Pe and Health: Quarter 1 - Module 1: Exercise For Fitness
Pe and Health: Quarter 1 - Module 1: Exercise For Fitness
Pe and Health: Quarter 1 - Module 1: Exercise For Fitness
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
PE AND HEALTH – Grade 11
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Self-Testing Activity on Health-Related Fitness
First Edition, 2020
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Education 1
Quarter 1 – Module 1
Self-Testing Activity on
Health-Related Fitness
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Let Us Learn
Let Us Try
A. Getting ready for Physical Activity Directions:
Prior to any physical activity, it is very important to assess your health
condition through a physical activity readiness questionnaire. It is a self-
facilitated questionnaire that assesses the presence of major signs of
cardiovascular and respiratory problems. Read the form below to check
your readiness for physical activity. Please answer the questions honestly.
Kindly write your answers on your notebook.
Questions YES NO
1 Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and
that you should only do physical activity recommended by a
2 Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?
3 In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were
not doing physical activity?
4 Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever
lose consciousness?
5 Do you have a bone or joint problem?
6 Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs for your blood
pressure or heart condition?
7 Have you lost weight rapidly recently with or without feelings
of extreme hunger?
8 Do you know of any other reason why you should not do
physical activity?
Guide Questions:
1. What are the physical barriers you encountered as you answered the
physical activity readiness questionnaire?
2. Out of these barriers, what are the ways to improve all these?
Let Us Study
1. Cardio-respiratory endurance it is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessel to
supply oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles efficiently in order to sustain
prolonged rhythmical exercises.
2. Muscular strength it is the muscular strength is about how much weight you are able
to lift with your muscles at one time. This would relate to the “quality” of the task being
performed as opposed to the frequency, which is dealt with by your muscular endurance.
It is the maximal lift ability a muscle is able to generate with effort.
3. Muscular Endurance is the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue.
It can also refer to the period of time in which a muscle is able to hold contraction.
4. Flexibility is the ability of the joints to bend and move through the full range of motion.
It is affected by the structures of the joint and muscles surrounding the joint.
5. Body Composition is the total make-up of the body using the concept of two
component model: the lean body mass and the body fat. It is the ratio of fat mass with
the overall body mass.
Let Us Practice
You will perform the self-testing activities which specifically designed to test your
health-related fitness. The result being obtained may assist in evaluating your strengths
and weaknesses. Participating in regular health and skill-related fitness helps you control
your weight, prevents diseases and illness, improves your mood, boosts energy, and
promotes better sleep.
Wear proper attire, prepare the needed materials and get ready to perform the
activity. Please do a warm-up or stretching exercises for 2 minutes before administering
the test. Record the results of your fitness test to your notebook.
A. BODY COMPOSITION: Body Mass Index (BMI) – measure of body
mass based on height and weight.
BMI= W in Kg_______
(H in m) (H in m)
In constant pace, step on and off the bench for 3 minutes straight
Heart Rate - Beats Per Minute (bpm)
________(bpm) ________(bpm)
d.1 Zipper Test – using tape measure, raise one arm across back with
bent elbow reaching down fingers of the other hand.
d.2 Sit and Reach – in a stride sitting position, using meter stick place it
on the floor between your legs then reach slowly forward, without folding
your knees and measure how far you have reached. Repeat it three
d.1 Zipper Test d.2 Sit and Reach
Let’s Be a Blogger!
Instruction: (You can do it with other family members for more fun)
Follow Up Questions:
1. How do you find health and skill -related fitness and its components?
2. Explain the importance of being physically fit, now that we are facing
the pandemic?
Let Us Remember
4. Flexibility – How far you can move different body parts at joints.
5. Body Composition – How much muscle and fat your body contains.
6. To maintain general fitness, engage in health-related physical fitness
7. Fitness level assessment find out the current status of an individual. Below
are references for interpretation.
8. BMI Categories:
Underweight=18.5 below
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity=BMI of 30 or greater
9. Rating scale for muscular strength and endurance:
Classification Male Female
Marginal 0 0 60-79 1 60-79
Zone 1
Let Us Assess
Zipper test
3. How will you overcome situations that hinder you to engage in
physical activity?
Criteria Points
Content 5 points
Organization 5 points
Writing Conventions 5points
Let Us Reflect
Assessing your health condition will help you know about your strength
and weaknesses. Understanding of health-related fitness and its relevant
interpretations will help you efficiently plan an action in following a healthy
lifestyle and choosing appropriate activities needed for improvement.
Measuring your fitness level regularly is one way to find out if you're making
progress. Health-related fitness focuses mainly on the optimum health of the
Answer Key
Let us Assess:
Keeping the body physically fit makes our body systems function properly with vigor
and alertness. Staying healthy and fit enable us to perform our daily activities
efficiently and effectively with a great result of performance.
Quality Adequate
RUBRICS Exemplary 5pts. Improvement
4pts. 3pts.
2 pts.
Content Answers are Answers are Answers are Answers are
5pts. comprehensive, accurate and not partial or
accurate and complete. Key comprehensive incomplete.
complete. Key points are or completely Key points are
ideas are clearly stated and stated. Key not clear.
stated, supported. points are Question not
explained, and addressed, but adequately
well supported. not well answered.
Organization Well organized, Organization is Inadequate Organization
5pts. coherently mostly clear organization or and structure
developed, and and easy to development. detract from the
(Answers are easy to follow. follow. Structure of answer.
clearly the answer is
thought out not easy to
and follow.
Writing Displays no Displays one to Displays three Displays over
Conventions errors in spelling, three errors in to five errors in five errors in
5pts. punctuation, spelling, spelling, spelling,
(Spelling, grammar, and punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
punctuation, sentence grammar, and grammar, and grammar, and
grammar, structure. sentence sentence sentence
and complete structure. structure structure.
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call: