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Medi-Caps University, Indore: Assignment: 1 Software Engineering

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Software Engineering



Submitted To : Swapnil Soner Sir

Submitted By : Anushka Sharma

Enrolment NO. : EN19IT301022

Year/Semester : Third/5th(Odd)
1.Difference between waterfall model with
spiral model.  

Basic Model follows a Model is based on an
sequential approach. evolutionary approach.
Process involves Stages or phases Task regions
Requirement Needs a thorough Requirements can be
understanding of added up in the new
requirements from the iterations if required.
Risk management Risks can only be Risks are identified and
detected during the rectified earlier.
completion of the
Working model of the Can only be generated Each iteration
product in the end. produces a working
Suitable for Small systems Large systems

2.Explain feasibility study with its types.

ANS : A feasibility analysis is used to determine the viability of an idea,
such as ensuring a project is legally and technically feasible as well as
economically justifiable. It tells us whether a project is worth the
Types of Feasibility Study :
A feasibility analysis evaluates the project’s potential for success. There are
five types of feasibility study—separate areas that a feasibility study
examines, described below.

1. Technical Feasibility
This focuses on the technical resources available to the organization. It
helps organizations determine whether the technical resources meet
capacity and whether the technical team is capable of converting the ideas
into working systems. Technical feasibility also involves the evaluation of
the hardware, software, and other technical requirements of the proposed

2. Economic Feasibility

This assessment typically involves a cost/ benefits analysis of the project,

helping organizations determine the viability, cost, and benefits associated
with a project before financial resources are allocated. It also serves as an
independent project assessment and enhances project credibility—helping
decision-makers determine the positive economic benefits to the
organization that the proposed project will provide.

3. Legal Feasibility

This assessment investigates whether any aspect of the proposed project

conflicts with legal requirements like zoning laws, data protection acts or
social media laws.

4. Operational Feasibility

This assessment involves undertaking a study to analyse and determine

whether—and how well—the organization’s needs can be met by completing
the project. Operational feasibility studies also examine how a project plan
satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of
system development.

5. Scheduling Feasibility

This assessment is the most important for project success. In scheduling

feasibility, an organization estimates how much time the project will take to

3.Difference between software process and

software product.

Sr.no. Key Product Process

1. concept
The product is the final result The process is a sequence
of a development cycle. or set of steps that should
be followed to create a

2. focus
Product development focus is The process focuses on
on final outcome. each step to be followed
during software product

3. life
A product life cycle tends to A process life cycle is
be in the short term. generally long term.

The main goal of product

4. goal development is to finish the The main goal of a process

work and get the product is to make a good quality
delivered successfully. products.

4. Describe the Characteristics of good SRS.

ANS : 1.Correctness: User review is used to ensure the

correctness of requirements stated in the SRS. SRS is said to be
correct if it covers all the requirements that are actually expected
from the system.

2.Completeness: Completeness of SRS indicates every

sense of completion including the numbering of all the pages,
resolving the to be determined parts to as much extent as
possible as well as covering all the functional and non-functional
requirements properly.

3.Consistency: Requirements in SRS are said to be

consistent if there are no conflicts between any set of
requirements. Examples of conflict include differences in
terminologies used at separate places, logical conflicts like time
period of report generation, etc.

4.Ranking for importance and stability: There should

a criterion to classify the requirements as less or more important
or more specifically as desirable or essential. An identifier mark
can be used with every requirement to indicate its rank or stability.

5.Modifiability: SRS should be made as modifiable as

possible and should be capable of easily accepting changes to the
system to some extent. Modifications should be properly indexed
and cross-referenced.

6.Verifiability: A SRS is verifiable if there exists a specific

technique to quantifiably measure the extent to which every
requirement is met by the system. For example, a requirement
starting that the system must be user-friendly is not verifiable and
listing such requirements should be avoided.

7.Traceability: One should be able to trace a requirement to

design component and then to code segment in the program.
Similarly, one should be able to trace a requirement to the
corresponding test cases.
8.Testability: A SRS should be written in such a way that it is
easy to generate test cases and test plans from the document.

9.Understandable by the customer : An end user

maybe an expert in his/her specific domain but might not be an
expert in computer science. Hence, the use of formal notations
and symbols should be avoided to as much extent as possible.
The language should be kept easy and clear.

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