Loanmanagementofnabilbankand Everest Ban K: A Co Mparative Stu D Y
Loanmanagementofnabilbankand Everest Ban K: A Co Mparative Stu D Y
Loanmanagementofnabilbankand Everest Ban K: A Co Mparative Stu D Y
A Multidisciplinary Journal
Volume 6, N0. 1, 2016
ISSN 2091-1106
The st udy focuses on loan m anagement of two com mercial banks with reference
report s t he com parative st udy of deposit, loan, ROA, ROE and CV. Descriptive
data from 2011/ 12 t o 2015/ 16. Both of the banks have u lized most of the funds
in the form of credit and advances which is t he major part of ut ilizing deposits
for income generat ing purpose. On t he average, both Nabil and Everest bank
have utilized its t otal deposits constant in consecutive years. Likewise, the mean
ratio of t otal loan to t otal deposit of Nabil and Everest bank are 70.75% and
uniformit y t han Nabil since Everest has less CV of 6.16%. It can be concluded
t hat t he higher mean rat io indicat es the good lending performance.
Ke y words
Intro duction
after collecting them from scattered sources.
various segment of society and extends credit Commercial banks are the heart of the
to the people. So, commercial banks are those
individuals, government institutions and
activities of trade, industry and agriculture business units. They make funds available
through their lending and investing activities
commercial banking system of a nation is very institution depended upon the power
important to the functioning of its economy management of credit risk. The risk focused
(Van Horn, 2000). examination process has been adapted to
credit the inspection process to the more risk
Financial system contains two components areas of both operation and business. Credit
risk is considered as greater risk from all other
of view, because there may arise liquidity the credit risk and reduced the risks related
crisis. Both banks have equally aggressive. to deposits. The low ratio indicates the good
But it is true that the banks should aim to quality of assets in total volume of loan
maintain more than 70% of deposits as loan &advances. High ratio indicates more risky
assets in total volume of loan & advances.
Sanjay Shrestha
variation, Nabil is more uniformity since it has Increase in the amount of non-performing
CV 12.85% than Everest with CV of 34.68%. assets or loans means mismanagement of loan
and deposit of individuals and households.
non-performing loans. Sample banks are not commercial banks need to reduce non-
far from this above fact. If non-performing performing assets or loan.
loan increases, the overall banking business
Lo an loss p ro vision (LLP) t o
perfo rm ing loa n
Therefore, it is suggested that both the sample
banks to be sincere while granting loan and Table 4presents the loan loss provision to
performing loan ratio of Nabil and Everest
performing loans.
LLP to ratio are 2.3% and 1.73% for Nabil and
The Ratio of NPL to total loan Advance reveals Everest respectively. Loan loss provision to
how much or the loan and advances are non- the performing loan is directly related. As
performing assets. It is calculated as follows. the performing loan increases LLP decreases.
Non-performing assets, also called non-
somewhat near 2%. That means bank is trying
performing loans, are loans on which
to maintain the ratio constant at minimum.
repayments or interest payments are not being
Likewise, Standard deviation for the Nabil
made on time. A loan is an asset for a bank as
and Everest are 0.0041 and 0.0012 respectively.
the interest payments and the repayments of
LLP to LLP ratio is highest of Nabil which is Standard deviation for the Nabil and Everest
3.01% than Everest i.e. 1.94%. The analysis can
be easily seen that the LLP to performing loan
measuring the uniformity of the banks which
Everest. is 14.55% and 11.34% for Nabil and Everest
Standard deviation for the Nabil and Everest Bank Ltd. for the period of 2010/11 to 2014/15.
is higher of Nabil which is 2.48% than of EBL of relationship of loans and advances among
which is 2.03% among the two sample banks.
assets, total deposits etc. This relationship
by dividing NPAT by Total Assets. This ratio degree of relationship between two sets of
provides the foundation necessary for a
company to deliver a good return on equity.
Return on Total Assets ratio of Standard method is applied in the study.
Chartered Bank Nepal Ltd. and Nepal SBI
Correlat io n bet ween d eposit and lo an Correlat io n bet ween loan and lo an
and ad vance lo ss Provision
The relationship between the total loan and The relationship between the total loan and
loan loss provision indicates the volume of loss
indicates the direction taken by total loan with provision raised from the total credit granted.
the changes in the volume of total deposit. A This suggests the volume and chances of loans
bank will be unable to provide large volumes being default or not paid by the clients are of
of loan if it does not receive adequate and
Table 7 clearly highlights the relationship between total loan and total loan loss provision
between the total Deposit received and of the Nabil and Everest. As depicted by the
loan and advance provided. The positive Table 8, the correlation between these two
relationship shown by their correlation variables is highly positive of both Nabil and
Everest bank, which means, they are moving
in each variable are taking place in the same in the same direction. Correlation between
direction, i.e., an increase in total loan is these two variables is positive, which means
supported by an increase in the total deposit. they are moving in the same direction. The
positive relationship points out the fact that
an increase in non-performing loans leads to
longer period if any one of these variables do an increase in total volume of loan. However,
not increase or decrease with one another. The if the volume of loans being default decreases
calculated value tcal of both sample banks i.e. with the increase in the volume of loan
Nabil and Everest (12.73 and 7.18) is greater
with 3 degree of freedom for two tailed test performing loans by the credit department.
The bank must keep a loan loss provision of & advances of both banks. NPL to total loan
pass loan (performing loan) which makes the of Nabil is decreasing trend over the study
positive relation in the variables. By using period, so this is good sign for the bank. By
t- statistic, the calculated value tcalof both
Nabil and Everest (3.56 and 8.31) is greater
degree of freedom for two tailed test(3.182). It The average ratio for return on assets is 2.47%
and 1.91% for Nabil and Everest respectively.
loan and advances and total nonperforming This indicates that the return on assets for the
probably means that the volume of loan being indicates Nabil has more risky because it has
higher CV than Everest. The average of return
volume of the loan provided only. There may on equity of Nabil bank is higher than Everest.
be several other reasons for the loans being This indicates that this return for Nabil is good