Saybolt Color of Petroleum Products (Saybolt Chromometer Method)
Saybolt Color of Petroleum Products (Saybolt Chromometer Method)
Saybolt Color of Petroleum Products (Saybolt Chromometer Method)
Designation: D 156 – 02
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 156 – 02
TABLE 1 Saybolt Colors Corresponding to Depths of Oil
Number of Color Number of Color Depth of Oil,
Depth of Oil, in. (mm) Color Number Color Number
Standards Standards in. (mm)
One-half 20.00 (508) +30 Two 6.00 (152) +6
One-half 18.00 (457) +29 Two 5.75 (146) +5
One-half 16.00 (406) +28 Two 5.50 (139) +4
One-half 14.00 (355) +27 Two 5.25 (133) +3
One-half 12.00 (304) +26 Two 5.00 (127) +2
One 20.00 (508) +25 Two 4.75 (120) +1
One 18.00 (457) +24 Two 4.50 (114) 0
One 16.00 (406) +23 Two 4.25 (107) −1
One 14.00 (355) +22 Two 4.00 (101) −2
One 12.00 (304) +21 Two 3.75 (95) −3
One 10.75 (273) +20 Two 3.625 (92) −4
One 9.50 (241) +19 Two 3.50 (88) −5
One 8.25 (209) +18 Two 3.375 (85) −6
One 7.25 (184) +17 Two 3.25 (82) −7
One 6.25 (158) +16 Two 3.125 (79) −8
Two 10.50 (266) +15 Two 3.00 (76) −9
Two 9.75 (247) +14 Two 2.875 (73) −10
Two 9.00 (228) +13 Two 2.75 (69) −11
Two 8.25 (209) +12 Two 2.625 (66) −12
Two 7.75 (196) +11 Two 2.50 (63) −13
Two 7.25 (184) +10 Two 2.375 (60) −14
Two 6.75 (171) +9 Two 2.25 (57) −15
Two 6.50 (165) +8 Two 2.125 (53) −16
Two 6.25 (158) +7
removable by wiping or solvent rinsing, wash with soap and 9.2 When preparing petroleum wax for testing do not heat
water. After cleaning, rinse with distilled or deionized water excessively, because oxidation can occur, with consequent
and with acetone or some other suitable solvent, and dry. discoloration of the test specimen.
Assemble the oil tube, and position the tubes in the instrument.
7.2 Using the specified light source and illumination, ob- 10. Procedure for Refined Light Oils and Pharmaceutical
serve the comparative light intensity of the two halves of the White Oils
optical field, with both tubes empty, and with the 12-mm
10.1 Flush the oil tube with a portion of the test specimen,
diaphragm removed from under the plain tube. The intensity of
light observed in each half of the optical field must be the taking care to allow the tube to drain thoroughly. Fill the oil
same. Adjustment in the position of the light source may be tube with the test specimen compare with a whole color
necessary to achieve this match. standard. When the test specimen is lighter than the color
standard, remove the standard and replace it with a half
NOTE 3—On some instruments, removal of the 12–mm diaphragm can standard. When the sample is darker than the single whole
prevent the assembly from seating against the base (about a 1⁄4 in. gap), standard at 61⁄4 in. (158 mm), add another whole standard.
which can let a lot of stray light in that may affect the light intensity when
trying to compare the two halves of the optical field in 7.2. If this occurs, (Warning—It is important that all samples in the color tubes
follow the procedure in 7.3 (where the 12–mm diaphragm has been be free from air bubbles.)
reattached) as the basis to ensure the light source has been properly set to 10.2 With the proper color standard or standards in place,
provide the same light intensity in both halves of the optical field. and the test specimen in the oil tube at a level where its color
7.3 Replace the 12-mm diaphragm under the plain tube, and is decidedly darker than that of the color standard, draw off the
fill the oil tube to the 20 in. (508-mm) mark with distilled or test specimen slowly by means of the petcock until the oil
deionized water. The intensity of the light observed in each half appears just slightly darker than the color standard. From this
of the optical field must be the same, for the instrument to be point, draw the test specimen level down to the nearest depth
judged satisfactory for use. The optical properties of glass, corresponding to color number as shown in Table 1. When the
from different batches, can vary significantly and it is recom- color of the oil observed through the eyepiece is still darker
mended that only matched tubes, such as described in the than the color standard, draw the oil down to the next depth
Appendix, be used in this test. When a tube is broken, replace given in Table 1, and compare. Continue this operation until a
both tubes with a matched pair of tubes. depth is reached where the test specimen and color standard
match, or show questionable differences. At this point, lower
8. Sampling the oil column to the next specified depth and, when the oil is
8.1 Samples shall be taken in accordance with the instruc- unmistakably lighter than the color standard, record the color
tions in Practice D 4057. corresponding to the next higher level as the Saybolt color.
10.3 Experience in the use of this instrument will obviate
9. Preparation of Test Specimen the necessity of following the step-by-step procedure outlined
9.1 When the sample is turbid, filter through a sufficient in 10.2 for choosing the proper color standards for each
number of qualitative filter papers until it is clear. sample. Examples of the procedure are given in Table 2.
D 156 – 02
TABLE 2 Example of Procedure 13.2 The precision of this test method as obtained by
Using One Using Two statistical examination of interlaboratory test results is as
Whole Color Whole Color
Standard, in. Standards,
(mm) in. (mm) 13.2.1 Repeatability—The difference between successive
Oil darker at depth of 16 (406) 4.5 (102) test results obtained by the same operator with the same
Oil darker at depth of 14 (355) 4.25 (107) apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test
Oil questionable at depth of 12 (304) 4.0 (101)
Oil lighter at depth of 10.75 (273) 3.75 (95) material would, in the long run, in the normal and correct
Saybolt color +21 −2 operation of the test method, exceed the following value only
in one case in twenty:
1 color unit
11. Procedure for Petroleum Wax
11.1 Heat the wax test specimen to 8 to 17°C above its 13.2.2 Reproducibility—The difference between two single
congealing point as determined in accordance with Test and independent test results obtained by different operators
Method D 938. Preheat the oil tube. working in different laboratories on identical test material
11.2 Pour the liquid wax into the oil tube; turn the heating would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of
element off, and, after the heat waves in the test specimen can the test method exceed the following value only in one case in
no longer be noted, obtain the required readings as directed in twenty:
Section 10. 2 color units
12. Report 13.3 Bias—The procedure in this test method has no bias
12.1 Report the recorded color units as “Saybolt color because the value of Saybolt Color is subjective and can only
_____________.” When the sample has been filtered, add the be defined in terms of this test method.
words “(sample filtered).”
14. Keywords
13. Precision and Bias
13.1 The precision of this test is not known to have been 14.1 aviation gasoline; color; jet fuel; kerosine; motor
obtained in accordance with currently accepted guidelines.4 gasoline; oils; petroleum wax; Saybolt Color; white oils
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: D02–1007.
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Saybolt Chromometer A1.1.1.1 The condition and the color of the glass tubes shall
A1.1.1 Oil Sample Tube—For testing liquids, use a boro- be such that no color difference is observed between the plain
silicate5 glass tube, or its equivalent in color characteristics,5 tube and the oil tube when the tubes are empty, or when the oil
having an inside diameter of not less than 16.5 mm nor more tube is filled with distilled or deionized water. Comparisons
than 17.5 mm, and an outside diameter of not less than 21.25 shall be made with the tubes positioned in the instrument in the
mm nor more than 22.75 mm. Close the tube at the bottom with manner described in Section 5.
an optical clear plano glass disk 6.25 mm thick, free of A1.1.2 Wax Sample Tube—For testing petroleum waxes,
striations and scratches. The tube shall be 508 to 510 mm long use an oil tube that meets the specifications prescribed in
from the upper surface of the plano disk to the top of the tube. A1.1.1 and that has a 60-W heater evenly distributed over its
Mount the tube and disk in a suitable metal collar provided entire length, as shown in Fig. A1.2. Alternative means can be
with a petcock to permit controlled drainage of the tube (Fig. used for keeping the wax in a liquid state and providing a
A1.1). Construct the collar in a manner that permits removal of means for readability of the graduated scale.
the glass disk for cleaning. Graduate the tube with etched 1⁄8-in. A1.1.3 Plain Tube—Use a glass tube5 or its equivalent in
(3.2-mm) divisions. Etch each inch-line completely around the color characteristics, 483 mm long, meeting the diameter
tube, and number them consecutively from the 2-in. (50-mm) specifications given in A1.1.1, and open at both ends, with one
line up. end mounted in a suitable metal collar. The overall length of
the tube and collar, assembled, shall be 516 to 518 mm. The
Pyrex No. 7740 has been found to be satisfactory. An equivalent may be used. collar provides a place to locate the color standards and a black
D 156 – 02
radiation will pass through the tubes in parallel rays. Alterna-
tively, diffused light can be projected directly up through the
tubes from the base of the instrument.
A1.1.7 Light Source—For the light source, use an artificial
daylight lamp so arranged as to project a diffused light up
through the tubes. The diffused light shall be free of glare or
shadows. Interfering light from all other sources shall be
A1.2 Color Standards
A1.2.1 The whole color standard and the half color standard
shall be of such colorimetric characteristics that the trilinear
coordinates x, y, and z, and the luminous transmission Tw, when
calculated from the spectral transmission data using the 1931
ICI International Commission on Illumination Standard Illu-
minant C,6 are as shown in Table A1.1. It is convenient, but not
necessary, to mount the glasses in a turret within the collar
mounted on the plain tube.
A1.3 Daylight Lamp
A1.3.1 Lamp—Use a lamp bulb rated at 60 W and conform-
FIG. A1.1 ASTM Saybolt Chromometer and Artificial Daylight
ing to the American Association of Lamp Manufacturers’
specification 60A. It shall be constructed of clear glass, inside
frost finish, and shall be rated at approximately 13 lm/W and
metal diaphragm with a circular aperture 12 mm in diameter in 2750 K color temperature. Attach to a standard socket reflector,
the optical field. See A1.1.1.1. hemispherical in form, Fig. A1.1, the interior surface of which
A1.1.4 Tube Assembly—Mount the tubes securely in a is finished with a brilliant aluminum bronze powder, free from
vertical and central position with respect to the optical viewer. mica and other adulterants, and applied with a heat-resistant
Cover the upper ends of the tubes with removable diaphragmed bronzing liquid sprayed uniformly over the surface. This finish
metal caps about 25 mm in length. The caps shall be of shall be such as to be free from selective absorption, and have
sufficient diameter to slip easily over the ends of the tubes. The an initial reflectivity above 65 %.
aperture in the diaphragm of the cap shall be 14 mm in A1.3.2 Daylight Filter Glass (Note A1.2), concave-convex
diameter. in form, and dust-tight, shall fit closely over the opening in the
A1.1.5 Optical Viewer—Provide the chromometer with a hemispherical reflector, Fig. A1.1. The glass filter shall be
suitable optical viewer head consisting of prisms and an finished on its concave surface by sand-blasting and acid-
eyepiece containing a lens. Provide prisms of a suitable form, smoothing or fortifying. An acceptable daylight filter shall
matched in their refracting angles and areas, and so mounted as possess such characteristics that the trilinear coordinates (x, y,
to avoid the possibility of disarrangement. Arrange the prisms and z), and the luminous transmission (Tw), when calculated
so that the light rays passing through the tubes are deflected from the spectral transmission data using the 1931 ICI Stan-
into an optical head and can be viewed by the eyepiece. The dard Illuminant A,5 are as shown in Table A1.2.
arrangement must be such as to provide a circular field of
NOTE A1.2—A spectrophotometric test of an acceptable filter must
vision free from distortion and parallax (Note A1.1), one half
indicate a transmission of radiant energy not less than 60 % at 410 nm,
of which is illuminated by the light transmitted by the sample, with a smooth curve down to a transmission below 10 percent at 700 nm.
and the other half by the color standard. This curve furthermore, must not have the pronounced hump that is
NOTE A1.1—An adapter (Fig. A1.3) may be used to locate the light rays characteristic of excess cobalt. The typical cobalt curve has an increased
passing up through the center of the eyepiece. The adapter consists of a transmission at a wavelength of 570 nm above a straight line drawn
metal collar of such diameter as to fit the outside diameter of the eyepiece between the points 540 nm and 590 nm, and also a transmission band in
closely. It is approximately 50 mm long, and closed at one end with a the red for wavelengths of 600 nm and greater. This variation in an
metal diaphragm having a centrally located aperture approximately 2.5 acceptable filter shall not, at 570 nm, exceed 0.03 above the straight line
mm in diameter. drawn between 540 nm and 590 nm, nor shall the transmission for
wavelength 700 nm exceed the transmission for any shorter wavelength,
A1.1.6 Illumination—Arrange for the light to be transmitted such as 600 nm, by more than 0.03.
through the tubes by means of a reflecting mirror of either
white opal glass or clear glass, with a uniform coating of 6
Judd, D. B., “The 1931 ICI Standard Observer and Coordinate System for
untarnished silver on one surface. Fix the mirror at a suitable Colorimetry,” Journal, Optical Soc. Am., JOSA, Vol 23, No. 10, October 1933, p.
angle, and so arrange it that reflected light of equal intensity of 359.
D 156 – 02
D 156 – 02
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in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website