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UC 2018

UC 2018

UC 2018

I. Introduction 93. Food and Beverages Business

II. Table of Content 135. Creative Business

IV. Forewords 188. Services Business

VI. Greetings 232. Industrial and Manufacturing Business

VIII Summary Profile

01. Best Entrepreneurs

UC 2018

UC 2018

From Sabang to Merauke, from coast to
mountains, from villages to metropolitant cities.
Children of farmers, fisherman, teachers,
laborers, state employees, policeman, armies
become entrepreneur.

Dr. (HC) Ir. Ciputra
Founder of Universitas Ciputra

UC 2018

UC 2018
Along with the 9th Graduation
Commencement in 2018, Universitas
The School of Tourism created 27
businesses, 32 entrepreneurs, employed
Ciputra issues our yearly Business 583 people in the workforce, and For many people, words We really hope our alumnies
Book. This book records all businesses created revenues of Rp 5.645.800.000. of creating worldclass survived through this
established by our graduates To sum up the yearly results, the entrepreneurs may intrique to disruption era, then we can
during their time as students in Universitas Ciputra graduates in a marketing campaign. remarks this year of 2018 as
Universitas Ciputra as a result of our 2018 created 254 businesses, 296 another successful milestone
Entrepreneurship Education Program. entrepreneurs, employed 6034 people For us, creating worldclass toward building our
In this book, you can find a record of the in the workforce, and created revenues entrepreneurs took many visionaire achievement.
number of businesses created, number of Rp 869.293.925.000. years of our life to build. We
of entrepreneurs, number of people Universitas Ciputra congratulates all are very serious in doing our Congratulation Graduates of
employed by the businesses, and the our graduates for finishing their studies Founder’s vision, until its 2018, go beyond our dreams
revenues earned. well. We hope that all the learning and became our vision too. and be the
Our database shows that during this experience in creating and operating Worldclass Entrepreneurs !
year of 2018 the School of Management a business project will be beneficial; 2018 Universitas Ciputra
and Business graduates created especially in facing this time of Graduation of 731 students
191 businesses, 227 entrepreneurs, uncertainty and fast changes caused by from 4 Faculties, 296 of them
employed 5311 people in the disruptions today. create 254 ventures that
workforce, and created revenues of Rp absorbed 6034 workers.
851.397.000.000. We do hope this Yearly Business Book
The School of Creative Industries 2018 will be an encouraging record of
created 29 businesses, 29 achievement for UC and the graduates.
entrepreneurs, employed 120 people in May the alumni continue to be a Salam Entrepreneurs,
the workforce, and created revenues of blessing for Indonesia while helping to
Rp 12.039.625.000. fulfill our vision to create world-class
Suryani Halim
The School of Psychology created 7 entrepreneur with excellent character. Head of Networking & Partnership Department
businesses, 8 entrepreneurs, employed We wish you every success in your
20 people in the workforce, and created career and life. In times of happiness
revenues of Rp 229.500.000. and struggle, may God be with you
Yohannes Somawiharja always.
Rector of Universitas Ciputra

UC 2018

UC 2018

UC 2018

UC 2018

UC 2018

UC 2018
Dolphination Bellevia

Thaddeus Anggawardhana William Wijaya

Hendro Kusnadi wijaya3350@gmail.com
Agustio Adhi 082234564743

A manufacture company that produces educational board Your finest leather t-shirt

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UC 2018
Mysha Cilpin Artworks

Amaliyah Khomsa Lestari Fikqi Indra Adi Waluyo

amaliakhomsa@gmail.com fiki.indra@rocketmail.com
08113000587 081233642864

Cilpin is a manufacturing company focuses in the We were starting to get the job to decorate a cafe from
Veil/hijab & and moslem wear
production of furniture and home furnishing product. around Indonesia such as Bandung, Sumbawa, Gresik,
Cilpin was found in 2016 by two founders with various and Surabaya. Around this time, there are many offices
degree. Our workshop is based in Bangkalan, Madura. The and homes. We took care and decorateed their office and
business was started with furniture made from the upcycle homes in Cilipin, East Java area. We believe that Cilpin in
waste of antique vehicles. This idea starts from a problem: coming years can improve themselves in many ways inline
many abandoned vehicle waste were still stored at the with the potentially increasing properties in coming years.
bike shop and car shop. Achievements ever achieved is to We will continue to improve our service and quality to
become the 1st winner in Java Business Competition 2016. become an international furniture company.

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UC 2018
Precious Decoration

Vincentius Christian Sutanto

event decoration

A business of party decoration with personalized design

concept, including kids birthday party, sweet17th,
engagement, wedding, and table setting.

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Bissama Cangkrik

Faiz Fairuz Dzulfiqar Samuel Raymond Polowijaya

Muhammad Ikhwan Muslim Nur samuelpolowijaya@gmail.com
Robbi 081217541374
www.aliffcateringsurabaya.com @official_cangkrik

Bissama catering is a catering service provider from Cangkrik is a company that sells snacks especially Cangkrik consists of 5 persons who excel in their own field
Surabaya. potato chips. Previously, the company tried to sell of expertise. Cangkrik snack cart is going on determined
ready-to-eat potato chips package served with variety route with high traffic in order to gain people attention.
of sauces, however it was an extremely difficult concept Cangkrik also offers wholesale with best price you can
and it quickly fell apart when hit with the high cost of get. Cangkrik targets those with middle low economy to
production. Then Cangkrik created a repackaged snack buy our product because our price is suitable for them.
with various kind of type such as balado stick. Cangkrik Cangkrik will try to give the best service and price to our
distributes their product through various channels such as customer.
online selling, snack cart, and wholesale. Cangkrik always
tries to create more innovations year over year.

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PT. Kaya Rasa (PondokPedas) Rumah Ayam

Felix Ongliani Genna Izabell

Leonardo Kevin Cassius Candra
onglianifelix@yahoo.com genna.izabell10@gmail.com
082140929182 RUMAH AYAM 082144601881
@pondokpedas Olahan Ayam Nusantara @RumahAyam

PondokPedas has been established since February 2015. PondokPedas is distributing their products at UC’s Rumah Ayam Company is a company engaged in the where the food products are very much in demand.
PondokPedas is a Food & Beverage business that sells grounds and nearby area, their target customers are field of Food and Beverage. Products sold by the Rumah The uniqueness of the product of the Rumah Ayam
traditional Yogyakarta dish called “AyamGeprek” which middle to high class employees and students. The price of Ayam company is a restaurant with the typical selling company is in terms of taste and also in terms of
is basically fried chicken mashed with chili. PondokPedas the product is Rp. 20.000,00. all the food with the basic ingredients of chicken. The production, where the Cagak Jaya Abadi company makes
innovates this concept, converting it into a Surabayan PondokPedas’s main source of income is through direct products produced are various types of foods with basic special recipes that favor taste compared to existing
style of “Penyetan” dish with added variants of chili, selling and participating in events as the food provider, ingredients of chicken with special recipes and also from competitors.
additional toppings, and provides a choice for the sometimes participating in pop-up markets typical food archipelago. Chicken House sells typical food
level of spiciness. around Surabaya. with chicken raw materials from various regions, such as
betutu chicken, rarang chicken, rica-rica chicken, matha
chili sauce and so forth,

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Chicken Tong Crystal Trinity

Alexander Andre Ariwarsita Tamara Anya Daniel Putrantio

Ervin Kusuma Winata tamara_anya@yahoo.com
ervin.kw@gmail.com 081226931647
081336376100 decartof

Crystal Trinity is a food and beverage company. Crystal Crystal Trinity process potatoes into baked potatoes
Chicken Tong is a business engaged in food and beverage.
Trinity produces potato-based food with brand de’Cartof. with many variations and innovations so that people who
Chicken Tong’s main product is Taiwanese roasted chicken
Crystal Trinity’s short-term strategy is to create new consume them do not get bored. Until now, de’Cartof has
that roasted whole chicken without using oil in a barrel-
innovation in enjoying potato-based foods. Crystal 5 types of products, which are Baked Potato with meat,
shaped cookingware, the cookingware is unique and make
Trinity’s long term strategy is changing the lifestyle of Baked Potato with Egg, Twice-Baked Potato, Hasselback
Chicken Tong special. Chicken Tong also has products
people who are accustomed to consuming unhealthy rice Baked Potato, and Baby Potato.
in the form of chicken rice bowl and chicken rice box.
or unhealthy food to be healthy with de’Cartof.
Chicken Tong do online selling with pre-order system.
Products produced by Crystal Trinity are in the form of
Marketing of Chicken Tong is done through social media
processed foods made from potatoes.
and mouth to mouth, participating in events like bazaar is
also one of the ways that Chicken Tong do to reach new

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Rubix Cafe

Benyamin Surya Susilo


Cafe with the theme of small industrial garden. Rubix cafe

is specified for DOTA and mobile gamers as well as sports
event or movie marathon. The food and drink we are offer
you is budget meal with satisfying taste.

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PT. Karya Usaha Transport Blumette Interior Design

Kevin Sugianto Jessica Yuwana

kevinbond80@yahoo.co.id blumetteid@gmail.com
087858088220 081231326665
@royaleathergoods @blumette.id

Aurora is a company engaged in manufacturing leather- BLUMETTE creates the signatures of hotels, villas,
based products of the highest quality. restaurants, private residences, offices and fashion retails.
Our commitment is to create products that are able to Established since 2016, BLUMETTE has many experiences,
compete in international markets by highlighting the and the detailed knowledge enables them to create
expressions and values contained in Indonesian culture somthing personal with its identity. We create something
and traditions. casual but elegant, colorful in its own way that makes you
feel living a luxury lifestyle.
BLUMETTE’s ultimate objective is to add value, raise
standards and enhance the brand of a project’s owner and

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Cora / Adhikari Karya Busana Dreamland Decoration

Anak Agung Sagung Sasa Mirah Parasari Fransisca Alicia

Made Prami Sinta Devi Putri Mantara Annelis Bella Setiawan
Ni Putu Dewi Purwaniti Karang alicia.carlosono@hotmail.com
sasamirah1996@gmail.com 081938156262
087865515227 dreamlandecoration

Statistics show that the number of births in Indonesia is Cora’s main range is ‘casual wear’ since many mothers
Dreamland Decoration is a business in the field of services Until now, Dreamland Decoration has served more than
increasing every year, this brings an increased demand care about the appearance of their children on a daily
that is decorating table setting services. Dreamland 30 events under different themes. Dreamland Decoration
for toddler’s clothes, which gave us the idea to build a basis instead of just for parties. Many mothers also love
Decoration serves decoration services for birthday, dinner, has several advantages: always create a new design in
company based on the fashion industry for girls aged 3-5 the concept of twinning up their girls in matching outfits.
sweet 17, sweet corner, etc. Dreamland decoration was every event, can follow the theme according to customer
years old. Our brand is called “Cora” that originates from Whilst manufacturing our range of clothes, Cora takes
established on 25 February 2015. The business consists of wishes, and can serve h-3 reservations. Dreamland
the daughter of Zeus in Greek mythology and carries the influence from current women trends but adapting them
4 people, Annelis Bella as CEO, Fransisca Alicia as CMO, Decoration always provides the best service for the
meaning of filled hearts. Our company slogan “Cuteness for kids. The products only use high quality material and
Cynthia Anggraini as CPO, and Yohana Clarissa as CFO, customer.
for your beloved” is utilised to create a sense of happiness eye-catching patterns to ensure the kids look fashionable
yet Yohana Clarissa is not an IBM student.
and love when buying our products. Cora sales are done whilst being long-lasting. Every piece of Cora’s products
through social media, personal selling and consignments. is made with love and care, whilst ensuring the products
Our mission is to continue expanding our business and remain at an affordable price.
improve customer satisfaction by listening and acting on
consumer feedback.
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Galactico Dafessa Flaurent Salon

Reynaldi Jaya Prasetya Marcella Devina Setiawan

Yosep Montolalu www.flaurentsalon.com
Yosua Vidda Juliant mdevinasetiawan@gmail.com
reynaldijaya96@gmail.com 082257994047
08179216193 @flaurentspa

Galactico dafessa is a manufacturing company engaged in Flaurent salon is a beauty parlor who is located in The six branches established to ease the consumers who
the field of fashion, we produce a clutch bag in particular Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Flaurent salon is a beauty salon for need treatment at places near where they live. The rooms
and sell directly to consumers. We sell our products both women only. A beauty parlor who provides comfort for in these six branches are different in size, but the quality
to the sellers and also end users. Galactico Dafessa has the woman who want to do their treatment without the for treatment and comfort provided by all branches are
been established since February 20, 2015 and keeps presence of opposite sex in 1 room. This is a first salon for similar. The first Flaurent branches are in the area of
running until now. We offer a clutch bag with simple woman that offers complete treatment with affordable Paingan, Beo, Kotabaru, Kaliurang, Seturan, and Timoho.
quotes as the design from synthetic leather. price. Flaurent salon also has slogan, “One Stop Beauty The latest Flaurent salon branch is currently located in
Salon”. Flaurent salon has owned six branches spread in Timoho.
several areas in the city of Yogyakarta.

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Radin Daily Project Event Organizer

Zhavira Ayu Ratri Aldania Shinta Kartika Dewi

zhaviraayu.03@gmail.com shintakartika95@gmail.com
087822471899 082137687777

I am Zhavira Ayu (21 years old), the third of five siblings, Radin comes from Madura language which means We ready to help you prepared, planning, design, and
comes from Madura Island. Aspires to be a great woman beautiful and wonderful. Four of us choose authentic implement an unforgetable event for you.
and I want to bring success to achieve that dream by Indonesia fabric products, combined with leather. Many
building a start-up business. Together with three friends at things have been passed along Radin team for 3 years. We
the University of Ciputra we have same hobby and passion managed to keep 45 exhibitions national and international
for Indonesian products, finally we created Radin. scale, covered by the media, gained award on campus or
off campus. I hope that a start-up business that is built
together with three of my friends is able to become a
large-scale business.

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Trifoglio Zinnia

Kornelius Kelvan Kangsantoso Kornelius Kelvan Kangsantoso

Trifoglio.atelier@gmail.com Trifoglio.atelier@gmail.com
085205233333 085205233333

Established in February, 2016 by Evan Tanadi and Kelvan Zinnia Fashion & Beauty Agent is a service company that The company provides best services. It regards the
Kangsantoso, Trifoglio Atelier is an interior design provides one-stop-shop-type service for women before existing problems as the opportunities and keeps making
firm. Our goal is to solve customers’ spatial problem going to the party or any events. Zinnia has speciality innovations to overcome those problems. Problems
with accurate solutions. Trifoglio Atelier also provides at fashion & beauty with tag line “Provide All Needs Of a occurs because women want to look great at the
production and construction services, delivering a hassle- Beauty”. Zinnia provides beauty services, that is, make parties or at any other events (sweet 17th, anniversary,
free, comprehensive experience. Trifoglio Atelier thrives up & hair do , providing the clothes to wear, accessories graduation, until marriage). We concern with what women
to become a market leader that only delivers the best and shoes according to the desired designs. need by providing the dress to wear, shoes, accessories,
products and services. attractive make-up and hair styling.

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Inc Studio Christalite

Michelle Putra Bani Christa Claudialie

michelleputrabani@hotmail.com chrissacloud@rocketmail.com
0819897059 082140343278

Christalite is a fashion brand for its intricate yet minimalist We use a semi manual pleating technique make a visually
We responsible to create various, calming, to meet
ready-to-wear garments. It was established in 2018. It is intricate geometric pleats, beside its delicate look.
function and requirment. Our approach is coming from
like as a dream that comes true from the founder, Christa, Christalite supports and appreciates the craftsmanship
multiple client.
who has concerned with the environment since her early that has been long forgotten. Appreciation and supports
teenage year. Adopting a zero waste concept, Christalite are all needed in life, through Christalite, in hope every
regards a better mindset important for every woman woman would appreciate themselves as a delicate,
so that they take care the environment and humanity intricate human beings apart from the fast pacing world,
through the most essential thing in their life, garments wearing garments they love and be loved
they wear.

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Attha Dit

Amanda Santa Dita Andaria Istanti

amandasanta95@yahoo.com ditalovesdesign@ymail.com
082340129533 087853513030
@atthakidswear @dit_accessories

Attha brand has been established since August 2017. The applied technique is the combination of digital Brand DIT was founded by Dita Andaria Istanti and Brand DIT produces a women bag with quirky style.
Attha is a childrenswear clothing brand which considers printing and embroidery. The color of the traditional game established in Sidoarjo Indonesia. Brand DIT is a fashion The target market of brand DIT is active women aged
culture as inspiration. Attha products are a blend of used is dominated by colourful color which is suitable for brand that produces a women bag with leather waste as 17th – 60th who loves a quirky and artsy style. Brand DIT
traditional and modern touches. Traditional impression is children. The target market of this brand is people aged a main material. Brand DIT uses genuine leather waste produces some type of bag. The types of bag are tote
shown from the use of Indonesian traditional game such 25-40 years who have girls aged 6-12 years. Target market as main materials. We want to reduce fashion waste in bag, shopper bag, double handle bag, crossbody / belt
as dakon, engklek and bekel. Modern impression is shown are those domiciled in big city such as Surabaya, Jakarta Indonesia, especially in Sidoarjo – East Java. Besides that, bag, clutch bag and flap bag. Brand DIT accept shipping
from the design, color selection, materials and application and Bali. As a childrenswear clothing brand, Attha defines we want to work more creative using materials that still around Indonesia and international. You can reach us via
techniques used. the finest quality of material and innovation as identity. can be used. offline store (instagram) @dit_accessories.

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Toko Anugerah

Jonathan David Tirtawijaya

Email : jonathan.tirtawijaya@

Toko Anugerah is a retail building located on Hassanudin In the future it is expected that in the future Toko
Road No. 78, Cakranegara, Mataram, NTB. Established Anugerah can be the most comprehensive retail building
since 1996 and is supplying various building material in Mataram City that can meet the needs of buildings
products in Mataram and surrounding area. The products consumers. Therefore, to be able to realize the goals and
are starting from paint, cement, to iron, and others. ideals of the founders, efforts are needed to realize the
Established by Sucipto Tirta Wijaya as the owner and also vision so that it is expected to have an effort every year
the first generation. to raise the business from various aspects that exist.
The first generation has a great vision of hope that can be Hopefully in the future, the dream of the founder can be
realized by the next generations. realized with the help of successors.

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CV. Trifa Usaha Sukses Surabaya Heart and
Vascular Clinic
Farahdina Andriani
www.demitraproperty.com Yudi Her Oktaviono
andriani.farahdina@yahoo.co.id yhoktaviono@yahoo.com
082140198855 081330007100
@Surabaya Heart and
Vascular Clinic

De Mitra has experience in handling the sale purchase or Surabaya Heart and Vascular Clinic (SHVC) is a clinic located SHVC is ready to provide a service with a well-competent medical
the process of leasing the property. in Kertajaya Indah 66 Surabaya, which opens at 7am until 9pm. staff and cozy waiting room to make the patients comfortable. The
This clinic specializes in heart and vascular medical service along service standard has been accomplished with ISO 9001:2015. This
with advanced tools and technology to support the service. This clinic is going to be a well-competent clinic in Surabaya because
clinic has several rooms to provide rehabilitative and preventive it focuses on heart and vascular with strategic place, friendly
care for patients such as room for treadmill, treatment room, service, and well-experienced medical staff. SHVC also cooperates
echocardiography room, consultation room, office room, and with many parties like Pembangkit Jawa Bali (PJB) and Indonesia
pharmacy. The clinic hires approximately 68 employees, they are National Sport Committee (KONI), and it is going to cooperate
cardiologist, pharmacist, nurses, nutritionist, sonographer, security, with BPJS to cover more patients. SHVC also holds seminar and
cleaning service, and another specific management employees. training both for public and its employee annually, in addition to
This clinic has a quite strategic access, which is surrounded with that, it also joins in exhibition as its promotion.
business center, mall, and restaurants.

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Flosland Lavanderia Laundry

Jhon Caine Pello Robertus Reynaldo

jhoncaine03@gmail.com robertus.reynaldo@yahoo.com
081238370818 081216533333

FlosLand is a business that runs in services. Service that Marketing strategy we use is marketing to certain events We serve the apartment residents for their daily laundry
Flosland offer is a service that helps the community in such as graduation events for bridal shower, baby shower, and also get contract with cleaning application to be
making the flower arrangement in the form of bouquet of birthday, graduation, wedding and couple. This is because their vendor.
flowers with various forms and innovations in accordance each event requires a variety of wreaths as a gift or
with the current trend. The service that we provide decoration decorating a room or table. In each bouquet
especially for the city of Surabaya. We also provide of flowers we extract will be given a greeting card which
consultation facilities with consumers so as to produce contains inspirational quotes according to the theme and
a flower arrangement in accordance with the wishes of the purpose of the interest. Thus, the interest we offer has
consumers. Flosland uses fresh flowers such as roses, the value of Inspirational Bouquet.
esters, chrysans, and other varieties of flowers with good
quality and satisfying service.

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UC 2018
Kambingers Indonesia PT BPR Cahaya Bina Putra

Shidqi Abdurrazak Anak Agung Ngurah Lanang

www.kambingersindonesia.com Wibawa Putra
ulhaqshidqi@gmail.com lanangwibawa@ymail.com
082244675200 081238552968

Along with the development of the times, many people who have Kambingers Indonesia is engaged in the business of breeding,
Vision is a simple expression of what one wants or aspires Explanation of the vision:
a strong desire to do sacrifice for Eid Adha although with limited has among other activities sale of goat meat, stocking for Qurban
budget, or have enough budget but haven’t found the right village, savings and packages for aqiqah menu. The Kambingers to an institution in the long term. The vision of PT.BPR The vision above reflects the circumstances to be
partner to make it happen. Although Kambingers is still classified was officially established in 3 February, 2017. Our offices are Cahaya Bina Putra is achieved by PT. BPR Cahaya Bina Putra as a participant in
as a start-up business. We are committed to being part of the best located at Orange streets, Banjarmelati Block 2, Lakarsantri “We Give the Best to YOU” strengthening the micro economy of Indonesia through
solution for your needs. The demand for goat meat in Indonesia district.
banking with the aim of providing the best and prospering
has increased annually. As a real example, goat’s request that each The company’s vision is to make the economic heyday of the
customers and advancing PT.BPR Cahaya Bina Putra.
year increased Qurban in line with the increasing awareness of people, the nation and the country through the management
religion. The goat demand for Qurban in 2013 raised 10-15% from efforts of the goat
2012 with an increased price per head Rp 400,000 – Rp 500,000. The company’s mission is to be the best partner to help comfort
Seen from the listing of such data, it can be concluded that the your worship practice, participate in contributing to meet the
efforts in the field of animal husbandry, particularly goats, have national goat needs index, educate and assist the public to
a positive market potential. It is this opportunity that becomes participate the national economy through developing business
one of the important reasons for the establishment of start-up goat cattle, and build awareness of the public at large about the
Kambingers Indonesia. importance of qurban jurisprudence.

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Surya Pranoesa PT. Surya Bintang Timur

GillbertRahardianSidarta Richard Kelvin Chandra

www.granitonetexture.com www.ptsbt.com
gilbertrahardian@yahoo.co.id titi.ladjoni@yahoo.com
081337297788 081330139127

Surya Pranoesa Ltd. is a company engaged in the industry PT. Surya Pranoesa usually serves state companies PT. Surya Bintang Timur engages in interinsular sea
of contractor services, especially metal treatment, such as Pertamina and PJB through the tender given transport services with TRAMPER route (irregular
cleaning service and mechanical electrical construction. in accordance with the company’s expertise of metal schedule) and LINIER route (regular schedule).
Treatment and cleaning services are offered in the form treatment, cleaning service and mechanical electrical
of inspection or checking on heavy equipments like construction. The expertise includes eddy current test,
condenser and ship. PT. Surya Pranoesa was founded in vacuum test, boiler cleaning, metal coating, sand-blasting,
1995 by Mr. Suryo Purboko with a vision to be a company ready-made water tap and water treatment.
that has ethics, religious and professionalism.

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Dity Global Nusantara

Ditia Fitriasshinta

Processed food from livestock products is no stranger in Then the company expands its business in Surabaya
Indonesia. In addition to meat, eggs can also be processed market. The beginning of the sale was done in the
into a variety of dishes and foods. One of them is the traditional markets in Surabaya. After half a year, the
result of egg processing innovation: salted egg. Dity company developed into retail stores. The company has
Global Nusantara is a company that produces and sells two different presentation displays for traditional markets
salted eggs under the trademark KING. Established since and retail stores. In the future, the company not only sells
2016, the company sells directly and cooperates with but also process eggs into various products.
resellers. In the early stages, the company made sales only
in the city of Banyuwangi.

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AK Analysis CV. Surya

Alkent Likhi Suwanto Alfred Tirta

alkent_23@hotmail.com alfredtirta@gmail.com
0817323000 081217824922

I work in timber field. Our company produces veneer. Surya Company is a family business that has been
Veneer is wood peeled for furniture. The process is from established since 2008. Surya Company runs in the
tree to veneer. The products are mostly used for interior convection feed. Surya Company sells baby cloth
purposes. The company is located in eastern Java. It is products. Surya Company make the most good quality
the area of the origin of Java island wood. The machines baby clothes. We always make sure that the quality of the
come from china. The majority of employees come from product is comfortable to wear.
the eastern island of Java. Our company provides supplies
for companies in surabaya for further process and some
others for oversea exports.

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CV. Surya ERAV

Alfred Tirta Kevin Renata Limoputro

alfredtirta@gmail.com Eric Hartanto Subandi
081217824922 krenatalim@gmail.com

Surya Company is a family business that has been My company is manufacturing frozen food. The name This company was formed in February, 2015. This
established since 2008. Surya Company runs in the of my company is ERAV. ERAV creates a frozen product company is located in West Surabaya. Our address :
convection feed. Surya Company sells baby cloth called MnB (MeatnBeancurd). MeatnBeancurd is Waterplace Tower Apartment D5A. Contact : 0811313299.
products. Surya Company make the most good quality processed food that does not contain preservatives and We provide free delivery for Surabaya area.. For further
baby clothes. We always make sure that the quality of the msg. MnB products have 2 kinds of variants, that is the information contact us.
product is comfortable to wear. contents of chicken and pork.

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Geylang.ID Glaive

Terennia Risley Elfrad Brian Gunawan

Debby Limanto Edwin Santoso Widjaja
terenniarisley@rocketmail.com ebg_96@ymail.com
081232771272 082188800035

Geylang is a small cafe who sells various kind of foods. Cahaya Putra Berjaya is a company that runs automotive Additionally, the company also does personal selling to
We sell asian food, Indonesian, and Thai food. Most of industry. Cahaya Putra Berjaya creates product that can consumers who require practicality and cost efficiency in
the food are inspired from my favorite food. I name the wash vehicle without water or waterless. Glaive Waterless cleaning the vehicle. The parties involved in this business
business “Geylang” because the first menu that I sold is Car Wash itself has a value proposition that can be useful project are 4 students of Ciputra University, namely:
Salted Egg Chicken, and if we type salted egg chicken for the consumers, that is practically in washing the car Elfrad Brian Gunawan, Edwin Santoso Widjaja, Ivan Jethro,
on google, most of the results will show the most famous because it can wash the car anywhere and anytime, other Ramses Lawrenzo, also involving suppliers who support
place to find salted egg chicken is in Geylang road, than it is not troublesome of using water and having an in the process of making soap products, such as Wax,
Singapore. affordable price. The product is sold by working with Designer labels and product logos.
automotive companies.

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UC 2018

UC 2018
Lexid Inv Mega Food

Muhammad Balya Haidari Mega Vitria Juwita

balyahaidari@gmail.com megavitriajuwita@yahoo.com
085730888800 081336456665
@lexidinv @megafoodkuliner

Lexid Inv a company engaged in the manufacturing Unggul Abadi Santoso was established in early 2016 under
industry garment. We are a garment manufacturer that the Mega Food brand engaged in food manufacturing.
accepts order. Mega Food produces meat sauce packed in glass jars.
Mega Food has levels of spiciness adjusted to consumer
taste, where the levels are not spicy, medium and spicy.
Another advantage is the existing sauce pieces of beef or
chicken that meet consumer demand. Mega Food is free
from preservatives and MSG so it is safe to consume at
any time.

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