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An Application of Eigenvectors: Vibrational Modes and Frequencies

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Lecture 15

An Application of Eigenvectors: Vibrational

Modes and Frequencies
One application of eigenvalues and eigenvectors is in the analysis of vibration problems. A simple nontrivial
vibration problem is the motion of two objects with equal masses m attached to each other and fixed outer
walls by equal springs with spring constants k, as shown in Figure 15.1.

Let x1 denote the displacement of the first mass and x2 the displacement of the second, and note the
displacement of the walls is zero. Each mass experiences forces from the adjacent springs proportional to
the stretch or compression of the spring. Ignoring any friction, Newton’s law of motion ma = F , leads to

mẍ1 = −k(x1 − 0) +k(x2 − x1 ) = −2kx1 +kx2 and

mẍ2 = −k(x2 − x1 ) +k(0 − x2 ) = kx1 −2kx2 .

Dividing both sides by m we can write these equations in matrix form

ẍ = −Ax, (15.2)

k k
2m −1 m
A= k k . (15.3)
−1 m 2m
For this type of equation, the general solution is
p  p 
x(t) = c1 v1 sin λ1 t + φ1 + c2 v2 sin λ2 t + φ2 (15.4)

where λ1 and λ2 are eigenvalues of A with corresponding eigenvectors v1 and v2 . One can check that this
is a solution by substituting it into the equation (15.2).

The eigenvalues of A are the squares of the frequencies of oscillation. Let’s set m = 1 and k = 1 in A. We
can find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A using Matlab:
 A = [2 -1 ; -1 2]
 [ v e ] = eig ( A )

u u
- -
x1 x2

Figure 15.1: Two equal masses attached to each other and fixed walls by equal springs.

Introduction to Numerical Methods. . . by Young and Mohlenkamp ©2021 61

u u u u

u u u u

u u u u

u u u u

u u u u

Figure 15.2: Two vibrational modes of a simple oscillating system. In the left mode the weights
move together and in the right mode they move opposite. Note that the two modes actually move
at different speeds.

This should produce a matrix v whose columns are the eigenvectors of A and a diagonal matrix e whose entries
are the eigenvalues of A. In the first eigenvector, v1 , the two entries are equal. This represents the mode of
oscillation where the two masses move in sync with each other. The second eigenvector, v2 , has the same
entries but opposite signs. This represents the mode√ where the two masses oscillate in anti-synchronization.
Notice that the frequency for anti-sync motion is 3 times that of synchronous motion.

Which of the two modes is the most dangerous for a structure or machine? It is the one with the lowest fre-
quency because that mode can have the largest displacement. Sometimes this mode is called the fundamental

We can do the same for three equal masses. With m = 1, k = 1 the corresponding matrix A would be
 
2 −1 0
A =  −1 2 −1  .
0 −1 2

Find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues as above. There are three different modes. Interpret them from the

15.1 Find the modes and their frequencies for 4 equal masses with m = 3 kg and equal springs with k = 10
N/m. Describe the modes (a sketch will suffice).
15.2 Find the modes and their frequencies for three unequal masses m1 = 2 kg, m2 = 3 kg and m3 = 4 kg
connected by 4 equal springs with k = 5 N/m. How do unequal masses affect the modes? (You must
start with the equations of motion to do this correctly.)

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