Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Differential Relations
for a Fluid Particle
In analyzing fluid motion, we might take one of the two paths:
(1) Seeking an estimate of gross effects (mass flow, induced force, energy
change) over a finite region or control volume (Eulerian approach)
(2) Seeking the point-by-point details of a flow pattern by analyzing an
infinitesimal region of the flow. (Lagrangian approach)
Here we will deal with the second path to analyze fluid motion based on
small-scale, or differential, analysis. We apply our four basic conservation laws
to an infinitesimally small control volume, which provides basic differential
equations of fluid motion.
The Acceleration Field of a Fluid
Total time derivative follows a particle of fixed identity, making it convenient for
expressing laws of particle mechanics in the Eulerian fluid-field description. The
operator d/dt is sometimes assigned a special symbol such as D/Dt as it contains
four terms and follows a fixed particle.
The Differential Equation of Mass Conservation
All the basic differential equations can be derived by considering either an elemental
control volume or an elemental system. Here we choose an infinitesimal fixed control
volume (dx, dy, dz).
The element is so small that the volume integral simply reduces to a differential term
The Differential Equation of Mass Conservation
The Differential Equation of Mass Conservation
Incompressible Flow
The total time derivative/ the substantial/ material derivative
The Differential Equation of Linear Momentum
Consider the same elemental control volume for which the appropriate form of the
linear-momentum relation is,
The momentum fluxes occur on all six faces, three inlets and three outlets.
The Differential Equation of Linear Momentum
The Differential Equation of Linear Momentum
Forces on L.H.S. are of two types, body forces and surface forces. Body forces
are due to external fields (gravity, magnetism, electric potential) which act
upon the entire mass within the element. Surface forces are due to the
pressure and viscous stresses acting on the sides of the element.
The Differential Equation of Linear Momentum
The gravity force on the differential mass
ρ dx dy dz within the control volume is
The Differential Equation of Linear Momentum
The Differential Equation of Linear Momentum
The Differential Equation of Linear Momentum
Note that φ, unlike the stream function, is fully three-dimensional and not
limited to two coordinates. It reduces a velocity problem with three unknowns
u, v, and w to a single unknown potential φ.
Orthogonality of Streamlines and Potential Lines