Day 35 TLP
Day 35 TLP
Day 35 TLP
Objectivity can be defined as taking decisions based on facts data logic codified
material without involvement of any subjectivity like personal bias gender cultural or
societal norms external factors etc. Fairness can be defined as striking right balance
between positives and negatives .
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TLP 2021Phase 1 – Day 1Synopsis 2021
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TLP 2021Phase 1 – Day 1Synopsis 2021
Candidates are expected to write about empathy with its definition. And then
comment on how empathy is about finding echoesof any anotherperson in our life.
How it helps to share another’s state of mind and emotions.
Empathy is the ability to be aware of, understand, and appreciate the feelings and
thoughts of others. It is “tuning in” (being sensitive) to what, how, and why people
feel and think the way they do. Being empathic means being able to “emotionally
read” other people. The ability to empathize is directly dependent on one’s ability to
feel one’s own feelings and identify them.
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TLP 2021Phase 1 – Day 1Synopsis 2021
For example Baba amtestruggled and tried to remove the stigma and
ignorance surrounding the treatment of leprosy as a disease.Amte strove to
dispel the widespread belief that leprosy was highly contagious; he even
allowed bacilli from a leper to be injected into him as part of an experiment
aimed at proving that leprosy was not highly contagious.
While empathy might fail sometimes, most people are able to empathize with others
in a variety of situations. This ability to see things from another person’s perspective
and sympathize with another’s emotions plays an important role in our social lives.
Empathy allows us to understand others and, quite often, compels us to take action
to relieve another person’s suffering. Page 4
TLP 2021Phase 1 – Day 1Synopsis 2021
Compassion goes beyond feelings of sympathy and empathy and puts them into
action.The word compassion literally means to “suffer together” or “co-
suffering.”Well, when you feel compassion for those around you, you can’t stand by
and watch someone else suffering. You are motivated to take action to stop the pain
or help out.
Happiness on the other hand is when your life fulfils your needs.In other words,
happiness comes when you feel satisfied and fulfilled. Happiness is a feeling of
contentment, that life is just as it should be. Perfect happiness,
enlightenment, comes when you have all of your needs satisfied.
As per The Dalai Lama: “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you
want to be happy, practice compassion.” As per research Developing compassion,
then, results in the same kinds of brain activity that are shown when someone is in a
particularly strong state of wellbeing and happiness. But why does compassion make
us happy?
Second, concern for others reminds us that we are not alone with our
problems, and that others have even greater difficulties. From time to time in
our lives we’ll be struggling with our normal quotient of suffering — worrying
about paying bills, bickering over some disagreement, for example — when
we encounter real suffering, such as bereavement or a serious accident. At
such times we realize that we’ve been giving undue attention to problems
that are, in reality, not such a big deal. So, compassion helps us to put our
own difficulties into perspective. Page 5
TLP 2021Phase 1 – Day 1Synopsis 2021
But third, the very act of connecting with others in a compassionate way
enhances our lives in a very positive way. We are at heart social beings, and
we cannot be truly happy unless we establish positive connections with
others. Compassion and love give our lives a sense of meaning and fulfilment,
and compassion is inherently pleasurable and rewarding. When we are
caught up in our own anxieties and longings, we are not fully able to connect
with others and so our experience is impoverished. Compassion is therefore
The truth of the matter is that we feel truly happy when we see others happy and
help them achieve happiness.when we are compassionate, we do not demand from
others. We do not hate or become selfish. This allows us to live a life which is much
simpler and freer from negative emotions. In short Compassion helps us gain
wisdom and wisdom allows us to understand life. Gaining this understanding gives us
meaning in our lives. This meaning allows us to enjoy life. Page 6
TLP 2021Phase 1 – Day 1Synopsis 2021
4. Tolerance is giving to every other human being every right that you
claim foryourself. Do you agree? Substantiate.
Candidates should first explain tolerance in introduction and should give his views on
whether or not Tolerance is giving to every other human being every right that you
claim for yourself and he needs to substantiate his view by giving examples in
support of his views.
Tolerance can be defined as a fair and objective attitude towards those whose
lifestyle differs from yours. It is the ability to deal with something unpleasant or
annoying, or to continue existing despite bad or difficult conditions.
Tolerance is giving to every other human being every right that you claim
Most people are judged by their behaviour within society. Having that spirit of
positivity makes it easier for us to tolerate the differences among our neighbours
because we know that we are all different but also the same deep down
inside.Tolerance is the appreciation of diversity and the ability to live and let others
live. It is a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions,
practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from
bigotry.There are several ways for us to become wiser and more tolerant people. Page 7
TLP 2021Phase 1 – Day 1Synopsis 2021
An important part of developing a more tolerant, 'live and let live' attitude is
learning to appreciate and value the differences we all have.
People who value difference and diversity are much more tolerant of other
people, and are less stressed by difference and change in general.
Folks who aren't happy with themselves or have low self-esteem are those
most likely to be intolerant of others. When you feel secure and confident in
yourself will find an open-mindedness and tolerance of other people.
A statement for tolerance and acceptance - as it's not about appearances; it's about
the human being. 'Everybody should live their lives the way they want, as long as
nobody else gets hurt or is restricted in their own way of life.'Finally, look at people
around you in a positive way. Everyone has hopes for the future and is weighed
down by the baggage from their past. Positive thoughts bring about positive actions
and positive words, positive a positive conversation. Page 8
TLP 2021Phase 1 – Day 1Synopsis 2021
5. Public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be
a complete dedication to the people and to the nation. Elucidate.
In this question candidates need to explain what public service is and how public
service is not just about doing job efficiently and honestly. But public service is
complete dedication to the people and to the nation.
In India, civil servants perform the regular administration and also play an important
role in socio-economic development of the nation as a whole. The real spirit of the
work of a civil servant is dependent on a moral base of benevolence to all citizens.
Thus, public service is a concept that has ‘dedicated service’ inherent to it. Its not
just limited to being honest and efficient but having complete dedication towards it.
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TLP 2021Phase 1 – Day 1Synopsis 2021
Public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be a
complete dedication to the people and to the nation”. Margaret Chase Smith.A
famous civil servant Anil swarup once said. "Honesty is necessary but not sufficient
condition for the welfare of the people. A bureaucrat is paid to perform, to deliver".
He can't get away by just being honest. Page 10
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