SX 800 R
SX 800 R
SX 800 R
• The extension cord is properly wired and in good electrical condition. – Talk Confirmation Tone To communicate, all radios in your group must be set to the same
Medical Devices – Pacemakers channel and Interference Eliminator Code. flashes and appears.
• The cord size is 18 AWG for lengths up to 100 feet, and 16 AWG for (Roger Beep)
The Advanced Medical Technology Association recommends that a i VOX – Hands-Free Use 2. Press + or – to change and hear the call tone.
For More Information lengths up to 150 feet. Without 1. To talk, press and hold PTT .
minimum separation of 6 inches (15 cm) be maintained between a 3. Press PTT to set the new call tone or to continue set up.
9. The supply cord of this charger cannot be replaced. If the cord is – Noise Filtering Accessories 2. When you are finished talking, release PTT .
For further information, you may call Motorola at 1-800-638-5119 (U.S. handheld wireless radio and a pacemaker. These recommendations are To transmit your call tone to other radios set to the same channel and
and Canada) or visit us on the Internet at consistent with the independent research by and recommendations of damaged, call Motorola Product Services at 1-800-353-2729 in the USA For maximum clarity, hold the radio two to three inches away from your
Interference Eliminator Code as your radio, press .
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. or 1-888-390-6456 TTY (text telephone). mouth and speak directly into the microphone. Do not cover the
microphone while talking. Note: Setting the call to 0 disables the call tone feature.
should be made only by or under the supervision of a person certified as to empty . When the battery is empty, the radio chirps periodically
exposure standards and guidelines: Note: When you connect a VOX accessory, the radio is automatically
• Use hands-free operation, if available. technically qualified to perform transmitter maintenance and repairs in channel, displays. When the radio is on a 1 watt channel,
• United States Federal communications Commission, Code of Federal after releasing PTT (Low Battery Alert). The radio powers off when the set to the last chosen sensitivity level.
• Pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if driving the provide land mobile and fixed services as certified by an organization displays. The current channel flashes.
Regulations; 47CFR part 2 sub-part J voltage drops below a predetermined level to protect the rechargeable
conditions so require. representative of the user of those services. Replacement of any
battery. 2. Press + or – to set the channel. See Special Features section on Accessories.
• American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Institute of Electrical transmitter component (crystal, semiconductor, etc.) not authorized by
and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95. 1-1992 Do not place a portable radio in the area over an air bag or in the air the FCC equipment authorization for this radio could violate FCC rules. Note: Remove the batteries before storing your radio for extended 3. Press PTT to save the channel setting or MENU
to continue set up.
bag deployment area. Air bags inflate with great force. If a portable periods of time. Batteries corrode over time and may cause permanent
• Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) C95.1-1999 Note: Use of this radio outside the country where it was intended to be
radio is placed in the air bag deployment area and the air bag inflates, damage to your radio.
Edition distributed is subject to government regulations and may be prohibited.
the radio may be propelled with great force and cause serious injury to
• International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Continued on back
occupants of the vehicle.
(ICNIRP) 1998 SX800
QT Noise Filtering Weather
Special Features Your radio can tune in to broadcasts by the United States National
Warranty Products Covered Length of Coverage Exclusions
The QT noise-filtering feature helps to ensure uninterrupted
communication with other Motorola radios that have this feature. This Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio and A. Products and Accessories as A. One (1) year from the date of Normal Wear and Tear. Periodic maintenance, repair and replacement
Keypad Lock Environment Canada Weatheradio. Limited Warranty for Personal Communication defined above, unless otherwise purchase by the first consumer of parts due to normal wear and tear are excluded from coverage.
feature filters out unwanted transmissions from other radios. This is
To avoid accidentally changing your radio settings: provided for below. purchaser of the product unless Batteries. Only batteries whose fully charged capacity falls below 80%
useful in places where there is heavy radio traffic, such as amusement You can listen to a weather channel or set your radio to alert you to Products, Accessories and Software Purchased in the
parks or ski resorts. 1. Press and hold until
displays. United States or Canada otherwise provided for below. of their rated capacity and batteries that leak are covered by this limited
emergency weather broadcasts that interrupt routine broadcasts.
2. When in lock mode, you can turn the radio on and off, adjust the 1. Decorative Accessories and warranty.
Note: QT noise filtering is not available when the radio is scanning. When you listen to a weather channel, you cannot use your radio in
volume, receive, transmit, send a call tone, and monitor channels. All Cases. Decorative covers, 1. Limited lifetime warranty for the Abuse & Misuse. Defects or damage that result from: (a) improper
To turn QT noise filtering on or off: scan mode or for two-way communications. What Does this Warranty Cover? bezels, PhoneWrap‰ covers lifetime of ownership by the first
other functions are locked. operation, storage, misuse or abuse, accident or neglect, such as
1. Short press MENU
until QT displays. The current setting On/Off will Both NOAA and Environment Canada have transmitters located Subject to the exclusions contained to the right, Giant International Ltd. and cases. consumer purchaser of the
To unlock the radio, press and hold until
is no longer displayed. physical damage (cracks, scratches, etc.) to the surface of the product
flash. throughout the United States and Canada, respectively. These warrants the Motorola branded wireless telephones, pagers, and product. resulting from misuse; (b) contact with liquid, water, rain, extreme
Priority Scan transmitters broadcast watches, forecasts, and other information 24 consumer two-way radios that operate via Family Radio Service or 2. Monaural Headsets. Ear buds
2. Press + or – to turn noise filtering On or Off. General Mobile Radio Service that it manufactures (“Products”), the
humidity or heavy perspiration, sand, dirt or the like, extreme heat, or
Use scan to monitor channels and codes for transmissions or to find hours a day. and boom headsets that 2. Limited lifetime warranty for the food; (c) use of the Products or Accessories for commercial purposes
3. Press PTT to confirm your selection or to continue set up.
Motorola branded or certified accessories sold for use with these transmit mono sound through a lifetime of ownership by the first
someone in your group who has accidentally changed channels. or subjecting the Product or Accessory to abnormal usage or
Weather Channels and Frequencies Products that it manufactures (“Accessories”) and Motorola branded wired connection. consumer purchaser of the
To transmit to a radio that has QT noise filtering turned on: With priority scan, your home channel is scanned more frequently than conditions; or (d) other acts which are not the fault of Motorola or Giant
software contained on CD-Roms or other tangible media and sold for product.
1. Select the same channel and Interference Eliminator Code as the any other channel. The home channel is the channel where your radio Weather Weather International Ltd., are excluded from coverage.
use with these Products that it manufactures (“Software”) to be free 3. Consumer Two-Way Radio
other radio. was set when you started to scan. If you activate scan while your Channel Frequency Channel Frequency from defects in materials and workmanship under normal consumer Use of Non-Motorola branded Products and Accessories. Defects or
Accessories. 3. Ninety (90) days from the date of
2. Press to send a call tone. This allows your voice to pass through radio’s Interference Eliminator Code is set to a number between 1 and WX1 162.550 MHz WX7 162.525 MHz usage for the period(s) outlined below. This limited warranty is a damage that result from the use of Non-Motorola branded or certified
purchase by the first consumer
121, the radio checks for activity on each programmed channel and consumer’s exclusive remedy, and applies as follows to new Motorola Products, Accessories, Software or other peripheral equipment are
the QT noise filter on the receiving radio. WX2 162.400 MHz WX8 161.650 MHz 4. Products and Accessories that purchaser of the product.
code combination. branded Products, Accessories and Software manufactured by Giant excluded from coverage.
3. Press PTT and speak normally. are Repaired or Replaced.
WX3 162.475 MHz WX9 161.775 MHz International Ltd., and purchased by consumers in the United States or Unauthorized Service or Modification. Defects or damages resulting
Notes: 4. The balance of the original
Note: If you skip step 2, the beginning of your message may not be WX4 162.425 MHz WX10 161.750 MHz Canada, which are accompanied by this written warranty: warranty or for ninety (90) days from service, testing, adjustment, installation, maintenance, alteration,
heard on the receiving radio. For a 30-second period, starting after the • All transmissions using code 0 or any other code are ignored.
WX5 162.450 MHz WX11 162.000 MHz from the date returned to the or modification in any way by someone other than Motorola, Giant
last transmission, all transmissions received on the selected channel • The default code for each channel is 1.
consumer, whichever is longer. International Ltd. or its authorized service centers, are excluded from
• If scanning on code 0, all channels and code combinations are WX6 162.500 MHz
and code will pass through the QT noise filter. coverage.
Note: NOAA weather radio stations are assigned to cover specific Altered Products. Products or Accessories with (a) serial numbers or
1. To start scanning, briefly press and release MON . The scan indicator areas and service may be limited. Please check with your local weather date tags that have been removed, altered or obliterated; (b) broken
displays , and the radio begins to scroll through the channel and office for frequency and details, or visit in the seals or that show evidence of tampering; (c) mismatched board serial
Interference Eliminator Code combinations. numbers; or (d) nonconforming or non-Motorola branded housings, or
US or in Canada to view
2. When the radio detects channel activity, it stops scanning and you parts, are excluded from coverage.
the appropriate transmitter for your area.
can hear the transmission.
3. To respond and talk to the person transmitting, press PTT within five The use of the NOAA logo does not provide an endorsement or implied Communication Services. Defects, damages, or the failure of Products,
Keypad Tones seconds. endorsement by NOAA’s National Weather Service, nor does the use of Accessories or Software due to any communication service or signal
You may enable or disable the speaker key tones. You will hear the key 4. To stop scanning, briefly press and release MON . the Weatheradio logo provide an endorsement or implied endorsement you may subscribe to or use with the Products Accessories or Software
tone each time a button is pushed. by Environment Canada. is excluded from coverage.
1. Press MENU
until appears. The current setting On/Off will flash Note: If you press PTT while the radio is scanning, the radio will
2. Press either + or – to turn On or Off. transmit on the channel you selected before you activated scan. If no Turning Weather Channel Reception On and Off
transmission occurs within five seconds, scanning will resume. 1. To turn weather reception on, press and hold + for three seconds. B. Software. Applies only to B. Ninety (90) days from the date Software Embodied in Physical Media. No warranty is made that the
3. Press PTT to confirm or to continue set up.
physical defects in the media that of purchase. software will meet your requirements or will work in combination with
2. To turn off, press + or turn the radio off and then back on.
When the Key Tone Feature is off, the following are not disabled: embodies the copy of the software any hardware or software applications provided by third parties, that the
• Transmit timeout alert tone; Removing Channels from the Scan List (Nuisance Delete (e.g. CD-ROM, or floppy disk). operation of the software products will be uninterrupted or error free, or
Feature) Setting the Weather Channel
• Power-down alert tone; that all defects in the software products will be corrected.
1. To prevent the radio from scanning a channel, press and hold + or Your radio receives weather frequencies:
• Low battery alert tone; or
• The transmitted Talk Confirmation Tone. – for at least three seconds, then release, when the scan first 1. After turning weather reception on, press . The current channel
Software NOT Embodied in Physical Media. Software that is not
stops on that channel. This temporarily removes the channel from flashes. embodied in physical media (e.g. software that is downloaded from the
the scan list. 2. Press + or – to select the channel. internet), is provided “as is” and without warranty.
Transmitting a Talk Confirmation Tone
2. Press MON to exit scan mode. 3. Press PTT to save the weather channel setting.
You can set your radio to transmit a unique tone when you finish
transmitting. It is like saying “Roger” or “Over” to let others know you 3. Press a second time to activate scan again. Who is covered?
Setting the Weather Alert What Other Limitations Are There?
are finished talking. 4. To restore a previously deleted channel, turn the radio off and then This warranty extends only to the first consumer purchaser, and is not
back on. The channel is now restored. transferable. WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
1. With the radio on, press until the
appears. The current
Note: You cannot remove your home channel from the scan list. The 1. After turning weather reception on, press MENU
setting On/Off flashes. What will GIANT INTERNATIONAL LTD. Do?
home channel is the channel your radio was set to when you started 2. Press + or –
to select On/Off. If you activate Weather Alert and WARRANTY, OTHERWISE THE REPAIR, REPLACEMENT, OR REFUND AS
2. Press + or – to turn On or Off. GIANT INTERNATIONAL LTD., at its option, will at no charge repair,
3. Press PTT to set or to continue set up. the scanning. return to two-way mode, will display. replace or refund the purchase price of any Products, Accessories or
3. Press PTT to save the weather channel setting. Software that does not conform to this warranty. We may use WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OF IMPLIED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MOTOROLA OR
Using Audio Accessories: functionally equivalent reconditioned/refurbished/pre-owned or new GIANT INTERNATIONAL LTD. BE LIABLE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT
Many accessories (sold separately) are available for your radio. For As with two-way radio reception, weather channel reception depends Products, Accessories or parts. No data, software or applications (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) FOR DAMAGES IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASE
more information, visit our Web site at on how close you are to a transmitter and whether you are indoors or added to your Product, Accessory or Software, including but not PRICE OF THE PRODUCT, ACCESSORY OR SOFTWARE, OR FOR ANY INDIRECT,
outdoors. Because weather channels are transmitted without codes, limited to personal contacts, games and ringer tones, will be INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR
they may contain static or noise. reinstalled. To avoid losing such data, software and applications LOSS OF REVENUE OR PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF INFORMATION
Hands-Free Use With Accessories (VOX) please create a back up prior to requesting service. OR DATA, SOFTWARE OR APPLICATIONS OR OTHER FINANCIAL LOSS
You can transmit hands-free with the use of optional accessories. Once ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABILITY OR INABILITY TO
VOX is turned on, the radio detects your voice and transmits when you How to Obtain Warranty Service or Other Information? USE THE PRODUCTS, ACCESSORIES OR SOFTWARE TO THE FULL EXTENT
speak. To obtain service or information, please call: THESE DAMAGES MAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW.
1. Turn the radio off and plug the VOX accessory into the accessory Some states and jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion
port. USA Two-Way Radios Canada Two-Way Radios
of incidental or consequential damages, or limitation on the length of
2. Turn the radio on. VOX shows on the display. 1-800-638-5119 1-800-638-5119 an implied warranty, so the above limitations or exclusions may not
3. Adjust the volume appropriately by rotating . Lower the volume apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may
Patent and Copyright Information For Accessories and Software, please call the telephone number also have other rights that vary from state to state or from one
before placing the accessory on your head or in your ear. designated above for the product with which they are used. jurisdiction to another.
4. To turn off, simply remove accessory. Manufactured, distributed or sold by Giant International Ltd., official You will receive instructions on how to ship the Products, Accessories Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola
Note: There is a short delay between the time you start talking and licensee for this product. Motorola, the Motorola logo trademarks and or Software, at your expense, to a GIANT INTERNATIONAL LTD. certain exclusive rights for copyrighted Motorola software such as the
when the radio transmits. There is a short delay before the the Motorola trade dress are owned by Motorola, Inc. and are used Authorized Repair Center. To obtain service, you must include: (a) a exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute copies of the Motorola
transmission is completed. under license from Motorola, Inc. Please contact Giant International copy of your receipt, bill of sale or other comparable proof of purchase; software. Motorola software may only be copied into, used in, and
Ltd. at 800-638-5119 for questions/comments, warranty, support, or (b) a written description of the problem; (c) the name of your service redistributed with, the Products associated with such Motorola software.
service related to this product. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo provider, if applicable; (d) the name and location of the installation No other use, including without limitation disassembly of such Motorola
are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All other product facility (if applicable) and, most importantly; (e) your address and software or exercise of the exclusive rights reserved for Motorola, is
or service names are the property of their respective owners. telephone number. permitted.
© Motorola, Inc. 2006.