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Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Soap, organic surface-active agents, washing prepai. ations, Inbi'icating

preparations, artificial waxes, PI'epared waxes, polishing or scouring preparations,
candles and similar articles, modelling pastes "dental waxes" and dental
preparations witli a basis of plaster

I. - This Chapter does 1101cover :

co Edible mixiurcs o1' I, Tcl, aratioiis of allima1 o1' vegetable fats or oils o1' a kind IIScd as 1110/11d
Teleasc prcpai'ajions (Ileading 15.17);
(b) Sepal'atc clieinically definecl coinpotinds; o1'
(c) Shampoos, ticniiFriccs, shaviii, CTCams anti ^Dams, or ballij, ICpaiatioiis, colliainiiiu soaj, or o1/10r
organic sulface-active rigciits ticacling 33.05,33.06 or 33.07). '
2. - For tile PULPoscs ofhcadiii 34.01, Ihc cxpressioii"soap" an, 11cs only to soap solublcin watcr. Soap
and tile otlicr products or ICading 34.01 Inay contain addcl subsianccs (101' cxaiilInc. clisiiifcctanis,
abi'asive POWdcl's, fillers or Incdicaincnls). Products containing ribi'asivc nowdcrs reinaiii classificcl in
headiii 34.01 only if in the rin'In or bars, cal<CS o1'1110uldcd PIcces or shapes. In oilier^brins Incy arc
to be c assilicc111/11cading 34.05 as scouring nowdcrs and siniilai' pieparatioiis".
3. - For the purl, OScs of 11cading 34.02, oroaiiic surface-ticiivc 110cnis arc proclticis wliicli \vlicii 111ixc(I with
walci' at a concciitraiion of 0.59;, at 20 'C 1/1/<11^\10 stallcllor one hotir '11/11e samc tellinci'ature :
(a) givc a 11'tillspareiit o1' Iransluceiit 11qtiid o1 slablc Ginulsioii with o111 scj, araiioii or insoluble Inattci';

(b) rcducelllc SLITfaccICiisioii ofwalcr to 4.5 x 10~' NIIii (45 dyiic/cm) o1'1css
4. - 1/1 IleadilIg 34.031hc cxj, lossioii "PCIrolciiiii oils and oils obtaincc1 1101/1 bituiiiinotis 111iiicrals" applies
10 Ihc prodiicls defined in Notc 2 to Chapter 27.
5. - In Ileading 34.04, SIIbjcct to 1/1c exclusions I, 1'0vided below, tlic exj, ressioii "artificial waxes and
preparcd waxes' applies only to :
(a) ClieiTTically 11ro(ItICccl orgaiiic products o1 a waxy cliaraclcr, wlicllicr o1' 1101 water-soiliblc;
(b) Products ohmincd by 11/1xing dinti'Grit waxcs;
(c) Producls of a waxy cliaraclcr willI a basis of o11c or Inorc waxcs and containino fills, resi!Is,
Inincl'al subsi;nices o1' o111ci ITiaicrials.

TITc neatling docs 1101 apply 10

(a) Producls of Ileading 15.16,34.02 or 38.23, cvcii if having a waxy chainclci';
(b) Unmixed alliiTial waxcs or 11/11/11xecl vegctablc waxcs, WITcllici' o1' 1101 rcfincd o1' colourcd, of
11cading 15.21;
(c) Mincral waxcs or similar products of Ileadiiig 27.12, whcihci' o1' 1101 jinermixct! or Incrcly Goloui'cd;

(d) Waxes InIxe(I willI, dispcTsccl ill o1' dissolvcd ill a 11qLiid Incdiuin (Ileadings 34.05,38.09, clc. )



This Chapter covers products ITiainly obtained by the Industrial treati}Tent of fats, oils or waxes
(e. g. , soap, certaiit lubricating preparations, prepared waxes, certaii\ polishing o1 scouring
pre arations, candles). 11 also Includes certaii} artificial products, e. g. , surface-active jigents,
surf;CG-active lireparations and artificial waxes.
The Chapter does not cover separate chemically define(I compounds, or natural products not nTixed or


34.01 - Soap; organic surface-active products and preparatioiis foi' IISc as soap, ill tile for'in
of bars, cakes, moulded pieces o1' shapes, whenicr or not containing soap; organic
surface-active products and PI'eparatioiis fin' washiiiu tile skin, in tile forIn of liquid
or creain and put up foi' retail sale, \synetliei' or not containing soap; paper, waddiiig,
felt and noriwovciis, imp, 'cgiiatcd, coated or covered witli soap or netcrociit.
- Soap and organic surfticc-active proclticts and I, I'GParaiions, ill Inc for1.1 of
bars, cakes, moulded vieccs or shapcs, and pancr, wadding, IClt and
nonwoveiis, imprcgnatc , coated o1' covercd willI soap or dctci'gciit :
3401/1 - - For toilet use (including Incdicatcd prodticis)
3401/9 - - 0thcr

3401.20 - Soap in other forTns

3401.30 - Organic surface-active prodticts and rcpai'ations for washiiitr tile skin, ill 111c
for11T of liquid or CTeaiiT and put LIP I^r Tclail sale, whctlici' or 1101 containinu

(1) SOAP
Soa Is all alkaline salt (inorganic or organic) foilned Ironi a fatty acid o1 a InIxitirc of fatty
acic s containing at least ciglit carbon ato1ns. In liracticc, part of Inc fatty acids nTay be Tcl)Iaccd
by To SIIT acids.

Thc 11cading covers only soap solublc ill water, that is to say ITLic soap. Sotij, s form a class of
anionic sunace-active agents, willI all illkaline reaction, whicli Iatlie^ abundantly ill aqucous

The16 are tlii'CG Gategorics of soap :

Hai'd soaps, wliicli are LISually Inade willl sodium 11ydroxidc or sodiuin carbonatc tilld coinprisc
the built of tile ordinaly soaps. Thcy ITiay bc wliitc, colourcd or ITioltlcd.
Soft soaps, wliicli are Inadc witli potassitim 11ydroxide or potassiuiTT carbonate. Tlicy arc viscous
and generally grcen, brown or pale ycllow in colour. Tliey Inay contaiiT sinall quanlitics
(gencrally 1101 excecding 5 %) of synthetic organic surfacc-active prodticts.
Liquid soaps, whicli are solutions of soap 111 water, 111 some cascs willI a small cjuaiiiity
(generally not exceeding 5 %) of alcohol or glyccrol added, but 1101 containing syiitlictic oroanic
surface-active prodticts.

This palt covers in particular

(1) Toilet soaps frcquenlly coloured anti perfuitTcd, whicli illclude : floating soaps and
' sinfectant or abrasive soa s as dcscribet bel w.
(all Floating soaps and deodorant soaps.
(b) Glyce, 'ill soaps, whicli are translucent and arc Inade by ITcating willtc soaj) with
alcohol, glycerol or sugar


(c) Shaving soaps (shaving creams fall 111 heading 33.07)

(d) Medicated soaps containing boric acid, salicylic acid, SUIpliur, sumhonainides or oilier
Inedicinal substances

(c) Disinfectant soaps, coi}taming SIITall qnantities of I>heriol, cresol, naplithol,

forInaldelTyde or other bactericidal, bacteriostatic, etc. , substances. These soaps should
not be confLised willI disinfecting preparations of heading 38.08 containing tile sal}Te
consiitticnts, the difference lying ill the proportions of the constittients (soap, o11 tlTe
one nand, and I, hcnol, cresol, etc. , o11 the other). The disinfecting preparations Qf
heading 3'808 contain a substantial proportioi\ of phenol, cresol, etc. , and arc 11qtiid
whereas disinfectant sonj)s arc LISually solid.

(1) Abi'asivc soaps, consisting of soap to whicli sand, silica, 11u!nice powder, slate
powder, sawdust or any SImljar prodL!ct 11as bccn added. TITe Ileading covers abrasive
soul>s only ill 1/1e Fomt of bars, cakes or 1110uldcd nieces or shapes. Abrasive scouring
pasies tilld POWdci's, wlieihcr o1' not containing soap, fall in heading 34.05.
(2) 110"sellol(I soaps, whicli Inny be coloure(! or PCrfLiined, abrasive or disiiTlbctant
(3) Rosin, tall oil or naphlhen:Ite soaps containing nol only alkaline salts of fatty aci(Is, but
also alkaline I'esinates of 11cadiiig 38.06 or all<ajiiie naphtheiiaies of heading 34.02.
(4) In tillsti'jin soaps, 13rcpared for' special pulposes, suclT as those used for wire-drawing, for
polyinel'ISIiig synllictic rLibbei', or in In undrics.
Subject to Inc exccplioiiin paingrapli I (1) jibovc, Ihc soaps or 11/1s liending are generally 111 111e
following ToriiIs : bills, cakcs, ITiotilde(I 111cces or shapes, flakes, nowder, liftste or aqtieous


This nail includes toilct o1' washing PIOdticis anti lirej, amiions, in whicli the act!ve coniponcnt
consists wholly or partly o1' syiithctic surface-active agents (willGII Inay contain soap 11T any
ploportion), provide{I they arc put 11n 11\ 111c 101'111 of bai's, cakes or 1110ulded pieces or shrines,
Inat is 10 SIIy, the oldinary forms of soaps Intended For' 1/10 same uses.
This part also Includes sucli 11roclticts anti prepai'allons WITicli nave been rendered qbrasive by
adding sand, silica, litiiT\ice powder, etc. , provide, I 111ey are put LIP ill 111e foi'ITls describe(I above.

V1-340 I-2


This jart includes preparations for' washing Ihc skin, iiT WITicli tile active coilIPOlTcnt consisis
whol y or liartly o1 synthetic organic-sulfacc active agents (whicl} Inay contain soaj) 11T any
proportion), providerI they arc ill Ihc ToriiT of liquid or CTeaiii and put LIP for retail sale. Sucli
preparations not pLit LIP for' ^etail sale are classified ill liending 34.02.



This I, art covers paper, wadding, felt ai}d lionwovens, illlpregnatcd, coatcd or covcred willT soap
or detergent, whcther or 1101 ITci'tinned or put up for' retail sale. These 111'0dLicts arc gcnerally
used for wasliing Inc nailds o1' tlic face.
Apart 1101/1 tile cxclusionsICfcrrcd to abovc, Inc ITcadino excludes :

(a) Soap-stocks (liending 15.22)

(b) PTOducls anti preparations irisolublc in watcr, WITicli are "soaps" only ill Ihc chcmical sciisc, SLicli as
calciuiiT or o111cr 111elallic "soaps" (Cliapters 29,30,38, ctc. , as tile casc 11}ay bc).
(c) Pailci', waddiiig, Tclt and lionwoveiis, siinj)Iy netfuincd (CIMpter 33)
(d) Shunipoos and ticntiliiccs (near^ings 33,115 and 33.06 I'CSpcctivcly)
(c) Or, allic surfacc-activc agents (other than soap), surface-active Drcpai'ajions and washing 11rcpai'ajions
(w^sthu' or 1.01 containing soap) and solutions or dispc, 'SIoi, s of soap in an o"gal",. solvciit, of
heading 34.02.

(1) Cellular jinstics, celltilm^'ribbcr, ICxlilc ITiatcrials (o1hci' Inari wadding, fcll and lionwovciis) and
moral pa s, imprcgiiatcd, coatcd o1' covcrcd willI soap or dcicrgcnt rulesc generally fall 111 Ihc Ilcading
appropriatc 10 the supporting Inatcrial).


34.02 - Organic surface-active agents (other than soap); surface-active preparations,

washing .preparations (including auxiliary washing PI'epai'ajions) and cleaning
preparations, whetlier or not containing soap, oilier than tliose of heading 34.01.
- Organic surface-active agents, wl}etlier or not put LIP fin' I'ctail sale
3402/1 - - Anionic

3402/2 - - CationIC

3402/3 - - Non-Ionic

3402.19 - - Other

3402.20 - I'reparations nut Lij, fin' I'etail sale

3402.90 - Other


TITc organic SUI'face-active agents of this Ileading are cheiiilcal coinpotinds, 1101 clieinically
defined, whicl} contain one or ITiore 11ydropliilic or 11ydroplTobic Innctioiial grou is in sucli a
litoporlioii 111al, whcii 11/1xed will\ writeI ill a concenti'at10/1 of 0.5 % ill 20 'C and re I 10 slantl for
o11c 110ur ill Ihe sariic ICniperattire, tiley givc a liftiispareiii or ti'allsluccni liquid or stable
ci11111sioiT \\, 11/10ut sepal'ajioii o1' insoluble Inanei' (sec NIOte 3 (a) 10 this Cliapter). 1'0i' the
rilli'noses o1' this 11ciiding, nit cinulsiolI snotild 1101 be considerCLI as naviiig a stable charact"' If,
11ncr being left 10 slantl For oncliour at 20 'C, (1) solitlj)articles are \, isIble to 1/1e nakcd t:ye, (2j
it has scj, uralc(I into vis11nlly cl!slinguishablc IThascs or (3) it 11ns scparalccl Into a transparent part
anti 11 trailslucciit part, visiblc to Ihc linkecl eye.
Organic SIIrl'acc-activc jigcnts ill'e capable of adsorption at all jiltcrftice; in this slate 111ey tlisjjlay
a 11Liinbcr of physico-chcmical I)ropertics, ianictilai'I^ sill^ticc activit (e. g. , I'CLIuctiolI of surlace
tellsion, loaniing, Ginu!sinJiiTg, wcitilIg), w ICli Is wliy illey arc IISual y 1<nowiT as 'SLITftictanis".
Howevci'. PIOdticls \vhicliaTciiot cal, able of rcd!Icing Inc SUTl;ICclullsioii o1<1islillcclwnter104.5 x 10~~ NIIn
(45 11yiieicln) o1' less at a concentration 11f 0.5 'it at 20 'C ai'c 1101 regardctl IIS stillacc-:ICtive ageiiis and arc
illcl'eloi'e excliidetl trolli 1111s neatliiig.

01'grinic SIIrftice-active agonis Inay be

(1) An'onic, ill whicli case the 10/11sc in a Ileous solution 10 }rodiicc 11cgatively charged
organic Ions responsible Ibr Inc SUT!acc activity. Exainples are : sulphates and SUIplionatcs
o1' rats, \, cgeiable oils (triglyccridcs) or resin acids; sulphates and SUIphonates tici'IVCd froiTi
fatty illcoliols; petroletnn SUIplioiiates, e. g. , of alkali ITTetals (including those containing a
proportion of mineral oils), or aminoniuni or of ethanolaniiiics; alkylpolyetlierstilphales;
alkylstil!, bonates or alkylphenylellicrsulpholTalcs; all<ylstilphates, alkylaiylsulplionates
(e. g. , ICcliiiic;11 dodecylbenzciicsulphonates).

V1-3402- I

TITesc surface-active agents Inay contain, as Impuritics restillii}g froiii Ihc InariLifacttiring
process, small quantitics of fatty alcohols, alkylalcs o1' other' 11ydi'ophobic raw InaleTials
whicli nave CScaj, cci SUIphatioii or SUIplionation. Tlicy may also contain sodiuiin SIIlpliaic o1'
other' residtial Inorganic salts 111 a propoi'lion genci'ally 1101 exceeding 15 Vo, when
cxpresscd as tlic allhydi'ous salts.

(2) Cationic, ill whicli casc Incy ionisc ill aqueous SOILilioii to ITtodt!CG nositivcly Gnatgcd
o1'ganic ions responsible for' Inc surF:ICc activity. Exaiiiples ill'e : salts of 11/11y amincs 1/1/<1 o1'
qtiatCriiaiy allTiiioniiiiii hasCS.
(3) Non-ionic, in whicli casc 11Tey do 1101 11roducc ions ill all aqucous SOILition. Their solubility
In writcr Is dtic 10 tile I)10scncc 1/1 tlic 11/01cculcs of Innciional groups wliicli navc a SII'o110
affinity 101' walci'. ExaiTTplcs tile : I, roducts or the condcnsaiioii of fatty alcoliols, Inity
acids or all<ylphcnols willT ctliylcnc oxide; GilloxylatCS of laity acid ainidcs.
(4) Amphol}, tic, 11T whicli case, ticpcndiiig o11 tlic conditions of 111c ITicdiuin, Incy call be
ioniscd ill all aqucous solution anti givc to the coinpounci Ihc cliai'actcristics of all anionic
or a cationlc surfticc-activc rigcnt.

This ionic bonavioui' is SIInilai' 10 that o1' alliphotcric coinj, otinds 111 Inc bioadcsi sense.
Tlicsc arc, 101' example, 11/1<ylbctaine or SUIphobctaine 1,101cins, tileir decoinposiiioii
products and substitution coll}pounds of aiTiino-carboxylic, alliiiio-SLilphonic, ainino-
sulphuric and amino-phosj}lionc acids.


TITis grotip coinpi'Ises tlircc Gategorics o1 111'CDaratioiis
(A) SUI'face-active lirepai':Itions.
TITcsc Incliidc

(1) InICri111xltircs of Ihc surface-activc jigciils of Part (1) abovc (c. ,J. , SUI, hoi'ICinolcatcs
11/1xcd witli sniphonatcd all<yinaplIthalciics or SUIphatc(I 11/11y afcohols).
(2) Solutions o1' dispcrsions o1' Ihc surfticc-activc agents or Pal'I (1) above ill all o1'ganic
solveITt (e. g. , a solution of a SUIphalcd 11/11y alcohol ill cyclohexanol or ill
IClrahydronaj, 11/11alciic).
(3) Othcr ITTixlurcs hascd o11 a SLITlti. cc-active agcnt of I'art (1) abovc (c. 0. , SLITfacc-
activc preparations containing a 1310poi'lion or soap, sucli as
alkylbenzcncsulplionaic willI sodiuiii steal'atc). ' '
(4) Solutions o1' disj, CISions o1' soap ill all organic solvcni sucli as cyclohcxanol.
(SOILitions of soap in watcr, wliicli 11Tay navc a small quantity (;;crierally 1101
cxcceding 5 V, ) of alcohol or glycerol added, arc liquid soaps of Ileadiiig 34.01).
Surface-active I, I'CDarations are 1.1sccl foi' 11Tcir cleansing, wetting, GillIllsifying or dispcrsiiig
proper tics In trialTy Industrial applications, for cxaiiiplc tis :
(1) Detergcnis for' the toXIIle Indusliy, to o1iiiiinatc fats rind soiling Inatier o11 textiles
cltiring manufacture and finisliing.


(11) Wetting agents, emulsTt\, Ing agents, 1111/1ng assistants and brightening agents, for
the textile Indtistiy

(111) Soaking agents (for' I'aw 111des), de-greasing agei}Is, wetting agents (for LISe ill
dyeing), levelling agents or loners rin' tile leather o1' Itu' industries.
(Iv) Basic materials for the Inaritifaclure of \\lashing 13reparations of Part (B) below
(e. g. , anionic surface-active ITeparalions willcli 11Tay coiTtain, either as a residue or
as a result of deliberate adjitions, a considerable quantity of soditun sulphate or
other' Inorganic salts of 111e Iypc ai'ISIng during the IlTallLilaclure of the surface-
active agent)

(v) Dispersing agents for' 111e paner or syntlieiic rubber Industries

(vi) F10iatioii aids for' the 11.1ning Indtistry
(vii) Binulsifying agciits LISed In Inc preparation of nilariiiaceutical or cosiiTetic products
1'111s groiip noes not include organic stirl'ace-active I)1'0<1ticts anti I, TCParations for washing 111e skin, in
may 1/1e activc
soaj)component consists inwholly
in any 13roporlion), or partlyo1orIqtiit1
the Ibi'111 sinilictic organic-sillTticc
o1' CTeant alit1 1,111active
for retail(wliiclI
(lionding 34.01).

(B) washing. prejiarations (inclu(ling auxiliary washing 111'cp:Iranons) and cleaning

preparations, naving 21 basis of soap o1' 0tlicr organic SUI'nice-active agents.
This Gategoi'y covel's washiiig lireparaiions. allxiliary waslling lirejiarali()ns anti gentiii}
clcaiiing 11rcparalions. These vai'IOUS PIGpai'allons generally contain essential constitticilIs
and onc or 11Torc SIIbsi, liary constituents. Tlic I, ICsciicc or these lait"' constitLicnls
dislingtiislies, ill partictilar, these I}I'CDai'at ions '10/1} 1110sc tiescribecl ill I'ai't (A) altovc.
Tile essciititil coilslilticnls are syiillictic ()I'ganic sulfocc-active jigents or soaps or InIxtLires

T'he subsidiai'y constiluCiils ill'e

(1) Buildcrs (c. g. , soditii}I polyjihosplialcs, cal'burialCS, silicate or bolatc, salts o1'
nilrilolriacclic acicl (NTA)).

(2) Boosters (e. g. , 111kanolainides, rally acid ai\Tidcs, fatty anTine oxides)
(3) Fillcrs (e. g. , sodiuiii SUIpliatc or Gilloride)
(4) An Gillnries (q. g. , chemical o1' optical blcaclies, auntedcj, OSIiioii Agenls, corrosion
inhibitors, illTlielecli'OSIalic rigcnts, colouring Inattcr, perfLntTes, bactcricides, enzyines).
Thcse preparations act o11 sunaccs by bringing tlie soil o11 111e surface 11}to a stale o
solutioii o1' dispei'SIon

Washi",, lirepai'antions hascd o11 surface-activc jigciits are also 1<nq\\!11 as deter gen s. IIS
type o1/11'GParatioiiis IISecl Ibr wasliing CIOihcs anti also dishes orl<itcheiiuiensi s.
They Inay be liquids, POWdcrs or pasles rind arc IIScc^br 110useliold qr 11T 11stria PIirposcs.
Toilet and wasl}ing 11roducts ill the for'ni of bars, cakes, In on Ided pieccs or shapes a in
headin" 34.01


Auxinai'y washing PI'epai'ations arc IISccl for' soaking (PI'e-washing), rinsing or blcaching
clothes, 110usehold linen, etc.

Cleaning preparations scrvc for' clctiiiiiig floors, windows or otlici. sutraccs They Inay
also contain SIIlall quantities of odorifei'ous substances.
(C) Cleaning o1' dc-greasing prepai':Itions, riot naving a basis of soap o1' o111ei' o1'gallic
surface-active agents.
Thcsc Include

(1) Acid o1' alkalinc clcaiTcrs specially forTnLilatcd for' clcaiiiiig sanitai'y warc, ITyinu-Drills,
etc. , e. g. , 1110sc containing sodiuiii 11ydrogcii SIIlphate or a 11/1xttirc of sodiiiiii
hypochloritc and Irisoditiii\ onIIOPhosphatc.
De!;rcasiiig or cleaning preparations, LIScd, e. g. , in dairies or bi'cweries, and willI a
of :

alkaline subsianccs SUGli as sodiuiil carbonate or caustic soda, or

solvciits and emulsitiei's

This groLip of 1110dticts Inay contain small quantities of sonj} or o111cr SLITlticc-active

Tllis 11cadiiTg clues lint covei'

(a) Shallrilloos o1' 111'GParaiiolIs 111r roani ballis, wlicthci' or 1101 containing soap or oilier suniicc-active an Grits
(Cliaplei' 33). ' ' ' ' '
(b) Paper, wadding, IClt and lionwovcns, titiprcgiiatcd, conic(I o1' covel'cd willI tielcrgeiii (1101ding 34.01)
(c) Preparations, containing surfacc-active rigciiis \vhcrc 111e SIIi'incc-activc 11/11ctioii is ciihu' 1101 I'eqtiii'cd o1
is only subsidiary to Inc Inariii function or Inc litcpai'ation (11c"dings 34.03,34,115,38,118,38.09,38.24,
elc. , as Inc casc Inay be). ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
(d) Abrasive I, ICj)ai'aiions colliaiiiiiig sulfacc-activc jigciits (scouring pasics anti I, OWLlcrs) (11cadiiig 34.05)
(c) Walei'-Irisollible naniillieiiatcs, lien'o1ciiitt SUIplioiialcs anti o111cr writcr-iiTsolublc SIIi'incc-activc I}10dticts
and PIGj, arations. 'Ihey fall 11T nearding 38.24, provide, I Incy arc 1101 illclude<I ill a 11/01'c SPCcific


34.03 - Lubi'icating 111'cparations (inclii(ling cutting-oil preparations, bolt or nut release

prepai'ations, anti-I'ust or anti-corrosion preparations anti mould release
PI'errirations, based o11 lubricants) and prej}all'ations of a kind IISed fin' tlic oil or
gi. ease treatment o1' textile niaterials, Ieatlicr, fiirskins or otliei. materials, lint
excluding lireparations containing, us basic constituents, 70 'v" or more by weight of
petroleuin oils or of oils obtained from bitiiniinous minerals.
- ContainiiTg petroleuiTi oils or oils obtained froiTl bituiiTinous 11/1nerals
3403. I I - - Preparations for Inc 11'0atment of ICxlile Inaterials, ICatlicr, ftirskins o1' oilier

3403.19 - - 01/10i'

- Oilier

3403.91 - - Prepaj. ajions 101.11jc treatincjjt <11'1cxtile Inalerials, lenthcr, 111rskjns or oilier

3403.9<) - - Oilier

PI'UVidctl Incy CIO not contain, as basic constitiients, 70 Vu or Inore by wcight of petrole11/11 oils
o1' oils obtaincd Trolll billiiitinous 1111/1ci'als (scc liendin;: 27.10), this liending includes, 11/1, I' tinti,
PI'GParct1 11Tixiui'CS o1'1he Following types
(A) I"ubi'jutting PI'e 1:11'ajions Ilesig"ed to I'educe friction belwecii 111c ITioving parts of
lilacliincry, veliic CS, mrci'all or tithei' tipplianccs, lipp;Irutus o1' Instrtiinciils. Sucli ILibrictInIs
us11nlly cullsisl Dr. or arc hascc1 o11,1111xitii'es o1 till 1/11al, vegetable or InIn eral oils, fats or
grcascs, o1'1cil willI liddilivcs (c. g. , granliiie, In o1ybticnui, I tlisulplii(IP, talc, Gliboii blacl<s,
calciuiii or o111ei' Inclallic soaps, I'llch, o1' lust, oxidation, etc. , Inhibitors). I-lowever, the
ITCHding also Incltidcs s;yiillietic Iubi'lulltiiig prepaitiiioiis btisc(I on, for' exainj, IC, diocty1 o1'
dinonyl siCbactilcs, phosphoric esters, polychlorobiphenyls, poly(oxyelliyleng)
(polyethylcnc glycol) 111' poly(ox\plopylcnc) .(polypi'opy!ene glycpl). TITcse syntliciic
ItIbi'IC;In is, \vhicl\ incltidc "grc;Ises" based o1t sillcolICs or ICt ItIbc oils (or synthetic CSter
Inbcs), ill'c CICSigiiec1 10 o11cratc lintlcr specially exacting conditions (e. g. , fire-resistant
1/1bi'ICaiiis, lubricants 101' PI'ecisioii Illsti'uiTtent heal'Ings o1'1ci engines).
(B) Lubi'jutting PI'elmr:It ions IISed ill \vii'e-11i':I\'ing to ensure Inat tile wire rod slides easily
11/10/1gli Ihc ciics. TITcse Include : certain aqueous Ginulsions OF tallow anti SIIlphui'IC acid;
1111xlLires o1' sodiuii} soap, alltIninitiiii stealtite, 1111/1eral oils and water; 11Tixtures or oils, fats
and snipli0-o1cales; 11/1xtu!'CS, 1/1 nowder loini, <11' calcitini soaps anti 1/1ne.

(C) Culling-oil 11rtjaititioiis. 'I'hesc arc 11stIally bnscd o11 animal, vegetable or ITtinei'a! oils,
Pre, uraljons (c. g . 1110se \\, jin a bitsis o L petrole11/11 SUIplionales or o111ej' SLirlace-activc 11rodticls) for
1/1/'11, , culling oils, lint gciiei'ally 11ns"jinble 101' direct IISe as cutting oils, arc excliidcd
(11"riding 34.02)

(D) Bolt o1'orlinto1hci'

nLits I'clearsc ^!'CPIir:11ioiis.
pal'Is. TITcsq
Iley geneitiliy are .11rqj,
consist arations
I'llncipally inIcyidqcl for.oilsloosening
or lubricating alitl Inaybolts,
contain solic1 111bric:nits, solvents, SUI'face-active agents, I'ust removers, etc.


(E) Anti-rust or anti-corrosion prej, ai"tioiis consistinu principalIy of lubricants

(F) Moultl I'elcasc lireparations based on lubricants, IISed in various Industi'ics (e. g. ,
plastics, rubber, constrLiction, fotiiidry), SUGli as :
(1) Mineral, vegetable or an11Tial oils or other' fatty SIIbstances (including those
SUIphonalcd, oxidised or 11ydrogeiiated) 11}Ixed o1' Ginulsificd willI waxcs, ICcitliiii or

(2) Mixtures containing silicone grcascs or oils

(3) Mixtures of POWdci'cd graphite, talc, InICa, bontonitc or aluminitiiiT witli oils, fatty
substances, waxes, ctc.

Howcvcr, Ihc 11cading exclu, ICs ediblc InixiUTCs or Drcl}uralions or animal o1' vegelablc fats or oils o1'
a kind LIScd asiiioul(I^elease prejiaratioiis (c. g. , dcmoulding oils rin'bakcry) (heading 15.17).

(G) PI'cparations foi' the Iubi'jutting, oiling or greasing of textiles, lentlici', hides, 11/1'skins,
etc. Thesc Inay be used to lubricate or soften tcxtilc fibres during spillnino to "sttifF'
lentlicr, etc. TITey Incltidc, for' exainplc : InIxtui'es of 11Tineral oil or fatty SIIbstaiices with
surface-activc agcnis (e. g, , SUIphoi'ICinolcates); water-dispel'sible textile lubricating
prej, arations containing a 111gli propoi'lion of surface-activc agents to gethcr witli 1111neral
o115 and o1hcr chcmicals.

The 1100diiig also covers

(1) Stabilisc, I suspensions of molybdenum 11isulphidc ill Innici'al oil, containing by weioht
70 % or Inorc of Inin eral oil, for' adding, ill slitall naniities, solcly by reason of Incli'
SPCcia1 111bricating I}Topcrlics, to IubricatiiTg oils i^r engines, ctc. , the Ino1ybdciiuin
distilphidc bcing tlic basic constitticnt. ' '
(2) Anti-riist lireptiratioiis bascd o11 lanolin and dissolvcd ill whitc spirit, cvcii if tlic coniciit
of whitc spii'ills 70 % o1' more by wciglit.
. , , ,*,,,' a 1' i~ ' ' "',', I'
The liendiiig also excludes :

Go Artificial degras (heading 15.22)

(b) Gel prepai'ations ticsigncd 10 bc IIScd ill 11uintiiT or vetcrinary 11Tcdiciiic as a lubricant for parts of tlic
bod rin' SUI'gica1 o110rations or physical exaltiinaiioiis or as a coupling aigeiit bciwccii Inc hotly rind
in. tier, I instruiiients (lionding 30.06). ' ' '
(c) Colloidal or semi-colloidal graphiic or graphiic pastcs, of liendi";: 38.01
(d) Anti-sill, transmission belt I)ICparations (liending 38.24) and anti-rust lireparations of near^ing 38.24


34.04 - Artificial waxes and prepai. ed waxes.

3404.20 - Of poly(oxyethylene) (polyetl}ylene glycol)

3404.90 - Other

'This Ileading covers artificial waxes (soilietinies knowiT 111 industry as "synthetic waxes") and
pre Jarcd waxes, as defined 11\ Note 5 to this Chapter, whicli consist of or contain relatively high
1110 eculm' weiglit organic substances and whicli ai'e not separate cheniically defined
coinpoLiiids. These waxes are :

(A) Cheiiiically produced organic products of a waxy cliaracter, whenier or 1101 water-SOILible.
Waxes of heading 27.12, produced synthetically or othe!wise (e. g. , F1scher-Tro scl\ waxes
consistin essentially of ITydrocarboiis) arc, nowever, excliidcd. Water-so liblc! waxy
pro^Cts ^trying surface-active properties are also excluded (heading 34.02).
(B) Products obtained by 11/1xing two or 1110re different aninIal waxes, different vegetable
waxes or different waxes of o111er classes or by IT}Ixing waxes or different classcs (an11nal,
verve table or other) (for' exaiiTplc, mixtures of different vet, etable waxes and InIxttires of a
mineral wax witlT a vegetable wax). MIXIui'es of Inlncraf waxes are, nowevci', excluded
(I, eading 27.12).
(c) Prodticts of a waxy chill'actor witli a basis or one or 1110re waxes and containilIg fats,
resins, rillneral substanccs o1' other' jiltilerials. Uninixccl an 11nal or vegetable waxes,
WITcllier o1' 1101 Tclined or coloured, are, nowcvcr, excluded (headi"0 15.21). Uniiiixcd
11/1ncral waxes or 11Tixiures of rillnc!'al waxes, \vilether or 1101 coloni'Gif, arc also excluded
cowldiiig 27.12)

'Tile PIOdticis Ilescribetlill(A), (B) alitl(C) above, WITcn mixetl willI, dispcrscd !SIIspciideclor emulsified) ill
o1' Illssolvccliii a Iiqtiid Inediuiii, ale nowe\, er excluded Trolliiliis liending (headings 34.05,38.09, eic. ).
'File waxes o11}aragraphs (A) ant! (C) above ITiust11avc
(1) a LITopping point ribovc 40 'C; and
(2) a \, is cosity, when ITieastired by rotational viscoinciry, 1101 exceeding 10 Pas (or 10,000 GP)
ill a telnpcralure of I O 'C above their diopping point.
11\ liddition, SIIcli prodticts gencrally clispltiy tile Ibllowing plopcrties
(a) they lake a polish wlieii gently rubbed;
(b) their consistency ancl solubility depend largely o11 loinperaturc;
(c) at 20 re

(1) some are soft and kneadtible (but not sticky or liquid) (soft waxes), o1hcrs ari: brittle
(hard waxes);

(11) tiley are 1101 transpai'Grit but may be translucent;

(d) ill telTTj, emitii'es above 40 'C, they Inclt will10/11 clccoinposing;
(c) Just above Ihcii'ITTeltiitg pointlhey cannot Gasily be drawn Into niteads;
(1) they ai'e poor conductors of heat and electricity

V!-3404- I

The waxcs of this Ileading vary ill cllciii!cal composition. SUGliwaxes includc :
(1) Polyalkylene waxes (c. g , 1101ycthylene wax). They are \Iscd ill packaging materials, ICxiile
lubricants, polishes, etc.
(2) \\'axes obtained by partial oxidation of 11ydrocarboiT waxes (SUGIT as syiithciic o1' natural
paraffiiT wax). TITey arc LISed cxtensively 111 polish CS, coalings, Iubi'icanis, etc.
(3) Waxes composed of Inixttires of chioi'oparaffins, 1.01yclilorobiphenyls or 1101ychloronaplI-
Inalcncs. Tiley are LISed in nanic-Drooling, as instilators, capacitor 11/1prcgnators, lubricants,
wood Drcsci'vanves, etc.

(4) Poly(oxyelhylcne) (polyclliylcne glycol) waxes. Tiley are water-SOILible and arc LISccl in
cosinetics or PI^an11aceulicals, as binding agents, softencrs, litcservaiivcs anti ill adhesives
fin' textiles or paper, in inks or rubbcr compositions, etc.
(5) Waxes coinposcd of 11/1xturcs or fatty Itetoiies, rally CStcrs (SUGli as propylenc glycol
In on OStearate nTodificd willl SITiall quaniiiics of soap, and In Ixcd glyccr01 11Tono- and
distearale esterifie<I by tartaric acid and acetic acid), fatty alliines or fatty alliides. They ai'e
LIScd in cosmclics, polishes, nailils, etc.
(6) Waxes obtainecl by nanial or coinplete chemical ITiodificatioii of natui'al waxcs sucli as
lignite wax.

(7) Waxcs coinposcd of two o1'Ino1'c dintrcnt waxes (except 11/1xitii'CS of mineIai waxes which
fall ill Ileading 27.12) or o11c or InOTC waxes willI otlici' Inateria1, 101' cxaiiiple, wax
consisting of paraffin wax and ITolyetliylcnc, LIScd as coating matcrial, wax compose(I or
paraffin wax and SICaric acid, IIScd as raw jiltilci'ial for Inakiiig candlcs, wax coinposccl of
oxidised 11ydi'ocarboii wax and Ginulsilier; sealing wax and waxes of sillTilar coinposition,
howcver tiley are 1,111 LIP, other thini I, roducts of heading 32.14. '
The above waxes, if coloured, aic also classificc1 11crc.

Apart froiii Ihc cxclusions Incliiioiictl ribovc, 1/1c 11cading docs not covei'
(a) Lanolin alcohols, evciiif having Inc chainctci' of waxes (liendiiig 15.05)
(b) I{yin'ogenated oils, cvcii il'having tile churnctci' o1waxcs (heading 15.16)
(c) Separate chemically Lien^cd o1'gallic conipouiids (Cliaptci' 29)
(d) "DCntal wax" alitl "dcnial impression compounds", nut 11n ill sets, 111 nackiiigs for' ^cmil sale o1' ill
plates, norseslioc shapcs, sticks o1' similar forIris (liendiiig 34.07).
(e) Industrial 1110/10carboxylic rally acids and industrial fatty alcohols, cvcii if navinu tile chainctcr of
waxes (heading 38.23). ' ' ' '
(1) Mixtures or 1110no-, di- aliti 111-, rally acid CSicrs of glycci'o1,1101 naving Inc GIIaraclcr or waxcs
(heading 38.24).
(g) Mixed polyclilorobipliciiyls 1/1/<1 In Ixccl chloioparamns, 1101 naving ille chai'actci' of waxcs
(1100ding 38.24)

(h) Poly(oxyetliylene) (polyctliylciic glycol) 1101 naning Inc character of waxes (e. g. , liending 38.24
or 39.07). ' ' ' ' ' '
(1) Polycthylcnesiiot having the chaiactci' of waxcs (e. g. , netidiiig 39.01)


34.05 - Polishes and creams, fin' footwear, filmitui'e, floors, coacli\\, ork, glass or metal, .
scouring pastes and powders and similar preparations (wlietlicr or riot in tlie form of
paper, wadding, felt, noriwovens, cellulai' plastics or cellula^ I'ubbcr, impregnated,
coated or covered with SIIcli lireparations), excluding \\, axes of heading 34.04. '
3405.10 - Polishes, CTeaiTis alitlsiinilar preparations for' footwear orleallier
3405.20 - Polishes, creams and SIInilm' preparations for tile ITTaiittenance of wooden
fLiriiiture, floors or oilier woodwoi'k

3405.30 - Polishes anti SIInilar preparations Ibr coachworl<, other than 111etal polishes
3405.40 - Scouring pastes and powders ai\d other scouring preparations
3405.90 - 0tlier

This Ileadiiig covers polislies tind creaiTis for' footwear, 111rnilure, floors, coachworl<, glass or
metal (silverware, coliper, etc. ) anti prepared pastes o1' POWdgrs for' scouring cooking tilensils,
sinks, tiles, stoves, etc. , and sinnlai' preparations SUGll tis polishes and cleanis for Ieal!Tcr. The
heading also Includes lionshing preparations willI preservative properties.
TITesc pieparatioiis ITTay nave a basis of wax, jibrasivcs o1' o111er SLibstanccs. Examples of such
preparations are
(1) Waxes and polishes consisting of waxes 11TlPI'cgnaied willI spirits of turpentine or
Ginulsilied in all aqLieous 111ediuin anti Iteqtiently containing added colouring Inatlei'.
(2) MCIal polishes anti 1,011shes for' I;lass consisting of VCry soft polish in\ Inatcrials SI^cli as
chall{ or 1<1eselguhr in suspension in IUT Gintilsion o1' while SI, 1/11 and 11qtiiti soap.
(3) Metal, elc. , 1101ishing, finishing o1' line-grinding litoducts containing cliainond POWcler o1'

(4) Scouring powders consisting o1'1nixltircs or very fincly gi'ouncl sand willI sodiLi!IT cal'bonate
anci soap. Scouring jingles are obtainc(I by binding 111ese nowders willI, for exainple, a
SOILitioit o1waxes 11T tiltibi'lulling 11/1neral oil.
I'hesc preparations, whicli arc o116/1 11/11 11n for' ^etail salc anti arc Listially ill 111e 10/11t of Iiqtiids,
pastes, now(ICrs, tablets, slicks, etc. , Inay bc used for' lionsehold or 1/1(lusti'Ial purposes.
Thc liending also covers paper, wadding, fell, 110nwovens, cellular plastics or cellular nibber,
impregnated, contecl or covci'cd willI SUGli lirepai'alloiis, but textile dusters and ITielal pot
scourers SIITiilai'Iy impregnated, contecl or covered are excluded (Sections XI and X
Tlie liending illso excliides :
(a) Abitisivc nowdei's, when 1101 ITTixctl (gciierally CIMptcr 25 or 28)
(h) Whitenings for foolwear, ill tablets. and 13rej, arec1 11qui(I clyes for chainois-Ieaihei' footwear
(heading 32.10)


(c) Degras tintlartificial degras (heading 15.22); o1hcr oils '11/11 gi'cases Ibi'leanicr drcssing (Chapter 15,
headiiigs,38.24, etc. ).
(d) Dry-cleaning fluids and stain ^cmovcrs, for cleaning clotliing. wliicli ai'c classified accor(11/1u to Incli'
coinj, OSIlioii (us11ally as nettoleuiii spirit, liending 27.10, or its 1110ducts of liondiiig 38.14 o1' 38.24).


34.06 - Candles, tapers and tlie like.

Candles, tapers (including ball or coiletl tapers), etc. , are IISually niade of tallow, SIGarin,
paraffin \\, ax or otlier waxes
Tlic ITcading covers tilese goods whenicr or 1101 coloured, perlLnTied, clecorated, etc
The Ileading also covers 111ghi 11glIts filletl willI a float
'Ihe liendiiig excludes :

(a) Anti-fistliiiiaiic Grindlcs (heading 30.04)

(b) Wax Inaiclies o1' \, CSias (handing 36.05)
(c) SUIphtir-treatc(I bands, wicl<s anti candles (near^ing 38.08)


34.07 - Modelling pastes, including those put lip fin' childrcii's amusement; PI'epai'ations
known as "dental wax" or as "dental impi'essioii coinpounds" put up in sets, in
packings foi' I'etail sale o1' in plates, horseshoe shapes, sticks or similar forms; other
preparations foi' IISe in dentistry, witli a basis of plaster (of calcine, I gypsum o1'
calciuni sulphate).
(A) ModalIi"g pasts

Tlicse are plastic 13reparations gcnerally IISed by artists o1' goldsmiths for' Inaking In odels
and also by cliildreii tm' inTiuscnici\I purposes.
TliciTTost collTinon are those with a basis of zinc o1eate. TITese also contain waxes, whitc oil
and kaolin and arc slightly greasy to 111e touch

Oiliers are 11/1xtui'es of cellulosej, ulp and 1<aoliii winibiiiders

Tliese pastes ale LISually colotired and are presented ill bulk or 11\ cakes, SIIcl<s, I)lates, etc.
Assorted 1110dclling lastes, including those put LIP in sets for' tlie alliuseiiicnt of childrcii,
are also covered by Ills Ileading.
(B) 1'1'epai'antions known as "dental wax" o1' ars "dental impi'CSSioii compounds"
Tlicsc ai'e 131'GPai'ations of varying composition IIScd 111 dentistI'y for' Iaking Liental
Imprcssions. They consist gcnerally of wax, plastics or gutta-percha, 11/1xed willI rodticts
SUGIT as rosin, snellac and fillers (e. g. , nowdercd mica) and are LISually colourcd. Tiey Inay
bc hard or SIiglilly soft.

Thcsc prcparatioiis are classified 11crc only if PIii LIP iit SGIs, ill packings 101^'ctail sale o1' in
PI;Ites, ITorscshoe shapes (solid or 110110wcd), sticks or SIInilar forms. When put lip
otlicrwisc (e. g. , ill bulk), thcy arc classificcl according 10 thcir composition
(liendiiigs 34.04,38.24, ctc. ).
(C) Otlier PI'epai'antions for use in dentistI'y, with a basis of planstei' (of calcincd gypsum o1'
calcium sulphate).

Tliis IleadiiTg Includcs preparations for LISe in dentistI'y willI a basis of PIaslci', LISually
containing 1110rc than 2 Vo of additives by weight. Possible additives are Inariitiiii dioxide
as a WITite pigmcnt, coloui'Ing agents, RIGSclguhr, dextrins alld 11Tclaminc resin. Thcy also
coiTtain SGIling ticcclcrators or retarders.

SIIcli prodticts for' use 1/1 dentistry generally contaiiT 25 % or Illore by weight of u, -calcium
sulphate Ilemihydrate o1' annost exclusively or-calciuin sulphate Ileinihydratc, a for111 that
does not occin' naturally and that call be I}roduced, c. g. , by dehydration orgypsuin deposits
witlT a higli calcium sulphate dihydratc content.
The products arc LISecl for' Inking dcnia1 11npressions, for Inaking Inodcls or for o111ei' ticiilal
uses and arc classificd Ilei'e regardlcss of foi'In or liresentatioii.
SUGIT prcparations shoul<I not be confused willI 11}e PIastcrs WITicli contain sinal! quailtiiies
of acccleraloi's or retarders only (heading 25.20).
TIIe Ileading excludes ticiital CGIiienis and o1hcr dciital fillings (liending 30.06)


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