11-Artigo Leguminosas Perenes (Bioscience Journal 2016)
11-Artigo Leguminosas Perenes (Bioscience Journal 2016)
11-Artigo Leguminosas Perenes (Bioscience Journal 2016)
Original Article
ABSTRACT: Agricultural sustainability of areas in semiarid region, is directly related to soil management,
emphasizing especially the continuous coverage strategy. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of
perennial legumes on soil coverage, temperature and moisture in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The study
used a randomized blocks experimental, with 9 m2, design and treatments consisted of bare soil cultivated with the
following legumes: tropical kudzu (Pueraria phaseoloides), calopo (Calopogonium mucunoides), perennial peanut
(Arachis pintoi), perennial soybean (Glycine wightii) and stylosanthes Campo Grande (mixture of Stylosanthes capitata
and Stylosanthes macrocephala), with four replications. Soil coverage, temperature and moisture rates were evaluated.
Due to the soil protection provided by the biomass production, the use and management of cover plants in semiarid region
of Minas Gerais contributed to the temperature reduction and to the conservation of soil moisture, both essential for the
agricultural production in this region. Calopo, tropical kudzu and perennial peanut provided greater soil coverage and,
consequently, they provided greater reduction in temperature and higher moisture retention in soil. In more advanced
stages of the cycle, the perennial soybean also provided good soil coverage, temperature reduction and moisture retention
in the soil.
from the soil (PRIMAVESI, 2002). Thus, the use of species in the Caatinga conditions are scarce,
cover plants in farming enables greater optimization especially for the region of Jequitinhonha Valley
of productive resources, especially water, a primary (Vale do Jequitinhonha) in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
limiting resource for the agricultural activity of the Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the
Brazilian semiarid region (OLIVEIRA et al., 2002). influence of perennial herbaceous legumes on soil
Moreover, a bare soil will have its surface encrusted coverage, temperature and moisture in the semiarid
by rain, and as a consequence, the surface water region of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
runoff and, hence, the erosion will be more intense
than the ones occurring in a soil covered by MATERIAL AND METHODS
vegetation (PRIMAVESI, 2002).
The identification of legumes species The study was conducted in the
adapted to the edaphoclimatic conditions of the experimental area of the Escola Família Agrícola de
region where they will be inserted is essential to Jacaré – EFAJ in city of Itinga, MG, Brazil, at
ensure the successful use of these plants as latitude 16° 28' 04" South, longitude 41° 59' 50"
permanent coverage. These because the success of West and altitude of 672 m, in the region of
the practice depends on the knowledge related to the occurrence of Caatinga biome in the Middle
behavior, adaptation, requirement (nutritional, Jequitinhonha. The region is characterized by its
photoperiodic life, water) and residence time of the tendency to semiaridness, with an average annual
species in the environment in which it was temperature of 24.4°C and annual rainfall of 700
introduced. In recent years, several studies mm, with high concentrations in the summer
regarding the behavior of herbaceous perennial months (OLIVEIRA et al., 2002), corroborating the
legumes were performed (ESPINDOLA et al., meteorological data observed in this study (Figure
2005; GUERRA et al., 2007; PERIN et al., 2009). 1).
However, information on the behavior of these
Figure 1. Average monthly rainfall (mm), maximum and minimum temperature (° C) observed in the period
from December 2008 to February 2010, in Araçuaí-MG. Source: Data from INMET Network, 2014.
The area in which the experiment took place molc dm-3 of Mg; 2.0 molc dm-3 of Al; 63% base
was in fallow, covered by spontaneous vegetation, saturation; 1.7 dag kg-1 of organic matter; 64% sand,
predominantly Cenchrus echinatus, the Poaceae 10% silt and 26% clay.
family, followed by Bidens subalternans, The study used a randomized blocks
Asteraceae family, and the soil was classified as experimental design and treatments consisted of
Yellow Argisol (EMBRAPA, 2014). Soil samples (0 bare soil cultivated with the following legumes:
to 20 cm) were collected and their chemical and tropical kudzu (Pueraria phaseoloides), calopo
granulometric characteristics showed the following (Calopogonium mucunoides), perennial peanut
values: pH 5.9 in water; 0.0029 dag kg-1 of P (Mehlich (Arachis pintoi), perennial soybean (Glycine
-1 -3
1); 0.0426 dag kg of K; 28.0 molc dm of Ca; 18.0 wightii) and stylosanthes Campo Grande (mixture of
Figure 2. Soil coverage by herbaceous perennial legumes in the Caatinga region, in the Middle Jequitinhonha
Valley. *Vertical lines indicate the least significant difference at 5% using the Tukey method to
compare treatment means.
Similar behavior was also identified by study, these three species were those that had the
PERIN et al. (2000) and GUERRA et al. (2007) in highest rates of soil coverage up to 325 DAS,
the Atlantic Forest region, for calopo, tropical kudzu highlighting the calopo. Up to 265 DAS, the driest
and perennial peanut, when the authors observed period of the performed evaluations (Figure 1), the
that the average time for the total soil coverage was perennial soybean showed 88% maximum soil
106; 106 and 114 days, respectively. In the current
coverage, at 120 DAS, while the stylosanthes In this period, the increase in the rate of soil
showed 63% maximum soil coverage (Figure 2). coverage was greater for perennial soybean and
All species started a reduction process in the perennial peanut. This was probably due to the
rate of soil coverage at 120 DAS, which was more lower accumulation of senescent phytomass on the
evident for Stylosanthes species, perennial soybean soil during the dry season, providing less soil
and perennial peanut. This occurred due to the high coverage at 265 DAS. However, with the onset of
temperatures and shortages of rainfall, since it was rains (Figure 1), these species began to grow again
the beginning of the dry season, which is and recovered the soil reaching rates near 100%
characteristic of this region (Figure 1). As the dry coverage at 355, 375 and 405 DAS, equaling the
season spread, the plants responded with significant tropical kudzu.
senescence of leaves, which reduced soil protection. With the onset of rains, differences were
However, as the deposited leaves were not removed observed between the legumes regarding their way
from the area and the low coverage rate that of recovery. All legumes sprouted, except calopo,
legumes offer, was due to the deposited organic which has been reestablished via germination of the
material. seeds released after the fruiting occurred in the dry
Another factor that probably contributed to season. Among the sprouted species, tropical kudzu
the decline in the coverage rate was the beginning of had excelled mainly by the rate of restoration of its
the reproductive period of legumes. The vegetative mass, while calopo stood out for the high
stylosanthes presented, in all plots, flowering plants seed production, demonstrating its potential in
at 120 DAS. The perennial soybean and calopo had reseeding the areas.
full bloom at 150 DAS. The later flowering was After the resumption of growth, with the
tropical kudzu which showed around 20% of onset of rains, calopo completely covered the soil
flowering plants from 150 DAS, lasting up to 180 only at 405 DAS (Figure 2). This is probably due to
DAS. This behavior of the species, except for the the physical barrier promoted by senescent
tropical kudzu, strengthens the potential for their use phytomass itself, which remained in the area after
as permanent living mulch in the studied the dry season, thus hindering the emergence of
environment, because the production of seeds prior seedlings.
to the dry period ensures the reseeding of areas and All legumes have fickle habit of growth,
the maintenance of the species through their with the exception of perennial peanut which shows
restoration when the rainy season returns. creeping habit (stoloniferous) and Stylosanthes
At 265 DAS, in a period of complete Campo Grande, a mixture of Stylosanthes capitata
drought in the region, August 2009 (Figure 1), which features a more vertical growth habit, and
calopo and tropical kudzu had higher rates of soil Stylosanthes macrocephala, which presents a more
coverage (Figure 2) provided by the senescent horizontal growth habit, which may have influenced
phytomass of these legumes. However, the tropical the lower soil coverage observed in this last legume.
kudzu was the only one that showed green cover in In general, the soil coverage provided by
this period, around 10% of the phytomass covering legumes at 440 DAS decreased (Figure 2). This fact
the soil. The higher soil coverage provided by is probably related to the low rainfall and high
calopo and tropical kudzu can be explained by the temperatures occurring during this period (Figure
increased production of both green and senescent 1), which could have caused stress in the legumes,
phytomass by these species. and as a result, decrease in soil coverage, except for
With the onset of the rainy season in the tropical kudzu, which maintained 100%
October 2009 (Figure 1), at 325 DAS, legumes coverage, showing its greater tolerance to high
resumed growth. In this period, calopo showed temperatures and low soil moisture.
lower soil coverage in relation to 265 DAS, a fact It is noteworthy that, at 440 DAS, legumes
explained by the decomposition of senescent restated their reproductive period, since flower buds
phytomass previously deposited to the soil and by were observed in all species. This behavior
the slow initial rate of coverage promoted by the strengthens the potential for the use of some
growth of young plants, since calopo had little legumes as permanent cover in semi-arid
regrowth. On the other hand, regarding tropical environment, because seed production can ensure
kudzu, the increase in the rate of soil coverage was the reseeding of areas, representing an alternative
small, because this species already had soil coverage for the species preservation.
around 80% at 265 DAS (Figure 2), promoted by In general, with the return of the rainy
senescent phytomass. season and the subsequent resumption of growth of
legumes at 325 DAS, it can be stated that tropical
kudzu, calopo, perennial peanut and perennial from 30 to 90 DAS, the highest soil coverage
soybean had a satisfactory soil coverage rate for the observed for calopo, tropical kudzu and perennial
semiarid region where the study was performed, peanut (Figure 2) also promoted greater reduction of
especially the tropical kudzu. soil temperature compared with the bare soil at all
As for the variation of soil temperature, we depths evaluated (table 1). However, from 120
can observe differences between the soil covered DAS, the coverage of all legumes, with less
with some legumes and bare soil, at all periods and intensity in stylosanthes, caused reduction of soil
depths evaluated (Table 1). It was observed that temperature, compared with bare soil.
Table 1. Temperature (°C) of soil with different plant covers, at 2 p.m., measured at the depths of 5, 10 and 15
cm, in eight periods.
Temperature (°C)
Cover plants ------------------------------------Days after sowing-------------------------------------
30 60 90 120 150 355 375 440
5 cm
Tropical kudzu 35.3 bc 38.0 b 42.6 b 25.4 cd 31.7 b 28.6 bc 24.9 d 26.7 c
Calopo 32.3 d 29.9 d 36.9 d 23.9 e 31.1 b 32.2 b 27.2 c 29.7 b
Perennial peanut 34.1 cd 32.5 c 39.5 c 24.5 de 30.2 b 27.3 c 26.0 cd 26.7 c
P. soybean 36.6 abc 39.0 ab 43.6 ab 26.3 c 31.8 b 26.5 c 26.6 c 26.5 c
Stylosanthes 36.6 ab 39.7 ab 43.9 ab 28.3 b 33.7 b 31.9 b 30.7 b 31.3 b
Bare soil 38.0 a 40.8 a 45.2 a 34.2 a 42.4 a 45.8 a 44.3 a 45.1 a
CV% 5.8 4.3 4.7 4.2 5.7 5.3 2.2 3.6
10 cm
Tropical kudzu 31.9 bcd 37.2 a 40.2 bc 24.7 c 30.1 bc 27.5 bcd 24.3 d 25.9 cd
Calopo 29.8 d 29.1 c 34.1 d 23.4 d 28.7 c 30.8 b 26.6 c 28.7 bc
Perennial peanut 31.1 cd 31.5 b 38.1 c 23.5 d 29.2 c 25.8 d 25.1 cd 25.4 d
P. soybean 33.7 ab 37.5 a 41.8 ab 25.7 c 30.8 bc 27.1 cd 25.9cd 26.5 cd
Stylosanthes 33.6 ab 38.3 a 41.1 ab 27.2 b 32.5 b 29.9 bc 29.2 b 29.5 b
Bare soil 35.4 a 39.4 a 42.9 a 30.9 a 39.6 a 40.5 a 38.1 a 39.2 a
CV% 4.8 4,0 3,7 3.7 5.6 5.0 2.8 4.3
15 cm
Tropical kudzu 29.5 bc 35.6 a 38.0 ab 24.1 c 28.4 bc 26.6 bc 23.7 c 25.1 bc
Calopo 28.2 c 28.5 b 34.8 c 23.0 d 27.1 c 28.9 b 25.7 bc 27.3 bc
Perennial peanut 29.1 bc 30.4 b 36.2 bc 23.3 d 27.8 c 24.6 c 24.4 c 24.5 c
P. soybean 31.1 ab 35.8 a 39.6 a 25.1 c 29.2 bc 25.9 bc 25.7 bc 25.8 bc
Stylosanthes 30.8 ab 36.2 a 38.8 a 26.4 b 30.9 b 28.9 b 27.5 b 28.1 b
Bare soil 32.2 a 37.2 a 40.1 a 27.6 a 37.1 a 38.1 a 35.3 a 36.7 a
CV% 4.2 3.6 3.5 2.3 5.5 4.5 4.7 4.6
Values followed by the same letters, in the columns, do not differ from each other according to Tukey test (p <0.05)
these species as permanent soil coverage, since soil A significant difference was observed in the
temperatures above 40°C are considered unsuitable volume of water accumulated in the soil in relation
for plant growth (SIDIRAS; PAVAN, 1986). to the coverage with different legumes (Table 2),
According to Bragagnolo; Mielniczuck highlighting the calopo, in which higher values from
(1990), lower soil temperatures were observed when 30 to 405 DAS were observed. From 120 DAS,
higher amounts of straw were applied on its surface, larger volumes of water were observed in the soil in
indicating the importance of the presence of all areas covered by the other legumes in relation to
permanent coverage on the soil in order to maintain bare soil, with the exception of soil covered by
lower temperatures. As for the Caatinga, where high stylosanthes, which showed the lowest coverage
temperatures cause stress in plants and increase crop rates (Figure 2), and, therefore, only at 120 and 355
evapotranspiration, often limiting some agricultural DAS it showed larger volumes of water compared
activities, the strategy of using species in permanent with bare soil.
coverage can represent an interesting alternative for
the farmer, aiming at reducing the soil temperature.
Table 2. Water volume (mm3 cm-3) in the 0 to 5 cm layer of soil with different cover plants in ten periods.
Water volume (mm3 cm-3)
Cover plants -------------------------------------Days after sowing-----------------------------------
30 60 90 120 150 180 265 355 375 405
Tropical kudzu 79 c 87 ab 30 b 92 bc 66 b 43 b 27 b 64 a 78 c 59 ab
Calopo 121 a 99 a 68 a 136 a 82 a 69 a 34 a 58 a 103 a 64 a
Perennial peanut 101 b 90 ab 64 a 106 b 66 b 51 b 23 b 64 a 89 b 51 b
Perennial soybean 87 c 97 a 34 b 105 b 65 b 43 b 25 b 63 a 85 bc 59 ab
Stylosanthes 78 c 74 b 31 b 74 c 52 bc 38 bc 16 c 40 b 52 d 32 c
Bare soil 76 c 75 b 27 b 63 d 40 c 31 c 11 c 32 c 46 d 32 c
CV% 7.0 11.2 13.6 11.0 10.0 15.3 10.7 6.0 6.0 9.6
Values followed by the same letters, in the columns, do not differ from each other according to Tukey test (p <0.05)
These results demonstrate the greater ability September (Figure 1), confirming the observed
of some cover plants to preserve soil moisture in the smaller volumes of water in the soil at 265 DAS
Caatinga area of Minas Gerais. The best (Table 2). However, from 355 DAS, during the
performance of calopo compared with other rainy season (Figure 1), larger volumes of water
legumes may be related to its greater coverage were observed in the soil, in relation to the 265
capacity (Figure 2) and reduced soil temperature DAS.
(Table 1) as well as the increased deposition of All species, except stylosanthes, contributed
senescent leaves recorded throughout the to the maintenance of soil moisture. The higher
experiment. These effects increase soil protection humidity values were observed at 30, 120 and 375
against direct sunlight, and, thus, alleviate the DAS in the ground covered with calopo and minors
temperatures, decrease thermal amplitude, and entail were recorded at 265 DAS in soil covered with
lower evapotranspiration and higher soil moisture stylosanthes and bare soil (Table 2), demonstrating
conservation. It is known that heatstroke in bare soil different potentials between the species on
increases when compared with the protected soil, maintaining soil moisture.
which causes more warming and, consequently, The low soil moisture identified in the
greater water evaporation (PRIMAVESI, 2002). different legumes soil covers can be explained, in
According to Streck et al. (1994), any kind of part, because the studied soil had franco-sandy
coverage on the soil surface constitutes a physical texture, which has low water retention capacity.
barrier to the transfer of energy and water vapor However, in the case of a biome where drought is
between the atmosphere and soil, thereby, one of the major limiters for the development of
increasing the capacity of maintaining soil moisture. agricultural activities, the use of these cover plants
From 120 DAS, decreasing values were can alleviate water losses during critical periods,
observed in the volume of water stored in the soil, especially legumes with greater potential for natural
regardless of legume species. This is probably due leaf fall, as it is the case of calopo, kudzu tropical
to the high temperatures and low rainfall, since it and perennial soybean. Wastes of vegetable
was the beginning of the dry period in the region toppings promote retention of water in its structure,
with the lowest rainfall recorded between July and releasing it gradually to the soil and making it more
humid in the surface layer, as it is in direct contact an increasing linear relationship between land cover
with them (OLIVEIRA; SOUZA, 2003). and soil moisture. It was also observed correlation
By calculating the Pearson coefficients, one between coverage and soil temperature, meaningful,
can confirm the influence of coverage on the however, negative, showing an inversely
temperature and soil moisture, as was observed proportional linear relationship in which with
positive and significant correlation coefficient for increasing the ground floor there is a drop in
the variables cover and soil moisture, demonstrating temperature of the soil (Table 3).
Table 3. Pearson correlation coefficients (r) between the characters, cover, soil moisture and temperature.
Cover Moisture Temperature
Cover 1 0,69* -0,80**
Moisture 1 -0.37ns
Temperature 1
*Significant (p <0.05); ** Significant (p <0.01); NS not significant (p> 0.05).
Considering the results, it was possible to Calopo, tropical kudzu and perennial peanut
note the importance of the management of cover provide greater soil coverage and, hence, greater
plants in the studied region, since the high reduction in the temperature and greater retention of
temperatures and the incidence of winds increase soil moisture, demonstrating the potential for
the evapotranspiration in the cultivated areas permanent use as cover crops in soil semiarid
(PRIMAVESI, 2002), and such effects can be region.
minimized by the shading and physical barrier
provided by these legumes. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
RESUMO: A sustentabilidade agrícola das áreas na região semiárida está diretamente relacionada ao manejo do
solo, ressaltando-se principalmente a estratégia de cobertura contínua. Neste sentido, esse trabalho foi realizado com o
objetivo de avaliar a influência de leguminosas perenes sobre a cobertura, temperatura e umidade do solo no semiárido
mineiro, Brasil. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, e os tratamentos constituídos pelo solo descoberto
e cultivado com as leguminosas: cudzu tropical (Pueraria phaseoloides), calopogônio (Calopogonium mucunoides),
amendoim forrageiro (Arachis pintoi), soja perene (Glycine wightii) e estilosantes campo grande (mistura de Stylosanthes
capitata e Stylosanthes macrocephala), com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados taxa de cobertura, temperatura e umidade
do solo. Pela proteção ao solo proporcionada pela produção de biomassa, o uso e manejo de plantas de cobertura no
semiárido mineiro contribuíram para a amenização da temperatura e a conservação da umidade do solo, essenciais para a
produção agrícola nesta região. Calopogônio, cudzu tropical e amendoim forrageiro proporcionaram maior cobertura do
solo e consequentemente promoveram maior redução da temperatura e maior retenção de umidade no solo. Em estágio
mais avançado de ciclo, a soja perene também proporcionou boa cobertura de solo, redução da temperatura e retenção de
umidade no solo.
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