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Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information

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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 15397 (2003): Portable Fire Extinguisher Mechanical Foam

Type (Stored Pressure) -Specification [CED 22: Fire

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 15397 : 2003
Reaffirmed 2008
~ cuir! JOfF1Q;

l~l5j ~ ~ ('+f~T~ GfET)

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Indian Standard

ICS 13.220.10

© BIS 2003


NEW DELHI 110002

September 2003 Price Group 3

[ Page I. clause S, Table 1.51 No. (ii), col 3 and 4 ] - Insert the following:
(3) (4)

b) Stainless steel IS 6913

[ Page 1, Table 1. 51 No. (ix), col 4 ] - Substitute 'Having bursting pressure of

~ot less than SO kgf/cm2' for 'IS 14933'.

( Page 2, clause 7.1, line 13 ) - Substitute' 1.4 mm' for '1.6 mm'.
( Page 2, clause 7.1.2 ) - In formula, substitute '600' for '300'.
( Page 3, clause 7.5.4 ) - Substitute '540 ml' for '3 litre' and '270 ml' for
, 1.5 litre'.
[ Page 3, clause 8.2(b)-)- Delete.
( Page 3, clause 8 ) - Renumber '8.2' as '8.1.1' and '8.3' as '8.2'.
( Page 3, clause 9.1 ) - Insert 'or Post Office Red' after 'fire red' and
'or No. 538' after 'No. 536' .
"age 3, clause 10.3.3 ) - Delete.

(CED 22)
Reprography Unit. 81S. New Delhi. India
(Page 3, clause 9.1) - Insert the following note at the end:

'NOTE - In case, body is coated with epoxypowder,there is no need to paint the extinguisher. '


Reprography Unit, BIS,New Delhi, India

[Page 3, clause .9.1 (see also Amendment No.2)] - Substitute the
following forthe existing:

"Each extinguisher body except stainless steel body shall be painted either with
epoxy powder coating or synthetic enamel paint The shade shall be 'Fire Red'
or 'Post Office Red' conforming to Shades No. 536 or 538 oflS 5. Stainless
steel body shall be buffed. ' . I
1 Whenever epoxy poW<!« coaling is applied on the extemDl surface of filild steel bodyfor
anti-<OtroSive treatment, synthetic enamel paintcoaling is notrequired.
%Thebody of extinguisher shallbeof good fmish, clearof all bUns andsharp edges.~

(Page 3, clause 9.3) - Delete the last sentence.


Reprography Unit, BJS,'New Delhi, India

Fire FightingSectional Committee, CED 22


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureauof Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Fire Fighting
SectionalCommittee had been approved by the Civil EngineeringDivisionCouncil.
Portable fireextinguisher, mechanical foam type, isoneof the first-aid firefighting appliance. In theseextinguishers,
foam is produced by ~pelling foam solutionby storedair/gasand mechanical aerationat the foam making nozzle.
This type of extinguisher is suitable for fighting fire in water non-miscible liquid, that is non-polar flammable
liquids, that is Class A and B fires such as hydrocarbon fuels.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : f960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)'. The number of significant places retained in
the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 15397 : 2003

Indian Standard
This standard lays down the requirements regarding 3.1 The methodof expulsion of mechanical foam is by
principle, capacity, material, shape, design, air pressure stored in the container. The method of
construction, anti-corrosive treatment and tests of operation shall be upright by pressing a trigger type
portable mechanical foam type (stored pressure) fire squeeze grip mechanism.
extinguishers. 3.2 During the operation, should be able to strike the
side of the burning surface and engulf fire.
The standards given in Annex A contain provisions
which through reference in this text, constitute The total liquid capacity of the extinguisherwhen filled
provisions of this standard. At the time ofpubJication, to the specified level indicated in exterior of the body
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are shall be 9.0 ~ g~~ litres.
subject to revision and parties to agreements based on S MATERIAL
th is standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the The materials for the construction of various parts of
standards indicated in Annex A. the fire extinguisher shall be as given in Table 1.

Table I Materials of Construction of Various Parts of Fire Extinguishers

(Clause 5)
81 No. Component Material Relevant IS No.
(I) (2) (3) (4)

i) Body a) Mild steel sheet IS 513

b) Stainless steel sheet IS 6911
ii) Neck ring Mild steel IS 2062 or IS 1875

iii) Valve body a) Forged brass Grade FLB of IS 6912

b) Leaded tin bronze Grade LTB2 of IS 318
c) Plastic Annex B
d) Stainless steel IS 6529

iv) Washer and 0 rings Rubber Requirements in respect of hard-

ness as applicable to Type 3 of
IS 5382 and also acidl alkali
resistant (see Note)

v) Spindle a) Brass Grade 2 of IS 291 or Type 1 of

IS 319
b) Stainlesssteel IS 6528

vi) Spring Spring steel (plated) Grade I of IS 4454 (Pan I)

vii) Syphon tube sheet a) Brass Alloy No.2 of IS 407

b) Copper IS 1545
c) Plastic Annex B

viii) Nozzle a) Plastic , Annex B

b) Brass Grade 2 of IS 291 or Type I of
IS 319

, ,ix) Hose Braided robber or braided PVC IS 14933

NOTE":'" When '8 piece 0(2.5 em cut from any portion is dipped in 20 percentsulphuric acid. S percent sodium hydroxide solution
tor 10 min. There shall be no sign of corrosionor damage.
IS 15397 : 2003
6 SHAPE 7.1.3 The top and bottom of mechanical foam fire
extinguisher (stored pressure) shall have a thickness
The shape of the body shall be cylindrical with an
after ::orming equal to or greater than the minimum wall
outside diameter of 175 ± 5 mm. The size of the filler
thickness of the cylinder unless the dome or bottom is
opening shall not be less than 20 mm.
formed integralwith the cylinder. In the case of integral
7 CONSTRUCTION dome and bottom, the thickness of the cylinder shall
not be more than 15 percent than that of the dome or
7.1 The cylinder shall be of welded construction having bottom.
cold or hot drawn cylindrical portion with
hemispherical, ellipsoidal or torispherical ends welded 7.2 Gas Space
to it or two halves cold or hot drawn and circumferential
weldedtogether. The end ofdished part shall be having 7.2.1 A gas space shall be provided above the liquid
hem ispherical, semi-ellipsoidal or torispherical shape . level in the body of the extinguisher, which shall be of
and the end shall have cylindrical skirt or parallel sufficient volume to ensure that when subjected to
portion of minimum 10 mm length or three times the operation it meets the requirementsofperformance test
shell thickness, whichever is greater. The welding shall as given in to.5.
be done by an electric arc welding process. There shall 7.3 Neck Ring
not be any longitudinal seam in the cylinder. The
thickness of the shell shall be calculated in accordance 7.3.1 The neck ring shall be suitably threaded either
with 7.1.1. But it shall not be less than 1.6 mm. The externally or internally in accordance with Class A of
neck ring shall be welded with the body of the cylinder IS 2643 (Parts 1 and 2) or IS 4218 (Part 3). It shall
and shall be threaded to suit the type of valves thread. have the filler opening size as specified in 6. The
The threads shall be in accordance with Class A of threaded length shall not be less than 16 mm.
IS 2643 (Part 1).
7.4 Valve
7.1. r The body shall have measured wall thickness
greater than the minimum thickness calculated using 7.4.1 The screw thread of the valve shall be in
the following formula: . accordance with Class A of IS 2643 (Part 1)or IS 4218
(Part 3) for a minimum length of 16 mm to suit the
s + K thread of the neck ring.
where 7.4.2 The squeeze grip valve assembly with a spring
loaded pressuresealed sliding spindle shall be provided
S :::: minimum thickness, in mm;
in such a way that it is operated by manual depression
D ::= external diameter of the body or the largest by meansofa cantileverpivotedgrip lever. The spindle
external measurement normalto the longitudinal shall be so designed that the operation of the
axis in mm; and extinguisher can be regulated by means of depressing
K~ coefficient with a value of: and releasing the extinguisher squeeze grip handle. A
safety pin/seal shall be provided to prevent inadvertent
0.45 for D s 80 mm; operation by accident.
0.50 for D > 80 mm and ~ 100 mm; and
7.5 Discharge Fittings
0.70 for D> 100 mm.
7.5.1 Hose and Foam Making Nozzle
7.1.2 Forausteniticsteel bodies, the minimumthickness
measured shall be greater than the minimum thickness The discharge hose shall be screwed to the valve body.
calculated using the following formula: The design of the nozzle and its orifice shall be such
D that it meets the performance requirements as given
S =--+K in 10.5. The discharge hose shall be of 0.6 m length
300 minimum.
7.S.2 Pressure Gauge
S = minimum thickness, in mm;
D = external diameter of the body or the largest A suitable pressure gauge shall be fitted to valve
external measurementnormalto the longitudinal assembly or to the cylinder to indicate the pressure
axis, in mrn: and inside the cylinder. The gauge dial shall indicate the
K = coefficient, the a value of which is 0.030 for operating pressure range ofthe extinguisher preferably
D? 100 min. with the colour code. The zero charging the maximum
indicated pressure shall be shown in number and
This is subject to an absolute minimum thickness of marked to ensure the correct charging of pressure of
0.64 min, including all tolerances. 10 kgf/cm',

IS 15397 : 2003
7.5.3 Syphon Tube 9.3 The extinguisher shall be maked with letter A and
B indicating the suitability for respective class of fire
The syphon tube shall be fitted with the discharge valve as laid down in IS 2190. The alphabet A shall be of25
assembly by means of a press fit type, soldering, mm size printed in black colour centrally contained in
brazing or suitable threads in accordance with an equilateraltriangleof 50 mm side. The triangle shall
IS 2643 (Part 2). The syphon tube shall not be be coloured golden yellow conforming to shade 356 of
completely disengaged during use, syphon tube shall IS 5. The alphabet B shall be of25 mm size printed in
be notched or otherwise prevented from restricting the black colour centrally contained in a square of 40 mm
discharge in an unintended manner. size minimum. The square shall be coloured cream
7.5.4 Charge (lemon yellow) conforming to shade No. 355 of IS 5.
The paint shall conform to IS 2932.
The charge shall consist of foam concentrate
conforming to IS 4989 (Part 2) and quantity not less 10 TEST REQUIREMENTS
than 3 litre (for 6 percent concentrate) or 1.5 litre (for 10.1 Hydrostatic Pressure Test
3 percent concentrate) and balance quantity ofwater.
The extinguisher body and valve assembly shall be
8 ANTI-CORROSIVE TREATMENT capable of withstanding the internal hydraulic pressure
8.1 All internal and external surface of the body shall of 3.0 MN/m 2 (30 kgf/cm') without rupture, leakage
be completely epoxy powder coated to minimum or visible distortion for a period of 2 min. This test
0.050 mm thickness. The thickness of the coating shall shall be carried out before the extinguishers are coated
be measured as given in IS 3203. The internal surface for anti-corrosive treatment and painting.
of the body shall be plastic/ rubber coated and lining 10.2 In case of ultimate failures test, the mechanical
shall be of a minimum thickness of 0.5 mm as an failure shall not occur at the pressure of less than
alternative to powder coating. 4.5 MN/m 2 (45 kgf/cm').
8.2 Test for Plastic Lining 10.3 Retention of Pressure and Resistance to
a) Test for adhesion ofplastic lining (Type test) - Vibrations
Subject the unfilled extinguisher to a 10.3.1 An extinguisher shall be emptied, cleaned,
pressure 15 kgf/cm? and store for 120 -0 h at filled with 8.450 litres of potable water and 550 ml of
27 ± 5°C. AFFF concentrate 6 percent type and pressurized to
Release the pressure and examine the 10.5 kgf/crn! using compressed air or nitrogen gas. It
extinguisher internally for cracking, separation shall be monitored for at least 30 min, for any leakages.
from the wall of the body or lifting of the lining, In case there is no fall of pressure, the safety pin shall
and bubbles between the lining and the body. be inserted into the proper holes.
b) Test for continuity ofplastic lining - Fill the 10.3.2 The extinguisher shall then be rigidly mounted
extinguisher body up to 10 mm ofthe top ofthe in an upright position on to the platform of an
lining with a I percent m/m solution ofNaCI in electrically operated vibration testing machine. After
water containing sufficient hydrocarbon properly securing the extinguisher, it shall be subjected
surfactant to reduce the surface tension of to vibrations for 2 h in each of the three rectilinear axes,
the solution to less than 40 mN/m. Check the ~r 2 h each in the following order: Horizontal, Lateral
lining for continuity by the application of a and Vertical. The vibrations to be applied shall have a
500 ± 50 M insulation resistance test across the frequency of 40 Hz, that is 40 cycles/s and an
lining through connections made to the metal amplitude of 0.25 ± 0.03 mm. Any drop in pressure
body and to an electrode introduced into the shall be reoerded.
solution in the extinguisher body.
10.3.3 The above test shall be repeated daily for a
8.3 Phosphating in accordance with the provisions of period of five days. At the end of five days the
IS 3618 may be applied on the external surface of the extinguisher shall be observed for any leakage or drop
body as an alternate. of pressure. The extinguisher shall be deemed to have
passed the tests, ifit meets the following requirements:
a) No physical failure ofcomponents occurs which
9.1 Each extinguisher shall be painted with fire red would require repair or replacement before the
conforming to shade No. 536 of IS 5. The paint shall extinguisher can be returned to the services.
conform to IS 2932. b) The extinguisher is found meeting the
9.2 A picture showing operation ofthe extinguisher in performance test criteria of projection range and
the correct manner shall be shown on the body/label of discharge time and expansion factor of foam,
the extinguisher. as stipulated in 10.5.

IS 15397 : 2003
10.4 Drop Test (Resistance to Shock and Twenty Five litres of high speed diesel shall be
Mechanical Damage) poured into the tray and lit with the help of a burning
torch. A pre-burn period of30 s shall be allowed. The
This test shall be conducted at a temperature of operator shall hold the foam making branch and squeeze
27 ± 5°C. The extinguishers shall be filled with water together the operation lever and carrying handle to
up to 90 percent of its volume and pressurized to its operate the extinguisher.
rated pressure. The extinguisher with its fitting shall
be dropped from a height of 3 m on a concrete surface, The operator shall apply the jet foam on the opposite
without pressure gauge, first with cylindrical axis free board/wall ofthe tray by hitting the surface offuel
horizontal and second with cylindrical axis vertical by foamjet. The operator shall apply the foam as gently
with its head up. There shall be no leakage from the as possible and making effort that entire quantity of
body. The leakage shall be observed by immersing the foam falls into the tray. Initially the operator shall be
extingu isher in the water. at a distance of about 6 m and may gradually advance
towards the tray as fire comes under control and the
Drop test shall be type test. throw diminishes.
10.5 Discharge Performance Test The extinguisher shall be declared to meet the
requirement of fire test iffire is extinguished within its
1O.~.l The design of the extinguisher body valve and
discharge time of 60 s.
foam making nozzle shall be such that when the
extinguisher is correctly charged by filling in 8.450 Iitres The test shall be performed in still air condition in open
of clean water and 550 ml of 6 percent concentrate field.
AFFIY liquid [IS 49891(Part 2)] and pressurized to
10 ± 0.5 kgf/crn! and then keeping the foam making 11 WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH
nozzle horizontal the extinguisher is operated under All the components of the extinguisher shall have
normal ambient temperature conditions 27 ± 5 °C and smooth finish and shall be free from burrs, sharp and
still air the expanded foam shall be expelled out in jagged edges and other visual defects that may be
the form of a jet which shall maintain an effective injurious or detrimental in any manner to the users.
, throw that is projection range not less than 6 m for
the minimum period of 25 s provided that at least 12 MARKING
90 percent of liquid contents is discharged out from
12.1 Each extinguishershall be clearly and permanently
the extinguisher within the maximum period of 60 s.
marked with the following information:
The extinguisher shall be charged and pressurizedagain a) Name of the manufacturer or trade-mark, if
as described in the foregoing and discharged in such a any;
manner that the entire quantity of the expanded foam
b) Method of operation in prominent letters;
is made to fall and collect in a leak proof tray made of
mild steel sheet having an area of 1 m2 and side 15 em. c) Words 'Mechanical foam (stored pressure)';
d) Capacity of the extinguisher in litres;
The layer of foam so collected in the tray shall have a
thickness of not less than 50 mm !When measured e) Words 'Recharge after use';
immediately or alternately the expansion ratio measured t) A declaration to the effect that the body of the
as per the test method given in IS 4989 (Part 2) shall be extinguisher has been tested to a pressure of
minimum 6. 30 kgf/cm';
10.6 Fire Test (Type Test) g) The word 'Keep this end up' while using;
h) Letter indicating the suitability of the unit for
A square tray having area 2.32 m2 (that is each side various class of fires; and
152.3 em) made out of 6 mm thick mild steel sheet
shall be taken. The tray shall be all welded and of water j) Year of manufacture and SI No. of the
leak proof joint construction. The height of the sides extinguisher."
shall be 200 mm. All the upper edges of the tray shall 12.2 Each extinguisher may also be marked with the
be reinforced from outside with 5 mm thick angle iron Standard Mark.
welded continuously around the perimeter. The angle
iron shall form a turned out edge flush with the top 12.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by
edge of the tray. The lower leg of the angle may be the provisions of the Bureau 01 Indian Standard Act,
welded. The tray shall be kept on flat ground. Water 1986 and the rules and regulations made thereunder.
shall be poured to form 20 mm thick layer. The The details of conditions under which the licence for
extinguisher shall be charged and kept ready at a the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to
distance 'of approximately 8 m from the nearest edge manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the
of the tray. Bureau of Indian Standards.

IS 15397 : 2003

(Clause 2)

IS No. Title IS No. Title

5: 1994 Colours for ready mixed paints and 3618: 1966 Specification for phosphate
enamels (fourth revision) t rea till e nt of iron and stee I for
protection against corrosion
291 : 1989 Naval brass rods and sections for
machining purposes (third revision) 4218 (Part 3) : ISO general purpose metric screw
1976 threads : Part 3 Basic dimensions
318 : 1981 Specification for leaded tin bronze (second revision)
ingots and castings (second revision)
4454 (Part 1) : Specification for steel wires for
319: 1989 Free cutting leaded brass bars, rods 2001 mechanical springs: Part 1 Patented
and sections (fourth revision) and cold drawn steel wires-
407 : 1981 Specification for brass tubes for Unalloyed (third revision)
general purposes (third revision) 4989 (Part 2) : Specification for foam concentrate
513 : 1994 Cold rolled low carbon steel sheets 1984 (compound) for producing
and strips (fourth revision) mechanical foam for fire fighting:
Part 2 Aqueous film forming foam
1545 : 199'4 Solid drawn copper and copper alloy (AFFF)
tu bes for condenser and heat
exchangers (third revision) 5382 : 1985 Specification for rubber sealing
rings for gas mains, water mains and
1875 : 1992 Carbon steel billets, blooms, slabs sewers (first revision)
and bars for forgings (fifth revision)
5762 : 1970 Methods for determination for point
2062: 1992 Steel for general structural and melting range
purposes - Specification (fourth
revision) 6528 : 1995 Stainless steel wire (first revision)

2190 : 1992 Selection, installation and 6529 : 1996 Stainless steel blooms, billets and
maintenance of first-aid fire slabs for forging (first revision)
extinguishers - Code of practice 6911 : 1992 Stainless steel plate, sheet and strip
(second revision) (first revision)
2643 Dimensions for pipe threads for 6912 : 1985 Copper and copper alloy forging and
fastening purposes: forgings (first revision)
(Part 1) : 1975 Basic profile and dimensions (first 7188 : 1974 Methods of test for cellulose acetate
revision) flakes
(Part 2) : 1975 Tolerances (first revision) 8543 (Part 1/ Methods of testing plastics: Part 1
2932 : 1993 Enamel, synthetic, exterior (a) Sec 2): 1979 Characterization of polymer
undercoating, (b) finishing- structure and size, Section 2
Specification (second revision) Determination of density of solid
3203 : 1982 Methods of testing local thickness
of electroplated coatings (first. 14933:2001 High pressure fire fighting hose -
revision) Specification

IS 15397 : 2003

(Table 1)

B-1 PHYSICAL TESTS sodium bicarbonatesolution for 72 h at a temperature

of 27 ± 3 °C and then shall be removed, rinsed with
From a sample of cap, requirements of following potable water and dried. The sample shall not show
propertiesshall be checked:
any sign of discolouration, distortion or deterioration
of any kind.
~f}1 Property Method01Test, Requirements
No. Ref to IS 8-3.4 Thesampleshallthen be screwed and unscrewed
i) Specific gravity IS 8543 1.25 ± 0.02 into neck ring of the fire extinguisher for 100 times
(Part I/Sec 2) (each operation). The samples shall not show any sign
of damage or distortion of threads. The sample shall
ii) Melting point IS 5762 215 to 2250 C then be first tested for internal hydrostatic pressure of
iii) Ash content IS 7188 15 ± 1 percent 4.5 MN/m:l (45 kgf/cm') after blocking the plunger
hole (if any). The pressure shall be built up over a
B-2 BURST PRESSURE TEST period of 30 s and maintained for 1 min. There shall
not be any sign of leakage. It shall be then kept
8-2.1 If the sample passes the requirementmentioned
suspended in an oven maintaining the temperature of
in B·l, the following burst pressure test shall be done
60 ± 1 °C for 72 h and after removing when it attains
on the second sample.
temperatureof27 ± 3°C, it shall be kept in refrigerator
8-2.2 The sample of cap shall be subject to internal at a temperature of -5 ± I OC for 72 h. Afterthis period,
hydraulic pressure of 5 MN/m2 (50 kgf/cm-) after the sample shall be removed and when it attains the
blocking the plunger hole (if any). The pressure shall temperatureof 27 ± 3 °C and at this stage, it does not
be built up gradually over a period of 30 sand show any sign of discolouration, distortion or
maintained for 1 min. There shall be no mechanical deterioration of any kind, it shall be subject to internal
failure of cap and cap threads. hydrostatic pressuretest as mentionedabove and there
shall not be any sign of leakage. This cycle of test (that
is, keeping in oven then in refrigerator and subjecting
8-3.1 If the sample passesthe requirementmentioned to hydrostatic pressure) shallbe furtherrepeated2 times
in 8-2.1 and 8-2.2, the followingtests shall be done on with a gap of 24 h and the sample shall be observed
the third sample inthe order as indicatedbelowand the and shallnotshowany signof discolouration, distortion
sample shall pass all the tests. or deterioration besidespassingthe hydrostatic pressure
8-3.2 Acid Resistance Test
B-3.5 Ultra Violet Exposure Test
The sample shall be submerged in 10 percent dilute
hydrochloric acid for 72 h at the temperature of The sampleshall then be exposed at 27 ± 3 °Cto xenon
27 ± 3°C. It shall then be removed, rinsedwith potable arc ultra violet radiations for 100 min followed by
water and dried. The sample shall not show any sign exposure at a relative humidity of 60 ::l: 5 percent and
of discolouration, distortion or deterioration of any kind. temperature62 ± S OC for 20 min. The cycle shall be
repeated 60 times and the cap shall then be subjected
8-3.3 Alkali Resistance Test
to internalhydrostatic pressurementioned in 8-3.4 and
The sample shall then be submerged in 10 percent shall pass requirements.

Bureau of Indian St••d.rda
BIS is a statutory instit\J~.Ii~bedunderthe BureauofIndianStandards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious
development of the acti.~s of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in ~,coUptry. : '
· ht
COPyr11 .:.:
~.' *"'~'.
BIS has the copyright~'all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior pennisslon.in writingof8lS. This does not preclude the free use, in the courseof implementing
the standard, of neces~. details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed," the Director (Publication), BIS. ' "

Review of Indian St.:~da'~ds

Amendments are issued to'standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard', 810.08 with amendments is reaffirmed when such review'indicates that no changes are
needed; if the revie.." iI.Idie8tes that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that t~y are in possession of the latestamendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions'. .,
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc: No. CED 22 (6002).

Amendments Issued Since Publicatioa '

AmendNo. Date of Issue Text Affected

" ..


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