Papers: Drying of Dyestuffs and Pigments
Papers: Drying of Dyestuffs and Pigments
Papers: Drying of Dyestuffs and Pigments
are easy to clean and enable different dyestuff for-
mulations to be dried in the same spray dyer. Wet
scrubbers are mounted after cyclones to remove the
traces of powder leaving the cyclones with the exhaust air.
However, wet scrubbers can create an effluent problem,
and if production rates for a given formulation are small,
then it is quite common to install several small spray
dyers, each equipped with a bag filter to operate on one
or two selected colours. This overcomes the cleaning and
colour contamination problem associated with the use of
a bag filter, while conferring the benefits of near-perfect
degree of powder recovey and avoidance of atmospheric
emissions of fine particles.
The particle size requirements of spray-dried organic
dyestuffs/pigments are met through correct choice of the
atomiser and dying chamber design (Table 1). For
products in the range of the size mean 40-120 pm,
standard chamber designs having a diameter/cylindrical
height ratio (DH) of 0.6-1:l are used, incorporating
.-. ,.*.
rotay atomisers (Figure 81a)). Mean size variation is
achieved in this design through adjustment of the rotay
atomiser speed. The larger the chamber diameter, the
slower the atomiser speed that can be used, and the
coarser the product produced without creating un-
acceptable wall deposits of semi-dried material.
For mean sizes greater than 120 p m low-pressure
nozzle atomisers are used in versatile or tall-form (tower)
Counter-current M i x e d (combined)
designs (Figure 8(b and c)). The versatile design of the
Figure 9 - Three main types o f spray dyers dying chamber (D.H=l: 1-1.3) is particularly attractive to
Condensed' containing airborne powder can be constructed to meet
w '3 t e r r e c Over y design standards governing resistance to pressure shock.
By far the majority of spray d y e r s installed before 1980
P r o d tic t S c r u b b e r c on d e n s c r were standard designs without any safety features. The
greater appreciation of the hazards involved with organic
Fiyure 11 Semi-closed cycle spray dryer capable of creating its
s0 I v e "t\ reason high-efficiency d y and wet collectors are always
used. For operations involving multi-colour batches a
cyclone/wet scrubber, cartridge filter o r bag filters in
Product Scrubber condenser I parallel (one for each colour) are incorporated in the d y e r
layout for product recovey and final air cleaning of fines.
Fiyure 12 Closed cycle spray dryer with inert dying medium