Year 5 Civic Lesson Plan (October-Love) : Content Standard
Year 5 Civic Lesson Plan (October-Love) : Content Standard
Year 5 Civic Lesson Plan (October-Love) : Content Standard
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils are asked how to show respect to others in school
(teachers, friends, cleaning workers, guards, canteen workers,
Main: 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies etc.).
Lesson delivery:
Complementary: 4.2 Communicate basic information 1. Teacher asks pupils to think and share the importance of the
intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital school community via a graphic organizer by stating what they do
media in school (Padlet can be used for virtual lessons.)
Learning Standard: 2. Pupils are asked to think about actions that are respectful and
disrespectful in school.
Main: 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by
using suitable questions 3. Pupils share their ideas orally or virtually.
By the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to task sheet websites/apps