figure 20. US 41, Henderson County, March 16, 1967. There were a few
areas, such as shown above, in which the surfacing was
apparently pulled by the paver screed.

Figure 21. US 41, Henderson County, March 16, 1967. There were
several ravelled areas at the ends of bridge decks and
at the extreme ends of the project.

SP 24-65, SP 24-525

Description: The Hopkinsville-Elkton Road (US 68) from approximately 0.7 miles
east of junction of US 68 and US 41 to the Todd County line

Length: 9.356 miles

Width: The contract involved base widening to a uniform 24-foot width. The
existing pavement was 20 and 22 feet in width.

Letting Date: May 5, 1966

Contractor: Hopkinsville Stone Company, Inc., Hopkinsville, Kentucky

Contract Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Mixture for Surfacing 6,587 tons

Class I Binder for Leveling 9,357 tons
Diluted SS-lh for Tack 6,586 gallons
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) 78,255 gallons

Note: The project involved base widening; only quantities

for rock-asphalt surfacing and leveling with Class I binder
are given.

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt Mixture $ 12.50 per ton

Class I Binder $ 6.90 per ton
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) $ 0.14 per gallon
Diluted SS-lh $ 0.14 per gallon

Total Contract Amount $399,950.04

Pay Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Nixture 5,235.7 ton

Class I Binder 12,695.5 ton
Diluted SS-lh 4,995 gallons
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) 53,600 gallons

Total Cost of Above $161,248.50

Total Cost of Contract $376,212.07

Surfacing Dates: October-November 1966

Plant Description: Hetherington-Berner Batch, 4000·-pound capacity

Plant Location: Hopkinsville Stone Companys Quarry on US 41 at Hopkinsville

Approximate Average Haul Distance: 12 miles

Plant Operations: No difficulties were reported in the plant operation. The

average gradation and bitumen content for the stockpile material was as follows:
Indigenous asphalt - 4.8%
Gradation: Sieve Size - 1/2-inch No. 4 No. 100
Passing - 100% 79.8% 9.9%

Asphalt cement (PAC 5) was added to the mix at a rate of 4.2 percent.

Performance Inspection: Inspections were made of the finished pavement on

November 17, 1966, and March 16, 1967. Overall the surface looked very good
(Figure 22). The center of the pavement appeared open-textured throughout the
length of the surfacing, reportedly the result of the mix pulling under the
paver screed extension. The appearance of the surface ~<as about the same on
each inspection. There were three cracked areas in the eastbound lane (Figures
23 and 24), located about 4.0 miles from the western end of the project, which
were apparently due to batches of mix which were overheated (burned) or
deficient in asphalt.

A third inspection was made of the surfacing on March 6, 1968, and the
surface was found to be in good condition (Figure 25). The pulled areas in the
center of the surface were not as noticeable as on the previous inspections.
The condition of the surfacing in the cracked areas had deteriorated considerably
and these areas will soon require extensive maintenance.

Figure 22. US 68, Christian County, March 16, 1967. A ViQW of the
surfaee near the ea~tern end of the project at Fairview.

Figure 23. US 68, Christian County, March 16, 1967. There were three
cracked and deteriorated areas in the eastbound lane, in
close proximity, located about four miles from the western
end of the projecto Apparently these are batches of material
which were burned and/or deficient in added asphalt.

Figure 24. US 68, Christian County, March 6, 1968. A view of the
same area as shown in Figure 22. The deterioration of
the area is apparent.

Figure 25. US 68, Christian County, March 6, 1968, A view of the

surface approximately 2.8 miles from the western end.

SP 114-68

Description: The Bowling Green-Cave City Road (US 31W) from the south end of
the Barren River Bridge at the old northeast city limits of Bowling Green
extending northeasterly

Length: 6.46 miles

Width: Variable

Letting Date: May 5, 1966

Contractor: R. E. Gaddie Inc., Bowling Green, Kentucky

Contract Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Mixture for Surfacing 9,045 tons

Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) 107,455 gallons
Diluted SS-lh for Tack 20,275 gallons
Class I, Type A Surface for Leveling 600 tons

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt Uixture $ 11,00 per ton

Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) $ .14 per gallon
Diluted SS-lh $ .25 per gallon
Class I, Type A Surface $ 7.60 per ton

Total Contract Amount $119,607.45

Pay Quantities: (Based on estimate of July 13, 1967, not a final estimate)

Rock-Asphalt Uixture 8,576 tons

Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) 93,190 gallons
Diluted SS-lh 14,918 gallons
Class I, Type A Surface 740 tons

Total Cost of Contract $116,736.10

Liquidated Damages $ 5,600.00

Surfacing Dates: .October 19, 1966 through June 7, 1967

Plant Description: Hetherington-Barner Batch, 400-pound capactiy (Figure 26)

Plant Location: Old Kyrock plant site on KY 259 near Sweeden, Kentucky

Approximate Average Haul Distance: 20 miles

General Comments: Construction of the hot-mix surfacing began October 19, 1966,
and was discontinued November 14, 1966 - the usual cutoff date for hot-mix
construction. During this period the northernmost 4.9 miles, the section
with four lanes and depressed median,were paved. Considerable difficulty was

Figure 26. R. E. Gaddie's Batch Plant, October 18, 1966. Note the
long conveyor belts from the drier to the hot bins and
from the hot bins to the mixer.

experienced in both the plant and placement operations and distressed areas
were apparent in the newly placed surfacing. Construction was resumed in the
spring of 1967 and the surfacing was completed June 7, 1967. Repairs were made
on the surfacing placed in the fall. Class I surface was permitted by change
order for leveling the remaining section (curb and gutter section) to be
surfaced and for paving aprons. No difficulties were experienced during the
spring of 1967.

Plant Operation: Only a small stockpile of rock asphalt was maintained at

the hot-mix plant site, located only a few miles from the crushing plant.
Haterial was hauled to the hot-mix plant at approximately the rate it was being
used. The following average extraction and gradation test results were
determined on the stockpile material:

Indigenous asphalt - 4.5%

Gradation: Sieve Size - 1/2-inch No. 4 No. 100
Passing - 100% 80.5% 8.2%

The mix was produced in 3750-pound batches. The asphalt cement enrich-
ment was set for 4.3 percent. Mixing time was 5 seconds dry mixing and 46
seconds wet mixing. The dry and <>~et dust collectors were disconnected and a
20-foot smoke stack was erected at the mouth of the dryer. The temperature
of the dryer aggregate fluctuated as much as 100°F, inasmuch as a blower was
not provided. Batch temperatures as low as 225°F and as high as 325°F were
observed. Some loads were rejected at 400"F. In order to properly lay the
material, construction personnel believed that. the mix had to arrive at the
paver at a temperature of 280°F. In order to do this, the rock asphalt had
to be heated to near 325"F, the upper specification limit, at the plant. The
plant had long conveyor belts between the dryer and hot bins and between the
hot bins and pugmill. Due to this arrangement of the plant, a decrease in
temperature up to 25°F occurred bett¥een the dryer and pugmill.

On October 31, 1966, the dust collectors were reinstalled in the plant.
Temperatures at the boot of the dryer were then generally maintained between
275°F and 300'F. The asphalt cement enrichment. vJas increased from 4.3 percent
to 4.5 percent on October 31. During the afternoon of October 26 the asphalt
cement enrichment was 4.8 percent. Beginning on October 29, silicone liquid
(Dow-Corning 200 fluid) was added to the asphalt cement at a rate of one
ounce per 1000 gallons of asphalt cement.

The following are average test data obtained from the plant inspector's
daily field reports:

Total asphalt - 9.0%

Gradation: Sieve Size - 1/2-inch No. 4 No. 100
Passing - 100% 82.2% 8.7%

When production was resumed in the spring of 1967, the asphalt cement
enrichment was initially set at 4.5 percent and then reduced to 4.2 percent.
No further special problems were reported in plant control or operation.

Paving Operation: Paving started at the northern end of the project on the
southbound lanes. No leveling was required on the section paved in the fall of
1966. The tack coat material was diluted SS-lh applied at a rate of 0.1 gallon
per square yard. A large. amount of tearing of the mat by the paver screed
was experienced. In an attempt to repair these areas, material was broadcast
over the mat by hand. This material did not blend into the mat when rolled
and presented a rough textured and ragged appearance. Hany of these areas wore
excessively after a short time under traffic.

When construction ~Mas resumed in the spring of 1967, repairs were made to
the areas showing distress which were paved in the fall of 1966. A thin course
of hot--mix rock asphalt was used to overlay 2000 feet of the sections showing
the most severe distress. A seal coat was used to cover areas showing slight
distress. Rock-asphalt aggregate, material processed through the dryer of the
plant but with no added asphalt c:ement, was used as the cover stone for the
seal coat.

Class I surf ace course rna terial I>as used to level the curb and gutter
section of the project, approximately 1. 6 miles, and to pave aprons. No
difficulties were reported in placing the material during the spring of 1967.

Performance: A detailed inspection of the completed surface was performed on

November 17, 1966, a few days after terminating construction. There were
numerous areas showing various degrees and types of distress throughout the
length of the surfacing. As mentioned previously, there were areas, some rather
extensive in length, in which the surface had an open texture, which was
apparently the result of the material pulling under the paver screed. There
were other areas, usually 30 to 75 feet in length, in '"hich severe wear was
apparent. It is believed that most of these areas were undercompacted as a
result of the material arriving at the paver too cold. In a few instances
the wear had progressed through or very nearly through the full depth of the
course, as shown in Figure 2.7. Samples of the surfacing 1>1ere taken from two
such areas on the roadway and the asphalt contents were found to be 5.4 percent
and 4.8 percent. Thus it appears that a few batches of mix were produced which
were extremely deficient in asphalt cement and which escaped detection when
produced or laid (Figure 28). There were also areas of the roadway in which
small holes, less than 1/1• square foot in area, were worn deep into the mat
(Figure 29). It is probable that these were agglomerations of rock asphalt
that had formed by cooling on inside surfaces of the plant and which
subsequently broke loose and remained intact while in the pugmill. On the
southermost 0.5 miles of the northbound lane, there were several lengths of
ravelled longitudinal joint.

Although there were distre.ssed areas throughout the length of the

surfacing, the distress was most prevalent in the northe.rnmost 2. 7 miles
of the southbound lanes--the portion of the roadway paved first. It appears
that much of the problem 1ms the result of the contrac.tor' s inexperience in
handling the material at. the plant and on the roadway. The frequency of
occurrance and the severity of the distress decreased as the job progressed,
l-lhen construction was resumed in the spring of 1967, repairs were made to
the distressed areas, and the remaining portion of the project was completed
with no unusual difficulties.

A second performance inspection was made on April 13, 1967. The surface
was, in general, the same condition as on the previous inspection except that
the wear had progressed further (Figures 30 and 31). A hot--mix patch was
placed in the most severely worn areas.

Figure 27, US 31H , Harren County, April 13, 1967. The area of pavement
is the same as shown in Figure 28. Note that a bituminous
concrete patch was placed in the area. In the inner wheel
path the course has been worn through to the underlying surface.

Figure 28. US 31H, Harren County, November 17, 1966. An area of

pavement in which a load of hot-mix rock asphalt deficient
in asphalt cement was placed9

Figure 29. US 31W, Warren County, November 17, 1966. Holes were formed
from cold agglomerations of non-enriched rock asphalt.

Figure 30. US 31W, Warren County, April 13, 1967. A view of a typical
section of the surface.

Figure 31. US 31W, Warren County, April 13, 1967. A view of the
southern end of the resurfacing in the northbound lanes.
Note the open longitudinal construction joint.

A third performance inspection was made March 6, 1968 (Figure 32).
Many long cracks were noted in the surfacing. These cracks appeared to be
randomly located and oriented. Most of the cracks had been sealed by
Maintneance (Figure 33). The overlay placed on the distressed areas in the
southbound lanes appeared to be performing satisfactorily. Other than the
cracks previously mentioned, the surface appeared to be in good condition.

Figure 32. US 31W, Warren County, March 6, 1968. A typical view of
the pavement.

Figure 33. US 31W, Warren County, March 6, 1968. A close-up view

of a sealed crack.

SP 1-30, SP 85-24-5

Description: The Columbia-Edmonton Road (KY 80) from the new, west city limits
of Columbia to US 68 at the old, north city limts of Edmonton

Length: 21.51 miles

Width: 18 feet

Letting Date: May 5, 1966

Contractor: Marion Contracting Company, Lebanon, Kentucky

Contract Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Mixture for Surfacing 10,469 tons

Class I, Type A Surface for Leveling 1,745 tons
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) 124,348 gallons
Diluted SS-lh for Tack 31,218 gallons

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt Mixture $ 12.65 per ton

Class I, Type A Surface $ 8.00 per ton
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) $ 0.15 per gallon
Diluted SS-lh $ 0. 25 per gallon

Total Contract Amount $ 172,849.55

Note: Type A Surface substituted for rock asphalt for leveling by

change order.

Pay Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Mixture 10,422.7 tons

Class I, Type A Surface 1, 971.2 tons
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) 116' 907 gallons
Diluted SS-lh 16,086 gallons

Total Cost of Contract $ 169,174.31

Liquidated Damages $ 2,500.00

Surfacing Dates: May 8 through June 9, 1967

Plant Description: Barber-Green Continuous, 80 tons per hour capacity

Plant Location: Montgomery and Company Quarry, Knob Lick, Metcalfe County

Approximate Average Haul Distance: 20 miles

Plant Operation: Production of the surface mix began May 8, 1967. Asphalt
cement was added to the mixture at the rate of 4.5 percent, bringing the total
asphalt content to 9 percent. Silicone liquid was added to the asphalt cement.
Paving began on the eastern end of the project near Columbia.

Paving Operation: No undue difficulties were reported in the paving operation.

Performance: Inspections were made of the finished surface on October 10, 1967
and March 8, 1968. On both inspections, the surface appeared in good condition
(Figure 34). It was noted that the appearance of the surfacing generally
improved as one progressed over the surfacing from east to west.

Figure 34. KY 80, Adair-Metcalfe Counties, March 8, 1968.

A typical view of the surfacing near Edmonton.

SP 104-78-9

Description: The Jamestown-Albany Road (US 127) from KY 619 near the south
city limits of Jamestown to KY 55 south of Sewellton

Lengt~: 5.150 miles

Letting Date: May 5, 1966

Width: 2.0 feet

Contractor: R. E. Gaddie Inc., Bowling Green, Kentucky

Contract Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Mixture for Surfacing 2,763 tons

Class I, Type A Surface for Leveling 712 tons
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) 32,816 gallons
Diluted SS-lh for Tack 8,654 gallons

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt Mixture $ 13.50 per ton

Class I, Type A Surface $ 8.90 per ton
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) $ 0.15 per gallon
Diluted SS-lh $ 0. 25 per gallon

Total Contract Amount $50,723.20

Pay Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Mixture 2,734.9 tons

Class I, Type A Surface 722.4 tons
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) 30,643 gallons
Diluted SS-lh 2,612 gallons

Total Cost of Contract $48,599.96

Liquidated Damages $ 3,600.00

Surfacing, Dates: June 1 through June 20, 1967

Plant Description: Hetherington-Berner Batch

Plant Location: Columbia, Kentucky

Approximate Average Haul Distance: 18 miles

Plant and Paving Operations: No inspections were made by Research Division

personnel during construction; however, no difficulties were reported, The
asphalt content was set at a minimum of 8.5 percent.

Performance: An inspection was made of the surface on October 10, 1967, and
the surface was found to be in good condition. The surface was also inspected
on March 8, 1968. A few randomly located transverse cracks were noted, but
overall the surface was in good condition (Figure 35).
Figure 35. US 127, Russell County, March 8, 1968. A typical
view of the surface near Jamestown.

SP 114-48-1, SP 31-138-2, SP 31-98--2

Description: The US 31W-Brownsville Road (KY 101 and KY 259) from its inter-
section with US 31W in Warren County extending northerly to its junction with
KY 70 east of Brownsville in Edmonson County

Length: 8.291 miles

Width: KY 101, 18 feet; KY 259, 19 feet

Letting Date: September 23, 1966

Contractor: R. E. Gaddie Inc., Bowling Green, Kentucky

Contract Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Hixture for Surfacing 4,175 tons

Class I, Type A Surface for Leveling 2,430 tons
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) 49,595 gallons
Diluted SS-lh for Tack 9,360 gallons

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt Mixture $ ll.OO per ton

Class I, Type A Surface $ 0.50 per ton
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) $ 0.14 per gallon
Diluted SS-lh $ 0.25 per gallon

Total Contract Amount $75,863.30

Pay Quantities: (Based on estimate of July 13, 1967, not a final estimate)

Rock-Asphalt Mixture 3,975 tons

Class I, Type A Surface 2,588 tons
Asphalt Cement (PAC 5) 41,453 gallons
Diluted SS-lh 9,925 gallons

Total Cost of Contract $74,007.67

Liquidated Damages $ 200.00

Surfacing Dates: June 1967

Plant Description: Hetherington-Barner Batch, 4000-pound capacity

Plant Location: Old Kyrock plant site on KY 259 near Sweeden, Kentucky

Approximate Average Haul Distance: 9 miles

Plant and Paving Operations: Asphalt cement was added to the mix at 4.2 per-
cent. No problems, such as were experienced in the fall of 1966, were en-
countered at the plant or at the paver. Reportedly, good temperature control
was maintained. Considerable time was spent each day in chipping rock asphalt
off the inside surfaces of the dryer, hot bins, etc.

Performance: A performance inspection was made of the surfacing on August 31,
1967, and the surface was found to be in good condition. Inspections were
repeated in October 1967 and in March 1968. In March 1968 the surface was
still in good condition (Figures 36 and 37).

Figure 36. KY 259, Edmonson County, March 7, 1968.

Figure 37. KY 101, Warren County, March 7, 1968.

SP ll0-126-2

Description: The Russellville-Guthrie Road (US 79) from the Logan County line
extending southwesterly to the end of the cement concrete pavement

Length: 6.673 miles

Width: 20 feet
- --
Letting Date: April 21, 1967

Contractor: Kapco Inc., Russellville, Kentucky

Cont_ract Quantities: Rock-Asphalt !1ixture for Surfacing 2,590 tons

Class I, Type A Surface for Leveling 3,545 tons
Diluted SS-lh for Tack 8,220 gallons

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt Mixture $ 19.40 per ton

Class I, Type A Surface $ 8.20 per ton
Diluted SS-lh $ 0. 30 per gallon

Total Contract Amount $81,781,00

Pay Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Mixture 2,588.3 tons

Class I, Type A Surface 3,540.0 tons
Diluted SS-lh 6,804 gallons

Total Cost of Contract $81,282.22

Surfacing Dates: June 19, 1967 through July 14, 1967

Plant Description: Cedar Rapids, 5000-pound batch (Figure 38)

Plant Location: US 431 just south of Russellville, Kentucky

Approximate Average Haul Distance: 16 miles

Plant and Paving Operations: Initially asphalt cement was added to the mix
at 4.5 percent. This was changed to 4.8 percent about midway through the
project in an effort to maintain the total bitumen content near 9.5 percent.
Some difficulty was experienced with temperature control of the mix. The
plant was operated without a dust collector.

A Cedar Rapids paver with automatic leveling controls was used to lay
the mixture. There was some scuffing of the mat by the paver screed (Figure 39).

Performance: Inspections were made of the surface in October 1967 and in March
1968. The· surface was found to be in good condition. Many areas which had been
scuffed by the paver screed were still visible but the damage appeared superficial
(Figure 40). A severely cracked area was noted in the southbound lane about
1/2 mile from the northern end of the project (Figure 41),


Figure 38. Kapco's Hot-Mix Plant, June 1967. The dust collectors. on
the plant were by-passed, as shown above.


Figure 39. US 79, Todd County, June 1967. Some scuffing of the
mat by the paver screed occurred throughout the length
of the project.

Figure 40. US 79, Todd County, March 6, 1968. A view of the surfacing
near the southern end. of the project. Note that scuff marks
left by the paver screed are still apparent.

Figure 41. US 79, Todd County, March 6, 1968. An area of the southbound
lane, near the northern end of the project, in which the
mix wa_s deficient in asphalt and/or was overheated.

SP 5-292-60

Description: The Brownsville-Cave City-Sulphur Well Road (KY 70) from US 31W
in Cave City extending easterly to the east city limits of Hiseville

Length: 8.550 miles

Width: 20 feet from US 3111 to US 31E, 18 feet from US 31E to the east city
limits of Hiseville

Letting Date: April 21, 1967

Contractor: Henry Farris Paving Contractor, Horse Cave, Kentucky

Contract Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Hixture for Surfacing 3,170 tons

Class I, Type A Surface for Leveling 4,480 tons
Diluted SS-lh for Tack 10,074 gallons
(Project included construction of DGA Shoulders)

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt Hixture $ 16.00 per ton

Class I, Type A Surface $ 8.75 per ton
Diluted SS-lh $ 0. 20 per gallon

Total Contract Amount $114,548.30

Pay Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Hixture 3,062.2 tons

Class I, Type A Surface 4,549.8 tons
Diluted SS-lh 9,087 gallons

Total Cost of Above Items $ 90,623.35

Total Cost of Contract $113,334.87

Surfacing Dates: August 1967

Plant Description: Hetherington-Berner Batch

Plant Location: HcLellan Stone Company on KY 218, 1.0 mile south of inter-
section with US 31W

Approximate Average Haul Distance: 8.5 miles

Plant and Paving Operations: No difficulties in plant operation were reported

during the period of this project. Asphalt cement was added to the mix at a
rate of 4.8 to 5.0 percent to bring the total asphalt content to 9.5 percent.

The mix appeared to be more workable than that used on previous

projects. The finished surface had a fine-textured, pleasing appearance. It
was noted that there '"as some dragging of coarse aggregate particles by the
paver screed.


Performance: The surface was inspected in October 1967 and in March 1968.
The surface was in good condition, having a uniform appearance and fine
texture (Figure 42).

Figure 42. KY 70, Barren County, March 7, 1968.

SP 90-5-7

Description: The Bardstown-Louisville Road (US 150 and US 31E) from Forest
Street in Bardstown to Cox's Creek

Length: 5.300 miles

Hidth: 24 feet

Letting Date: April 21, 1967

Contractor: Mago Construction Company,Bardstown, Kentucky

Contract Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Mixture for Surfacing 2,465 tons

Class I, Type A Surface for Leveling 2,655 tons
Diluted SS-lh for Tack 7,835 gallons

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt Mixture $ 17.50 per ton

Class I, Type A Surface $ 8.40 per ton
Diluted SS-lh $ 0. 30 per gallon

Total Contract Amount $ 67,790.00

Pay Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Mixture 2,438.6 tons
Class I, Type A Surface 2,706,3 tons
Diluted SS-lh 7,790 gallons

Total Cost of Contract $ 67,745.42

Surfacing Dates: Mid-August 1967

Plant Description: Batch

Plant Location: Geoghegan and Mathis Quarry on US 62 at Bardstown

Approximate Average Haul Distance: 4 miles

Plant and Paving Operations: No difficulties were experienced at the plant

or on the road.,ay on this project. The rock-asphalt aggregate was freshly
quarried material crushed to pass the 3/8-inch sieve. The natural bitumen
content on some samples ran below the minimum requirement of 3.5 percent.
Initially the added asphalt content was set at 5.0 percent and then was raised
to 6.0 percent in an effort to keep the total asphalt content near 9.5 percent.
The temperature of the mix was generally maintained between 280 and 300°F.

Performance: An inspection was made of the surfacing on August 24, 1967. The
surface had a fine texture and very pleasing appearance. Inspections of the
surface were repeated in October 1967 and March 1968. In March 1968 the surface
was in good condition (Figure 43). Lateral cracks had developed at regular
intervals and at a few locations a longitudinal crack had developed along the

SP 14-813-3

Description: The Cloverport-llcQuaddy Road (KY 105) from US 60 in Cloverport

to KY 992

Length: 7.394 miles

Width: 18 feet

Contractor: Charles R. Allen Company, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky

Lett~ng Date: April 21, 1967

Contract Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Mixture for Surfacing 2,585 tons

Class I, Binder for Leveling 7,185 tons
Class I, Type A Surface for Leveling 2,550 tons
Diluted SS-lh for Tack 8,200 gallons

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt l1ixture $ 17.00 per ton

Class I Binder $ 7.60 per ton
Class I Type A Surface $ 7.80 per ton
Diluted SS-lh $ 0.25 gallon

Total Contract Amount $132,563.00

Pay Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Mixture 2,250.3 tons

Class I Binder 7,847.2 tons
Class I, Type A Surface 2,612 tons
Diluted SS-lh 7,597 gallons

Total Cost of Above Item $120,371.87

Total Cost of Contract $132,315.87

Surfacing Dates: August 1967

Plant Description: Hetherington-Berner Batch, Barber-Greene cold feed, Barber·-

Greene dust collector.

Plant Location: KY 992 near Hardinsburg, Kentucky

Approximate Average Haul Distance: 6 miles

Plant and Paving Operations: The rock-asphalt aggregate was freshly quarried
material passing the 3/8-·inch sieve. Asphalt cement (PAC 7) was added to the
mix at a rate of 5.5 percent. Some difficulty was experienced with temperature
control and appeared to be the result of frequent shutdowns when trucks were
not available. A few loads of material out of the temperature tolerance
were rejected the first day surface mix was produced. The plant foreman indicated
that it was necessary to spend considerable effort in cleaning accumulations
of material from the plant, when it was shutdown, in order to operate properly.

The existing roadway surface was badly deformed and considerable
material was estimated for leveling. Leveling material overran the contract
quantities and a reduction was made in the surface course thickness to keep
the costs down. As a result, the surface course is very thin in some areas.

Performance: Inspections were made of the surface in October 1967 and in

March 1968. Overall the surface was in good condition, having a fine texture
and pleasing appearance (Figure 44). A few areas of base failure were noted
about midway through the project. The edge of the surfacing was cracked at
intervals throughout the length of the project.

Figure 44. KY 105, Breckinridge County, March 6, 1968.

SP 30-57, SP 92-44

Description: The Owensboro-Fordsville Road (KY 54) from 0.234 miles northwest
of Whitesville to the west city limits of Fordsville

Length: 10 .ll6 miles

Width: 18 feet, 20 to 30 feet within Whitesville

Letting Date: April 21, 1967

Contractor: State Contracting and Stone Comapny, Inc., Hartford, Kentucky

(Subcontracted to Corum and Edwards, Inc.)

Contract Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Mixture for Surfacing 3,809 tons

Class I Binder for Leveling 8,995 tons
Class I, Type A Surfacing for Leveling 742 tons
Diluted SS-lh for Tack 11,420 gallons
(Project also included shouldering materials)

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt Mixture $ 17.50 per ton

Class I Binder $ 7.95 per ton
Class I, Type A Surface $ 8.50 per ton
Diluted SS-lh $ 0.25 per gallon

Total Contract Amount $180,736.75

Pay Quantities: (Based on estimate of October 27, 1967, not a final estimate)

Rock-Asphalt }fixture 3,554.7 tons

Class I Binder 9,435.8 tons
Class I, Type A Surface 1,091.9 tons
Diluted SS-lh 6,699 gallons

Total Cost of Above Items $148,177.75

Total Cost of Contract $188 '161. 76
Liquidated Damages $ 1,550.00

Surfacing Dates: September 1967

Plant Description: Barber-Greene Continuous, 160 tons per hour capacity

Plant Location: KY 54 near junction with KY 261

Approximate Average Haul Dista_nce: 6 miles

Plant and Paving Operation: No difficulties were encountered at the plant in

producing the mix. The cold feed was minus 3/8-inch material produced from

freshly quarried ledge rock. Asphalt cement (PAC 5) was ~dded to the mix
at a rate of 5.5 percent--maintaining the .total bitumen content near 9.5 percent
Dow-Corning 200 fluid (silicone) was added to the asphalt cement at a rate of
one to two ounces per 5000 gallons of asphalt cement.

Good temperature control was maintained at the plant. The material

left the plant at a temperature of 245°F-285°F. The dryer was equipped with
a steam generated burner and its operation was constantly monitored.

Initially some difficulty was experienced in laying the material.

A Ceder Rapids paver was first used to lay the material. A deep continuous tear
was left in the center of the mat. The paver screed was changed and this
reduced the severity of the tear. The problem was fully eliminated when a
Barber-Greene paver with a tamping bar was used.

Performance: Inspections were made of the surface in October 1967 and in

March 1968. The surface was in good condition and had a fine-textured,
pleasing appearance (Figure 45). The tears made by the paver screed were
still apparent. The torn areas were limited to the westernmost 1.5 miles at

Figure 45. KY 54, Daviess-Ohio Counties, March 6, 1968.

SP GROUP 15 (1967)
SP 75-202, SP 75-122

Description: The Central City-Owensboro Road (US 431) from the northeast city
limits of Island to the east city limits of Livermore

Length: 3.107 miles

Width: 22 feet, 20 feet in Livermore

Letting Date: April 21, 1967

Contractor: State Contracting and Stone Company, Inc., Hartford, Kentucky

(Subcontracted to Corum and Ed1;ards Inc.)

Contract Quantities: Rock-Asphalt Hixture for Surfacing 3,130 tons

Class I, Type A surface for Leveling 1,873 tons
Diluted SS-lh for Tac.k t,, 164 gallons
(Project also included shouldering materials)

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt Hixture $ 19.00 per ton

Class I, Type A Surface $ 8.25 per ton
Diluted SS-lh $ 0. 25 per gallon

Total Contract Amount $55,562.75

Pay Quantities: (Based on estimate of October 27, 1967, not a final estimate)

Rock-Asphalt Hixture 1,294.6 tons

Class I, Type A Surface 1,9!,3.5 tons
Diluted SS-lh 2,136 gallons

Total Cost of Above Items $41,165.28

Total Cost of Contract $53' 251.03
Liquidated Damages $ 1,350.00

Surfacing Dates: October 1967

Plant Description: Barber-Greene Continuous

Plant Location: KY 54 near junction with KY 261

Approximate Average Haul Distance: 31 miles

Plant and Paving Operations: The same plant and paving equipment were used on
this project and on the KY 54 project in Daviess-Ohio Counties. No problems
in plant or paving operations were reported.

Performance: Inspections were made of the project in October 1967 and in

March 1968. The surface had a fine-textured, pleasing appearance and was in
good condition throughout its length (Figure 46). Reflection cracks from the
underlying concrete pavement were apparent within Livermore.

Figure 46. US 431, McLean County, March 6, 1968.

Plant and Paving Operation!!: The same plant and paving equipment were used on
this project and on the KY 54 project in Daviess~Ohio Counties. No problems
in plant or paving operations were reported,

Performance: Inspections were made of the project in October 1967 and in

March 1968. The surface had a fine-textured, pleasing appearance and was in
good condition throughout its length (Figure 46). Reflection cracks from the
underlying concrete pavement were apparent within Livermore.

Figure 46. US 431, McLean County, March 6, 1968.

SP 16-156, SF 16-296

Description: The Morganto"n-·Bovrling Green Road (US 231) from the old northwest
city limits of Morgantown to the \,rarren County line

Length_: 11.331 miles

Width: 19 feet, 20 feet in Morgantown

Contractor: R. E. Gaddie Inc., Bowling Green, Kentucky

Contract Quantities: Rock--Asphalt Mixture for Surfacing 4,225 tons

Class I, Type A Surface for Leveling 6,704 tons
Diluted SS-lh for Tack 20 , ll5 gallons

Unit Bids: Rock-Asphalt Mixture $ 15.35 per ton

Class I, Type A Surface $ 8.85 per ton
Diluted SS-lh $ 0.25 per gallon

Total Contract Amount $129,212.90

RE:L Quantities: (Based on estimate of July 17, 1968, not a final estimate)

Rock-Asphalt Mixture 4,074 tons

Class I, Type A Surface 6,622 tons
Diluted SS-·lh 8,709 gallons

Total Cost of Above Items $123,317.85

Total Cost of Contract $133,417.65

Surfacing Dates: June 1968

Plant Description: Hetherington-Berner Batch, 4000-pound capacity

Plant Location: Gary Brothers Quarry on US 231 near the Warren County line

Approximate Average Haul Distance: 6 miles

Plant and Paving Operations: No difficulties 1verec reported in plant--mixing or

placing the materiaL This particular plant was used on two previous rock-
asphalt surfacings--US 31, Warren County, and KY 101 and KY 259, Edmonson-Warren
Counties. Considerable diff.iculty was experienced on the US 3HI project but
experience in handling the material apparently eliminated the problems. The
general comment has been that this is the best appearing hot-c,mix, rock-asphalt
surfacing placed to date. Asphalt cement was added at a rate of 4.7 percent.

A portion (166 tons) of the cold-feed material had been pre--roasted by

the Gripstop Corporation in a dryer at their plant site in Edmonson County.

Thus this material was heated twic.e before mixing with asphalt cement. The
following test results t.rere obtained by District Maintenance:

Cold Feed Haterial

Sieve Size Percent Passing

l/2 inch 100

No. 4 91.2
No. 100 11.6

Bitumen Conte.nt--4.8%

Finished Hot-Hix

Sieve Size Percent Passing

1/2 inch 100

No. 4 93.3
No. 100 10.3

Bitumen Content--8.8%

The material was heated to a temperature of 300 to 320°F. No differe.nces were.

noted in laying or handling between the pre-roasted and the usual cold-feed
material. This material was laid on the northbound lane between Sta 52+00 and
Sta 100+00. Station 0+00 is at the Farren County line.

Performance: On July 7, 1968 an inspection was made and it was noted that the
overall condition was good. A slight bumpiness was noted, but it is anticipated
that this will smooth out under traffic. Approximately one mile of the 11.5
miles consisted of the heat·-treated rock asphalt (Figure 4 7). It is not
possible to distinguish this sec.tion from the remaining portion.

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Asphalt Unit
Date Content Stability Flow Weight Percent Void
Sampled (percent) (pounds) (0,01 inch) (1bs/cu ft) in Mix in Aggregate

US 31~'• Meade-Hardin Counties

8-25-66 8.4 1878 9 128.7 11.1 25,3

8-29-66 8.2 2874 13 123 .R 15.0 28 .o
8-31-66 8.2 2956 7 131,8 9. 7 23.9
Average 8.3 2569 10 128.1 11,9 25.7

US 31E, Bsrren-Hart Counties

9-22-66 7.8 2535 8 129.9 8.3 24.2

9-29-66 8.9 3152 7 130.4 9.0 24.8
10- 4-66 8.3 2557 9 p9,1 10,6 25.0

6-20-67 7. 7 2595 6 127.0 13,2 25,8

6-21-67 8.8 1154 6 127,6 11,4 26,3
6.23-67 8. 7 4250"' 9 124.6 13,5 27.9
Average 8.3 2399 8 l28,i 11.0 25.7

US 31W, Warren County

10-25-66 8. 3 4932 7 131,0 9.6 23.9

10-29-66 7.9 4179 8 127,6 12,5 25.6
11-11-66 8.9 3570 9 131.9 8. 3 23,6
Average 8.4 4227 8 130.2 10.1 24.4

KY 80, Adair-Metcalfe Counties

8.5 3304 7 127,3 11.9 26.2

9.2 3201 8 131.0 8.1 24.7
5-13-67 8.9 1368 7 129.0 9.6 24.9
9.0 1524 7 130,4 9.2 24.9
8.3 1788 6 127.6 12,0 25,8
5-20-67 8.9 1355 7 129,3 10,1 25.4
8. 7 1898 7 128,4 11.0 25,8
Average 8.8 2063 7 129,0 10,3 25.4

KY 259 and KY 101, Edmonson-Warren Counties

6-23-67 8.6 1986 5 126,0 12.7 27 .o

6-26-67 8.4 2764 5 128.6 11.2 25.4
6-29-67 8.4 2447 8 128.0 11.6 25.7
6-30-67 8.3 1152 8 127 ,8 11.9 25,8
Average 8.4 2087 7 127 ,6 11,9 26,0

US 79, Todd County

6-23-67 9.1 2132 6 128.4 10,2 26,0

8.4 1093 7 126.7 12.5 26,5
Average 8. 7 1613 7 127.6 11.4 26, 3

KY 70, Barren County

8-10-67 9. 5 295 6 126.9 10,8 27 ,3

US 31E, Nelson County

8-16-67 9.4 864 8 127,6 10,4 26.8

KY 105, Breckinridge County

8-24-67 9.4 629 3 131.2 7 .9 24.7

8-25-67 8.8 832 5 131.2 8.8 24.2
8-28-67 8.8 991 6 131.6 10.7 24.0
Average 9.0 817 5 131.3 9.1 24 ,3

KY 54, Daviess-Ohio Counties

9- 7-67 10,5 636 6 130.7 6.8 25.9

9-11-67 9.5 671 8 128.6 9.6 26.2
9-13-67 9. 3 383 6 126.5 11.3 27 .4
9-18-67 10.0 430 7 127 .s 9. 7 27 .3
Average 9.9 430 7 128.2 9.3 26.7

US 231, Butler County

6-13-68 9.0 1362
' 11.9 27 .2

~~!Sample overheated, not included in average for project.

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Thin Film OVen Tests

Tests on Residue
Viscosity Softening Weight Ductilit•
Source Date Penetration1 at 77"F Point Ductility Loss Penetration! at 77"F~
Project of Sample Sampled (0.1 mm) (Poises) ("F) at 77"F (%) (0.1 mm) (em)

Barren-Hart Counties
4.57 12
7,061xl0 7

Warren County

KY 80 3.22 16
Adair-Metcalfe Counties

1.81 16

KY 101 and KY 259

Edmonson-Warren Counties

us 79 158.0 55
Todd County

Barren County:

US 31E
Nelson County


KY 105
Breckinridge County
*~*4. 97lxlO.ft

KY 54
Daviess-Ohio Counties 124.0 150+

4.00 15
126.5 83

1,59 30 100<-

2 ~:e:;::~~:n:tw~;:F ~b~~in~~ 'f~o:e~~ch
truck sampled,
**Viscosity test performed on a blend of bitumen
recovered from truck samples obtained on
)Specific Gravity at 77"F B1.054; Ash content ,.. 0,35% August 16 and 17, 1967,
4Percent Asphalt Extracted from 50-gram samplea of cold-feed material using; ***Vi!3cosity test performed on a blend of bitumen
Carbon Disulfide 4,05% recovered from hot-bin samples' obtained on
Benzene J. 92% August 25 and 28, 1967.
Carbon Tetrachloride 3.70%
~Viscosity test performed on combined bitumen recovered from all material sampled on June 20, 1967,



Coefficient of Friction
Project Location Lane 1966 1967 1965 ADT

US 31W Hardin
Hardin-Meade Counties County Both 0.66 14670

US 31E Barren County Both o. 70 0.62 3750

Barrep-Hart Counties Hart County Both 0.68 0,64 1730

us 41 Henderson
Henderson County County Both 0.60 5900

us68 Christian
Christian County County Both 0,62 2380

US 31W Warren NBO 0,63 0.68 1170

Warren County County NBI 0,70

KY 80, Adair- Metcalfe

Metcalfe Counties County Both 0,66 700

us 127 Russell
Russell County County Both 0,60 1130

KY 101 and KY 259 Warren

Edmonson-Warren Counties County Both 0.60

us 79 Todd
Todd County County Both 0,64 1620

KY 70 Barren
Barren County County Both 0,61 1080

US 31E Nelson
Nelson County County Both 0.57 3660

KY 1827 Edmonson
Edmonson County County 0,72 0.64
(Nolin Dam Road)



1. Special Provision Dated March 29, 1966

2. Special Provision No. 24-A, Dated March 20, 1967
3. Special Provision No. 24-B, Dated August 15, 1967






These Special Provisions shall be applicable only when indi-

cat.ed on proposals or bid invitations and, when so indicated,
shall supersede any conflicting requirements of the Department's
.1965 Standard Specifications ... , and are complemented with the
applicable provisions of Section 306 thereof.


This work shall consist of furnishing and placing paving mix-

tures complying with the material requirements and processed as
hereinafter described, without alternate types of materials or
processes, for use in the construction of surface courses on
existing bases or pavements as set forth in prefacing plans,
proposals, or bidding invitations. The mixture shall consist
essentially of crushed, bituminous sandstone (Kentucky Rock
Asphalt) enriched with an optimum quantity of asphalt cement.
Construction procedures and finished work shall conform with the
further stipulations respectivelv listed hereunder. A brief
summary follows:

l. The aggregate shall be heated to not less than

240° F. nor hotter than 325° F.

2. Asphalt cement shall be heated to not less than

225° ~. nor hotter than 325° F.

3. Asphalt and aggregate shall be combined in opti-

mum proportions while hot and shall be blended
together uniformly.

4. The mixture shall be spread on the road and

compacted while hot and workable.

5. The finished work shall conform to the lines,

grades, and cross-sections specified.

Page 2 of 3

6. The work shall also include the surfacing of

approaches at road and street intersections and
approaches or aprons at entrances when and as
directed by the Engineer.


A. Aaaregate. The aggregate shall consist of crushed, bitumi-

nous, quartzy sandstone having uniform quality and hardness. It
shall be free of dirt and debris and shall meet the following

1. Bitumen Content: The raw aggregate shall contain

not less than 4 per cent natursl bitumen by weight.
Bitumen content may be·determined by extraction.

2. Gradation: The size-gradation shall comply with

the fo.LLO¥'Lng-listed requirements:

Sieve Size *Per Cent Passing

1/2-in. 100
No. 4 40 - 100
No. 100 0 - 15

*Based on extracted sample

Note: Closer tolerances than these may be required
in order to establish a suitable job-mix

B. Asohalt Binder. Unless noted otherwise, asphalt cement

enrichment shall consist of PAC-5 (Article 621.4.0).

C. Bituminous Tack Coat. Tack coats, when requireci, shall be

of the type and in the quantities designated in the plans or pro-
posals for the work and shall be applied in the manner described
in Section 301 of the "Standards" and as prescribed by the Engineer.
I;f the type and quantities are not designated elsewhere, to be
otherwise, tack materials shall be SS-lh (Article 621.6.0) diluted
with an equal volume of potable water. The di~uted emulsion shall
be applied at a nominal rate of 0.1 gallon per square yard of
surface; however, the Engineer may adjust the proportions and
rate of application on the site as needed or require reapplication.

D. Paving Mixture. The optimum proportions of aggregate and

asphalt and the mixture formula shall be determined and established
by the Engineer. The asphalt content shall be not less than 7 per
cent and not more t.han 10 per cent by weight of the mixture and
shall be controlled within these limits as directed by the Engineer.

Page 3 of 3


A. Season,al~.nd_)l'.'eat0h~.r__pmit.31:JoQI!§.-" (Article 306. 3 .1)

B. Plant apd Egu.i£.1!!.enL. (Article 306.3. 2., as applicable)

c. Preoaratig.n._Qf_MJ.lS:t_'dJ~.'?...,.
(Art ..icle 306.3.3, as applicable--
excluding Paragraphs A and B thereof.)

D. Prepar_g_:tt9D._Qf__l!;2flktLQ&...§urfa.cS!§..:c (Art.icle 306.3. 5, as


E. Spreadi!1£[_gpd F':kn.tshil1£L'" (Art.icle 306.3. 6, as applicable)

F. Compaction. (Art.icie 306.3. 7, as applicable)


The crushed bituminous sandstone mixture will be weighed in

accordance with Article 1.9.1 and the weight of the added asphalt
cement will be deducted therefrom,

The asphalt cement and the bi tumi.no'.ls t.ack rna t.er ial will be
measured in gallons as specified in Section 621.


The accepted quantities t.hus measured will be paid at contract

unit price bid per t.on for "Bi.t.uminous Concret.e Mixt.ure" exclusive
of the added asphalt cement., per gallon for "Asphalt Cement," and
per gallon for "Bituminous Tack Material" as blended with water,
which payment shall be full compensation .fo:r furnishing, hauling
and placing all materials, for cleaning and all necessary prepa-
rations of base, the burning and necessary preparation of old
bituminous pavement.s adjacent to the new construct.ion, for the
making of proper joint.s, for the disposal of all surplus materials,
for furnishing, processing, pl.acing, and rolling of the bituminous
mixtures. and rna t.erials,. and for all labor, equipment, tools and
incidentals necessary t.o complet.e the work specified.

APPROVED-221~-t..~ /?th








These Special Provisions shall be applicable only when indicated

on proposals or bidding invitations and, when so indicated, shall
supersede any conflicting requirements of the Department's 1965
Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, and are
complemented with the applicable provisions of Section 306 thereof.


This work shall consist of furnishing and placing paving mixtures

complying with the material requirements and processed as herein-
after described, without alternate types of materials or processes,
for use in the construction of surface courses on existing bases or
pavements as set forth in the plans, proposals, or bidding invita-
tions. The mixture shall consist essentially of crushed, bituminous
sandstone (Kentucky Rock Asphalt) enriched with an optimum quantity
of asphalt cement. Construction procedures and finished work shall
conform with the further stipulations listed herein.

The work shall also include the surfacing of approaches at road

and street intersections and approaches or aprons at entrances, when
and as directed by the Engineer. If not specified and unless other-
wise directed by the Engineer, the bituminous mixture for this work
shall be Bituminous Concrete Surface, Class I, which shall conform
to Section 306. Fine aggregates may be natural, crushed, or con-
glomerate sands meeting the requirements of Section 611 for quality.


A. Aggregate. The aggregate shall consist of crushed, bituminous,

quartzy sandstone having uniform quality and hardness. It shall be
free of dirt and debris and shall meet the following requirements:

1. Bitumer Content: The raw aggregate shall contain not

less than 3.5 per cent of natural bitumen by weight.
Bitumen content shall be determined on the aggregate

Page 2 of 5

as produced (without additional crushing or fracturing)

by extraction with trichloroethylene us·ed as the solvent.

2. Gradation: The size-gradation of the extracted

aggregate sample shall comply with the following

Sieve Size Per Cent Passing

1/2 inch 100
No. 4 40-100
No. 100 0-15

3. Silica: The extracted aggregate shall contain not

less than 90 per cent Silica (Si02l as determined by
chemical analysis.

B. Asphalt Binder. Asphalt cement enrichment shall consist of

PAC-5 (Article 621.4.0) as specified on the plans or proposals.

C. Bituminous Tack Coat. Tack coats shall be of the type and

in the quantities designated in the plans or proposals for the work
and shall be applied in the manner described in Section 301 and as
prescribed by the Engineer.

D. Admix.ture. A moisture controlling admixture such as silicone

fluid (dimethyl siloxane polymer) shall be furnished by the Contrac-
tor to be blended with the mix when and as directed by the Engineer.
The silicone shall be of a type approved by the Department and shall
be from a source approved by ~he Department.


A. Seasonal and Weather Limitations. No rock asphalt surface

shall be placed between Sep·tember 30 and May 1, nor when the air
temperature is below 60° F., except by written permission of the
Engineer. No rock asphalt shall be placed when the underlying course
is wet or when other weather conditions are unsuitable.

B. Plant and Equipment. Axticle 306.3.2, except as noted below:

1. Screens: Only one screen, a scclping screen of the

necessary size, will be required.

2.. Bins: The plant shall include a storage bin of

sufficient capacity to supply the mixer, when it
is operating at full capacity, with no undue
periods of waiting for aggregate. The outlet
gate on the bin shall cut off quickly and com-
pletely and shall be designed and constructed so
there will be no leakage when closed.

Page 3 of 5

3. Thermometric Equipment: Article 306.3.2-C-8,

excluding paragraphs c. and d., therefore which
shall read as follows:

c. A certified thermometer, visible to the plant

operator responsible for controlling the
aggregate temperature, shall be installed at
the aggregate discharge from the drier.

d. A recording thermometer or pyrometer shall be

installed with the actuator at the aggregate
discharge from the drier and the recording
device mounted free of vibration.

4. Dust Collectors: The plant shall be equipped with an

effective dust collector. Material collected must be
returned to the mix unless wasting is permitted by
the Engineer.

5. Field Laboratory: Article 306.3.2-I. In addition,

each field laboratory where rock asphalt will be
tested shall be provided with a hood and exhaust
fan arrangement to remove harmful solvent fumes
and to provide adequate ventilation.

c. Preparation of Mixture.

1. Composition of Mixtures: 'l'!).e rock asphalt aggregate

and asphalt cement shall be combined in such propor-
tions that the total bitumen content will be not less
than 8 per cent and not more than 11 per cent. The
asphalt cement enrichment shall be not less than 4 per
cent nor more than 6 per cent. No direct payment
shall be made for the asphalt cement enrichment. A
minimum total bitumen content within the specified
limits shall be established by the Engineer for each
project. Mixtures which contain less than the
minimum total bitumen content as established by the
Engineer shall be adjusted by increasing the asphalt
cement enrichment.

2. Preparation of Aggregate: The aggregate shall be

deposited in the cold elevator at a rate to insure
correct and uniform temperature control of the
heating and drying operation. The aggregate shall
be heated to a uniform temperature between 240" F.
and 325" F. as measured at the point of discharge
from the drier. Any aggregate heated in excess of
325° F. shall be rejected.

Page 4 of 5

3. Preparation of Asphalt Cement: Article 306.3.3-C

4. Preparation of Mixtures: ArtLcle 306.3.3-D as


5. Temperature Requirements: Article 306.3.3-E

D. Preparation of Base. The existing surface shall be swept

clean of all foreign material by means of hand brooms and mechanical
sweepers. Patching, wedging, and leveling courses of bituminous
concrete (Class I) shall be applied as directed by the Engineer and
in the quantities as stated on the contract plans and_ proposals.
Bituminous tack coat shall be applied in accordance with Section 301.

X~__££re2QlDO and Finishing. Spreading and finishing shall be in

accordance with Article 306.3.6, except as hereinafter provided.

1. Continuous Paver Operation: The plant procedure and

the power speed shall be synchronized in such a manner
which will permit the paver to travel in a uniform
continuous forward speed. The paver shall engage
the hauling trucks while traveling forward. Every
effort shall be made to keep the paver moving
continuously. The paver should be permitted to stop
only when a plant or paver breaks down or when some
emergency or unavoidable condition exists.

2. Entrances and Crossovers: Entrances, crossovers,

and other areas inaccessible to the paver which
must be spread by hand, whether constructed of
crushed bi t.uminous sandstone surface or of other
surface mixture, shall be constructed as a separate
operation. The mat.erial for t:hese areas shall be
placed directly from ·the traveling trucks. The
paver shall not be stopped side plates removed, and
the material for these areas allowed to spill out
t:o the side, or the paver shall not. be stopped and
material for these areas shoveled from the hopper.

f'. __ Co_Ill_2ac_tjop= Compact. ion shall be in accord<cmce with Artie le

306. 3. 7, as applicable, except that entrances .. c'cossovers, and
other inaccessible areas spread by hand may be compacted with a
roller weishj_ng no1: less than three tons~

-~:---~..:l,_g_ygJ_:i~t!.:;'__ j'1}.J_(_-l_.Y.~t~1- 1 _i_n. ~~~~- Leveling and patching shall be

performed in a manner, witl1 the desis·nated equipment and with the
materials. as prescril:•ed on the plans or in "l:he proposal, or as
directed by the Engineer.

Pa<je 5 of 5

H. Surface Tolerances. Surface tolerances shall be in accordance

with Article 306.3.9 as applicable.

Maintenance and Protection. Maintenance and pro~ection shall
be in accordance with Article 306.3.10.


The crushed bituminous sandstone and bituminous concrete mixtures

shall be weighed in accordance with Article 1.9.1.

The bituminous tack material shall be measured in gallons as

specified in Section 621.


The accepted quantities thus measured will be paid for at the

contract unit price per ton for "Bituminous Concrete Mixture" for
patching, wedging, and leveling and for "Crushed Bituminous Sand-
stone Mixture" for the surface course, complete in place, and per
gallon for "Bituminous Tack Material," which payment shall be full
compensation for furnishing, hauling and placing all materials, for
cleaning and all necessary preparations of base, the burning and
necessary preparation of old bituminous pavements adjacent to the
ew construction, for the making of proper joints, for the disposal
Jf all surplus materials, for furnishing, processing, placing, and
rolling of the bituminous mixtures and materials, and for all labor,
equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work

APPROVED /PP;-r:J _,at:;


Aftp ~/~<t~
A. 0. NEISER •






This Special Provision shall be applicable only when indicai:ed on

the plans, in the proposal, or-in the bidding invitation and, when
so indicated, shall supersede any conflicting requirements of the
Depaxtmen t' s 1965 Standard Specifications fo:c Road and Bridge Con-
st:rD.~tion . , and is complemeEted ..,..ifi_t:b t:.he applicable pro ..vis:i.. ons of
SectLon 306 thereof.


T'his work shall consist of furnishing and placing paving mixtures

complying with 'the material requirements and processed as herein-
after described, without alternate types of materials or processes,
for use in the construction of surface courses on existing bases or
pavements as set forth by the plans, proposal, or bidding invita-
tion. The mixture shall consist essentially of crushed bituminous
sandstone (Kentucky Rock Asphalt), enriched with an optimum quantity
of asphalt cement. Construction procedures and finished work shall
conform with the further stipulations listed herein.

'rhe work shall also include the surfacing of approaches at road

and street intersections and approaches or aprons at entrances, when
and as directed by the Engineer. If not specified and unless other-
wise directed by the Engineer, the bituminous mixture for this work
shall be Bituminous Concrete Surface, Class I, which shall conform
to Section 306. Fine aggregate for the bituminous concrete may be
natural, crushed, or conglomerate sand meeting the requirements of
Section 611 for quality.


A. Aggregate. The aggregate shall consist of crushed, bituminous,

quartzy sandstone having uniform quality and hardness. It shall be
free of dirt and debris and shall meet the following requirements:

1. Bitumen Content: The raw aggregate shall contain not

less than 3.5 per cent of natural bitumen by weight.
Bitumen content shall be determined on the aggregate

Page 2 of 5

as produced (without additional crushing or fracturing)

by extraction with trichloroethylene used as the solvent.

2. Gradation: The size-gradation of the extrac·ted

aggregate shall comply with the following require-

§ieve Size Per Cent Passing

1/2 inch 100
No. 4 40-100
No. 100 0-15

3. Silica: The extracted aggregate shall contain not

less than 90 per cent Silica (sio 2 ) as determined by
chemical analysis.

B. Asphalt Binder. Asphalt cement enrichment shall consist of

PAC-5 (Article 621.4.0) as specified on the plans or in the pro-

C. Bituminous Tack Coat. Tack coats shall be of the type and

in the quantities designated on the plans or in the proposal for the
work and shall be applied in the manner described in Section 301
and as prescribed by the Engineer.

D. Admixture. A moisture controlling admixture such as silicone

fluid (dimethyl siloxane polymer) shall be furnished by the Contrac-
tor to be blended with the mix when and as directed by the Engineer.
The silicone shall be of a type approved by the Department and shall
be from a source approved by the Department.


A. Seasonal and Weather Limitations. No crushed bituminous

sandstone surface shall be placed between September 30 and May 1,
nor when the air temperature is below 60° F., except by written
permission of the Engineer; neither shall it be placed when the
underlying course is wet or when other weather conditions are

B. Plant and Equipment. Article 306.3.2, except as noted below:

1. Screens: Only one screen, a scalping screen of the

necessary size, will be required.

2. Bins: The plant shall include a storage bin of

sufficient capacity to supply the mixer, when it
is operating at full capacity, with no undue
periods of waiting for aggregate. The outlet
gate on the bin shall cut off quickly and
Page 3 of 5
completely and shall be designed and copstructed
so there will be no leakage when closed.

3. Thermometric Equipment: Article 306.3.2-C-8,

excluding paragraphs c. and d., which are replaced
with the following paragraphs:

c. A certified thermometer, visible 'to the plant

operator responsible for controlling the
aggregate temperature, shall be installed at
the aggregate discharge from the drier.

d. A recording thermometer or pyrometer shall be

installed with the actuator at the aggregate
discharge from .the drier and the recording
device mounted free of vibration.

4. Dust Collectors: The plant shall be equipped with an

effective dust collector. Material collected must be
returned to the mix unless wasting is permitted by
the Engineer.

5. Field Laboratory: Article 306.3.2-I. In addition,

each field laboratory where rock asphalt will be
tested shall be provided with a hood and exhaust
fan arrangement to remove harmful solvent fumes
and to provide adequate ventilation.

c. Preparation of Mixture.

1. Composition of Mixtures: The rock asphalt aggregate

and asphalt cement shall be combined in such propor-
tions that the total bitumen content will be not less
than 8 per cent and not more than 11 per cent. The
asphalt cement enrichment shall be not less than 4 per
cent nor more than 6 per cent. No direct payment
shall be made for the asphalt cement enrichment. A
minimum total bitumen content within the specified
limits shall be established by the Engineer for each
project. Mixtures which contain less than the
minimum total bitumen content as established by the
Engineer shall be adjusted by increasing the asphalt
cement enrichment.

2. Preparation of Aggregate: The rock asphalt aggregate

shall be deposited in the cold elevator at a rate to
insure correct and uniform temperature control of the
heating and drying operation. The aggregate shall
be heated to a uniform temperature between 240° F.
and 325° F. as measured at the point of discharge
from the drier. Any aggregate heated in excess of
325° F. shall be rejected.
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3. Preparation of Asphalt Cement: Article 306.3.3-C

4. Preparation of Mixtures: Article 306:3.3-D as


5. Temperature Requirements: Article 306.3.3-E

D. Preparation of Base. The existing surface shall be swept

clean of all foreign material,by means of hand brooms and mechanical
sweepers. Patching, wedging, and leveling courses of bituminous
concrete (Class I) shall be applied as directed by the Engineer and
in the quantities as stated on the plans or in the proposal. Bitumi-
nous tack coat shall be applied in accordance with Section 301.

E. Spreading and Finishing. Sprea!dimg and finishing shall be in

accordance with Article 306.. 3. 6, except as hereinafter provided.

1. Continuous Paver Operation: The plant procedure and

the paver speed s\lall be synchronized in such a manner
which will permit the paver to travel in a uniform
continuous forward speed. The paver shall engage
the hauling trucks while traveling forward. Every
effort shall be made to keep the paver moving
continuously. The paver should be permitted to stop
only when a. plant or paver breaks down or when some
emergency or unavoidable condition exists.

2. Entrances and Crossovers: Entrances, crossovers,

and other areas inaccessible to the paver which
must be spread by hand, whether constructed of
crushed bituminous sandstone or other surface mix-
ture, shall be cons·tructed as a separate operation.
The material for these areas shall be placed directly
from the traveling trucks. The paver shall not be
stopped to remove the side plates to allow the
material for these areas to spill out the side,
neither shall the paver be stopped and material
for these areas shoveled from the hopper.

F. Compaction. Compaction shall be in accordance with Article

306.3.7, as applicable, except that entrances, crossovers, and
other inaccessible areas spread by hand may be compacted with a
roller weighing not less than three tons.

G. Leveling and Patching. Leveling and patching shall be

performed in a manner, with the designated equipment and with the
materials, as prescribed on the plans or in the proposal, or as
directed by the Enqineer.

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H. Surface Tolerances. Surface tolerances shall be in accordance

with Article 306.3.9 as applicable.

I. Maintenance and Protection. Maintenance and protection shall

be in accordance with Article 306.3.10.


The cr•Jshed bituminous sandstone and bituminous concrete mixtures

shall be weighed in accordance with Article 1.9.1.

The bituminous tack material shall be measured in gallons as

specified in Section 621.


The accepted quantities thus measured will be paid for at the

contract unit price per ton for "Bituminous Concrete .Mixture" for
patching, wedging, and leveling and for "Crushed Bituminous Sand-
stone Mixture" for the surface course, complete in place, and per
gallon for "Bituminous Tack Material," which payment shall be full
compensation for furnishing, hauling, and placing all materials;
for cleaning and all necessary preparations of base; for the making
of proper joints; for the disposal of all surplus materials; for
furnishing, processing, placing, and rolling of the bituminous
mixtures and materials; and for all labor, equipment, tools and
incidentals necessary to complete the work specified.

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KY 728

The Nolin Dam Road, constructed during the summer and fall of 1965,
was the first hot--mix, rock-··asphalt surfacing project, An account of the
construction and performance through Harch 1966 has been reported (3).
The project involved construction of a lean rock-asphalt base (no added
petroleum asphalt) 3-1/2 inches thick and a hot--mixed, enriched, rock-
asphalt surface course 1·--1/2 inches thick placed on the existing traffic
bound surfacing.

The last previously reported performance inspection was made !1arcl1 23,
1966. At that time rather extensive cracking had occurred in the outer wheel
tracks. It was noted then that the cracking tended to be concentrated in
areas of poor subgrade support, primarily cut sections. The developer, Reynolds
and Associates, had sealed most of the cracked areas v-1ith a fine-,~graded rock

Further performance inspections were made in June and October 1966 and
in Narch and September 1967. Following is a discussion of the condition of
the surface and of the repairs made at the time of each inspection:

June 1966: Hany of the cracked areas (Figure 48) had broken up. The
Developer was then engaged in making repairs to the failed areas.
Repairs were made by removing the rock-asphalt base and surface courses
and a portion of the soft subgrade. The excavated areas was then filled
with crushed limestone to the level of the top of the base course.
Hot-mix rock asphalt was then used as the surfacing. These repairs were
generally too limited in extent and proved to be inadequate. Hany of
the patched areas deformed badly and additional failures occurred im-
mediately adjacent to the reparis.

October 1966: During the fall months, District Haintenance made temporary
repairs to the larger failed areas (Figure 49) by removing the hot-mix
surface, scarifying the balance of the base and allm•ing it to dry out,
and then applying No. 610 limestone aggregate to the level of the finished
surface. These repairs were made to keep the roadway in a reasonable
riding condition until more extensive repairs could be performed the
follmving cons true tion season.

Harch 1967: A rather detailed inspection 1;as made to determine the

extent and general location of the failures (Figure 50). It was
determined that approximately 18 percent of the surface area was
badly cracked or broken up. The areas repaired during the fall of
1966 were, of course, included in the estimate as failed areas.

September 1967: In the fall of 1967, District Haintenance made extensive

repairs to the road•my. The broken areas were scarified and excavated.
Drains ~1ere constructed in some of the excavated areas. The area tvas
then primed. Cold-mix base course, consisting of No. 7 limestone and
emulsion, was then placed at a rate of 150 pounds per square yard. A

Figure 48. Nolin Dam Road, June 14, 1966. Note the deformed and cracked
areas near the edges of the -pavement.

Figure 49. Nolin Dam Road, October 17, 1966.

cold-mix surface course, consisting of No. 9 limestone and emulsion,
was then applied to bring the reparied area up to the level of the
surrounding surface. A chip seal was then placed on all of the roadway
surface which had not been repaired (Figure 51) • To allmv the cold mixes
ample time to cure~he repaired areas were not sealed. It is planned
to seal the full surface area during the 1968 construction season.

The performance of this experimental surfacing, as a whole, was poor.

The apparent cause of the severe distress was water, both subsurface and
surface water, entering the lean rock-asphalt base course and thereby causing
the base course material to lose. cohesion and bearing strength. The lean rock-
asphalt base, bitumen content 4.4 percent, is very porous and saturates readily.
Initially, the distress (deformation of the pavement and cracking of the
surface) tended to be concentrated along the outer ,;heel tracks of the pavement
and in cut sections. It is postulated that surface water intially entered the
base course at the pavement edge and subsurface v1ater entered the base
course by drainage along rock strata in the cut sections. Once the surface
v1as cracked in these areas, the damage progressed in extent with further in-
filtration of water.

Figure 50. Nolin Dam Road, March 22, 1967. The broken sufracing was
removed and replaced wi.th limestone aggregate.

Figure 51. Nolin Dam Road, March 7, 1968. During the fall of 1967,
the failed areas were repaired with cold mix and a seal
coat was placed over the area Which was not repaired.


The Houtardier Boat Ramp Road was constructed in October 196L~ when a
lean rock-asphalt base (501f pounds per square yard) ~<as placed on the ne~<ly
constructed grade. The compacted base was immediately sealed with SS--lh
emulsion and fine--graded lean rock asphalt. A report on the construction
of this base and its performance through Harch 1966 has been made (3).
During the 1966 construction season, a Class I, Type A surfacing was placed
on the roadway by contract. An inspection was made of the surface in April
1967 and the roadway surface was in good condition. There was one small
area of cracking as shmm in Figure 52. An overall view of the roadway is
shown in Figure 53.

A recent inspection ,,;as made in l1arch 1968. The vmsternmost 0,1 mile
of the project was badly cracked and beginning to break up. In the remaining
0. 7 mile of the road~vay, minor rutting was observed and there was one limited
area of cracking.

Figure 52. Moutardier Boat Ramp Road, April 1967. This was
the only cracked area in the surface.

Figure 53. Moutardier Boat Ramp Road, April 1967.


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