Soal PTS BINGG Kelas XI Somantri
Soal PTS BINGG Kelas XI Somantri
Soal PTS BINGG Kelas XI Somantri
1. Linda is working on her homework, but she finds 7. You and your friends are on a trip to a beach in
some difficult questions. What will you suggest Banyuwangi. However, none of you knows
her. about the
a. what about going to your friend's house to route the that beach. What will be your
play together suggestion?
b. what about going to your friend's house to a. I think we can go home now.
study together b. What about going to a restaurant?
c. What if you drink to refresh yourself? c. Maybe you can answer the villager
d. maybe you can sleep now d. Maybe you can open Google Maps
e. Let me help you working on it application on your phone.
e. You should read the instruction more
2. A : ……go to cinema and watch a good film ? 8. Since Marlo is a presenter, he is used to ___ in
B : That’s a good idea front of the spectators.
a. I think if we a. spoken
b. You must b. speaking
c. I think you should c. spoke
d. You have d. speak
e. What if we e. speaks
3. A: I feel drowsy. 9. ______ a new language can be very interesting.
B : ........................................…. a. learn
a. you should take a rest. b. learning
b. what about calling your friend for help? c. to learning
c. you had better call the police. d. learned
d. what if you study harder? e. to learn
e. what about sleeping at my place
4. This is Saturday night. What will you suggest 10. While ______ to buy the concert ticket, the man
your friend? with the beard stole the young lady’s purse
a. think we should go to the town square for a. queuing
sight seeing b. he queues
b. I think we shouldn’t go anywhere c. queued
c. what if we take this to be repaired? d. he queuing
d. what about going to the doctor? e. queues
e. you should speak to your teacher.
5. Your friend needs a book for his homework. But 11. Henry Ford revolutionized production
he doesn't have enough money to buy it. What management by _____ into small steps on a
will you moving line.
suggest him? a. breaking down auto assembly
a. How about buying one b. break down auto assembly
b. What if we go to the zoo? c. auto assembly breaking down
c. Maybe you can borrow from our seniors? d. broken down auto assembly
d. I think you shouldn't do the homework e. he broke down auto assembly
e. You ought to get some rest.
6. He is crazy about ? 12. Ronaldo: Sir, would you like me to close the
a. sing window for you?
b. to singing Mr. Adi: Yes, please. It’s very cold inside.
c. singing a. Asking help
d. song b. Refusing something
e. to sing c. Suggestion
d. Offering help
e. Accepting an offer
13. Romy: May I help you ? 21. Mandy promises _____ with me to the cinema
Deny: Hmmm. Don’t bother yourself, thanks. tonight.
The underlined sentence express …. a. gone
a. Asking help b. to go
b. Offering help c. to gone
c. Accepting an offer d. to going
d. Giving help e. going
e. Refusing an offer
14. Marta : It’s very hot here ……….. 22. My father chooses _____ the promotion from his
Sinta : Sure. No problem boss rather than finding a new job.
The suitable expression to complete the a. Accepting
dialogue is … b. to accepting
a. Could you close the door? c. accepted
b. Would you turn off the fan? d. to accept
c. Would you mind if I turn off the fan? e. accepts
d. Would you mind if I turn on the fan?
e. May I leave now?
15. Mike : Oh my God, I left my book at home. 23. She delayed ……….. out of bed
Dave : ……… a. get
The suitable expression to complete the b. got
dialogue is … c. getting
a. Shall I take it for you? d. get up
b. Let me take you to school. e. gets
c. Just buy it
d. Just forget it.
e. I’ll treat you chicken noodles
16. Jan : You look pale. 24. I dislike …..
Jim : I’ve got a serious headache. a. to wait
Jan : ……….. b. waits
a. Let me take you to the restaurant. c. to want
b. Let me take you to the hospital. d. wanting
c. Can you accompany me to the hospital? e. waiting
d. What about a glass of avocado juice?
e. Would you like fried or steamed chicken?
17. Andy : Shall I carry your luggage to your apartment? 25. We insist on ……the dinner ourselves
Boby : Yes, please! a. cook
The underlined word has similar meaning with … b. to cook
a. Borrow c. cooked
b. Drop d. cooking
c. Make. e. to cooking
d. Bring
e. Dodge
18. Can you imagine ________________our 26. It wasn’t my will, … yours.
assignments before we leave? a. Nor
a. finishing b. But also
b. to finishing c. Go
c. to finish d. or
d. finish e. But
e. finished
19. Mr Darmawan required the children ……… off 27. The environmental group hopes ______ the
their muddy shoes before they came into her forest to its original condition by the end of the
house decade.
a. to take a. to restore
b. taking b. having restored
c. to be taking c. to have been restored
d. take d. restoring
e. took e. to be restored
20. Where did you learn _____ a pizza? 28. Dinda regrets because the important news on it,
a. to make she promises not to do that again
b. to making a. losing
c. makes b. lost
d. Made c. be lost
e. making d. to lose
e. lose
29. Jakarta will …. cloudy tonight. 36. I…… 5 am
a. to be a. get up
b. been b. getting up
c. to being c. go
d. being d. gets up
e. be e. got up
30. Sarah intends ………… her grand mother next 37. I …….a letter for my mom
month a. write
a. visits. b. wrote
b. visiting. c. written
c. to visiting d. writing
d. to visit. e. writes
e. visited
31. I decided …………. Every Sunday morning. 38. They… so well
a. exercise a. know
b. to exercise b. knewing
c. exercising c. eat
d. to exercising d. knew
e. exercised e. known
32. Radha knows French;……., we have selected 39. We…….this food here
her to head our operations in France a. ate
a. Therefore b. eaten
b. Moreover c. drink
c. From d. eat
d. Otherwise e. eating
e. Provided
33. . ……. I had my lunch, I didn’t miss Pizza. 40 She…….a homemade cake
a. Although a. made
b. Finally b. makes
c. Almost c. For
d. Moreover d. make
e. Already e. making
34. Kim eats many egg whites before work out … he
wants to gain weight
a. Because
b. Even though
c. For
d. So that
e. As
35. . … you gave him 10 great reasons to never give
up, he wouldn’t listen
a. Even though
b. Because
c. From
d. As
e. So that
II. Answer these questions correctly!
a. Change this sentence into Present Continous tense.
1. Ali sedang bermain gitar dikamar
2. Andi dan Amis sedang menulis surat sekarang
b. Change this sentence into Simple Future tense.
3. Maria akan menikah minggu ini
4. Eka akan menulis surat besok
5. Ayak akan pergi ke Surabaya mala mini.