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Sky Telescope 201304
Sky Telescope 201304
APRIL 2013
Caves Where
will live
in Space
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April 2013 VOL. 125, NO. 4
On the cover: O B S E RV I N G A P R I L
Caves will be the
43 In This Section
safest places for
early colonists
44 April’s Sky at a Glance
to live in space’s
hazardous 45 Binocular Highlight
environments. By Gary Seronik
46 Planetary Almanac There’s more to find online @
47 Northern Hemisphere’s Sky
By Fred Schaaf
18 Exploring Caves on Other Worlds 48 Sun, Moon & Planets
COVER Future colonists on the Moon and Mars By Fred Schaaf SKY AT A GLANCE
STORY will initially live in caves. That’s why Our popular column highlights
scientists today are on the lookout for 50 Celestial Calendar celestial delights for the upcom-
underground passages. By Alan MacRobert ing week. Also available as an
By Robert Zimmerman app — with sky charts included!
54 Exploring the Moon
By Charles Wood
26 Liquid Astronomy
The Large Zenith Telescope’s mercury 56 Deep-Sky Wonders
By Sue French
mirror provides critical insights for next-
gen instruments.
S &T T E S T R E P O R T
By Eagle Gamma
60 S&T Test Report
By Dennis di Cicco
32 Remembering Comet Kohoutek
“The Comet of the Century” proved
to be anything but.
By Dean Regas 6 Spectrum
By Robert Naeye
38 The Future of Amateur Science 8 Letters WEEK
In a roboscope-dominated future, backyard NASA / HUBBLE HERITAGE TEAM / STSCI / AURA
observers will still play an important role 9 75, 50 & 25 Years Ago
in astronomical research. By Roger W. Sinnott FIND PRODUCTS & SERVICES
By Pamela Gay Our easy-to-use directory will
10 News Notes help you find what you need.
66 Top 10 Neglected 16 Cosmic Relief
Deep-Sky Wonders By David Grinspoon
Hidden in plain sight, why aren’t ASTROPHOTO GALLERY
42 New Product Showcase Enjoy readers’ best images
these familiar old favorites?
By James Mullaney 64 Telescope Workshop and upload your own.
By Gary Seronik
72 Imaging the Messier Marathon
Two telescopes, 110 targets, and
one night to shoot them all. 86 Focal Point New to astronomy? Here’s
By Alex McConahay By David A. Kantorowitz everything you need to jump
into the fun.
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April 2013 Digital Extra
• Space Caves • A Guide to Eyepieces
See stunning images of The right eyepiece can
underground hideouts make the most out of
on the Moon and Mars. a new (or old) scope.
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Hed.GillSans.30 of the Century?
Editor in Chief Robert Naeye
Senior Editors Dennis di Cicco, Alan M. MacRobert
Associate Editor Tony Flanders
Imaging Editor Sean Walker
Assistant Editor Camille M. Carlisle
Web Editor Monica Young
Every so often, my S&T editorial colleagues and I hear about the Editor Emeritus Richard Tresch Fienberg
discovery of a potentially great comet. But the operative word here is “poten- Senior Contributing Editors J. Kelly Beatty, Roger W. Sinnott
tially.” Just because a comet has a large nucleus and a favorable track with Contributing Editors Jim Bell, Trudy Bell, Greg Bryant, Paul Deans, Thomas A.
Dobbins, David W. Dunham, Alan Dyer, Ted Forte, Sue French, Steve Gottlieb,
respect to the Earth and Sun doesn’t mean it will bloom into a showstopper. David Grinspoon, Paul J. Heafner, Ken Hewitt-White, Johnny Horne, E. C.
Since Comet ISON’s (C/2012 S1) discovery in September 2012, many Krupp, Emily Lakdawalla, David H. Levy, Jonathan McDowell, Rod Mollise,
Donald W. Olson, Fred Schaaf, Govert Schilling, Gary Seronik, William Sheehan,
media outlets have been touting it as a “Comet of the Century,” or they have Mike Simmons, Alan Whitman, Charles A. Wood, Robert Zimmerman
used hyperbolic language such as “Super Comet” to give their audiences Contributing Photographers P. K. Chen, Akira Fujii, Robert Gendler,
the impression that ISON will be a sure-fire spectacle in late 2013. With Babak Tafreshi
our decades of experience covering such matters, we know better at S&T. A ART & DESIGN
Design Director Patricia Gillis-Coppola
number of factors determine how bright a comet will appear in the night Illustration Director Gregg Dinderman
sky, and some previously hyped comets turned out to be duds. Illustrator Leah Tiscione
The article by Dean Regas on Comet Kohoutek (page 32) describes the PUBLISHING
VP / Publishing Director Joel Toner
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when a future comet is actually put- NEW TRACK MEDIA LLC
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ting on a spectacular display. Executive Vice President / CFO Mark F. Arnett
Comet ISON Corporate Controller Jordan Bohrer
January 10, 2013 As UCLA comet expert David
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Jewitt explains, “We don’t under-
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Editor in Chief
Modern Astronomy
Isn’t technology absolutely amazing? Bob
Fera used a 14-inch scope to image indi-
vidual stars in M31 (December issue, page
78). A mere 80 years ago, in an attempt to
do the same thing, Edwin Hubble spent
attempted improvements, the positions Nebula (February issue, page 79) credited to
obtained with it were never satisfactory.” Lorenzo Comolli should instead have been
Interestingly, the double involved, attributed to both Comolli and the three
∑2995, also makes its first appearance imagers who collaborated with him — STi
in the 1881 edition. However, the listing Giosuè Ghioldi, Luigi Fontana, and Starting from: $499.00
is from other sources and contains no Emmanuele Sordini.
observational notes by Webb himself, so ޖSunlight at Uranus is about 1/400th as
I assume he never observed it. Too bad: if strong as it is on Earth, not 1/900th (February
he had done so, he might have realized the issue, page 12).
real location of his “symmetrical group” ✹Photos credited to the author of February’s
and saved us all a lot of trouble. Telescope Workshop column (page 63) should
Randall M. Poole instead be credited to the author’s subject,
Lebanon, Pennsylvania Albert Highe.
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2. Review—Graphs, Models, and Functions
3. Review—Functions and Trigonometry
4. Finding Limits
5. An Introduction to Continuity
off 6. Infinite Limits and Limits at Infinity
7. The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem
RD Y 8. Basic Differentiation Rules
E R BY MA 9. Product and Quotient Rules
10. The Chain Rule
11. Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates
12. Extrema on an Interval
13. Increasing and Decreasing Functions
14. Concavity and Points of Inflection
15. Curve Sketching and Linear Approximations
16. Applications—Optimization Problems, Part 1
17. Applications—Optimization Problems, Part 2
18. Antiderivatives and Basic Integration Rules
19. The Area Problem and the Definite Integral
20. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Part 1
21. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Part 2
22. Integration by Substitution
23. Numerical Integration
24. Natural Logarithmic Function—Differentiation
25. Natural Logarithmic Function—Integration
26. Exponential Function
27. Bases other than e
28. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
29. Area of a Region between 2 Curves
30. Volume—The Disk Method
31. Volume—The Shell Method
32. Applications—Arc Length and Surface Area
Discover How to Understand the 33. Basic Integration Rules
34. Other Techniques of Integration
Secrets of Calculus 35. Differential Equations and Slope Fields
36. Applications of Differential Equations
METEORITES I Another Sutter’s Mill Gold Mine sulfide), so touchy that it decomposes after
the slightest exposure to water vapor.
Samples of the Sutter’s Mill meteorite, As Jenniskens and 69 coauthors report
found quickly after being dropped by a in the December 21st Science, the SM
brilliant daylight fireball over Nevada stones are a breccia, a mash-up of formerly
and California on April 22, 2012, contain loose bits. The bits show varying degrees of
primitive, carbon-rich matter like none exposure to heat and moisture, indicating
ever studied before. that they came from a mix of earlier parent
The fireball peaked at magnitude –18 bodies. In addition, the object’s surface is
to –20, halfway in brightness between more complex than other C-class asteroid
the full Moon and the Sun, moving east fragments. Some pieces experienced tem-
to west at 7:51 a.m. It was widely seen peratures of up to 400°°F (200°C), unlikely
by astonished onlookers — and by two to be the result of the brief flash-heating
cameras. These records, combined with they experienced in Earth’s atmosphere.
echoes in weather-radar scans, suggested Others contain clay and carbonate miner-
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Any alien watching our planet over the eons leave more lasting changes on this world?
could see that Earth is going through a series of new and Will the Anthropocene be an “era” or an “event?” The
dramatic changes. This was already evident 75 years ago end of the Cretaceous period was an event caused by a
when Russian geochemist Vladimir Vernadsky wrote, disruptive asteroid impact that left a centimeter-thick clay
“The rise of the central nervous system has increased the layer around the globe. What immediately followed was
geological role of living matter.” an era, the Paleocene, which lasted 10 million years and
Recently, recognizing that humans have become a finally ended with an extreme period of global warming.
major geologic force and that the rocks left from our time Is it audacious to think that the changes we bring
will bear many unique stamps, some geologists have pro- might be anything more than an event on this world?
posed the term “Anthropocene” as an official title for our After all, species come and go, why should we be any
layer in the stratigraphic column. This begs us to imagine different? Notwithstanding the great longevity of certain
these rocks being dug up and studied someday — but types of animals such as sharks, this ignores the central
when and by whom? observation of the Anthropocene — that human civiliza-
What will be the significance of the Anthropocene rock tion has brought new forces to bear in the dynamics of
layer and the ultimate legacy of the human race when, Earth and of evolution itself.
in 230 million years, our star, having completed another The past is no longer the key to the present because
galactic year, returns to this quadrant? Will we simply the game has changed, but not necessarily in our favor.
leave a thin layer rich in refined metal and Twinkie wrap- We need to find a way to power our growing civilization
pers, preceding an era bereft of coral reefs? Or will we without wrecking our environment, but this is merely
the first in a string of challenges brought by an expand-
ing human population and the increasing reach of our
technology on a finite planet. And yet, we can also see the
beginnings of capacities that may facilitate survival in
ways never before possible. We are, for example, close to
being able to construct effective defenses against future
asteroid strikes. And on its own, Earth’s climate will
someday go through dangerous palpitations, but by then
we may know enough to do something about it.
Event or era? There is actually a third possibility:
A transition. The origin of life, the Great Oxygenation
Event 2.4 billion years ago, and the Cambrian explosion
are examples of transitions that left Earth dramatically
transformed forever after. The Anthropocene could mark
a transition of similar importance. If we make it past the
next few centuries, it will be because we’ve honed our
survival skills to make them work on a planetary scale.
One galactic year from now, the legacy of our civilization
will either be a strange layer in the strata, or the early
Future colonists on
the Moon and Mars will
initially live in caves.
on Other Worlds
AFTER A DECADE OF SURVEYING and exploring a cave
in West Virginia, I had almost fi nished drawing the map.
But surprisingly, my fellow cavers and I found a previ-
ously unnoticed crawlway. It was wide and flat, but its
height was so low I could barely squeeze my head into it.
But the passage ahead seemed to widen, and that possibil-
ity drove us onward. We began to dig, scraping out mud
so that we could belly-crawl past the tight spot.
Finding Caves on Mars GATEWAY TO HELL Top: The Thurston Lava Tube in Hawaii
Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii, is a terrestrial version of similar
When I want to find a virgin cave here on Earth, I take out
(but often larger) structures found on the Moon and Mars. In this
a geologic map, locate the nearest limestone where caves particular tube, the lava has drained away. Above: When the roof of
are likely to form, trace the streams and drainages, and a lava tube collapses, it produces an opening to the outside world
then walk the land looking for places where that water known as a skylight. This small skylight provides a view into an
either appears or disappears underground. Because water active lava tube in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
dissolves limestone to form caves, if you can find where worlds by focusing on areas with past volcanic activity,
that water flows, you can find caves. because the flow of lava can also form cave passages.
But neither the Moon nor Mars have flowing water. On Mars, images from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance
Second, neither world has any known limestone, because Orbiter (MRO) and other craft have revealed the first pos-
this sedimentary bedrock formed on the seafloor from the sible cave entrances, located north of Arsia Mons, a giant
slow pile-up of the skeletal remains of dead sea creatures. volcano on the Tharsis Bulge. Almost all of Mars’s nearly
Instead, planetary scientists search for caves on other 100 potential caves have since been found in this region.
lateral passages of unknown extent. These atypical pits CENTER OF ARIZONA STATE UNIV. (2)
Lunar Caves
Similar caves have been found on the Moon. In the 1960s,
planetary scientists proposed that lunar rilles (long, very
narrow valleys) were formed not by water but by lava
flows, making them comparable to lava tubes on Earth
though possibly much larger due to the Moon’s weaker
gravity. This realization meant that the Moon might
harbor underground chambers that were miles long with
rooms as wide as 1,500 feet. Calculations suggested that
the roofs of some of the large chambers could be 100 to
200 feet thick, making them stable and capable of provid-
ing ample protection from harsh space radiation.
When the first unmanned orbiters imaged the Moon
decades ago, scientists found a plethora of potential lava
tubes. Though the majority were scattered in Oceanus
Procellarum, located on the westernmost edge of the
Moon’s nearside, searches turned up many possibilities
in other spots. Unfortunately, the cameras on these early
probes produced insufficient image resolution for scien-
tists to determine if these tubes had significant under-
ground passages.
In the past decade, lunar orbiters from Japan, China,
India, and NASA, with far superior cameras, have
resolved numerous features that may indicate caves. Simi-
lar to Mars, some have been associated with lava tubes,
others with fractures, and some with no additional related
surface features.
Two nearside pits, one in the Marius Hills area of
Oceanus Procellarum and the other in Mare Tranquil-
litatis, have attracted the most interest because they have
floor space beneath overhanging ceilings, says James
Ashley (Arizona State University). Their walls also show
dramatic layering, possibly indicating multiple lava flows.
The Japanese Kaguya orbiter revealed the Marius Hills
pit. It’s estimated to be about 200 feet wide and about 270
India’s Chandrayaan-1 probe resolved a 1-mile-long lava wood makes it appear. Nor can we use parachutes or
tube with an interior cross-section thought to be from 500 helicopters because the Moon and Mars lack a thick
to 1,200 feet across. NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter atmosphere. Although the gravity on these worlds is far
Camera (LROC) has imaged approximately a dozen pits lower than Earth’s, an astronaut couldn’t jump in because
that might have caves at their bottom. In fact, LROC data a 300-foot fall would be fatal.
alone have been so copious that scientists haven’t been On Earth, the art of descending 300 feet into a pit has
able to review it all. The mission’s science team set up a become quite sophisticated and almost routine. When I
website ( so that want to explore the bottom of a deep pit, I rig a rope, don
anyone can study the high-resolution pictures. my harness and vertical gear, and rappel in. When it’s
NASA engineer James Fincannon and I have done time to leave, my ascending equipment makes climbing a
this, focusing our search for caves on the northern half 300-foot rope simple, fun, and actually quite safe.
of Copernicus Crater. On one weekend alone, I located But these techniques won’t work so easily on the Moon
six pits and fissures that have not yet been documented or Mars. For example, using cave rope-climbing equip-
in the scientific literature ( ment requires delicate fingertip control. A space-suited
behind-the-black/essays-and-commentaries/exploring- astronaut wearing thick, unwieldy gloves will find such
the-floor-of-copernicus). These features, though formed tasks difficult. Moreover, simply donning the harness will
by volcanic processes, are not strictly lava tubes. Ashley be a challenge.
and his colleagues have suggested one possible forma- Perhaps a climbing system could be incorporated
tion process: immediately after the impact that formed directly into the spacesuit, thereby eliminating the need
Copernicus, its floor was molten, like a lava lake. As for a harness and separate gear. But a better solution is
this impact melt cooled and contracted, its crusted-over to find entrances that don’t require a vertical descent and
surface developed cracks and voids. Such systems might instead have some form of natural access ramp. As men-
have extensive underground environments, maybe even tioned above, at least one such entryway appears to exist
networked systems of tubes suitable for habitation. on the Moon. Scientists have found a handful on Mars,
apparently created by wind-blown sand grains that have
Getting Underground partially fi lled the entrances and created slopes that a
I found one Copernicus skylight that was particularly vehicle could drive down. As Glen Cushing (U.S. Geologi-
interesting because it appears that a rover might be able to cal Survey, Flagstaff ) notes, “It looks like you could just
drive down a slope into the cave. In fact, accessibility is a cruise right into it.”
key factor in determining whether a cave will be useful as The problem, which cannot be underestimated, is the
a future lunar base. It’s ironic that after traveling almost a roughness of the terrain. The ramp visible in the lunar
quarter of a million miles from Earth, the task of travers- example is not smooth, and would give the best four-
ing a measly 200 to 300 vertical feet into a lunar cave pit is wheel-drive vehicle some difficulties. Making access easy
actually a significant engineering challenge. might require bulldozing equipment to grade a road.
Flying a manned spacecraft down through a cave The Martian examples seem more drivable, but the sta-
opening using rockets is far more difficult than Holly- bility of the thick dust that provides these slopes remains
Building the First Space Colonies Martian caves will stay nearly the same temperature year
If humans colonize the Moon and Mars, caves will likely round. Caves will also provide a structure within which
be the first place they live. The thick, ready-made roofs settlers will find it easy to build and expand colonies. “It
will shield them from harsh radiation. The caves will also would be far more difficult to build and transport shelters
provide a more benign thermal environment, so humans than to work with the available terrain,” says Cushing.
can avoid, for example, the lunar surface’s 450°°F (250°C) On the Moon, the biggest drawback for using caves
temperature swings. Like terrestrial caves, lunar and as habitats is location. “They’re often in places you don’t
necessarily want to be,” explains Spudis. Most have been
To view more images of caves on the
T found in the low latitudes and on the maria. The poles,
Moon and Mars, visit
M today’s favored lunar real estate because of the possibility
of water, don’t appear to have any caves. And if none are
found, the establishment of permanent lunar bases will
be much harder. Either the bases will not be in caves and
thus difficult to build, or they’ll be underground but far
MARIUS HILLS PIT These LROC from potential sources of water.
images show another potential The situation on Mars is far more exciting. The Thar-
cave, in the Marius Hills region of sis Bulge, where most of the caves have so far been found,
Oceanus Procellarum. At 200 feet probably contains a lot of buried ice. The geology sug-
wide and 270 feet deep, the Marius gests that ice glaciers once flowed down the northwestern
Hills pit is smaller than the one in slopes of Arsia Mons, not far from where many lava-tube
Mare Tranquillitatis, but it also has
openings have been found. Computer models suggest
multiple layers.
that this region’s climate would allow water ice deposited
in these caves to remain stable for hundreds of thousands
of years. If water once flowed into these caves, there’s a
good chance it’s still there.
Moon Globe shows our home planet’s
constant companion in greater detail than
ever before. This globe is color-coded - 866.252.3811 ©2012 Explore Scientific LLC
to highlight the dramatic differences in
lunar elevations — differences that are
less obvious when seen in pictures. Deep
impact basins show up clearly in blue,
whereas the highest peaks and rugged
terrain show up as white, red, and orange.
Big Discounts
Unorthodox Telescopy
Eagle Gamma
Altitude (kilometers)
ity grows proportionally with the diameter to the fourth 110 August 6, 2008
power, which means that increases in size have dramatic
Altitude (kilometers)
by beaming a laser into the mesophere’s sodium layer, 110 August 8, 2008
effectively creating a bright fluorescent lamp in the sky
that acts as a “guide star.” The secondary mirror then
adjusts its shape rapidly and repeatedly — sometimes 90
more than 1,000 times per second — in order to match
the distortions in the atmosphere detected from the laser
guide star. Large ground-based telescopes require adap- 5 5:30 6 6:30 7 7:30 8
Time (hours, UT)
tive optics to perform better than the seeing limitation
The atmosphere’s sodium layer varies over time. Two nights of observation
imposed by Earth’s atmosphere.
by the Large Zenith Telescope show multiple, transitory layers, with densi-
The sodium layer consists of several distinct levels,
ties, altitudes, and structures that evolve over time. The brightest layers
varying in density and altitude. Ocean-like waves roll are about two to three times denser in sodium than the background. The
along the entire layer, and turbulence induces variability. dark vertical bars are from aircraft interruptions.
These irregularities, coupled with changes in the entire
layer’s average altitude, change the structure and distance
of guide stars, confusing the adaptive optics system. Even the mesosphere — curling licks of sodium that interact
five meters of variation in the sodium layer’s altitude can chaotically with neighboring layers of the atmosphere.
affect the system. Ellerbroek lauds the unique situation that such a large
“If a meteor trail occurs in the middle of an observa- telescope can be devoted to lidar studies. The LZT has 100
tion, it can change the average range to the sodium layer to 500 times the collecting area of other lidar systems, he
by a hundred times that much, or more,” says Brent says, and its incredible sensitivity enables measurements
Ellerbroek, department head of instrumentation for the with resolutions in meters and on timescales of much less
TMT. The consequent error would be bigger for larger than one second.
telescopes, increasing with the square of the diameter. “For an 8-meter telescope that’s not important,” he
Such errors would wreak havoc on the behemoths’ obser- says. “But for future 30- to 40-meter telescopes, under-
vations. “So it’s very important to understand how the
sodium layer is evolving in time.”
Scientists had come to this conclusion by extrapolating
Brief History of Liquid-Mirror Telescopes
from data taken on timescales six orders of magnitude
Despite coming up with the rotating-fluid idea, Newton apparently
longer than those on which adaptive optics operate. To
did not consider a telescope based on a liquid paraboloid. The
verify that the sodium layer would behave on small scales concept went through several periods of development and dor-
as they thought it would — before building the billion- mancy. In 1982 Ermanno Borra revived the idea and soon realized,
dollar observatories — the scientists needed a way to mea- in his words, “Whoa, wait a second, you can do science with that!”
sure the actual variations of atmospheric sodium density In 1994 he and Hickson built a successful 2.64-meter telescope.
at a fine enough resolution to correct for any errors. The After that, Hickson created a series of mirrors, enhancing the size
best existing data in the world would not do. and performance with each iteration. At first he essentially worked
It turns out that the LZT can collect precise enough out of his garage, building liquid mirrors for North American uni-
data to resolve the problem. During a lull created by a bro- versities. Then NASA found out about his work and contacted him.
ken camera sensor, Hickson and one of his graduate stu- The agency wanted a large, affordable telescope — both of which
dents installed a laser at the facility. The laser effectively describe liquid-mirror scopes. Hickson built a 3-meter mirror for a
turned the observatory into the world’s largest facility of device housed at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. NASA
its kind, a research center for “lidar,” or light radar. The later moved the scope to the Orbital Debris Observatory, in the Lin-
same laser technique is also used to create guide stars. coln National Forest of New Mexico. The telescope collected data
Using lidar, the LZT picked up never-before-seen on space debris for many years, earning a NASA Group Achieve-
eddies and vortices in the sodium layer, as well as details ment Award. Some surplus NASA components made their way into
of both its structure and dynamics. Observations have the Large Zenith Telescope.
also revealed the first detection of turbulence waves in
standing how the range to the sodium layer changes on optics system will give the TMT three or four times better
that timescale becomes important.” resolution than one of the Keck telescopes on Mauna
Ellerbroek says that he and his colleagues use the Kea, which are among the world’s premier ground-based
LZT’s lidar data to design the wavefront-sensing equip- visible and near-infrared telescopes and the standard by
ment they’ll use on the TMT, even to determine what which others are measured. “It’s going to have a dramatic
kind of lasers they need to buy. “We’re actually able to impact on the types of observations that can be done.”
input this data into simulations of the adaptive optics sys-
tems, then predict how well the components we’re design- Futuristic Scopes
ing and buying will work with the sodium layer as we The LZT may herald a new wave of liquid-mirror tele-
understand it,” he explains. A carefully planned adaptive- scopes, even though this particular scope will not imme-
diately contribute to astronomical research. Hickson says
that they chose the observatory’s site because it’s a good
location for testing and developing liquid-mirror tech-
nology, but the site sees few clear nights. Good weather
comes mostly in the short summer nights.
“Our aim all along was to put one of these telescopes
at a competitive astronomical site once the technology had
been perfected,” he says.
One of these future instruments, the 4-meter Interna-
tional Liquid Mirror Telescope, was developed indepen-
dently from the LZT but has benefited from knowledge
gleaned from its forest counterpart. The ILMT is being
installed at Devasthal in the Himalayas, a high-altitude
site already home to two observatories.
Bigger dreams include a network of mirrors remi-
niscent of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter
Array in Chile. Moreover, a few years ago Hickson and
Borra contributed to a proposal to place a telescope of
ionic liquid (basically, molten salt) as large as 100 meters
in diameter on the Moon. The innovative technology,
including superconducting bearings and a cryogenic
vacuum, would allow astronomers to observe the early
universe at higher resolutions and fainter magnitudes
than the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope (S&T:
January 2010, page 24). Even a much smaller Moon-based
liquid mirror would be a useful survey instrument to fol-
low up on JWST’s observations.
Borra also proposed that technological developments
in future decades might allow scientists to launch an
orbiting liquid-mirror telescope as large as one kilometer
across. “It was propelled by a solar sail,” he says. “It was
really a monster.”
The space proposals received serious consideration:
The 6-meter f/1.50 Large Zenith Telescope can observe objects fainter than magni- Freelance writer Eagle Gamma covers adventurous science,
tude 25. These images are from its perpetual view of declination 49° 16′. particularly discoveries in astronomy and optics.
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Comet Kohoutek
“The Comet of the Century” it was never seen again. Kohoutek was hoping to find it on
photographs taken earlier in the year. While examining
proved to be anything but.
the plates under a microscope, he noticed a faint smudge.
It wasn’t Biela, but instead an unknown 16th-magnitude
Dean Regas comet beyond the orbit of Jupiter. Reflecting on that first
glimpse, Kohoutek now recalls, “I was rather excited, but I
On March 18, 1973, 38-year-old Czech astronomer Luboš supposed this comet would not become very bright — like
Kohoutek was pouring over photographic plates at the majority of known comets.”
Hamburg Observatory in Bergedorf, Germany, scour- Kohoutek’s new comet may not have been bright at the
ing the skies for the fabled “missing comet” Biela. This time, but it had potential. Thanks to its early discovery,
periodic comet had dramatically broken apart in 1845, and an upcoming Christmas rendezvous with the Sun, and
although two pieces were observed during its 1852 return, an unlikely public relations campaign, Comet Kohoutek
Riding on nearly a year of advanced publicity, Comet Kohoutek put on its best showing in the opening days of 1974.
Patrick Michaud was near Banning Pass in southern California when he snapped this view of the comet forming a right
triangle with brilliant Venus and Jupiter on the evening of January 8th.
Operation Kohoutek
The buildup to the Kohoutek apparition actually began
in 1965 with the sudden appearance of Comet Ikeya-Seki.
Discovered just a month before its swing by the Sun, this Czech astronomer Luboš Kohoutek (right) was searching for the
sungrazing comet grew from an 8th-magnitude telescopic lost Comet Biela when he stumbled across the one that would
blur to a brilliant naked-eye spectacle in just a few weeks. bring him international fame. Harvard astronomer William Liller
At perihelion, some observers saw Ikeya-Seki at midday, interviewed Kohoutek when he visited the university in December
and its tail extended 20°° across the October morning 1973 as his comet was making its closest approach to the Sun.
skies as the comet headed away from the Sun. Then, in
late 1969, another bright comet appeared. Discovered less
Media Hype
The media bought NASA’s pitch, and Kohoutek soon
evolved into a news sensation. The long-time science
writer Charlie Petit remembers covering the comet for
the San Francisco Chronicle. “When you call it the comet
of the century, editors are going to follow it,” Petit said. A leading expert on comet orbits, Brian Marsden (left) was the
This was also a time when spacecraft were beginning to first to suggest that Kohoutek could become a spectacular sight.
visit other worlds. “Interplanetary discoveries were com- He is pictured here in 1980 with S&T assistant editor Dennis
ing every day, and Kohoutek fed the public appetite for Overbye, who is now a science reporter for the New York Times.
as bright as the full Moon on public viewing locations, and tips on observing.
In 1973, Andrew Fraknoi, now chairman of the astron-
omy department at California’s Foothill College, had just
started working as a part-time educator at the Astronomi-
cal Society of the Pacific (ASP). “There was a tremendous
public interest in the comet,” Fraknoi says. “With all the
media publicity, we decided that the public needed an
observing guide.” The resulting ASP pamphlet contained
background information on comets in general along with
an observing guide to Comet Kohoutek. Deluged with
requests, the staff had to recruit volunteers from amateur
astronomy clubs to label and mail comet packets to the
public. In the ASP’s 123-year history, no similar publica-
tion has had a wider circulation.
Kohoutek seemed like such a slam dunk that the White
House proposed a half-hour television special linking the
comet and the achievements of the country’s new Skylab
space station with the first family’s holiday message to
the nation. The timing of the comet seemed perfect for
President Richard Nixon, who needed a diversion from
the increasing scrutiny of his involvement in the devel-
oping Watergate scandal. The TV show never aired, but
that didn’t stop some pundits from linking the timing of
Kohoutek’s evening apparition with the impeachment of
Main photo: California amateur Robert Birch said his January 8th photograph made from Berkeley’s Grizzly Peak looking westward
across San Francisco Bay closely matched his naked-eye impression of the comet’s appearance. Top left: At about the same time, Pat-
rick Michaud used a 200-mm telephoto lens for his close-up shot under darker skies near Riverside, California.
Lessons Learned
Comets are notoriously fickle. Sometimes they brighten
unexpectedly and sometimes they underwhelm. In ret- Despite its underwhelming visual performance, Comet
rospect, veteran astronomers declared that the Kohoutek Kohoutek, seen in this January 14th Palomar close-up, provided a
flop was nothing compared to Comet Cunningham in wealth of new information for astronomical researchers.
1941. Discovered far from the Sun with a similar media
build-up to a Christmas perihelion, Cunningham were afraid to hype it up too much, lest they serve up yet
underachieved mightily — only reaching 4th magnitude. another washout.
Kohoutek was actually a solid, bright comet in compari- Fast-forward to the present, and we have Comet ISON.
son, and not much dimmer than Bennett. Sky & Telescope Discovered last September with eerily similar character-
declared Kohoutek “A Scientist’s Comet” in a March 1974 istics to Kohoutek, ISON was also found while beyond
article, further adding that “any disappointment was the orbit of Jupiter, and it will swing within about 1
mainly due to overenthusiastic advanced publicity.” million miles of the Sun’s surface this coming Novem-
Astronomers soothed their disappointment with the ber. The media has already latched onto it, calling it the
phrase, “Just wait until Halley comes back.” But they “Super Comet.” Will ISON blaze like West or fizzle like
didn’t have to wait for Halley’s return in 1986. The next Kohoutek? As the late Harvard astronomer Fred Whipple
great comet came just two years after Kohoutek. In early famously noted in this magazine’s April 1974 issue, “If
1976 Comet West had everything: –3 magnitude, a perfect you must bet, bet on a horse, not on a comet.” ✦
tail that fanned into multiple streams, and visibility at
the right time for Northern Hemisphere observers. To Dean Regas is Outreach Astronomer at Ohio’s Cincinnati
the average stargazer, Comet West was a real comet. Observatory and cohost of Star Gazers, a nationally syndi-
For all the attention Kohoutek garnered, West received cated astronomy television program on PBS. He authored the
almost no notice from the media. Astronomers and NASA article about eclipse chasing in the July 2012 issue of S&T.
The Future of A
In a roboscope-dominated future, backyard observers will
Dedicated observers who focus their time — and their From left to right:
telescopes — on specific topics continue to make significant Tim Puckett leads the Puckett Observatory’s
contributions to science, primarily via data collection. David Worldwide Supernova Search, a team of
Levy discovered and codiscovered 23 comets, Tim Puckett and dedicated amateur astronomers who have
his team of observers discovered 271 supernovae, and Anthony discovered 271 supernovae.
Wesley observed two unpredicted impacts on Jupiter and the loss
of one of Jupiter’s bands. David H. Levy poses with Miranda, his 16-inch
“Citizen science is a great pathway into real science,” says Dobsonian reflector, one of the instruments he
Peter Lake, an amateur astronomer and science advisor to used to discover and codiscover 23 comets.
iTelescope, an online network of remote telescopes. “Many people
study for years and then end up working in a totally different
Berto Monard became the first amateur astron-
industry. With citizen science, you can ‘try before you buy’ and
omer to discover the visible-light afterglow of
work out what you are really passionate about.”
a gamma-ray burst, using his 12-inch telescope
In addition to extraordinary individuals, teams have grown
to follow up on the coordinates of GRB 020725.
around specific science goals, with members providing time as
Monard is also involved in exoplanet research.
they can. For example, observers in the Gamma-ray Coordinates
Network delve into the mysterious nature of the gamma-ray
flashes that accompany extremely energetic stellar explosions. Anthony Wesley discovered impacts on Jupiter
When a gamma-ray burst triggers an alarm in a space-based in 2009 and 2010, and also observed the loss of
detector, the network notifies individual observers, who attempt one of Jupiter’s bands.
to catch the explosion’s visible-light afterglow.
Although amateur discoveries continue to make the news, AAVSO membership director and development
a shift is taking place as dedicated robotic survey scopes come officer Mike Simonsen leads the Z CamPaign,
online. Projects such as Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research which seeks to conclusively classify a special
(LINEAR) and the Catalina Sky Survey are churning out hun- class of variable stars.
dreds of asteroid and comet discoveries a year, a tough act for
telescopic (green) observations
distinguish the bona fides from
13 the imposters. Detailed light
curves such as that of Z Cam
14 AH Herculis will help astrono-
mers understand how these
complex systems work.
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
amateurs to follow. And robotic all-sky surveys such as quickens its meal and fading as it slows down. On rare
the partially-built Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid occasions, stellar material builds up on the white dwarf’s
Response System (Pan-STARRS) and the planned Large surface, igniting a runaway thermonuclear explosion and
Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will leave very little sky unleashing a tremendous burst of light. Observer net-
for the amateur to search for transient events, such as works, including those led by the AAVSO and the Center
supernovae or new variable stars. The robots — or at least for Backyard Astrophysics, document these outbursts to
the robotic survey telescopes — are taking over. shed light on the stars’ volatile interactions.
But even in the era of robotic astronomy, there is still a Exploding stars have long been popular observing tar-
need for amateur data, especially of single objects requir- gets, but there’s still a lot of ground to cover. Professionals
ing many observations per night. Variable stars such as and amateurs alike neglected a particular type of variable
cataclysmic variables (CVs) continue to lend themselves star for years — these variables get “stuck” in a middle-
to this kind of research. In these star systems, a white bright phase between luminous outbursts and fainter
dwarf — the compact remnant of a Sun-like star — feeds quiescence. Many of these Z Cams (named after the first
on a closely orbiting companion star, brightening as it such system, Z Camelopardalis) were studied only briefly
following their initial discovery. Their provisional designa-
tions stood unconfirmed in the literature for years while
awaiting further data.
The AAVSO’s Mike Simonsen is addressing this need
with the Z CamPaign. He leads a group of observers who
collect extensive light curves of potential Z Cams with the
aim of conclusively classifying each system.
The Z CamPaign has obtained extensive observations
of bona fide Z Cams while ruling out “imposters” mim-
icking Z Cam behavior. “Improved coverage has revealed
a richness of behavior never seen before,” Simonsen says.
“And we still have years to go.”
A new project focuses amateurs’ skills on a differ-
galaxies imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope. The enor-
mously successful enterprise led to the Zooniverse initia-
tive, a collection of online projects where citizen scientists coordinates of transient sources, currently provided by the
help discover new planets and find newborn stars. Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey, to amateur astrono-
One of the newest online citizen-science sites is the mers and interested laypeople.
NASA-funded CosmoQuest, where the public can map Within the decade, the LSST will add to the app’s alert
out the rocky surfaces of the Moon, Mercury, and the system by discovering potentially tens of thousands of
asteroid Vesta. CosmoQuest aims to take citizen science a transients every night. Even if most transients will be too
step beyond individual projects, building a community via faint for amateur telescopes, the plethora of events should
online forums, virtual star parties, seminars from leading supply a steady stream of bright asteroids, comets, novae,
scientists, a weekly news roundup, and even online classes. and supernovae observable from modest telescopes.
In the future, an active community of online citizen The combined efforts of amateur observers and online
scientists will be crucial for sifting through the ever- citizen scientists will advance astronomy in ways as
growing databases. And amateurs will be just as crucial impossible to predict as Herschel’s discovery of Uranus.
in providing extensive follow-up on interesting targets. Amateur research may change, but it isn’t going away.
The LSST-funded mobile app “Transient Events” The vast sky provides plenty to explore for citizens, ama-
is already making that future a reality. The app posts teurs, and professionals alike. ✦
The AAVSO has monitored Mira’s variable brightness since 1902, watching as the star gleamed and faded over an 11-month period. More recently, this
GALEX ultraviolet image from 2007 offered a wider perspective on Mira, revealing a 13-light-year-long tail. The star’s high speed through ambient gas in
the galaxy has stripped off its outer layers to create the tail.
New Product Showcase is a reader service featuring innovative equipment and software of interest to
amateur astronomers. The descriptions are based largely on information supplied by the manufacturers
or distributors. Sky & Telescope assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of vendors’ statements. For
further information, contact the manufacturer or distributor. Announcements should be sent to nps@ Not all announcements can be listed.
In This Section
19 h
the western sky, with Jupiter above it. bottom. That’s the horizon. Above Ve
it are the constellations in front of g EUS
See page 48. Fa a
you. The center of the map is c
overhead. Ignore the parts
14 EVENING: Jupiter pairs beautifully with the
of the map above horizons `
b ¡
crescent Moon. you’re not facing.
22 EARLY MORNING: The usually modest 40°° NORTH. R
Lyrid meteor shower peaks in the hours
` C
before dawn; see page 50. c MI
24 EVENING AND NIGHT: Spica is very close
to the nearly full Moon for North America pe
Litt r
and is occulted (hidden) by the Moon for
parts of Central America, South America, Th
and southern Africa. an
& Aizar
from most of the Old World, centered on
Di Big
20:07 UT.
EVENING AND NIGHT: Saturn is upper left
of the full Moon.
27–28 ALL NIGHT: Saturn is at opposition,
Facing East
opposite the Sun in the sky and closest to
Earth for 2013.
28 DAWN: The red supergiant Antares glows
below the waning gibbous Moon in the
south-southwest, as shown on page 49.
b c
Mars Hidden in the Sun's glow all month P T I
Jupiter W NW Moon S
Apr 25
Saturn E S SW CO CR
Moon Phases U
Last Qtr April 3 12:37 a.m. EDT New April 10 5:35 a.m. EDT
First Qtr April 18 8:31 a.m. EDT Full April 25 3:57 p.m. EDT HYDRA
1 2 3 4 5 6
SE 13h _
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Galaxy
Double star ANTL
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Variable star
Open cluster – 40$
22 25 27 Diffuse nebula
21 23 24 26
Globular cluster
24 29
24 30 Planetary nebula
31 31 Facing
Facing Gary Seronik
When Binocular Highlight
¡ Late Feb. Midnight
c b
Early March 11 p.m.
Late March 11 p.m.*
Hydra Hits
M52 PEIA Early April 10 p.m.* Bridging the setting stars of winter with summer’s
_ ED Late April Dusk early risers, Hydra sprawls across more celestial real
M W estate than any other constellation. But the celestial
O N *Daylight-saving time.
R g Sea Serpent is more famed for its size than its sights.
N Still, it’s impossible to cover that much of the celestial
b A
ter sphere without offering up at least a few binocular hits.
us le
¡ Cl oub
D The section of Hydra draped over the meridian this
month includes a couple of nice carbon stars and a
bright, though small, planetary nebula.
l Carbon stars are among my favorite deep-sky tar-
gets because of their rosy tints — though their colors
often appear subdued in binoculars. The hue comes
lengths. As it turns out, central Hydra has two of the
Both carbon stars are variable, with U hovering
magnitude. How red they appear will also vary, depend-
Facing West
oo 4
M ril 1
Zenith Hydrae, then look a half binocular field south for the
Moril 17
ck armed with the chart above, you should be able to pin
+20$ le b
Re _
gu `
lus ¡
M s
riu i
_ Alphard Si
47 `
6 M
M4 +
41 IS R
M 3242
5° b
a ¡
IS in cu
c V
Fa –1
IA `
PU /
$ c 1
2 To watch a video tutorial on how to use the big sky
VELA map on the left, hosted by S&T senior editor Alan
10h 3 Star
MacRobert, visit
4 magnitudes
Venus Mercury 1 23h 01.5m –8° 00′ 28° Mo +0.2 7.5″ 51% 0.891
16 Saturn 1 14h 33.7m –12° 17′ 151° Mo +0.3 18.6″ 100% 8.928
Neptune 16 22h 26.3m –10° 27′ 52° Mo +7.9 2.2″ 100% 30.601
Pluto 16 18h 48.4m –19° 41′ 105° Mo +14.1 0.1″ 100% 32.153
16 The table above gives each object’s right ascension and declination (equinox 2000.0) at 0h Universal Time on selected
dates, and its elongation from the Sun in the morning (Mo) or evening (Ev) sky. Next are the visual magnitude and
Uranus equatorial diameter. (Saturn’s ring extent is 2.27 times its equatorial diameter.) Last are the percentage of a planet’s disk
illuminated by the Sun and the distance from Earth in astronomical units. (Based on the mean Earth–Sun distance, 1 a.u. is
Neptune 149,597,871 kilometers, or 92,955,807 international miles.) For other dates, see
Planet disks at left have south up, to match the view in many telescopes. Blue ticks indicate the pole currently tilted
Pluto 10"
toward Earth.
Rigel –10°
–10° April 3 LIBRA Spica CORVUS
CETUS Pluto 29 April ER I D AN US
H Y D R A –20°
–20° 25 –26 CANIS
–30° MAJOR
Fomalhaut –30°
–40° 10 am 8 am 6 am 4 am 2 am Midnight 10 pm 8 pm 6 pm 4 pm 2 pm –40°
The Sun and planets are positioned for mid-April; the colored arrows show the motion of each during the month. The Moon is plotted for evening dates in the Americas when it’s waxing (right side
illuminated) or full, and for morning dates when it’s waning (left side). “Local time of transit” tells when (in Local Mean Time) objects cross the meridian — that is, when they appear due south and
at their highest — at mid-month. Transits occur an hour later on the 1st, and an hour earlier at month’s end.
Last month we began a tour of the early spring skies, constellation in the sky. At our map time her compact and
exploring groups of constellations that are bound together attractive head is fairly high in the south-southwest, while
by a single overarching myth. This month the myth-group her tail is still emerging from the southeast horizon.
is the one connected to Hercules, featuring Leo and Hydra. Unlike the celestial Hydra, the mythological beast had
The Hercules group, starring Leo. At the time of our multiple heads. Whenever someone tried to cut off one
sky map, the constellation Hercules is just rising. But the head, two more grew back in its place. And one of the
most important constellations related to Hercules in legend heads could not be killed. Hercules’ solution was to burn
are now superbly placed in the evening sky. They represent each stump as soon as he cut off a head, and then bury
the beasts that the mythological strongman had to van- the immortal head under an immense rock.
quish to complete the first two of his 12 famous labors. The Hydra features one 2nd-magnitude star, Alphard,
more conspicuous and important one is Leo the Lion. which marks her heart. Some of her most interesting
Not far from the middle of our all-sky chart is the con- deep-sky objects are the open cluster M48, the planetary
stellation of the “king of the beasts” — a title from legend nebula NGC 3242 (the Ghost of Jupiter, see pages 45 and
for sure! I don’t mean dim, modern Leo Minor, of course. 56), and the magnificent spiral galaxy M83.
Nor am I talking about Asad, the vast constellation of the Other connections with Hercules. According to
early Arabs, which stretched from our Gemini to Libra. some storytellers, Hera, queen of the gods, sent a crab to
No — the prime lion of the heavens now is Leo. nip the toe of Hercules when he was attacking the Ler-
The heart of the lion (it makes you think of Robin nean Hydra — and he kicked it up into the sky where it
Hood’s king, Richard Lionheart) is marked by the star became Cancer the Crab. The constellation Hercules also
Regulus, Latin for “little king.” At magnitude 1.36 Regu- can be imagined to have his foot on the head of Draco the
lus is the least bright of the 1st-magnitude stars. But Leo Dragon and to have shot the summer constellation Sagitta
also possesses two 2nd-magnitude stars: the fine double the Arrow from his bow. ✦
star Algieba, or Gamma (γ) Leonis, and Denebola, also
called Beta (β) Leonis, which marks the Lion’s tail. There
are two lovely Leo Trios for telescopic observers: the gal-
axy groups M95/M96/M105 and M65/M66/NGC 3628.
Leo can be associated with the lions of many legends,
for instance Aslan, C. S. Lewis’s godly lion of Narnia.
(Aslan, by the way, is Turkish for “lion.”) But the ancient
Greeks usually connected Leo with the Nemean Lion. No
weapon could tear through the hide of this rampaging lion,
so Hercules had to strangle him. Some ancient writers
said that Selene, the Moon goddess, gave birth to the lion
and that he fell from the Moon — as a meteorite, suggests
folklorist Gertrude Jobes.
The Hercules group, co-starring Hydra. The second
foe that Hercules defeated was the Lernean Hydra — a
female water snake. Curiously, ancient writers explained
the constellation Hydra with a farfetched story about a
snake, a cup (Crater), and a crow (Corvus), and never con-
nected the celestial Hydra with Hercules’ foe. But Medi-
eval and Renaissance made up for lost time and decided
that the celestial Hydra is indeed the Lernean Hydra,
making for a much juicier star myth.
The serpentine-shaped Hydra is by far the longest ILLUSTRATION BY WILLY POGANY FOR THE GOLDEN FLEECE, BY PADRAIC COLUM
Jupiter starts April roughly halfway During April, Jupiter fades margin- Mars passes through conjunction with
up the western sky at dusk, but ends the ally from magnitude –2.1 to –2.0 and its the Sun on April 18th and will be lost in
month only about a quarter way up at disk shrinks to less than 34″ wide. The the solar glare for several months to come.
dusk. Saturn doesn’t rise in the east-south- planet sets after midnight (daylight-saving
east until well after dark on April 1st but time) in early April but around 11 p.m. by ALL NIGHT
rises before sunset by month’s end. month’s end. Saturn shines bright in western Libra.
Venus is very low in the west after sun- Comet PanSTARRS (C/2011 L4) The ringed wonder arrives at opposi-
set this April, barely creeping into view moves rapidly north and higher at night- tion on April 28th, when it rises around
by month’s end. And binoculars show fall in April — but is it still bright? See sunset, is highest in the middle of the
Mercury very low in the east during bright for the most up-to- night, and is visible all night long. It
dawn early in the month. date information. begins the month, however, rising about
Venus is in superior conjunction on a half hour after nightfall and reaching its
DUSK AND EVENING the far side of the Sun on March 28th, highest point in the south as late as 3 a.m.
Jupiter is still well placed for telescopic so it’s hidden in the Sun’s glare in early daylight-saving time.
observation during early evening in early April. By April 30th, however, Venus Whatever its hours of visibility, Saturn
April. But by month’s end Jupiter is so should be visible very low in the west- is impressive this month, both to the
low that its image won’t appear very crisp. northwest about 15 or 20 minutes after naked eye and in the telescope. It bright-
Jupiter moves rapidly away from 1st- sunset. It appears faint in such bright ens from magnitude +0.3 to +0.1, rivaling
magnitude Aldebaran, from 5½° at the twilight despite shining at magnitude much higher Arcturus in luster. Saturn
opening of the month to 9° at the close — –3.9; bring binoculars. On April 6th Venus retrogrades about 2°, pulling within 15° of
when it will be directly above Aldebaran as is only 2/3° from Mars, but both planets are 1.0-magnitude Spica by late April. Saturn’s
seen from mid-northern latitudes. invisible, being only 2½° from the Sun. golden globe enlarges to 19″ in equatorial
Sickle Moon
of Apr 23
Aldebaran LEO
Apr 13
Pleiades Moon
Regulus CORVUS
Apr 19 Spica
Moon Moon
Apr 20 Apr 24
Apr 12
Apr 21
Moon Moon
Apr 11 Apr 25
The curved arrows show each planet’s movement Venus
during April. The outer planets don’t change position
March Sun
enough in a month to notice at this scale. equinox Sept.
Earth Mercury
diameter — though the rapidly spin-
ning planet is only 18″ from pole to pole. June solstice
DAWN degrees above the east horizon by the Uranus is lost in the solar glare this
Mercury was at greatest elongation from middle of morning twilight — visible with month, so it won’t be visible on April 19th
the Sun on March 30th. But the ecliptic binoculars but probably not the naked eye. when Mercury passes 2° to its south.
makes a very shallow angle with the dawn Mercury continues to appear lower each Neptune is probably visible through
horizon in the Northern Hemisphere’s morning as April progresses, though it telescopes in morning twilight, but it’s
spring. So, while Mercury is 28° from won’t reach superior conjunction with the very low in Aquarius.
the Sun as April begins, it’s only a few Sun until May 11th. Pluto is well placed just before the
onset of morning twilight, but most Pluto
Dawn, April 26–29 observers will wait a few months until
1 hour before sunrise Pluto is viewable in the evening sky. The
June issue will contain a finder chart.
Apr 29
10° The Moon is a lovely waxing crescent
floating between the Hyades and Pleiades
Antares Moon
after dusk on April 13th (use binoculars to
Apr 27
Saturn see the clusters better). The next evening,
Cat’s the Moon hangs left or upper left of Jupi-
Eyes Moon ter. The nearly full Moon glows very close
below Spica on the American evening
of April 24th, with an occultation visible
from parts of Central and South America
and southern Africa.
The Moon is full on the 25th, shin-
ing lower right of Saturn. An extremely
Looking Southwest slight partial lunar eclipse will be visible
These scenes are drawn for near the middle of North America (latitude 40° north, longitude 90° west). in much of the Eastern Hemisphere,
European observers should move each Moon symbol a quarter of the way toward the one for the previ- centered on 20:07 Universal Time. And
ous date; In the Far East, move the Moon halfway. The blue 10° scale bar is about the width of your fist the waning gibbous Moon is well above
at arm’s length. For clarity, the Moon is shown three times its actual apparent size. Antares at dawn on April 28th. ✦
A couple decades ago, the only people showers of the 1990s certainly helped. Unlike the Perseids, Geminids, and some
who knew to watch for meteor showers Most people are happy if they go out and others, the strength of this shower is not
were dedicated amateur astronomers. Now see just a couple of nice shooting stars on very predictable. In some years its rates
the public has caught on. S&T and others schedule, if they’ve been primed to expect don’t reach more than 10 meteors visible
have been providing the news media with no more than one every few minutes rath- per hour even in a dark, moonless sky in
reliable predictions, clear instructions, er than some kind of fireworks display. the pre-dawn hours when the shower’s
and realistic descriptions of what watchers Meteor showers are scarce in the first radiant in Lyra is near the zenith. Last
can expect, especially given most people’s half of the year for mid-northern watchers, year, observers making counts by stan-
light pollution — and this has turned but an exception is the Lyrid shower. dardized methods for the International
meteor showers into mass-participation This year the Lyrids ought to peak in Meteor Organization found the Lyrids
events. The epochal Perseid and Leonid the early morning hours of April 22nd. peaking at about 25 per hour (as adjusted
to the zenithal hourly rate).
In 1982 meteor counters caught a brief
outburst of 90 per hour. There have been
other surprises, and there’s a slim chance
of a spectacle. In 1803 a newspaper in
Richmond, Virginia, wrote of the Lyrids:
Shooting stars. This electrical [sic] phenom-
enon was observed on Wednesday morning
last at Richmond and its vicinity, in a man-
ner that alarmed many, and astonished
every person that beheld it. From one until
three in the morning, those starry meteors
seemed to fall from every point in the heav-
ens, in such numbers as to resemble a shower
of sky rockets.
Looking West Looking Northwest 6
PanSTARRS update: When most readers receive this issue, Comet PanSTARRS will be about 7 Io
to emerge from the glare of the Sun into twilight view very low in the west. The comet was
originally predicted to reach magnitude 0 or brighter from about March 10–16, but late 8
weakening suggests that it will be more like magnitude +3 at most. So bring binoculars! Full 9 Ganymede
background is in the March issue, page 50. See continuing updates at
Lunar Occultation 12
On the night of April 23–24 the Moon Some times: at Washington, D.C., 14
will be just short of full. If you’re out with 12:20 a.m. EDT; Miami, 11:58 p.m. EDT; 15
your telescope observing the shadowy Chicago, 10:47 p.m. CDT; Austin, 10:17
detail on the terminator near the limb, p.m. CDT; Denver, 9:07 p.m. MDT; Los 16 Europa
you may notice that the Moon is creeping Angeles, 7:52 p.m. PDT. 17 Callisto
toward a star: Chi Virginis, magnitude 4.7. Maps and timetables for the year’s
The invisible dark limb just beyond the occultations of brighter stars are on the 18
terminator will occult the star for most of International Occultation Timing Asso- 19
North America except the Northeast and ciation site. See www.lunar-occultations
north of the Great Lakes. .com/iota/bstar/bstar.htm. 20
PERSEUS 29 Minima of Algol
Mar. UT Apr . UT
30 24
2 9:19 2 22:21
5 6:08 5 19:11
Algol 21
8 2:58 8 16:00
10 23:47 11 12:49
13 20:36 14 9:38
Algol, the prototype eclipsing variable star, fades 29
every 2.87 days from its usual magnitude 2.1 to 16 17:26 17 6:28
3.4. It stays near minimum light for two hours, 30
and takes several more hours to fade and to 19 14:15 20 3:17
rebrighten. The change is obvious to the naked May 1
eye. Shown above are magnitudes of some 22 11:04 23 0:06
comparison stars with decimal points omitted.
25 7:54 25 20:55
(These geocentric predictions are from the
heliocentric elements Min. = JD 2452253.559 28 4:43 28 17:44 The wavy lines represent Jupiter’s four big satellites. The central
+ 2.867362E, where E is any integer. Courtesy vertical band is Jupiter itself. Each gray or black horizontal band is
Gerry Samolyk, American Association of Vari- 31 1:32 one day, from 0h (upper edge of band) to 24h UT (GMT). UT dates
able Star Observers.) are at left. Slide a paper’s edge down to your date and time, and
read across to see the satellites’ positions east or west of Jupiter.
Celestial Calendar
Action at Jupiter
Week by week, the largest planet is losing harder to see as the planet shrinks. Follow-
altitude in the southwest at dusk. Catch it ing are the times, in Universal Time, when
while it’s still high; set up your telescope it should cross Jupiter’s central meridian.
around sunset, so the scope will have time The dates, also in UT, are in bold:
to cool down by late twilight when Jupiter April 1, 5:09, 15:05; 2, 1:01, 10:57, 20:53; 3, 6:48,
comes into good view. 16:44; 4, 2:40, 12:36, 22:32; 5, 8:28, 18:23; 6, 4:19,
Nor does the giant planet appear so 14:15; 7, 0:11, 10:07, 20:03; 8, 5:58, 15:54; 9, 1:50,
giant anymore, shrinking from 36″ to 34″ 11:46, 21:42; 10, 7:38, 17:34; 11, 3:29, 13:25, 23:21;
12, 9:17, 19:13; 13, 5:09, 15:04; 14, 1:00, 10:56, 20:52;
during April.
15, 6:48, 16:44; 16, 2:40, 12:35, 22:31; 17, 8:27, 18:23;
Even so, any telescope still shows
18, 4:19, 14:15; 19, 0:11, 10:06, 20:02; 20, 5:58, 15:54; Io had just crossed Jupiter’s following (celes-
Jupiter’s four big Galilean moons. Binocu- 21, 1:50, 11:46, 21:41; 22, 7:37, 17:33; 23, 3:29, 13:25, tial east) limb and was almost on top of the
lars usually reveal at least two or three. 23:21; 24, 9:17, 19:12; 25, 5:08, 15:04; 26, 1:00, 10:56, Great Red Spot when Christopher Go took
Identify them with the diagram on the 20:52; 27, 6:48, 16:43; 28, 2:39, 12:35, 22:31; 29, 8:27, this image on January 5th at 12:12 UT. South
previous page. Listed below are all of their 18:23; 30, 4:19, 14:14. is up. Closer to the central meridian, note the
many interactions with Jupiter’s disk and The Red Spot appears closer to the red ring of Oval BA in the South Temperate
shadow in April. central meridian than to the limb for 50 Zone and the row of four white ovals in the
Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is becoming minutes before and after these times. ✦ South South Temperate Belt.
Every day, interesting events happen between Jupiter’s satellites and the planet’s disk or shadow. The first columns give the date and mid-time of the event, in Universal Time (which is 4 hours ahead of
Eastern Daylight Time). Next is the satellite involved: I for Io, II Europa, III Ganymede, or IV Callisto. Next is the type of event: Oc for an occultation of the satellite behind Jupiter’s limb, Ec for an eclipse
by Jupiter’s shadow, Tr for a transit across the planet’s face, or Sh for the satellite casting its own shadow onto Jupiter. An occultation or eclipse begins when the satellite disappears (D) and ends when it
reappears (R). A transit or shadow passage begins at ingress (I) and ends at egress (E). Each event is gradual, taking up to several minutes. Predictions courtesy IMCCE / Paris Observatory.
Join in
Hints of Vents
Track down the volcanic sources of the lunar maria.
Dark lava flows of the lunar maria cover about 30% of thought to be similar, and the lunar mantle is about the
the Moon’s nearside. Geologists know from investigating same depth as many places on Earth, perhaps 35 to 45 kilo-
volcanism on Earth that such lavas come from magma meters (22 to 28 miles) or more below the surface. Despite
that melts at the top of a planet’s mantle, which then the vast extent of lunar lava flows, there are few easily
rises to erupt at the surface. The process on the Moon is observed vents where these lavas erupted.
On Earth, volcanic eruptions pile lavas and ash
around their source vents, building conspicuous volcanic
cones and mountains. The existence of such mountains
requires a substantial flow of magma, often occurring
over tens of thousands to a few million years. The buildup
occurs because terrestrial lavas and ash don’t spread far
beyond the vents, so many small eruptions concentrate
volcanic materials around their source.
We know from studying lunar rocks collected by
Apollo astronauts that lunar lavas were much more fluid
than typical terrestrial analogs. This means that lunar
lava flows traveled far from their vent sources, building
few, if any, volcanic cones. Although the Moon lacks large
volcanic mountains, many small hills and depressions
mark the location of vents, a few of which are visible in a
Vallis Schröteri mid-sized amateur telescope.
One of the Moon’s richest volcanic areas is the Aris-
tarchus Plateau, an elevated rectangle about 180 km on a
side with the Aristarchus impact crater on its southeast-
Herodotus ern corner. The plateau appears to have been uplifted,
perhaps due to a huge underground intrusion of magma.
That suggestion is likely correct because the plateau
is the source of a number of rilles, including Schröter’s
Valley (Vallis Schröteri), the largest on the Moon. The
flow of lava away from a vent formed this valley. The lava
built a channel that we see today as the valley’s walls, and
its source region is a 2-km-high broad volcanic mountain
with a deep pit on its western flank. The 12-km-wide pit
is known as the Cobra Head, because it’s an entrance to a
narrower, sinuous channel. Smaller rilles have their vents
along the serrated eastern edge of the Plateau, and more
appear north of the nearby ruined crater Prinz. These
rilles start in vent areas 3 to 6 km wide that form oval,
Bode E
The V-shaped vent that produced the eastern deposit is 7
by 3 km across, just northwest of the small crater Bode E;
it is another challenging target for observers. Most other
pyroclastic deposits are smaller, but two others are easy to
find because of their darkness — the Taurus-Littrow land-
ing site of Apollo 17, and Rimae Sulpicius Gallus, across
the southern margin of Mare Serenitatis. ✦
The unnamed source vent that produced the dark pyroclastic
material covering the region east of Sinus Aestuum can be spot- The sickle-
ted in amateur telescopes northwest of the minor crater Bode E. shaped
vent that
difficult to spot; look for it at the southwest end of the rille produced
Rima Hadley
in the foothills of Montes Apenninus.
is briefly
All of the vents described so far carried molten lava
visible each
downslope, creating lava tubes, channels, and flows. month at the
Other vents hosted more explosive eruptions that scat- southwest
tered volcanic ash (known as pyroclastics) and rock frag- end of the
ments around them. Telescopic observers can see two meandering
kinds of ash deposits and associated vents. The more channel.
familiar ones are small circular collapse pits surrounded
by haloes of dark ash, such as the famous dark spots
on the floor of Alphonsus. Similar volcanic, dark halo
craters also appear on the floor of Atlas. The best time to
Call at will
Thine own ghost, or the ghost of Jupiter,
Hades or Typhon, or what mightier Gods
From all-prolific Evil, since thy ruin
Star magnitudes
nucleus. NGC 3096 is a ½′-long oval nearly aligned with φ μ 4
the triangle’s hypotenuse.
An extremely faint star off NGC 3091’s southeastern 3242 7
tip forms a trapezium with the three triangle stars. The 8
northwestern side of the trapezium points to a small and 3091
–20° (Hickson 42)
very faint smudge, as shown on the facing page. This is
PGC 28926 (42d), the final member of the group. HYDRA
With averted vision, I also catch glimpses of a tiny
faint spot about two-thirds of the way along the tri-
angle’s hypotenuse. This galaxy doesn’t bear a Hickson 44
designation and is known as PGC 852084. I can hold it
steadily in view with my 15-inch reflector at 216×. The French 2
part of NGC 3096 that was visible in the 10-inch is now
enshrouded in a gauzy halo tipped south-southeast, and
MCG–03-26-006 gains an elusive, starlike nucleus.
PGC 852084 and the Hickson group are both about
200 million light-years away from us, and they may be 3311
physically related.
Let’s drop 6½°° southward to the galaxy NGC 3109, Alphard α 1
θ 3672 11h SEXTANS 10h
Star magnitudes
which covers more sky than all of the Hickson 42 galaxies –10°
ε λ 2
combined. It’s only 4 million light-years away and appears CRATER υ2 26
to be part of a small, dynamically distinct association of δ 4
ν υ1
galaxies nosing the outer boundaries of our Local Group. μ 5
In my 105-mm refractor at 28×, NGC 3109 is highly α 3242 6
elongated east-west with a somewhat brighter area in the ζ 3091
(Hickson 42) 2986 –20°
center. Several faint stars watch the galaxy’s southern 3511
flank and eastern end. To the south, a shallow, 1.2°-long S β 44
3513 3109
curve of eight 7th- to 9th-magnitude stars snakes north- French 2 2784
west across the field. Although the galaxy’s surface bright- 3078
ness appears low at 87×, it’s intriguingly irregular. NGC 3923
3109 covers about 14′ × 2½′, with its eastern end sand- 5 2997 –30°
wiched between a star pair north and a single star south. ξ
β 3621
IC 2469
NGC 3109 looks very unusual in my 10-inch reflec- 3223
ο Kohoutek 1-22
tor at 113×. The center of the galaxy is brighter, but in a
pattern quite unlike the typical round or oval core of most 2h 99
lV l
galaxies. In the north, this bright region lines more than
one-third the galaxy’s length and then quickly narrows 11h 40m 11h 30m 11h 20m 11h 10m 4
Star magnitudes
NGC 3242 Planetary nebula 7.7 42″ × 38″ 10h 24.8m –18° 39′ 17× as an oval glow that leans north-northwest and grows
brighter toward the center. A star is pinned to the galaxy’s
NGC 3091 (42a) Galaxy 11.1 3.0′ × 1.9′ 10h 00.2m –19° 38′
western flank, and a fainter one is affi xed to its south-
NGC 3096 (42b) Galaxy 13.1 1.0′ × 0.8′ 10h 00.6m –19° 40′ southeastern tip. At 87× a total of four stars frame the
brightest part of NGC 3621, inscribing it in a kite flying
MCG–03-26-006 (42c) Galaxy 13.4 0.4′ × 0.4′ 10h 00.2m –19° 37′
south-southeast. The 4½′ × 1¾′ outer core appears woolly
PGC 28926 (42d) Galaxy 14.9 0.44′× 0.36′ 10h 00.2m –19° 40′ with a dark area along its western side, while the galaxy as
PGC 852084 Galaxy 15.0 0.5′ × 0.4′ 10h 00.5m –19° 40′ a whole reaches 8′ × 3½′. With my 10-inch scope at 170×,
both sides of the core are lined with darker bands and
NGC 3109 Galaxy 10.8 19.1′ × 3.7′ 10h 03.1m –26° 10′ dim haze beyond.
French 2 Asterism — 39.6′ 10h 07.7m –24° 55′ NGC 3621 is relatively nearby at 20 million light-years.
Its stellar disk spans roughly 100,000 light-years, making
Kohoutek 1-22 Planetary nebula 12.1 3′ 11h 26.7m –34° 22′
it comparable in size to the galaxy we call home. A 2009
NGC 3621 Galaxy 9.6 12.3′ × 7.1′ 11h 18.3m –32° 49′ study by Mario Gliozzi and colleagues published in The
Astrophysical Journal indicates that NGC 3621 may contain
Angular sizes and separations are from recent catalogs. Visually, an object’s size is often smaller than the a central black hole with 20,000 times our Sun’s mass
cataloged value and varies according to the aperture and magnification of the viewing instrument. Right
ascension and declination are for equinox 2000.0. closely flanked by two other black holes, each harboring a
few thousand solar masses. ✦
S & T Test Report Dennis di Cicco
U.S. price: from $8,395
Available from Officina
Stellare dealers worldwide
Left: As explained in the text, full-frame DSLR cameras work best when used with special adapter rings. Center: The Riccardi-Honders
optical design in the RH200 has a full-aperture corrector with an aluminized spot on its back side forming the Cassegrain secondary
mirror. Right: Some camera setups have limited clearance with the optional RoboFocus system (see the accompanying text for details).
tip-tilt adjustments for squaring it to the scope’s optical frame DSLR or the popular Kodak KAI-11000 “full-frame”
axis. The focuser was also fitted with an optional Robo- sensor used in many astronomical CCD cameras. But,
Focus motor drive that has a starting price of about $400 as some of the images with this review show, I also had
and can run upward of $600 depending on the electronic excellent results shooting with an even-larger-format
package ordered with it. KAF-16803 CCD camera, which requires an imaging
circle 52 mm in diameter for full coverage. When I shot
Multiple Sweet Spots pictures with the RH200, only the very corners of the
The Veloce RH200 has a lot going for it. The one thing large-format chip had degraded star images.
that immediately catches the eye of even casual astro- In my opinion, the real “sweet spot” for the RH200
photographers is its unusually fast f/3 focal ratio, which is when it’s connected to an astronomical CCD camera
makes it an ideal instrument for recording faint nebulos- having the highly popular KAF-8300 chip. The result is
ity. It also has 8 inches of aperture, and it is aperture, not a system with an image scale of 1.86 arcseconds per pixel
f/ratio, that is the critical factor for imaging faint stars. and a very uniformly illuminated field of view covering
Next on the list is its 600-mm focal length and corre- 1.7° by 1.3°. In the interest of full disclosure, such a setup
sponding image scale of 344 arcseconds per millimeter, is ideal for the medium-field, deep, narrowband imag-
which is enough to resolve fine detail in nebulous objects. ing that I like to do. But as much as I’m attracted to the
And then there’s field coverage. The RH200 is spec’d to RH200 because of these numbers, they are meaningless
cover a 43-mm imaging circle (spanning a 4.1° diameter if the astrograph doesn’t perform well under the stars.
field). This imaging circle is big enough to cover a full- And that’s where the RH200 really showed its mettle.
Left: An unprocessed snapshot of the Pleiades in strong moonlight shows that only modest vignetting occurs when a full-frame DSLR
camera is fitted with the large-aperture adapter shown above. Right: Even the brightest stars, such as Zeta Orionis in this 2-hour
H-alpha exposure of the Horsehead Nebula, produce relatively small halos and no ghost images when recorded with the RH200.
Another 200-minute H-alpha exposure made with the FLI ProLine Senior editor Dennis di Cicco needed more than a few cat-
16803 CCD camera captures a 3.5°°-wide field and the brightest naps to catch up on all the sleep he lost while shooting images
portions of the well-know emission nebula IC 1396 in Cepheus. with the Veloce RH200 astrograph.
Top10 Neglected
So many familiar deep-sky Puppis
objects fill the night sky that Supercluster
quite a few equally worthy and Open cluster in Puppis
exciting ones suffer observer Magnitude 5.8
Size: 20′
neglect. Here’s my personal R.A. 7h 52.3m
Dec. –38°° 33′
roster of the 10 most fascinat- James Mullaney, F.R.A.S.
ing of these, drawn from my
Hidden in plain sight,
more than 20,000 hours of
why aren’t these familiar
stargazing with hundreds of
amateur telescopes over the old favorites?
past 50 years.
1. NGC 2477: Puppis Supercluster. Famed
For each, I suggest an observer Steve O’Meara calls this superb open
cluster the best non-Messier object in the sky. Yet
explanation for why it’s largely it remains little known and rarely observed. So
overlooked. Many of the what’s wrong with it? It’s fairly far south, at decli-
nation –39° in Puppis, causing William Herschel
nicknames I coined myself, in to miss it in his pioneering sweeps of the heavens.
It’s also just 1.4° from larger, brighter, but much
hopes of giving these objects sparser NGC 2451, as seen at right. But when
a little more flair and vital- they’re on the meridian after nightfall in March,
they’re a good 10° high even as seen from latitude
ity. After viewing them, you’ll 41° north (New York, Denver, Madrid), readily vis-
ible in binoculars and grand in a telescope.
surely want to expand your Backyard scopes show NGC 2477 with at least
skills (and thrills!) by seeking 300 stars crowded into a slightly irregular pattern
some 0.5° wide, about the apparent diameter of the
out other examples and com- Moon. It’s a beautiful sight in a 4-inch reflector at
45×, and the star density holds up well enough to
piling a list of your own. make it spectacular even in the largest of amateur
All are plotted on major instruments despite overflowing the field of view.
More on the spectacular odd couple of NGC 2477 ζ Puppis
star atlases. Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 2451 is in last month’s issue, page 57.
5, 7, and 8 are in good early-
NGC 2451
NGC 2477
4. Nu Scorpii: A Tinted
Eight-Burst South×Double Double Double. Telescope
nebula Double users often look in on “the
NGC×3132 Nu×Scorpii Double Double,” Epsilon Lyrae
Planetary nebula Quadruple star near Vega. Here’s another in a
in Vela Mags. 4.4, 5.3 / 6.6, 7.2 different well-known area: the
Magnitude 9.2 Separations 1.3″ / 2.4″ head of Scorpius. Many who’ve
h m looked at this object think it’s just
Size: 84″ × 52″ R.A. 16 12.0
R.A. 10h 07.0m Dec. –19°° 28′ a fairly wide pair (41″), unaware
Dec. –40°° 26′ that each star itself is two!
A 3-inch glass at 30× on an average night shows it only as a
Catch NGC 3132, a southern ring nebula on the border of Vela and pair. But a 3-inch at 100× in good seeing splits the wider of the
Antlia, when it transits in the evening at this time of year. two stars and elongates the other. A 5-inch at 100× resolves both
doubles. Subtle color contrasts within each become evident in 6-
2. NGC 3132: The Eight-Burst Planetary. Like the and 8-inch apertures. Nearly a century ago William Tyler Olcott
previous object, this amazing planetary nebula is largely wrote in his classic Field Book of the Skies, “Nu Scorpii is said to
unknown to most northern observers, due to its declination be the most beautiful quadruple star in the sky.” Indeed, view-
of –40° on the Vela-Antlia border. Yet it too is an easy catch ing it in a 13-inch refractor at 180×, I rated it just that.
when on the meridian. Sometimes called the “Southern Ring
Nebula,” it’s not only brighter than the famed Ring in Lyra
(M57) but has an obvious central star of 10th magnitude.
Moreover, it shows structure in amateur instruments. Tau×CMa
The elliptical nebulosity, gray to the eye with a hint of blue, Cluster
is readily seen in a 5-inch at 50×. A 10-inch at 100× shows NGC×2362
intriguing structure suggesting overlapping oval rings (thus Open cluster in
the “eight-burst” name). Whatever telescope you’re using, Canis Major
if you love the Ring Nebula (and who doesn’t?), I guarantee Magnitude 3.8
you’ll be asking yourself why you never bothered to seek out Size: 6′
this neglected southern version once you’ve laid eyes on it! R.A. 7h 18.8m
Dec. –24°° 57′
Herschel’s Herschel (1738–1822) is best re-
Wonder×Star membered for discovering Uranus
Beta×Mon and for cataloging 2,500 star clus- Surrounding 4th-magnitude Tau Canis Majoris is the tight little trian-
Triple star ters and “nebulae” (mostly galaxies) gular cluster NGC 2362. North is up in all images.
Mags. 4.6, 5.0, 5.4 by 1802. His son John published
Seps. 7.3″, 9.3″, 2.9″ these in the General Catalogue of 5. NGC 2362: The Tau CMa Starburst. Here’s a celestial sur-
R.A. 6 28.8 m Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, which prise package if ever there was one! Yet I’ll bet most readers have
Dec. –7°° 02′ in 1888 became the foundation of never laid eyes on it. This glittering jewel box of 60-some stars
the New General Catalogue (NGC). is less than 2° south-southeast of h3945 on the facing page. It’s
But William Herschel also discovered more than 800 dou- found easily enough, being centered on 4th-magnitude Tau Canis
ble and multiple stars. Beta Mon thrilled him so much that he Majoris (itself a cluster member). But it’s so compact, about 6′
named it the “Wonder Star.” Despite its beauty as perhaps the wide, that the cluster symbol is barely noticeable on most atlases
finest triple of its class, and despite being the brightest star due to the star’s big dot right on top of it. As a result, those sweep-
in Monoceros, it’s largely ignored — undoubtedly due to the ing for treasure using an atlas often pass right by this tiny clan.
overpowering majesty of Orion to the west and the hoard of But once spied, it’s a different story. A 2.4-inch refractor or
clusters in the Monoceros-Puppis Milky Way to the east. 3-inch reflector at 30× shows something unusual about the star,
Beta Mon’s three components, fairly similar in brightness as if it has a halo of sorts. A 4-inch at 60× reveals the halo to be
and all bluish white, form a flat triangle about 10 arcseconds a close-knit cluster of blue-white suns, and as aperture increases
long. The fainter two form the closest pair. All are highly they become ever more spectacular. In an 8-inch at 80× it truly
luminous stars of spectral type B. My 5-inch Schmidt-Cass lives up to its “starburst” name, reminding me of fireworks
shows an elongated, triangular mass at 50× and splits them frozen in space, or perhaps an exquisite piece of celestial jewelry
cleanly at 100×. Seen in a 10-inch or larger scope at 150×, with Tau set in a ring of diamonds. To fully sense its rare beauty,
Beta Mon is definitely a most beautiful stellar triple play. gaze upon it with the largest scope you can get your hands on.
Dec. +35°° 43′ Look for a faint, round glow 0.1° north- wasn’t on their maps. A 3-inch glass at
northwest of the dazzling orange star. 60× will show it, and it’s fairly obvious in
Dazzling Beta Andromedae, or Mirach, fails to In atlases it was hidden under the star a 6-inch at 90× on a transparent night.
overwhelm 10th-magnitude NGC 404 in this symbol — until I called Walter Scott Hous- Higher power helps with “Mirach’s Ghost,”
image by Hap Griffin of South Carolina. ton’s attention to it, and he wrote about it as does moving Mirach out of the field.
Intergalactic 66
8. h3945: The Winter Albireo. Were I to pick one
Wanderer object that epitomizes a neglected wonder, it would be
NGC×2419 this lovely double 2° from the Tau Canis Majoris cluster. Its
Globular cluster in Lynx ruddy-orange and greenish-blue components, magnitudes
Magnitude 10.4 4.8 and 6.8, are more than a magnitude fainter than Albir-
Size: 4′ eo’s, but they seem more intensely hued to some observers,
R.A. 7h 38.1m 65 including me. Indeed, the primary appears a fiery red at
Dec. +38° ° 53′ times, apparently depending on atmospheric conditions.
70 AURIGA Its spectral type is K3 II; the secondary star is A5. Well
CANCER LYNX 71 ο separated at 26″, the pair is striking even in a 2-inch glass
The far, lonely at 25× and absolutely superb in a 6-inch reflector at 50×.
80 π
globular cluster So why the neglect? Overshadowing by radiant Sirius
NGC 2419 in Lynx
10° to its northwest may be one reason. But I suspect the
is a 7°° star-hop
66 α real cause is its intimidating, and often absent, designa-
north from Castor. Castor
tion. Having neither a Bayer Greek letter nor a Flamsteed
2°° number on atlases — not even a Struve (Σ) or other obvi-
62 ρ
ous double-star label — causes most observers to assume
that it’s insignificant. The “h” prefi x indicates that it’s one
SKY ATLAS 2000.0
The most colorful stars in the sky are carbon stars such as T Lyrae near
Vega. These red giants get their extra hue from carbon compounds in their
atmospheres, which act as red filters.
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desktop or laptop computer, you can now get a free iPad edition by downloading
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Digital issues are free for current print subscribers. If you’re not a print subscriber,
a monthly iPad subscription is $3.99 per issue ($2 off the U.S. newsstand price);
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Point and Shoot. Really.
Messier 110
By Alex
targets, and
1 night to
them all.
When attempting a photographic Messier marathon,
your choice of equipment will help determine whether
A MESSIER MARATHON is an exhilarating challenge where
observers spend a single night tracking down every object on
you reach the finish line or come up short. The author Charles Messier’s famous list of “non-comets.” Although hunt-
used a 10-inch f/4.5 Meade reflector with a Tele Vue-85 ing down each of these targets visually is hard enough, last year
refractor riding piggyback on a well-aligned Astro- I resolved to kick it up a notch and take on the Messier marathon
Physics 1200GTO mount. His “trophy” poster of Messier photographically.
object images is seen on the wall at the lower right.
An imaging marathon is not a new idea — others have tried it.
But much like its visual counterpart, an imaging marathon tests
your skills as an amateur.
that there were only 574 minutes of true darkness on the night I
chose to attempt my marathon. Dividing that by 110 objects, I had
only 313 seconds to aim my scope, take a picture, and move on to
the next target. And this does not count time for getting the equip-
ment ready, for focusing, and for any unanticipated problems!
Typical deep-sky astrophotos require long exposures to accu-
mulate enough signal to reveal galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters
in all their glory. But in an imaging marathon, the ulti- modified DSLR. It covers a field 85 by 128 arcminutes.
mate goal isn’t to produce 110 masterpieces. My goal was One of the unofficial rules of a visual Messier mara-
a photomontage of all 110 objects for a single poster. This thon is that a scope with Go To pointing can’t be used, but
eases quality tolerances quite a bit, since small images I decided that constraint wasn’t practical in an imaging
hide modest mistakes such as graininess, less-than- marathon. I needed excellent robotic pointing to afford
perfect focus, tracking errors, and other problems that are more time for imaging. So my Astro-Physics 1200GTO
distracting in large-scale images. German equatorial mount was certainly put through its
The small size of my final images also allowed for paces on my marathon night.
faster shooting. My QSI 583 CCD camera has 3,326 pixels The next step in my planning was to prioritize the
across the frame. But for the small final images, it made objects. Targets in the west during evening twilight
sense to shoot in binned mode (combining groups of pix- needed to be imaged first, but there are a few other con-
els together to function as a single, large pixel). As such I siderations. Can multiple objects be grouped into a single
could tolerate relatively large tracking errors, essentially image, and which telescope is needed for which object?
eliminating the need for guiding while imaging. Addi- Combinations such as M42/43, M81/82, M65/66, and
tionally, larger pixel groups are more sensitive, enabling M95/96 fit on one frame of my narrow-angle rig, while
the camera to capture more photons in less time. And, capturing other pairs of Messier objects in the Virgo Clus-
with far fewer pixels to download, this cuts the over- ter of galaxies and M20/21 required the wide-field setup.
head of getting the information from the camera to the Once I settled on my equipment and game plan for the
computer. A full-size image takes 29 seconds to download big night, I set out practicing my techniques. Methodi-
from my camera, but an image with the pixels binned 4×4 cally cranking out a series of images one after the other
takes only about three seconds. with no time for errors required familiarity with every-
Another consideration for an imaging marathon is thing involved in the process. On several evenings spread
that each picture has to have enough image scale to show over the months before my marathon night, I performed
detail and also cover enough field of view to capture each dress rehearsals. Using the same checklist, the same
object in a single shot. This can be a challenge with the configuration of camera, equipment, software, and physi-
Messier list, since objects vary in size from the Androm- cal settings, I tried to gather a dozen images in an hour.
eda Galaxy (M31), which is more than 2°° wide, to M40, a During these practice sessions I learned it was easier
tiny double star separated by about 50 arcseconds. to coordinate everything using two computers (one to
Because of this, I decided I needed two imaging setups control the CCD camera, the other for the DSLR) rather
to record everything — a wide-field instrument and than to switch back and forth between different software
another with longer focal length and greater image scale. packages on a single computer.
For the long-focus scope I ultimately settled on a Meade
10-inch f/4.5 Newtonian reflector with my QSI 583 CCD Maarathon Night
camera. It covers a field 35 by 47 arcminutes and is perfect With all assumptions assumed, decisions decided, and a
for small galaxies and planetary nebulae. Riding piggy- few nights of practice, the night of the marathon should
back on this scope was my wide-field imaging system, a have no surprises. I had planned to do my marathon on
Tele Vue-85 refractor coupled to a Canon Rebel EOS 450 a Friday night, so the Wednesday before started out as a
M 5:
M2 5:16
16 M3 12
M3 2::2
29 M4
M 4 2:
0 M 1:
M5 1:54
54 M6 4:
M6 40 07
M8 4
M8 4::15
5 M9
M9 2:
3 0 M10
10 2:0
09 M1
M 11 3:1
11 :10
0 M12 2:0
M1 06
M 4 2:2
M1 : 4 M15 4:5
M1 58 M1
M16 3::1
19 M17
17 3:3
38 M1
M 18 3:4
M 20 4:2
22 M2
21 4:2
:28 M22 4:3
M22 :322 M23 3:5
M2 54 M24
M2 4 3:4
The author managed to capture these colorful images despite with a Dob means nothing. But with a German equatorial
spending just minutes on each target. See his entire poster of mount, this requires a meridian flip — the scope must
the best 103 results at twist 180°° in right ascension and declination. This can be
a challenge with all the cables from cameras, and it can
I set my camera to take some calibration frames and take a couple of minutes.
went to bed. The next day I began the daunting task of With different equipment and more experience, it
processing the images. Fortunately, much of the process- would have been easier for me to pull this off. A one-shot
ing, particularly image calibration, could be automated. color camera could have eliminated the intricacies of
I didn’t do any extensive processing to reduce noise, multiple sub-exposures with the monochrome CCD and
sharpen details, or remove gross imperfections in the color fi lters. Also, some software packages allow you to
final pictures. There simply wasn’t enough data to work program targets for an evening and run the camera and
with, and, furthermore, I liked the somewhat “raw” scope all night automatically. But that automation defeats
appearance. This was, after all, a marathon (think sweat, the purpose of a marathon.
blisters, and exhaustion) and not a pretty-picture event. In the end, it was a pleasant night. The weather was
perfect, though quite cold. All the equipment worked —
Lessons Learned no snagged cables, no power failures, no software bugs
Hindsight is 20/20, and there are always lessons learned stopping the process. It was somewhat like running a
from a big project like this. My target list had empha- marathon. Just put one foot in front of the other, follow
sized the relative proximity of the objects to one another. the course, avoid blisters and broken shoelaces, drink
This makes sense if I were visually star hopping to get plenty of fluids, and don’t fall down. Sure, no problem! ✦
to each object, particularly when using a Dobsonian or a
scope without Go To pointing. One hop leads to another. Alex McConahay helps organize PATS, RTMC, and the
However, when using an equatorially mounted Go To Riverside AstroImaging Conference each year in Pasadena,
setup, this can slow you down. Crossing the meridian California. See more of his work at
Gerald Rhemann
The reddish star-forming regions IC 410 (left) and IC 405
are the brightest knots of a much larger molecular cloud that
permeates the southern extent of the constellation Auriga.
Details: ASA astrograph H f/2.8 with FLI ProLine PL16803 CCD
camera. Total exposure was 13 hours through color filters.
Jamie Cooper
Jupiter with its bright Galilean moons Europa, Io, and Callisto
were easily visible as they briefly joined our Moon in a pictur-
esque conjunction on the evening of November 28, 2012.
Details: 105-mm refractor with Canon EOS 550D DSLR camera.
High-dynamic-range composite of three short exposures.
Taha Ghouchkanlu
This wide-field photo captures two
well-known galaxy groupings in
Pegasus: Stephan’s Quintet (bottom
left) and the Deer Lick Group near
the large spiral galaxy NGC 7331
(upper right). North is at right.
Details: Astronomy Technologies
AT8RC Ritchey-Chrétien telescope
with Orion Parsec 8300 CCD camera.
Total exposure was 4.5 hours through
Orion color filters.
Dan Llewellyn
Jupiter’s Great Red Spot was joined
by Oval BA, also known as Red Spot
Junior, and a small dark storm, near
opposition in late 2012. South is up.
Details: Celestron C14 with Point Grey
Research Flea3 color video camera.
Stack of multiple frames captured on
the evening of October 22, 2012.
Larry Van Vleet
This false-color narrowband image of
M16 hints at the cavernous space cleared
out in the nebula by the hot, young stars
of the newborn cluster. The famous
“Pillars of Creation” (lower right) are
thick columns of gas and dust that con-
tain dozens of embryonic stars.
Details: RCOS 16-inch Ritchey-Chrétien
telescope with Apogee Alta U16M CCD
camera. Total exposure was 29 hours
through Astrodon narrowband and broad-
band color filters.
Text1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Details (gallery.details lede in): Gallery.Details
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. ✦
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Celestron (Pages 5, 11, 59) FLI (Page 87) Fisch Image Lab (Page 25)
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310-328-9560 845-469-4551 925-838-1487 310-328-9560
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585-624-3760 800-422-7876 | 405-364-0858 800-919-4047 | 949-451-1450 888-599-7597
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800-919-4047 | 949-451-1450 303-278-4478 866-726-7371
Astrodon (Page 81) PlaneWave Instruments (Page 82)
Santa Barbara Instrument Group (Page 81) iOptron (Page 17)
Celestron (Page 5, 11, 59) 310-787-9411
805-571-7244 866-399-4587
310-328-9560 Tele Vue (Page 2) Meade (Page 88)
FLI (Page 87) 845-469-4551 800-919-4047 | 949-451-1450
Astro-Tech (Page 31) 585-624-3760
PlaneWave Instruments (Page 82)
800-422-7876 OBSERVATORIES
Meade (Page 88)
Observa-Dome Laboratories (Page 53) 310-787-9411
Brandon (Page 88) 800-919-4047 | 949-451-1450
800-647-5364 Tele Vue (Page 2)
Tele Vue (Page 2)
Dealer Locator
Astro-Physics, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Obsession Telescopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Astrodon Imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Oceanside Photo & Telescope . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Astronomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Optic Wave Laboratories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Bob’s Knobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Peterson Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Camera Bug, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
PlaneWave Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Celestron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 11, 59
PreciseParts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Every Ring Tells a Story
Saturn’s resplendent ring system is
CNC Parts Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 giving astronomers fundamental insights
Santa Barbara Instrument Group . . . . . . . . . 3
about the formation of planets elsewhere.
Explore Scientific - Bresser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
ScopeStuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Finger Lakes Instrumentation, LLC . . . . . . . 87
The Moon and
Shelyak Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Stonewall Jackson
Fishcamp Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 The Moon played a pivotal role in the
Sirius Observatories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 fatal friendly fire shooting of a legendary
FLO USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Confederate general.
Sky & Telescope . . . . . . . 25, 31, 53, 59, 65, 71
Focus Scientific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Perfecting
Foster Systems, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Skyhound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Planetary
Software Bisque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Glatter Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Learn how to take
SpaceFest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 advantage of the
Hands On Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 latest breakthrough
Starizona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 in planetary imaging
Hotech Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 by using a free and
When contempl ating the vastness tinuum is more than halfway to the large distance of Andromeda to the edge of the
of the cosmos, humans commonly feel end. Employing the powers-of-ten system observable universe.
physically miniscule — tiny creatures that scientists use, we are comparatively In our biased subset of the physical
adrift in the vastness of space. But is this very large entities! Why are we blissfully universe, humans are only 4 orders of
sense of physical inconsequentiality justi- unaware of this reality? magnitude larger than the small end, but
fied on a comparative basis? We gather information about our a robust 22 orders smaller than the large
Our universe is populated by objects comparative size by our sense of sight. We end. In that sense, we are indeed minus-
of various sizes. The largest object we’re look at ourselves, compare our size to that cule. We see vastly more of the physical
aware of is the observable universe. of objects of various sizes around us, and universe larger than our body size, com-
Ignoring its continual expansion and gain some sense of our relative ranking. pared with what we see that’s smaller than
the fact it might be part of a much larger But our sense of sight is a limited and ourselves.
universe, astronomers estimate that its biased representation of the underlying Humans therefore reasonably, but
current diameter is roughly 1027 meters physical universe. erroneously, infer from our biased visual
(92 billion light-years). The smallest object Our sense of vision extends from the limitations that we’re tiny entities adrift in
is thought to be the incomprehensibly width of a hair (10 –4 meter) to the distance a huge, unending cosmos. This is true on
tiny “string” of energy, estimated as 10 –35 of the Andromeda Galaxy (1022 meters, or an absolute basis, but not on a comparative
meter in length. Assuming a continuity of 2.5 million light-years). In other words, basis. Assuming that there is no compa-
object sizes between these extremes, the the universe “visible” to humans spans 27 rable extension of size at the small end of
universe’s size continuum spans 63 orders orders of magnitude of size. We can thus the continuum, ongoing cosmic expansion
of magnitude. visualize an impressive 43% (27 of 63) insures that at some time in the future, we
On an absolute basis, humans certainly of the orders of magnitude of size in the will indeed be comparatively minuscule
are tiny. But comparatively, the situation physical universe. creatures. But for now, we are creatures of
differs. Humans are roughly 3 to 7 feet But such visual efficacy is skewed comparatively consequential size. ✦
in length, or roughly 100 meter. Humans toward the large end. From the small-
are 35 orders of magnitude larger than est thing we can see (10 –4) to the unseen David A. Kantorowitz is a practicing radia-
the extreme small end of the size scale, string at the small end of the size con- tion oncologist in Mt. Vernon, Washington,
but “only” 27 orders of magnitude smaller tinuum, there are 31 orders of magnitude and a former clinical psychologist who enjoys
than the extreme large end. Surprisingly, of sizes. On the large end, there are only contemplating the mysteries of the cosmos.
the positioning of humans on this con- five orders of magnitude unseen from the
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