Professional Practice in Nursing: A Framework: Francine Girard
Professional Practice in Nursing: A Framework: Francine Girard
Professional Practice in Nursing: A Framework: Francine Girard
Ensuring that nurses can practise according to the philosophical underpinnings of their
profession is recognized as an important factor in job satisfaction and is therefore a
key element of retention and recruitment of the nursing workforce. Creating a culture
of excellence requires making explicit a set of values and performance expectations
to which all nurses can subscribe and that influences practice behaviours. The vice
president and chief nursing officer of a large health region in Western Canada there-
fore sought to establish a foundation for building such a culture of excellence, through
the creation of a mission, vision and Professional Practice Framework for the region’s
nurses. The author describes the development of the nursing Professional Practice
Framework for this health region, presents the results of a participatory approach to
promoting nurses’ ownership of the model and discusses plans for assessing the impact
of the framework on nurses’ practice and patient care.
2 Nursing Leadership On-line Exclusive • June 2005
The past decade in healthcare has been characterized by hospital restructuring, with
mergers of previously independent organizations and their associated cultures into
larger, regionalized entities. Concurrently, cutbacks due to fiscal constraints during
the 1990s contributed to heavy workloads, long hours and reported difficulty by
nurses in carrying out their professional roles (Baumann et al. 2001). Recognizing
the importance of practice environments that conform to the philosophy of care
held by the nursing profession (Baumann et al. 2001), many organizations have
developed professional practice models to guide nursing care delivery, with the goal
of empowering the nursing workforce and improving the quality of patient care
(London Health Sciences Centre 2004; Ottawa Hospital 2004; University Health
Network 2004).
The newly appointed vice president and chief nursing officer (CNO) of the Calgary
Health Region (“the Region”) requested that the Regional Nursing Council begin
work on developing a Professional Practice Framework for nursing. A task force was
struck, with a mandate to complete a first draft of the framework by Nursing Week
(May 2003).
This paper describes the process used to solicit input into the development of the
framework and presents results of the participatory approach to obtaining owner-
ship of the model by nurses. It concludes with a brief commentary on plans for
assessing the impact of the framework on nurses’ practice and on patient care.
Literature Support
Ensuring that nurses can practise according to the philosophical underpinnings
of their profession is recognized as an important factor in job satisfaction and
hence is critical to retention and recruitment of the nursing workforce (Baumann
et al. 2001). Employers share responsibility with nurses, professional associations
and others for promoting environments that support quality professional practice
(Canadian Nurses Association 2001). Achieving high-quality healthcare requires
that we make explicit the expectations related to professional nursing practice
(Ferguson-Pare et al. 2002). Nurses’ effectiveness in achieving the outcomes for
which they are accountable is inextricably tied to the extent to which they can
exercise control over the delivery of care for which they are responsible (Hoffart
and Woods 1996). Professional practice models generally address nurses’ need
for autonomy and accountability and are considered important to organizational
empowerment of nurses and to the creation of effective work teams (Spence
Laschinger and Havens 1996). A set of values and performance expectations to
which all nurses can subscribe and that influences practice behaviours is essential
to creating a culture of excellence (Kramer 1990). Achieving excellence in nursing
practice was the aim in development of the Calgary Health Region Professional
Practice Framework.
Professional Practice in Nursing: A Framework 3
One of the main concerns of the task force mandated with the development of the
Professional Practice Framework was that all nurses be given the opportunity for
involvement in its development. Hence, a participatory approach was used to solicit
nurses’ input. A number of focus groups were held, which were offered at different
times of the day on various days of the week and at various sites across the Region.
Subsequent to analysis of the focus group data, questionnaires to validate the focus
group findings were distributed in hard copy at all regional sites and simultaneously
placed on the internal website to increase access for nurses in the Region and to
invite them to complete the survey.
All focus groups were moderated by one of two facilitators who were employees
of the Region. Group discussions were either audiotaped and later transcribed,
or summarized directly onto a laptop computer by one of the group moderators.
Subsequent to the focus groups, a questionnaire was constructed and a Region-
wide survey conducted with nurses to validate the components of the Professional
Practice Framework. Statements on the questionnaire were derived from the
themes that had emerged during focus group consultations. These included eight
statements focusing on the art of nursing, eight related to competence, eight deal-
ing with attributes of practice and 10 with personal commitment. A total of 482
respondents returned a completed questionnaire. Consistently, respondents indi-
cated high agreement with the statements on the questionnaire, confirming that the
elements of the framework that had emerged from the focus groups resonated with
the larger sample of nurses in the Region.
Respondent Profile
Almost all respondents to the survey were registered nurses (RNs). A majority
(44%) held a baccalaureate degree in nursing, closely followed by diploma-prepared
nurses (40%). A small number of respondents (9%) were prepared at the graduate
level. Only 2% of respondents were licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and 3% were
registered psychiatric nurses (RPNs). The proportion of LPN and RPN respondents
was only slightly less than their proportional numbers in the total nursing staff mix
of the Region at the time the survey was conducted. More than half the respondents
(51%) worked in acute care settings. Public health (11%), ambulatory care (10%)
and home care settings (10%) were equally represented, followed closely by mental
health (8%). Only 3% of respondents held administrative positions. Three-quarters
(74%) of respondents had 10 or more years’ experience in nursing, compared to
only 3% with less than one year in nursing practice. Respondents with one to four
(11%) or five to nine (11%) years’ experience were equally represented.
Professional Practice in Nursing: A Framework 5
Discussion of Results
From focus group comments and their subsequent validation through the quantita-
tive survey, a draft Professional Practice Framework was presented for consideration
and further development by the Regional Nursing Council. The components that
follow were derived from nurses’ input.
2. Competence
Professional practice demands competence in relation to knowledge and technical
skills. This requires not only a broad base of knowledge, but also depth of knowl-
edge in a chosen area of practice, a desire and ability to continue developing that
knowledge base and to share it with others and critical thinking in decision-making.
3. Attributes of Practice
Professional practice reflects a particular approach to one’s work, with collaboration
by far the most salient characteristic. Professional nursing practice means work-
ing in partnership with other nurses and health professionals in providing client
care, being highly organized in managing activities and time, having the ability to
manage many complex tasks simultaneously, working autonomously as appropriate
and having an open mind and nonjudgmental manner.
4. Personal commitment
In describing this element of professional practice, respondents referred to the
importance of having confidence in one’s abilities and taking responsibility for
one’s actions, including having a sound understanding of the boundaries and limi-
tations of nursing practice. Having a balanced lifestyle and supporting the advance-
ment of the profession were also considered important characteristics of a profes-
sional nurse.
The Art of Nursing Attributes of Practice
Nurses demonstrate ethical, insightful, caring Autonomous professional practice in nursing
practice by focusing on the health and well- requires taking personal responsibility for
being of individuals, families and communi- excellence in practice and effective collabora-
ties in health and during episodes of illness tion with multidisciplinary team members in
and transition. meeting the health needs of the population.
The framework is congruent with the values of the Calgary Health Region (Honesty,
Integrity, Dignity, Trust, Respect, Responsiveness, Creativity and Learning). It
reflects elements that are common to other professional practice frameworks
described in the literature (Behrend et al. 1986; Hannah and Shamian 1992 ; Hoffart
and Woods 1996; Joy and Malay 1992; University Health Network 2003). The
framework reinforces the prerequisites for the promotion of safe, competent and
ethical nursing practice that are inherent in the standards of practice and code of
conduct of the Alberta Association of Registered Nurses (AARN), the professional
body that regulates the practice of registered nurses in the province.
The framework was illustrated in a pamphlet distributed to all nurses in the Region
during Nurses Week. Incorporated in the pamphlet was a pocket card summariz-
ing the elements of the framework, providing a quick reference and enhancing the
Professional Practice in Nursing: A Framework 7
The framework logo depicted in Figure 2 was designed by one of the members of
Regional Nursing Council (Sharon Witt) and is an expression of her belief that the
nurse’s cap has traditionally been an important symbol of professionalism in nursing.
The major elements of the framework have been linked to the expected RN, LPN
and RPN competencies articulated in job descriptions, and application of the
framework in practice is now incorporated into nurses’ ongoing professional devel-
opment and continuing education plans. A clinical mentorship program based on
the competencies associated with professional practice in the Region is under devel-
opment, as is a position paper on patient safety and professional nursing practice.
Further elaboration of the framework will be ongoing. For example, use of the
framework has exposed the need to clarify some of its terms, such as “insight-
ful practice.” Using a process not unlike that which guided development of the
Professional Practice Framework, input will again be sought to ensure that a defini-
tion of insightful practice is elaborated that will resonate with nurses in the Region.
The process of developing a Professional Practice Framework for the Calgary Health
Region demanded considerable time and effort on the part of a multitude of nurses.
The resolve to reflect accurately the language of nurses in developing the framework
was vital to defining professional practice in a manner that promoted ownership
of the final product by nurses in the Region. It will now be important to examine
the extent to which elaboration of this framework helps nurses achieve increased
meaning and continually strive to attain higher levels of excellence in their work. It
is hoped that the development of an explicit model to guide practice will ultimately
help nurses feel pride in their profession and value the tremendous contribution
that they and nursing make to the healthcare system.
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