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Classroom Management Plan PT

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Classroom Management Plan

Atalaya Watts

Wesleyan College
Classroom Management 2


Education is very important to me, always has been. I knew I wanted to be a teacher ever

since I was in my first-grade teacher’s, Ms Beck, class. Growing up, some of the most

memorable people in my life were my teachers. When I first started attending Wesleyan, I

thought I wanted to be a nurse, a pediatric nurse. I knew I wanted to work with children, but as

my first semester passed by, I was being drawn to education. Eventually, I declared Early

Childhood Education and started my journey! As far as management and philosophies, I am

more into Ron Clark’s and Michael Bonner’s philosophy and management style, and I reside

with some ideas from Rafe Esquith, Patricia Jennings, and Lee Canter. With that being said, I

think I’m more teacher-student based. By teacher-student based, I mean to not only focus on the

teacher’s expectations and needs, but also the student’s expectations and needs, like a mutual

benefit system.

Theories & Methods in My Future Classroom

In the previous section, I mentioned that I reside more with Ron Clark’s management

style. The End of Molasses Classes (2011), by Ron Clark gives more details as to what ideas that

revolve around the teacher-based approach, a little bit of student-based as well. Ron Clark is the

founder and creator of Ron Clark Academy. This book he created contains 101 solutions or tips

to help teachers and even parents. The one tip that made me realize I reside with the teacher

based theory/method somewhat is tip three of part one: “Define your expectations and then raise

the bar; the more you expect, the better the results will be” (Clark, 2011). So, with that idea in

mind, it made me think of ways I could manage my classroom. I know that I will have

expectations for my students, but the higher I make them for my students, the more room they

must do and be better. Even if things become hard, they know the expectations that await them.
Classroom Management 3

Also, in that same solution/tip, it talks about how Ron Clark made songs and chants for his

students to sing for different subjects like algebra (Clark, 2011). I would love to include the idea

in all my curriculum too, it would get the students hyped to learn, giving away that teacher-

student focused classroom environment. These chants and songs support my teacher-student

paradigm by giving what the teacher needs/expects, which is excited students ready to learn;

what the students need/expect, which is a great teacher and a great lesson ahead of them.

Michael Bonner was another one that stood out to me as to what to bring inside my

classroom as well. In chapter seven: “Relationships before Content,” in his book Get Up or Give

Up (2017), Bonner makes me realize how much bonding with your students and creating

relationships with your students can be a part of what makes or breaks your career. He made me

realize the importance especially when he told the story of the “Ladies Man” who everyone was

obsessed with, demeanor changed suddenly. The student was already not paying attention to him

before, but now he is falling asleep in class all the time. Bonner (2017) came to realize after

speaking with the student that he has several siblings, including himself that stay with their

single mother, who was evicted and are staying in a hotel. This particular story made me

understand how important it is to be there for your students, the way they may act in class could

have a story behind it, these kids aren’t just students, they’re people too and deserve to be heard.

I know for a fact that with this concept in mind, I have thought about having a box on my desk

for children to write notes to me, but my code name could be “Dear Sally,” and tell me what’s on

their mind, what exactly is bothering them, and I’ll respond.

From the Master Class Zoom Session back in October, we met a teacher, Brittany Lesser,

she introduced us to making our “classroom a community” (Lesser, 2020). One thing I know I

will most definitely try to use inside of my classroom is her “Classroom Mantra” (2020). This
Classroom Management 4

classroom management strategy can be a part of morning meetings. The “Classroom Mantra”

(2020) is made to: “build self-esteem, create mindfulness, its student focused, encourages

students who give up easily, sets a positive tone, and gives your students a purpose.” I really

think that this method in management would be great for my classroom and making it a


Rafe Esquith inspired me a lot with his Teacher Talk Live video on YouTube. One

method//theory that I will most definitely use is his methods of the “1s, 2s, and 3s” that he talked

about at around twelve minutes and fifty seconds (YouTube, Real Rap With Reynolds, 2017). He

referred to the “1s” being perfect, the “3s” are the kids who hate school and probably loathe the

teacher too, and finally the “2s” are in the middle, they want to be “1s,” but not quite there yet.

The teacher does not spend as much time on them as they would on the “1s” and “3s” (YouTube,

Real Rap with Reynolds, 2017). I would personally use this because it is just a great idea, and I

could arrange seating according to these sections. My “1s” and “3s” could be on one half of the

classroom, in a mixture, and the “2s” could be on the other side. They will not know why they

are seated liked this, but I am sure in the long run, it will be helpful for my classroom to be at its


Lee Canter proposed one of the theories/methods that I think instills more of a teacher-

based approach, meaning that management skills are more focused on the teacher, but it gave me

the teacher aspect of my teacher-student approach with my classroom. One thing that was

significant from Chapter 4 of Assertive Discipline (1976) is when he talked about the teacher’s

attention. Canter (1976) stated, “Teacher’s attention is one of the most powerful forms of

reinforcement and can be used by the teacher to gain a positive motivation and productive

behavior from most children.” Basically, my role as a teacher and my attention is powerful, and I
Classroom Management 5

can receive my students’ interest and all. For that to happen however, is by doing things like

pointing out good behavior and calling out names. It is a good way to keep all eyes on you.

Patricia Jennings really opened my mind up to doing more mindfulness strategies in my

class. The one step that I must include as an upcoming educator is not only managing my

students but managing myself as well. In a video she was included in, How Mindfulness Can

Help Teachers & Educators with Stress (2015), Jennings informs us that, “First step in managing

a classroom, is managing yourself,” starting at five minutes and seven seconds. I feel as if she

made me be more aware and mindful of myself before I bring myself into a classroom full of

students, expecting to have them under control, when I am not even under control.

Another thing Jennings brought to my attention was mindfulness towards our students,

like we should to ourselves. In her book, Mindfulness for Teachers: Simple Skills for Peace and

Productivity in the Classroom (2015), she talks about mindfulness for teachers, but she also

expands on how our mindfulness as teachers can do good for our classroom community, not just

management. According to Jennings (2015), “When we mindfully observe our students as they

are working, we can notice subtle signs that indicate the need for change.” I feel as if as a

teacher, if you have a strong sense and understanding of mindfulness, it can have a lasting effect

on you, but also your students and what they may need to be successful.

Jennings (2015) puts an emphasis on mindfulness throughout her entire book, but these

two things are the most important for me to take into my classroom.

Although, I only chose these five to represent and elaborate on my management plan and

what I may use in my classroom, I have no theories that I disagree with. There are only theories I

feel are not made for mine, but for others.

Classroom Management 6

Presence Project

This tree has many things on here that can help with the character and mindfulness of a

person, but I feel like Journaling is my way of practice and how I can develop a better presence

within my classroom. I chose journaling as my practice to develop a better practice for my

presence in teaching or just here as a student. When I write it gives me a piece of mind, helps me

to calm my nerves after or before a long day, and it gives me some sort of peace. So, over the

summer I purchased this “300 Writing Prompts” from Books-A-Million. I did not really start

writing in it until a week ago. I am glad I found it again because it gave me time to analyze the

things and people around me, and my feelings. I did these 3 prompts Monday, Wednesday, and

Friday. They made me feel what I need to feel and bring me some type of peace. It asked me

how I would spend a lazy day, if I have ever spoken up when something was not right, and to put

together a formula of what I know and believe. In conclusion, I think this is a practice for me. I

am not vocal about my feelings, so I think this is the perfect way to regain my mindfulness,

calmness, and my presence. In the classroom, I feel like writing before and after the school day

can and will help me to be a great teacher, it will help me have the best presence possible and I

could teach this practice to my kids. However, they might like to find something else from the


Self-Care Plan

Self- Care Plan

Activity Physical Emotional Intellectual Inner Life

Exercising/ Get healthier! Blow off steam! ?? Gives me peace

Walking and mindfulness

Reading the Bible Instead of using Feel Can discuss Gives me peace
Classroom Management 7

my thumbs for happier/lighter different books of

text, I’ll use my the Bible to
fingers to turn the friends

Talking About My Instead of going to Feel better once Discussing Feel at ease after
Emotions bed because of my people understand feelings with talking about
bad day, I can get and relate to your friends, and feelings.
up and talk. feelings understanding
how we think

Practice Moving my body Calmness takes Can do this MINDFULNESS!

Meditation in general over activity with

Cater to Self Instead of a lazy Feel happy or at Friends can join PEACE,
day, get up and go peace and we can talk mindfulness
out, spend money about life in the
on self; or just midst of.
give yourself a
facial and an at
home pedi or

Time Space Typical Enjoyment Self Other

Work/School Day

8-10a Wake up Get dressed Gives me peace

and mindfulness

10-12p Eat lunch or Eat lunch or Can discuss Gives me peace

breakfast breakfast different books of
the Bible to

12p-2p Chorus/ScienceCl Discussing Feel at ease after

ass feelings with talking about
friends, and feelings.
how we think

2p-5:30p Work Can do this MINDFULNESS!

activity with

6p-10p Homework Friends can join PEACE,

and we can talk mindfulness
about life in the
midst of.
Classroom Management 8

Healthy Mind Platter

Down Time
- I have the least amount of down time!
Sleep Time
- I fight my sleep, and I want to sleep well. It does not make sense, and neither does my sleep
Physical Time
- I move around at work, because I have kindergarteners, I have no choice, but besides that, no.
Connecting Time
- I connect with my friends every day.
Play Time
- I have this when I am with my kindergarteners, just coloring or using chalk!
Time In
- Not alot, it is always something going on. Not enough time for me to think and reflect on
Focus Time
- I have focus time a lot, I’m in school and working. That is all I have time to do.


In conclusion, I yearn for my classroom to be teacher-student focused. Ron Clark (2011),

Michael Bonner (2017), Patricia Jennings (2015), Rafe Esquith, Brittany Lesser (2020), and Lee

Canter (1976), are all a part of that classroom management dream that I have. These great

educators created theories and methods that they tried for their classrooms first. As upcoming

educators, we can take these awesome concepts and make them our own in our classrooms in a

few years! I am so excited to start teaching, and to look back at this paper, and see what I used. I

am so excited!
Classroom Management 9


Bonner, M. (2017). Get up or give up. Pages 76-78.

Canter, L. (1976). Assertive discipline. Page 79.

Clark, R. (2011). The end of molasses classes. Page 11.

Jennings, P. (2015). Mindfulness for teachers: Simple skills for peace and productivity in

the classroom. Page 141.

Lesser, B. (2020). Building a classroom community. Retrieved from



Live Sonima. (2015). How Mindfulness Can Help Teachers & Educators with Stress

[YouTube Video]. In YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?


Real Rap With Reynolds. (2017). Teacher Talk Live | Ep 28 Rafe Esquith [YouTube

Video]. In YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpYZcyLZ5ag

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