The Letter I and Math Lesson Plan - More and Less
The Letter I and Math Lesson Plan - More and Less
The Letter I and Math Lesson Plan - More and Less
Lesson Focus
Lesson Outcomes
• Compare two sets of things, and identify which group contains more, fewer or the
same number of things for quantities up to thirty.
English: Review the days of the week and the date. Review the sight words and letter I
Key vocabulary
Difficulties to represent more and less. Play song about more and less.
Give examples.
Do activities.
Resources/equipment needed
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
Little te ac he r
• C o m p a re tw o se ts o f th in g s, a n d id e ntify w h ic h
g ro up c o n ta in s m o re , fe w e r o r the sa m e n um b e r o f
Critic a l
thinking th in g s fo r q ua n titie s u p to th irty.
que stions
Inte g ra te d
le sso n
• Re a d a n d w rite n u m b e rs up to 50.
Pa ir wo rk
a c tivitie s
• Re vie w th e sig h t w o rd s.
whole gro up
Individua l
ac tivity • Re vie w th e le tte r I i wo rd s.
Se lf/ Pe e r
Eva lua tio n
Exit tic ke t
I can see
Cla ss rule s
Ca le nda r
Little te a c he r
an a you
Inte g ra te d
le sso n
Pa ir wo rk
a c tivitie s
whole g roup
the here is
Individua l
a c tivity
Se lf/ Pe e r
Eva lua tion
Exit tic ke t
Gre e ting s
Le t’s c o unt to 20
Cla ss rule s
Ca le nda r
Little te a c he r
Inte g ra te d
le sso n
Pa ir wo rk
Gro up
a c tivitie s
who le g ro up
Ind ivid ua l
a c tivity
Se lf/ Pe e r
Eva lua tio n
Exit tic ke t
7 4
More Less
Which is more ?
5 6
Group 2:
In this activity students are going to use
the blocks to compare more and less then
they will use their writing skills to write
the numbers.
Differentiation activities (Support)
For master student who will finish they will take a paper choose a number then draw
pictures that present the number they chose.
They can choose numbers from 1 to 10.
For emerging students teacher will explain the lesson for them and help them if they have
& Time
Students will Teacher will
Rate their work, Ask the students to write their work then
3 stars if they write their names the get them reward on the ice cream
date and finish their work. behavior chart.
2 stars if they did only two things
1 star if they did one thing only.
Then students will present their work.
Homework Teacher will give them worksheet for more and less.
Assessment Exit ticket:
Oral questioning: When student presents their work teacher will ask them
questions about what they did at the center and ask them about the number and
show the picture that represents the number they chose.
☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral ☐ Peer assessment
assessment questioning
☐ Quiz ☐ Student ☐ Written work ☐ Verbal feedback
presentation and feedback