Free Education in The Philippines: The Continuing Saga
Free Education in The Philippines: The Continuing Saga
Free Education in The Philippines: The Continuing Saga
Abstract— One of the most notable milestones in the Hence. August17, 2018 is another historic for the
Philippine education is when the government actively country when President Rodrigo RoaDuterte signed
seeks to expand access and participation in higher Republic Act 10931, to wit:
education through the ratification of RA 10931 or the “AN ACT PROMOTING UNIVERSAL ACCESS
“Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act”. TO QUALITY TERTIARY EDUCATION BY
Thus, this study aims to examine and assess the effects of PROVIDING FOR FREE TUITION AN D
the law in our educational system. Providing sufficient OTHER SCHOOL FEES IN STATE
funds is not enough; the government must give meaning UNIVERS ITIES AND C OLLEGES, LOCAL
to the title of the new law, which is the provision of UNIVERS ITIES AND C OLLEGES AND STATE -
“quality” tertiary education. This program is an RUN TECHN ICAL-VOCATIONAL
investment in the nation’s most precious resource. INSTITUTIONS, ESTABLIS HIN G THE
Quality education empowers people and levels the TERTIARY EDUCATION SUBSIDY AN D
playing field; it is one of the best tools for poverty STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM,
alleviation, social equity and inclusive growth. There STRENGTHENIN G THE UNIFIED STUDEN T
should be no compromise on the quality of the services FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SYSTEM FOR
provided under RA 10931. Free must not mean TERTIARY EDUCATION, AN D
substandard. In this study, the researcher used qualitative APPROPRIATING FUND THEREFOR”
research method. Qualitative research method was After nu merous debates, the Free Tu ition Fee
developed in the social sciences to enable researchers to Act of 2018 was finally signed into law. RA 10931’s
study social and cultural phenomena: observe feelings, landmark components include:
thoughts, behaviors and the belief of the mass society. 1. Free tuiti on for all required classes during
Keywords— Free Education, higher education, the semester. These classes must be part o f the
Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act. curriculum and are essential in obtaining a
degree. Approved petitioned classes are covered,
I. INTRODUCTION too, but review or enhancement classes are not
A good education is one of the most important covered.
things an individual can pursue. There are many aspects The free tuition law also covers the fees of
of life that a comp lete education will affect a person. Filipino learners enrolled in any TESDA-
Having a high education mean ing a well-paying job, registered TVET program.
better opportunities, and a better life. It als o makes a 2. Free miscellaneous and other school
person smarter than someone without one. There are fees. The law covers payment for fees for the use
many ways in which education can benefit people. of lib raries, computers and laboratories, school
Free education is indeed important to many poor identification card, athletics, ad missions,
families. In the early years, most of our ancestors received development, guidance services, handbook,
no formal training at all because education during those entrance, registration, med ical and dental
times was only available to the upper class. Tutors and services, and cultural activities.
private academies only trained the few that could afford Should you wish to have another copy of your
an education, which increased the value of it. Education school identification card, library identification
played a major role in our history it was one of the majo r card, and student handbook, you will have to pay
issues that separated the wealthy from the poor. extra.
Since they're already benefiting fro m the receive salaries all wh ile lodging and eating for free
government, why do students from state-run universities inside the academy's barracks. State university students,
still go against the state? mean while, have differing levels of grants, with so me
They are the hope of our nation, those especially being forced to take part-time jobs to make do and
studying in state universities who need to maintain an graduate.
average grade. These are considered as the cream of the I truly believe that the education is the only way
crop already. If they are the cream of the crop, they our country Philipp ines will prosper if children are getting
should be the hope of the land. a good education. This is the only way things will bring a
These youth are given education no less than the change for the better to our lives and the better of our
government. In state universities, you are given free Philippine society today. The shortages of classrooms and
education by the government and yet they have not textbooks are particularly severe. The fact that teachers
graduated and they are already going against the are paid subsistence wages is only half of their sad story.
government that gives them free education. Their daily bout with dilap idated classrooms,
If the students have to learn something, if they overcrowded classes, and lack of teaching materials,
have questions or doubts, maybe we can shed light on among others, make the teachers hardly rewarded work
what a student should learn. Maybe this is also to develop even more difficult.
our sense of nationalism and love of country. Co mparing In lieu of paying the tuition fees of
it to PMA scholars, where back then they were required to undergraduate students in state universities and colleges
work fo r the govern ment after their graduation. All cadets (SUCs), Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Ernesto M.
get free tuit ion and even receive salaries all while lodging Pernia, Finance Secretary Carlos G. Do minguez III and
and eating for free inside the academy's barracks. State Budget Secretary Benjamin E. Diokno recommended the
university students, meanwhile, have differing levels of full funding of the Unified Student Financial Assistance
grants, with some being forced to take part-time jobs to System fo r Tertiary Education (UniFAST). They said it is
make do and graduate. All cadets get free tuition and even a “better alternative because it provides a mo re coherent