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About the WISC®–V

Table of Contents
About the WISC-V 3

1 Brief Description 3

2 About the Author 3

3 Quick Facts 4

4 Administration & Pricing Options Overview 4

5 Scales 4

6 Report Options 7

7 Scoring and Reporting Rules 9

8 Data Export Labels 10

Copyright © 2014 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Pearson, the PSI logo, PsychCorp, Wechsler, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children,
and WISC are trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries of Pearson Education, Inc., or
its affiliate(s).

About the WISC-V

1 Brief Description
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fifth Edition (WISC–V) is an individually
administered, comprehensive clinical instrument for assessing the intelligence of
children ages 6 years 0 months through 16 years 11 months (6:0–16:11). This revision
of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fourth Edition (WISC–IV; Wechsler,
2003) provides subtest and composite scores that represent intellectual functioning in
specific cognitive domains (e.g., verbal comprehension, working memory), as well as a
composite score that represents general intellectual ability (i.e., Full Scale IQ [FSIQ]). A
number of other subtest, process, and index scores intended for additional clinical uses
are included.

Significant revisions are incorporated into this edition, including updated norms, a
variety of new subtests and index scores, major changes to score terminology, as
well as an expanded score analysis approach. Modifications have been made to
administration and scoring procedures to improve the scale’s usability.

2 About the Author

David Wechsler, PhD (1896–1981), who pioneered the field of cognitive psychology,
was one of the most renowned psychologists of the 20th century. Wechsler viewed
intelligence as an effect rather than a cause, and asserted that non-intellective factors,
such as personality, contribute to the development of each person’s intelligence.
He described intelligence as “the global capacity of a person to act purposefully,
to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment.” He developed the
Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale, which quickly became the most widely used adult
intelligence test in the United States and has authored several other highly respected
tests, including the WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children), the WAIS (Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scale), the WMS (Wechsler Memory Scale), and the WPPSI (Wechsler
Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence). Since Dr. Wechsler’s passing in 1981, a
team of expert developers at Pearson have continued to evolve the Wechsler measures
by creating revisions of existing measures as well as developing new scales. The result
has been the continuation of innovation and precision that is based on contemporary
theory and current neurocognitive research. Some of the notable advancements are
the advent of a multi-factorial model, a variety of new constructs, and subtests that are
a reflection of the current landscape of modern psychology research and theory.

Table of

3 Quick Facts

Author: David Wechsler, PhD

Publisher: Pearson
Date of Publication: 2014
Appropriate Ages: 6:0–16:11
Minimum Reading Level: Not Applicable
Administration Time: Core Subtests: 60 minutes
Scales: 21 Subtests
14 Composites
26 Process Scores
Report Options: Score Report
Interpretive Report
Pricing Model: Pay per Report
Scoring Subscription

4 Administration & Pricing Options Overview

Administration Options
Q-global™ offers the Manual Entry (ME) administration option for the WISC-V. The WISC-V
is administered using the paper-pencil format and the raw scores are manually entered
into the Q-global software.

Pricing Options
Pearson offers two pricing options for scoring and reporting the WISC-V on Q-global.

1. Digital inventory (usages): One (1) usage is required to generate a report.

2. Scoring and reporting subscription (manual entry of raw scores): The WISC-V is
available by 1-, 3-, and 5-year subscription. The subscription allows unlimited scoring
and reporting for the term of the subscription.

Important note: The Q-global system determines whether a subscription is present

before debiting usages from a user’s report inventory. Report inventory is only
debited if the user does not have a subscription.

5 Scales

Subtest Abbreviation Description Category

Block Design BD Working within a specified time limit, Primary (FSIQ)
the child views a model and/or a
picture and uses two-color blocks to
re-create the design.
Similarities SI The child is read two words that Primary (FSIQ)
represent common objects or
concepts and describes how they
are similar.
Matrix Reasoning MR The child views an incomplete Primary (FSIQ)
matrix or series and selects the
response option that completes the
matrix or series.

Table of

5 Scales continued

Subtest Abbreviation Description Category

Digit Span DS The child is read a sequence of Primary (FSIQ)
numbers and recalls the numbers
in the same order (Forward task),
reverse order (Backward task), and
ascending order (Sequencing task).
Coding CD Working within a specified time limit, Primary (FSIQ)
the child uses a key to copy symbols
that correspond with simple
geometric shapes or numbers.
Vocabulary VC For picture items, the child names Primary (FSIQ)
the depicted object. For verbal
items, the child defines the word
that is read aloud.
Figure Weights FW Within a specified time limit, the Primary (FSIQ)
child views one or two scales
balanced by weights and a scale
with missing weight(s) and then
selects the weight(s) that keep the
scale balanced from the response
Visual Puzzles VP Within a specified time limit, the Primary
child views a completed puzzle and
selects three response options that,
when combined, reconstruct the
Picture Span PS The child views a stimulus page with Primary
one or more pictures for a specified
time and then selects the picture (in
sequential order, if possible) from
options on a response page.
Symbol Search SS Working within a specified time limit, Primary
the child scans search groups and
indicates whether target symbols
are present.
Information IN The child answers questions Secondary
about a broad range of general-
knowledge topics.
Picture Concepts PC The child views two or three rows Secondary
of pictures and selects one picture
from each row to form a group with
a common characteristic.
Letter–Number LN The child is read a sequence of Secondary
Sequencing numbers and letters and recalls
the numbers in ascending order
and then the letters in alphabetical
Cancellation CA Working within a specified time limit, Secondary
the child scans two arrangements
of objects (one random, one
structured) and marks target

Table of

5 Scales continued

Subtest Abbreviation Description Category

Naming Speed NSL The child names elements (e.g., Complementary
Literacy objects of various size and color,
letters and numbers) as quickly as
Naming Speed NSQ The child names the quantity of Complementary
Quantity squares inside a series of boxes as
quickly as possible.
Immediate Symbol IST The child learns visual-verbal pairs Complementary
Translation and then translates symbol strings
into phrases or sentences.
Comprehension CO The child answers questions based Secondary
on his or her understanding of
general principles and social
Arithmetic AR For both the picture and verbal Secondary
items, the child mentally solves
arithmetic problems within a
specified time limit.
Delayed Symbol DST The child translates symbols into Complementary
Translation words, phrases, or sentences using
recalled visual-verbal pairs from
Immediate Symbol Translation.
Recognition RST The child views a symbol and Complementary
Symbol Translation selects the correct translation, using
recalled visual-verbal pairs from
Immediate Symbol Translation, from
response options the examiner
reads aloud.

Composite Score Abbreviation Category

Verbal Comprehension Index VCI Primary
Visual Spatial Index VSI Primary
Fluid Reasoning Index FRI Primary
Working Memory Index WMI Primary
Processing Speed Index PSI Primary
Full Scale IQ FSIQ
Quantitative Reasoning Index QRI Ancillary
Auditory Working Memory Index AWMI Ancillary
Nonverbal Index NVI Ancillary
General Ability Index GAI Ancillary
Cognitive Proficiency Index CPI Ancillary
Naming Speed Index NSI Complementary
Symbol Translation Index STI Complementary
Storage and Retrieval Index SRI Complementary

Table of

5 Scales continued

Process Score Abbreviation

Block Design No Time Bonus BDn
Block Design Partial Score BDp
Digit Span Forward DSf
Digit Span Backward DSb
Digit Span Sequencing DSs
Cancellation Random CAr
Cancellation Structured CAs
Naming Speed Color-Object NSco
Naming Speed Size-Color-Object NSsco
Naming Speed Letter-Number NSln
Longest Digit Span Forward LDSf
Longest Digit Span Backward LDSb
Longest Digit Span Sequence LDSs
Longest Picture Span Stimulus LPSs
Longest Picture Span Response LPSr
Longest Letter–Number Sequence LLNs
Block Design Dimension Errors BDde
Block Design Rotation Errors BDre
Coding Rotation Errors CDre
Symbol Search Set Errors SSse
Symbol Search Rotation Errors SSre
Naming Speed Literacy Errors NSLe
Naming Speed Color–Object Errors NScoe
Naming Speed Size–Color–Object Errors NSscoe
Naming Speed Letter–Number Errors NSlne
Naming Speed Quantity Errors NSQe

6 Report Options
WISC-V Score Report
Sections included in this report:

Primary Summary
Subtest Score Summary
Subtest Scaled Score Profile
Composite Score Summary
Composite Score Profile

Primary Analysis
Index Level Strengths and Weaknesses
Index Level Pairwise Difference Comparisons
Subtest Level Strengths and Weaknesses
Subtest Level Pairwise Difference Comparisons

Table of

6 Report Options continued
Ancillary & Complementary Summary (Optional)
Index Score Summary
Ancillary/Complementary Index Score Profile
Subtest Score Summary

Ancillary & Complementary Analysis (Optional)

Index Level Pairwise Difference Comparisons
Subtest Level Pairwise Difference Comparisons

Process Analysis
Total Raw Score to Scaled Score Conversion
Process Level Pairwise Difference Comparisons (Scaled Scores)
Total Raw Score to Base Rate Conversion
Process Level Pairwise Difference Comparisons (Raw Scores)

WISC-V Interpretive Report

Sections included in this report:

Interpretive Considerations (Optional)

Reason for Referral (Optional)

Test Session Behavior (Optional)

About WISC-V Scores

Interpretation of WISC-V Results

Verbal Comprehension
Visual Spatial
Fluid Reasoning
Working Memory
Processing Speed
Additional Subtest(s) or Subtest Performance

Ancillary Index Scores (Optional)

Quantitative Reasoning
Auditory Working Memory
General Ability
Cognitive Proficiency

Complementary Index Scores (Optional)

Storage and Retrieval
Naming Speed
Symbol Translation


Recommendations (Optional)

Table of

6 Report Options continued
Primary Summary
Subtest Score Summary
Subtest Scaled Score Profile
Composite Score Summary
Composite Score Profile

Primary Analysis
Index Level Strengths and Weaknesses
Index Level Pairwise Difference Comparisons
Subtest Level Strengths and Weaknesses
Subtest Level Pairwise Difference Comparisons

Ancillary & Complementary Summary (Optional)

Index Score Summary
Ancillary/Complementary Index Score Profile
Subtest Score Summary

Ancillary & Complementary Analysis (Optional)

Index Level Pairwise Difference Comparisons
Subtest Level Pairwise Difference Comparisons

Process Analysis
Total Raw Score to Scaled Score Conversion
Process Level Pairwise Difference Comparisons (Scaled Scores)
Total Raw Score to Base Rate Conversion
Process Level Pairwise Difference Comparisons (Raw Scores)

Parent Summary (Optional)

7 Scoring and Reporting Rules

Administration Scorability Rules
The administration of this assessment cannot be scored if any of the following
conditions are true:

• Examinee’s first name or last name is missing

• Birth date is missing or invalid

• Test date is missing or invalid

• Examiner’s name is missing or invalid

• Gender is missing or invalid

• Age is less than 6 years, 0 months or greater than 16 years, 11 months

• No subtest raw scores have been entered for this assessment

If an administration is unscorable, you must fill in the appropriate responses before you
can score the instrument.

Table of

8 Data Export Labels

Special Values
Column Header Description (if applicable)
FirstName Examinee’s first name
MiddleName Examinee’s middle name
LastName Examinee’s last name
ExamineeID Examinee’s ID number
Gender Examinee’s gender 1 = Male; 2 = Female
BirthDate Examinee’s date of birth
AdministrationDate Date of administration
AgeAtAssessment Examinee’s age at administration
Ethnicity Examinee’s race/ethnicity 1 = Black/African-American
2 = Hispanic/Latino(a)
3 = White
4 = Pacific Islander
5 = Asian
6 = American Indian/
Alaska Native
8 = Multiracial
9 = Native Hawaiian
77 = Other
99 = Prefer not to answer
Handedness Handedness 1 = Right; 2 = Left;
3 = Ambidextrous

Table of

8 Data Export Labels continued

Special Values
Column Header Description (if applicable)
Language Examinee’s primary language 1 = English
2 = Spanish
3 = Bilingual English
and Spanish
4 = Bilingual other
5 = French
6 = German
7 = Tagalog
8 = Chinese
9 = Vietnamese
10 = Korean
11 = Russian
12 = Italian
13 = Portuguese
14 = Japanese
15 = Swedish
16 = African
17 = Arabic
18 = American Sign
19 = Braille
77 = Other

Table of

8 Data Export Labels continued

Special Values
Column Header Description (if applicable)
Grade Examinee’s grade at administration 94 = at home with relatives
95 = daycare
96 = preschool
0 = kindergarten
1 = 1st grade
2 = 2nd grade
3 = 3rd grade
4 = 4th grade
5 = 5th grade
6 = 6th grade
7 = 7th grade
8 = 8th grade
9 = 9th grade
10 = 10th grade
11 = 11th grade
12 = 12th grade
13 = college freshman
14 = college sophomore
15 = college junior
16 = college senior
17 = graduate student
18 = post-doctoral
77 = other
Retest Is this a retest? 1 = Yes
Examiner Examiner’s name
Custom1 User-defined field 1
Custom2 User-defined field 2
Custom3 User-defined field 3
Custom4 User-defined field 4

Table of

8 Data Export Labels continued

Raw Scores
Special Values
Column Header Description (if applicable)
wisc5_bd_raw Block Design (BD) Raw Score
wisc5_bdn_raw Block Design No Time Bonus (BDn)
Raw Score
wisc5_bdp_raw Block Design Partial Score (BDp) Raw
wisc5_bdde_raw Block Design Dimension Errors
(BDde) Raw Score
wisc5_bdre_raw Block Design Rotation Errors (BDre)
Raw Score
wisc5_si_raw Similarities (SI) Raw Score
wisc5_mr_raw Matrix Reasoning (MR) Raw Score
wisc5_dsf_raw Digit Span Forward (DSf) Raw Score
wisc5_dsb_raw Digit Span Backward (DSb) Raw
wisc5_dss_raw Digit Span Sequencing (DSs) Raw
wisc5_ds_raw Digit Span (DS) Raw Score
wisc5_ldsf_raw Longest Digit Span Forward (LDSf)
Raw Score
wisc5_ldsb_raw Longest Digit Span Backward (LDSb)
Raw Score
wisc5_ldss_raw Longest Digit Span Sequence (LDSs)
Raw Score
wisc5_cd_raw Coding (CD) Raw Score
wisc5_cdre_raw Coding Rotation Errors (CDre) Raw
wisc5_vc_raw Vocabulary (VC) Raw Score
wisc5_fw_raw Figure Weights (FW) Raw Score
wisc5_vp_raw Visual Puzzles (VP) Raw Score
wisc5_ps_raw Picture Span (PS) Raw Score
wisc5_lpss_raw Longest Picture Span Stimulus (LPSs)
Raw Score
wisc5_lpsr_raw Longest Picture Span Response
(LPSr) Raw Score
wisc5_ss_raw Symbol Search (SS) Raw Score
wisc5_ssse_raw Symbol Search Set Errors (SSse) Raw
wisc5_ssre_raw Symbol Search Rotation Errors (SSre)
Raw Score
wisc5_in_raw Information (IN) Raw Score
wisc5_pc_raw Picture Concepts (PC) Raw Score

Table of

8 Data Export Labels continued

Raw Scores
Special Values
Column Header Description (if applicable)
wisc5_ln_raw Letter-Number Sequencing (LN) Raw
wisc5_llns_raw Longest Letter-Number Sequence
(LLNs) Raw Score
wisc5_car_raw Cancellation Random (CAr) Raw
wisc5_cas_raw Cancellation Structured (CAs) Raw
wisc5_ca_raw Cancellation (CA) Raw Score
wisc5_co_raw Comprehension (CO) Raw Score
wisc5_ar_raw Arithmetic (AR) Raw Score
wisc5_nsco_raw Naming Speed Color-Object (NSco)
Raw Score
wisc5_nssco_raw Naming Speed Size-Color-Object
(NSsco) Raw Score
wisc5_nsln_raw Naming Speed Letter-Number (NSln)
Raw Score
wisc5_nsl_raw Naming Speed Literacy (NSL) Raw
wisc5_nscoe_raw Naming Speed Color-Object Errors
(NScoe) Raw Score
wisc5_nsscoe_raw Naming Speed Size-Color-Object
Errors (NSscoe) Raw Score
wisc5_nslne_raw Naming Speed Letter-Number Errors
(NSlne) Raw Score
wisc5_nsle_raw Naming Speed Literacy Errors (NSLe)
Raw Score
wisc5_nsq_raw Naming Speed Quantity (NSQ) Raw
wisc5_nsqe_raw Naming Speed Quantity Errors
(NSQe) Raw Score
wisc5_ist_raw Immediate Symbol Translation (IST)
Raw Score
wisc5_dst_raw Delayed Symbol Translation (DST)
Raw Score
wisc5_rst_raw Recognition Symbol Translation (RST)
Raw Score

Table of

8 Data Export Labels continued

Derived Scores
Special Values
Column Header Description (if applicable)
wisc5_bd_ss Block Design (BD) Scaled Score
wisc5_bdn_ss Block Design No Time Bonus (BDn)
Scaled Score
wisc5_bdp_ss Block Design Partial Score (BDp)
Scaled Score
wisc5_bdde_br Block Design Dimension Errors
(BDde) Base Rate
wisc5_bdre_br Block Design Rotation Errors (BDre)
Base Rate
wisc5_si_ss Similarities (SI) Scaled Score
wisc5_mr_ss Matrix Reasoning (MR) Scaled Score
wisc5_dsf_ss Digit Span Forward (DSf) Scaled
wisc5_dsb_ss Digit Span Backward (DSb) Scaled
wisc5_dss_ss Digit Span Sequencing (DSs) Scaled
wisc5_ds_ss Digit Span (DS) Scaled Score
wisc5_ldsf_br Longest Digit Span Forward (LDSf)
Base Rate
wisc5_ldsb_br Longest Digit Span Backward (LDSb)
Base Rate
wisc5_ldss_br Longest Digit Span Sequence (LDSs)
Base Rate
wisc5_cd_ss Coding (CD) Scaled Score
wisc5_cdre_br Coding Rotation Errors (CDre) Base
wisc5_vc_ss Vocabulary (VC) Scaled Score
wisc5_fw_ss Figure Weights (FW) Scaled Score
wisc5_vp_ss Visual Puzzles (VP) Scaled Score
wisc5_ps_ss Picture Span (PS) Scaled Score
wisc5_lpss_br Longest Picture Span Stimulus (LPSs)
Base Rate
wisc5_lpsr_br Longest Picture Span Response
(LPSr) Base Rate
wisc5_ss_ss Symbol Search (SS) Scaled Score
wisc5_ssse_br Symbol Search Set Errors (SSse) Base
wisc5_ssre_br Symbol Search Rotation Errors (SSre)
Base Rate
wisc5_in_ss Information (IN) Scaled Score
wisc5_pc_ss Picture Concepts (PC) Scaled Score

Table of

8 Data Export Labels continued

Derived Scores
Special Values
Column Header Description (if applicable)
wisc5_ln_ss Letter-Number Sequencing (LN)
Scaled Score
wisc5_llns_br Longest Letter-Number Sequence
(LLNs) Base Rate
wisc5_car_ss Cancellation Random (CAr) Scaled
wisc5_cas_ss Cancellation Structured (CAs)
Scaled Score
wisc5_ca_ss Cancellation (CA) Scaled Score
wisc5_co_ss Comprehension (CO) Scaled Score
wisc5_ar_ss Arithmetic (AR) Scaled Score
wisc5_nsco_ss Naming Speed Color-Object (NSco)
Standard Score
wisc5_nssco_ss Naming Speed Size-Color-Object
(NSsco) Standard Score
wisc5_nsln_ss Naming Speed Letter-Number (NSln)
Standard Score
wisc5_nsl_ss Naming Speed Literacy (NSL)
Standard Score
wisc5_nscoe_br Naming Speed Color-Object Errors
(NScoe) Base Rate
wisc5_nsscoe_br Naming Speed Size-Color-Object
Errors (NSscoe) Base Rate
wisc5_nslne_br Naming Speed Letter-Number Errors
(NSlne) Base Rate
wisc5_nsle_br Naming Speed Literacy Errors (NSLe)
Base Rate
wisc5_nsq_ss Naming Speed Quantity (NSQ)
Standard Score
wisc5_nsqe_br Naming Speed Quantity Errors
(NSQe) Base Rate
wisc5_ist_ss Immediate Symbol Translation (IST)
Standard Score
wisc5_dst_ss Delayed Symbol Translation (DST)
Standard Score
wisc5_rst_ss Recognition Symbol Translation (RST)
Standard Score
wisc5_fsiq_ss Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) Standard Scores
wisc5_vci_ss Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)
Standard Scores
wisc5_vsi_ss Visual Spatial Index (VSI) Standard
wisc5_fri_ss Fluid Reasoning Index (FRI) Standard

Table of

8 Data Export Labels continued

Derived Scores
Special Values
Column Header Description (if applicable)
wisc5_wmi_ss Working Memory Index (WMI)
Standard Scores
wisc5_psi_ss Processing Speed Index (PSI)
Standard Scores
wisc5_qri_ss Quantitative Reasoning Index (QRI)
Standard Scores
wisc5_awmi_ss Auditory Working Memory Index
(AWMI) Standard Scores
wisc5_nvi_ss Nonverbal Index (NVI) Standard
wisc5_gai_ss General Ability Index (GAI) Standard
wisc5_cpi_ss Cognitive Proficiency Index (CPI)
Standard Scores
wisc5_nsi_ss Naming Speed Index (NSI) Standard
wisc5_sti_ss Symbol Translation Index (STI)
Standard Scores
wisc5_sri_ss Storage and Retrieval Index (SRI)
Standard Scores

Table of


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