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Find What You Love (Workbook)

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Find What You Love
Action Guide

Tip #1 - Identify your strengths

1. What comes easily to you?

Write down your answer to the following question:

What skills come so easily to me that I genuinely can’t understand what’s

the big deal about it?

2. What people around think you’re good at?
Send the following email to family members, friends and/or colleagues of
your choice. Feel free to create your own template.


I hope you’re doing well.

I’m trying to identify my strengths so I can leverage them to design a more

fulfilling career. I really need outside perspectives on what you consider I
am really good at.

I’d really appreciate if you could provide me with honest feedback and
give me a list of the strengths you think I have.

Please don’t be afraid to tell me anything that comes to mind.

Thanks so much for your support.

Warm regards,

3. What do you enjoy doing?
Write down twenty things you love to do. Then for each item you wrote
down, ask yourself:

“Why do I like this thing and what does it say about me, my values and the
things I care about?

Look for commonalities between these twenty things.

What I love to do the most Why? What it says about












Tip #2 - Look at what you do willingly/naturally

1. What do you do during your spare time?

Write down the activities you like to engage in during your spare time.
What can you learn from them? What do they say about the things you’re
passionate about?


2. What do you volunteer for at work?

Make a list of all the things you volunteer(ed) for at work or are
considering volunteering for. Then, next to each activity, write down why
you enjoy these activities and what they say about your strengths.


Tip #3 - Identifying the unique way you express yourself
to the world

1. What unique gift do you want to give to the world?

Write down all the things you believe only you can do. Don’t dismiss
anything. Success lies in the detail.

My unique gifts and strengths:


2. How do you want people to feel?

Write down how you want people to feel. Feel free to come up with as
many answers as you can. Then, select the answers that resonate with you
the most.


3. What impact do you want to have on the world?
Write down below what you would change in the world if you could
change only one thing. Brainstorm several ideas with friends if you need



The one thing I want to change the most in this world is:

Tip #4 - Observing your emotions
Studying your emotions can help you uncover your passion. To do so, you
need to take a closer look at the following emotions:

1. Jealousy
Write down the name of people you feel jealous of because of the career
they have. If you jealous of these people, it may be a sign they are doing
something you’re passionate about. What part of their career do you really

Who I feel jealous of:

What it might say about my passion(s):

2. Curiosity
Write down all the things you’re curious about. What do they say about
your interests? Which of these topics do you feel like delving more deeply
3. Excitement
Remember the last time you felt excited during a conversation. What were
you talking about? Write it down.

What I was talking about:

What it tells me about my passions?

4. Anger
Write down a list of things that make you angry


Do you feel a strong pull toward any of these causes? If so, which ones?

5. Intuition
Write down what you would do differently if you were to trust your
intuition completely. Include anything you may have wanted to do for
years, but didn’t, because of external pressure, limiting beliefs or fear.

What my intuition tells me I should do:


6. Pain
Write down all the challenges you overcame in the past or currently seek
to overcome.

Do you feel a strong pull toward one or more of these challenges? ask
yourself whether you would be willing to help others overcome similar

7. Regret
Write down what you would regret having done or not having done if you
were to die today.

What my biggest regret(s) would be:

What it says about my passion?

8. Fear
Write down below what you would do if you had no fears. What dreams
would you pursue?

What simple steps could you take today to beat your fear and move toward
your dream? Write your answer below:

Tip #5 - Analyzing your experiences

1. Looking at your childhood memories

Write down what you naturally did when you were a kid.

What can you learn from this?

2. Looking at meaningful accomplishments

Write down below the past accomplishments you feel most proud of.

What do these undertakings say about you? How can you connect them
with a possible passion? Write your answer below:

I hope you enjoyed Find What You Love and that you started taking action
toward building your dream career.

Let me wish you all the best with your new endeavors. I’m very much looking
forward to hearing from you on my website.

If you have any questions send me an email at thibaut.meurisse@gmail.com

• Click here to connect with me on my Facebook page.

• Click here to follow me on YouTube.
• Click here to check out my author page.

Thanks a lot!

To go deeper feel free to check my book The Passion Manifesto by clicking


Thibaut Meurisse
Founder of Whatispersonadevelopment.org

Other books by the author:
Goal Setting: The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Goals That Truly Excite You

Habits That Stick: The Ultimate Guide to Building Powerful Habits That Stick
Once And For All

Master Your Emotions: A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity and Better

Manage Your Feelings

Productivity Beast: An Unconventional Guide to Getting Things Done

The One Goal: Master the Art of Goal Setting, Win Your Inner Battles, and
Achieve Exceptional Results

The Greatness Manifesto: Overcome Fear and Go After What You Really Want

The Passion Manifesto: Escape the Rat Race, Uncover Your Passion and Design
a Career and Life You Love

The Thriving Introvert: Embrace the Gift of Introversion and Live the Life You
Were Meant to Live

Upgrade Yourself: Simple Strategies to Transform Your Mindset, Improve Your

Habits and Change Your Life

Wake Up Call: How to Take Control of Your Morning and Transform Your Life


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