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Getting Scientific About Cleaning Validation

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Getting Scientific About

Cleaning Validation
The industry is moving beyond cleaning’s “low tech” image to
embrace science-based limits and statistical approaches to control.

s pharmaceutical manufacturers continue to learn, the “Manufacturers are now required to set cleaning limits based on
simplest of operations can prove to be the most chal- toxicity data,” Ovais explains.
lenging to understand and control. Cleaning is one Other health-based guidelines have been established by the
example. No one would dispute the importance of removing even International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE)
trace levels of product residue from process vessels and equipment, with its Risk-Based Manufacture of Pharma Products (Risk
but variability continues to affect results and to raise questions. MaPP) guidance, and by the Pharmaceutical Inspection
How consistently do operators swab? How does visual inspection Co-operation Scheme and the World Health Organization.
ensure that equipment is truly clean? On a more basic level, how ASTM standard E3263 for the qualification for visual inspection
should “clean” be defined? The industry is embracing standards has recently been approved (3-7), while the Parenteral Drug
to address more of these questions and to ensure product and Association’s (PDA’s) Technical Report on Cleaning Validation is
patient safety. One sign of progress was the American Society also being updated. Ovais shared insights into cleaning validation
for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard 3106, published in trends with BioPharm International.
2018 (1), says cleaning validation consultant Mohammad Ovais,
a member of the team that wrote the standard. “The guide advo- SETTING CLEANING VALIDATION LIMITS
cates the application of science, quality risk management, and sta- BioPharm: How have bio/pharma cleaning validation practices
tistics principles to the validation of cleaning processes. It had a changed over the past decade?
major impact on the way we validate cleaning procedures, which Ovais (ASTM): The most significant changes have been

had traditionally been opinion (not data) based,” Ovais says. seen in setting cleaning validation limits, changing from a
Now, more regulators, especially the European Medicines ‘one off ’ to a lifecycle-based mindset, and adopting a more
Agency (EMA), have embraced the idea of health-based expo-
sure limits that consider the toxicological impact of materials (2). Contin. on page 44

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Contin. from page 41 consider uncertainties in the pharma- cleaning validation results. Statistical
cological/toxicological data used for tools, and more guidance, are needed
data-driven approach to decision mak- dose-response assessment (7). to evaluate cleaning process variability
ing. The industry and regulators have The PoDs typically used to determine (e.g., from location-to-location, prod-
moved from historical arbitrary and HBELs include lowest-observed-(ad- uct-to-product, and run-to-run).
unreliable approaches to more scientific verse)-effect level (LOAEL or LOEL).
approaches of setting cleaning valida- Some guidelines for deriving HBELs REFERENCES
tion limits. Instead of basing limits on (4–7) are summarized in Figure I. The 1. ASTM, ASTM E3106-18e1, Standard
Guide for Science-Based and Risk-
1/1000 of dose, 10ppm or LD-50 types guidelines differ in recommendations Based Cleaning Process Development
of approaches, the limits are required to on various adjustment factors to be used and Validation, ASTM International,
(West Conshohocken, PA, 2018).
be derived from HBEL [health-based and how they should be derived. The 2. EMA, Guideline on Setting Health-
exposure limit] values. ranges of some of the adjustment factors Based Exposure Limits for Use in
Risk Identification in the Manufacture
The industry has also started looking are shown in Table I. of Different Medicinal Products
at cleaning validation as a lifecycle con- BioPharm: How should statistics in Shared Facilities (2014).
cept, influenced primarily by [FDA’s] be used in cleaning validation? 3. ASTM, ASTM E3263-20, Standard
Practice for Qualification of Visual
process validation guidance. Historically, Ovais (ASTM): Cleaning valida- Inspection of Pharmaceutical
the industry has relied on subjective tion results are typically evaluated by Manufacturing Equipment and Medical
Devices for Residues, ASTM International
assessments (e.g., for the selection of comparing individual (e.g., swab) sam- (West Conshohocken, PA, 2020)
worst-case products based on phys- ple results to acceptance criteria. A run 4. A. Walsh, et al., Pharmaceutical
Engineering 31 (4) 71–83 (2011).
iochemical attributes, such as solubil- passes if all results are below the crite- 5. ISPE, Risk-Based Manufacture of
ity, toxicity, and concentration). More ria. This approach is simple, requires Pharmaceutical Products, Vol. 7,
companies have started to show interest no special calculation, and is based on (2nd ed.), (Tampa, FL, 2017).
6. ASTM E3219-20, Standard Guide
in bench-scale studies for cleanability simple pass/fail analysis. However, it for Derivation of Health-Based
assessment and to select worst-case lacks statistical basis and, therefore, Exposure Limits, ASTM International
(West Conshohocken, PA, 2020)
products based on objective evidence. cannot be used to make decisions 7. E. Sargent, E.Faria, T.Pfister, et al., Regul
BioPharm: How are health-based pertaining to acceptance/rejection of Toxicol Pharmacol. 65 (2) 242–50 (2013). ◆
exposure limits being set?
Figure 1. Equations for derivation of health-based exposure limits (HBELs)
Ovais (ASTM): A health-based sourced from different guidance documents (4–7).
exposure limit, also known as permit-
ted daily exposure (PDE) or acceptable NOAEL × Weight Adjustment
European Medicines Agency (EMA): PDE =
daily exposure (ADE), is a data-de- F1 × F2 × F3 × F4 × F5

rived ‘dose that is unlikely to cause NOAEL × BW

Sargent et al: ADE =
an adverse effect if an individual is UFC × MF × PK

exposed, by any route, at or below International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE): ADE = PoD × BW

this dose every day for a lifetime,’ as AFC × MF × PK

stated in ASTM E3219. Its deriva- ASTM E3219: HBEL = PoD

FT × PK - AF × α
tion involves determination of a point
of departure (PoD) and adjusting the Where ADE = acceptable daily exposure (mg/day); HBEL = health based exposure limit (mg/day); PDE = permitted daily exposure
(mg/day); BW = body weight (kg); NOAEL = no observed adverse effect level (mg/kg/day); PoD = point of departure (mg/kg/day);

determined PoD by various ‘uncer-

UFC = composite uncertainty factor; AFC = FT = composite adjustment factor; MF = modifying factor; PK = pharmacokinetic
adjustments; PK-AF = accumulation factor; α = absorption factor; F1 to F5 = adjustment facators.

tainty’ or ‘adjustment ’ factors that

Table I. Recommended adjustment factors for health-based exposure limit (HBEL) derivation in various guidelines (4–7).
CSAF is chemical specific adjustment factor. ISPE is International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering; Risk-MaPP is risk-
based manufacture of pharmaceutical products; EMA is European Medicines Agency; ASTM is American Society for Testing
Figure 1 and Table I courtesy of Mohammad Ovais.

and Materials; LOAEL is lowest-observed-(adverse)-effect level and NOAEL is no observed effect level.

Adjustment Sargent et al. ISPE Risk-MaPP EMA ASTM E3219

Inter-species extrapolation 1-12 2-12 2-12 (F1) Data-derived
Inter-individual/intra-species variability 1-10 10 or CSAF 10 (F2) CSAF
Study duration 1-10 3 10 (F3) Data-derived
Severity of effect 1-10 - 1-10 (F4) 1-10
Dose extrapolation (e.g., LOAEL-to-NOAEL) 1-10 3 up to 10 (F5) ≥ 10
Database completeness/Modifying factor 1-10 <1-10 - 1-10

44 BioPharm International  December 2020  www.biopharminternational.com

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