A Case Study by Umang Jain Find Me Here
A Case Study by Umang Jain Find Me Here
A Case Study by Umang Jain Find Me Here
By Umang Jain
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★ The Problem & Goal
Outline ★ About Smallcase & Mission
★ User Personas & User Reviews
★ User Conversion Funnel
★ User Pain Points
★ Solutions & Prioritization
★ Wireframes
★ Success Metrics
The Problem
You’ve joined as the SVP of Product at smallcase. Investing has picked up big time in the last year and
half, ever since people have become homebound due to the pandemic.
As the SVP of Product, the task at hand is to improve upon the conversion rate. Recommend 3 Product
solutions to solve for the same.
Conversion Rate : The number of users who achieved a specific goal divided by the total number of
visitors. Often measured for a specific call-to-action, signup form, or other intended goal.
For Smallcase, the intended goal is to make a visitor invest in at least one smallcase listed on the app.
The visitor which completes the intended goal becomes the converted user for smallcase.
Improve the conversion rate on the app by providing interactive and transparent user experience.
Founded in 2015, smallcase Technologies builds platforms & investment products to invest better in
Indian equities. A smallcase is a basket of stocks/ETFs weighted intelligently to reflect an idea. It
specialises in providing investment and wealth management products to capital market participants
through platforms such as Zerodha, HDFC Securities, Kotak Securities, 5Paisa, AxisDirect etc.
Mission Statement
To change how India invests.
User Personas
Phoebe started her first job after completing her graduation. After a couple of months she
realised that she has some disposable income left in her bank account. Everyone close to
her advised to invest in equity as markets are blooming. She has certain ideas but don’t
have enough knowledge on which companies she should invest in. She is searching for a
platform that lets her invest in companies which resonates with her ideas.
High Investment
ChargesLorem 1
Transparency Lorem 2 Lorem Login
Repetitive 3
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Show INVESTMENT BREAKDOWN into broker charges, GST, equity related taxes, smallcase platform
fee on every product in the app. This will enhance transparency in the investment process and will help in
building trust with the user.
Let users SET GOALS for their investments to give them more personalized feel of the app. Users invest to
meet their end goals. These goals can be investing for wedding, education, buying home or a car etc. They
can set goals on individual smallcase product description pages by looking into various risk analytics.
Boost conversion of the visitors by showing the REAL TIME STATISTICS of the investments into
specific smallcases based on their age, location and other demographics. This will increase the confidence
of the visitor and will prompt her/him to invest.
Reduce the total time to invest in a smallcase by REMOVING SECOND LOGIN while adding funds in
the broker account. This will make the whole process faster and smoother for the user.
Solutions Prioritization
1 Investment Breakdown
2 Set Goals
NOTE : Due to the technicality involved, the above improvement (Remove Second Login) can be taken up in the 2nd
phase after consultation with brokers, Engineering Team and the other stakeholders involved.
01 Investment Breakdown
Existing smallcase app Proposed feature in smallcase app
No clarity on breakdown of the No clarity on breakdown of the The ‘i’ button will show the other The pop up box displays the
minimum investment in the app. minimum investment even on the charges involved along with breakdown of various charges and
product page. minimum investment amount the total amount
02 Set Investment Goals
★ 1 out of 10 persons
on smallcase app
invests in this.
★ Total AUM
User can click constitutes 55%
here to know Male users & 45%
about real time Female users.
statistics based
on demographics Statistics will increase
user confidence as well
make them well informed
about their investment
Success Metrics
★ Number of users pressing the ‘i’ button to check the charges involved along with their
○ It would help me in checking if users are keen to check the breakdown of charges involved
before hitting the invest now button.
★ Number of users setting their investment goal by pressing the ‘Set Goal’ button.
○ It would not only help me in checking the users interest but also help me in curating more
relevant smallcase through the data.
★ Average number of slides visited per user in the ‘Real Time Statistics’ section.
○ It would help me to gauge the number of slides a user check before pressing the invest now
button. More slides would mean users need more personalized targeted real time analytics to
make their investment decisions.
Success Metrics
★ Interactions per visit on the app
○ It would help me to check where the users of app are spending most of their time
before investing in any product in pre-release and post-release versions. It will give
me an overall idea of which feature is the most and the least effective.
★ Compare the increase in Assets Under Management (AUM) per smallcase and
Churn Rate M-oM of post-release v/s the pre-release version of the app.
○ It would help me to validate the impact of the features on the users.
Thankyou !
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