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Cutting Tapers Mfim14

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The key takeaways are the different methods for cutting tapers and screw threads on a lathe, as well as how to calculate tailstock setover and properly set up a lathe.

Some important uses of screw threads are to join two pieces together, transmit motion or power, and adjust the position of parts.

A taper can be turned on a lathe by offsetting the tailstock, using a taper attachment, or cutting on a compound slide at an angle.

Chapter 14

Cutting Tapers and

Screw Threads on
the Lathe

After studying this chapter, students will be able to:
H Describe how a taper is turned on a lathe.
H Calculate tailstock setover for turning a taper.
H Safely set up and operate a lathe for taper turning.
H Describe the various forms of screw threads.
H Cut screw threads on a lathe.


Text: pages 241–260 This chapter can be divided into two seg-
Test Your Knowledge Questions, ments. Part I should cover cutting tapers on the
pages 259–260 lathe and Part II should cover cutting screw
Workbook: pages 77–84 threads on the lathe. Copy and distribute
Instructor’s Resource: pages 191–206 Reproducible Masters 14-1 and 14-2.
Guide for Lesson Planning
Research and Development Ideas Part I—Cutting Tapers on the Lathe
Reproducible Masters:
Set up lathes for demonstration purposes.
14-1 Angle Measurement and
Demonstrate the various ways tapers can be cut
on a lathe.
14-2 Tapers (basic information)
Have students read and study pages 241–250.
14-3 Calculating Tailstock Setover
Review the assignment using Reproducible
(taper per inch given)
Masters 14-3, 14-4, and 14-5 as overhead trans-
14-4 Calculating Tailstock Setover
parencies and/or handouts. (Answers are located
(taper per foot given)
on page 193 of this Instructor’s Resource.) Discuss
14-5 Calculating Tailstock Setover
the following:
(all taper dimensions given)
14-6 Screw Thread Forms • The advantages and disadvantages of the
(formulas included) various methods used to cut tapers on a
14-7 Screw Thread Lead and Pitch lathe.
14-8 Cutting Action of Threading Tools • How to calculate tailstock setover.
14-9 Three-Wire Method of Measuring • Methods used to setover the tailstock.
Threads • Types of taper attachments and how to set
14-10 Test Your Knowledge Questions them.
Color Transparencies (Binder/CD only) • How to measure tapers.
192 Machining Fundamentals Instructor’s Resource

Emphasize the safety precautions that must Workbook Assignment

be observed when cutting tapers. Assign Chapter 14 of the Machining Funda-
mentals Workbook.
Part II—Cutting Screw Threads on the Lathe
Prepare a lathe to cut threads. Explain and Research and Development
demonstrate procedures for cutting threads. Discuss the following topics in class or have
Have students read and study pages students complete projects on their own.
250–259. Review the assignment after demon- 1. Make a display board showing large scale
strating how to set up a lathe and cut threads. models of Sharp V, square, and Acme screw
Discuss the following: threads.
• Major uses of the screw thread. 2. Write a paper on how the first screw threads
• Screw thread forms. Use Reproducible were made. If possible, include illustrations.
Masters 14-6 and 14-7. 3. Demonstrate to the class the proper tech-
• Review thread nomenclature. Use Repro- nique of machining screw threads. Illustrate
ducible Master 6-7. how the tool can be repositioned after being
• Setting up a lathe to cut 60° threads. resharpened and how to use the 3-wire
method of measuring threads.
• Threading tool cutting action. Use Repro-
ducible Master 14-8.
• How to use the thread dial. TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE
• The three-wire method for measuring ANSWERS, Pages 259–260
threads. Use Reproducible Master 14-9. 1. Compound, offset tailstock, taper attach-
• How to cut Acme threads. ment, tool bit, and reamer. Evaluate list of
• How to cut internal threads. advantages and disadvantages individually.
Refer to Figure 14-3.
• Why cutting fluid should be used.
2. When it increases or decreases in diameter
Emphasize safety precautions to be observed
at a uniform rate.
when cutting threads on a lathe. Briefly review
the demonstrations. Provide students with the 3. A. 0.250″
opportunity to ask questions. B. 0.563″
C. 15.7 mm
Technical Terms 4. Making adjustments, assembling parts, trans-
Review the terms introduced in the chapter. mitting motion, applying pressure, and
New terms can be assigned as a quiz, home- making measurements.
work, or extra credit. The following list is also 5. d. Cut on outside surface of piece.
given at the beginning of the chapter. 6. f. Cut on inside surface of piece.
external threads
7. b. Largest diameter of thread.
internal threads
major diameter 8. a. Smallest diameter of thread.
minor diameter 9. e. Diameter of imaginary cylinder that
offset tailstock method would pass through threads at such
pitch diameter points as to make width of thread and
setover width of space at these points equal.
taper attachment 10. c. Distance from one point on a thread to a
thread cutting stop corresponding point on next thread.
three-wire method of measuring threads 11. g. Distance a nut will travel in one complete
revolution of screw.
Review Questions
12. d. All of the above.
Assign Test Your Knowledge questions. Copy
13. center gage, fish tail
and distribute Reproducible Master 14-10 or
have students use the questions on pages 14. thread dial
259–260 in the text and write their answers on a 15. 29°
separate sheet of paper. 16. a. M = 0.520″
Chapter 14 Cutting Tapers and Screw Threads on the Lathe 193

b. M = 0.270″ 20. 0.025″ 31. 0.899″

c. M = 0.415″ 21. 0.044″ 32. 1.154″
d. M = 0.509″ 22. 1.50″ 33. 0.257″
23. 0.876 mm 34. 0.225″
WORKBOOK ANSWERS, 24. 175.0 mm 35. 0.153″
25. 57.14 mm 36. 0.580″
Pages 77–84
26. 0.324″ 37. 0.645″
1. e. All of the above.
27. 0.384″ 38. 0.771″
2. offset tailstock or tailstock setover
28. 0.457″ 39. 1.281″
3. c. Both a and b.
29. 0.515″ 40. 1.411″
4. micrometer dial
30. 0.763″
5. Lessens pressure on the tail center.
6. Plain taper attachment. Requires the cross-slide
screw to be disengaged from the cross-slide ANSWERS FOR REPRODUCIBLE
feed nut. The cutting tool must be advanced MASTERS
by the compound rest feed screw.
Telescopic taper attachment. It is not necessary 14-3 Calculating Tailstock Setover (TPI given)
to disengage the cross-slide feed nut.
1. 0.149″
7. Can only cut short tapers.
2. 0.380″
8. Measuring tapers by comparison plug and
3. 0.034″
ring gages, etc.
4. 0.278″
Direct measurement of tapers, gage blocks,
and sine bar, etc. 5. 0.066″
9. c. thread cutting stop
14-4 Calculating Tailstock Setover (TPF given)
10. Evaluate individually. Refer to Section 14.6.4.
11. d. All of the above. 1. 0.032″
12. 1/N (N = Number of threads per inch.) 2. 0.102″
13. b. the reverse of those used 3. 0.158″
14. sharpening the cutting tool and positioning 4. 0.166″
it to cut the threads 5. 0.061″
15. start the next cut in the same direction
16. A device on the lathe that indicates when to
14-5 Calculating Tailstock Setover
engage the half-nuts to permit the tool to fol- (all dimensions given)
low exactly in the original cut. 1. 0.417″
17. the half-nuts are not engaged 2. 0.563″
18. d. Both b and c. 3. 0.563″
19. b. in relation to the centerline of the taper 4. 0.560″
5. 0.556″
194 Machining Fundamentals Instructor’s Resource
Chapter 14 Cutting Tapers and Screw Threads on the Lathe 195

Angle Measurement and Conversion

Angle measured from the

centerline of the workpiece

Measurement of the included angle 60°

Taper per Foot with

Corresponding Angles

Taper per Included Angle with

foot angle centerline
1/16 0° 17′ 53″ 0° 8′ 57″
1/8 0° 35′ 47″ 0° 17′ 54″
3/16 0° 53′ 44″ 0° 26′ 52″
1/4 1° 11′ 38″ 0° 35′ 49″
5/16 1° 29′ 31″ 0° 44′ 46″
3/8 1° 47′ 25″ 0° 53′ 42″
7/16 2° 5′ 18″ 1° 2′ 39″
1/2 2° 23′ 12″ 1° 11′ 36″
9/16 2° 41′ 7″ 1° 20′ 34″
5/8 2° 58′ 3″ 1° 29′ 31″
11/16 3° 16′ 56″ 1° 38′ 28″
3/4 3° 34′ 48″ 1° 47′ 24″
13/16 3° 52′ 42″ 1° 56′ 21″
7/8 4° 10′ 32″ 2° 5′ 16″
15/16 4° 28′ 26″ 2° 14′ 13″
1 4° 46′ 19″ 2° 23′ 10″
Table can be used to convert taper per foot into corresponding
angles for adjustment of the compound rest.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. 14-1


CL of lathe


Length of work causes taper to vary even though tailstock

offset remains the same.

D = diameter at large end of taper; d = diameter at small

end of taper; l = length of taper; L = total length of piece.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Machining Fundamentals Instructor’s Resource

Chapter 14 Cutting Tapers and Screw Threads on the Lathe 197

Calculating Tailstock Setover

The tailstock offset must be calculated for each job because the work length plays an
important role in the calculation. Information needed: TPI = Taper per inch, L = Total length
of work.
Formula: When taper per inch is known, Offset =
1. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
TPI = 0.035″ L = 8.500″

2. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
TPI = 0.062″ L = 12.25″

3. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
TPI = 0.009″ L = 7.625″

4. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
TPI = 0.055″ L = 10.125″

5. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
TPI = 0.025″ L = 5.250″

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. 14-3

198 Machining Fundamentals Instructor’s Resource

Calculating Tailstock Setover

The tailstock offset must be calculated for each job because the work length plays an
important role in the calculation. When the taper per foot (TPF) is known, it must first be
converted to taper per inch (TPI). The following formula takes this into account.

Formula: When taper per foot is known, Offset =
1. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
TPF = 0.123″ L = 6.330″

2. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
TPF = 0.250″ L = 9.750″

3. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
TPF = 0.375″ L = 10.125″

4. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
TPF = 0.312″ L = 12.75″

5. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
TPF = 0.126″ L = 6.750″

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. 14-4

Chapter 14 Cutting Tapers and Screw Threads on the Lathe 199

Calculating Tailstock Setover

The tailstock setover must be calculated for each job because the work length plays an
important role in the calculation. Often plans do not specify TPI, TPF, or T/mm, but do
provide pertinent information. If inch dimensions are given in fractions, they must be
converted to decimals.

L × (D – d)
Formula: Offset =
1. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
D = 2.000″ d = 1.500″ l = 6.000″ L = 10.000″

2. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
D = 1.125″ d = 0.750″ l = 3.000″ L = 9.000″

3. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
D = .875″ d = 0.500″ l = 4.000″ L = 12.000″

4. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
D = 1.375″ d = 0.937″ l = 6.000″ L = 15.00″

5. What will be the setover for the following job? Show your work.
D = 2 1/2″ d = 1 15/16″ l = 6 1/8″ L = 12 1/8″

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. 14-5


Screw Thread Forms

Rounded crest Pitch Pitch
optional 0.125P
(2) 0.31P
0.708d d

d = height of sharp “V” thread

0.167d 0.069
(Interchangeable with Unified Thread)
1 0.866
Pitch = d=
11 d= P
Pitch =
N 2 + 0.010
Pitch Flat = 0.371P
Pitch Root = 0.71P–0.0052
(P) (P)
60° (2) (2)

d (P)

SHARP “V” THREAD N = Number of threads per inch
11 P
Pitch = d= P = Pitch
1 0.866 N 2
Pitch = d= d = Depth of thread
Flat or space =

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Machining Fundamentals Instructor’s Resource

Chapter 14 Cutting Tapers and Screw Threads on the Lathe 201

Screw Thread Lead and Pitch

Single Thread Screw

(Pitch and thread are equal)

Double Thread Screw

(The lead is twice the pitch)

Triple Thread Screw

(The lead is three times the pitch)

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. 14-7


Cutting Action of Threading Tools

of feed Tip of threading
tool will break off Direction
and threads will of feed
not be accurate

When the tool is fed in at a 29° angle, note that When fed straight in, note that both edges are cutting
only one edge is cutting and that the cutting load is and the weakest part of the tool, the point, is doing
distributed evenly across the edge. the hardest work.

Cutting threads with a partial- Using a full-profile insert to

profile insert. The major (out- cut a thread. A separate
side) diameter of the thread insert is required for each
must be cut to size before thread pitch.
using this type insert.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Machining Fundamentals Instructor’s Resource

Chapter 14 Cutting Tapers and Screw Threads on the Lathe 203

Three-Wire Method of Measuring Threads


d D M


Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. 14-9

204 Machining Fundamentals Instructor’s Resource

Cutting Tapers and Screw Threads on the Lathe

Name: ______________________________________________Date: _______________ Score: ________

1. There are five ways of machining tapers on a lathe. List them, with their advantages and disad-
2. When is a section of material considered tapered?________________________________________
3. Machine adjustments must be calculated for each tapering job. The information given below will
enable you to calculate the necessary tailstock setover for the problems given. Show your work in
the space provided.

Formulas: When taper per inch is known, Offset =
When taper per foot is known, Offset =
When dimensions of tapered section are known but TPI or TPF is not given,
L × (D – d)
Offset =
Where: TPI = Taper Per Inch TPF = Taper Per Foot
D = Diameter at large end of taper d = Diameter at small end of taper
l = Length of taper L = Total length of piece
Note: These formulas, except for the TPF formula, can be used when dimensions are in mm.

Problem A: What will the tailstock setover be for the following job?
Taper Per Inch = 0.125″ Total length of piece = 4.000″

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. 14-10

Chapter 14 Cutting Tapers and Screw Threads on the Lathe 205

Name: ______________________________________________

Problem B: What will the tailstock setover be for the following job?
D = 2.50″ d = 1.75″ l = 6.00″ L = 9.00″

Problem C: What will the tailstock setover be for the following job?
D = 45.0 mm d = 25.0 mm l = 175.0 mm L = 275.0 mm

4. Screw threads are used for many reasons. List five or more important uses.

• The following questions are of the matching type. Place the letter of the correct explanation in
the space provided.

______ 5. External thread. a. Smallest diameter of thread.

b. Largest diameter of thread.
______ 6. Internal thread. c. Distance from one point on a thread to a
______ 7. Major diameter. corresponding point on next thread.
d. Cut on outside surface of piece.
______ 8. Minor diameter. e. Diameter of imaginary cylinder that would
______ 9. Pitch diameter. pass through threads at such points as to
make width of thread and width of space
______10. Pitch. at these points equal.
______11. Lead. f. Cut on inside surface of piece.
g. Distance a nut will travel in one complete
revolution of screw.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. 14-10

206 Machining Fundamentals Instructor’s Resource

Name: ______________________________________________

12. A groove is cut at the point where a thread is to terminate. 12. ____________________________
It is cut to the depth of the thread and serves to:
a. provide a place to stop the threading tool after it
makes a cut.
b. permits a nut to be run up to the end of the thread.
c. terminate the thread.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
13. The tip of a cutting tool to cut a Sharp V thread is 13. ____________________________
sharpened using a _____ to check that it is the correct
shape. This tool is frequently called a _____.
14. The _____ is fitted to many lathe carriages. It meshes 14. ____________________________
with the lead screw and is used to indicate when to
engage the half nuts to permit the thread cutting tool to
follow exactly in the original cut.
15. The compound rest is set at _____ when cutting threads 15. ____________________________
to permit the cutting tool to shear the material better
than if it were fed straight into the work.
16. The three-wire thread measuring formula for inch-based threads is:

M = D + 3G –
Where: G = Wire diameter D = Major diameter of thread (Convert to decimal size).
M = Measurement over the wires N = Number of threads per inch.

Problems: Calculate the correct measurement over the wires for the following threads. Use the wire
size given in the problem. Show your work in the space provided.

______ a. 1/2-20 UNF (wire size 0.032″)

______ b. 1/4-20 UNC (wire size 0.032″)

______ c. 3/8-16 UNC (wire size 0.045″)

______ d. 7/16-14 UNC (wire size 0.060″)

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. 14-10

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