The Atmosphere
The Atmosphere
The Atmosphere
The Atmosphere
Other 1%
Altitude (km)
Ozone layer
30 Stratosphere
Figure 12 왘 The layers of the atmo-
sphere are defined by changes in tem- Pressure
perature and pressure. The red line 20
indicates temperature, and the green
line indicates pressure in pascals. 10
–80 –70 –60 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20
Temperature (˚C)
Copyright© by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
surface continually absorbed energy, the Earth would get hotter
and hotter. The Earth does not continue to get warmer, because
the oceans and the land radiate the energy they have absorbed
back into the atmosphere. Ecofact
You may have noticed that dark-colored objects become much Lost Weekend Have you ever
hotter in the sun than light-colored objects. Dark-colored objects complained about how it always
absorb more solar radiation than light-colored objects, so dark- seems to rain on the weekends? If
colored objects have more energy to release as heat. This is one you live on the East Coast, you
reason the temperature in cities is higher than the temperature in might actually have a point.
Researchers recently found that the
the surrounding countryside.
mid-Atlantic states have a 30 to 40
The Movement of Energy in the Atmosphere Air that is con- percent greater chance of rain on
stantly moving upward, downward, or sideways causes Earth’s the weekends. Why? Researchers
suggest that the automobile
weather. In the troposphere, currents of less dense air, warmed by
exhaust that accumulates in the
the Earth’s surface, rise into the atmosphere and currents of denser atmosphere over the course of the
cold air sink toward the ground. As a current of air rises into the work week has actually caused
atmosphere, it begins to cool. Eventually, the air current becomes weather patterns in this area to
more dense than the air around it and sinks instead of continuing shift. By Friday, the exhaust levels
to rise. So, the air current moves back toward Earth’s surface until are high enough to trigger rain
over the weekend, which cleanses
it is heated by the Earth and becomes less dense. Then, the air cur-
the atmosphere for another week.
rent begins to rise again. The continual process of warm air rising
and cool air sinking moves air in a circular motion, called a con-
vection current. A convection current is shown in Figure 15.
20% absorbed by
ozone, clouds, and
5% reflected by atmospheric gases
the Earth’s surface
25% scattered
50% absorbed by and reflected by
the Earth’s surface clouds and air
SECTION 2 Review
1. Describe the composition of Earth’s atmosphere. CRITICAL THINKING
2. Describe a characteristic of each layer of the 5. Analyzing Processes Read about the density of
atmosphere. Earth’s atmosphere under the heading “Air Pressure.”
Write a paragraph that explains why Earth’s atmos-
3. Explain the three mechanisms of heat transfer in phere becomes less dense with increasing altitude
Earth’s atmosphere. above Earth. WRITING SKILLS
4. Describe the role of greenhouse gases in Earth’s 6. Analyzing Processes How does human activity
atmosphere. change some greenhouse-gas levels?