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G.R. No. 135981 September 29, 2000 People OF THE PHILIPPINES, Appellee, MARIVIC GENOSA, Appellant

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EN BANC "That on or about the 15th day of November 1995, at Barangay

Bilwang, Municipality of Isabel, Province of Leyte, Philippines and

G.R. No. 135981               September 29, 2000 within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named
accused, with intent to kill, with treachery and evident premeditation,
did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault,
hit and wound one BEN GENOSA, her legitimate husband, with the
use of a hard deadly weapon, which the accused had provided
MARIVIC GENOSA, appellant.
herself for the purpose, [causing] the following wounds, to wit:
'Cadaveric spasm.
'Body on the 2nd stage of decomposition.
It is a hornbook rule that an appeal in criminal cases opens the entire
'Face, black, blown[ ]up & swollen w/ evident post- mortem lividity.
records to review. The Court may pass upon all relevant issues,
Eyes protruding from its sockets and tongue slightly protrudes out of
including those factual in nature and those that may not have been
the mouth.
brought before the trial court. This is true especially in cases
involving the imposition of the death penalty, in which the accused
must be allowed to avail themselves of all possible avenues for their 'Fracture, open, depressed, circular located at the occipital bone of
defense. Even novel theories such as the "battered woman the head, resulting [in] laceration of the brain, spontaneous rupture of
syndrome," which is alleged to be equivalent to self-defense, should the blood vessels on the posterior surface of the brain, laceration of
be heard, given due consideration and ruled upon on the merits, not the dura and meningeal vessels producing severe intracranial
rejected merely on technical or procedural grounds. Criminal hemorrhage.
conviction must rest on proof of guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
'Blisters at both extrem[i]ties, anterior chest, posterior chest, trunk w/
The Case shedding of the epidermis.

For resolution by the Court is an Urgent Omnibus Motion filed by 'Abdomen distended w/ gas. Trunk bloated.'
Appellant Marivic Genosa y Isidro in connection with the automatic
review of the September 25, 1998 "Judgment" 1 of the Regional Trial which caused his death."
Court (RTC) of Ormoc City2 in Criminal Case No. 5016-0. The RTC
found her guilty of parricide aggravated by treachery and sentenced After arraignment and trial, the court a quo  promulgated its
her to death. Judgment, the dispositive portion of which reads:

In an Information3 dated November 14, 1996, Provincial Prosecutor I "WHEREFORE, after all the foregoing being duly considered, the
Rosario D. Beleta charged appellant-movant with parricide allegedly Court finds the accused, Marivic Genosa y Isidro, GUILTY beyond
committed as follows: reasonable doubt of the crime of parricide as provided under Article
246 of the Revised Penal Code as restored by Sec. 5, RA No. 7659,
and after finding treachery as a generic aggravating circumstance
and none of mitigating circumstance, hereby sentences the accused "1. The Honorable Court allow an exhumation of the body of
with the penalty of DEATH. the victim, Ben M. Genosa, and a re-examination of the
cause of death.
The Court likewise penalizes the accused to pay the heirs of the
deceased the sum of fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00), Philippine 2. The Honorable Court submit accused-appellant for
currency as indemnity and another sum of fifty thousand pesos examination by qualified psychologists and psychiatrists of
(P50,000.00), Philippine currency as moral damages." the Court to determine her state of mind at the time of the
killing of her spouse, Ben M. Genosa.
The Antecedents
3. Thereafter, the Honorable Court allow the reports of the
Prior to the filing of her Appeal Brief, appellant submitted an Urgent psychologists and psychiatrists to form part of the records of
Omnibus Motion,4 to bring "to the attention of the x x x Court certain the case for purposes of the automatic review or, in the
facts and circumstances which, if found valid, could warrant the alternative, to allow a partial re-opening of the case before a
setting aside of [her] conviction and the imposition of the death lower court in Metro Manila to admit the testimony of said
penalty." psychologists and psychiatrists."

Appellant alleges that the trial court grievously erred in concluding On August 22, 2000, the solicitor general, on behalf of the State, filed
that she had lied about the means she employed in killing her his Comment,6 which substantially objected to the Motion on the
husband. On the contrary, she had consistently claimed that she had ground that appellant had not been "deprived of her right to due
shot her husband. Yet the trial judge simply ruled that the cause of process, substantial or procedural."
his death was "cardiopulmonary arrest secondary to severe
intracranial hemorrhage due to a depressed fracture of the occipital The Issues
bone," which resulted from her admitted act of "smashing" him with a
pipe. Such conclusion was allegedly unsupported by the evidence on In brief, the issues for our resolution are (1) whether the body of the
record, which bore no forensic autopsy report on the body of the victim should be exhumed and reexamined in order to ascertain the
victim. cause of his death, and (2) whether the appellant should be
examined by qualified psychologists or psychiatrists in order to
Appellant further alleges that despite the evidence on record of determine her state of mind at the time of the killing.
repeated and severe beatings she had suffered at the hands of her
husband, the trial court failed to appreciate her self-defense theory. The Court's Ruling
She claims that under the surrounding circumstances, her act of
killing her husband was equivalent to self-defense. Furthermore, she The Court grants in part the Motion of appellant. We remand the
argues that if she "did not lie about how she killed her husband, then case to the RTC for the reception of evidence from qualified
she did not lie about the abuse she suffered at his hands." psychologists or psychiatrists whom the parties may present to
establish her state of mind at the time of the killing.
She thus prays for the following reliefs:5
First Issue:  No Need for a Reexamination of Cause of Death
Accused-appellant seeks the exhumation of the victim's body to be that future beatings are almost certain to occur and will escalate over
able to determine his exact cause of death, assailing the court a time. Her intimate knowledge of the violent nature of her batterer
quo's conclusion that he was "smashed or beaten at the back of his makes her alert to when a particular attack is forthcoming, and when
head" rather than shot, as claimed by appellant. it will seriously threaten her survival. Trapped in a cycle of violence
and constant fear, it is not unlikely that she would succumb to her
Considering that the appellant has admitted the fact of killing her helplessness and fail to perceive possible solutions to the problem
husband and the acts of hitting his nape with a metal pipe and of other than to injure or kill her batterer. She is seized by fear of an
shooting him at the back of his head, the Court believes that existing or impending lethal aggression and thus would have no
exhumation is unnecessary, if not immaterial, to determine which of opportunity beforehand to deliberate on her acts and to choose a
said acts actually caused the victim's death. There is no need to less fatal means of eliminating her sufferings.
exhume the body at this time and conduct an autopsy thereon for the
purpose. Appellant further alleges that the syndrome is already a recognized
form of self-defense in the United States and in Europe. In the US
Moreover, the matter of proving the cause of death should have particularly, it is classified as a post-traumatic stress disorder, rather
been made before the trial court. Time and again, we have said that than a form of mental illness. 8 It has been held admissible in order to
this Court is not a trier of facts. Neither will it authorize the firsthand assess a defendant's perception of the danger posed by the abuser. 9
reception of evidence, where the opportunity to offer the same was
available to the party during the trial stage. Consistent with this In view of the foregoing, Appellant Genosa pleads that she be
principle alone, the prayer sought by appellant for the exhumation of allowed to present evidence to prove that her relationship with her
the victim's body cannot be granted. spouse-victim had afflicted her with the syndrome. Allegedly, an
expert can explain how her experiences as a battered woman had
Second Issue: The Need to Determine Appellant's State of Mind at affected her perception of danger and her honest belief in its
the Time of the Killing imminence, and why she had resorted to force against her batterer.

In seeking to be "examined and evaluated by psychologists and The records of the case already bear some evidence on domestic
psychiatrists to bring into evidence the abuse inflicted upon her; violence between appellant and her deceased husband. A defense
[and] to determine whether such abuse will support the 'battered witness, Dr. Dino Caing, testified that she had consulted him at least
woman syndrome'," the appellant brings to the fore a novel defense six (6) times due to injuries related to domestic violence and twenty-
theory. Through Counsel Katrina Legarda, she asks the Court to "re- three (23) times for severe hypertension due to emotional
evaluate the traditional elements" used in determining self-defense stress.10 Even the victim's brother and mother attested to the
and to consider the "battered woman syndrome" as a viable plea spouses' quarrels every now and then. The court a quo, however,
within the concept of self-defense. simplistically ruled that since violence had not immediately preceded
the killing, self-defense could not be appreciated.
Allegedly, there are four characteristics of the syndrome: (1) the
woman believes that the violence was her fault; (2) she has an Indeed, there is legal and jurisprudential lacuna with respect to the
inability to place the responsibility for the violence elsewhere; (3) she so-called "battered woman syndrome" as a possible modifying
fears for her life and/or her children's lives; and (4) she has an circumstance that could affect the criminal liability or penalty of the
irrational belief that the abuser is omnipresent and accused. The discourse of appellant on the subject in her Omnibus
omniscient.7 Living in constant danger of harm or death, she knows Motion has convinced the Court that the syndrome deserves serious
consideration, especially in the light of its possible effect on her very determine the accused-appellant's competency to stand trial, the
life. It could be that very thin line between death and life or even court, in the instant case, should have at least ordered the
acquittal. The Court cannot, for mere technical or procedural examination of accused-appellant, especially in the light of the
objections, deny appellant the opportunity to offer this defense, for latter's history of mental illness."
any criminal conviction must be based on proof of guilt beyond
reasonable doubt. Accused persons facing the possibility of the It was held that in denying appellant an examination by a competent
death penalty must be given fair opportunities to proffer all defenses medical expert, the trial court practically denied him a fair trial prior to
possible that could save them from capital punishment. conviction, in violation of his constitutional rights.

In People v. Parazo,11 after final conviction of appellant therein, this Moreover, proof of insanity could have exempted appellant from
Court granted his Urgent Omnibus Motion and allowed him to criminal liability. If the accused had not performed the act voluntarily,
undergo mental, neurologic and otolaryngologic examination and then he could not have been criminally liable. The Court, through Mr.
evaluation to determine whether he was a deaf-mute. Based on Justice Reynato S. Puno, emphasized:
findings that he really was deaf and mute, yet unaided during the trial
by an expert witness who could professionally understand and "The basic principle in our criminal law is that a person is criminally
interpret his actions and mutterings, the Court granted him re- liable for a felony committed by him. Under the classical theory on
arraignment and retrial. It justified its action on the principle that "only which our penal code is mainly based, the basis of criminal liability is
upon proof of guilt beyond reasonable doubt may [the accused] be human free will. Man is essentially a moral creature with an
consigned to the lethal injection chamber." absolutely free will to choose between good and evil. When he
commits a felonious or criminal act (delito doloso), the act is
More recently in People v. Estrada,12 we likewise nullified the trial presumed to have been done voluntarily, i.e., with freedom,
proceedings and remanded the case "to the court a quo for a intelligence and intent. Man, therefore, should be adjudged or held
conduct of a proper mental examination on accused-appellant, a accountable for wrongful acts so long as free will appears
determination of his competency to stand trial, and for further unimpaired."14
proceedings." In that case, the defense counsel had moved to
suspend the arraignment of the accused, who could not properly and In the instant case, it is equally important to determine whether
intelligently enter a plea because of his mental defect, and to confine Appellant Genosa had acted freely, intelligently and voluntarily when
him instead in a psychiatric ward. But the trial court denied the she killed her spouse. The Court, however, cannot properly evaluate
Motion, after simply propounding questions to the accused and her battered-woman-syndrome defense, absent expert testimony on
determining for itself that he could understand and answer them her mental and emotional state at the time of the killing and the
"intelligently." After trial, he was convicted of murder aggravated by possible psychological cause and effect of her fatal act. Unlike
cruelty and thus sentenced to death. in Parazo, we cannot simply refer her for proper psychological or
psychiatric examination and thereafter admit the findings and
In nullifying the trial proceedings, this Court noted: 13 evaluation as part of the records of the cases for purposes of
automatic review. The prosecution has likewise the right to a fair trial,
"The trial court took it solely upon itself to determine the sanity of which includes the opportunity to cross-examine the defense
accused-appellant. The trial judge is not a psychiatrist or witnesses and to refute the expert opinion given. Thus, consistent
psychologist or some other expert equipped with the specialized with the principle of due process, a partial reopening of the case is
knowledge of determining the state of a person's mental health. To apropos, so as to allow the defense the opportunity to present expert
evidence consistent with our foregoing disquisition, as well as the But all is not lost. The severe beatings repeatedly inflicted on
prosecution the opportunity to cross examine and refute the same. appellant constituted a form of cumulative provocation that broke
down her psychological resistance and self-control. This
WHEREFORE, the Urgent Omnibus Motion of Appellant Marivic "psychological paralysis" she suffered diminished her will power,
Genosa is PARTLY GRANTED. The case is hereby REMANDED to thereby entitling her to the mitigating factor under paragraphs 9 and
the trial court for the reception of expert psychological and/or 10 of Article 13 of the Revised Penal Code.
psychiatric opinion on the "battered woman syndrome" plea, within
ninety (90) days from notice, and, thereafter to forthwith report to this In addition, appellant should also be credited with the extenuating
Court the proceedings taken, together with the copies of the TSN circumstance of having acted upon an impulse so powerful as to
and relevant documentary evidence, if any, submitted. have naturally produced passion and obfuscation. The acute
battering she suffered that fatal night in the hands of her batterer-
SO ORDERED. spouse, in spite of the fact that she was eight months pregnant with
their child, overwhelmed her and put her in the aforesaid emotional
and mental state, which overcame her reason and impelled her to
vindicate her life and her unborn child's.

Considering the presence of these two mitigating circumstances

arising from BWS, as well as the benefits of the Indeterminate
G.R. No. 135981             January 15, 2004 Sentence Law, she may now apply for and be released from custody
on parole, because she has already served the minimum period of
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, appellee, her penalty while under detention during the pendency of this case.
MARIVIC GENOSA, appellant. The Case

DECISION For automatic review before this Court is the September 25, 1998
Decision1 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Ormoc City (Branch
PANGANIBAN, J.: 35) in Criminal Case No. 5016-0, finding Marivic Genosa guilty
beyond reasonable doubt of parricide. The decretal portion of the
Admitting she killed her husband, appellant anchors her prayer for Decision reads:
acquittal on a novel theory -- the "battered woman syndrome"
(BWS), which allegedly constitutes self-defense. Under the proven "WHEREFORE, after all the foregoing being duly
facts, however, she is not entitled to complete exoneration because considered, the Court finds the accused, Marivic Genosa y
there was no unlawful aggression -- no immediate and unexpected Isidro, GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of
attack on her by her batterer-husband at the time she shot him. Parricide as provided under Article 246 of the Revised Penal
Code as restored by Sec. 5, RA No. 7659, and after finding
Absent unlawful aggression, there can be no self-defense, complete treachery as a generic aggravating circumstance and none
or incomplete. of mitigating circumstance, hereby sentences the accused
with the penalty of DEATH.
"The Court likewise penalizes the accused to pay the heirs of which caused his death."4
the deceased the sum of fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00),
Philippine currency as indemnity and another sum of fifty With the assistance of her counsel,5 appellant pleaded not guilty
thousand pesos (P50,000.00), Philippine currency as moral during her arraignment on March 3, 1997. 6 In due course, she was
damages."2 tried for and convicted of parricide.

The Information3 charged appellant with parricide as follows: The Facts

"That on or about the 15th day of November 1995, at Version of the Prosecution

Barangay Bilwang, Municipality of Isabel, Province of Leyte,
Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) summarizes the
Court, the above-named accused, with intent to kill, with prosecution's version of the facts in this wise:
treachery and evident premeditation, did then and there
wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault, hit and
wound one BEN GENOSA, her legitimate husband, with the "Appellant and Ben Genosa were united in marriage on
use of a hard deadly weapon, which the accused had November 19, 1983 in Ormoc City. Thereafter, they lived
provided herself for the purpose, [causing] the following with the parents of Ben in their house at Isabel, Leyte. For a
wounds, to wit: time, Ben's younger brother, Alex, and his wife lived with
them too. Sometime in 1995, however, appellant and Ben
rented from Steban Matiga a house at Barangay Bilwang,
'Cadaveric spasm. Isabel, Leyte where they lived with their two children,
namely: John Marben and Earl Pierre.
'Body on the 2nd stage of decomposition.
"On November 15, 1995, Ben and Arturo Basobas went to a
'Face, black, blownup & swollen w/ evident post- cockfight after receiving their salary. They each had two (2)
mortem lividity. Eyes protruding from its sockets and bottles of beer before heading home. Arturo would pass
tongue slightly protrudes out of the mouth. Ben's house before reaching his. When they arrived at the
house of Ben, he found out that appellant had gone to
'Fracture, open, depressed, circular located at the Isabel, Leyte to look for him. Ben went inside his house,
occipital bone of the head, resulting [in] laceration of while Arturo went to a store across it, waiting until 9:00 in the
the brain, spontaneous rupture of the blood vessels evening for the masiao runner to place a bet. Arturo did not
on the posterior surface of the brain, laceration of see appellant arrive but on his way home passing the side of
the dura and meningeal vessels producing severe the Genosas' rented house, he heard her say 'I won't
intracranial hemorrhage. hesitate to kill you' to which Ben replied 'Why kill me when I
am innocent?' That was the last time Arturo saw Ben alive.
'Blisters at both extrem[i]ties, anterior chest, Arturo also noticed that since then, the Genosas' rented
posterior chest, trunk w/ shedding of the epidermis. house appeared uninhabited and was always closed.

'Abdomen distended w/ gas. Trunk bloated.' "On November 16, 1995, appellant asked Erlinda Paderog,
her close friend and neighbor living about fifty (50) meters
from her house, to look after her pig because she was going his briefs on. SPO3 Acodesin found in one corner at the side
to Cebu for a pregnancy check-up. Appellant likewise asked of an aparador a metal pipe about two (2) meters from where
Erlinda to sell her motorcycle to their neighbor Ronnie Ben was, leaning against a wall. The metal pipe measured
Dayandayan who unfortunately had no money to buy it. three (3) feet and six (6) inches long with a diameter of one
and half (1 1/2) inches. It had an open end without a stop
"That same day, about 12:15 in the afternoon, Joseph Valida valve with a red stain at one end. The bedroom was not in
was waiting for a bus going to Ormoc when he saw appellant disarray.
going out of their house with her two kids in tow, each one
carrying a bag, locking the gate and taking her children to "About 10:00 that same morning, the cadaver of Ben,
the waiting area where he was. Joseph lived about fifty (50) because of its stench, had to be taken outside at the back of
meters behind the Genosas' rented house. Joseph, appellant the house before the postmortem examination was
and her children rode the same bus to Ormoc. They had no conducted by Dr. Cerillo in the presence of the police. A
conversation as Joseph noticed that appellant did not want municipal health officer at Isabel, Leyte responsible for
to talk to him. medico-legal cases, Dr. Cerillo found that Ben had been
dead for two to three days and his body was already
"On November 18, 1995, the neighbors of Steban Matiga decomposing. The postmortem examination of Dr. Cerillo
told him about the foul odor emanating from his house being yielded the findings quoted in the Information for parricide
rented by Ben and appellant. Steban went there to find out later filed against appellant. She concluded that the cause of
the cause of the stench but the house was locked from the Ben's death was 'cardiopulmonary arrest secondary to
inside. Since he did not have a duplicate key with him, severe intracranial hemorrhage due to a depressed fracture
Steban destroyed the gate padlock with a borrowed steel of the occipital [bone].'
saw. He was able to get inside through the kitchen door but
only after destroying a window to reach a hook that locked it. "Appellant admitted killing Ben. She testified that going
Alone, Steban went inside the unlocked bedroom where the home after work on November 15, 1995, she got worried that
offensive smell was coming from. There, he saw the lifeless her husband who was not home yet might have gone
body of Ben lying on his side on the bed covered with a gambling since it was a payday. With her cousin Ecel Araño,
blanket. He was only in his briefs with injuries at the back of appellant went to look for Ben at the marketplace and
his head. Seeing this, Steban went out of the house and sent taverns at Isabel, Leyte but did not find him there. They
word to the mother of Ben about his son's misfortune. Later found Ben drunk upon their return at the Genosas' house.
that day, Iluminada Genosa, the mother of Ben, identified the Ecel went home despite appellant's request for her to sleep
dead body as that of [her] son. in their house.

"Meanwhile, in the morning of the same day, SPO3 Leo "Then, Ben purportedly nagged appellant for following him,
Acodesin, then assigned at the police station at Isabel, even challenging her to a fight. She allegedly ignored him
Leyte, received a report regarding the foul smell at the and instead attended to their children who were doing their
Genosas' rented house. Together with SPO1 Millares, SPO1 homework. Apparently disappointed with her reaction, Ben
Colon, and Dr. Refelina Cerillo, SPO3 Acodesin proceeded switched off the light and, with the use of a chopping knife,
to the house and went inside the bedroom where they found cut the television antenna or wire to keep her from watching
the dead body of Ben lying on his side wrapped with a television. According to appellant, Ben was about to attack
bedsheet. There was blood at the nape of Ben who only had her so she ran to the bedroom, but he got hold of her hands
and whirled her around. She fell on the side of the bed and "3. After their marriage, they lived first in the home of Ben's
screamed for help. Ben left. At this point, appellant parents, together with Ben's brother, Alex, in Isabel, Leyte. In
packed his clothes because she wanted him to leave. the first year of marriage, Marivic and Ben 'lived happily'. But
Seeing his packed clothes upon his return home, Ben apparently, soon thereafter, the couple would quarrel often
allegedly flew into a rage, dragged appellant outside of the and their fights would become violent.
bedroom towards a drawer holding her by the neck, and told
her 'You might as well be killed so nobody would nag me.' "4. Ben's brother, Alex, testified for the prosecution that he
Appellant testified that she was aware that there was a gun could not remember when Ben and Marivic married. He said
inside the drawer but since Ben did not have the key to it, he that when Ben and Marivic quarreled, generally when Ben
got a three-inch long blade cutter from his wallet. She would come home drunk, Marivic would inflict injuries on
however, 'smashed' the arm of Ben with a pipe, causing him him. He said that in one incident in 1993 he saw Marivic
to drop the blade and his wallet. Appellant then 'smashed' holding a kitchen knife after Ben had shouted for help as his
Ben at his nape with the pipe as he was about to pick up the left hand was covered with blood. Marivic left the house but
blade and his wallet. She thereafter ran inside the bedroom. after a week, she returned apparently having asked for Ben's
forgiveness. In another incident in May 22, 1994, early
"Appellant, however, insisted that she ended the life of her morning, Alex and his father apparently rushed to Ben's aid
husband by shooting him. She supposedly 'distorted' the again and saw blood from Ben's forehead and Marivic
drawer where the gun was and shot Ben. He did not die on holding an empty bottle. Ben and Marivic reconciled after
the spot, though, but in the bedroom."7 (Citations omitted) Marivic had apparently again asked for Ben's forgiveness.

Version of the Defense "Mrs. Iluminada Genosa, Marivic's mother-in-law, testified

too, saying that Ben and Marivic married in '1986 or 1985
Appellant relates her version of the facts in this manner: more or less here in Fatima, Ormoc City.' She said as the
marriage went along, Marivic became 'already very
demanding. Mrs. Iluminada Genosa said that after the birth
"1. Marivic and Ben Genosa were allegedly married on
of Marivic's two sons, there were 'three (3)
November 19, 1983. Prior to her marriage, Marivic had
misunderstandings.' The first was when Marivic stabbed Ben
graduated from San Carlos, Cebu City, obtaining a degree of
with a table knife through his left arm; the second incident
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, and was
was on November 15, 1994, when Marivic struck Ben on the
working, at the time of her husband's death, as a Secretary
forehead 'using a sharp instrument until the eye was also
to the Port Managers in Ormoc City. The couple had three
affected. It was wounded and also the ear' and her husband
(3) children: John Marben, Earl Pierre and Marie Bianca.
went to Ben to help; and the third incident was in 1995 when
the couple had already transferred to the house in Bilwang
"2. Marivic and Ben had known each other since elementary and she saw that Ben's hand was plastered as 'the bone
school; they were neighbors in Bilwang; they were cracked.'
classmates; and they were third degree cousins. Both sets of
parents were against their relationship, but Ben was
"Both mother and son claimed they brought Ben to a Pasar
persistent and tried to stop other suitors from courting her.
clinic for medical intervention.
Their closeness developed as he was her constant partner
at fiestas.
"5. Arturo Basobas, a co-worker of Ben, testified that on seek her out, promising to change and would ask for her
November 15, 1995 'After we collected our salary, we went forgiveness. She said after she would be beaten, she would
to the cock-fighting place of ISCO.' They stayed there for seek medical help from Dr. Dino Caing, Dr. Lucero and Dra.
three (3) hours, after which they went to 'Uniloks' and drank Cerillo. These doctors would enter the injuries inflicted upon
beer – allegedly only two (2) bottles each. After drinking they her by Ben into their reports. Marivic said Ben would beat
bought barbeque and went to the Genosa residence. Marivic her or quarrel with her every time he was drunk, at least
was not there. He stayed a while talking with Ben, after three times a week.
which he went across the road to wait 'for the runner and the
usher of the masiao game because during that time, the "7. In her defense, witnesses who were not so closely
hearing on masiao numbers was rampant. I was waiting for related to Marivic, testified as to the abuse and violence she
the ushers and runners so that I can place my bet.' On his received at the hands of Ben.
way home at about 9:00 in the evening, he heard the
Genosas arguing. They were quarreling loudly. Outside their '7.1. Mr. Joe Barrientos, a fisherman, who was a [neighbor]
house was one 'Fredo' who is used by Ben to feed his of the Genosas, testified that on November 15, 1995, he
fighting cocks. Basobas' testimony on the root of the quarrel, overheard a quarrel between Ben and Marivic. Marivic was
conveniently overheard by him was Marivic saying 'I will shouting for help and through the open jalousies, he saw the
never hesitate to kill you', whilst Ben replied 'Why kill me spouses 'grappling with each other'. Ben had Marivic in a
when I am innocent.' Basobas thought they were joking. choke hold. He did not do anything, but had come voluntarily
to testify. (Please note this was the same night as that
"He did not hear them quarreling while he was across the testified to by Arturo Busabos.8 )
road from the Genosa residence. Basobas admitted that he
and Ben were always at the cockpits every Saturday and '7.2. Mr. Junnie Barrientos, also a fisherman, and the brother
Sunday. He claims that he once told Ben 'before when he of Mr. Joe Barrientos, testified that he heard his neighbor
was stricken with a bottle by Marivic Genosa' that he should Marivic shouting on the night of November 15, 1995. He
leave her and that Ben would always take her back after she peeped through the window of his hut which is located
would leave him 'so many times'. beside the Genosa house and saw 'the spouses grappling
with each other then Ben Genosa was holding with his both
"Basobas could not remember when Marivic had hit Ben, but hands the neck of the accused, Marivic Genosa'. He said
it was a long time that they had been quarreling. He said after a while, Marivic was able to extricate he[r]self and enter
Ben 'even had a wound' on the right forehead. He had the room of the children. After that, he went back to work as
known the couple for only one (1) year. he was to go fishing that evening. He returned at 8:00 the
next morning. (Again, please note that this was the same
"6. Marivic testified that after the first year of marriage, Ben night as that testified to by Arturo Basobas).
became cruel to her and was a habitual drinker. She said he
provoked her, he would slap her, sometimes he would pin '7.3. Mr. Teodoro Sarabia was a former neighbor of the
her down on the bed, and sometimes beat her. Genosas while they were living in Isabel, Leyte. His house
was located about fifty (50) meters from theirs. Marivic is his
"These incidents happened several times and she would niece and he knew them to be living together for 13 or 14
often run home to her parents, but Ben would follow her and years. He said the couple was always quarreling. Marivic
confided in him that Ben would pawn items and then would left Marivic's house on November 15, 1995, the couple were
use the money to gamble. One time, he went to their house still quarreling.
and they were quarreling. Ben was so angry, but would be
pacified 'if somebody would come.' He testified that while '7.5. Dr. Dino Caing, a physician testified that he and Marivic
Ben was alive 'he used to gamble and when he became were co-employees at PHILPHOS, Isabel, Leyte. Marivic
drunk, he would go to our house and he will say, 'Teody' was his patient 'many times' and had also received treatment
because that was what he used to call me, 'mokimas ta,' from other doctors. Dr. Caing testified that from July 6, 1989
which means 'let's go and look for a whore.' Mr. Sarabia until November 9, 1995, there were six (6) episodes of
further testified that Ben 'would box his wife and I would see physical injuries inflicted upon Marivic. These injuries were
bruises and one time she ran to me, I noticed a wound (the reported in his Out-Patient Chart at the PHILPHOS Hospital.
witness pointed to his right breast) as according to her a The prosecution admitted the qualifications of Dr. Caing and
knife was stricken to her.' Mr. Sarabia also said that once he considered him an expert witness.'
saw Ben had been injured too. He said he voluntarily
testified only that morning. xxx   xxx   xxx

'7.4. Miss Ecel Arano, an 18-year old student, who is a 'Dr. Caing's clinical history of the tension headache and
cousin of Marivic, testified that in the afternoon of November hypertention of Marivic on twenty-three (23) separate
15, 1995, Marivic went to her house and asked her help to occasions was marked at Exhibits '2' and '2-B.' The OPD
look for Ben. They searched in the market place, several Chart of Marivic at the Philphos Clinic which reflected all the
taverns and some other places, but could not find him. She consultations made by Marivic and the six (6) incidents of
accompanied Marivic home. Marivic wanted her to sleep with physical injuries reported was marked as Exhibit '3.'
her in the Genosa house 'because she might be battered by
her husband.' When they got to the Genosa house at about
7:00 in the evening, Miss Arano said that 'her husband was "On cross-examination, Dr. Caing said that he is not a
already there and was drunk.' Miss Arano knew he was psychiatrist, he could not say whether the injuries were
drunk 'because of his staggering walking and I can also directly related to the crime committed. He said it is only a
detect his face.' Marivic entered the house and she heard psychiatrist who is qualified to examine the psychological
them quarrel noisily. (Again, please note that this is the make-up of the patient, 'whether she is capable of
same night as that testified to by Arturo Basobas) Miss committing a crime or not.'
Arano testified that this was not the first time Marivic had
asked her to sleep in the house as Marivic would be afraid '7.6 Mr. Panfilo Tero, the barangay captain in the place
every time her husband would come home drunk. At one where the Genosas resided, testified that about two (2)
time when she did sleep over, she was awakened at 10:00 in months before Ben died, Marivic went to his office past 8:00
the evening when Ben arrived because the couple 'were very in the evening. She sought his help to settle or confront the
noisy in the sala and I had heard something was broken like Genosa couple who were experiencing 'family troubles'. He
a vase.' She said Marivic ran into her room and they locked told Marivic to return in the morning, but he did not hear from
the door. When Ben couldn't get in he got a chair and a knife her again and assumed 'that they might have settled with
and 'showed us the knife through the window grill and he each other or they might have forgiven with each other.'
scared us.' She said that Marivic shouted for help, but no
one came. On cross-examination, she said that when she xxx   xxx   xxx
"Marivic said she did not provoke her husband when she got to by all the prosecution witnesses and some defense
home that night it was her husband who began the witnesses during the trial.
provocation. Marivic said she was frightened that her
husband would hurt her and she wanted to make sure she "10. Dra. Refelina Y. Cerillo, a physician, was the Municipal
would deliver her baby safely. In fact, Marivic had to be Health Officer of Isabel, Leyte at the time of the incident, and
admitted later at the Rizal Medical Centre as she was among her responsibilities as such was to take charge of all
suffering from eclampsia and hypertension, and the baby medico-legal cases, such as the examination of cadavers
was born prematurely on December 1, 1995. and the autopsy of cadavers. Dra. Cerillo is not a forensic
pathologist. She merely took the medical board exams and
"Marivic testified that during her marriage she had tried to passed in 1986. She was called by the police to go to the
leave her husband at least five (5) times, but that Ben would Genosa residence and when she got there, she saw 'some
always follow her and they would reconcile. Marivic said that police officer and neighbor around.' She saw Ben Genosa,
the reason why Ben was violent and abusive towards her covered by a blanket, lying in a semi-prone position with his
that night was because 'he was crazy about his recent back to the door. He was wearing only a brief.
girlfriend, Lulu x x x Rubillos.'
"On cross-examination, Marivic insisted she shot Ben with a
gun; she said that he died in the bedroom; that their quarrels "Dra. Cerillo said that 'there is only one injury and that is the
could be heard by anyone passing their house; that Basobas injury involving the skeletal area of the head' which she
lied in his testimony; that she left for Manila the next day, described as a 'fracture'. And that based on her examination,
November 16, 1995; that she did not bother anyone in Ben had been dead 2 or 3 days. Dra. Cerillo did not testify
Manila, rented herself a room, and got herself a job as a field as to what caused his death.
researcher under the alias 'Marvelous Isidro'; she did not tell
anyone that she was leaving Leyte, she just wanted to have "Dra. Cerillo was not cross-examined by defense counsel.
a safe delivery of her baby; and that she was arrested in San
Pablo, Laguna.
"11. The Information, dated November 14, 1996, filed
against Marivic Genosa charged her with the crime of
'Answering questions from the Court, Marivic said that she PARRICIDE committed 'with intent to kill, with treachery and
threw the gun away; that she did not know what happened to evidence premeditation, x x x wilfully, unlawfully and
the pipe she used to 'smash him once'; that she was feloniously attack, assault, hit and wound x x x her legitimate
wounded by Ben on her wrist with the bolo; and that two (2) husband, with the use of a hard deadly weapon x x x which
hours after she was 'whirled' by Ben, he kicked her 'ass' and caused his death.'
dragged her towards the drawer when he saw that she had
packed his things.'
"12. Trial took place on 7 and 14 April 1997, 14 May 1997,
21 July 1997, 17, 22 and 23 September 1997, 12 November
"9. The body of Ben Genosa was found on November 18, 1997, 15 and 16 December 1997, 22 May 1998, and 5 and 6
1995 after an investigation was made of the foul odor August 1998.
emitting from the Genosa residence. This fact was testified
"13. On 23 September 1998, or only fifty (50) days from the to allow a partial re-opening of the case a quo  to take the
day of the last trial date, the Hon. Fortunito L. Madrona, testimony of said psychologists and psychiatrists.
Presiding Judge, RTC-Branch 35, Ormoc City, rendered a
JUDGMENT finding Marivic guilty 'beyond reasonable doubt' "Attached to the URGENT OMNIBUS MOTION was a letter
of the crime of parricide, and further found treachery as an of Dr. Raquel Fortun, then the only qualified forensic
aggravating circumstance, thus sentencing her to the pathologist in the country, who opined that the description of
ultimate penalty of DEATH. the death wound (as culled from the post-mortem findings,
Exhibit 'A') is more akin to a gunshot wound than a beating
"14. The case was elevated to this Honorable Court upon with a lead pipe.
automatic review and, under date of 24 January 2000,
Marivic's trial lawyer, Atty. Gil Marvel P. Tabucanon, filed a "17. In a RESOLUTION dated 29 September 2000, the
Motion to Withdraw as counsel, attaching thereto, as a Honorable Court partly granted Marivic's URGENT
precautionary measure, two (2) drafts of Appellant's Briefs OMNIBUS MOTION and remanded the case 'to the trial
he had prepared for Marivic which, for reasons of her own, court for the reception of expert psychological and/or
were not conformed to by her. psychiatric opinion on the 'battered woman syndrome' plea,
within ninety (90) days from notice, and, thereafter to
"The Honorable Court allowed the withdrawal of Atty. forthwith report to this Court the proceedings taken, together
Tabucanon and permitted the entry of appearance of with the copies of the TSN and relevant documentary
undersigned counsel. evidence, if any, submitted.'

"15. Without the knowledge of counsel, Marivic Genosa "18. On 15 January 2001, Dra. Natividad A. Dayan appeared
wrote a letter dated 20 January 2000, to the Chief Justice, and testified before the Hon. Fortunito L. Madrona, RTC-
coursing the same through Atty. Teresita G. Dimaisip, Branch 35, Ormoc City.
Deputy Clerk of Court of Chief Judicial Records Office,
wherein she submitted her 'Brief without counsels' to the "Immediately before Dra. Dayan was sworn, the Court a
Court. quo asked if she had interviewed Marivic Genosa. Dra.
Dayan informed the Court that interviews were done at the
"This letter was stamp-received by the Honorable Court on 4 Penal Institution in 1999, but that the clinical interviews and
February 2000. psychological assessment were done at her clinic.

"16. In the meantime, under date of 17 February 2000, and "Dra. Dayan testified that she has been a clinical
stamp-received by the Honorable Court on 19 February psychologist for twenty (20) years with her own private clinic
2000, undersigned counsel filed an URGENT OMNIBUS and connected presently to the De La Salle University as a
MOTION praying that the Honorable Court allow the professor. Before this, she was the Head of the Psychology
exhumation of Ben Genosa and the re-examination of the Department of the Assumption College; a member of the
cause of his death; allow the examination of Marivic Genosa faculty of Psychology at the Ateneo de Manila University and
by qualified psychologists and psychiatrists to determine her St. Joseph's College; and was the counseling psychologist of
state of mind at the time she killed her husband; and finally, the National Defense College. She has an AB in Psychology
from the University of the Philippines, a Master of Arts in
Clinical [Counseling], Psychology from the Ateneo, and a sexually abusive to them.' Dra. Dayan said that usually a
PhD from the U.P. She was the past president of the battered x x x comes from a dysfunctional family or from
Psychological Association of the Philippines and is a 'broken homes.'
member of the American Psychological Association. She is
the secretary of the International Council of Psychologists "Dra. Dayan said that the batterer, just like the battered
from about 68 countries; a member of the Forensic woman, 'also has a very low opinion of himself. But then
Psychology Association; and a member of the ASEAN emerges to have superiority complex and it comes out as
[Counseling] Association. She is actively involved with the being very arrogant, very hostile, very aggressive and very
Philippine Judicial Academy, recently lecturing on the socio- angry. They also had (sic) a very low tolerance for
demographic and psychological profile of families involved in frustrations. A lot of times they are involved in vices like
domestic violence and nullity cases. She was with the gambling, drinking and drugs. And they become violent.' The
Davide Commission doing research about Military batterer also usually comes from a dysfunctional family
Psychology. She has written a book entitled 'Energy Global which over-pampers them and makes them feel entitled to
Psychology' (together with Drs. Allan Tan and Allan do anything. Also, they see often how their parents abused
Bernardo). The Genosa case is the first time she has each other so 'there is a lot of modeling of aggression in the
testified as an expert on battered women as this is the first family.'
case of that nature.
"Dra. Dayan testified that there are a lot of reasons why a
"Dra. Dayan testified that for the research she conducted, on battered woman does not leave her husband: poverty, self-
the socio-demographic and psychological profile of families blame and guilt that she provoked the violence, the cycle
involved in domestic violence, and nullity cases, she looked itself which makes her hope her husband will change, the
at about 500 cases over a period of ten (10) years and belief in her obligations to keep the family intact at all costs
discovered that 'there are lots of variables that cause all of for the sake of the children.
this marital conflicts, from domestic violence to infidelity, to
psychiatric disorder.' xxx   xxx   xxx

"Dra. Dayan described domestic violence to comprise of 'a "Dra. Dayan said that abused wives react differently to the
lot of incidents of psychological abuse, verbal abuse, and violence: some leave the house, or lock themselves in
emotional abuse to physical abuse and also sexual abuse.' another room, or sometimes try to fight back triggering
'physical violence on both of them.' She said that in a 'normal
xxx   xxx   xxx marital relationship,' abuses also happen, but these are 'not
consistent, not chronic, are not happening day in [and] day
"Dra. Dayan testified that in her studies, 'the battered woman out.' In an 'abnormal marital relationship,' the abuse occurs
usually has a very low opinion of herself. She has a self- day in and day out, is long lasting and 'even would cause
defeating and self-sacrificing characteristics. x x x they hospitalization on the victim and even death on the victim.'
usually think very lowly of themselves and so when the
violence would happen, they usually think that they provoke xxx   xxx   xxx
it, that they were the one who precipitated the violence, they
provoke their spouse to be physically, verbally and even
"Dra. Dayan said that as a result of the battery of "He authored 'The Comparative Analysis of Nervous
psychological tests she administered, it was her opinion that Breakdown in the Philippine Military Academy from the
Marivic fits the profile of a battered woman because 'inspite Period 1954 – 1978' which was presented twice in
of her feeling of self-confidence which we can see at times international congresses. He also authored 'The Mental
there are really feeling (sic) of loss, such feelings of Health of the Armed Forces of the Philippines 2000', which
humiliation which she sees herself as damaged and as a was likewise published internationally and locally. He had a
broken person. And at the same time she still has the imprint medical textbook published on the use of Prasepam on a
of all the abuses that she had experienced in the past.' Parke-Davis grant; was the first to use Enanthate (siquiline),
on an E.R. Squibb grant; and he published the use of the
xxx   xxx   xxx drug Zopiclom in 1985-86.

"Dra. Dayan said Marivic thought of herself as a loving wife "Dr. Pajarillo explained that psychiatry deals with the
and did not even consider filing for nullity or legal separation functional disorder of the mind and neurology deals with the
inspite of the abuses. It was at the time of the tragedy that ailment of the brain and spinal cord enlarged. Psychology,
Marivic then thought of herself as a victim. on the other hand, is a bachelor degree and a doctorate
degree; while one has to finish medicine to become a
specialist in psychiatry.
xxx   xxx   xxx

"Even only in his 7th year as a resident in V. Luna Medical

"19. On 9 February 2001, Dr. Alfredo Pajarillo, a physician,
Centre, Dr. Pajarillo had already encountered a suit involving
who has since passed away, appeared and testified before
violent family relations, and testified in a case in 1964. In the
RTC-Branch 35, Ormoc City.
Armed Forces of the Philippines, violent family disputes
abound, and he has seen probably ten to twenty thousand
"Dr. Pajarillo was a Diplomate of the Philippine Board of cases. In those days, the primordial intention of therapy was
Psychiatry; a Fellow of the Philippine Board of Psychiatry reconciliation. As a result of his experience with domestic
and a Fellow of the Philippine Psychiatry Association. He violence cases, he became a consultant of the Battered
was in the practice of psychiatry for thirty-eight (38) years. Woman Office in Quezon City under Atty. Nenita Deproza.
Prior to being in private practice, he was connected with the
Veterans Memorial Medical Centre where he gained his
"As such consultant, he had seen around forty (40) cases of
training on psychiatry and neurology. After that, he was
severe domestic violence, where there is physical abuse:
called to active duty in the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
such as slapping, pushing, verbal abuse, battering and
assigned to the V. Luna Medical Center for twenty six (26)
boxing a woman even to an unconscious state such that the
years. Prior to his retirement from government service, he
woman is sometimes confined. The affliction of Post-
obtained the rank of Brigadier General. He obtained his
Traumatic Stress Disorder 'depends on the vulnerability of
medical degree from the University of Santo Tomas. He was
the victim.' Dr. Pajarillo said that if the victim is not very
also a member of the World Association of Military
healthy, perhaps one episode of violence may induce the
Surgeons; the Quezon City Medical Society; the Cagayan
disorder; if the psychological stamina and physiologic
Medical Society; and the Philippine Association of Military
constitutional stamina of the victim is stronger, 'it will take
more repetitive trauma to precipitate the post-traumatic
stress disorder and this x x x is very dangerous.'
"In psychiatry, the post-traumatic stress disorder is "Dr. Pajarillo said that a woman suffering post traumatic
incorporated under the 'anxiety neurosis or neurologic stress disorder try to defend themselves, and 'primarily with
anxcietism.' It is produced by 'overwhelming brutality, knives. Usually pointed weapons or any weapon that is
trauma.' available in the immediate surrounding or in a hospital x x x
because that abound in the household.' He said a victim
xxx   xxx   xxx resorts to weapons when she has 'reached the lowest rock
bottom of her life and there is no other recourse left on her
but to act decisively.'
"Dr. Pajarillo explained that with 'neurotic anxiety', the victim
relives the beating or trauma as if it were real, although she
is not actually being beaten at that time. She thinks 'of xxx   xxx   xxx
nothing but the suffering.'
"Dr. Pajarillo testified that he met Marivic Genosa in his
xxx   xxx   xxx office in an interview he conducted for two (2) hours and
seventeen (17) minutes. He used the psychological
evaluation and social case studies as a help in forming his
"A woman who suffers battery has a tendency to become
diagnosis. He came out with a Psychiatric Report, dated 22
neurotic, her emotional tone is unstable, and she is irritable
January 2001.
and restless. She tends to become hard-headed and
persistent. She has higher sensitivity and her 'self-world' is
damaged. xxx   xxx   xxx

"Dr. Pajarillo said that an abnormal family background "On cross-examination by the private prosecutor, Dr.
relates to an individual's illness, such as the deprivation of Pajarillo said that at the time she killed her husband Marivic'c
the continuous care and love of the parents. As to the mental condition was that she was 're-experiencing the
batterer, he normally 'internalizes what is around him within trauma.' He said 'that we are trying to explain scientifically
the environment.' And it becomes his own personality. He is that the re-experiencing of the trauma is not controlled by
very competitive; he is aiming high all the time; he is so Marivic. It will just come in flashes and probably at that point
macho; he shows his strong façade 'but in it there are doubts in time that things happened when the re-experiencing of the
in himself and prone to act without thinking.' trauma flashed in her mind.' At the time he interviewed
Marivic 'she was more subdued, she was not super alert
anymore x x x she is mentally stress (sic) because of the
xxx   xxx   xxx
predicament she is involved.'
"Dr. Pajarillo emphasized that 'even though without the
xxx   xxx   xxx
presence of the precipator (sic) or the one who administered
the battering, that re-experiencing of the trauma occurred
(sic) because the individual cannot control it. It will just come "20. No rebuttal evidence or testimony was presented by
up in her mind or in his mind.' either the private or the public prosecutor. Thus, in accord
with the Resolution of this Honorable Court, the records of
the partially re-opened trial a quo were elevated."9
xxx   xxx   xxx
Ruling of the Trial Court The Issues

Finding the proffered theory of self-defense untenable, the RTC gave Appellant assigns the following alleged errors of the trial court for this
credence to the prosecution evidence that appellant had killed the Court's consideration:
deceased while he was in bed sleeping. Further, the trial court
appreciated the generic aggravating circumstance of treachery, "1. The trial court gravely erred in promulgating an obviously
because Ben Genosa was supposedly defenseless when he was hasty decision without reflecting on the evidence adduced as
killed -- lying in bed asleep when Marivic smashed him with a pipe at to self-defense.
the back of his head.
"2. The trial court gravely erred in finding as a fact that Ben
The capital penalty having been imposed, the case was elevated to and Marivic Genosa were legally married and that she was
this Court for automatic review. therefore liable for parricide.

Supervening Circumstances "3. The trial court gravely erred finding the cause of death to
be by beating with a pipe.
On February 19, 2000, appellant filed an Urgent Omnibus Motion
praying that this Court allow (1) the exhumation of Ben Genosa and "4. The trial court gravely erred in ignoring and disregarding
the reexamination of the cause of his death; (2) the examination of evidence adduced from impartial and unbiased witnesses
appellant by qualified psychologists and psychiatrists to determine that Ben Genosa was a drunk, a gambler, a womanizer and
her state of mind at the time she had killed her spouse; and (3) the wife-beater; and further gravely erred in concluding that Ben
inclusion of the said experts' reports in the records of the case for Genosa was a battered husband.
purposes of the automatic review or, in the alternative, a partial
reopening of the case for the lower court to admit the experts' "5. The trial court gravely erred in not requiring testimony
testimonies. from the children of Marivic Genosa.

On September 29, 2000, this Court issued a Resolution granting in "6. The trial court gravely erred in concluding that Marivic's
part appellant's Motion, remanding the case to the trial court for the flight to Manila and her subsequent apologies were indicia of
reception of expert psychological and/or psychiatric opinion on the guilt, instead of a clear attempt to save the life of her unborn
"battered woman syndrome" plea; and requiring the lower court to child.
report thereafter to this Court the proceedings taken as well as to
submit copies of the TSN and additional evidence, if any.
"7. The trial court gravely erred in concluding that there was
an aggravating circumstance of treachery.
Acting on the Court's Resolution, the trial judge authorized the
examination of Marivic by two clinical psychologists, Drs. Natividad
Dayan10 and Alfredo Pajarillo,11 supposedly experts on domestic "8. The trial court gravely erred in refusing to re-evaluate the
violence. Their testimonies, along with their documentary evidence, traditional elements in determining the existence of self-
were then presented to and admitted by the lower court before finally defense and defense of foetus in this case, thereby
being submitted to this Court to form part of the records of the case. 12 erroneously convicting Marivic Genosa of the crime of
parricide and condemning her to the ultimate penalty of cannot peremptorily conclude, absent substantial evidence, that he
death."13 failed to reflect on the evidence presented.

In the main, the following are the essential legal issues: (1) whether Neither do we find the appealed Decision to have been made in an
appellant acted in self-defense and in defense of her fetus; and (2) "obviously hasty" manner. The Information had been filed with the
whether treachery attended the killing of Ben Genosa. lower court on November 14, 1996. Thereafter, trial began and at
least 13 hearings were held for over a year. It took the trial judge
The Court's Ruling about two months from the conclusion of trial to promulgate his
judgment. That he conducted the trial and resolved the case with
dispatch should not be taken against him, much less used to
The appeal is partly meritorious.
condemn him for being unduly hasty. If at all, the dispatch with which
he handled the case should be lauded. In any case, we find his
Collateral Factual Issues actions in substantial compliance with his constitutional obligation. 15

The first six assigned errors raised by appellant are factual in nature, Second, the lower court did not err in finding as a fact that Ben
if not collateral to the resolution of the principal issues. As Genosa and appellant had been legally married, despite the non-
consistently held by this Court, the findings of the trial court on the presentation of their marriage contract. In People v. Malabago,16 this
credibility of witnesses and their testimonies are entitled to a high Court held:
degree of respect and will not be disturbed on appeal in the absence
of any showing that the trial judge gravely abused his discretion or
"The key element in parricide is the relationship of the
overlooked, misunderstood or misapplied material facts or
offender with the victim. In the case of parricide of a spouse,
circumstances of weight and substance that could affect the outcome
the best proof of the relationship between the accused and
of the case.14
the deceased is the marriage certificate. In the absence of a
marriage certificate, however, oral evidence of the fact of
In appellant's first six assigned items, we find no grave abuse of marriage may be considered by the trial court if such proof is
discretion, reversible error or misappreciation of material facts that not objected to."
would reverse or modify the trial court's disposition of the case. In
any event, we will now briefly dispose of these alleged errors of the
Two of the prosecution witnesses -- namely, the mother and the
trial court.
brother of appellant's deceased spouse -- attested in court that Ben
had been married to Marivic. 17 The defense raised no objection to
First, we do not agree that the lower court promulgated "an obviously these testimonies. Moreover, during her direct examination,
hasty decision without reflecting on the evidence adduced as to self- appellant herself made a judicial admission of her marriage to
defense." We note that in his 17-page Decision, Judge Fortunito L. Ben.18 Axiomatic is the rule that a judicial admission is conclusive
Madrona summarized the testimonies of both the prosecution and upon the party making it, except only when there is a showing that
the defense witnesses and -- on the basis of those and of the (1) the admission was made through a palpable mistake, or (2) no
documentary evidence on record -- made his evaluation, findings admission was in fact made.19 Other than merely attacking the non-
and conclusions. He wrote a 3-page discourse assessing the presentation of the marriage contract, the defense offered no proof
testimony and the self-defense theory of the accused. While she, or that the admission made by appellant in court as to the fact of her
even this Court, may not agree with the trial judge's conclusions, we marriage to the deceased was made through a palpable mistake.
Third, under the circumstances of this case, the specific or direct First Legal Issue:
cause of Ben's death -- whether by a gunshot or by beating with a
pipe -- has no legal consequence. As the Court elucidated in its Self-Defense and Defense of a Fetus
September 29, 2000 Resolution, "[c]onsidering that the appellant has
admitted the fact of killing her husband and the acts of hitting his Appellant admits killing Ben Genosa but, to avoid criminal liability,
nape with a metal pipe and of shooting him at the back of his head, invokes self-defense and/or defense of her unborn child. When the
the Court believes that exhumation is unnecessary, if not immaterial, accused admits killing the victim, it is incumbent upon her to prove
to determine which of said acts actually caused the victim's death." any claimed justifying circumstance by clear and convincing
Determining which of these admitted acts caused the death is not evidence.21 Well-settled is the rule that in criminal cases, self-defense
dispositive of the guilt or defense of appellant. (and similarly, defense of a stranger or third person) shifts the
burden of proof from the prosecution to the defense. 22
Fourth, we cannot fault the trial court for not fully appreciating
evidence that Ben was a drunk, gambler, womanizer and wife- The Battered Woman Syndrome
beater. Until this case came to us for automatic review, appellant had
not raised the novel defense of "battered woman syndrome," for
which such evidence may have been relevant. Her theory of self- In claiming self-defense, appellant raises the novel theory of the
defense was then the crucial issue before the trial court. As will be battered woman syndrome. While new in Philippine jurisprudence,
discussed shortly, the legal requisites of self-defense under the concept has been recognized in foreign jurisdictions as a form of
prevailing jurisprudence ostensibly appear inconsistent with the self-defense or, at the least, incomplete self-defense. 23 By
surrounding facts that led to the death of the victim. Hence, his appreciating evidence that a victim or defendant is afflicted with the
personal character, especially his past behavior, did not constitute syndrome, foreign courts convey their "understanding of the
vital evidence at the time. justifiably fearful state of mind of a person who has been cyclically
abused and controlled over a period of time."24
Fifth, the trial court surely committed no error in not requiring
testimony from appellant's children. As correctly elucidated by the A battered woman has been defined as a woman "who is repeatedly
solicitor general, all criminal actions are prosecuted under the subjected to any forceful physical or psychological behavior by a
direction and control of the public prosecutor, in whom lies the man in order to coerce her to do something he wants her to do
discretion to determine which witnesses and evidence are necessary without concern for her rights. Battered women include wives or
to present.20 As the former further points out, neither the trial court women in any form of intimate relationship with men. Furthermore, in
nor the prosecution prevented appellant from presenting her children order to be classified as a battered woman, the couple must go
as witnesses. Thus, she cannot now fault the lower court for not through the battering cycle at least twice. Any woman may find
requiring them to testify. herself in an abusive relationship with a man once. If it occurs a
second time, and she remains in the situation, she is defined as a
battered woman."25
Finally, merely collateral or corroborative is the matter of whether the
flight of Marivic to Manila and her subsequent apologies to her
brother-in-law are indicia of her guilt or are attempts to save the life Battered women exhibit common personality traits, such as low self-
of her unborn child. Any reversible error as to the trial court's esteem, traditional beliefs about the home, the family and the female
appreciation of these circumstances has little bearing on the final sex role; emotional dependence upon the dominant male; the
resolution of the case. tendency to accept responsibility for the batterer's actions; and false
hopes that the relationship will improve.26
More graphically, the battered woman syndrome is characterized by physically, and she knows from her past painful experience that it is
the so-called "cycle of violence,"27 which has three phases: (1) the futile to fight back. Acute battering incidents are often very savage
tension-building phase; (2) the acute battering incident; and (3) the and out of control, such that innocent bystanders or intervenors are
tranquil, loving (or, at least, nonviolent) phase. 28 likely to get hurt.30

During the tension-building phase, minor battering occurs -- it The final phase of the cycle of violence begins when the acute
could be verbal or slight physical abuse or another form of hostile battering incident ends. During this tranquil period, the couple
behavior. The woman usually tries to pacify the batterer through a experience profound relief. On the one hand, the batterer may show
show of kind, nurturing behavior; or by simply staying out of his way. a tender and nurturing behavior towards his partner. He knows that
What actually happens is that she allows herself to be abused in he has been viciously cruel and tries to make up for it, begging for
ways that, to her, are comparatively minor. All she wants is to her forgiveness and promising never to beat her again. On the other
prevent the escalation of the violence exhibited by the batterer. This hand, the battered woman also tries to convince herself that the
wish, however, proves to be double-edged, because her "placatory" battery will never happen again; that her partner will change for the
and passive behavior legitimizes his belief that he has the right to better; and that this "good, gentle and caring man" is the real person
abuse her in the first place. whom she loves.

However, the techniques adopted by the woman in her effort to A battered woman usually believes that she is the sole anchor of the
placate him are not usually successful, and the verbal and/or emotional stability of the batterer. Sensing his isolation and despair,
physical abuse worsens. Each partner senses the imminent loss of she feels responsible for his well-being. The truth, though, is that the
control and the growing tension and despair. Exhausted from the chances of his reforming, or seeking or receiving professional help,
persistent stress, the battered woman soon withdraws emotionally. are very slim, especially if she remains with him. Generally, only after
But the more she becomes emotionally unavailable, the more the she leaves him does he seek professional help as a way of getting
batterer becomes angry, oppressive and abusive. Often, at some her back. Yet, it is in this phase of remorseful reconciliation that she
unpredictable point, the violence "spirals out of control" and leads to is most thoroughly tormented psychologically.
an acute battering incident.29
The illusion of absolute interdependency is well-entrenched in a
The acute battering incident is said to be characterized by brutality, battered woman's psyche. In this phase, she and her batterer are
destructiveness and, sometimes, death. The battered woman deems indeed emotionally dependent on each other -- she for his nurturant
this incident as unpredictable, yet also inevitable. During this phase, behavior, he for her forgiveness. Underneath this miserable cycle of
she has no control; only the batterer may put an end to the violence. "tension, violence and forgiveness," each partner may believe that it
Its nature can be as unpredictable as the time of its explosion, and is better to die than to be separated. Neither one may really feel
so are his reasons for ending it. The battered woman usually realizes independent, capable of functioning without the other. 31
that she cannot reason with him, and that resistance would only
exacerbate her condition. History of Abuse
in the Present Case
At this stage, she has a sense of detachment from the attack and the
terrible pain, although she may later clearly remember every detail. To show the history of violence inflicted upon appellant, the defense
Her apparent passivity in the face of acute violence may be presented several witnesses. She herself described her heart-
rationalized thus: the batterer is almost always much stronger rending experience as follows:
"ATTY. TABUCANON Q During those times that you were the recipient of such
cruelty and abusive behavior by your husband, were you
Q How did you describe your marriage with Ben Genosa? able to see a doctor?

A In the first year, I lived with him happily but in the A Yes, sir.
subsequent year he was cruel to me and a behavior of
habitual drinker. Q Who are these doctors?

Q You said that in the subsequent year of your marriage, A The company physician, Dr. Dino Caing, Dr. Lucero and
your husband was abusive to you and cruel. In what way Dra. Cerillo.
was this abusive and cruelty manifested to you?
xxx   xxx   xxx
A He always provoke me in everything, he always slap me
and sometimes he pinned me down on the bed and Q You said that you saw a doctor in relation to your injuries?
sometimes beat me.
A Yes, sir.
Q How many times did this happen?
Q Who inflicted these injuries?
A Several times already.
A Of course my husband.
Q What did you do when these things happen to you?
Q You mean Ben Genosa?
A I went away to my mother and I ran to my father and we
separate each other. A Yes, sir.

Q What was the action of Ben Genosa towards you leaving xxx   xxx   xxx
[Court] /to the witness
A He is following me, after that he sought after me.
Q How frequent was the alleged cruelty that you said?
Q What will happen when he follow you?
A Everytime he got drunk.
A He said he changed, he asked for forgiveness and I was
convinced and after that I go to him and he said 'sorry'.
Q No, from the time that you said the cruelty or the infliction
of injury inflicted on your occurred, after your marriage, from
that time on, how frequent was the occurrence?
A Everytime he got drunk. 4. August 1, 1994 - Pain, mastitis (L) breast, 2 o to
trauma. Attending physician: Dr. Caing;
Q Is it daily, weekly, monthly or how many times in a month
or in a week? 5. April 17, 1995 - Trauma, tenderness (R) Shoulder.
Attending physician: Dr. Canora; and
A Three times a week.
6. June 5, 1995 - Swelling Abrasion (L) leg, multiple
Q Do you mean three times a week he would beat you? contusion Pregnancy. Attending physician: Dr.
A Not necessarily that he would beat me but sometimes he
will just quarrel me." 32 Q Among the findings, there were two (2) incidents wherein
you were the attending physician, is that correct?
Referring to his "Out-Patient Chart" 33 on Marivic Genosa at the
Philphos Hospital, Dr. Dino D. Caing bolstered her foregoing A Yes, sir.
testimony on chronic battery in this manner:
Q Did you actually physical examine the accused?
"Q So, do you have a summary of those six (6) incidents
which are found in the chart of your clinic? A Yes, sir.

A Yes, sir. Q Now, going to your finding no. 3 where you were the one
who attended the patient. What do you mean by abrasion
Q Who prepared the list of six (6) incidents, Doctor? furuncle left axilla?

A I did. A Abrasion is a skin wound usually when it comes in contact

with something rough substance if force is applied.
Q Will you please read the physical findings together with
the dates for the record. Q What is meant by furuncle axilla?

A 1. May 12, 1990 - physical findings are as follows: A It is secondary of the light infection over the abrasion.
Hematoma (R) lower eyelid and redness of eye. Attending
physician: Dr. Lucero; Q What is meant by pain mastitis secondary to trauma?

2. March 10, 1992 - Contusion-Hematoma (L) lower A So, in this 4th episode of physical injuries there is an
arbital area, pain and contusion (R) breast. inflammation of left breast. So, [pain] meaning there is
Attending physician: Dr. Canora; tenderness. When your breast is traumatized, there is
tenderness pain.
3. March 26, 1993 - Abrasion, Furuncle (L) Axilla;
Q So, these are objective physical injuries. Doctor? Q On November 6, 1995, will you please tell this Honorable
Court, was the patient pregnant?
xxx   xxx   xxx
A Yes, sir.
Q Were you able to talk with the patient?
Q Being a doctor, can you more engage at what stage of
A Yes, sir. pregnancy was she?

Q What did she tell you? A Eight (8) months pregnant.

A As a doctor-patient relationship, we need to know the Q So in other words, it was an advance stage of pregnancy?
cause of these injuries. And she told me that it was done to
her by her husband. A Yes, sir.

Q You mean, Ben Genosa? Q What was your November 6, 1995 examination, was it an
examination about her pregnancy or for some other
A Yes, sir. findings?

xxx   xxx   xxx A No, she was admitted for hypertension headache which

complicates her pregnancy.
Q When you said admitted, meaning she was confined?
Q By the way Doctor, were you able to physical examine the
accused sometime in the month of November, 1995 when A Yes, sir.
this incident happened?
Q For how many days?
A As per record, yes.
A One day.
Q What was the date?
Q Where?
A It was on November 6, 1995.
A At PHILPHOS Hospital.
Q So, did you actually see the accused physically?
xxx   xxx   xxx
A Yes, sir.
Q Lets go back to the clinical history of Marivic Genosa. You A Yes, if it is emotionally related and stressful it can cause
said that you were able to examine her personally on increases in hypertension which is unfortunately does not
November 6, 1995 and she was 8 months pregnant. response to the medication.

What is this all about? Q In November 6, 1995, the date of the incident, did you
take the blood pressure of the accused?
A Because she has this problem of tension headache
secondary to hypertension and I think I have a record here, A On November 6, 1995 consultation, the blood pressure
also the same period from 1989 to 1995, she had a was 180/120.
consultation for twenty-three (23) times.
Q Is this considered hypertension?
Q For what?
A Yes, sir, severe.
A Tension headache.
Q Considering that she was 8 months pregnant, you mean
Q Can we say that specially during the latter consultation, this is dangerous level of blood pressure?
that the patient had hypertension?
A It was dangerous to the child or to the fetus." 34
A The patient definitely had hypertension. It was refractory to
our treatment. She does not response when the medication Another defense witness, Teodoro Sarabia, a former neighbor of the
was given to her, because tension headache is more or less Genosas in Isabel, Leyte, testified that he had seen the couple
stress related and emotional in nature. quarreling several times; and that on some occasions Marivic would
run to him with bruises, confiding that the injuries were inflicted upon
Q What did you deduce of tension headache when you said her by Ben.35
is emotional in nature?
Ecel Arano also testified36 that for a number of times she had been
A From what I deduced as part of our physical examination asked by Marivic to sleep at the Genosa house, because the latter
of the patient is the family history in line of giving the root feared that Ben would come home drunk and hurt her. On one
cause of what is causing this disease. So, from the moment occasion that Ecel did sleep over, she was awakened about ten
you ask to the patient all comes from the domestic problem. o'clock at night, because the couple "were very noisy … and I heard
something was broken like a vase." Then Marivic came running into
Q You mean problem in her household? Ecel's room and locked the door. Ben showed up by the window grill
atop a chair, scaring them with a knife.
A Probably.
On the afternoon of November 15, 1995, Marivic again asked her
help -- this time to find Ben -- but they were unable to. They returned
Q Can family trouble cause elevation of blood pressure,
to the Genosa home, where they found him already drunk. Again
afraid that he might hurt her, Marivic asked her to sleep at their
house. Seeing his state of drunkenness, Ecel hesitated; and when A Yes, sir.
she heard the couple start arguing, she decided to leave.
Q By the way, where was your conjugal residence situated
On that same night that culminated in the death of Ben Genosa, at this time?
least three other witnesses saw or heard the couple
quarreling.37 Marivic relates in detail the following backdrop of the A Bilwang.
fateful night when life was snuffed out of him, showing in the process
a vivid picture of his cruelty towards her: Q Is this your house or you are renting?


Q Please tell this Court, can you recall the incident in Q What time were you able to come back in your residence
November 15, 1995 in the evening? at Bilwang?

A Whole morning and in the afternoon, I was in the office A I went back around almost 8:00 o'clock.
working then after office hours, I boarded the service bus
and went to Bilwang. When I reached Bilwang, I immediately
asked my son, where was his father, then my second child Q What happened when you arrived in your residence?
said, 'he was not home yet'. I was worried because that was
payday, I was anticipating that he was gambling. So while A When I arrived home with my cousin Ecel whom I
waiting for him, my eldest son arrived from school, I requested to sleep with me at that time because I had fears
prepared dinner for my children. that he was again drunk and I was worried that he would
again beat me so I requested my cousin to sleep with me,
Q This is evening of November 15, 1995? but she resisted because she had fears that the same thing
will happen again last year.
A Yes, sir.
Q Who was this cousin of yours who you requested to sleep
with you?
Q What time did Ben Genosa arrive?
A Ecel Araño, the one who testified.
A When he arrived, I was not there, I was in Isabel looking
for him.
Q Did Ecel sleep with you in your house on that evening?
Q So when he arrived you were in Isabel looking for him?
A No, because she expressed fears, she said her father
would not allow her because of Ben.
A Yes, sir.
Q During this period November 15, 1995, were you
Q Did you come back to your house? pregnant?
A Yes, 8 months. A He is nagging at me for following him and he dared me to
quarrel him.
Q How advance was your pregnancy?
Q What was the cause of his nagging or quarreling at you if
A Eight (8) months. you know?

Q Was the baby subsequently born? A He was angry at me because I was following x x x him,
looking for him. I was just worried he might be overly drunk
and he would beat me again.
A Yes, sir.

Q You said that he was yelling at you, what else, did he do

Q What's the name of the baby you were carrying at that
to you if any?

A He was nagging at me at that time and I just ignore him

A Marie Bianca.
because I want to avoid trouble for fear that he will beat me
again. Perhaps he was disappointed because I just ignore
Q What time were you able to meet personally your him of his provocation and he switch off the light and I said
husband? to him, 'why did you switch off the light when the children
were there.' At that time I was also attending to my children
A Yes, sir. who were doing their assignments. He was angry with me for
not answering his challenge, so he went to the kitchen and
Q What time? [got] a bolo and cut the antenna wire to stop me from
watching television.
A When I arrived home, he was there already in his usual
behavior. Q What did he do with the bolo?

Q Will you tell this Court what was his disposition? A He cut the antenna wire to keep me from watching T.V.

A He was drunk again, he was yelling in his usual unruly Q What else happened after he cut the wire?
A He switch off the light and the children were shouting
Q What was he yelling all about? because they were scared and he was already holding the
A His usual attitude when he got drunk.
Q How do you described this bolo?
Q You said that when you arrived, he was drunk and yelling
at you? What else did he do if any? A 1 1/2 feet.
Q What was the bolo used for usually? Q During this time, where were your children, what were
their reactions?
A For chopping meat.
A After a couple of hours, he went back again and he got
Q You said the children were scared, what else happened as angry with me for packing his clothes, then he dragged me
Ben was carrying that bolo? again of the bedroom holding my neck.

A He was about to attack me so I run to the room. Q You said that when Ben came back to your house, he
dragged you? How did he drag you?
Q What do you mean that he was about to attack you?
A When I attempt to run he held my hands and he whirled
me and I fell to the bedside. The witness demonstrated to the Court by using her
right hand flexed forcibly in her front neck)
Q So when he whirled you, what happened to you?
A And he dragged me towards the door backward.
A I screamed for help and then he left.
Q You said earlier that he whirled you and you fell on the
bedside? Q Where did he bring you?

A Yes, sir. A Outside the bedroom and he wanted to get something and
then he kept on shouting at me that 'you might as well be
killed so there will be nobody to nag me.'
Q You screamed for help and he left, do you know where he
was going?
Q So you said that he dragged you towards the drawer?
A Outside perhaps to drink more.
A Yes, sir.
Q When he left what did you do in that particular time?
Q What is there in the drawer?
A I packed all his clothes.
A I was aware that it was a gun.
Q What was your reason in packing his clothes?
A I wanted him to leave us.
(At this juncture the witness started crying).
ATTY. TABUCANON: Q Where were the children during that time?

Q Were you actually brought to the drawer? A My children were already asleep.

A Yes, sir. Q You mean they were inside the room?

Q What happened when you were brought to that drawer? A Yes, sir.

A He dragged me towards the drawer and he was about to Q You said that he dropped the blade, for the record will you
open the drawer but he could not open it because he did not please describe this blade about 3 inches long, how does it
have the key then he pulled his wallet which contained a look like?
blade about 3 inches long and I was aware that he was
going to kill me and I smashed his arm and then the wallet A Three (3) inches long and 1/2 inch wide.
and the blade fell. The one he used to open the drawer I
saw, it was a pipe about that long, and when he was about Q Is it a flexible blade?
to pick-up the wallet and the blade, I smashed him then I ran
to the other room, and on that very moment everything on
my mind was to pity on myself, then the feeling I had on that A It's a cutter.
very moment was the same when I was admitted in
PHILPHOS Clinic, I was about to vomit. Q How do you describe the blade, is it sharp both edges?

COURT INTERPRETER: A Yes, because he once used it to me.

(The witness at this juncture is crying intensely). Q How did he do it?

xxx   xxx   xxx A He wanted to cut my throat.

ATTY. TABUCANON: Q With the same blade?

Q Talking of drawer, is this drawer outside your room? A Yes, sir, that was the object used when he intimidate
me." 38
A Outside.
In addition, Dra. Natividad Dayan was called by the RTC to testify as
Q In what part of the house? an expert witness to assist it in understanding the psyche of a
battered person. She had met with Marivic Genosa for five sessions
totaling about seventeen hours. Based on their talks, the former
A Dining. briefly related the latter's ordeal to the court a quo as follows:
"Q: What can you say, that you found Marivic as a battered xxx   xxx   xxx
wife? Could you in layman's term describe to this Court what
her life was like as said to you? Q Did you gather an information from Marivic that on the
side of her husband they were fond of battering their wives?
A: What I remember happened then was it was more than
ten years, that she was suffering emotional anguish. There A I also heard that from her?
were a lot of instances of abuses, to emotional abuse, to
verbal abuse and to physical abuse. The husband had a Q You heard that from her?
very meager income, she was the one who was practically
the bread earner of the family. The husband was involved in
a lot of vices, going out with barkadas, drinking, even A Yes, sir.
womanizing being involved in cockfight and going home very
angry and which will trigger a lot of physical abuse. She also Q Did you ask for a complete example who are the relatives
had the experience a lot of taunting from the husband for the of her husband that were fond of battering their wives?
reason that the husband even accused her of infidelity, the
husband was saying that the child she was carrying was not A What I remember that there were brothers of her husband
his own. So she was very angry, she was at the same time who are also battering their wives.
very depressed because she was also aware, almost like
living in purgatory or even hell when it was happening day in Q Did she not inform you that there was an instance that she
and day out." 39 stayed in a hotel in Ormoc where her husband followed her
and battered [her] several times in that room?
In cross-examining Dra. Dayan, the public prosecutor not merely
elicited, but wittingly or unwittingly put forward, additional supporting A She told me about that.
evidence as shown below:
Q Did she inform you in what hotel in Ormoc?
"Q In your first encounter with the appellant in this case in
1999, where you talked to her about three hours, what was
A Sir, I could not remember but I was told that she was
the most relevant information did you gather?
battered in that room.
A The most relevant information was the tragedy that
Q Several times in that room?
happened. The most important information were escalating
abuses that she had experienced during her marital life.
A Yes, sir. What I remember was that there is no problem
about being battered, it really happened.
Q Before you met her in 1999 for three hours, we presume
that you already knew of the facts of the case or at least you
have substantial knowledge of the facts of the case? Q Being an expert witness, our jurisprudence is not complete
on saying this matter. I think that is the first time that we
have this in the Philippines, what is your opinion?
A I believe I had an idea of the case, but I do not know
whether I can consider them as substantial.
A Sir, my opinion is, she is really a battered wife and in this The other expert witness presented by the defense, Dr. Alfredo
kind happened, it was really a self-defense. I also believe Pajarillo, testified on his Psychiatric Report, 42 which was based on his
that there had been provocation and I also believe that she interview and examination of Marivic Genosa. The Report said that
became a disordered person. She had to suffer anxiety during the first three years of her marriage to Ben, everything looked
reaction because of all the battering that happened and so good -- the atmosphere was fine, normal and happy -- until "Ben
she became an abnormal person who had lost she's not started to be attracted to other girls and was also enticed in[to]
during the time and that is why it happened because of all gambling[,] especially cockfighting. x x x. At the same time Ben was
the physical battering, emotional battering, all the often joining his barkada in drinking sprees."
psychological abuses that she had experienced from her
husband. The drinking sprees of Ben greatly changed the attitude he showed
toward his family, particularly to his wife. The Report continued: "At
Q I do believe that she is a battered wife. Was she extremely first, it was verbal and emotional abuses but as time passed, he
battered? became physically abusive. Marivic claimed that the viciousness of
her husband was progressive every time he got drunk. It was a
A Sir, it is an extreme form of battering. Yes.40 painful ordeal Marivic had to anticipate whenever she suspected that
her husband went for a drinking [spree]. They had been married for
twelve years[;] and practically more than eight years, she was
Parenthetically, the credibility of appellant was demonstrated as
battered and maltreated relentlessly and mercilessly by her husband
whenever he was drunk."
"Q And you also said that you administered [the] objective
Marivic sought the help of her mother-in-law, but her efforts were in
personality test, what x x x [is this] all about?
vain. Further quoting from the Report, "[s]he also sought the advice
and help of close relatives and well-meaning friends in spite of her
A The objective personality test is the Millon Clinical feeling ashamed of what was happening to her. But incessant
Multiaxial Inventory. The purpose of that test is to find out battering became more and more frequent and more severe. x x x." 43
about the lying prone[ne]ss of the person.
From the totality of evidence presented, there is indeed no doubt in
Q What do you mean by that? the Court's mind that Appellant Marivic Genosa was a severely
abused person.
A Meaning, am I dealing with a client who is telling me the
truth, or is she someone who can exaggerate or x x x [will] Effect of Battery on Appellant
tell a lie[?]
Because of the recurring cycles of violence experienced by the
Q And what did you discover on the basis of this objective abused woman, her state of mind metamorphoses. In determining
personality test? her state of mind, we cannot rely merely on the judgment of an
ordinary, reasonable person who is evaluating the events
A She was a person who passed the honesty test. Meaning immediately surrounding the incident. A Canadian court has aptly
she is a person that I can trust. That the data that I'm pointed out that expert evidence on the psychological effect of
gathering from her are the truth."41 battering on wives and common law partners are both relevant and
necessary. "How can the mental state of the appellant be According to Dra. Dayan, there are a lot of reasons why a battered
appreciated without it? The average member of the public may ask: woman does not readily leave an abusive partner -- poverty, self-
Why would a woman put up with this kind of treatment? Why should blame and guilt arising from the latter's belief that she provoked the
she continue to live with such a man? How could she love a partner violence, that she has an obligation to keep the family intact at all
who beat her to the point of requiring hospitalization? We would cost for the sake of their children, and that she is the only hope for
expect the woman to pack her bags and go. Where is her self- her spouse to change.49
respect? Why does she not cut loose and make a new life for
herself? Such is the reaction of the average person confronted with The testimony of another expert witness, Dr. Pajarillo, is also helpful.
the so-called 'battered wife syndrome.'"44 He had previously testified in suits involving violent family relations,
having evaluated "probably ten to twenty thousand" violent family
To understand the syndrome properly, however, one's viewpoint disputes within the Armed Forces of the Philippines, wherein such
should not be drawn from that of an ordinary, reasonable person. cases abounded. As a result of his experience with domestic
What goes on in the mind of a person who has been subjected to violence cases, he became a consultant of the Battered Woman
repeated, severe beatings may not be consistent with -- nay, Office in Quezon City. As such, he got involved in about forty (40)
comprehensible to -- those who have not been through a similar cases of severe domestic violence, in which the physical abuse on
experience. Expert opinion is essential to clarify and refute common the woman would sometimes even lead to her loss of
myths and misconceptions about battered women.45 consciousness.50

The theory of BWS formulated by Lenore Walker, as well as her Dr. Pajarillo explained that "overwhelming brutality, trauma" could
research on domestic violence, has had a significant impact in the result in posttraumatic stress disorder, a form of "anxiety neurosis or
United States and the United Kingdom on the treatment and neurologic anxietism."51 After being repeatedly and severely abused,
prosecution of cases, in which a battered woman is charged with the battered persons "may believe that they are essentially helpless,
killing of her violent partner. The psychologist explains that the lacking power to change their situation. x x x [A]cute battering
cyclical nature of the violence inflicted upon the battered woman incidents can have the effect of stimulating the development of
immobilizes the latter's "ability to act decisively in her own interests, coping responses to the trauma at the expense of the victim's ability
making her feel trapped in the relationship with no means of to muster an active response to try to escape further trauma.
escape."46 In her years of research, Dr. Walker found that "the abuse Furthermore, x x x the victim ceases to believe that anything she can
often escalates at the point of separation and battered women are in do will have a predictable positive effect."52
greater danger of dying then."47
A study53 conducted by Martin Seligman, a psychologist at the
Corroborating these research findings, Dra. Dayan said that "the University of Pennsylvania, found that "even if a person has control
battered woman usually has a very low opinion of herself. She has x over a situation, but believes that she does not, she will be more
x x self-defeating and self-sacrificing characteristics. x x x [W]hen the likely to respond to that situation with coping responses rather than
violence would happen, they usually think that they provoke[d] it, that trying to escape." He said that it was the cognitive aspect -- the
they were the one[s] who precipitated the violence[; that] they individual's thoughts -- that proved all-important. He referred to this
provoke[d] their spouse to be physically, verbally and even sexually phenomenon as "learned helplessness." "[T]he truth or facts of a
abusive to them."48 situation turn out to be less important than the individual's set of
beliefs or perceptions concerning the situation. Battered women don't
attempt to leave the battering situation, even when it may seem to
outsiders that escape is possible, because they cannot predict their
own safety; they believe that nothing they or anyone else does will away to her mother's or father's house;58 that Ben would seek her
alter their terrible circumstances."54 out, ask for her forgiveness and promise to change; and that
believing his words, she would return to their common abode.
Thus, just as the battered woman believes that she is somehow
responsible for the violent behavior of her partner, she also believes Did she ever feel that she provoked the violent incidents between her
that he is capable of killing her, and that there is no and her spouse? Did she believe that she was the only hope for Ben
escape.55 Battered women feel unsafe, suffer from pervasive anxiety, to reform? And that she was the sole support of his emotional
and usually fail to leave the relationship. 56 Unless a shelter is stability and well-being? Conversely, how dependent was she on
available, she stays with her husband, not only because she typically him? Did she feel helpless and trapped in their relationship? Did both
lacks a means of self-support, but also because she fears that if she of them regard death as preferable to separation?
leaves she would be found and hurt even more.57
In sum, the defense failed to elicit from appellant herself her factual
In the instant case, we meticulously scoured the records for specific experiences and thoughts that would clearly and fully demonstrate
evidence establishing that appellant, due to the repeated abuse she the essential characteristics of the syndrome.
had suffered from her spouse over a long period of time, became
afflicted with the battered woman syndrome. We, however, failed to The Court appreciates the ratiocinations given by the expert
find sufficient evidence that would support such a conclusion. More witnesses for the defense. Indeed, they were able to explain fully,
specifically, we failed to find ample evidence that would confirm the albeit merely theoretically and scientifically, how the personality of
presence of the essential characteristics of BWS. the battered woman usually evolved or deteriorated as a result of
repeated and severe beatings inflicted upon her by her partner or
The defense fell short of proving all three phases of the "cycle of spouse. They corroborated each other's testimonies, which were
violence" supposedly characterizing the relationship of Ben and culled from their numerous studies of hundreds of actual
Marivic Genosa. No doubt there were acute battering incidents. In cases. However, they failed to present in court the factual
relating to the court a quo how the fatal incident that led to the death experiences and thoughts that appellant had related to them -- if at
of Ben started, Marivic perfectly described the tension-building phase all -- based on which they concluded that she had BWS.
of the cycle. She was able to explain in adequate detail the typical
characteristics of this stage. However, that single incident does not We emphasize that in criminal cases, all the elements of a modifying
prove the existence of the syndrome. In other words, she failed to circumstance must be proven in order to be appreciated. To repeat,
prove that in at least another battering episode in the past, she had the records lack supporting evidence that would establish all the
gone through a similar pattern. essentials of the battered woman syndrome as manifested
specifically in the case of the Genosas.
How did the tension between the partners usually arise or build up
prior to acute battering? How did Marivic normally respond to Ben's BWS as Self-Defense
relatively minor abuses? What means did she employ to try to
prevent the situation from developing into the next (more violent) In any event, the existence of the syndrome in a relationship does
stage? not in itself establish the legal right of the woman to kill her abusive
partner. Evidence must still be considered in the context of self-
Neither did appellant proffer sufficient evidence in regard to the third defense.59
phase of the cycle. She simply mentioned that she would usually run
From the expert opinions discussed earlier, the Court reckons further Had Ben still been awaiting Marivic when she came out of their
that crucial to the BWS defense is the state of mind of the battered children's bedroom -- and based on past violent incidents, there was
woman at the time of the offense 60 -- she must have actually feared a great probability that he would still have pursued her and inflicted
imminent harm from her batterer and honestly believed in the need graver harm -- then, the imminence of the real threat upon her life
to kill him in order to save her life. would not have ceased yet. Where the brutalized person is already
suffering from BWS, further evidence of actual physical assault at the
Settled in our jurisprudence, however, is the rule that the one who time of the killing is not required. Incidents of domestic battery
resorts to self-defense must face a real threat on one's life; and the usually have a predictable pattern. To require the battered person to
peril sought to be avoided must be imminent and actual, not merely await an obvious, deadly attack before she can defend her life
imaginary.61 Thus, the Revised Penal Code provides the following "would amount to sentencing her to 'murder by installment.'" 65 Still,
requisites and effect of self-defense:62 impending danger (based on the conduct of the victim in previous
battering episodes) prior to the defendant's use of deadly force must
be shown. Threatening behavior or communication can satisfy the
"Art. 11. Justifying circumstances. -- The following do not
required imminence of danger.66 Considering such circumstances
incur any criminal liability:
and the existence of BWS, self-defense may be appreciated.
"1. Anyone who acts in defense of his person or rights,
We reiterate the principle that aggression, if not continuous, does not
provided that the following circumstances concur;
warrant self-defense.67 In the absence of such aggression, there can
be no self-defense -- complete or incomplete -- on the part of the
First. Unlawful aggression; victim.68 Thus, Marivic's killing of Ben was not completely justified
under the circumstances.
Second. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to
prevent or repel it; Mitigating Circumstances Present

Third. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person In any event, all is not lost for appellant. While she did not raise any
defending himself." other modifying circumstances that would alter her penalty, we deem
it proper to evaluate and appreciate in her favor circumstances that
Unlawful aggression is the most essential element of self- mitigate her criminal liability. It is a hornbook doctrine that an appeal
defense.63 It presupposes actual, sudden and unexpected attack -- or in a criminal case opens it wholly for review on any issue, including
an imminent danger thereof -- on the life or safety of a person. 64 In that which has not been raised by the parties.69
the present case, however, according to the testimony of Marivic
herself, there was a sufficient time interval between the unlawful From several psychological tests she had administered to Marivic,
aggression of Ben and her fatal attack upon him. She had already Dra. Dayan, in her Psychological Evaluation Report dated November
been able to withdraw from his violent behavior and escape to their 29, 2000, opined as follows:
children's bedroom. During that time, he apparently ceased his
attack and went to bed. The reality or even the imminence of the
"This is a classic case of a Battered Woman Syndrome. The
danger he posed had ended altogether. He was no longer in a
repeated battering Marivic experienced with her husband
position that presented an actual threat on her life or safety.
constitutes a form of [cumulative] provocation which broke
down her psychological resistance and natural self-control. It
is very clear that she developed heightened sensitivity to the fetus. So the anxiety is heightened to the end [sic]
sight of impending danger her husband posed continuously. degree.
Marivic truly experienced at the hands of her abuser
husband a state of psychological paralysis which can only be Q But in terms of the gravity of the disorder, Mr. Witness,
ended by an act of violence on her part." 70 how do you classify?

Dr. Pajarillo corroborates the findings of Dra. Dayan. He explained A We classify the disorder as [acute], or chronic or delayed
that the effect of "repetitious pain taking, repetitious battering, [and] or [a]typical.
repetitious maltreatment" as well as the severity and the prolonged
administration of the battering is posttraumatic stress Q Can you please describe this pre[-]classification you called
disorder.71 Expounding thereon, he said: delayed or [atypical]?

"Q What causes the trauma, Mr. Witness? A The acute is the one that usually require only one battering
and the individual will manifest now a severe emotional
A What causes the trauma is probably the repetitious instability, higher irritability remorse, restlessness, and fear
battering. Second, the severity of the battering. Third, the and probably in most [acute] cases the first thing will be
prolonged administration of battering or the prolonged happened to the individual will be thinking of suicide.
commission of the battering and the psychological and
constitutional stamina of the victim and another one is the Q And in chronic cases, Mr. Witness?
public and social support available to the victim. If nobody is
interceding, the more she will go to that disorder....
A The chronic cases is this repetitious battering, repetitious
maltreatment, any prolonged, it is longer than six (6) months.
xxx   xxx   xxx The [acute] is only the first day to six (6) months. After this
six (6) months you become chronic. It is stated in the book
Q You referred a while ago to severity. What are the specifically that after six (6) months is chronic. The [a]typical
qualifications in terms of severity of the postraumatic stress one is the repetitious battering but the individual who is
disorder, Dr. Pajarillo? abnormal and then become normal. This is how you get
neurosis from neurotic personality of these cases of
A The severity is the most severe continuously to trig[g]er post[t]raumatic stress disorder." 72
this post[t]raumatic stress disorder is injury to the head,
banging of the head like that. It is usually the very very Answering the questions propounded by the trial judge, the expert
severe stimulus that precipitate this post[t]raumatic stress witness clarified further:
disorder. Others are suffocating the victim like holding a
pillow on the face, strangulating the individual, suffocating "Q But just the same[,] neurosis especially on battered
the individual, and boxing the individual. In this situation woman syndrome x x x affects x x x his or her mental
therefore, the victim is heightened to painful stimulus, like for capacity?
example she is pregnant, she is very susceptible because
the woman will not only protect herself, she is also to protect
A Yes, your Honor.
Q As you were saying[,] it x x x obfuscated her rationality? overcoming her reason. Even though she was able to retreat to a
separate room, her emotional and mental state continued. According
A Of course obfuscated."73 to her, she felt her blood pressure rise; she was filled with feelings of
self-pity and of fear that she and her baby were about to die. In a fit
of indignation, she pried open the cabinet drawer where Ben kept a
In sum, the cyclical nature and the severity of the violence inflicted
gun, then she took the weapon and used it to shoot him.
upon appellant resulted in "cumulative provocation which broke down
her psychological resistance and natural self-control," "psychological
paralysis," and "difficulty in concentrating or impairment of memory." The confluence of these events brings us to the conclusion that there
was no considerable period of time within which Marivic could have
recovered her normal equanimity. Helpful is Dr. Pajarillo's
Based on the explanations of the expert witnesses, such
testimony80 that with "neurotic anxiety" -- a psychological effect on a
manifestations were analogous to an illness that diminished the
victim of "overwhelming brutality [or] trauma" -- the victim relives the
exercise by appellant of her will power without, however, depriving
beating or trauma as if it were real, although she is not actually being
her of consciousness of her acts. There was, thus, a resulting
beaten at the time. She cannot control "re-experiencing the whole
diminution of her freedom of action, intelligence or intent. Pursuant to
thing, the most vicious and the trauma that she suffered." She thinks
paragraphs 974 and 1075 of Article 13 of the Revised Penal Code, this
"of nothing but the suffering." Such reliving which is beyond the
circumstance should be taken in her favor and considered as a
control of a person under similar circumstances, must have been
mitigating factor. 76
what Marivic experienced during the brief time interval and prevented
her from recovering her normal equanimity. Accordingly, she should
In addition, we also find in favor of appellant the extenuating further be credited with the mitigating circumstance of passion and
circumstance of having acted upon an impulse so powerful as to obfuscation.
have naturally produced passion and obfuscation. It has been held
that this state of mind is present when a crime is committed as a
It should be clarified that these two circumstances -- psychological
result of an uncontrollable burst of passion provoked by prior unjust
paralysis as well as passion and obfuscation -- did not arise from the
or improper acts or by a legitimate stimulus so powerful as to
same set of facts.
overcome reason.77 To appreciate this circumstance, the following
requisites should concur: (1) there is an act, both unlawful and
sufficient to produce such a condition of mind; and (2) this act is not On the one hand, the first circumstance arose from the cyclical
far removed from the commission of the crime by a considerable nature and the severity of the battery inflicted by the batterer-spouse
length of time, during which the accused might recover her normal upon appellant. That is, the repeated beatings over a period of time
equanimity.78 resulted in her psychological paralysis, which was analogous to an
illness diminishing the exercise of her will power without depriving
her of consciousness of her acts.
Here, an acute battering incident, wherein Ben Genosa was the
unlawful aggressor, preceded his being killed by Marivic. He had
further threatened to kill her while dragging her by the neck towards The second circumstance, on the other hand, resulted from the
a cabinet in which he had kept a gun. It should also be recalled that violent aggression he had inflicted on her prior to the killing. That the
she was eight months pregnant at the time. The attempt on her life incident occurred when she was eight months pregnant with their
was likewise on that of her fetus. 79 His abusive and violent acts, an child was deemed by her as an attempt not only on her life, but
aggression which was directed at the lives of both Marivic and her likewise on that of their unborn child. Such perception naturally
unborn child, naturally produced passion and obfuscation produced passion and obfuscation on her part.
Second Legal Issue: A Outside the bedroom and he wanted to get something and
then he kept on shouting at me that 'you might as well be
Treachery killed so there will be nobody to nag me'

There is treachery when one commits any of the crimes against Q So you said that he dragged you towards the drawer?
persons by employing means, methods or forms in the execution
thereof without risk to oneself arising from the defense that the A Yes, sir.
offended party might make.81 In order to qualify an act as
treacherous, the circumstances invoked must be proven as Q What is there in the drawer?
indubitably as the killing itself; they cannot be deduced from mere
inferences, or conjectures, which have no place in the appreciation A I was aware that it was a gun.
of evidence.82 Because of the gravity of the resulting offense,
treachery must be proved as conclusively as the killing itself. 83
Ruling that treachery was present in the instant case, the trial court
imposed the penalty of death upon appellant. It inferred this (At this juncture the witness started crying)
qualifying circumstances merely from the fact that the lifeless body of
Ben had been found lying in bed with an "open, depressed, circular" ATTY. TABUCANON:
fracture located at the back of his head. As to exactly how and when
he had been fatally attacked, however, the prosecution failed to Q Were you actually brought to the drawer?
establish indubitably. Only the following testimony of appellant leads
us to the events surrounding his death: A Yes, sir.

"Q You said that when Ben came back to your house, he Q What happened when you were brought to that drawer?
dragged you? How did he drag you?
A He dragged me towards the drawer and he was about to
COURT: open the drawer but he could not open it because he did not
have the key then he pulled his wallet which contained a
The witness demonstrated to the Court by using her blade about 3 inches long and I was aware that he was
right hand flexed forcibly in her front neck) going to kill me and I smashed his arm and then the wallet
and the blade fell. The one he used to open the drawer I
A And he dragged me towards the door backward. saw, it was a pipe about that long, and when he was about
to pick-up the wallet and the blade, I smashed him then I ran
ATTY. TABUCANON: to the other room, and on that very moment everything on
my mind was to pity on myself, then the feeling I had on that
very moment was the same when I was admitted in
Q Where did he bring you? PHILPHOS Clinic, I was about to vomit.

(The witness at this juncture is crying intensely). A Ben tried to pick-up the wallet and the blade, I pick-up the
pipe and I smashed him and I ran to the other room.
xxx   xxx   xxx
Q What else happened?
Q You said that he dropped the blade, for the record will you
please describe this blade about 3 inches long, how does it A When I was in the other room, I felt the same thing like
look like? what happened before when I was admitted in PHILPHOS
Clinic, I was about to vomit. I know my blood pressure was
A Three (3) inches long and ½ inch wide. raised. I was frightened I was about to die because of my
blood pressure.
Q It is a flexible blade?
A It's a cutter.
(Upon the answer of the witness getting the pipe and
smashed him, the witness at the same time pointed
Q How do you describe the blade, is it sharp both edges?
at the back of her neck or the nape).
A Yes, because he once used it to me.
Q How did he do it?
Q You said you went to the room, what else happened?
A He wanted to cut my throat.
A Considering all the physical sufferings that I've been
through with him, I took pity on myself and I felt I was about
Q With the same blade? to die also because of my blood pressure and the baby, so I
got that gun and I shot him.
A Yes, sir, that was the object used when he intimidate me.
xxx   xxx   xxx
/to Atty. Tabucanon
Q You shot him?
Q You said that this blade fell from his grip, is it correct?
A Yes, I distorted the drawer."84
A Yes, because I smashed him.
The above testimony is insufficient to establish the presence of
Q What happened? treachery. There is no showing of the victim's position relative to
appellant's at the time of the shooting. Besides, equally axiomatic is
the rule that when a killing is preceded by an argument or a quarrel,
treachery cannot be appreciated as a qualifying circumstance, minimum period, she may now apply for and be released from
because the deceased may be said to have been forewarned and to detention on parole.91
have anticipated aggression from the assailant.85
Moreover, in order to appreciate alevosia, the method of assault
adopted by the aggressor must have been consciously and Being a novel concept in our jurisprudence, the battered woman
deliberately chosen for the specific purpose of accomplishing the syndrome was neither easy nor simple to analyze and recognize vis-
unlawful act without risk from any defense that might be put up by à-vis the given set of facts in the present case. The Court agonized
the party attacked.86 There is no showing, though, that the present on how to apply the theory as a modern-day reality. It took great
appellant intentionally chose a specific means of successfully effort beyond the normal manner in which decisions are made -- on
attacking her husband without any risk to herself from any retaliatory the basis of existing law and jurisprudence applicable to the proven
act that he might make. To the contrary, it appears that the thought facts. To give a just and proper resolution of the case, it endeavored
of using the gun occurred to her only at about the same moment to take a good look at studies conducted here and abroad in order to
when she decided to kill her batterer-spouse. In the absence of any understand the intricacies of the syndrome and the distinct
convincing proof that she consciously and deliberately employed the personality of the chronically abused person. Certainly, the Court has
method by which she committed the crime in order to ensure its learned much. And definitely, the solicitor general and appellant's
execution, this Court resolves the doubt in her favor. 87 counsel, Atty. Katrina Legarda, have helped it in such learning
Proper Penalty
While our hearts empathize with recurrently battered persons, we
The penalty for parricide imposed by Article 246 of the Revised can only work within the limits of law, jurisprudence and given facts.
Penal Code is reclusion perpetua to death. Since two mitigating We cannot make or invent them. Neither can we amend the Revised
circumstances and no aggravating circumstance have been found to Penal Code. Only Congress, in its wisdom, may do so.
have attended the commission of the offense, the penalty shall be
lowered by one (1) degree, pursuant to Article 64 of paragraph 5 88 of The Court, however, is not discounting the possibility of self-defense
the same Code.89 The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium arising from the battered woman syndrome. We now sum up our
period is imposable, considering that two mitigating circumstances main points. First, each of the phases of the cycle of violence must
are to be taken into account in reducing the penalty by one degree, be proven to have characterized at least two battering episodes
and no other modifying circumstances were shown to have attended between the appellant and her intimate partner. Second, the final
the commission of the offense.90 Under the Indeterminate Sentence acute battering episode preceding the killing of the batterer must
Law, the minimum of the penalty shall be within the range of that have produced in the battered person's mind an actual fear of an
which is next lower in degree -- prision mayor -- and the maximum imminent harm from her batterer and an honest belief that she
shall be within the range of the medium period of reclusion temporal. needed to use force in order to save her life. Third, at the time of the
killing, the batterer must have posed probable -- not necessarily
Considering all the circumstances of the instant case, we deem it just immediate and actual -- grave harm to the accused, based on the
and proper to impose the penalty of prision mayor in its minimum history of violence perpetrated by the former against the latter. Taken
period, or six (6) years and one (1) day in prison as minimum; altogether, these circumstances could satisfy the requisites of self-
to reclusion temporal in its medium period, or 14 years 8 months and defense. Under the existing facts of the present case, however, not
1 day as maximum. Noting that appellant has already served the all of these elements were duly established.
WHEREFORE, the conviction of Appellant Marivic Genosa for deceased in the amount of P2,000, and to pay the costs. The
parricide is hereby AFFIRMED. However, there being two (2) following facts are not disputed.
mitigating circumstances and no aggravating circumstance attending
her commission of the offense, her penalty is REDUCED to six (6) In the month of November, 1946, the defendant Abelardo
years and one (1) day of prision mayor as minimum; to 14 years, 8 Formigones was living on his farm in Bahao, Libmanan, municipality
months and 1 day of reclusion temporal as maximum. of Sipocot, Camarines Sur, with his wife, Julia Agricola, and his five
children. From there they went to live in the house of his half-brother,
Inasmuch as appellant has been detained for more than the Zacarias Formigones, in the barrio of Binahian of the same
minimum penalty hereby imposed upon her, the director of the municipality of Sipocot, to find employment as harvesters of palay.
Bureau of Corrections may immediately RELEASE her from custody After about a month's stay or rather on December 28, 1946, late in
upon due determination that she is eligible for parole, unless she is the afternoon, Julia was sitting at the head of the stairs of the house.
being held for some other lawful cause. Costs de oficio. The accused, without any previous quarrel or provocation
whatsoever, took his bolo from the wall of the house and stabbed his
SO ORDERED. wife, Julia, in the back, the blade penetrating the right lung and
causing a severe hemorrhage resulting in her death not long
thereafter. The blow sent Julia toppling down the stairs to the
Imbecility/ Insanity
ground, immediately followed by her husband Abelardo who, taking
her up in his arms, carried her up the house, laid her on the floor of
Republic of the Philippines the living room and then lay down beside her. In this position he was
SUPREME COURT found by the people who came in response to the shouts for help
Manila made by his eldest daughter, Irene Formigones, who witnessed and
testified to the stabbing of her mother by her father.
Investigated by the Constabulary, defendant Abelardo signed a
G.R. No. L-3246            November 29, 1950 written statement, Exhibit D, wherein he admitted that he killed The
motive was admittedly of jealousy because according to his
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, statement he used to have quarrels with his wife for the reason that
vs. he often saw her in the company of his brother Zacarias; that he
ABELARDO FORMIGONES, defendant-appellant. suspected that the two were maintaining illicit relations because he
noticed that his had become indifferent to him (defendant).
Luis Contreras for appellant.
Office of the Solicitor General Felix Bautista Angelo and Solicitor During the preliminary investigation conducted by the justice of the
Felix V. Makasiar for appellee. peace of Sipocot, the accused pleaded guilty, as shown by Exhibit E.
At the trial of the case in the Court of First Instance, the defendant
MONTEMAYOR, J.: entered a plea of not guilty, but did not testify. His counsel presented
the testimony of two guards of the provincial jail where Abelardo was
confined to the effect that his conduct there was rather strange and
This is an appeal from the decision of the Court of First Instance of
that he behaved like an insane person; that sometimes he would
Camarines Sur finding the appellant guilty of parricide and
remove his clothes and go stark naked in the presence of his fellow
sentencing him to reclusion perpetua, to indemnify the heirs of the
prisoners; that at times he would remain silent and indifferent to his
surroundings; that he would refused to take a bath and wash his abnormality of his mental faculties does not exclude
clothes until forced by the prison authorities; and that sometimes he imputability.2
would sing in chorus with his fellow prisoners, or even alone by
himself without being asked; and that once when the door of his cell The Supreme Court of Spain likewise held that deaf-
was opened, he suddenly darted from inside into the prison muteness cannot be equaled to imbecility or insanity.
compound apparently in an attempt to regain his liberty.
The allegation of insanity or imbecility must be clearly
The appeal is based merely on the theory that the appellant is an proved. Without positive evidence that the defendant had
imbecile and therefore exempt from criminal liability under article 12 previously lost his reason or was demented, a few moments
of the Revised Penal Code. The trial court rejected this same theory prior to or during the perpetration of the crime, it will be
and we are inclined to agree with the lower court. According to the presumed that he was in a normal condition. Acts penalized
very witness of the defendant, Dr. Francisco Gomez, who examined by law are always reputed to be voluntary, and it is improper
him, it was his opinion that Abelardo was suffering only from to conclude that a person acted unconsciously, in order to
feeblemindedness and not imbecility and that he could distinguish relieve him from liability, on the basis of his mental condition,
right from wrong. unless his insanity and absence of will are proved.

In order that a person could be regarded as an imbecile within the As to the strange behaviour of the accused during his confinement,
meaning of article 12 of the Revised Penal Code so as to be exempt assuming that it was not feigned to stimulate insanity, it may be
from criminal liability, he must be deprived completely of reason or attributed either to his being feebleminded or eccentric, or to a
discernment and freedom of the will at the time of committing the morbid mental condition produced by remorse at having killed his
crime. The provisions of article 12 of the Revised Penal Code are wife. From the case of United States vs. Vaquilar (27 Phil. 88), we
copied from and based on paragraph 1, article 8, of the old Penal quote the following syllabus:
Code of Spain. Consequently, the decisions of the Supreme Court of
Spain interpreting and applying said provisions are pertinent and Testimony of eye-witnesses to a parricide, which goes no
applicable. We quote Judge Guillermo Guevara on his further than to indicate that the accused was moved by a
Commentaries on the Revised Penal Code, 4th Edition, pages 42 to wayward or hysterical burst of anger or passion, and other
43: testimony to the effect that, while in confinement awaiting
trial, defendant acted absentmindedly at times, is not
The Supreme Court of Spain held that in order that this sufficient to establish the defense of insanity. The conduct of
exempting circumstances may be taken into account, it is the defendant while in confinement appears to have been
necessary that there be a complete deprivation of due to a morbid mental condition produced by remorse.
intelligence in committing the act, that is, that the accused be
deprived of reason; that there be no responsibility for his After a careful study of the record, we are convinced that the
own acts; that he acts without the least discernment; 1 that appellant is not an imbecile. According to the evidence, during his
there be a complete absence of the power to discern, or that marriage of about 16 years, he has not done anything or conducted
there be a total deprivation of freedom of the will. For this himself in anyway so as to warrant an opinion that he was or is an
reason, it was held that the imbecility or insanity at the time imbecile. He regularly and dutifully cultivated his farm, raised five
of the commission of the act should absolutely deprive a children, and supported his family and even maintained in school his
person of intelligence or freedom of will, because mere children of school age, with the fruits of his work. Occasionally, as a
side line he made copra. And a man who could feel the pangs of aggravating circumstance. On the other hand, the fact that the
jealousy to take violent measure to the extent of killing his wife whom accused is feebleminded warrants the finding in his favor of the
he suspected of being unfaithful to him, in the belief that in doing so mitigating circumstance provided for in either paragraph 8 or
he was vindicating his honor, could hardly be regarded as an paragraph 9 of article 13 of the Revised Penal Code, namely that the
imbecile. Whether or not his suspicions were justified, is of little or no accused is "suffering some physical defect which thus restricts his
import. The fact is that he believed her faithless. means of action, defense, or communication with his fellow beings,"
or such illness "as would diminish the exercise of his will power." To
But to show that his feeling of jealousy had some color of justification this we may add the mitigating circumstance in paragraph 6 of the
and was not a mere product of hallucination and aberrations of a same article, — that of having acted upon an impulse so powerful as
disordered mind as that an imbecile or a lunatic, there is evidence to naturally to have produced passion or obfuscation. The accused
the following effect. In addition to the observations made by evidently killed his wife in a fit of jealousy.
appellant in his written statement Exhibit D, it is said that when he
and his wife first went to live in the house of his half brother, Zacarias With the presence of two mitigating circumstances without any
Formigones, the latter was living with his grandmother, and his aggravating circumstance to offset them, at first we thought of the
house was vacant. However, after the family of Abelardo was settled possible applicability of the provisions of article 64, paragraph 5 of
in the house, Zacarias not only frequented said house but also used the Revised Penal Code for the purpose of imposing the penalty next
to sleep there nights. All this may have aroused and even partly lower to that prescribed by article 246 for parricide, which
confirmed the suspicions of Abelardo, at least to his way of thinking. is reclusion perpetua to death. It will be observed however, that
article 64 refers to the application of penalties which contain three
The appellant has all the sympathies of the Court. He seems to be periods whether it be a single divisible penalty or composed of three
one of those unfortunate beings, simple, and even feebleminded, different penalties, each one of which forms a period in accordance
whose faculties have not been fully developed. His action in picking with the provisions of articles 76 and 77, which is not true in the
up the body of his wife after she fell down to the ground, dead, taking present case where the penalty applicable for parricide is composed
her upstairs, laying her on the floor, and lying beside her for hours, only of two indivisible penalties. On the other hand, article 63 of the
shows his feeling of remorse at having killed his loved one though he same Code refers to the application of indivisible penalties whether it
thought that she has betrayed him. Although he did not exactly be a single divisible penalty, or two indivisible penalties like that
surrender to the authorities, still he made no effort to flee and compel of reclusion perpetua to death. It is therefore clear that article 63 is
the police to hunt him down and arrest him. In his written statement the one applicable in the present case.
he readily admitted that he killed his wife, and at the trial he made no
effort to deny or repudiate said written statement, thus saving the Paragraph 2, rule 3 of said article 63 provides that when the
government all the trouble and expense of catching him, and insuring commission of the act is attended by some mitigating circumstance
his conviction. and there is no aggravating circumstance, the lesser penalty shall be
applied. Interpreting a similar legal provision the Supreme Court in
Although the deceased was struck in the back, we are not prepared the case of United States vs. Guevara (10 Phil. 37), involving the
to find that the aggravating circumstance of treachery attended the crime of parricide, in applying article 80, paragraph 2 (rule 3 of the
commission of the crime. It seems that the prosecution was not old Penal Code) which corresponds to article 63, paragraph 2 (rule 3
intent or proving it. At least said aggravating circumstance was not of the present Revised Penal Code), thru Chief Justice Arellano said
alleged in the complaint either in the justice of the peace court or in the following:
the Court of First Instance. We are inclined to give him the benefit of
the doubt and we therefore declined to find the existence of this
And even though the court should take into consideration the In conclusion, we find the appellant guilty of parricide and we hereby
presence of two mitigating circumstances of a qualifying affirm the judgment of the lower court with the modification that the
nature, which it can not afford to overlook, without any appellant will be credited with one-half of any preventive
aggravating one, the penalty could not be reduced to the imprisonment he has undergone. Appellant will pay costs.
next lower to that imposed by law, because, according to a
ruling of the court of Spain, article 80 above-mentioned does Following the attitude adopted and the action taken by this same
not contain a precept similar to that contained in Rule 5 of court in the two cases above cited, and believing that the appellant is
article 81 (now Rule 5, art. 64 of the Rev. Penal Code.) entitled to a lighter penalty, this case should be brought to the
(Decision of September 30, 1879.) attention of the Chief Executive who, in his discretion may reduce the
penalty to that next lower to reclusion perpetua to death or otherwise
Yet, in view of the excessive penalty imposed, the strict apply executive clemency in the manner he sees fit.
application of which is inevitable and which, under the law,
must be sustained, this court now resorts to the discretional EN BANC
power conferred by paragraph 2 of article 2 of the Penal
Code; and.
G.R. No. L-33211 June 29, 1981
Therefore, we affirm the judgment appealed from with costs,
and hereby order that a proper petition be filed with the THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee,
executive branch of the Government in order that the latter, if vs. ERNESTO PUNO y FILOMENO, Accused whose death
it be deemed proper in the exercise of the prerogative vested sentence is under review.
in it by the sovereign power, may reduce the penalty to that
of the next lower. AQUINO, J.:

Then, in the case of People vs. Castañeda (60 Phil. 604), another This is a murder case where the accused interposed as a
parricide case, the Supreme Court in affirming the judgment of defense the exempting circumstance of insanity.chanrobles
conviction sentencing defendant to reclusion perpetua, said that virtual law library
notwithstanding the numerous mitigating circumstances found to
exist, inasmuch as the penalty for parricide as fixed by article 246 of There is no doubt that at about two o'clock in the afternoon
the Revised Penal Code is composed of two indivisible penalties,
of September 8, 1970, Ernesto Puno, 28, a jeepney driver,
namely, reclusion perpetua to death, paragraph 3 of article 63 of the
entered a bedroom in the house of Francisca Col (Aling
said Code must be applied. The Court further observed:
Kikay), 72, a widow. The house was located in the area
known as Little Baguio, Barrio Tinajeros Malabon, Rizal
We are likewise convinced that appellant did not have that
malice nor has exhibited such moral turpitude as requires life
imprisonment, and therefore under the provisions of article 5 On seeing Aling Kikay sitting in bed, Puno insulted her by
of the Revised Penal Code, we respectfully invite the saying: "Mangkukulam ka mambabarang mayroon kang
attention of the Chief Executive to the case with a view to bubuyog". Then, he repeatedly slapped her and struck her
executive clemency after appellant has served an several times on the head with a hammer until she was
appreciable amount of confinement. dead.chanrobles virtual law library
The assault was witnessed by Hilaria de la Cruz, 23, who opening the skull, the doctor found extensive and
was in the bedroom with the old woman, and by Lina Pajes, generalized hemorrhage. The cause of death was
27, a tenant of the adjoining room. They testified that intracranial, traumatic hemorrhage (Exh. A).chanrobles
Puno's eyes were reddish. His look was baleful and virtual law library
menacing. Puno was a neighbor of Aling Kikay.chanrobles
virtual law library Puno's father surrendered him to the police. Two Malabon
policemen brought him to the National Mental Hospital in
After the killing, Puno went to the room of Lina, where Mandaluyong, Rizal on September 10, 1970 (p. 14, Record).
Hilaria had taken refuge, and, according to Hilaria, he made He was charged with murder in the municipal court. He
the following confession and threat: "Huwag kayong waived the second stage of the preliminary
magkakamaling tumawag ng pulis at sabihin ninyo na investigation.chanrobles virtual law library
umalis kayo ng bahay at hindi ninyo alam kung sino ang
pumatay sa matanda." Or, according to Lina, Puno said: On October 21, 1970, he was indicted for murder in the
"Pinatay ko na iyong matanda. Huwag kayong tumawag ng Circuit Criminal Court at Pasig, Rizal. Alleged in the
pulis. Pag tumawag kayo ng pulis, kayo ang information as aggravating circumstances were evident
paghihigantihan ko. " premeditation, abuse of superiority and disregard of
sex.chanrobles virtual law library
After the killing, Puno fled to his parents' house at Barrio
Tugatog, Malabon and then went to the house of his second Puno, a native of Macabebe, Pampanga, who testified about
cousin, Teotimo Puno, located at Barrio San Jose, Calumpit, five months after the killing, pretended that he did not
Bulacan, reaching that place in the evening. How he was remember having killed Aling Kikay- He believes that there
able to go to that place, which was then flooded, is not are persons who are "mangkukulam," "mambabarang" and
shown in the record.chanrobles virtual law library "mambubuyog and that when one is victimized by those
persons, his feet might shrink or his hands might swan.
Disregarding Puno's threat, Lina, after noting that he had Puno believes that a person harmed by a "mambabarang"
left, notified the Malabon police of the killing. Corporal might have a headache or a swelling nose and ears and can
Daniel B. Cruz answered the call. He found Aling Kikay be cured only by a quack doctor (herbolaryo).
sprawled on her bed already dead, Her head was bloody. Consequently, it is necessary to kill the "mangkukulam" and
Her blanket and pillows were bloodstained. He took down "mambabarang".chanrobles virtual law library
the statements of Lina and Hilaria at the police station. They
pointed to Puno as the killer (pp. 15- 17, Puno is the third child in a family of twelve children. He is
Record).chanrobles virtual law library married with two children. He finished third year high
school. His father is a welder. Among his friends are drivers.
A medico-legal officer of the National Bureau of (Exh- B).chanrobles virtual law library
Investigation conducted an autopsy. He certified that the
victim had lacerated wounds on her right eyebrow and Zenaida Gabriel, 30, Puno's wife, testified that on the night
contusions on the head caused by a hard instrument, On before the murder, Puno's eyes were reddish. He
complained of a headache. The following day while he was The defense presented three psychiatrists. However, instead
feeding the pigs, he told Zenaida that a bumble bee was of proving that puno was insane when he killed Aling Kikay,
coming towards him and he warded it off with his hands. the medical experts testified that Puno acted with
Zenaida did not see any bee.chanrobles virtual law library discernment.chanrobles virtual law library

Puno then went upstairs and took the cord of the religious Thus, Doctor Araceli Maravilla of the Psychiatry Section of
habit of his mother. He wanted to use that cord in tying his the Dr. Jose R. Reyes Memorial Hospital, to whom Puno was
dog. He asked for another rope when Zenaida admonished referred for treatment ten times between September 8,
him not to use that cord. Puno tied the dog to a tree by 1966 and July 24, 1970, testified that Puno was an out-
looping the rope through its mouth and over its head. He patient who could very well live with society, although he
repeatedly boxed the dog.chanrobles virtual law library was afflicted with "schizophrenic reaction"; that Puno knew
what he was doing and that he had psychosis, a slight
Aida Gabriel, Zenaida's elder sister, saw Puno while he was destruction of the ego. Puno admitted to Doctor Maravilia
boxing that dog. Aida observed that Puno's eyes were that one cause of his restlessness, sleeplessness and
bloodshot and his countenance had a ferocious irritability was his financial problem (7 tsn November 4,
expression.chanrobles virtual law library 1970). Doctor Maravilla observed that Puno on July 4, 1970
was already cured.chanrobles virtual law library
Teotimo Puno testified that on the night of September 8,
1970, Ernesto Puno came to their house in Barrio San Jose, Doctor Reynaldo Robles of the National Mental Hospital
Calumpit. Ernesto was soaking wet as there was a flood in testified that Puno was first brought to that hospital on July
that place. He was cuddling a puppy that he called "Diablo". 28, 1962 because his parents complained that he laughed
He called for Teotimo's mother who invited him to eat. alone and exhibited certain eccentricities such as kneeling,
Ernesto did not eat. Instead, he fed the puppy.chanrobles praying and making his body rigid. Doctor Robles observed
virtual law library that while Puno was suffering from "schizophrenic reaction",
his symptoms were "not socially incapacitating" and that he
Ernesto introduced Teotimo to his puppy. Then, he sang an could adjust himself to his environment (4 tsn January 20,
English song. When Teotimo asked him to change his wet 1971). He agreed with Doctor Maravilla's
clothes, Ernesto refused. Later, he tried on the clothes of testimony.chanrobles virtual law library
Teotimo's father. When told that Teotimo's father had been
dead for a couple of years already, Ernesto just looked at Doctor Carlos Vicente, a medical specialist of the National
Teotimo.chanrobles virtual law library Mental Hospital, testified that from his examination of Puno,
he gathered that Puno acted with discernment when he
While he was lying down, Ernesto began singing again. Then committed the killing and that Puno could distinguish
he emitted a moaning sound until he fell asleep. Ernesto between right and wrong (5 tsn January 1 1, 197 1). Doctor
was awakened the next morning by the noise caused by Vicente also concluded that Puno was not suffering from any
persons wading in the flood. Ernesto thought they were his delusion and that he was not mentally deficient; otherwise,
fellow cursillistas.chanrobles virtual law library he would not have reached third year high school (8-19 tsn
January 1 1, 197 1).chanrobles virtual law library
On December 14, 1970 or three months after the The seeming ignorance of very simple known facts and
commission of the offense, Doctors Vicente, Robles and amnesia of several isolated accounts in his life do not fit the
Victorina V. Manikan of the National Mental Hospital active pattern of a schizophrenic process. It may be found
submitted the following report on Puno (Exh. B or 2): in an acutely disturbed and confused patient or a markedly,
retarded individual of which he is not.chanrobles virtual law
Records show that he had undergone psychiatric treatment library
at the Out-Patient Service of the National Mental Hospital
for schizophrenia in 1962 from which he recovered; in 1964 However, persons who recover from an acute episode of
a relapse of the same mental illness when he improved and mental illness like schizophrenia may retain some residual
in 1966 when his illness remained unimproved.chanrobles symptoms impairing their judgment but not necessarily
virtual law library their discernment of right from wrong of the offense
His treatment was continued at the JRR Memorial Hospital
at the San Lazaro Compound up to July, 1970. He was The foregoing report was submitted pusuant to Rule 28 of
relieved of symptoms and did not come back anymore for the Rules of Court and the order of the trial court dated
medication. On September 8, 1970, according to November 16, 1970 for the mental examination of Puno in
information, he was able to kill an old woman. Particulars of the National Mental Hospital to determine whether he could
the offense are not given. stand trial and whether he was sane when he committed
the killing.chanrobles virtual law library
The trial court concluded that Puno was sane or knew that
... Presently, he is quiet and as usual manageable. He is the killing of Francisca Col was wrong and that he would be
fairly clean in person and without undue display of emotion. punished for it, as shown by the threats which he made to
He talks to co-patients but becomes evasive when talking Hilaria de la Cruz and Lina Pajes, the old woman's
with the doctor and other personnel of the ward. He knows companions who witnessed his dastardly deed.chanrobles
he is accused of murder but refuses to elaborate on it. virtual law library

xxx xxx xxx The trial court also concluded that if Puno was a homicidal
maniac who had gone berserk, he would have killed also
REMARKS Hilaria and Lina. The fact that he singled out Aling Kikay
signified that he really disposed of her because he thought
that she was a witch.chanrobles virtual law library
In view of the foregoing findings, Ernesto Puno, who
previously was suffering from a mental illness called
schizophrenia, is presently free from any social Judge Onofre A. Villaluz said that during the trial he
incapacitating psychotic symptoms. "meticulously observed the conduct and behavior of the
accused inside the court, most especially when he was
presented on the witness stand" and he was convinced "that
the accused is sane and has full grasp of what was deprived of reason, he acts without the least discernment
happening" in his environment.chanrobles virtual law library because there is complete absence of the power to discern,
or that there is total deprivation of freedom of the will. Mere
The trial court convicted Puno of murder, sentenced him to abnormality of the mental faculties will not exclude
death and ordered him to pay the heirs of the victim an imputability." (People vs. Ambal, G.R. No. 52688, October
indemnity of twenty-two thousand pesos (Criminal Case No. 17, 1980; People vs. Renegade, L-27031, May 31, 1974, 57
509).chanrobles virtual law library SCRA 275, 286; People vs. Cruz, 109 Phil. 288, 292. As to
"el trastorno mental transitorio as an exempting
His counsel de oficio in this review of the death sentence, circumstance, see I Cuello Calon, Codigo Penal, 15th Ed.,
contends that the trial court erred in not sustaining the 1974. pp. 498-504 and art. 8 of the Spanish Penal Code.)
defense of insanity and in appreciating evident
premeditation, abuse of superiority and disregard of sex as After evaluating counsel de oficio's contentions in the light
aggravating circumstances.chanrobles virtual law library of the strict rule just stated and the circumstances
surrounding the killing, we are led to the conclusion that
When insanity is alleged as a ground for exemption from Puno was not legally insane when he killed the hapless and
responsibility, the evidence on this point must refer to the helpless victim. The facts and the findings of the
time preceding the act under prosecution or to the very psychiatrists reveal that on that tragic occasion he was not
moment of its execution (U.S. vs. Guevara, 27 Phil. 547). completely deprived of reason and freedom of
Insanity should be proven by clear and positive evidence will.chanrobles virtual law library
(People vs. Bascos, 44 Phil. 204).chanrobles virtual law
library In People vs. Fausto y Tomas, 113 Phil. 841, the accused
was confined in the National Mental Hospital for thirteen
The defense contends that Puno was insane when he killed days because he was suffering from schizophrenia of the
Francisca Col because he had chronic schizophrenia since paranoid type. His confinement was recommended by
1962; he was suffering from schizophrenia on September 8, Doctor Antonio Casal of the San Miguel Brewery where the
1970, when he liquidated the victim, and schizophrenia is a accused used to work as a laborer. About one year and two
form of psychosis which deprives a person of discernment months later, he killed Doctor Casal because the latter
and freedom of will.chanrobles virtual law library refused to certify him for re-employment. His plea of
insanity was rejected. He was convicted of
murder.chanrobles virtual law library
Insanity under article 12 of the Revised Penal Code means
that the accused must be deprived completely of reason or
discernment and freedom of the will at the time of In the instant case, the trial court correctly characterized
committing the crime (People vs- Formigones, 87 Phil. 658, the killing as murder. The qualifying circumstance is abuse
660).chanrobles virtual law library of superiority. In liquidating Francisco Col, Puno, who was
armed with a hammer, took advantage of his superior
natural strength over that of the unarmed septuagenarian
Insanity exists when there is complete deprivation of
female victim who was unable to offer any resistance and
intelligence in committing the act, that is, the accused is
who could do nothing but exclaim " Diyos ko ".chanrobles aggravating circumstances. Disregard of sex is not
virtual law library aggravating because there is no evidence that the accused
deliberately intended to offend or insult the sex of the
Thus, it was held that "an attack made by a man with a victim or showed manifest disrespect to her womanhood
deadly weapon upon an unarmed and defenseless woman (People vs. Mangsant, 65 Phil. 548; People vs. Mori, L-
constitutes the circumstance of abuse of that superiority 23511-2, January 31, 1974, 55 SCRA 382, 404, People vs,
which qqqs sex and the weapon used in the act afforded Jaula, 90 Phil. 379; U.S. vs. De Jesus, 14 Phil.
him, and from which the woman was unable to defend 190).chanrobles virtual law library
herself" (People vs. Guzman, 107 Phil. 1122, 1127 citing
U.S. vs. Consuelo, 13 Phil. 612; U.S. vs. Camiloy 36 Phil. However, those two aggravating circumstances are off-set
757 and People vs. Quesada, 62 Phil. 446).chanrobles by the mitigating circumstances of voluntary surrender to
virtual law library the authorities and, as contended by counsel de oficio, the
offender's mental illness (mild psychosis or schizophrenic
Evident premeditation (premeditacion conocida) cannot be reaction) which diminished his will-power without however
appreciated because the evidence does not show (a) the depriving him of consciousness of his acts. (See People vs.
time when the offender determined to commit the crime, Francisco, 78 Phil. 694, People vs. Amit, 82 Phil. 820 and
(b) an act manifestly indicating that the culprit had clung to People vs. Formigones, 87 Phil. 658.)
his determination and (c) a sufficient interval of time
between the determination and the execution of the crime Thus, it was held that la equivocada creencia de los
to allow him to reflect upon the consequences of his act acusados de que el matar a un brujo es un bien al publico
(People vs. Ablates, L-33304, July 31, 1974, 58 SCRA 241, puede considerarse como una circunstancia atenuante pues
247).chanrobles virtual law library los que tienen la obsession de que los brujos deben ser
eliminados estan en la misma condicion que aquel que,
The essence of premeditation "es la mayor perversidad del atacado de enfermedad morbosa pero consciente aun de lo
culpable juntamente con su serenidad o frialdad de animo." que hace, no tiene verdadero imperio de su voluntad"
It is characterized (1) "por la concepcion del delito y la (People vs. Balneg 79 Phil. 805, 810).chanrobles virtual law
resolucion de ejecutarlo firme, fria, reflexival meditada y library
detenida" and (2) "por la persistencia en la resolucion de
delinquir demostrada por el espacio de tiempo transcurrido It results that the medium period of the penalty for murder
entre dicha resolucion y la ejecucion del hecho should be imposed (Arts. 64[41 and 248, Revised Penal
Premeditation should be evident, meaning that it should be Code).chanrobles virtual law library
shown by "signos reiterados v externos, no de meras
sospechas" (1 Cuello Calon, Codigo Penal, 1974 or 15th Ed., WHEREFORE, the death penalty is set aside. The accused is
pp- 582-3).chanrobles virtual law library sentenced to reclusion perpetua The indemnity imposed by
the trial court is affirmed. Costs de oficio.
Dwelling and disregard of the respect due to the victim on
account of her old age should be appreciated as generic SO ORDERED.
Republic of the Philippines Meanwhile, at noontime of the same day, SPO2 Ramon Villar
SUPREME COURT received a report that a body of a boy between ten (10) to twelve
Manila (12) years of age was found dead at the Bulacao Bridge. The body
was in a sickening state of nudity and physical abuse. The face was
EN BANC covered with a big stone in an apparent attempt to hide the body.
After the routine taking of photographs the body was brought to the
Cosmopolitan Funeral Homes for a post-mortem examination. 3

The autopsy conducted by the PNP Medico-Legal Officer, Dr. Jesus

G.R. No. 130210 December 8, 1999
P. Cerna, revealed that the cause of death was "intracranial
hemorrhage, extensive, with skull fracture, traumatic." 4 The
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, examination also disclosed contusions, abrasions and lacerations all
vs. over the boy's body the most prominent of which was the
RALPH VELEZ DIAZ alias "JIMBOY," accused-appellant. comminuted and depressed fracture on his head. There were, quite
notably, multiple lacerations in his rectum. 5
With respect to the injuries in the boy's rectal area, Dr. Cerna opined
BELLOSILLO, J.: that a blunt instrument like a male organ in full erection could have
caused them. He claimed that in an attempt to avoid any violation of
FRANCIS BART FULACHE, eleven (11) years old, was found dead his rectum the boy could have suffered more pain considering his
at Bulacao Bridge, Cebu City, on 4 December 1996. Subsequently, soft and tender skin and the violation would necessarily result in
for his death, Ralph Velez Diaz alias "Jimboy" was charged before hemorrhage which could cause instantaneous death. 6
the Regional Trial Court 1 of Cebu City with murder in relation to RA
7610. On 4 December 1996 while the Fulache family continued their
search for Francis Bart a couple by the name of Degamo claimed the
On 3 December 1996 at around 8:00 o'clock in the evening Francis body of the young victim in the belief that it was their missing son
Bart Fulache and his 10-year old brother Felbart went to Pier 3 to Joseph Johnson Degamo. After two (2) days however, their missing
defecate. They were with 30-year old Ralph Velez Diaz, a friend son came home so the Degamos returned the body to the funeral
Francis Bart knew from the hantakan, a gaming place near their parlor. What was good news for the Degamos was bad news for the
store. Francis Bart then invited his brother Felbart to go with them to Fulaches. The body now back in the funeral home turned out to be
Pier 4 but the latter was not inclined so he went home. their Francis Bart. Bartolome Fulache, father of the Fulache boys,
identified the corpse after hearing over the radio that the cadaver of
Francis Bart did not return home that evening. But Felbart was not a boy remained unclaimed at the Cosmopolitan Funeral Homes. 7
alarmed as his brother was used to going around and doing anything
he wanted to without telling him nor asking permission from their On 9 December 1996 at around 1:00 o'clock in the morning a person
parents. However when Francis Bart still failed to show up in the acting suspiciously but unknown to the Fulache spouses went to the
afternoon of the next day their parents got worried and started wake. There he created a spectacle of himself by reciting poems for
searching for him. 2 Francis Bart and singing the theme song from the movie "The Lion
King," and giving emphasis to the word "surrender." Bartolome
Fulache reported to the authorities the unusual behavior of their although he admitted having initially categorized accused-appellant
"uninvited guest." The police immediately went to the Fulache as insane, the doctor eventually diagnosed accused-appellant to be
residence to observe the person. They invited him to their afflicted with pedophilia, a mental disorder not synonymous with
headquarters for further observation and questioning. He went with insanity. He explained that pedophilia is a sexual disorder wherein
them voluntarily. He was identified later as herein accused-appellant the subject has strong, recurrent and uncontrollable sexual and
Ralph Velez Diaz. physical fantasies about children which he tries to fulfill, especially
when there are no people around. He claimed, however, that despite
Before conducting their investigation the police authorities as well as his affliction the subject could distinguish right from wrong. In fact, he
a certain Atty. Abellanosa 8 apprised accused-appellant of his maintained that pedophilia could be committed without necessarily
constitutional rights in Cebuano, a language known to accused- killing the victim although injuries might be inflicted on the victim in
appellant, in the presence of men from the media 9 who themselves an effort to repel any resistance.
affixed their signatures in the sworn statement of accused-appellant
to attest to the fact that he was duly informed of his rights under the Also worthy of note was Dr. Tibayan's testimony that accused-
Constitution. The investigation proceeded where accused-appellant appellant had disclosed to him that his pedophilic acts were done in
revealed his sexual perversity by narrating in detail how he revenge as he himself as a child was also a victim of sexual abuse.
perpetrated the ghastly crime against Francis Bart. Finally, Dr. Tibayan declared that accused-appellant's affliction had a
very low prognosis thus making him very dangerous to society.
But this extra-judicial confession of accused-appellant was however
declared inadmissible by the trial court on the ground that Atty. On 11 April 1997 the court a quo  found accused-appellant Ralph
Abellanosa who assisted accused-appellant during the custodial Velez Diaz guilty beyond reasonable doubt of "murder in relation to
investigation was not an independent counsel of the accused as sexual abuse (sodomy) of a child, attended by treachery." He was
required under the Constitution. 10 sentenced to death and ordered to pay the heirs of the victim
P50,000.00 as death indemnity, P250,000.00 as moral damages,
The following day, between 11:00 o'clock in the morning and 12:00 P100,000.00 as exemplary damages and P40,000.00 as
noon, a reenactment was made at the scene of the crime. Those reimbursement for funeral expenses. 11
present were accused-appellant Ralph Velez Diaz, Felbart Fulache,
police officers Monilar, Montebon and Tumakay, and people from the The trial court was convinced that notwithstanding the exclusion of
ABS-CBN, Sun Star Daily, Freeman and Superbalita. There the extrajudicial confession of accused-appellant and the absence of
accused-appellant demonstrated, with Felbart as victim, sexually any eyewitness to the crime, there were enough pieces of
abused Francis Bart and later killed him. The reenactment was circumstantial evidence to support his conviction, to wit: (a) the
published in the 11 December 1996 issue of the Sun Star Daily, but testimony of 10-year old Felbart that he saw his brother last alive in
because only an unauthenticated photocopy of the newspaper was the company of accused-appellant; (b) the physical evidence of
presented in court, it was likewise declared inadmissible in evidence. sexual abuse through sodomy committed against the victim; (c) the
But the trial court nevertheless took judicial notice thereof. exculpatory plea of insanity which only tended to negate liability but
was an admission of guilt; (d) the reenactment of the crime by
On his part, accused-appellant sought to establish the defense of accused-appellant the details of which could not have been known to
insanity by presenting Dr. Wilson Tibayan, a government physician anybody but himself; and, (e) the fact that accused-appellant
connected with the National Center for Mental Health. The doctor's voluntarily confessed to the crime without any evidence of coercion,
testimony however did not help accused-appellant's case because duress or intimidation exerted upon him.
The case is now before this Court for automatic review pursuant to abuse or "sodomy" on the victim. The Information designated the
Art. 47, par. 2 of the Revised Rules of Court, as amended by RA crime as "murder in relation to RA 7610," but as a rule, what controls
7659. Accused-appellant submits that the trial court erred in (a) is not the designation of the offense but its description in the
finding him guilty beyond reasonable doubt of murder, and (b) complaint or information. 17 The real nature of the criminal charge
imposing upon him the supreme penalty of death. It is the contention cannot be determined from the caption or preamble of the
of accused-appellant that if he is guilty his guilt would only be for information or from the mere reference to a particular provision of
homicide and not murder as the qualifying circumstances of law alleged to have been violated because they are conclusions of
treachery, abuse of superior strength and evident premeditation are law. On the contrary, it is determined by the actual recital of facts in
absent. the complaint or information. The technical name given by the fiscal
appearing in the title of the information does not determine the
The contention is untenable. We agree with the trial court that the character of the crime but the facts alleged in the body of the
crime committed by accused-appellant was murder even in the information. 18 Thus, even if there is positive proof of sexual abuse
absence of the qualifying circumstance of evident premeditation accused-appellant cannot be convicted therefor as it was not so
because treachery and abuse of superior strength were present - alleged in the information.
either of which qualified the crime to murder.
We cannot share the view of the Solicitor General that the trial court
There is treachery or alevosia when the offender commits any of the did not apply the provisions of RA 7610 in imposing the death
crimes against person, employing means, methods, or forms in the penalty but merely made reference to them as sexual abuse, which
execution thereof which tend directly and specially to insure its was established to have been committed by accused-appellant. He
execution, without risk to himself arising from the defense which the contends that the sodomy could be considered as an aggravating
offended party might make." 12 In the instant case, treachery circumstance for adding ignominy to the crime as the sexual abuse
characterized the killing of eleven (11)-year old Francis Bart. Well- certainly augmented the wrong done to the victim thus unduly
settled is the doctrine that the killing of children who by reason of increasing his pain.
their tender years cannot be expected to put up a defense is
considered attended with treachery even if the manner of attack is We do not agree. The trial court was clear in declaring that
not precisely shown. 13 Thus, the killing of Francis Bart must be "[c]onsidering the aggravating circumstance of alevosia and the
deemed ipso facto  qualified by treachery by reason of his inherent seriousness of the sexual assault on the victim (in itself a heinous
defenselessness. 14 crime), this court after a soul-searching and prayerful consideration
has arrived at a firm resolution to impose the maximum penalty of
Likewise, there is a clear case of abuse of superior strength given death." 19 Moreover, "ignominy is a circumstance pertaining to the
the blatant inequality of strength between the victim and accused- moral order, which adds disgrace and obloquy to the material injury
appellant. 15 However, this cannot be appreciated even as a generic caused by the crime." 20 Thus, for ignominy to be appreciated as an
aggravating circumstance being necessarily absorbed in treachery. 16 aggravating circumstance in the instant case, it must be shown that
the sexual assault on Francis Bart was done by accused-appellant to
put the former to shame before killing him. This is clearly not the
Anent the second assigned error, we agree with accused-appellant
case here for accused-appellant's intention was shown to be the
that he should not be meted the supreme penalty of death. A careful
commission of sexual abuse on the victim as an act of revenge for
scrutiny of the records shows that the Information charged him only
his similar experience as a child. Surely, the killing was done to
with murder qualified by treachery, abuse of superior strength and
eliminate the only witness to his crime.
evident premeditation. It failed to mention the commission of sexual
We should not be misunderstood for our failure to hold accused- amount of P100,000.00 as exemplary damages is reduced to
appellant responsible for committing sexual abuse on his victim P25,000.00.
despite strong evidence in support thereof. We have no choice as
our hands are tied by the failure of the public prosecutor to file the WHEREFORE, the 11 April 1997 Decision of the RTC-Br. 15, Cebu
appropriate information for accused-appellant's sexual assault on the City, is MODIFIED. Accused-appellant Ralph Velez Diaz is found
victim. guilty beyond reasonable doubt of murder and sentenced
to reclusion perpetua instead of death. He is also ordered to pay the
The defense, invoking the doctrine of  parens patriae, also appeals to legal heirs of Francis Bart Fulache the amount of P50,000.00 as
this Court for the psychiatric examination and evaluation of accused- death indemnity, P100,000.00 as moral damages, P25,000.00 as
appellant if indeed he is found to have committed the crime charged. exemplary damages and P40,000.00 as reimbursement for funeral
The defense emphasizes the fact that accused-appellant was expenses. Costs de oficio.
institutionalized twice within a considerable period in the National
Center for Mental Health; consequently, there is no certainty that he SO ORDERED.
was sane when he committed the crime imputed to him.
We cannot grant the request. When accused-appellant was
committed to the National Center for Mental Health, he was not G.R. No. 132319 May 12, 2000
diagnosed as insane but was suffering from pedophilia. Thus, there
is no doubt in our mind that he was sane during his two-year
confinement in the center, pedophilia being dissimilar to insanity. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
FERNANDO MADARANG y MAGNO, accused-appellant.
A defendant in a criminal case who interposes the defense of mental
incapacity has the burden of establishing that fact, i.e., he was
insane at the very moment when the crime was committed. 21 He
must prove it by clear and positive evidence. 22 In the instant case,
the defense of insanity as an exempting circumstance was not
established and did not overcome the legal presumption that a PUNO, J.:
person's acts are of his own free will and intelligence. The settled
rule is that the onus probandi rests upon him who invokes insanity as What distinguishes man from beast is his intellect. Man's action is
a defense, and the defense failed to discharge this burden. Thus, the guided and controlled by his mind. Law is designed for rational
conviction of accused-appellant no doubt is in order. beings as it is based on our inherent sense of right which is
inseparable from reason. Thus, when man's reasoning is so distorted
The civil indemnity for the death of the victim in the amount of by disease that he is totally incapable of distinguishing right from
P50,000.00 is upheld in accordance with recent jurisprudence, 23 as wrong, he loses responsibility before the law. In the case at bar, we
well as the award of actual damages in the amount of P40,000.00 are asked to resolve whether or not the accused, invoking insanity,
representing funeral expenses. The award of P250,000.00 as moral can claim exemption from liability for the crime he committed.
damages is excessive warranting its reduction to P100,000.00
considering that the purpose of the award is to compensate the heirs
for injuries to their feelings and not to enrich them. Similarly, the
Accused FERNANDO MADARANG y MAGNO was charged with accused was detained at the hospital and was administered
parricide for killing his wife LILIA MADARANG in an medication for his illness. On June 19, 1996, after more than two (2)
Information 1 which reads: years of confinement, the accused was discharged from the NCMH
and recommitted to the provincial jail as he was already found fit to
That on or about September 3, 1993, at Poblacion, face the charges against him. 3
municipality of Infante, province of Pangasinan,
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this At the resumption of the hearing, a reverse trial was conducted. The
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, with accused proceeded to adduce evidence on his claim of insanity at
evident premeditation and treachery, armed with a the time he committed the offense.
bladed weapon, did then and there, wilfully,
unlawfully and feloniously attack and stab LILIA M. As culled from the testimonies of the accused, his mother-in-law
MADARANG, his legitimate wife, inflicting upon her AVELINA MIRADOR, and his daughter LILIFER MADARANG, the
stab wound 4 1/2 inches by 1 1/2 inch(es) long and following facts were established: The accused and Lilia Mirador were
3/16 of an inch wide, located just below the left legally married and their union was blessed with seven (7) children.
clavicle 1 3/4 inch(es) lateral to the supra-sternal The accused worked as a seaman for sixteen (16) years. He was
notch, and plowed along the interpace slightly employed in a United States ship until 1972. In 1973, he worked as a
coursing upward and posteriorly and stab wound 1 seaman in Germany and stayed there for nine (9) years, or until
inch in length, gaping and 3 1/2 inch(es) deep, 1982. Thereafter, he returned to his family in Infanta, Pangasinan,
located at the right arm at its medial aspect, coursing and started a hardware store business. His venture however failed.
upwards and medially towards the apex of the right Worse, he lost his entire fortune due to cockfighting. 4
axilla which caused her instantaneous death, to the
damage and prejudice of the heirs of Lilia M. In the latter part of July 1993, the accused, his wife Lilia and their
Madarang. children were forced to stay in the house of Avelina Mirador as the
accused could no longer support his family. Moreover, Lilia was then
Contrary to Art. 246 of the Revised Penal Code. already heavy with their eight child and was about to give birth. 5

At the arraignment, the accused refused to enter a plea. Pursuant to On September 3, 1993, at about 5:00 p.m., the accused and Lilia
the Rules, the trial court entered a "not guilty" plea for him. At the had a squabble. The accused was jealous of another man and was
initial hearing of the case on May 5, 1994, the accused's counsel accusing Lilia of infidelity. In the heat of the fight and in the presence
manifested that his client had been observed behaving in an of their children, the accused stabbed Lilia, resulting in her untimely
abnormal manner inside the provincial jail. Thus, the Court called the demise. 6
accused to the stand but he refused to answer any of the questions
propounded by the court. Hence, on the same date, the Court issued AVELINA MIRADOR was then in the pigpen when she heard the
an Order 2 directing the transfer of the accused to the National children of the accused shouting and crying inside her house. She
Center for Mental Health (NCMH) for psychiatric evaluation to called out to them and asked what was wrong. She received no
determine his fitness to stand trial. reply. Her nephew barged into the house and brought out the
children one at a time, leaving the accused with Lilia. While passing
The initial examination of the accused at the NCMH revealed that he by Avelina, her nephew warned her: "You better run." Avelina then
was suffering from a form of psychosis known as schizophrenia. The
saw the accused emerge from the house holding a bolo. She By December 21, 1994, as per the second medical report, the
scampered for safety. 7 accused was still suffering from schizophrenia. After one and a half
years of confinement, the third psychiatric evaluation of the accused,
She declared that during the period that the accused and his family dated May 27, 1996, 14 showed that his mental condition considerably
stayed in her house, she did not notice anything peculiar in improved due to continuous medication. The accused was
accused's behavior that would suggest that he was suffering from recommended to be discharged from the NCMH and recommitted to
any mental illness. Neither did she know of any reason why the jail to stand trial. 15
accused killed his wife as she never saw the two engage in any
argument while they were living with her. 8 The trial court convicted the accused as his evidence failed to refute
the presumption of sanity at the time he committed the offense. The
The accused declared that he has absolutely no recollection of the dispositive portion of the Decision reads:
stabbing incident. He could not remember where he was on that
fateful day. He did not know the whereabouts of his wife. It was only WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing facts and
during one of the hearings when his mother-in-law showed him a circumstances of this case, this Court is of the view
picture of his wife in a coffin that he learned about her death. He, that accused Fernando Madarang is of sound mind
however, was not aware of the cause of her demise. He claimed that at the time of the commission of the offense and that
he did not know whether he suffered from any mental illness and did he failed to rebut by convincing proof the evidence
not remember being confined at the NCMH for treatment. 9 on record against him to exempt him from criminal
liablity. And since the death penalty was suspended
DR. WILSON S. TIBAYAN, a resident doctor of the National Center or abolished at the time of the commission of the
for Mental Health (NCMH), declared that the accused was committed offense, this Court hereby sentences the accused
to the NCMH on July 4, 1994 upon order of the court. The NCMH FERNANDO MADARANG y MAGNO to suffer the
conducted three (3) medical and psychiatric evaluations of the penalty of reclusion perpetua and to pay the heirs of
accused during his confinement therein. Based on the first medical the victim the amount of Fifty Thousand
report, dated August 2, 1994, 10 the accused was found to be (P50,000.00) Pesos.
suffering from insanity or psychosis, classified as schizophrenia. Dr.
Tibayan explained that schizophrenia is a mental abnormality SO ORDERED. 16
characterized by impaired fundamental reasoning, delusions,
hallucinations, preoccupation with one's thoughts, poor self-care, Hence this appeal.
insight and judgment, and impaired cognitive, social and
occupational functions. The patient may be incapable of The appellant insists that at the time he stabbed his wife, he was
distinguishing right from wrong or know what he is doing. He may completely deprived of intelligence, making his criminal act
become destructive or have a propensity to attack any one if his involuntary. His unstable state of mind could allegedly be deduced
hallucinations were violent. 11 A schizophrenic, however, may have from the following:
lucid intervals during which he may be able to distinguish right from
wrong. 12 Dr. Tibayan opined that the accused's mental illness may
have begun even prior to his admission to the NCMH and it was First. He had no recollection of the stabbing incident. Hence, he was
highly possible that he was already suffering from schizophrenia completely unaware of his acts that fateful day and must have
prior to his commission of the crime. 1 committed the crime without the least discernment.
Second. His behavior at the time of the stabbing proved he was then the basic moral assumption of criminal law. Man is naturally
afflicted with schizophrenia. He cited the testimony of Dr. Tibayan endowed with the faculties of understanding and free will. The
that a schizophrenic may go into extremes — he may be violent and consent of the will is that which renders human actions laudable or
destructive, or very silent and self-focused. The appellant exhibited culpable. Hence, where there is a defect of the understanding, there
his violent tendencies on that fateful day. He killed his wife and can be no free act of the will. An insane accused is not morally
Avelina and her nephew were so frightened that they ran away at the blameworthy and should not be legally punished. No purpose of
sight of him holding a bolo. He did not seem to recognize anybody criminal law is served by punishing an insane accused because by
and could have turned to anyone and inflicted further injury. He avers reason of his mental state, he would have no control over his
that this is peculiar only to persons who are mentally deranged for a behavior and cannot be deterred from similar behavior in the
sane person who just committed a crime would have appeared future. 18
remorseful and repentant after realizing that what he did was wrong.
A number of tests evolved to determine insanity under the law. In
Third. The appellant also relies on Dr. Tibayan's opinion that there Anglo-American jurisprudence, the traditional test is the M'Naghten
was a high possibility that he was already suffering from insanity rule of 1843 which states that "to establish a defense on the ground
prior to his commission of the crime on September 3, 1993. 17 The of insanity, it must be clearly proved that, at the time of committing
defense posits that his mental illness may have been caused by his the act, the party accused was laboring under such a defect of
loss of fortune. His hardware business, which he started through 16 reason from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and
years of working as a seaman, went bankrupt. He ended up virtually quality of the act he was doing, or, if he did know it, that he did not
dependent on his mother-in-law for his family's support and all these know he was doing what was wrong." The M'Naghten rule is a
may have been beyond his capacity to handle. cognitive measure of insanity as the accused is required to know two
things: the nature and quality of the act, and that the act was wrong.
The appellant further contends that the fact that he and his wife This rule has been criticized for its ambiguity. It was debated whether
never engaged in a fight prior to that fateful day should be the word "wrong" referred to moral or legal wrong. The importance of
considered. The marked change in his behavior when he the distinction was illustrated by Stephen 19 as follows: A kills B
uncharacteristically quarreled with his wife on that day and suddenly knowing that he is killing B and it is illegal to kill B but under an
turned violent on her confirms that he was mentally disturbed when insane delusion that God has commanded him to kill B to obtain the
he committed the crime. salvation of the human race. A's act is a crime if the word "wrong"
means illegal but it is not a crime if the word "wrong" means morally
wrong. The word "know" was also assailed as it referred solely to
Lastly, the appellant urges that he had no motive to kill Lilia who was
intellectual reason and excluded affective or emotional knowledge. It
scheduled to give birth to their eighth child three (3) days prior to the
was pointed out that the accused may know in his mind what he is
killing. Unless overpowered by something beyond his control,
doing but may have no grasp of the effect or consequences of his
nobody in his right mind would kill his wife who was carrying his
actions. 20 M'Naghten was condemned as based on an obsolete and
child. Jealousy, the appellant posits, is not a sufficient reason to kill a
misleading concept of the nature of insanity as insanity does not only
pregnant spouse.
affect the intellectual faculties but also affects the whole personality
of the patient, including his will and emotions. It was argued that
We find these arguments without merit. reason is only one of the elements of a personality and does not
solely determine man's conduct. 21
In all civilized nations, an act done by a person in a state of insanity
cannot be punished as an offense. The insanity defense is rooted on
Subsequently, M'Naghten was refined by the "irresistible impulse" accused's degree of awareness was sufficient. 27 Objections were
test which means that "assuming defendant's knowledge of the also made to the exclusion of psychopaths or persons whose
nature and quality of his act and knowledge that the act is wrong, if, abnormalities are manifested only by repeated criminal conduct.
by reason of disease of the mind, defendant has been deprived of or Critics observed that psychopaths cannot be deterred and thus
lost the power of his will which would enable him to prevent himself undeserving of punishment. 28
from doing the act, then he cannot be found guilty." Thus, even if the
accused knew that what he was doing was wrong, he would be In 1984, however, the U.S. Congress repudiated this test in favor of
acquitted by reason of insanity if his mental illness kept him from the M'Naghten style statutory formulation. It enacted the
controlling his conduct or resisting the impulse to commit the crime. Comprehensive Crime Control Act which made the appreciation test
This rule rests on the assumption that there are mental illnesses that the law applicable in all federal courts. The test is similar to
impair volition or self-control, even while there is cognition or M'Naghten as it relies on the cognitive test. The accused is not
knowledge of what is right and wrong. 22 This test was likewise required to prove lack of control as in the ALI test. The appreciation
criticized on the following grounds: (1) the "impulse" requirement is test shifted the burden of proof to the defense, limited the scope of
too restrictive as it covers only impulsive acts; (2) the "irresistible" expert testimony, eliminated the defense of diminished capacity and
requirement is also restrictive as it requires absolute impairment of provided for commitment of accused found to be insane. 29
the freedom of the will which cases are very rare; (3) it will not serve
the purpose of criminal law to deter criminals as the will to resist In the Philippines, the courts have established a more stringent
commission of the crime will not be encouraged, and; (4) it is difficult criterion for insanity to be exempting as it is required that there must
to prove whether the act was the result of an insane, irresistible be a complete deprivation of intelligence in committing the act, i.e.,
impulse. 2 the accused is deprived of reason; he acted without the least
discernment because there is a complete absence of the power to
Then came the Durham "product" test in 1954 which postulated that discern, or that there is a total deprivation of the will. Mere
"an accused is not criminally responsible if his unlawful act was the abnormality of the mental faculties will not exclude imputability. 30
product of mental disease or defect." 24 Critics of this test argued that
it gave too much protection to the accused. It placed the prosecution The issue of insanity is a question of fact for insanity is a condition of
in a difficult position of proving accused's sanity beyond reasonable the mind, not susceptible of the usual means of proof. As no man
doubt as a mere testimony of a psychiatrist that accused's act was can know what is going on in the mind of another, the state or
the result of a mental disease leaves the judge with no choice but to condition of a person's mind can only be measured and judged by
accept it as a fact. The case thus becomes completely dependent on his behavior. Establishing the insanity of an accused requires opinion
the testimonies of experts. 25 testimony which may be given by a witness who is intimately
acquainted with the accused, by a witness who has rational basis to
Then came the ALI "substantial capacity" test, integrated by the conclude that the accused was insane based on the witness' own
American Law Institute (ALI) in its Model Penal Code Test, which perception of the accused, or by a witness who is qualified as an
improved on the M'Naghten and irresistible impulse tests. The new expert, such as a psychiatrist. 31 The testimony or proof of the
rule stated that a person is not responsible for his criminal act if, as a accused's insanity must relate to the time preceding or coetaneous
result of the mental disease or defect, he lacks substantial capacity with the commission of the offense with which he is charged. 32
to appreciate the criminality of his act or to conform his conduct to
the requirements of the law. 26 Still, this test has been criticized for its In the case at bar, the appellant was diagnosed to be suffering from
use of ambiguous words like "substantial capacity" and "appreciate" schizophrenia when he was committed to the NCMH months after he
as there would be differences in expert testimonies whether the
killed his wife. Medical books describe schizophrenia as a chronic appellant was already suffering from schizophrenia at the time of the
mental disorder characterized by inability to distinguish between stabbing, he also declared that schizophrenics have lucid intervals
fantasy and reality and often accompanied by hallucinations and during which they are capable of distinguishing right from
delusions. Formerly called dementia pracecox, it is the most wrong. 37 Hence the importance of adducing proof to show that the
common form of psychosis. 3 Symptomatically, schizophrenic appellant was not in his lucid interval at the time he committed the
reactions are recognizable through odd and bizarre behavior offense. Although the appellant was diagnosed with schizophrenia a
apparent in aloofness or periods of impulsive destructiveness and few months after the stabbing incident, the evidence of insanity after
immature and exaggerated emotionality, often ambivalently directed. the fact of commission of the offense may be accorded weight only if
The interpersonal perceptions are distorted in the more serious there is also proof of abnormal behavior immediately before or
states by delusions and hallucinations. In the most disorganized form simultaneous to the commission of the crime. Evidence on the
of schizophrenic living, withdrawal into a fantasy life takes place and alleged insanity must refer to the time preceding the act under
is associated with serious thought disorder and profound habit prosecution or to the very moment of its execution. 38
deterioration in which the usual social customs are
disregarded. 34 During the initial stage, the common early symptom is In the case at bar, we find the evidence adduced by the defense
aloofness, a withdrawal behind barriers of loneliness, hopelessness, insufficient to establish his claim of insanity at the time he killed his
hatred and fear. Frequently, the patient would seem preoccupied and wife. There is a dearth of evidence on record to show that the
dreamy and may appear "far away." He does not empathize with the appellant was completely of unsound mind prior to or coetaneous
feelings of others and manifests little concern about the realities of with the commission of the crime. The arguments advanced by the
life situations. The schizophrenic suffers from a feeling of rejection appellant to prove his insanity are speculative and non-sequitur. For
and an intolerable lack of self-respect. He withdraws from emotional one, his claim that he has absolutely no recollection of the stabbing
involvement with other people to protect himself from painful incident amounts to a mere general denial that can be made with
relationships. There is shallowness of affect, a paucity of emotional facility. The fact that Avelina and her nephew were frightened at the
responsiveness and a loss of spontaneity. Frequently, he becomes sight of the appellant holding a bolo after he killed his wife does not,
neglectful of personal care and cleanliness. 35 A variety of subjective by any stretch of imagination, prove that the appellant has lost his
experiences, associated with or influenced by mounting anxiety and grip on reality on that occasion. Neither is the appellant's seemingly
fears precede the earliest behavioral changes and oddities. He non-repentant attitude immediately after he stabbed his wife
becomes aware of increasing tension and confusion and becomes an indicium of his alleged insanity. Even criminals of stable mental
distracted in conversation manifested by his inability to maintain a condition take this non-remorseful stance. Similarly, that the
train of thought in his conversations. Outwardly, this will be noticed appellant and his wife were never seen quarreling prior to that fateful
as blocks or breaks in conversations. The schizophrenic may not day does not by itself prove the appellant's unstable mental
speak or respond appropriately to his companions. He may look condition. Neither can it be said that jealousy is not a sufficient
fixedly away, or he may appear to stare, as he does not regularly reason to kill a pregnant spouse. Our jurisprudence is replete with
blink his eyes in his attempt to hold his attention. 36 cases where lives had been terminated for the flimsiest reason.

None of the witnesses presented by the appellant declared that he The appellant attributes his loss of sanity to the fact that he lost his
exhibited any of the myriad symptoms associated with schizophrenia business and became totally dependent on his mother-in-law for
immediately before or simultaneous with the stabbing incident. To be support. We find this, however, purely speculative and unsupported
sure, the record is bereft of even a single account of abnormal or by record. To be sure, there was no showing of any odd or bizarre
bizarre behavior on the part of the appellant prior to that fateful day. behavior on the part of the appellant after he lost his fortune and
Although Dr. Tibayan opined that there is a high possibility that the prior to his commission of the crime that may be symptomatic of his
mental illness. In fact, the appellant's mother-in-law declared that reasonable doubt of the crimes of Rape and Frustrated
during the time that she knew the appellant and while he lived in her Murder.
house, she did not notice anything irregular or abnormal in the
appellant's behavior that could have suggested that he was suffering On July 25, 1997, two separate Informations for Frustrated
from any mental illness.
Murder and Rape were filed before the RTC, docketed as
Criminal Case Nos. Q-97-72078 and Q-97-72079,
An accused invoking the insanity defense pleads not guilty by reason respectively. These informations read:
thereof. He admits committing the crime but claims that he is not
guilty because he was insane at the time of its commission. Hence,
the accused is tried on the issue of sanity alone and if found to be Criminal Case No. Q-97-72078
sane, a judgment of conviction is rendered without any trial on the
issue of guilt as he had already admitted committing the crime. 39 As The undersigned accuses EDWIN ISLA Y ROSSELL of the
the appellant, in the case at bar, failed to establish by convincing crime of Frustrated Murder, committed as
evidence his alleged insanity at the time he killed his wife, we are follows:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
constrained to affirm his conviction.
That on or about the 21st day of July, 1997, in Quezon City,
IN VIEW WHEREOF, the Decision of the trial court convicting the Philippines, the said accused, with intent to kill, with
appellant of the crime of parricide is AFFIRMED in toto. treachery and with evident premeditation, with abuse of
superior strength, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and
SO ORDERED. feloniously attack, assault and employ personal violence
upon the person of AAA 3Ï‚rνll by then and there stabbing
THIRD DIVISION her with a kitchen knife, hitting her twice below the chest,
thereby inflicting upon said AAA serious and mortal wounds,
G.R. No. 199875 : November 21, 2012 the offender thus performing all the acts of execution which
would produce death, which, however, was not produced by
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff- reason of cause independent of the will of the perpetrator,
Appellee, v. EDWIN ISLA Y ROSSELL, Accused-Appellant. that is, the timely medical intervention, to the damage and
prejudice of the said offended party.
Criminal Case No. Q-97-72079
This is an appeal from the December 17, 2010
Decision1Ï‚rνll of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR The undersigned accuses EDWIN ISLA Y ROSSELL, of the
No. 28761, which affirmed the April 26, 2004 crime of Rape, committed as
Decision2Ï‚rνll of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 98, follows:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Quezon City (RTC), finding the accused guilty beyond
That on or about the 21st day of July, 1997, in Quezon City, exposing her breasts and then kissed them. Eventually, he
Philippines, the said accused by means of force and made her spread her legs and had carnal knowledge with
intimidation, to wit: by then and there wilfully, unlawfully her. While he was committing the dastardly act, she noticed
and feloniously undress her and put himself on top of her, a knife pointed at her. She also informed the trial court that
and thereafter have carnal knowledge with the undersigned during the whole ordeal, her children were present and
complainant against her will and without her consent. witnessed everything.

CONTRARY TO LAW.5ςrνll When Isla stood up after raping her, she noticed that the
knife he was holding was already bloodstained. At this
Evidence for the Prosecution point, she found out that she was stabbed with the knife.
She tried to take hold of the knife while shouting for help.
During the trial, the prosecution presented three (3) In response, Isla struck her the second time, this time,
witnesses; namely: complainant AAA; Dr. Ma. Cristina under her lower left breast. She also sustained a wound on
Freyra (Dr. Freyra), the chief of the medico-legal division of her palm while trying to disarm him. Then the knife fell to
the Philippine National Police (PNP) Crime Laboratory; and the floor. It was at this moment that she was able to get
Dr. Reynaldo Perez (Dr. Perez) of the East Avenue Medical hold of it and she threw it outside through a broken window
Center, AAAs attending physician. in the room. Thereafter, Isla scampered out of the house
through the backdoor.
According to AAAs account, on July 21, 1997, at around
3:00 oclock in the afternoon, she was inside her rented In a little while, a neighbor came knocking at the door and
house together with her two (2) children, aged 1 years old was able to see AAAs condition. She was taken to the East
and 9 months old, respectively. She then noticed that Avenue Medical Center (EAMC) for medical attention and
accused Edwin Isla (Isla) was standing by the door of her was confined there for five (5) days.
kitchen. He asked her what time her landlady would be
arriving and she answered that she had no idea. Thereafter, At the hospital, Dr. Freyra conducted an examination on
she opened the door of the kitchen, hoping that passersby AAA upon the request of the station commander of the PNP
would see him inside the house. After fifteen (15) minutes, Lagro Police Station. Based on her findings, AAA sustained
she was startled when he suddenly poked a knife on her eleven (11) body injuries, two (2) of which were stab
neck and pulled her inside the bedroom. By this time, she wounds, six (6) incised wounds and two (2) contusions. The
noticed that she had already closed the window and the stab wounds required medical attendance of not less than
door of the living room. She pleaded and begged for mercy 30 days. An examination of AAAs sexual organ showed
but to no avail. She was warned not to shout or resist congestions and abrasion in the labia minora and yielded
otherwise she would be stabbed. negative result on the presence of spermatozoa.

Inside the bedroom, she was made to lie down on the floor AAAs attending physician, Dr. Perez, on the other hand,
because there was no bed. Isla placed himself on top of her testified that she had multiple stab wounds on the left side
and then he removed her upper clothing. He raised her bra, of the chest. Her chest x-ray result disclosed an
accumulation of blood in the thorax which required him to To corroborate Dr. Villacortas findings, Dr. Gomez was
conduct a procedure to drain the blood. He concluded that presented. After a thorough interview and psychiatric
the stab wounds were severe and fatal which could have led testing on Isla, she likewise observed that Isla was suffering
to AAAs death had it not been for the timely medical from a major depressive disorder which impaired his mental
attendance. faculties. She said that his psychosis could have been
existing prior to or about July 21, 1997 but again, like Dr.
Evidence for the Defense Villacorta, she opined that such finding could not be
conclusive because of lack of information from other
For the defense, accused Edwin Isla was presented together informants during that time.8ςrνll
with two (2) psychiatric doctors who examined him.
Ruling of the RTC
Isla never denied that he raped AAA on July 21, 1997.
Invoking the defense of insanity, he testified that before the On April 26, 2004, the RTC convicted Isla of the crimes of
incident, he and AAA had an illicit relationship for about two rape and frustrated murder. It did not give credence to his
months until they broke up. He had to use a knife to be able defense of insanity because it noted that Isla committed the
to have sexual intercourse with her. It was the first time crimes charged during a lucid interval. He knew that what
that he and AAA had sex. After raping her, he admitted he was doing was unlawful. There was no indication that he
stabbing AAA twice, first on her left breast and then on her was deprived of reason or discernment and freedom of will
lower right breast "for reason he cannot when he committed all the acts attending the commission of
understand."6Ï‚rνll He also punched her several times the crime. The RTC gave no weight to the assertion of the
when she attempted to grab the knife from him. defense that, based on the evaluations made by the doctors
from NCMH, Isla was suffering from psychosis since 1992. It
As to Islas claim of insanity, Dr. Juan Villacorta (Dr. was of the impression that there was nothing in the
Villacorta) and Dr. Mary Gomez (Dr. Gomez) of the National testimony of these expert witnesses that Isla was suffering
Center for Mental Health (NCMH) were presented as from psychosis long before the incident. 9Ï‚rνll On this note,
qualified expert witnesses. his condition could not be equated with imbecility; hence,
he could not be exempt from criminal liability. Thus, the
RTC ruled in this wise:
Dr. Villacorta testified that Isla was suffering from a major
depressive disorder with psychotic features; that he
manifested psychosis on account of his hallucinations, poor WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment in these cases
impulse control, poor judgment, and low frustration is hereby rendered as follows:
tolerance; and that he exhibited such behavioral pattern
immediately prior to being jailed. Dr. Villacorta, however, 1. In Criminal Case No. Q-97-72079, the Court finds
could not say with definite certainty or not Isla was accused Edwin Isla y Rosell GUILTY beyond reasonable
suffering from such mental disorder on July 21, 1997 as doubt of the crime of RAPE as defined and penalized under
there was no examination conducted on Isla on the said Art. 335 of the Revised Penal Code, and hereby SENTENCES
date.7ςrνll him to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua and to
indemnify complainant AAA the amount of Php50,000.00 as the crimes which was very vital for said defense to prosper.
civil indemnity ex delicto, the amount of Php50,000.00 as Thus, the CA affirmed the RTC decision.11ςrνll
moral damages, and to pay the cause of suit.
Hence, the present appeal.
2. In Criminal Case No. Q-97-72078, the Court finds
accused Edwin Isla y Rosell GUILTY beyond reasonable Both the prosecution and the defense opted not to file any
doubt of the crime of Frustrated Murder and hereby supplemental briefs and manifested that they were adopting
SENTENCES him to suffer the indeterminate penalty of eight their arguments in their respective briefs filed before the
(8) years and one (1) day of prision mayor as minimum to CA. In his Appellants Brief, the defense presented the
seventeen (17) years and four (4) months of reclusion following:
temporal as maximum, and to indemnify complainant the
sum of P10,000.00 for actual damages, and to pay the I.
cause of suit.
Ruling of the CA
Aggrieved, Isla interposed an appeal with the CA. On
December 17, 2010, the CA denied the appeal and affirmed THE TRIAL COURT GRAVELY ERRED IN NOT FINDING THAT
the RTC decision which found Isla to have acted with THE ACCUSED-APPELLANT WAS INSANE AT THE TIME OF
discernment when he committed the crimes.According to THE COMMISSION OF THE OFFENSE.
the CA, Isla exactly knew that what he was doing was evil
so much so that he had to employ cunning means, by
At the outset, this Court notes that there is no more
discreetly closing the windows and the door of the house
question as to whether or not AAA was raped by Isla. The
and by resorting to threats and violence, to ensure the
latter never denied this fact which can be gleaned from his
consummation of his dastardly deed. The fact that he
direct testimony, to wit:
scampered away after AAA was able to take the knife from
him, would only show that he fully understood that he
committed a crime for which he could be held liable. Atty. Erasmo (defense counsel)

The CA did not give weight to the expert testimonies given Q: So when you left at 4:00, where did you proceed?
by the two psychiatric doctors either. Since the mental
examination on Isla was taken four to six years after the A: To my aunt at Balintawak.
commission of the crimes, the doctors could not say with
definite certainty that he was suffering from psychosis Q: How about AAA, what happened to her if you know?
immediately before or simultaneous to the commission of
A: she was raped and stabbed, sir. of an accused's insanity must, however, relate to the time
immediately preceding or simultaneous with the commission
Q: Who raped and stabbed AAA, if you know? of the offense with which he is charged.13ςrνll

A: Me, sir. In the case at bench, the defense failed to overcome the
presumption of sanity. The respective testimonies of Dr.
Q: What time did this happen? Villacorta and Dr. Gomez of the NCMH, as qualified expert
witnesses, failed to support its claim of insanity. As
observed by the CA, the mental examination on Isla taken
A: 3:00 oclock, sir.
four to six years after the incident happened in July 1997, in
effect, showed that it could not be concluded with certainty
Q: Now, how did you rape AAA? that he was suffering from such psychosis immediately
before or simultaneous to the commission of the crimes.
A: I went inside their house.12ςrνll The expert witnesses themselves opined that their findings
were not conclusive as to whether Isla was insane on that
(Emphases supplied) fateful day of July 21, 1997, as no examination was made
on said day or for lack of information from other informants
That being so, what is left for this jurisdiction to resolve is during that time.14ςrνll
whether or not Islas claim of insanity is creditable so as to
exculpate him of the crimes he admittedly committed. This Court also agrees with the observation of the RTC as
affirmed by the CA that Isla acted with discernment as can
This Court is not convinced with Islas defense. be deduced from his acts before, during and after the
commission of the crimes with which he was charged. The
Article 12 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC) provides for one RTC wrote:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
of the circumstances which will exempt one from criminal
liability which is when the perpetrator of the act was an The overt acts committed by the accused are attributed to a
imbecile or insane, unless the latter has acted during a lucid criminal mind, not a lunatic. There is no indication
interval. This circumstance, however, is not easily available whatsoever that he was completely deprived of reason or
to an accused as a successful defense. Insanity is the discernment and freedom of will when he stood for a while
exception rather than the rule in the human condition. by the door of complainants house, then entered it, toyed
Under Article 800 of the Civil Code, the presumption is that with a disconnected telephone set, and cunningly poked a
every human is sane. Anyone who pleads the exempting knife at complainants neck and dragged her inside the room
circumstance of insanity bears the burden of proving it with where he raped her. The fact that he first discreetly closed
clear and convincing evidence. It is in the nature of the door and the window before he approached and poked a
confession and avoidance. An accused invoking insanity knife at complainant, then, as he laid on top of her, ordered
admits to have committed the crime but claims that he or her to undress, kissed her breast, separated apart her legs
she is not guilty because of insanity. The testimony or proof with his own legs, and satisfied his lust, all the while holding
a knife with his right hand poked at complainants body, are
calculated means to ensure consummation of his lewd intended to do away with her life. Thus, it has been written,
design. These are by no means the workings of an imbecile, "Where a girl was raped and then strangled to death, the
but by one engulfed by lust.15ςrνll crimes are the separate crimes of rape and homicide, not
complex."17Ï‚rνll This was also the ruling in People v.
In the case of People vs. Rafanan, Jr., this Court has held Dawandawan,18Ï‚rνll where it was
that the defense of insanity may be accepted as an written:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
exempting circumstance on the test of cognition, which
requires a complete deprivation of intelligence, not only of The physical injuries which could have caused the victim's
the will, in committing the criminal act. Thus, when the death were not the result of the rape committed; neither
accused in said case, threatened the victim with death in was the slashing a necessary means for committing the
case she reported her ravishment indicated that he was rape. Independently of the slashing of the victim's neck and
aware of the reprehensible moral depravity of that assault the stabbing, the accused was able to consummate the
and that he was not deprived of intelligence. 16ςrνll rape. The physical injuries were inflicted after the rape and
were not a necessary means to commit the same. Hence,
If Isla had become insane after the commission of the the crimes committed are the two separate crimes of Rape
crime, such fact does not alter the situation and the Courts and Frustrated Homicide.
ruling is the same. His defense still fails considering that he
was not insane during the commission of the acts charged. The Court, however, finds itself unable to agree that the
Any problem regarding his present mental condition should second crime committed was frustrated murder. In the
be dealt with administratively. information, it was alleged that the stabbing was committed
with treachery, evident premeditation and abuse of superior
With respect to the stabbings, it appears that Isla strength. There is, however, nothing in the records of the
committed two acts. The first was while he was ravishing case that would show the presence of the said qualifying
AAA. The Court considers this and the rape as one circumstances.
continuous act, the stabbing being necessary, as far as he
was concerned, for the successful perpetration of the crime. Evidently, there was no treachery. For treachery to exist
When he testified, Isla claimed that he had to use the knife "the offender commits any of the crimes against persons,
so he could have sexual intercourse with her. employing means, methods, or forms in the execution,
which tend directly and specially to insure its execution,
The second stabbing took place after consummation of the without risk to the offender arising from the defense which
rape act. According to AAA, after her defilement, she the offended party might make." It is important in
noticed the knife bloodied and she tried to wrest it from ascertaining the existence of treachery that it be proven
him. In their struggle, she was stabbed under her lower left that the attack was made swiftly, deliberately,
breast but she was able to force Isla to drop the knife. At unexpectedly, and without a warning, thus affording the
this point, Isla was able to escape through the backdoor. unsuspecting victim no chance to resist or escape the
This second stabbing is a separate and distinct offense as it attack.19Ï‚rνll In the case at bench, Islas attack was not
was not a necessary means to commit the rape. It was sudden, swift, deliberate and without warning. He stabbed
AAA during the course of the struggle. Thus, the
prosecution failed to show that the stabbing was so twenty (20) years. Considering that the crime is frustrated,
calculated as not to afford AAA the chance to evade the Article 250 in relation to Article 50 of the RPC provides that
attack. the penalty next lower in degree of the penalty prescribed
by law for the consummated felony should be imposed.
Moreover, the attack was not with evident premeditation. Thus, the penalty should only be prision mayor, the
The elements of evident premeditation are: (1) a previous duration of which is from six (6) years to twelve (12) years.
decision by the accused to commit the crime; (2) overt
act/acts manifestly indicating that the accused clung to his Considering that there are neither aggravating nor
determination; and (3) a lapse of time between the decision mitigating circumstances, Article 64 of the RPC provides
to commit the crime and its actual execution sufficient to that the penalty should be in its medium period which is
allow accused to reflect upon the consequences of his acts. eight (8) years and one (1) day to ten (10) years.
These circumstances were not obtaining in the case at
bench. An examination of the facts would reveal that there Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the minimum
was no sufficient time that elapsed for Isla to decide to term should be within the range of prision correccional, the
commit the crime and reflect on its consequences. penalty next lower in degree. Hence, for the crime of
Moreover, there was no showing that he performed other frustrated homicide, Isla should suffer the indeterminate
overt acts to show that he was determined to commit penalty ranging from four (4) years of prision correccional,
murder. The essence of evident premeditation is that the as minimum, to eight (8) years and one (1) day of prision
execution of the criminal act must be preceded by cool mayor, as maximum.
thought and reflection upon the resolution to carry out the
criminal intent, during the space of time sufficient to arrive With respect to the civil aspect, he should also be made to
at a calm judgment.20Ï‚rνll When Isla stabbed AAA the pay AAA the amount of P30,000.00 as exemplary damages
second time, it was more of a reaction to the possibility of in addition to the civil indemnity ex delicto and moral
his being disarmed by his victim rather than a well-planned damages awarded. Said award is in consonance with
attack to kill her. prevailing jurisprudence on simple rape wherein exemplary
damages are awarded in order to set a public example and
Neither was there an abuse of superior strength. There was to protect hapless individuals from sexual
no showing that Isla took advantage of his superior strength molestation.21ςrνll
to consummate the crime.
In lieu of the award of P10,000.00 as actual damages, an
For said reasons, the crime charged should have been award of temperate damages should be given instead. The
frustrated homicide only. Consequently the penalty should Court has consistently held that in order for one to be
be changed. entitled to actual damages, the claim must not only be
capable of proof, but must actually be proved with a
Under Article 249 of the RPC, the imposable penalty for one reasonable degree of certainty. Courts cannot simply rely on
found guilty of Homicide is reclusion temporal, whose speculation, conjecture or guesswork in determining the fact
duration is from twelve (12) years and one (1) day to and amount of damages but there must be competent proof
of the actual amount of loss. Credence can be given only to SO ORDERED.
claims which are duly supported by receipts.22ςrνll
Age of Criminal Responsibility
In this case, AAA failed to provide receipts to substantiate
her claim. This Court, however, is not unmindful of the fact FIRST DIVISION
that AAA was hospitalized for about five (5) days.
Considering that the expenses she incurred cannot be [G.R. No. 46539. September 27, 1939.]
proved with certainty, an award of temperate damages is
but proper. Temperate damages may be allowed in cases THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee,
where from the nature of the case, definite proof of v. VALENTIN DOQUEÑA, Defendant-Appellant.
pecuniary loss cannot be adduced, although the court is
convinced that the aggrieved party suffered some pecuniary Primicias, Abad, Mencias & Castillo for Appellant.
loss.23Ï‚rνll An award of P8,000.00 as temperate damages
is, to the Court's mind, just.ςηαοblενιrυαllÎ±Ï Assistant Solicitor-General Concepcion and Assistant
‰lιbrαr Attorney Paredes, jr ., for Appellee.


December 17, 2010 Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA- DECISION
G.R. No. 28761 as follows:

1. In Criminal Case No. Q-97-72079, finding the accused DIAZ, J.:

Edwin Isla y Rossell guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the
crime of Rape, the Court hereby sentences him to suffer the
penalty of reclusion perpetua; to pay AAA P50,000.00 as The accused-appellant, who is a minor, was prosecuted for
civil indemnity ex delicto, and P50,000.00 as moral homicide in the Court of First Instance of Pangasinan, for
damages, P30,000.00 as exemplary damages; and to pay having killed Juan Ragojos by stabbing him in the breast
the cost of suit. with a knife on November 19, 1938, in the municipality of
Sual, Pangasinan. The court, after trying the case, held that
2. In Criminal Case No. Q-97-72078, finding the accused the accused acted with discernment in committing the act
Edwin Isla y Rossell guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the imputed to him and, proceeding in accordance with the
crime of Frustrated Homicide, the Court hereby sentences provisions of article 80 of the Revised Penal Code, as
him to suffer the indeterminate penalty of imprisonment amended by Commonwealth Act No. 99, ordered him to be
ranging from four (4) years prision correccional, as sent to the Training School for Boys to remain therein until
minimum, to eight (8) years and one (1) day of prision he reaches the age of majority. From this order the accused
mayor, as maximum; to pay AAA the sum of P8,000.00 as interposed an appeal alleging that the court erred in holding
temperate damages; and to pay the cost of suit. that he had acted with discernment and in not having
dismissed the case.
stabbed him in the chest with the knife which he
On the date of the crime, the appellant was exactly thirteen carried."cralaw virtua1aw library
years, nine months and five days old. The incident that
gave rise to the aggression committed by him on the The order also contains the following conclusions and
deceased is narrated in the appealed order as findings of fact which we are not at liberty to alter, not
follows:jgc:chanrobles.com.ph being called upon or authorized to do so, in view of the
nature of the appeal before us, by section 138 of the
"Between 1 and 2 o’clock in the afternoon of November Administrative Code, as amended by commonwealth Act No.
19,1938, the now deceased Juan Ragojos and one Epifanio 3:jgc:chanrobles.com.ph
Rarang were playing volleyball in the yard of the
intermediate school of the municipality of Sual, Province of "Taking into account the fact that when the accused
Pangasinan. The herein accused, who was also in said yard, Valentin Doqueña committed the crime in question, he was
intervened and, catching the ball, tossed it at Juan Ragojos, a 7th grade pupil in the intermediate school of the
hitting him on the stomach. For this act of the accused, municipality of Sual, Pangasinan, and as such pupil, he was
Juan Ragojos chased him around the yard and, upon one of the brightest in said school and was a captain of a
overtaking him, slapped him on the nape. Said accused company of the cadet corps thereof, and during the time he
then turned against the deceased assuming a threatening was studying therein he always obtained excellent marks,
attitude, for which reason said deceased struck him on the this court is convinced that the accused in committing the
mouth with his fist, returning immediately to the place crime, acted with discernment and was conscious of the
where Epifanio Rarang was in order to continue playing with nature and consequences of his act, and so also has this
him. The accused, offended by what he considered an abuse court observed at the time said accused was testifying in his
on the part of Juan Ragojos, who was taller and more behalf during the trial of this case."cralaw virtua1aw library
robust than he, looked around the yard for a stone with
which to attack the now deceased Juan Ragojos, but finding The proven facts, as stated by the lower court in the
none, he approached a cousin of his named Romualdo appealed order, convinces us that the appeal taken from
Cocal, to ask the latter to lend him his knife. Epifanio said order is absolutely unfounded, because it is error to
Rarang, who had heard what the accused had been asking determine discernment by the means resorted to by the
his cousin, told the latter not to give the accused his knife attorney for the defense, as discussed by him in his brief.
because he might attack Juan Ragojos with it. The accused, He claims that to determine whether or not a minor acted
however, succeeded in taking possession of the knife which with discernment, we must take into consideration not only
was in a pocket of his cousin’s pants. Once in possession of the facts and circumstances which gave rise to the act
the knife, Valentin Doqueña approached Juan Ragojos and committed by the minor, but also his state of mind at the
challenged the latter to give him another blow with his fist, time the crime was committed, the time he might have had
to which the deceased answered that he did not want to do at his disposal for the purpose of meditating on the
so because he (Juan Ragojos) was bigger than the accused. consequences of his act, and the degree of reasoning he
Juan Ragojos, ignorant of the intentions of the accused, could have had at that moment. It is clear that the attorney
continued playing and, while he was thus unprepared and in for the defense mistakes the discernment referred to in
the act of stopping the ball with his two hands, the accused article 12, subsection 3, of the Revised Penal Code, for
premeditation, or at least for lack of intention which, as a burglary) to be true. He appeals from the judgment and order
mitigating circumstance, is included among other mitigating denying motion for new trial. The appeal from the order is dismissed.
circumstances in article 13 of said Code. The discernment
that constitutes an exception to the exemption from Dennis Van Johnson,1 16 years old, overheard defendant tell Luis
criminal liability of a minor under fifteen years of age but Gonzales he was selling heroin. Two weeks later (January 14, 1967)
over nine who commits an act prohibited by law, is his Dennis met defendant who gave him ten balloons containing heroin;
mental capacity to understand the difference between right he was to sell them to ‘hyps' for $60 each out of which he was to
and wrong, and such capacity may be known and should be keep $10 for himself and give $50 to defendant (count II). On
determined by taking into consideration all the facts and February 17, 1967, near Bixby Slough defendant gave Dennis more
circumstances accorded by the records in each case, the heroin which he sold under the same arrangement (count III). Later
very appearance, the very attitude, the very comportment defendant contacted him and they met at the same place on
February 28, 1967, at which time defendant gave him several more
and behavior of said minor, not only before and during the
balloons (count I) but before he could sell them all he was arrested
commission of the act, but also after and even during the
on March 1, 1967; he had sold only two and still had about $100 on
trial (U. S. v. Maralit, 36 Phil., 155). This was done by the his person. On March 1, 1967, about twenty minutes before he was
trial court, and the conclusion arrived at by it is correct. arrested, he saw defendant at Bixby Slough; Dennis had placed
several of the unsold balloons in a paper cup on the ground; he had
Wherefore, the appealed order is affirmed, with the costs to a gun and a clip, which he had received from a customer in
the appellant. So ordered. exchange for a balloon, in a paper bag which he placed about 25
feet away.

Court of Appeal, Second District, Division 1, California. On March 1, 1967, Officer Kline and Officer Knowles, trained in
narcotic investigation and a qualified expert on narcotics and
The PEOPLE of the State of California, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. dangerous drugs, were driving past Bixby Slough and noticed two
Manuel Pete NIETO, Defendant and Appellant. vehicles, one a white Chevrolet, license ROA 769, and standing next
to them two males, one of whom was defendant, having a
Cr. 14737. conversation. Knowles parked and watched through binoculars; he
saw one man get into a vehicle and drive away at which time
Martinez (18), Gonzales (15) and Dennis (16) walked toward
Decided: December 16, 1968 defendant who was standing near a metal trash can; they all stood
close together and conversed for several minutes, then defendant
David W. O'Brien, Covina, for defendant and appellant by got into the white Chevrolet and drove away. Knowles drove in the
appointment of the Court of Appeal. Thomas C. Lynch, Atty. Gen., parking area and approached the three boys, saw a brown paper
William E. James, Asst. Atty. Gen., and Arthur B. Rosenfeld, Deputy bag at the base of a tree about 20 feet from where Dennis and
Atty. Gen., for plaintiff and respondent. Gonzales were standing, picked up the bag, opened it and found a .
25 caliber chrome plated pistol and clip; he showed the gun and bag
A jury found defendant guilty of three counts of using a minor to the boys, then returned to where he found the gun and saw, about
(Dennis Van Johnson) to sell heroin (s 11502, Health & Saf.Code) 15 to 18 feet away, a Dixie cup full of balloons; recognizing them, he
and one count of possession for sale of heroin (s 11500.5, Health & approached the boys, informed them of what he had found, and
Saf.Code) and the alleged prior felony conviction (first degree arrested them. Dennis had $123 on his person. An hour later at the
home of defendant's mother, in front of which was parked a white not attempt to talk to him after August 8, 1967. Subpoenas were
Chevrolet, license number ROA 769, defendant was arrested. issued April 17, June 15 and August 10, 1967, but none were served
on Dennis.
The quantity of heroin in each balloon would probably sell for $60 on
the street; expert testimony established that the balloons contained Officer Kline, a defense witness, testified that in April 1967
heroin in usable quantities. Several latent fingerprints lifted from one subpoenas were issued but were not served; when he tried to serve
of the balloons found in the Dixie cup were photographed and Dennis in July 1967 for the August 4 trial he learned that Dennis had
compared with defendant's finger and palm prints (Exh. 6); an expert gone to Oklahoma but he did not try to contact him.
positively identified a left thumb print found on the balloon as made
by the same person (defendant) who made the print on Exhibit 6. Appellant claims he is entitled to a reversal because Dennis'
testimony was read from the preliminary transcript in violation of his
Defendant testified that in passing the park he saw Martinez and Sixth Amendment right to be confronted by the witnesses against
talked with him five minutes; he only said hello to Dennis and him as recently interpreted in Barber v. Page, 390 U.S. 719, 88 S.Ct.
Gonzales. He denied giving or selling Dennis narcotics or asking him 1318, 20 L.Ed.2d 255; and the jury did not have the opportunity to
to sell them, hearing Dennis, Martinez or Gonzales talk about the look at Dennis and judge by his demeanor on the stand and the
sale of narcotics, having any heroin in his possession for sale and manner in which he testified whether he was worthy of belief.
receiving any money from Dennis.
Whereas under California laws as it existed prior to January 1, 1967,
Based on the following the trial judge, over defendant's repeated the testimony of a witness given at a preliminary examination could
objections,2 allowed Dennis' testimony to be read from the be used at defendant's trial upon a mere showing that the witness is
preliminary transcript (Exh. 3.) absent from the state (People v. Carswell (1959), 51 Cal.2d 602,
605, 335 P.2d 99), the Evidence Code which became operative on
On August 7, 1967, district attorney's investigator Exworthy called January 1, 1967, simultaneously with an amendment to Penal Code,
the probation department and talked to a Mr. Brown who advised him section 686,4 changed that rule. (People v. Woods,a 265 Cal.App.2d
that on May 15, 1967, 3 Dennis was referred to them from the juvenile 806, 71 Cal.Rptr. 583.) Thus, under section, 1291, Evidence
court, his grandmother, Minnie Johnson, picked him up and took him Code,5 as applied herein,6 Dennis' testimony taken at the preliminary
to Ada, Oklahoma, he is on probation for an offense in Pontotoc hearing was admissible if he was ‘unavailable as a witness' and
County, Oklahoma, and is ‘a wardship of Judge Fred Andrews of the defendant had the right and opportunity to cross-examine him with
County Court,’ P.O. Box 336, Ada, Oklahoma; he then called the an interest or motive similar to that which he had at the trial
police department in Ada for a check on Dennis; on August 8, 1967, (defendant, represented by competent counsel, had the opportunity
Officer Farmer called and said Dennis was living with Minnie and to and did cross-examine Dennis at length at the preliminary
attending Irving School; he then telephoned Irving School and spoke hearing). However, Dennis was ‘unavailable as a witness' if he was
with a Mr. (Dennis Van) Johnson who said that he was the one absent from the trial and the court was unable to compel his
involved in the Nieto case, was living with Minnie in Ada, was not attendance by its process or the prosecutor exercised reasonable
planning to return for a long time and intended to stay there; asked if diligence but was unable to procure his attendance by the court's
he planned to leave Ada and come to Los Angeles, Dennis replied process. (s 240, Evid.Code.)7
that he did not; he did not ask Dennis if he had any money or if he
would come to Los Angeles or if there was any reason why he could For his criminal activities herein a petition was filed against Dennis
not, knows no reason why Dennis could not come for the trial and did on March 13, 1967, and sustained March 21, 1967, by the juvenile
court which referred Dennis to the probation department, released admissible, it is now apparent under section 240, Evidence Code,
him to his mother and allowed him to leave California with his that when a witness is absent because the prosecution was not
grandmother (Los Angeles County probation file (Exh. 1); Superior active in attempting by subpoena to secure his presence at the trial
Court file (Exh. 2)). On March 21, 1967, Dennis testified at the in a timely fashion, his testimony given at the preliminary hearing
preliminary hearing; then the prosecution knew that he was a may not be used. (People v. Harris,b 266 Cal.App.2d 426, —-, 72
material witness and the probation department knew that he was Cal.Rptr. 423.) In Harris, ‘Six weeks had thus elapsed after the trial
leaving the state. Information was filed April 3, 1967, and defendant date was set during which the prosecution made no effort to see that
pleaded not guilty on April 4, 1967; his trial was set for May 15, 1967. Mr. Strickland would be available when the trial was held. The
On April 19, 1967, the probation department received verification by process server reported what he had done to the district attorney's
Judge Fred Andrews, Pontotoc, Oklahoma, that Dennis was living office and that office, through him or by some other means, found
with Minnie at 418 West 4th Street, Ada, on probation there and a that Strickland was supposed to be somewhere in Canada. * * *
ward of the court.8 (Probation file (Exh. 1).) On April 17, June 15 and
August 10, 1967, subpoenas were issued for Dennis but not served. ‘The district attorney's office was not active in attempting to secure
Dennis' petition in juvenile court was dismissed May 12, 1967. On Mr. Strickland's presence at the trial in a timely fashion. If the
May 15, 1967, defendant's trial was continued on his own motion to prosecution had moved alertly after the setting of the case, it seems
June 15, and thereafter to July 31, then August 4, 1967. Officer Kline clear that it could have had the witness present at the trial, and it is
tried to serve Dennis in July 1967 for the August 4 trial and learned for this reason that we feel that his evidence given at the preliminary
he was in Ada. No courtroom was available on August 4, 1967, and examination was not properly introduced at the trial.’ (266
trial was continued to August 7, 1967. On August 7, 1967, the district Cal.App.2d at pages —- - —-, c 72 Cal.Rptr. at pages 427, 429.)
attorney's office learned that Dennis was in Ada and his address, Appellant argues that the delay in attempting to serve Dennis is
and that he was on probation there and a ward of the court. On the much longer than the delay in attempting to serve Strickland. The
People's motion, the trial was continued to August 8, 1967; on the facts here reveal no negligence in failing to serve Dennis in
same day, after talking to Dennis, the district attorney's investigator California inasmuch as he left immediately after the preliminary
knew that he did not plan to return and intended to stay in Ada; he hearing before any trial date was set, but they do reflect a complete
did not ask Dennis to come to Los Angeles or thereafter attempt to lack of reasonable or any diligence on the part of the prosecution,
talk to him and knows no reason why Dennis could not come here. during the five months pending trial, to procure Dennis' attendance
On the People's motion the trial was continued to August 28, 1967, as a witness by court process after he returned to Oklahoma. At this
then again to September 5, 1967. A jury was empaneled on point, it should be noted that the absence referred to in section 240,
September 6 and the trial commenced September 7, 1967. Evidence Code, not limited to absence from the state, means
absence from the hearing wherever the witness might be, and that
It cannot be said that Dennis' absence was brought about ‘by the the ‘reasonable diligence’ the prosecution must exercise relates to
procuring or wrongdoing’ of the prosecution for the purpose of the procurement of the witness' attendance ‘by the court's process.’
preventing him from ‘attending or testifying’ (s 240(b), Evid.Code) or Thus, while the fact that one month before trial the district attorney's
that it was guilty of the kind of negligence shown in Motes v. United investigator talked to Dennis in Oklahoma but made no effort by
States, 178 U.S. 458, 20 S.Ct. 993, 44 L.Ed. 1150 (United States request or persuasion to seek his presence at the trial (had Exworthy
marshal permitted a witness who had been in custody to escape), simply asked Dennis to come to Los Angeles he might have done
and while prior to January 1, 1967, ‘a showing of due diligence to so), and that two months prior to trial, when Officer Kline learned that
keep the witness within the state’ (People v. Carswell, 51 Cal.2d 602, Dennis was in Oklahoma, the prosecution made no effort to seek the
605—606, 335 P.2d 99, 101; People v. Dozier, 236 Cal.App.2d 94, cooperation of the probation department and Judge Andrews in
105, 45 Cal.Rptr. 770) was not required to render his prior testimony Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, to arrange his return to California for
the purpose of testifying at defendant's trial might be significant 390 U.S. 719, 88 S.Ct. 1318, 20 L.Ed.2d 255. While as early as April
under the pronouncement of the United States Supreme Court in 19, 1967, the probation department knew Dennis' exact address in
Barber v. Page, 390 U.S. 719, 88 S.Ct. 1318, 20 L.Ed.2d 255, that ‘a Ada, Oklahoma, in July 1967 Officer Kline in trying to serve Dennis in
witness is not ‘unavailable’ * * * unless the prosecutorial authorities California learned that he was in Oklahoma, and on August 7, 1967,
have made a goodfaith effort to obtain his presence at trial' (390 U.S. the district attorney's office knew where Dennis lived and went to
at p. 724, 88 S.Ct. at p. 1322, 20 L.Ed.2d at p. 260), under section school, no effort of any kind was made by anyone to compel Dennis,
240 the reasonable diligence to be exercised is required only in in Oklahoma, by court process to attend defendant's trial.
procuring Dennis' attendance at defendant's trial by court process.
The retroactive application of Barber v. Page, 390 U.S. 719, 88 S.Ct.
Dennis left California before the first trial date was set; from April 4, 1318, 20 L.Ed.2d 25510 (decided by the United States Supreme
1967, to September 7, 1967, five months elapsed during which, in Court on April 23, 1968, more than seven months after defendant's
July, the first and only effort was made to serve Dennis with a trial) employed in People v. Casarez,h 263 Cal.App.2d 130, 69
subpoena in Los Angeles at which time Officer Kline learned he was Cal.Rptr. 187; People v. Ashford,i 265 Cal.App.2d 673, 71 Cal.Rptr.
in Oklahoma; prior to that time, on April 19, 1967, the probation 619; People v. Woods,j 265 Cal.App.2d 712, 71 Cal.Rptr. 583; and
department knew Dennis' exact address in Oklahoma, and on People v. Harris,k 266 Cal.App.2d 426, 72 Cal.Rptr. 423 (see also
August 8, 1967, the district attorney's investigator talked to Dennis. People v. Johnson, 68 Cal.2d 646, 11 68 Cal.Rptr. 599, 441 P.2d 111)
Whereas cases prior to the effective date of the Evidence Code hold and here urged by appellant is unnecessary for while ‘the definition
that ‘The existence of permissive legislation to obtain the presence of of ‘unavailable’ under Barber v. Page may not be coterminous with
a witness from another state does not force the decision that it is that in Evidence Code section 240' (People v. Woods,l 265
mandatory upon the prosecution to exercise it. (Citations.)’ (People Cal.App.2d 712, —-, 71 Cal.Rptr. 583, 586), it is apparent from the
v. Washington, 248 Cal.App.2d 470, 475, 57 Cal.Rptr. 487, 491; see record that the prosecution did not show that Dennis was
also People v. Carswell, 51 Cal.2d 602, 605, 335 P.2d 99), it is now ‘unavailable as a witness' as defined by statute. It is further apparent
established that the provisions of section 240 make resort to the from the record that Dennis' testimony was a substantial and
Uniform Act to Secure the Attendance of the Witnesses without the important part of the People's case on counts I, II and III. He was an
State in Criminal Cases necessary in efforts to compel a witness to accomplice witness and the only one who testified to defendant's
attend a trial.9 (Pen.Code, ss 1334—1334.6; People v. Casarez,d criminal activities as related to him; and in the light of the entire
263 Cal.App.2d 130, —-, 69 Cal.Rptr. 187; People v. Woods,e 265 evidence we are not ‘able to declare a belief that it (the error) was
Cal.App.2d 712, —- - —-, 71 Cal.Rptr. 583; see also People v. harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.’ (Chapman v. California, 386
Ashford,f 265 Cal.App.2d 673, —-, 71 Cal.Rptr. 619, as to use of U.S. 18, 24, 87 S.Ct. 824, 828, 17 L.Ed.2d 705.) This conclusion
depositions in criminal actions.) In Woods, the court said concerning does not affect the judgment as it relates to defendant's conviction of
the Uniform Act: ‘Under these acts a person within the State of possession for sale of heroin as alleged in count IV.
Washington may be compelled to come to California to testify in a
criminal case. * * * Appellant's last contention that the prosecution was guilty of
prejudicial misconduct is without merit. His claim is based on the
‘Under the law as it existed when the case at bench was tried (July prosecutor's cross-examination of him, particularly with reference to
31, 1967) the fact that Mr. Buckley was in the State of Washington the validity of his marriage to one Connie and Connie's probation.
was not enough to make his former testimony admissible, since he Even if improper the same was ameliorated by the court's
was in a place from which his presence could be compelled by instructions and admonishment to the jury to disregard any questions
process.’ (Pp. —- - —-,g 71 Cal.Rptr. p. 585.) That the Uniform Act is relating to Connie. We presume that the jury abided by the court's
in force in Oklahoma is evident from the opinion in Barber v. Page,
instruction. Moreover, appellant has failed to point out in what shooting a bottle cap (tansan) placed around fifteen (15) to twenty
manner such inquiries were prejudicial even if irrelevant. (20) meters away with an air rifle borrowed from a neighbor. In the
course of their game, Teodoro was hit by a pellet on his left collar
For the foregoing reasons the judgment as to counts I, II and III is bone which caused his unfortunate death.
reversed and the cause remanded to the superior court for retrial on
these counts. In all other respects the judgment is affirmed. After conduct a preliminary investigation, the examining Fiscal
exculpated petitioner due to his age and because the unfortunate
Republic of the Philippines occurrence appeared to be an accident. The victim's parents
SUPREME COURT appealed to the Ministry of Justice, which ordered the Fiscal to file a
Manila case against petitioner for Homicide through reckless Imprudence.
The information dated 9 October 1985 was consequently filed, which
narrated in part:

. . . the above-named accused, who is over 9 years

G.R. No. 75256 January 26, 1989
but below 15 years of age and acting with
discernment, did then and there, without taking the
JOHN PHILIP GUEVARRA, petitioner, necessary precautions to prevent and/or avoid
vs. accident or injuries to persons, willfully, unlawfully
HONORABLE IGNACIO ALMODOVAR, respondent. and feloniously operate and cause to be fired, in a
reckless and imprudent manner, an air rifle with .22
Teresita Dy-Liacco and Roberto Madrid for petitioner. caliber bore with rifling, oxygen and bolt operated
thereby hitting as a result of said carelessness and
imprudence one TEODORICO PABLO ALMINE at
the left side of the body with its pellet, causing
PARAS,  J.: injuries which directly caused his untimely death; . . .
(p. 8, Rollo)
Presented before Us is a special civil action for certiorari against the
Honorable Judge Ignacio Almodovar of the City Court of Legaspi, On 25 October 1985, petitioner moved to quash the said information
Branch 1, Legaspi City, raising beautiful questions of law which We on the following grounds:
are tasked to resolve. Considering the issues and arguments raised
by petitioner, We impleaded the People of the Philippines as party I
respondents herein in a resolution dated 17 September 1986 (p. 41,
The relevant facts gathered from the records are as follows:
Petitioner John Philip Guevarra, then 11 years old, was playing with
his best friend Teodoro Almine, Jr. and three other children in their THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINS
backyard in the morning of 29 October 1984. They were target- AVERMENTS WHICH IF TRUE WOULD
CONSTITUTE A LEGAL EXCUSE OR intent to kill . . ." amply meets the requirement that discernment
JUSTIFICATION. should be alleged when the accused is a minor between 9 and 15
years old. Petitioner completes his syllogism in saying that:
If discernment is the equivalent of 'with intent', then
THAT THIS HONORABLE COURT HAS NO the allegation in the information that the accused
JURISDICTION OVER THE OFFENSE CHARGED acted with discernment and willfully unlawfully, and
AND THE PERSON OF THE DEFENDANT. (p. 9, feloniously, operate or cause to be fired in a reckless
Rollo) and imprudent manner an air rifle .22 caliber' is an
inherent contradiction tantamount to failure of the
information to allege a cause of action or constitute a
This motion, in an Order dated 4 April 1986, was denied with respect
legal excuse or exception. (Memorandum for
to the first and third grounds relied upon. However, the resolution of
Petitioner, p. 97, Rollo)
the second ground was deferred until evidence shall have been
presented during trial.
If petitioner's argument is correct, then no minor between the ages of
9 and 15 may be convicted of a quasi-offense under Article 265 of
On 26 July 1986, this present petition for certiorari was filed, raising
the RPC.
two (2) issues, to wit:

On the contrary, the Solicitor General insists that discernment and

intent are two different concepts. We agree with the Solicitor
General's view; the two terms should not be confused.
The word "intent" has been defined as

(a) design; a determination to do a certain things; an

aim; the purpose of the mind, including such
knowledge as is essential to such intent;. . .; the
WHETHER THE COURT HAD JURISDICTION design resolve, or determination with which a person
LUPON. (Petition, p. 3, Rollo)
It is this intent which comprises the third element of dolo as a means
of committing a felony, freedom and intelligence being the other two.
Going through the written arguments of the parties, the surfacing of a On the other hand, We have defined the term discernment, as used
corollary controversy with respect to the first issue raised is evident, in Article 12(3) of the RPC, in the old case of People vs. Doquena,
that is, whether the term "discernment", as used in Article 12(3) of 68 Phil. 580(1939), in this wise:
the Revised Penal Code (RPC) is synonymous with "intent." It is the
position of the petitioner that "discernment" connotes 'intent' (p. 96,
The discernment that constitutes an exception to the
Rollo), invoking the unreported case of People vs. Nieto,  G.R. No.
exemption from criminal liability of a minor under
11965, 30 April 1958. In that case We held that the allegation of "with
fifteen years of age but over nine, who commits an
act prohibited by law, is his mental capacity to criminality of the act, that is, that (they) acted with discernment.
understand the difference between right and " 4 The preceding discussion shows that "intelligence" as an element
wrong . . . (Emphasis supplied) p. 583 of dolo actually embraces the concept of discernment as used in
Article 12 of the RPC and as defined in the aforecited case of People
From the foregoing, it is clear that the terms "intent" and vs. Doquena, supra. It could not therefore be argued that
"discernment" convey two distinct thoughts. While both are products discernment is equivalent or connotes 'intent' for they refer to two
of the mental processes within a person, the former refers to the different concepts. Intelligence, which includes discernment, is a
desired of one's act while the latter relates to the moral significance distinct element of dolo as a means of committing an offense.
that person ascribes to the said act. Hence a person may not intend
to shoot another but may be aware of the consequences of his In evaluating felonies committed by means of culpa, three (3)
negligent act which may cause injury to the same person in elements are indispensable, namely, intelligence, freedom of action,
negligently handling an air rifle. It is not connect, therefore, to argue, and negligence. Obviously, intent is wanting in such felonies.
as petitioner does, that since a minor above nine years of age but However, intelligence remains as an essential element, hence, it is
below fifteen acted with discernment, then he intended such act to necessary that a minor above nine but below fifteen years of age be
be done. He may negligently shoot his friend, thus did not intend to possessed with intelligence in committing a negligent act which
shoot him, and at the same time recognize the undesirable result of results in a quasi-offense. For him to be criminally liable, he must
his negligence. discern the rightness or wrongness of the effects of his negligent act.
Indeed, a minor over nine years of age but below fifteen may be held
In further outlining the distinction between the words "intent" and liable for a quasi-offense under Article 365 of the RPC. A reading of
"discernment," it is worthy to note the basic reason behind the the said Article would reveal such fact as it starts off with the phrase
enactment of the exempting circumstances embodied in Article 12 of "Any person. . ." without any distinction or exception made. Ubi lex
the RPC; the complete absence of intelligence, freedom of action, or non distinquit nec nos distinguere debemos.
intent, or on the absence of negligence on the part of the
accused. 1 In expounding on intelligence as the second element In his last attempt to justify his position equating the words "intent"
of dolus, Albert 2 has stated: and "discernment" used under the law, he cites the case of People
vs. Nieto, supra. However, petitioner failed to present the qualifying
The second element of dolus is intelligence; without sentence preceding the ruling he now invokes, which reads:
this power, necessary to determine the morality of
human acts to distinguish a licit from an illicit act, no That requirement should be deemed amply met with
crime can exist, and because ... the infant 3 (has) no the allegation in the information that she. . ."with the
intelligence, the law exempts (him) from criminal intent to kill, did then and there wilfully, criminally
liability. (Emphasis supplied) and feloniously push one Lolita Padilla . . ." into a
deep place of the Peñaranda River and as a
lt is for this reason, therefore, why minors nine years of age and consequence thereof Lolita Padilla got drowned and
below are not capable of performing a criminal act. On the other died right then and there.' This allegation clearly
hand, minors above nine years of appeal but below fifteen are not conveys the Idea that she knew what would be the
absolutely exempt. However, they are presumed to be without consequence of her unlawful act of pushing her
criminal capacity, but which presumption may be rebutted if it could victim into deep water and that she knew it to be
be proven that they were "capable of appreciating the nature and wrong. (Emphasis supplied)
From the above, it is clear that We did not mean to equate the words considering the attendant circumstances affecting
"intent" and "discernment." What We meant was that the combined criminal liability. 5
effect of the words used in the information is to express a
knowledge, on the part of the accused Nieto, of the wrongness or The foregoing finds support in our jurisprudence as above cited. We
rightness of her act. Hence, petitioner may not validly contend that therefore rule that, in construing Section 2(3) of P.D. 1508, the
since the information now in question alleged "discernment", it in penalty which the law defining the offense attaches to the latter
effect alleged "intent." The former may never embrace the Idea of should be considered. Hence, any circumstance which may affect
the latter; the former expresses the thought of passivity while the criminal liability must not be considered.
latter signifies activity.
The petitioner, in his arguments, asserts that since P.D. 1508 has
Coming now to the second issue of jurisdiction, it is contended by the not been complied with, the trial court has no jurisdiction over the
petitioner that the case against him should have first been brought case. This erroneous perception has been corrected long before. As
before the Lupong Tagapayapa pursuant to Presidential Decree No. intimated in the case of Royales vs. IAC, 127 SCRA 470, and
1508, Section 2(3). He submits that, considering his entitlement to a categorically stated in Ebol vs. Amin, 135 SCRA 438, P.D. 1508 is
two-degree privileged mitigating circumstance due to his minority, not jurisdictional.
P.D. 1508 applies to his case because the penalty imposable is
reduced to not higher than arresto menor from an original arresto WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, this petition is hereby
mayor maximum to prision correccional medium as prescribed in DISMISSED for lack of merit and the Temporary Restraining Order
Article 365 of the RPC. This is not correct. The jurisdiction of a court effective 17 September 1986 is LIFTED. Let this case be
over a criminal case is determined by the penalty imposable under REMANDED to the lower court for trial on the merits. No cost.
the law for the offense and not the penalty ultimately imposed
(People vs. Caldito, 72 Phil. 263; People vs. Purisima, 69 SCRA 314;
Dioquino vs. Cruz and People vs. Savellano, 116 SCRA 451). The SO ORDERED.
same principle applies in construing Section 2(3) of P.D. 1508, which
states: Republic of the Philippines
xxx xxx xxx Manila

(3) Offense punishable by imprisonment exceeding FIRST DIVISION

30 day , or a fine exceeding P 200.00; ... (emphasis
supplied) G.R. No. 183563               December 14, 2011

Expounding on the above provision, a member of the committee that PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee,
drafted P.D. 1508 has said: vs.
HENRY ARPON y JUNTILLA, Accused-Appellant.
The law says 'punishable,' not 'punished.' One
should therefore consider the penalty provided for by DECISION
law or ordinance as distinguished from the penalty
actually imposed in particular cases after LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.:
Assailed before Us is the Decision 1 of the Court of Appeals dated Contrary to law with the aggravating circumstance that the victim is
February 8, 2008 in CA-G.R. CR.-H.C. No. 00560, which affirmed under eighteen (18) years of age and the offender is a relative by
with modification the Decision2 dated September 9, 2002 of the consanguinity within the third civil degree.6
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Tacloban City, Branch 7, in Criminal
Case Nos. 2001-01-46 to 2001-01-53, finding the accused-appellant Criminal Case No. 2000-01-48
Henry Arpon y Juntilla guilty beyond reasonable doubt of one (1)
count of statutory rape and seven (7) counts of rape against the That sometime in the month July 1999 in the municipality of [XXX],
private complainant AAA.3 Province of Leyte, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
Honorable Court, the said accused, who is the uncle of [AAA],
On December 29, 1999, the accused-appellant was charged 4 with the twelve-year-old offended party, actuated by lust, did, then and
eight (8) counts of rape in separate informations, the accusatory there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, and with the use of force
portions of which state: and violence succeed in having carnal knowledge of the said [AAA],
without her consent and against her will.
Criminal Case No. 2000-01-46
Contrary to law with the aggravating circumstance that the victim is
That sometime in the year 1995 in the municipality of [XXX], under eighteen (18) years of age and the offender is a relative by
Province of Leyte, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this consanguinity within the third civil degree.7
Honorable Court, the said accused, who is the uncle of [AAA], the
offended party, actuated by lust, did, then and there, willfully, Criminal Case No. 2000-01-49
unlawfully and feloniously, succeed in having carnal knowledge of
the said [AAA], who was then only eight (8) years old, without her That sometime in the month of July, 1999 in the municipality of
consent and against her will. [XXX], Province of Leyte, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of
this Honorable Court, the said accused, who is the uncle of [AAA],
Contrary to law with the aggravating circumstance that the victim is the twelve-year-old offended party, actuated by lust, did, then and
under eighteen (18) years of age and the offender is a relative by there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, and with the use of force
consanguinity within the third civil degree.5 and violence succeed in having carnal knowledge of the said [AAA],
without her consent and against her will.
Criminal Case No. 2000-01-47
Contrary to law with the aggravating circumstance that the victim is
That sometime in the month of July, 1999 in the municipality of under eighteen (18) years of age and the offender is a relative by
[XXX], Province of Leyte, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of consanguinity within the third civil degree.8
this Honorable Court, the said accused, who is the uncle of [AAA],
the twelve-year-old offended party, actuated by lust, did, then and Criminal Case No. 2000-01-50
there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, and with the use of force
and violence succeed in having carnal knowledge of the said [AAA], That sometime in the month of July, 1999 in the municipality of
without her consent and against her will. [XXX], Province of Leyte, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of
this Honorable Court, the said accused, who is the uncle of [AAA],
the twelve-year-old offended party, actuated by lust, did, then and
there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, and with the use of force That sometime in the month of August, 1999 in the municipality of
and violence succeed in having carnal knowledge of the said [AAA], [XXX], Province of Leyte, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of
without her consent and against her will. this Honorable Court, the said accused, who is the uncle of [AAA],
the twelve-year-old offended party, actuated by lust, did, then and
Contrary to law with the aggravating circumstance that the victim is there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, and with the use of force
under eighteen (18) years of age and the offender is a relative by and violence succeed in having carnal knowledge of the said [AAA],
consanguinity within the third civil degree.9 without her consent and against her will.

Criminal Case No. 2000-01-51 Contrary to law with the aggravating circumstance that the victim is
under eighteen (18) years of age and the offender is a relative by
consanguinity within the third civil degree.12 (Emphases ours.)
That sometime in the month of July, 1999 in the municipality of
[XXX], Province of Leyte, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of
this Honorable Court, the said accused, who is the uncle of [AAA], During the arraignment of the accused-appellant on November 28,
the twelve-year-old offended party, actuated by lust, did, then and 2000, he entered a plea of not guilty.13 On March 13, 2001, the pre-
there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, and with the use of force trial conference of the cases was conducted and the parties
and violence succeed in having carnal knowledge of the said [AAA], stipulated on the identity of the accused-appellant in all the cases,
without her consent and against her will. the minority of the victim and the fact that the accused appellant is
the uncle of the victim.14
Contrary to law with the aggravating circumstance that the victim is
under eighteen (18) years of age and the offender is a relative by The pre-trial order containing the foregoing stipulations was signed
consanguinity within the third civil degree.10 by the accused and his counsel. The cases were then heard on
consolidated trial.
Criminal Case No. 2000-01-52
The prosecution presented the lone testimony of AAA to prove the
charges against the accused-appellant. AAA testified that she was
That sometime in the month of August, 1999 in the municipality of
born on November 1, 1987.15 In one afternoon when she was only
[XXX], Province of Leyte, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of
eight years old, she stated that the accused-appellant raped her
this Honorable Court, the said accused, who is the uncle of [AAA],
inside their house. She could not remember, though, the exact
the twelve-year-old offended party, actuated by lust, did, then and
month and date of the incident. The accused-appellant stripped off
there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, and with the use of force
her shorts, panties and shirt and went on top of her. He had his
and violence succeed in having carnal knowledge of the said [AAA],
clothes on and only pulled down his zipper. He then pulled out his
without her consent and against her will.
organ, put it in her vagina and did the pumping motion. AAA felt pain
but she did not know if his organ penetrated her vagina. When he
Contrary to law with the aggravating circumstance that the victim is pulled out his organ, she did not see any blood. She did so only
under eighteen (18) years of age and the offender is a relative by when she urinated.16
consanguinity within the third civil degree.11
AAA also testified that the accused-appellant raped her again in July
Criminal Case No. 2000-01-47 1999 for five times on different nights. The accused-appellant was
then drinking alcohol with BBB, the stepfather of AAA, in the house
of AAA’s neighbor. He came to AAA’s house, took off her panty and - Patient came in with history of rape since 8 year old for so
went on top of her. She could not see what he was wearing as it was many times. last act was March 1999.
nighttime. He made her hold his penis then he left. When asked
again how the accused-appellant raped her for five nights in July of O: Pelvic Exam:
the said year, AAA narrated that he pulled down her panty, went on
top of her and pumped. She felt pain as he put his penis into her Ext. Genetalia – grossly normal.
vagina. Every time she urinated, thereafter, she felt pain. AAA said
that she recognized the accused-appellant as her assailant since it
was a moonlit night and their window was only covered by cloth. He Introitus: Old, healed incomplete laceration at 3 & 9 o’clock
entered through the kitchen as the door therein was detached. 17 position

AAA further related that the accused-appellant raped her again twice Speculum Exam: not done due to resistance.
in August 1999 at nighttime. He kissed her and then he took off his
shirt, went on top of her and pumped. She felt pain in her vagina and Internal Exam:
in her chest because he was heavy. She did not know if his penis
penetrated her vagina. She related that the accused-appellant was Vaginal smear for presence of spermatozoa: = NEGATIVE 21
her uncle as he was the brother of her mother. AAA said that she did
not tell anybody about the rapes because the accused-appellant Upon the other hand, the defense called the accused-appellant to
threatened to kill her mother if she did. She only filed a complaint the witness stand to deny the informations filed against him and to
when he proceeded to also rape her younger sister, DDD. 18 refute the testimony of AAA. He testified that when the first incident
of rape allegedly happened in 1995, he was only 13 years old as he
After the testimony of AAA, the prosecution formally offered its was born on February 23, 1982. In 1995, he worked in Sagkahan,
documentary evidence, consisting of: (1) Exhibit A - the Medico- Tacloban City as a houseboy for a certain Gloria Salazar and he
Legal Report,19 which contained the results of the medical stayed there up to 1996. He stated that he was working in Tacloban
examination conducted on AAA by Dr. Rommel Capungcol and Dr. City when the alleged rapes happened in the municipality of XXX.
Melissa Adel Gagala on October 26, 1999; and (2) Exhibit B - the When he would go home from Tacloban, he would stay at the house
Social Case Study Report20 pertaining to AAA’s case, which was of a certain Fred Antoni. He did not go to the house of AAA as the
issued by the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office of latter’s parents were his enemies. He said that he had a quarrel with
the Province of Leyte. AAA’s parents because he did not work with them in the ricefields.
He further recounted that in July 1999, he was also living in Tacloban
The Medico-Legal Report stated the following findings: City and worked there as a dishwasher at a restaurant. He worked
there from 1998 up to September 1999. The accused-appellant
P. E. Findings: Surg. Findings: likewise stated that in August 1999, he was still working at the same
restaurant in Tacloban City. While working there, he did not go home
to XXX as he was busy with work. He denied that he would have
- (-) Physical injuries. drinking sprees with AAA’s stepfather, BBB, because they were
On cross-examination, the accused-appellant admitted that the accused-appellant was positively identified by AAA as the person
mother of AAA was his sister and they were close to each other. He who sexually abused her and she held no grudge against him. The
said that his parents were still alive in 1995 up to October 1999 and trial court imposed the penalty of death as it found that AAA was less
the latter then resided at Calaasan, Alangalang, Leyte. He indicated than 18 years old at the time of the commission of the rape incidents
that his parents’ house was about two kilometers away from the and the accused-appellant was her uncle, a relative by consanguinity
house of AAA. While he was working at the restaurant in Tacloban within the third civil degree. The trial court also appreciated against
City, he would visit his parents once every month, mainly on the accused-appellant the aggravating circumstances of abuse of
Sundays.23 confidence and nighttime.

The Judgment of the RTC The accused-appellant filed a Motion for Reconsideration 25 of the
RTC Decision, asserting that the trial court failed to consider his
On September 9, 2002, the RTC of Tacloban City, Branch 7, minority as a privileged mitigating circumstance. As stated in his
rendered a Decision convicting the accused-appellant as follows: direct examination, the accused-appellant claimed that he was born
on February 23, 1982, such that he was only 13 and 17 years old
when the incidents of rape allegedly occurred in 1995 and 1999,
WHEREFORE, premises considered, pursuant to Art. 266-A and
respectively. In a Resolution26 dated November 6, 2002, the trial
266-B of the Revised Penal Code as amended, and further amended
court denied the accused-appellant’s motion, holding that the latter
by R.A. 8353 (Rape Law of 1997) and R.A. 7659 (Death Penalty
failed to substantiate with clear and convincing evidence his
Law) the Court found accused HENRY ARPON, GUILTY beyond
allegation of minority.
reasonable doubt of ONE COUNT OF STATUTORY
RAPE and SEVEN COUNTS OF RAPE charged under the
informations and sentenced to suffer the maximum penalty The cases were elevated to the Court on automatic review and were
of DEATH, and to indemnify the victim, [AAA] the amount docketed as G.R. Nos. 165201-08. 27 The parties then filed their
of Fifty Thousand (₱50,000.00) Pesos for each count of Rape and respective briefs.28 On February 7, 2006, we resolved29 to transfer
pay moral damages in the amount of Fifty Thousand (₱50,000.00) the cases to the Court of Appeals pursuant to our ruling in People v.
Pesos and pay the cost.24 (Emphases in the original.) Mateo.30 The cases were docketed in the appellate court as CA-G.R.
CR.-H.C. No. 00560.
The court a quo found more credible the testimony of AAA. The fact
that AAA was in tears when she testified convinced the trial court of The Decision of the Court of Appeals
the truthfulness of her rape charges against the accused-appellant. If
there were inconsistencies in AAA’s testimony, the trial court On February 8, 2008, the Court of Appeals promulgated its assailed
deemed the same understandable considering that AAA was pitted decision, decreeing thus:
against a learned opposing counsel. The delay in the reporting of the
rape incidents was not also an indication that the charges were WHEREFORE, the Decision dated September 9, 2002 of the
fabricated. Moreover, the trial court ruled that the findings of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 7, Tacloban City in Criminal Case Nos.
medico-legal officer confirmed that she was indeed raped. The 2001-01-46 to 2001-01-53 is AFFIRMED with modification awarding
accused-appellant’s defense of alibi was likewise disregarded by the exemplary damages to [AAA] in the amount of Twenty[-]Five
trial court, declaring that it was not physically impossible for him to Thousand (₱25,000.00) Pesos for each count of rape and
be present in XXX at any time of the day after working hours while clarification that the separate award of Fifty Thousand (₱50,000.00)
he was working in Tacloban City. The trial court stated that the Pesos as moral damages likewise pertains to each count of rape.
The death penalty imposed is reduced to reclusion perpetua in The Issues
accord with Rep. Act No. 9346.31
In the accused-appellant’s brief, the following issues were invoked:
The Court of Appeals adjudged that the inconsistencies pointed out
by the accused-appellant in the testimony of AAA were not sufficient I
to discredit her. The appellate court held that the exact age of AAA
when the incidents of rape occurred no longer mattered, as she was THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN CONVICTING THE
still a minor at the time. More significant was her "straightforward, ACCUSED-APPELLANT OF THE CRIMES CHARGED DESPITE
categorical and candid testimony" that she was raped eight times by THE FAILURE OF THE PROSECUTION TO PROVE HIS GUILT
the accused-appellant. The Court of Appeals also agreed with the BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT.
ruling of the RTC that AAA’s charges of rape conformed with the
physical evidence and the accused-appellant’s uncorroborated
defense of alibi could not stand against the positive identification II
made by AAA.
As regards the attendant circumstances, the Court of Appeals ruled CREDENCE TO THE INCREDIBLE AND INCONSISTENT
that the relationship of the accused-appellant to AAA was both TESTIMONY OF THE PRIVATE COMPLAINANT.
alleged in the informations and admitted by the accused-appellant.
The appellate court, however, differed in appreciating against the III
accused-appellant the qualifying circumstance of AAA’s minority.
The lone testimony of AAA on the said circumstance was held to be THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN IMPOSING THE
an insufficient proof therefor. The aggravating circumstance of SUPREME PENALTY OF DEATH.37
nighttime was also ruled to be inapplicable as it was not shown that
the same was purposely sought by the accused-appellant or that it The accused-appellant insists that it was error on the part of the RTC
facilitated the commission of the crimes of rape. In view of the to give weight to the incredible testimony of AAA. He alleges that
presence of the qualifying circumstance of relationship, the Court of AAA could not state with consistency the exact date when she was
Appeals awarded exemplary damages in favor of AAA. first supposedly raped, as well as her age at that time. The accused-
appellant also avers that AAA could not remember the dates of the
The accused-appellant filed a Notice of Appeal 32 of the above other incidents of rape charged, all of which were allegedly described
decision and the same was given due course by the Court of in a uniform manner. Contrary to the judgment of the Court of
Appeals in a Resolution33 dated May 27, 2008. Appeals, the accused-appellant posits that the above inconsistencies
cannot merely be discounted as insignificant. He further insists that
On November 17, 2008, the Court resolved to accept the appeal and the qualifying circumstances of AAA’s minority and her relationship
required the parties to file their respective supplemental briefs, if they to the accused-appellant were not duly proven by the prosecution.
so desire, within 30 days from notice.34 Thereafter, in a Manifestation The accused-appellant, thus, prays for a judgment of acquittal.
and Motion35 filed on December 24, 2008, the plaintiff-appellee,
through the Office of the Solicitor General, prayed that it be excused The Ruling of the Court
from filing a supplemental brief. On February 3, 2009, the accused-
appellant submitted a Supplemental Brief.36
After a careful examination of the records of this case, the Court d. When the offended party is under twelve (12) years of age
resolves to deny the appeal, but with a modification of the penalties or is demented, even though none of the circumstances
and the amount of indemnities awarded. mentioned above be present.

To recall, the RTC and the Court of Appeals found the accused- In particular, "Article 266-A(1)(d) spells out the definition of the crime
appellant guilty of one (1) count of statutory rape and seven (7) of statutory rape, the elements of which are: (1) that the offender had
counts of qualified rape. carnal knowledge of a woman; and (2) that such a woman is under
twelve (12) years of age or is demented."38
Under the information in Criminal Case No. 2000-01-46, the first
incident of rape was alleged to have occurred in 1995 when AAA The above provision came into existence by virtue of Republic Act
was only eight years old. However, the accused-appellant points out No. 8353,39 or the Anti-Rape Law of 1997, which took effect on
that the prosecution failed to substantiate the said fact as AAA’s October 22, 1997.40 Prior to this date, the crime of rape was
testimony thereon was too inconsistent and incredible to be worthy of penalized under Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code, 41 which
any belief. He explains that AAA initially claimed that she was raped provides:
for the first time when she was eight years old. Nonetheless, during
her testimony regarding the incidents of rape that occurred in July ART. 335. When and how rape is committed. — Rape is committed
1999, she said that the accused did the same thing that he did to her by having carnal knowledge of a woman under any of the following
when she was only seven years old. On her redirect examination, circumstances:
AAA then stated that she was first raped in 1998 when she was
eleven (11) years old. 1. By using force or intimidation;

Presently, Article 266-A of the Revised Penal Code defines the crime 2. When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise
of rape by sexual intercourse as follows: unconscious; and

ART. 266-A. Rape, When and How Committed. – Rape is committed 3. When the woman is under twelve years of age or is
– demented.

1. By a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a woman under any In People v. Macafe,42 we explained the concept of statutory rape
of the following circumstances: under Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code in this wise:

a. Through force, threat or intimidation; Rape under paragraph 3 of [Article 335] is termed statutory rape as it
departs from the usual modes of committing rape. What the law
b. When the offended party is deprived of reason or is punishes in statutory rape is carnal knowledge of a woman
otherwise unconscious; below twelve years old. Hence, force and intimidation are
immaterial; the only subject of inquiry is the age of the woman
c. By means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of and whether carnal knowledge took place. The law presumes that
authority; the victim does not and cannot have a will of her own on account of
her tender years; the child's consent is immaterial because of her In the instant case, we have thoroughly scrutinized the testimony of
presumed incapacity to discern evil from good.43 (Emphasis ours.) AAA and we found no cogent reason to disturb the finding of the
RTC that the accused-appellant indeed committed the first incident
Manifestly, the elements of statutory rape in the above-mentioned of rape charged. AAA positively identified the accused-appellant as
provisions of law are essentially the same. Thus, whether the first the perpetrator of the dastardly crimes. With tears in her eyes, she
incident of rape charged in this case did occur in 1995, i.e., before clearly and straightforwardly narrated the said incident of rape as
the amendment of Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code, or in 1998, follows:
after the effectivity of the Anti-Rape Law of 1997, the prosecution
has the burden to establish the fact of carnal knowledge and the age [PROSECUTOR EDGAR SABARRE]
of AAA at the time of the commission of the rape.
Q: Do you recall of any unusual incident that happened when you
Contrary to the posturing of the accused-appellant, "the date of the were still 8 years old?
commission of the rape is not an essential element of the crime of
rape, for the gravamen of the offense is carnal knowledge of a [AAA]
woman."44 "Inconsistencies and discrepancies in details which are
irrelevant to the elements of the crime are not grounds for A: There was but I cannot anymore remember the exact month and
acquittal."45 date.

As regards the first incident of rape, the RTC credited with veracity Q: Just tell what happened to you when you were still 8 years old?
the substance of AAA’s testimony. On this matter, we reiterate our
ruling in People v. Condes46 that:
A: I was raped by Tiyo Henry.
Time and again, the Court has held that when the decision hinges on
the credibility of witnesses and their respective testimonies, the trial Q: How did he rape you?
court's observations and conclusions deserve great respect and are
often accorded finality. The trial judge has the advantage of A: He stripped me of my panty, shorts and shirts.
observing the witness' deportment and manner of testifying. Her
"furtive glance, blush of conscious shame, hesitation, flippant or Q: Do you remember what place did he rape you?
sneering tone, calmness, sigh, or the scant or full realization of an
oath" are all useful aids for an accurate determination of a witness' A: Yes, sir in our house.
honesty and sincerity. The trial judge, therefore, can better determine
if witnesses are telling the truth, being in the ideal position to weigh
Q: Who were the persons present then at that time?
conflicting testimonies. Unless certain facts of substance and value
were overlooked which, if considered, might affect the result of the
case, its assessment must be respected for it had the opportunity to A: My younger brother and I.
observe the conduct and demeanor of the witnesses while testifying
and detect if they were lying. The rule finds an even more stringent Q: About your mother and step father where were they?
application where said findings are sustained by the [Court of
Appeals].47 A: In the ricefield.
PROS. SABARRE: A: In my vagina.

May we make it of record that the witness is crying. Q: When he kept on pumping what did you feel?

COURT: A: Pain.48

Have it on record. The above testimony of AAA was also corroborated by the Medico-
Legal Report of Dr. Capungcol and Dr. Gagala, who found "old,
PROS. SABARRE: healed, incomplete" hymenal lacerations on the private part of AAA.
"[W]hen the testimony of a rape victim is consistent with the medical
findings, there is sufficient basis to conclude that there has been
Q: Do you still recall was it in the morning, in the afternoon or
carnal knowledge."49

Anent the five incidents of rape that were alleged to have been
A: In the afternoon.
committed in July 1999, the Court disagrees with the ruling of the
trial court that all five counts were proven with moral certainty. The
xxxx testimony of AAA on the said incidents is as follows:

Q: After your clothes and [panty] were taken off by accused what did Q: How many times did [the accused-appellant] rape you in July
he do to you next if any? 1999?

A: He went on top of me. A: Five times.

Q: Was he still with his clothes on or already naked? Q: Was it in the daytime or night time?

A: He has still clothes on, he did not take off his pants, he only pulled A: Night time.
down the zipper.
Q: Was it in different nights or on the same night?
Q: And when he pulled down the zipper and went on top of you what
did he do next if any?
A: Different nights.
A: He was pumping on me.
Q: Who were present then at that time when he raped you five
Q: Did he pull out his organ?
A: My Kuya and other siblings.
A: Yes, sir.
Q: You have companions why were you raped?
Q: And where did he place his organ?
A: Because they were sleeping. Q: You said you were raped on that July evening for five nights how
did he rape you?
Q: How did he rape you on that July night for five times, will you
please narrate to the court? A: (witness did not answer)

A: Because they have been drinking, he came to our house, pulled PROS. SABARRE:
out my panty and went on top of me.
Make it of record that the witness is crying again.
Q: With whom was he drinking?
Q: Why are you crying?
A: With my step father.
A: I am angry and hurt.
Q: Where did they drink?
A: In our neighbor.
Your honor please may I be allowed to suspend the proceeding
Q: When he took off your shorts and panty what was the accused considering that the witness is psychologically incapable of further
wearing at that time? proceeding.

A: I do not know because I could not see since it was night time. xxxx

Q: When he was on top of [you] was he still wearing something? Q: I have asked you how did the accused rape you will you please
narrate the whole incident to this honorable court?
A: No, sir.
A: The same that he did when I was 8 years old, he went on top of
Q: What did he do with his penis? me.

A: He made me hold it. Q: What was the same thing you are talking about?

Q: Then after he made you hold it what did he do with it? A: He pulled down my panty and went on top of me and pump.

A: He left. Q: When he pump what did you feel?

xxxx A: Pain.


Why did you feel pain? A: He took off his shirts.

A: He placed his penis inside my vagina, everytime I urinate I feel Q: After he took off his shirts what happened?
A: He went on top of me and pump.
Q: When he made a pumping motion on top of you what did you
How did you recognize that it was Henry Arpon when it was night feel?
A: My vagina was painful and also my chest because he was heavy.
A: It was a moonlight night and our window was only covered by
cloth as cover.50 Q: Why did you feel pain in your vagina?

From the above testimony, AAA merely described a single incident of A: Because he was raping me.
rape. She made no reference whatsoever to the other four instances
of rape that were likewise supposedly committed in the month of July Q: Did his penis penetrate your vagina?
A: I do not know.
The same is also true for the two (2) counts of rape allegedly
committed in August 1999. AAA narrated only one incident of rape in
this manner: Q: If this Henry Arpon is present now in court could you recognize
Q: How many times did [the accused-appellant] rape you in the
month of August 1999? A: Yes, sir.

A: Two times. Q: Where is he?

Q: Was it during day time or night time? A: That man (witness pointing a detention prisoner when asked his
name answered Henry Arpon).51
A: Nighttime.
"It is settled that each and every charge of rape is a separate and
distinct crime that the law requires to be proven beyond reasonable
Q: How did he rape you again that August 1999? doubt. The prosecution's evidence must pass the exacting test of
moral certainty that the law demands to satisfy the burden of
A: He kissed me. overcoming the appellant's presumption of innocence." 52 Thus,
including the first incident of rape, the testimony of AAA was only
Q: After kissing you what did he do next? able to establish three instances when the accused-appellant had
carnal knowledge of her.
The allegation of the accused-appellant that the testimony of AAA Furthermore, the Court rejects the contention of the accused-
described the incidents of rape in a uniform manner does not appellant that AAA may have been prompted to falsely testify against
convince this Court. To our mind, AAA’s narration of the sexual him (accused-appellant) in view of the latter’s quarrel with AAA’s
abuses committed by the accused-appellant contained an adequate parents when he refused to work with them in the rice fields. 58 Aside
recital of the evidentiary facts constituting the crime of rape, i.e., that from being uncorroborated, we find the same specious and
he placed his organ in her private part. 53 "Etched in our jurisprudence implausible. "Where the charges against the appellant involve a
is the doctrine that a victim of a savage crime cannot be expected to heinous offense, a minor disagreement, even if true, does not
mechanically retain and then give an accurate account of every lurid amount to a sufficient justification for dragging a young girl's honor to
detail of a frightening experience — a verity born[e] out of human a merciless public scrutiny that a rape trial brings in its
nature and experience."54 wake."591avvphi1

We uphold the ruling of the RTC that the accused-appellant’s As to the accused-appellant’s objection that there was no proof of
defense of alibi deserves scant consideration. "Alibi is an inherently the age of the victim, we affirm the trial court’s finding that the
weak defense because it is easy to fabricate and highly unreliable. prosecution sufficiently established the age of AAA when the
To merit approbation, the accused must adduce clear and convincing incidents of rape were committed. The testimony of AAA that she
evidence that he was in a place other than the situs criminis at the was born on November 1, 1987,60 the voluntary stipulation of the
time the crime was committed, such that it was physically impossible accused, with assistance of counsel, regarding the minority of the
for him to have been at the scene of the crime when it was victim during pre-trial and his testimony regarding his recollection of
committed."55 "[S]ince alibi is a weak defense for being easily the age of the victim,61 his own niece, all militate against accused-
fabricated, it cannot prevail over and is worthless in the face of the appellant’s theory. In People v. Pruna, 62 the Court established the
positive identification by a credible witness that an accused guidelines in appreciating age, either as an element of the crime or
perpetrated the crime."56 as a qualifying circumstance, as follows:

In the instant case, we quote with approval the findings of fact of the 1. The best evidence to prove the age of the offended party
trial court that: is an original or certified true copy of the certificate of live
birth of such party.
The distance of [XXX] to Tacloban City is just a few kilometers and
can be negotiated by passenger bus in less than one (1) hour, 2. In the absence of a certificate of live birth, similar
hence, it is not impossible for the accused to be present in [XXX] at authentic documents such as baptismal certificate and
any time of the day after working hours while working in Tacloban. school records which show the date of birth of the victim
Besides, the accused has his day off every Sunday, which according would suffice to prove age.
to him he spent in [XXX], Leyte.
3. If the certificate of live birth or authentic document is
The accused was positively identified by the victim as the person shown to have been lost or destroyed or otherwise
who sexually molested her beginning that afternoon of 1995, and unavailable, the testimony, if clear and credible, of the
subsequently thereafter in the coming years up to August 1999. She victim's mother or a member of the family either by affinity or
can not be mistaken on the identity of the accused, because the first consanguinity who is qualified to testify on matters
sexual molestation happened during the daytime, besides, she is respecting pedigree such as the exact age or date of birth of
familiar with him being her uncle, the brother of her mother. 57 the offended party pursuant to Section 40, Rule 130 of the
Rules on Evidence shall be sufficient under the following On the penalties imposable in the instant case, the former Article 335
circumstances: of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, punishes the crime of rape
with reclusion perpetua. The sixth paragraph thereof also provides
a. If the victim is alleged to be below 3 years of age that:
and what is sought to be proved is that she is less
than 7 years old; The death penalty shall also be imposed if the crime of rape is
committed with any of the following attendant circumstances:
b. If the victim is alleged to be below 7 years of age
and what is sought to be proved is that she is less 1. when the victim is under eighteen (18) years of age and the
than 12 years old; offender is a parent, ascendant, step-parent, guardian, relative by
consanguinity or affinity within the third civil degree, or the
c. If the victim is alleged to be below 12 years of age common law-spouse of the parent of the victim. (Emphases ours.)
and what is sought to be proved is that she is less
than 18 years old. Similarly, the present Article 266-B of the Revised Penal Code
relevantly recites:
4. In the absence of a certificate of live birth, authentic
document, or the testimony of the victim's mother or relatives ART. 266-B. Penalties. - Rape under paragraph 1 of the next
concerning the victim's age, the complainant's testimony preceding article shall be punished by reclusion perpetua.
will suffice provided that it is expressly and clearly
admitted by the accused. xxxx

5. It is the prosecution that has the burden of proving the age The death penalty shall also be imposed if the crime of rape is
of the offended party. The failure of the accused to object to committed with any of the following aggravating/qualifying
the testimonial evidence regarding age shall not be taken circumstances:
against him. (Emphases ours.)
1. When the victim is under eighteen (18) years of age and the
Notably, in its Decision, the trial court observed that at the time she offender is a parent, ascendant, step-parent, guardian, relative by
took the witness stand (when she was 14 years old), the victim, as to consanguinity or affinity within the third civil degree, or the
her body and facial features, was indeed a minor.63 common law spouse of the parent of the victim. (Emphases ours.)

That the carnal knowledge in this case was committed through force, The Court finds that the circumstances of minority and relationship
threat or intimidation need no longer be belabored upon. "[I]n rape qualify the three (3) counts of rape committed by the accused-
committed by close kin, such as the victim’s father, step-father, appellant. "As a special qualifying circumstance of the crime of rape,
uncle, or the common-law spouse of her mother, it is not necessary the concurrence of the victim’s minority and her relationship to the
that actual force or intimidation be employed. Moral influence or accused must be both alleged and proven beyond reasonable
ascendancy takes the place of violence and intimidation." 64 doubt."65 In the instant case, the informations alleged that AAA was
less than eighteen (18) years of age when the incidents of rape
Penalties occurred and the accused-appellant is her uncle, a relative by
consanguinity within the third civil degree. The said circumstances age may be based on information from the child himself/herself,
were also admitted by the accused-appellant during the pre-trial testimonies of other persons, the physical appearance of the child
conference of the case and again admitted by him during his and other relevant evidence. In case of doubt as to the age of the
testimony.66 child, it shall be resolved in his/her favor.

In People v. Pepito,67 the Court explained that "[t]he purpose of Furthermore, in Sierra v. People, 70 we clarified that, in the past, the
entering into a stipulation or admission of facts is to expedite trial and Court deemed sufficient the testimonial evidence regarding the
to relieve the parties and the court, as well, of the costs of proving minority and age of the accused provided the following conditions
facts which will not be disputed on trial and the truth of which can be concur, namely: "(1) the absence of any other satisfactory evidence
ascertained by reasonable inquiry. These admissions during the pre- such as the birth certificate, baptismal certificate, or similar
trial conference are worthy of credit. Being mandatory in nature, the documents that would prove the date of birth of the accused; (2) the
admissions made by appellant therein must be given weight." presence of testimony from accused and/or a relative on the age and
Consequently, for the first incident of rape, regardless of whether the minority of the accused at the time of the complained incident without
same occurred in 1995 or in 1998, the imposition of the death any objection on the part of the prosecution; and (3) lack of any
penalty is warranted. For the second and third counts of rape, the contrary evidence showing that the accused's and/or his relatives'
imposable penalty is also death. testimonies are untrue."71

Nonetheless, a reduction of the above penalty is in order. In the instant case, the accused-appellant testified that he was born
on February 23, 1982 and that he was only 13 years old when the
The RTC and the Court of Appeals failed to consider in favor of the first incident of rape allegedly happened in 1995. 72 Other than his
accused-appellant the privileged mitigating circumstance of minority. testimony, no other evidence was presented to prove the date of his
Although this matter was not among the issues raised before the birth. However, the records of this case show neither any objection to
Court, we still take cognizance of the same in accordance with the the said testimony on the part of the prosecution, nor any contrary
settled rule that "[i]n a criminal case, an appeal throws open the evidence to dispute the same. Thus, the RTC and the Court of
entire case wide open for review, and the appellate court can correct Appeals should have appreciated the accused-appellant’s minority in
errors, though unassigned, that may be found in the appealed ascertaining the appropriate penalty.
Although the acts of rape in this case were committed before
Pertinently, the first paragraph of Section 7 of Republic Act No. 9344, Republic Act No. 9344 took effect on May 20, 2006, the said law is
otherwise known as the "Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006," still applicable given that Section 68 thereof expressly states:
provides for the rule on how to determine the age of a child in conflict
with the law,69 viz:

SEC. 7. Determination of Age. — The child in conflict with the law

shall enjoy the presumption of minority. He/She shall enjoy all the
rights of a child in conflict with the law until he/she is proven to be
eighteen (18) years of age or older. The age of a child may be
determined from the child's birth certificate, baptismal certificate or
any other pertinent documents. In the absence of these documents,
SEC. 68. Children Who Have Been Convicted and are Serving ‘above fifteen but below 18’ (who acted without discernment) in
Sentences. — Persons who have been convicted and are serving determining exemption from criminal liability."75
sentence at the time of the effectivity of this Act, and who were below
the age of eighteen (18) years at the time of the commission of the Accordingly, for the first count of rape, which in the information in
offense for which they were convicted and are serving sentence, Criminal Case No. 2000-01-46 was allegedly committed in 1995, the
shall likewise benefit from the retroactive application of this Act. They testimony of the accused-appellant sufficiently established that he
shall be entitled to appropriate dispositions provided under this Act was only 13 years old at that time. In view of the failure of the
and their sentences shall be adjusted accordingly. They shall be prosecution to prove the exact date and year of the first incident of
immediately released if they are so qualified under this Act or other rape, i.e., whether the same occurred in 1995 or in 1998 as
applicable law. previously discussed, any doubt therein "should be resolved in favor
of the accused, it being more beneficial to the latter." 76 The Court,
People v. Sarcia73 further stressed that "[w]ith more reason, the Act thus, exempts the accused-appellant from criminal liability for the first
should apply to [a] case wherein the conviction by the lower court is count of rape pursuant to the first paragraph of Section 6 of Republic
still under review." Act No. 9344. The accused-appellant, nevertheless, remains civilly
liable therefor.
Thus, in the matter of assigning criminal responsibility, Section 6 of
Republic Act No. 9344 is explicit in providing that: For the second and third counts of rape that were committed in the
year 1999, the accused-appellant was already 17 years old. We
SEC. 6. Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility. — A child fifteen likewise find that in the said instances, the accused-appellant acted
(15) years of age or under at the time of the commission of the with discernment. In Madali v. People,77 the Court had the occasion
offense shall be exempt from criminal liability. However, the child to reiterate that "[d]iscernment is that mental capacity of a minor to
shall be subjected to an intervention program pursuant to Section 20 fully appreciate the consequences of his unlawful act. Such capacity
of the Act. may be known and should be determined by taking into
consideration all the facts and circumstances afforded by the records
in each case." In this case, the fact that the accused-appellant acted
A child above fifteen (15) years but below eighteen (18) years of age
with discernment was satisfactorily established by the testimony of
shall likewise be exempt from criminal liability and be subjected to an
AAA, which we had already found to be credible. Verily, AAA testified
intervention program, unless he/she has acted with discernment, in
that she at first did not tell anybody about the sexual assault she
which case, such child shall be subjected to the appropriate
suffered at the hands of the accused-appellant because the latter
proceedings in accordance with this Act.
told her that he would kill her mother if she did so. That the accused-
appellant had to threaten AAA in an effort to conceal his dastardly
The exemption from criminal liability herein established does not acts only proved that he knew full well that what he did was wrong
include exemption from civil liability, which shall be enforced in and that he was aware of the consequences thereof.
accordance with existing laws. (Emphases ours.)
Accordant with the second paragraph of Article 68 of the Revised
As held in Sierra, the above provision effectively modified the Penal Code, as amended, and in conformity with our ruling in Sarcia,
minimum age limit of criminal irresponsibility in paragraphs 2 and 3 when the offender is a minor under eighteen (18) years of age, "the
of the Revised Penal Code, as amended,74 "i.e., from ‘under nine penalty next lower than that prescribed by law shall be imposed, but
years of age’ and ‘above nine years of age and under fifteen’ (who always in the proper period. However, for purposes of determining
acted without discernment) - to ‘fifteen years old or under’ and the proper penalty because of the privileged mitigating circumstance
of minority, the penalty of death is still the penalty to be reckoned child in conflict with the law shall be brought before the court for
with." Thus, for the second and third counts of rape, the proper execution of judgment.
penalty imposable upon the accused-appellant is reclusion perpetua
for each count. If said child in conflict with the law has reached eighteen (18) years
of age while under suspended sentence, the court shall determine
Had the trial court correctly appreciated in favor of the accused- whether to discharge the child in accordance with this Act, to order
appellant the circumstance of his minority, the latter would have execution of sentence, or to extend the suspended sentence for a
been entitled to a suspension of sentence for the second and third certain specified period or until the child reaches the maximum age
counts of rape under Section 38 of Republic Act No. 9344, which of twenty-one (21) years. (Emphasis ours.)
Nonetheless, the disposition set forth under Section 51 of Republic
SEC. 38. Automatic Suspension of Sentence. — Once the child who Act No. 9344 is warranted in the instant case, to wit:
is under eighteen (18) years of age at the time of the commission of
the offense is found guilty of the offense charged, the court shall SEC. 51. Confinement of Convicted Children in Agricultural Camps
determine and ascertain any civil liability which may have resulted and Other Training Facilities. — A child in conflict with the law may
from the offense committed. However, instead of pronouncing the after conviction and upon order of the court, be made to serve
judgment of conviction, the court shall place the child in conflict with his/her sentence, in lieu of confinement in a regular penal institution,
the law under suspended sentence, without need of application. in an agricultural camp and other training facilities that may be
Provided, however, That suspension of sentence shall still be established, maintained, supervised and controlled by the [Bureau of
supplied even if the juvenile is already eighteen years (18) of age or Corrections], in coordination with the [Department of Social Welfare
more at the time of the pronouncement of his/her guilt. and Development].

Upon suspension of sentence and after considering the various Additionally, the civil liability of the accused-appellant for the second
circumstances of the child, the court shall impose the appropriate and third incidents of rape shall not be affected by the above
disposition measures as provided in the Supreme Court Rule on disposition and the same shall be enforced in accordance with law
Juvenile in Conflict with the Law.1awphi1 and the pronouncements in the prevailing jurisprudence.

Be that as it may, the suspension of sentence may no longer be Civil Liability

applied in the instant case given that the accused-appellant is now
about 29 years of age and Section 40 of Republic Act No. 9344 puts The Court recently ruled in People v. Masagca, Jr.78 that "[c]ivil
a limit to the application of a suspended sentence, namely, when the indemnity is mandatory when rape is found to have been committed.
child reaches a maximum age of 21. The said provision states: Based on prevailing jurisprudence, we affirm the award of
₱75,000.00 to the rape victim as civil indemnity for each count." We
SEC. 40. Return of the Child in Conflict with the Law to Court. — If also explained in Sarcia that "[t]he litmus test x x x in the
the court finds that the objective of the disposition measures determination of the civil indemnity is the heinous character of the
imposed upon the child in conflict with the law have not been fulfilled, crime committed, which would have warranted the imposition of the
or if the child in conflict with the law has willfully failed to comply with death penalty, regardless of whether the penalty actually imposed is
the conditions of his/her disposition or rehabilitation program, the reduced to reclusion perpetua."79 The trial court’s award of civil
indemnity of ₱50,000.00 for each count of rape is therefore
increased to ₱75,000.00 for each of the three (3) counts of rape (3) As to the civil liability, the accused-appellant
committed in the instant case. is ORDERED to pay AAA for each of the three (3) counts of
rape ₱75,000.00 as civil indemnity, ₱75,000.00 as moral
Anent the award of moral damages, the same is justified "without damages and ₱30,000.00 as exemplary damages, plus legal
need of proof other than the fact of rape because it is assumed that interest on all damages awarded at the legal rate of 6% from
the victim has suffered moral injuries [from the experience she the date of finality of this Decision.
underwent]."80 We also increase the trial court’s award of ₱50,000.00
to ₱75,000.00 for each of the three (3) counts of rape herein (4) The case is hereby REMANDED to the court of origin  for
established in keeping with the recent case law.81 its appropriate action in accordance with Section 51 of
Republic Act No. 9344.
Lastly, we affirm the Court of Appeals’ award of exemplary damages.
As held in People v. Llanas, Jr., 82 "[t]he award of exemplary No costs.
damages is also proper not only to deter outrageous conduct, but
also in view of the aggravating circumstances of minority and SO ORDERED.
relationship surrounding the commission of the offense, both of
which were alleged in the information and proved during the trial."
The appellate court’s award of ₱25,000.00 as exemplary damages is
raised to ₱30,000.00 for each of the three (3) counts of rape in
keeping with the current jurisprudence on the matter. 83 G.R. No. 225442, August 08, 2017

WHEREFORE, in light of the foregoing, the appeal is DENIED. The SAMAHAN NG MGA PROGRESIBONG KABATAAN
Decision dated February 8, 2008 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. (SPARK),* JOANNE ROSE SACE LIM, JOHN ARVIN
CR.-H.C. No. 00560 is hereby AFFIRMED with the following NAVARRO BUENAAGUA, RONEL BACCUTAN, MARK LEO
(1) For the first count of rape herein established, the FATHER, JULIAN VILLEGAS, JR., Petitioners, v. QUEZON
accused-appellant Henry Arpon y Juntilla is hereby CITY, AS REPRESENTED BY MAYOR HERBERT
(2) For the second and third counts of rape, the accused- REPRESENTED BY MAYOR JOHN REY
appellant is found GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of two TIANGCO, Respondents.
(2) counts of QUALIFIED RAPE and is hereby sentenced to
suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua for each count. DECISION


This petition for certiorari and prohibition1 assails the

constitutionality of the curfew ordinances issued by the local
governments of Quezon City, Manila, and Navotas. The 10:00 P.M. to 5:00A.M., Providing Penalties for
petition prays that a temporary restraining order (TRO) be Parent/Guardian, for Violation Thereof and for Other
issued ordering respondents Herbert Bautista, Joseph Purposes" dated July 31, 2014 (Quezon City Ordinance;
Estrada, and John Rey Tiangco, as Mayors of their collectively, Curfew Ordinances).8
respective local governments, to prohibit, refrain, and desist
from implementing and enforcing these issuances, pending Petitioners,9 spearheaded by the Samahan ng mga
resolution of this case, and eventually, declare the City of Progresibong Kabataan (SPARK)- an association of young
Manila's ordinance as ultra vires for being contrary to adults and minors that aims to forward a free and just
Republic Act No. (RA) 9344,2 or the "Juvenile Justice and society, in particular the protection of the rights and welfare
Welfare Act," as amended, and all curfew ordinances as of the youth and minors 10 - filed this present petition,
unconstitutional for violating the constitutional right of arguing that the Curfew Ordinances are unconstitutional
minors to travel, as well as the right of parents to rear their because they: (a) result in arbitrary and discriminatory
children. enforcement, and thus, fall under the void for vagueness
doctrine; (b) suffer from overbreadth by proscribing or
The Facts impairing legitimate activities of minors during curfew
hours; (c) deprive minors of the right to liberty and the
Following the campaign of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte to right to travel without substantive due process; and (d)
implement a nationwide curfew for minors, several local deprive parents of their natural and primary right in rearing
governments in Metro Manila started to strictly implement the youth without substantive due process. 11 In addition,
their curfew ordinances on minors through police operations petitioners assert that the Manila Ordinance contravenes RA
which were publicly known as part of "Oplan Rody."3 9344, as amended by RA 10630.12

Among those local governments that implemented curfew More specifically, petitioners posit that the Curfew
ordinances were respondents: (a) Navotas City, Ordinances encourage arbitrary and discriminatory
through Pambayang Ordinansa Blg. 99-02,4 dated August enforcement as there are no clear provisions or detailed
26, 1999, entitled "Nagtatakda ng 'Curfew' ng mga standards on how law enforcers should apprehend and
Kabataan na Wala Pang Labing Walong (18) Taong Gulang properly determine the age of the alleged curfew
sa Bayan ng Navotas, Kalakhang Maynila," as amended violators.13 They further argue that the law enforcer's
by Pambayang Ordinansa Blg. 2002-13,5 dated June 6, apprehension depends only on his physical assessment,
2002 (Navotas Ordinance); (b) City of Manila, through and, thus, subjective and based only on the law enforcer's
Ordinance No. 80466 entitled "An Ordinance Declaring the visual assessment of the alleged curfew violator.14
Hours from 10:00 P.M. to 4:00A.M. of the Following Day as
'Barangay Curfew Hours' for Children and Youths Below While petitioners recognize that the Curfew Ordinances
Eighteen (18) Years of Age; Prescribing Penalties Therefor; contain provisions indicating the activities exempted from
and for Other Purposes" dated October 14, 2002 (Manila the operation of the imposed curfews, i.e., exemption of
Ordinance); and (c) Quezon City, through Ordinance No. working students or students with evening class, they
SP-2301,7 Series of 2014, entitled "An Ordinance Setting for contend that the lists of exemptions do not cover the range
a [sic] Disciplinary Hours in Quezon City for Minors from and breadth of legitimate activities or reasons as to why
minors would be out at night, and, hence, proscribe or harsh a penalty for parents who allowed their children to be
impair the legitimate activities of minors during curfew out during curfew hours.22
The Issue Before the Court
Petitioners likewise proffer that the Curfew Ordinances: (a)
are unconstitutional as they deprive minors of the right to The primordial issue for the Court's resolution in this case is
liberty and the right to travel without substantive due whether or not the Curfew Ordinances are unconstitutional.
process;16 and (b) fail to pass the strict scrutiny test, for not
being narrowly tailored and for employing means that bear The Court's Ruling
no reasonable relation to their purpose.17 They argue that
the prohibition of minors on streets during curfew hours will
The petition is partly granted.
not per se protect and promote the social and moral welfare
of children of the community.18
Furthermore, petitioners claim that the Manila Ordinance,
particularly Section 419 thereof, contravenes Section 57- At the onset, the Court addresses the procedural issues
A20 of RA 9344, as amended, given that the cited curfew raised in this case. Respondents seek the dismissal of the
provision imposes on minors the penalties of imprisonment, petition, questioning: (a) the propriety of certiorari and
reprimand, and admonition. They contend that the prohibition under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court to assail the
imposition of penalties contravenes RA 9344's express constitutionality of the Curfew Ordinances; (b) petitioners'
command that no penalty shall be imposed on minors for direct resort to the Court, contrary to the hierarchy of
curfew violations.21 courts doctrine; and (c) the lack of actual controversy and
standing to warrant judicial review.23
Lastly, petitioners submit that there is no compelling State
interest to impose curfews contrary to the parents' A. Propriety of the Petition for Certiorari and
prerogative to impose them in the exercise of their natural Prohibition.
and primary right in the rearing of the youth, and that even
if a compelling interest exists, less restrictive means are Under the 1987 Constitution, judicial power includes the
available to achieve the same. In this regard, they suggest duty of the courts of justice not only "to settle actual
massive street lighting programs, installation of CCTVs controversies involving rights which are legally demandable
(closed-circuit televisions) in public streets, and regular and enforceable," but also "to determine whether or not
visible patrols by law enforcers as other viable means of there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to
protecting children and preventing crimes at night. They lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
further opine that the government can impose more instrumentality of the Government." 24 Section 1, Article VIII
reasonable sanctions, i.e., mandatory parental counseling of the 1987 Constitution reads:
and education seminars informing the parents of the
reasons behind the curfew, and that imprisonment is too ARTICLE VIII
Section 1. The judicial power shall be vested in one In Association of Medical Clinics for Overseas Workers, Inc.
Supreme Court and in such lower courts as may be v. GCC Approved Medical Centers Association, Inc.,29 it was
established by law. expounded that "[m]eanwhile that no specific procedural
rule has been promulgated to enforce [the] 'expanded'
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to constitutional definition of judicial power and because of the
settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally commonality of 'grave abuse of discretion' as a ground for
demandable and enforceable, and to determine whether review under Rule 65 and the courts' expanded jurisdiction,
or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion the Supreme Court - based on its power to relax its rules -
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part allowed Rule 65 to be used as the medium for petitions
of any branch or instrumentalitv of the Government. invoking the courts' expanded jurisdiction[.]"30
(Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
In this case, petitioners question the issuance of the Curfew
Case law explains that the present Constitution has Ordinances by the legislative councils of Quezon City,
"expanded the concept of judicial power, which up to then Manila, and Navotas in the exercise of their delegated
was confined to its traditional ambit of settling actual legislative powers on the ground that these ordinances
controversies involving rights that were legally demandable violate the Constitution, specifically, the provisions
and enforceable."25 pertaining to the right to travel of minors, and the right of
parents to rear their children. They also claim that the
In Araullo v. Aquino III,26 it was held that petitions Manila Ordinance, by imposing penalties against minors,
for certiorari and prohibition filed before the Court "are the conflicts with RA 9344, as amended, which prohibits the
remedies by which the grave abuse of discretion amounting imposition of penalties on minors for status offenses. It has
to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or been held that "[t]here is grave abuse of discretion when an
instrumentality of the Government may be determined act is (1) done contrary to the Constitution, the law or
under the Constitution."27 It was explained that "[w]ith jurisprudence or (2) executed whimsically, capriciously or
respect to the Court, x x x the remedies of certiorari and arbitrarily, out of malice, ill will or personal bias." 31 In light
prohibition are necessarily broader in scope and reach, and of the foregoing, petitioners correctly availed of the
the writ of certiorari or prohibition may be issued to correct remedies of certiorari and prohibition, although these
errors of jurisdiction committed not only by a tribunal, governmental actions were not made pursuant to any
corporation, board or officer exercising judicial, quasi- judicial or quasi-judicial function.
judicial or ministerial functions, but also to set right,
undo[,] and restrain any act of grave abuse of B. Direct Resort to the Court.
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction
by any branch or instrumentality of the Since petitions for certiorari and prohibition are allowed as
Government, even if the latter does not exercise remedies to assail the constitutionality of legislative and
judicial, quasi-judicial or ministerial functions. This executive enactments, the next question to be resolved is
application is expressly authorized by the text of the second whether or not petitioners' direct resort to this Court is
paragraph of Section 1, [Article VIII of the 1987 justified.
Constitution cited above]."28
The doctrine of hierarchy of courts "[r]equires that recourse an actual case or controversy." 35 "[A]n actual case or
must first be made to the lower-ranked court exercising controversy is one which 'involves a conflict of legal rights,
concurrent jurisdiction with a higher court. The Supreme an assertion of opposite legal claims, susceptible of judicial
Court has original jurisdiction over petitions for certiorari, resolution as distinguished from a hypothetical or abstract
prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas corpus. difference or dispute.' In other words, 'there must be a
While this jurisdiction is shared with the Court of Appeals contrariety of legal rights that can be interpreted and
[(CA)] and the [Regional Trial Courts], a direct invocation enforced on the basis of existing law and
of this Court's jurisdiction is allowed when there are jurisprudence."'36 According to recent jurisprudence, in the
special and important reasons therefor, clearly and Court's exercise of its expanded jurisdiction under the 1987
especially set out in the petition[.]"32 This Court is Constitution, this requirement is simplified "by merely
tasked to resolve "the issue of constitutionality of a law requiring a prima facie showing of grave abuse of
or regulation at the first instance [if it] is of discretion in the assailed governmental act."37
paramount importance and immediately affects the
social, economic, and moral well-being of the "Corollary to the requirement of an actual case or
people,"33 as in this case. Hence, petitioners' direct resort controversy is the requirement of ripeness. A question is
to the Court is justified. ripe for adjudication when the act being challenged has had
a direct adverse effect on the individual challenging it. For a
C. Requisites of Judicial Review. case to be considered ripe for adjudication, it is a
prerequisite that something has then been
"The prevailing rule in constitutional litigation is that no accomplished or performed by either branch before a
question involving the constitutionality or validity of a law or court may come into the picture, and the petitioner
governmental act may be heard and decided by the Court must allege the existence of an immediate or
unless there is compliance with the legal requisites for threatened injury to himself as a result of the
judicial inquiry, namely: (a) there must be anactual case challenged action. He must show that he has sustained or
or controversy calling for the exercise of judicial power; is immediately in danger of sustaining some direct injury as
(b) the person challenging the act must have a result of the act complained of."38
the standing to question the validity of the subject act or
issuance; (c) the question of constitutionality must be Applying these precepts, this Court finds that there exists
raised at the earliest opportunity; and (d) the issue of an actual justiciable controversy in this case given the
constitutionality must be the very lis mota of the case."34 In evident clash of the parties' legal claims, particularly on
this case, respondents assail the existence of the first two whether the Curfew Ordinances impair the minors' and
(2) requisites. parents' constitutional rights, and whether the Manila
Ordinance goes against the provisions of RA 9344. Based on
1. Actual Case or Controversy. their asseverations, petitioners have - as will be gleaned
from the substantive discussions below - conveyed a prima
"Basic in the exercise of judicial power — whether under the facie case of grave abuse of discretion, which perforce
traditional or in the expanded setting — is the presence of impels this Court to exercise its expanded jurisdiction. The
case is likewise ripe for adjudication, considering that the
Curfew Ordinances were being implemented until the Court Among the five (5) individual petitioners, only Clarissa
issued the TRO39 enjoining their enforcement. The purported Joyce Villegas (Clarissa) has legal standing to raise the
threat or incidence of injury is, therefore, not merely issue affecting the minor's right to travel,43 because: (a) she
speculative or hypothetical but rather, real and apparent. was still a minor at the time the petition was filed before
this Court,44 and, hence, a proper subject of the Curfew
2. Legal Standing. Ordinances; and (b) as alleged, she travels from Manila to
Quezon City at night after school and is, thus, in imminent
"The question of locus standi or legal standing focuses on danger of apprehension by virtue of the Curfew Ordinances.
the determination of whether those assailing the On the other hand, petitioners Joanne Rose Sace Lim, John
governmental act have the right of appearance to bring the Arvin Navarro Buenaagua, Ronel Baccutan (Ronel), and
matter to the court for adjudication. [Petitioners] must Mark Leo Delos Reyes (Mark Leo) admitted in the petition
show that they have a personal and substantial interest that they are all of legal age, and therefore, beyond the
in the case, such that they have sustained or are in ordinances' coverage. Thus, they are not proper subjects of
immediate danger of sustaining, some direct injury as the Curfew Ordinances, for which they could base any direct
a consequence of the enforcement of the challenged injury as a consequence thereof.
governmental act."40 "'[I]nterest' in the question involved
must be material — an interest that is in issue and will be None of them, however, has standing to raise the issue of
affected by the official act — as distinguished from being whether the Curfew Ordinances violate the parents' right to
merely incidental or general."41 rear their children as they have not shown that they stand
before this Court as parent/s and/or guardian/s whose
"The gist of the question of [legal] standing is whether a constitutional parental right has been infringed. It should be
party alleges such personal stake in the outcome of the noted that Clarissa is represented by her father, Julian
controversy as to assure that concrete adverseness Villegas, Jr. (Mr. Villegas), who could have properly filed the
which sharpens the presentation of issues upon petition for himself for the alleged violation of his parental
which the court depends for illumination of difficult right. But Mr. Villegas did not question the Curfew
constitutional questions. Unless a person is injuriously Ordinances based on his primary right as a parent as he
affected in any of his constitutional rights by the operation only stands as the representative of his minor child,
of statute or ordinance, he has no standing."42 Clarissa, whose right to travel was supposedly infringed.

As abovementioned, the petition is anchored on the alleged As for SPARK, it is an unincorporated association and,
breach of two (2) constitutional rights, namely: (1) the right consequently, has no legal personality to bring an action in
of minors to freely travel within their respective localities; court.45 Even assuming that it has the capacity to sue,
and (2) the primary right of parents to rear their children. SPARK still has no standing as it failed to allege that it was
Related to the first is the purported conflict between RA authorized by its members who were affected by the Curfew
9344, as amended, and the penal provisions of the Manila Ordinances, i.e., the minors, to file this case on their behalf.
Hence, save for Clarissa, petitioners do not have the
required personal interest in the controversy. More
particularly, Clarissa has standing only on the issue of the Before resolving the issues pertaining to the rights of
alleged violation of the minors' right to travel, but not on minors to travel and of parents to rear their children, this
the alleged violation of the parents' right. Court must first tackle petitioners' contention that the
Curfew Ordinances are void for vagueness.
These notwithstanding, this Court finds it proper to relax
the standing requirement insofar as all the petitioners are In particular, petitioners submit that the Curfew Ordinances
concerned, in view of the transcendental importance of the are void for not containing sufficient enforcement
issues involved in this case. "In a number of cases, this parameters, which leaves the enforcing authorities with
Court has taken a liberal stance towards the requirement of unbridled discretion to carry out their provisions. They claim
legal standing, especially when paramount interest is that the lack of procedural guidelines in these issuances led
involved. Indeed, when those who challenge the to the questioning of petitioners Ronel and Mark Leo, even
official act are able to craft an issue of transcendental though they were already of legal age. They maintain that
significance to the people, the Court may exercise its the enforcing authorities apprehended the suspected curfew
sound discretion and take cognizance of the suit. It offenders based only on their physical appearances and,
may do so in spite of the inability of the petitioners to show thus, acted arbitrarily. Meanwhile, although they conceded
that they have been personally injured by the operation of a that the Quezon City Ordinance requires enforcers to
law or any other government act."46 determine the age of the child, they submit that nowhere
does the said ordinance require the law enforcers to ask for
This is a case of first impression in which the proof or identification of the child to show his age.47
constitutionality of juvenile curfew ordinances is placed
under judicial review. Not only is this Court asked to The arguments are untenable.
determine the impact of these issuances on the right of
parents to rear their children and the right of minors to "A statute or act suffers from the defect of vagueness when
travel, it is also requested to determine the extent of the it lacks comprehensible standards that men of common
State's authority to regulate these rights in the interest of intelligence must necessarily guess at its meaning and differ
general welfare. Accordingly, this case is of overarching as to its application. It is repugnant to the Constitution in
significance to the public, which, therefore, impels a two (2) respects: (1) it violates due process for failure
relaxation of procedural rules, including, among others, the to accord persons, especially the parties targeted by
standing requirement. it, fair notice of the conduct to avoid; and (2) it leaves
law enforcers unbridled discretion in carrying out its
That being said, this Court now proceeds to the substantive provisions and becomes an arbitrary flexing of the
aspect of this case. Government muscle."48

II. In this case, petitioners' invocation of the void for

vagueness doctrine is improper, considering that they do
A. Void for Vagueness. not properly identify any provision in any of the Curfew
Ordinances, which, because of its vague terminology, fails
to provide fair warning and notice to the public of what is forbids. In Bykofsky v. Borough of Middletown,51 it was
prohibited or required so that one may act ratiocinated that:
accordingly.49The void for vagueness doctrine is
premised on due process considerations, which are A vague law impermissibly delegates basic policy matters to
absent from this particular claim. In one case, it was opined policemen, judges, and juries for resolution on ad hoc and
that: subjective basis, and vague standards result in erratic and
arbitrary application based on individual impressions and
[T]he vagueness doctrine is a specie of "unconstitutional personal predilections.52
uncertainty," which may involve "procedural due process
uncertainty cases" and "substantive due process uncertainty As above-mentioned, petitioners fail to point out any
cases." "Procedural due process uncertainty" involves cases ambiguous standard in any of the provisions of the Curfew
where the statutory language was so obscure that it failed Ordinances, but rather, lament the lack of detail on how the
to give adequate warning to those subject to its prohibitions age of a suspected minor would be determined. Thus,
as well as to provide proper standards for adjudication. without any correlation to any vague legal provision, the
Such a definition encompasses the vagueness doctrine. This Curfew Ordinances cannot be stricken down under the void
perspective rightly integrates the vagueness doctrine with for vagueness doctrine.
the due process clause, a necessary interrelation since there
is no constitutional provision that explicitly bars statutes Besides, petitioners are mistaken in claiming that there are
that are "void-for-vagueness."50 no sufficient standards to identify suspected curfew
violators. While it is true that the Curfew Ordinances do not
Essentially, petitioners only bewail the lack of enforcement explicitly state these parameters, law enforcement agents
parameters to guide the local authorities in the proper are still bound to follow the prescribed measures found in
apprehension of suspected curfew offenders. They do not statutory law when implementing ordinances. Specifically,
assert any confusion as to what conduct the subject RA 9344, as amended, provides:
ordinances prohibit or not prohibit but only point to
the ordinances' lack of enforcement guidelines. The Section 7. Determination of Age. - x x x The age of a child
mechanisms related to the implementation of the Curfew may be determinedfrom the child's birth certificate,
Ordinances are, however, matters of policy that are best left baptismal certificate or any other pertinent
for the political branches of government to resolve. Verily, documents. In the absence of these documents, age may
the objective of curbing unbridled enforcement is not the be based on information from the child
sole consideration in a void for vagueness analysis; rather, himself/herself, testimonies of other persons, the
petitioners must show that this perceived danger of physical appearance of the child and other relevant
unbridled enforcement stems from an ambiguous provision evidence. (Emphases supplied)
in the law that allows enforcement authorities to second-
guess if a particular conduct is prohibited or not prohibited.
This provision should be read in conjunction with the Curfew
In this regard, that ambiguous provision of law contravenes
Ordinances because RA 10630 (the law that amended RA
due process because agents of the government cannot
9344) repeals all ordinances inconsistent with statutory
reasonably decipher what conduct the law permits and/or
law.53 Pursuant to Section 57-A of RA 9344, as amended by Petitioners submit that the Curfew Ordinances are
RA 10630,54minors caught in violation of curfew unconstitutional because they deprive parents of their
ordinances are children at risk and, therefore, covered natural and primary right in the rearing of the youth without
by its provisions.55 It is a long-standing principle that substantive due process. In this regard, they assert that
"[c]onformity with law is one of the essential this right includes the right to determine whether minors
requisites for the validity of a municipal will be required to go home at a certain time or will be
ordinance."56 Hence, by necessary implication, ordinances allowed to stay late outdoors. Given that the right to impose
should be read and implemented in conjunction with related curfews is primarily with parents and not with the State, the
statutory law. latter's interest in imposing curfews cannot logically be
Applying the foregoing, any person, such as petitioners
Ronel and Mark Leo, who was perceived to be a minor Petitioners' stance cannot be sustained.
violating the curfew, may therefore prove that he is beyond
the application of the Curfew Ordinances by simply Section 12, Article II of the 1987 Constitution articulates the
presenting any competent proof of identification establishing State's policy relative to the rights of parents in the rearing
their majority age. In the absence of such proof, the law of their children:
authorizes enforcement authorities to conduct a visual
assessment of the suspect, which - needless to state - Section 12. The State recognizes the sanctity of family life
should be done ethically and judiciously under the and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic
circumstances. Should law enforcers disregard these rules, autonomous social institution. It shall equally protect the
the remedy is to pursue the appropriate action against the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from
erring enforcing authority, and not to have the ordinances conception. The natural and primary right and duty of
invalidated. parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency
and the development of moral character shall receive
All told, petitioners' prayer to declare the Curfew Ordinances the support of the Government. (Emphasis and
as void for vagueness is denied. underscoring supplied.)

B. Right of Parents to Rear their Children. As may be gleaned from this provision, the rearing of
children (i.e., referred to as the "youth") for civic efficiency
and the development of their moral character are
characterized not only as parental rights, but also as
parental duties. This means that parents are not only given
the privilege of exercising their authority over their children;
they are equally obliged to exercise this authority
conscientiously. The duty aspect of this provision is a
reflection of the State's independent interest to ensure that
the youth would eventually grow into free, independent, and
well-developed citizens of this nation. For indeed, it is While parents have the primary role in child-rearing, it
during childhood that minors are prepared for additional should be stressed that "when actions concerning the
obligations to society. "[T]he duty to prepare the child child have a relation to the public welfare or the well-
for these [obligations] must be read to include the being of the child, the [S]tate may act to promote
inculcation of moral standards, religious beliefs, and these legitimate interests."66 Thus, "[i]n cases in which
elements of good citizenship."58 "This affirmative process harm to the physical or mental health of the child or
of teaching, guiding, and inspiring by precept and example to public safety, peace, order, or welfare is
is essential to the growth of young people into mature, demonstrated, these legitimate state interests may
socially responsible citizens."59 override the parents' qualified right to control the
upbringing of their children."67
By history and tradition, "the parental role implies a
substantial measure of authority over one's As our Constitution itself provides, the State is mandated
children."60 In Ginsberg v. New York,61 the Supreme Court of to support parents in the exercise of these rights and
the United States (US) remarked that "constitutional duties. State authority is therefore, not exclusive of,
interpretation has consistently recognized that the parents' but rather, complementary to parental supervision.
claim to authority in their own household to direct the In Nery v. Lorenzo,68 this Court acknowledged the State's
rearing of their children is basic in the structure of our role as parens patriae in protecting minors, viz.:
society."62 As in our Constitution, the right and duty of
parents to rear their children is not only described as [W]here minors are involved, the State acts as  parens
"natural," but also as "primary." The qualifier "primary" patriae. To it is cast the duty of protecting the rights
connotes the parents' superior right over the State in of persons or individual who because of age or
the upbringing of their children.63 The rationale for the incapacity are in an unfavorable position,  vis-a
State's deference to parental control over their children was vis other parties. Unable as they are to take due care of
explained by the US Supreme Court in Bellotti v. Baird what concerns them, they have the political community to
(Bellotti),64 as follows: look after their welfare. This obligation the state must live
up to. It cannot be recreant to such a trust. As was set forth
[T]he guiding role of parents in their upbringing of their in an opinion of the United States Supreme Court: "This
children justifies limitations on the freedoms of minors. The prerogative of parens patriae  is inherent in the
State commonly protects its youth from adverse supreme power of every State, x x x."69 (Emphases and
governmental action and from their own immaturity by underscoring supplied)
requiring parental consent to or involvement in important
decisions by minors. But an additional and more As parens patriae, the State has the inherent right
important justification for state deference to parental and duty to aid parents in the moral development of
control over children is that "the child is not [a] mere their children,70 and, thus, assumes a supporting role for
creature of the State; those who nurture him and parents to fulfill their parental obligations. In Bellotti, it was
direct his destiny have the right, coupled with the held that "[l]egal restriction on minors, especially those
high duty, to recognize and prepare him for additional supportive of the parental role, may be important to the
obligations."65 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied) child's chances for the full growth and maturity that make
eventual participation in a free society meaningful and influence or control their minors' activities.74 As such,
rewarding. Under the Constitution, the State can the Curfew Ordinances only amount to a minimal - albeit
properly conclude that parents and others, teachers reasonable - infringement upon a parent's right to bring up
for example, who have the primary responsibility for his or her child.
children's well-being are entitled to the support of the
laws designed to aid discharge of that Finally, it may be well to point out that the Curfew
responsibility."71 Ordinances positively influence children to spend more time
at home. Consequently, this situation provides parents with
The Curfew Ordinances are but examples of legal better opportunities to take a more active role in their
restrictions designed to aid parents in their role of children's upbringing. In Schleifer v. City of Charlottesvillle
promoting their children's well-being. As will be later (Schleifer),75 the US court observed that the city
discussed at greater length, these ordinances further government "was entitled to believe x x x that a nocturnal
compelling State interests (particularly, the promotion of curfew would promote parental involvement in a child's
juvenile safety and the prevention of juvenile crime), which upbringing. A curfew aids the efforts of parents who desire
necessarily entail limitations on the primary right of parents to protect their children from the perils of the street but are
to rear their children. Minors, because of their peculiar unable to control the nocturnal behavior of those
vulnerability and lack of experience, are not only more children."76 Curfews may also aid the "efforts of parents who
exposed to potential physical harm by criminal elements prefer their children to spend time on their studies than on
that operate during the night; their moral well-being is the streets."77 Reason dictates that these realities observed
likewise imperiled as minor children are prone to making in Schleifer are no less applicable to our local context.
detrimental decisions during this time.72 Hence, these are additional reasons which justify the impact
of the nocturnal curfews on parental rights.
At this juncture, it should be emphasized that the Curfew
Ordinances apply only when the minors are not - whether In fine, the Curfew Ordinances should not be declared
actually or constructively (as will be later discussed) - unconstitutional for violating the parents' right to rear their
accompanied by their parents. This serves as an explicit children.
recognition of the State's deference to the primary nature of
parental authority and the importance of parents' role in C. Right to Travel.
child-rearing. Parents are effectively given unfettered
authority over their children's conduct during curfew hours Petitioners further assail the constitutionality of the Curfew
when they are able to supervise them. Thus, in all Ordinances based on the minors' right to travel. They claim
actuality, the only aspect of parenting that the Curfew that the liberty to travel is a fundamental right, which,
Ordinances affects is the parents' prerogative to therefore, necessitates the application of the strict scrutiny
allow minors to remain in public places without test. Further, they submit that even if there exists a
parental accompaniment during the curfew hours.73 In compelling State interest, such as the prevention of juvenile
this respect, the ordinances neither dictate an over-all crime and the protection of minors from crime, there are
plan of discipline for the parents to apply to their other less restrictive means for achieving the government's
minors nor force parents to abdicate their authority to
interest.78 In addition, they posit that the Curfew permitted to raise the rights of third parties; and the court
Ordinances suffer from overbreadth by proscribing or invalidates the entire statute "on its face," not merely "as
impairing legitimate activities of minors during curfew applied for" so that the overbroad law becomes
hours.79 unenforceable until a properly authorized court construes it
more narrowly. The factor that motivates courts to
Petitioner's submissions are partly meritorious. depart from the normal adjudicatory rules is the
concern with the "chilling;" deterrent effect of the
At the outset, the Court rejects petitioners' invocation of the overbroad statute on third parties not courageous
overbreadth doctrine, considering that petitioners have not enough to bring suit. The Court assumes that an
claimed any transgression of their rights to free speech or overbroad law's "very existence may cause others not
any inhibition of speech-related conduct. In Southern before the court to refrain from constitutionally protected
Hemisphere Engagement Network, Inc. v. Anti-Terrorism speech or expression." An overbreadth ruling is
Council (Southern Hemisphere),80 this Court explained that designed to remove that deterrent effect on the
"the application of the overbreadth doctrine is limited to a speech of those third parties.82 (Emphases and
facial kind of challenge and, owing to the given rationale of underscoring supplied)
a facial challenge, applicable only to free speech
cases,"81viz.: In the same case, it was further pointed out that "[i]n
restricting the overbreadth doctrine to free speech claims,
By its nature, the overbreadth doctrine has to the Court, in at least two [(2)] cases, observed that the US
necessarily apply a facial type of invalidation in order Supreme Court has not recognized an overbreadth doctrine
to plot areas of protected speech, inevitably almost outside the limited context of the First Amendment, 83 and
always under situations not before the court, that are that claims of facial overbreadth have been entertained in
impermissibly swept by the substantially overbroad cases involving statutes which, by their terms, seek to
regulation. Otherwise stated, a statute cannot be properly regulate only spoken words. In Virginia v. Hicks,84 it was
analyzed for being substantially overbroad if the court held that rarely, if ever, will an overbreadth challenge
confines itself only to facts as applied to the litigants. succeed against a law or regulation that is not specifically
addressed to speech or speech-related conduct. Attacks on
overly broad statutes are justified by the 'transcendent
The most distinctive feature of the overbreadth technique is
value to all society of constitutionally protected
that it marks an exception to some of the usual rules of
constitutional litigation. Ordinarily, a particular litigant
claims that a statute is unconstitutional as applied to him or
her; if the litigant prevails, the courts carve away the
unconstitutional aspects of the law by invalidating its
improper applications on a case to case basis. Moreover,
challengers to a law are not permitted to raise the rights of
third parties and can only assert their own interests. In
overbreadth analysis, those rules give way; challenges are
In the more recent case of Spouses Imbong v. Ochoa, The right to travel is essential as it enables individuals to
Jr.,86 it was opined that "[f]acial challenges can only be access and exercise their other rights, such as the rights to
raised on the basis of overbreadth and not on education, free expression, assembly, association, and
vagueness. Southern Hemisphere demonstrated how religion.93 The inter-relation of the right to travel with other
vagueness relates to violations of due process fundamental rights was briefly rationalized in City of
rights, whereas facial challenges are raised on the Maquoketa v. Russell,94 as follows:
basis of overbreadth and limited to the realm of
freedom of expression."87 Whenever the First Amendment rights of freedom of
religion, speech, assembly, and association require one to
That being said, this Court finds it improper to undertake an move about, such movement must necessarily be protected
overbreadth analysis in this case, there being no claimed under the First Amendment. Restricting movement in
curtailment of free speech. On the contrary, however, this those circumstances to the extent that First Amendment
Court finds proper to examine the assailed regulations Rights cannot be exercised without violating the law
under the strict scrutiny test. is equivalent to a denial of those rights. One court has
eloquently pointed this out:
The right to travel is recognized and guaranteed as a
fundamental right88 under Section 6, Article III of the 1987 We would not deny the relatedness of the rights
Constitution, to wit: guaranteed by the First Amendment to freedom of
travel and movement. If, for any reason, people cannot
Section 6. The liberty of abode and of changing the same walk or drive to their church, their freedom to worship is
within the limits prescribed by law shall not be impaired impaired. If, for any reason, people cannot walk or drive to
except upon lawful order of the court. Neither shall the the meeting hall, freedom of assembly is effectively
right to travel be impaired except in the interest blocked. If, for any reason, people cannot safely walk the
of national security, public safety, or public health, as sidewalks or drive the streets of a community, opportunities
may be provided by law. (Emphases and underscoring for freedom of speech are sharply limited. Freedom of
supplied) movement is inextricably involved with freedoms set
forth in the First Amendment. (Emphases supplied)
Jurisprudence provides that this right refers to the right to
move freely from the Philippines to other countries or within Nevertheless, grave and overriding considerations of public
the Philippines.89 It is a right embraced within the general interest justify restrictions even if made against
concept of liberty.90 Liberty - a birthright of every person - fundamental rights. Specifically on the freedom to move
includes the power of locomotion 91 and the right of citizens from one place to another, jurisprudence provides that this
to be free to use their faculties in lawful ways and to live right is not absolute.95 As the 1987 Constitution itself reads,
and work where they desire or where they can best pursue the State96 may impose limitations on the exercise of this
the ends of life.92 right, provided that they: (1) serve the interest of
national security, public safety, or public health;
and (2) are provided by law.97
The stated purposes of the Curfew Ordinances, specifically this relation, this Court recognizes that minors do possess
the promotion of juvenile safety and prevention of juvenile and enjoy constitutional rights,108but the exercise of
crime, inarguably serve the interest of public safety. The these rights is not co-extensive as those of
restriction on the minor's movement and activities within adults.109 They are always subject to the authority or
the confines of their residences and their immediate vicinity custody of another, such as their parent/s and/or
during the curfew period is perceived to reduce the guardian/s, and the State.110 As parens patriae, the State
probability of the minor becoming victims of or getting regulates and, to a certain extent, restricts the minors'
involved in crimes and criminal activities. As to the second exercise of their rights, such as in their affairs concerning
requirement, i.e., that the limitation "be provided by law," the right to vote,111 the right to execute contracts,112 and
our legal system is replete with laws emphasizing the the right to engage in gainful employment. 113 With respect
State's duty to afford special protection to children, i.e., RA to the right to travel, minors are required by law to obtain a
7610,98 as amended, RA 9775,99 RA 9262,100 RA 9851, 101 RA clearance from the Department of Social Welfare and
9344,102 RA 10364,103 RA 9211,104 RA 8980,105 RA Development before they can travel to a foreign country by
106 107
9288,  and Presidential Decree (PD) 603,  as amended. themselves or with a person other than their
parents.114 These limitations demonstrate that the State has
Particularly relevant to this case is Article 139 of PD 603, broader authority over the minors' activities than over
which explicitly authorizes local government units, through similar actions of adults,115 and overall, reflect the State's
their city or municipal councils, to set curfew hours for general interest in the well-being of minors. 116 Thus, the
children. It reads: State may impose limitations on the minors' exercise of
rights even though these limitations do not generally apply
Article 139. Curfew Hours for Children. - City or municipal to adults.
councils may prescribe such curfew hours for children
as may be warranted by local conditions. The duty to In Bellotti,117 the US Supreme Court identified three (3)
enforce curfew ordinances shall devolve upon the parents or justifications for the differential treatment of the minors'
guardians and the local authorities. constitutional rights. These are:first, the peculiar
vulnerability of children; second, their inability to
x x x x (Emphasis and underscoring supplied) make critical decisions in an informed and mature
manner; and third, the importance of the parental role
in child rearing:118
As explicitly worded, city councils are authorized to enact
curfew ordinances (as what respondents have done in this
case) and enforce the same through their local officials. In [On the first reason,] our cases show that although children
other words, PD 603 provides sufficient statutory basis - as generally are protected by the same constitutional
required by the Constitution - to restrict the minors' guarantees against governmental deprivations as are
exercise of the right to travel. adults, the State is entitled to adjust its legal system
to account for children's vulnerability and their needs
for 'concern, ...sympathy, and ... paternal attention. x x x.
The restrictions set by the Curfew Ordinances that apply
solely to minors are likewise constitutionally permissible. In
[On the second reason, this Court's rulings are] grounded influences of the [streets]. It is too late now to doubt
[on] the recognition that, during the formative years of that legislation appropriately designed to reach such evils is
childhood and adolescence, minors often lack the within the state's police power, whether against the parent's
experience, perspective, and judgment to recognize claim to control of the child or one that religious scruples
and avoid choices that could be detrimental to them. dictate contrary action.
x x x.
It is true children have rights, in common with older people,
xxxx in the primary use of highways. But even in such
use streets afford dangers for them not affecting
[On the third reason,] the guiding role of parents in the adults. And in other uses, whether in work or in other
upbringing of their children justifies limitations on the things, this difference may be magnified.121 (Emphases
freedoms of minors. The State commonly protects its youth and underscoring supplied)
from adverse governmental action and from their own
immaturity by requiring parental consent to or involvement For these reasons, the State is justified in setting
in important decisions by minors. x x x. restrictions on the minors' exercise of their travel rights,
provided, they are singled out on reasonable grounds.
Philippine jurisprudence has developed three (3) tests of
x x x Legal restrictions on minors, especially those judicial scrutiny to determine the reasonableness of
supportive of the parental role, may be important to classifications.122 The strict scrutiny test applies when a
the child's chances for the full growth and classification either (i) interferes with the exercise of
maturity that make eventual participation in a free society fundamental rights, including the basic liberties guaranteed
meaningful and rewarding.119 (Emphases and underscoring under the Constitution, or (ii) burdens suspect
supplied) classes.123 The intermediate scrutiny test applies when a
classification does not involve suspect classes or
Moreover, in Prince v. Massachusetts,120 the US Supreme fundamental rights, but requires heightened scrutiny, such
Court acknowledged the heightened dangers on the streets as in classifications based on gender and
to minors, as compared to adults: legitimacy.124 Lastly, the rational basis test applies to all
other subjects not covered by the first two tests.125
A democratic society rests, for its continuance, upon the
healthy, well-rounded growth of young people into full
maturity as citizens, with all that implies. It may secure this
against impeding restraints and dangers within a broad
range of selection. Among evils most appropriate for such
action are the crippling effects of child employment, more
especially in public places, and the possible harms arising
from other activities subject to all the diverse
Considering that the right to travel is a fundamental right in x x x Although the state may have a compelling
our legal system guaranteed no less by our Constitution, the interest in regulating minors differently than adults,
strict scrutiny test126 is the applicable test.127 At this we do not believe that [a] lesser degree of scrutiny is
juncture, it should be emphasized that minors enjoy the appropriate to review burdens on minors'
same constitutional rights as adults; the fact that the State fundamental rights. x x x.
has broader authority over minors than over adults does not
trigger the application of a lower level of Accordingly, we apply strict scrutiny to our review of the
scrutiny.128 In Nunez v. City of San Diego (Nunez),129 the US ordinance. x x x.130 (Emphases supplied)
court illumined that:
The strict scrutiny test as applied to minors  entails a
Although many federal courts have recognized that juvenile consideration of the peculiar circumstances of minors as
curfews implicate the fundamental rights of minors, the enumerated in Bellotti vis-a-vis the State's duty as parens
parties dispute whether strict scrutiny review is patriae to protect and preserve their well-being with the
necessary. The Supreme Court teaches that rights are compelling State interests justifying the assailed
no less "fundamental" for minors than adults, but government act. Under the strict scrutiny test, a legislative
that the analysis of those rights may differ: classification that interferes with the exercise of a
fundamental right or operates to the disadvantage of a
Constitutional rights do not mature and come into being suspect class is presumed unconstitutional. 131 Thus, the
magically only when one attains the state-defined age of government has the burden of proving that the
majority. Minors, as well as adults, are protected by classification (i) is necessary to achieve a compelling
the Constitution and possess constitutional rights. The State interest, and (ii) is the least restrictive
Court[,] indeed, however, [has long] recognized that the means to protect such interest or the means chosen is
State has somewhat broader authority to regulate the narrowly tailored to accomplish the interest.132
activities of children than of adults. x x x. Thus, minors'
rights are not coextensive with the rights of adults because a. Compelling State Interest.
the state has a greater range of interests that justify
the infringement of minors' rights.

The Supreme Court has articulated three specific factors

that, when applicable, warrant differential analysis of the
constitutional rights of minors and adults: x x
x. The Bellotti test [however] does not establish a
lower level of scrutiny for the constitutional rights of
minors in the context of a juvenile curfew. Rather,
the Bellotti framework enables courts to determine whether
the state has a compelling state interest justifying greater
restrictions on minors than on adults. x x x.
Jurisprudence holds that compelling State interests include places, whether singly or in groups without lawful purpose
constitutionally declared policies. 133This Court has ruled or justification;
that children's welfare and the State's mandate to
protect and care for them as  parens xxxx
patriae  constitute compelling interests to justify
regulations by the State.134 It is akin to the paramount [f] reports of barangay officials and law enforcement
interest of the state for which some individual liberties must agencies reveal that minor children roaming around,
give way.135 As explained in Nunez, the Bellotti framework loitering or wandering in the evening are the frequent
shows that the State has a compelling interest in imposing personalities involved in various infractions of city
greater restrictions on minors than on adults. The ordinances and national laws;
limitations on minors under Philippine laws also highlight
this compelling interest of the State to protect and care for
[g] it is necessary in the interest of public order and safety
their welfare.
to regulate the movement of minor children during night
time by setting disciplinary hours, protect them from
In this case, respondents have sufficiently established that neglect, abuse or cruelty and exploitation, and other
the ultimate objective of the Curfew Ordinances is to keep conditions prejudicial or detrimental to their development;
unsupervised minors during the late hours of night time off
of public areas, so as to reduce - if not totally eliminate -
[h] to strengthen and support parental control on these
their exposure to potential harm, and to insulate them
minor children, there is a need to put a restraint on the
against criminal pressure and influences which may even
tendency of growing number of youth spending their
include themselves. As denoted in the "whereas clauses" of
nocturnal activities wastefully, especially in the face of the
the Quezon City Ordinance, the State, in imposing nocturnal
unabated rise of criminality and to ensure that the dissident
curfews on minors, recognizes that:
elements of society are not provided with potent avenues
for furthering their nefarious activities[.]136
[b] x x x children, particularly the minors, appear to be
neglected of their proper care and guidance, education, and
The US court's judicial demeanor in Schleifer,137 as regards
moral development, which [lead] them into exploitation,
the information gathered by the City Council to support its
drug addiction, and become vulnerable to and at the risk of
passage of the curfew ordinance subject of that case, may
committing criminal offenses;
serve as a guidepost to our own treatment of the present
case. Significantly, in Schleifer, the US court recognized the
xxxx entitlement of elected bodies to implement policies for a
safer community, in relation to the proclivity of children to
[d] as a consequence, most of minor children become out- make dangerous and potentially life-shaping decisions when
of-school youth, unproductive by-standers, street children, left unsupervised during the late hours of night:
and member of notorious gangs who stay, roam around or
meander in public or private roads, streets or other public Charlottesville was constitutionally justified in believing that
its curfew would materially assist its first stated interest—
that of reducing juvenile violence and crime. The City Based on these findings, their city councils found it
Council acted on the basis of information from many necessary to enact curfew ordinances pursuant to their
sources, including records from Charlottesville's police police power under the general welfare clause. 140 In this
department, a survey of public opinion, news reports, data light, the Court thus finds that the local governments
from the United States Department of Justice, national have not only conveyed but, in fact, attempted to
crime reports, and police reports from other localities. On substantiate legitimate concerns on public welfare,
the basis of such evidence, elected bodies are entitled especially with respect to minors. As such, a compelling
to conclude that keeping unsupervised juveniles off State interest exists for the enactment and enforcement of
the streets late at night will make for a safer the Curfew Ordinances.
community. The same streets may have a more
volatile and less wholesome character at night than With the first requirement of the strict scrutiny test
during the day. Alone on the streets at night children satisfied, the Court now proceeds to determine if the
face a series of dangerous and potentially life-shaping restrictions set forth in the Curfew Ordinances are narrowly
decisions. Drug dealers may lure them to use narcotics or tailored or provide the least restrictive means to address
aid in their sale. Gangs may pressure them into the cited compelling State interest - the second requirement
membership or participation in violence. "[D]uring the of the strict scrutiny test.
formative years of childhood and adolescence, minors often
lack the experience, perspective, and judgment to recognize b. Least Restrictive Means/ Narrowly Drawn.
and avoid choices that could be detrimental to
them." Those who succumb to these criminal
The second requirement of the strict scrutiny test stems
influences at an early age may persist in their
from the fundamental premise that citizens should not be
criminal conduct as adults. Whether we as judges
hampered from pursuing legitimate activities in the exercise
subscribe to these theories is beside the point. Those
of their constitutional rights. While rights may be restricted,
elected officials with their finger on the pulse of their home
the restrictions must be minimal or only to the extent
community clearly did. In attempting to reduce through its
necessary to achieve the purpose or to address the State's
curfew the opportunities for children to come into contact
compelling interest. When it is possible for
with criminal influences,the City was directly advancing
governmental regulations to be more narrowly drawn
its first objective of reducing juvenile violence and
to avoid conflicts with constitutional rights, then they
crime.138 (Emphases and underscoring supplied; citations
must be so narrowly drawn.141

Similar to the City of Charlottesville in Schleifer, the local

governments of Quezon City and Manila presented
statistical data in their respective pleadings showing the
alarming prevalence of crimes involving juveniles, either as
victims or perpetrators, in their respective localities.139
Although treated differently from adults, the foregoing [In contrast, the ordinance in Bykofsky v. Borough of
standard applies to regulations on minors as they are still Middletown (supra note 52)] was [a] very narrowly drawn
accorded the freedom to participate in any legitimate ordinance of many pages with eleven exceptions and was
activity, whether it be social, religious, or civic. 142 Thus, in very carefully drafted in an attempt to pass constitutional
the present case, each of the ordinances must be narrowly muster. It specifically excepted [the] exercise of First
tailored as to ensure minimal constraint not only on the Amendment rights, travel in a motor vehicle and
minors' right to travel but also on their other constitutional returning home by a direct route from religious,
rights.143 school, or voluntary association activities. (Emphases
In In Re Mosier,144 a US court declared a curfew ordinance
unconstitutional impliedly for not being narrowly drawn, After a thorough evaluation of the ordinances' respective
resulting in unnecessary curtailment of minors' rights to provisions, this Court finds that only the Quezon City
freely exercise their religion and to free speech.145 It Ordinance meets the above-discussed requirement, while
observed that: the Manila and Navotas Ordinances do not.

The ordinance prohibits the older minor from attending The Manila Ordinance cites only four (4) exemptions from
alone Christmas Eve Midnight Mass at the local the coverage of the curfew, namely: (a) minors
Roman Catholic Church or Christmas Eve services at accompanied by their parents, family members of legal age,
the various local Protestant Churches. It would likewise or guardian; (b) those running lawful errands such as
prohibit them from attending the New [Year's] Eve watch buying of medicines, using of telecommunication facilities
services at the various churches. Likewise it would prohibit for emergency purposes and the like; (c) night school
grandparents, uncles, aunts or adult brothers and sisters students and those who, by virtue of their employment, are
from taking their minor relatives of any age to the above required in the streets or outside their residence after 10:00
mentioned services. x x x. p.m.; and (d) those working at night.146


Under the ordinance, during nine months of the year a

minor could not even attend the city council
meetings if they ran past 10:30 (which they frequently do)
to express his views on the necessity to repeal the curfew
ordinance, clearly a deprivation of his First
Amendment right to freedom of speech.

For its part, the Navotas Ordinance provides more association is effectively curtailed. It bears stressing that
exceptions, to wit: (a) minors with night classes; (b) those participation in legitimate activities of organizations, other
working at night; (c) those who attended a school or church than school or church, also contributes to the minors' social,
activity, in coordination with a specific barangay office; (d) emotional, and intellectual development, yet, such
those traveling towards home during the curfew hours; (e) participation is not exempted under the Navotas Ordinance.
those running errands under the supervision of their
parents, guardians, or persons of legal age having authority Second, although the Navotas Ordinance does not impose
over them; (f) those involved in accidents, calamities, and the curfew during Christmas Eve and Christmas day, it
the like. It also exempts minors from the curfew during effectively prohibits minors from attending traditional
these specific occasions: Christmas eve, Christmas day, religious activities (such as simbang gabi) at night without
New Year's eve, New Year's day, the night before the accompanying adults, similar to the scenario depicted
barangay fiesta, the day of the fiesta, All Saints' and All in Mosier.149 This legitimate activity done pursuant to the
Souls' Day, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday, minors' right to freely exercise their religion is therefore
and Easter Sunday.147 effectively curtailed.

This Court observes that these two ordinances are not Third, the Navotas Ordinance does not accommodate
narrowly drawn in that their exceptions are inadequate and avenues for minors to engage in political rallies or attend
therefore, run the risk of overly restricting the minors' city council meetings to voice out their concerns in line with
fundamental freedoms. To be fair, both ordinances protect their right to peaceably assemble and to free expression.
the rights to education, to gainful employment, and to
travel at night from school or work. 148 However, even with Certainly, minors are allowed under the Navotas Ordinance
those safeguards, the Navotas Ordinance and, to a greater to engage in these activities outside curfew hours, but the
extent, the Manila Ordinance still do not account for the Court finds no reason to prohibit them from participating in
reasonable exercise of the minors' rights of association, free these legitimate activities during curfew hours. Such
exercise of religion, rights to peaceably assemble, and of proscription does not advance the State's compelling
free expression, among others. interest to protect minors from the dangers of the streets at
night, such as becoming prey or instruments of criminal
The exceptions under the Manila Ordinance are too limited, activity. These legitimate activities are merely hindered
and thus, unduly trample upon protected liberties. The without any reasonable relation to the State's interest;
Navotas Ordinance is apparently more protective of hence, the Navotas Ordinance is not narrowly drawn. More
constitutional rights than the Manila Ordinance; so, the Manila Ordinance, with its limited exceptions, is also
nonetheless, it still provides insufficient safeguards as not narrowly drawn.
discussed in detail below:
In sum, the Manila and Navotas Ordinances should be
First, although it allows minors to engage in school or completely stricken down since their exceptions, which are
church activities, it hinders them from engaging in essentially determinative of the scope and breadth of the
legitimate non-school or non-church activities in the streets curfew regulations, are inadequate to ensure protection of
or going to and from such activities; thus, their freedom of
the above-mentioned fundamental rights. While some organization/group (recognized by the community) that
provisions may be valid, the same are merely ancillary supervises the activity or when the minor is going to or
thereto; as such, they cannot subsist independently despite returning home from such activity, without any detour or stop;
the presence150 of any separability clause.151 and
(h) When the minor can present papers certifying that he/she is a
The Quezon City Ordinance stands in stark contrast to the
student and was dismissed from his/her class/es in the evening or
first two (2) ordinances as it sufficiently safeguards the
that he/she is a working student.152 (Emphases and underscoring
minors' constitutional rights. It provides the following supplied)

Section 4. EXEMPTIONS - Minor children under the following As compared to the first two (2) ordinances, the list of
circumstances shall not be covered by the provisions of this exceptions under the Quezon City Ordinance is more
ordinance; narrowly drawn to sufficiently protect the minors' rights of
association, free exercise of religion, travel, to peaceably
assemble, and of free expression.
(a) Those accompanied by their parents or guardian;
(b) Those on their way to or from a party, graduation ceremony, Specifically, the inclusion of items (b) and (g) in the list of
religious mass, and/or other extra-curricular activities of their exceptions guarantees the protection of these
school or organization wherein their attendance are required or aforementioned rights. These items uphold the right of
otherwise indispensable, or when such minors are out and association by enabling minors to attend both official
unable to go home early due to circumstances beyond their and extra-curricular activities not only of their school
control as verified by the proper authorities concerned; and or church but also of other legitimate organizations.
The rights to peaceably assemble and of free
(c) Those attending to, or in experience of, an emergency situation such
as conflagration, earthquake, hospitalization, road accident, law expression are also covered by these items given that
enforcers encounter, and similar incidents[;] the minors' attendance in the official activities of civic
or religious organizations are allowed during the
(d) When the minor is engaged in an authorized employment activity, curfew hours. Unlike in the Navotas Ordinance, the right
or going to or returning home from the same place of employment to the free exercise of religion is sufficiently safeguarded in
activity without any detour or stop; the Quezon City Ordinance by exempting attendance at
(e) When the minor is in [a] motor vehicle or other travel accompanied religious masses even during curfew hours. In relation
by an adult in no violation of this Ordinance; to their right to travel, the ordinance allows the minor-
participants to move to and from the places where
(f) When the minor is involved in an emergency; these activities are held. Thus, with these numerous
exceptions, the Quezon City Ordinance, in truth, only
(g) When the minor is out of his/her residence attending an official
prohibits unsupervised activities that hardly
school, religious, recreational, educational, social, communitv or
other similar private activity sponsored by the city, barangay, contribute to the well-being of minors who publicly
school, or other similar private civic/religious loaf and loiter within the locality at a time where
danger is perceivably more prominent.
To note, there is no lack of supervision when a parent duly juvenile safety and prevent juvenile crime, this Court finds
authorizes his/her minor child to run lawful errands or that the curfew imposed under the Quezon City Ordinance is
engage in legitimate activities during the night, reasonably justified with its narrowly drawn exceptions and
notwithstanding curfew hours. As astutely observed by hence, constitutional. Needless to say, these exceptions are
Senior Associate Justice Antonio T. Carpio and Associate in no way limited or restricted, as the State, in accordance
Justice Marvic M.V.F. Leonen during the deliberations on with the lawful exercise of its police power, is not precluded
this case, parental permission is implicitly considered as an from crafting, adding, or modifying exceptions in similar
exception found in Section 4, item (a) of the Quezon City laws/ordinances for as long as the regulation, overall,
Ordinance, i.e., "[t]hose accompanied by their parents or passes the parameters of scrutiny as applied in this case.
guardian", as accompaniment should be understood not
only in its actual but also in its constructive sense. As the D. Penal Provisions of the Manila Ordinance.
Court sees it, this should be the reasonable construction of
this exception so as to reconcile the juvenile curfew Going back to the Manila Ordinance, this Court deems it
measure with the basic premise that State interference is proper - as it was raised- to further discuss the validity of
not superior but only complementary to parental its penal provisions in relation to RA 9344, as amended.
supervision. After all, as the Constitution itself prescribes,
the parents' right to rear their children is not only natural
To recount, the Quezon City Ordinance, while penalizing the
but primary.
parentis or guardian under Section 8 thereof, 154 does not
impose any penalty on the minors. For its part, the Navotas
Ultimately, it is important to highlight that this Court, in Ordinance requires the minor, along with his or her parent/s
passing judgment on these ordinances, is dealing with the or guardian/s, to render social civic duty and community
welfare of minors who are presumed by law to be incapable service either in lieu of - should the parent/s or guardian/s
of giving proper consent due to their incapability to fully of the minor be unable to pay the fine imposed - or in
understand the import and consequences of their actions. In addition to the fine imposed therein. 155Meanwhile, the
one case it was observed that: Manila Ordinance imposed various sanctions to the
minor based on the age and frequency of violations,
A child cannot give consent to a contract under our civil to wit:
laws. This is on the rationale that she can easily be the
victim of fraud as she is not capable of fully understanding SEC. 4. Sanctions and Penalties for Violation. Any child or
or knowing the nature or import of her actions. The State, youth violating this ordinance shall be sanctioned/punished
as parens patriae, is under the obligation to minimize the as follows:
risk of harm to those who, because of their minority, are as
yet unable to take care of themselves fully. Those of tender
(a) If the offender is Fifteen (15) years of age and
years deserve its protection.153
below, the sanction shall consist of a REPRIMAND for
the youth offender and ADMONITION to the offender's
Under our legal system's own recognition of a minor's parent, guardian or person exercising parental authority.
inherent lack of full rational capacity, and balancing the
same against the State's compelling interest to promote
(b) If the offender is Fifteen (15) years of age and under violations, truancy, parental disobedience, anti-smoking
Eighteen (18) years of age, the sanction/penalty shall be: and anti-drinking laws, as well as light offenses and
misdemeanors against public order or safety such as, but
1. For the FIRST OFFENSE, Reprimand not limited to, disorderly conduct, public scandal,
and Admonition; harassment, drunkenness, public intoxication, criminal
2. For the SECOND nuisance, vandalism, gambling, mendicancy, littering, public
OFFENSE, Reprimand and urination, and trespassing, shall be for the protection of
Admonition, and a warning about the children. No penalty shall be imposed on children for
legal impostitions in case of a third said violations, and they shall instead be brought to their
and subsequent violation; and residence or to any barangay official at the barangay hall to
3. For the THIRD AND SUBSEQUENT be released to the custody of their parents. Appropriate
OFFENSES, Imprisonment of one intervention programs shall be provided for in such
(1) day to ten (10) days, or a Fine ordinances. The child shall also be recorded as a "child at
of TWO THOUSAND PESOS risk" and not as a "child in conflict with the law." The
(Php2,000.00), or both at the ordinance shall also provide for intervention programs, such
discretion of the Court, PROVIDED, as counseling, attendance in group activities for children,
That the complaint shall be filed by and for the parents, attendance in parenting education
the Punong Barangay with the office of seminars. (Emphases and underscoring supplied.)
the City Prosecutor.156 (Emphases and
underscoring supplied). To clarify, these provisions do not prohibit the enactment of
regulations that curtail the conduct of minors, when the
Thus springs the question of whether local governments similar conduct of adults are not considered as an offense or
could validly impose on minors these sanctions - i.e., (a) penalized (i.e., status offenses). Instead, what they prohibit
community service; (b) reprimand and admonition; (c) fine; is the imposition of penalties on minors for violations of
and (d) imprisonment. Pertinently, Sections 57 and 57- these regulations. Consequently, the enactment of curfew
A of RA 9344, as amended, prohibit the imposition of ordinances on minors, without penalizing them for violations
penalties on minors for status offenses such as thereof, is not violative of Section 57-A.
curfew violations, viz.:
"Penalty" 157 is defined as "[p]unishment imposed on a
SEC. 57. Status Offenses. — Any conduct not considered wrongdoer usually in the form of imprisonment or
an offense or not penalized if committed by an adult fine";158 "[p]unishment imposed by lawful authority upon a
shall not be considered an offense and shall not be person who commits a deliberate or negligent
punished if committed by a child. act."159 Punishment, in turn, is defined as "[a] sanction -
such as fine, penalty, confinement, or loss of property,
SEC. 57-A. Violations of Local Ordinances. — Ordinances right, or privilege - assessed against a person who has
enacted by local governments concerning juvenile violated the law."160
status offenses such as, but not limited to, curfew
The provisions of RA 9344, as amended, should not be read In other words, the disciplinary measures of community-
to mean that all the actions of the minor in violation of the based programs and admonition are clearly not penalties -
regulations are without legal consequences. Section 57-A as they are not punitive in nature - and are generally less
thereof empowers local governments to adopt appropriate intrusive on the rights and conduct of the minor. To be
intervention programs, such as community-based clear, their objectives are to formally inform and educate
programs161 recognized under Section 54162 of the same the minor, and for the latter to understand, what actions
law. must be avoided so as to aid him in his future conduct.

In this regard, requiring the minor to perform community A different conclusion, however, is reached with regard to
service is a valid form of intervention program that a local reprimand and fines and/or imprisonment imposed by the
government (such as Navotas City in this case) could City of Manila on the minor. Reprimand is generally
appropriately adopt in an ordinance to promote the welfare defined as "a severe or formal reproof."167 The Black's Law
of minors. For one, the community service programs Dictionary defines it as "a mild form of lawyer discipline that
provide minors an alternative mode of rehabilitation as they does not restrict the lawyer's ability to practice
promote accountability for their delinquent acts without the law";168 while the Philippine Law Dictionary defines it as a
moral and social stigma caused by jail detention. In the "public and formal censure or severe reproof, administered
same light, these programs help inculcate discipline and to a person in fault by his superior officer or body to which
compliance with the law and legal orders. More importantly, he belongs. It is more than just a warning or
they give them the opportunity to become productive admonition."169 In other words, reprimand is a formal and
members of society and thereby promote their integration public pronouncement made to denounce the error or
to and solidarity with their community. violation committed, to sharply criticize and rebuke the
erring individual, and to sternly warn the erring individual
The sanction of admonition imposed by the City of Manila including the public against repeating or committing the
is likewise consistent with Sections 57 and 57-A of RA 9344 same, and thus, may unwittingly subject the erring
as it is merely a formal way of giving warnings and individual or violator to unwarranted censure or sharp
expressing disapproval to the minor's misdemeanor. disapproval from others. In fact, the RRACCS and our
Admonition is generally defined as a "gentle or friendly jurisprudence explicitly indicate that reprimand is a
reproof' or "counsel or warning against fault or penalty,170 hence, prohibited by Section 57-A of RA 9344, as
oversight."163 The Black's Law Dictionary defines admonition amended.
as "[a]n authoritatively issued warning or censure";164 while
the Philippine Law Dictionary defines it as a "gentle or Fines and/or imprisonment, on the other hand,
friendly reproof, a mild rebuke, warning or reminder, undeniably constitute penalties - as provided in our various
[counseling], on a fault, error or oversight, an expression of criminal and administrative laws and jurisprudence - that
authoritative advice or warning."165 Notably, the Revised Section 57-A of RA 9344, as amended, evidently prohibits.
Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (RRACCS)
and our jurisprudence in administrative cases explicitly As worded, the prohibition in Section 57-A is clear,
declare that "a warning or admonition shall not be categorical, and unambiguous. It states that "[n]o penalty
considered a penalty."166 shall be imposed on children for x x x violations [of]
juvenile status offenses]." Thus, for imposing the For another, the Court has determined that the Manila
sanctions of reprimand, fine, and/or imprisonment on Ordinance's penal provisions imposing reprimand and
minors for curfew violations, portions of Section 4 of the fines/imprisonment on minors conflict with Section 57-A of
Manila Ordinance directly and irreconcilably conflict with the RA 9344, as amended. Hence, following the rule that
clear language of Section 57-A of RA 9344, as amended, ordinances should always conform with the law, these
and hence, invalid. On the other hand, the impositions of provisions must be struck down as invalid.
community service programs and admonition on the minors
are allowed as they do not constitute penalties. WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTLY GRANTED. The
Court hereby declares Ordinance No. 8046, issued by the
CONCLUSION local government of the City of Manila, and Pambayang
Ordinansa Blg. No. 99-02, as amended by Pambayang
In sum, while the Court finds that all three Curfew Ordinansa Blg. 2002-13 issued by the local government of
Ordinances have passed the first prong of the strict scrutiny Navotas City, UNCONSTITUTIONAL and,
test - that is, that the State has sufficiently shown a thus, NULL and VOID; while Ordinance No. SP-2301,
compelling interest to promote juvenile safety and prevent Series of 2014, issued by the local government of the
juvenile crime in the concerned localities, only the Quezon Quezon City is declared CONSTITUTIONAL and,
City Ordinance has passed the second prong of the strict thus,VALID in accordance with this Decision.
scrutiny test, as it is the only issuance out of the three
which provides for the least restrictive means to achieve SO ORDERED.
this interest. In particular, the Quezon City Ordinance
provides for adequate exceptions that enable minors to SEPARATE OPINION
freely exercise their fundamental rights during the
prescribed curfew hours, and therefore, narrowly drawn to LEONEN, J.:
achieve the State's purpose. Section 4 (a) of the said
ordinance, i.e., "[t]hose accompanied by their parents or
I concur in the result. All of the assailed ordinances should
guardian", has also been construed to include parental
have been struck down for failing to ground themselves on
permission as a constructive form of accompaniment and
demonstrated rational bases, for failing to adopt the least
hence, an allowable exception to the curfew measure; the
restrictive means to achieve their aims, and for failing to
manner of enforcement, however, is left to the discretion of
show narrowly tailored enforcement measures that foreclose
the local government unit.
abuse by law enforcers. The doctrine of parens patriae fails
to justify these ordinances. While this doctrine enables state
In fine, the Manila and Navotas Ordinances are declared intervention for the welfare of children, its operation must
unconstitutional and thus, null and void, while the Quezon not transgress the constitutionally enshrined natural and
City Ordinance is declared as constitutional and thus, valid primary right of parents to rear their children.
in accordance with this Decision.
However, the adoption by this Court of the interpretation of
Section 4, item (a) of the Quezon City Ordinance to the
effect that parental permission in any form for any minor is identification of minors facilitates arbitrary and
also an exception will have the effect of narrowly tailoring discriminatory enforcement.6
the application of that curfew regulation.
Petitioners further argue that the assailed ordinances unduly
The assailed ordinances are not novel. Navotas City restrict a minor's liberty, in general, and right to travel, in
Pambayang Ordinansa Blg. 99-021 was passed on August particular.7
26, 1999. City of Manila Ordinance No. 80462 was passed on
October 14, 2002. Quezon City Ordinance No. SP-2301 3 was Likewise, petitioners assert that, without due process, the
passed on July 31, 2014. assailed ordinances intrude into or deprive parents of their
"natural and primary right"8 to rear their children.
The present controversy was spurred by the revitalized,
strict implementation of these curfew ordinances as part of Ordinances are products of "derivative legislative power" 9 in
police operations under the broad umbrella of "'Oplan that legislative power is delegated by the national
Rody." These operations were in fulfillment of President legislature to local government units. They are presumed
Rodrigo Duterte's campaign promise for a nationwide constitutional and, until judicially declared invalid, retain
implementation of a curfew for minors.4 their binding effect. In Tano v. Hon. Gov. Socrates:10

Samahan ng mga Progresibong Kabataan (SPARK), an It is of course settled that laws (including ordinances
association of youths and minors for "the protection of the enacted by local government units) enjoy the presumption
rights and welfare of youths and minors," and its members of constitutionality. To overthrow this presumption, there
Joanne Rose Sace Lim, John Arvin Navarro Buenaagua, must be a clear and unequivocal breach of the Constitution,
Ronel Baccutan (Baccutan), Mark Leo Delos Reyes (Delos not merely a doubtful or argumentative contradiction. In
Reyes), and Clarissa Joyce Villegas (Villegas) filed the short, the conflict with the Constitution must be shown
present Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition alleging that beyond reasonable doubt. Where doubt exists, even if well-
the ordinances are unconstitutional and in violation of founded, there can be no finding of unconstitutionality. To
Republic Act No. 9344.5 doubt is to sustain.11

I The presumption of constitutionality is rooted in the respect

that the judiciary must accord to the legislature. In Estrada
Constitutional challenges against local legislation v. Sandiganbayan:12

Petitioners submit a multi-faceted constitutional challenge This strong predilection for constitutionality takes its
against the assailed ordinances. bearings on the idea that it is forbidden for one branch of
the government to encroach upon the duties and powers of
They assert that the assailed ordinances should be declared another. Thus it has been said that the presumption is
unconstitutional as the lack of expressed standards for the based on the deference the judicial branch accords to its
coordinate branch — the legislature.
If there is any reasonable basis upon which the legislation To justify the nullification of the law or its implementation,
may firmly rest, the courts must assume that the legislature there must be a clear and unequivocal, not a doubtful,
is ever conscious of the borders and edges of its plenary breach of the Constitution. In case of doubt in the
powers, and has passed the law with full knowledge of the sufficiency of proof establishing unconstitutionality, the
facts and for the purpose of promoting what is right and Court must sustain legislation because "to invalidate [a law]
advancing the welfare of the majority. Hence in determining based on ... baseless supposition is an affront to the
whether the acts of the legislature are in tune with the wisdom not only of the legislature that passed it but also of
fundamental law, courts should proceed with judicial the executive which approved it." This presumption of
restraint and act with caution and forbearance.13 constitutionality can be overcome only by the clearest
showing that there was indeed an infraction of the
The same respect is proper for acts made by local legislative Constitution, and only when such a conclusion is reached by
bodies, whose members are equally presumed to have the required majority may the Court pronounce, in the
acted conscientiously and with full awareness of the discharge of the duty it cannot escape, that the challenged
constitutional and statutory bounds within which they may act must be struck down.17
operate. Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel Operators
Association v. City of Manila14 explained: Consistent with the exacting standard for invalidating
ordinances, Hon. Fernando v. St. Scholastica's
As was expressed categorically by Justice Malcolm: "The College,18 outlined the test for determining the validity of an
presumption is all in favor of validity . . . The action of the ordinance:
elected representatives of the people cannot be lightly set
aside. The councilors must, in the very nature of things, be The test of a valid ordinance is well established. A long line
familiar with the necessities of their particular municipality of decisions including City of Manila has held that for an
and with all the facts and circumstances which surround the ordinance to be valid, it must not only be within the
subject and necessitates action. The local legislative body, corporate powers of the local government unit to enact and
by enacting the ordinance, has in effect given notice that pass according to the procedure prescribed by law, it must
the regulations are essential to the well being of the also conform to the following substantive requirements: (1)
people . . . The Judiciary should not lightly set aside must not contravene the Constitution or any statute; (2)
legislative action when there is not a clear invasion of must not be unfair or oppressive; (3) must not be partial or
personal or property rights under the guise of police discriminatory; (4) must not prohibit but may regulate
regulation."15 trade; (5) must be general and consistent with public
policy; and (6) must not be unreasonable.19
The presumption of constitutionality may, of course, be
challenged. Challenges, however, shall only be sustained The first consideration hearkens to the primacy of the
upon a clear and unequivocal showing of the bases for Constitution, as well as to the basic nature of ordinances as
invalidating a law. In Smart Communications v. Municipality products of a power that was merely delegated to local
of Malvar:16 government units. In City of Manila v. Hon. Laguio:20
Anent the first criterion, ordinances shall only be valid when frame of consummate human dignity. They are likewise
they are not contrary to the Constitution and to the laws. better understood integrally, operating in a synergistic
The Ordinance must satisfy two requirements: it must pass frame that serves to secure a person's integrity.
muster under the test of constitutionality and the test of
consistency with the prevailing laws. That ordinances should "Life, liberty and property" is akin to the United Nations'
be constitutional uphold the principle of the supremacy of formulation of "life, liberty, and security of person" 23 and
the Constitution. The requirement that the enactment must the American formulation of "life, liberty and the pursuit of
not violate existing law gives stress to the precept that local happiness."24 As the American Declaration of Independence
government units are able to legislate only by virtue of their postulates, they are "unalienable rights" for which
derivative legislative power, a delegation of legislative "[g]overnments are instituted among men" in order that
power from the national legislature. The delegate cannot be they may be secured.25 Securing them denotes pursuing
superior to the principal or exercise powers higher than and obtaining them, as much as it denotes preserving them.
those of the latter.21 (Citations omitted) The formulation is, thus, an aspirational declaration, not
merely operating on factual givens but enabling the pursuit
II of ideals.

Appraising due process and equal protection "Life," then, is more appropriately understood as the
challenges fullness of human potential: not merely organic,
physiological existence, but consummate self-actualization,
At stake here is the basic constitutional guarantee that enabled and effected not only by freedom from bodily
"[n]o person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property restraint but by facilitating an empowering existence.26 "Life
without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied and liberty," placed in the context of a constitutional
the equal protection of the laws."22 There are two (2) aspiration, it then becomes the duty of the government to
dimensions to this: first, is an enumeration of objects of facilitate this empowering existence. This is not an
protection—life, liberty and property; second, is an inventively novel understanding but one that has been at
identification and delimitation of the legitimate mechanism the bedrock of our social and political conceptions. As
for their modulation or abnegation—due process and equal Justice George Malcolm, speaking for this Court in 1919,
protection. The first dimension lists specific objects whose articulated:
bounds are amorphous; the second dimension delineates
action, and therefore, requires precision. Civil liberty may be said to mean that measure of freedom
which may be enjoyed in a civilized community, consistently
Speaking of life and its protection does not merely entail with the peaceful enjoyment of like freedom in others. The
ensuring biological subsistence. It is not just a proscription right to liberty guaranteed by the Constitution includes the
against killing. Likewise, speaking of liberty and its right to exist and the right to be free from arbitrary
protection does not merely involve a lack of physical personal restraint or servitude. The term cannot be dwarfed
restraint. The objects of the constitutional protection of due into mere freedom from physical restraint of the person of
process are better understood dynamically and from a the citizen, but is deemed to embrace the right of man to
enjoy the faculties with which he has been endowed by his
Creator, subject only to such restraints as are necessary for Appraising the validity of government regulation in relation
the common welfare. As enunciated in a long array of to the due process and equal protection clauses invokes
authorities including epoch-making decisions of the United three (3) levels of analysis. Proceeding similarly as we do
States Supreme Court, liberty includes the right of the now with the task of appraising local ordinances, White
citizen to be free to use his faculties in lawful ways; to live Light Corporation v. City of Manila31 discussed:
and work where he will; to earn his livelihood by any lawful
calling; to pursue any avocation, and for that purpose, to The general test of the validity of an ordinance on
enter into all contracts which may be proper, necessary, substantive due process grounds is best tested when
and essential to his carrying out these purposes to a assessed with the evolved footnote 4 test laid down by the
successful conclusion. The chief elements of the guaranty U.S. Supreme Court in U.S. v. Carolene Products. Footnote
are the right to contract, the right to choose one's 4 of the Carolene Products case acknowledged that the
employment, the right to labor, and the right of judiciary would defer to the legislature unless there is a
locomotion.27 discrimination against a "discrete and insular" minority or
infringement of a "fundamental right". Consequently, two
It is in this sense that the constitutional listing of the standards of judicial review were established: strict scrutiny
objects of due process protection admits amorphous for laws dealing with freedom of the mind or restricting the
bounds. The constitutional protection of life and liberty political process, and the rational basis standard of review
encompasses a penumbra of cognate rights that is not fixed for economic legislation.
but evolves—expanding liberty—alongside the
contemporaneous reality in which the Constitution A third standard, denominated as heightened or immediate
operates. People v. Hernandez28 illustrated how the right to scrutiny, was later adopted by the U.S. Supreme Court for
liberty is multi-faceted and is not limited to its initial evaluating classifications based on gender and legitimacy.
formulation in the due process clause: Immediate scrutiny was adopted by the U.S. Supreme Court
in Craig, after the Court declined to do so in Reed v. Reed.
[T]he preservation of liberty is such a major preoccupation While the test may have first been articulated in equal
of our political system that, not satisfied with guaranteeing protection analysis, it has in the United States since been
its enjoyment in the very first paragraph of section (1) of applied in all substantive due process cases as well.
the Bill of Rights, the framers of our Constitution devoted
paragraphs (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (11), (12), (13), We ourselves have often applied the rational basis test
(14), (15), (16), (17), (18), and (21) of said section (1) 29 to mainly in analysis of equal protection challenges. Using the
the protection of several aspects of freedom.30 rational basis examination, laws or ordinances are upheld if
they rationally further a legitimate governmental interest.
While the extent of the constitutional protection of life and Under intermediate review, governmental interest is
liberty is dynamic, evolving, and expanding with extensively examined and the availability of less restrictive
contemporaneous realities, the mechanism for preserving measures is considered. Applying strict scrutiny, the focus is
life and liberty is immutable: any intrusion into it must be on the presence of compelling, rather than substantial,
with due process of law and must not run afoul of the equal governmental interest and on the absence of less restrictive
protection of the laws. means for achieving that interest.
In terms of judicial review of statutes or ordinances, strict Strict scrutiny applies when what is at stake are
scrutiny refers to the standard for determining the quality fundamental freedoms or what is involved are suspect
and the amount of governmental interest brought to justify classifications. It requires that there be a compelling state
the regulation of fundamental freedoms. Strict scrutiny is interest and that the means employed to effect it are
used today to test the validity of laws dealing with the narrowly-tailored, actually—not only conceptually—being
regulation of speech, gender, or race as well as other the least restrictive means for effecting the invoked
fundamental rights as expansion from its earlier applications interest. Here, it does not suffice that the government
to equal protection. The United States Supreme Court has contemplated on the means available to it. Rather, it must
expanded the scope of strict scrutiny to protect fundamental show an active effort at demonstrating the inefficacy of all
rights such as suffrage, judicial access and interstate possible alternatives. Here, it is required to not only explore
travel.32 (Citations omitted) all possible avenues but to even debunk the viability of
alternatives so as to ensure that its chosen course of action
An appraisal of due process and equal protection challenges is the sole effective means. To the extent practicable, this
against government regulation must admit that the gravity must be supported by sound data gathering mechanisms.
of interests invoked by the government and the personal
liberties or classification affected are not uniform. Hence, Central Bank Employees Association, Inc. v. Bangko Sentral
the three (3) levels of analysis that demand careful ng Pilipinas34 further explained:
calibration: the rational basis test, intermediate review, and
strict scrutiny. Each level is typified by the dual Under most circumstances, the Court will exercise judicial
considerations of: first, the interest invoked by the restraint in deciding questions of constitutionality,
government; and second, the means employed to achieve recognizing the broad discretion given to Congress in
that interest. exercising its legislative power. Judicial scrutiny would be
based on the "rational basis" test, and the legislative
The rational basis test requires only that there be a discretion would be given deferential treatment.
legitimate government interest and that there is a
reasonable connection between it and the means employed But if the challenge to the statute is premised on the denial
to achieve it. of a fundamental right, or the perpetuation of prejudice
against persons favored by the Constitution with special
Intermediate review requires an important government protection, judicial scrutiny ought to be more strict. A weak
interest. Here, it would suffice if government is able to and watered down view would call for the abdication of this
demonstrate substantial connection between its interest and Court's solemn duty to strike down any law repugnant to
the means it employs. In accordance with White Light, "the the Constitution and the rights it enshrines. This is true
availability of less restrictive measures [must have whether the actor committing the unconstitutional act is a
been] considered."33 This demands a conscientious effort at private person or the government itself or one of its
devising the least restrictive means for attaining its avowed instrumentalities. Oppressive acts will be struck down
interest. It is enough that the means employed regardless of the character or nature of the
is conceptually the least restrictive mechanism that the actor.35 (Emphasis supplied)
government may apply.
Cases involving strict scrutiny innately favor the While a constitutionally guaranteed fundamental right, this
preservation of fundamental rights and the non- right is not absolute. The Constitution itself states that the
discrimination of protected classes. Thus, in these cases, right may be "impaired" in consideration of: national
the burden falls upon the government to prove that it was security, public safety, or public health.37 The ponencia
impelled by a compelling state interest and that there is underscores that the avowed purpose of the assailed
actually no other less restrictive mechanism for realizing the ordinances is "the promotion of juvenile safety and
interest that it invokes: prevention of juvenile crime."38 The assailed ordinances,
therefore, seem to find justification as a valid exercise of
Applying strict scrutiny, the focus is on the presence of the State's police power, regulating—as opposed to
compelling, rather than substantial, governmental interest completely negating—the right to travel.
and on the absence of less restrictive means for achieving
that interest, and the burden befalls upon the State to Given the overlap of the state's prerogatives with those of
prove the same.36 parents, equally at stake is the right that parents hold in the
rearing of their children.
There are several facets of the right to privacy. Ople v.
The present Petition entails fundamental rights and Torres39 identified the right of persons to be secure "in their
defines status offenses. Thus, strict scrutiny is persons, houses, papers, and effects,"40 the right against
proper. unreasonable searches and seizures,41 liberty of abode,42 the
right to form associations,43 and the right against self-
By definition, a curfew restricts mobility. As effected by the incrimination44 as among these facets.
assailed ordinances, this restriction applies daily at specified
times and is directed at minors, who remain under the While not among the rights enumerated under Article III of
authority of their parents. the 1987 Constitution, the rights of parents with respect to
the family is no less a fundamental right and an integral
Thus, petitioners correctly note that at stake in the present aspect of liberty and privacy. Article II, Section 12
Petition is the right to travel. Article III, Section 6 of the characterizes the right of parents in the rearing of the youth
1987 Constitution provides: to be ''natural and primary."45 It adds that it is a right,
which shall "receive the support of the Government."46
Section 6. The liberty of abode and of changing the same
within the limits prescribed by law shall not be impaired Imbong v. Ochoa,47 affirms the natural and primary rights of
except upon lawful order of the court. Neither shall the right parents in the rearing of children as a facet of the right to
to travel be impaired except in the interest of national privacy:
security, public safety, or public health, as may be provided
by law. To insist on a rule that interferes with the right of parents to
exercise parental control over their minor-child or the right
of the spouses to mutually decide on matters which very
well affect the very purpose of marriage, that is, the to use his faculties in all lawful ways; to live and work
establishment of conjugal and family life, would result in the where he will; to earn his livelihood by any lawful calling;
violation of one's privacy with respect to his family. 48 and to pursue any avocation are all deemed embraced in
the concept of liberty ...
This Court's 2009 Decision in White Light49 unequivocally
characterized the right to privacy as a fundamental right. It cannot be denied that the primary animus behind the
Thus, alleged . statutory intrusion into it warrants strict ordinance is the curtailment of sexual behavior. The City
scrutiny.50 asserts before this Court that the subject establishments
"have gained notoriety as venue of 'prostitution, adultery
If we were to take the myopic view that an Ordinance and fornications' in Manila since they provide the necessary
should be analyzed strictly as to its effect only on the atmosphere for clandestine entry, presence and exit and
petitioners at bar, then it would seem that the only restraint thus became the 'ideal haven for prostitutes and thrill-
imposed by the law which we are capacitated to act upon is seekers"'. Whether or not this depiction of a mise-en-scene
the injury to property sustained by the petitioners, an injury of vice is accurate, it cannot be denied that legitimate
that would warrant the application of the most deferential sexual behavior among consenting married or consenting
standard - the rational basis test. Yet as earlier stated, we single adults which is constitutionally protected will be
recognize the capacity of the petitioners to invoke as well curtailed as well, as it was in the City of Manila case. Our
the constitutional rights of their patrons - those persons holding therein retains significance for our purposes:
who would be deprived of availing short time access or
wash-up rates to the lodging establishments in question. The concept of liberty compels respect for the individual
whose claim to privacy and interference demands respect ...
Indeed, the right to privacy as a constitutional right was
The rights at stake herein fall within the same fundamental recognized in Morfe, the invasion of which should be
rights to liberty which we upheld in City of Manila v. Hon. justified by a compelling state interest. Morfe accorded
Laguio, Jr. We expounded on that most primordial of rights, recognition to the right to privacy independently of its
thus: identification with liberty; in itself it is fully deserving of
constitutional protection. Governmental powers should stop
Liberty as guaranteed by the Constitution was defined by short of certain intrusions into the personal life of the
Justice Malcolm to include "the right to exist and the right to citizen.51 (Citations omitted)
be free from arbitrary restraint or servitude. The term
cannot be dwarfed into mere freedom from physical In determining that the interest invoked by the State was
restraint of the person of the citizen, but is deemed to not sufficiently compelling to justify intrusion of the patrons'
embrace the right of man to enjoy the faculties with which privacy rights, this Court weighed the State's need for the
he has been endowed by his Creator, subject only to such "promotion of public morality" as against the individual
restraint as are necessary for the common welfare.'' .. . In patrons' "liberty to make the choices in [their] lives," thus:
accordance with this case, the rights of the citizen to be free
The promotion of public welfare and a sense of morality which takes great pains at a nuanced approach to children.
among citizens deserves the full endorsement of the Republic Act No. 9344 meticulously defines a "child at risk"
judiciary provided that such measures do not trample rights and a "child in conflict with the law" and distinguishes them
this Court is sworn to protect ... from the generic identification of a "child" as any "person
under the age of eighteen (18) years." 54 These concepts
.... were adopted precisely to prevent a lackadaisical reduction
to a wholesale and indiscriminate concept, consistent with
[T]he continuing progression of the human story has seen the protection that is proper to a vulnerable sector. The
not only the acceptance of the right-wrong distinction, but assailed ordinances' broad and sweeping determination of
also the advent of fundamental liberties as the key to the presence in the streets past defined times as delinquencies
enjoyment of life to the fullest. Our democracy is warranting the imposition of sanctions tend to run afoul of
distinguished from non-free societies not with any more the carefully calibrated attitude of Republic Act No. 9344
extensive elaboration on our part of what is moral and and the protection that the Constitution mandates. For
immoral, but from our recognition that the individual liberty these, a strict consideration of the assailed ordinances is
to make the choices in our lives is innate, and protected by equally proper.
the State.52 (Citation omitted)
Apart from impinging upon fundamental rights, the assailed
ordinances define status offenses. They identify and restrict The apparent factual bases for the
offenders, not purely on the basis of prohibited acts or assailed ordinances are tenuous at best.
omissions, but on the basis of their inherent personal
condition. Altogether and to the restriction of all other To prove the necessity of implementing curfew ordinances,
persons, minors are exclusively classified as potential respondents City of Manila and Quezon City provide
offenders. What is potential is then made real on a passive statistical data on the number of Children in Conflict with
basis, as the commission of an offense relies merely on the Law (CICL).55 Quezon City's data is summarized as
presence in public places at given times and not on the follows:56
doing of a conclusively noxious act.
Year No. of Barangay Barangays No. of Total
The assailed ordinances' adoption and implementation Barangays with without Barangays no. of
concern a prejudicial classification. The assailed ordinances submissions submissions with Zero CICL
are demonstrably incongruent with the Constitution's CICL
unequivocal nurturing attitude towards the youths and
whose mandate is to "promote and protect their physical, 2013 142 102 (January 40 (January Not 2677
moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being."53 to June) to June) provided
44 (July to 98 (July to
December) December)
This attitude is reflected in Republic Act No. 9344, otherwise
known as the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006, 2014 142 119 (January 23 (January 32 (January 2937
to June) to June) to June) YEAR NUMBER OF CICL
82 (July to 60 (July to 25 (July to
December) December) December) 2015 845

2015 142 142 0 51 4778 January to June 2016 524

The data submitted, however, is inconclusive to prove that The Department of Social Welfare of Manila submits that for
the city is so overrun by juvenile crime that it may as well January to August 2016, there was a total of 480 CICLs as
be totally rid of the public presence of children at specified part of their Zero Street Dwellers Campaign. 59 Of the 480
times. While there is a perceptively raised number of CICLs minors, 210 minors were apprehended for curfew violations,
in Quezon City, the data fails to specify the rate of these not for petty crimes.60 Again, the data fails to account for
figures in relation to the total number of minors and, thus, the percentage of CICLs as against the total number of
fails to establish the extent to which CICLs dominate the minors in Manila.
city. As to geographical prevalence that may justify a city-
wide prohibition, a substantial number of barangays The ponencia cites Shleifer v. City of Charlottesville,61 a
reported not having CICLs for the entire year. As to United States Court of Appeals case, as basis for examining
prevalence that stretches across the relative maturity of all the validity of curfew ordinances in Metro Manila. Far from
who may be considered minors (e.g., grade-schoolers as supporting the validity of the assailed
against adolescents), there was also no data showing the ordinances, Shleifer discounts it. Shleifer relies on
average age of these CICLs. unequivocally demonstrated scientific and empirical data on
the rise of juvenile crime and the emphasis on juvenile
The City of Manila's data, on the other hand, is too safety during curfew hours in Charlottesville, Virginia. Here,
conflicting to be authoritative. The data reports of the while local government units adduced data, there does not
Manila Police Department, as summarized in the appear to have been a well-informed effort as to these
ponencia,57 state: data's processing, interpretation, and correlation with
avowed policy objectives.


With incomplete and inconclusive bases, the concerned local
2014 74 government units' justifications of reducing crime and
sweeping averments of "peace and order" hardly sustain a
2015 30 rational basis for the restriction of minors' movement during
January to June 2016 75 curfew hours. If at all, the assertion that curfew restrictions
ipso facto equate to the reduction of CICLs appears to be a
gratuitous conclusion. It is more sentimental than logical.
The Department of Social Welfare and Development of the Lacking in even a rational basis, it follows that there is no
City of Manila has vastly different numbers. As summarized support for the more arduous requirement of demonstrating
in the ponencia:58 that the assailed ordinances support a compelling state
V merely "reasonably related." Moreover, equal protection
became a source of ends scrutiny as well: legislation in the
It has not been demonstrated that the curfews areas of the new equal protection had to be justified by
effected by the assailed ordinances are the least "compelling" state interests, not merely the wide spectrum
restrictive means for achieving their avowed of "legitimate" state ends.
Furthermore, the legislature must adopt the least
The strict scrutiny test not only requires that the challenged burdensome or least drastic means available for achieving
law be narrowly tailored in order to achieve compelling the governmental objective.62 (Citations omitted)
governmental interests, it also requires that the
mechanisms it adopts are the least burdensome or least The governmental interests to be protected must not only
drastic means to achieve its ends: be reasonable. They must be compelling. Certainly, the
promotion of public safety is compelling enough to restrict
Fundamental rights which give rise to Strict Scrutiny include certain freedoms. It does not, however, suffice to make a
the right of procreation, the right to marry, the right to generic, sweeping averment of public safety.
exercise. First Amendment freedoms such as free speech,
political expression, press, assembly, and so forth, the right To reiterate, respondents have not shown adequate data to
to travel, and the right to vote. prove that an imposition of curfew lessens the number of
CICLs. Respondents further fail to provide data on the
Because Strict Scrutiny involves statutes which either frequency of crimes against unattended minors during
classifies on the basis of an inherently suspect characteristic curfew hours. Without this data, it cannot be concluded that
or infringes fundamental constitutional rights, the the safety of minors is better achieved if they are not
presumption of constitutionality is reversed; that is, such allowed out on the streets during curfew hours.
legislation is assumed to be unconstitutional until the
government demonstrates otherwise. The government must While the ponencia holds that the Navotas and Manila
show that the statute is supported by a compelling Ordinances tend to restrict minors' fundamental rights, it
governmental interest and the means chosen to accomplish found that the Quezon City Ordinance is narrowly tailored to
that interest are narrowly tailored. Gerald Gunther explains achieve its objectives. The Quezon City Ordinance's
as follows: statement of its objectives reads:

... The intensive review associated with the new equal WHEREAS ... the children, particularly the minors, appear to
protection imposed two demands a demand not only as to be neglected of their proper care and guidance, education,
means but also as to ends. Legislation qualifying for strict and moral development, which led them into exploitation,
scrutiny required a far closer fit between classification and drug addiction, and become vulnerable to and at the risk of
statutory purpose than the rough and ready flexibility committing criminal offenses;
traditionally tolerated by the old equal protection: means
had to be shown "necessary" to achieve statutory ends, not ....
WHEREAS, as a consequence, most of minor children In order to achieve these objectives,64 the ponencia cites
become out-of-school youth, unproductive by-standers, the ordinances' exemptions, which it found to be
street children, and member of notorious gangs who stay, "sufficiently safeguard[ing] the minors' constitutional
roam around or meander in public or private roads, streets rights":65
or other public places, whether singly or in groups, without
lawful purpose or justification; SECTION 4. EXEMPTIONS - Minor children under the
following circumstances shall not be covered by the
WHEREAS, to keep themselves away from the watch and provisions of this ordinance:
supervision of the barangay officials and other authorities,
these misguided minor children preferred to converge or (a) Those accompanied by their parents or guardian;
flock together during the night time until the wee hours of
the morning resorting to drinking on the streets and other (b) Those on their way to or from a party, graduation ceremony,
public places, illegal drug use and sometimes drug peddling, religious mass, and/or other extra-curricular activities of their
engaging in troubles and other criminal activities which school or organization wherein their attendance are required or
often resulted to bodily injuries and loss of lives; otherwise indispensable, or when such minors are out and unable to
go home early due to circumstances beyond their control as verified
by the proper authorities concerned; and
WHEREAS, reports of barangay officials and law
enforcement agencies reveal that minor children roaming (c) Those attending to, or in experience of, an emergency situation such
around, loitering or wandering in the evening are the as conflagration, earthquake, hospitalization, road accident, law
frequent personalities involved in various infractions of city enforcers encounter, and similar incidents;
ordinances and national laws;
(d) When the minor is engaged in an authorized employment activity,
or going to or returning home from the same place of employment
WHEREAS, it is necessary in the interest of public order and activity, without any detour or stop;
safety to regulate the movement of minor children during
night time by setting disciplinary hours, protect them from (e) When the minor is in motor vehicle or other travel accompanied by
neglect, abuse, cruelty and exploitation, and other an adult in no violation of this Ordinance;
conditions prejudicial or detrimental to their development;
(f) When the minor is involved in an emergency;

WHEREAS, to strengthen and support parental control on (g) When the minor is out of his/her residence attending an official
these minor children, there is a need to put a restraint on school, religious, recreational, educational, social, community or
the tendency of a growing number of the youth spending other similar private activity sponsored by the city, barangay,
their nocturnal activities wastefully, especially in the face of school or other similar private civic/religious organization/group
the unabated rise of criminality and to ensure that the (recognized by the community) that supervises the activity or when
dissident elements in society are not provided with potent the minor is going to or returning home from such activity, without
any detour or stop; and
avenues for furthering their nefarious activities[.]63
(h) When the minor can present papers certifying that he/she is a
student and was dismissed from his/her class/es in the evening or
that he/she is a working student.66 Imposing a curfew on minors merely on the assumption that
it can keep them safe from crime is not the least restrictive
means to achieve this objective. Petitioners suggest street
The ponencia states: lighting programs, installation of CCTVs in street comers,
and visible police patrol.69 Public safety is better achieved by
[T]he Quezon City Ordinance, in truth, only prohibits effective police work, not by clearing streets of children en
unsupervised activities that hardly contribute to the well- masse at night. Crimes can just as well occur in broad
being of minors who publicly loaf and loiter within the daylight and children can be just as susceptible in such an
locality at a time where danger is perceivably more environment. Efficient law enforcement, more than
prominent.67 sweeping, generalized measures, ensures that children will
be safe regardless of what time they are out on the streets.
The ponencia unfortunately falls into a hasty generalization.
It generalizes unattended minors out in the streets during The assailed ordinances' deficiencies only serve to highlight
curfew hours as potentially, if not actually, engaging in their most disturbing aspect: the imposition of a curfew only
criminal activities, merely on the basis that they are not burdens minors who are living in poverty.
within the bounds of the stated exemptions. It is evident,
however, that the exemptions are hardly exhaustive. For instance, the Quezon City Ordinance targets minors who
are not traditionally employed as the exemptions require
Consider the dilemma that petitioner Villegas faces when that the minor be engaged in "an authorized employment
she goes out at night to buy food from a convenience store activity." Curfew violators could include minors who scour
because the rest of her family is already asleep. 68 As a garbage at night looking for food to eat or scraps to sell.
Quezon City resident, she violates the curfew merely for The Department of Social Welfare and Development of
wanting to buy food when she gets home from school. Manila reports that for 2016, 2,194 minors were turned
over as part of their Zero Street Dwellers Campaign. 70 The
It may be that a minor is out with friends or a minor was greater likelihood that most, if not all, curfew violators will
told to make a purchase at a nearby sari-sari store. None of be street children—who have no place to even come home
these is within the context of a "party, graduation to—than actual CICLs. So too, those caught violating the
ceremony, religious mass, and/or other extra-curricular ordinance will most likely have no parent or guardian to
activities of their school and organization" or part of an fetch them from barangay halls.
"official school, religious, recreational, educational, social,
community or other similar private activity." Still, these An examination of Manila Police District's data on CICLs
activities are not criminal or nefarious. To the contrary, show that for most of the crimes committed, the motive is
socializing with friends, unsavorily portrayed as mere poverty, not a drive for nocturnal escapades. 71 Thus, to
loafing or loitering as it may be, contributes to a person's lessen the instances of juvenile crime, the government must
social and psychological development. Doing one's chores is first alleviate poverty, not impose a curfew. Poverty
within the scope of respecting one's elders. alleviation programs, not curfews, are the least restrictive
means of preventing indigent children from turning to a life
of criminality.
VI established rule is that "one to whom application of a
statute is constitutional will not be heard to attack the
The assailed ordinances give statute on the ground that impliedly it might also be taken
unbridled discretion to law enforcers. as applying to other persons or other situations in which its
application might be unconstitutional." As has been pointed
The assailed ordinances are deficient not only for failing to out, "vagueness challenges in the First Amendment context,
provide the least restrictive means for achieving their like overbreadth challenges typically produce facial
avowed ends but also in failing to articulate safeguards and invalidation, while statutes found vague as a matter of due
define limitations that foreclose abuses. process typically are invalidated [only] 'as applied' to a
particular defendant." Consequently, there is no basis for
petitioner's claim that this Court review the Anti-Plunder
In assailing the lack of expressed standards for identifying
Law on its face and in its entirety.76
minor, petitioners invoke the void for vagueness doctrine.72

The difference between a facial challenge and an as-applied

The doctrine is explained in People v. Nazario:73
challenge is settled. As explained in Southern Hemisphere
Engagement Network v. Anti-Terrorism Council:77
As a rule, a statute or act may be said to be vague when it
lacks comprehensible standards that men "of common
Distinguished from an as-applied challenge which considers
intelligence must necessarily guess at its meaning and differ
only extant facts affecting real litigants, a facial invalidation
as to its application.'' It is repugnant to the Constitution in
is an examination of the entire law, pinpointing its flaws and
two respects: (1) it violates due process for failure to accord
defects, not only on the basis of its actual operation to the
persons, especially the parties targeted by it, fair notice of
parties, but also on the assumption or prediction that its
the conduct to avoid; and (2) it leaves law enforcers
very existence may cause others not before the court to
unbridled discretion in carrying out its provisions and
refrain from constitutionally protected speech or
becomes an arbitrary flexing of the Government muscle.74
activities.78 (Citation omitted)
While facial challenges of a statute on the ground of
Thus, to invalidate a law with penal provisions, such as the
vagueness is permitted only in cases involving alleged
assailed ordinances, as-applied parties must assert actual
transgressions against the right to free speech, penal laws
violations of their rights and not prospective violations of
may nevertheless be invalidated for vagueness "as applied."
the rights of third persons. In Imbong v. Ochoa:79
In Estrada v. Sandiganbayan:75

In relation to locus standi, the "as applied challenge"

[T]he doctrines of strict scrutiny, overbreadth, and
embodies the rule that one can challenge the
vagueness are analytical tools developed for testing "on
constitutionality of a statute only if he asserts a violation of
their faces" statutes in free speech cases or, as they are
his own rights. The rule prohibits one from challenging the
called in American law, First Amendment cases. They
constitutionality of the statute grounded on a violation of
cannot be made to do service when what is involved is a
criminal statute. With respect to such statute, the
the rights of third persons not before the court. This rule is SECTION 7. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT/PARTICIPATION -
also known as the prohibition against third-party standing. 80 Any person who has personal knowledge of the existence of
any minor during the wee hours as provided under Section
The ponencia states that petitioners' invocation of the void 3 hereof, must immediately call the attention of the
for vagueness doctrine is improper. It reasons that barangay.83
petitioners failed to point out any ambiguous provision in
the assailed ordinances.81 It then proceeds to examine the The ponencia asserts that Republic Act No. 9344, Section
provisions of the ordinances, vis-a-vis their alleged defects, 784 addresses the lacunae as it articulates measures for
while discussing how these defects may affect minors and determining age. However, none of the assailed ordinances
parents who are not parties to this case. In effect, the actually refers law enforcers to extant statutes. Their
ponencia engaged in a facial examination of the assailed actions and prerogatives are not actually limited whether by
ordinances. This facial examination is an improper exercise the assailed ordinances' express provisions or by implied
for the assailed ordinances, as they are penal laws that do invocation. True, Republic Act No. 9344 states its
not ostensibly involve the right to free speech. prescriptions but the assailed ordinances' equivocation by
silence reduces these prescriptions to mere suggestions, at
The more appropriate stance would have been to examine best, or to mere afterthoughts of a justification, at worst.
the assailed ordinances, not in isolation, but in the context
of the specific cases pleaded by petitioners. Contrary to the Thus, the lack of sufficient guidelines gives law enforcers
ponencia's position, the lack of specific provisions in the "unbridled discretion in carrying out [the assailed
assailed ordinances indeed made them vague, so much so ordinances'] provisions."85 The present Petition illustrates
that actual transgressions into petitioner's rights were how this has engendered abusive and even absurd
made. situations.

The questioned Navotas and City of Manila Ordinances do Petitioner Mark Leo Delos Reyes (Delos Reyes), an 18-year-
not state any guidelines on how law enforcement agencies old—no longer a minor—student, recalled that when he was
may determine if a person apprehended is a minor. apprehended for violating the curfew, he showed the
barangay tanod his registration card. Despite his
For its part, Section 5(h) of the Quezon City ordinance presentation of an official document, the barangay tanod
provides: refused to believe him. Delos Reyes had to resort to
showing the barangay tanod his hairy legs for the tanod to
(h) Determine the age of the child pursuant to Section 7 of let him go.86
this Act;82
Petitioner Baccutan likewise alleged that he and his friends
However, the Section 7 it refers to provides no guidelines were apprehended by 10 barangay tanods for violating
on the identification of age. It merely states that any curfew even though he was already 19 years old at that
member of the community may call the attention of time. He alleged that he and his friends were told to
barangay officials if they see minors during curfew hours: perform 200 squats and if they refused, they would be
framed up for a crime. They were released only when the The doctrine became entrenched in the United States, even
aunt of one (1) of his friends arrived.87 as it gained independence and developed its own legal
tradition. In Late Corporation of Church of Jesus Christ v.
These instances illustrate how predicaments engendered by United States,92 the United States Supreme Court
enforcing the assailed ordinances have not been resolved by explained parens patriae as a beneficent state power and
"simply presenting any competent proof of not an arbitrary royal prerogative:
identification"88 considering that precisely, the assailed
ordinances state no mandate for law enforcers to check This prerogative of parens patriae is inherent in the
proof of age before apprehension. Clear and explicit supreme power of every State, whether that power is
guidelines for implementation are imperative to foreclose lodged in a royal person or in the legislature, and has no
further violations of petitioners' due process rights. In the affinity to those arbitrary powers which are sometimes
interim, the assailed statutes must be invalidated on exerted by irresponsible monarch to the great detriment of
account of their vagueness. the people and the destruction of their liberties. On the
contrary, it is a most beneficent function, and often
VII necessary to be exercised in the interest of humanity,
and for the prevention of injury to those who cannot
The doctrine of parens patriae protect themselves.93 (Emphasis supplied.)
does not sustain the assailed ordinances.
In the same case, the United States Supreme Court
The doctrine of parens patriae fails to justify the intrusions emphasized that the exercise of parens patriae applies "to
into parental prerogatives made by the assailed ordinances. the beneficiaries of charities, who are often incapable of
The State acts as parens patriae in the protection of minors vindicating their rights, and justly look for protection to the
only when there is a clear showing of neglect, abuse, or sovereign authority."94 It is from this reliance and
exploitation. It cannot, on its own, decide on how children expectation of the people that a state stands as "parent of
are to be reared, supplanting its own wisdom to that of the nation."95
American colonial rule and the adoption of American legal
The doctrine of parens patriae is of Anglo-American, traditions that it entailed facilitated our own jurisdiction's
common law origin. It was understood to have "emanate[d] adoption of the doctrine of parens patriae.96 Originally, the
from the right of the Crown to protect those of its subjects doctrine was understood as "the inherent power and
who were unable to protect themselves." 89 It was the King's authority of the state to provide protection of the person
"royal prerogative"90 to "take responsibility for those without and property of a person non sui juris."97
capacity to look after themselves."91 At its outset, parens
patriae contemplated situations where vulnerable persons However, significant developments have smce calibrated
had no means to support or protect themselves. Given this, our own understanding and application of the doctrine.
it was the duty of the State, as the ultimate guardian of the
people, to safeguard its citizens' welfare.
Article II, Section 12 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution State's role in the upbringing of children.101 In Nery, this
provides: Court alluded to the State's supreme authority to
exercise parens patriae. Nery was decided in 1972, when
Section 12.... The natural and primary right and duty of the 1935 Constitution was in operation.102 It stated:
parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and
the development of moral character shall receive the [W]here minors are involved, the State acts as parens
support of the Government. (Emphasis supplied.) patriae. To it is cast the duty of protecting the rights of
persons or individual[s] who because of age or incapacity
It is only the 1987 Constitution which introduced the are in an unfavorable position, vis-a-vis other parties.
qualifier "primary." The present Article II, Section 12's Unable as they are to take due care of what concerns them,
counterpart provision in the 1973 Constitution merely they have the political community to look after their
referred to "[t]he natural right and duty of parents": welfare. This obligation the state must live up to. It cannot
be recreant to such a trust.103
Section 4.... The natural right and duty of parents in the
rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and the development This outmoded temperament is similarly reflected in the
of moral character shall receive the aid and support of the 1978 case of Vasco v. Court of Appeals,104 where, without
Government.98 moderation or qualification, this Court asserted that "the
State is considered the parens patriae of minors.''105
As with the 1973 Constitution, the 1935 Constitution also
merely spoke of"[t]he natural right and duty of parents": In contrast, Imbong v. Ochoa,106 a cased decided by this
Court in 2014, unequivocally characterized parents' rights
Section 4. . . . The natural right and duty of parents in the as being "superior" to the state:
rearing of the youth for civic efficiency should receive the
aid and support of the government.99 Section 12, Article II of the 1987 Constitution provides that
the natural and primary right and duty of parents in the
The addition of the qualifier "primary" unequivocally attests rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and development of
to the constitutional intent to afford primacy and moral character shall receive the support of the
preeminence to parental responsibility. More plainly stated, Government. Like the 1973 Constitution and the 1935
the Constitution now recognizes the superiority of parental Constitution, the 1987 Constitution affirms the State
prerogative. It follows, then, that state interventions, which recognition of the invaluable role of parents in preparing the
are tantamount to deviations from the preeminent and youth to become productive members of society. Notably, it
superior rights of parents, are permitted only in instances places more importance on the role of parents in the
where the parents themselves have failed or have become development of their children by recognizing that said role
incapable of performing their duties. shall be "primary, " that is, that the right of parents in
upbringing the youth is superior to that of the
State.107 (Emphasis supplied)
Shifts in constitutional temperament contextualize Nery v.
Lorenzo,100 the authority cited by ponencia in explaining the
Thus, the State acts as parens patriae only when parents beyond the conventional capacities of parents, and
cannot fulfill their role, as in cases of neglect, abuse, or therefore, it was necessary for the State to intervene in
exploitation: order to protect the interests of the child.

The State as parens patriae affords special protection to In People v. Baylon110 and other rape cases,111 this Court
children from abuse, exploitation and other conditions held that a rigorous application of the penal law is in order,
prejudicial to their development. It is mandated to provide since "[t]he state, as parens patriae, is under the obligation
protection to those of tender years. Through its laws, the to minimize the risk of harm to those, who, because of their
State safeguards them from everyone, even their own minority, are as yet unable to take care of themselves
parents, to the end that their eventual development as fully."112 In these criminal cases where minor children were
responsible citizens and members of society shall not be victims, this Court, acting as the representative of the State
impeded, distracted or impaired by family acrimony.108 exercising its parens patriae power, was firm in imposing
the appropriate penalties for the crimes—no matter how
As it stands, the doctrine of parens patriae is a mere severe—precisely because it was the only way to mitigate
substitute or supplement to parents' authority over their further harm to minors. Parens patriae is also the reason
children. It operates only when parental authority is why "a child is presumed by law to be incapable of giving
established to be absent or grossly deficient. The wisdom rational consent to any lascivious act or sexual intercourse,"
underlying this doctrine considers the existence of as this Court held in People v. Malto.113 Again, these State
harm and the subsequent inability of the person to protect actions are well outside the conventional capabilities of the
himself or herself. This premise entails the incapacity of parents and in no way encroach on the latter's authority.
parents and/or legal guardians to protect a child.
Such assistive and justified regulation is wanting in this
To hold otherwise is to afford an overarching and almost case.
absolute power to the State; to allow the Government to
arbitrarily exercise its parens patriae power might as well VIII
render the superior Constitutional right of parents inutile.
In my view, the interpretation that this Court gives to
More refined applications of this doctrine reflect this Section 4, item (a) of the Quezon City Ordinance will
position. In these instances where the State exercised its sufficiently narrowly tailor its application so as to save it
powers over minors on account of parens patriae, it was from its otherwise apparent breach of fundamental
only because the children were prejudiced and it constitutional principles. Thus, in the ponencia of Justice
was without subverting the authority of the parents Estela Perlas-Bernabe:
themselves when they have not acted in manifest offense
against the rights of their children. To note, there is no lack of supervision when a parent duly
authorizes his/her minor child to run lawful errands or
Thus, in Bernabe v. Alejo,109parens patriae was exercised in engage in legitimate activities during the night,
order to give the minor his day in court. This is a matter notwithstanding curfew hours. As astutely observed by
Senior Associate Justice Antonio T. Carpio and Associate MORELAND, J.:
Justice Marvic M.V.F. Leonen during the deliberations on
this case, parental permission is implicitly considered as an The defendant in this case was accused of the crime of murder
exception found in Section 4, item (a) of the Quezon City committed, as alleged in the information, as follows:
Ordinance, i.e., "[t]hose accompanied by their parents or
guardian", as accompaniment should be understood not That on or about the 26th day of January of this year, the
only in its actual but also in its constructive sense. As the said accused, with the intention of killing Feliciano Sanchez,
Court sees it, this should be the reasonable construction of invited him to hunt wild chickens, and, upon reaching the
this exception so as to reconcile the juvenile curfew forest, with premeditation shot him in the breast with a
measure with the basic premise that State interference is shotgun which destroyed the heart and killed the said
not superior but only complementary to parental Sanchez, and afterwards, in order to hide the crime, buried
supervision. After all, as the Constitution itself prescribes, the body of the deceased in a well. The motive is unknown.
the parents' right to rear their children is not only natural The premeditation consists in that the accused had prepared
but primary. his plans to take the deceased to the forest, there to kill him,
so that no one could see it, and to bury him afterwards
secretly in order that the crime should remain unpunished.
Of course, nothing in this decision will preclude a stricter
review in a factual case whose factual ambient will be
The defendant was found guilty of homicide by the Court of First
different. Accordingly, for these reasons, I concur in the
Instance of the Province of Tarlac and sentenced to fourteen years
result. eight months and one day of reclusion temporal, accessories,
indemnification and costs. The defendant appealed.
There is very little dispute about the facts in this case, in fact no
Republic of the Philippines dispute at all as to the important facts. The accused was a
SUPREME COURT landowner. On the morning of the 26th of January, 1909, he, with
Manila Bernardino Tagampa, Casimiro Pascual, Valeriano Paulillo, and
Juan Arellano, went to work on a malecon  or dam on his land. The
EN BANC defendant took with him a shotgun and a few shells, with the
intention to hunt wild chickens after he had set his laborers at work.
G.R. No. L-5418             February 12, 1910 He remained with his laborers an hour or so and then went a short
distance away across a stream to see how the alteration which he
had made in the malecon affected the flow of water from the rice
THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellee, filed on the other side of the stream. He carried his shotgun with him
vs. across the stream. On the other side of the stream he met the
CECILIO TAÑEDO, defendant-appellant. deceased, who, with his mother and uncle, had been living in a small
shack for a month or so during the rice-harvesting season. The
O'Brien & De Witt, for appellant. accused asked the uncle of the deceased where he could find a
Office of the Solicitor-General Harvey, for appellee. good place in which to hunt wild chickens. The uncle was lying on
the floor in the interior of the shack sick of fever. The deceased, a
young man about 20 years of age, was working at something under they disappeared for some time. Tagampa says that they went a little
a manga tree a short distance from the shack. Although the accused way toward the woods and came back. The accused says that they
directed his question to the uncle inside of the shack, the deceased went to the place where the body of the deceased lay and removed it
answered the question and pointed out in a general way a portion of to a place in the cogon grass where it would not be easily observed.
the forest near the edge of which stood the shack. There is some It is certain, however, that the body was concealed in the cogon
contradiction between the testimony of the accused and the grass. During the afternoon Tagampa left the malecon, where his
Government witnesses just at this point. The uncle of the deceased fellow laborers were working, probably to hunt for a place in which to
testified that the boy and the accused invited each other mutually to hide the body. The rest of the laborers saw the witness Yumul take
hunt wild chickens and that the accused accepted the invitation. The the chicken which had been killed by the accused. He delivered it to
accused, however, testified that he did not invite the deceased to go the wife of the accused, who testified that she received the chicken
hunting with him, neither did the deceased go with him, but that he from Yumul and that it had been killed by a gunshot wound. That
remained under the manga tree "trying something." At any rate the evening the accused and Tagampa went together to dispose of the
accused went into the forest with his gun. What took place there is body finally. They took it from the cogon grass where it lay concealed
unknown to anybody except the accused. Upon that subject he and carried it about seventeen or eighteen hundred meters from the
testified as follows: place where it had originally fallen, and buried it in an old well,
covering it with straw and earth and burning straw on top of the well
And after Feliciano Sanchez pointed out that place to me, for the purpose of concealing it. Tagampa said that he helped the
that place where the wild chickens were to be found, I accused dispose of the body because he was afraid of him, although
proceeded to hunt, because, in the first place, if I could kill he admits that the accused in no way threatened or sought to compel
some wild chickens we would have something to eat on that him to do so. The defendant prior to the trial denied all knowledge of
day. So when I arrived at that place I saw a wild chickens the death of the deceased or the whereabouts of the body. On the
and I shot him. And after I shot that chicken I heard a human trial, however, he confessed his participation in the death of the
cry. I picked up the chicken and went near the place where I deceased and told the story substantially as above.
heard the noise, and after I saw that I had wounded a man I
went back toward the malecon, where my companions were So far as can be ascertained from the evidence the prior relations
working, running back, and when I arrived there I left my between the accused and the deceased had been normal. The
shotgun behind or by a tree not far from where my deceased was a tenant on land belonging to a relative of the
companions were working; and I called Bernardino Tagampa accused. There was no enmity and no unpleasant relations between
to tell him about the occurrence, and to him I told of that them. No attempt was made to show any. There appears to have
occurence because he is my friend and besides that he was been no motive whatever for the commission of the crime. The
a relative of the deceased, and when Tagampa heard of this Government has not attempted to show any. The only possible
he and myself went together to see the dead body. reason that the accused could have for killing the deceased would be
found in the fact of a sudden quarrel between them during the hunt.
Only one shot was heard that morning and a chicken was killed by That idea is wholly negative by the fact that the chicken and the man
gunshot wound. Chicken feathers were found in considerable were shot at the same time, there having been only one shot fired.
qualities at the point where the chicken was shot and where the
accident occurred. The defendant within a few minutes after the Article 1 of the Penal Code says:
accident went out of the woods to the malecon  where he had left his
laborers at work, carrying the dead chicken with him. The accused Crimes or misdemeanors are voluntary acts and omissions
called Bernardino Tagampa, on of the laborers, to go with him and punished by law.
Acts and omissions punished by law are always presumed to preponderance of the evidence, because there is a denial of
be voluntary unless the contrary shall appear. intentional killing, and the burden is upon the State to show
that it was intentional, and if, from a consideration of all the
Article 8, subdivision 8, reads as follows: evidence, both that for the State and the prisoner, there is a
reasonable doubt as to whether or not the killing was
accidental or intentional, the jury should acquit. . . . But
He who, while performing a legal act with due care, causes
where accidental killing is relied upon, the prisoner admits
some injury by mere accident without liability or intention of
the killing but denies that it was intentional. Therefore, the
causing it.
State must show that it was intentional, and it is clearly error
to instruct the jury that the defendant must show that it was
Section 57 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is as follows: an accident by a preponderance of the testimony, and
instruction B in the Cross case was properly held to be
A defendant in a criminal action shall be presumed to be erroneous.
innocent until the contrary is proved, and in case of a
reasonable doubt that his guilt is satisfactorily shown he In 3 L. R. A., N. S., page 1163, it is said:
shall be entitled to an acquittal.
Evidence of misadventure gives rise to an important issue in
The American doctrine is substantially the same. It is uniformly held a prosecution for homicide, which must be submitted to the
that if life is taken by misfortune or accident while in the performance jury. And since a plea of misadventure is a denial of criminal
of a lawful act executed with due care and without intention of doing intent (or its equivalent) which constitutes an essential
harm, there is no criminal liability. (Tidwell vs. State, 70 Ala., 33; element in criminal homicide, to warrant a conviction it must
State vs. Benham, 23 Ia., 154, 92 Am. Dec., 417; Bertrong vs. State, be negative by the prosecution beyond a reasonable doubt.
2 Tex. Ap., 160; Williamson vs. State, 2 Ohio C. C., 292; U.
S. vs. Meagher, 37 Fed. Rep., 875; U. S. vs. Castro, Fed. Cas.,
In support of such contention the author cites a number of cases.
14752; State vs. Legg, 3 L. R. A., N. S., 1152.)

We are of the opinion that the evidence is insufficient to support the

In this case there is absolutely no evidence of negligence upon the
judgment of conviction.
part of the accused. Neither is there any question that he was
engaged in the commission of a lawful act when the accident
occurred. Neither is there any evidence of the intention of the The judgment of conviction is, therefore, reversed, the defendant
accused to cause the death of the deceased. The only thing in the acquitted, and his discharge from custody ordered, costs de oficio.
case at all suspicious upon the part of the defendant are his So ordered.
concealment and denial.
Republic of the Philippines
In the case of the State vs. Legg, above referred to, it is said SUPREME COURT
(p.1165): Manila

Where accidental killing is relied upon as a defense, the EN BANC

accused is not required to prove such a defense by a
G.R. No. L-6897             February 15, 1912 time he was run down. Another person, who was near by at the time
of the accident, was Basilio Severaldo, who was engaged in the
THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellee, same work as the deceased but, just prior to the passage of the
vs. automobile, had gone away from the locality where the accident
POLICARPIO TAYONGTONG, defendant-appellant. occurred and saw nothing of what happened. Two other persons,
who have been produced as witnesses for the defendant, allege that
they were present and saw the whole occurrence.
Jose M. Arroyo for appellant.
Acting Attorney-General Harvey for appellee.
Pablo Tayson, who, as we have said, is the only witness for the
prosecution testifying directly to the facts and substantially the only
witness upon whom the prosecution relies for a conviction, testified
that at the time of the accident he and the deceased were located on
The defendant in this case was convicted of the crime of homicide by the left-hand side of the highway going from Iloilo at Jaro; that he
negligence (homicidio por imprudencia temeraria). He appealed, was standing a few feet from the deceased who was also on the
basing his whole case here upon the proposition that the evidence same side of the highway; that the deceased was standing up
does not warrant the conviction. painting the side of the telephone pole toward Jaro; that the
telephone pole was, therefore, between the deceased and Iloilo, the
It appears that on the 19th day of January, 1911, one Severino direction from which the automobile was coming; that the road on
Resume was engaged in painting telephones poles located along the that day was very dusty and the automobile, as he saw it coming
highway between Jaro and Iloilo. On that day he was killed by being from Iloilo toward him and the deceased, was raising a cloud of dust
run over by an automobile driven by the defendant. The highway at which he was drifting to the side of the road upon which he and the
the point where Severino met his death was straight, of considerable deceased were located. This witness further asserted that he saw
width, and in good condition. The telephone pole upon which the automobile when it was within about 1,200 feet of the place
Severino was at work at the time of the accident was outside of the where he stood; that it was coming at a rate of speed variously
beaten portion of the highway and located about 2 feet into the grass termed by him "very fast" and "at full speed;" that, on observing the
at the side. Between it and the edge of the road was a pathway used machine as it approached, he saw that the driver, the accused, was
by people traveling on foot. The machine which caused the death of turning the steering wheel first in one direction and then the other, as
the deceased is a large passengers, and having upon each side and if uncertain what course he was going to pursue; that the machine,
extending about 2 feet out beyond the wheels a rack or other as a consequence, was darting first to one side of the road and then
contrivance for the carrying of parcels, baggage, and freight. It is to the other, thus zigzagging back and forth across the traveled
used solely for the purpose of carrying passengers back and forth portion of the highway; that just before reaching the place where
between Iloilo and Jaro. deceased was painting the telephone pole it crossed to the side of
the road opposite to him and then suddenly started back across the
The accident happened at about 10 o' clock in the morning. The road opposite to him and then suddenly started back across the
automobile was then engaged in making its third trip from Iloilo at road, striking the deceased as he stood painting; that by the impact
Jaro, and was loaded to its fullest capacity. There were several the deceased was thrown upon the ground somewhat toward the
people who claim to have witnessed the accident. One of them, the front of the machine, which was going so fast that, although the
principal witness for the prosecution, and its only witness who saw accused was not within the reach of its wheels, nevertheless, the
the occurrence, named Pablo Tayson, is alleged to have been "suction," as the witness called it, created by the swift passage of the
standing within a few feet of the deceased, talking with him, at the
machine drew the deceased under its wheels where he was run over The accused denies absolutely that portion of the story told by Pablo
and crushed. Tayson in which he alleges that the accused was driving at a high
rate of speed; that he was zigzagging from one side of the road to
From the testimony of the witness it does not appear that the the other; and that he struck the deceased while he stood painting
deceased moved or stirred in any way until he was hit by the the telephone pole.
We are satisfied that the evidence is not sufficient to convict. On the
The accused testified, and produced several witnesses to support his contrary, we believe that, under all of the facts and circumstances of
testimony, that at the time of the accident he was driving the the case, the fair preponderance of the evidence indicates that the
machine, which was loaded to its fullest capacity with passengers deceased met his death in substantially the manner described by the
and baggage, at about 10 to 15 miles an hour; that he was driving in accused. In the first place, the testimony of Pablo Tayson is affected
or near the center of the road and pas to either side; that the by an attack made upon his credibility during the progress of the trial.
machine was under full control and was going steadily and smoothly It was shown that, on the preliminary investigation had by the justice
without deviating to the right or to the left; that on approaching the of the peace, this witness testified, precisely as the accused asserted
place where the witness Pablo Tayson stood he saw him turn his in his evidence, that just as the machine was arriving at a point in the
back toward the road and place his cap over his face in such a way highway opposite him, he, desiring to avoid the unpleasantness of
as to cover his nose, mouth and eyes, evidently to protect them from the dust, turned his back toward the road and covered his face with
the cloud of dust which was rolling from behind the machine over his cap, thereby excluding the dust from his mouth, eyes, and
toward the side of the road on which he was; that the deceased, as nostrils. That he so testified on the preliminary investigation,
the machine approached, probably seeing the cloud of dust which it according to the record thereof, is admitted. In his testimony on the
was raising and which would inevitably drift in his direction, and trial of this case he stated, at first, that he turned his right side to the
observing his companion, Pablo Tayson, under the necessity of road and placed his hand  over the side of his face. leaving his eyes
protecting himself from the dust in the manner described, just before uncovered, so that he was able to see and did see the deceased at
the machine reached a point opposite him, started to cross the road the time he was run down. Upon cross-examination he changed this
to the other side, evidently to escape the dust; that he misjudged the testimony to the extent of saying that he covered the right side of his
distance and started too late; that in attempting to cross he placed face with his cap instead of his hand, maintaining, however, that he
himself squarely in front of the machine; that his movement was so did not cover his eyes and that he was able to see the deceased and
sudden and unexpected and, when he reached the road, he was so all that transpired. When confronted with the evidence which he gave
close to the machine that it was impossible to stop it in time to avert on the preliminary examination, he sought to explain the difference
the catastrophe; that he did everything that was possible to be done between his two declarations by stating that the testimony before the
to avoid the accident; that he put on both brakes as hard as possible justice of the peace, which was reduced to writing and signed by
and turned the machine as much as could be done under the him, was in a different language from that which he was able to
circumstances; that in proof thereof he shows that only the front speak and to speak and that it was not translated so that he knew
wheel of the machine passed over the body of the deceased, it what he was signing.
having been turned by him sufficiently so that the mind wheel missed
him, and that the machine was stopped a very few feet beyond the In the second place, the testimony of this witness is unreasonable. It
point where the accident occurred. The accused testified, and his is improbable that a machine as large as the one in question, going
evidence in this regard is uncontradicted, that he was thoroughly at the rate of speed described by Pablo Tayson, could zigzag from
qualified as a driver, having served his apprenticeship on this very one side of the highway to the other in the manner described by the
road and this very machine before being employed. witness. It is still more improbable that this machine could have
dodged from the right-hand side of the road to the left and, in some It is undisputed evidence of the case that that portion of the machine
unknown manner, picked the deceased out from behind the which struck the deceased first was the mudguard over the left
telephone pole, dragged him into the highway and there run over wheel. This fact alone shows the impossibility of the machine having
him. It is not clear how an automobile can run over a man when it is hit the deceased while standing at the post, as it is admitted that no
admitted that he is on the opposite side of a telephone post from the part of the automobile collided with the post. If the deceased had
machine which ruins him down, with only a portion of his body been at the post, as described by Tayson, the guard could not
extending beyond it. Even if the machine had started toward him in possibly have struck him without the extended portions described
the manner described he would undoubtedly have seen it quickly having struck the post itself.
enough to have passed around the other side of the post and save
himself from being touched. This is especially evident when we On the otherhand, the story told by the accused and supported by
observe that it is admitted that the deceased stood facing the some of the passengers who saw the accident is entirely reasonable,
automobile all the time and could see it plainly and its every accords with common sense and ordinary experience. It was clearly
movement. It is difficult to believe that a machine of the size of the told, in a manner frank and straightforward, was free from
one in question, driven at the high rate of speed alleged by the contradictions and needs no explanation or excuses.
witness, could have turned suddenly, darted toward the ditch, and
struck the deceased while located partly on the opposite side of a We have read with detention the opinion upon which the judgment of
post from the machine without having collided with the post or gone conviction is based. In spite of careful study, we are unable to
into the ditch, it being remembered that the post was not more than 6 discover anything therein that alters our views in relation to the
feet from the ditch. merits. As between the two theories, the one of the prosecution and
the other of the defense, we cannot have, under the evidence and
From the transcription given of the machine it appears, as we have record, any hesitation in choosing. The evidence presented by the
already seen, that there were certain portions of the body of the prosecution itself, and it is upon that evidence alone that the
machine extending over and beyond the wheels, which were used as conviction must stand, every other fact in the record being
receptacles for the baggage and bundles of passengers. This conspicuously in exculpation of the accused, shows the deceased
projection, under the theory of the prosecution, would necessarily standing upon the east side of a telephone pole facing an automobile
have been the portion of the machine to hit the deceased for the coming toward him from the west, about half of his body extending
reason that no other part of the machine could have come in contact beyond the pole toward the highway on his left. On his right was the
with him without the projection referred to striking the telephone pole. highway drainage ditch. The pole was outside of the travelled portion
If this projection is that which struck the deceased first, then he of the highway so far that a footpath lay between it and said traveled
would have been thrown into the ditch away from the machine and portion. The automobile was coming toward him at a high rate of
not into the highway under the machine. This is what would speed, to judge from the evidence of this witness, at least 40 miles
necessarily have happened when we remember that at the time the an hour, possibly more. The machine was not proceeding in a
deceased was struck the machine was going at full speed toward the straight line but it was going from one side of the road to the other.
ditch. It was apparently to avoid the contradiction of his previous Just before arriving opposite the deceased it darted to the right-hand
testimony inherent in this necessary result that the witness testified side of the road and then, turning, it started toward the left-hand side
that the force which prevented the deceased from going into the directly at the deceased. All of these things the deceased saw, yet
ditch and drew him under the machine was the "suction" created by he did not move or attempt to save himself in any way. On the
its rapid passage along the highway. contrary, he stood still and permitted the machine to strike him upon
his left side. Having collided with him, the machines turned back
toward the center of the highway, carrying the deceased with it,
depositing him within the traveled portion of the highway, where it dangers which might be encountered outside of the usually traveled
ran over him. On the other hand, the evidence of the defendant portion of the highway? No explanation of such extraordinary
shows that he was driving the machine at a moderate rate of speed conduct is given in the record and none can be conceived. He was
within the usually traveled portion of the highway, guiding it in a not engaged in taking a party of hilarious companions on a "joy" ride,
substantially straight line and handling it in the usual and ordinary nor in giving an exhibition of his skill in handling an automobile of
manner. The machine, one of extraordinary size and capable of that size and class. It does not appear that he was drunk or foolish.
carrying 35 passengers with their baggage and effects, was He was engaged in a business enterprise, employed by a
incapable of running at the rate of speed described by the businessman purposes. What could possibly have been his purpose
prosecution. Arriving at a point in the highway just in front of the when, or arriving at a point in front of the deceased, he turned his
deceased, the latter, to avoid the cloud of dust which was drifting to automobile across the road and started squarely toward the
his side of the road, started to cross the road to the other side. He telephone pole and the deceased? That he saw the deceased and
miscalculated the time and distance and as a result was struck by that the deceased saw him is admitted. What spirit or purpose could
the automobile and run over. His action in starting across the road have animated him in driving his automobile outside of the highway
was so sudden and unexpected and, when he reached the road, he directly toward not only a telephone post but the drainage ditch itself
was so close to the automobile, that it was impossible to stop the in order to run down an unoffending person? What motive can be
machine in time to save him. The body was picked up within the assigned by the prosecution when it asserts that the accused did this
traveled portion of the highway. unaccountable thing? What purpose does the prosecution allege the
accused sought to subserve when, by this conduct, he placed the
Which of these two stories is the most reasonable? We have no safety of his passengers and of his machine, as well as of himself, at
hesitation in answering. The story of the prosecution presents so stake in thus driving directly toward a place of great danger? Above
many things that are unreasonable and incredible and for which all, why did the deceased stand still, instead of stepping around
there exists in the record no explanation whatever, and concerning behind the post, and permit himself to be crushed to death by the
which no reasonable explanation can give, that it must necessarily machine which he clearly saw bearing down upon him? These
be rejected. Even if, going at such a high rate of speed, the accused unreasonable and accountable things must be satisfactorily
could have driven the automobile from one side of the road to the explained by the prosecution when it is confronted by the statement
other as alleged, what could possibly be his reason for so doing? It of the accused, supported by a number of disinterested witnesses,
was market day at Jaro; this was his third trip; the machine was that none of those things ever occurred. We have already pointed
loaded to its utmost capacity, both with passengers and with out that, giving the story as told by the prosecution credence, it
baggage; he was doubtedly running according to a schedule and would have been little short of an impossibility for the body of the
would have no time to waste in going from one side of the road to the deceased to have found itself in the travelled portion of the highway
other; no reason is suggested and one can be supplied why a driver after the accident. He would inevitably have been driven further away
should handle his machine in the manner described by the only from the highway and toward the ditch by the blow from the machine
witness for the prosecution who saw the whole occurrence. Instead going in the direction in which it was alleged by the prosecution to
of Kepping to the travelled portion of the highway, which was have been going.
admittedly in fine condition, why should the accused go outside of it,
across a foothpath used by pedestrians, and skin alongside of the Turning to the story of the event as given by the defendant and his
telephone poles located on that side? What object could he have had witnesses, we meet nothing that requires explanation. There can,
in thus exposing himself, his passengers, and his machine to the therefore, be no hesitation on our part in accepting the truth of the
risks and dangers of plunging into the drainage ditch or driving story told by the defendant.
against the telephone poles or meeting the other disasters and
Although we have held in a recent case (U. S. vs. Reyes, 10 Off. The appellant was tried in the Court of First Instance of Tayabas
Gaz., 1045), a criminal action for homicide by imprudencia temeraria, upon the following information:
that contributory negligence on the part of the person killed is no
defense, provided the driver of automobile himself was negligent and That on or about January 15, 1928, in the municipality of
that negligence was the proximate cause of the death, nevertheless, Pagbilao, Province of Tayabas, Philippine Islands, and within
that doctrine does not in any way inveigh against the proposition the jurisdiction of this court, the above-named accused, with
which we here assert that, where death is due to the negligence of the intent to kill her husband Benito dela Cruz, with whom
the decedent himself and not to the negligence of the driver of the she was united in lawful marriage, with treachery and by
automobile, the latter cannot be held for homicide. In this case the means of an umbrella, did voluntarily, unlawfully, and
death of the deceased was due entirely to his own negligence. There feloniously assault and attack her said husband Benito de la
is not sufficient reliable proof in the record to establish negligence on Cruz, inflicting a mortal wound in the upper left eyelid, as a
the part of the accused. There being no negligence, he is not result of which said Benito de la Cruz died five (5) days
responsible, no matter what the result of the accident may have thereafter. In violation of article 402 of the Penal Code.
It appears from the record that at about 1 o'clock in the morning of
The judgment of conviction is reversed and the accused acquitted. January 16, 1928, Jose Fajardo, the chief of police of Pagbilao,
Tayabas, was informed by a policeman that one Benito de la Cruz
Republic of the Philippines was drunk, wounded, and vomiting in his house in said municipality.
SUPREME COURT Said chief of police went to the place and found Benito, the
Manila deceased, lying in bed with a wound on his left eyelid, and
unconscious, for he did not answer the questions put to him. When
EN BANC his wife, the defendant Praxedes Ayaya, was questioned as to the
cause of that wound, she replied that it was due to the fact that she
herself had jabbed her husband with an umbrella. Health officer
G.R. No. L-29396             November 9, 1928
Victoriano Litonjua was then called, and upon examining Benito,
found he had a wound on the left upper eyelid which was bleeding:
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, plaintiff-appellee, that his pupils were dilated and, from the odor of his breath and from
vs. his vomiting, it appeared that Benito was drunk. In view of the
PRAXEDES AYAYA, defendant-appellant. wounded man's condition he was later taken to the provincial
hospital of Tayabas, where he died four days after the incident.
G. N. Trinidad for appellant. Health officer Litonjua and Dr. G. Santos Cuyugan, the director of the
Attorney-General Jaranilla for appellee. provincial hospital of Tayabas, who treated the wounded man,
expressed different opinions as to the cause of the death of Benito
de la Cruz. Health officer Litonjua believes that the deceased's
cerebral hemorrhage was due to his alcoholic excesses, whereas
Doctor Cuyugan, who performed the autopsy, declared that the
wound was caused by some blunt instrument and that his death was
caused by the cerebral hemorrhage produced by the wound he had
received in the forehead, and that health officer Litonjua's statement
as to said hemorrhage being due to the alcohol is erroneous. The
trial court found the defendant guilty of the crime alleged in the out of the opening of the door and when she saw him, she jabbed
information, and taking into account that the defendant did not intend him with the umbrella she carried; that she does not know where she
to inflict so grave an injury as she did, and that there had been jabbed him although she thinks it was in the body; and that when she
provocation on the part of the offended party, sentenced her to and her son finally succeeded in entering the house, they found that
fourteen years, eight months and one day reclusion temporal, with Benito was already in bed with a wound in the forehead. The
the accessories of the law, and to pay the heirs of the deceased the accused herself, in her testimony in her own behalf, substantially
sum of P500 by way of indemnity, plus the costs of the action. repeated what she had declared before the justice of the peace of
Pagbilao, stating, however, that when the door was opened and her
The defendant appealed from this judgment, and her attorney, in son put his head between the opening of the door and the wall, in
support of the petition that the judgment appealed from be reversed order to prevent the door from crushing her son's head, she jabbed
and the appellant acquitted with costs de oficio, assigns the following her husband with her umbrella with a downward motion, though she
errors: (1) The trial court erred in holding that the deceased's wound could not tell if she touched him or not. She stated, furthermore, that
on the left upper eyelid was caused by the appellant; (2) supposing, she did not know how the wound in her husband's forehead was
without admitting, that said wound was really caused by the herein caused. This point of the defendant's testimony has not been
appellant, the lower court erred in concluding that said wound was contradicted by any evidence to the contrary; rather it has been
the immediate cause of the death of the deceased and consequently, corroborated by her son Emilio de la Cruz who also testified at the
in convicting the appellant; and (3) the lower court erred in not trial.
acquitting the appellant, at least, for reasonable doubt.
On the other hand, it appears from the testimony of the defendant
The evidence presented by the prosecution to prove that the crime and of her son that the husband and wife did not quarrel in the street
charged, consists of the following: Exhibit A, which is the sworn while returning home on the night in question, and, moreover, that
statement filed by the accused with the justice of the peace of during the marriage they lived together in peace with no
Pagbilao; Exhibit B, which is the umbrella used by the defendant and disagreements between them, either on or before the date of the
with which she jabbed the deceased; Exhibit C, which is the report of incident. lawphi1.net
the autopsy of Benito de la Cruz signed by Doctor Cuyugan; and
Exhibit D, which is the death certificate. In view of the fact that there is no eyewitness of the act herein
prosecuted, with the exception of the defendant and her son Emilio
In the defendant's sworn statement she states, among other things, de la Cruz, we are compelled to accept the declaration of the
that at about 8 o'clock at night on January 15, 1928, she, with her defendant that she jabbed her husband with her umbrella in order to
husband Benito de la Cruz, and her son Emilio, drank tuba in the prevent the door from closing and crushing her son's head which
store of one Felicidad Losloso; that afterwards they went to a was inserted between said door and the wall of the house. Said
cinema; that while returning home and without any warning her defendant, explaining what took place, says in part: "When the door
husband, who was drunk, gave her a blow which she dodged; that was ajar my son went in, and then my husband pushed it and as I
then her husband went home, preceding her and her son and when saw that he was about to crush my son's head, I jabbed my husband
they arrived at the house they found the door closed; that she and with the point of the umbrella, downwards to prevent him from
her son pushed the door and attempted to open it, but her husband, crushing my son's head." We find nothing improbable in this
who was inside, prevented it; that then the door gave way somewhat statement and if we add to this the absence of any reasonable
and her son Emilio succeeded in putting his head between the motive to prompt said defendant to injure her husband, we are
opening of the door and the wall and in order to prevent the door compelled to conclude that in thrusting her umbrella in the opening of
from crushing him, she pushed it; that Benito then poked his head the door in question, she did so to free her son from the imminent
danger of having his head crushed or being strangled; and if she The Regional Trial Court, Branch 25, in Biñan, Laguna (RTC) had
thus caused her husband's injury, it was by a mere accident, without rejected his pleas of self-defense and accident and had declared him
any fault or intention to cause it. This being so, we believe that she guilty of the felony under the judgment rendered on June 22, 2004. 2
incurred no criminal liability in accordance with article 8, No. 8, of the
Penal Code, because, it being a licit act to free her son from the Antecedents
grave danger threatening him, and the fact of having touched the left
eye of her husband, who was behind the door, with the end of her The information filed on November 17, 1995, to which Talampas
umbrella, does not make her criminally liable. (Decision of the pleaded not guilty, averred as follows:3
Supreme Court of Spain of November 30, 1888.)
That on or about July 5, 1995, in the Municipality of Biñan, Province
Whereof the judgment appealed from is reversed, and the appellant of Laguna, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable
Praxedes Ayaya must be, as she hereby is, acquitted, with costs de Court, accused VIRGILIO TALAMPAS, with intent to kill, while
oficio. So ordered. conveniently armed with a short firearm and without any justifiable
cause, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack,
Republic of the Philippines assault and shoot one Ernesto Matic y Masinloc with the said
SUPREME COURT firearm, thereby inflicting upon him gunshot wound at the back of his
Manila body which directly caused his instantaneous death, to the damage
and prejudice of his surviving heirs.
G.R. No. 180219               November 23, 2011
The State presented as witnesses Jose Sevillo, Francisco Matic,
VIRGILIO TALAMPAS y MATIC, Petitioner, Jerico Matic, Dr. Valentin Bernales, and Josephine Matic. The CA
vs. summarized their testimonies thuswise:4
Prosecution witness Jose Sevillo (Jose) who allegedly witnessed the
DECISION incident in question, testified that on July 5, 1995 at about 7:00
o’clock in the evening, he together with Eduardo Matic (Eduardo)
BERSAMIN, J.: and Ernesto Matic (Ernesto) were infront of his house, along the road
in Zona Siete (7), Wawa, Malaban, Biñan, Laguna, repairing his
tricycle when he noticed the appellant who was riding on a bicycle
By petition for review on certiorari, Virgilio Talampas y Matic
passed by and stopped. The latter alighted at about three (3) meters
(Talampas) seeks the review of the affirmance of his conviction for
away from him, walked a few steps and brought out a short gun, a
homicide (for the killing of the late Ernesto Matic y Masinloc) by the
revolver, and poked the same to Eduardo and fired it hitting Eduardo
Court of Appeals (CA) through its decision promulgated on August
who took refuge behind Ernesto. The appellant again fired his gun
16, 2007.1
three (3) times, one shot hitting Ernesto at the right portion of his
back causing him (Ernesto) to fall on the ground with his face down.
Another shot hit Eduardo on his nape and fell down on his back
(patihaya). Thereafter, the appellant ran away, while he (Jose) and
his neighbors brought the victims to the hospital. On June 6, 1995, other; that the revolver had again fired, hitting Eduardo in the thigh;
Jose executed a Sworn Statement at the Biñan Police Station. that he had then seized the revolver and shot Eduardo in the head;
and that he had then fled the scene when people had started
Another witness, Francisco Matic, testified that prior to the death of swarming around.
his brother Ernesto who was then 44 years old, he (Ernesto) was
driving a tricycle on a boundary system and earned ₱100.00 daily, Ruling of the RTC
although not on a regular basis because sometimes Ernesto played
in a band for ₱100.00 per night. On June 22, 2004, the RTC, giving credence to the testimony of
eyewitness Jose Sevilla, found Talampas guilty beyond reasonable
Jerico Matic, eldest son of Ernesto, alleged that he loves his father doubt of homicide,5 and disposed:
and his death was so painful to him that he could not quantify his
feelings in terms of money. The death of his father was a great loss WHEREFORE, premises considered, the court finds the accused
to them as they would not be able to pursue their studies and that guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Homicide, with one
nobody would support them financially considering that the money mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender, and hereby
being sent by their mother in the amount of ₱2,000.00 to ₱2,500.00 sentences him to suffer an indeterminate penalty of
every three (3) months, would not be enough. IMPRISONMENT ranging from TEN (10) years and One (1) day of
prision mayor, as minimum, to FOURTEEN (14) years and EIGHT
Dr. Valentin Bernales likewise, testified that he was the one who (8) months of reclusion temporal, as maximum. He is likewise
conducted the autopsy on the body of Ernesto and found one ordered to pay the heirs of Ernesto Matic y Masinloc the following
gunshot in the body located at the back of the costal area, right side, sums, to wit:
sixteen (16) centimeters from the spinal column. This shot was fatal
as it involved the major organs such as the lungs, liver and the spinal 1. ₱50,000.00 – as and for death indemnity;
column which caused Ernesto’s death.
2. ₱50,000.00 – as and for moral damages;
The last witness, Josephine Matic, wife of Ernesto, testified that her
husband was laid to rest on July 18, 1995 and that his untimely 3. ₱25,000.00 – as and for actual damages; and
death was so painful and that she could not provide her children with
sustenance. She asked for the amount of ₱200,000.00 for her to be
able to send her children to school. 4. ₱30,000.00 – as and for temperate damages.

On his part, Talampas interposed self-defense and accident. He Furnish Public Prosecutor Nofuente, Atty. Navarroza, the private
insisted that his enemy had been Eduardo Matic (Eduardo), not complainant and accused with a copy of this decision.
victim Ernesto Matic (Ernesto); that Eduardo, who was then with
Ernesto at the time of the incident, had had hit him with a monkey SO ORDERED.6
wrench, but he had parried the blow; that he and Eduardo had then
grappled for the monkey wrench; that while they had grappled, he Ruling of the CA
had notice that Eduardo had held a revolver; that he had thus
struggled with Eduardo for control of the revolver, which had Talampas appealed to the CA, contending that:
accidentally fired and hit Ernesto during their struggling with each
I Ruling

THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN FINDING THAT The petition for review is denied for lack of merit.
CRIME CHARGED HAS BEEN PROVEN BEYOND Firstly, the elements of the plea of self-defense are: (a) unlawful
REASONABLE DOUBT. aggression on the part of the victim; (b) reasonable necessity of the
means employed to prevent or repel the unlawful aggression; and (c)
II lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the accused in defending
THAT THE DEATH OF ERNESTO MATIC WAS MERELY In the nature of self-defense, the protagonists should be the accused
ACCIDENTAL. and the victim. The established circumstances indicated that such
did not happen here, for it was Talampas who had initiated the attack
III only against Eduardo; and that Ernesto had not been at any time a
target of Talampas’ attack, he having only happened to be present at
the scene of the attack. In reality, neither Eduardo nor Ernesto had
committed any unlawful aggression against Talampas. Thus,
Talampas was not repelling any unlawful aggression from the victim
(Ernesto), thereby rendering his plea of self-defense unwarranted.

Secondly, Talampas could not relieve himself of criminal liability by

Still, the CA affirmed the conviction based on the RTC’s factual and
invoking accident as a defense. Article 12(4) of the Revised Penal
legal conclusions, and ruled that Talampas, having invoked self-
Code,10 the legal provision pertinent to accident, contemplates a
defense, had in effect admitted killing Ernesto and had thereby
situation where a person is in fact in the act of doing something legal,
assumed the burden of proving the elements of self-defense by
exercising due care, diligence and prudence, but in the process
credible, clear and convincing evidence, but had miserably failed to
produces harm or injury to someone or to something not in the least
discharge his burden.7
in the mind of the actor – an accidental result flowing out of a legal
act.11 Indeed, accident is an event that happens outside the sway of
The CA deleted the award of temperate damages in view of the our will, and although it comes about through some act of our will, it
awarding of actual damages, pointing out that the two kinds of lies beyond the bounds of humanly foreseeable consequences. 12 In
damages were mutually exclusive.8 short, accident presupposes the lack of intention to commit the
wrong done.
The records eliminate the intervention of accident. Talampas
Hence, Talampas is now before the Court, continuing to insist that brandished and poked his revolver at Eduardo and fired it, hitting
his guilt was not proven beyond reasonable doubt, and that the lower Eduardo, who quickly rushed to seek refuge behind Ernesto. At that
courts both erred in rejecting his claim of self-defense and accidental point, Talampas fired his revolver thrice. One shot hit Ernesto at the
death. right portion of his back and caused Ernesto to fall face down to the
ground. Another shot hit Eduardo on the nape, causing Eduardo to
fall on his back. Certainly, Talampas’ acts were by no means lawful, reclusion temporal. Accordingly, the Court must add one day to the
being a criminal assault with his revolver against both Eduardo and maximum term fixed by the lower courts.
The Court finds to be unnecessary the increment of one day as part
And, thirdly, the fact that the target of Talampas’ assault was of the minimum term of the indeterminate sentence. It may be true
Eduardo, not Ernesto, did not excuse his hitting and killing of that the increment did not constitute an error, because the minimum
Ernesto. The fatal hitting of Ernesto was the natural and direct term thus fixed was entirely within the parameters of the
consequence of Talampas’ felonious deadly assault against Indeterminate Sentence Law. Yet, the addition of one day to the 10
Eduardo. Talampas’ poor aim amounted to aberratio ictus, or years as the minimum term of the indeterminate sentence of
mistake in the blow, a circumstance that neither exempted him from Talampas may occasion a degree of inconvenience when it will be
criminal responsibility nor mitigated his criminal liability. Lo que es time for the penal administrators concerned to consider and
causa de la causa, es causa del mal causado (what is the cause of determine whether Talampas is already qualified to enjoy the
the cause is the cause of the evil caused). 13 Under Article 4 of the benefits of the Indeterminate Sentence Law. Hence, in order to
Revised Penal Code,14 criminal liability is incurred by any person simplify the computation of the minimum penalty of the indeterminate
committing a felony although the wrongful act done be different from sentence, the Court deletes the one-day increment from the
that which he intended. minimum term of the indeterminate sentence.

Nonetheless, the Court finds the indeterminate sentence of 10 years WHEREFORE, the Court AFFIRMS the decision promulgated on
and one day of prision mayor, as minimum, to 14 years and eight August 16, 2007 finding VIRGILIO TALAMPAS y MATIC guilty
months, as maximum, legally erroneous. beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of homicide, and IMPOSES
the indeterminate sentence of 10 years of prision mayor, as
The penalty for homicide under Article 246 of the Revised Penal minimum, to 14 years, eight months, and one day of reclusion
Code is reclusion temporal.1avvphi1 Under Section 1 of the temporal, as maximum.
Indeterminate Sentence Law,15 the court, in imposing a prison
sentence for an offense punished by the Revised Penal Code, or its The petitioner shall pay the costs of suit.
amendments, is mandated to prescribe an indeterminate sentence
the maximum term of which shall be that which, in view of the SO ORDERED.
attending circumstances, could be properly imposed under the rules
of the Revised Penal Code, and the minimum term shall be within
Irresistable Force
the range of the penalty next lower to that prescribed by the Revised
Penal Code for the offense. With the absence of aggravating or
mitigating circumstances, the imposable penalty is reclusion Republic of the Philippines
temporal in its medium period, or 14 years, eight months, and one SUPREME COURT
day to 17 years and four months. This is pursuant to Article 64 of the Manila
Revised Penal Code.16 It is such period that the maximum term of the
indeterminate sentence should be reckoned from. Hence, limiting the EN BANC
maximum term of the indeterminate sentence at only 14 years and
eight months contravened the express provision of the Indeterminate G.R. No. 1352            March 29, 1905
Sentence Law, for such penalty was within the minimum period of
THE UNITED STATES, complainant-appelle, As regards the other defendant, Apolonio Caballeros, there is no
vs. proof that he took any part in any way in the execution of the crime
APOLONIO CABALLEROS, ET AL., defendants-appellants. with which he has been charged; there is conclusive proof to the
contrary, since Baculi, as well as one of the witnesses for the
Hipolito Magsalin for appellants. prosecution, Teodoro Sabate, expressly declare that he, Caballeros,
Office of the Solicitor-General Araneta for appellee. did not take any part in the burial of the aforesaid corpses, nor was
he even in the place of the occurrence when the burial took place.
The confession of his supposed liability and guilt, made before an
official of the division of information of the Constabulary, Enrique
Calderon, as the latter states when testifying as a witness, can not
The defendants have been sentenced by the Court of First Instance be considered as legal proof, because the same witness says that
of Cebu to the penalty of seven years of presidio mayor  as Roberto Baculi was the only one of the defendants who made a
accessories after the fact in the crime of assassination or murder confession to him voluntarily. It appears besides, from the
perpetrated on the persons of the American school-teachers Louis A. statements of another witness for the prosecution, Meliton
Thomas, Clyde O. France, John E. Wells, and Ernest Eger, because, Covarrubias, that the confession of Apolonio Caballeros was made
without having taken part in the said crime as principals or as through the promise made to him and to the other defendants that
accomplices, they took part in the burial of the corpses of the victims nothing would be done to them. Confessions which do not appear to
in order to conceal the crime. have been made freely and voluntarily, without force, intimidation, or
promise of pardon, can not be accepted as proof on a trial. (Sec. 4,
The evidence does not justify, in our opinion, this sentence. As Act No. 619 of the Philippine Commission).
regards Roberto Baculi, although he confessed to having assisted in
the burial of the corpses, it appears that he did so because he was The fact of the defendants not reporting to the authorities the
compelled to do so by the murderers of the four teachers. And not perpetration of the crime, which seems to be one of the motives for
only does the defendant affirm this, but he is corroborated by the the conviction and which the court below takes into consideration in
only eyewitness to the crime, Teodoro Sabate, who, by the way, is a his judgment, is not punished by the Penal Code and therefore that
witness for the prosecution. This witness says he was present when can not render the defendants criminally liable according to law.
the Americans were killed; that Roberto Baculi was not a member of
the group who killed the Americans, but the he was in a banana
By virtue, then, of the above considerations, and with a reversal of
plantation on his property gathering some bananas; that when he
the judgment appealed from, we acquit the defendants, appellants,
heard the shots he began to run; that he was, however, seen by
with the costs de oficio  in both instances. So ordered.
Damaso and Isidoro, the leaders of the band; that the latter called to
him and striking him with the butts of their guns they forced him to
bury the corpses. EN BANC

The Penal Code exempts from liability any person who performs the G.R. No. L-11439           October 28, 1916
act by reason of irresistible force (par. 9, art. 8). Baculi acted,
doubtless, under such circumstances when he executed the acts THE UNITED STATES, Plaintiff-Appellee, vs. EDUARDO
which are charged against him. ELICANAL, Defendant-Appellant.
Francisco Villanueva, Sr., and Francisco Villanueva, Jr., for help him. The crew, drawn by the cries, hastened to the
appellant. spot where Guillermo was engaged in a hand to hand fight
Attorney-General Avanceña for appellee. with the captain. At the request of Guillermo the crew, with
the exception of the accused, seized the captain and tied
MORELAND, J.: him with the rope. After he had been rendered helpless
Guillermo struck him in the back of the neck with an iron
The appellant in this case is one of several persons arrested bar an then, delivering the weapon to the accused, ordered
and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to death and him to come forward and assist in disposing of the captain.
this case comes to this court not only en consulta but by The accused thereupon seized the bar and, while the
appeal also.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual captain was still struggling struck him a blow on the head
law library which caused his
death.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law
The accused was a member of the crew of the
lorcha Cataluña cruising in the waters of the Philippine
Islands off Iloilo under the captaincy of Juan Nomo. The first The sole defense of the accused is that, in killing the
mate was Guillermo Guiloresa. The accused is about 22 captain, he was acting under the impulse of an
years of age, without education or instruction and uncontrollable fear of a greater injury induced by the threat
somewhat weak physically. The lorcha left the mouth of the of Guillermo, the chief mate, and that he was so absolutely
Iloilo river early in the morning of the 11th of December, overwhelmed thereby that, in striking the blow which killed
1914. She had scarcely cleared the river when Guillermo, the captain, he acted without volition of his own and was
the chief mate, suddenly and without having mentioned the reduced to a mere instrument in the hands of the chief
subject to the accused before, said to him that he was going mate.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law
to kill the captain because he was very angry with him, and library
asked him to assist him. The accused took this statement as
a joke as, according to him, the chief mate was a great The learned trial court refused to accept this defense
joker; and particularly as he was smiling at the time he holding that the chief mate did not exercise such influence
made the statement; and naturally paid no more attention over the accused as amounted to an uncontrollable fear or
to it. Neither he nor the other members of the crew held that deprived him of his volition. We are satisfied from the
any resentment against the captain and he had no idea at evidence that the finding of the trial court was correct. It
that time that he would take part in any acts directed was held by the supreme court of Spain in a decision of the
against him.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual 5th of November, 1880, that "a threat, in order to induce
law library insuperable fear, must promise such grave results, and such
results must be so imminent, that the common run of men
The following morning while the crew were engaged in their would succumb. The crime threatened must be greater
daily occupation, Guillermo, finding the captain in his cabin, than, or at least equal to, that which we are compelled to
assaulted him, attempting to seize and hold his hands and, commit." In a decision of the same court of April 14, 1871,
at the same time, calling to the crew to come forward and it was said that "inducement must precede the act induced
and must be so influential in producing the criminal act that
without it the act would not have been performed." That is commentaries on this subdivision of article 8 of the Penal
substantially the principle which is at the bottom of Code gives this illustration:
subdivision 9 of article 8 of the Penal Code. That article
defines the different circumstances under which a person Certain evil-minded persons seize me and threaten me with
will be exempt from criminal liability. Subdivision 9 thereof death If I do not set fire to a neighbor's house; if I perform
covers "any person who acts under the compulsion of an the act under such threat, as grave as it is imminent, I
irresistible force." The foundation of these decisions and the would fall within the exemption from criminal responsibility
basis of the defense in this case is subdivision 10, which provided for in this number; but if the same persons
exempts from liability "any person who acts under the threatened to lay waste my forest if I do not kill my father
impulse of an uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater my act would not come within the exemption for the reason
injury." chanrobles virtual law library that the evil with which I was threatened was much less
than that of killing my father.
As we have already intimated, before a force can be
considered to be an irresistible one, it must produce such an The evidence fails to establish that the threat directed to
effect upon the individual that, in spite of all resistance, it the accused by the chief mate, if any, was of such a
reduces him to a mere instrument and, as such, incapable character as to deprive him of all volition and to make him a
of committing a crime. It must be such that, in spite of the mere instrument without will of his own but one moved
resistance of the person on whom it operates, it compels his exclusively by him who threatened. Nor does the threat
members to act and his mind to obey. He must act not only appear to have been such, or to have been made under
without will but against will. Such a force can never consist such circumstances, that the accused could reasonably have
anything which springs primarily from the man himself; it expected that he would suffer material injury if he refused
must be a force which acts upon him from the outside and to comply. In other words, the fear was not insuperable.
by means of a third person. In order that one may take Indeed, it is doubtful if any threat at all in the true sense
advantage of subdivision 10 of article 8 and allege with was made; certainly none of such serious nature as would
success that he acted under the impulse of an justify an illegal act on the part of the accused chanrobles
uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater injury, it must virtual law library
appear that the threat which caused the uncontrollable fear
related to a crime of such gravity and so imminent that it This discussion disposes of the first error assigned by
might safely be said that the ordinary run of men would counsel for the appellant. The second relates to the finding
have been governed by it. And the evil threatened must be of the trial court that the crime committed was murder
greater than, or at least equal to, that which he is instead of homicide; and counsel for appellant urge, under
compelled to cause. The legislature by this enactment did this assignment, that the evidence does not sustain the
not intend to say that any fear would exempt one from finding of any qualifying circumstance which would raise the
performing his legal duty. It was intended simply to exempt crime from the grade of homicide to that of murder. It is
from criminal responsibility when the threat promised an quite true, as counsel argue, that qualifying circumstances
evil as grave, at the very least, as that which the one must be as clearly proved and established as the crime
threatened was asked to produce. Viada in his itself; and, unless the evidence in this case shows beyond a
reasonable doubt that the crime was committed with one or
more of the qualifying circumstances required by the Penal accused took part. The matter, so far as the evidence goes,
Code to constitute murder, it must be denominated was never mentioned except on the day before the crime
homicide and not murder. (U. S. vs. Beecham, 15 Phil. was committed and then in such a way as not to show any
Rep., 272; U. S. vs. Gavarlan, 18 Phil. Rep., 510; U. S. vs. fixed purpose or determination even on the part of the chief
Aslul, 21 Phil. Rep., 65; U. S. vs. Ibañez, 19 Phil. Rep., 463; mate and much less on that of the accused. The fact that
U. S. vs. Macuti, 26 Phil. Rep., 170; U. S. vs. Amoroso, 5 he, with the rest of the crew, answered the call of the chief
Phil. Rep., 466; U. S. vs. Cagara, 5 Phil. Rep., mate while he was engaged in his endeavor to make way
277.) chanrobles virtual law library with the captain is not sufficient by itself, or in connection
with the conversation of the day before, to establish that
We agree with counsel that the evidence does not establish sustained reflection and continued persistence which are the
the existence of premeditation as a qualifying circumstance. special features of the qualifying circumstance of
In the case of United States vs. Bañagale (24 Phil. Rep., premeditation. It does not appear that the accused had
69), the court said with respect to the facts which must be even thought of taking any part in the death of the captain
proved to establish premeditation: up to the very moment when the iron bar with which he
dealt the fatal blow was handed him by the chief mate.
The record does not show whether Banagale, upon Under such circumstances it is error to find the existence of
extending the invitation to Domingo Posada through premeditation as a qualifying circumstance (U. S. vs.
Mariano Ilao, did so for the purpose of killing the former, Beecham, 15 Phil. Rep., 272.) chanrobles virtual law library
inasmuch as there is no proof that he had resolved upon
doing so, through deliberation, meditation, and reflection, We cannot agree with counsel fro the appellant that the
and performed acts revealing his criminal purpose, some qualifying circumstance of treachery, or alevosia, has not
days or even hours prior to carrying out his criminal been proved. It appears undisputed that, at the time the
determination to kill the unfortunate Posada. Article 10, accused struck the deceased with the iron bar and thereby
circumstance 7, of the Penal Code establishes the requisite caused his death, the latter was bound hand and foot and
that the criminal should have acted, in the perpetration of was helpless and defenseless. While it is quite true that
the crime, with deliberate premeditation or that he should there was no treachery at the beginning of the struggle
have prepared for its commission by outward acts such as terminating in the death of the captain, that is, the initial
denote in the agent a persistent criminal purpose and a attack was open and fair, the struggle being man to man
meditated resolution to consummate the deed. (U. S. vs. between the chief mate and the captain, both unarmed, this
Nalua and Kadayum, 23 Phil. Rep., 1 ; U. S. vs. Alvarez, 3 does not necessarily dispose of the question of treachery.
Phil. Rep., 24; U. S. vs. Lasada and Lasada, 21 Phil. Rep., This court has held repeatedly that, even though the
287; U. S. vs. Catigbac, 4 Phil. Rep., 259; U. S. vs. Angeles, beginning of an attack resulting in the death of the
6 Phil. Rep., 480; U. S. vs. Idica, 3 Phil. Rep., 313; U. S. vs. deceased is free from treachery of any sort, nevertheless it
Buncad, 25 Phil. Rep., 530.) will be found present if, at the time the fatal blow is struck,
the deceased is helpless and unable to defend himself.
In the case at bar it does not appear that there was ever While the writer of this opinion holds the view that, where
any consideration of the question of killing the captain of there is not treachery in the attack which results in the
the launch by the members of the crew, in which this death of the deceased, there can be no treachery which will
qualify the crime as murder notwithstanding the fact that, and defenseless condition. Discussing that question the
at the time the fatal blow was struck, the deceased was court said:
unarmed and defenseless, but, the court having held so
frequently the contrary, the writer accepts the doctrine so But assuming that the deceased would have recovered from
well established. Counsel for the appellant, however, the effects of the four wounds, if he had not been thrown
maintain that the doctrine of the court in this regard was into the water, yet we still think that the proofs fail to show
modified in the case of United States vs. Balagtas and Jaime that there was present treachery, as the knocking down of
(19 Phil. Rep., 164). In that case the deceased was walking the deceased, striking him while on the ground, and
with the two accused in single file in a narrow street, the throwing him into the water were all done in so short a time
deceased being between the other two. and one movement followed the other in such rapid
succession. constitute one and the same attack. In order
When they were about ninety yards from any house and that treachery may be considered as a qualifying
while in an obscure place on the railroad track, at about circumstance to raise the classification of the crime, or as
eight o'clock at night, the deceased was knocked down, and an aggravating circumstance to augment the penalty, it
while down was struck two or three blows in the face and must be shown that the treacherous acts were present at
rendered practically unconscious. While in this unconscious and preceded the commencement of the attack which
condition, but still groaning, the two defendants, one taking caused the injury complained of. After the commencement
him by the head and the other by the feet, carried him of such an attack and before its termination an accused
across the embankment, which was alongside the railroad person may have employed means or methods which were
track, and threw him into a small pond of water, face of a treacherous character, and yet such means or methods
downward. The defendants then returned to their house. would not constitute the circumstance of alevosia. One
The deceased remained in that position until the following continuous attack, such as the one which resulted in the
day when his body was found there by the policemen, death of the deceased Flores, cannot be broken up into two
Hartpence and Solis, who conducted the body to the or more parts and made to constitute separate, distinct, and
morgue where it was later identified as that of Simeon independent attacks so that treachery may be injected
Flores by Valentin Franco, a friend and neighbor of the therein and considered as a qualifying or aggravating
deceased. circumstance.

The question arose in that case, under the facts just stated, While the writer of this opinion is inclined to agree with the
whether the act of throwing the deceased into the water contention of counsel that the doctrine laid down in this
while he was still alive but in a perfectly helpless and case is quite different from, if not directly opposed to, that
defenseless condition constituted alevosia, and made the already stated as, theretofore, the unform holding of this
crime murder instead of homicide. It will be noted that the court, nevertheless the majority of the court being of the
attack was not treacherously made, that is, begun with opinion that it was not the intention of the court in the case
treachery. This the court held; and, therefore, if that just cited to reverse the previous decisions of this court and
element is to be found at all in the case it must be found to set down a new doctrine, the writer accepts that view,
from the fact that the decease was thrown into the water particularly in the face of the almost unbroken line of
and drowned while he was unconscious and in a helpless decisions on the subject now to be reffered to. In the case
of United States vs. De Leon (1 Phil. Rep., 163), it appeared The third error assigned charged that the court erred in
that the accused entered the house of the deceased, drew refusing to apply article 11 of the Penal Code in favor of the
their bolos and compelled him to follow them. On arriving at accused. We do not agree with this contention. The personal
a place called Bulutong the deceased was bound and in that qualities and characteristics of the accused are matters
condition murdered. It was held that the fact that the particularly cognizable by the trial court; and the application
accused was bound at the time he was killed, although of this section is peculiarly within the discretion of that
there was no treachery at the beginning of the assault court.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law
resulting in his death, the qualifying circumstance was library
present. The court said:
There being neither aggravating nor extenuating
From the evidence there appears the qualifying circumstances, the judgment appealed from is reversed and
circumstance of treachery. To show this it is only necessary the accused is hereby sentenced to cadena perpetua. No
to mention the fact that the deceased was bound. costs in this instance. So
ordered.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law
The head note to that case says: library

The fact that the deceased was bound while killed EN BANC
constitutes the qualificative circumstance of alevosia and
raises the crime to the degree of murder, . . . . [G.R. Nos. L-31481, L-31482 and L-31483. February
28, 1979.]
The same was held in the case of U. S. vs. Ricafor (1 Phil.
Rep., 173); U. S. vs. Santos (1 Phil. Rep., 222); U. S. vs. THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee,
Abelinde (1 Phil. Rep., 568); U. S. vs. Hinto Santos (2 Phil. v. ERNESTO SARIP alias Poor, MANUEL RAOP alias
Rep., 453); U. S. vs. Jamino (3 Phil. Rep., 102); U. S. vs. Onot, CONDALLA SARIP and DONATO (DUMATO)
Abaigar (2 Phil. Rep., 417); U. S. vs. Gloria (3 Phil. Rep., MABPAN, Accused; ERNESTO SARIP and MANUEL
333); U. S. vs. Gabriel (4 Phil. Rep., 165); U. S. vs. Doon RAOP, defendants whose death sentences are under
(4 Phil. Rep., 249) U. S. vs. Colombro (8 Phil. Rep., 391); automatic review.
U. S. vs. Tupas (9 Phil. Rep., 506); U. S. vs. Nalua and
Kadayum (23 Phil. Rep., 1); U. S. vs. Indanan (24 Phil. Paterno R. Canlas Law Offices (counsel de oficio) for
Rep., 203); U. S. vs. Reyes and De la Cruz (11 Phil. Rep., defendants.
225) chanrobles virtual law library
Solicitor General Felix Q. Antonio, Assistant Solicitor
General Jaime M. Lantin and Solicitor Emmanuel G.
For these reasons we are of the opinion that the crime was
Cleto for Appellee.
committed with treachery and that it was properly
denominated murder instead of
homicide.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law
The trial court convicted Ernesto Sarip and Manuel Raop of 1. CRIMINAL LAW; PLEA OF GUILTY. — No serious
robbery with triple homicide and sentenced each of them to consideration can be accorded to the contention that
death and to indemnify the heirs of the deceased in the sum accused did not understand the full implication and import
of P30,000. The judgment of conviction was based on the of his plea of guilty because his counsel and the trial court
testimony of two eyewitnesses, on Sarip’s confession, on his did not explain to him the consequences of his plea, where
plea of guilty, and on Raop’s admission. A co-accused who it appears that in pleading guilty accused simply ratified his
also made a confession, with exculpatory allegations, extrajudicial confession which was corroborated by
confirmed appellants’ participation. Their de oficio counsel indubitable evidence of the corpus delicti and the due
cross-examined the prosecution witnesses. Sarip did not execution and voluntariness of the confession have not been
present any evidence, nor attempted to prove any assailed.
attenuating circumstances in his favor, nor assailed the due
execution and voluntariness of his extrajudicial confession. 2. ID.; CRIMINAL LIABILITY; MASTERMIND PRIMARILY
Raop reiterated his admission, but averred that he acted LIABLE. — The accused is responsible for the death of the
under duress exercised by Sarip. three victims where he was the mastermind and co-
conspirator; and knowing that he was the one primarily
On automatic review, it is claimed that Sarip did not liable for the robbery with triple homicide, which the trial
understand the full implication of his plea of guilty because court described as "most atrocious and cold-blooded", he
his counsel and the trial court did not explain to him the interposed a plea of guilty or nolo contendere and did not
consequences thereof; that Raop acted against his will; and bother to prove any attenuating circumstances.
that the crime of robbery and homicide should be treated
separately since appellants did not take part in the killing. 3. ID.; ID.; CIRCUMSTANCES VITIATING DURESS. —
Counsel de oficio argues that Raop acted against his will.
The Supreme Court held that defendant’s Sarip in entering a That contention is belied by Raop’s admission that he and
plea of guilty merely ratified his extrajudicial confession Ernesto are close friends and residents of Barrio Kalilangan.
which was corroborated by evidence of the corpus delicti Raop did not prove that he acted under the compulsion of
and by the testimonies of the other accused; that Raop’s an irresistible force or under the impulse of an
claim that he acted under duress is untenable because he uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater injury. His
too was armed with a gun and he did not prove that he pretension that he was threatened with a gun his friend,
acted under compulsion of an irresistible force or under the Ernesto, is not credible because he himself (Raop) was
impulse of an uncontrollable fear of an equal of greatery armed with a rifle.
injury; and that is conspiracy all the conspirators are
equally liable for the crime committed. 4. ID.; ID.; CONSPIRATORS EQUALLY LIABLE FOR THE
CRIME COMMITTED. — Counsel’s contention, that the crime
Judgment affirmed. of robbery and homicide should be treated separately and
that only Makadatar Tayao (Mabpan), who is at large,
should be held liable for the killings, is likewise bereft of
SYLLABUS merit. The evidence proves that Ernesto Sarip and
Makadatar fired at the inmates of the house before the
clothes and the sewing machine were taken by them. mandatory review (Sec. 9, Rule 122, Rules of Court).
Makadatar hacked Ciriaco Mision before the robbery was
consummated. It is evident that the killings were The lower court also convicted Raop of robbery in band
perpetrated on the occasion of the robbery. Since illegal possession of firearms in Criminal Cases Nos. 1609
Macadatar Tayao, Ernesto Sarip and Manuel Raop were and 1611, respectively, and sentenced him to imprison
conspirators, Raop is equally liable for the assaults penalties. Raop did not appeal from the two sentences.
committed by Makadatar and Sarip. Hence, the records of Criminal Cases Nos. 1609 and 1611
were improperly elevated to this Court which has not
5. ID.; ID.; PENALTY; AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES; acquired any appellate jurisdiction over the two cases. The
ROBBERY WITH HOMICIDE PUNISHABLE BY DEATH. — The offenses changed in the two cases did not arise out of the
guilt of Ernesto Sarip and Raop has been established same occurrence, and were not committed on the same
beyond reasonable doubt. Abuse of superiority, dwelling and occasion, as the robbery with triple homicide.chanrobles
nocturnity attended the commission of the robbery with virtual lawlibrary
triple homicide. Even if the mitigating circumstance of plea
of guilty is appreciated in Sarip’s favor, the death penalty Ernesto Sarip pleaded guilty to the charge of robbery in
should still be imposed upon him (Arts. 63 and 294(1), band in Criminal Case No. 1609 (wherein Raop was his co-
Revised Penal Code). accused). That offense was committed on April 24, 1966. In
the lower court’s partial decision of November 11, 1968,
6. ID.; INDEMNITY; AMOUNT OF. — The trial court failed to Ernesto was sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of two
include in the indemnity the value of the stolen articles years, four months and one day of prision correccional to
which it found to be P1,000. The indemnity for three killings eight years and one day of prision mayor and to indemnify
should be raised from P30,000 to P36,000. Alfredo Mataya in the sum of P180. He did not appeal from
that decision.

DECISION In Criminal Case No. 1591, the case now under review, five
persons were involved, namely, Raop, Ernesto Sarip,
Condalla Sarip, Dumato Mabpan (Madpan) and Macadatar
PER CURIAM: Tayao Mabpan. Macadatar was not arrested. The four were
tried and after trial, Condalla Sarip and Dumato Mabpan
were acquitted in the lower court’s order of July 15, 1969.
The acquittal was based in part on the affidavit of Ernesto
The Court of First Instance of Bukidnon in its decision Sarip, dated August 10, 1967, wherein he swore that
August 22, 1969 convicted Ernesto Sarip and Manuel Raop Dumato had no participation in the robbery and that he
(Raup) of robbery with triple homicide and sentenced each (Ernesto) and Raop forced Condalla "at the point of a gun"
them to death and to indemnify the heirs of the deceased to take part in the robbery (Exh. 5).
Ciriaco Mision, Pamposa Mision and Amparo Mision in the
sum of P30,000 (Criminal Case No. 1591). They did not In said Criminal Case No. 1591, Ernesto Sarip was arraigned
from that decision. Their deaths sentences are now under on March 29, 1968. He was assisted by his counsel, Manuel
Valdez. At first, he pleaded not guilty. A few minutes later, took their personal belongings and the sewing machine.
Ernesto told his lawyer that he wanted to plead guilty. His That version does not dovetail in all details with the story
lawyer manifested to the court that Ernesto wanted to told by the prosecution witnesses. But the decisive fact is
change his plea. The trial judge, addressing Ernesto, asked the Ernesto in his confession admitted that he participated
him whether it was true that he wanted to plead guilty. He in the robbery and that he was a co-conspirator of Raop
replied in the affirmative. So, it was made of record that he Makadatar.chanrobles law library
had pleaded guilty with the assistance of his lawyer.
It is now feebly contended by Ernesto’s counsel de officio
The trial court did not then and there pronounce the that Ernesto did not understand the full implication and
judgment of conviction on Ernesto Sarip. It heard the import of his plea of guilty because his counsel and the trial
evidence the prosecution and the defense. Ernesto was court did not explain to him the consequences of his plea.
present throughout the trial and was identified by the No serious consideration can be accorded to that contention
prosecution witnesses. He was represented by a counsel de because Ernesto Sarip in pleading guilty simply ratified his
oficio who cross-examined the prosecution witnesses. He extra-judicial confession which was corroborated by
did not present any evidence. indubitable evidence of the corpus delicti. The due execution
and voluntariness of that confession have not been assailed.
Maybe, he realized the futility of presenting any defense
because the prosecution offered in evidence his confession As already stated, the death sentence was imposed Ernesto
(Exh. J) dated August 1, 1966 which was taken down by a Sarip in the lower court’s decision of August 22, 1969. The
Constabulary Sergeant and was sworn to before a special judgment of conviction was based on the testimonies two
deputy clerk of court who, like the sergeant, was cross- eyewitnesses, Ernesto’s confession and plea of guilty, the
examined by Ernesto’s counsel when he testified on the confession of Condalla Sarip and Raop’s statement (Exh. G).
circumstances under which the oath was administered to
Ernesto. The prosecution’s evidence shows that at about eleven
o’clock in the evening of Saturday, April 30, 1966, Ernesto
In that confession, Ernesto stated that Datu Damiano Sarip, Manuel Raop, Condalla Sarip (Ernersto’s first cousin)
Madpan, the barrio captain of Malipayon (brother of Dumato and Makadatar Tayao Madpan (Madpan) were in the vicinity
Madpan), convinced him and Raop to rob and liquidate a of the house of the spouses Ciriaco Mision and Pamposa
certain family in Malipayon (referring to, but not naming, Mision located at Barrio Malipayon, Pangantucan, Bukidnon.
the Mision family) and that Damiano gave him two Ernesto Sarip, Makadatar and Raop had firearms. They
American rifles and a paltik to accomplish that diabolical made known their presence by means of gunshots.
Ernesto Sarip and Makadatar, who was wearing a turban
Ernesto revealed in his confession that upon arriving at the went under the house and took the chickens which they
place to be robbed, Makadatar Madpan and Dumato Madpan gave to Raop and Condalla Sarip. The cackling of the
took the chickens and carabao under the house while he chickens awakened Diosdado Mision, 12, son of Ciriaco, and
and Raop stood guard at the stairs and that Makadatar and Loreto Palanog 26, a farm helper, who were upstairs.
Dumato assaulted the occupants of the house and Dumato Through the bamboo slats of the floor, they pepped and saw
what the intruders were doing under the house. was confirmed by Condalla Sarip, a 22-year old farmer, who
also made a confession, with exculpatory allegations, which
The intruders wanted to get also the carabao which was was sworn to before the municipal judge on August 1, 1966.
inside the coral under the house. Makadatar asked Ciriaco in
a loud voice to open the corral but the latter kept silent. Condalla declared that in the afternoon of April 30, 1966 he
Makadatar, who was armed with a gun and a bolo, and encountered Ernesto Sarip, Raop and Makadatar in Barrio
Ernesto Sarip destroyed the corral, took the carabao and Macatol. They were armed. They forced him to join them in
gave it to Raop and Condalla who brought it to the plowed robbing Mision’s house in Barrio Malipayon several
field nearby. kilometers away. Condalla was Ernesto’s friend.chanrobles
virtual lawlibrary
Makadatar and Ernesto Sarip (tall and short, respectively)
returned to the house and asked Ciriaco to give them rice The group drank the liquor called "Kulafu" before
and money but the latter replied that he did not have any. proceeding via a trail to Mision’s house. Condalla said that
Angered by Ciriaco’s refusal to comply with their demand, on arriving near Mision’s house, he was stationed by
Makadatar and Ernesto fired several shots directed at the Ernesto Sarip near the banana plants where he (Condalla)
inmates of the house. Ciriaco, who was lying on the door, received the chickens and carabao taken by Ernesto, Raop
was not hit but his wife, Pamposa, and daughter, Amparo, and Makadatar. While Raop guarded Condalla, Ernesto and
were wounded. Makadatar took clothes and the sewing machine from the
house. Later, they released the carabao because it impeded
Makadatar went up the stairs, cut the string which tied the their flight from the scene of the crime.
door, pushed the shutter, and, on seeing Ciriaco lying on
the floor face down, hacked him to death. Ernesto Sarip, Diosdado Mision testified that before April 30, 1966, he saw
armed with a rifle, followed Makadatar and went up the Ernesto Sarip at Barrio Malipayon with Muslim companions.
house. Makadatar and Ernesto Sarip took clothes and a Loreto Palanog had also seen Sarip in the cockpit prior to
sewing machine. The carabao was later released by the incident. Diosdado and Loreto knew Ernesto before the
robbers. robbery was committed.

After the intruders had left, two inmates of the house were On the other hand, defendant Raop, 25, in his sworn
found dead. Ciriaco, 37, suffered an incised wound, eleven statement taken on June 6, 1966 by a Constabulary
three inches, across his back, two stab wounds also in the corporal and in his testimony, admitted his participation the
back and a lacerated wound on the chin. His wife, Pamposa, robbery but he averred that he acted under dures exercised
35, sustained an entrance gunshot wound in the right infra- by his friend, Ernesto Sarip.
clavicular region. The bullet penetrated her right lung and
exited on her back. Amparo Mision, a daughter of the said Raop testified that at six o’clock in the morning of April 30,
spouses (who was older than Diosdado), sustained a mortal 1966, his friend, Ernesto Sarip, went to his house at Barrio
wound in the back and died in the hospital. Kalilangan and requested him to accompany Ernesto to the
house of the latter’s Aunt located at Barrio Lampanosan. At
The participation of Ernesto Sarip and Raop in the robbery first Raop refused but when Sarip allegedly threatened him
pointing his rifle at Raop, Raop consented to go with him. was the one primarily liable for the robbery with triple
Ernesto gave him a homemade gun called "paliuntod." They homicide, which the trial court described as "most atrocious
arrived at Lampanosan at four o’clock in the afternoon. and cold-blooded", he interposed a plea of guilty or nolo
Ernesto then told him that they were going to Barrio contendere did not bother to prove any attenuating
Malipayon. On the way, they met Condalla Sarip. circumstances.

Ernesto asked Condalla to accompany them to Malipayon. With respect to Raop, it is clear that his version of the
Condalla refused but Ernesto poked his gun at him and he robbery with homicide does not exculpate him at all. His
agreed to go along with them. At Barrio Kitalo, they met counsel de oficio argues that Raop acted against his well.
Makadatar Tayao (Mabpan) who joined of them. The four of That contention is belied by Raop’s admission that he and
them arrived at Barrio Malipayon at about eleven o’clock in Ernesto are close friends (89 tsn July 16, 1959; No. 4, Exh.
the evening. J). The two were residents of Barrio Kalilangan. Raop did
not prove, that he acted under the compulsion of an
They proceeded to Mision’s house. Ernesto asked Mision to irresistible force or under impulse of an uncontrollable fear
open the door of his house. Mision refused. Ernesto asked of an equal or greater injury. His pretension that he was
him to come down. Mision likewise refused because he was threatened with a gun by his friends, Ernesto, is not credible
scared. Upon Ernesto’s order, Makadatar took Mision’s because he himself (Raop) was armed with a rifle (Exh. E).
chickens and carabao under the house.
Counsel’s third contention, that the crime of robbery and
Ernesto allegedly reproached Raop for doing nothing. So, homicide should be treated separately and that only
Raop got hold of the carabao, took it to the place near the Makadatar Tayao (Mabpan), who is at large, should be held
banana plants, and stayed there with Condalla. Raop liable for the killings, is likewise bereft of merit.
allegedly advised Ernesto and Makadatar not to kill any
person inside Mision’s house. Ernesto did not heed Raop’s The evidence proves that Ernesto Sarip and Makadatar fired
advice. After Ernesto and Makadatar entered the house, at the inmates of the house before the clothes and the
Raop and Condalla, who carried the chickens, left the place. sewing machine were taken by them. Makadatar hacked
Raop let loose the carabao. In the distance, they heard Ciriaco Mision before the robbery was consummated. It is
gunshots being fired inside Mision’s house. Later, Ernesto evident that the killings were perpetrated on the occasion of
and Makadatar overtook Raop and Condalla. Ernesto the robbery. Since Makadatar, Ernesto Sarip and Raop were
allegedly warned Raop that he would be killed if he squealed conspirators, Raop is equally liable for the assaults
to the authorities. committed by Makadatar and Ernesto.chanrobles.com.ph :
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Counsel de oficio, who filed through his assistant a hardly
legible typewritten brief (a practice which should not be We are satisfied that the guilt of Ernesto Sarip and Raop has
encouraged), contends that the trial court erred in holding been established beyond reasonable doubt. Abuse of
that Ernesto Sarip was responsible of the deaths of the superiority, dwelling and nocturnity attended the
three times. That contention cannot be sustained. Ernesto commission of the robbery with triple homicide. Even if the
was mastermind and was a co-conspirator. Knowing that he mitigating circumstance of plea of guilty is appreciated in
Sarip’s favor, the death penalty should still be imposed CONCEPCION JR., J.:
upon him (Arts. 63 and 294[1], Revised Penal Code).
In an information filed before the Court of First Instance of
The trial court failed to include in the indemnity the value of Camarines Sur, accused Eustaquio Loreno y Malaga and Jimmy
the stolen articles which it found to be P1,000. The Marantal y Londete were charged with tile crime of Robbery with
indemnity for the three killings should be raised from Double Rape, committed as follows:
P30,000 to P36,000.
That on or about the 7th of January, 1978, in the
WHEREFORE, in Criminal Case No. 1591, the death penalty Barangay of Magsaysay, Municipality of Libmanan,
imposed by the trial court on Ernesto Sarip and Manuel Province of Camarines Sur, Philippines, and within
Raop (Raup) is affirmed and they are ordered to pay the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-
solidarily to the heirs of the Mision spouses the sum of named accused, together with John Doe, Jose Doe,
P1,000 as the value of the articles taken during the robbery Richard Doe, Peter Doe, Charlie Doe, and Ricky
and P36,000 to the heirs of the three victims or P12,000 for Doe, who are still at large, armed with firearms,
each set of heirs. Cost de oficio. conspiring and confederating together and mutually
helping one another, with intent to gain and rob,
taking advantage of nighttime to better accomplish
their purpose, did then and there were Ifully
unlawfully and feloniously assault, attack and use
Republic of the Philippines violence and intimidation upon the person of Elias
SUPREME COURT Monge by tying his two hands and the hands of the
Manila members of his fully and on the occasion hereof,
while they were made lying flat on the floor, the
EN BANC herein accused take, rob and carry away, without the
consent of said Elias Monge, owner thereof, of the
G.R. No. L-54414 July 9, 1984 following properties, to wit:

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, One camera with trademark Olympus worth P400.00
EUSTAQUIO LORENO y MALAGA and JIMMY MARANTAL y Two birthstones rings worth 700.00
LONDETE, accused-appellants.
One wedding ring with name MONDING 100.00
The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
One pair of earrings heartshape 100.00
Reynaldo Herrera for accused-appellants.
Two pieces of necklace solid worth 400.00

Two pieces of mosquito net 110.00

Three pieces of blankets color orange and spotted ACCORDINGLY, we find the guilt of the accused
200.00 Eustaquio Loreno has been established by proof
beyond reasonable doubt and hereby find him
Three men pants and also one cut of cloth 235.50 GUILTY of Robbery with Double Rape, penalized by
Par. 5 of Article 294 of the Revised Penal Code.
There being present aggravating circumstances in
One beach towel, with decoration 35.00
the commission of the offense, Eustaquio Loreno is
hereby sentenced to LIFE IMPRISONMENT, the
One aluminum Reynold kettle 30.00 maximum penalty provided by law.

One One caserola 15.00 Likewise, the Court finds that the guilt of the accused
Jimmy Marantal has been established beyond
Two pieces of pillow case 12.00 reasonable doubt and hereby finds him GUILTY of
the crime of ROBBERY penalized under Par. 5 of
Two cans of rice 70.00 Article 294 of the Revised Penal Code. Jimmy
Marantal is sentenced to indeterminate penalty
One flashlight Eveready two batteries 30.00 ranging from TWO (2) YEARS and ELEVEN (11)
DAYS of prision correccional as minimum to EIGHT
(8) YEARS and ONE (1) DAY of prision mayor, in
TOTAL P10,619.50
view of the aggravating circumstances present.

all in the total amount of TEN THOUSAND SIX

Said accused Eustaquio Loreno and Jimmy Marantal
shall indemnify jointly and severally Elias Monge in
CENTAVOS (P10,619.50), Philippine Currency, to
the sum of P10,619.50 without subsidiary
the damage and prejudice of the owner thereof in
imprisonment, In addition, Eustaquio Loreno shall
the aforementioned amount. That on the occasion
indemnify Monica Monge and Cristina Monge in the
thereof, the abovenamed accused with lewd design,
sum of P10,000.00 each or a total of P20,000.00 as
and by means of force, violence and intimidation, did
damages, without subsidiary imprisonment.
then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously
commit sexual intercourse with Monica Monge, a
virgin of 16 years old, and with Cristina Monge, all The accused herein shall pay one-half of the costs
against their will. 1 each. 2

Upon arraignment, both accused Eustaquio Loreno y Malaga and The facts of the case as stated by the Solicitor General in his Brief,
Jimmy Marantal y Londete entered a plea of not guilty to the crime areas follows:
In the evening of January 7, 1978, Barangay Captain
After trial, the lower court rendered judgment adverse to the Elias Monge was at his house located at barrio
accused, the dispositive portion of which read: Magsaysay, Libmanan, Camarines Sur. He and his
two young daughters, namely: Monica Monge,
single, then 14 years old, and Cristina Monge, NPA", which caused Monica to run to her mother,
married, then 22 years old, were preparing to attend seized with fear, informing her what she came to
the dance to be held in the barrio proper that know about camme visitors. Cristina Morgagor came
evening. But they had to wait for a while because his attempted to run to the kitchen to get a bolo but she
wife, Beata Monge, was still changing the diaper of was held back by the man in dark sweater who then
baby Rachel Baybayon, four-month old daughter of announced to all those inside not to make any
Cristina Monge. The other occupants present in the scandal. kitchen Elias Monge turned to look at him
house that evening were his sons, Mario, then 11 the man in dark sweater poked his gun at him, and
years old, and Nilo, then 13 years old, and their farm ordered all those inside the on the floor (pp. 13-14,
helper, also staying with them, by the name of tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 Pvl p. 7, tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 AM pp.
Francisco Fable. Cristina was then vacationing at 4 4, 12-13, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 AM pp. 4, 13, 16, tsn,
her parents' house. Her husband, Raymundo Oct. 29, 1979 PM)
Baybayon, was in Manila (pp. 2-5, tsn, Oct. 18, 1979
AM: pp, 2-3, tsn, Oct. 22, 1979 AM: pp. 2-4, tsn, Oct. In the meantime outside at the balcony the man in
19, 1979 AM: pp. 2-3, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 AM: pp. 2- red clothe asked Fable for a glass of water arid the
3, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 AM). latter asked Mario Monge to get the glass of later,
but Mario did not obey and instead went to the sala
At about 7:40 o'clock that same evening, while he Hence, fabie himself outside inside the house to the
was at the balcony of said house, Francisco Fable the glass of water. But, as he went inside the sala,
saw at first four men with flashlights approaching. he noticed the man in red clothes following him. As
When they came near, he heard one of them call Fabie reached the door to the sala, the man in red
Elias Monge saving that there was a letter from the clothes poked his gun on Fabie's back and pointed a
chief hepe). Fable called Elias Monge who was in sharp instrument on his neck and then he wish
the sala, informing him that there was a letter from pushed to go inside the sala. Once inside the sala,
the chief. Two of the visitors, one wearing red which Aras lighted, Fable saw and recognized the
clothes and the other in dark sweater. came up the man in red clothes these to Estaquio loreno. Also
house. When Elias Monge went out to the balcony Elias Monge and his two daughters, Monica and
the man in dark sweater handed to him the letter. Cristina, saw and recognized Eustaquio Loreno as
Because it was dark to read it, Elias Monge invited he entered the sala as one of the companions of the
the man in dark sweater to come inside the sala. man in dark sweater. All tile occupants of the house
The other man in red clothes posted himself near the were ordered by the man in dark sweater and
post of the balcony (pp. 4-5, tsn, Oct. 19, 1979 AM: Loreno to remain lying flat on their stomachs on the
pp. 6-7, tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 AM: pp. 4-9, tsn, Oct. 22, floor (pp. 5-6, tsn, Oct. 19, 1979 AM: pp. 10-12, tsn,
1979 AMOUNT pp. 4-7, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 AM: pp. Oct. 22, 1979 AM pp. 1-8, tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 AM pp.
4, 12-13, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 PM). 21-22, tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 PM pp. 5, 17-18, tsn, Oct.
29, 1979 PM p. 5, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 AM).
When be and the man in dark sweater were inside
the sala Elias Monge asked his daughter, Monica to Thereafter, the man in dark sweater instructed
fetch his reading glasses. On reading the letter, Elias loreno to tie all their victims on the floor. Loreno tied
Monge and Monica read the following: "Kami mga them with rattan. The man in dark sweater cut the
baby's hammock (duyan) and got the ropes with could not do anything to stop him from
which he and Loreno used to reinforce in tying the consummating his lust as she was still tied. When he
victim's hands together behind their backs. was through with her, she noticed blood in her
Thereafter, the man in dark sweater instructed private part (p. 9, tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 AM p. 7, tsn,
Loreno to go downstairs and drive the barking dog Oct. 19, 1979 AM pp. 5, 14, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 PM
away. Loreno held Fable and brought him pp. 5-6, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 AM).
downstairs to drive the barking dog away (pp, 8-9,
tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 AM p. 6, tsn, Oct. 19, 1979 AM). Below in the sala, Monica Monge's parents and
others heard her shouts for help and the struggle
On reaching the corner of the house below the she put up inside the room. Hearing her shouts for
flashlight used by Loreno happened to focus on the help, Loreno menacingly pointed his gun at them,
person of Jimmy Marantal. Fable immediately telling them not to rise if they wanted to live, Then
recognized Jimmy Marantal as one of the visitors Loreno brought Beata Monge first to the masters
who remained on the ground as lookouts. Jimmy room and then to the teacher's room. During these
Marantal beamed his flashlight on the face of Fable, two occasions, he forced Beata Monge to open the
and seeing the latter, he kicked him (Fabie) on the aparador and the trunk respectively, with her keys,
right side of his rib which caused him to fall on the and he got their contents, which he brought to the
ground. Marantal kicked Fable who managed to roll sala, holding on to Beata Monge who remained tied.
on his side and was hit on his left thigh. After a All the things he got from the two rooms were
while, Loreno lifted Fable bodily from the ground, poured on the floor of the sala (pp. 7, 9, tsn, Oct. 19,
and brought am back upstairs (pp. 6-7, tsn, Oct. 19, 1979 AM pp. 10-1 1, tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 AM pp. 7-13,
1979 AM pp. 13-14, tsn, Oct. 22, 1979 AM). tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 PM pp. 5-6, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 PM
pp. 17-19, tsn, Oct. 22, 1979 AM).
After Loreno and Fable returned to the sala, the man
in dark sweater got hold of Monica Monge and Thereafter, the man in dark sweater returned to the
dragged her up to a room located above the sala, dragging along Monica Monge whose hair was
balcony. She tried to resist but she was then still dishevelled and was crying, and he made her joined
tied, Inside the room, Monica was asked to reveal the others on the floor of the sala. He reached for a
the whereabouts of her piggy bank savings. She can of pineapple j nice from the aparador and the
said there was none. He ransacked the room but sala and drank its contents. Not long thereafter, he
found none. The man in dark sweater then seized turned his attention to Cristina Monge, and he
Monica and forcibly removed her pants. Monica dragged her to the room which was then rented by
resisted and shouted at her parents for help. He school teacher Miss Olitoquit (who was then in Naga
boxed and slapped her. Despite her struggle, he was City). Inside the room, the man in dark sweater
able to remove her panty and then made her he on forced his lewd designs on her but she resisted and
the floor near the bed. After undressing himself, he struggled although her hands were still tied behind
forcibly went on top of her. She kept on struggling her back. He boxed her, hitting her on her right eye
and shouting for help, but he succeeded in inserting which caused her to lose consciousness. He then
his organ into her vagina. She felt pain. He proceeded to satisfy his lust on her. When she
proceeded to have sexual intercourse with her. She regained consciousness, the man in dark sweater
returned her shorts. She then realized that he had breastfeed her daughter who was continuously
succeeded in having sexual intercourse with her (p. crying. Thereafter, the malefactors went down from
6, 17-19, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 AM pp. 7-8, tsn, Oct. 19, the house one by one, bringing along all the things
1979 AM pp. 11-12, tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 AM pp. 6, 14- they robbed from their victims. The man in dark
15, 18, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 PM). sweater returned to the sala and touched the thighs
of Cristina Monge, who was already wearing her
While the man in dark sweater and Cristina Monge shorts, and he told them not to tell anybody what
were still inside the teacher's room, a third man happened to them, otherwise he will kill them. And
entered the sala, and he told Loreno to cover their then all the malefactors left the place (pp. 15-16, tsn,
victims on the floor with a mat. Loreno found instead Oct. 18, 1979 AM pp. 16, 18, 19-20, tsn, Oct. 29,
a piece of lawanit with which they covered their 1979 PM).
victims. The third man proceeded to the kitchen, and
when he returned to the sala, he was bringing along Soon thereafter, Elias Monge heard Sixto Agapito
some rice. Then, a fourth man entered the sala and who was On the ground near the fence of the house
he asked from Elias Monge for a cigarette. Elias calling him, asking if he was going to the dancehall
Monge stood up and told him to get it from his Elias Monge replied from upstairs that he was not
pocket as he was still tied. Reacting to Monge's feeling well, and Agapito left. EUSTAQUIO Monge
reply, the fourth man boxed him, hitting him on his was able to untie himself, and then he also untied
breast and solar plexus which caused him to fall on the others. Fable then revealed to him that earlier
the floor. Then Loreno asked Elias Monge to when he had gone down with Loreno, he (Fabie)
accompany him to the house of a nearby neighbor. saw and recognized Jimmy Marantal as among
On reaching the balcony, Elias Monge protested and those left on the ground as lookout for the group that
refused to accompany Loreno who then held Elias had just robbed them. Cristina and Monica Monge
Monge by the neck, pointing his gun at him. Beata also told their father that they were abused by the
Monge protested, telling her husband not to go man in dark sweater when they were brought inside
along. loreno desisted from his plan to go to the the rooms. For the rest of the night, they remained
nearby neighbor's house, Elias Monge did not on guard and could hardly sleep (pp. 15-16, 17, tsn,
recognize the Identities of both the third and fourth Oct. 18, 1979 AM pp. 10-11, tsn, Oct. 19, 1979 AM
men (pp. 12-15, tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 AM pp. 16-17, p. 7, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 PM).
25-26, tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 PM pp. 12-13, tsn, Oct. 22,
1979 AM pp. 7, 14-15, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 AM). Elias Monge and his family later discovered that they
were robbed of their following personal properties:
Thereafter Loreno entered the room where Cristina jewelry valued at Pl,000.00' two mosquito nets,
Monge was earlier brought by the man in dark P70.00; three bets, P200.00; one caldero of rice,
sweater, and he found her still lying on the floor. P30.00; one reversible jacket, P40.00; three
Loreno embraced her trying to kiss her and touch chickens, P30.00; one camera, P400.00; one beach
her private parts. One of the malefactors on the towel, P35.00; cash in the amount of P6,500,00; and
ground called those upstairs to hurry because a man several others, all in the total of P10,305.00, more or
was approaching. Loreno then released Cristina less (pp. 4-6, 8, 14-17, tsn, Oct. 22, 1979; pp. 16-17,
Monge and told her to return to the sala to tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 AM).
Fabie had often seen and had known Loreno Sgt. Victoriano del Socorro, the chief of the
because the latter's daughter married a member of investigation section of the 243rd PC Company,
the youth organization in the barrio when he (Fabie) stationed at Tara, Camarines Sur, investigated on
was its president. Elias Monge had already known January 10, 1978 the robbery-rape incident. He was
Loreno whose occupation was catching wild pigs, informed by Barangay Captain Elias Monge that his
and the latter used to place bobby traps in his house was robbed and his two daughters were
(Monge's) place to catch pigs, during which raped by the robbers in the evening of January 7,
occasions Loreno usually slept in his house, Monica 1978 in their house and that he (Monge) was able to
Monge and Cristina Monge also had already known Identify two of the robbers, mentioning their names
Loreno because his daughter married a neighbor as Eustaquio Loreno and Jimmy Marantal of Barrio
near their house. Monica often saw Loreno traverse Calabnigan, Libmanan, Camarines Sur. After Sgt.
the playground of the Magsaysay Elementary School del Socorro and his team made an ocular inspection
where he was studying. Fable had also known of the place on that same day, they proceeded to
Jimmy Marantal because the latter often attended barrio Calabnigan where they picked up Eustaquio
dances held by the barrio youth organization, and he Loreno and Jimmy Marantal and brought them to the
(Marantal) even married one of its members, He had PC camp. At the PC camp on January 17, 1978, the
engaged Marantal in conversations many times p. 3, two suspects were duly Identified upon confrontation
tsn, Oct. 19, 1979 AM pp. 2-3, tsn, Oct. 22, 1979 AM as two of the robbers by the above-mentioned barrio
pp. 2-3, 8-9, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 AM pp. 2-3, 7-8, tsn, captain, his daughters Monica and Cristina Monge,
Oct. 18-1979 AM pp. 2-3, 21-22, tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 and their helper Fable. During the investigation, the
PM pp. 2, 8-10, 17-18, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 PM). two suspects refused to give their written
statements. Thus, Sgt. del Socorro was able to
Despite the revelation of her daughters to him that secure the written statements of Elias Monge,
they were sexually abused that fateful evening, Elias Francisco Fable, Monica Monge, and Cristina
Monge forced himself to report the following day, Monge about the robbery-rape incident. Upon being
Sunday the robbery-rape incident at the PC Identified both said suspects told their victims ff they
detachment in Sipocot, but there was no one to talk could just talk and settle the matter, but Elias Monge
there. So he proceeded to the PC headquarters at replied that what they did that evening was an
Camp Tara, bringing along the ropes and rattan oppression (kaapihan) against him and his family,
which were used by the malefactors in tying him and The two suspects retorted that it was up to him (pp.
his family during the robbery-rape incident. He was 19-21, tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 AM pp. 18-20, tsn, Oct. 18,
given a written recommendation from the PC to the 1979 PM pp. 1-5, 6, 8- 12, tsn, Oct. 30, 1979 AM).
hospital with instructions to have himself and his
daughter Monica be physically examined. Cristina Dr. Jesus H. Miraflores, resident physician of the
Monge was informed that there was no need for her Camarines Sur Provincial Hospital at Naga City,
to submit for physical examination because she was examined Elias Monge on January 10, 1978. The X-
already married. (pp. 18-19, tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 AM p. Ray examination's result was negative. But the
18; tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 PM p. 8, tsn., Oct. 29, 1979 doctor found him to have sustained an external
PM). injury which he classified as "resolving hematoma,
right cestal region" a close wound, already spread
out but and the process of healing, located on the January 7, 1978, 4 but they were only forced by a man wearing black
right side of the middle portion of the thorax. He sweater and his five companions who claimed to be members of the
gave Elias Monge a prescription for anti-infection to New People's Army (NPA), operating in the locality, with the threat
stop the bleeding as there was still slight bleeding that if they did not obey, appellants and their families would be killed.
and to subside the swelling. Afterwards he gave the We, however, find the contention untenable.
corresponding medical certificate to Elias Monge
(Exhibit "A"; pp. 22-26, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979 AM p. 19, A person who acts under the compulsion of an irresistible force, like
tsn, Oct. 18, 1979 AM one who acts under the impulse of uncontrollable fear of equal or
greater injury is exempt from criminal liability because he does not
Dr. Erlie S. Cabral, another resident physician of the act with freedom. The force must be irresistible to reduce him to a
same provincial hospital examined Monica Monge mere instrument who acts not only without will but against his will.
on January 10, 1978. The doctor did not find any The duress, force, fear or intimidation must be present, imminent and
fresh wound on her body, but examining her hymen, impending and of such a nature as to induce a well-grounded
she found fresh and incomplete lacerations of said apprehension of Appellee's Brief. death or serious bodily harm if the
hymen at 3:00 and 9:00 o'clock locations and, act is not done. A threat of future injury is not enough. The
inserting her index finger inside her patient's sex compulsion must be of Such a character as to leave no opportunity
orifice, lt easily admitted her forefinger. She had the to the accused for escape or self-defense in equal combat. 5
patient's vagina smeared for spermatozoa but none
was found after laboratory examination The doctor A perusal of the appellants' statement of the robbery-rape incident as
observed that the lacerations did not reach the base summarized in their joint brief (pp. 3-10), showed that they admitted
of the hymen but the edges of the lacerated portions their participation in the commission of the crimes of robbery and
were still reddish and slightly swollen. The doctor rape against Elias Monge and his family on January 7, 1978. Further
opined that the lacerations could have been caused established were facts inconsistent with appellant's claim of having
by the forcible penetration of a male's penis into the acted under the compulsion of an irresistible force and/or under the
patient's vagina. The doctor further expeled that the impulse of an uncontrollable fear of equal or greater injury, to wit:
laceration of the hymen heals after five days. She
also expeled that male spermatozoa stays inside the 1. Appellant Eustaquio Loreno was armed with a
female vagina at the most for 72 hours. She stated short firearm when he and the man in dark sweater
that, admitting there was orgasm during the forcible went up the house of Elias Monge. While inside the
sexual intercourse, any sperm must have already house, Loreno pointed the gun to the victims which
disappeared when she examined Monica Monge on enabled the malefactors to ransack the house (p. 38,
January 10, 1978 which was already beyond 72 tsn, Oct. 30, 1979 PM
hours since she was raped in the evening of January
7, 1978 (pp. 26-28, 31, 33-34, tsn, Oct. 29, 1979
AM; Exhibit "B"). 3 2. When Eustaquio Loreno and the man in dark
sweater reached the balcony, Loreno positioned
himself next to the post in the balcony, while the
Appellants Eustaquio Loreno and Jimmy Marantal claimed that they man in dark sweater delivered the letter to Elias
acted under the compulsion of an irresistible force and/or under the Monge. Loreno admitted that, without prior
impulse of uncontrollable fear of equal or greater injury. They instructions, he immediately positioned himself near
admitted that they were in the house of Elias Monge on the night of
the post of the balcony (p. 10, tsn, Id.), an act which Jimmy Marantal, who was standing at the gate of the house below,
showed his voluntary participation in the criminal must have heard the shouts of Monica Monge for help and must
acts. have known by then that Monica Monge was being abused by his
two companions who earlier went up the house. As a "lookout" or
3. Eustaquio Loreno himself tied the victim with guard, Jimmy Marantal gave his companions effective means and
rattan and thereafter, with ropes of the hammock. encouragement to commit the crimes of robbery and rape. There
Loreno in fact admitted that he was the one who was no showing that Jimmy Marantal raised a voice of protest or did
furnished the rattan which he got from inside the an act to prevent the commission of the crimes.
house (pp. 14-15, tsn, Id.).
All these demonstrated the voluntary participation and the conspiracy
4. When Monica Monge was struggling and shouting of the appellants. The foregoing acts, though separately performed
for help from inside the room where she was earlier from those of their unidentified companions, clearly showed their
dragged by the man in dark sweater, Loreno's community of interest and concert of criminal design with their
immediate reaction was to point his gun to the unidentified companions which constituted conspiracy without the
victims who were then lying on the floor, telling them need of direct proof of the conspiracy itself. 6 Conspiracy may be
not to rise if they wanted to live (p. 38, tsn.,  Id.). inferred and proven by the acts of the accused themselves and when
said acts point to joint purpose and concert of action and community
of interest, which unity of purpose and concert of action serve to
The records likewise revealed that on the two occasions Eustaquio
establish the existence of conspiracy, 7 and the degree of actual
Loreno brought Beata Monge to the master's room and the teacher's
participation petition by each of the conspirators is
room where he made her open the trunk and the "aparador"  with her
immaterial. 8 Conspiracy having been establish, all the conspirators
keys and got the contents which he brought and poured on the floor
are liable as co-penpals regardless of the extent and character of
of the sala, appellant Loreno acted alone, without the threat and
their participation because in contemplation of law, the act of one is
assistance of the man in dark sweater. And after the man in dark
the act of all. 9
sweater consummated his lust on Cristina Monge in the teacher's
room and seeing Cristina Monge still lying on the floor, Loreno
embraced her and tried to kiss and touch her private parts. The foregoing crime of robbery with double rape was combat muted
on January 7, 1978, by more than three persons, all armed, 10 in
conspiracy with each other, attended by the aggravating
When Eustaquio Loreno and Francisco Fable went downstairs to
circumstances of band, nighttime and dwelling and is, under P.D.
drive the barking dog away, the flashlight of Loreno happened to be
767, promulgated on August 15, 1975, punishable by death. But, for
focused on the face of Jimmy Marantal who in turn beamed his
lack of the required number of votes, the accused should suffer the
flashlight on the approaching Fable. Upon seeing Fable, Jimmy
penalty of reclusion perpetua.
Marantal kicked the former twice causing him (Fabie) to fall to the
ground. Marantal's reaction towards Fable was due to the fact that
Fable had recognized him and the blows which he gave to Fable WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from should be, as it is
who was still tied at the moment was to serve as a warning to Fable hereby, AFFIRMED, with the modification that the accused cused
not to report his presence and participation in the robbery-rape JIMMY MARANTAL is hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty
incident to the authorities. of reclusion perpetua. With costs against appellants.

Uncontrollable fear defendants stated to the witness that they had signed the said
documents under compulsion; that the purpose of the Katipunan
Republic of the Philippines Society was to obtain the independence of the Philippines; that this
SUPREME COURT statement was made in the house of the parish priest of Meycauayan
Manila in the presence of Exequiel Casas and Fernando Nieto. The latter,
upon their examination as witnesses, testified to the same facts,
stating that the defendants told Governor Tecson that they had
signed the said documents under fear of death at the hands of the
thieves by whom they had been captured. The witness Casas, the
G.R. No. 1481            February 17, 1904 municipal president of Meycauayan, testified that he held office as
such in place of the former president, Don Tomas Testa, who was
THE UNITED STATES, complainant-appellee, kidnapped in the month of October, 1902.
LIBERATO EXALTACION, ET AL., defendants-appellants. The said documents, the first of which was dated July 4 and the
second July 17, 1902, were written in Tagalog, and contain an oath
Alberto Barretto for appellants. taken in the name of God, and a covenant on the part of the
Office of the Solicitor-General Araneta for appellee. subscribers to carry out the superior orders of the Katipunan, and
never disobey them until their death in the defense of the mother
TORRES, J.: country. The two accused, under oath, testified to having signed the
said documents and alleged that they did so under compulsion and
March 26, 1903, the provincial fiscal of Bulacan presented to the force while they were held as captives by the thieves; that the
court of that province an information charging Liberato Exaltacion defendant Tanchinco was captured in the fields one day when he
and Buenaventura Tanchinco with the crime of rebellion, in that they, was going to work on his farm by three armed men, unknown to him,
subsequently to the 4th day of November, 1901, willfully and illegally who asked him if he was an agent or friend of President Testa, and
bound themselves to take part in a rebellion against the Government upon his replying in the negative they compelled him in view of his
of the United States in these Islands, swearing allegiance to the denial to sign a document, now on page 3 of the record.
Katipunan Society, the purpose of which was to overthrow the said
Government by force of arms, this against the statute in the case The defendant Tanchinco cited Lazaro Yusay to testify to the fact
made and provided. that he was captured at a place called Kaibiga in the township of
Novaliches, and that on the day following his release, having been
In the course of the trial Don Pablo Tecson, the provincial governor unable to pay the $300 which was demanded of him, he reported to
of Bulacan, testified under oath that the two defendants were the president, Tomas Testa. The defendant Liberato Exaltacion
arrested in the month of March, 1903, the police some days before under oath testified that he was captured near Meycauayan by five
having captured a number of documents in the encampment of one persons, unknown, dressed as policemen and armed with guns or
Contreras, as so-called general of bandits, situated at a place called revolvers; that these men bound him and took him into the forest and
Langca, of the town of Meycauayan, among which documents there compelled him by threats of death to sign the documents now
appeared the papers now on pages 2 and 3 of the record, signed by on page 2 of the record; that thereupon they allowed him to go upon
the said Exaltacion and Tanchinco, who recognized the said promise to return. This defendant testified that Antero Villano and
documents when they were exhibited to them; that the said Tomas Rivera saw him while on the road in the hands of the thieves.
Both the accused testified that as soon as they were released they
presented themselves to the president, Don Tomas Testa, in the judgment entered herein will be furnished him for his information and
presence of witnesses, and subsequently went to Bonifacio Morales, guidance. So ordered.
a lieutenant of volunteers, and reported to him the fact that they had
been captured. Republic of the Philippines
The witnesses Morales, Lazaro Yusay, Antero Villano, Dalmacio Manila
Ferrer, and Hipolito de Leon — of whom the last two were present
when Tanchinco appeared before Senor Testa, the president of EN BANC
Meycauayan, and reported to him what had happened to him — all
testified to the same fact and corroborated the statements of the G.R. No. L-13025           December 29, 1959
accused with respect to their capture and their subsequent report to
President Testa and to the witness Morales.
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
The evidence for the prosecution, and especially the two documents TEODULO ROGSDO, ET AL., defendants-appellants.
above referred to, signed by the accused, is not sufficient to prove
the guilt of the latter or to justify the imposition upon them of the
penalty inflicted by the judgment of the court below. Solicitor General Edilberto Barot and Solicitor Jorge R. Coquia for
Alfredo G. Fernando for appellant Teodoro Rogado.
The facts, established by the evidence, that the defendants were Angel C. Facundo for the appellants.
kidnapped by brigands who belonged to the Contreras band, and
that they signed the said documents under compulsion and while in
captivity, relieve them from all criminal liability from the crime of
rebellion of which they are charged. The conduct of the defendants
in presenting themselves first to the local president of Meycauayan
and subsequently to Lieut. Bonifacio Morales, of the Bulacan BAUTISTA ANGELO, J.:
Government Volunteers, as soon as they were released by the
bandits is corroborative of their testimony, and is the best On September 25, 1956, Teodulo Togado, alias Commander Sulit,
demonstration of their innocence. This conclusion is not overcome Isaac Orenia, alias Commander Lawin, Domingo Golfo, alias Eser,
by the trifling discrepancy between the testimony of the witness Cresencio Arsenal, alias Sako, Pedro Merin, alias Abling, Francisco
Yusay and that of the defendant Tanchinco nor the fact the Racoma, alias Maneng, Pio Mercurio, alias Abling, Francisco
Exaltacion was unable to determine the date when he was captured Racoma, alias Rolando, Nemesio Arsolacia, alias Noli, and Conrado
or that on which he appeared before President Testa. Devesa, alias Donato, were charged with murder before the Court of
First Instance of Laguna for killing of one Salvador Areza. They all
The guilt of the defendants of the crime defined and punished by Act pleaded not guilty.
No. 292 not having been established at the trial beyond a reasonable
doubt, we are of the opinion that the judgment below must be During the trial and after several witnesses for the prosecution have
reversed and the defendants acquitted with the costs de oficio. The testified, Francisco Racoma and Conrado Devesa were excluded
judge below will be informed of this decision and a copy of the from the information upon motion of the fiscal to be utilized as
government witnesses. Later, upon motion also of the fiscal, the
charge was dismissed for insufficiency of evidence with respect to It appears that on July 12, 1956, Teodulo Rogado, alias Commander
accused Nemesio Arsolacia, Maximo Cerebo and Pedro Merin. Then Sulit, Isaac Orenia, alias Commander Lawin, Domingo
counsel for the remaining accused filed a motion to dismiss on the Golfeo, alias Eser Cresencio Arsenal, alias Sako, Pedro
ground that the killing of the deceased was accomplished by them in Merin, alias Nestor, Maximo Cerebo, alias Maneng, Pio
furtherance of the huk movement, but the motion was denied. Mercurio, alias Abling, Nemesio Arsolacia, alias Noli, Francisco
Racoma, alias Rolando, and Conrado Devesa, alias Donato, were on
Upon resumption of the trial, counsel for Teodulo Rogado and Pio their way from barrio Sta. Lucia, Nagcarlan, to the municipality of
Mercurio moved for separate trial on the ground that their defense is Lilio, Laguna. They lost their way, and as they were looking for
incompatible with the defense of their co-accused, which motion was someone from whom they should get information as to their
granted by the trial court. And when both parties have submitted the whereabouts they met Salvador Areza whom Racoma and Deveza
case for decision, the trial court found the accused Rogado, Orenia, approached. Upon their inquiry, Areza informed them that they were
Golfeo and Arsenal guilty as principals of the crime charged and in barrio Bubukal, municipality of Lilio; that there was an army camp
sentenced them to suffer the supreme penalty of death, while it stationed nearby; and that the soldiers occasionally go on patrol to
found Pio Mercurio guilty merely as accomplice and sentenced him the barrios.
to the penalty of from 8 years and 21 days of prision mayor  as
minimum to 14 years 19 months and 21 days of reclusion The information was reported to commander Sulit (Rogado) who in
temporal as maximum, with the corresponding accessory penalties turn ordered that Areza be brought to him. After talking with him,
provided for by law. Each of the four principals was also ordered to Rogado asked Areza to lead the way for them, but Areza refused
indemnify the heirs of the deceased in the sum of P6,000.00 and the saying that he had much work to do, and besides he had a carabao
accomplice in the amount of P2,000.00, and all to pay their with him. after a brief talk with Orenia, alias Commander Lawin,
proportionate share of the costs. rogado told Racoma that they were taking along Areza and that if he
should refuse, he should be tied, which instruction Racoma relayed
Pio Mercurio having failed to file his brief, this case is before this to his two companions, Merin and arsenal, telling them to be
Court only for the review of the decision rendered against the prepared in case Areza would give them a fight. Thereupon, Racoma
accused Rogado, Orenia, Golfeo and Arsenal which imposes upon approached Areza and asked if he could barrow from him his bolo.
them the penalty of death. Areza obliged. When Areza refused to go with them, Pio Mercurio
dragged him along, and as he refused, Golfeo struck him with the
butt of his gun.
On July 12, 1956, Salvador Areza, a farmer residing in Lilio, Laguna,
left his house carrying with him a bolo on lots scabbard to gather
firewood in his farm in barrio Bubukal. When he failed to return home After walking a short distance, Mercurio tied Areza's hands behind
that day, his wife Lydia Nudal went out to search for him. She was him. Areza protested telling Mercurio that he had not done anything
accompanied by some armed men, the mayor, and a sanitary health wrong, whereupon Golfeo gave him a fist blow on his stomach. After
officer, and after a brief search, they found the decapitated body of walking some distance, a command to stop was heard and so they
her husband in an uninhabited place in Bubukal about half kilometer stopped. Racoma then approached Rogado and told him that they
away from the road. The gruesome find revealed that Areza's head should release Areza at night but rogado told him that Areza should
was totally severed from his body with his hands tied together. The be killed and when Racoma returned to the group he found that
health officer, Dr. Dominador L. Gomez, found the body to be in state Areza was being assaulted by Orenia and Golfeo. At this moment,
of decomposition, which led him to conclude that the deceased must Racoma heard Rogado saying, in the vernacular, "Kill him now so we
have died three to five days prior to his discovery. Areza's bolo and can proceed." Areza was then taken to a secluded place quite far
his scabbard were also found near his body. from the road, which was thick forest about 20 or 30 meters away
from the group, and there Golfeo ordered Areza to lie down. With body. His participation in the killing of Areza cannot therefore be
Areza's bolo and ignoring the plea for mercy of their victim, Golfeo doubted. His only defense is that he did so in obedience to the order
gave him a blow on the neck as he lay face down and with his hands of his commander, and because he acted under the influence of
still tied behind. With the same bolo, Arsenal also gave the victim uncontrollable fear, he should be exempt from criminal responsibility.
another blow on the neck which completely severed the head from
the body. The defense of Golfeo is clearly untenable not only because of the
well-settled rule that obedience to an order of a superior will only
On September 20, 1956, Pedro Merin, a member of the group who justify an act which otherwise would be criminal when the order is for
surrendered to the authorities, made a sworn statement before the a lawful purpose, but also because the circumstances under which
Justice of the Peace of Nagcarlan, Laguna, stating therein that Golfeo participated in the torture and liquidation of Areza cannot in
Salvador Areza was killed by Ezer and Sako upon order of any way justify his claim that he acted under an uncontrollable fear of
Commander Sulit. Domingo Golfeo also made a sworn statement being punished by his superiors if he disobeyed their order. In the
before the justice of the Peace of Sta. Cruz, Laguna, admitting his first place, at the time of the killing, Golfeo was armed with automatic
participation in the killing of Areza upon order of Commander Sulit. carbine such that he could have protected himself from any
On September 21, 1956, Cresencio Arsenal also made a written retaliation on the part of his superiors if they should threaten to
statement before the Mayor of Sta. Cruz, Laguna, admitting that he punish him if he disobeyed their order to kill Areza. In the second
was one of those who killed Areza. Both Domingo Golfeo and place, the evidence shows that Areza was brought to a secluded
Cresencio Arsenal, while admitting their participation in the killing of place quite far from that where his superiors were at the time and in
the deceased, claimed in exculpation that they acted under the such a predicament, he and companion Arsenal could have escaped
pressure of an irresistible force in that they merely obeyed the order with Areza to void the ire of their superiors. The fact that he carried
of their Commander, Rogado alias Commander Sulit, who would out their order although his superiors were at some distance from
have killed them if they disobeyed his order. The other appellants him and that without pity and compunction he struck his victim in a
merely contended that the killing was done in furtherance of the huk Kempetai fashion show that he acted on the matter not involuntarily
rebellion.lawphi1.net or under the pressure of fear of force, as he claims, but out of his
own free will and with the desire to collaborate with the criminal
Their is no doubt that the unfortunate victim met his death in the design of his superiors. In the circumstances, we find that the trial
hands of the accused who decided to take his life because of his court did not err in finding him responsible for the death of Areza as
stubborn refusal to obey their command that he lead their way to the co-principal by direct participation.
place they wanted to go in order that they may not be exposed and
caught by the agents of the law who were stationed in a nearby The same situation obtained with regard to Cresencio Arsenal. It
municipality. The only question to be determined is whether the appears that he was one of those ordered by Rogado to kill Areza
defense they have set up is sufficient to exonerate them from liability. and in obedience to such order he had a direct participation in the
killing. It was he and Golfeo who brought Areza to a secluded place
As regard accused Domingo Golfeo, The evidence is clear that it and once there he helped Golfeo in killing him with the same bolo
was he who first struck Areza with the butt of his gun hitting him on which was taken from the victim himself. Thus, it appears that after
the side of his body, then gave him a fist blow on his stomach, and Golfeo had given the first blow on the back of the neck of Areza as
after he had been taken to a secluded place, it was he who ordered he lay face down on the ground, Arsenal took the bolo himself and
Areza to lie down in the fashion adopted by the Kempetai during the gave the fatal blow which completely severed the head of Areza from
gloomy days of Japanese occupation and in that position gave him a his body. There is therefore no doubt that Arsenal directly
blow on the back of the neck which almost severed his head from the cooperated with Golfeo in carrying out the concerted plan of killing
Areza because of the hostile attitude he adopted in denying them the The answer is well given in the following interesting observation of
help they demanded from him. Since Arsenal to those existing in the the trial court:
case of Golfeo, his claim of obedience and fear of retaliation if he
disobeyed his superiors' order cannot also be entertained. According to the testimony of the prosecution witness,
Francisco Racoma, Salvador Areza was maltreated, tied and
The other defense of appellants refers to their theory that they killed killed because the latter refused to lead and guide the group
Areza not for personal motive but in furtherance of the huk rebellion of Rogado to the road when he was asked by the latter to do
and so, if any liability they have, it is only for rebellion and for murder so, Rogado's men were lost in the mountains of Lilio and
as they are charged. And having already been prosecuted and they needed somebody to help them find the way out of the
convicted of the crime of rebellion in Criminal Case No. SP-137 of place. They came upon Areza working in his farm. Rogado
the Court of First Instance of Laguna, their prosecution in the instant asked him to lead the way and Areza refused saying that he
case would constitute double jeopardy. had much work to do and he could not leave his carabao.
Angered and irked by such stubborn refusal, Rogado after
to begin with, it should be stated that while this Court ruled in People conferring with his co-defendant Orenia gave the order to
vs. Hernandez, 99 Phil., 515, 52 Off. Gaz., No. 11, p. 5506, that take Areza along and to kill him. The killing of Areza was
there is no complex crime of rebellion with murder because the latter done solely to satisfy the anger of the leader, rogado, who
offense is absorbed by the former, however, a distinction was made being used to the blind obedience of his men could not
in the case of People vs. Geronimo, 100 Phil., 90, 53, Off. Gaz., No. tolerate the refusal of Areza to carry out his wishes and
1, p. 68, where we held that if the killing is inspired by personal desires. The rebellious movement of the group had nothing
motive such killing is not absorbed by the rebellion but may be the to gain by Atienza's death. On the contrary, Rogado and his
subject of separate prosecution. In the second place, we find that the group needed Areza alive in order that they could utilize him
acts with which appellants now charged do not appear included in as their guide while they were in the mountains of Lilio.
the information for rebellion in Criminal Case No. SP-137, for in the There is no question that they could have easily at the point
case they were merely accused of having risen and taken up arms of their thompsons, carbines and garands, forced Areza to
against the Philippine constabulary, Armed Forces of the Philippines, lead the way. But they did not do so, because at that time
police forces and other military detachments of the government, Rogado was not so much interested in finding the path to the
without specifying the particular acts committed against private road; what concerned him most was to teach a lesson and a
persons or civilians which may be said to have been undertaken in hard one at that, to Salvador Areza for having the timerity of
furtherance of the huk rebellion. It is not, therefore, correct to say, as saying "no" to his wish and request. Surely, to kill a person
appellants now claim, that the act in question is already included or under those circumstances is obviously outside of the
absorbed in the rebellion charge filed against them in said criminal political intent of the Hukbalahap movement. The huks rise
case. up in arms because they mistakenly believe that by doing so
they can have desired changes in the political, social, and
economic life of this country. But to accomplish such a
On the other hand, the pretense that the killing of Areza by
purpose, the death of innocent civilians like Salvador Areza
appellants was done in furtherance of the huk rebellion is
is unquestionably unnecessary. When the killing is done
preposterous considering the fact that Areza was a mere farmer who
solely for the purpose of answering the lust to kill or of
had no connection whatsoever with any law-enforcement agency of
satisfying angered feelings, thwarted desires of leaders and
the government. The pertinent question that arises is: Why was he
followers of the Hukbalahap movement, such a killing must
taken killed and brutally beheaded by appellant?
receive its due punishment at the hands of our courts which
are called upon to do justice not only to the living but just as PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Appellee,
well to the dead. vs.
An attempt was made by appellants to show that Areza was killed CALAGUAS FERNANDEZ a.k.a. LANDO CALAGUAS,
because he threatened to inform the Army of their presence in the
neighborhood where he met them. Such attempt, however, is DECISION
ridiculous, for Areza, being then alone and confronted with a group of
armed men, could not have hurled such a threat without catering PERALTA, J.:
immediate death. As the trial court aptly observed: "This Court
cannot believe that Areza would have been such a fool to tell that This is an appeal from the Decision 1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in
band of armed Huks that he would give them away to the Army. It is CA-G.R. CR-H.C. No. 00556, affirming the trial court's judgment
reasonable to presume that any sane person would have seen the finding appellants Fernando Calaguas Fernandez (Lando) and
danger of making such statement under the circumstances, for that Alberto Cabillo Anticamara (Al) guilty beyond reasonable doubt of
would have been sure death." the crime of Murder in Criminal Case No. 4498-R and of the crime of
Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention in Criminal Case No. 4481-
The trial court found that the crime was committed with the qualifying R.
circumstances of treachery, aggravated by abuse of superior
strength and the fact that it happened in an uninhabited place, for Lando, Al, Dick Tañedo (Dick), Roberto Tañedo (Bet), Marvin Lim
which reason it imposed upon appellants to supreme penalty of (Marvin), Necitas Ordeñiza-Tañedo (Cita), and Fred Doe are
death. While some members of the Court agree to the existence of charged with the crimes of Murder and of Kidnapping/Serious Illegal
the above aggravating circumstances, others however doubt if they Detention in two separate Informations, which read:
could be entertained in the case of appellants who, as members of
the Hukbalahap organization, rightly or wrongly, were of the belief
that they were justified in doing what they had done because Areza For Murder (Criminal Case No. 4498-R)
committed something inimical to the purposes of their organization.
At any rate, the requisite number of votes for the application of the That on or about the early morning of May 7, 2002, in Sitio Rosalia,
supreme penalty not having been obtained, the only alternative is to Brgy. San Bartolome, Municipality of Rosales, Province of
impose upon them the penalty of reclusion perpetua. Pangasinan, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
above-named accused, being then armed with a hand gun,
With this modification, we affirm the decision appealed from all other conspiring, confederating and mutually helping one another, with
respects, with costs against appellants. intent to kill, with treachery, evident premeditation and superior
strength, did then and there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously take
Sulpacio Abad, driver of the Estrellas, hog tied (sic) him, brought
Republic of the Philippines (sic) to a secluded place, shoot and bury in a shallow grave, to the
SUPREME COURT damage and prejudice of the heirs of the victim.
Contrary to Article 248, Revised Penal Code.
For Kidnapping/Serious Illegal Detention (Criminal Case No. 4481-R)
G.R. No. 178771               June 8, 2011
That on or about the 7th day of May 2002, more or less 3:00 o'clock Thereafter, AAA observed about six (6) persons enter the house,
in the early morning, at the Estrella Compound, Brgy. Carmen East, who she later identified as accused Dick Tañedo, Marvin Lim, Bert
Municipality of Rosales, Province of Pangasinan, and within the Tañedo, a certain Fred and appellants Alberto Anticamara alias "Al
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, who Camara," and Fernando Fernandez alias "Lando Calaguas." One of
are private persons, conspiring, confederating and mutually helping the intruders approached her and told her not to move (TSN, ibid., p.
one another, armed with firearms, did then and there willfully, 8).
unlawfully and feloniously kidnap Sulpacio Abad and AAA, 2 both
employees of the Estrellas, thereby depriving them of their liberty, all Later, when AAA thought that the intruders were already gone, she
against their will for a period of twenty-seven (27) days. attempted to run but to her surprise, someone wearing a bonnet was
watching her. Someone, whom she later recognized as Dick Tañedo,
That in the course of the kidnapping, Sulpacio Abad was killed and tapped her shoulder. AAA asked Tañedo, "Why Kuya?" Tañedo
buried in Brgy. Carmen, Rosales, Pangasinan and AAA was raped replied, "Somebody will die." After a brief commotion, appellant alias
for several times by her abductors. "Lando Calaguas" asked the group saying, "What shall we do now?"
They then decided to tie AAA. Later, AAA was untied and led her
Contrary to Article 267 of the Revised Penal Code, in relation to RA outside the house. Outside, AAA saw Abad, who was also tied and
7659. blindfolded, seated inside a vehicle (TSN, April 26, 2004, pp. 6-10).

When arraigned of the aforementioned crimes, Lando, Al and Cita all The group later brought AAA and Abad to the fishpond owned by
pleaded not guilty, while Dick, Bet, Marvin and Fred Doe remained their employers. AAA saw Cita Tañedo there. The group brought
at-large. Thereafter, a joint trial ensued. Abad outside the vehicle and led him away (TSN, December 2,
2002, pp. 13-18; TSN, February 17, 2003, pp. 5-8).
As summarized in the People's brief, the facts as established by the
evidence of the prosecution are as follows: Later, alias "Fred" returned telling the group, "Make the decision
now, Abad has already four bullets in his body, and the one left is for
this girl." When Cita Tañedo made a motion of cutting her neck,
About 3 o'clock in the early morning of May 7, 2002, househelper
appellant alias "Lando Calaguas" and "Fred" boarded the vehicle
AAA and driver Abad Sulpacio were sleeping in their employers'
taking along with them AAA. They later proceeded towards San
house located in Barangay Carmen East, Rosales, Pangasinan.
Miguel Tarlac, where Lando Calaguas resided. They stayed in
Their employers, Conrado Estrella and his wife, were out of the
Lando's house where they kept AAA from May 7 to May 9, 2002
house at that time (TSN, December 4, 2002, pp. 4-7). Momentarily,
(TSN, December 4, 2002, pp. 18-22; TSN, February 17, 2003, pp. 7-
AAA was jolted from sleep when she heard voices saying, "We will
kill her, kill her now" and another voice saying, "Not yet!" Hiding
under her blanket, AAA later heard someone saying, "We only need
money, we only need money." Thereafter, she heard someone On May 9, 2002, appellant Lando Calaguas told AAA that Fred and
talking in Ilocano which she could not understand. Then she heard Bert Tañedo would kill her. Lando then brought AAA to a hotel in
somebody say, "Cebuana yan, Cebuana yan, kararating lang galing Tarlac, telling AAA that he would leave her there as soon as Fred
Cebu." AAA heard the persons conversing which she estimated and Bert Tañedo leave the place. However, once inside the hotel
about four to five meters away (TSN, ibid., pp. 11-12). room, appellant Lando Calaguas sexually molested AAA. Lando told
AAA to follow what he wanted, threatening her that he would turn her
over to Fred and Bert Tañedo. After Lando raped AAA, he brought
her back to his house. Later, Fred, Bert Tañedo and Lando Calaguas turned into grayish-black pultaceous masses. Worn on top of the
transferred AAA to Riles, Tarlac (TSN, ibid., pp. 9-13). remaining chest is a sando shirt with observable holes at the left
side, both front and back. A large hole is seen at the area of the left
AAA was brought to the residence of Fred's niece, a certain Minda, nipple, with traces of burning at its edges and inward in direction. A
where Fred kept AAA as his wife. At nighttime, Fred would tied cloth is also observable at the remnants of the left wrist.
repeatedly ravish AAA, threatening her that he would give her back
to appellant Lando Calaguas who, AAA knew, killed Abad Sulpacio. x At the upper chest, which is the most recognizable, remaining and
She was afraid Lando might also kill her (TSN, ibid., pp. 14-16). intact part of the torso, a hole, 1.0 cm. x 2.0 cms., with signs of
burning, edges inverted, is seen at the left anterior axillary line just
On May 22, 2002, Fred brought AAA to Carnaga (should be below the left nipple. Another hole is seen 1.5 cms. x 2.5 cms. in
Kananga), Leyte, together with his wife Marsha and their children. diameter, edged averted (sic) at the right chest, along the right
AAA stayed in the house of Marsha's brother Sito, where she was anterior axillary line, 5.0 cms. below the right nipple. A 3rd hole,
made as a house helper (TSN, ibid., p. 17). almost unrecognizable is seen at the left groin area.

On June 4, 2002, AAA escaped from the house of Sito. She x The other parts of the cadaver are too far advanced in
proceeded to Isabel, Leyte and sought the help of her friend Susana decomposition to have remarkable findings.
Ilagan. After hearing AAA's plight, Susana called AAA's brother in
Cebu, who later fetched AAA in Isabel, Leyte and brought her to CAUSE OF DEATH:
Mandaue City. When they arrived in Mandaue City, they immediately
reported the incident to the police authorities. On June 23, 2002, GUNSHOT WOUNDS, TRUNK3
AAA executed a Sworn Statement (Exh. "D," TSN, ibid., pp. 18-20).
In his defense, Lando denied having committed the crimes charged
Meanwhile, Dr. Ronald Bandonil, Medico-Legal Officer of the and interposed alibi as a defense. He claims that at the time of the
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), conducted an autopsy on the incident on May 7, 2002, he was in Barangay Maligaya, San Miguel,
cadaver of Sulpacio Abad. Dr. Bandonil prepared Autopsy Report Tarlac, with his family. He denied ever going to the Estrella farm in
No. N-T2-23-P (Exh. "A") which contains the following findings, to Sitio Rosalia, Barangay San Bartolome, Rosales, Pangasinan.
Al claimed that he acted as a lookout and was tasked to report to his
x Remains placed in a sealed metal coffin, wrapped in two (2) layers companions if any person or vehicle would approach the house of
of black, plastic garbage bags, and covered in (sic) a red-stripped the Estrellas. He said that he was forced to follow what was ordered
cotton blanker. A thick layer of lime embeds the whole torso. of him and did not report the matter to the police because he was
threatened to be killed, including the members of his family who were
x Remains in a far advanced state of decomposition, with the head in Cebu.
completely devoid of soft tissue. A cloth is wrapped around the
eyesockets and tied to the back of the skull. The skull does not show On August 23, 2004, the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Rosales,
any signs of dents, chips nor fractures. The other recognizable body Pangasinan, Branch 53, rendered its Decision, 4 the dispositive
part is the chest area which retained a few soft tissues and skin, but portion of which states:
generally far advanced in decomposition. The whole gamut of
internal organs have undergone liquefaction necrosis and have been
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as follows: A) Accused Nicetas "Cita" Tañedo is hereby
acquitted of the crime charged for insufficiency of
I. In Criminal Case No. 4498-R for Murder: evidence;

A. Accused Nicetas "Cita" Tañedo is hereby B) Accused Fernando Calaguas Fernandez (alyas
acquitted of the crime charged for insufficiency of Lando Calaguas) and Alberto Anticamara (alyas Al
evidence; Camara) are hereby found guilty beyond reasonable
doubt, as principal, of the crime of
Kidnapping/Serious Illegal Detention of the victim
B. Accused Fernando Calaguas Fernandez (alyas
AAA as charged, defined and penalized under
Lando Calaguas) and Alberto Anticamara (alyas Al
Article 267 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended
Camara) are hereby found guilty beyond reasonable
by R.A. 7659. Considering that the victim AAA was
doubt, as principal, of the crime of Murder qualified
raped during her detention, the maximum penalty of
by treachery, defined and penalized under Article
DEATH is hereby imposed upon the two accused,
248 of the Revised Penal Code. Considering the
Fernando Calaguas Fernandez (Lando Calaguas)
presence of aggravating circumstance of pre-
and Alberto Anticamara (Al Camara). The two
meditation, with no mitigating circumstance to offset
accused are also ordered to pay, jointly and
the same, the penalty of DEATH is hereby imposed
severally, the victim AAA the amount of:
upon the two (2) accused Fernando Calaguas
Fernandez (Lando Calaguas) and Alberto
Anticamara (Al Camara). They are also ordered 1) One Hundred Thousand Pesos
jointly and severally [to] pay the heirs of the victim (₱100,000.00) as moral damages;
Abad Sulpacio the following:
2) Fifty Thousand Pesos (₱50,000.00) as
1) Fifty Thousand Pesos (₱50,000.00) as exemplary damages; and
moral damages;
3) Cost of suit.
2) Seventy-Five Thousand Pesos
(₱75,000.00) as indemnity for the death of As to the rest of the accused who are still at-large, let this case be
the victim; set to the archives until they are apprehended.

3) Fifty-Seven Thousand One Hundred SO ORDERED.5

Twenty-Two Pesos and Thirty Centavos
(₱57,122.30) as actual damages; and In light of the Court’s ruling in People v. Mateo, 6 the records of the
cases were forwarded by the RTC to the CA for its review. The CA
4) The cost of suit. rendered a Decision dated December 15, 2006, affirming the
decision of the RTC in Criminal Case Nos. 4498-R and 4481-R.
II. Criminal Case No. 4481-R for Kidnapping/Serious Illegal However, in view of the abolition of the death penalty pursuant to
Detention: Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9346, which was approved on June 24,
2006, the appellants were sentenced to reclusion perpetua.
On January 9, 2007, Lando, through the Public Attorney's Office GUILT OF THE ACCUSED-APPELLANT WAS NOT PROVEN
(PAO), appealed the Decision of the CA to this Court. Lando had BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT.7
assigned the following errors in his appeal initially passed upon by
the CA, to wit: On January 9, 2007, Al, through the PAO, appealed the Decision of
the CA to this Court. Al had assigned the following errors, to wit:




In capsule, the main issue is whether the appellants are guilty of the
V crimes charged.

Circumstantial Evidence
The trial court found that although there was no direct eyewitness in 4. Inside the Revo, she recognized the accused Dick
the killing of Sulpacio in the early morning of May 7, 2002 at Sitio Tañedo, Lando Calaguas, Marvin Lim, Roberto Tañedo,
Rosalia, Barangay San Bartolome, Rosales, Pangasinan, the Alberto Anticamara and Fred;
prosecution adduced sufficient circumstantial evidence to establish
with moral certainty the identities and guilt of the perpetrators of the 5. The Revo then proceeded towards the fishpond owned by
crime. the Estrellas in Sitio Rosalia, Brgy. San Bartolome, Rosales,
Circumstantial evidence consists of proof of collateral facts and
circumstances from which the existence of the main fact may be 6. The last time that she saw Abad Sulpacio was when he
inferred according to reason and common experience . was dragged out from the vehicle by Lando, Fred, Marvin
 Circumstantial evidence is sufficient to sustain conviction if: (a) and Al upon reaching Sitio Rosalia. At that, time Dick
there is more than one circumstance; (b) the facts from which the Tañedo stayed with her in the vehicle;
inferences are derived are proven; (c) the combination of all
circumstances is such as to produce a conviction beyond reasonable 7. Thereafter, when Fred returned to the vehicle, she heard
doubt.10 A judgment of conviction based on circumstantial evidence him uttered (sic): "Make a decision now. Abad has already
can be sustained when the circumstances proved form an unbroken four (4) bullets in his body, and the one left is for this girl." 12
chain that results in a fair and reasonable conclusion pointing to the
accused, to the exclusion of all others, as the perpetrator. 11
In addition to these circumstances, the trial court further found that
AAA heard Fred utter "Usapan natin pare, kung sino ang
In this case, the circumstantial evidence presented by the masagasaan, sagasaan." (Our agreement is that whoever comes
prosecution, when analyzed and taken together, lead to the our way should be eliminated). Moreover, NBI Agent Gerald V.
inescapable conclusion that the appellants are responsible for the Geralde testified that on June 23, 2002, appellant Al admitted his
death of Sulpacio. The Court quotes with approval the lower court's participation as lookout and naming his companions Dick, Lando,
enumeration of those circumstantial evidence: Fred, Marvin and Bet as the ones who took AAA and Sulpacio from
the house of the Estrellas and brought them to the fishpond. Al also
The testimony of AAA had clearly established the following facts: pointed and led the authorities to a shallow grave in Sitio Rosalia,
Barangay San Bartolome, Rosales, Pangasinan, where the remains
1. At about 3:00 in the early morning of May 7, 2002, while of Sulpacio were buried. The autopsy conducted on the body,
she and the victim Abad Sulpacio were sleeping inside the prepared by the Medico Legal Officer Dr. Bandonil, shows that
house of the Estrella family in Barangay Carmen, Rosales, several holes were found on various parts of the body of the victim
Pangasinan several persons entered to rob the place; and Dr. Bandonil concluded that the cause of the victim's death was
the gunshot wounds. The report also indicates that a piece of cloth
2. Inside the house, she saw and recognized the accused was found wrapped around the eye sockets and tied at the back of
Lando Calaguas and Dick Tañedo, and heard the latter the skull, and another cloth was also found tied at the remnants of
uttering "somebody will die"; the left wrist.

3. Bringing her outside the house, Lando pushed her into the In the case at bar, although no one directly saw the actual killing of
Revo where she saw inside Abad Sulpacio who was Sulpacio, the prosecution was able to paint a clear picture that the
blindfolded and with his hands tied; appellants took Sulpacio away from the house of the Estrellas, tied
and blindfolded him, and brought him to another place where he was Dick's act of arming himself with a gun constitutes direct evidence of
repeatedly shot and buried. a deliberate plan to kill should the need arise.

Conspiracy Appellant Al attempts to evade criminal liability by alleging that he

was only forced to participate in the commission of the crime
Under Article 8 of the Revised Penal Code, there is conspiracy when because he and his family were threatened to be killed. Al's defense
two or more persons come to an agreement concerning a felony and fails to impress us. Under Article 1217 of the Revised Penal Code, a
decide to commit it. It may be inferred from the acts of the accused person is exempt from criminal liability if he acts under the
before, during or after the commission of the crime which, when compulsion of an irresistible force, or under the impulse of an
taken together, would be enough to reveal a community of criminal uncontrollable fear of equal or greater injury, because such person
design, as the proof of conspiracy is frequently made by evidence of does not act with freedom. 18 To avail of this exempting circumstance,
a chain of circumstances.13 To be a conspirator, one need not the evidence must establish: (1) the existence of an uncontrollable
participate in every detail of the execution; he need not even take fear; (2) that the fear must be real and imminent; and (3) the fear of
part in every act or need not even know the exact part to be an injury is greater than, or at least equal to, that committed. 19 For
performed by the others in the execution of the conspiracy. Each such defense to prosper, the duress, force, fear or intimidation must
conspirator may be assigned separate and different tasks which may be present, imminent and impending, and of such nature as to
appear unrelated to one another but, in fact, constitute a whole induce a well-grounded apprehension of death or serious bodily
collective effort to achieve their common criminal objective. Once harm if the act be done. A threat of future injury is not enough. 20
conspiracy is shown, the act of one is the act of all the conspirators.
The precise extent or modality of participation of each of them There is nothing in the records to substantiate appellant Al's
becomes secondary, since all the conspirators are principals. 14 insistence that he was under duress from his co-accused while
participating in the crime that would suffice to exempt him from
In the present case, prior to the commission of the crime, the group incurring criminal liability. The evidence shows that Al was tasked to
met at the landing field in Carmen, Pangasinan and discussed their act as a lookout and directed to station himself across the house of
plan to rob the house of the Estrellas with the agreement that the Estrellas. Al was there from 7:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. 21 of the
whoever comes their way will be eliminated. 15 Appellant Al served as following day, while the rest of the group was waiting in the landing
a lookout by posting himself across the house of the Estrellas with field. Thus, while all alone, Al had every opportunity to escape since
the task of reporting any movements outside. Fred then climbed the he was no longer subjected to a real, imminent or reasonable fear.
old unserviceable gate of the Estrella compound and then opened However, he opted to stay across the house of the Estrellas for
the small door and the rest of the group entered the house of the almost six (6) hours,22 and thereafter returned to the landing field
Estrellas through that opening.16 After almost an hour inside the where the group was waiting for his report. Subsequently, the group
house, they left on board a vehicle with AAA and Sulpacio. AAA and proceeded to the Estrellas’ house. When the group entered the
Sulpacio were brought to Sitio Rosalia, Brgy. San Bartolome, house, Al stayed for almost one (1) hour outside to wait for his
Rosales, Pangasinan. In that place, Sulpacio was killed and AAA companions. Later, when the group left the house aboard a vehicle,
was brought to another place and deprived of her liberty. These Al rode with them in going to Sitio Rosalia, Brgy. San Bartolome,
circumstances establish a community of criminal design between the Rosales, Pangasinan, bringing with them Sulpacio and
malefactors in committing the crime. Clearly, the group conspired to AAA.23 Clearly, appellant Al had ample opportunity to escape if he
rob the house of the Estrellas and kill any person who comes their wished to, but he never did. Neither did he request for assistance
way. The killing of Sulpacio was part of their conspiracy. Further, from the authorities or any person passing by the house of the
Estrellas during the period he was stationed there. Clearly, Al did not
make any effort to perform an overt act to dissociate or detach crime was committed and that it was physically impossible for him to
himself from the conspiracy to commit the felony and prevent the have been at the scene of the crime.Physical impossibility refers to
commission thereof that would exempt himself from criminal the distance between the place where the appellant was when the
liability.24 Therefore, it is obvious that he willingly agreed to be a part crime transpired and the place where it was committed, as well as
of the conspiracy. the facility of access between the two places. 28 Where there is the
least chance for the accused to be present at the crime scene, the
Alibi and Denial defense of alibi must fail.29 During the trial of the case, Lando
testified that the distance between his house in Brgy. Maligaya, San
Miguel, Tarlac to the town of Rosales, Pangasinan is only around
Appellant Lando denied having committed the crime charged and
forty (40) kilometers. Such distance can be traversed in less than 30
interposed alibi as a defense. He claims that at the time of the
minutes using a private car and when the travel is
incident he was in his house at Tarlac, together with his family. On
continuous.30 Thus, it was not physically impossible for the appellant
the other hand, the appellants were positively identified by AAA, as
Lando to be at the locus criminis at the time of the incident. In
two (2) of the six (6) malefactors who forcibly took her and Sulpacio
addition, positive identification destroys the defense of alibi and
from the Estrella house in the early morning of May 7, 2002. Both the
renders it impotent, especially where such identification is credible
trial court and the CA found the testimony of AAA credible. The Court
and categorical.31
gives great weight to the trial court’s evaluation of the testimony of a
witness because it had the opportunity to observe the facial
expression, gesture, and tone of voice of a witness while testifying; Qualifying and Aggravating Circumstances
thus, making it in a better position to determine whether a witness is
lying or telling the truth.251avvphi1 In convicting the appellants, the courts a quo appreciated treachery
in qualifying the killing to murder and evident premeditation in
Between the categorical statements of the prosecution witness, on imposing the penalty of death. There is treachery when the offender
one hand, and the bare denial of the appellant, on the other, the commits any of the crimes against persons, employing means,
former must perforce prevail. An affirmative testimony is far stronger methods or forms in the execution thereof which tend directly and
than a negative testimony especially when it comes from the mouth specially to ensure its execution without risk to himself arising from
of a credible witness. Alibi and denial, if not substantiated by clear the defense that the offended party might make. 32 Two conditions
and convincing evidence, are negative and self-serving evidence must concur for treachery to exist, namely, (a) the employment of
undeserving of weight in law. They are considered with suspicion means of execution gave the person attacked no opportunity to
and always received with caution, not only because they are defend himself or to retaliate; and (b) the means or method of
inherently weak and unreliable but also because they are easily execution was deliberately and consciously adopted.33
fabricated and concocted.26 Denial cannot prevail over the positive
testimony of prosecution witnesses who were not shown to have any In the case at bar, it was proven that when AAA boarded the vehicle,
ill-motive to testify against the appellants.27 she saw Sulpacio tied and blindfolded. Later, when they reached the
fishpond, Sulpacio, still tied and blindfolded, was led out of the
As to the defense of alibi. Aside from the testimony of appellant vehicle by the group. When the remains of Sulpacio was thereafter
Lando that he was in Tarlac at the time of the incident, the defense found by the authorities, the autopsy report indicated that a piece of
was unable to show that it was physically impossible for Lando to be cloth was found wrapped around the eye sockets and tied at the
at the scene of the crime. Basic is the rule that for alibi to prosper, back of the skull and another cloth was also found tied at the left
the accused must prove that he was somewhere else when the wrist of the victim. There is no question therefore, that the victim's
body, when found, still had his hands tied and blindfolded. This
situation of the victim when found shows without doubt that he was In Criminal Case No. 4481-R for Kidnapping and Serious Illegal
killed while tied and blindfolded; hence, the qualifying aggravating Detention.
circumstance of treachery was present in the commission of the
crime. In People v. Osianas,34 the Court held that: The Court finds appellant Lando guilty of the special complex crime
of kidnapping and serious illegal detention with rape, defined in and
x x x In the case at bar, the means used by the accused-appellants penalized under Article 267 of the Revised Penal Code. The
to insure the execution of the killing of the victims, so as to afford the elements of kidnapping and serious illegal detention under Article
victims no opportunity to defend themselves, was the act of tying the 267 of the Revised Penal Code 39 are: (1) the offender is a private
hands of the victims. Teresita saw the accused-appellants hog-tie individual; (2) he kidnaps or detains another or in any other manner
the victims and take them away with them. Later that night, Dionisio deprives the latter of his liberty; (3) the act of detention or kidnapping
Palmero saw the victims, still hog-tied, walking with the accused- must be illegal; and (4) in the commission of the offense, any of the
appellants. The following day, the victims were found dead, still hog- following circumstances is present: (a) the kidnapping or detention
tied. Thus, no matter how the stab and hack wounds had been lasts for more than 3 days; or (b) it is committed by simulating public
inflicted on the victims in the case at bar, we are sure beyond a authority; or (c) any serious physical injuries are inflicted upon the
reasonable doubt that Jose, Ronilo and Reymundo Cuizon had no person kidnapped or detained or threats to kill him are made; or (d)
opportunity to defend themselves because the accused-appellants the person kidnapped or detained is a minor, female, or a public
had earlier tied their hands. The fact that there were twelve persons officer.40
who took and killed the Cuizons further assured the attainment of
accused-appellants' plans without risk to themselves.35 The crime of kidnapping was proven beyond reasonable doubt by
the prosecution. Appellants Lando and Al, both private individuals,
The aggravating circumstance of superior strength cannot be forcibly took AAA, a female, away from the house of the Estrellas
separately appreciated because it is absorbed by treachery. 36 and held her captive against her will. Thereafter, appellant Lando
brought AAA to his house in San Miguel Tarlac, whereby she was
The circumstance of evident premeditation requires proof showing: deprived of her liberty for almost one month. It is settled that the
(1) the time when the accused determined to commit the crime; (2) crime of serious illegal detention consists not only of placing a
an act manifestly indicating that the accused has clung to his person in an enclosure, but also in detaining him or depriving him in
determination; and (3) sufficient lapse of time between such any manner of his liberty.41 For there to be kidnapping, it is enough
determination and execution to allow him to reflect upon the that the victim is restrained from going home. 42 Its essence is the
consequences of his act.37 The essence of premeditation is that the actual deprivation of the victim's liberty, coupled with indubitable
execution of the act was preceded by cool thought and reflection proof of the intent of the accused to effect such
upon the resolution to carry out the criminal intent during a space of deprivation.43 Although AAA was not confined in an enclosure, she
time sufficient to arrive at a calm judgment. 38 From the time the group was restrained and deprived of her liberty, because every time
met at the landing field at around 6:30 p.m. of May 6, 2002, and appellant Lando and his wife went out of the house, they brought
discussed the possibility of killing anyone who stands on their way, AAA with them. The foregoing only shows that AAA was constantly
up to the time they took Sulpacio away from the Estrellas’ house and guarded by appellant Lando and his family.
eventually killed him thereafter at around past 3:00 a.m., more than
eight hours had elapsed – sufficient for the appellants to reflect on The crime of rape was also established by the prosecution. Appellant
the consequences of their actions and desist from carrying out their Lando succeeded in having carnal knowledge of AAA through the
evil scheme, if they wished to. Instead, appellants evidently clung to use of threat and intimidation. AAA testified that on May 9, 2002,
their determination and went ahead with their nefarious plan. appellant Lando brought her to a hotel to hide her from Fred and
Bert, who intended to kill her. Appellant Lando told her to follow his and the crime of kidnapping with rape in this case is likewise a
orders, otherwise, he will give her to Fred and Bert. While in the special complex crime as held in the case of People v.
hotel, appellant Lando raped her.44 Clearly, for fear of being delivered Larrañaga.51 There is no evidence to prove that appellant Al was
to Fred and Bert and of losing her life, AAA had no choice but to give aware of the subsequent events that transpired after the killing of
in to appellant Lando's lustful assault. In rape cases, the credibility of Sulpacio and the kidnapping of AAA. Appellant Al could not have
the victim's testimony is almost always the single most important prevented appellant Lando from raping AAA, because at the time of
factor. When the victim's testimony is credible, it may be the sole rape, he was no longer associated with appellant Lando. AAA even
basis for the accused's conviction. 45 This is so because owing to the testified that only Fred and appellant Lando brought her to
nature of the offense, in many cases, the only evidence that can be Tarlac,52 and she never saw appellant Al again after May 7, 2002, the
given regarding the matter is the testimony of the offended party. 46 day she was held captive. She only saw appellant Al once more
during the trial of the case.53 Thus, appellant Al cannot be held liable
The last paragraph of Article 267 of the Revised Penal Code for the subsequent rape of AAA.
provides that if the victim is killed or dies as a consequence of the
detention, or is raped or subjected to torture or dehumanizing acts, The Penalties
the maximum penalty shall be imposed. In People v.
Larrañaga,47 this provision gives rise to a special complex crime. In Criminal Case No. 4498-R, the attendant circumstance of
Thus, We hold that appellant Lando is guilty beyond reasonable treachery qualified the killing to murder. The penalty for murder
doubt of the special complex crime of kidnapping and serious illegal under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code is reclusion perpetua to
detention with rape in Criminal Case No. 4481-R. death. Since the aggravating circumstance of evident premeditation
was alleged and proven, the imposable penalty upon the appellants
However, the Court does not agree with the CA and trial court's is death, pursuant to Article 63, paragraph 1, of the Revised Penal
judgment finding appellant Al liable for Rape in Criminal Case No. Code.54 In view, however, of the passage of R.A. No.
4481-R. In People v. Suyu,48 We ruled that once conspiracy is 9346,55 prohibiting the imposition of the death penalty, the penalty of
established between several accused in the commission of the crime death is reduced to reclusion perpetua, 56 without eligibility for
of robbery, they would all be equally culpable for the rape committed parole.57
by anyone of them on the occasion of the robbery, unless anyone of
them proves that he endeavored to prevent the others from In Criminal Case No. 4481-R, the penalty for the special complex
committing rape.49 Also, in People v. Canturia,50 the Court held that: crime of kidnapping and serious illegal detention with rape is death.
In view of R.A. No. 9346, the penalty of death is reduced to reclusion
x x x For while the evidence does convincingly show a conspiracy perpetua,58 without eligibility for parole.59 Accordingly, the imposable
among the accused, it also as convincingly suggests that the penalty for appellant Lando is reclusion perpetua.
agreement was to commit robbery only; and there is no evidence
that the other members of the band of robbers were aware of As to appellant Al, the prescribed penalty for serious illegal detention
Canturia's lustful intent and his consummation thereof so that they under Article 267 of the Revised Penal Code is reclusion perpetua to
could have attempted to prevent the same. x x x death. There being no aggravating or mitigating circumstance in the
commission of the offense, the proper penalty to be imposed is
The foregoing principle is applicable in the present case because the reclusion perpetua, pursuant to Article 63 60 of the Revised Penal
crime of robbery with rape is a special complex crime defined in and Code.
penalized under Article 294, paragraph 1 of the Revised Penal Code,
The Damages In addition, AAA is entitled to moral damages pursuant to Article
2219 of the Civil Code,71 without the necessity of additional pleadings
In Criminal Case No. 4498-R, the award of civil indemnity is or proof other than the fact of rape. 72 Moral damages is granted in
mandatory and granted to the heirs of the victim without need of recognition of the victim's injury necessarily resulting from the odious
proof other than the commission of the crime.61 In People v. crime of rape.73 Such award is separate and distinct from the civil
Quiachon,62 even if the penalty of death is not to be imposed indemnity.74 However, the amount of ₱100,000.00 awarded as moral
because of the prohibition in R.A. 9346, the civil indemnity of damages is reduced to ₱75,000.00, in line with current
₱75,000.00 is proper, because it is not dependent on the actual jurisprudence.75
imposition of the death penalty but on the fact that qualifying
circumstances warranting the imposition of the death penalty The award of exemplary damages to AAA in the amount of ₱50,000
attended the commission of the offense. As explained in People v. is hereby reduced to ₱30,000.00 in accordance with recent
Salome,63 while R.A. No. 9346 prohibits the imposition of the death jurisprudence.76
penalty, the fact remains that the penalty provided for by law for a
heinous offense is still death, and the offense is still heinous. As to appellant Al. In the absence of conspiracy, the liability of the
Accordingly, the award of civil indemnity in the amount of ₱75,000.00 accused is individual and not collective. 77 Since appellant Al is liable
is proper. only for the crime of serious illegal detention, he is jointly and
severally liable only to pay the amount of ₱50,000.00 as civil
Anent moral damages, the same are mandatory in cases of murder, indemnity. For serious illegal detention, the award of civil indemnity
without need of allegation and proof other than the death of the is in the amount of ₱50,000.00, in line with prevailing jurisprudence. 78
victim.64 However, consistent with recent jurisprudence on heinous
crimes where the imposable penalty is death but reduced to Along that line, appellant Al's liability for moral damages is limited
reclusion perpetua pursuant to R.A. No. 9346, the award of moral only to the amount of ₱50,000.00. 79 Pursuant to Article 2219 of the
damages should be increased from ₱50,000.00 to ₱75,000.00. 65 Civil Code, moral damages may be recovered in cases of illegal
detention. This is predicated on AAA's having suffered serious
The award of exemplary damages is in order, because of the anxiety and fright when she was detained for almost one (1) month. 80
presence of the aggravating circumstances of treachery and evident
premeditation in the commission of the crime. 66 The Court awards WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR-
the amount of ₱30,000.00, as exemplary damages, in line with H.C. No. 00556 is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATIONS as follows:
current jurisprudence on the matter.67
(a) In Criminal Case No. 4498-R, appellants Fernando
Actual damages is also warranted. Modesta Abad, the spouse of Calaguas Fernandez alias "Lando" and Alberto Cabillo
victim Sulpacio, incurred expenses in the amount of ₱57,122.30, Anticamara alias "Al" are found GUILTY beyond reasonable
which was duly supported by receipts.68lawphil doubt of the crime of Murder and are sentenced to suffer the
penalty of Reclusion Perpetua, without eligibility of parole,
In Criminal Case No. 4481-R, AAA is entitled to civil indemnity in line and to pay, jointly and severally, the heirs of Sulpacio Abad
with prevailing jurisprudence that civil indemnification is mandatory the amounts of ₱75,000.00 as civil indemnity, ₱75,000.00 as
upon the finding of rape. 69 Applying prevailing jurisprudence, AAA is moral damages, ₱30,000.00 as exemplary damages, and
entitled to ₱75,000.00 as civil indemnity.70 ₱57,122.30 as actual damages.
(b) In Criminal Case No. 4481-R, appellant Fernando The defendant in this case was found guilty in the court below of the
Calaguas Fernandez alias "Lando" is found GUILTY beyond crime of "illegal and arbitrary detention" of the complaining witness
reasonable doubt of the special complex crime of kidnapping for a period of three days, and sentenced to pay a fine of 625
and serious illegal detention with rape and is sentenced to pesetas, with subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency, and to
suffer the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua, without eligibility of pay the costs of the trial.
parole, and to pay the offended party AAA, the amounts of
₱75,000.00 as civil indemnity, ₱75,000.00 as moral We are of opinion that under all the circumstances of this case there
damages and ₱30,000.00 as exemplary damages. Appellant can be no doubt of the lawful authority of the defendant, in the
Alberto Cabillo Anticamara alias "Al" is found GUILTY exercise of his functions as municipal president, to make arrest of
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of kidnapping and the complaining witness which resulted in his alleged unlawful
serious illegal detention and is sentenced to suffer the detention. As we understand the evidence, the alleged offense with
penalty of Reclusion Perpetua. He is also directed to pay, which the complaining witness in this case was charged was
jointly and severally, with appellant Fernando Calaguas committed by him in the presence of the municipal president, who
Fernandez alias "Lando," the victim AAA the amounts of must be held to have had all the usual powers of a police officer for
₱50,000.00 as civil indemnity and ₱50,000.00 as moral the making of arrest without warrant, under the doctrine laid down in
damages. the case of U.S. vs. Fortaleza (12 Phil. Rep., 472).

SO ORDERED. The judgment of conviction of the court below must therefore be

reversed, unless the evidence discloses that having made the arrest,
Prevented by some lawful or insuperable cause the defendant arbitrarily and without legal authority, as it is alleged,
cause the complaining witness to be detained for a period of three
Republic of the Philippines days without having him brought before the proper judicial authority
SUPREME COURT for the investigation and trial of the charge on which he was arrested.
Manila But so far as we can gather from the extremely meagre record in this
case the arrested man was in fact brought before a justice of the
peace as soon as "practicable" after his arrest. True, three days
were expended in doing, so, but it was conclusively proven at the
trial that at the time of the arrest neither the local justice of the peace
G.R. No. L-6082            March 18, 1911 nor his auxiliary were in the municipality, and to reach the justice of
the peace of either of the two adjoining municipalities, it was
THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellee, necessary to take a long journey by boat. The evidence discloses,
vs. moreover, that with all practicable dispatch, the prisoner was
ISIDRO VICENTILLO, defendant-appellant. forwarded first to one and then to the other of the adjoining
municipalities for trial, the failure to secure trial on the first occasion
C.W. Ney for appellant. being due to the fact that the written complaint, which was intrusted
Attorney-General Villamor for appellee. to the policeman in charge of the prisoner, was either lost or stolen. It
does not appear why the prisoner was not sent to the same
CARSON, J.: municipality on both occasions, but in the absence of proof we must
assume that in this respect the officers in charge were controlled by
local conditions, changes in the weather, or the like, which, as
appears from the uncontradicted evidence of record, made the THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, plaintiff-appellee,
journey by boats safer and more commodious sometimes to one and vs.
sometimes to the other of the two adjoining municipalities. JOSEFINA BANDIAN, defendant-appellant.

It may be that the defendant was not friendly to the arrested man, Jose Rivera Yap for appellant.
and that he was not sorry to see him exposed to considerable Office of the Solicitor-General Hilado for appellee.
inconvenience and delay in the proceedings incident to his trial, but
there is nothing in this record upon which to base a finding that his DIAZ, J.:
defendant caused the arrest and the subsequent detention of the
prisoner otherwise than in the due performance of his official duties; Charged with the crime of infanticide, convicted thereof and
and there can be no doubt of his lawfully authority in the premises. sentenced to reclusion perpetua and the corresponding accessory
The trial judge lays great stress upon the trivial nature of the offense penalties, with the costs of the suit, Josefina Bandian appealed from
for which the arrest was made, but keeping in mind the fact that said sentence alleging that the trial court erred:
there was no judicial officer in the remote community where the
incident occurred at the time of the arrest, and no certainty of the
early return of the absent justice of the peace, or his auxiliary, we are I. In taking into consideration, to convict her, her alleged
not prepared to hold, in the absence of all the evidence on this point admission to Dr. Nepomuceno that she had thrown away her
that in a particular case of a defiance of local authority by the willful newborn babe, and
violation of a local ordinance, it was not necessary, or at least
expedient, to make an arrest and send the offender forthwith to the II. In holding her guilty of infanticide, beyond reasonable
justice of the peace of a neighboring municipality, if only to convince doubt, and in sentencing her to reclusion perpetua, with
all would-be offenders that the forces of law and order were costs.
supreme, even in the absence of the local municipal judicial officers.
The facts of record ma be summarized as follows:
The judgment of the lower court convicting and sentencing the
defendant must be reversed and he is hereby acquitted of the At about 7 o'clock in the morning of January 31, 1936, Valentin
offense with which he is charged, with the costs in both instances de Aguilar, the appellant's neighbor, saw the appellant go to a thicket
oficio. So ordered. about four or five brazas from her house, apparently to respond to a
call of nature because it was there that the people of the place used
Republic of the Philippines to go for that purpose. A few minutes later, he again saw her emerge
SUPREME COURT from the thicket with her clothes stained with blood both in the front
Manila and back, staggering and visibly showing signs of not being able to
support herself. He ran to her aid and, having noted that she was
EN BANC very weak and dizzy, he supported and helped her go up to her
house and placed her in her own bed. Upon being asked before
Aguilar brought her to her house, what happened to her, the
G.R. No. 45186           September 30, 1936 appellant merely answered that she was very dizzy. Not wishing to
be alone with the appellant in such circumstances, Valentin Aguilar
called Adriano Comcom, who lived nearby, to help them, and later
requested him to take bamboo leaves to stop the hemorrhage which
had come upon the appellant. Comcom had scarcely gone about Infanticide and abandonment of a minor, to be punishable, must be
five brazas when he saw the body of a newborn babe near a path committed wilfully or consciously, or at least it must be result of a
adjoining the thicket where the appellant had gone a few moments voluntary, conscious and free act or omission. Even in cases where
before. Comcom informed Aguilar of it and latter told him to bring the said crimes are committed through mere imprudence, the person
body to the appellant's house. Upon being asked whether the baby who commits them, under said circumstances, must be in the full
which had just been shown to her was hers or not, the appellant enjoyment of his mental faculties, or must be conscious of his acts,
answered in the affirmative. in order that he may be held liable.

Upon being notified of the incident at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of The evidence certainly does not show that the appellant, in causing
said day, Dr. Emilio Nepomuceno, president of the sanitary division her child's death in one way or another, or in abandoning it in the
of Talisayan, Oriental Misamis, went to the appellant's house and thicket, did so wilfully, consciously or imprudently. She had no cause
found her lying in bed still bleeding. Her bed, the floor of her house to kill or abandon it, to expose it to death, because her affair with a
and beneath it, directly under the bed, were full of blood. Basing his former lover, which was not unknown to her second lover, Luis Kirol,
opinion upon said facts, the physician in question declared that the took place three years before the incident; her married life with Kirol
appellant gave birth in her house and in her own bed; that after — she considers him her husband as he considers her his wife —
giving birth she threw her child into the thicket to kill it for the purpose began a year ago; as he so testified at the trial, he knew that the
of concealing her dishonor from the man, Luis Kirol, with whom she appellant was pregnant and he believed from the beginning,
had theretofore been living maritally, because the child was not his affirming such belief when he testified at the trial, that the child
but of another man with whom she had previously had amorous carried by the appellant in her womb was his, and he testified that he
relations. To give force to his conclusions, he testified that the and she had been eagerly waiting for the birth of the child. The
appellant had admitted to him that she had killed her child, when he appellant, therefore, had no cause to be ashamed of her pregnancy
went to her house at the time and on the date above-stated. to Kirol.

The prosecuting attorney and the lower court giving absolute credit If to the foregoing facts is added the testimony of the witnesses
to Dr. Nepomuceno whose testimony was not corroborated but, on Valentin Aguilar and Adriano Comcom that the child was taken from
the contrary, was contradicted by the very witnesses for the the thicket and carried already dead to the appellant's house after
prosecution and by the appellant, as will be stated later, they were of the appellant had left the place, staggering, without strength to
the opinion and the lower court furthermore held, that the appellant remain on her feet and very dizzy, to the extent of having to be as in
was an infanticide. The Solicitor-General, however, does not agree fact she was helped to go up to her house and to lie in bed, it will
with both. On the contrary, he maintains that the appellant may be clearly appear how far from the truth were Dr. Nepomuceno's
guilty only of abandoning a minor under subsection 2 of article 276 of affirmation and conclusions. Also add to all these the fact that the
the Revised Penal Code, the abandonment having resulted in the appellant denied having made any admission to said physician and
death of the minor allegedly abandoned. that from the time she became pregnant she continuously had fever.
This illness and her extreme debility undoubtedly caused by her long
By the way, it should be stated that there is no evidence showing illness as well as the hemorrhage which she had upon giving birth,
how the child in question died. Dr. Nepomuceno himself affirmed that coupled with the circumstances that she is a primipara, being then
the wounds found in the body of the child were not caused by the only 23 years of age, and therefore inexperienced as to childbirth
hand of man but by bites animals, the pigs that usually roamed and as to the inconvenience or difficulties usually attending such
through the thicket where it was found. event; and the fact that she, like her lover Luis Kirol — a mere
laborer earning only twenty-five centavos a day — is uneducated
and could supplant with what she had read or learned from books VILLA-REAL, J.,  concurring:
what experience itself could teach her, undoubtedly were the
reasons why she was not aware of her childbirth, or if she was, it did I concur in the acquittal of the accused Josefina Bandian not on the
not occur to her or she was unable, due to her debility or dizziness, ground that she is exempt from criminal liability but because she has
which causes may be considered lawful or insuperable to constitute committed no criminal act or omission.
the seventh exempting circumstance (art. 12, Revised Penal Code),
to take her child from the thicket where she had given it birth, so as The evidence conclusively shows that on the day in question the
not to leave it abandoned and exposed to the danger of losing its life. accused Josefina Bandian had spent a year of marital life with her
lover Luis Kirol by whom she was begotten with a child for the first
The act performed by the appellant in the morning in question, by time. Her said lover knew that she was pregnant and both were
going into the thicket, according to her, to respond to call of nature, waiting for the arrival of the happy day when the fruit of their love
notwithstanding the fact that she had fever for a long time, was should be born. Since she became pregnant she continuously had
perfectly lawful. If by doing so she caused a wrong as that of giving fever, was weak and dizzy. On January 31, at about 7 o'clock in the
birth to her child in that same place and later abandoning it, not morning, she went down from her house and entered a thicket about
because of imprudence or any other reason than that she was four or five brazas away, where the residents of said place
overcome by strong dizziness and extreme debility, she should not responded to the call of nature. After some minutes the accused
be blamed therefor because it all happened by mere accident, from emerged from the thicket staggering and apparently unable to
liability any person who so acts and behaves under such support herself. Her neighbor Valentin Aguilar, who saw her enter
circumstances (art. 12, subsection 4, Revised Penal Code). the thicket and emerged therefrom, ran to help her, supported her
and aided her in going up to her house and to bed. Asked by Aguilar
In conclusion, taking into account the foregoing facts and what happened to her, she merely answered that she was very
considerations, and granting that the appellant was aware of her dizzy. Thinking that he alone was unable to attend to her, Valentin
involuntary childbirth in the thicket and that she later failed to take Aguilar called Adriano Comcom, who lived nearby, and requested
her child therefrom, having been so prevented by reason of causes him to take bamboo leaves to stop the appellant's hemorrhage.
entirely independent of her will, it should be held that the alleged Adriano had scarcely gone about five brazas, when he saw the body
errors attributed to the lower court by the appellant are true; and it of a newborn child near the path adjoining the thicket where the
appearing that under such circumstances said appellant has the accused had been a few moments before. Upon being informed of
fourth and seventh exempting circumstances in her favor, is hereby the discovery, Valentin Aguilar told Adriano Comcom to bring the
acquitted of the crime of which she had bee accused and convicted, child into the appellant's house. Upon being asked whether or not the
with costs de oficio, and she is actually confined in jail in connection child shown to her was hers, the appellant answered in the
with this case, it is ordered that she be released immediately. So affirmative. After an autopsy had been made of the body, it was
ordered. found that the child was born alive.

Avanceña, C. J., and Abad Santos, J., concur. Unconscious, precipitate or sudden deliveries are well known in legal
medicine among young primiparæ who, by reason of their ignorance
of the symptoms of parturition and of the process of expulsion of
fetus, are not aware that they are giving birth when they are
responding to an urgent call of nature (Dr. A. Lacassagne, Precis de
Medicine Legale, pages, 799-781; Annales de Medicine Legale,
Separate Opinions December 1926, page 530; Vibert, Manual de Medicina Legal y
Toxicologia, vol. I, pages 512-514). There is no doubt that the to do, which implies knowledge of the thing which is the subject
accused, in her feverish, weak and dizzy condition when she went matter of the compliance with the obligation. Inasmuch as the
into the thicket to defecate and being a primipara with no experience accused was not aware of her delivery, her mind cannot contemplate
in childbirth, was not aware that upon defecating she was also complying with her legal and moral duty to protect the life of her
expelling the child she was carrying in her womb. Believing that she child. Neither can it be held that the appellant lacked foresight
did nothing more to respond to an urgent call of nature which brought because, having been absolutely ignorant of her delivery, she could
her there, she returned home staggering for lack of strength to not foresee that by abandoning her child in a thicket it would die.
support herself and for being dizzy, without suspecting that she was Neither can it be held that her act was the result of lack of skill
leaving a newborn child behind her, and she only knew that she had because she did not know that to defecate in a state of pregnancy
given birth when she was shown the already dead child with wounds might precipitate her delivery, and as defecation is a natural
on the body produced by the bites of pigs. physiological function, she could not refrain from satisfying it.

Article 3 of the Revised Penal Code provides that acts and omissions We cannot apply to the accused fourth exempting circumstance of
punishable by law are felonies, which may be committed not only by article 12 of the Revised Penal Code which reads: "Any person who,
means of deceit (dolo) but also by means of fault (culpa); there being while performing a lawful act with due care, causes an injury by mere
deceit when the act is performed with deliberate intent, and fault accident without fault or intention of causing it," because although
when the wrongful act results from imprudence, negligence, lack of the lawful act of satisfying a natural physiological necessity
foresight or lack of skill. accidentally provoked the delivery, the delivery itself was not an
injury, but the exposure of the child at the mercy of the elements and
As the herein accused was not aware that she had delivered and of the animals which cased its death. As the child was born alive, if
that the child had been exposed to the rough weather and to the the accused had been aware of her delivery and she had deliberately
cruelty of animals, it cannot be held that she deceitfully committed abandoned the child, her accidental delivery would not exempt her
the crime of infanticide or that of abandonment of a minor, because from criminal liability because then the death of said child no longer
according to the above-cited legal provision there is deceit when the would have been accidental. Neither can we consider the seventh
act punishable by law is performed with deliberate intent. Suffering exempting circumstance of article 12 of the Revised Penal Code
from fever and from dizziness, the appellant under the circumstances consisting in the failure to perform an act required by law, when
was not aware that she had given birth and, consequently, she could prevented by some lawful or insuperable cause, because this
not have deliberately intended to leave her child, of whose existence exempting circumstance implies knowledge of the precept of the law
she was ignorant, to perish at the mercy of the elements and of the to be complied with but is prevented by some lawful or insuperable
animals. Neither can it be held that she faultily committed it because, cause, that is by some motive which has lawfully, morally or
as already stated, not knowing for lack of experience in childbirth that physically prevented one to do what the law commands. In the
in defecating — a perfectly lawful physiological act, being natural — present case, what the law requires of the accused-appellant, with
she might expel the child she carried in her womb, she cannot be respect to the child, is that she care for, protect and not abandon it.
considered imprudent, a psychological defect of a person who fails to Had she been aware of her delivery and of the existence of the child,
use his reasoning power to foresee the pernicious consequences of neither her debility nor her dizziness resulting from the fever which
his willful act. Having had no knowledge of the fact of her delivery, consumed her, being in the full enjoyment of her mental faculties and
the accused could not think that by leaving the child in the thicket, it her illness not being of such gravity as to prevent her from asking for
would die as a consequence of the rough weather or of the cruelty of help, would constitute the lawful or insuperable impediment required
animals. Neither can she be considered negligent because by law. Having been ignorant of her delivery and of the existence of
negligence is the omission to do what the law or morals obliges one
the child, to her there was subjectively no cause for the law to testified that the first time he ever saw the accused was in the
impose a duty for her to comply with. international Saloon in Jolo in the month of April, 1909; that at the
time, while two or three men were sitting together in the said salon,
Having had no knowledge of the expulsion of her fetus, the death he heard the accused say that he on some occasions like to smoke
thereof resulting from its exposure to the rough weather and to the opium; that a few hours after leaving the saloon he asked the
cruelty of the animals cannot be imputed to the accused, because accused if he smoked opium, and the accused answered "yes," that
she had neither deceitfully nor faultily committed any act or omission he smoked sometimes; that he knew then that it was his duty to
punishable by law with regard to the child. watch the accused, that he then asked the accused what
opportunities he had for smoking opium, and the accused replied,
"good opportunities;" he then said to the accused, "I wish to smoke
Instigation and Entrapment
opium." On the invitation of the accused he looked him up that night
and was told that he (the accused) was not able to prepare a room
Republic of the Philippines for smoking, as the Chinamen were afraid, and asked the witness to
SUPREME COURT see him the following night; that he saw him the following night, and
Manila accused again said that he could not find a suitable place; that they
made another agreement to meet and at that time they went together
EN BANC to a certain house in the barrio of Tulay, where a certain Chinaman
(this Chinaman was charged in criminal case No. 292 in said court)
G.R. No. L-5728            August 11, 1910 had prepared the opium and pipe for smoking; that the accused gave
the Chinaman P2, and he (the witness) gave him P1 in payment for
THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellee, the preparation of the pipe which was prepared for smoking he took
vs. the pipe and the pan containing the opium and went directly to the
JAMES O. PHELPS (alias PHILIPS), defendant-appellant. justice of the peace and swore out a warrant for the arrest of the
accused and the said Chinaman.
P. J. Moore and W. H. Bishop, for appellant.
Attorney-General Villamor, for appellee. The defendant, J. O. Phelps, a man 30 years of age, testified that
Smith, who was then going under the name of Lockwood, came to
his house one night in Jolo and said that he was accustomed to
TRENT, J.: smoking opium and asked him (the accused) if he knew of any
Chinaman in the town who could assist him in obtaining opium to
The defendant, James O. Phelps, was charged in the Court of First smoke; that he answered Smith that he did not; that Smith then
Instance of Jolo, Moro Province, with having violated the provisions asked him if the Chinaman (the one charged in criminal case No.
of Act No. 1761. He was tried, found guilty as charged, and 292), who was the accused's servant, could look for someone to
sentenced to one month's imprisonment and to pay a fine of P250, furnish him (Smith) with a pipe until he became acquainted in town;
Philippine currency, and in case of insolvency to suffer the that on the following night the witness Smith came again to his
corresponding subsidiary imprisonment at the rate of P2.50 a day, house, and after being there about twenty minutes became very
and to pay the costs. He appealed. nervous, saying that it was necessary for him to have some opium;
that he told him (Smith) to go to the hospital, and received the reply
The prosecution presented but one witness in this case, Homer G. that he (Smith) was working for the quartermaster and was looking
Smith, an employee of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. This witness for a position as clerk, and that they probably would not give him this
position if they learned that he was an opium smoker that he again The prosecution does not contend that the appellant sold or had in
asked to have the Chinaman assist him, and he (the accused) his possession any opium, neither does it contend that he had in his
believing that he (Smith) was acting in good faith and was really sick, possession any of the prohibited paraphernalia used in smoking this
told the Chinaman to do so; that by agreement and the witness drug. He is only charged with having smoked opium this one time in
Smith went to the house of the Chinaman in Tulay, where the the house of the Chinaman, and the prosecution rests its case solely
Chinaman prepared the pipe and gave it to Smith, he (Smith) giving upon the testimony of the witness Smith, who was an employee of
the Chinaman P2, and that he (Smith) then left, without the accused the Bureau of Internal Revenue, secretly acting in that capacity in
noticing whether he smoked or not, and that he (the accused) was Jolo.
arrested about forty minutes later, and that he called for the doctor to
examine him about one and half hours after he left the Chinaman's On arriving in Jolo, Smith obtained employment in order to hide his
house. true mission. He assumed the name of Lockwood for the same
purpose, engaged in gambling, and admits having visited the house
The Chinaman corroborated the testimony of the accused on every of the appellant three times for the purpose of making arrangements
material point, stating that he, after repeated demands made by for himself and the accused to smoke opium. He urged the accused
Smith, did prepare some opium in a pipe and give it to Smith. to have the Chinaman make arrangements so they both could
smoke. He went to the house of the Chinaman with the accused and
The chief of police of Jolo, a sergeant in the United States Cavalry, paid the said Chinaman, according to his own statement, P1 for the
who arrested the accused and the Chinaman, testified that when he preparation of the opium. If he had, by these means, induced the
made these arrests the Chinaman and the accused did not have an appellant to sell opium or to exhibit in his possession either opium or
opportunity to talk together before they went to the justice of the any of the prohibited paraphernalia, his testimony would be more
peace where the preliminary investigation was held. reasonable, since the mere possession of the drug or any of the
prohibited paraphernalia is a violation of the law within itself.
Doctor De Kraft, of the United States Army, was called by the
accused himself and made an examination of the accused about an But, as we have said, it is not contended that the accused had in his
hour and a half or two hours after he left the Chinaman's house. The possession any of these things. According to the statements made
doctor testified that the accused was strong, robust man, and a man by the witness Smith, he not only suggested the commission of this
presenting no appearance of an opium smoker. On being asked by crime, but he (Smith) also states that he desired to commit the same
the court whether or not he could state positively if the accused had offense and would pay his part of the expense necessary for the
used any opium on that day, the witness answered, "I as sure that he commission of the prohibited act. Such conduct on the part of a man
did not use any opium on that day." who is employed by the Government for the purpose of taking such
steps as are necessary to prevent the commission of the offense and
which would tend to the elevation and improvement of the defendant,
The court below in its decision said:
as a would-be criminal, rather than further his debasement, should
be rebuked rather than encouraged by the courts; and when such
I agree with him (the doctor) that the accused does not acts as those committed by the witness Smith are placed beside the
appear to be a person who uses daily a large amount of positive testimony of the defendant, corroborated by the Chinaman
opium. The accused is a strong, robust man, in good and the doctor, the testimony of such witness sinks into
physical condition, and from a casual examination of his insignificance and certainly does not deserve credit. When an
person no one would accuse him of being a habitual user of employee of the Government, as in this case, and according to his
opium. own testimony, encourages or induces persons to commit a crime in
order to prosecute them, such conduct is most reprehensible. We 1. In refusing to compel the Hon. Secretary of Finance of the
desire to be understood that we base our conclusions as to the Insular Collector of Customs to exhibit in court the record of
conduct of the witness Smith and the incredibility of his testimony on the administrative investigation against Joaquin Natividad,
his own acts according to his own testimony. collector of customs of Cebu, and Juan Samson, supervising
customs secret service agent of Cebu, both of whom have
We are, therefore, of the opinion and so hold, that the appellant is since been dismissed from service.
not guilty of this crime. The judgment of the lower court is reversed
and the appellant acquitted, with costs de oficio. 2. In holding it as a fact that "no doubt many times opium
consignments have passed thru the customhouse without
Republic of the Philippines the knowledge of the customs secret service."
Manila 3. In rejecting the defendants' theory that the said Juan
Samson in denouncing the accused was actuated by a
EN BANC desire to protect himself and to injure ex-collector Joaquin
Natividad, his bitter enemy, who was partly instrumental in
the dismissal of Samson from the service.
G.R. No. 34917           September 7, 1931

4. In finding that the conduct of Juan Samson, dismissed

chief customs secret service agent of Cebu, is above
reproach and utterly irreconcilable with the corrupt motives
LUA CHU and UY SE TIENG, defendants-appellants.
attributed to him by the accused.
Gibbs and McDonough, Gullas, Lopez and Tuaño, H. Alo and
5. In permitting Juan Samson, prosecution star witness, to
Manuel G. Briones for appellants.
remain in the court room while other prosecution witnesses
Attorney-General Jaranilla for appellee.
were testifying, despite the previous order of the court
excluding the Government witnesses from the court room,
VILLA-REAL, J.: and in refusing to allow the defense to inquire from Insular
Collector of Customs Aldanese regarding the official conduct
The defendants Lua Chu and Uy Se Tieng appeal from the judgment of Juan Samson as supervising customs secret service
of the Court of First Instance of Cebu convicting them of the illegal agent of Cebu.
importation of opium, and sentencing them each to four years'
imprisonment, a fine of P10,000, with subsidiary imprisonment in 6. In giving full credit to the testimony of said Juan Samson.
case of insolvency not to exceed one-third of the principal penalty,
and to pay the proportional costs.
7. In refusing to hold that Juan Samson induced the
defendant Uy Se Tieng to order the opium from Hongkong.
In support of their appeal, the appellants assigned the following
alleged errors as committed by the court below in its judgment to wit:
8. In accepting Exhibits E and E-1 as the true and correct
transcript of the conversation between Juan Samson and the
The lower court erred: appellant Uy Se Tieng.
9. In accepting Exhibit F as the true and correct transcript of in Hongkong since the beginning of October awaiting a ship that
the conversation between Juan Samson and the appellant would go direct to Cebu.
Lua Chu.
At about 6 o'clock in the afternoon of November 22, 1929, one Nam
10. In finding each of the appellants Uy Se Tieng and Lua Tai loaded on the steamship Kolambugan, which the Naviera
Chu guilty of the crime of illegal importation of opium, and in Filipina — a shipping company in Cebu had had built in Hongkong,
sentencing each to suffer four years' imprisonment and to 38 cases consigned to Uy Seheng and marked "U.L.H." About the
pay a fine of P10,000 and the costs, despite the presumption same date Natividad informed Samson that the opium had already
of innocence which has not been overcome, despite the been put on board the steamship Kolambugan, and it was agreed
unlawful inducement, despite the inherent weakness of the between them that Samson would receive P2,000, Natividad P2,000,
evidence presented by the prosecution, emanating from a and the remaining P2,000 would be distributed among certain
spirit of revenge and from a contaminated, polluted source. employees in the customhouse.

The following are uncontradicted facts proved beyond a reasonable Meanwhile, Uy Se Tieng continued his interviews with Samson.
doubt at the trial: Towards the end of November, Natividad informed the latter that
the Kolambugan had returned to Hongkong on account of certain
About the middle of the month of November, 1929, the accused Uy engine trouble, and remained there until December 7th. In view of
Se Tieng wrote to his correspondent in Hongkong to send him a this, the shipper several times attempted to unload the shipment, but
shipment of opium. he was told each time by the captain, who needed the cargo for
ballast, that the ship was about to sail, and the 30 cases remained
on board.
About November 4, 1929, after the chief of the customs secret
service of Cebu, Juan Samson, had returned from a vacation in
Europe, he called upon the then collector of customs for the Port of The Kolambugan arrived at Cebu on the morning of December 14,
Cebu, Joaquin Natividad, at his office, and the latter, after a short 1929. While he was examining the manifests, Samson detailed one
conversation, asked him how much his trip had cost him. When the of his men to watch the ship. After conferring with Natividad, the
chief of the secret service told him he had spent P2,500, the said latter instructed him to do everything possible to have the cargo
collector of customs took from a drawer in his table, the amount of unloaded, and to require Uy Se Tieng to pay over the P6,000. On the
P300, in paper money, and handed it to him, saying: "This is for you, morning of November 16, 1929, Natividad told Samson that Uy Se
and a shipment will arrive shortly, and you will soon be able to Tieng already had the papers ready to withdraw the cases marked
recoup your travelling expenses." Juan Samson took the money, left, "U.L.H." from the customhouse. Samson then told Natividad it would
and put it into the safe in his office to be kept until he delivered it to be better for Uy Se Tieng to go to his house to have a talk with him.
the provincial treasurer of Cebu. A week later, Natividad called Uy Se Tieng went to Samson's house that night and was told that he
Samson and told him that the shipment he had referred to consisted must pay over the P6,000 before taking the opium out of the
of opium, that it was not about to arrive, and that the owner would go customhouse. Uy Se Tieng showed Samson the bill of lading and on
to Samson's house to see him. That very night Uy Se Tieng went to leaving said: "I will tell the owner, and we see whether we can take
Samson's house and told him he had come by order of Natividad to the money to you tomorrow." The following day Samson informed
talk to him about the opium. The said accused informed Samson that Colonel Francisco of the Constabulary, of all that had taken place,
the opium shipment consisted of 3,000 tins, and that he had agreed and the said colonel instructed the provincial commander, Captain
to pay Natividad P6,000 or a P2 a tin, and that the opium had been Buenconsejo, to discuss the capture of the opium owners with
Samson. Buenconsejo and Samson agreed to meet at the latter's
house that same night. That afternoon Samson went to the office of arrested the two Chinamen, taking the aforementioned papers, which
the provincial fiscal, reported the case to the fiscal, and asked for a consisted of bills of lading (Exhibits B and B-1), and in invoice written
stenographer to take down the conversation he would have with Uy in Chinese characters, and relating to the articles described in
Se Tieng that night in the presence of Captain Buenconsejo. As the Exhibit B. After having taken Uy Se Tieng and Uy Ay to the
fiscal did not have a good stenographer available, Samson got one Constabulary headquarters, and notified the fiscal, Captain
Jumapao, of the law firm of Rodriguez & Zacarias, on the Buenconsejo and Samson went to Lua Chu's home to search it and
recommendation of the court stenographer. On the evening of arrest him. In the pocket of a coat hanging on a wall, which Lua Chu
December 17, 1929, as agreed, Captain Buenconsejo, Lieutenant said belonged to him, they found five letters written in Chinese
Fernando; and the stenographer went to Samson's house and characters relating to the opium (Exhibits G to K). Captain
concealed themselves behind a curtain made of strips of wood which Buenconsejo and Samson also took Lua Chu to the Constabulary
hung from the window overlooking the entrance to the house on the headquarters, and then went to the customhouse to examine the
ground floor. As soon as the accused Uy Se Tieng arrived, Samson cases marked "U.L.H." In the cases marked Nos. 11 to 18, they
asked him if he had brought the money. He replied that he had not, found 3,252 opium tins hidden away in a quantity to dry fish. The
saying that the owner of the opium, who was Lua Chu, was afraid of value of the opium confiscated amounted to P50,000.
him. Samson then hold him to tell Lua Chu not to be afraid, and that
he might come to Samson's house. After pointing out to Uy Se Tieng In the afternoon of December 18, 1929, Captain Buenconsejo
a back door entrance into the garden, he asked him where the opium approached Lua Chu and asked him to tell the truth as to who was
was, and Uy Se Tieng answered that it was in the cases numbered the owner of the opium. Lua Chu answered as follows: "Captain, it is
11 to 18, and that there were 3,252 tins. Uy Se Tieng returned at useless to ask me any questions, for I am not going to answer to
about 10 o'clock that night accompanied by his codefendant Lua them. The only thing I will say is that whoever the owner of this
Chu, who said he was not the sole owner of the opium, but that a contraband may be, he is not such a fool as to bring it in here without
man from Manila, named Tan, and another in Amoy were also the knowledge of those — " pointing towards the customhouse.
owners. Samson then asked Lua Chu when he was going to get the
opium, and the latter answered that Uy Se Tieng would take charge The defense attempted to show that after Juan Samson had
of that. On being asked if he had brought the P6,000, Lua Chu obtained a loan of P200 from Uy Se Tieng, he induced him to order
answered, no, but promised to deliver it when the opium was in Uy the opium from Hongkong saying that it only cost from P2 to P3 a tin
Se Tieng's warehouse. After this conversation, which was taken there, while in Cebu it cost from P18 to P20, and that he could make
down in shorthand, Samson took the accused Lua Chu aside and a good deal of money by bringing in a shipment of that drug; that
asked him: "I say, old fellow, why didn't you tell me about this before Samson told Uy Se Tieng, furthermore, that there would be no
bringing the opium here?" Lua Chu answered: "Impossible, sir; you danger, because he and the collector of customs would protect him;
were not here, you were in Spain on vacation." On being asked by that Uy Se Tieng went to see Natividad, who told him he had no
Samson how he had come to bring in the opium, Lua Chu answered: objection, if Samson agreed; that Uy Se Tieng then wrote to his
"I was in a cockpit one Sunday when the collector called me aside correspondent in Hongkong to forward the opium; that after he had
and said there was good business, because opium brought a good ordered it, Samson went to Uy Se Tieng's store, in the name of
price, and he needed money." All this conversation was overheard Natividad, and demanded the payment of P6,000; that Uy Se Tieng
by Captain Buenconsejo. It was then agreed that Uy Se Tieng should then wrote to his Hongkong correspondent cancelling the order, but
take the papers with him at 10 o'clock next morning. At the appointed the latter answered that the opium had already been loaded and the
hour, Uy Se Tieng and one Uy Ay arrived at Samson's house, and as captain of the Kolambugan refused to let him unload it; that when the
Uy Se Tieng was handing certain papers over to his companion, Uy opium arrived, Samson insisted upon the payment of the P6,000;
Ay, Captain Buenconsejo, who had been hiding, appeared and that as Uy Se Tieng did not have that amount, he went to Lua Chu
on the night of December 14th, and proposed that he participate; that As to whether the probatory facts are sufficient to establish the facts
at first Lua Chu was unwilling to accept Uy Se Tieng's proposition, alleged in the information, we find that the testimony given by the
but he finally agreed to pay P6,000 when the opium had passed the witnesses for the prosecution should be believed, because the
customhouse; that Lua Chu went to Samson's house on the night of officers of the Constabulary and the chief of the customs secret
December 17th, because Samson at last agreed to deliver the opium service, who gave it, only did their duty. Aside from this, the
without first receiving the P6,000, provided Lua Chu personally defendants do not deny their participation in the illegal importation of
promised to pay him that amount. the opium, though the accused Lua Chu pretends that he was only a
guarantor to secure the payment of the gratuity which the former
The appellants make ten assignments of error as committed by the collector of customs, Joaquin Natividad, had asked of him for Juan
trial court in its judgment. Some refer to the refusal of the trial judge Samson and certain customs employees. This assertion, however, is
to permit the presentation of certain documentary evidence, and to contradicted by his own statement made to Juan Samson and
the exclusion of Juan Samson, the principal witness for the overheard by Captain Buenconsejo, that he was one of the owners
Government, from the court room during the hearing; others refer to of the opium that had been unlawfully imported.
the admission of the alleged statements of the accused taken in
shorthand; and the others to the sufficiency of the evidence of the But the defendants' principal defense is that they were induced by
prosecution to establish the guilt of the defendants beyond a Juan Samson to import the opium in question. Juan Samson denies
reasonable doubt. this, and his conduct in connection with the introduction of the
prohibited drug into the port of Cebu, bears him out. A public official
With respect to the presentation of the record of the administrative who induces a person to commit a crime for purposes of gain, does
proceedings against Joaquin Natividad, collector of customs of not take the steps necessary to seize the instruments of the crime
Cebu, and Juan Samson, supervising customs secret service agent and to arrest the offender, before having obtained the profit he had in
of Cebu, who were dismissed from the service, the trial court did not mind. It is true that Juan Samson smoothed the way for the
err in not permitting it, for, whatever the result of those proceedings, introduction of the prohibited drug, but that was after the accused
they cannot serve to impeach the witness Juan Samson, for it is not had already planned its importation and ordered said drug, leaving
one of the means prescribed in section 342 of the Code of Civil only its introduction into the country through the Cebu customhouse
Procedure to that end. to be managed, and he did not do so to help them carry their plan to
a successful issue, but rather to assure the seizure of the imported
drug and the arrest of the smugglers.
With regard to the trial judge's refusal to order the exclusion of Juan
Samson, the principal witness of the Government, from the court
room during the hearing, it is within the power of said judge to do so The doctrines referring to the entrapment of offenders and instigation
or not, and it does not appear that he has abused his discretion (16 to commit crime, as laid down by the courts of the United States, are
Corpus Juris, 842). summarized in 16 Corpus Juris, page 88, section 57, as follows:

Neither did the trial judge err when he admitted in evidence the ENTRAPMENT AND INSTIGATION. — While it has been
transcript of stenographic notes of the defendants' statements, since said that the practice of entrapping persons into crime for the
they contain admissions made by themselves, and the person who purpose of instituting criminal prosecutions is to be deplored,
took them in shorthand attested at the trial that they were faithfully and while instigation, as distinguished from mere
taken down. Besides the contents are corroborated by unimpeached entrapment, has often been condemned and has sometimes
witnesses who heard the statements. been held to prevent the act from being criminal or
punishable, the general rule is that it is no defense to the
perpetrator of a crime that facilitates for its commission were order the better to assure the seizure of said opium and the arrest of
purposely placed in his way, or that the criminal act was its importers, is no bar to the prosecution and conviction of the latter.
done at the "decoy solicitation" of persons seeking to expose
the criminal, or that detectives feigning complicity in the act By virtue whereof, finding no error in the judgment appealed from,
were present and apparently assisting in its commission. the same is hereby affirmed, with costs against the appellants. So
Especially is this true in that class of cases where the ordered.
offense is one of a kind habitually committed, and the
solicitation merely furnishes evidence of a course of conduct. Republic of the Philippines
Mere deception by the detective will not shield defendant, if SUPREME COURT
the offense was committed by him free from the influence or Manila
the instigation of the detective. The fact that an agent of an
owner acts as supposed confederate of a thief is no defense
to the latter in a prosecution for larceny, provided the original THIRD DIVISION
design was formed independently of such agent; and where
a person approached by the thief as his confederate notifies  
the owner or the public authorities, and, being authorized by
them to do so, assists the thief in carrying out the plan, the G.R. No. 82590 July 26, 1990
larceny is nevertheless committed. It is generally held that it
is no defense to a prosecution for an illegal sale of liquor that PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
the purchase was made by a "spotter," detective, or hired vs.
informer; but there are cases holding the contrary. ESTANISLAO YUTUC y TELLIS, accused-appellant.

As we have seen, Juan Samson neither induced nor instigated the The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
herein defendants-appellants to import the opium in question, as the
latter contend, but pretended to have an understanding with the
Estelito P. Mendoza for accused-appellant.
collector of customs, Joaquin Natividad — who had promised them
that he would remove all the difficulties in the way of their enterprise
so far as the customhouse was concerned — not to gain the P2,000
intended for him out of the transaction, but in order the better to
assure the seizure of the prohibited drug and the arrest of the BIDIN, J.:
surreptitious importers. There is certainly nothing immoral in this or
against the public good which should prevent the Government from This is an appeal interposed by accused-appellant Estanislao Yutuc
prosecuting and punishing the culprits, for this is not a case where y Tellis from the decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch XLVII,
an innocent person is induced to commit a crime merely to prosecute San Fernando, Pampanga * in Criminal Case No. 3707 entitled
him, but it simply a trap set to catch a criminal. "People of the Philippines vs. Estanislao Yutuc y Tellis", the decretal
portion of which reads:
Wherefore, we are of opinion and so hold, that the mere fact that the
chief of the customs secret service pretended to agree a plan for WHEREFORE, premises considered, finding the
smuggling illegally imported opium through the customhouse, in accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the
offense charged, for violation of Section 4, Article 11,
Republic Act No. 6425, (As Amended by P.D No. Although arrested on December 2, 1986 and detained from that date,
1675 which took effect on Feb. 17, 1980) the Court it was not until January 9, 1987 or more than one month after his
hereby sentences him to serve the penalty of life arrest and detention that the following information was filed:
imprisonment and to pay a fine of Twenty Thousand
(P20,000.00) plus costs. The undersigned Provincial Fiscal and Special
Counsel accuses ESTANISLAO YUTUC y TELLIS of
The penalty imposed by the law is very stiff, but it the crime of Violation of Section 4, Article II of RA
must be followed and obeyed as it is so written. The 6425, otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs
law does not make any distinction whether the sale, Acts of 1972, as amended, committed as follows:
administration, delivery, distribution and
transportation of the prohibited drug is in large scale That on or about the 2nd day of December, 1986, at
or in a small quantity. Whether the amount of the about 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon, in barangay
prohibited stuff sold, administered, delivered, Tinajero, municipality of Bacolor, province of
distributed or transported is big or small, the penalty Pampanga, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of
is the same because the ultimate pernicious effects this Honorable Court, the above-named accused
thereof on the victims are the same. ESTANISLAO YUTUC y TELLIS, not having been
lawfully authorized, permitted and/or licensed, did
This decision must now serve as a deterrence to then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously
those who are still engaged or are attempting to sell, administer and give away one (1) transparent
indulge themselves in such nef(a)arious activities in cellophane bag of dried marijuana leaves, which
violation of the Dangerous Drug Law, for if they when subjected to test, disclosed a positive
persist and caught in the act, or sufficient evidence indication of the presence of tetro hydro canabinol
exists to that effect, the full force of the law will take (TNC) found in marijuana, a prohibited drug.
its course against them as it did in the case at bar.
All contrary to law.
Upon arraignment, the accused, with the assistance of counsel de
The accused was arrested by Narcotics Command (NARCOM) oficio, pleaded NOT GUILTY.
soldiers on December 2, 1986 at 4:00 p.m. at Barangay Tinajero,
Bacolor, Pampanga, allegedly for selling dried marijuana leaves in At the trial, the prosecution presented three witnesses, namely: Sgt.
the amount of FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) to one of them Sgt. Juanito Juanita de la Cruz, Sgt. Eufronio N. Sapad, Jr., both of the Narcotics
de la Cruz. Command at Camp Olivas, Pampanga and Marlene Salangad,
Forensic Chemist.
At the time of his arrest, the accused was 17 years old. He was
detained at Camp Olivas, San Fernando, Pampanga until January 9, Sgt. Juanito de la Cruz, a soldier of the Armed Forces of the
1987 when he was transferred to the National Penitentiary at Philippines assigned to the Narcotics Command at San Fernando
Muntinlupa, Metro Manila where he is presently detained. Pampanga, as intelligence operative, testified that at about 1:00
o'clock in the afternoon of December 2, 1986, a Buy Bust Operation
team was organized by Operation Officer Capt. Honorio Tomas in
view of an informant's (identity undisclosed) report of an on-going Forensic Chemist of the Philippine Constabulary confirmed that the
drug trafficking in Barrio Tinajero, Bacolor, Pampanga. Sgt. Juanito specimen indicated in Exhibit "A" weighs approximately thirteen (13)
de la Cruz, member of the Philippine Army, Narcotics Command, grams of marijuana dried leaves contained in a cellophane pack
was to act as poseur-buyer and was given marked money in the total (Exhibit "G") and which was wrapped with a piece of bond paper
sum of P50.00 consisting of two (2) P20.00 and one (1) P10.00 bills (Exhibit "F"). Upon physical, chemical and confirmatory tests taken,
(Exhibits "I" to "I-2", "J" to "J-2" and "K" to "K-2").i•t•c-aüsl  Upon the specimen proved to be positive for marijuana, a prohibited drug
arrival at the scene of the incident at 3:00 o'clock p.m., the civilian (Technical Report No. UB-510A-86, Exhibits "H" to "H-1", TSN, pp.
informer introduced De la Cruz to the accused as a friend of said 72-86, June 10, 1987).
informer. De la Cruz offered to buy P50.00 worth of marijuana from
the accused. Accused went to a corner at the back of a house and On the other hand, the defense presented the accused Estanislao
came back bringing with him the marijuana dried leaves contained in Yutuc as its lone witness, who testified that he is 18 years of age
one (1) plastic bag measuring one-half foot in length and four (4) having been born on May 7, 1969, single, is a helper of his mother
inches in width and which approximately weighed eighteen (18) and a resident of Tinajero, Bacolor, Pampanga since birth. On that
grams (Exhibit "G"). The accused gave De la Cruz the marijuana and fateful day of December 2, 1986 at about 4:00 o'clock in the
the latter in turn proffered the P50.00 marked bills. De la Cruz wiped afternoon, he was at the road near their house at Tinajero, Bacolor,
his face with a handkerchief as a pre-arranged signal to his Pampanga about to pay P230.00 for the rice which his mother
companions to arrest the accused, which they did. Accused's purchased at the store located near their house. The money given to
companion who was with him all the time was able to scamper and him by his mother to pay the rice consisted of two (2) P50.00 bills;
ran away but accused himself was brought to the Police Station at five (5) P20.00 bills; and three P10.00 bills. Prior to the intended
Bacolor, Pampanga where the arresting team had him blottered and payment, a person approached him and inquired about a person
searched. They found the marked money in accused's possession whose name he forgot. He denied any knowledge of said person.
(TSN, pp. 32-59, May 19, 1987; pp. 104-107, September 16, 1987). Another person arrived and they exchanged signals to each other.
The apprehending officers brought the accused to Camp Olivas, San Then PC soldiers came. The first person who inquired ran away and
Fernando, Pampanga where they took accused's fingerprints and the soldiers handcuffed him. C2C Oscar Imperial manacled him. He
prepared a Booking Sheet and Arrest Report (Exhibits "D" to "D-4", asked Imperial the reason for shackling him but the officer refused to
TSN, pp. 59-65, May 19, 1987). say anything. His aunt came, held him in the arms and asked the PC
soldiers why they put handcuffs on the accused and brought him with
Sgt. Eufronio Sapad, Jr. who apprehended the accused corroborated them. The PC soldiers did not answer her questions but simply drew
Sgt. de la Cruz' statements to the effect that he saw the accused their guns. He felt frightened and his aunt released him from her
deliver the marijuana and De la Cruz gave the P50.00 marked bills. hold. He was made to board a car and sat in the middle of two (2)
At Camp Olivas, the accused underwent custodial investigation persons. The PC soldiers were in civilian clothes and inside the car,
without having been informed of his constitutional rights to remain he was beaten and boxed several times all over his body by said
silent, to counsel and to be informed of such rights and was made to soldiers. He was brought to the Municipal Building of Bacolor,
sign a Receipt of Property Confiscated/Seized (Exhibits "A" to "A-3") Pampanga and was subjected to interrogation concerning the sale of
consisting of the 18 grams marijuana dried leaves and the P50.00 marijuana and his personal circumstances. He denied having
marked bills, a Waiver of Detention under Art. 125, RPC (Exhibits "B" anything to do with a marijuana. Later, he was brought to Camp
to "B-1"). The arresting officers executed a joint affidavit in Olivas but while they were on the way, apprehending officers
connection with the apprehension of the accused (Exhibits "C" to "C- Villaruz, Sapad, Imperial, De la Cruz and Baking hit him and boxed
2", TSN, pp. 2-21, March 10, 1987; pp. 92-96, June 10, 1987; pp. him several times. While being maltreated, they asked him the name
165-168, 171-177, December 9, 1987). Capt. Marlene Salangad, of the person who ran away and again he denied knowledge of said
person. They boxed him for giving such response. At the NARCOM DECEMBER 2, 1986, PARTICULARLY EXHIBIT A-2
Office, Camp Olivas, Imperial, De la Cruz and Sapad kicked him and WHICH READS "WITH MY CONFORMITY,
he was thrown by the impact of the assault. He was made to sign ESTANISLAO YUTUC Y TELLIS (OWNER OF
exhibits "A", "B" and "D" under threats to kill him if he would not sign CONFTD ITEMS)";
them. Because he could not read the documents presented to him,
he asked the soldiers to read the documents to him, and they replied 2. EXHIBITS B, AND B-1-WAIVER OF DETENTION
that he was just a "nobody' to make such a request. Fearful of his UNDER ART. 125, RPC" DATED DECEMBER 3,
life, he gave in and involuntarily signed said papers without having 1986, PARTICULARLY EXHIBIT B-1 WHICH
been informed of the contents thereof and without the assistance of PURPORTS TO BE THE SIGNATURE OF THE
counsel in violation of his constitutional rights. He was detained at ACCUSED;
Camp Olivas for one (1) month and seven (7) days. Fifteen (15) days
after his detention, his mother filed a petition for habeas corpus 3. EXHIBIT D-BOOKING SHEET AND ARREST
(Exhibit "1") but the same was dismissed upon filing of the REPORT PARTICULARLY EXHIBIT D-1 SHOWING
Information against him on January 9, 1987 (Exhibit "2"). PURPORTEDLY THE SIGNATURE OF THE
He denied having been engaged in selling marijuana, neither did he FINGERPRINT MARKS OF THE ACCUSED;
smoke marijuana before. He recognizes the money marked as
Exhibits "I", "J" and "K" as part of the P230.00 his mother gave him. 4. EXHIBIT F-THE ALLEGED BOND PAPER USED
At the time the money were taken from him, no markings appeared IN WRAPPING PLASTIC BAG ALLEGEDLY
thereon. He saw the PC officers placed dots on the money CONTAINING MARIJUANA LEAVES, MORE
thereafter. Prior to the incident, he did not know these PC soldiers PARTICULARLY, THE SIGNATURE OF THE
and that he had no quarrel with them earlier, nor with their relatives ACCUSED; AND
(TSN, pp. 196-247, December 10, 1987).
5. EXHIBITS I, I-1, J, J-1, J-2, K, AND K-1-THE
As heretofore mentioned, accused Estanislao Yutuc was convicted ALLEGED MARKED MONEY, MORE
of the crime charged. PARTICULARLY, EXHIBITS I-2, J-2, AND K-2
Hence, the instant appeal. A appellant poses the following assigned THE ACCUSED.


ASSUMING THAT THE ACCUSED SOLD DRIED added that there being no evil or improper motive in the minds of all
MARIJUANA LEAVES TO SGT. JUANITO DE LA the members of the apprehending team or any of them to make a
CRUZ, THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN NOT false imputation against the accused, the credibility of their
FINDING THAT HE DID SO ONLY UPON declarations is farther strengthened (Rollo, pp. 44-45).
SOLDIERS. However, a meticulous scrutiny of the records discloses that the
testimonies of the prosecution witnesses are not only fraught with
FOURTH ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR inconsistencies and contradictions but the actions of the police
officers in question indisputably show a callous disregard of the
THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN FINDING THE Constitution and of the law which would amount to a mockery of
ACCUSED GUILTY BEYOND REASONABLE justice to impress on their actions the presumption of regularity and
DOUBT FOR VIOLATION OF SECTION 4, on their testimonies with honesty and good faith.
AMENDED BY P.D. NO. 1675) AND IN In an unrebutted testimony, the accused established that he was
SENTENCING HIM TO SERVE THE PENALTY OF boxed and maltreated particularly when asked the name of the
LIFE IMPRISONMENT AND TO PAY A FINE OF person who ran away. At the NARCOM Office, Camp Olivas,
TWENTY THOUSAND PESOS (P20,000.00). Imperial, De la Cruz and Sapad kicked him until he was thrown by
the force and impact of the punishment. He was threatened and
Well-entrenched is the rule that trial courts' findings of facts carry intimidated into signing incriminatory admissions. He was illegally
great weight for these courts have the privilege of examining the detained from December 2, 1986 to January 9, 1987. On December
demeanor of the witnesses while on the witness stand, and 17, 1986, the accused's mother filed a petition for Habeas Corpus
therefore, can discern if these witnesses are telling the truth or not. thereby practically forcing the filing of the information in the instant
The exception lies when (1) the conclusion is a finding based entirely case on January 9, 1987 before the Regional Trial Court of
on speculations; (2) the inference made is manifestly mistaken, Pampanga. In view of the filing of said information, the Petition for
absurd or impossible; (3) there is grave abuse of discretion; (4) the Habeas Corpus became moot and academic and was dismissed by
judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts; and (5) the court, the Regional Trial Court on that ground but not before it has noted
in making its findings, went beyond the issues of the case and the that the detention of the accused by the NARCOM agents was
same are contrary to the admission of both the appellant and "without any legal basis." (Rollo, pp. 75-76).
appellee. (People v. Taruc, 157 SCRA 182 [1988]).i•t•c-aüsl
Undeniably, the prosecution witnesses Sets. De la Cruz and Sapad,
In its findings of guilt against the accused, the trial court gave more committed a criminal act, a plain violation of Article 125 of the
weight and credence to the evidence of the prosecution, both Revised Penal Code, if not plain arbitrary detention (Article 124 of
testimonial and documentary. the same Code). In fact, Sgt. Sapad admitted in open court that he
was aware that the detention of the accused was in violation of the
Revised Penal Code (Hearing, December 9, 1987; TSN, pp. 7, 8,
It laid stress on the credibility of the testimonies of the members of
the "Buy Bust Operation Team" organized with the duty to enforce
the law. As such, they were supposed to be parts and parcels of the
law enforcement agencies of the government which enjoy the Under the circumstances, there is merit in defense counsel's
presumption of regularity in the performance of their duties, and contention that these prosecution witnesses who are sworn to
protect the citizenry, yet have knowingly violated the Constitution and courtroom when asked, answered
the law, hardly deserve to be given any credence at all. Otherwise by the name of Estanislao Yutuc.
stated, there can be no conviction on the basis of their testimonies
(Rollo, p. 88). FISCAL LISING: What I mean, you
stated a person or informant went to
Verily, the presumption that official duty has been regularly your office to report that there is a
performed cannot, by itself, prevail against the constitutional person . . . I am clarifying Your
presumption of innocence accorded an accused person. (People v. Honor.
Ale, 145 SCRA 51 [Oct. 14, 1986]; People v. Fernando, 145 SCRA
151 [Oct. 24, 1986]; People v. Flores, G.R. No. 65647 [Aug. 30, ATTY. BENOZA: There was already
1988]; People v. Carido, G.R. No. 32242 [Nov. 18, 1988]). an answer. The alleged informer
was already pinpointed, Your Honor.
Even more categorically, the Court stated that the common modus
operandi  of narcotic agents of utilizing poseur-buyers does not FISCAL LISING: I am asking . . . He
always commend itself as the most reliable way to go after violators misunderstands me.
of the Dangerous Drugs Act as it is susceptible to mistake as well as
to harrassment, extortion and abuse. (People v. Fernando, supra). ATTY. BENOZA: I just want to make
it of record that the informer
Still further, full faith and credence cannot be accorded to the pinpointed to by the witness is the
testimonies of the prosecution witnesses particularly those of the two very accused Estanislao Yutuc.
arresting officers, as they are replete with contradictions and tainted (TSN, pp. 4-6, March 10, 1987).
with inccuracies.
Sgt. De la Cruz who acted as poseur-buyer simply declared that the
Sgt. Eufronio Sapad, Jr., himself the aresting officer, was so report came from a civilian informant (TSN, pp. 36-37, May 19,
confused that even on direct examination, he could not even 1987). The identity of the informer was not revealed. For no apparent
distinguish the accused from the informer. He testified thus: reason, he was not presented as a witness, although there appears
to be no point in concealing his identity for as Sgt. de la Cruz
FISCAL LISTING: Can you possibly testified, the informer was with him when he arrested the accused
identify this informer who reported to and introduced him to the latter (Hearing, May 19, 1987; TSN, pp.
your office that there was a person 17, 18, 19); giving rise to another disputable presumption that
in Tinajero, Bacolor, Pampanga? evidence wilfully suppressed would be adverse if produced (Rule
131, Sec. 5(e); People v. Ale, 145 SCRA 50 [1986]).i•t•c-aüsl
A: Yes, sir.
As to the number of suspected drug pushers per verbal report from
Q: Who is he? the alleged informant, Sgt. de la Cruz was not even certain. At first,
he said there was one and then he said there were two. He declared
as follows:
pointing to a person inside the
Question: What was the purpose of Even as to the time he acquired knowledge of the name of the
that civilian informant who went to accused, Sgt. de la Cruz contradicted himself as follows:
your office on December 2, 1986?
Q: How about the accused Yutuc?
Answer: He told us that there was From whom did you hear his name
one person who was selling for the first time?
marijuana, sir. (TSN, pp. 36-37, May
19, 1987). A: When we already investigated
him sir. (TSN, p. 159, September
Question: Did you hear what was 30, 1987) (emphasis supplied)
reported by the alleged civilian
informant to Col. Roberto Kalinisan? ATTY. BENOZA: Did I get you right
that it was only in the investigation
Answer: Yes, sir. when you came to know the name
of the accused?
Question: What did you hear about?
A: When the informant reported to
Answer: The civilian informant went us. I already knew his name, sir.
to our office and reported to Col.
Roberto Kalinisan that there are two Q: So you want to change your re-
persons in the name of Estanislao direct testimony that you came to
Yutuc and Arnel Garcia  who are know the name of the accused
involved in selling marijuana in during the investigation?
Barrio Tinajero, Bacolor, Pampanga,
sir. A: Yes, sir, I had to answer. (TSN,
p. 160, Ibid., emphasis supplied).
Question: Did I get you right that
you stated that there was only one As to whom the verbal report of the informant was directed, both
alleged person informed by the NARCOM agents' statements are at war with each other despite their
civilian informant who was involved presence at the time the report was received, since Sgt. Sapad
in selling marijuana? swears that the informant reported the matter of drug trafficking to
his officemates  (TSN, p. 7, March 10, 1987) while Sgt. de la Cruz
Answer: I cannot recall, sir, but I stated that it was to Operations Officer Captain Honorio Tomas to
know there are two. (TSN, pp. 113- whom the information was relayed (TSN, p. 38, May 19, 1987) then
115, September 16, 1987, emphasis amended it to Commanding Officer Col. Roberto Kalinisan (TSN, pp.
supplied). 111-112, September 16, 1987, (emphasis supplied).
Even the physical evidence is suspect since Sgt. Sapad who was As to documentary evidence, there is merit in the claim that the trial
supposed to be the seizing officer affirmed that the marked money court erred in admitting the exhibits in question which were taken
were returned to him and he had them xeroxed but when asked who from the accused in patent disregard of the latter's constitutional
returned the same, he replied that the money was on file (TSN, p. rights.
18, March 10, 1987).
As earlier narrated, after he was arrested and on the way to Camp
And again as to who placed the dots on the marked money, the Olivas, he was beaten, boxed, pushed and kicked. At the NARCOM
answers of the two soldiers did not jibe. Sgt. Sapad said that all of Office, without being informed of his right to silence and of his right
them placed the dots on the marked bills (TSN, p. 94, June 10, not to incriminate himself, he was threatened and/or intimidated to
1987) while Sgt. de la Cruz stated that Operations Officer Capt. sign several documents now marked Exhibits "A", "B", "D," "F", "I" "J"
Tomas placed them (TSN, pp. 118-119, September 16, 1987).i•t•c- and "K" (Hearing December 10, 1987; TSN, pp. 24, 25, 26, 29, 30).
aüsl Because he could not read and understand the documents
presented to him, he requested that the said documents be read to
Sgt. Sapad testified that the plastic bag delivered to Sgt. de la Cruz him but his request was rudely denied. He was a "nobody" the
contained five fingers, dried marijuana leaves weighing soldiers said (Ibid.; TSN, p. 27).
approximately 18 grams  (TSN, pp. 10-12, March 10, 1987; Exhibits
"A" to "A-3", "E" to "E-2"). In contrast, the Laboratory Examination Afraid and thoroughly intimidated, the accused signed the
Report, confirmed by the testimony of Marlene Salangad, Forensic documents identified as follows:
Chemist of the PC Crime Laboratory, who examined the contents,
shows that they consisted exclusively of marijuana fruiting tops (1) Exhibit "A" — purporting to be a "Receipt of
weighing thirteen (13) grams. This discrepancy finds no explanation Property Confiscated/Seized" from him by the
in the record. soldiers;

In contrast, the testimony of the accused is direct, consistent and (2) Exhibit "B" — "Waiver of Detention under Article
devoid of any prevarication. Contrary to the claim of the prosecution 125, R.P.C.";
that the defense limited itself to bare denial, the accused clearly
explained that he was arrested when about to pay for the rice as (3) Exhibit "D" — "Booking Sheet and Arrest Report"
mother has bought. The marked money allegedly used to pay him to which the accused implicitly admits that he was
was part of the two hundred thirty pesos (P230.00) his mother gave arrested for selling marijuana leaves;
him to pay for the rice. His testimony remained unshaken despite
rigid cross examination.
(4) Exhibit "F" — through which the accused
acknowledges that the plastic bag containing
The accused maintained that he does not sell nor smoke marijuana marijuana leaves taken from him;
(Decision, Trial Court, p. 16). His statement is confirmed by the fact
that he has no criminal record unlike in the case of People v. Boholst
(152 SCRA 271 [1987]) whose doctrine is sought by the Solicitor (5) Exhibits "1", "I-1", "J", "J-1", "J-2", "K", "K-1" and
General to be applied to this case, where the accused was "K-2" — which the accused apparently admits that
previously convicted of frustrated murder, robbery, hold-up and the two twenty-peso bills and one ten-peso bill
violation of R.A. 6425 as drug pusher. allegedly with markings, were paid to him by the
Narcom. (Rollo, pp. 74-75
The narration of the above circumstances by the accused was not Question: In the office?
only unrebutted by the prosecution but was admitted by Sgt. Sapad
on cross examination as follows: Answer: Yes, sir.

xxx xxx xxx Question: When you asked him to

sign this, again, you just asked him
Question: While he was detained, to sign this without informing him of
that was the time you asked him to anything, is that correct?
sign Exhibit "A", is that correct?
Answer: Except for the things I said
Answer: Before he was detained, a while ago, we told him that before
we have him signed the Exhibit "A", signing, he can have the services of
sir. a counsel.

Question: Is it not you said that you Question: That is all you told the
immediately proceeded to Camp accused, Mr. Sapad?
Olivas to bring the accused in that
place; are you now saying that Answer: Yes, sir.
before you went to Olivas, you went
to another place and asked the Question: Are you sure of that?
accused to sign somewhere else?
Answer: Yes, sir.
Answer: No, sir.
Question: You did not tell him before
Question: That means that signing that this document may be
immediately upon being used against him in a criminal
apprehended, that was the time that prosecution like this very serious
you asked him to sign that crime as charged in the very
document Exhibit "A"? information?

Answer: We have him signed the Answer: No, sir.

document in the office, sir.
Question: Likewise, you did not
Question: At Camp Olivas where he inform him that he has the right to
was detained? refuse signing the document?

Answer: No, sir. Answer: Yes, sir.

xxx xxx xxx Question: And the act of
investigation, that is not detention
Question: I am showing you again yet, according to you?
Exhibit "D", which you asked the
accused to sign, a booking sheet Answer: Not yet, sir.
and arrest report. Before you asked
the accused to sign, again, I am Question: You are referring to
asking you a very important detention as the placing behind
question, Mr. Sapad — it was only bars.
the right to counsel that you
informed Mr. Yutuc and noting else Answer: Yes, sir.
before you asked him to sign?
Answer: Yes, sir.
Question: But he was under your
Question: And again, this was custody?
signed in the presence of several
officers who are armed with guns, is
that correct? Answer: Yes, sir.

Answer: Some were armed, sir. Question: And it was a custodial

investigation that you had?
Question: But this was signed in
Camp Olivas when he was Answer: Yes, sir.
(Hearing, December 9, 1987; TSN, pp. 10-12, Record, pp. 171-173;
Answer: Before we have him TSN, pp. 13-16; Record, pp. 174-176).
signed, he was not yet detained, sir.
These documents were signed by the accused during custodial
Question: Now, let us clarify this. Do investigation without the assistance of counsel. He was not informed
you mean to say that when you of his constitutional right to silence and obviously under threats of
brought him to the office you don't violence and intimidation upon his person. He might have been
consider it detention yet? informed of his right to counsel but not that he may be provided with
one if he cannot afford the services of counsel. More than that, if it
can be assumed that he waived said right, the waiver was not in
Answer: Not yet, sir. writing and not in the presence of counsel. In any event, this Court
ruled that the written instruments are declaration against interest and
tacit admission of the crime charged, since mere unexplained
possession of prohibited drugs is punishable by law. These
documentary evidence is in the same category as extra-judicial Question: Without you having been
confessions outlawed by the Constitution (People v. Turla, G.R. No. a buyer or your companion having
70270, November 11, 1988). been a buyer, you would agree with
me that there would not have been
There is, therefore, no question that the admissions of the accused a charge against the accused, is
were taken without strict observance of Section 20, Article IV of the that correct?
Constitution which provides in no uncertain terms that "Any
confession obtained in violation of this section shall be inadmissible Answer: Yes, sir.
in evidence."
Question: In other words,
Thus, this court has ruled that the rights guaranteed during a you induced practically the suspect
custodial investigation are not supposed to be merely communicated into commission of an offense, is
to the suspect especially if he is unlettered, but must be that correct?
painstakingly explained to him so he can understand their nature and
significance. Moreover, manhandling of any sort will vitiate any Answer: Yes, sir.
extrajudicial confession that may be extracted from him and render it
inadmissible in evidence against him (People v. Opida, 142 SCRA Question: Mr. Witness, you have
296 [1986]). been in investigation for so long. I
am asking you a very important
The evidence as to whether or not Yutuc participated in the sale of question, which may redound to the
marijuana is not enough to convict him beyond reasonable doubt. future of this poor boy: — you do not
But assuming he did sell, there remains the issue of whether he know the difference between the
was induced to sell or was merely entrapped into looking for instigation and entrapment, as an
marijuana to sell. investigator, is that correct?

Sgt. Juanita de la Cruz narrated that he approached the accused Answer: No, sir.
who was with one Arnel Garcia and told him "iiscore ako ng
marijuana," meaning, he will buy marijuana. The accused then Question: As a matter of fact, that
allegedly went inside a street at the back of a house and came back was not even a subject of your
bringing along with him the marijuana for which he (Sgt. de la Cruz) seminar or any other training before
paid the marked P50.00 (Hearing, September 16, 1987, TSN, pp. 32 you undergo raiding like this?
to 41).
Answer: I do no know that, sir.
On the other hand, Sgt. Sapad on cross examination admitted that
because of the verbal report of the informant, he already had a pre-
conceived notion, a pre-judgment that there really was illegal sale of Question: In short, you instigated
drugs in Tinajero and that accused was selling marijuana. He the commission of the crime?
admitted further that he and his companion practically induced the
suspect into the commission of the offense. He testified as follows: Answer: Yes, sir.
(Hearing, December 9, 1987, TSN, pp. 18 to 20, marijuana. It was Sgt. de la Cruz who proposed to buy marijuana
Emphasis supplied) from the accused after having been introduced to the latter as a user.
Thereafter, the accused is alleged to have entered an alley at the
On all fours with the case at bar is the case of People v. Lapatha, et back of a house and later returned with the marijuana for which Sgt.
al. (G.R. Nos. 63074-75, November 9, 1988), where the Court ruled de la Cruz paid the accused P50. Without the proposal and
that instigation and not entrapment prevailed. Under similar instigation of Sgt. de la Cruz, the alleged sale of marijuana would not
circumstances, the accused in said case was not looking for buyers have transpired.
at the time when the poseur-buyer asked for the drug and practically
induced the former to commit the crime. It is quite clear that Sgt. de la Cruz suggested the commission of the
crime by offering the accused P50 for the purchase of the prohibited
In the same case, the Court distinguished instigation from drug which was not even in the possession of the accused.
entrapment as follows: Otherwise stated, Sgt. de la Cruz instigated the accused to look for
marijuana which he (Sgt. de la Cruz) would buy or pay for P50.
When an employee of the government, as in this case, encourages
In entrapment, ways and means are resorted to for
or induces persons to commit a crime in order to prosecute them,
the purpose of trapping and capturing the law
such conduct is most reprehensible (U.S. vs. Phelps, 16 Phil. 440, as
breakers in the execution of their criminal plan. On
cited in People v. Lapatha [supra]). Clearly, there was instigation in
the other hand, in instigation, the instigator
the case at bar and the defendant is entitled to acquittal.
practically induces the would be defendant into the
commission of the offense, and himself becomes a
co-principal. Entrapment is no bar to prosecution In any event therefore, the issue as to whether or not the testimonies
and conviction, while in instigation, the defendant of the prosecution witnesses could be believed, is immaterial as
would have to be acquitted. against the fact that instigation transpired in the case at bar and not
entrapment, in which case the accused would have to be acquitted.
In another case, this Court ruled further that entrapment must be
distinguished from inducement or instigation wherein the criminal Finally, if the inculpatory facts and circumstances are capable of two
intent originates in the mind of the instigator and the accused is lured or more explanations one of which is consistent with the innocence
into the commission of the offense charged in order to prosecute of the accused and the other consistent with his guilt, then the
him, In entrapment, the crime had already been committed, while in evidence does not fulfill the test of moral certainty and is not
instigation, it was not and could not have been committed were it not sufficient to support conviction (People vs. Taruc, pp. 186-
for the instigation of the peace officer (People vs. Gatongo G.R. No. 187, supra).
78698, December 29, 1988).
The scales of justice must hang equal and in fact, should even be
In the case at bar, the accused denied having sold marijuana to the tipped in favor of the accused because of the constitutional
Narcotics Command agents nor had he been engaged at any time in presumption of innocence (People vs. Opida, 142 SCRA 303 [1986]).
sale of marijuana. His statement is confirmed by the fact that he has
no police or criminal record. Nevertheless, assuming that he did sell WHEREFORE, the judgment of conviction is REVERSED and SET
the drug as alleged by the prosecution, it would appear that when ASIDE and accused Estanislao Yutuc y Tellis is ACQUITTED on
Sgt. Juanito de la Cruz approached the accused, the latter was not grounds of reasonable doubt.
looking for buyers of marijuana nor was he in possession of any

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