Midterms, 1 Semester, SY 2021-2022 Arellano University School of Law Prof. Michael Vernon Guerrero Mendiola
Midterms, 1 Semester, SY 2021-2022 Arellano University School of Law Prof. Michael Vernon Guerrero Mendiola
Midterms, 1 Semester, SY 2021-2022 Arellano University School of Law Prof. Michael Vernon Guerrero Mendiola
ID NUMBER 2019-0207
Schedule, 530/730 7:30-9:30
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No. AAA shall not be made liable under the doctrine of command responsibility.
Jurisprudences tells us that the doctrine of command responsibility punishes any wrongful act of a state actor against
another state or individuals. The state actor who exercises direction and command over his members shall be responsible
for any atrocities it may have caused especially to non-armed citizens or civilians.
Here, the Amparo ruling can be applied in the case at bar since BBB did not inform AAA about their plans and still acted
on his own capacity without AAA’s permission and consent. Thus, AAA is not liable for the acts committed by BBB.
The elements of an international wrongful act of the State are:
1. The act or omission is attributable to the State under the international law.
2. The conduct constitutes a breach of an international obligation of the State.
No. AAA is incorrect.
Doctrine of Incorporation means that the laws of international law do not need any legislative action to make such rules
applicable in the local states while Monism or Monist theory tells that international and domestic laws comprise one legal
system which is automatically incorporated into the state’s rule of law. While both theories talk about its involvement in
the law of the land. Doctrine of Incorporation considers international law and national laws equal while in Monist theory, it
considers the international laws superior over the national laws.
Human rights instruments are construed depending on the circumstances involved in the case or matter. The applicability
of the laws, treaties, or concepts depend on the case.
The core international human rights treaties are as follows:
The following are the principal organs of the United Nations and their respective functions:
1. UN General Assembly or UNGA - their task is to deliberate on issues such as membership, budget, peace.
2. Security Council- their task is to maintain peace and security.
3. Economic and Social Council- they handle economic and social issues around the world.
4. Trusteeship Council- they handle the advancement of trustee territories and its development towards self-governance
and independence.
5. Secretariat- they oversee the projects and programs of the United Nations around the world.
6. International Court of Justice- venue wherein cases have been brought by State for legal advice/opinion.
Yes. United State’s action is justified.
Under the law, the US may use an enforcement against a State through retorsion. It is where the State purposely withholds
or hinders its assistance to another state in cases of violations of human rights.
Here, the Malacañang cannot argue that US is interfering with domestic policies because it is the US’ right to exercise its
enforcement through retorsion.
The attributes of human rights are the following:
1. Universal
2. Inherent
3. Equal
4. Inalienable
A. Right Against Slavery
UDHR: Art. 4. No one shall be held in slavery or in servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all forms.
1987 Constitution: No person shall be detained solely for the reason of his political beliefs and aspirations. No involuntary
servitude shall exist except as a punishment for a crime the party have been convicted.
F. Right to Education
UDHR: Art. 26. (1) Everyone has the right to education. It must be free at least in the elementary and fundamental stages.
(3) Parents have the right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.
1987 Constitution: The State shall protect and promote the rights of all citizen to a quality education at all levels, and shall
take appropriate steps to make education accessible to all.
G. Right against Ex-post facto law and Bill of Attainder
UDHR: No one shall be held guilty of any offense of any act of omission which did not constitute a penal offense, under
national or international laws, at the time it was committed.
ICCPR/ICESCR: No one shall be held guilty of any offense of any act of omission which did not constitute a penal
offense, under national or international laws, at the time it was committed. No heavier penalty shall be imposed to the
offense that was applied to the first committed offense.
J. Right to Work
UDHR: Everyone has the right to work, to just and favorable conditions of work and protection against unemployment.
Everyone has the right to form and join unions for the protection of his/her interests.
1987 Constitution: The State shall afford full protection to labor, local or overseas, organized and unorganized, and
promote full employment and equality of employment opportunities for all.