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A New Index of Cluster Validity: Mu-Chun Su

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A New Index of Cluster

Mu-Chun Su
Major Difficulties

• The presence of large variability in cluster

geometric shapes, and
• The number of clusters cannot always be
known a priori. Different distance
measures lead to different types of
clusters (e.g. compact hyperspheres,
compact hyperellipsoids, lines, shells, etc.).
Cluster Validity (1)
• In fact, if cluster analysis is to make a significant
contribution to engineering applications, much more
attention must be paid to cluster validity issues that are
concerned with determining the optimal number of
clusters and checking the quality of clustering results.
• Many different indices of cluster validity have been
proposed, such as the Bezdek’s partition coefficient, the
Dunn’s separation index, the Xie-Beni’s separation index,
Davies-Bouldin’s index, and the Gath-Geva’s index, etc.
• Most of these validity indices usually assume tacitly that
data points having constant density to the clusters.
However, it is not sure of the real problems.
Indices of Cluster Validity (1)

• Cluster validation refers to procedures that

evaluate the clustering results in a quantitative
and objective function.
• Some kinds of validity indices are usually
adopted to measure the adequacy of a structure
recovered through cluster analysis.
• Determining the correct number of clusters in a
data set has been, by far, the most common
application of cluster validity.
Indices of Cluster Validity (2)
• In general, indices of cluster validity fall into one of three
• Some validity indices measure partition validity by
evaluating the properties of the crisp structure imposed
on the data by the clustering algorithm.
• In the case of fuzzy clustering algorithms, some validity
indices such as partition coefficient and classification
entropy use only the information of fuzzy membership
grades to evaluate clustering results.
• The third category consists of validity indices that make
use of not only the fuzzy membership grades but also
the structure of the data.
Dunn’s index
• The Dunn’s index is defined as
  δ ( A , A ) 

DI (c) = min  min 
i j
i∈c j∈c , j ≠ i max{∆ ( A )}
  k∈c k 
δ ( Ai , A j ) = min{d ( x i , x j ) | x i ∈ Ai , x j ∈ A j }

∆ ( Ak ) = max{d ( x i , x j ) | x i , x j ∈ Ai }
d is a distance function and Aj is the set whose elements are the data points
assigned to the ith cluster.
The main drawback with direct implementation of Dunn’s index is
computational since calculating becomes computationally very expensive as
c and n increase.
Davies-Bouldin’s Index (1)
• Its major difference from Dunn’s index is that it considers the
average case by using the average error of each class.
• This index is a function of the ratio of the sum of within-cluster
scatter to between-cluster separation, it uses both the clusters and
their sample means.
• First, define the within ith cluster scatter and the between ith and
jth cluster as
 1  q
S i ,q 
= ∑ || x − v i || 2 

 | Ai | x∈Ai 
 p
 t
d ij ,t = ∑ | v si − v sj t
| =|| v i − v j ||t
 s =1 
Davies-Bouldin Index (2)
• where v i is the ith cluster center, q, t ≥ 1 , q is an integer and q,t
can be selected independently of each other. | Ai | is the number of
elements in Ai

• Next, define
 S i ,q + S j ,q 
Ri ,qt = max  
j∈c , j ≠ i  
 d ij ,t
• Finally, the Davies-Bouldin index can be
defined as
1 c
DB (c) = ∑ Ri ,qt
c i =1
Partition Coefficient (PC)
• Bezdek designed the partition coefficient (PC) to
measure the amount of “overlap” between clusters.
• He defined the partition coefficient (PC) as follows.
c N
PC (c) =
∑∑ ij
(u ) 2

i =1 j =1

• where uij (i = 1, 2 , K , c ; j = 1, 2 , K , N ) is the membership of

data point j in cluster i.
• Disadvantages of the partition coefficient are its
monotonic decreasing with c and the lack of direct
connection to some property of the data themselves.
Classification Entropy (CE)
• Classification entropy is defined as
c N
CE (c) = −
∑∑ u
i =1 j =1
ij log(u ij )

• Bezdek proved the relation 0 ≤ 1 − PC (c ) ≤ CE (c )

for all probabilistic cluster partitions c.
• It is basically a measure for the fuzziness
of the cluster partition only, which is
similar to the partition coefficient.
Separation index (S)
• The validity index S is based on the objective function J by
determining the average number of data and the square of the
minimum distances of the cluster centers. The separation index S is
defined as c N c N

∑∑ u d (x j − vi )2 ∑∑ u d (x j − vi )2
2 2
ij ij
i =1 j =1 i =1 j =1
S (c ) = =
N min {d (v m − v n )}2 N ∗ (d min ) 2
m , n =1,K,c
and m ≠ n

• where d min is the minimum Euclidean distance between

cluster centers.
• The more separate the clusters, the larger (d min ) 2, and
the smaller S. Thus, the smallest S indeed indicates a
valid optimal partition.
Fuzzy Hypervolume (FHV)
• It can be argued that a good partition should
yield a high value of fuzzy partition density and
a low value of fuzzy hypervolume. Gath and
Geva defined the volume of the clusters in a
fuzzy partition as follows.
FHV (c) = ∑ det( Fi )
i =1

• where Fi denotes the ith fuzzy covariance

CS Index

• The CS index is then defined as

1 c  1   1 
max{d ( x j , x k )} max{d ( x j , x k )}

∑  ∑
c i =1 | Ai | x j ∈Ai x k ∈Ai
∑  ∑
 i =1  | Ai | x j ∈ Ai k i

x ∈A
CS (c) = =
1 c
∑ { min {d (v i , v j )}
c i =1 ∈c , j ≠i
} c

i =1
∑ min {d (v i , v j )}
j∈c , j ≠ i
Four Spherical Clusters (1)


Fig. 3(a). The data set in example 1: Fig. 3(b). The final clustering result achieved by
It contains of a mixture of compact the FCM algorithm at
spherical and ellipsoidal clusters.
Four Spherical Clusters (2)
c 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

DI 0.236 0.038 0.078 0.008 0.013 0.029 0.024 0.012 0.020

DB 0.800 0.618 0.624 0.767 0.955 0.972 0.800 0.869 0.916

PC 0.779 0.703 0.720 0.651 0.598 0.560 0.541 0.522 0.511

CE 0.365 0.546 0.569 0.719 0.847 0.935 1.037 1.079 1.112

S 0.162 0.165 0.080 0.176 0.351 0.255 0.250 0.187 0.184

FHV 1.124 1.047 0.780 0.851 0.927 0.929 1.075 0.975 0.901

CS 1.058 0.874 0.771 0.967 1.132 1.316 1.031 1.20 1.246

A Mixture of Spherical and
Ellipsoidal Clusters (1)

Fig. 4.(a) The data set in example 2: Fig. 4(b). The final clustering result achieved by
It contains five compact clusters. the Gustafson-Kessel algorithm at
A Mixture of Spherical and
Ellipsoidal Clusters (2)
c 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

DI 0.034 0.016 0.015 0.022 0.012 0.004 0.006 0.004 0.008

DB 1.265 0.958 0.715 0.501 0.744 0.924 0.821 0.960 1.086

PC 0.835 0.783 0.755 0.780 0.731 0.689 0.654 0.625 0.591

CE 0.287 0.408 0.498 0.483 0.592 0.688 0.771 0.834 0.911

S 0.398 0.269 0.153 0.082 0.383 0.497 0.296 0.315 0.796

FHV 1.858 1.570 1.253 0.921 1.044 1.061 1.073 1.055 1.083

CS 1.758 1.517 1.035 0.866 1.099 1.369 1.156 1.476 1.790

Five Clusters (1)

Fig. 5(a). The data set in example 3: Fig. 5(b). The final clustering result achieved
It contains distributed on five clusters by the FCM algorithm at
Five Clusters (2)
c 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

DI 0.062 0.069 0.105 0.588 0.047 0.040 0.040 0.092 0.078

DB 0.591 0.435 0.316 0.354 0.845 0.731 0.673 0.595 0.693

PC 0.866 0.827 0.838 0.786 0.676 0.684 0.671 0.669 0.650

CE 0.222 0.340 0.362 0.480 0.631 0.621 0.700 0.722 0.773

S 0.090 0.074 0.039 0.063 0.310 0.204 0.169 0.124 0.873

FHV 1.957 1.725 1.072 0.925 0.933 0.754 0.725 0.653 0.751

CS 1.022 0.589 0.428 0.396 0.782 0.594 0.566 0.552 0.682

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