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The Letter I and Math Lesson Plan - More and Less

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Lesson Plan

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Huda Topic or Theme: Growing in the garden.

Class: KG2A Date & Duration: October 27, 2021

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: My classroom management.

Lesson Focus

In this lesson I’m going to focus on:

1. counting from 1 to 20.

2. represent quantity from 1 to 10.
3. More and less.
4. Review the sight words.
5. Review the letter I i words.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:

• Compare two sets of things, and identify which group contains more, fewer or the
same number of things for quantities up to thirty.

• Read and write numbers up to 50.

• Read the sight words.

• Read the sentence about the letter I.

Links to Prior Learning

Math: Review counting from 1 to 20.

English: Review the days of the week and the date. Review the sight words and letter I

Science: Review the weather.

21st Century Skills
1- Critical thinking: Teacher will use critical thinking during her lesson when students count the
pictures and write the number.
2- communication: Students will work in the centres as a group.
3- collaboration: Students will share the answer together at the end of the centres.
4- Technology literacy: teacher will use PowerPoint and whiteboard to present her lesson.
5- Digital media: Play songs.
6- Informational: counting numbers.

Key vocabulary

 Counting.
 More.
 Less.
 Igloo.
 Ink.
 Insect.

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Difficulties to represent more and less.  Play song about more and less.
 Give examples.
 Do activities.

Resources/equipment needed






& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

Answer the questions. In this lesson I will focus on math.

Sing the songs.
Write the numbers.  In the beginning teacher will
grade the students.
 (Classroom management/
behavior management): Teacher
will read the classroom rules for
the students before starting the

 (English/Science): teacher would

review the days of the week and
the date with the students then
she will ask about the weather.

 (English): teacher will play the

days of the week song and the
student will sing with this song to
remember the days of the week.
What day is it today? Today is We dne s day, Oc to be r 20, 2021

 (Math): teacher will read the

lesson outcomes for the students
and explain what they will learn
on math today.
Cla ss inde x

Gre e ting s Today’s learning outcomes

Cla ss rule s Ma th
Ca le ndar

Little te ac he r
• C o m p a re tw o se ts o f th in g s, a n d id e ntify w h ic h
g ro up c o n ta in s m o re , fe w e r o r the sa m e n um b e r o f
Critic a l
thinking th in g s fo r q ua n titie s u p to th irty.
que stions

Inte g ra te d
le sso n
• Re a d a n d w rite n u m b e rs up to 50.
Pa ir wo rk

a c tivitie s
• Re vie w th e sig h t w o rd s.
whole gro up

Individua l
ac tivity • Re vie w th e le tte r I i wo rd s.
Se lf/ Pe e r
Eva lua tio n

Exit tic ke t

 (English) in English teacher will

review this sight words with the
students. Teacher will ask the
students to try to read.
Cla ss inde x
Sig ht wo rd s
Gre e ting s

I can see
Cla ss rule s

Ca le nda r

Little te a c he r

an a you
Inte g ra te d
le sso n

Pa ir wo rk

a c tivitie s

whole g roup

the here is
Individua l
a c tivity
Se lf/ Pe e r
Eva lua tion

Exit tic ke t

 (Math): teacher what have you

counting the numbers from 1 to
20 by showing the numbers and
ask the students to count by

 (Math) : Teacher will play the

song of counting numbers from 1
to 20 and ask the students to
count while they’re singing and
Cla ss ind e x

Gre e ting s
Le t’s c o unt to 20
Cla ss rule s

Ca le nda r

Little te a c he r

Inte g ra te d
le sso n

Pa ir wo rk

Gro up
a c tivitie s

who le g ro up

Ind ivid ua l
a c tivity
Se lf/ Pe e r
Eva lua tio n

Exit tic ke t

 (Math) More and less:

Techer will use classroom materials to
explain what we mean by more and

 (Math): In this whole group

activity students are going to
count the pictures then write
down the number.
Let’s represent the quantity by writing the

 (Math) more and less:

Before starting text of it is of more
and less teacher will play a video
about more and less and ask
students questions.

 (Math) More and less:

Teacher will show pictures and
student will choose the right answer
for example picture one would ask
where is more? The second slide will
be where is less?

7 4
More Less

Which is more ?

5 6

 (Math) curious George game:

In this game students are going to

answer the questions that the
monkey will ask about which is more
and which is less.
0 5
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
 After this activity is to the teacher
will ask the students to go to their
group centers.
Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
 Students are going to write Group 1:
their name and their class  Before they start working teacher
before starting their work. will ask the students to write their
 Students are going to count names and their class.
the pictures about more and  Then teacher will explain the
less and choose the right activity for the students and what
number. they should do.
 There are five different
worksheets for the same activity.
 Each worksheet has two heart of
questions, and which is more? and
which is less?

Group 2:
In this activity students are going to use
the blocks to compare more and less then
they will use their writing skills to write
the numbers.
Differentiation activities (Support)

 For master student who will finish they will take a paper choose a number then draw
pictures that present the number they chose.
 They can choose numbers from 1 to 10.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

For emerging students teacher will explain the lesson for them and help them if they have

& Time
Students will Teacher will

Rate their work, Ask the students to write their work then
3 stars if they write their names the get them reward on the ice cream
date and finish their work. behavior chart.
2 stars if they did only two things
1 star if they did one thing only.
Then students will present their work.
Homework Teacher will give them worksheet for more and less.
Assessment Exit ticket:

Oral questioning: When student presents their work teacher will ask them
questions about what they did at the center and ask them about the number and
show the picture that represents the number they chose.
☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral ☐ Peer assessment
assessment questioning
☐ Quiz ☐ Student ☐ Written work ☐ Verbal feedback
presentation and feedback

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