Personal Financial Statement: Section 1-Individual Information
Personal Financial Statement: Section 1-Individual Information
Personal Financial Statement: Section 1-Individual Information
Personal Financial Statement 1-877-418-1462
Important: Please read and check off one of the following statements. (If applying for joint credit, both parties must also initial in the appropriate area.)
□ This personal financial statement is being offered in conjunction with an individual application for consumer/business purpose credit, for an extension or
renewal of such credit, or compliance with annual financial reporting requirements. (Complete sections 1, 3, and 4.)
□ This personal financial statement is being offered in conjunction with a joint application for consumer/business purpose credit, for an extension or renewal
of such credit, or compliance with annual financial reporting requirements. (Complete all sections on this page and initial below.)
Contact Phone No. Business Phone No. □ U.S. Citizen □ Permanent Resident Applicant Initials
□ Other _____________________________ 4
Section 2—Other Party Information
Name: First MI Last Suffix
Contact Phone No. Business Phone No. □ U.S. Citizen □ Permanent Resident Co-applicant Initials
□ Other _____________________________ 4
Section 3—Statement of Financial Condition as of: 20___
Assets In dollars Liabilities In dollars
(Do not include assets of doubtful value) (Omit cents) (Omit cents)
Cash on hand and in financial institutions Notes payable to banks (See Schedule F)
Cash in other banks
Notes payable to other institutions (See Schedule F)
(Bank Certificates of Deposit—See Schedule A)
U.S. Gov’t and marketable securities (See Schedule B) Due to brokers
Real estate owned (See Schedule D) Unpaid income tax (Tax year _________ )
Accounts, loans, and notes receivable Other unpaid taxes and interest
Other personal property Other debts (car payments, credit cards, etc.) - itemize
Total Liabilities
Have you ever been audited by the IRS? □ Yes □ No If so, describe: ________________________________________________________________________
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
Schedule D—Residence and Other Real Estate (Partially or Wholly Owned)
% of Monthly Mortgage Mortgage
Address and Property Type Title in Name of: Date Acquired Cost Market Value
Ownership Payment Maturity Balance
The information contained in this statement is provided to induce adverse change (1) in any of the information contained in this statement;
Navy Federal Credit Union (“NFCU”) to extend or continue the extension of (2) in the financial condition of any of the undersigned; or (3) in the ability
credit to the undersigned or to others upon the surety of the undersigned. of any of the undersigned to perform its (or their) obligations to NFCU.
The undersigned acknowledge and understand that NFCU relies on the In the absence of such notice or a new and full written statement, this
information provided herein in deciding to grant or continue credit or accept should be considered as a continuing statement and substantially correct.
a surety thereof. Each of the undersigned represents, warrants, and NFCU is authorized to make all inquiries it deems necessary to verify
certifies that the information provided herein is true, correct, and complete. the accuracy of the information contained herein, and to determine the
Each of the undersigned agrees to notify NFCU immediately and in writing creditworthiness of the undersigned. Each of the undersigned authorizes
of any change in name, address, or employment and of any material NFCU to answer questions about its experience with the undersigned.
Applicant’s Signature
Social Security No. (SSN) Date of Birth (Mo., Day, Yr.) Date Signed (Mo., Day, Yr.)
Co-applicant’s Signature
Social Security No. (SSN) Date of Birth (Mo., Day, Yr.) Date Signed (Mo., Day, Yr.)