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Fighter Jet Agility

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Aditya A. Paranjape* and N. Ananthkrishnan**

With changing combat environments, traditional measures of merit for fighter aircraft per-
formance have largely proved insufficient to analyze combat capability. Combat experience
has shown that the upper hand lies with an aircraft that has superior maneuverability across
a large part of the flight regime. Agility metrics have come to provide a tool that would be
capable of evaluating aircraft maneuverability over a wide range of conditions representative
of combat, as well as provide aircraft designers the ability to design for superior maneuver-
ability. Agility metrics have been shown to be sensitive to control laws and strategies, and
aeroelastic phenomena, which means that they do not provide a parochial view of aircraft
performance. In this review, agility metrics have been suitably classified, and some illustrative
cases have been studied. The effects of advanced controls, such as thrust vectoring, and optimal
maneuvers on combat performance, as suggested by agility metrics, have been investigated.
The use of agility metrics for design has been discussed with examples of some well-known
fighter aircraft.

Nomenclature EFM = Enhanced Fighter Maneuverability

ITR = Instantaneous Turn Rate
A = Agility
MBB = Messerschmidt-Boelkow-Blohm
CL = Coefficient of lift
POP = Power Onset Parameter
j = Torsion
PSM = Post Stall Maneuverability
k = Curvature
PST = Post Stall Technology
Nz = Normal load factor
STR = Sustained Turn Rate
Ps = Specific excess power
TV = Thrust Vectoring
S = Reference area
T = Thrust
t = Time
tNz = Time to attain load factor Agility metrics are measures of merit used to quantify
t90 = Time to roll through 90 deg. the short-timescale maneuvering capabilities of aircraft, as
V = Velocity proposed by pilots and researchers [1]. They are intended
W = Weight to quantify and influence the way fighter aircraft maneu-
ver in conventional flight while engaged in air-to-air com-
Superscripts and Subscripts bat, and are realized through a comparative study of the
. transient capabilities of similar and dissimilar aircraft
(a) = Time derivative of some quantity, a
.. subjected to certain predetermined maneuvers. With this
(a) = Double time derivative of a
definition in mind, it is instructive to consider some trends
( a )max = Maximum value of a of modern combat which prompted the development of
agility metrics as a tool for analyzing combat capability
Acronyms and performance, and for fighter aircraft design.
AOA = Angle of attack
AFFTC = Air Force Flight Test Centre The need for improved agility arises from modern
CCT = Combat Cycle Time combat requirements. Short range combat (or Within Vis-
DST = Dynamic Speed Turn ual Range, WVR, combat) is an important component of

* Undergraduate Student, Department of Aerospace Engineering, aditya@aero.iitb.ac.in

** Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, akn@aero.iitb.ac.in
Indian Institute of Technology - IIT Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India
Manuscript received on 20 Jul 2005, Paper reviewed, revised and accepted on 28 Dec 2005

air-to-air combat today, and may be a result of either have a greater chance of winning, although it may not turn
deliberate engagement or prolonged, multiple-engage- as quickly as the first aircraft. This suggests that a superior
ment Beyond Visual Range (BVR) combat. This mode of performance rating in terms of traditional metrics does not
combat was previously dominated by quick sustained immediately translate into combat superiority, which has
turns, and aircraft design was governed by traditional to be evaluated using agility metrics.
parameters, such as the Thrust/Weight ratio. However,
with the development of all-aspect weapon systems, Agility metrics can be employed gainfully in the early
which required the point-lock-fire-disengage type of ma- stages of aircraft design provided a reasonably accurate
neuvering, the importance shifted to attained unsteady estimate of stability and control derivatives is available to
performance [2, 3]. The traditional means of evaluating the designer. Agility influences fighter aircraft design as
performance, which were mostly limited to steady-state much as other performance requirements and what is
performance metrics, therefore proved inadequate, usually sought is an appropriate balance of agility and
prompting the development of agility metrics. other conflicting requirements based on the types of mis-
sion the fighter aircraft is sought to fulfill [6].
One of the events that brought agility to the attention
of combat analysts was the superior performance of the This review paper will first look at some of the agility
American F-86 in Vietnam against the Soviet MiG-15. metrics that have been developed to date. An attempt has
The latter had a much better performance as per the been made to highlight the strengths and limitations of
traditional evaluation schemes, but the F-86 proved supe- these metrics. The effect of improved control strategies on
rior in combat. It was observed that this was on account of agility metrics has been discussed, followed by a discus-
better maneuvering capability of the F-86, what we now sion on the utility of agility metrics in aircraft design, and
call agility [4]. the design of the flight control system. The effect of
avionics and weapons systems on agility has been dis-
Table 1: Traditional versus Agility metrics cussed. Conclusions and recommendations for future
work are listed in the final section of this paper.

Classification of Agility Metrics

As stated previously, agility metrics are measures of
merit used for evaluating short timescale maneuvering
capabilities of aircraft. Evaluation of capabilities involves
executing certain maneuvers, and that provides one way
Table 1 summarizes some traditional performance of ordering the agility metrics in terms of the maneuver
evaluation parameters and their corresponding recent agil- performed. Another way of classifying agility metrics is
ity metrics. It is quite apparent from the table that temporal in terms of the timescales of these maneuvers. Agreeably,
variance is a common element of all agility metrics and, we are looking at short timescales, but how short? We will
indeed, they are typically designed to determine how first look at the two classification schemes suggested
quickly aircraft can transit from one state to another. The above, following which we look at some alternative defi-
traditional metrics reflect such fundamental parameters as nitions proposed for agility, and see how they correlate
T/W, W/S, aspect ratio, and so on [5]. However, their with those suggested earlier.
inability to deal with transient attained performance, on
account of their very definition, means that they cannot Firstly, maneuvers can be classified into three classes
capture a combat scenario very accurately. based on the axis about which they are carried out. Agility
metrics fall into three classes accordingly:
For instance, consider an aircraft that has an excellent
turn rate at a given speed. Another aircraft, on account of, 1. Axial: Along the velocity vector.
say, an inferior T/W, may not be able to achieve such high 2. Longitudinal: Rotation of the velocity vector in the
rates. However, it may have excellent abilities to point pitching plane.
quickly, perhaps through Post Stall Maneuverability 3. Lateral: Rotations about the velocity vector, i.e., pre-
(PSM) and Thrust Vectoring (TV). In combat, where dominantly roll.
aircraft turn into each other and seek firing positions by
pointing at the adversary, the second aircraft may actually

This is the classification that has been followed in Table 3: Eidetics and AFFTC Agility Metric Defini-
Table 1. Another classification is based on the timescale
of the maneuver. There are three types of agility metrics
then [1, 7]:

1. Transient: The maneuvers analyzed are of a timescale

of 1 - 3 seconds, typically. This is also regarded as
the capability to generate quick angular motions and metrics in a manner that best suits their needs, and perhaps
transit quickly between extreme levels of specific even their resources. In the remainder of this section, some
excess power. of these definitions, obtained from Refs. [8, 10] have been
2. Functional: Maneuvers last for a longer time, typi- briefly described.
cally 10 - 20 seconds. This class quantifies how well
a fighter aircraft can generate rapid changes in head- The definitions provided by Eidetics International and
ing or rotation of the velocity vector, with emphasis Air Force Flight Test Center (AFFTC) [11] have been
on the energy lost during the maneuver and the time listed in Table 3. Time to ∆g is the time to attain a final
to recover it. load factor starting from some initial load factor. The t90
3. Potential: These metrics are largely independent of metric measures the time required for an aircraft to roll
time and have nothing to do with quick transitions through 90 deg starting from a zero initial bank angle.
during combat maneuvers. They deal with agility that Power Onset Parameter (POP) measures the average rate
results from sizing and configuration of the airplane, of change of specific excess power as it is increased from
and are of particular interest in the early phases of the minimum to the maximum value, starting from a given
aircraft design. For additional information on these flight altitude and Mach number. These metrics have been
metrics, the reader is referred to Ref. [1]. This paper discussed in greater detail in Section 3. Pitch and roll
will discuss only transient and functional metrics in capture metrics indicate the times required to capture a
detail. final pitch angle and bank angle, respectively, starting
from a given velocity and load factor.
Table 2: Classification of Agility Metrics
General Dynamics defined agility as being the ability
to point the nose quickly, continue pointing it, and accel-
erate [8]. Agility is governed by maneuverability and
controllability. Their concept of agility is captured in the
Dynamic Speed Turn, which plots the turn rate versus
acceleration or bleed rate. A typical DST plot has been
Table 2 gives examples of some transient and func- shown in Fig. 1. Messerschmidt-Boelkow-Blohm (MBB)
tional agility metrics, classified on the basis of the maneu- [8] and Avanzini [10] have essentially defined agility in
ver axis, which will be examined closely in the following the same manner - mathematically - using the Frenet-Ser-
section. Before proceeding to study some results obtained ret system. They have both defined agility as the second
for the above metrics, it is instructive to look at definitions
of agility proposed by the industries and the U.S. Air
Force. According to Bitten [8], the various conferences
organized by and between the U.S. government and the
industries have yielded a general agreement on the impor-
tance of agility and a general disagreement on what con-
stitutes agility. According to Dorn [9], there are two
different schools of thought that define agility in their own
ways. One group suggests agility to be an experimental
metric that can be evaluated through flight tests and can
be meaningful to aircraft designers. Another school of
thought argues that agility is a scientific term which iden-
tifies a unique characteristic of flight dynamics. Inevita-
bly, different organizations choose to define agility Fig. 1 General Dynamics DST Plot [8]

time derivative of the steady state variables in the Frenet- Some Illustrative Agility Metrics
Serret system. Avanzini [10] has stated the agility metric
In this section, we look at some agility metrics applied
as the following vector:
for analyzing aircraft performance. Each type of agility
.. 3 2 . 2. 3 metric has been considered with one example. The discus-
A = [V − V k , 3VVk + V k, V kj] (1) sion here follows Refs. [1, 7]. In all the cases in these
references, the aircraft models analyzed, using non-real
Here, k and j are curvature and torsion, respectively. time simulations, were those of F-5, F-16 Falcon, and F-18
Hornet. The inputs provided for obtaining the metrics have
In the context of Avanzini’s metric, Bitten [8], and also been discussed.
Kutschera and Render [12] have defined the following
Axial Agility Metric - Power Onset Parameter
1. Performance: A measure of the steady state or the
point performance of an aircraft. Power onset parameter is defined as follows:
2. Maneuverability: A measure of the time derivative of
the performance.
POP = (Ps,max − Px,initial) ⁄ ∆t = ∆Ps ⁄ ∆t (2)
3. Agility: A measure of the time derivative of the

With these definitions in place, the following compari- where Ps is the specific excess power.
sons can be made:
This metric measures the combined effects of the
1. The MBB and Avanzini metric is purely agility met- aircraft thrust and engine spool time, which denotes the
ric. time taken by the aircraft engine to bring about the re-
2. The Eidetics metric, t90, uses roll rate, which is a quired change in thrust. The flight test Mach number is
maneuverability term. The other terms are all agility first held at idle throttle and the speed brakes are deployed
terms. so that the initial condition corresponds to the minimum
3. The General Dynamics DST metric is a purely ma- value of specific power. Thereafter, simultaneously, the
neuverability metric. throttle is raised to its full value and the speed brakes are
4. The AFFTC metric uses steady state at both ends, and retracted. This testing can be carried out for different
the time to transit incorporates the initial conditions, aircraft at different initial Mach numbers for a compara-
accelerations, as well as their derivatives. Thus, the tive study as shown in Fig. 2 which indicates that the POP
AFFTC metric is a measure of the point performance, of the F-18 is largely superior to that of the F-16. A similar
maneuverability, as well as agility. Functional agility analysis carried out at different altitudes showed that it is
is the sum of transient agility and maneuverability. only at high altitudes and higher Mach numbers that the
F-16 compares favorably [7]. A sensitivity analysis per-
Bitten [8] noted that the results obtained using the formed for this metric indicated a significant error in the
metrics proposed by the various organizations mentioned final result when the initial conditions were changed by 10
above were mutually consistent for a particular type of percent [13].
metric (viz., axial, longitudinal, or lateral).

The above discussion points out the vagueness of the

definitions of some terms, such as agility and maneuver-
ability, and their interconnections. One can choose to be
pedantic about the usage of these terms, or else use them
without distinction, but with the understanding that there
exist mathematical differences between the definitions of
these terms. These terms have been used more or less
interchangeably from hereon.
Fig. 2 Power Onset Parameter Comparison [7]

Longitudinal Agility Metric - Average Pitch Rate

This is a very common metric used to analyze the pitch
agility of an aircraft. It is defined as the time-averaged
integral of pitch rate for a given maneuver. The maneuver
used in Ref. [7] was a two-second full aft stick deflection,
after which it was brought back to the initial condition of
zero deflection. The results obtained for this metric have
been given in Fig. 3. It can be observed that the F-5 has
the poorest pitch performance, especially at higher Mach
numbers, whereas the F-16 is superior at Mach numbers
higher than 0.6, the F-18 being superior at lower Mach
numbers. This metric was shown to be sensitive to an aft
stick magnitude error. Further sensitivity analysis showed
that the metric is relatively insensitive to errors in initial Fig. 3 Average Pitch Rate Comparison [7]
pitch rate [13].

Lateral Agility Metric - t90

This metric measures the time required for an aircraft
to roll through 90 deg starting from zero initial bank. The
input commanded is a full lateral stick in the direction of
the roll. Time required to roll through 90 deg is obtained
for different Mach numbers and angles of attack. Figure 4
shows the time to roll through 90 deg taken by the F-5,
F-16 and F-18 at various angles of attack at 0.5 Mach and
15000 ft altitude. It can be observed from Fig. 4 that the
F-16 and F-18 interchangeably show superior roll per-
formance, while that of the F-5 is the poorest at the Fig. 4 Roll capture time comparison [7]
assumed Mach number and altitude. This metric was
found to be relatively insensitive to small initial stick
deflection errors. A similar metric, with a roll through 45
deg, was analyzed in Ref. [13], and it was shown to be
insensitive to initial condition errors in velocity, roll mo-
ment of inertia, and the roll damping derivative.

Although this metric provides a good way of measur-

ing the roll performance of an airplane, it does not consider
the final state attained by the aircraft, or the arrest of the
roll beyond 90 degrees. An alternative suggested is 90 deg
roll angle capture, which makes more sense in principle,
but lacks the relative simplicity of the inputs required for
the other metric. It is finally the choice of the analyst to
decide the metric that best suits his/her needs and re- Fig. 5 Conceptual CCT Plot

to complete the maneuver shown in Fig. 5. The goal of the

Functional Agility - Combat Cycle Time (CCT) maneuver is to accomplish a 180 deg heading change and
This is a very popular metric for measuring functional then return to the same Mach number. As shown in Fig. 5,
agility, and highlights several important features of the CCT evaluates the sum of five time periods. The individ-
models used for testing. CCT is defined as the time taken ual maneuvers have been tabulated in Table 4, along with
the inputs needed to obtain them. It may be noted that CP

Table 4: CCT Metric

Table 5: CCT Comparison

Fig. 6 Pointing margin metric [12]

n is the weighting factor on the distance parameter, Y. The

maneuver used consists of an initial steady, level turn at
constant velocity with a certain bank angle, followed by a
is the corner point, where the aircraft attains the maximum
roll through zero bank angle to reach (not capture) the
instantaneous turn rate.
initial bank angle, but with an opposite sign. Y and T are
measured when the initial heading is achieved. Angle of
The results obtained for the F-5, F-16, and F-18 using
attack should be held constant during the maneuver.
the CCT maneuver have been tabulated in Table 5. The
Higher agility is indicated by a smaller value of this metric.
CCT indicates that the F-16 is superior to F-5, which is
Reference [7] refers to this metric as the defensive roll
superior to F-18. F-16 has fared well in all five regimes,
reversal parameter, although it can also be used for evalu-
and this is on account of its aerodynamic characteristics
ating offensive maneuvers. The weighting factor, n, is
and design, as well as the fact that it incorporates AOA
obtained empirically, although as a first approximation, it
and load factor limiters which prevent large energy losses
is assumed to be unity for defensive maneuvers. It is less
during the maneuver. In case of F-5, the maximum load
than 1 for offensive maneuvers, since the advantage due
factor, between 4 and 5, is much lower than that of F-16
to a reduced cross range is less than that offered by
and F-18, and this aircraft does not fare very well in the
point-and-shoot capability.
(t2 + t3) region. F-16 shows a better performance than F-5
in the t5 region on account of a better specific excess
power. Functional Agility - Pointing Margin Metric
Ability to point quickly at an adversary offers a sig-
The case of F-18 is an interesting one. The F-18 model
nificant advantage in combat, and this metric addresses
does not incorporate AOA limiters, and consequently it
this capability [7, 12, 14]. The metric is evaluated by
goes to very high AOA by the time it enters the t4 phase.
getting two aircraft to start turning in the same plane
Until this point, its performance in terms of time to ma-
starting from the same initial heading, but in opposite
neuver has bettered even that of the F-16. However, on
directions, towards each other. Pointing margin metric
account of the high drag associated with high angles of
measures the angle between the line of sight of the friendly
attack, it bleeds a lot of speed, and starts accelerating only
aircraft and the nose of the adversary at the moment the
at a speed corresponding to Mach 0.25. It is in the t5 phase
friendly fighter is aligned with the line of sight as shown
that F-18 spends a lot of time, and thus, its overall CCT
in Fig. 6 [12]. A higher value of this metric indicates better
worsens despite good maneuverability characteristics.
agility. This metric incorporates the effects of pitch rate,
thrust and drag transient characteristics, but the long term
Functional Agility - Roll Reversal Parameter
performance (7 - 10 s) tends to have a greater impact than
Roll reversal parameter is defined as YnT, where Y is transient capabilities. Section 4.2 describes an extension
the cross range generated during the maneuver described of the pointing margin metric suggested by Kutschera and
below, T is the time required to perform the maneuver, and Render [12].

Fig. 7 Parameter Schedules

Optimal Trajectories and PSM Ryan and Downing investigated the effect of optimi-
zation for the CCT metric using an optimization routine
Functional Agility
called Optimal Trajectories by Implicit Simulation
Recall that the CCT metric required the aircraft to turn (OTIS). Optimization was employed separately for the
through a heading of 180 deg, and then accelerate back to turn (t2 + t3) phase in Fig. 5 and the entire maneuver. The
the initial Mach number. To achieve this, the maneuver results were compared to those obtained using the more
was own as described in Table 4 in the previous section. routine approach. The F-18 model was used. Figure 7 plots
CCT was seen to be dominated by the acceleration phase. the angle of attack history, and the maneuver profile on
It is likely that an alternative maneuver could achieve the the turn rate versus velocity plot, for all three cases, viz.,
same final state in terms of heading and velocity by better maximum AOA, optimum turn, and optimum total CCT.
managing the velocity bled during turning and minimizing Table 6 gives the time segments for these cases. The
the acceleration needed, thereby reducing the CCT. Ryan common feature for the optimized cases is the relative
and Downing [15, 16] did this by optimizing the maneuver avoidance of the high angle of attack regions, which are
for minimum CCT, and the results were astounding. chiefly responsible for the high CCT. In fact, the total
maneuver optimization case avoids this part completely.
The need for optimization generally arises when the Heading change takes place until the last moment at which
maneuver is spread over a considerable period of time, and the aircraft also returns to the initial velocity. It is interest-
there are several variables simultaneously affecting it. ing to note that the F-16 CCT of 22.73s is still better than
Clearly, it is the functional metrics that render themselves that of the turn-optimized F-18.
to optimization, rather than the transient ones. Optimal
maneuvers for evaluation of agility metrics have an addi- Furthermore, the two models, F-16 and F-18, show
tional benefit that they are not biased towards a particular nearly the same values for all time segments. This sug-
aircraft or control system, but help extract the best possible gests the overriding importance of a good control system,
performance out of every aircraft [16]. and the use of better control strategies using optimization
to partly compensate for the absence of the appropriate
Table 6: CCT Comparison for Optimization
Thrust Vectoring
Herbst [3] has pointed out the importance of PSM for
enhanced combat capability. Costes [17], Gal-or [18],
Anderson [19], and Tamrat [4, 20] have shown that TV
and PSM improve the chances of victory in a head-to-head

combat by improving the agility of the aircraft. It is of than the corner speed, the more pronounced this difference
interest to know how PSM and TV, together or separately, becomes. This indicates that PSM provides significant
help to do so. advantage in combat when it is used for short periods of
time. Longer periods of PSM may lead to greater energy
Kutschera and Render[12] developed a new metric losses, which is detrimental to the performance of the
which is primarily a maneuverability metric, as per the aircraft.
definition given in Section 2. It is a modified version of
the CCT metric and starts from the point at which the Another demonstration of the advanced capability of
aircraft has rolled to Nzmax. Thereafter, the aircraft turns TV and PSM was observed when the X-31 was tested
along the Nzmax and CLmax curves until the pointing against the F-18 in combat scenarios. X-31 is an experi-
margin (defined in Section 3.6) to the adversary aircraft, mental aircraft being developed and tested jointly by the
which is assumed to be stationary, has become less than U.S. and Germany [21]. The X-31 program is intended to
the maximum angle of attack of the aircraft. At this point, highlight the tactical utility of Extended Fighter Maneu-
the aircraft pitches up to maximum post-stall angle, and verability (EFM) at low cost [4]. It was observed that the
points to the adversary for a firing which marks the end of F-18 had a better success rate when the X-31 was own in
the maneuver. This metric evaluates the time to complete conventional configuration. However, when PSM was
the maneuver, the final SEP, the energy change, and the enabled, X-31 emerged as the winner. TV was provided
turn diameter. Using this metric, they have shown how TV for pitch as well as yaw control in X-31. X-31 actually has
and PSM improve agility. an inferior T/W ratio as compared to the F-18. Further, the
maximum turn rate is lesser than that of the F-18. PSM,
Three F-18 configurations were tested by them using however, provided X-31 with a better pointing ability, and
the above metric: standard (no TV, AOA for ITR of 20 also helped it pull tighter turns. Interestingly, the winning
deg, and maximum AOA of 30 deg), advanced (TV, AOA maneuver of the X-31 was mostly what is called the
for maximum ITR of 20 deg, and maximum AOA of 70 ‘Helicopter Attack Maneuver,’ wherein the X-31 yawed
deg), and super-advanced (TV, AOA for maximum ITR rapidly in order to point at the adversary which was turning
of 35 deg, maximum AOA of 70 deg). It may be noted that around it. The yaw control for this maneuver came from
stall AOA for F-18 is around 35 deg. The metric was the yaw thrust vectoring.
evaluated for a variety of initial Mach number and altitude
combinations. As expected, the advanced aircraft showed F-16 Falcon - The Classic Case
better agility as compared to the standard configuration.
Alarmed by the superior combat performance of So-
The time to complete the maneuver was lesser for the
viet-made aircraft, especially the MiG-21, the United
advanced aircraft, especially at higher initial altitudes,
States Air Force (USAF) decided that a fighter was needed
which constitutes a significant advantage. The turn diame-
to supersede its maneuverability. What emerged in the
ter was smaller and the turn rate was higher as well. The
mid-seventies, through a competition between General
final SEP, though, was smaller due to the fact that it ended
Dynamics (GD) and Northrop, was the F-16 developed by
up at a post stall AOA. The energy bled by the two aircraft
GD. The reader is referred to Refernces [5, 22] for an
was almost comparable for various initial conditions. With
extensive account of the development of F-16.
this information in mind, it is left to the strategist to decide
when to employ TV.
The F-16 was designed with the following require-
ments: Cruise Mach number between 0.6 and 1.6, flight at
A similar comparison between advanced and super-ad-
altitudes between 30000 and 40000 ft, 9 g at full fuel load
vanced aircraft presented an unexpected surprise. The
(USAF only required 7.33 g at 80% internal fuel load).
advanced aircraft actually completed the maneuver in a
The emphasis was on rapid acceleration, turn rate, and
shorter duration of time, although the super-advanced
specific excess power (those were the traditional measures
aircraft had a higher maximum ITR because it was allowed
of merit). There were trade-offs involved in the design,
to fly to the AOA for maximum CL. The reason for the
such as the value of W/S that had to be chosen to give
reduced performance is the higher drag experienced below
suitably high values of both, range and turn rate. Finally,
the corner velocity where the aircraft flies close to stall,
the configuration of F-16 gave a leading edge wing sweep
and poststall for final pointing. This results in a rapid
of 40 deg, an aspect ratio of 3, and a wing loading of 25
decrease of velocity, and an accompanying loss of turn
N/m2. The weight of the aircraft, with external fuel tanks,
rate. The more time the aircraft spends at velocities less

was a little below 10 tons, and is still one of the lightest in marily tested with larger wings with the same trapezoidal
its category. The aircraft’s small size reduces the moments shape. Agile Falcon integrated wing, strake, and the fuse-
of inertia, and improves angular rates for maneuverability. lage with a view to improving agility. Wing and strake
External fuel tanks are used for take off, and before a dog tailoring was seen as a key ingredient of good performance
fight, they are dumped. This produces a 5% increase in in both, the subsonic as well as transonic, regimes.
turn rate and 30% increase in acceleration. F-16 has a T/W
ratio greater than unity, and the aircraft can accelerate to A three-tier study covering aerodynamics, control-
supersonic speeds while climbing upwards. The low as- lability, and aeroelasticity was performed. The former was
pect ratio of the wings gives the aircraft good maneuvering centered on improving maneuverability by studying ef-
capability, such as higher roll rates. The CG is located aft fects of wing twist and camber. Agility metrics such
of the aerodynamic center to reduce longitudinal stability as high-g turn rate and 1-g acceleration were used.
in favor of maneuverability, and help the horizontal tail Controllability studies looked at handling qualities at
add to the lift while maintaining longitudinal trim. The high angles of attack and low speeds. Aeroelastic
F-16 FCS was designed with rate and maximum AOA studies to design strategies that would best complement
limiters to ensure superior handling qualities. Tamrat [4] the two requirements of maneuverability and structural
and Hodgkinson et al. [23] noted that there is a direct stability were conducted. An interesting outcrop of the
correlation between superior handling qualities and agil- aeroelastic studies was the development of the washout
ity, which makes handling qualities an important design wing. It led to a 23 percent reduction in induced drag and
issue for agility. concentrated aerodynamic load at the fuselage-wing inter-
face, which resulted in a wing heavier at the root and a
The above case study, although specific to the F-16, subsequent reduction in the aircraft roll moment of inertia,
gives a general make up of agile fighters. It has to be noted, enhancing the roll performance. This is an excellent illus-
though, that the concept of agility that has been discussed tration of how agility metrics can be gainfully employed
earlier in this paper did not exist in the days when the F-16 to bring about an all-round improvement in the design of
was designed. Only steady state performance parameters an aircraft.
were used to design the F-16. Nonetheless, the charac-
teristics such as high T/W, low aspect ratio, optimized Agility and FCS
wing loading and longitudinal instability in the open loop,
It was seen earlier that the flight control system affects
are common features of most agile fighters even today.
the aircraft agility. FCS plays a major role in reducing pilot
workload by providing the appropriate handling qualities
Many agility metrics require a detailed knowledge of
in the closed loop [26]. This section investigates the agility
the aerodynamic coefficients of the airplane for testing
improvements that could result from a well-designed FCS,
[12]. These agility metrics will typically be used after a
as well as some of the features that such an FCS should
series of flight tests for improving the existing variant and
for designing future variants. Reference [24] presents an
agility assessment module meant for the preliminary de-
Actuators limit the deflections of various control sur-
sign stage of an aircraft. It may be noted that such modules
faces as well as their rates. This, in turn, restricts the
would utilize metrics which require a small number of the
maneuverability of the aircraft in some or all of the flight
most rudimentary aerodynamic data, and these metrics are
regimes. In order to improve it, one or more of the above
usually what have been referred to earlier as maneuver-
parameters may need to be changed, and their effects will
ability metrics and potential agility metrics.
have to be studied. One example that can be cited is the
improvement in lateral agility of the F-18, defined by the
Agile Falcon 90 deg roll capture metric, as suggested by Eggold et al.
[27]. It may be noted that this metric is similar to the t90
Agile Falcon was studied as a variant of the F-16 in a
metric described in Section 3, except that in this case, a 90
project undertaken by General Dynamics Fort Worth Di-
deg bank angle has to be captured, not just reached. They
vision to incorporate advanced technology in the existing
determined that the three factors that affected this metric
variants of F-16, in order to help it regain the original
the most were rudder saturation, rudder actuator rates, and
F-16’s agility that was lost in the subsequent variants
the roll control surface deflection limiting at high AOA. It
because of additions to payload and fuel weight, and
was seen that increasing the three quantities helps reduce
improve agility at high angles of attack [25]. It was pri-

it. Agility considerations play an important role in design

of the FCS, which has to go hand-in-hand with a much
wider aircraft design [32, 33].

Agility, Avionics and Weapons Systems

So far, agility has been studied from the standpoint of
aircraft performance. Loosely speaking, agility has been
viewed as a measure of the quickness of an aircraft during
a maneuver. One aspect that needs to be studied in the
context of agility is the effectiveness of the avionics and
weapons system.

Fig. 8 Lateral Agility improvements by Head-up display (HUD) and several of its advanced
increasing rudder limits derivatives such as the Helmet-mounted Display (HMD)
have revolutionized the way in which information is con-
the time to capture a 90 deg bank angle change. However, veyed to a fighter pilot in order to create a better situational
an optimal combination of the three has to be chosen to awareness. The onus is on conveying information to the
ensure that the increase in sideslip does not get very pilot as quickly and as effectively as possible. The pilot is
adverse. Their results have been shown in Fig. 8. This an important component of the closed-loop aircraft and
figure plots the time required to capture a roll angle of 90 has a strong influence on the agility exhibited by an aircraft
deg, as a fraction of the baseline value, with improved during a maneuver [11]. The pilot’s responses are gov-
limits on rudder power and roll command limiters. The erned by motion and visual cues, where the latter are
improvement in time to capture a 90 deg roll angle is obtained from the real-world, "outside-the-cockpit" visual
evident from the fact that its ratio with respect to the environment and from the cockpit displays. A significant
baseline value is always less than unity. delay in the pilot’s response to external cues can result in
a severe degradation in the aircraft handling qualities [34]
Many modern fighter aircraft are designed to be unsta- and ultimately affects the aircraft’s agility adversely [23].
ble in some part or the whole of the flight regime in the
open loop. Therefore, it becomes important to identify the Another effect on aircraft agility arises directly from
unstable regimes, and the nature of instability in those the time that the pilot takes to respond to an external
flight zones [28]. In some cases, the instabilities might be stimulus such as the approach of an adversary. This infor-
of a relatively simple nature, such as spiral divergence, mation is conveyed to him by the cockpit display systems.
phugoid, etc., or else they could be as complex as wing Although an aircraft may possess agility in its ability to
rock, which is generally observed at high angles of attack maneuver rapidly, a delay from the pilot’s side affects the
[29]. Ananthkrishnan and Sinha [30] observed that the total time to effect a maneuver from the time the requisite
maximum steady roll rate, in open loop models, is con- stimuli are available.
strained by loss of lateral stability, and this constraint
dominates the constraint imposed by performance criteria Another factor affecting agility that needs to be ad-
and actuator limits such as aileron and rudder saturation. dressed is the effect of weapons systems. Several modern
These instabilities have to be compensated for by the FCS all-aspect air-to-air missiles do not require direct pointing
[31]. In the case where it becomes too difficult to satisfac- at the adversary aircraft. The adversary needs to be
torily do so, restrictions have to be imposed on the maneu- brought within a "firing cone," and the time taken for the
vering envelope. missile to deploy from the time the adversary enters this
cone becomes critical. This is true, however, only if the
Sometimes, pilots complain that the FCS often makes aircraft is not in a defensive position. If the aircraft starts
the aircraft response somewhat sluggish. This has to be from a defensive position, its success will depend on its
interpreted as a case of excessive stability, which reduces maneuverability. Maneuverability is also the most critical
maneuverability. Thus, the FCS has to be designed to factor when two aircraft with equally capable weapons
ensure that it stabilizes the aircraft, but only to an extent system engage in combat.
whereby the pilot does not find it very hard to maneuver

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