Kg2A Lesson Plan
Kg2A Lesson Plan
Kg2A Lesson Plan
Lesson Focus
Lesson Outcomes
• Writing
• Count 1- 20.
• Represent quantity up to 10
1- Critical thinking: Teacher will use critical thinking during her lesson in the beginning she will ask
them about what does the plants need to grow, and at the end of the lesson teacher would ask
the students about the problem of the week and they will think of a solution.
2- communication: Students will work in the centres as a group.
3- collaboration: Students will share the answer together at the end of the centres.
4- Technology literacy: teacher will use PowerPoint and whiteboard to present her lesson.
5- Digital media: Play songs.
6- Informational: teacher will ask the students what the plants need to grow.
Key vocabulary
- popcorn
Resources/equipment needed
Introduction and Whole Group Activity.
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
Answer the questions. # (English) In the beginning the teacher
Sing the songs. will greet the students, then play the
Write the numbers. song of sounds for the students and sing
Read the words. with them.
Gre e ting s
Lets blend and read words:
Cla ss rule s
Ca le nda r
Little te a c he r
Critic al
que stions
Inte g ra te d
le sson
sa t
Pa ir wo rk
a c tivitie s
who le g roup
Individua l
a c tivity
Se lf/ Pe e r
Eva lua tion
Exit tic ke t
Whole group
Teacher will introduce the letter of the
Cla ss inde x
Gre e ting s
Cla ss rule s
Ca le nda r
Little te a c he r
Critic al
que stions
Inte g ra te d
Le tte r o f the we e k
le sson
Pa ir wo rk
a c tivitie s
who le g roup
Individua l
a c tivity
Se lf/ Pe e r
Eva lua tion
Exit tic ke t
Gre e ting s
Watch and Copy the Pencil
Cla ss rule s
Click on the pencil to see the letter formation.
Ca le nda r
Little te a c he r
Critic al
que stions
Gro up a c tivitie s
Inte g ra te d
le sson
Pa ir wo rk
a c tivitie s
who le g roup
Individua l
a c tivity
Se lf/ Pe e r
Eva lua tion
Exit tic ke t
I can see
Cla ss rule s
Ca le nda r
Little te a c he r
an a you
Inte g ra te d
le sso n
Pa ir wo rk
Gro up
a c tivitie s
whole g ro up
Individua l
a c tivity
Se lf/ Pe e r
Eva lua tion
Exit tic ke t
p o p c o rn p izza p e n g u in p o lic e m a n
I c a n se e th e p ……….
Ca n yo u se e the p a lm ?
Gre e ting s
Le tte r o f the we e k so ng
Cla ss rule s
Ca le nda r
Little te a c he r
Inte g ra te d
le sso n
Pa ir wo rk
Gro up
a c tivitie s
whole g ro up
Individua l
a c tivity
Se lf/ Pe e r
Eva lua tion
Exit tic ke t
Whole group
Gre e ting s
Le t’s c o unt to 20
Cla ss rule s
Ca le nda r
Little te a c he r
Inte g ra te d
le sso n
Pa ir wo rk
Gro up
a c tivitie s
whole g ro up
Individua l
a c tivity
Se lf/ Pe e r
Eva lua tion
Exit tic ke t
Activity 1
Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
• First student are going to
15 Minutes. write their name in the paper Teacher will remind the students to write
then write the date. their names and the date before they
• Write a sentence about the started.
letter P using the school While they’re working teacher will ask
notebook. them questions like:
• After they finish writing the # Can you read this sentence for me?
sentence, they will draw the # What is this word?
picture. # Where is the letter P?
When they finish, students will have a paper to find the Capital case and lowercase P and circle it,
then they will write down how many letters they find.
Teacher will provide cards of the sight words that can help the student to remember the words.
Resources Plenary/Conclusion
& Time
Gre e ting s
Pro b le m o f the we e k
Cla ss rule s
Ca le nd a r
Little te a c he r
Fa h d w a s p la n tin g se e d s in a fa rm a n d
Inte g ra te d
le sso n
e ve ry tim e h e p la n te d se e d s, th e b ird s
Pa ir wo rk w o u ld e a t th e se se e d s. Wha t w ill he d o
to so lve th is p ro b le m ?
Gro up
a c tivitie s
who le g ro up
Individ ua l
a c tivity
Se lf/ Pe e r
Eva lua tio n
Exit tic ke t
Assessment As an exit ticket teacher and ask the student about what they learned today and
Strategies: to give her a word to start with the letter P.
Cla ss ind e x
Exit ticket
Gre e ting s
Cla ss rule s
Ca le nd a r
What did we learn today?
Give me a word
te a c he r
Pa ir wo rk
Gro up
a c tivitie s
who le g ro up
Individua l
a c tivity
Exit tic ke t