Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing Question Bank QP CODE: 1771 Unit 1 Short Answers (2 Marks)
Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing Question Bank QP CODE: 1771 Unit 1 Short Answers (2 Marks)
Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing Question Bank QP CODE: 1771 Unit 1 Short Answers (2 Marks)
QP CODE : 1771
Unit 1
Short answers (2 marks)
1. Define midwife
2. Define family centred care
3. What is LDRP
4. Define maternal mortality rate
5. Define perinatal mortality rate
6. Define still birth
7. List the components of pre conception care
8. Mention four ethical principles in Obstetrics.
9. Define neonatal mortality rate
10. List any four causes of neonatal mortality
11. Define maternal morbidity
12. List the causes of maternal morbidity
13. Define fertility rate
14. Define net reproduction rate.
Unit II
Short Essay (5 marks)
1. Explain the physiology of normal menstrual cycle.
2. Explain the foetal development.
3. Explain the embryonic development.
4. Describe the development of placenta.
5. Explain the abnormalities of placenta
6. Enumerate the functions of placenta
7. Explain placenta at term.
8. Illustrate foetal circulation with diagram.
9. Draw a neat labelled diagram of uterus and explain its functions.
10. Explain female external genitalia.
11. Differentiate between Gynaecoid and Android Pelvis.
Short answers (2 marks)
1. List the types of pelvis.
2. Enumerate the parts of fallopian tube.
3. List the muscles of pelvic floor.
4. What is pelvic axis?
QP CODE : 1771
b) Write in detail about the physiological changes during first stage of labour (7)
9. Mrs. Leela 25 yrs. primigravid, 40 weeks of gestation was admitted in labour room
with complaints of labour pains.
a. What are the signs of true labour?
b. Enumerate the role of midwife as labour support during first stage of labour. (4+6)
12. Mrs. X is in active stage of labour with 4cm of cervical dilatation admitted in
labour room
a. Identify the signs of second stage of labour (4)
QP CODE : 1771
Unit V
Short Essay.(5 Marks)
1. Define puerperium. Explain the anatomical and physiological changes in
reproductive organs during puerperium.
2. Explain the purposes of postnatal exercises and outline the pelvic floor exercises.
3. Describe the management of mother during postnatal period.
4. Explain the physiology of lactation
5. Explain Lochia and its characteristics.
6. Explain the general physiological changes during puerperium.
7. Explain the minor ailments during puerperium.
8. Explain the strategies to suppress lactation.
9. Outline a discharge plan for a postnatal mother following normal vaginal delivery.
10. Identify two nursing diagnosis and outline a nursing care plan for postnatal
Unit VI
Short Essay.(5 Marks)
1. Describe the Immediate care of new born.
2. Describe the Essential newborn care
3. Outline and explain APGAR scoring
4. Enumerate the neurological assessment of newborn
QP CODE : 1771
Long Essay (10Marks)
1. a .Define Contracted pelvis (2)
B .Describe the diagnosis of contracted pelvis (5)
c. Explain the management of contracted pelvis (3)
QP CODE : 1771
5. A women with previous caesarean section presenting with the complaints of pain at
the incision site and with fetal distress on CTG
a. Define rupture of uterus (2)
b. Outline the etiology of rupture of uterus .(4)
c .Explain the management of rupture of uterus.(4)
7. A postnatal woman has blood loss more than 800 ml accompanied with feeble
pulse and cold extremities.
a. Define shock(2)
b. Enumerate the clinical features of haemmorhagic shock(3)
c. Describe the management of haemmorhagic shock(5)
10. Mrs Suma, multipara admitted in the postnatal ward following normal vaginal
delivery presenting with blood loss > 500ml, uterus soft diagnosed as PPH.
a) Identify the causes of PPH.
b) Explain the role of nurse in the management of PPH (5+5)
Unit IX
Short Answer (2 Marks)
1. List the signs of sub involution of uterus
2. List the preventive measures of breast engorgement.
3. Enlist the causes of puerperal pyrexia
4. List the manifestations of puerperal blues.
5. What is postpartum depression?
6. Enlist the manifestations of postpartum psychosis
7. List the prophylactic measures to prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis.
8. Expand LATCH.
9 .List four measures to prevent eclampsia in post natal period
10. List the intra partum predisposing factors of puerperal sepsis.
11. Write the predisposing factors for urinary retention post-delivery.
QP CODE : 1771
Unit X
Short Essay (5 marks)
1. Define preterm baby. List the etiology and complications of Preterm baby.
2. Describe about care of preterm baby.
3. Define IUGR. List its causes and prevention.
4. Write brief note on asphyxia neonatrum
5. Describe the management of Asphyxia Neonatrum.
6. Explain care of baby with intracranial hemorroharge.
7. Explain about causes of Neonatal Jaundice.
8. Write a note on ophthalmia neonatrum
9. Role of NICU nurse in prevention of infection in the neonatal unit.
10. Role of nurse in Phototherapy
11. Explain about feeding problems in newborn and their management.
12. Explain about causes of neonatal jaundice .
Short Answers (2 marks)
1. What is SGA?
2. Enlist the any four complications of IUGR
3. Define meconium aspiration syndrome
4. Differentiate between physiological and pathological jaundice
5. What is Kernicterus?
6. Define Erb’s Palsy
7. Define omphalitis
8. List any four causes of congenital abnormalities
9. What is oral thrush
10. List any four features of Downs syndrome
11. Mention classification of LBW babies.
Unit XI
Short Answer (2 Marks)
1. Explain the oxytocin titration technique.
2. List antihypertensive drugs
3. Outline MgSo4 regimen in Eclampsia.
QP CODE : 1771
Unit XII
Short Essay (5 Marks)
1. Write a note on safe motherhood
2. List the methods of temporary contraception and explain any one method in detail
3. Explain the role of nurse in family welfare program
4. Explain the role of nurse in family planning counselling
5. Define infertility and explain causes of female infertility.
6. Explain about management of infertility in females.
7. List the Artificial Reproductive Techniques. Explain steps of IVF procedure.
8. Define MMR .Enumerate the causes and preventive measures of maternal mortality.
9. Explain the essential Components of RCH
10. Describe permanent family planning technique
11. Describe Laparoscopic sterilization in female.
12. List down the contra indications and side effects of oral contraceptives.
Short answers (2 Marks)
1. Define RCH
2. Define ICDS
3. List any four MCH programs
4. Define contraception
5. List temporary methods of contraception
QP CODE : 1771