Ironclaw 2E BookOfMysteries
Ironclaw 2E BookOfMysteries
Ironclaw 2E BookOfMysteries
coming back. The worshippers of the goddess Lutara
What’s in this book? revere the Blessed, often promoting them to positions
This book introduces more Careers and magical of power; elsewhere in Calabria, they may be branded
Gifts for your Ironclaw game. The page numbers in his as witches and shunned ... or worse.
book pick up where the last books left off. Blessed Magic requires self-sacrifice. All Blessed
Magic requires the Gift of Pacifist. This isn’t to say it
Druid Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 367 can’t be used for violence ... just that using Blessed
Druid Magic are the spells of the judges and the Ways to call down the wrath can have untoward
spiritual advisors of the Phelan. This magic calls down consequences. (In game terms, all hostile Blessed Magic
death from a clear blue sky, can curse the land and has the Unholy effect ... including the unpleasant side
people (or remove those curses), and can give unusual effects.) Also, some Blessed Magic requires lifestyle
insight into time and space. choices, such as avoiding public places, which may not
Druid Magic requires learning the native language of be appropriate for all campaigns.
the Phelan, the Bérla Féini. This language isn’t difficult
for those of the western wilderness, where it’s the Kyndranigar’s Virtues . . . . . . . . page 415
starting language for the natives ... but regular player- It is said that Kyndranigar the Shadow-Magus,
characters will have to use a Gift to learn the language. disappointed with discovering the ways of
The higher-level Druid spells will require passing many Thaumaturgy, went on to write seven more books of
tests (represented by more Gifts) and earning the trust spells with even greater command of magic.
of the masters (represented by Insider). Kyndranigar’s Virtues are split up into many books,
and each one has to be tracked down separately. The
Priestly Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 377 books are rare collector’s items, and they may be
Priestly Magic are the secret spells of the Church of expensive to procure. The Game Host should use the
s’Allumer, untranslatable from their original language. Virtues as an opportunity for some exciting fetch quests.
While the common White Magic of the Clerics can heal
the sick and strengthen the spirit, the Priestly Magic can Credits
go a few steps beyond..
Written by Jason Holmgren, with Erik Coons, Pat
Priestly Magic requires learning another language:
Kelley, Van Pigtain, Norman Rafferty, and Pieter Van Hiel
Magniloquentia, the lost tongue of ancient days. And
Interior illustrations by Jamie Belknap, Brett Foster,
yes, it requires more tests to prove your worthiness to
Diana Harlan-Stein, Candy Janney, Pat Kelley, Richard
the Sacerdotal Elite to allow you access to the hidden
Luschek, Phil Morrissey, Norman Rafferty, and Jay Shell.
manuscripts (again, represented by Insider).
Cover illlustration by Chris Goodwin and Ron Murphy with
Norman Rafferty. Art direction by Norman Rafferty.
Charisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 395 Special thanks to Jamie Belknap, Jeremy Belknap,
Those with strong faith in the Shining Light of All- Denson Conn, Colin Hymel, Carl Hisle, Allison June,
Creation might manifest saintly powers. Charisms are Sean McLane, Amy Stoneburner, James Stoneburner,
extremely rare magic that can miraculously defy the Steve Villing, L. H. White, and the Ironclaw Mailing List.
laws of nature.
In game terms, Charisms are Plot Gifts. Plot Gifts This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to
are at the greater mercy of the storyline. The Game real persons, places, or events is coincidental. This
Host may have Plot-Gift abilities suddenly activate, or book is not to be taken as an instructional manual for
they may not be available at all. the practice of real magic, nor as the bible for a real
faith, religion, creed, cult, philosophy, belief system,
Blessed Ways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 399 spiritual hierarchy, or unifying theory of existence.
Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007,
Where there is life, there is a blessing. While
2009, 2011 Sanguine Productions Ltd. All rights
Blessed Magic can potentially do almost anything, you
reserved. Duplication of this book without permission is
reap what you sow – any violence has the possibility of
a violation that will haunt you threefold.
C reer
Car rs
N w Ca
New are
Not all of these careers might
m be appro opriate for Playyer Characters. As always, Pllayers and the Host should diiscuss
what options they think aree best for their campaign.
c Geelassenheiters, Postulants,
P and
d Pilgrims can make for good d minor
characters whho need help frrom some grea ater threat. If you
y need somee bad guys, you u can use angrry Crusaders orr ruthless
Inquisitors. Out
O in the coun ntry, far away from
f the big citties, Barbers an
nd Midwives might
m be the on
nly healers avaiilable.
Many of thesse Careers are good
g for allies:: for example, a Blessed migh ht have a Vidam
me as a protecctor; a Charism
character migght be followedd by an Asceticc or a Preacherr, etc.
Some of th hese careers haave requiremeents before you u can take them m. For examplee, any career of the Druids requires that
the characterr have the Gift of “Language:: Bérla Féini.” With W the permission of the Game G u may play a character
Host, you
who has a diffferent native language than Calabrese, butt you are highlyy encouraged to t take another Language Giift so you
have something in common n with your felllow players.
Ascetic Crusader
A monkk, nun, or other religious A religious devotee who fig
ghts for
person whho specializes in physical their faith.
c W
Includee Career Dice with: Career Gifts: Include Careeer Dice with: Career Gifts:
Academ mics Brawlling Fighter Dodge Literacy
Brawling Literaacy Melee Combat Piety (of chhoice)
Supernnatural Strenggth Ranged Com mbat Veteran
Trappinggs: Cloth armor (d4)), first aid kit, knife, holy symbol Trappings: Sloe Rod (Damage +2, Parry d12), Leather armor (d6),
knife, first aid kit
e Curraidh
Requires: Lang
guage - Bérla Fééini.
A Blesssed man or wom man who uses
their gifts
s to help others. Usually Some say wizards
w are subbtle and
found in a Lutarist commu unity, often quick to anger
r. A Curraidh is brutal
b ...
has taken a vow of pover rty. Wizard and quick to anger.
Requires: Language
L - Bérlla Féini. Dabbler
As far back as anyone e can Perhaps a rich
r person withh an idle
remember,, the Phelan have had the interest in magic, or just a pe
Fénechas, their code of la
aws. It is the curious in the secrets of the universe,
Wizard Ac
duty of thhe Brehona to in
nterpret the the Dabbler maay eventually beecome a
law justly. wizard.
Includee Career Dice with: Career Gifts: Include Careeer Dice with: Career Gifts:
Academ mics Diplom
macy Academics Literacy
Negotiiation Druid Apprentice Observatioon Mystic (of choice)
Supernnatural Druid’’s Trappings Supernaturral Research
Trappinggs: Sloe Rod (Damage +2, Parry d12), Leather
L armor (d6), Trappings: Leather armor (d6), Staff
S (Damage +1, Parry
P d12),
knife, scales andd balance, plumb linee chapbook
C reer
Car rs
eiter Initiate
A devout religious person who
w T
The lowest-rankking member of a
believes in selflessness and liviing a cult
t. Strange cults tend to spring up in
simple life, abov
ve all else. rem
mote places – soome of them
aborer earn
nest, others runn by charlatans
s, and Acad
an unfortunate
u feww that are crazy
Include Careeer Dice with: Careerr Gifts: Include Career Dicce with: Career Giftts:
Craft Low Profile Academics Insider (with cult of choice)
Endurance Pacifist Endurance Pacifist
Supernaturaal Piety (of chooice) Supernatural Piety (of choice)
Trappings: Clooth armor (d4), walkking stick, holy symbbol T
Trappings: Cloth arrmor (d4), holy symbbol
Hermit Inq
A religious devotee
d who live
es out I Avoirdupois and
In a Bisclavret la
the middle of noowhere, showingg their special agents root t out misbelieve
faith by becoming removed fro om who
o insist on break king the law aboout
society. Ac
cademic theiir religious wors
ship. War
Include Careeer Dice with: Careerr Gifts: Include Career Dicce with: Career Giftts:
Academics Pacifist Inquiry Legal Authority (of
( choice)
Endurance Piety (of chooice) Searching Literacy
Supernaturaal Survival Supernatural Veteran
Trappings: Clooth armor (d4), first aid kit, knife, holy syymbol T
Trappings: Leatherr armor (d6), Mace (Damage +2), holy symbol,
religiouus pamphlets, chapbbook about magic
mmer Midwife
A Blessed who uses their sppirits to A country doctoor, almost always
help them defea
at their foes. While
W fem
male, who specializes in deliverin
some Hexenham mmers use their powers bab
bies and folk med
for good, manyy become selfishh and W
Wizard Acad
Include Careeer Dice with: Careerr Gifts: Include Career Dicce with: Career Giftts:
Dodge Blessed Maggic Academics First Aid
Melee Combbat Pacifist Inquiry Pacifist
Ranged Com mbat Veteran Leadership Team Player
Trappings: Leaather Armor (d6), Loongbow (Damage +1 Critical), Mace T
Trappings: Cloth arrmor (d4), first aid kit, holy vestments, holy
h symbol
(Daamage +2), Wooden Shield (cover d8)
Oracle Pilgrim
A Bless
sed man or wom man with the A religious practitioner whho takes a
gift of pro
ophecy. With prooper training, journey to som meplace far awa ay,
they can see
s into the futu
ure. perhaps to vis sit holy sites or
r to find
Wizard enlightenment. Ac
Includee Career Dice with: Career Gifts: Include Careeer Dice with: Career Gifts:
Academ mics Blesseed Magic Academics Cosmopolitan
Observvation Dangeer Sense Endurance Hiking
Supernnatural Pacifisst Gossip Piety (of Chhoice)
Trappinggs: Leather Armor (d6), Staff (Damage +1,
+ Parry d12) Trappings: Cloth
C armor (d4), first aid kit, holy vestments, holy symbol
Ordinarry Postulant
A priest
t or priestess who
w has been A practitio
oner of White Ma agic who
ordained by
b a Church of s’Allumer.
s They seeks to join an
a order. Many tests
can marry others, sanctiffy events, may be requireed before they rise
r to
etc. Academic
c the rank of Prriest or Priestes
ss. L
Includee Career Dice with: Career Gifts: Include Careeer Dice with: Career Gifts:
Academ mics Languuage: Magniloquenntia Academics Cleric’s Traappings (Any)
Leaderrship Literaacy Endurance Language:: Magniloquentia
Supernnatural Ordainnment: s’Allumer Supernaturral Literacy
Trappinggs: Cloth armor (d4)), religious pamphleet, holy vestments, holy
h Trappings: Cloth
C armor (d4), first aid kit, holy vestments, holy symbol
Ovate Preacher
Requires: Language
L - Bérlla Féini. Someone whow wanders fro
om place
They saay that when co
ommoners to place, sprea ading the word about
don’t unde
erstand what yoou say, they their religion, seeking
s to conv
vert more
make you an
a Ovate. When the Ovates
Wizard lost souls. Ac
can’t unde
erstand you, the
ey make you a
Master Ovvate.
Include Careeer Dice with: Career Gifts:
Includee Career Dice with: Career Gifts: Academics Hiking
Academ mics Dangeer Sense Presence Oratory
Observvation Druid Apprentice Supernaturral Piety (of chhoice)
Supernnatural Druid’’s Trappings
Trappings: Cloth
C armor (d4), first aid kit, holy vestments, holy symbol
Trappinggs: Sloe Rod (Damage +2, Parry d12), Leather
L armor (d6),
knife, inscrutable object
C reer
Car rs
Questor Sex
A collector of
o church tithess, the A custodian of a church. The la
Questor is bothh welcomed andd avoided cath
herals have doz
zens of Sextonss on
by the populacee. The potentiall for staf
corruption is a constant fear for Ac
cademic Labo
Church officials
Include Careeer Dice with: Careerr Gifts: Include Career Dicce with: Career Giftts:
Academics Cleric’s Trapppings (Any) Academics Cleric’s Trappinggs (Any)
Endurance Literacy Craft Craft Specialty (oof choice)
Negotiationn Mathematiccs Supernatural Team Player
Trappings: Leaather armor (d6), Daagger (Damage +1),, holy vestments, T
Trappings: Cloth arrmor (d4), knife, holy symbol, tools of thhe trade,
hooly symbol, ledger too track tithes, scale and balance ring of keys
Sacristan Sib
quires: must be female
One who maaintains of the Sacred
Groves of Luta
ara. Only the dev
vout are A woman Blesse ed by the spirts
s. She
permitted. mayy be a practicing
g Lutarist, or a
aborer rein
ncarnation of a Hierarch, or jus
ky (or unlucky) enough
e to have the
Include Careeer Dice with: Careerr Gifts:
Craft Craft Speciaalty: Forestry Include Career Dicce with: Career Giftts:
Endurance Pacifist Endurance Blessed Magic
Supernaturaal Piety (of chooice) Searching Luck
Supernatural Pacifist
Trappings: Clooth armor (d4), Daggger (Damage +1), hooly symbol
Trappings: Leatherr armor (d6), Staff (DDamage +1, Parry d112)
A self-styled
d cleric who praactices
an unpopular reeligion. In many places in A protector of a Blessed pries
Calabria, some religions are baanned by
law. Ac
Include Careeer Dice with: Careerr Gifts:
Academics Literacy Include Career Dicce with: Career Giftts:
Deceit Low Profile Dodge Bodyguard
Supernaturaal Piety (of chooice) Melee Combat Danger Sense
Supernatural Resolve
Trappings: Clooth armor (d4), Daggger (Damage +1), hooly symbol,
unnpopular religion’s bible T
Trappings: Leatherr & Cloth armor (d6, d4), Wooden shield (cover d8),
Half-spear (Damage +2), first
f aid kit
D uids
Dru s
Dr d Magi
M ic
Withinn the Phelan demesne,
d the reeligious practicces of the Druid ds hold sway. They
T interpret the
omens thhat can only bee understood by b those schoolled in such myysteries, and theey serve as meediators
between the mundane world and the spiritual world d. Druids are unknown in Avo oirdupois land except
when theey journey therre on some errrand. They are not welcomed d, either by the populace or th he Church of s’Allumer.
s Theiir
reverencce for the numb ber nine is seen n as suspect an nd indicative off their moral fa
ailings, as the sttatus of nine ass a cursed or
unlucky number reflectts upon them as a much as theiir heathen statu us among the s’Allumer.
The core
c beliefs of Druidism
D are:
Annimism. Spirits exist in all thinngs, and they are
a stronger in living
l things than in dead onees. The Druidss learn a
articular way off Wizardly Maggic to detect and d to direct spirrits.
Meetempsychosis. Some folks arre destined to reincarnate
r — some are not. Time is not a line l but a circlee, and some
willl walk this eartth again. Theree is no conceptt of an after-lifee.
Myysticism. This world
w is one of fate and mysteery. Everyone is bound by “m mystical prohib bitions” or geisaa that must be
beyed or traged dy will result. The Druids learn n the secret tecchniques that allow
a them to perceive
p what these
t geisa are,
so that they may interpret omen ns for the lay foolk.
Coosmotheism. Th here is no divission between th he spiritual woorld and the mu undane world — the distinction is only in
whhat one can perrceive. Some use u the metaph hor of the litera
ate person and the illiterate with
w a book; wh hile both can
seee the book, onlly the one who o can read can understand th he meaning of the
t words on th he page. Thosee of advanced
nderstanding (such as the Dru uids, or those with
w Second Sigght) are consid dered to see mo ore of what’s reeally there.
ntice Druiid Magic
Name Equip Range AAttack Dice Effectt Descripttors
Faerie Fire Off hand Medium M Species, Supeernatural
Mind, Resist with Mind, Species, Academics,
A Stealth vss. 3 Magic, Druid, Apprentice,
(Counters vs. 3 Targett Illuminates to Shortt Range; others claim Unreal
Magic) bonusd8 to hit
Hateful Cursee Off hand Medium M Species, Presence vs. 3
Mind, Resist with Will, Species, Accademics, Inquiry vs. 3 Magic, Druid, Apprentice,
(Counters Damagge 0+, Penetrating Unholyy
Remove Off hand Medium Mind, Species, Obseervation
M Resist with Mind, Species, Academics,
A Deceit vs.. 3 Magic, Druid, Apprentice,
Glamour (Counters vs. 3 Confussed, Dispel All Unreal Theurggic
D uids
Dru s
Druid’s Trapp
D pings Remove Glamour,
G a sp
pell that removves
Plot, Trappin
ngs) illusions annd exposes falssehood. Any ta arget hit by
the spell beecomes Confussed, but any Unreal
Belongings magic upon them is dispeelled instantly. Any
You begin
n the game with
h: disguises are
a also automa atically ruined.
one Sp
peckled Robe Hateful Curse,
C a gutturral curse born from
f your
one Appple-wood Wan nd hate, throwwn by your wra ath, and guided d by your
one Slo
oe Rod spite. (Thiis weapon is rissky to use, as itt carries
one Taalisman: a Gold
den Torc the risk of all Unholy maggic).
Faerie Firre, the wisp-ligght. Any targett hit by the
X (Special) attack is sim
mply sent Reelling ... but theyy also
Action “ready
y Druidic we
eapon” become a light source, illluminating everything
If you are parted from yo our items, ask the
t Game within Sho ort Range (12m m) around them m, for the
Host for a plo
ot twist to returrn or to replacee them. rest of this scene. The tarrget may no lon nger claim
Once exha austed, you ca annot recover th his Gift until any concea alment, any alll hostiles may claim
c a
the next gamme session. bonus d8 to t hit this targeet.
Druid Appren
D ntice t Druid spells can be used
Note that all the d to
Battle, Magic
c, Apprentic
ce, Druid) Co
ounter magic, up to Mediumm range.
You can read d more about Magic
M Weaponns in the
Requires Maagic chapter.
Druid’s Trrappings
Languagee: Bérla Féini Actio
on “rally and
d grant end of
o round bon
As a Druid, yoou speak mean ning not just with words,
X (Battle) bu
ut with the spacces above and between the words. w
Action “ready
y Druidic we
eapon” Anny target that you
y rally this roound may claim m a d8
Exhaust thhis Gift, then use
u the ready action
a to draw asssist bonus withh any and all “eend of round
forth a Druiddic spell as a Magic
M weapon. The spell ma aintenance” ro olls. This d8 boonus may be applied
a to
remains in yo our hand, your rod, or your wand until rollls to stop bein
ng Confused, Slowed, or any other
you cast it fo
orth (with the Attack
A action), until you co
ondition that alllows rolls to en
nd it, as per thee target’s
drop it (as a free action), or
o until the endd of the Scene neeeds.
(five minutess). You must succcessfully rally the
t target to grrant this
Druidic weapons are Ma agic Attacks. Your
Y Gift bo
onus. If you faill to successfullyy rally the targeet at all,
allows you too ready the following magica al weapons: theere is no bonuss.
This bonus is an assist bonuus. The bonus improves
to d12 if you havve the Gift of Team
T Player!
Secrrets of Druid
d Magic
(Plott, Trappings))
Druid’s Trapp
+1 in Supernatu
ural Skill
Add 1 Mark to o your Supernatural Skill.
If you re-train
n this Gift, you also lose the extra Mark.
ger: While wearing
w a Sp
peckled Robee
a action “Re
efresh Druid
d Magic Gift”
While wearingg a Speckled Robe,
R you mayy take an
exxtra action everry round: an exxtra “Refresh” action, but
onnly to refresh a gift that has all
a of the “Battle”,
Magic”, and “D Druid” descripto ors.
D uids
Dru s
yman Druid Magicc
Name Equip Range AAttack Dice Effectt Descripttors
Rain of Blood Off hand Medium M Species, Supeernatural
Mind, From Above:
A Group resists with
w Will, Species, Weather
W Magic, Druid, Journeyman,
(Counters vs. 3 Sensse vs. 3 Unholyy, Indirect
Magic) Damagge +0, Afraid
Rain of Fire Off hand Medium Mind, Species, Supeernatural
M From Above:
A Group resists with
w Mind, Species, Weather
W Magic, Druid, Journeyman,
(Counters vs. 3 Sensse vs. 3 Fire, Indirect
Magic) Damagge +0, On Fire
Rain of Ice Off hand Medium Mind, Species, Supeernatural
M From Above:
A Group resists with
w Speed, Species,, Magic, Druid, Journeyman,
(Counters vs. 3 Weaather Sense vs. 3 Water, Indirect
Magic) Damagge +0, Dispel All Unreal
Cracking the Nuts of Wisdom Three e successes or o more: You learn the
[Teinm Lææghda] synecddoche of the ob bject – the origginal owner,
(Respite, Magic, Journeyman, Dru
uid, and th
heir name. You u know the most important orr
n, Synecdoche) eventfful thing this obbject has ever been
b used for,
or beeen a part of (if anything).
a You u have a futuree
This spell is
s one of the thr
ree divinations. Holding up an d8 asssist bonus for any
a rolls involviing knowing
object of innterest, you rec
cite a small poe
em and focus alll
your sense es to see what is
i beyond norma al sight. sometthing about thiss object’s origin n. You know
the dirrection and thee range band (S Short,
Requires Mediuum, Long, beyo ond the Horizoon, etc.) of the
Druidd Apprentice objectt’s owner. You can ask one question about
Druidd’s Trappings a past use of the object and then view a five-
Insideer: the Aos Dao
oine minutee re-enactmentt of that scene (a form of
Langu uage: Bérla Féini fortune-telling calledd “retro-cognitioon”).
X (Respite
Stunt “ex
xamine an ob
bject” Flash of Insp
F piration
You can
c use this speell to learn the recent history of [
[Dichetal do Chennaib]
an objecct. (
(Chapter, Ma
agic, Journey
yman, Druid
First, Exhaust this Gift.
G Then roll your
y Mind, D
Academiics, and Search hing dice vs. 3.. You only get one This spell is on
ne of the three divinations.
d Eve
erything a
try at thiss, so make it go
ood. Druid says, no matter how strange, could tur rn out to be
a warning of some bad future e. We’d try to ex
xplain to you
No o successes: Your spell failss. how it works .... but you won’t
t understand, beecause
On ne success: You Y learn the synecdoche
s of the you’re not a Druid.
obbject – the original owner, and d their name. You
know the most im mportant or eveentful thing thiis
Druid Ap pprentice
obbject has ever been
b used for, or
o been a part of
Druid’s Trappings
(if anything).
Insider: th
he Aos Daoinee
Twwo successess: You learn the synecdoche of
Languagee: Bérla Féini
thee object – the original
o owner, and their nam me.
Yoou know the most important or o eventful thin ng X (Chapter)
thiis object has evver been used for,
f or been a partp A
Action “rally
y and grant one
o use of Luck”
of (if anything). You
Y have a futture d8 assist After anyy successful rallly, you may Exhaust
E this
boonus for any rollls involving knnowing someth hing Gift. Declaree a target that you just Rallieed, and say
about this object’’s origin. You know
k the direcction something cryptic
c and porrtentous. A rh hyming couplett
and the range ba and (Short, Medium, Long, or other little song fragmeent works best.
beyyond the Horizzon, etc.) of thee object’s owner. That targget now has on ne use of the Gift
G of Luck.
(In game terrms, it’s exactly as if the targget has one
Gift of Luckk. See the Ironcclaw book for more details.)
The target may
m only use the Admonishm ment once.
D uids
Dru s
You may not refresh thiis Gift before th he start of the Two succ cesses: You kn now the name and exact
next Chapterr. If you refressh this Gift, an
ny and all appearancce of the target.. You know thee direction
Admonishmeents you have outstanding are gone. to the targeet, and the rannge band the ta arget is in
You cannot use the Adm monishment on yourself. (Short, Meedium, Long, beyond
b the Horrizon,
etc.). You can ask one question
q about something
Multiple the personn has done in th he past, and th hen view a
You may buy this Gift multiple
m times. Each Gift five-minutee re-enactmentt of that scene (a form of
allows you one more Dicheetal do Chennaaib for a fortune-tellling called “retrro-cognition”).. You can
different targget. (You canno
ot put two Dicchetal on the roll again tomorrow,
t but treat any resullts better
same target.)) than “two successes” as “two“ successess”.
Three suc ccesses or more.
m As “two
Illumination of
o Knowledg ge successes”, above, but yo ou will have a d8 assist
[IImbas Farosn
na] bonus on any
a rolls you makem against th
he target
(RRespite, Mag
gic, Journeym
man, Druid, until your next
n Respite .... including futu
ure rolls of
Divination, Syynecdoche) the Imbas Farosna.
This spell is one
T e of the three divinations, and the
t most
gruesome. By harnessing
h the communion
c of yourself
y Since the Imbbas Farosna is a Respite Gift, you may
with nature and d with all things,, you can drink someone’s
s on
nly use this spell once per dayy.
blood and learn something abou ut the past, preesent, and
future of your target.
n of Blood [S Stoirm Fola]
(Batttle, Magic, Journeyman,
J , Druid,
Druid App prentice
Druid’s Trrappings
Insider: th
he Aos Daoine Not content with juust a curse, you
u can call down a vile
Languagee: Bérla Féini torr
rent of guts, blo
ood, and entrails from the sky to fall
n your foes. The
T experience is
s quite harrowin
ng ...
and sometimes wor rse.
ong Action “sleep
“ ”
To use thiis spell, you mu ust have consu umed blood of Requ
the target. You can do this in combat, usiing as Bite Druid Appren ntice
attack that inflicts a Hurt ressult (or worse) on the target. Druid’s Trapp pings
Other method ds of getting th
he blood are lefft to the Insider: the Aos Daoine
imagination. Language: Béérla Féini
Roll your Mind,
M Species,, Academics, and
Supernatural dice vs. 3. You only get onee try at this, so X (B
make it good d. Actio
on “guard to
o upgrade Ha
ateful Curse
e to
Raain of Blood
No suc ccesses: You ur spell fails. No
o retries are
To use this ab
bility, you mustt have a “Hateeful Curse”
possiblee ... until you get
g another dra aught of
Ma agic weapon ata the ready, an nd you must takke the
Gu uard action.
One su uccess: You know k the namee and general
Exhaust this Gift.
G Your “Hatteful Curse” weeapon
appearrance of the tarrget.. You know w the
beecomes a “Rain n of Blood”.
on to the targett, and the range band the
The Rain of Blood
B comes from the sky. It only
o works
target iss in (Short, Meedium, Long, beyond
b the
aggainst targets th
hat are outdoorrs or near wind dows. Also,
Horizon n, etc.). You can
c roll again to omorrow, but
thee Rain of Blood d carries the rissk of all Unholy magic
treat anny results better than “one su uccess” as
(Irronclaw Host’s book, page 31 12).
“one su uccess.”
D uids
Dru s
Requires R
Druidd Apprentice Druid Ap pprentice
Druidd’s Trappings Druid’s Trappings
Insideer: the Aos Dao
oine Insider: th
he Aos Daoinee
Langu uage: Bérla Féini Languagee: Bérla Féini
X (Battle)) X (Battle)
Action “gguard to upgrrade Faerie Fire
F to A
Action “guarrd to upgrade Remove Glamour
G to
Rain off Fire” Rain of Ice
To usse this ability, you
y must have a “Faerie Fire”” To use thhis ability, you must have a “R Remove
Magic weeapon at the reeady, and you must take the Glamour” Magic
M weapon at a the ready, and you must
Guard acction. take the Gua ard action.
Exhau ust this Gift. Yo
our “Faerie Firre” weapon Exhaust this
t Gift. Your “Remove Glam mour” weapon n
becomess a “Rain of Firre”. becomes a “Rain
“ of Ice”.
The Rain
R of Fire commes from the sky.
s It only worrks The Rainn of Ice comes from
f the sky. Itt only works
against ta
argets that are outdoors or neear windows. against targeets that are outtdoors or near windows.
D uids
Dru s
Summon Ally y [Cuidigh Ghutháin] Two succ cesses: Your AllyA hears yourr
Respite, Mag
gic, Journeym
man, Druid, summons, and is Rallied with two succeesses. You
Summoning, Synecdoche e) may give your
y Ally a messsage no longeer than fifty
words. Fro om where they stand, they kn now how
Requires far you aree away in rangee bands (Shortt, Medium,
Ally Long, beyo ond the Horizo on, etc.) and yo our
Druid App prentice direction at
a this very instaant. Your Ally has the
Druid’s Trrappings option to become
b Afraid;; If they do, theeir Run
Insider: th
he Aos Daoine distance do oubles and theeir overland mo ovement
Languagee: Bérla Féini speed doub bles as long ass they remain Afraid
A ...
and they know
k your direcction and dista ance ...
X (Respite) until the Affraid status endds or until 8 ho ours pass
Action “recov
ver and sum
mmon your allly” (whicheverr comes first).
When you u take the Reco over action, you may also Three suc ccesses or more:
m Your Allyy hears
choose to sen nd a telepathic message to yo our Ally. your summ mons, and is Ra allied with threee
Your ally rolls
r their Mindd and your Acaademics dice successes. You may givee your Ally a messagem no
vs. 3. longer than n fifty words. From
F where theey stand,
No suc ccesses: You ur Ally hears yo
our summons, they know how far you are a away in ran nge bands
if they are
a awake and d can hear you. From where (Short, Meedium, Horizon n, beyond the Horizon,
they staand, they know w how far you are away in etc.) and your
y direction at
a this very insttant. Your
range bands
b (Short, Medium,
M Horizon, beyond Ally has the option to beccome Afraid; Iff they do,
the Horrizon, etc.) andd your directionn at this very their Run distance
d doublees and their ovverland
instant.. movementt speed doubles as long as theey remain
One su uccess: Your Ally hears you ur summons, Afraid ... and they know your direction and
and is Rallied
R with onne success. Yo ou may give distance .... and you and they are in con nstant
your Allly a message non longer than fifty words. telepathic contact,
c exchanging up to 50 0 words
From where
w they stan
nd, they know how far you each everyy round, until th he Afraid statuus ends or
are awa ay in range ban nds (Short, Meedium, until 8 houurs pass (which hever comes firsst).
Horizon n, beyond the Horizon, etc.) and your
on at this very instant.
i Your Ally
A has the This spell com
mbines well with the Gift of Gang
G of
option to become Afrraid; If they do,, their Run Irregulars. Your successes on the
t spell also co ount as
distancce doubles and their overland d movement successes to drumm up memberss in your Gangg.
speed doubles
d as longg as they remaain Afraid, or
until 8 hours pass (wh hichever comess first).
Master Drruid Magic
Naame Equip Rannge Attackk Dice Effect Descriptors
Blight Off hand Meddium Mind, Species, Supernatuural Explosion: Cloose, Reach, Near, or Short
S Magic, Druid, M
(CCounters vs. 3 Resist with Speed, Mind, Will, Enddurance, Supernaturaal Unholy
Magic) vs. 3
Damage +0,, Penetrating, Sick, ruuins landscape
Cuurse of Off hand Meddium Mind, Species, Presence vs.
v 3 Group of Menn Only: Resist with Mind, Species, Magic, Druid, Master,
Femininity (CCounters Academicss, Supernatural vs. 3 Female
anny man’s Afraid, Sick
Stteal Guise Off hand Meddium Mind, Deceit, Supernatural Resist with Will,
W Inquiry, Presencee, Supernatural vs. 3 Magic, Druid, Master,
(CCounters vs. 3 Damage +0,, Penetrating, Caster Steals
S Appearance Unreal
D uids
Dru s
Blight [Sm their gear wiill become bligghted and will need
(Chapter, Magic, Masster, Druid, maintenancee. If the targett is reduced to Dying or
Unholy) worse, their equipment ma ay be rotted orr destroyed (at
the option of
o the Host). Th he landscape ittself will
The wrath of the Master Druids
D is best avoided.
a With a become bligghted and sickeened – food will spoil, crops
cryptic inv
vocation to the spirits of heave
en and earth,
the work of
o a hundred andd fifty years can be blighted in will wither on
o the stalk, dryy land will beco ome swamp,
an instant.. house timbeers will rot, steeel will rust, etc.
Crackking the Nuts of
o Wisdom Cloak of Inviisibility [Fæth Fiada]
Druidd’s Trappings (
(Respite, Ma
agic, Master, Druid, Unreeal)
Flash of Inspiration “I arise today through
t the strrength of Heaveen the rays
Illumiination of Knowwledge of the sun, thee radiance of thhe moon, the spllendor of
fire, the speed of lightning, th
he swiftness of wind, the
Insideer: the Aos Dao
oine depth of the sea, the stabilityy of the earth the
t firmness
Langu uage: Bérla Féini of rock.”
Mysticc: Druidism
Crackingg the Nuts of Wisdom
X (Chapte
er) Druid’s Trappings
Action “a
attack with blight”
b Flash of Inspiration
Exhau ust this Gift, thhen declare a ceentral point forr Illuminatiion of Knowled
your Exp plosion. You ro oll your Mind, Species,
S and Insider: th
he Aos Daoinee
Superna atural dice vs. 3. 3 Languagee: Bérla Féini
Your targets roll theeir Speed, Mind d, Will, Endura ance, Mystic: Druidism
and Sup pernatural vs. 3 to resist. Shadowing
Targeets hit suffer Da amage +0 Pen netrating ... andd if
X (Respite)
they fail to resist, they become
b Sick, regardless
r of th
Action “guarrd and becom
me invisible”
damage dealt.
Exhaust this
t Gift, then taket the Guard
d action. You
The Blight
B spell callss upon some of o the worst forcces
fade out of visible
v sight. In game terms, you
y may claim
in any world,
w this one or
o the next. Th his spell carries
a total conceealment bonuss of d12.
great Unnholy risks if sev veral targets reesist.
Every rou und that you ta ake the Guard action, you
Like most
m combat sp pells, this Exploosion also targgets
remain invissible. If the round ends and you have not
the ground, walls, and other inanima ate objects. If a
taken the Gu uard action, yo ou become visiible.
target ressists, their equiipment is okayy... but if they fa ail,
If you Reefresh the Gift, for any reasonn, then you also
become visib ble.
Curse of Fem
C mininity [Ban n-aileadh Su
(Battle, Magiic, Master, Druid,
D Femalle)
This spell serve
es as a reminde
er to others thaat, as a
woman, you mu ust bear the burden of childbirt
th, a
suffering that men would be better
b for the experience.
Must be female
Must be ata least 17 yearrs of age
Druid Ap pprentice
Druid’s Trappings
Insider: th
he Aos Daoinee
Languagee: Bérla Féini
Mystic: Druidism
D uids
Dru s
X (Respite) X (C
Action “attac
ck with the curse
c of femiininity” Extra
a action: “re
efresh all Dru
uid Battle Gifts
G and
Declare a Group of targeets within Medium range. Drruid Respitee Gifts”
Your targets with
w this spell mustm be male and a 17 years On your turn,, as an extra acction, you mayy put your
of age or more. offf-hand upon yo our magical tallisman, and in a loud
Roll your Mind,
M Species,, Presence vs. 3.3 vo
oice, you declarre your comma and over all Ea
arth. By
The men youy targeted reesist with Mind d, Species, dooing so, you immmediately refresh all exhaustted gifts
Academics, Supernatural
S vss. 3 thaat have both thhe “Druid” desscriptor and eith her the
Targets that fail to resist become Afraid d. “B
Battle” or the “RRespite” descriiptor. Other Giifts are not
The lowesst-rolling failuree becomes Afra aid and Sick reffreshed.
(wracked with h aches and pa ains like those of a woman If you do not have a magica al talisman to brandish
in child-birth)). forrth, you cannoot use this abilitty.
Requires: Requ
Mystic: Drruidism Cracking the Nuts
N of Wisdomm
Druid’s Trapp pings
Add +1 Mark
k to Supernatural Fast Jumper
Add 1 Ma ark to your Sup pernatural Skill.. Flash of Inspirration
If you re-trrain this Gift, you
y also lose thhe extra Mark. Illumination of
o Knowledge
Insider: the Aos Daoine
Trrigger: Castiing a Druid Spell
S Language: Béérla Féini
Exhaust thhis Gift after ca
asting a spell off the Druid Mystic: Druidism
nature to claiim a bonus 2d8 8 with your cassting dice.
X (R
Multiple Actio
on “jump”
You may buy
b this Gift multiple
m times. Each
E new Gift Exhaust this Gift,
G then decla are a “Jump” action.
gives you +1
1 Mark and a new
n Exhaustion n, but you Affter leaping into
o the air, you sprout
s a cape ofo black
may only usee one Clout perr roll. fea
athers. You ca an grab the corrners of this cap
pe to flap
our arms and flyy.
You gain the Gifts of Flight and High-Altitu ude Flyer.
Druid’s Mnem
D airt Ar Ais]
monic [Tabha
The spell ends instantly if:
Plot, Druid, Journeyman
J n)
You beco ome Injured. (T The feathers are torn off
Your meditative
Y e training allows
s you to call upo
on reserves your boddy.)
o power.
You Refreesh the Gift.
Requires: Someonee successfully Disarms
D you off your
Cracking the
t Nuts of Wissdom mantle off feathers. (Anyy Disarm effectt can
Druid’s Trrappings target you
ur mantle.)
Flash of In
nspiration The magiic is dispelled, by such magicc as
on of Knowledgge Severancce or Remove Glamour.
Insider: th
he Aos Daoine
Languagee: Bérla Féini
Mystic: Drruidism
Add +1 Mark
k to Academiics
Add 1 Ma ark to your Aca ademics Skill.
If you re-trrain this Gift, you
y also lose thhe extra Mark.
D uids
Dru s
Palliative [Leighis] Steal Guise [Fith Fath]
(Chapter, Magic, Masster, Druid, (
(Respite, Ma
agic, Master, Druid, Unre
You can steal someone’s
s appeearance and put
t it on
The wisdom
m of the Druids can call upon th
he natural another – eithe
er yourself or an
a ally.
forces to heal
h the deserviing.
Requires Crackingg the Nuts of Wisdom
Crackking the Nuts of
o Wisdom Druid’s Trappings
Druidd’s Trappings Flash of Inspiration
Flash of Inspiration Illuminatiion of Knowled
Illumiination of Knowwledge Insider: th
he Aos Daoinee
Insideer: the Aos Dao
oine Languagee: Bérla Féini
Langu uage: Bérla Féini Low Proffile
Mediccine Mystic: Druidism
Mysticc: Druidism
X (Special)
X (Chapteer) A
Action “attac
ck to steal someone’s
s ap
Action “ra
ally to heal, remove mag
gic damage” Exhaust this
t Gift, then take
t the Attackk action. Your
Exhau ust this Gift, then declare a Rally
R action, onnly attack dice are
a your Mind, Deceit, and Su upernatural
instead of
o a target, declare an Explosion’s center po oint dice vs. 3.
and size (Close, Near, or o Short). Theen roll your Min nd, Your targget resists with Will, Inquiry, Presence,
P and
Species, Leadership, an nd Supernaturral vs. 3. Supernatura al vs. 3.
No o successes: All A inanimate objects
o in the
exp plosion are fixeed of any dama age caused by a
sup pernatural agen ncy. Fires caussed by supernatural
fects, such as an n “Ignite Fire” spell,
s are snuffeed
ouut and their dam mage undone .... corrosion, russt,
and spoilage caussed by curses or o Unholy magiic
aree restored to their previous sta ates, etc.
On ne success: All A inanimate objects are fixed d of
sup pernatural dam mage, as abovee. Also, all frien ndly
tarrgets in the Exp plosion are Ralllied with one
succcess. Removee the Hurt cond dition from onee
frieendly target. Iff there is more than one frien nd
whho is Hurt, have them roll theeir Body dice ---
thee lowest roller isi the one who o is healed, the
casster decides on n ties.
Twwo successes: All inanimatee objects are fixxed
of supernatural damage,
d as abo
ove. Also, all
frieendly targets inn the group aree Rallied with tw wo
succcesses. Remov ve the Hurt condition from all
frieendly targets. Remove the Siick condition frrom
one friend. If theere is more tha an one friend who
is Sick,
S have them m roll their Boddy dice -- the
lowwest roller is the one who is healed,
h the castter
decides on ties.
Thhree successe es or more: All A inanimate
obbjects are fixed of supernatura al damage, as
above. Also, all frriendly targets in the group are a
Raallied with threee successes. Reemove the Hurrt
and Sick conditio ons from all frieendly targets.
The Palliative
P spell does
d not help with
w the Injured
status, ju
ust Hurt and Sick.
D uids
Dru s
If your attaack hits, you ca ause Damage +0, X (R
Penetrating. If your spell kiills the target, then nothing Actio
on “rally and summon goblins”
else happenss. Exhaust this Gift,
G then decla are the Rally acction. After
If the targeet survives, you u may now cop py the target’s ralllying your alliees, you may ro oll your Academ mics,
appearance you y – either on nto yourself, or onto a target Presence, and Su upernatural dicce vs. 3.
Near you -- which
w we will now
n call the preetender. The No succe esses: Everyon ne hears a loud d cackling.
pretender now w looks like the target, and thheir clothes Those who o understand Bérla
B Féini hearr one
change to ma atch the target’s. (Any armor they wear voice mockk your appeara ance, one voicee speak ill
stays the sam me.) You may not n refresh thiss Gift again of your anccestry, and oncce voice suggesting that
until your nexxt Respite. you perform various actss of physical
This spell is an illusion. The
T pretender is still the impossibility. You may Refresh
R this Giftt at the
same age, sexx, species, etc. that they weree before. Their next Chaptter.
clothes are sttill the same, tooo. However, casual
c One succ cess: In a puff of brimstone and a
scrutiny will not
n reveal the deception.
d In game
g terms, molted feaathers, one Gob blin Fiann appeears.
whenever thee pretender atteempts to deceiive others that Two succ cesses: With a loud clamor of o steel
they are who o they pretend to t be, they receeive a d12 upon steel,, three Goblin Fianna appearr.
magic bonus ... but anyonee you play falsee may include Three suc ccesses: With h the sound of war-horns
their Superna atural dice to seee through thee guise. and horrible squawks, sevven Goblins ap ppear.
This spell does not give the t pretender any a Skills, Four succ cesses: Eitherr seven Goblin ns appear,
Gifts, or any other abilities ofo the target. or one Morrignai – your choice.
The spell ends
e if: Five or more
m successe es: The skies become
The preetender uses a Natural Gift th hat the overcast, thhe grass wilts, milk
m turns sourr and wine
original target didn’t have.
h For exam mple, if a Bat becomes th hin ... and onee Morrignai and d thirteen
pretend ding to be a Wolf uses their Gift
G of Flight, Goblins apppear.
then the spell instantly y ends.
Either the
t pretender or o the target diees. The goblins seerve any reaso onable request you have,
The speell is removed from the pretender, by such un ntil the start of the
t next Chaptter. They will happily
magic asa Severance or o Remove Glaamour. figght until they beecome Afraid (or ( worse), esp pecially if
If the ca
aster Refreshess the Gift of Steeal Guise. thee fight is unfairrly in their favo
or. They are allso eager
to kidnap peoplee and bring theem back to you u, alive.
Summon Gob nai Ghutháin
blin [Morrign n] You may not refresh this Gift until you havve repaid
Special, Mag
gic, Master, Druid,
D yoour debt to the Goblins in som me way. The more
Summoning) serrvices they had d to perform fo or you, the grea
ater the
priice they will make you pay.
You have broken
Y n bread with the
e sky-goblins, and
a you
have learned the
e words that caarry far. The sttrange and
violent ones hav
ve agreed to ho
onor your summ mons. Cann
not be Retra
You may never retrain this Gift.
G Think carrefully
Requires beefore having tru
uck with the go
Cracking the
t Nuts of Wissdom
Druid’s Trrappings
Flash of In
on of Knowledgge
Insider: th
he Aos Daoine
Insider: th
he Goblins
Languagee: Bérla Féini
Mystic: Drruidism
P ies
Pri stly
ly Mag
M gic
When n the Church of o s’Allumer wa as first founded d over eight huundred years ago,
a its order was
w simple and d the faith
unified. There
T was thee way of Peniteence, the Orth hodox Church h.
Over the years, diffeerent ideas spra ang up. Questiions of faith aro ose — and diffferent folk offerred different an nswers. Some
preferredd one method of o worship oveer another. Oth hers had unusu ual interpretatioons of holy docctrine. Any worrship of
s’Allumeer other than Peenitence is a Heterodox
H Chhurch. Heterodo oxy is not a criime, nor is it seeen as preventiing one from
Ascensioon. The Church h of s’Allumer tolerates
t these alternative form
ms of worship — at least on paper. In practtice, some
Bishops actively proseccute the Hetero odox, seizing th heir property or
o forcing them to convert, sometimes underr torture. The
growing diversity of wo orship could fraagment the con nsiderable pow wer of the Churrch, and strife would
w not be fa
ar behind.
Somee methods of worship
w or philo
osophies are op penly denouncced by the Chu urch of s’Allummer — these reliigions are
called Heresy.
H Under clerical
c law, heeresy is a crimee. Heretics can be levied with stiff fines, or canc suffer capittal punishmentt
unless th
hey renounce th heir religion annd convert to Penitence.
P Everry year, the nuumber of incideents of violencee against
heretics increases.
i In Avoirdupois
A terrritory, all peop
ple living on the land are expected to have the t same religiion as their
Lord, a principle
p known as cuius regio, eius religio (“whose
( regionn, his religion”)). In practice, a few lords are tolerant of
alternativve practices. Teechnically, anyyone who pledges allegiance to the Avoirdu upois King musst also be a Pen nitent.
moment she rested, people were dying. Consumed by
History of the Church compassion and selflessness, she prayed that this
of s’Allumer glowing white light should take her life in exchange
The pre-history of the Church is hotly debated for all the innocents who would perish by the plague.
among scholars and theologians. There is ample With that act, her body was wreathed in “a flame that
evidence that the ways of White Magic existed before did not burn” which spread from where she knelt
the Church formalized its structure into the ranks of throughout the entire city. All who were touched by
Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master, with its rigors of this miraculous flame were saved from the plague.
study, its powers of Privilege, and the other trappings Once all were saved, Helloise collapsed and perished,
of modern magic theory and practice. Throughout happy knowing that her death allowed others to live.
Calabria, religious beliefs varied from place to place. It was this selfless act that ignited the worship of
Without standards of worship, the devotions and s’Allumer, the life-giving luminance. All who had been
practices of a town depended on the whims and the touched by the altruistic Helloise began to come
personality of whoever the local priests and together under the banner of the young Don. The
priestesses were. Don commanded that a great Cathédrale be built
Over eight hundred years ago, when the Rinaldi upon the spot of Helloise’s ultimate sacrifice, the
were considered unrivaled throughout Calabria (and construction of which is the most ambitious
the Avoirdupois were but one minor house fighting engineering project in all of Calabria, far beyond
among many), the unpopular Don Rafael di Rinaldi anything undertaken by the Rinaldi before or since.
died, to be succeeded by his son Constantin. The To support the Cathédrale’s great dome, a great spell
misrule of the Don had left the landscape easy prey to was woven by the first apostles of the church, the
bandits. In addition, a plague was sweeping the land power of which lasts to this day.
— some villages were wiped off the map. As more Today, the Church of s’Allumer is the dominant
and more people were killed by the disease, the city religion in Calabria, with numerous cathedrals and
of Triskellian became packed with refugees. The other establishments. Every year, missionaries go
young heir to the Rinaldi throne, the boy Constantin, abroad to spread word of the miracle, and to teach
was an invalid racked with the same fever that was how the Light of Ascension may save all those who
killing his subjects — no doctor could find a cure. follow in its steps.
Many feared the end of the world had come.
According to Church doctrine, it was on the night Funding
of Don Rafael’s death that Helloise, one of The Church of s’Allumer primarily raises funds
Constantin’s nurses, experienced a holy through donation and uses them to support their
manifestation, which took the form of a glowing, various charitable works. They solicit mostly from
white light that surrounded her body accompanied by Nobles and other wealthy persons. Many of their
a chorus of voices singing a message of peace, love, donations are received in the form of barter and or
and freedom that was beyond the understanding of food stuffs. These go directly to feeding the poor, the
most folk, who have their minds clouded by their own clergy and others associated with running the church.
worldly misfortunes, appetites, and ignorance. Additional proceeds come from rent collected by
Helloise then entered Constantin’s bedchamber, leasing church lands to tenant farmers, some of which
took the boy up in her arms, whereupon both were was previously owned by former Knights of the
consumed in the same shining light Helloise saw Capitular Orders. These holdings cannot be taxed by
before, and Constantin was cured of his illness. After the nobility, as these properties are the sole demesne
this miracle, Helloise then wandered the streets of of the Church, not King, no matter where the land is
Triskellian, and each person she laid her hands upon located. The serfs who work these Church land are
was instantly cured of illness. She walked from house given greater status and leeway than those tied to the
to house for four days, healing all whom she could, land of the Noble houses. The King still requires an
but each day she felt her own Strength ebb. On the accounting of the holdings and production of Church
fifth day, she collapsed from exhaustion. When she owned or administered land, purely as a provision
awoke, she started again, knowing that every moment against time of war. It is partly this practice that has
more people were dying from this plague that only drawn some of the nobility to the Éteignoirs, as
she could stop. increasing Church holdings represent a depletion of
That evening, she sank to her knees in sorrow and their hereditary wealth.
enervation, sick with the knowledge that every
ges ss’Allumerr at its Co
Pilgrimmages are often n made by lay folkf and otherss of T Tene
The ets of the Way of
the s’Allu umer faith. Man ny make the jou urney in order to
pray for health,
h luck or good fortune. Some
S come to the
temples for f medical atteention. The Church has also The dom minant form of
establisheed a few “colon nies” which serrve as a perman nent worship of s’Allumer
s is called
residencee for those who o are incurable.. Penitence. This
T faith is commplex,
The pilgrimages
p can take the entiree year dependin ng but it basicaally consists of the
upon thee resourcefulnesss of the faithfu ul. The largest of
o following beeliefs:
the pilgrimages is the “W Walk of One Th housand Lightss.” It Ascension. If one livves a pure life, and if one
begins in n Triskellian eacch year and folllows a spiral paath learns and accepts the teachings of o Penitence,
outward until every majjor and minor temple t has beeen then after
a death onee will be united d with the
visited. This
T pilgrimage is quite arduou us and is only Healinng Light that iss in all living th
hings. Those
conducteed at night. Tho ose walking its path
p conduct souls that
t Ascend affter death will be b one with
themselvves by way of to orch or other illlumination. the puurity of all-beinng, a joy that surpasses
s any
It is said
s that Harmo on Brock, a mo onk at the Gran nd experiience one can have in this liffe.
Solarium m, made a holy vow to bring light where theree Asceticism. People are, a by their na ature,
was nonee and began a nighttime walkk that lasted thee rest “world dly” and subjeect to worldly appetites.
a But
of his lifee. During his lifee he helped ma any a wayfarer and this world that folks inhabit is merrely a weight
some sayy that they havee often been led out of dangeer by that prrohibits peoplee from rising to oward the
a spectra al light that vaniished once the danger was pa ast. healinng light and thee purity of all-b being that is
Theree are many for whom w the “Wa alk of One the Shhining Path of s’Allumer. Only by
Thousan nd Lights” is tooo taxing. Most simply
s make thhe understanding how the four pointss of the
trek to Cathédrale de Témoin. In fact, the number off materiial world (air, earth, fire, and d water) link to o
pilgrims hash become so o great in recentt years that the city the fouur points of the spiritual worrld (courage,
has had to t increase the size of its Consstabulary in ord der serenity, wisdom, an nd understand ding) can one
to cope. The Grand Sollarium is the seecond most visited truly shuffle
s off the prison
p of morta al coil and
site, whicch is located ou utside the walls of Chalon-sur-- Walk the
t Shining Pa ath into the Ligght of Truth
Sauldre. Thus far the crrowds have beeen easily handleed and Beauty.
and the monastery
m adja
acent to the tem
mple has more thant Pancreeationism. Wh here there is lifee, there is
enough ground
g for the encamped pilggrims. s’Allummer. All being comes from th he generative
light of
o s’Allumer.
Monotheism. There is only the Ligght of
Ascen nsion. Other go ods are false go ods; belief in
them will
w deny onesself the glory of Ascension.
Pancreatioonism. Magic permeates
p everrything;
Many Path
M hs to the Divine: White Maggic is a force of positive enerrgy and
xies of s’A
Allumer creation, and
a Black Maggic is its opposiite.
While the way of Peniteence is the mosst popular Atavism, Blessed
B Ways, and Wizardly Magic are
faith of Calab
bria, there are other, smallerr churches all branchees of the same tree — the wiill realized,
considered too be its equals. the intentio
on made maniifest. A truly siincere
Athanasian n may study magic
m disciplinees, with
Power, Truth
P h, and Underrstanding: the goal to
o ‘slay mind’, to
t remove the
Athanasia distraction
ns that prevent the true understanding
of the univverse.
Among so ome scholars, there
t is a
growing bodyy of evidence that, millennia a ago, a group
Existtence is Sufffering:
of wizards weere capable off magic that wa as either
similar to Wh hite Magic or even
e the same White Magic
spells known n today (which contradicts the dogma of If the way of Penitence is th hought
the Church th hat White Mag gic is from the teachings of to be austere, th he way of Haim morrous is even n more so.
Helloise.) Thhese wizards weere known as the t Taaking the doctrrine of asceticissm to an extreeme, the
Athanasians. They were rep puted to be ab ble to restore Haaimorrs not on nly live a life without
w vice but also
bodies wholee from mere bo ones or ashes, to make one peerform strange rituals of deniial and sometim mes even
immune to aging
a or diseasee, and to raisee the spirits of sellf-inflicted painn or injury.
entire cities or
o nations. In recent
r times, th
here has been Since the wayy of Haimorrous is obscure and a
a revival of innterest in thesee folk, althouggh the Church deemanding, and d since they do o not actively convert
of s’Allumer disputes that their
t existence. othhers to their heeterodoxy, theey might have faded into
The goal of o many Athan nasians is to acchieve a state obbscurity were itt not for the fo ounding of the Holy
similar to thaat of Helloise and
a other Asceendants before Orrder of the Con nvulsionaries at a Assidu. All
their own deaths; as one sccholar said, “th hrough the Coonvulsionaries are devout Ha aimorrs, and their
power of trutth, while livingg, to conquer th he universe.” Paaladins are fearred because of their indomittable
The core beliefs
b of Atha
anasia are: ressolve and unw wavering faith.
The core beliefs of Haimorrrous are:
Gnosis. Both Athana asia and Orcho omency (see
page 43) espouse tha at, to obtain tru ue Ascension.. If one lives a pure life, and if one
enlighteenment, one must
m learn of certain
c learns andd accepts the teeachings of Penitence,
mysteriies. The beliefss differ in that Athanasia then after death one willl be united with h the
involvees complex rituuals, long hourrs of Healing Liight that is in all
a living thingss. Those
meditaation, and com ming to persona al terms with souls that Ascend
A after death
d will be onne with
the myysteries, often in seclusion, whereas
w the purity of all-being, a joy that surpa asses all
Orchom mency advoca ates group interractions and experiencees one can havve in this life.
ceremo onies. Asceticism. People are, by b their naturee,
Asceticcism. Debate iss still ongoing within
w the “worldly” and subject to worldly appettites. But
commu unity regarding g morality’s role. Some this world that folks inha abit is merely a weight
Athana asians will argu
ue that Ascensiion has little that prohibbits people from m rising towarrds the
to do with
w arbitrary ta aboos; others claim that healing light and the purrity of all-beingg that is
worldlyy appetites disttract oneself from a true the Shining Path of s’Allumer.
understanding of the nature of the universe, and Monotheissm. There is on nly the Light of
that to attain purity, one
o must be pure p in both Ascension. Other gods are a false gods; belief in
thoughht and in deed.. them will deny
d oneself th he glory of Asccension.
Celibacy. All
A Haimorrs are a unmarried and have
no sexual relations. The more extremee Haimorrs
undergo ca astration, altho ough some arggue that
true asceticcism is achieveed by denyingg one’s
base urgess, not by removving them alto ogether.
Marriage iss prohibited.
Faasting. Many Haimorrs
H go forr days without Ascenssion. If one livees a pure life, an nd if one learnss
foood. After a feww days, many will
w achieve an n and acccepts the teach hings of Peniten nce, then after
“alltered state” foor meditation. All Haimorrs area death one will be uniited with the Heealing Light
veggetarians … but then all Horrses are that is in all living thin
ngs. Those sou uls that Ascend
veggetarians so thhis is not necesssarily a religio
ous after death
d will be onne with the puriity of all-being,
choice. a joy that
t surpasses all
a experiences one can have
Mo ortification. Th
he discipline off inflicting pain
n in this life.
uppon oneself is seen
s as a way to rid oneself ofo Asceticcism. People arre, by their natu ure, “worldly”
woorldliness. Flaggellation, the act of being and suubject to worldlly appetites.
whhipped either by b others or byy oneself, is a Veneraation. The mira acles of the passt hold the key
common practicee among the Haimorrs.
H The to knoowing the futuree. Helloise is ca alled the Most
Coonvulsionaries are known forr their practicee of Venera ated and Most Beatific — it was w she who firsst
sellf-laceration, cuutting themselvves or scarringg undersstood the Way of the Shining Path and how
theemselves in sty ylized ways. Mortifications ca an to Ascend from this liife to a purer sttate. The
be as bizarre and d unpleasant asa the Haimorrr devou ut may pray to venerated
v saintts for guidance,,
feeels they need to be. or eveen intervention. Hyperduliantss often explain
the goods of other religgions as being saints.
On the Sh
houlders of G
Giants: Pancreeationism. Wheere there is life, there is
Hyperdullia s’Allum
mer. All being comes
c from thee generative
Churcch doctrine preaches that light of s’Allumer. Th here is only the Light of
Helloise was
w the Light-B Bringer, that sh he Ascenssion. Other god ds are false godds; belief in
revealed the Shining Pa ath of Ascension to them will
w deny oneseelf the glory of Ascension.
the closed eyes of the worldly
w and the impure. Howeever,
many peeople “incorrecttly” call upon Helloise,
H a Moderation iin All Thingss:
personificcation of diviniity rather than some
s abstract O
notion off “divinity in alll things.” Some churches follo ow The Churrch of s’Allumeer has long
the path of Hyperdulia, direct worship p of Helloise and held the docctrine that only by
other sainnts. advanced un nderstanding off the
Hyperduliants see th he places holy tot Helloise as being
b teachings of Helloise can on ne hope to ascend above the
defiled byy being in the control
c of mercchants. Many arre worldliness of o this world. Ab bout a hundredd years ago,
given to pilgrimages out of Avoirdupois holdings to some schola ars suggested th hat the mystic knowledge of
an and to fits off ecstatic possesssion, neither of
Triskellia o Ascension ca an be obtained d through the un nderstanding oof
which sitt well with landh holders dealingg with serfs. Somme “higher scien nces,” such as mathematics.
m T
These folk
female Avoirdupois
A in the
t orders of the Ardentine called their strange
s beliefs Orchomency
O — the idea that
Factionn naires and the Cenobites
C acknoowledge the the divine in n all things can be
b understood through
common n doctrine but, ini their hearts, are Hyperdulia ants. measuremen nt, observation,, and experimeentation.
The current
c state of affairs involvess tolerance by th
he While thee Orchomenes may m have begu un with lofty
governm ment due to the Hyperduliants’’ service to the goals, their modern
m descenndants have beccome more
poor and d the ill. The Chhurch keeps infformants insidee the liberal in their interpretation n. Perhaps takinng the idea of
ranks of the
t organized heretics,
h but as long as tithes still
s “mystic know wledge through h experience” tooo literally,
go to thee Holy See thro ough the local reeligious authority rumors abou und that many secret Orchom mencial rites are
they are content to watcch for now. Theey have acquirred little more thhan debauched parties, rife with carnality and d
informatiion that offshoo ots of the group p are making excess. Toda ay, the Orchom menes are a clossed society
radical cllaims that Hellooise may have beenb a under scrutin ny by the Churrch of s’Allumerr.
reincarna ation of Lutara (an old goddesss of Calabria) or The core beliefs of Orch homency are:
perhaps even one of thee Autarchs. Pancreeationism. Wheere there is life, there is
The core
c beliefs of Hyperdulia
H are: s’Allum
mer. All being comes
c from thee generative
light of s’Allumer. Th here is only the Light of
Ascenssion. Other god ds are false god
ds; belief in
them will
w deny oneseelf the glory of Ascension.
Gnosis.. Innocence is not
n enough; it is i necessary to Transmigraation. Those folkk who do not Asscend are
learn ceertain key ritualls and prayers, and doomed to remain within this t world, eitherr as
worship ppers must passs examinationss to prove that invisible spiirits or as a reinccarnation in a neew body.
they aree capable of lea arning the nextt level. Once Animism. Spirits
S can inha abit anything, either
worship ppers have reacched true undeerstanding of living or in
nert materials. Those T who kno ow the
this muundane world, thent they may Walk
W the right magicc or those who o are Blessed ca an
Shiningg Path into the Light of Ascenssion. communiccate with these spirits, sometim mes
Epicureeanism. Worldly y appetites are a distraction commandiing them to do great things. Elemental E
to undeerstanding, but they are not a weight or beings are spirits created by the s’Allum mer Light
prohibition from Ascension into the Light.
L Denial of Being ass a by-product of creation — in other
of expeerience can lead d to denial of knowledge,
k words, theyy are the ultim mate expression n of the
and it iss the quest for truth
t that Orchomenes prize material world.
above all
a else. Orchom menes are someewhat Pancreatio onism. Where th here is life, theere is
notorioous for their “lovve of life” and their
t feast-day s’Allumer. All being comees from the gen nerative
celebraations. Every yeear, the Orchom menes push Allumer.
light of s’A
the bouundaries of wha at is acceptablee further and Veneration n. In the past, th here were grea at people
further; indeed, a few have become notorious
n for who have Ascended
A into the Light, and d their
their peersonal excessees. wisdom ca an guide otherss toward the sa ame path.
Lutara is venerated as a guide g to underrstanding
We Are All Ch
W hildren of Pro
ovidence: the spirit world.
w Helloise is venerated ass the first
Palingénésie prophet off s’Allumer. Neither is seen ass a
When the Penitents first attempted
a goddess, but
b as part of th he all-giving Ligght of
to convert tho ose of the Old Faith
F of Creation, source
s of all lifee and energy.
Lutarism, theyy met with resisstance. To
this day, few in the Doloreau ux demesne wo orship Herresy
s’Allumer, and the appointm ment of a Dolorreaux
There are somme belief system ms that are in direct
Archbishop to o the Holy See is for political reasons.
pposition of thee s’Allumer faitths.
In the war-torn region of the Lyore Riveer Valley,
where civil wa ar is not unknoown, the Holy OrderO of the
Cenobites has become know wn as a place of o peace. Their Strik
ke with a Haammer and
religion differss from Penitentt orthodoxy in the way it It Wi
Will Break:
interprets the Blessed Ways known to the Lutarists.
L The Éteig
Cenobite’s heeterodoxy has become
b known n as the There are thoose who activelyy
Palingénésie, and it is the most
m common fo orm of worship opppose the Churrch of s’Allumeer. The
of s’Allumer tot be found in Doloreaux
D dem mesne. Since Avvoirdupois Fam mily of Marteau u, after having had their
the Palingénéésiens are instru umental in convverting the titlles and privilegges removed fro om them, wen nt into
pagans, the Church
C of s’Allu
umer has not made
m an issue exxile, only to retuurn as the Éteiggnoirs, a secrett society
of their unorth hodox beliefs. wh hose ultimate goal
g is the destrruction of the Church
C of
The core beliefs
b of Palinggénésie are: s’AAllumer.
Ascension. If one livess a pure life, an nd if one The Éteignoirrs recruit their members
m from many
learns and
a accepts thee teachings of Penitence, sources. Some arre followers of the older religion of
then affter death one will
w be united with w the Heeliodromency, who feel that this t new religio on is a
Healingg Light that is in
i all living thin ngs. Those fallse path. More than one noblle has denouncced the
souls th
hat Ascend afteer death will bee one with the rigght of the Churrch to collect itss own tithes, annd has
purity of
o all-being, a joy that surpassses all joiined the Éteign noirs in their ultimate goal of destroying
experieences one can haveh in this lifee. thee Penitents.
Asceticism. People are, by their natu ure, “worldly” Because the Éteignoirs
É havee been denoun nced by
and sub bject to worldlyy appetites. Bu ut this world booth the Noble Houses
H of Avoiirdupois and th he Church
that folks inhabit is merely
m a weight that prohibits of s’Allumer, theyy cannot act op penly without being
people from rising tow wards the healiing light and arrrested. They ha ave secret meeeting places all over
the purrity of being thaat is the Shinin ng Path of Ca alabria; one pla ace is rumored d to be in the Barrows
B in
mer. thee south of the Avoirdupois
A kiingdom. While wealthy
annd well-informeed, they are loo osely organized d and
occasion nally prone to in nternal strife, as
a power-grabss are of earth (earrning the title of
o Akarbite, thee Destroyer),
not unco ommon. Should d they gain a strong,
s competent then the elem ment of water (Ahamzite, thee Creator), then n
leader too give them foccus they could become
b quite air (Mithriatee, the Plainsma an), then finallyy fire (Anuite,
dangerou us. The retribu
ution they visit upon
u traitors to
o the Father). To serve Anu is to know onee’s place in the
their ranks or suspected d spies is swift and brutal, oftten world, and the
t Heliodromees are Anu’s aggents on earth
includingg soul-wracking g, mutilation an nd torture. who relate His
H divine instru uction. Failure to serve Anu’ss
Whilee individual Éteeignoirs may ha ave very will can onlyy bring pain an nd woe upon oneself.
individua al beliefs aboutt how the world works, they all a The core beliefs of Heliodromency aree:
have a feew tenets in co ommon: Plurifo
orm Monotheissm. There is bu ut one god,
Reepudiation. Thee Way of s’Allu umer is a false Anu thhe All-Father, but
b he may takke on any of
paath. The Church h of s’Allumer is a façade led d seven incarnations: thet Creator of the World, thee
eithher by the self--deluded or thee greedy to takke Destrooyer in War, the Wind of the Plains, the
mo oney, wealth, and
a power awa ay from the Unspa aring Justice, th
he Lord of Secrrets, and the
people. While thee Éteignoirs weere once ultimaate aspect, Anu u the All-Fatherr, described as
com mposed entirelly of Heliodrom mes, folk of oth her a horsse with fiery hoooves who crossses the sky
religions such as Druids and Lu utarists have beeen each day.
d The oldestt myths often depict
d one
known to share their beliefs. Ru umors abound that aspectt of Anu talkingg to another asspect of
a few
f followers of o Orchomencyy join this sect in himsellf, or even in conflict with him mself. Each
theeir quest for ev
very experiencee available in th he level iss associated wiith a different mystical
woorld of the flesh
h, and as such often bring patternn; for Anu himmself, it is the seeven-curled
valluable intelligence on the orgganization and labyrinnth that can stiill be seen toda ay in the
hooldings of the Church
C of s’Allu
umer. Avoirddupois coat-of--arms.
Teergiversation. The
T Éteignoirs ofteno pretend to t Patriarrchy. Women were,w and still are, excluded
esppouse a differeent religion to avoid
a discoveryy, from the
t ranks of Heeliodromency. Some
upp to and includiing participatin ng in another Helioddromes are cha auvinists, decryying that
religion’s ceremo ony. Participatin ng in the servicces womeen do not have “the right min nd” for holy
of another’s religgion is permissible to hide onee’s mysterries. Others claaim that the myysteries would
ue faith and is not
tru n seen as ana athema amongg the exposee women unneecessarily to evvil forces
Éteeignoirs. seekinng physical entrrance into the world
w (the old
Diaabolism. Rumo ors abound tha at the Éteignoirrs Helioddromency seein ng women as the t gateway
haave secret poweers or magic avvailable to them m. between the spirituall and the physiical; they
Thhe wildest tales imply that som me have sold th heir genera ally took on thee role of seers and oracles).
sou uls to beings off dark, unfatho omable power.
Mo ore than one Éteignoir
É is a Neecromancer; th he Visitors from
V m Above to Sh
Show Us
Jakkoba family is suspected to wield
w great t
the Way:
inffluence in their ranks. M
Monophysis sme
It is a com
mmon belief th hat, millennia
One Sun G
God in Seven
n Forms: ago, the worrld was held in n thrall by the
mency Autarchs, the Wizard-Kingss who were bro ought low by
Beforre King Étiennee’s conversion their own folly. Some belieeve that the Au utarchs were
to s’Allum
mer, the domin nant religion the essence of the Healingg Light of Ascen nsion — they
among th he Avoirdupoiss was were not of mortal flesh bu ut of a substancce of purity
Heliodro omency, a religgion full of com mplex mysteriess. and magicall strength. Thiss essence carriees on such thatt,
The few who practice it today do so in i secret, as theey even today, the divine willl of the Ascend ded beings can
are actively persecuted d by Penitents of o s’Allumer. be made rea al. The Monophysites claim th hat Helloise
The practice
p of Heliodromency survives on at the was not a mortal
m fox, but a divine being who visited thee
College of
o Porteur-du-S Soleil, the onlyy formal instituttion world. If thiss claim is true, then no morta al could hope to
in Avoirddupois lands th hat teaches the Wizardly art of o achieve the command of White W Magic thhat Helloise wass
Elementa alism. The firstt three levels off study are reputed to have
h used. Somme Monophysittes argue that
ceremon nial, slowly indo octrinating the initiate in theirr many of the great and pow werful wizards of
o folklore
ar lore. To prog gress from fourth through were also off unearthly natu ure, such as Kyyndranigar the
seventh levels,
l the Heliiodrome must learn all five Shadow-Ma age.
apprenticce spells from each
e element — first the elem ment
Since the Monophysites preach that Helloise was a remote region and start a commune there. Or
something other than mortal and that her miracles were sometimes a bizarre idea latches on and slowly grows.
impossible to ordinary folk, the Church of s’Allumer Cults come and go, but both church and state
has openly denounced their claims. Monophysisme has oppose heretical ideas. Sometimes, a cult will turn to
been declared to be “a heresy and a misbelief,” a crime necromancy and other unholy practices, with tragic
punishable under clerical law by disfigurement, by results for all. And sometimes it’s just politics at work –
exile, and sometimes even by death. Despite such the Church of s’Allumer does not appreciate challenges
extreme opposition, Monophysites continue to preach to its power.
their doctrine in secret and to safeguard what they Being a member of a cult is against both church law
maintain is the ultimate truth. and state law. The legal punishments can be severe,
To some Monophysites, both The Wilding Way and such as seizure of property, slavery, and even death ...
Wizardly Magic emanate from the same root — the and that’s just what the books say, not what an angry
understanding of the primal self, without the fog of lynch mob of “true believers” might do to a cultist.
chattering thoughts, distractions, and fancies. A truly Cults can be hard to find. While some cults require
sincere Monophysite might study both disciplines in an their believers to forsake all other religions, other cults
attempt to “slay mind” that distracts one from true actively encourage their members to lie to authorities
understanding of the power in living beings. and to seek positions of power and influence.
The core beliefs of Monophysisme are: Examples of cults include:
Veneration. White Magic and miracles are not the Gemmajaculism, a strange religion where the
result of a neutral energy but are the direct believers claim a giant spirit “made of stars” with
intervention of Helloise and her kind. “one wing of an angel” will come “tumbling
Ascension. If one lives a pure life, and if one does down” and destroy the world, rewarding the
as Helloise commands, they may be permitted to good with everlasting bliss and punishing the
walk the Shining Path with Her to know a love wicked with eternal torment. Various dates have
and peace unattainable on this earth. To those been given for when this apocalypse will come,
who are not worthy, She will turn a blind eye. and all of them have passed without incident.
Asceticism. People are, by their nature, “worldly” The Perfecti, people who believe that Atavisms,
and subject to worldly appetites. Helloise the the Wilding Way, and other “savage” attributes
Most Beatific disapproves of worldliness; to be prevent enlightenment. Believers have been
worthy in her eyes, one must purge themselves of known to mutilate themselves, removing claws
all earthly desires. and teeth.
Monophysique. Since the Monophysites preach The Pastophoroi, mystics who claim they know
that Helloise was something other than mortal spells that transmogrify the body, changing shape
and that her miracles were impossible to ordinary from species to species. No proof of these spells
folk, the Church of s’Allumer has openly has ever been found.
denounced their claims. Some of the Hyperdulia
heterodoxy have adopted elements from the
Monophysites, claiming that Helloise was an
Organizations of the Church
Autarch sent to lead people to enlightenment The Church of s’Allumer is set up with many Holy
through her intercession, which requires her Orders. The countryside of Calabria is broken up into
praise and veneration. diocesans, which are further broken up, and presided
over by a hierarchy of priests. Each priest in a diocese
We Want to Believe: is expected to preside over a limited geographical area.
Other Cults Recognizing the need for a defense against
supernatural or against heretic forces, the Church of
In a remote place of Calabria, far removed from the s’Allumer has more than one capitulary, which has
influence of kings and bishops, strange belief systems founded a holy order of paladins and inquisitors. As
may spring up. A leader with a strong personality, a agents of the church, those ordained in a Capitular
religious fervor, and just a little craziness may start a Order may go anywhere under the sky to mete out the
cult of personality in a remote town. (Sometimes, the church’s justice.
cult leader is a sincere prophet; other times, they are a
swindler, stealing the money of their deluded flock to
live a life of luxury.) A group of people may adopt
some strange way of living, and they may move out to
Diocesan Orders secular or manorial
m authorrity who is not the Pontiff …
but doing soo risks the accu
usation of world dly pride, and
The majority
m of relig
gious orders arre tied to one
going beforee the court of thhe Pontiff is no
ot for those
location or community, known as a diocese.d A
who would be b judged and found wantingg.
diocesan n order holds dominion
d over a designated area.
Each Cap pitular Order iss granted a typicon, which is
The mem mbers of the diocese are responsible for
a combinatio on of a charterr that authorizees the
collectingg the tithes, converting the fa aithful, and
organizationn to exist and sttates the code of conduct tha at
suppresssing the evil in their given dio ocese.
the order aggrees to obey. Once
O granted, a typicon mayy
Theree is no standard dization of nammes. Generally, a
be repealed by only the Po ontiff, but suchh a thing has
monastery refers to thee building or bu uildings where
not happeneed in the entiree history of the Church of
monks livve, and an abb bey refers to th
he total sum of the
monastery, the church,, and the catheedral (if any).
Every Ca apitular Order isi overseen by a Master
Howeverr, the famous Cathédrale
C de Témoin of
Capitular, who
w is beholden n only to the Pontiff, who
an is such a larg ge building tha
at the faithful
then appoin nts numerous other
o offices. While
W the
actually live
l inside of itt, with no needd for separate liiving
“official headquarters” of a Capitular Ord der is the
Cathédrale ded Témoin, forr practical reaso ons the seat off
An abbbot or abbess is elected by th he chapter of th he
authority cann be thought to o be in whicheever city in
monastery in a secret ballot.
b The canddidate must bee at
which the Master
M Capitularr chooses to reeside.
least thirty-two years olld, born within n a marriage
The threee most famous Capitular Ord ders of
condoneed by s’Allumerr, must have beeen an Ordina ary
s’Allumer arre detailed belo
for at lea
ast eight years, and must currrently be a Prellate.
The election is confirmed by the Holyy See, and the
T Holy Ord
The der of Arden
nt (Ardentine
position is for life. Withhin the dominio on of the Order,
The oldesst, largest, andd greatest of thee
the abbo ot acts in the na ame of the Bish hop and presid des
Capitular Orrders, the Ardeentines are
over all lesser
l clergy.
sometimes called
c a “divinee army,” becau use
Dioceesan orders aree usually named after the clossest
they are among the most capable
c warriors in all of the
city or to
own, such as th he Abbey of Ad dalwain. Most
Avoirdupoiss demesne. A liifetime of religiious devotion
orders prractice the orth hodox doctrinee of Penitence, and
has eliminatted fear of eitheer death or sufffering — they
thus theiir worshippers are called Peniitents. Howeveer,
strive to elim
minate the confflict within so thhat they may
the fartheer away one geets from Triskeellian, the moree
go forth to seek out the corruption that haunts
h this
likely onee will encounteer the various heterodox
h belieefs.
world and destroy
d it.
The majority
m of Acoolytes who rise to the esteemeed
The Ardeentines today area divided into o two paths of
rank of Sacerdotal
S do so
s by granting an indulgence to a
study: the Faactionnaires wh ho specialize inn the arts of
diocesan n order. The in ndulgence for each
e order variies,
war, and thee du Sang who o concentrate ono the study of
and is ussually determin ned by the ordeer’s beliefs. Forr
wisdom. Theese two branch hes of Ardentinne study are
example, an order of Penitence
P mighht ask for eight
sometimes called
c “the righ
ht-hand path” anda “the left-
years of charitable serv vice. An order ofo Hyperdulia
hand path.” The Factionna aires are legendary for their
could ma ake a postulant prove their deevotion with a
magic of thee arts of war, most
m notably thee Fulguration
pilgrimagge, visiting eigh ht shrines and collecting
whereby theeir swords strikee foes at some distance (see
signaturees from the shrrine caretakers.. An order of
page 84). Th he du Sang, wh hile less glamoorous, figure
Orchomeency might acccept a cash don nation.
more importtantly in the Ch hurch as inquissitors and often n
function as direct
d agents off the Pontiff to investigate
Capitularr Orders religious ma atters. Each braanch requires itts own
The Pontiff
P of s’Allu
umer, recognizing that the Sacerdotal Indulgence and d has its own lisst of magical
Church ofo s’Allumer sh hould hold dom minion over all of studies.
Calabriaa, and that dioccesan orders, by b necessity, miight
become weakened by their t own regio onalism, saw thhe T Holy Ord
The der of the Guérisseurs
need to create
c a new kind
k of order, one
o that was no ot The younngest and smalllest of the ordeers,
beholden n to the local populace
p for fin
nancial supportt or the Guérisseeurs are found almost exclusivvely
duty: thee Capitular Ord der. at the Hospiital of Avec-Bo onté. Guérisseuurs
Capittular Orders recceive direct ind dulgences of are accompllished physicia ans as well as thheologians,
money and
a man-power from the Chu urch of s’Allum
mer. teaching thee arts of healingg to both thosee who are of
Their meembers are beh holden only to the Pontiff. the cloth andd to those who o would pay larrge
Technica ally, any Capitu ular can refusee to submit to any
indulgences in
i coin in return for the educa ation. The rest They are no ot sovereign oveer the holdings of o the
of the wide world
w has heard d talk of the miiracles of Capitular Orders,
O but enjoyy the privilege of
o hospitality
restoration prracticed by thee Church of s’A Allumer, and at them. Wh hile the Archbish hops are divided among
more than on nce the Pontiff has appointed d a Guérisseur the major houses,
h they are not employed or o
as envoy to some
s far-off lan
nd to demonstrrate the beholden to o them, merely acting
a in an advvisory
considerable healing powerr of s’Allumer . capacity annd as supervisorss to the Clergy operating
within thosee holdings. The position is for liffe; when
he Holy Ord der of Passarrelle an Archbish hop passes on or o decides to retiire, the rest
Passarellitess) of the Holy See chooses an nother Bishop to o elevate.
After recorrding a vision near
n the city off Archbishop ps are addressed d as “Your Emin nence.”
Éloge, Passarrelle Piloté founnded a nunnerry The head ofo a Capitular Orrder is known ass the
so that womeen would be ab ble to study thee ways of Master Cap pitular. The Masster is appointed d by the
s’Allumer far away from mo ore urbanized areas.
a Many members of o the Order by a method spelled d out in
years and sevveral petitions later,
l the first woman
w Pontiff their typiconn (charter). The members of an n Order
granted the tyypicon to the nunnery.
n answer to thhe Master, who reports directly to the
Today, almmost all Passarrellites pay theiir indulgence Pontiff; the position is for liffe. The Master iss ultimately
at the Nunneery of Éloge. Feew complete th heir training, responsible for collection off tithes from thee holdings
usually movin ng on to other monasteries to o become of his or herr order, for estabblishing precedeent and
Penitents or Hyperduliants,
H as the regimen n of study to doctrine, annd for the action ns of all Capitulaars. The
become a Pa assarellite involv
ves both masteering the Master appo oints Lesser Cap pitulars as descrribed in the
martial arts which
w tax the body and the prriestly arts Capitular Order’s
O typicon.
which tax thee soul. Because of the high concen ntration of churcches and
population within a city, the office of the Metropolitan
was created d. The Holy Seee appoints a Bish hop to this
Ranks witthin the
R position as they see fit. Thee Metropolitans act as local
Church off s’Allume
er administrato ors for the Archb bishop of their region,
r as
Originally, the Church’s tittles consisted of “witnesses to coordinatorrs of sacerdotal activities,
a and ass
the miracle,” who
w were Consttantin’s mother and her ladies- intermediarries between thee Church and th he city’s
in-waiting. Ovver hundreds of years, the Churrch organization n authority. The
T rank of Metrropolitan is conssidered
became largerr and a body po olitic arose out of
o necessity. equal to thaat of Bishop.
The Ho oly See of s’Alllumer is the titlle given to the The Bishop ps each presidee over a bishop pric, a
organizzation of the fo our Archbishops who preside parcel of laand determined d by the Holy See.S They
over alll of s’Allumer. They are seen as the monitor the status of the worship of s’A Allumer,
successsors to Helloisee, the Bringers of Light to and verify the qualificatio ons and trainin ng of
each su ucceeding geneeration. The members of the Priests in thheir area, and collect tithes and
Holy Seee live all overr Calabria, meeeting administer clerical land. MostM Bishops will w take up
irregula arly at the Cath hédrale de Tém moin when residency ata a church. A Bishop is addrressed as
called there
t by the Poontiff for a Synod. “Your Exceellency.”
The Pon ntiff is the Archb
bishop of s’Allum mer with Subordinate to the Bisho op is the Prelatee, which is
seniorityy. He or she livees in the Cathéd drale de the minimu um rank of onee who can hold d the
Témoin n in Triskellian. The
T Pontiff has the t power to position off abbot. Prelatees approve the
call a Syynod of the Holly See. When th he Archbishops indulgencees of those who o wish to becom me
call a voote on sacerdota al business, the Pontiff’s
P vote Presbyters.. A Prelate is addressed as “M Most
breaks any
a tie. The Pon ntiff also holds authority
a over Reverend Father”
F or “Moost Reverend Mother.”
all of thee Capitular Ord ders. (While the Pontiff
P has the The Presbyyters are what most folks thin nk of when
authoritty to suspend orr revoke a Capittular Order ‘s they think of Priests and Priestesses — usually of
charter, it has never ha appened in all off s’Allumer’s middle to advanced
a age, indoctrinated in the
history.)) The Pontiff is addressed
a as “Y
Your Holiness.” philosophyy of their orderr, with a sober demeanor
There are
a four Archbish hops, one for ea ach of the and a com mmanding voicee. The Presbyteer is the
Great Houses
H (Avoirdu
upois, Bisclavrett, Doloreaux, lowest rankk in the Church h of s’Allumer that may
and Rin naldi). They are responsible for the Priests and preside oveer a court of clerical law as a judge;
other cleerics within their house’s demessne and those each only hash jurisdiction n within their parish.
p A
shrines and temples tha at may be run byb the Clergy. Presbyter isi addressed ass “Reverend Fa ather” or
“Reverend d Mother.”
Ann Ordinary is so omeone who has h been ordain ned Saacerdotal Spelll Lists each havve eight spells.
and is able to preeside over the legal l functions of Some are Capitular Spell S Lists and are particular
thee church, such as marriage an nd rites of burial. to thatt Holy Order. Others
O are calledd Religious
Thhe position of Ordinary
O is the first rung on thhe Spell Lists
L and are un nique to a certaain belief in
dder representiing the formal officeso of the s’Allummer, such as Peenitence or onee of the
Chhurch, and they y are the lowesst rank that hollds heteroodoxies. Since there is much overlap
o in the
authority over other Clergy and d Priests. An spell lists, few pay thee Indulgences to learn more
Orrdinary is addreessed as “Fatheer” or “Motherr.” than one.
o Sacerdotalls are addressed d as “Brother”
Onne who is a meember of a Holly Order is calleed a or “Sisster.”
Caapitular; the Orrders they belong to are properly The Acolytes
A are Saccerdotals-in-tra aining, being
known as Capitu ular Orders. To become a both bound
b by the teenets of s’Allummer and also
Caapitular, one must
m pay an ind dulgence or giftt to vestedd with certain privileges.
p An Acolyte
A need
thee Church of some kind — this could be mon ney, not ha ave any training as a Cleric — many do nott.
a service,
s or sommething else. Each Holy Ordeer The Career
C of Priest (the same titlee used for both
varries in its intern
nal structure an nd hierarchy, butb men and
a women) beegins with stud dy as an
theey are all alike in that Capitullars do not report Acolytte, and the firstt eight spells off Priestly
to Metropolitans,, Bishops, and Presbyters — only Magic. Acolytes are addressed
a as “Brother”
“ or
to each other and d their Master Capitular,
C whoo in “Sisterr.”
turrn is responsiblle only to the Pontiff.
P Capitulars A largee number of th he faithful of s’AAllumer are
aree closer to Knig ghts than to Priiests; they overrsee compo osed of Clergy: Monks, Friarss, Paladins,
nd owned by th heir Holy Ordeer, much the sa ame and Clerics.
C Clergy are
a not ordaineed; while they
waay a Lord woulld oversee vasssals. may sp pread the word d of s’Allumer and they may
Capitulars arre addressed as a “Brother” or serve Priests
P and othher sacerdotal offices,
o they
“Sister.” are noot entitled to ow wn clerical land d or to collect
Thhe mystical Saceerdotals are thee rare wizards who w tithes. Like Priests an nd other sacerd dotal ranks,
ave completed study
s as an Aco olyte and have Clergyy are entitled to o the benefit off clergy and
paaid an Indulgencce to learn onee of the higher thus may
m be tried in clerical court instead of
rannks of Priestly Magic.
M Where th he Clerics know w seculaar court. Clergyy have no speciific rights of
thee magic that meends the body, the Sacerdotalls addresss, and are ofteen simply called “Good.”
arn more obscu ure spells that sttudy the soul. Peoplee who worship s’Allumer
s but whho are not of thee
Sinnce Priestly Magic is more diffficult to learn th han cloth are
a known as thee Laity or “lay fo olk.” The Laity
Wh hite Magic and has fewer tanggible rewards, come in i many stripes — some are pio ous converts to
Saacerdotals are ra are. It is the stu
udy of philosoph hy, s’Allum
mer who can qu uote chapter and d verse from thee
and not magic, th hat determines one’s status in the Testamments of Helloisee, while others are
a less devout.
Chhurch — one ca an rise to the hiighest office of
Poontiff without beeing a Sacerdottal.
Basic Sa
acerdotall Spells
Thesee spells are more complicatedd than the commmon White Ma agic. They are found only in the un-translatted sections of
The Testtament of Hellooise, and they must be spokeen in the classiccal language off Magniloquenttia. These spellls are usually
used to supplement
s Whhite Magic, butt you can learn
n them separateely.
Acolyte X (Battle)
(Battle, Holy,
H Magic, Sacerdotal) R
Reaction “re
esist a spell and be a pilllar of faith”
Before yoou resist a spell, you may calll upon the
You are a seeker of truth h in the greater mysteries power of sellf-sacrifice. This ability only works
w on Magic
contained in
i The Testamen nts of Helloise. Let
L your
fortitude be
b a pillar of fait
th in the commu unity. attacks, and it only works on
o Magic attaccks that target
multiple opp
ponents, such as a a Group or an a Explosion.
Requires Exhaust this
t Gift, then resist
r the spell with a d8
Clericc’s Trappings bonus.
Langu uage: Magniloqquentia
If the spelll affects any friendly targets, including
i you, X (Special)
and you succcessfully resist thet spell, then all
a your allies Trigg
ger: Casting
g a spell
also successfuully resist the sp pell. The next timee you cast any spell, you mayy Exhaust
This abilityy only works when
w you comppletely resist thiis spell, too. Th
hat spell now has
h the “Mysticc”
and shrug offf all effects ... iff even one succcess still hits deescriptor; your casting
c is so su
ubtle that it’s in
nvisible to
you, then all your friends reesist normally. an
nyone who hass no training in Supernatural Skill. S
You may not Refresh this GiftG until 24 hou urs have
Reaction “inc
clude yourse
elf in a group” pa
If a foe deeclares an attacck against a Gro oup Near you
(within 4m) and
a they exclud de you from th he Group, you Multtiple
may declare youy will be parrt of the Group p. You may buy this Gift multipple times. Each Gift grants
If a friend is in an Explossion or other area-affect
a yo
ou one addition
nal use of the Prrayer for Humiility.
attack Near you,
y but you arre out of rangee, you may still
declare yoursself in the area of effect. Pray
yer for Kindn
This abilityy will keep oppponents from leeaving you (Spe
ecial, Magic, Sacerdotal))
out of multiplle-target attackks to prevent yo ou from using
your other pillar-of-faith ability to resist for all. We prove
p ourselvess by our purity, our understand
and our patience wiithin us.
Prrayer for Generosity
Special, Maggic, Sacerdottal)
Cleric’s Trapp
I you would hav
If ve two, share with
w those who have
h none. Diplomacy
Requires Language: Ma agniloquentia
Acolyte Literacy
Cleric’s Trrappings
X (Special)
Languagee: Magniloquen
on “rally som
meone for th
he future”
Instead of ralllying someone in the normal way, you
Team Playyer
caan offer someon ne inspiring woords for the futu ure.
X (Chapter) Declare a Rallly action, then Exhaust
E this Giift. Roll
Stunt “pray to refresh someone else’’s Gift” yoour Will & Lead dership as usuaal, and note the successes
As a stunt, you may invo oke the Prayer for ... but instead of Rallying the tarrget now, the ta arget may
Generosity. Declare
D a targeet, then Exhaust this Gift. call upon your raally as a reactionn, at a later tim
The targett may immedia ately Refresh eiither one You may not refresh this Gift until the frien nd calls
Respite Gift or
o all Battle Giffts. uppon the Kindneess. Then you may m Refresh th his Gift at
thee next Office of
o Sext (noon to o 3 pm).
You may buy
b this Gift multiple
m times. Each
E Gift Multtiple
grants you on
ne additional use
u of the Prayeer for You may buyy this Gift multiiple times. Each
h Gift
Generosity. gra
ants you one additional
a use of
o the Prayer foor
ndness ... but each
e friend maay only have onne
ndness on them m at a time. A newer Kindnesss removes
Prrayer for Hu
n older one.
Special, Maggic, Sacerdottal)
The shining light
T t of all creation
n opposes the pround
p and
gives grace to the
t humble.
Cleric’s Trrappings
Languagee: Magniloquen
Low Profile
Prayer forr Love This Gift can only be reefreshed by pra
aying for 8
(Respite, Magic, Sace
erdotal) minutes during the Office ofo Nones (3 pmm to 6 pm). As
soon as this Gift is Refresh
hed, the penancce expires.
Perfect lovve drives out fe
ear, because per rfect love casts
out fear. If
f we are afraid, it is for fear of
f punishment,
and whoeve er fears has noot been perfecte ed in love. M
You mayy buy this Gift multiple
m times. Each Gift
Requires grants you one
o additional use of the Prayyer for
Acolyyte Penance.
Clericc’s Trappings
Langu uage: Magniloqquentia Prayer for Se
P elf Control
acy (
(Respite, Maagic, Sacerdo
Supplement yoour faith with a generous provision of
X (Respite) moral excellenc
ce, and moral ex
xcellence with kn
Reaction “take dama
age for some
eone else”
Use thhis ability whenn a friendly tarrget within Sho
range of you (12m) takkes damage. Wait W until after thet
Cleric’s Trappings
target ha
as rolled all their Soak dice.
Languagee: Magniloquentia
Exhau ust this Gift. Yo
ou take the dam mage, yourselff.
You don n’t re-roll anyth
hing. You sufferr any Hurt, Afrraid,
Research h
Injured, Dying, Dead, or o Overkilled reesults the targeet
would ha ave suffered. X (Respite)
Reaction “reesist or defen
nd using Wiill dice”
Multiple Wheneveer you resist or defend againsst an effect
You may
m buy this Gift
G multiple tim mes. Each Gift using your Will
W dice, decla are that instead of rolling, you
grants yo
ou one addition
nal use of the Prayer
P for Love. will Exhaustt this Gift instea
ad. Do not rolll your dice –
maximize thhem, instead.
Prayer forr Penance
(Special, Magic, Sace
erdotal) M
You mayy buy this Gift multiple
m times. Each Gift
Turn back and do the works you did at fir
rst. You are the
light of the
e world. grants you one
o additional use of the Prayyer for Self
Clericc’s Trappings Prayer for Te
P emperance
Langu uage: Magniloqquentia (
(Respite, Maagic, Sacerdo
acy Those who live
e according to the
t sinful nature
e have their
Oratoory minds set on what
w that natur
re desires. The light is joy,
peace, patiencee, goodness, faithfulness, peacce, and
security. Therre is no law agaiinst such things
X (Specia
Stunt “atttack with prrayer for pen
nance” R
Declaare a target with hin Close range of you, and Acolyte
declare a task they musst perform, or declare
d a practtice Clear-Heeaded
they musst refrain from doing. Exhau ust this Gift. Cleric’s Trappings
Roll your
y Mind & Will.
W Your targett resists with Mind,
M Languagee: Magniloquentia
Will, & Deceit.
D Your target may choo ose not to resistt. Literacy
If the penitent breakks a promise thhat you specify,, the
spell endds and you insttantly know. If the promise ha as a X (Respite)
duration (e.g. “Abstain n from all alcoh
hol for a year an nd a A
Action “recoover and neg
gate Fatigue”
he spell expiress when the dura
day”), th ation is up. When yo ou take the Reccover action, yo ou may choosee
The promise
p is brokken when the taarget believes that
t to Exhaust this Gift. First, negate any Fa atigue on
they brokke the rule. yourself. Next, if you havee the Sick statuss on yourself,
you may cho oose to replacee it with the Injjured status.
Multiple X (R
You may buy
b this Gift multiple
m times. Each
E Gift Actio
on “recover to rally selff”
grants you on
ne additional use
u of the Prayeer for When you takke the Recoverr action, you may m chose
Temperance.. insstead to Rally yourself.
y Roll your
y Will, Acad
nd Presence (in nstead of Will & Leadership). Each
Prrayer for Zea
al success you scorre counts as on ne success to Raally.
Respite, Mag gic, Sacerdotal) This Rally is a Rally, for all intents and purrposes.
Foor example, if you
y have the Gift G of Clerical
What there is to
W o be weakened isi first made st
trong. What Appprentice, you may heal yourrself of the Hurrt
w be thrown over
will o is first rais
sed up. A house that heaps
e upon evil ca
evil annot stand. co
Requires Multtiple
Acolyte You may buyy this Gift multiiple times. Each
h Gift
Cleric’s Trrappings gra
ants you one additional
a use of
o the Prayer foor Zeal.
Languagee: Magniloquen
d Sacerdotal Spellss
These speells require advaanced understa
anding. Very feew priests everr learn them ... mostly becausse their utility issn’t
necessary forr daily affairs. All
A of them cann be found in the
t original, un n-translated texxt of The Testam
ments of Hello oise, if one
is pure of tho
ought and deed d.
C Conv
Battle, Holy,, Magic, Sacerdotal) (Mag
gic, Sacerdotal)
Warn those who
W o are idle, encou
urage the timid, help the Hope
e that is seen is
s no hope at all.. Who hopes for
r what
weak, be patient
t with everyone e. one already has? We
W live by faith, not
n by sight.
Requires Requ
Acolyte Acolyte
Cleric’s Trrappings pings
Cleric’s Trapp
Languagee: Magniloquen ntia Language: Ma agniloquentia
Literacy Literacy
Ordainmeent: any s’Allum
mer faith Ordainment: any s’Allumer faith
Prayer forr Generosity Prayer for Sellf-Control
Team Playyer Research
X (Battle) Trigg
ger: option to
t Retreat to
o break a Tie
Action “guard
d and give someone
s else
e Focus” Whenever yo ou are given thhe option to Reetreat to
Declare a guard action, then
t declare a friendly target breeak a tie, you may instead declare
d that you won’t
within Short Range,
R then Ex
xhaust this Gifft. Reetreat.
That targeet gains Focus, if it’s possible for the target Instead, you may
m use your Conviction to claim a
to gain Focuss. (Targets tha
at are Reeling cannot
c gain bo
onus d12. Rolll this bonus die now. If you’re lucky,
Focus.) yo
ou’ve now won n the contest.
After rolling th
he bonus die, if you are still tied on
thee defense roll ... well, you diidn’t Retreat, so
s you
suffer accordinglly.
Deflectionn Fanaticism
(Battle, Holy,
H Magic, Sacerdotal) (
(Magic, Sace
Take up yo
our sword so whhen the day of evil
e comes, you Let us pray: “L
Let me never be confounded. De
eliver me in
may stand your ground.. righteousness..”
Requires R
Acolyyte Acolyte
Clericc’s Trappings Cleric’s Trappings
Hono or Languagee: Magniloquentia
Langu uage: Magniloqquentia Literacy
acy Ordainm ment: any s’Allu
umer faith
Ordaiinment: any s’AAllumer faith Piety: s’A
Prayeer for Zeal
Bonus 2d8 with
w all Holy
y Attacks
X (Battle)) You mayy claim a bonuss 2d8 with all Holy
H Attacks.
Parry Maggic with Calendar Sword
d (There is no bonus for Cou unters, Parries,, or Dodges.)
You must
m have a ready Calendar Sword S to use this
t Holy Attackss include the Calendar
C Sword d and many
power. White Magicc spells.
Whenn you must deffend or resist a Magic attack,
Exhaust this Gift. You may
m use your Parry
P defense with Guidance
your Callendar Sword instead
i of the usual
u defense. (
(Magic, Sace
(And yess, that means iff you have Covver from a shieeld,
and Covver adds to Parry, you get thaat, too.) Let the wise he
ear and increasee in learning, an
nd a person
of understanding will acquire wise
w counsel.
Ecstasy off Rage
(Special, Magic, Sace
Let your pa
assion consume
e you. Cleric’s Trappings
Requires Languagee: Magniloquentia
Acolyyte Literacy
Clericc’s Trappings Ordainm ment: any s’Allu
umer faith
Langu uage: Magniloqquentia Prayer foor Love
Bonus d8 Co
over when yo
ou Rally
Wheneveer you take thee “Rally” action
n, you may
Ordaiinment: any s’AAllumer faith
claim d8 Co
over until your next turn.
Prayeer for Penance
X (Speciaal) IIllumination
Trigger: when
w you tak
ke the Recov
ver action (
(Special, Ma
agic, Sacerdo
When never you take the Recover action,
a declare you
They will need not
n the light of
f a lamp, or a su
un, or a star,
will Exhaaust this Gift. You
Y immediateely become and they shall reign forever annd ever.
Enraged. If you have a condition thatt would preven nt
you fromm becoming En nraged, you can
nnot use this Gift.
This Gift
G Refreshes whenever
w anyoone inflicts 1 or Acolyte
more points of Damagee on you. Clear-Heeaded
Cleric’s Trappings
Insider with
w Athanasian ns or Monophyysites
Languagee: Magniloquentia
Ordainm ment: any s’Allu
umer faith
X (Chapter) an
nd to call down n miracles of White
W Magic thaat were
Trrigger: begin
nning of you
ur turn heeretofore only the
t capacity of Helloise the MostM
At the begginning of yourr turn, declare youy will Beeatific. The speell of “Unificatio
on” is as yet un
Exhaust this Gift
G to enter an n Illuminated sttate.
While Illumminated, you may
m claim the following
f Morttification
benefits: (Mag
gic, Sacerdotal)
In any roll that uses Mind
M Dice to reesist, to
ough suffering, our bodies cont tinue to share in
i death,
defend, or to counter, you choose not n to roll, but
so that
t life may als
so be seen in our bodies.
d to maximize your
instead y dice.
Cover and
a Concealm ment do not affeect your Requ
observaation or your attacks.
a Acolyte
No onee may claim su urprise bonusess against you. pings
Cleric’s Trapp
(This in
ncludes the extra d8 when yo ou are Language: Ma agniloquentia
Reelingg.) Literacy
No onee may claim Ta actics bonuses against you. Low Profile
Ordainment: any s’Allumer faith
The Illumiinated state lassts until the endd of the scene Prayer for Huumility
(about five minutes).
m Yes, the
t state of Illu umination may
be stacked with Purgation and/or
a Purity. Trigg
ger: Injured and Sick
The Athan nasians have ellaborate theoriies of the spell Whenever you are Injured and a Sick, you may
m claim
of “Unificatio
on,” the fourth and final step towards total thee following ben
enlightenmen nt. To cast this spell would bee to achieve When you are sent Reelin ng, you do nott
apotheosis, to
o achieve onen ness with all off pancreation, automaticaally fall down.
Whenever you take the Recover
R action, you
automaticaally claim Focuus. (You must be
b able to
claim Focuus – you can’t be
b Enraged, Affraid, etc.)
(Resspite, Magic, Sacerdotal))
Smellt away your dro
oss as with lye, and remove all your
Clear-Headed d
Cleric’s Trapp
Language: Ma agniloquentia
Ordainment: any
a s’Allumer faith
X (Chapter)
ger: beginnin
ng of your turrn
At the beginniing of your turn n, declare you will
Exxhaust this Gift to enter an Purrgation state.
While in Purga ation, you mayy claim the follo owing
In any roll that uses Bodyy Dice to resist, you
choose nott to roll, but instead to maximize your
dice. (Thiss is only for resiisting effects, no
ot for
attack, cou
unter, or defense rolls.)
Whhen making a Soak
S Roll, mayy roll a bonus d6
6. If Sanctuary
you Retreat, you may roll anoth
her bonus d6. (
(Respite, Magic, Sacerdo
The Purgation
P state lasts until the end
e of the scenee Forgive and act
t; deal with each
h according to all
a they do,
since you know
w their heart as you know the he earts of
(about fivve minutes).
all people.
(Respite, Magic,
M Sacerrdotal)
Cleric’s Trappings
The divine has
h called upon us
u not for the purpose
p of Languagee: Magniloquenntia
impurity, bu
ut in sanctificat
tion. Literacy
Requires Ordainment: any s’Allum
mer faith
Acolyyte Prayer foor Kindness
Clericc’s Trappings X (Respite)
Insideer: with any s’A
Allumer faith A claim d8 Cover; Unho
All oly must passs test
Langu uage: Magniloq quentia Declare sanctuary, then Exhaust this Gift.
G For the restt
acy of this Scenee, all combatan nts, friend or foee, Near you
Ordaiinment: any s’A Allumer faith (4m) may cla aim a d8 Cover vs. all attacks.
Purga ation Any Unho oly creature tha
at attempts to get
g Near you
must win a contest
c of their Body & Will vss. your Mind &
X (Respitee) Will. If the Unholy
U creature loses, they beccome Terrified..
Trigger: be
eginning of your
y turn If they win, they
t are immun ne to your Sancctuary until you
At thee beginning of your
y turn, declaare you will Refresh this Gift.
Exhaust this Gift to enteer a Purified staate.
Whilee Purified, you maym claim the following beneefits: Steganograph
S hy
In any roll that usses Will Dice to resist, you cho oose (
(Respite, Magic, Sacerdo
noot to roll, but insstead to maxim mize your dice.
Text written inn Steganography y looks, to the untrained
(Thhis is only for reesisting effects, not for Soak ro
olls.) observer, like some
s other manu uscript usually dealing
d with
Wh henever you ta ake the Guard action,
a you mayy obscure theolo ogical matters, such
s as “A Compprehensive
remmove the Hurt status from you urself. Synthesis of Theories on Whet ther Insects Havve Souls.”
Those who are aware that the e manuscript con ntains a
message hidden n by Steganogra aphy may attempt to read it.
The Purified
P state lassts until the end
d of the scene
(about fivve minutes). Yees, the state of Purity may be R
stacked with
w Purgation. Acolyte
Cleric’s Trappings
Languagee: Magniloquenntia
Mathema atics
Ordainment: any s’Allum
mer faith
Write a hidde
en note in a larger manu
You havee an advanced understandingg of
Steganograp phy, the ability to conceal mea anings within
larger manusscripts.
Wheneveer you write som mething, you maym declare you u
will write fou
ur times as man ny words and use u
Steganograp phy. Roll your Mind,
M Academiics, Deceit, and d
Supernatura al vs. 3. Note th
he successes.
You mayy decide how co omplex your no ote is, from
your lowest level
l of successs (zero) to as high as your
successes. This
T number is the t complexity.
Any casu ual observer wh ho reads your words
w will only
notice the hiidden words if they
t make a ro oll of Mind,
Academics, Deceit,
D and Suppernatural vs. 3 and if they Count a quantity
q of lik
ke things. You u must
score at least as many succeesses as the com mplexity. If place your index finger up pon a pile of simmilar
they don’t rolll high enough, they won’t be able to find objects, succh as a coins, grains
g of rice, bu
the message. blades of grass,
g etc., the quantity
q of whicch cannot
Readers with
w the Gift of Steganography
S y always notice be more thhan 32,768. With a successful test of
hidden stegan nographic messsages, regardlesss of the Academicss & d12 vs. 3, you y will know th he exact
complexity. However,
H reading them is ano other matter. quantity off things (or “mo ore than 32,768 8,” as
Anyone ellse may attemp pt to decipher your note, appropriatee).
rolling Mind, Academics, Deeceit, and Stega anography,
and scoring su uccesses equal to the complexxity. The Two--for-One Marrch
difficulty is 7 for
f most peoplee ... but the diffficulty is only 3 (Respite, Magic, Sacerdotal)
for readers wh ho have the Giift of Steganogrraphy.
s spell is used by
y the Ardentines Factionnaire up
pon their
mounts, so that the ey may enjoy speeedy travel with
Trrue Measure
e undu
ue wear on their r mounts. Mendiccants are also known
to use
u this spell as they
t wander froom place to plac
Magic, Sacerrdotal)
The day-to-day affairs of the Church
T C of S’Allum
mer involve
much fact-checkking, verification
n, and other ted diousness. Acolyte
A Penitents are
As e seekers of tru uth, so can they use White pings
Cleric’s Trapp
Magic to precise
ely measure the world. This spell is used by Hiking
t Ardentines du
the d Sang in their investigations, anda by
Questors when they
t collect tith
hes. Language: Ma agniloquentia
Requires Ordainment: any
a s’Allumer faith
Cleric’s Trrappings X (Respite)
Language: Magniloquenttia Stun
nt “run at dou
uble speed”
Literacy Exhaust this Gift,
G and declare yourself or a target
Mathemattics within Medium ra ange of you. Th he target’s Run
n distance
Ordainmeent: any s’Allum
mer faith is doubled.
d Also,, their long distance speed is doubled,
Research allowing them to travel over-lan nd at twice norm
mal speed.
The Two-For--One March efffect lasts until thhe target
Stunt “know the
t true mea
asure” takkes a Respite.
As a stunt,, you may cast this spell to perrform any one
of the followinng feats:
Measu ure a distance e. You must hold a ruler in
your goood hand and point
p at some spot
s no more
(Respite, Magic, Sacerdotal)
than 722 paces away frrom yourself. With
W a Baniish anxiety from
m your heart, and
d put away pain from
successsful test of Acad
demics & d12 vs. v 3, you will your
r body.
Chariisms are supern natural powerss, the ultimate expression
e of devotion
d to s’AAllumer. Only characters
c with
h extreme pietyy
to the Shhining Light of All-Creation may
m manifest th hese. These efffects are powered by the targget’s own faith,, so characters
who havve these Gifts sh hould be extra
a-ordinarily faithhful to the teneets of their religgion. Like all Plot
P Gifts, the Game
G Host
may rulee what these Gifts may or ma ay not be used for ... and som metimes, the po owers they gran nt may suddennly activate,
pointing the character tot some higherr purpose. You u should consider Charisms to t be highly deependent on yoour ability to
role-playying a religious character devoted to selflesssness, saintlinesss, and love of all things befo ore you take an
ny of
these Giffts.
Exchange of Hearts
Major, Plot, Charism)
This Charism ap
T ppears as a ridgge of flesh upon
n your ring
finger on your good
g hand. (You
u may not wear a ring on
that hand.) This
s ring symbolizees that you have e exchanged
your heart with
h Helloise and th
he Ascended for rces in
saintly marriage
e. Folks who ma anifest this Charrism are
often Hyperdulia
Piety: s’Alllumer
Dying? Asleep
p, Injured, Sick
S instead
You are im
mmune to the Dying
D conditio on. Whenever
you would beecome Dying, youy become Asleep,
Injured, and Sick,
S instead. You can still become
b Dead
or Overkilled.
X (Chapter)
Action “guard
d and remov
ve abnormal status”
When you u take the Guarrd action, you may declare
you will Exha aust this Gift to
o call upon the Exchange of
Right noww, instead of thee end of the ro
ound, is when
you roll to rem
move all abnormal statuses. And don’t
roll – maximiize your dice, in nstead.
nner Fire
Major, Plot, Charism)
The strength of
T f your piety has
s transfigured your
physical form. You
Y constantly radiate body he
eat strong Levittation
enough to be fe
elt by others at
t close range. (Majjor, Plot, Cha
Requires Your
r saintliness tra
anscends earthlly gravity.
Piety: s’Alllumer Requ
Survival Hiking
mmunity to cold
c weatherr; bonus d12
2 resistance mer
Piety: s’Allum
You are im
mmune to the extreme
e cold in n the
environment.. You will not freeze
f in cold weather.
w You Stun
nt “rise straig
ght up”
may claim a bonus
b d12 to defend
d or to reesist any effect As a stunt, yo
ou may rise off the ground. With
W one
with the “cold
d”, “ice”, or “w
water” descripttors. stu
unt, you may riise up to Reachh distance (2m
m) from the
groound. If you were
w already with
w Reach, you u may rise
Bonus d12 on
n end-of-roun
nd tests, hea
aling to Near (4m). If you were alrea ady Near, you may rise
Wheneverr you roll at thee end of the round to upp to Short (12mm). You may not
n levitate high her than
remove a badd status, you may
m claim a bonus d12. Shhort range.
Wheneverr you roll for lo
ong-term healinng, you may You must usee the Levitation
n stunt to say in
n the air.
claim a bonu
us d12. Anny round that you
y don’t, you descend to thee ground.
As long as youu can pray, yo
ou are immune to falling
daamage, as you fall slowly.
(Major, Pllot, Charism
You can he ear voices withinn your head thaat answer
questions for
f you and tha at use you as a vessel for
spreading the
t ways of Pen nitence. They arre the voices off
positive sppirits, borne upoon the light of Ascension
A that
guides all souls
s to the glor
rious reward of f a pious life.
Piety:: s’Allumer
X (Chapte
3d8 assistt bonus
After rolling a Skill test, you may Exhaust
E this Giift to
claim a 3d8
3 assist bonu us, as the voicees advise you ono
the best way
w to proceed d. The locutionns often know
things otther people can nnot.
Remeember that assiist bonuses are for most Skill tests
... but no
ot for attack rollls, defenses, orr resistance.
Odor of Sanctity
(Major, Pllot, Charism
Reading of Hearts
Your body emits a pleasannt odor at all tim
mes. This odor is
i (
(Major, Plot, Charism)
not unlike incense.
i Each person
p will interpret your odor
differently (although alway
ys favorably), depending
d upon You have a spir
ritual ken of ot
ther people that t is simply
what they find to be a pleasant smell. miraculous. You have the limited ability to rea
ad folks’
Mysticc: White Magicc R
Pacifiist Diplomaccy
Piety:: s’Allumer Pacifist
Piety: s’A
Bonus d8 with influen
nce rolls
When n making rolls to
t gossip with friendly
f peoplee, to X (Chapter)
inquire about
a details with
w friendly peo ople, or to A
Action “read
d a target’s mind”
negotiatee for the benefit of others, yo
ou may claim a Exhaust this
t Gift, then declare
d a targeet within Close
bonus d8 8. Your bonuss may apply in other situation ns, Range of yo ou. Roll your Mind,
M Inquiry, and
a d12 vs. thee
as well, at
a the discretionn of the Gamee Host. target’s Mind d, Deceit, and Presence. The target may
include a bo onus d12 if theyy have the Giftt of Piety in a
Penalty d8
8 to stealth religion that’s not s’Allumeer.
Otherr people have a bonus d8 to track
t you by your No su uccesses: You u read the targeet’s surface
odor. though hts. You know what the targeet is thinking, iff
they mean
m you harmm or help, and if they are
Body doess not corrup
pt lying to
t you. This efffect lasts until the
t end of the
You may
m claim a bo onus d8 when trying
t to survivve a Scene (that is, for noo more than fivve minutes).
Lazarus Heart
H spell. One success:
s You can reach into o the target’s
If you
u die, your boddy does not corrrupt or decay. memo ories. You know w the truthfulneess of anythingg
Your boddy will most likkely be veneratted in a shrine.. the tarrget says for the next five min nutes, and you
have a deep understtanding of who o the target is
and where
w they cam
me from. The ga ame host will
tell you all Influence Gifts, all Persoonality Gifts,
and alll Careers that the
t target posssesses. In a
single moment, you gain an hour’ss worth of
truthfuul interrogation
n from the targeet. The Game
Host may
m choose to movem the gamee along for After rolling to
o defend or to resist a roll, yo
ou may
now, but should you have more queestions, the deeclare that you will re-roll. Exhhaust this Gift, and re-
Host will
w let you know w what your ch haracter rolll your defensee or resistance dice.
d The new result
learnedd. sta
Two or more succe esses: You ma ay ken the
target’ss deep, buried secrets. In adddition to the Stigm
informa ation above, yoou will also lea
arn of any (Majjor, Plot, Cha
Major Gifts
G the target has. Anythingg the target
knows or experienced d is available too you. The most gruesome e of the Charism
ms, by bleeding from
the eyes,
e wrists, or
r chest, you can
n restore your faithful
The targett is always awaare that you ha
ave used the
Reading of Hearts
H upon theem. Requ
Piety: s’Allum
Spiritual Guaardian
Major, Plot, Charism)
Some holy force
S e from beyond comprehension
c shields you X (C
from harm. Reacction “becom
me Stigmatic
Requires Exhaust this Gift,
G then decla are you will beccome
Danger Seense Stigmatic. You immediately
i beecome Injured as you
Pacifist bleeed from your hands, face, and chest.
Piety: s’Alllumer Every turn, yo
ou become Focu used, if you are able to
ave Focus. Yes, that means tha at you can interrrupt others,
Trrigger: when
n Reeling or Helpless or take three actio
ons on your turn n instead of two o.
Cover bonus of d12 All Healing efffects and all Unholy
U effects do
d not
Wheneverr you are reelin ng or helpless, you also may woork on you whiile you are in the Stigmatic sttate.
claim cover, for
f a bonus of d12 to a Dodgge defense. The Stigmaticc state lasts unttil the end of thhe scene
Those schoolled in the Supeernatural will reealize their (abbout five minuutes), but the Innjury must be healed
attacks are fa
ailing because of
o some unseen n force; others no
may chalk it up
u to bad luck. You may cla aim this Cover
even if this Gift
G is Exhausted d.
X (Chapter)
Re-roll defensse or resistan
Blessed Ways
Before there was an Order of Penitents, even before there was a city of Triskellian, there were those of the Old Faith.
Exactly what the “Old Faith” is, is up for debate; today, many worship Lutara the World Goddess, but the traditions vary.
Names get muddled, rituals follow different patterns, and in general the practice of “old” religion is a very personal thing.
What is known is that there are particular folk who have unusual ken with the spirit world. Sometimes, people are just
born with the gift to talk to the plants, the animals, the spirits of the world. In some lands, they call these remarkable
people the Blessed. In other places, such strange powers can be feared or shunned, and they call those who use them
Among the Doloreaux, the worshippers of Lutara revere the Blessed, encouraging them to use their powers for good. In
Bisclavret and Avoirdupois demesnes, the Blessed are feared, or shunned, or worse. In Triskellian, reactions are mixed,
but usually not very favorable.
Blessed Magic is sometimes called “the power from without”. Unlike traditional Magic, where the wizard uses their
knowledge of the workings of the universe to make their will become power, the Blessed use their connection to the spirits
to ask (or to demand) that something happen. If they ask correctly, then it does. In theory, Blessed Magic is capable of
anything. In practice, there’s what you ask for, there’s what you get, and what you deserve to get.
and Femorrt the patronesss of death and
Lutarism, the “Old Faith”
F reincarnatiion.
Before theere was an Ord der of
Penitents, eveen before theree was a You can readd more about Lutarism
L in the Ironclaw
city of Triskelllian, there werre those of ost’s Book, pagges 194-199.
the “old faithh”. Exactly wha at the “Old Faiith” is up for
debate; manyy modern worsshippers hail to o Lutara the The Three‐Fold Return: The Mixed
World Goddeess, but for eacch person the trraditions Blesssing of Walk
king the Patths
appear to varry. Names get muddled, ritua als follow
The Priestessees of Lutara sa ay that anythingg that you
different patteerns, and in geeneral the practtice of “old”
doo returns to you u three-fold: ph hysically, emottionally,
religion is a very
v personal th hing.
annd spiritually.
What is kn nown is that there are particu ular folk who
In game termss, all Blessed attacks
a are Unh holy –
have unusuall ken with the spirit
s world. By
B oral
whhen you call up pon spirits to do dark and wra athful
tradition and not just a bit of o improvisatio on, there are
thiings ... you’re going
g to have tot deal with da ark and
methods for calling
c forth su
upernatural pow wer that are
wrrathful spirits. The
T risk of Unholy Magic app plies --
unknown to othero folk. In these
t modern times,
t they are
ount up all the sixes
s that are showing.
s Includde the
sometimes ca alled the “Blesssed.”
Bleessed’s dice, th he resisting parrty’s dice, any bonus
b or
The worsh hippers of Luta ara, in the Dolo oreaux lands,
peenalty dice on either
e side, etc.. If three or mo ore sixes
actively cultivvate the talentss within the Bleessed when
aree showing, som mething bad ha appens. See th he
they can. Th he wise Blessed d understand th hat to call
onclaw Host’s Book,
B page 312, for more deetails.
down their “m miracles” is not without greatt
A bad happen ning should bee to the benefit of no one.
responsibilityy. The Dolorea aux especially are
a very
Peerhaps an unco onscious comba atant becomess possessed
secretive of thheir methods; they
t worry thaat the
annd Berserk. Orr a dead comba atant on the fieeld rises as
Triskellians would
w documen nt and over-analyze their
ann Undead abom mination, with thoughts of killling the
methods, likee has been don ne with generall Magic
aster. Or a blesssing becomes a twisted parody of what
among the wizards
w and Pen nitents. Askingg the universe
waas originally inttended.
for a “favor” does not comee without cost, and wide-
Note that all Blessed
B Gifts arre Plot Gifts. As
A always,
spread, selfish h use of such power
p could leaad to dire
thee Game Host must m use their discretion
d as to
o whether
a Blessed
B ability applies or not.. And just likee all Plot
The core beliefs
b of Lutarrism are:
Giifts, the Game Host should feeel free to add more m
Reincarrnation. Spiritss are neither creeated nor co
omplications to the story relateed to the Plot Gifts. G
destroyyed. After death h, one’s spirit freely
f roams Sppirits and superrnatural creaturres will ask a Blessed
the worrld until it can find another veessel to ch
haracter for help p. (Some migh ht even demand d help.) If
inhabit. a place
p suffers froom bad fortune, the Blessed character
Animism. Spirits existt in all things, and
a are will experience th hree times as much
m bad luck until the
strongeer in living thing gs than in dead d ones. Some prooblem is resolvved.
folk cann talk to the spirits, persuadin ng them to From a role-p playing perspecctive, the more selfish
perform m tasks or gran nt them special powers or annd wrathful the Blessed chara acter is, then the more
abilitiess — these folk are called the Blessed,
B and sellfish and wrath hful will be the spirits who ansswer their
they ha ave special stattus in the Old Faith.
F ca
alls. A Blessed may experiencce bad luck, orr their
Polytheeism. Lutara is the Mother Go oddess, but bleessings might be b perverted fro om their origin nal intents.
she is attended
a by othher deities, succh as: Brukes Thhe devout Blesssed live peacefful lives in hum mble
the Blooody-Tusked, DagaD the patronn of farmers, pooverty for a rea ason!
Lyrisicaa the patronesss of marriage anda festivals,
Basic Blesssed Magiic
The most common
c way too know Blessed Magic is to simp ply be born with h the Blessed Ways.
W The Lutariists of the Dolorreaux
believe in rein
ncarnation – thatt those who werre born once willl be born again n – and that a prractitioner of Bleessed Magic fromm yesterday
may rise againn today.
For someo one to learn Blesssed Magic is muuch rarer. Therre are stories of those
t who go on n a quest, guideed by spiritualistss, ghosts,
and monsters,, who endure th hree (or more) great
gr trials, and at
a the end, they are rewarded withw great insightt.
Blessed Characters are in constant communication with the unseen world, both consciously and unconsciously. If a Blessed is
kind and generous, they attract good spirits; if a Blessed is wrathful and foul, they attract bad spirits. In particular, a Blessed who is at
peace will attract invisible forces who will protect them from harm, but a Blessed who fights will attract angry ghosts and will have an
air of antagonism around them. In game terms, all Blesseds have the Gift of Pacifist (Ironclaw Player’s Book, page 52). They may
claim a bonus d12 with all defenses ... but as soon as they attack, they must exhaust the Pacifist gift, and the bonus goes away.
While there is no penalty to a Blessed’s attacks, note that any hostile use of Blessed Magic to harm another living creature is an
Unholy attack, and thus has risks. (Ironclaw Host’s Book, p. 312). Blessed Magic used to help people is not Unholy. When in doubt
if the Blessed Magic is Unholy or not, consider the intent of the spell-caster first. You get what you give, and unholy desires bring
forth unholy results.
Blessed Spells as Magic Weapons
Name Equip Range Attack Dice Effect Descriptors
Alder’s Calamity None Short Mind, Species, Resist with Mind, Weather Sense, d6 vs. 3 Magic, Blessed, Alder,
(Counters Magic) Weather Sense vs. 3 Damage +1 Penetrating & Weak Unholy
Ash Mallet Good hand Close Body, Melee Combat Damage +2 Critical, Push 1 Magic, Blessed, Ash,
(Counters Magic) vs. defense Sweep Close Unholy
Bonus 2d8 Tactics
Birch’s None Short Mind, Species, Presence Resist with Speed, Will, Presence, Supernatural, d6 vs. 3 Magic, Blessed, Birch,
Banishment (Counters Magic) vs. 3 Damage +2, Slaying vs. supernatural only Staff, Unholy
Elderberry’s None Short Mind, Species, Explosion: Reach Magic, Blessed, Elderberry,
Smoke (Counters Magic) Weather Sense vs. 3 Resist with Body, Endurance, 2d6 Air, Unholy
(bonus d12 from Breath-Holding) vs. 3
Damage +0 Penetrating & Weak
Hawthorn’s None Short Mind, Species, Presence Explosion: Close Magic, Blessed, Hawthorn,
Brambles (Counters Magic) vs. 3 Resist with Speed, Dodge, Armor, d6 vs. 3 Environmental, Unholy
Damage +1 Penetrating, Grappled
Hazel’s Allure None Short Mind, Species, Negotiation Resist with Body, Inquiry, d6 Magic, Blessed, Hazel,
(Counters Magic) (bonus d12 from Seduction) (bonus d12 from Seduction) vs. 3 Psychic, Unholy
vs. 3 Immobilized
Holly Spear Good hand Reach Body, Melee Combat Damage +2 Impaling Magic, Blessed, Holly,
(Counters Magic) vs. defense Sweep Reach Spear, Unholy
Bonus 2d8 Tactics
Ivy’s Tangle None Short Mind, Species, Climbing Resist with Speed, Jumping, d6 Magic, Blessed, Ivy,
(Counters Magic) vs. 3 (bonus d12 from Contortionist) vs. 3 Psychic, Unholy
Damage +0 Penetrating & Weak, Grappled
Oak’s Lightning None Short Mind, Species, Weather Explosion: Reach Magic, Blessed, Air, Oak,
(Counters Magic) Sense vs. 3 Resist with Speed, Dodge, Weather Sense vs. 3 Unholy
Damage +0 Penetrating
Reed Arrow In Bow As bow Speed, Ranged Combat vs. As bow, Push 1 Magic, Blessed, Reed,
defense Damage is Slaying vs. supernatural creatures Unholy
Bonus 2d8 Tactics Damage ignores invulnerability of inanimate objects
Rowan Rod 2 hands Close Body, Melee Combat Damage +2 Critical, Push 1 Magic, Blessed, Rowan,
(Counters Magic) vs. defense Sweep Close Staff, Unholy
Parry d12; bonus 2d8 Tactics
Vine’s None Short Mind, Species, Endurance Resist with Body, Endurance, d6 Magic, Blessed, Vine,
Inebriation (Counters Magic) vs. 3 (bonus d12 from Carousing) vs. 3 Unholy
Damage +0 Penetrating & Weak, Confused
Willow’s Despair None Short Mind, Species, Swimming Resist with Will, Presence, d6 vs. 3 Magic, Blessed, Willow,
(Counters Magic) vs. 3 Confused, Afraid Unholy
Blessed Wayss
B X (B
Respite, Key
ystone, Plot, Blessed) Stun
nt “call upon
n the Alder spirits”
You may call upon the Aldeer spirits for a specific
You can talk to the spirits. bleessing. Declaree what it is you u’re looking forr. Roll 2d6
Requires vs. 3, and count the successes. (There are nu umerous
Pacifist Giifts that will gra
ant you bonus dice.)
The more succcesses you sco ore, the greaterr the boon
Bonus d8 whe
en working with
w animalss yo
ou can request. Here are som me suggestions::
When worrking with animmals (natural crreatures with No successes: Nothingg.
no Mind Traiit), you may cla
aim a bonus d8 8 to all rolls. One succ cess or more: Know if any elementals
are within Short Range.
Bonus d8 whe
en working with
w live plants Or, gra ant a d8 assist bonus to a tarrget’s
When iden ntifying, growin
ng, or nurturinng live plants, Academicss dice, up to Medium Range.
you may claim m a bonus d8 to all rolls. It iss considered Two succ cesses or morre: Force an ellemental to
good practicee to ask permisssion before cu utting or manifest, iff one exists witthin Near rangee.
reaping a livee plant. Or, gra ant a d12 assisst bonus to a ta arget’s
Academicss dice, if they area using the Reesearch
Bonus d8 to talk
t with sup
pernatural crreatures Gift’s abilitty.
Your communion with th he other worldds grants you Or, caall forth a twig of
o alder.
the ability to talk to any sup
pernatural crea
ature: Three suc ccesses or mo ore: Have tommorrow’s
elemental, un ndead, shade, etc. When inq quiring about weather in your current Landscape
L chaange
their motives, negotiating thheir wants and desires, or slightly for the better.
imposing you ur presence upon them, you maym claim a Or, if it’s
i already thu undering or rain ning, call
bonus d8. down the lightning.
l A tarrget who is outsside or
However, not only is theere no bonus to o deceive a near a win ndow, and with hin Short Rangee of you, is
supernatural creature, you also
a have a d12 penalty. instantly sttruck for Dama age 4 Penetratin ng.
They know you.y Include theeir Weather Sense with their Soak. S
(This assau ult Exhausts yo our Gift of Paciifist.)
Alder Path
A Or, peermanently dyee an inanimate object
Battle, Plot, Blessed) within Nea ar range a vibra ant red (alder dye).
Four succ cesses or more: Shift the weather
w in
The Alder is a water-loving
T w tree
e. Its timber is oily
o and
water-resistant t and thereforee used extensive ely for
the currentt Landscape drramatically oveer the next
underwater fou undations and br ridges: It can bee used to few hours. Rain can become a torrent; snow can
make three diffeerent dyes: red from its bark; green
g from become a blizzard.
its flowers; and d brown from its s twigs. Invoker rs of the
Alder Tree will seek
s to wear dyed clothes and will w thus be
Five succ cesses or morre: Shift the weeather in
a colorful sight.. One can invoke e the power of thet Alder the currentt Landscape drramatically oveer the next
Tree to better understand one e’s role in the un
niverse, or three rounds. Rain can becomeb a torreent; snow
other’s roles, soo this path is po
opular with the scholarly
and the academ mic.
can becom me a blizzard.
Blessed Magic
X (Battle)
Action “attac
ck with Alderr’s Calamity
Exhaust thhis Gift, then use the Attack action
a to call
forth the stan
ndard attack of the Alder Path h, the Alder’s
Once used d, the spell is sp
pent and you must
m Refresh
the Gift beforre you may usee the Attack aggain.
Using this ability is an atttack. Your Giftt of Pacifist
Exhausts imm mediately (if it’ss not already Exhausted).
Ash Path Four successes orr more: Declarre a target
(Battle, Plot, Blessed)) Near you.
y Until that target’s next Respite,
R each
time th
hey Fail or Bottch a roll, they may call upon n
The Ash haas a tough, elast tic wood, with a close grain. the spirits for a bonuus 2d6. (There’s a risk of
Sometimes s called the “Worrld Tree” or the “Tree of Life”,
there are those
t who believve that the worrld is held up by a Unholly powers.)
giant Ash, its
i roots going penetrating to o the underworld d, O declare a tarrget. Until the next
Or, n Chapter,
its upper branches
b in the heavens above. Invoking the that ta
arget may, oncee, call upon a bonus
b 6d6 to
power of the
t Ash Tree is a curious busineess, fraught
with uncerttainty, and few pursue this pat th. one So oak roll. (Therre’s a risk of Unnholy powers.))
Five successes
s or more: Open a bridge past
Requires this woorld and into thhe realm of spiirits. Such a
Blesseed Magic journeey is dangerouss and not witho out
Pacifiist conseq quence.
X (Battle))
Action “reeady an Ashen Mallet” Birch Path
Exhau ust this Gift, then use the Reaady action to call (
(Battle, Plot,, Blessed)
forth a Ashen
A Mallet, th
hat appears in your hand. The Birch is a woody
w perennia al with a smooth
h, white bark,
If the round ends, and the Mallet is no longer in that can be sttripped off in lay
yers. They groww quickly,
your han nd, it disappearrs. Otherwise, the Ashen Ma allet showing signs as soon as the seasons chang ge. Birch
trees are often used to make e canoes. The whhite color is
lasts untiil the end of the Scene (abou ut 5 minutes). associated witth purity, for cleeansing and for
r banishing
The Ashen
A Mallet is a supernaturaal weapon, with h the evil spirits.
ability to
o Counter any Magic.
M If you use
u the Mallet to t R
attack orr to counter, Ex xhaust your Giift of Pacifist. The
T Blessed Magic
Ashen Mallet
M also grants a 2d8 Tacticcs bonus Pacifist
X (Battle)) X (Battle)
Stunt “ca
all upon the Ash
A spirits” A
Action “attac
ck with Birc
ch’s Banishm
You may
m call upon the Ash spirits for a specific Exhaust this
t Gift, then useu the Attack action to call
blessing. Declare whatt it is you’re loo oking for. Roll 2d6 forth the stan
ndard attack ofo Birch Ways, thet Birch’s
vs. 3, and count the successes. (Therre are numerou us Banishment.
Gifts that will grant you u bonus dice.) Once useed, the spell is spent
s and you must Refresh
The more
m successess you score, thee greater the bo oon the Gift befo
ore you may usse the Attack again.
you can request. Heree are some sugggestions: Using thiss ability is an attack.
a Your Giift of Pacifist
Noo successes: Nothing. Exhausts immmediately (if itt’s not already Exhausted).
On ne success orr more: Dispeel any Unreal efffect
onn a target, up too Medium Range. X (Battle)
Or, grant a d8
d assist bonuss to a target’s S
Stunt “call upon
u the Birc
ch spirits”
Deeceit dice, up to o Medium Ran nge. You mayy call upon the Birch spirits foor a specific
Twwo successes or more: Rem move the blessing. Deeclare what it iss you’re lookin
ng for. Roll 2d6
Coonfused conditiion from up to five targets, up p to vs. 3, and coount the successses. (There arre numerous
Meedium Range. Gifts that will grant you bo
onus dice.)
Or, ask that your dreams to onight be The moree successes you u score, the greeater the boonn
proophetic, to givee you some inssight into your you can requ uest. Here aree some suggesttions:
futture. No suuccesses: Notthing.
h an ashen twigg, to appear in
Or, call forth One success
s or more: Know if any a Unholy
your hand. creatu
ures are within Short Range.
Thhree successe es or more: Declare
D a targett O grant a d8 assist
Or, a bonus to a target’s
Neear you. Beforee that target’s next
n Respite, th
he Supernatural dice, up
u to Medium Range.
next time they Fa ail or Botch a roll,
r they get onne Two successes
s or more: Banish h a ghost that’s
cha ance to call uppon spirits and immediately cllaim Near you
y – the targeet Ghost sufferss Damage 4
a bonus
b 2d6. (There’s a risk off unholy powerrs.) Penetrrating & Holy.
Or, ask the spirits
s for somee strategic advicce O call forth a handful
Or, h of birch
h bark.
onn a great battle that will happeen before the next
erberry Path
(Batttle, Plot, Ble
The elderberry is a water-side tree e or shrub with red or
et-black fruit annd fragrant whit te or pink floweers that
om at their peak k in midsummer. It is also called the
e tree” because e its pith can be easily removed d to
make e pipes and fluttes; thus, an inv
voker of Elderbeerry
treee magic often sm mokes a pipe. In some places, fo olks
kindlle fires by blowiing through holllowed elderberryy
brannches. The inner r bark and the flowers
f are usedd by
herbbalists for theraapeutic medicine es, although dosses
shouuld be measured d carefully as th
he elderberry is
sommewhat poisonou us. Elderberry wine
w can be quit
Blessed Magicc
X (B
on “attack with
w Elderberry’s Smoke
Exhaust this Gift,
G then use th he Attack actio
on to call
forrth the standarrd attack of thee Path, the Eldeerberry’s
Once used, thhe spell is spent and you musst Refresh
thee Gift before yoou may use thee Attack again.
Using this ability is an attackk. Your Gift of Pacifist
Exxhausts immed diately (if it’s no
ot already Exhaausted).
X (B
nt “call upon
n the Elderbe
erry spirits”
You may call upon the Eldeerberry spirits fo or a
Three successes orr more: For th he rest of this specific blessing. Declare whatt it is you’re loo oking for.
Scene, you may freely y walk across water
w as if it oll 2d6 vs. 3, an
Ro nd count the suuccesses. (Theere are
were soolid ground. If you
y get Knockked Down, the nu
umerous Gifts that
t will grant you
y bonus dicee.)
spell en
nds and you fall into the wateer. The more succcesses you sco ore, the greaterr the boon
Orr, all Unholy creeatures within Medium yo
ou can request. Here are som me suggestions::
Range suffers Damag ge 4 Penetratingg & Holy. No successes: Nothingg.
Orr, make a canoe appear in a riverr or other One succ cess or more: Know what th he speed
body ofo water. and strength of all winds in this Landsca ape will
Four successes
s or more: Declaree a target be, up untiil the time of yoour next Respiite.
Near yo ou; that target has a bonus 3d12 to resist Or, graant a d8 assist bonus to a tarrget’s
the veryy next Magic effect
e that hits itt, harmful or Weather Sense dice, up to t Medium Ran nge.
helpful. Or, creeate a puff of smoke.
Five su uccesses or more:
m All Unholy creatures Two succ cesses or morre: Declare a ta arget Near
within your
y current Laandscape suffeer Damage 4 you. That target
t may claiim a bonus 3d6 6 on all
Penetra ating & Holy. defenses, but
b with Unholly Risk, for the rest of this
Or, produce five eldeerberries, or on ne elder
Thhree successe es or more: Declare
D a targett
witthin Near Rang ge of you. Tha at target becommes
Faatigued and Co onfused. (This assault Exhaussts
your Gift of Paciffist.)
Or, declare a target Near you.y That target
immediately gain ns five points of Healing Quota.
Or, declare yourself
y or a ta
arget Near you..
Thhat target does not need to brreathe, and is
immune to suffoccation, for the next five minu utes.
(If the target has the Gift of Breeath-Holding, th he
efffect lasts until th
heir next Respiite.)
Or, change the t weather in the landscape by
onne step, from clear skies to clo oudy to overcasst to
Foour successess or more: Deeclare all Unholy
tarrgets within Short Range of yo ou. Those Neaar
you suffer Damage 6, Penetratiing. Those witthin
Shhort Range of you y suffer Dam mage 4,
Peenetrating. Any y creature Overkilled by this
efffect disappears in a puff of sm moke.
Or, declare a target Near you.y That target
immediately gain ns thirteen poinnts of Healing
Qu uota.
Or, declare a target Near you.y That target
becomes Sick. (T This assault Exxhausts your Gift of
Fiv ve successes or more: Decclare that all X (Battle)
ghosts and spiritss within your cu urrent landscap pe S
Stunt “call upon
u the Haw
wthorn spiritts”
ma anifest as visiblle, tangible smo oke. You mayy call upon the Hawthorn spirrits for a
specific blesssing. Declare what
w it is you’rre looking for.
Hawthorn n Path Roll 2d6 vs. 3, and count the t successes. (There are
(Battle, Plot, Blessed)) numerous Gifts
G that will grrant you bonuss dice.)
The moree successes you u score, the greeater the boon n
The hawthoorn is a small trree with spines, fragrant
flowers (white, pink, or redd), and red berrries. It grows alll
you can requ uest. Here aree some suggesttions:
year roundd, into thick, tho
orny hedges, and d many folk will No su uccesses: Notthing.
make their fences out of hawthorn.
h It als
so has the dual One success
s or more: Spark a torch,t or snuff
purpose thhat it protects against magic. There
T is rumor
that hawthhorn burns hott ter than any oth her wood. For one, within
w Short Ra ange.
many men, the hawthorn blossom
b has thee strong scent O know any prroperty lines orr borders set
of female sexuality.
s by ma arkers within thhe last 150 yearrs, within
Requires Mediu um Range.
Blesseed Magic O grant a d8 assist
Or, a bonus to a target’s
Pacifiist Presennce dice, up to Medium Rangge.
Two successes
s or more: Spark a bonfire, or
X (Battle)) snuff one,
o within Meedium Range. Yes, you can
Action “aattack with Hawthorn’s
Brambles” put soomeone out wh ho is On Fire.
Exhau ust this Gift, then use the Attaack action to caall O grant a d12 assist bonus to
Or, o a target’s
forth the standard attacck of the Hawth horn Path, the Negottiation dice, if they
t are using the
t Seduction
Hawthorrn’s Brambles. Gift’s ability,
a and if they are within Medium
Once used, the spell is spent and you y must Refreesh Rangee.
the Gift before
b you ma ay use the Attacck again. O call forth a handful
Or, h of haw
wthorn berries
Usingg this ability is an
a attack. Yourr Gift of Pacifisst or seven thorns, to appear
a in your hand.
Exhaustss immediately (if it’s not alreaady Exhausted).
Three successes orr more: Call fo orth a mantle Once used, thhe spell is spent and you musst Refresh
of thornns, a hawthorn n growth that co overs your thee Gift before yo
ou may use thee Attack again.
arms, back,
b and head d. You gain thee gift of Spines Using this ability is an attackk. Your Gift of Pacifist
for the rest of this scene; attacks ma ade with the Exxhausts immed diately (if it’s no
ot already Exhaausted).
mantle’s Spines run Unholy
U risks an
nd may claim
a 2d8 Tactics
T bonus. X (B
Orr, declare a targ get within Med dium Range. Stun
nt “call upon
n the Hazel spirits”
That taarget is now On n Fire. (This asssault Exhausts You may call upon the Path h spirits for a sp
your Gift of Pacifist.) bleessing. Declaree what it is you u’re looking forr. Roll 2d6
Orr, declare yoursself or a target Near you. If vs. 3, and count the successes. (There are nu umerous
that tarrget is under an ny supernatura al effects that Giifts that will gra
ant you bonus dice.)
last unttil the end of thhe Scene, Resp pite, or The more succcesses you sco ore, the greaterr the boon
Chapteer, remove any y and all of thosse effects. yo
ou can request. Here are som me suggestions::
Orr, declare yoursself or a target within No successes: Nothingg.
Medium m Range. Untill that target’s next n Respite, One succ cess or more: Use a wand or o wooden
they may claim a bon nus 6d6 to resisst or to defend stick as a dowsing
d rod to search for an item.
i This
againstt any supernatu ural effect ... buut they also permits you to make a ro oll of Mind, Sea arching
have Unholy
U risks. (and d12 from
f Tracking) to find an item m,
Four successes
s or more: Cause all a hawthorn regardless of the length of o time it’s been n lost or
in the Landscape
L to have
h one year’ss worth of what weath her there’s beeen since then.
hawtho orn growth in a single minute. (That’s Or, gra ant a d8 assist bonus to a tarrget’s
about 30cm
3 or 12”). Negotiation n dice, up to Medium
M Range.
Orr, create a Fire Elemental. Yo ou must Two succ cesses or morre: After talkingg to a
negotiaate with the eleemental normally. target for fiive minutes, diivine the causee of their
Five su uccesses or more:m In your current sorrow, theeir hate, or their despondencyy.
Landsccape, cause tweenty years worth of Or, gra ant a d12 assisst bonus to a ta arget’s skill
hawtho orn growth in one o minute. (Th hat’s about 6 dice, if theyy are using thee Tracking Gift’’s ability,
meters or 25 feet.) and if theyy are within Meedium Range.
Or, produce a sprig of o hazel, in you ur hand.
Hazel Path
H Three suc ccesses or mo ore: Bless a ro omantic
Battle, Plot, Blessed) couple Nea ar you, that theeir next naturaal union
made within 28 days willl result in fertilee offspring.
The Hazel tree produces
T p nuts all
a year round, and
a thus is
seen as sympat thetic to fertilit
ty. Its wood is unusually
u Or, deeclare a target Near
N you (4m)). Before
flexible, and a po opular choice foor dowsing rods s. Since the next Ch hapter, that tarrget may call upon
u this
metals and sprin ng waters are seen
s as express
sions of the blessing, once, to be Ralllied with two su uccesses.
“fertility of the earth”, it is onlly natural that the
t wood
o the Hazel is good
of g for dowsinng. Dowsing is the
t practice Or, rem move a bad sm mell from the ta arget, such
o walking a line
of e in contemplation, often using a “dowsing as a skunk’s spray.
rod” or some ot ther pointer, wh hile looking for either
e rare Four succ cesses or more: Bless a targget within
metals or for pe ersonal items that may be found nearby.
While dowsing, you
y walk slowly and carefully, sometimes
s Near Rangge to give them m the mental forrtitude to
several times ov ver the same pa ath, as you sens se whether overcome some personall failing. (This blessing
you are gettingg “warmer” or “c colder”; if you haave a can be an excuse to remo ove a Flaw.)
dowsing rod, it will vibrate morre strongly as you
y get
closer. The Haze el tree blossoms early in the ye ear. It is Or, deeclare a target Near
N you. That target
also traditionallly associated with
w knowledge and
a becomes Mesmerized
M witth two successees.
initiation. Five succ cesses or morre: Remove a
Requires supernaturral curse from thet target.
Blessed Magic
X (Battle)
Action “attac
ck with Haze
el’s Allure”
Exhaust thhis Gift, then use
u the Attack action
a to call
forth the stan
ndard attack of the Path, the Hazel’s
Holly Pathh Three e successes or o more: Call forthf a group
(Battle, Plot, Blessed)) of sma all animals, from m within the Landscape.
L Thee
anima als show up and d are friendly to
t you and are
The Holly Tree
T has always been regarded as a potent life e neutraal towards everryone else. Yo ou will have to
symbol, beccause of its yeaar-long foliage and
a because it
bears fruit
t even in winter.. The wood of the
t Holly is a make any appropria ate rolls to get thhem to help
favorite fo
or making spear rs. The Holly is seen
s as you. They’re
T more willing
w to gather things for
sympathet tic to animals, an
nd good for the e gift of you, or
o to break inan nimate objects,, than they are
prophecy. Like
L the Oak, th
he Holly is consid
dered masculinee.
to figh
ht for you.
Requires O speak with one
Or, o animal Near you. The
Blesseed Magic anima al temporarily gains
g Mind d6, and its speech h
Pacifiist is intellligible only to you, for the reest of this
Scene. Animals alwa ays tell the truth
h but tend to
X (Battle)) be singgle-minded on n their own inteerests.
Action “reeady a Holly
y Spear” O declare a tarrget within Med
Or, dium Range.
Exhau ust this Gift, then use the Reaady action to call That ta arget gains a d12
d bonus to th heir Dodge, buut
forth a Holly
H Spear, tha at appears in your
y hand. only vs.
v attacks mad de from further than Short
If the round ends, and the Spear iss no longer in your y Rangee, until the nextt Respite.
hand, it disappears.
d Otherwise, the Holly
H Spear lassts O show off and
Or, d dramatically change the
until the end of the Sceene (about 5 minutes).
m landsccape.
The Holly
H Spear is a supernatural weapon, with the Four successes orr more: From a clear sky, calll
ability to
o Counter any Magic.
M If you use
u the Spear to o forth a rain of holly spears.
s Treat this
t as a Group p
attack orr to counter, Ex xhaust your Giift of Pacifist. The
T attack vs. targets outtside or near a window. All
Holly Sp pear also grantss a 2d8 Tacticss bonus targetss are hit for Da amage 5, but th hey may
includde Speed & Do odge with their Soak. (Yes,
X (Battle)) this Exxhausts Pacifistt.)
Stunt “ca
all upon the Holly
H spiritss” Five successes
s or more: Declaree a crowd of
You may
m call upon the Holly spiritts for a specificc targetss. All wooden weapons
w that the
t crowd
blessing. Declare whatt it is you’re loo oking for. Roll 2d6 carriess become Holyy weapons untiil the next
vs. 3, and count the successes. (Therre are numerou us Respitte.
Gifts that will grant you u bonus dice.) O call upon a vision
Or, v of the fu
uture. This
The more
m successess you score, thee greater the booon vision can tell you th he main eventss of the next
you can request. Heree are some sugggestions: centurry in but an hour.
Noo successes: Nothing.
On ne success orr more: Know w the count and d
IIvy Path
nd of all anima als (living creatu
ures without Mind)
(Battle, Plot,, Blessed)
witthin Short Ran nge.
Or, know thee general history of health an nd Ivy is often us
sed as decoratio on, or to bind an
nd fasten
things. Like the
e Vine, it grows all year round and
a is
dissease of a livingg target Near you.
y The older the sympathetic to o life and resurr
rection; howeve er, the Ivy
tarrget, the fewer details you gett. also chokes an nd destroys oth her trees, and th
hus is also
Or, grant a d8
d assist bonuss to a target’s part of death and decay. The clinging nature also
connotes atta achment and dep pendence.
Thhrowing dice, upu to Medium Range.
Twwo successes or more: Maj ajor effect that R
cou uld be done with tools or in five
f minutes. Blessed Magic
Or, grant a d12
d assist bonu us to a target’s skill Pacifist
dicce, if they are using
u the Anim
mal Handling Gift’s
ability, and if they are within Medium
M Range. X (Battle)
Or, declare a target Near you.
y That target A
Action “attac
ck with Ivy’ss Tangle”
gaiins a d12 bonu us to their Doddge, but only vss. Exhaust this
t Gift, then useu the Attack action to call
Thhrown weaponss, until the end d of this scene. forth the stan
ndard attack ofo the Path, the Ivy’s Tangle.
Or, produce a holly twig. Once useed, the spell is spent
s and you must Refresh
the Gift befo
ore you may usse the Attack again.
Using thiss ability is an attack.
a Your Giift of Pacifist
Exhausts immmediately (if itt’s not already Exhausted).
X (Battle) Five succcesses or morre: Destroy a small
Stunt “call up
pon the Ivy spirits”
s building within Short Ran nge of you, as ivy springs
You may call upon the Iv vy spirits for a specific up and pulll the walls dowwn, doing the work
w of
blessing. Decclare what it is you’re lookingg for. Roll 2d6 three centu
uries’ worth of overgrowth in a mere
vs. 3, and cou unt the successses. (There aree numerous minute. (If anyone is in thhe building, this assault
Gifts that willl grant you bon nus dice.) Exhausts your
y Gift of Paccifist.)
The more successes you u score, the grea ater the boon
you can requ uest. Here are some suggestio ons: Oak Path
No suc ccesses: Noth hing. (Batttle, Plot, Ble
One su uccess or mo ore: Declare a target Near
A nu
ut-bearing tree, oaks trees gro ow very tall and very
you. Th hat target instaantly breaks freee of any wide
e, and to many they
t are a symbbol of strength,
Grapple or Half-Burieed effect. duraability and poweer. Oak bark tanns quite nicely, and
a it
Orr, grant a d8 asssist bonus to a target’s can also be used to o make a red dye e. In some tradittions,
the Oak is the “Wor rld Tree” that su
upports the world,
Climbin ng dice, up to Medium
M Rangee. inste
ead of the Ash. There is a popu ular conceit thaat oak
Two su uccesses or more:m Tie up a Reeling tree
es attract lightn ning more than any other sort of tree,
target. You must hav ve a rope, cord d, or ivy Ready and that that they can survive the e experience and d
conttinue to grow only
o adds to theeir reputation of f
in hand d, and the targeet must be Nea ar you (4m). duraability. The path
h of the Oak tree is preferred byb more
The tarrget must be Reeeling or helpleess. There is men than women.
no defeense – the Reelling or helplesss target
automa atically becomees bound. Theese knots
Blessed Magicc
cannot be undone by y the target, nor can the
target chew
c or cut thrrough them on their own, as
strong magic
m preventss them. Someone else must X (B
free theem. Actio
on “attack with
w Oak’s Lightning”
Orr, grant a d12 assist
a bonus to a target’s skill Exhaust this Gift,
G then use th he Attack actio
on to call
dice, if they are using g the Contortion nist Gift’s forrth the standarrd attack of thee Path, the Oakk’s
ability. Ligghtning.
Orr, produce a sp prig of ivy, in yoour hand.
Three successes orr more: After readying r an
item that has synecdo oche to a targett, you may
use thiss blessing to fin
nd the exact dirrection to that
target, and you will kn now the Rangee Band of
their diistance (Short, Medium, beyo ond the
Horizon n, etc.).
Orr, declare a targ get Near you. YouY know the
names of that target’ss parents. Roll your Mind &
Academ mics (d12 from m History) vs. 3. For each
successs you score, yo ou will know thee names of
one mo ore generation back.
Orr, declare any or o all bindings within
w Short
Range of you to beco ome undone.
Orr, declare a targ get Near you. Until
U their
next Reespite, that targ get may claim a d12 bonus
with alll attacks that ha ave the Grapple effect.
Four successes
s or more: Declaree a spot within
Short ra ange, for an Ex xplosion with Close,
C Reach,
or Nearr area-of-effectt. Everyone in that target is
Grappled by ivy that springs up from m the ground.
The tarrgets must roll Body,
B Strength h, Melee
Comba at (and d12 fro om Contortionisst) vs. 3d6
and sco ore two successses to break freee. They can
also cut themselves frree using Clawss, Teeth, or a
knife, as
a a stunt.
Once used, the spell is spent and you y must Refreesh Five successes
s or more: Declaree a target Nearr
the Gift before
b you ma ay use the Attacck again. you. That
T target mayy claim a bonu us 6d6 on all
Usingg this ability is an
a attack. Yourr Gift of Pacifisst Soak rolls
r until their next Respite except
e vs. an
Exhaustss immediately (if it’s not alreaady Exhausted). Air efffect ... but everry Soak has Unnholy risks until
then, and
a any lightniing or fulguratiion attack
X (Battle)) becommes Slaying.
Stunt “ca
all upon the Oak
O spirits”
You may
m call upon the Oak spiritss for a specific Reed Path
blessing. Declare whatt it is you’re loo oking for. Roll 2d6 (
(Battle, Plot,, Blessed)
vs. 3, and count the successes. (Therre are numerou us
Reeds bend eassily, and also brreak; as such, thhey
Gifts that will grant you u bonus dice.)
symbolize flexibility but also fragility.
f Reeds are
a often
The more
m successess you score, thee greater the bo oon used to make light
l arrows. Thhe syrinx, or panndean, is a
you can request. Heree are some sugggestions: wind instrumennt made of reed ds tied togetherr, so a
Blessed may taake up the instr rument to make Conditions
No o successes: Nothing. more favorablee to their invoc cations.
On ne success orr more: Find the t history of a
treee Near you, fo or the last one hundred
h years. R
Or, find out the history of your
y current Blessed Magic
Laandscape’s foreest’s growth forr the last three Pacifist
yea ars, including major
m events like forest fires and
X (Battle)
Action “reloa
ad bow with
h Reed Arrow
Or, grant a d8
d assist bonuss to a target’s
Exhaust this
t Gift, then use
u the Reload d action to load
En ndurance dice, up to Medium m Range.
any bow witth a Reed Arroow.
Tw wo successes or more: Rem move rot and
When thee round ends, ifi the Arrow is no longer in
terrmites from up to twelve stone of fresh wood
your hand, it
i disappears.
Neear you (2m).
Or, grant a d12
d assist bonu us to a target’s
En ndurance skill dice,
d if they aree using the
Suurvival Gift’s ab bility, and if theey are within
Meedium Range.
Or, produce an acorn in yo our hand, from m
thiin air.
Th hree successe es or more: Call C forth an Oa aken
Sta aff out of nothiing. This is a no ormal staff in
eveery way.
Or, declare a target within Medium Rangge.
Th hat target may claim
c a bonus 2d6 on all Soa ak
rollls until their neext Respite exccept vs. an Air
efffect ... but everry Soak has Un nholy risks untill
Or, declare a target within Medium Rangge.
Th hat target sufferrs +1 Damage from all Dama age
efffects until the next
n Respite.
Or, remove thet Fatigued co ondition from a
tarrget Near you.
Fo our successess or more: Deeclare a target
witthin Reach. Un ntil the next Ch hapter, the targget’s
succcesses on any y Healing Testss count double..
Or, create an n Earth Elemen ntal. You mustt
negotiate with the elemental no ormally.
Or, cause an n acorn or Oakk tree to experieence
onne year’s worth of growth in a minute.
The Reed Arrow is a sup pernatural weapon, with the Four succ cesses or more: Play a reed d
ability to Couunter any Magiic. If you use thhe Arrow to instrumentt as a Loud noiise. All targets within
attack or to counter,
c Exhauust your Gift of Pacifist. The Short Rangge of you immediately roll Mind & Will.
Reed Arrow alsoa grants a 2d d8 Tactics bonnus – that is, If their Min
nd rolls the low west, they are Confused;
you will be ab ble to claim a Tactics
T bonus to
t shoot any if their Willl rolls the lowesst, they are Afrraid; if
target threateened by an allyy. there’s a tiee, they becomee Enraged.
The Reed Arrow is an Unholy attack, and a thus it has Or, ca
all down a rain of arrows. Decclare a up
all the risks of Unholy effectts. to 7 targetss within Short Range
R of you, who must
be outside or near a wind dow. Those tarrgets suffer
X (Battle) Damage 4, but they mayy include their Speed S &
Stunt “call up
pon the Reed
d spirits” Dodge with h their Soak. (T This assault Exxhausts
You may call upon the Reed R spirits for a specific your Gift of
o Pacifist.)
blessing. Decclare what it is you’re lookingg for. Roll 2d6 Five succ cesses or morre: Call forth a howling
vs. 3, and cou unt the successses. (There aree numerous wind that echoes
e through
hout your curreent
Gifts that willl grant you bon nus dice.) Landscapee. Everyone in the Landscapee,
The more successes you u score, the grea ater the boon including you,
y becomes Afraid.
A You mu ust then
you can requ uest. Here are some suggestio ons: roll 7d6 annd check for Un nholy risks.
No suc ccesses: Noth hing.
One su uccess or mo ore: Create a slight
s breeze, Row
wan Path
enough h to ruffle the grass
g and to ma ake candle- (Batttle, Plot, Ble
flame fa alter.
The Rowan is a shru ub related to th he apple tree, buut it
Orr, grant a d8 asssist bonus to a target’s prodduces small red berries; these berries
b have a small
Jumpin ng dice, up to Medium
M Rangee. penttagram on them m where they join n the stalk of the tree,
Two su uccesses or more:
m Major effect that so the
t number “five
e” is considered lucky for this sort
s of
magic. Rowan wood d is popular for making staves, thus
could be
b done with to ools or in five minutes.
m givin
ng the plant thee nickname of “w witch-wand”. Ano other
Orr, declare a targ get within Nearr Range. That nicknname is “quick-bbeam”, as rowan n is seen good for
target may
m claim a bo onus 3d6 with all a defenses healiing (or “quickening”) and good health.
h Invokerss of a
more e warlike naturee may burn a fir re of rowan bra anches
whenevver they take th he Guard actio on in a turn, to summon
s forth sp
pirits for aid in battle.
but with h Unholy risks. The effect lassts until the
next Reespite. Requ
Orr, grant a d12 assist
a bonus to a target’s skill Blessed Magicc
dice, if they are using g the Acrobat Gift’s
G ability. Pacifist
Orr, declare a targ get Near you. Remove
R the
X (B
Afraid and
a Confused conditions from m the target.
on “ready a Rowan Rod”
Orr, produce a reeed stick, or a reeed flute.
Exhaust this Gift,
G then use th he Ready actio on to call
Three successes orr more: Play a reed
forrth a Rowan Rod,
R that appea
ars in your hand.
ment as a Loud noise. Declaree one to five
If the round ends,
e and the Staff
S is no longeer in your
targets Near you. Tho ose targets imm mediately roll
haand, it disappea ars. Otherwisee, the Rowan Rod
R lasts
Mind & Will. If their Mind
M rolls the lo
owest, they
unntil the end of the
t Scene (abo out 5 minutes).
are Con nfused; if their Will rolls the lo owest, they
The Rowan RodR is a supern natural weapon n, with the
are Afraaid; if there’s a tie, they beco ome Enraged.
abbility to Counteer-Attack any Magic
M made aga ainst you
Orr, declare a targ get Near you. ThatT target
if the
t attacker is within
w Reach (2m). (If you usse the Staff
may cla aim a 2d12 Co over bonus vs. arrows and
to attack or to coounter, Exhausst your Gift of Pacifist.)
crossboow bolts until th heir next Respiite ... with
Thhe Rowan Rod also grants a 2d8 2 Tactics bonus.
Unholyy risks.
The Rowan RodR is a Magica al rod, and thus can hold
Ma agic Weapons.. Any weapon loaded into thee Rowan
Rood gains the Un nholy descriptoor, with all asso
X (B
nt “call upon
n the Rowan spirits”
You may call upon the Row wan spirits for a specific
bleessing. Declaree what it is you
u’re looking forr. Roll 2d6
vs. 3, and count the successes. (Therre are numerou us X (Battle)
Gifts that will grant you u bonus dice.) A
Action “attac
ck with Vine
e’s Inebriatio
The more
m successess you score, thee greater the bo oon Exhaust this
t Gift, then useu the Attack action to call
you can request. Heree are some sugggestions: forth the stan
ndard attack ofo the Vine Path h, the Vine’s
No o successes: Nothing. Inebriation.
On ne success orr more: Remo ove the Hurt Once useed, the spell is spent
s and you must Refresh
conndition from a target, up to Medium
M Rangee. the Gift befo
ore you may usse the Attack again.
Or, grant a d8
d assist bonuss to a target’s Using thiss ability is an attack.
a Your Giift of Pacifist
Taactics dice, up tot Medium Ran nge. Exhausts immmediately (if itt’s not already Exhausted).
Twwo successes or more: Decclare a target Near N
you. Remove the Hurt conditio on from the tarrget X (Battle)
and the target au utomatically ovverwhelmingly S
Stunt “call upon
u the Vin
ne spirits”
succceeds on one end-of-round maintenance roll r You mayy call upon the Vine spirits forr a specific
heir choice), thiis round. blessing. Deeclare what it iss you’re lookin
ng for. Roll 2d6
Or, declare a target Near you;
y that target vs. 3, and coount the successses. (There arre numerous
gaiins Focus. (Thee target must beb able to havee Gifts that will grant you boonus dice.)
Foocus.) The moree successes you u score, the greeater the boon
Or, remove the t Afraid cond dition from up to you can requ uest. Here aree some suggesttions:
fivee targets, up to
o Medium Rangge. No suuccesses: Notthing.
Or, call forth
h up to five row
wan berries, One success
s or more: Judge thee quality of all
appearing in you ur hand. fermen ntation and ferrmentable ingreedients Near
Thhree successe es or more: Remove
R the Huurt you (4
conndition from one to five targeets, up to Mediium O declare yourrself or another target that is
Raange. intoxiccated to the po
oint of Confusioon. That targett
Or, ask the spirits
s for somee strategic advicce
onn a great battle that will happeen before the suns
setts on the followwing day.
Foour successess or more: Grrant the Focus
conndition to one to five targets, up to Medium m
Fivve successes or more: Decclare a target
witthin Near rang ge. That target is
i immune to th he
Dyying and Death h conditions unntil their next
Reespite. (They sttill suffer Overkkilled results, as
Vine Pathh
(Battle, Plot, Blessed))
The Vine is not really a tre
ee, but the grappe vine. Grapes
are thoughht to symbolize resurrection, since
s their
strength can
c be preserved d within wine. It is worth notingg
that the word “spirit” appplies to both alcoholic beverage es
(such as wine)
w and to ghos sts and other ethereal
e beings.
One belief is
i that the “alteered state” of inntoxication can
open one up
u to visions.
The less ch
haritable see tho
ose who pursue
e this path as
seeking an excuse to get drunk
d a lot.
Blesseed Magic
may cla aim a bonus 2d d8 with all Sup pernatural dice Willo
ow Path
until the intoxication wears
w off. (Batttle, Plot, Ble
Orr, grant a d8 asssist bonus to a target’s
Gossip dice, up to Meedium Range. Therre are various kinds
k of Willow trees,
t each with
h narrow
es and long, flex
xible twigs. Anot ther water-lovin ng tree,
Orr, postpone a corpse’s rot. Th he corpse the willow’s
w branchees often hang down
d into waterr, and
remains fully preserveed until the nexxt full moon. they
y rise and fall wiith the tides, giv
ving the Willow
Two su uccesses or more:
m Grant a d12 assist sympathy with the lunar cycles. Th his tree is also
tified with weepping, sorrow, an nd general weakn ness,
bonus tot a target’s skill dice, if they are using the thouugh some also say
s that it showws strength in
Caroussing Gift’s abilitty, and if they are within adveersity and timess of weakness as a well.
Medium m Range. Requ
Orr, declare all ferrmenting itemss within Short Blessed Magicc
Range of you. Causee three months worth of Pacifist
fermen ntation to happen on those things, over the
course of a single day y. X (B
Orr, produce up to five grapes or o a sprig of Actio
on “attack with
w Willow’ss Despair”
vine, in
n your hand. Exhaust this Gift,
G then use th he Attack actio
on to call
Three successes orr more: Declarre a target forrth the standarrd attack of Willlow Path, the Willow’s
Near yo ou, who is Dying. That targett becomes Deespair.
Injuredd and Fatigued,, instead. Once used, thhe spell is spent and you musst Refresh
Orr, declare a targget Near you, who w just thee Gift before yoou may use thee Attack again.
becamee Dead within the last five miinutes. That Using this ability is an attackk. Your Gift of Pacifist
target becomes
b Injureed and Sick, insstead. Exxhausts immed diately (if it’s no
ot already Exhaausted).
Orr, declare a targget Near you. That T target
becomees intoxicated and Confused until the next
Orr, declare yoursself or a target Near you.
Cure thhat target’s han ngover.
Orr, declare a vine Near you. Th hat vine
experieences five yearss of growth in a single
Four successes
s or more: Prevent a corpse
Near yo ou from ever decaying.
d If thee soul hasn’t
reincarnnated, it will beecome trapped d in this world,
and willl become an angry
a ghost.
Orr, declare all ferrmenting itemss within this
Landsccape. Cause a year’s fermenttation to
happen n on those thin ngs, over the co ourse of one
Five su uccesses or more:
m Target a corpse
within Near
N Range, and summon itss soul. If the
soul is still
s untethered d, the body willl be
resurrected, Injured and
a Sick. If thee soul has
reincarnnated, then thee reincarnation n appears
before you, instantly, awake and Co onfused.
X (Battle)) Three e successes or o more: Part thet waters
Stunt “ca
all upon the Willow
W spiritts” Near you,
y in a path up
u to four pacees wide, up to
You may
m call upon the Willow spirrits for a speciffic thirty-ssix paces deepp, and up to on
ne hundred
blessing. Declare whatt it is you’re loo oking for. Roll 2d6 paces long. The wateers collapse aftter five
vs. 3, and count the successes. (Therre are numerou us minutees.
Gifts that will grant you u bonus dice.) Four successes orr more: Inflict a great sorrow w
The more
m successess you score, thee greater the booon upon a target within Near Range. TheyT lose
you can request. Heree are some sugggestions: confiddence (and thuss cannot Focuss or Rally).
Noo successes: Nothing. Every Respite, they roll
r Will & 3d6 6 vs. 3; if they
On ne success orr more: Know w the quality of all can sccore 3 successees, they recoverr from their
thee water within Short
S Range ofo you. sorroww. (This effect Exhausts
E your Pacifist.)
Or, grant a d8
d assist bonuss to a target’s O create a Wa
Or, ater Elemental. You must
Swwimming dice, up to Medium Range. negotiiate with the elemental norma ally.
Twwo successes or more: Decclare a target Near N Five successes
s or more: Changge the lunar
you. Remove the Afraid condittion. If the targget is tides in
n the landscap pe to match youur bidding,
Dyying, replace th hat condition with
w Asleep and d until your
y next Respiite.
Faatigued. O divorce yourself from the earthly
Or, e cycle
Or, grant a d12
d assist bonu us to a target’s from a year and a da ay, during whicch you
dicce, if they are using
u the Resea arch Gift’s abiliity. experiience no aging or natural illneess. (Note that
Or, call forth
h a branch of willow.
w repeatted uses of thiss might incur Unholy
U risk.)
Advancced Blesse
ed Magicc
The Hierarchs
H of Luutara teach thatt self-denial, seelf-sacrifice, and self-control can
c appeal to higher
h powers. These Gifts
require a character to liive a strict lifesstyle away from
m most society. Most of these Gifts will not be
b useful to typ
pical Player
Characteers, who socialiize with a lot of o people and get
g into all sortss of violent enccounters.
The Way of Dispensation
T D n
Blesseed Magic
(Special, Plo
ot, Blessed)
You can better r make the spiriits understand you,
y if you
X (Speciaal) bring the right
t plant.
Trigger: yo
ou are not alone
a R
If fourr people are Near you (within
n 4m) who do not Blessed Magic
have thee Gift of Piety: Lutarism,
L Exha
aust this Gift Pacifist
immedia ately.
If twelve people are within Short Range
R of you X (Respite)
(12m) who do not havee the Gift of Piiety: Lutarism, C
Claim d6 forr any Blessed
d Roll
Exhaust this Gift immediately. You musst have used the Ready action n, or a Stunt, to
have a samp ple of the approopriate plant in
n your off
X (Specia
al) hand.
Claim 2d66 for any Ble
essed roll After makking any roll fo
or a Blessed abbility, you may
After making any ro oll for a Blessed
d ability, you may
m Exhaust thiss Gift to claim a bonus d6 witth the roll. Thiss
Exhaust this Gift to claiim a bonus 2d6 with the roll. bonus die may
m be the onlyy way to achievve some of the
These bo
onus dice may be the only wa ay to achieve greater Blesssed effects.
some of the greater Bleessed effects.
After claim
ming the bonuss die, the plant disappears, X (Sp
whisked awayy by the spiritss for unknown purposes.
p Claim
m 2d6 for an
ny Blessed roll
You will havee to get anotheer plant. After making any roll for a Blessed
B ability, you may
Exxhaust this Giftt to claim a bon
nus 2d6 with thhe roll.
he Way of Lo onganimity Th
hese bonus dicee may be the onlyo way to achhieve
Special, Plott, Blessed) some of the grea ater Blessed efffects.
X (Special)
Claim 2d6 forr any Blesse
ed roll The Way of Tran nquility
After makiing any roll forr a Blessed abillity, you may (Spe
ecial, Plot, Blessed)
Exhaust this Gift
G to claim a bonus 2d6 witth the roll. You can better mak
ke the spirits un
nderstand you, if you
These bonus dice may be th he only way too achieve rema
ain still.
some of the greater
g Blessedd effects. Requ
Blessed Magicc
X (Special) Pacifist
Claim 3d6 forr any Blesse
ed Roll, if it’ss currently
the same Lunation
L as the
t Path X (Sp
If the datee is the same lu
unation as the Path
P you are Trigg
ger: you atta
ack or defend
calling, then you
y may claim m another die (uup to 3d6). If you declaree an attack actio
on, Exhaust th
his Gift
Refresh this Gift
G at the da
awn of the lu
unation If you make a defense roll, such
s as a Coun
nter, Parry,
Make a no ote of the Path you just calledd upon. This or Dodge, Exhau ust this Gift imm
Gift will Refreesh on the first dawn of the fiirst day of that
lunation. X (Sp
m 2d6 for an
ny Blessed roll
he Way of Rustication
R After making any roll for a Blessed
B ability, you may
Special, Plott, Blessed) Exxhaust this Giftt to claim a bon
nus 2d6 with thhe roll.
hese bonus dicee may be the onlyo way to achhieve
You can better make the spirit
Y ts understand you,
y if you some of the grea ater Blessed efffects.
a out of the city.
are c
Requires Refre
esh this Giftt with a Stun
Blessed Magic
M You may onlyy Refresh this Gift
G by prayingg for
Pacifist tra
anquility, whichh is a stunt. If you
y make defeense rolls
at all during this stunt, Exhaustt the Gift again
X (Special)
Trrigger: you enter
e town
If you enteer an urban areea (a place with man-made
buildings thatt has a populattion of more th
han 49
persons), Exhhaust this Gift immediately.
V tue
Virt e ma
V tue
Virt es
The leegends say tha at after Kyndran nigar the Shad
dow-Magus wro ote the School of Thaumaturggy, he was still disappointed
that his many
m students failed to embrrace his ideal of what the Ultimmate Wizard sh
hould be. To th
his end, he wro ote seven spelll
lists, ofteen called the “L
Lists of Virtues””, each of whicch contained seeven spells.
Interdictiion spells arre better forr Countering
g than Attaccking
Note that the seven Interdictions, when
w used as attacks,
a have very
v large defennse dice they must
m defeat, sta arting at 2d12
and goinng up from therre. While the In nterdictions cann be used as attacks, they’re really bad it.
What the Interdictioons are best at are
a Counteringg. When you use u a spell to Counter,
C you rooll against the attacker’s
a dice,
not the tyypical defense dice listed afteer “versus” ... and
a in most casses, the attackeer’s dice will bee much less.
Also unlike
u common n spells, Interdiictions don’t haave to be readied first – they can be used ata a moment’s notice.
n They
also needd not be loaded into a Rod to o Counter – they may Counter any attackerr who is at Sho ort Range (12m m) or less.
(Masters of the Secrets of Virtues will be even betterr at Counteringg – see below.)
Each Interdiction requires a differeent Gift.
V tue Mag
Virt M gic
Basic Virtu
Kyndranigar’ss Trappings
K bo
onus 2d8. There is no bonus to attack, nor are there
Plot, Trappin
ngs) an
ny bonuses for spells loaded into other kindss of Rods.
Only Interdicttion spells load
ded into Sceptra
al Rods
Lege nds speak
L k of a wizard's duel
d at Giramfiell, a name cla
aim the 2d8 Co ounter bonus. Other spells work
which means noothing to modern n map-makers, where
Kyndranigar the
e Shadow-Magus was bathing in n the river, no
ormally (that is,, threaten up too Near range, with
w no
only to be ambuushed by seven jealous
j spell-ca
asters as he Coounter bonus).
bathed. Denied his
h magical tools, Kyndranigar is said to
have improvisedd using stones from
f the river-bbed.
ger: While wearing
w a Fulliginous Rob
Belongings Extra
a action “Re
efresh Virtue
e Magic Gift”
You begin
n the game withh: While wearingg a Fuliginous Robe, you ma ay take an
one Fu
uliginous Robe exxtra action everry round: an exxtra “Refresh” action, but
one Vaarza Wand onnly to refresh a gift that has alll the “Battle”, “Magic”,
one Sceeptral Rod annd “Virtue” desscriptors.
one Taalisman: a Giram
mfiel Stone
dranigar’s Clout
X (Special)
apter, Magic, Clout)
If you are parted from yo our items, ask the
t Game
Host for a plo
ot twist to returrn or to replacee them. You have an advanc
ced understandiing of the power of
Once exha austed, you ca annot recover th his Gift until
the next gamme session. Requ
Kyndranigar’ss Trappings
Secrets of Virrtue Magic Literacy
Magic, Virtuee) Research
X (C
You have learne
Y ed to replenish your
y reserves of
o Virtue
Magic faster, bu
ut only if you st
tyle yourself in the Bonuus d12 with one magic spell
appropriate manner. After making any roll with any
a magic spell, you may
exxhaust this Gift to claim a bon
nus d12.
Kyndraniggar’s Trappingss
Literacy Kynd
dranigar’s Re
Research (Cha
apter, Magic, Clout)
nterdiction Spells
S Equip
pped within a Varza You have an advanc
ced understandiing of the effec
cts of
Wand threaaten up to Medium
M Ran
nge with magic.
no penalty Requ
If you havve an Interdictioon spell readied within your Kyndranigar’ss Trappings
Varza Wand, you now threa aten with that spell
s up to Literacy
Medium Range. You may Counter-Attack
C k any attack Research
made againstt you from an attacker
a up to Medium
X (C
Range (36m)) away.
Repllay one Magiic Contest
Only Interrdiction spells lo
oaded into Varrza Wands
After you and d your target ro
oll your dice to play out a
threaten up too Medium Ran nge. Other spellls work
ontest, where eiither of you ha ave used Magicc, you may
normally (thaat is, no range penalty).
deeclare you will Exhaust
E this Gift.
G Both you and a your
oppponent re-roll your dice. Thee second resultt stands,
Bonus 2d8 when
B w Counterring with Intterdiction
evven if it’s worsee for you.
Spells Equ
uipped within
n a Sceptrall Rod
If you Cou
unter an attackk using an Interrdiction spell
readied within your Sceptraal Rod, you ma ay claim a
V tue
Virt e ma
The Wa
ay of Cultture
Virtue of Culture
C definable soolution. Samplee demands incllude, “You
(Battle, Magic,
M Mystic
c, Virtue) must walk frrom one side of o Calabria to th he other!”,
“You must defeat
d three peeople in honora able combat!”,
A w izard learns
l not just from their own experience but
t or “You musst stitch a garm ment worthy of the High Kingg
also from t
the experience of
o others.
himself!” Demands
D that have
h no clear or
o reasonable
Requires ending, such h as “kill everyoone you meet””, will simply
Cosmmopolitan Exhaust the Gift and ruin the t spell. As alw ways, the
Kyndrranigar’s Trapp
pings Game Host must use their judgment on what w should
acy work and wh hat shouldn’t.
If the demmand is reasona able, then Exha aust the Gift,
gs and play outt a contest. The Game Host must m choose
You begin
b the gamee with a copy of
o a book, On The
T one skill thatt would be app propriate for thee task. For
Virtue Off Culture, by Kyndranigar
K thee Shadow-Maggus. example, wa alking could be Endurance, ho onorable battle
could be Meelee Combat, an nd tailoring couuld be Craft.
X (Battle)) The Gam me Host rolls yo our attack dice for you, in
Action “a
attack with Culture’s
C Intterdiction” secret. The Game Host ro olls your Mind dice
d and the
Reaction “Counter with
w Culture’s Interdictioon target’s Skilll Dice as the atttack roll. For example,
e if
Exhau ust this Gift, th
hen use the “atttack” action to o your Mind iss d10 and the target’s
t Craft dice
d are d8, d6,,
attack thhe target with a mystic spell, the Interdiction of then the atta ack dice to dem mand that the target
t make a
Culture. This spell is farf more effecttive as a Countter garment are d10, d8, d6.
than as ana attack. The targeet resists with th heir Mind & Will
W dice.
diction spells need
n not be rea adied before use.
u If the targget successfully resists, nothingg happens. Thee
They can n be used to Counter-Attack
C k at Near rangee, at Gift is Exhau usted; you mayy refresh it at the next Respite.
any timee. If the targget ties or worsse, then the target becomes
If you
ur Culture’s Inteerdiction inflictts a Hurt or Inju
ured cursed! The following ruless apply:
result onn the target, theen you may declare one skill. Any tim me the target applies
a themselves to
The targeet suffers a d8 penalty to all uses
u of that skill compllete the deman nd, they may cllaim an assist
until theyy are no longerr Hurt and no longer Injured.. bonuss of d8, and theeir rolls are Favvored (that is,
Only onee Culture’s Inteerdiction may affect
a the targeet at they may
m re-roll one 1).
a time – a new effect (a and penalty) reeplaces an old one. Any tim me the target does
d somethingg that is not
approp priate to the deemand, they su uffer a penalty
Assist som
meone? You
ur roll gains Favor of d12 2, and they can nnot claim Favo or.
If you
u assist someon
ne on a roll, yo
our roll is
automattically Favored
d – you may ree-roll one 1. The cursee lasts until thee task is done. It
I could take
day, month,, year, or the reest of their life, but the curse
Measure of
o One’s Metttle remains untiil the demand is done. You, the caster,
(Special, Magic, Mysttic, Virtue, Plot)
P may not refrresh this Gift un ntil the demand is done.
The cursee might not end d if the target dies.
d If the
You chargee someone with performing a ta ask ... and the
target is brou
ught back from m the dead, or if their soul
better they
y are, the harde
er it is for them
m to resist!
reincarnate into
i a new bod dy, or if they risse as an
Requires undead abo omination, the curse
c continuees. This spell iss
Cosmmopolitan powerful ma agic and should d not be underrtaken lightly.
Kyndrranigar’s Trapp
pings The final judge of wheth her it’s done or not is the
acy Game Host, not you, so ch hoose your dem mands
Virtuee of Culture carefully.
Once thee demand is do one, the curse is lifted, and
Stunt “Sc
care target” both you an nd the target are instantly awa are that the
are a “Scare” sttunt, then decla
are a target, an
nd spell has exppired. You mayy then refresh thist gift at the
then makke a demand of
o the target. The
T demand must m next Respitee.
be one sentence, and itt should a meaasureable,
V tue Mag
Virt M gic
A target may
m have only oneo curse of th he Measure of
One’s Mettle at a time. Any
y attempt to im mpose another
demand upon them automa atically fails.
You may buyb this Gift multiple
m times. Each Gift
gives you ano other use of thee Measure of One’s
O Mettle,
to use on a different
d target.
You canno ot use the Mea asure of One’s Mettle on a
target alreadyy cursed by this spell. Any neew attempts
will fail autom
Office of Ano
O other
Special, Mag
gic, Mystic, Virtue,
V Plot)
By means of thiis spell, you may
B y steal a skill fr
rom another
Kyndraniggar’s Trappingss
Virtue of Culture
Measure ofo One’s Mettlee
Knack for Academics
V tue
Virt e ma
The Wa
ay of Disccipline
Virtue of Discipline
D X (Chapter)
(Battle, Magic,
M Mystic
c, Virtue) T
Trigger: Ano
other charactter uses Willl dice
When an nother characterr within Medium m range (36m)
A wizard is
s unmoved by material
m concern
ns and is of you rolls their
t Will dice, for
f any reason,, you may
unwavering g in purpose.
Exhaust this Gift to let the target
t claim a bonus
b 2d8.
Kyndrranigar’s Trapp
Amor Fati
(Chapter, Ma
agic, Mystic,, Virtue)
A wizard has thhe right to dete
ermine all force,, efficiently
and univocally.
You begin
b the gamee with a copy of
o a book, On The
Virtue Off Discipline, by
y Kyndranigar the
t Shadow- Knack forr Endurance
Magus. Kyndraniigar’s Trappinggs
X (Battle)) Resolve
Action “a
attack with Discipline’s
D Interdiction
n” Sense of Purpose
Reaction “Counter with
w Disciplinne’s Virtue of Discipline
Exhau ust this Gift, th
hen use the “atttack” action to o X (Chapter)
attack th
he target with a mystic spell, the Interdiction of A
Action “reco
ne. This spell is far more effeective as a Declare a “recover” acction, then exhaust this Gift.
Counter than as an atttack. For the rest of this scene (5
( minutes), yo ou enjoy the
diction spells need
n not be reaadied before use.
u following beenefits:
They can n be used to Counter-Attack
C k at Near rangee, at You are
a immune to Fatigue.
F If you
u have the
any timee. Fatigu
ue condition, reemove it.
If you
ur Discipline’s Interdiction infllicts a Hurt resu
ult If you have the Sick condition, you u do not suffer
on the ta
arget, then the target becomees Slowed, as well.w the no
ormal side effecct of being knoocked down
The Slowwed condition lasts as long ass the target is Hurt.
H when you are sent Reeling.
You are
a immune to the t Afraid and Terrified
Sense of Purpose
P condittions.
(Chapter, Magic, Mystic, Virtue) If you would becomee Dying, you become
Confuused instead. (TThere is no immmunity to
A wizard works for the sa
ake of a job well done.
Death or Overkill).
Requires Every time you take the “recover” action, you
Kyndrranigar’s Trapp pings may also
a one “refressh” action. (Remember: you
acy may not
n take the sam me action twicee on the same
Resolve turn.)
Virtuee of Discipline
You mayy refresh this Gift at the next Chapter.
X (Chapteer)
Trigger: Roll
R involvin
ng Will Dice
With any roll involving your Will dice,
d you may
Exhaust this Gift to claiim a bonus d12.
V tue Mag
Virt M gic
T Way of
The o Enigma
he Virtue of Enigma Thhe concealmen
nt goes away when
w the target is no
Battle, Virtue
e) lon
nger Hurt.
A wizard keeps
s their secrets from
f the uninitia
ated, the When
n Sneaking, you
y may also
o Refresh Mag
unready, and th
u he undeserving.
Whenever you perform a “S Sneak” stunt, you
y may
Requires alsso perform an extra Refresh action,
a but onlyy to
Kyndraniggar’s Trappingss reffresh a Battle Magic
M gift. Thee standard rulee of “never
Literacy thee same action twice in the same turn” still applies.
Low Profille
Belongings (Resspite, Chapte
er, Magic, Mystic,
You beginn the game with
h a copy of a book,
b On The Virtu
ue, Plot)
Virtue Of Eniigma, by Kyndrranigar the Sha
If yo
ou do your task
ks right, it will be
e as if you were
e never
therre at all.
X (Battle)
Action “attac
ck with Enig
gma’s Interdiction” Requ
Reaction “Co
ounter with Enigma’s
E Interdiction” Kyndranigar’ss Trappings
Exhaust th his Gift, then use
u the “attackk” action to Literacy
attack the tarrget with a mystic spell, the Interdiction
I of Low Profile
Enigma. Thiis spell is far more
m effective asa a Counter Virtue of Eniggma
than as an atttack.
on spells need not be readied d before use. X (C
They can be used to Counter-Attack at Near N range, at Actio
on “attack with
w Lethe”
any time. Declare a Cro owd of targets. Roll your Min nd &
If the Eniggma’s Interdicttion inflicts thee Hurt result Steealth vs. 3 and
d count the successes. The tarrgets resists
on the targett, you may claiim full conceallment against with Mind, Speciies, and Supern natural vs. 3.
the target. (TThe target has a penalty 2d1 12 to attack Those that faiil to resist suffeer:
you, you ma ay claim a bonu us d8 to attackk the target, One succ cess against: Become Reelin ng and
and the targeet may not Cou unter your atta acks, etc.) forget everrything that hap ppens in this ro
Two succ cesses against: Become Con nfused
and forget everything tha at happens in th his round,
and in the last five minuttes.
Three suc ccesses again nst, or more: Become
Confused anda forget everrything that ha appens in
this Scene,, period. Each round, the cha aracter
must act ass if they had no o idea what ha appened
last round. This effect lasts for the whole Scene
(about fivee minutes).
V tue
Virt e ma
The Lethe
L is a form of mind contro ol that forces thhe You gain total conceealment (d12 bonus b to Dodgee
subject to
o consciously forget
f what happpened, but th heir and Pa arry defenses, among others)).
subconsccious remembeers. Thought-R Reading, All of your
y magic efffects gain the Mystic
Mesmerism, and other effects that tap p into the brain
n will descrip ptor, and are thhus imperceptiible to those
reveal whhat happened.. (And yes, a Mesmerized
M targget who do d not have Su upernatural skill. Your targetss
can be ordered
o to remeember everythiing they forgott defend d (and counterr!) normally, ho owever. In
from the Lethe.) Other kinds of assistance can help the additio on, while it’s not obvious to onlookers
o that
characters remember th hings, as well – the Game Ho ost you arre doing anything, the resultss of your spells
should seee amnesia as an opportunityy for role-playiing. are veery clear. For exxample, a Mysstic Fireball stilll
explod des at the targeet point and do oes damage ...
Subtlety and
a Quickne
ess it’s jusst not clear to most
m observers that the
(Chapter, Magic, Mystic, Virtue, Plot)
P fireballl came from yo ou! If this spell somehow
makess an effect that doesn’t make sense, then it
A fair wizar
rd makes their will
w known. A gre
eat wizard doesn’t work. This Gift G is a Plot Gift, and (as
makes their will unknowable.
alwayss) the Game Host H must decid de what goes
Requires and what
w doesn’t.
Knackk for Stealth
Kyndrranigar’s Trapp
Low Profile
Virtuee of Enigma
X (Chapte
At anyy time, declaree you will exha
aust this spell. For
the rest of
o this Scene (aabout 5 minutees), the followinng
rules appply to you:
The Wa
ay of Harm
V tue Mag
Virt M gic
(instead of Enraged). This Berserk condition can be Equiilibrium
removed norrmally. (Cha
apter, Magic, Mystic, Virrtue,
If the Harm
mony’s Interdiiction inflicts th
he Dying, Syne
ecdoche, Tellepathic, Plo
Dead, or Oveerkilled condittions on the tarrget, there is
no Enraged – the target sufffers normally.. A wizard may balanc
ce two forces.
Assist someo
one? Their ro
oll gains Fav
vor Requ
If you assiist someone on
n a roll, their roll
r is Imprest
automaticallyy Favored – th
hey may re-rolll one 1. Knack for Neggotiation
Kyndranigar’ss Trappings
Team Player
Special, Mag
gic, Mystic, Virtue,
V Plot)
Virtue of Harm
A wizard knows
s that to take so
omething know means that
one must pay it
t back, later.
X (Special)
Requires At any time, declare
d a targett that you havee a
Kyndraniggar’s Trappingss synnecdoche link with, or that iss within Medium m Range
Literacy (366m).
Team Playyer Exhaust this Gift.
G The targeet may immedia ately
Virtue of Harmony
H Reefresh one Batttle Gift, one Reespite Gift, or one
Chhapter Gift.
X (Special) You and the target
t may now w negotiate abo out other
At any tim
me, declare a taarget – either you,
y or Giifts that you will exhaust. Theere are no limiits to how
another charracter within Medium
M Range (36m). ma any Gifts you can
c exhaust. You Y may excha ange
Exhaust this Gift. exxhausts and refrreshes as follow ws:
Remove any
a and all Afrraid, Asleep, Berserk,
B You may exhaust one of yo our Battle Gifts to refresh
Blinded, Con nfused, Controolled, Enraged,, Fatigued, onne of the targett’s Battle Gifts. Also, the targeet may
Hurt, Immob bilized, Injured, Marionette, Mesmerized,
M exxhaust one Batttle Gift to refresh one of yourr Battle
On Fire, Reeeling, Silenced,, Slowed, Terriified, and Giifts.
Unconscious conditions fro om the target. (At the You may exhaust one of yo our Respite Giftts to
discretion of the Game Host, you may bee able to reffresh one of the target’s Battle or Respite Gifts. Also,
remove other conditions from the target, as well.) thee target may exxhaust a Respiite Gift to refressh one of
Make a note of which cond ditions have beeen removed. yoour Battle or Reespite Gifts.
Action: “attac
ck with exha
austed Impre
est” You may exhaust one of yo our Chapter Giffts to
After yourr Imprest has been exhausted d, on a later reffresh one of the target’s Battle, Respite, or Chapter
round, attackk a target withinn Medium Ran nge (36m). Giifts. Also, the ta
arget may exha aust one Chaptter Gift to
Roll your Min nd, Will & Neg gotiation vs. thee target’s reffresh one of yo our Battle, Resppite, or Chapteer Gifts.
Body, Mind, Will, Presence, & Supernatural. You may exhaust one of yo our Influence Gifts
G to
If you succceed, the targeet suffers whateever reffresh one of the target’s Influeence Gifts, andd vice
conditions yo ou had removeed with your Im mprest, earlier. veersa. (The univverse finds som me way to makee bad
For example,, if you had rem moved Reelingg, Hurt, and thiings happen to o embarrass of you and good d things
Afraid, that ta
arget now beco omes Reeling, Hurt, and haappen to enrich h one of you. How
H this workss cannot
Afraid. bee explained to someone
s who doesn’t undersstand the
Once you have used thee Imprest to atta ack in this virrtue of harmon ny.)
way, you ma ay not use it to attack until you u have Special Gifts are
a beyond thee scope of this spell.
refreshed it. And
A you may not n Refresh it until
u the next You may not Refresh this Gift
G before the start
s of the
Chapter. neext Chapter. Att the start of thee next Chapterr, the
tarrget of your Eqquilibrium mustt give you exprress
peermission to Reefresh it. If theyy cannot, then you
annot Refresh th he Gift.
V tue
Virt e ma
The Wa
ay of Intu
Virtue of Intuition
I Ounce of Pre
O evention
(Battle, Magic,
M Mystic
c, Virtue) (
(Chapter, Ma
agic, Mystic,, Virtue, Plott)
A wizard se
ees not only wh
hat is there, but
t the portents To predict whaat will happen in
n a hundred year rs? Any sage
of what will be. could do that. To predict wha at will happen in the next six
seconds? That t takes true und derstanding.
Gamb bling R
Kyndrranigar’s Trapp
pings Gamblingg
acy Kyndraniigar’s Trappinggs
gs Virtue of Intuition
You begin
b the gamee with a copy of
o a book, On The
Virtue Off Intuition, by Kyndranigar
K th
he Shadow-Maagus. X (Chapter)
Trigger: Guarding
X (Battle)) Wheneveer you are Gua arding, you ma ay Exhaust this
Action “a
attack with Intuition’s
I In
nterdiction”” Gift. You immmediately gaiin Focus. If theere is a
Reaction “Counter with
w Intuitionn’s Interdiction condition prreventing Focuus (such as Afra
aid, Enraged,
Exhau ust this Gift, th
hen use the “atttack” action to o etc., negate any and all of those conditio
ons and gain
attack th
he target with a mystic spell, the Interdiction of Focus anyway.
Intuition. This spell is far more effecctive as a Coun nter
than as an
a attack. Knowledge of
K o Things to Come
Interddiction spells need
n not be rea adied before use.
u (
(Chapter, Ma
agic, Mystic,, Virtue, Plott)
They can n be used to Counter-Attack
C k at Near rangee, at
You gain fores
sight into forthc
coming effects that is
any timee. simply miraculo
If the Intuition’s Inteerdiction inflicts the Hurt ressult
on the taarget, then you u are instantly Guarding. R
(Guardin ng provides a d8 d bonus to yo our defenses.) Foreordinnation
Roll of pu
ure chance? You may re-roll it. Knack forr Observation
Someetimes, you or the Game Ho ost may make a
Kyndraniigar’s Trappinggs
roll baseed on pure cha ance, such as to o determine th
outcomee of a coin tosss, a lottery, or a gambling ga ame.
(A roll off pure chance is one that doesn’t use any Skill
X (Chapter)
dice, Traait Dice, or ano other abilities to
t modify it. It’s
Trigger: befo
ore you make
e a roll
just a ranndom roll.)
Before yoou make a die roll for any rea ason, declare
Any time
t a roll of pure
p chance is made that
you will Exh haust this Gift. Then, make th he roll.
involves you, you may y declare it to be
b re-rolled. The
(Resolve anyy dice vs. dice contests, as no ormal.)
second roll
r stands, eveen if it’s worse..
The Gam me Host must th hen tell you thee results of thaat
roll. For simple things, like a combat action, it’s easy to o
find out the effects you wo ould inflict on a target – play
out any Soa ak Rolls, Savingg Gifts, etc. Forr other, long-
reaching effeects, such as go ossiping, diplom macy, crafting,,
etc. it might be a little moree difficult. A fa
ailed roll now
might result in a breakdow wn later. The Game Host
should use their
t discretion.
In role-pllaying terms, what
w your chara acter sees is a
portent of thhe future, of thee way things might
m become.
You may no ot always see thhe immediate result,
r but
rather the most
m momentou us result. Perha aps building
this tower might
m result in a small child fallling off the
V tue Mag
Virt M gic
parapet somee day to their trragic, early dea ath. Maybe loccation, or at a different
d heighht, etc. If you do
this attack tha
at kills the targeet slays the gra
andfather of something differeent, you do no ot get a vision of
o how it
the hero who o would save th he realm, but would
w now wo ould play out, you
y have to keeep playing as normal.
never be born n. No o one knows exxactly how it will
w play out ... just
j like
In any casse, after seeing how the roll would
w play noormal life.
out, you know w have a choicce – either keep p the This spell givees you a visionn of the future. Only other
sequence of events
e as preseented, or decla are you will do ma agic that also predicts
p the futuure may intervvene with
something different. Choosse not to attackk, or to strike its results. Theree are lots of sto
ory possibilities here, so
a different tarrget. Choose notn to gossip, or o to speak yoou and your Ga ame Host shou uld have fun wiith it.
with differentt people. Build the tower at a different You may refreesh this Gift at the next Chap pter.
T Way of
The o Ken
he Virtue of Ken Maagic. (That is, you
y know wha at Gifts the targget has that
Battle, Virtue
e) ha
ave the “Magic” descriptor, peeriod.)
If the Ken’s Innterdiction infliccts either the Dead
D or
A wizard knows
s how to perceiv
ve with a sense
e uncommon. Ovverkill results on
o the target, thhen you learn nothing.
Danger Seense Initia
ative rolls arre Favored
Kyndraniggar’s Trappingss Your Initiativee rolls are Favo
ored. You mayy re-roll
Literacy on
ne 1.
Belongings Perspicacity
You beginn the game with
h a copy of a book,
b On The (Cha
apter, Magic, Mystic, Virrtue)
Virtue Of Ken
n, by Kyndraniigar the Shado
A wizard has a clariity of vision which provides a deep
X (Battle)
Action “attac
ck with Ken’’s Interdictio
on” Requ
Reaction “Co
ounter with Ken’s
K Interd
diction Danger Sensee
Exhaust th his Gift, then use the “attack”” action to Kyndranigar’ss Trappings
attack the tarrget with a mysstic spell, the In
nterdiction of Literacy
Ken. This sp pell is far more effective as a Counter
C than Virtue of Ken
as an attack.
on spells need not
n be readied before use. X (C
They can be used to Countter-Attack at Neear range, at Trigg
ger: Roll inv
volving Mind
d Dice
any time. With any roll involving yourr Mind dice, yo
ou may
If the Ken’’s Interdiction inflicts
i the Hurrt result on the Exxhaust this Giftt to claim a bon
nus d12.
target, then you
y instantly id dentify all the taarget’s Battle
Magic. (That is, you know whatw Gifts the target
t has, X (C
that have botth the “Battle” and “Magic” descriptors.
d Trigg
ger: Anotherr character uses
u Mind dice
If the Ken’’s Interdiction inflicts
i the Afraaid result on When anotheer character witthin Medium ra ange
the target, theen you instantlly identify all th
he target’s (36
6m) of you rolls their Mind dice,
d for any rea
ason, you
Battle Magic and Respite Magic.
M (That is, you know maay Exhaust thiss Gift to let thee target claim a bonus
what Gifts thee target has, th
hat have either both the 2d
“Battle” and “Magic” descriptors ... or botth the “Battle”
and “Respite” descriptors.)
If the Ken’’s Interdiction inflicts
i the Dyinng result on
the target, theen you instantlly identify all th
he target’s
V tue
Virt e ma
Contempe eranousnesss X (Chapter)
(Chapter, Magic, Mystic, Virtue) I
Immunities; bonus d12 to defenses
At any tim
me, declare you will Exhaust this Gift. For
A wizard kn
nows that theree is no past and
d no future, the
e the remaindder of this scenee (about 5 min nutes), you mayy
only time that
t has meaning
g is the now.
claim the folllowing benefitts:
Requires You may
m not becom me Asleep, Con nfused,
Danger Sense Mesmerized, or otheerwise lose conttrol of your
Knackk for Inquiry menta al state. You ma ay still be knoccked
Kyndrranigar’s Trapp
pings Uncon nscious (as a ph hysical trauma a, or from
acy Dying). The Game Host H may havee to rule
Persppicacity whethher this Gift pro
otects you or no ot.
Virtuee of Ken You may
m claim a bonus d12 with all a your
defensses (Counter, Parry,
P and Doddge).
Conceealment penaltiies do not apply to your
The Wa
ay of Tran
“ A wizard is
i of the court of the super-na
atural and Y may spea
You ak with any supernatural
s c
strives to go beyond the material concerrns.”
The speeech of supernattural creatures, such as
Requires elementals, shades,
s and th
he undead, makkes sense to
Clear-Headed you. You ma ay speak freelyy with supernattural creatures
Kyndrranigar’s Trapp
pings and be undeerstood.
Supernaturall Indenture
gs (
(Chapter, Ma
agic, Mystic,, Virtue, Plott)
You begin
b the gamee with a copy of
o a book, On The
Virtue Off Transcendence, by Kyndran nigar the Shadow- A wizard may bind
b a supernatu
ural creature in
nto a item.
Magus. R
X (Battle)) Kyndraniigar’s Trappinggs
Action “a
attack with Transcenden
T nce’s Literacy
Interdicction” Virtue of Transcendencce
Reaction “Counter with
w Transcen
Interdicction X (Special)
Exhau ust this Gift, th
hen use the “atttack” action to o S
Stunt “Bindiing vs. superrnatural crea
attack th
he target with a mystic spell, the Interdiction of You mayy strongly preseent a weapon, armor, or
Transcen ndence. This spell
s is far morre effective as a other item, and
a then decla are a binding aggainst a
Counter than as an atttack. supernatural creature. Exh haust this Gift.
Interddiction spells need
n not be reaadied before use.
u This spelll has absolutelyy no effect on creatures
c that
They can n be used to Counter-Attack
C k at Near rangee, at are not supeernatural.
any timee. Roll yourr Mind, Will, an
nd Supernatura al dice vs. 3. Iff
If the Transcendencce’s Interdiction inflicts the Hurt
H the target is threatened, yo
ou may also cla aim Tactics
or Injureed results on th he target, then you instantly dice.
have a synecdoche link to the target. You may usee
any syneecdoche spells upon the targget. This link la asts
V tue Mag
Virt M gic
The targett resists with Bo ody, Mind, Willl, Presence, Supe
ernatural Boond
and Supernatural dice vs. 3. 3 (The target may choose (Spe
ecial, Magic, Trappings, Plot)
to Counter-A Attack, instead.)) Compare th he successes.
If you tie or
o fail the conteest, the spell is Exhausted. You have a magic ittem that has bec come bonded with you.
s Gift representts the transcenddent experience e you
You may refrresh it at the neext Respite. havee spent to forgee this bond. Whiile Kyndranigar the
If you succceed, the targeet is sent Reelin ng. Both the Shaddow-Mage descr ribes the best method
m for achiieving
creature and your binding objecto take Dammage +1 this bond in his boo
ok On the Virtuee of Transcende ence,
otheers have been knnown to achieve e this level of
Penetrating. (If the item is Extravagant
E jew
welry, the undeerstanding betwween the worldlyy and the other--
item takes ha alf damage, rou unded down.) worlldly.
If the dammage caused is enough to destroy your Requ
object, the sppell fails, and thhe Gift is Exhauusted. You Mind of d8 orr better
may not refreesh the Gift unttil your next Reespite. Will of d8 or better
If the objeect survives, thee find out how much A bound supeernatural creatu
ure (such as on
ne affected
damage the creature
c suffereed, after Soak and
a other byy Supernatural Indenture)
dice have beeen applied:
If the ta
arget becomes Dead or Overkkilled, the Supe
ernatural ite
spell fails. You have bon nded with a supernatural item m. The
If the ta
arget becomes Dying, then yo our spell is mo ost common bo onding happen ns when you sp pend
successsful, and the target becomes bound.
b sevveral days trainning with an iteem empowered d by
(See beelow.) Suupernatural Ind denture. In raree cases, a supeernatural
If the ta
arget becomes Injured, Afraid d, or Hurt, no creeature may havve voluntarily entered
e into th
he bond,
immediate effect happ pens. Howeverr, you may such as an elemeental which hass sworn to uph hold some
refresh this Gift using the “Refresh” action on a greeat cause, a shhade which obssessively helps anyone
later ro
ound. whho indulge its mania,
m or an un
ndead which delights
d in
If the ta
arget suffers no o Damage effecct, the Gift spreading chaos and misery am mong the livingg.
immediately Refreshees automaticallyy. The bonded creature
c uses your
y senses to perceive
thee world, but itss attentions migght be focused on other
Once bound, the supern natural creaturee becomes
sealed within n the object. Itss physical form m, if any,
The bonded creature
c comm municates with you y
disappears fro om the real wo orld. The objecct that the
tellepathically, as a non-player character
c contrrolled by
creature is bo ound inside beccomes a syneccdoche link to
thee Game Host. The bonded creaturec has itss own
you, as long as a your magic holds the crea ature there.
intterests, desires,, wants, and neeeds.
Unlike a simple elementa al binding, thiss spell allows
While you havve the superna atural item read dy, you
the caster to bind
b the supernatural creaturre into almost
ma ay be able to claim
c certain beenefits, depend ding on the
any physical object. The po opular choices are weapons,
typpe of item:
armor, and precious
p jewelry y.
If the itemm is broken or destroyed,
d the creature
Weapon: A supeernatural weap
W pon bond grants the user
immediately manifests again, in a dramatiic fashion that
a d8 bonus with
w all Attacks, Counters, and d Parries
also sends it Reeling.
using the bon nded weapon, as a the creaturee directs
Otherwisee, the creature remains r bound d as long as
your movemeents to better effect.
the Gift is Exhausted. At th he next Respitee, you may
Arrmor: A creatu ure bonded into armor provid des a d8
Refresh the Gift.
G If you do so, s the creaturee may
bonus to Soakk, as the creatu ure attempts too shield
immediately test its Body, Mind, M Will, Pressence, and
you from harm m.
Supernatural vs. 3. Apply any a successes as a Damage
ewelry: A crea ature bonded in nto a precious item
+0 to the objject it is bound d in. If it can deestroy the
allows the creeature to comm municate with you
object, it is freee. If it fails, th
he creature mayy test again telepathically.. The creature may now assiist all your
once every Chapter.
C rolls, using its own Traits annd Skills, as perr the
If the casteer of Supernatu ural Indenture dies without
standard ruless. (Note that assisting
a does not
n work in
ever Refreshiing the Gift, thee creature is bo ound forever.
combat). In addition,
a the iteem provides a d8 bonus
Supernatural creatures hatee it when that happens. h
to Observatio on and to initiattive.
V tue
Virt e ma
If you
u abuse the suppernatural crea
ature, you may lose Transubstanttiation
the bondd, and you may y have to re-tra
ain the Gift. If the (
(Chapter, Ma
agic, Mystic,, Virtue, Plott)
item is destroyed, the bond
b is also bro
Becoming the perfect
p express sion of physical matter is
one thing. Bein
ng able to live wiith yourself whe
en you
Trigger: Recover
R actio
on or helple
ess become imperf fect again is anoother.
Whennever you take the Recover action,
a the
supernattural creature automatically
a a
attempts to Rallly R
you, rolliing a d8. This Rally happenss too late to help Clear-Heeaded
you withh the Reeling, but
b it might stilll work to removve Knack forr Supernatural
the Afraiid status, etc. Kyndraniigar’s Trappinggs
Whennever you are helpless,
h the boonded creaturee will Literacy
attempt tot Rally you, when
w your turn would come up u Virtue of Transcendencce
in the seqquence, rollingg a d8. This Ra ally might workk to
save youu from some ba ad effects (like Asleep or X (Chapter)
Mesmerized) but it won n’t work at all on
o others (like At any tim me, declare you will exhaust this spell. For
Unconsccious). the rest of thhis Scene (abou ut 5 minutes), the following
The standard range rules apply ... so the bonded d rules apply tot you:
creature can only Rally y you if it’s with
hin Medium Ra ange Your body
b looks as if
i it were madee of solid gold.
(36m), and
a this works best b if the bond ded creature iss You gain 1 point of Invulnerability
I . (You may
Near you u. The bond works
w even if th he bonded item m is negatee one point of damage,
d from any source.)
not equip pped. You are
a immune to the t Confused, Half-Buried,
On Firre, and Push efffects.
Stunt “ca
all upon the supernatural
s l bond” You are
a immune to hunger, thirst, and
As a Stunt,
S you may y call upon the supernatural suffoca ation. (You willl still need to breathe
b to
creature to perform a single action forr you. For speak,, however.)
example, you may ask the creature to o perform one of You may
m not roll anyy dice that are d4s or d6s.
its own supernatural
s atttacks. (Yes, sin
nce this calling is a They area simply too imperfect. Remove any d4s
stunt, yoou may Attack, then perform this t Stunt, thuss or d6ss from your dicce pool. If this leaves you
claiming two assaults in n a single roun nd.) with no
n dice to roll, you
y cannot attempt the roll.
You may
m only call upon
u this stunt if the creature is You will
w automaticallly fail, and you u will curse thee
properly equipped. A weapon
w must be
b in hand, thee imperffections of you ur being that led d to your
armor must
m be worn, or o the jewelry must
m be stronglyy failuree.
The bonded
b creaturre cannot use any
a of its specia al When thee spell ends, yo
ou immediatelyy fall back into
abilities of
o its own will. You must usee this Stunt to an imperfectt state. You become Fatigued d and
invoke th hem. Confused.
You mayy refresh this Gift at the next Chapter.
X (Specia
If you
u are parted froom the item tha at holds your
Supernatural Bond, Ex xhaust this Gift, then ask the
Game Host
H for a plot tw wist to return the item.
Once exhausted, yo ou cannot recovver this Gift unntil
the next game session.
At thee discretion of the
t Game Hosst, you may alsso
Exhaust this Gift to claiim some boon by breaking th he
bond witth the supernattural creature within,
w or
somethin ng even greaterr by the creatuure sacrificing ittself
for somee greater cause. The details off such an epic
event aree left to the Ga
ame Host.
Adventure Seeds
The following vignettes are short ideas for adventures that a Game Host can use for further Ironclaw adventures.
to avoid a prison break! This should convince them to Whatever the case, they will find themselves
side with Andalusia. assigned to advance shadow the caravan as it
Lastly, the players might be hired by the approaches the ambush point, midway between
Avoirdupois to free Andalusia from the outside. There Thanon and Harrowgate. If the group is small or has
are several ways to do this…posing as guards, little in the way of combat skills, have a few NPC
tunneling into the lower levels of the prison, or even warriors along for support.
fighting through the guards. If they success, Andalusia The slave caravan consists of a few supply wagons,
will reward them with land as above. a small column of mercenaries, and a row of about
No maps are needed of Sousolnoir. It is a terrible, thirty hobbled slaves, trudging miserably through the
lightless place. Not even Malvoisin knows how many dust. The scarlet and black banner of the Bisclavret
prisoners are there, but it may be as high as 200. Wise Duke flaps in the breeze above the lead wagon. The
inmates stick to the upper levels, where one or two sight should be enough to rouse any Phelan to rage.
small fires are maintained, and where sunlight filters The adventure will likely be very straightforward,
down through grated vents. Below this, there is no light and probably combat heavy. Clever players might be
at all, and few prisoners would waste wood on a torch. able to free the slaves through clever use of magic, or
These levels are inhabited by pitiful mad men and by waiting for the caravan to stop for the night.
women of every species. They live off the natural This adventure could form the start of a limited
moisture that collects in the bottom levels, and the campaign, where the players act as brigand captains
strange mushrooms and pale insects that inhabit some preying upon Bisclavret caravans. As their success and
of the old chambers. notoriety grows, the Bisclavret authorities will
The top level of the mine is much better lit, and intervene. The players will find the caravans are
serves as home to some 20 Doloreaux guards. Once a suddenly better defended, or discover that wagons that
week, 6 of them will descend to the second level and appear laden with goods actually hide well-armed
drop a few sacks of roots, a cord of wood, and fill a militia.
copper tub with brackish water. The inmates must
survive on this…no attempt is made to distribute the Helliene the Penitent
goods. They are simply dumped. The strong take
Missionaries of S’allumer have a divine quest to
what they want, and the weak get weaker. In recent
cast the gentle light of their faith into the darkest parts
days Andalusia has been able to set up a basic
of the world. Their divine fervor brings them to every
rationing system.
corner of Calabria, and even other lands. However,
despite their dedication the Phelan lands are mostly
The Raiders of the Muire closed to them. There maintain a few monasteries in
the larger settlements, and lone missionaries will
The wealth of the world flows along the Via Salutis, occasionally disappear into dark woods. Largely,
a mighty road carved through the Muire woods by the however, the Phelan live without having heard the
Rinaldi at the height of their power. The Bisclavret now good news of S’allumer.
maintains it for much of its length, and it represents a Acting on faith alone, one young cleric from
definite northern border to their lands. It connects their Triskellian has decided to change that. The cleric, a
principal settlements of Thanon and Harrowgate. Aside fox woman named Hellene, is putting together a holy
from a few well-fortified villages next to the road, the expedition into the darkest heart of the Phelan lands.
road is a long and treacherous stretch used primarily by She intends to construct a church and monastery in
merchant caravans who cannot afford the cost of sea the wilderness.
transport. Hellene’s expedition has the full support of the
A local Phelan chieftain has heard word that a church, and a small group of friars and scholars will
Bisclavret slave caravan will be making its way down accompany her. They will welcome anyone who wishes
the road at some point in the next week. Normally the to join them, but can offer nothing beyond food and
Phelan ignore slavers, but this one contains a number traveling expenses. They will especially welcome skilled
of Fianna prisoners captured in a recent skirmish. A scouts and artisans.
number of Phelan groups decide to take part in the Hellene will likely travel to Harrowgate first, then
rescue attempt, and invite volunteers to join the raiding north to Cathair Nefenhir. Alternately, she may just
party. The players can either be asked to join by their head north along the Ruther to its end. Once there, her
chieftain, or offer their services. party will head out into the woods in a randomly
chosen direction. They will try to hire local guides along clear. It could also be a ruse by a Green & Purple
the way with food and small trade goods. Mage, who is manipulating the PC’s dreams for their
Once they arrive, the party will build a few small own ends: if the PC finds the Shenn Charnane, so
wooden buildings and spend their days in prayer and does the mage; if the PC fails, there are always more
work. They will wait for the local Phelan to approach heroes out there.
them. The missionaries are not fanatics, nor will they This adventure makes a good sequel to the Rescue
be very aggressive in their conversion attempts. They of Miranda Devoisier. Who better to lead an expedition
will treat the local Phelan with an unusual degree of than the greatest Calabrese expert on Phelan lore?
respect, while at the same time taking every advantage
to tell them about S’allumer.
This adventure can also be run from the viewpoint The Tale of the Lost Tribes
of the Phelan. How will they respond to the sudden An obvious, by dress, outlander and rather short
appearance of a large party of outsiders, and to the Avoirdupois comes to the players asking their help
construction of a foreign church? S’allumer faith is through a thick accent. By his account, his family and
inextricably linked in their minds with the treacherous their retinue were waylaid in the mountains on their
Bisclavret. They may very well end up chasing the way to Chalon-sur-Sauldre. It appears at the outset to
peaceful clerics back to Triskellian. be the work of bandits, a simple case of recovering
property and punishing kidnappers.
Unknown to the players, this is a member of one of
The Tale of the Recurring Vision the Lost Tribes, lost in the first years of the arrival of the
While far away from Phelan demesne, a Player- Avoirdupois, and returning now to claim their ancestral
Character, perhaps one with mystical leanings, has a land. Or so he will say, if pressed or coerced. He will
dream where they see a purple sunset against a thick claim that the bandits have the proof: a familial
green canopy of trees, with a small mound of earth weaving, supposedly up to date, and a map showing
marked by five standing-stones. (This vision could where they buried their markers of claim. (Markers of
persist during an unrelated adventure, thus providing a claim were old methods of establishing borders —
segue-way from one plot to the next.) These visions marked by the parties involved and buried by a third
should continue until the PC consults with a seer or party. Only by finding the map left by the third party
other mystic who can interpret dreams. The seer will can either original party to the border recover the
tell the PC that this dream is obviously a place of markers of claim.) The problem is, if this is one of the
importance in the PC’s life, and they would be advised concerned parties, how did they come upon the map
to visit it at once. But where is it? supposedly held by the third? Anyone reading this
The Player-Character will have to learn some way to person for truth will detect subterfuge.
describe the dream to others, which may be difficult if It turns out this is a member of the lost tribes, acting
they do not have good social skills. Eventually, they will as intermediary for another lost tribe, a currently rather
come across a scholar who will recognize their dream wealthy House that doesn’t want the land claim made.
as the Shenn Charnane, one of the oldest and most This lost tribe has faked the pedigree of the other party
secret of Phelan holy-places. Before these dreams will to the contract and map that they hold, but still hold
end, advises the scholar, the PC must find this place their own pedigree. What house is their intermediary is
and what otherworldly force guides them to it. another mystery altogether.
An expedition to Shenn Charnane is not without Are the kidnappers agents of the wealthy House,
trepidation. It is not clear which is more difficult: finding simply bandits, or members of a third interested party?
someone who claims to know how to get there … or What, if any, legitimate claim can this lost tribe make to
finding someone who is not a cheat and really does any of the current Avoirdupois holdings? What ancient
know how to get there. Also, if the PC’s quest becomes records or tales do the current members of this lost and
known, they will attract other fortune-hunters who will secluded tribe carry with them? Do they have any of
want to find the place for one reason or another. the records of the other five tribes lost in the first year
So why does the PC have these visions? Perhaps, or know where they may be found?
in a Past Life (see page Error! Bookmark not
defined.), they were a custodian of the Shenn The Mystery of Ascétique
Charnane and have left unfinished business there.
Maybe some supernatural force is calling them to free The only reliable record of the construction is found
them from imprisonment, but for good or for ill is not in the Diary of Brother Kendrick, which found its way
into the hands of the Dunwasser Academy of
Triskellian. Among the mischief inflicted on the crew One possibility is the animation of undead monsters,
and the hostility of the Marteau, Kendrick’s record made from parts of the undead found in the Barrows,
includes another observation: or parts of the freshly dead, all intermingled into deadly
combinations. Another is that they have awakened
A great excavation was prepared so that the privies monsters similar to the Morrignai. With such knowledge
might be dug outside of the refectory. The shale stone and power, what could stop the machinations of the
collapsed, revealing a cavern beneath the plateau [where
the monastery was being built]. Brother Haley and I Éteignoirs… or save them?
gathered up lanterns and picks and went to investigate,
lest we discover that the foundation beneath our
monastery was unstable. The Tale of Enclume
What we saw was too orderly to have been the work of
Nature. These were clearly tunnels carved by some and Artifice
measured hand. Brother Haley and I have made maps as The sword-craft of the Enclume is driven by
best as we are able, for the poor lighting and constant
dripping of water has made using our tools difficult. demand for their quality and skill. Still, they are
merely one among many good sword-makers. They
desire to be the best, the most skilled, and to that end
The Lost Treasures of Anu they wish one thing: to make swords worthy of the
Autarchs. They have researched weapon-craft and
At the time of the ascendancy of S’allumer, the high
legend of all Calabria, and have come upon the tale
priests of Anu foresaw the coming tribulation and
of the Phelan and their deal with the Morrignai,
secreted their treasure and artifacts in preparation. No
particularly the five swords surrendered to the elders
current enclave of Anu holds the secret of this
of the Phelan tribes. Their research has uncovered the
treasure’s location — it is legend that each holds a
location and disposition of one of the swords as
small part of the solution in their altar stones, carved
belonging to a lord of the Bisclavret. It only remains
from the mighty altar stone that used to stand near
for them to obtain it and duplicate its construction.
Chalon-sur-Sauldre. How these parcels of information
are encoded in the stones, or what formula was used to
encode the information, is unknown. The underground Death on the Moors
status of Heliodromency prevents an accurate count of The land between the foothills of the Lochlan Peaks
their enclave number, so also unknown is in how many and the Skirfane River is a lonely and beautiful place of
parts this information is secreted. The nature of this rolling green hills and boggy moors. Though the hills
treasure is that it is now more than five hundred years seem verdant, the soil is too thin to support anything
old and rumored to be most of the wealth of a nation’s but grass, which is closely nibbled by large herds of
faith. In five hundred years, who knows how much cumalaí and other domestic animals.
remains or is still in condition to be used. Tiny villages of herdsmen huddle in the narrow
valleys between these lonely hills. The inhabitants care
little about the larger schemes of the nobles that rule
The Tale of the Barrows-Beasts them, thinking only of their pastoral lives and labors. Of
Much of Saith Colann is unknown and is, in the late, however, their quiet lifestyle has been shattered by
opinion of many, better left that way. Tales have horrible murders. Travelers and herdsmen making their
come out of the surrounding communities of a way across the moors at night have been dead in the
monstrosity that walks by night, a beast more solid morning, their bodies broken and battered. The
than any ghost. Descriptions are as varied as the days villagers send a message to their local lord, asking for
of the year, all pointing to the undead, but no one help. He makes it known that adventurers who solve
able to say with certainty what it resembled. What the mystery will be rewarded.
new developments are there in the Necromancy What monster haunts the hills and valleys? Perhaps
practiced in this desolate place? it is a man-eating animal, or even some wretched
Are the necromancers developing new spells by lunatic, striking out at his neighbors for reasons of his
experimentation? Have they received some dark own. The villagers disdain such prosaic explanations,
knowledge from a faraway source? Or has their delving and prefer to spin yarns about bloodthirsty ghosts, or
into the forbidding hills of Saith Colann brought to light the monstrous creations of dark wizards.
new levels of dark knowledge? Or awakened something
contained therein?
Acolyte, 387 Exchange of Hearts, 396 Midwife, 364 Secrets of Druid Magic, 368
rank of priesthood, 387 Fæth Fiada, 373 Monophysisme, 383 Secrets of Virtue Magic, 416
Alder Path, 402 Fanaticism, 391 Morrignai Ghutháin, 376 Sectary, 366
Apprentice Druid Magic, 367 Fith Fath, 375 Mortification, 392 Self Control, 389
Archbishops, 386 Flash of Inspiration, 369 Oak Path, 408 Sense of Purpose, 419
Ardentines, 385 Gelassenheiter, 364 Odor of Sanctity, 397 Sexton, 366
Ascetic, 363 Gemmajaculism, 384 Office of Another, 418 Sibyl, 366
Ash Path, 403 Generosity, 388 Old Faith, 400 Smol, 373
Athanasia, 380 Guérisseurs, 385 Oracle, 365 Spiritual Guardian, 398
Aura of Luminescence, 395 Guidance, 391 Orchomency, 381 Steal Guise, 375
Ban-aileadh Suilt, 373 Haimorrous, 380 Ordinary, 365, 387 Steganography, 393
Beguine, 363 Hawthorn Path, 405 Ounce of Prevention, 423 Stigmata, 398
Bilocation, 395 Hazel Path, 406 Ovate, 365 Stoirm Fola, 370
Birch Path, 403 Heliodromency, 383 Palingénésie, 382 Stoirm Oighir, 371
Bishop, 386 Hermit, 364 Palliative, 375 Stoirm Teallach, 371
Blessed Ways (Gift), 402 Hexenhammer, 364 Passarellites, 386 Summon Ally, 372
Blight, 373 Holly Path, 407 Pastophoroi, 384 Summon Goblin, 376
Bond, Supernatural, 426 Holy See of s’Allumer, 386 Penance, 389 Supernatural Bond, 426
Brehon, 363 Humility, 388 Penitence (Religion), 379 Supernatural Indenture, 425
Capitular, 387 Hyperdulia, 381 Perfecti, 384 Tabhairt Ar Ais, 374
Charisms, 395–98 Illumination, 391 Perspicacity, 424 Tabhairt Faoi, 374
Charity, 390 Illumination of Knowledge, 370 Pilgrim, 365 Teinm Læghda, 369
Clergy, 387 Imbas Farosna, 370 Pontiff, 386 Temperance, 389
Cloak of Invisibility, 373 Imprest, 422 Postulant, 365 Three-Fold Return, 400
Contemperanousness, 425 Indenture, Supernatural, 425 Prayer for Generosity, 388 Tranquility, Way of, 414
Conviction, 390 Initiate, 364 Prayer for Humility, 388 Transcendence, Virtue, 425
Cracking the Nuts of Wisdom, Inner Fire, 396 Prayer for Kindness, 388 Transubstantiation, 427
369 Inquisitor, 364 Prayer for Love, 388 True Measure, 394
Crusader, 363 Intuition, Virtue of, 423 Prayer for Penance, 389 Tuigen, 374
Cuidigh Ghutháin, 372 Ivy Path, 407 Prayer for Self Control, 389 Two-for-One March, 394
Cults, 384 Ken, Virtue of, 424 Prayer for Temperance, 389 Vidame, 366
Culture, Virtue of, 417 Kindness, 388 Prayer for Zeal, 390 Vigor, 394
Curraidh, 363 Knowledge of Things to Come, Preacher, 365 Vine Path, 411
Curse of Femininity, 373 423 Prelate, 386 Virtue of Culture, 417
Dabbler, 363 Kyndranigar’s Clout, 416 Presbyter, 386 Virtue of Discipline, 419
Deflection, 391 Kyndranigar’s Replay, 416 Purgation, 392 Virtue of Intuition, 423
Delitescence, Way Of, 413 Kyndranigar’s Trappings, 416 Purification, 393 Virtue of Ken, 424
Dichetal do Chennaib, 369 Laity, 387 Questor, 366 Virtue of Transcendence, 425
Diocese, 385 Leighis, 375 Rain of Blood, 370 Way of Delitescence, 413
Discipline, Virtue of, 419 Lethe, 420 Rain of Fire, 371 Way of Dispensation, 413
Dispensation, Way of, 413 Levitation, 396 Rain of Ice, 371 Way of Longanimity, 414
Druid Apprentice, 368 Locutions, 397 Reading of Hearts, 397 Way of Rustication, 414
Druid’s Clout, 374 Longanimity, Way of, 414 Reed Path, 409 Way of Tranquility, 414
Druid’s Mnemonic, 374 Love, 388 Rowan Path, 410 Willow Path, 412
Druid’s Trappings, 368 Lutarism, 400 Rustication, Way of, 414 Zeal, 390
Ecstasy of Rage, 391 Mantle of Feathers, 374 Sacerdotal (rank of priesthood),
Elderberry Path, 404 Master Capitular, 386 387
Equilibrium, 422 Measure of One’s Mettle, 417 Sacristan, 366
Éteignoirs, 382 Metropolitan, 386 Sanctuary, 393