Ce Afaceri Vroia Sa Faca Hunter Biden Baiatul Lui Joe Biden in Romania - Din Articol Nyt!
Ce Afaceri Vroia Sa Faca Hunter Biden Baiatul Lui Joe Biden in Romania - Din Articol Nyt!
Ce Afaceri Vroia Sa Faca Hunter Biden Baiatul Lui Joe Biden in Romania - Din Articol Nyt!
From : James Gilliar < james.gilliar@j2cr.com >
Date: 5/7/2017 , 10:43 AM
To : Tony Bobulinski <TBobulinski@nazent.com >
CC : Rob Walker < rob.walker@j2cr.com > , Hunter < rhbdc@icloud.com > , Jim Biden
< jbiden@lionhallgp.com >
Sanan Phutrakul
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Director International Operations
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.: +1 786 838 5239
Email: sanan.phutrakul@eei-group.com
Web : www.eei-group.com
Skype ID: sanan.phutrakul
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CEFC_Report_Phase_1_Countries_v2.pdf 1.2 MB
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CEFC China Energy
Investment Vehicle
Phase I Countries Outline
April 25 , 2017
Table of Contents
Target Geographies for Development - Phase 1 3
Executive Summary . 4
Manufacturing ..... 13
Tourism 14
Fisheries 15
Mining.. 15
Target opportunities 19
Target Opportunities . 27
Luxembourg ....... 29
Political Framework 29
Why Luxembourg ? 29
Target Opportunity 30
Market Entry 31
Romania ...... 32
Target Opportunities 32
Metav 35
The Future 36
France 37
Overseas Regions 37
Overseas Collectivity . 38
IDEX Groupe. 40
MCE-5 Development . 41
These are countries where we have already entered and are actively developing , or have
developed the opportunities, applying the strategies and connections from the Tao . In these
countries , the prestige has been established, there is an entry to market and an established deal
flow .
Philosophy Nizwa
Executive Summary
Real GDP growth rate (MENA Economic
Monitor Report) is estimated at 3.3% in
2015. New oil recovery technologies and Oman
greater efficiency led to record production
levels in 2015, peaking at 0.98 million
barrels per day. Hydrocarbon GDP grew by
4% in 2015 , compared to a contraction of
0.8% in 2014. Non -hydrocarbon GDP is
estimated to have grown by 3% in 2015. The
central bank enacted expansionary monetary Salalah
policy by reducing lending rates to support Map 2017 Google
economic growth. The current account balance recorded a deficit in the first half of 2015.
Consumer price inflation averaged 0.1%in 2015. A record high fiscal deficit is estimated for
2015 , at 17.7% ofGDP. Hydrocarbon revenue fell by 45 % in 2015, which stymied government
spending hindering potential economic growth and decreasing tax receipts . Approximately half
of the deficit in 2015 was financed by drawing on reserves, and the remainder by borrowing
from domestic and external sources. Oman issued its first sovereign Islamic bond ( sukuk ) for
USD 519.5 million, and USD 1 billion through syndicated loan. Standard & Poor's downgraded
the country's debt to BBB-/ A -3 in February. The central bank is currently marketing an OMR
100 million 5-year bond, and announcing plans to raise between USD 5 and USD 10 billion from
the international market, to avoid squeezing the domestic banking liquidity further.
The government reduced spending in 2015 , avoiding an even larger deficit, and has laid out an
extensive austerity plan for 2016. Reforms included the doubling of gas prices for industrial
users, amending labor laws and designating an office for speeding up the process for issuing
licenses. The 2016 budget indicates further reforms; with subsidy spending expected to fall by
64 in 2016 and diesel and petrol prices increasing by up to 33%. Revenue is expected to
increase through a higher corporate income tax ( from 12% to 15%), the removal of sometax
exemptions, and the implementation of a GCC-wide VAT . Other measures envisaged to enhance
revenue include: revising electricity and water tariffs and increasing fees for government
The macroeconomic outlook is highly vulnerable to the behavior of oil prices and hinges on the
success of the government's efforts to capitalize on non -hydrocarbon revenues. Real GDP
growth is projected at 1.6% in 2016, lower than in 2015, reflecting lower oil revenue and the
associated dampening of spending and domestic demand. Growth is projected to pick up again
starting 2017 , as the non-oil sector expands , despite lower levels of investment spending, which
will constrain growth in the oil sector . Non-urgent projects are expected to be postponed . The
government will continue to prioritize infrastructure investment including tourism , airports,
railways, ports and oil and gas . A new mining law is expected to streamline and centralize
licensing processes and to improve the industry's efficiency . Since Oman has maintained
consistently good relations with Iran, new trade and investment opportunities are expected
including a gas pipeline between the two countries . However , in light of the projected level of oil
prices , the fiscal and current account are estimated to be in deficit at 16.8% and 14.1% of GDP
respectively in 2016. Oman is expected to maintain its peg to the U.S. dollar ( 1 USD = 0.38450
OMR ), despite pressures , and raise interest rates Q4 2016 .
The 9th Five-Year Plan for the Sultanate of Oman (2016-2020 ), which is the last in a series of
five -year plans for the vision 2020 , includes numerous policies and programs to diversify the
Omani economy into sectors such as manufacturing, mining transport and tourism . Targeted
projects for private sector include Oman Rail (around OMR 5-6bn investment ), tourism projects,
logistics, fisheries projects and others . This will help expand the role of the private sector and
reflects prudent and realistic goals.
The government's aim is to cut non - core expenditure in favor of additional attention towards
investment spending on selected key programs and projects. The private sector's role is the
backbone of the plan and the government have already been engaged in supporting this view
through either public private partnerships (PPP's ) or providing additional facilities .
As per the ninth plan statement , total targeted investments stand at OMR 41 be funded by
52 % from private investments with the balance coming from public investments . The private
investments shall be in the commodities production activities (32.6 %), services activities (37 %)
and (29%) in infrastructure . Targeted projects for the private sector (on either an individual or
partnership basis ) cover Oman railway , tourism structures within Port Sultan Qaboos , Port
Khasab , South Batinah Logistics Area and some fishing projects, which include investment into
shrimp farms, Al Dhahirah Economic Area and Shinas Port Historically the government
succeeds in engaging the private sector in vital capital projects, such as power and water . This
will continue .
In addition , the government is keen to engage with strategic investors , particularly companies
and investment groups seeking to expand international economic cooperation in the energy
sector .
Omani History
In answer to a regional stability of operations question from DZ . Oman has long tradition of
trading with Iran and other gulf countries and holds a unsurpassed friendship and trust with
principals . The Sultanate constitutes one of the oldest communities in Arabia . A distinguishable
ethnic and political entity as far back as two thousand years ago , its people were trading with
distant lands as early as the third millennium B.C. From the second century B.C. onward ,
Oman's Arab population played an especially important role in shaping the country's culture and
in influencing its history and development . Oman was one of the first countries to accept Islam ,
and its mariners helped to spread the faith to distant lands. In the process , the country was a
pioneer in establishing Arab and Islamic links with Asia , eastern and central Africa and the
Indian subcontinent . Oman was also the first eastern Arab country to establish diplomatic
relations with United States 1833 - and in 1840 was the first Arab country to send an
ambassador to the United States .
Oman's global and regional significance derives in large measure from its geographic location .
The Sultanate has a 1,200-mile coastline along the Arabian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman , the Arabian
Sea and the Indian Ocean . It is adjacent to the sea lanes leading to Europe and Asia , Iraq and
Iran, and its fellow members in the Gulf Co -operation Council (GCC -Saudi Arabia , Kuwait,
Bahrain , Qatar and the United Arab Emirates .
The Sultanate is keenly aware of its pivotal position in terms of global real estate -at the north
western comer of the Indian Ocean , at the gateway to the Gulf. For these and other reasons -
including, most recently , the fall of the Shah of Iran, the rise of Khomeini-inspired radicalism ,
and the Soviet invasion and occupation of nearby Afghanistan -Oman , many would argue, might
well be spelled with italics by geo -strategic cartographers .
Certainly , such features of the Sultanate's international significance - although hardly in need of
underlining for Britain and numerous other countries – have become increasingly apparent to
many Americans . Indeed , from the almost unending flow of first -time American official visitors
to the country during the past ten years , it has seemed at times as though the Sultanate was being
not so much discovered as uncovered , stripped bare, as it were , in the eyes of the global strategist
and the military planner . A decade and more into the effort, there is every evidence that the
ensuing gaze is still in place, having become for some almost a fixation. The consequences of
this concentrated focus by one country on another from halfway round the world are, in their
broadest outlines , already clear : they have reshaped U.S. thinking about the Sultanate's role in
regional and world affairs and the implications of that role for allied interests and policies .
Viewed from the perspective of the mid- 1980s, American firms and individuals are currently
playing more important roles in Oman's plans for development than at any point in the history of
the relationship between the two countries. Quite apart from the military component of the
overall U.S. involvement in contemporary Oman, Americans have been, and in some cases still
are, involved in fishing surveys, the construction of processing plants for dates, the development
of plans to mine copper, and the provision of agricultural, communications and computer
technology expertise. Several companies Amoco , Chevron, Mobil and Occidental are
partners in oil concessions .
Members of the Peace Corps have served in Omani villages , several hundred Omani students are
currently attending American universities , and a dozen Omani army officers are enrolled in
professional management and training programs at leading U.S. service institutions .
Muscat's century -old isolation was swept away in a burst of enthusiasm over the change in
rulership, as the government was expanded new buildings went up, and Omanis returned from
exile abroad . The cobwebs which had long surrounded the Sultanate were swept aside and
relationships were eagerly sought with many states around the world . For the first time, Oman
became a member of the Arab League and the United Nations . After a hiatus of over 130 years
an Omani ambassador returned to the United States and the first U.S. Ambassador to Oman took
up residence in Muscat .
The growing significance of Oman to both GCC and Western planning interests in this regard is
beyond argument. Regardless of the nature, pace or extent of progress on this front in the
immediately foreseeable , the Sultanate is likely to continue to serve simultaneously as
guarantor of one of the world's most strategically vital lifelines regardless of the day -to -day ups
and downs of its growing defense and security relationships with the United States, Britain and
others and an increasingly important actor in the Gulf region .
Investment environment
The sharp downturn in oil prices will mean the budget and the current account will remain in
deficit in 2016-20 , and efforts to rein in public spending and diversify the economy will be
pushed forward . As a result of austerity measures real GDP growth will slow to 1.6% in 2016
before gradually picking up to an average of 2.5 % in 2018-20 .
There are a number of high value projects that are available to strategic foreign investment in the
Sultanate of Oman . These include : the Oman Railway (USD 15bn); the 200-million-ton tank
storage for crude oil at Ras Markaz and terminal ( USD 300-400 mil), which will be able to
accommodate VLCC's (Very Large Crude Carriers ); the establishment of new bunker hubs in
the Port of Sohar, Port Al Duqm and possibly the Port of Salalah . A 240,000bbls a day refinery
at Duqm (USD5bn )m and South Al Batina Logistics Hub, which will cover an area of
approximately 90 million 90 ). In addition to a number of very large government
construction projects. The fishing sector is seeking investment for research and shrimp farming.
Economy Actual / 2016 Q1/ 2017 Q2 / 2017 Q3/ 2017 2020 Units
Balance of Trade -45.20 -166.00 49.00 49.00 -199.00 248.00 OMR Million
GDP Annual Growth Rate -14.1 -1.9 1.7 1.7 1.7 2.50 %
GDP Constant Prices 27566.60 28300.00 28492.00 28684.00 28877.00 31269.00 OMR Million
Gross Fixed Capital
Formation 8534.10 9392.00 9587.00 9782.00 9976.00 11286.00 OMR Million
GDP per capita 15305.67 15028.00 14949.00 14871.00 14792.00 18750.00 USD
GDP per capita PPP 35982.75 35388.00 35279.00 35169.00 35060.00 38966.00 USD
Gross National Product 25960.30 31150.00 31371.00 31593.00 31814.00 35698.00 OMR Million
GDP From Agriculture 427.40 468.00 476.00 485.00 494.00 621.00 OMR Million
GDP From Construction 2230.00 2340.00 2356.00 2372.00 2388.00 2423.00 OMR Million
GDP From Manufacturing 2939.60 3002.00 3002.00 3001.00 3000.00 3001.00 OMR Million
GDP From Mining 141.70 150.00 153.00 156.00 159.00 194.00 OMR Million
GDP From Public 3304.00 3469.00 3506.00 3543.00 3580.00 3967.00 OMR Million
GDP From Services 13215.90 13801.00 13816.00 13832.00 13848.00 13293.00 OMR Million
GDP From Transport 1636.50 1813.00 1845.00 1877.00 1909.00 2376.00 OMR Million
GDP From Utilities 417.60 431.00 435.00 439.00 443.00 501.00 OMR Million
Prices Actual / 2016 Q1/ 2017 Q2/ 2017 Q3/ 2017 2020 Units
Consumer Price Index CPI 104.00 104.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 108.00 Index Points
Producer Prices 89.70 83.61 81.75 80.53 79.43 76.04 Index Points
Money Supply M1 5402.30 5641.00 5791.00 5944.00 6103.00 8585.00 OMR Million
Money Supply M2 15808.00 16339.00 16835.00 17191.00 17578.00 24226.00 OMR Million
Foreign Exchange Reserves 8725.00 9001.00 8850.00 8807.00 8810.00 8818.00 OMR Million
Central Bank Balance Sheet 9046.20 9190.00 9174.00 9178.00 9174.00 9175.00 OMR Million
Trade Actual / 2016 Q1/ 2017 Q2/ 2017 / 2017 2020 Units
Balance of Trade -45.20 -166.00 49.00 49.00 -199.00 248.00 OMR Million
Current Account -4155.00 594.00 536.00 478.00 420.00 82.54 OMR Million
Capital Flows 4741.00 2959.00 3418.00 3878.00 4337.00 4894.00 OMR Million
Crude Oil Production 980.00 981.00 981.00 981.00 981.00 981.00 BBL / D / 1K
Terrorism Index
Foreign Direct Investment -1035.00 -1085.00 -1017.00 -950.00 -882.00 -452.00 OMR Million
Government Budget Value -520.60 -579.00 -578.00 -579.00 -579.00 -579.00 OMR Million
Government Spending 6714.50 9824.00 10618.00 11411.00 12205.00 24379.00 OMR Million
Government Revenues 630.30 573.00 575.00 575.00 575.00 575.00 OMR Million
Government Debt 2481.30 2149.00 2305.00 2461.00 2617.00 2749.00 OMR Million
Fiscal Expenditure 1050.90 1161.00 1175.00 1173.00 1174.00 1174.00 OMR Million
Military Expenditure 9842.80 10396.00 10791.00 11186.00 11530.00 13331.00 USD Million
Corruption Rank 60 58 57 55 54 46
Private Sector Credit 17222.20 17754.00 18061.00 18355.00 18635.00 21310.00 OMR Million
Gasoline Prices 0.41 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 USD/ Litre
Consumer Confidence 83.10 69.36 64.78 60.20 55.62 -3.89
Personal Income Tax Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 %
Key Goals
To achieve an average annual GDP growth rate of 3%
To reduce the contribution of oil in GDP at current prices from 44% in 8th 5-year plan to
26% .
To maintain inflation rate within safe levels at an average of 2.9% .
Focus on private sector and activate the public private partnerships (PPPs )
Create job opportunities
Focus on
Volatility and low oil prices .
Creating jobs
Geopolitical tensions in the region.
Acceleration of the diversification process
Minimize the elasticity towards external shocks
Key Developments
Prioritizing of spending on projects
Establishment of general department within the Supreme Council for Planning to
coordinate with ministries and specialized institutions .
Dynamic plan; goals and procedures are subject to changes on developments
projects through the public private partnerships ( )
New projects to be considered after first three years .
Other than the oil and gas sector, these are prime sectors with untapped potential, and by the
government opening these sectors up for foreign investment, demonstrates the country's
determination to move from an oil producing economy to a mixed ( diversified ) economy .
It is estimated to contribute 15% to the GDP by 2020 (Oman vision ). The 1H’15 contribution
stood at 9.3% while 10% for FY’14. It is worth stating that the average annual growth rate
during the 8th five - year plan stood at 18.4%.
The major ongoing project within the sector is Liwa Plastic Industries Complex , which is
expected to create around 13,000 jobs ( 1,000 direct, 12,000 indirect). Key facts about the
Will contribute by 2-3% to GDP.
The total cost is around USD 6.4bn, to be funded by international financial institutions
(60%), local banks 20% ) and government as well as Oman Oil Company (20 ).
It will result in Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Co (Orpic) contribution to GDP
to reach 9 by 2020 .
It will enable Oman , for the first time, to produce polyethylene. This form of plastic is
rated high in terms of global demand . It represents 40% of the total plastic applications
worldwide .
As per the Ministry of Tourism , the tourism sector's direct contribution to GDP is expected to
increase from around 2 to 5 % by 2020. The added value of the sector reached OMR 724
million by the end of 2014 , the same sources stated. The strategy for tourism is based on two
foundations: 1) a series of tourist facilities in one location, and 2) the distinctive tourist
experiences. It is expected that more than 100,000 jobs will be created within the sector by 2024 .
There are around 39 projects in various stages of design, construction or tendering including:
Oman Exhibition and Convention Centre; Wadi Bani Habib ; the Al Hoota Cave redevelopment;
the Duqm frontier town and; the Ras Al Hadd development . The country emphasis on
archaeology , conser
servation and natural beauty is a key distinguishing factor from its neighbors in
the region.
Madinat Al Irfan
It is a mixed used development project and investments to be in billions of
dollars .
It is expected to generate notable inbound revenues , and through Public Private
Partnerships model , it is targeted to contribute around OMR 450-500 million
annually to the GDP upon completion .
The waterfront development around Port Sultan Qaboos
It is a partnership between the private sector and pension investment funds.
Planned investments around OMR 500 million of which 50% will come for the
private sector / foreign investment .
Expected to provide 12,000 direct jobs and 7,000 indirect jobs .
Shall attract 70% of the tourists visiting the port to tour the Sultanate
The focus is mainly to boost fisheries production from currently around 200,000 tons per year to
around 480,000 tons by 2020 and to create additional 20,000 jobs , as per Under -Secretary for
Fisheries Wealth. It is expected that by 2020, the direct return from fishing and fish processing
activities to be around OMR 739.2 million. Key projects within the sector include the Duqm
Fishery Harbour with estimated investments of OMR 100 million in addition to the adjoining
industrial fisheries cluster and investment in the growing prawn sector.
Oman produces aluminum , clay , copper , gypsum , iron and steel , low - grade iron oxide , cement ,
chromite , quartz, salt , limestone , marble and has recently identified gold deposits . Although ,
mining and quarrying contributed only 0.4 to GDP in 2014 and 0.5 % in 1H’15 , the mining
sector increased by 20% YoY in 2015. The new mining law awaiting completion ) shall ease the
procedures and attract more investments in the sector . Moreover , the discovery of sizeable
reserves of minerals such as gold , copper and rare earth shall boost the growth in the coming
years . Key projects within the sector include mineral processing and refining facilities in the Port
of industrial zone On a different note, it is worth stating that the port of Duqm plans to
start the export of minerals for the first time in February 2017. The port has already set up
facilities of its break bulk terminal for exporting 50,000 tons of dolomite as the first shipment.
Another key development is related to recent key move about the launching of OMR 100 million
mining development company called Mining Development through a partnership between
government funds, Oman Oil Company and Oman National Investments Development Company
( Tanmia ). As per the plan statement, it is expected to register an average increase of % during
the plan in constant prices .
PDO ( Petroleum Development Oman) built a 289km pipeline to the coast at Saith al-Malih and a
terminal at Minah al-Fahl, all at a cost of GBP 25 million. The Yibal field went online in 1070
and PDO struck oil in Huwaisa field the same year as the Sultanate exported about 350,000bbl
per day at $ 1.82bbl .
Today PDO is Oman's largest company with 35,000 employees / subcontractors and has been
supporting wider Omani society for 40 years. It buys in excess of USD 5 billion worth of goods
and services a year from many suppliers to operate oil and deliver to the Government and its
shareholders . 72% of all oil production and nearly all of the Sultanate's gas production is from
its Block 6 concession . PDO is 60% owned by the government of Oman, U.K./Royal Dutch
Shell Group 34 , France's Total 4% and Portugal's Parted , %.
PDO develops and produces crude on behalf of its shareholders , all its gas activities are
undertaken solely on behalf of the government .
Additionally , there are a number of oil and gas related projects that require various levels of
capital ( foreign ) investment . These include , tank storage (Ras Markaz Oil Storage Terminal ).
Oman strives to maintain positive relations with countries in its region, pursuing strong and
stable diplomatic and economic ties . Muscat is now uniquely positioned for economic
cooperation with Iran as its neighbor across the Strait of Hormuz opens new trade ties . The
sultanate's quiet approach to foreign relations has benefited its stability at home and
opportunities for trade abroad .
Gas- LNG: as September 1 , 2013 , Oman LNG officially integrated with Qalhat LNG, Oman
LNG's Liquefaction Plant , which is located on the coast at Qalhat near Sur in the South
Sharqiyah Governorate . The integrated entity operates under the name of Oman LNG . Bunkering
by barge (particularly by barge in Port Al Duqm). In addition to Duqm, the Ports of Sohar and
Salalah are ready for bunkering upgrade .
IPIC ( International Petroleum Investment Company , formed by the Abu Dhabi government in
1984) entered an agreement in October 2009 with the state -owned Oman Oil Company ( )
assess the feasibility of building an oil refinery in the southern coastal town of Duqm, in the
Sultanate of Oman . The successful completion of the feasibility study led to the formation of a
new 50/50 joint venture company, the Duqm Refinery and Petrochemical Industries Company,
owned by IPIC and OOC .
The new company will construct, operate and maintain a refinery complex with a processing
capacity of about 230,000 barrels per day , designed to process a mixture of Abu Dhabi, Omani
and other UAE crude oil be shipped out as refined products, and as petrochemicals in later
Duqm has been designated as Oman's next industrial center, with investments of up to USD 15
billion target in petrochemicals and infrastructure over the next 10 years .
The refinery will be built at a 900 -hectare site located just north of the Port of Duqm and
connected to a proposed Liquid Jetty by a pipeline system . Duqm Petroleum Terminal Company
(DPTC ), a joint venture of the Port of Duqm Company ( 10%), and Oman Oil Company (90 % ),
will operate and manage the jetty . The facility will be designed to accommodate ships of around
150,000 deadweight ton (DWT ) capacity , bringing crude feedstock or loading refined products
for export
In June 2016 Ministry of Oil & Gas has extended Masirah Oil's exploration and
production -sharing agreement for block 50 offshore Oman by three years to March 2020 .
Masirah's parent company Rex International Holding plans are in motion for another exploration
well on the concession early next year . This will also be the first well using the new multi
attribute version of Rex Virtual Drilling, which enables the company to be independent from
traditional geological inputs on porosity and permeability . The Manarah - 1 exploratory well
drilled in confirmed the presence of a source rock and a working petroleum system in the
17,000 square km (6,564 -sq mi) block 50. It followed Masirah's South oil discovery in 2014 ,
the first offshore Oman . Investigations are under way for a revised , lower service cost extended
well test and early production system on block 50, which Rex International claims could lead to
profitable development even at an oil price of USD 40/ bbl.
Oman's capital markets will play an important role in funding government projects as issuances
of government bonds will stimulate an otherwise inactive debt market, and privatization of state
enterprises will lead to a bigger, more liquid and diversified stock market.
Hunter Biden
HB was key in relationship set up, messaging the good will around the chairman and the non
conflict status of CEFC entry, a bridge between two great nations .
Writing to all parties and organizing meetings to continue CEFC promote, as well approving
step-by-step strategic and operational elements .
James Gilliar & his team
Head of international day to day operation , geographic location assessment and targeting ,
operation and planning, partner selection , liaison and confidant of HB and partners, planning in
Oman with DH and CEFC (DZ and his team ).
Assurance Note: Important future relations should be managed by David Holtom, who has a
detailed relationship network from 2008. Trusted by U.K., and JG /HB /DZ.
Once we had established the original agreed geography with the director we began to plan and
initiate the strategic entry that would secure a preferred, unobstructed entry to market, led by JG,
aligned through U.K. connections , for personal relationship entry to Sultan Q, Then support from
U.S ( family & friends, Davos) to qualify and endorse the chairman, DZ and the company ,
and solicit a special mandate to establish onshore CEFC vehicle that is uniquely sanction by His
Highness to omit the required local partner element . (work undertaken by DH .
This is as we believe only the second company of such stature in the sultanate after, Babcock the
U.K. based defense company .
Target opportunities
1. NBO (National Bank of Oman) 38% CEFC are undertaking DD with
teams arriving 5/6 April
Major Shareholders ( September 2015 )
Shareholder Name Share %
The National Bank of Oman SAOG (the Bank) was established in the Sultanate of Oman in 1973
as a joint stock company (under registration no . 1003704 and is engaged in retail banking,
corporate banking, investment, treasury , international and Islamic banking services. In Arabic , it
is known as "Bank Al Watani" and its registered address is P.O. 751, postal code 112 Ruwi,
Muscat , Oman . The Bank's website address is www.NBO.co.om. The Bank's shares are listed in
the Muscat Stock Exchange under the company code "NBOB " . As at 31 December 2013 , the
Bank was the second largest listed bank in Oman by total assets , representing approximately 13.0
per cent of totalassets , 13.9 per cent of total loans and 13.6 per cent of totaldeposits (source
Central Bank's 2013 Consolidated Balance Sheet).
As of 31 December 2013 , National Bank of Oman had a network of 65 branches and 169
automatic teller machines (ATMs ) and cash and cheque deposit machines (CCDMs ). The Bank
provides banking services to approximately 367,000 individual customers and approximately
18,000 corporate and SME customers .
As of 30 June 2014 , its international operations accounted for 3.8 per cent of its total assets . In
2013 , the Bank secured a banking license to open a branch in Dubai and as a result it now has
two branches in UAE, one in Abu Dhabi and one in Dubai. The Bank also has operations in
Egypt, although these operations are not significant, accounting for 0.6 per cent of the Bank's
total assets as at 30 June 2014. In 2013 , the Bank also launched Islamic banking operations in
Oman under the brand name "Muzn ". During the first half of 2014 , two Islamic
branches were opened , in addition to one branch, which opened in 2013 .
For the six -month period from 1 January to 30 June 2014 , the Bank achieved a net profit of
OMR 23 million , an increase of 22.3 per cent , compared to OMR 18.8 million for the same
period the previous year .
For the year 2013 , the Bank achieved a net profit ofOMR 41.4 million, an increase of 1.8 per
cent compared to OMR 40.7 million in 2012. National Bank of Oman's total assets amounted to
OMR 3.5 billion as at 30 June 2014 , an increase of 21.5 per cent against OMR 2.9 billion as at
31 December 2013 , which in turn constituted an increase of 14.1 per cent compared to OMR 2.5
billion as at 31 December 2012 .
Shareholders ' equity amounted to OMR 334.7 million as at 30 June 2014, an increase of 2.3 per
cent from OMR 328.1 million as at 31 December 2013 , which in turn constituted an increase of
7.8 per cent from OMR 304.5 million as at 31 December 2012 .
Since 1 January 2014, the Bank has been required by the Central Bank to maintain a minimum
total capital adequacy ratio of 12.625 per cent. The Bank's total capital adequacy ratio is
calculated in accordance with Central Bank guidelines, and as at 30 June 2014 was 14.1 per cent,
compared to 14.6 per cent as at 31 December 2013 and 14.4 per cent as at 31 December 2012 .
The Bank's Tier 1 capital ratio was 11.3 per cent as at 30 June 2014, compared to 11.8 per cent
as at 31 December 2013 and 11.7 per cent as at 31 December 2012. Capital ratios as at 30 June
2014 are calculated without including interim profits, whereas capital ratios as at 31 December
2013 and 31 December 2012 are calculated to include full-year retained profits.
As of 31 December 2013 , the authorised ordinary share capital of the Bank comprised
2,000,000,000 ordinary shares of OMR 0.100 each and the issued and fully paid-up ordinary
share capital of the Bank comprised 1,108,025,000 ordinary shares ofOMR 0.100 each. As at 30
June 2014, 34.9 per cent of the Bank's issued share capital was held by the Commercial Bank of
Qatar Q.S.C. (CBQ). The Bank operates as one of CBQ's " alliance banks", enabling it to partner
with other alliance banks on specific cross -border /international.
The banking industry in Oman is regulated by the Central Bank, which regularly carries out on
and off- site examinations of financial institutions. The Central Bank has imposed guidelines that
monitor capital, liquidity, funding mismatches, investments and overseas exposures in addition
to general banking operations.
Credit Rating
National Bank of Oman has been accorded the following credit ratings by the industry's leading
rating institutions :
Foreign currency Foreign currency Bank Financial
Long- Term Short- Term Strength
BBB + 3
BBB + A2 Negative
Support rating
Short -Term Viability rating Support rating Outlook
Long- Term floor
2. Fincorp
Outside of getting clearances from Oman's leadership ,
David Holtom met with Nasr al-Housani, the CEO of Fincorp ( http://www.fincorp.org/ ), a local
investment bank and asset management company . Nasr's company is well plugged into the local
and regional securities market. It's a small company with capital of OMR 7 million (c . US$ 18
million) dealing with a portfolio of OMR 50 million OMR (c . US$ 130 million) Fincorp is a
locally listed company . Nasr stated that he could materialize a 75% stake in Fincorp for CEFC to
use as its investment vehicle locally, ifyou were interested . The advantage of purchasing Fincorp
would be owning an established business with significant knowledge of the local finance /e
commerce market etc.
Nasr also stated that through Fincorp (through their local mandate), CEFC could purchase up to
25 percent of Bank Sohar (which was available) and that 12 per cent of Bank Muscat's shares
were still on offer too.
Nasr also passed on details regarding OMINVEST . 15 per cent of OMINVEST was available , of
which 10 per cent could be bought immediately (the remaining 5 per cent would need to be done
slowly as not to shake the market ). OMINVEST's investments include a controlling stake in
Oman Arab Bank, and several other sizeable stakes in other local banks and financial
institutions .
Nasr stated that ifCEFC was interested, it may best that he meets prior to your team's
visits to Oman, perhaps in Dubai as he would prefer smaller sized meetings to deliver an
accurate , tailored and focused brief.
4. Plan B's
HSBC (Oman ) 51% Stake in bank offered by HSBC through local share holder partner Mr.
Omar Zawawi
Various Oil and Gas Deals. (New deals will be direct through ministry after entry ).
Additional important domestic relationships. D.H to maintain
Qais bin Abdul Munim Al Zawawi (27 August 1935 - September 11, 1995), was the second
foreign minister for the Sultanate of Oman , and later from 1982 served as Deputy Prime Minister
for Economic and Financial affairs until his death on September 11, 1995 in a Salalah accident ,
whilst in the car with His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said and his brother Dr.Omar bin Abdul
Munim Al Zawawi , the external liaison for His Majesty the Sultan .
Before returning to Oman , after the Sultan deposed his father in a bloodless coup, Al Zawawi
studied in India and then moved to Dubai, where he helped set up the Pepsi-Cola Operations
with Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum , the then Ruler of Dubai ( 1958–1990 ), H.E. Sultan
bin Ali Al Owais and Mohamed Yehia Zakaria , both prominent business men .
General Sultan bin Muhammad al-Nu'amani Minister for the Royal Office. Arguably runs
the country beneath The Sultan . (All Ministers answer to him).
Lt. General Sayyid (Highness ) Mundhir bin Majid Al-Said Also a Minister for the Royal
Office, and Head of the Liaison and Coordination Service .
Note: There are probably better Oil and gas deals once the relationship is formed , once this
relationship has been established .
Much of the region, particularly South America, is now emerging from a dispiriting
period of populist anti- Americanism that , along with depressed global commodities
markets, has stunted economies . Deteriorating economic prospects have in turn caused
electorates to reject ideological solutions in favor of policies of pragmatism . The
economic downturn has also exposed the voracious levels of corruption among political
and business elites . When they can, voters have shown an increasing willingness to
remove or rebuke leaders who have promoted the sort of populist authoritarianism that
has strained relations with Washington over the past decade and a half. At the same time,
as corruption is rejected and thoroughly delegitimized across the region, the United States
becomes more important than ever added terms of support for strengthened
judicial systems and best practices toward strengthening the rule oflaw ...This opens the
door across the Americas to a greater appreciation of the United States as an economic
and even political partner emphasis ] , providing the possibility for renewed
" How does Obama get along with Latin America ? BBC . April 10, 2015. Accessed March 24 , 2017 .
< http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-31699344 >
2 Glickhouse, Rachel . “ Vice President Joe Biden on U.S. Priorities for the Americas. Americas Society / Council of
the Americas . May 8 , 2013. Accessed March 24 , 2017. < http://www.as-coa.org/blogs/vice-president-joe-biden-us
priorities -americas
engagement moving forward . The region's circumstances are now more amenable to U.S.
partnerships than they have been in the past decade . Arguably , the Obama
administration's has facilitated , if not necessarily hastened , these trends by
allowing events to take a natural , unimpeded course , and by remaining available as a
partner once circumstances became more favorable . At this point , so long as commodities
prices remain low , playing a longer game appears to be paying important dividends . So
far, so good . But there are also unintended consequences of this policy shift. True
partnership requires actual partners emphasis added ] with both the capability and
desire to pursue a joint agenda. That implies more than simply a series of bilateral
agendas , no matter how robust . It also requires mutual engagement to address the most
pressing issues at the subregional, regional and eventually global levels.
With this in mind, EEIG has built he framework for partnership between CEFC China and local
partners in Colombia , with a solid basis starting at the very foundations of the country's
administration . With the peace accords between the Colombian government and the
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) culminating in a bilateral ceasefire between
both parties on June 23 , 2016 Colombia has created a much safer environment to deal in.
Biden pledged his strong personal support of the peace process and offered congratulations to
Mr. Santos while underscoring the importance of maintaining bipartisan support for Colombia
in the United States Congress.94
Commercial Entry
For decades , the Santo Domingo family has controlled a web of enterprises . Their sale of
Colombian brewer Bavaria in 2005 to SABMiller saw the clan's $2.2 billion fortune multiply
many times over . The family's holdings are now valued at $ 14.8 billion, according to the
Bloomberg Billionaire's Index . We have already laid the groundwork in -country with the Santo
Domingo family as potential local partners.
Alejandro Santo Domingo serves as the public face of the Santo Domingo family , which holds a
massive stake in beer giant Anheuser -Busch . In 2005 his father, Julio Mario Santo , Domingo
traded his brewery , Bavaria , for a 15% stake in SABMiller , which in turn merged with
Anheuser - Busch InBev in 2016. When Julio Mario died in 2011 , he passed down his shares to
his sons , Alejandro and Andres , along with his grandchildren , Julio Mario III and Tatiana
Casiraghi. All four are now billionaires . A Harvard graduate, Alejandro is the managing director
of New York -based Quadrant Capital Advisors and also sits on the board of the Metropolitan
Museum of Art, alongside fellow billionaires Leon Black , John Paulson and David Koch. He got
3 Farnsworth , Eric . “ Obama's Pragmatism Worked in Latin America . Now It's Time to Support Democracy ." World
Politics Review . September 20, 2016. Accessed March 24 , 2017 .
< http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/19966/obama-s-pragmatism-worked-in-latin-america-now-it-s-time
to -support -democracy
4 “US VP Biden Backs Colombian Peace Plan in Call with Santos. Telesur . July 3 , 2016. Accessed March 24,
2017. <http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/US-VP-Biden-Backs-Colombian-Peace-Plan-in-Call-with-Santos
20160703-0003.html >
married in 2016, reportedly to a direct descendant of the British general who vanquished
Napoleon at Waterloo .
Target Opportunities
1. El Remanso Oil Field
We have a relationship with Rattan Holding, who control the “ El Remanso" oil field. The field is
approximately 19,553 hectares large and is located across the Departments of Antioquia (Puerto
Berrío Puerto Nare and Puerto Triunfo ) and Boyacá (Puerto Boyacá ).
Proven 17,500.000
Probable = 59,970,000
Possible = 114,530,000
The oil field has combined (possible, probable and proven) reserves of 192,000,000 barrels.
esta PuertoBerrio
El Porvenir
Puerto Nare
45 La Idalia
ICSA does everything ranging from power grid to airport. In fact, most of the airways in
Colombia on ground and off ground have been set up by ICSA. ICSA's capacities mainly target
the following sectors : infrastructure, hydrocarbons, mining, large surfaces, aircraft, airports and
air fields of flight, energy and military, in the disciplines of civil, mechanical, electrical,
telecommunications , control and instrumentation .
Besides these two opportunities are ready now, many more are lining up. For example, the sale
next year of the main power generation company in the coast of Colombia that covers almost
have the country. We have full support and high interest from the congress to attract foreign
investment and especially China which has had a great relationship with Colombia over the
Political Framework
The politics of Luxembourg takes place in a framework of a parliamentary representative
democratic monarchy, whereby the Prime Minister of Luxembourg is the head of government,
and of a multi-party system. Executive power is under the constitution of 1868, as amended,
exercised by the government, by the Grand Duke and the Council of Government (cabinet ),
which consists of a prime minister and several other ministers. Usually the prime minister is the
leader of the political party or coalition ofparties having the most seats in parliament . Legislative
power is vested in both the government and parliament . The judiciary is independent of the
executive and the legislature .
Legislative power is vested in the Chamber of Deputies, elected directly to five -year terms.
The economy of Luxembourg is largely dependent on the banking, steel, and industrial sectors .
Luxembourgers enjoy the second highest per capita gross domestic product in the world (CIA
2007 est.), behind Qatar . Luxembourg is seen as a diversified industrialized nation, contrasting
the oil boom in Qatar , the major monetary source of the southwest Asian state.
Although Luxembourg in tourist literature is aptly called the " Green Heart of Europe", its
pastoral land coexists with a highly industrialized and export-intensive area. Luxembourg's
economy is quite similar to Germany's. Luxembourg enjoys a degree of economic prosperity
very rare among industrialized democracies.
In 2009, a budget deficit of 5% resulted from government measures to stimulate the economy,
especially the banking sector, as a result of the world economic crisis. This was however reduced
to 1.4 in 2010.
Why Luxembourg
Banking is the largest sector in the Luxembourg economy . The country has specialized in the
cross -border fund administration business . As Luxembourg's domestic market is relatively small,
the country's financial center is predominantly international. At the end of March 2009, there
were 152 banks in Luxembourg, with over 27,000 employees. Political stability, good
communications, easy access to other European centers , skilled multilingual staff, a tradition of
banking secrecy and cross -border financial expertise have all contributed to the growth of the
financial sector. These factors have contributed to a Corruption Perceptions Index of 8.3 and a
DAW Index ranking of 10 in 2012 the latter the highest in Europe. Germany accounts for the
largest -single grouping of banks with Scandinavian, Japanese , and major U.S. banks also
heavily represented. Total assets exceeded EUR 929 billion at the end of 2008. More than 9,000
holding companies are established in Luxembourg. The European Investment Bank the
financial institution of the European Union is also located there .
Luxembourg is the second largest investment fund center in the world after the United States, the
premier captive reinsurance market in the European Union and the premier private banking
center in the Eurozone. The financial sector is the largest contributor to the Luxembourg
economy .
From its origins as a Euroloan center , the city subsequently developed as a private banking
center and then , from the 1980s , as a leading domicile for investment funds . The success of the
financial center is founded on the social and political stability of the Grand Duchy and on a
modern legal and regulatory framework that is continuously updated, inspired by regular
consultation between the government, the legislator and the private sector . Thus, over the years ,
specific regulatory frameworks have been created for alternative investment funds, venture
capital investment funds, international pension funds, specialized investment funds, captive
reinsurance companies , covered bond issuing banks securitization vehicles and family wealth
management companies .
This legal framework , combined with Luxembourg's openness to the world , has attracted banks ,
insurance companies , investment fund promoters and specialist service providers from all over
the world .
The Luxembourg financial center is characterized by a strong culture of investor protection and
rigorous anti money -laundering policies . Its specialist teams are multilingual and multicultural ,
with a long tradition of financial expertise and extensive knowledge of the needs of an
international clientele .
Target Opportunity
Banque Internationale à Luxembourg S.A. ( BIL) is a
INTERNATIONALE Luxembourgish bank . The bank is owned by Precision Capital
BIL LUXEMBOURG and the Luxembourg government . Along with its sister bank KBL
European Private Bankers, it was supervised by European Central
Bank due to their size.
The group provides a range of additional investment solutions through its Global Investor
Services , Global Financial Markets and Asset Management departments. The group has
subsidiaries across eight European countries : Belgium , France , Germany , Luxembourg , Monaco ,
Netherlands , Spain and the United Kingdom .
With the full support of its shareholder, Precision Capital, a Luxembourg -based bank holding
company , KBL is consolidating its presence across Europe and expanding its horizons to capture
future opportunities in high - growth emerging markets , including the Middle East and Asia .
Precision Capital is ultimately owned by members of the Al Thani family of Qatar .
We have prepared the groundwork to purchase major stakes in both of these banks up to 90 %
in both
Market Entry
We have an understanding with Price Félix of Luxembourg, that under his father Henri, Grand
Duke of Luxembourg's auspices two banking institutions will be introduced to use as investment
vehicles . Luxembourg in general has a great market position for German , French & Benelux
entry . Furthermore , the nobility in Luxembourg is related to all EU nobility , meaning that further
opportunities will be open for investment . Chairman Ye is also slated to receive a national
Target Opportunities
Baneasa Group
This document aims in describing the potential collaboration platform between :
Being the Group of companies owned by Mr. Gabriel Popoviciu . These companies include
among others :
The Baneasa Group Baneasa Project ]
Baneasa Investments SA
Baneasa Developments SRL
Baneasa Business & Technology Park SA
Metav SA
Unviresal SA
Meteor SA
Belvedere Developments SRL
Where As :
CEFC is active in Romania through its holding KAzMunayGas and its local subsidiary
Rompetrol and wishes to expand its presence in the continent and the country investing in large
scale projects.
AG is a major local investor with a leading position in its core business which is Real Estate
development and a major candidate for becoming CEFC's local partner through its own
businesses and projects and its capability to define new ones .
An initial visit of Mr. Qingxin Ren took place on 5-6 March and preliminary discussions were
held between him and Mr. Popoviciu and his associate Mr. George Argentopoulos . A site visit
took also place during this visits and was decided that AG will produce this document to
facilitate further discussions among the parties
Its purpose is a long term one and its objective is to become the biggest developer in
Romania and one of the biggest in the region of SE Europe
• Its initial focus would be the projects under the command of AG, especially the Baneasa
Project followed shortly by a series of specific other investment opportunities ; two of
them are mentioned in the last section of this document
The fundamental values of this cooperation are Trust, Transparency , Growth , Efficiency
and Social Responsibility
It is envisaged the creation of an Investment Fund with the initial main partners being CEFC and
AG . It is expected that certain minority partners will also be involved as presented at the
following sections . The initial effective structure is presented in the scheme below :
The Fund may include other AG holdings from the beginning (i.e. Metav)
AG CEFC Other /
47.5% 47.5% 5%
Investment Fund
10 %
90 %
100 %
Further to the existing developments the platform provides for more than 100 hectares for
further developments in the most successful and lucrative platform in Bucharest and the
country. The future development is subject to a redesigned master plan; however , as a
high- level estimation it should include around 250,000m² of retail, 200,000m² offices and
almost 1,000,000m² of residential developments of a total development cost value of
EUR 1 billion
The offices platform should provide for the headquarters of Rompertrol as a signage
building in to north west corner of the land .
The total development timespan should be 7-10 years if properly sourced and managed
Based on low end current market values the residual value of the project will by far
exceed the EUR 2 billion value .
Steps to Formation
AG will contribute to the Fund its participations in the Baenasa project:
50% of BD [the mall business
32.5 of BBBTP the offices business
25 % of BISA the land business [ indirectly also another 8.75 % of the BBTP
The total estimated value of the above contribution is EUR 300 million
CEFC will contribute all the funds necessary for the following transactions:
out the existing individual partner of AG in the project holding exactly the
same shares ( through jointly held holding companies ). It is expected that this
transaction can take place at an estimated and negotiated total value of 200mEuro
out 40% of the existing 50% of BISA currently held by the University
of Agriculture in Bucharest. This is proposed to be executed through the issuance
of a bond from the Fund ( guaranteed by CEFC ] with the following specifications:
Value EUR 100 million
Tenure 10 years
Coupon 5% annually = EUR 5 million
At maturity, the bond can be either cashed out or deemed in shares in the
Fund at the market price of the shares at that time
Prudently the funds to be available at the Fund level for the bond payouts
should be at the level 25mEuro covering the coupons of 5 years .
Thereafter the bond will be served from the Fund's net profits
CEFC will also contribute to the Fund cash equal to EUR 75 million for funding
the Fund's operations and development plans
will procure the debt financing required for the Fund's development plans
The Fund's initial value would be EUR 600 million out of which EUR 100 million in
cash .
Important Note
Our scenario implies a resolution of the current legal dispute over parts of the project for which
all owners of the Fund will seek to resolve with the Romanian State. The proposal is built in such
a manner to provide for a mutually beneficial framework to facilitate this resolution. More
It allows the State (the University or either wise to remain as participant to the project
directly ( 10% of BISA ) .
It provides a steady annual income for long term for the State budget (EUR 5 million
annually through the bond); combined with a significant value of EUR 100 million at the
maturity of the bond or;
It also gives the opportunity for future uplifts should the state decides to deem the bonds
into shares of the Fund.
It goes without saying that this proposal needs further elaboration and its subject to
successful negotiations with the State .
Metav is one of the biggest business parks in Bucharest urban area . 80 companies from different
industries have chosen Metav as their main facility.
Location highlights :
Operating in Northern area ( Baneasa ), the main business district of Bucharest;
Easy access from city center (Piata Victoriei, Universitate, Charles de Gaulle),Floreasca
area and Henri Coanda " Airport.
Existing buildings are designed for large open spaces , suitable for commercial, storage and office
activities with over 500 parking places available for tenants and visitors .
Technical Specifications
Utilities :
Amenities :
Service Charges - gradually introduced in 2017 and fully implemented from 2018 .
Distribution tariff for electricity applied for tenants own consumption .
Metav (Euro) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Lease Revenue 3,937,099 3,793,228 3,955,804 4,124,675 4,281,464 4,381,964
Electricity Distribution Revenue 89,430 85,946 93,037 101,616 108,670 108,670
Service Charges Recovered 172,039 597,600
Total Lease RelatedRevenues 4,026,529 3,879,174 4,048,841 4,226,291 4,562,173 5,088,233
The Future
Baneasa Project
Ifthe issue with State mentioned above is resolved the Fund's value will double
without even further developments as a result of the appreciation of land and the yield on
the existing businesses
This in turn will allow for a strong leverage base to raise debt capital in order to develop
the plan fast
At that point a listing of the Fund should be considered attracting equity investors for
both quick returns to the strategic partners and further capitalization for other projects
Other Major Projects
Besides the Baneasa Project the parties should investigate the following identified opportunities:
The development of a country -wide network of gas stations (Rompetrol ) combined with
( mainly ) drive through commercial outlets . This can be done in a joint venture with
Rompetrol or in the form of a BOT project (Build Operate and Transfer )
The acquisition of majority (51% at least ) of the existing two Bucharest airports or the
development of a 3rd one
Political Framework
The politics of France take place with the framework of a semi- presidential system determined
by the French Constitution of the French Fifth Republic. The nation declares itself to be an
" indivisible, secular, democratic , and social Republic ." The constitution provides for a separation
of powers and proclaims France's " attachment to the Rights of Man and the principles of national
sovereignty as defined by the Declaration of 1789."
The political system of France consists of an executive branch, a legislative branch and a judicial
branch. Executive power is exercised by the President of the Republic and the Government. The
Government consists of the Prime Minister and ministers. The Prime Minister is appointed by
the President, and is responsible to Parliament. The government, including the Prime Minister,
can be revoked by the National Assembly the lower house of Parliament, through a " censure
motion "; this ensures that the Prime Minister is always supported by a majority of the lower
house (which, on most topics , has prominence over the upper house).
Parliament comprises the National Assembly and the Senate. It passes statutes and votes on the
budget; it controls the action of the executive through formal questioning on the floor of the
houses of Parliament and by establishing commissions of inquiry. The constitutionality of the
statutes is checked by the Constitutional Council, members of which are appointed by the
President of the Republic, the President of the National Assembly , and the President of the
Senate. Former presidents of the Republic also are members of the Council.
France is a unitary state. However its administrative subdivisions regions departments and
communes have various legal functions, and the national government is prohibited
intruding into their normal operations.
France was a founding member of the European Coal and Steel Community, later the European
Union. As such, France has transferred part its sovereignty to European institutions, as
provided by its constitution . The French government therefore has to abide by European treaties ,
directives and regulations .
Overseas Regions
Overseas France (French : France d'outre -mer ) consists of all the French-administered territories
outside of the European continent . These territories have varying legal status and different levels
of autonomy , although all (except those with no permanent inhabitants ) have representation in
both France's National Assembly and Senate , which together make up the French Parliament .
Their citizens have French nationality and vote for the president of France . They have the right
to vote in elections to the European Parliament (French citizens living overseas currently vote in
the Overseas constituency ). Overseas France includes island territories in the Atlantic , Pacific
and Indian oceans , French Guiana on the South American continent , and several Periantarctic
Islands as well as a claim in Antarctica .
Overseas Collectivity
The French overseas collectivities (French : collectivité d'outre -mer or COM), like the French
regions, are first -order administrative divisions of France. The COMs include some former
French overseas territories and other French overseas entities with a particular status, all of
which became COMs by constitutional reform on 28 March 2003. The COMs should not be
confused with the overseas regions and overseas departments, which have no particular status.
As integral parts of France, overseas collectivities are represented in the National Assembly ,
Senate and Economic and Social Council . Only one COM, Saint Martin, is part of the European
Union and can vote to elect members of the European Parliament (MEP). The Pacific COMs use
the CFP franc, a currency pegged to the euro , whereas the Atlantic COMs use the euro directly.
As of 31March 2011 , there were five
French Polynesia became a COM in 2003. Its statutory law of 27 February 2004 gives it
the designation of overseas country inside the Republic (French: pays d'outre -mer au sein
de la République, or POM), but without legal modification of its status. French Polynesia
has a great degree of autonomy , two symbolic manifestations of which are the title of the
President of French Polynesia (Le président de la Polynésie française ) and its additional
designation as a pays d'outre-mer. Legislature : Assembly of French Polynesia since 2004.
Saint Barthélemy, an island in the Lesser Antilles . It has a territorial council and
executive council since 2007 .
Saint Martin, the northern part of the island of Saint Martin in the Lesser Antilles . Saint
Martin remains part of the European Union. Both it and St. Barthelemy were separated
from the overseas department of Guadeloupe in 2007 and made into their own
collectivities . It has a territorial council and executive council since 2007 .
Saint Pierre and Miquelon , a group of islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of
Newfoundland Canada . It has a territorial council . It is the last remaining part of New
France not ceded by France .
Wallis and Futuna , three small islands in the Pacific Ocean . Has a high administrator and
territorial assembly
As you can see, when we speak of France, we are not speaking only the country located on the
European continent , but also of several other autonomous and semi-autonomous regions
throughout the globe with significant influence from Paris.
Guiseppe,Gagliano. Economic intelligence culture in France. Modern Diplomacy. August 2, 2017. Accessed
March 25, 2017. < http://moderndiplomacy.eu/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=1640:economic
intelligence -culture -in - france & Itemid =490 >
The group's priorities are in support of public policy, serving growth, employment and the
economic and territorial development of the country . As a long-term investor, Caisse des Dépôts
has supported the development of French society during every era. Now, they are mainly
working on four transitions: territorial transition, ecological and energy transition , digital
transition , demographic and social transition .
Independently of the presence of the operational subsidiaries, the Caisse des Dépôts group
ensures an institutional presence internationally. Caisse des Dépôts develops bilateral and
multilateral relations with partner institutions which allow for the promotion of long-term
investment and the development of investment projects in France and abroad, particularly in
projects relating to the energy transition .
The European level takes on a crucial importance for the Caisse des Dépôts group taking into
account the drive and influence of the European Union on investments and public interventions
in France.
IDEX Groupe
Founded in 1963, Idex is an independent leader in the Energy and Environmental Services
sectors and a forerunner in the development of renewable energy . Comprised of 3,500 engineers
and specialized technicians in France, the group designs and develops energy efficient solutions
for its clients ' heating and cooling network needs clients include: industrial and third -party sites,
government-owned buildings, hospitals, residential and commercial complexes , etc.). It also
offers facilities management services for its installations. Idex implements and optimizes various
types of classic and renewable energy sources (wood boilers , wind power , geothermal power ,
combined heat power, waste to energy power , etc.) The group helps its clients find effective
ways to reduce energy consumption , regardless of the type of energy used. The Idex group is
present throughout France with more than 100 regional branches.
MCE - 5 Development
MCE - 5
CEO : Henri Trintignac
France-based MCE-5 Development was founded in the year 2000 by a small group of engineers
from a school in Paris dedicated to developing VCR technology . The company quickly teamed
up with a number of European automakers and auto parts suppliers and has been trying to perfect
an engine design originally conceived back in 1997 .
Since January 2000 , MCE-5 Development has been conducting the MCE-5 VCRi project
through different Research & Development programs. A carmaker , different engine development
laboratories and Tier 1 automotive industry OEMs are among its partners .
The R&D programs, initially focused on the validation of the MCE-5 VCRi principle , have
resulted in the step -by-step improvement of the innovative components and the identification and
implementation of their mass-production manufacturing processes . Today , multicylinder engines
nearing their final definition have been installed in demonstration vehicles .
MCE-5's business model consists in selling IP rights and expertise supplying prototypes (single
and multicylinder engines , demonstrator cars ), testing means and services engineering research
& design , calculations , simulations testing , validations ).