Inzaghi - UEFA PRO License
Inzaghi - UEFA PRO License
Inzaghi - UEFA PRO License
2.1 The figure of the coach, manage networks and communications p.27
Experience and knowledge are the basis of any professional activity. Both are essential to success
It would limit the expression and the ability of a person. The growth of each of us, it passes
through the exchange and the comparison with others. The awareness of their personal values
and their ideas allow the right analysis of the information received and intelligent processing of
them, allowing quality selection useful to their own situation. To stay abreast of the times, today's
greatly accelerated by science and technology, the training process must necessarily be
permanent. In fact, today with the knowledge to face a new 'journey' that has nothing to do with the
one made by the player, the attending of this Master, the first experience as a coach, I realize how
know report
individually, design and program, facing criticism, handle success and failure, mediating conflicts,
cure internal and external communications, as well as specific technical skills, etc ... The challenge
is to " to be "And not just" do "coaches. However, since it is the same challenge that I faced as a
player, the priority becomes how to transmit my mentality and my professionalism to the players. I
think the difference and quality in regard to the profession 'such as' and not just the what and how
much you make. For this I will speak in this paper, in person, because I think it's fair to treat the
theorise on experience.
And 'my idea that, since the formation of a mentality, is essential and is the basis, to set up a job in
a team and in a group. The leitmotiv of ' be successful coaches, that will follow all the elaborate,
comes from an analysis of my experience as a player: I've had so many coach and the ones I
remember most are the ones that occurred to me as the masters, that is, those who taught me the
values and mentality, but mostly they have demonstrated to be worth and to be as a person.
Socrates said that ' The mediocre teacher tells, the good one explains and demonstrates the excellent,
The coach, at any level, must now be considered a teacher, an educator, and his example will
create the right mindset. The thesis will be divided into a first part of the research, in which you
collect the theories, philosophies and experiences expressed by various authors, psychologists,
sociologists and coaches, my study to connect the experience to theory. The second part, points
out my first practical experience as a coach and as a mean to transfer a mindset to group to be
Winning, a way to connect the theory to practice. The link between the two sides is given by
theoretical aspects of educational psychology and educational sciences, referring to the coach of
Starting from the premise made, I believe that the characteristics that
pedagogy Modern illustrates for a teacher, are adaptable and can be optimized for the coach. A
- know: have culture, awareness of purpose, direction and purpose of the activity it undertakes.
Knowing football and its principles and always updated and in addition to technical and tactical
psycho-pedagogical, medical - food etc .... If you do not know thing transmit?
- know-how : have expertise and experience of the media; You must be able to translate into
practice the knowledge and culture; for example, know how to plan, organize and conduct effective
such as transmit?
- know how to give: in all areas of inter-human relations, the exchange of information, in the ability
to transmit and the essential ability to "know how to give care" and "knowing how to be in the
- be worth: to have personality and values to be transmitted; the coach is an example for the
whole team and staff, and especially able in particular to influence the behaviors; without this
feature the knowledge and know-how would have no effect. If not six, what and how to prove it?
These features will, in any case, result in a "Knowing how to do"
through the ability to delegate and be able to manage a group and especially with the use of a
I continued searching in the texts of some psychologists who are interested to apply to sport the
knowledge and expertise of their professionalism, those with systemic and social approaches or
NPL etc ... To summarize some concepts of various authors, it can be said that there is a very
Success seems to be psychology. For the purpose of this is basically to improve the capacity to
love (especially in a relationship), the ability to work (in our case to play football) and the ability to
You can define success as " a favorable or advantageous or end of every action taken. " There
will not be anyone, especially among those who live in contact with people or athletes who achieve
success and know their systems, which will deny how their mental qualities have a direct
relationship with the work undertaken by them. Some mental qualities give any direct or indirect
results, positive or negative. When sometimes we try to give a proper explanation for the
unsatisfactory results of a human being, first we mentioned some mental traits that we believe
have hindered the success to some difficulties of the personalities who have contributed to failure.
The same rule will be applied to those who believe men "lucky"; but the exact mind-affecting not
mental and therefore has difficulty in recognizing the positive qualities in other people and very
easy to recognize the negative qualities at all much more familiar. While it is established beyond
doubt, the truth of the fact that in some cases external circumstances encourage and contribute
greatly to the success or failure of an individual, it is also true that men with some certain mental
characteristics, they often transform a failure into success, or at least, trying, they can rectify their
mistakes. They also recognize the success when he shows up and they also enjoy this
opportunity. And likewise, the lack of certain mental abilities will act as an obstacle preventing an
individual to seize l ' favorable opportunity and to bounce back after a fall. We can therefore say
that the mind, or rather, the mental qualities of a certain person, and 'one and the real essence of
its success or failure. So luck does not exist, our "luck" is the development of our capabilities and
our reports to the greatest degree possible. If there is one point on which psychology insists
constantly, this is the fact that each individual can change, modify, alter, develop or reinvigorate
their faculties and mental qualities in a particular field. While it is a certain truth, that everyone is
born possessing the trends towards a certain direction and with some more developed faculties of
other, it is equally true that by following certain practical systems and well established, that for
solid psychological principles foundation, you can, for half of the will, the application and tenacity,
develop any faculty of mind and at the same time curbing those attitudes that may prove harmful.
Also it improves the qualities that are typical of people "lucky" or better success: curiosity,
Most of us recognize in one's personality weaknesses that have to be overcome, or lack certain
qualities that would like to acquire vice versa. Since a large part of them, however, the principles
and systems acts to limit these damaging quality and to develop good ones are totally ignored.
Even those who are aware of their weaknesses, have not, probably the vast need for a fully
developed set of those positive mental attributes, known to the scientific psychologist who has
come to know through his investigations, his investigations and his comments.
good psychologically a league where you have to always win and force. So the mental training is
an essential part of the global / integral training, and the trainer should gain, however, expertise in
this area.
Every living being has in itself a guidance system tending to a purpose which consists, in principle,
in living. In humans live is not only survival, it implies the satisfaction of physical, emotional and
mental: respond to the problems, invent, write poetry, run a company, improve sports
performance, explore new horizons of science, reaching a higher inner peace, develop a better
The man, in addition to being a creature, is also a creator and his creative imagination can be
The faculty of imagination is the largest by 'human activity source, is the main source for the
future ... All that the brain does it choose the purpose, and turn it into action with the desire. Upon
reaching a satisfactory response or corrective action is remembered for the future. Then the mind
brings this satisfactorily answered in future cases. It has learned to give exact answers, remember
the hits and forget the failures, repeating the exact action
and satisfying, without further conscious thought, or as a habit. The player often understands what
he has to do is its internal mechanism that performs these calculations for him They are made in
the data that are provided through optical and acoustic centers. If you have a deep desire creative
mechanism begins to function, and the interior analyzer which has been discussed, he begins to
explore the concepts they have assimilated, going groping towards the answer, selecting an idea
here, a fact there, a series of previous experiences, connecting them to each other in a whole that
has meaning and that it can complete the situation, the equation, solve the problem or the sporting
action. When this solution is presented to consciousness, often when you do not expect,
Even for success you can and can form: 1- The mechanism for success must have a purpose or one
2- The automatic mechanism operates or needs to be oriented towards the final results; the media
very often come into play alone. (FUNCTIONAL TRAINING) 3- Do not be afraid to make mistakes
4- The capacity is acquired through experience and mistakes, mentally correcting the goal if you
run into error until you get to operate successfully; after that you have the option to acquire
additional options and to have continued success just forgetting past mistakes and remembering
the hits, so you can imitate. (CORRECTION) 5- Can you learn to have confidence in the creative
process without locking, worrying too much or getting too anxious about the fact that it can work
or not, or trying to force it with actions too aware. It can "leave" function rather than "do" work.
Such trust is necessary because the mechanism acts below the level of awareness, and you can
not "know" what is happening below the surface. Furthermore its nature is spontaneously and
operate in accordance with the needs of the moment; therefore you can not have a guarantee in
advance. It starts to get going and when you will act when it is required by our actions.
Everything you do in life offers the opportunity to consider themselves winners. And 'possible to
learn from every experience, of their experience to derive a source of growth. Anyone can emerge
from an activity to be winners and more with the ability to gain additional expertise in that certain
activities. Such a positive attitude diminishes the feeling of tiredness, even the "resistance" to the
work of the workouts occur later. Whatever prevents growth, is not worth to be defended and think
they have "arrived" letting go is risky because it is more fragile and opponents may have the upper
hand because of this drop in tone. For an inner success and then an external success, are needed
1- FEELINGS positive, that will lead you to ... 2- new ways to THINK you,
Every emotion has its own function, you can help. To achieve its own autonomy and freedom in life
must learn to master your emotions and assumed full responsibility. It 'much more sensible to
accept their responsibilities on the feelings you try instead to delegate all responsibility to luck or
In a race between you and your opponents will be just your emotional state to determine your
efficiency. Your ability to become a winner at full time depends on the willingness to think in
winning schemes, working to eliminate the losers images you drag behind from earlier phases of
your life. This also means GROW in a situation where you are unable to achieve their goals. "
This interesting chart, prepared by prof. Bonfanti, highlights the differences between winning and
It is always part of the answer has It is always part of the problem has always an
always been a program says: "I can do excuse says: "This is not my job" Find a
Find an answer for every problem says: "difficult too difficult" Merely to his duties prefers to
but possible" Search alternatives Accept the avoid the challenge Losing or winning is the
A study psychological recent and thorough, carried on coaches
success, It made it possible to systematize and measure a profile (areas of expertise) which
9.sanno manage separately the pre - race, the race and the end of the race
What has intrigued researchers was to understand why coaches sometimes so different in
Studies in this regard have identified two characteristics or VARIABLE that, regardless of the
personality and the "styles" used by coaches, distinguish them as winners. These two variables
are the "real matrix" that determines the reaching or less of the powers and of the standard profile
2) Sense of Self-efficacy
In psychological terms, it refers to the beliefs of a person about controlling the events of his life,
using the concept of "locus of control", a term that can be translated into " Control of the place. "
In particular, those who believe they can do a check on the events of his life and who feel that their
efforts, commitment, ability, can determine what happens to them, they are defined people with an
Conversely, people who perceive that they have no control over their life situation and believe that
events are determined by outside forces such as luck, fate, the influence of other significant and
powerful people, people with a defined locus of control external. In reality there is no clear-cut
distinction between individuals. In fact, although it is present in each of a tendency for a locus of
control internal or external, are very rare cases in which these two tendencies are expressed in an
extreme way; in this sense, not always people with a tendency to an external locus of control
underestimate their ability to control events of life and not always people with a tendency to an
internal locus of control, they think they can control all the events that happen their:
However, think they can control events, or believe that it can not exercise any kind of control,
leading to enact attitudes and behaviors and more or less functional to the realization of its
In the first case, the attitude of the individual in the face of life events will be little submissive and very
determined in trying to achieve objectives and goals that he perceives to fall under its control; the
most responsible for his actions and You will have a greater chance of success. (Internal locus
of control)
In the second case, the attitude is more passive than the existence and the individual events will
presumably be more oriented to accept the events even when it could intervene effectively in
Not only that, but from the point of view of interpersonal relations, scientific studies have shown
that it is more active own an internal locus of control rather than external. In fact, it is seen as the
of confidence in the other, while, on the contrary, a behavior of attention and rescue to others it
seems to be characteristic of individuals with an internal locus of control. It has been seen that
where there is the perception of control, or potential control of events, it is easier to cope with
stress properly. One should not overlook the fact that even an opposite orientation, in some
circumstances, may have some utility. Take, for example to unexpected failure situations: in these
cases, the ability to assign the blame to external sources, and not only to themselves, can be a
means that, in the short term, makes it possible to soften the impact with the experience negative.
In any case it is important to emphasize that this type of defense is functional when "taken in small
constantly, it could lead to a kind of habit, by virtue of which the subject may remain in a situation
of passivity, rather than implement behavioral solutions able to change the negative situation that
is facing.
The locus of control ( LoC) is therefore a psychological variable that indicates the degree of
perception with respect to the control of their destiny and events. A LoC "outer" attributed mainly to
fate or to the "other" control of what happens. A LoC "internal" instead sees the subject much more
directed to consider the fate as an effect of their actions and thus a "intervenibile" variable. In other
words, the locus of control It is the mental attitude with which we feel we are able to determine our
actions and their results, compared to the control exercised by the case and the external
The outer LoC generates a vicious circle of disorganization and abandonment, a lived permeated by a
self-defeat. This experience reinforces the outer LoC creating a perverse feedback and loss of
competitive spirit, a mechanism like "I knew I did not I would've done, it was better even if we tried,
etc .. On the contrary, the personal competition requires 'taking an active relationship towards
Start setting goals, perhaps ambitious, demanding, or simple and minimal, and ask what
It is an excellent starting point for the attainment of personal rivalry. Reaching small goals is the
Usually people try to exercise control over life events, influencing them
side. This element characterizes almost all human actions, as it produces the double benefit of
making events "predictable" and deal with "preparations". Since the inability to exert influence on
events creates anxiety, it becomes apparent that the ability to promote desirable events preventing
unwanted ones is a powerful incentive to the control capacity. A strong sense of efficacy It favors
the realization of its objectives in the management of a group oriented to results (performance). It
is seen that the motivation, the most about their beliefs that are based on objective reality affective
states and the behavior of people, for this we have conducted research and investigation into
beliefs that people have about their ability to produce certain effects. Self-efficacy comes from the
belief that the person has about their ability to produce those actions necessary to properly handle
beliefs significantly influence the way people think, feel, act and intervene in particular on their
1) Self-efficacy and motivation processes (to have intrinsic motivation and know how to motivate)
The efficacy beliefs regulate quantity and quality of motivation. Who is considered effective
failure to their own personal incapacity. In addition, the motivation is adjusted dall'aspettarsi that a
certain set of behaviors produce certain results and the value that is attributed to them. People act
is based on the likely results they expect but also according to the convictions that have about
what they can do. This motivation is still ruled by efficacy beliefs, in fact, there is a very high
number of alternatives that are not taken into account because the person it considers them to its
clearly defined objectives and stimulating increase and maintain a high level of motivation. Tying
his satisfaction to achieve the pre-set standards, establish the people direction of their behavior
and create incentives in the commitment to persist until reaching the destination.
In this type of action the evaluation responds to their own performance and reactions, which are
derived from this, of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. It assumes great importance the perceived
self-efficacy during the process of reaching the goal, as well as the possible redefinition of
and know how to relate, confidence in themselves and in others)
The efficacy beliefs support their motivation in many ways, they determine the chosen objectives,
the amount of commitment, perseverance in difficulties, the resilience than failures. Who lacks
surrender to it, rather than do more. The conviction about their own ability to effectively manage
things, also determines the amount of tension and depression that comes in particularly difficult
a) (able to face and want to overcome difficulties) People that consider the potential dangers "can
environment and are taken to boost the gravity well of events that occur rarely. This decreases
their ability to function well because they live debilitating mode. In the event that their effectiveness
is elevated through a series of guided experiences that allow you to successfully face the
b) (to stop thinking negative) People living with self-made thoughts all the time, control over these
"mental ruminations" is a means to modulate the onset of anxiety and depression is due to the
c) (deal with tenacity) E 'you can reduce anxiety by promoting patterns of behavior that can
change the environment, transforming it from threatening safely. The efficacy beliefs affect the
d) (define achievable goals) The frustrated aspirations push depression, this happens when the
then the standards that are not reachable and invests this much energy to just get a failure.
e) (socialize and get in touch) The low esteem in terms of capacity to enhance social relations, it
produces particularly damaging as this aspect is a source of satisfaction in life and absorbs the
f) (worth knowing) A sense of low self-efficacy in the possibility of obtaining what leads to self
satisfaction produces depression and this in turn has a negative impact on self-esteem.
People are in part the product of their environment, estimating it may determine the activities that
In this way, each model its own destiny also avoiding those environments that considers beyond
their management skills. The choices made cultivate different types of skills, interests and social
relationships, and this creates the existential course. To influence the choices, it means
intervening deeply personal development. The self-efficacy beliefs are not the result of the
presumption, are the product of a autopersuasione complex process that is based on the
elaboration of
from different sources that are acquired through the action, the influence of others, the
interpretation of certain processes. These beliefs, once formed contribute mainly to its quality of
substantial and long-lasting energy. That's why, from the investigation that made people who have
unquenchable sense of efficacy and the conviction of the value of their skills.
The control belief is the subjective representation of their ability to exercise control, how they
perceived their ability to handle events. It 's very important to look at this mental construction as a
2. is an important part of the concept of whether and determines to a large extent self-esteem or
All that is needed is a control belief is objectively necessary that the effects occur. It 'a
development that part and is formed until childhood. In adulthood people do derive a portion
important to self-esteem, by controlling who think they have become of particular events and
generally realize that they should have more control over what they can carry. All this produces
stress, because it becomes necessary to make choices often difficult because of the strong sense
of personal responsibility.
Many coaches have given me philosophies and attitudes related to success. The analysis of
Montali, who is often invited by many business to do coaching, referring to the theories on the
success already expressed, is very attractive. According Montali, coach is the one which
commands, which makes choices, one who guides people and has great charisma, is the leader,
even from the etymological meaning of the word translation (head) and to achieve a winning
mentality it takes:
The basis of any relationship there must be good communication: the leader must always
be direct, immediate and clear with each team member. Everyone should know what to do
Montali defines the value added. Any type of project can get to the goal only thanks to the
success of intra-group relations: people do not have to play against, but must play together toward
a common goal. What must be created, so that you do not experience failure, is the team
Human resources are represented by: the company, the coach, the staff, and the players;
achieve its objective and must work together in an inseparable way.
What makes the difference between victory and defeat is the attitude: the
sense of awareness of what you are doing. Each person has the potential capabilities that
allow it to be more or less good at a particular task, but what really makes the difference is
the attitude toward these skills. You can be so the right person at the right time, but the
person who makes it must also be aware of being the right one at the right time: the attitude
allows you to maximize your potential, not throw them away. In this sense, achieve success It
means being able to understand and implement the action taken goals. The success must
in that specific
moment. People with a strong motivation for success familiar with their potential, they know they
can go; They behave with humility and share with other experiences ( "victory is noble only when it
is shared"); They are open to different points of view and are able to change attitudes and
behaviors in view of new situations; They have the tools to handle the highest failure effects and
continually pose to be achieved ( "the challenge in the challenge"). For Montali what winning in
sport is not the group, but it is the TEAM: you can not achieve a goal just making group, but as a
Inside of an orchestra each has its own role and plays this role in the function of its capacity, so
that it does, because you are part of a group because you are good at do the job. The task of the
company is to give the orchestra style, that is, to give a sense of belonging; while the task of the
leader is to direct each member of the team towards a common goal: to play the selected music
piece. The key issue is that each player does his job with heart is passion ( the attitude that you
- teach team members self-empowerment. We must always and everywhere be aware of what you
are doing and your skills and ask: "What did I learn today?";
- collaborate with each element (by the employee, by the player, the company executive) to
- choose the score to play. I would add learn to interpret the 'first violin' in the orchestra. There MENTALITY
'WINNING in sport it is so open-minded, which has a tendency to success, who knows how to
handle the lucky moments and react to possible failures ( "it's the defeats that we must start to
build a win"). She has a remarkable strength of will, it is equipped with perseverance and
decisiveness; knows how to put to use their talents, he knows reach its optimum operating zone
and is characterized by strong motivation. The winning mentality is acquired for the sport and, as
Make coaching therefore means: to prepare, train and educate finally, because in the end, one
that wins is the team game! "Either you win as a team, or lose as individuals."
To conclude this first part theoretical, I gathered information from various colleagues coaches and
Even the physical preparation, the same way as other performance areas must compete in the
young athlete, improved winning mentality that the competitive spirit intended as preparation to
compete with others before their own limits. As such each limit for those who are animated by a
fair competitive spirit is in fact, even with regard to physical preparation, an opportunity to get
involved and approach, improving one centimeter your jump rather than the lowering of a cent time
in step, to a new target from which to draw confidence and motivation necessary to prove himself
to be a winner and be able to program the achievement of a next target. But it is equally true as
anxiety, stress, danger, grief are emotions inherent in the literal meaning of the Greek word
αγωνоς hence the term competitiveness. This means that there can be no passing the finish line
and therefore can not have a winning mentality when it has not been able to first of all have to live
with its flaws. We need to find the motivation needed to turn them into resources intended to give
new victories. In this sense a real winner was the one who, in the preparation of the physical
quality has been able to set goals starting from the awareness of his own limitations, no crash, but
transforming the same into possibilities and then he managed to earn an albeit small improvement
Becoming aware of its limitations and search for individual improvement (of concrete data as a
test observations)
Cutting jobs with a tendency to focus on the performance of speed and explosive strength.
Sewer acquisition of gestures with finalizing the functionality (in practice every gesture must be
trained at top speed and transported to the situation by verbal reflections on winning cases of the
success (basically targeted exercises and evaluated the coverage of reciprocal movements,
movements without the ball to create space attacked by his companions, of getting everything
and in any case related to the conditions predisposition goals.). Work systematically attack the
spaces forward.
situations outnumbered, concept of assistance to the owner of the ball and actions
linked to signals or
Preparation and respect for rules where the group and the final outcome is always preferred.
research and goals in particular Verbalizzazione and sharing Verbalizzazione mission and
Development of the sense of trust in the partner (eg with exercises where you make a run
blindly guided behind the companion with a simple push of the hand on his back). Highlighting
the importance of concentration and attention before and during the race (examples of targeted
Anchors or pre-race acts to challenge themselves union and sharing rituals (screams or phrases
before they leave the dressing room, gestures such as hugs or handshakes in an unconventional
behavior or mode of communication related to behavior and the demonstrations of the team.
For example raise or lower the level of aggressiveness, focusing the attention of difficulty, cheer
the accident and the injured Management (eg minimize the seriousness where possible, pass to
the team the message sorry for the person but the consequent absence is irrelevant, exploit
situations where the use of actors or players found to be convincing) . Externalize more and
behaviors of those not satisfied and always seeks the positive outcome even in training (Be
careful when the level of aggressiveness or expectation salt too. It 's time to tone).
2.1 LA's figure: MANAGE NETWORK AND COMMUNICATION Before addressing my first
hands-on experience, I would like to make a connection between the two parts of the thesis, with
some references to aspects not well defined, compared to the figure for the coach winning me are
crucial. First of all group management, not only the team, but staff and other professionals who
interact in the processes of the team throughout the season, according to the mode "Being" of
Even with appurtenances taken from the Master course, the personal insights, the conclusions are
clearly subjective.
L 'coach must act as a keen observer of what happens in order to be a leader and mediator in the
operating network (team and working groups, interacting with the team). The following criteria then
apply to the management of all working groups even if referred to the team. No team performance
(team or work group) can be effective if the processes of interaction, are scarce or ineffective. The
inherent complexity and diversity individual makes the management and effectiveness of the team
is difficult and the dynamic process of transition interaction integration which allows us to form a
group through:
Interact (group)
Ties Proximity
Trade Negotiation
Integrating (team)
The interactive processes They occur in poorly padroneggiabili shapes and also perceived by members of the group. In groups
of athletes interactions of living together and competitive situations end up influencing the climate and the efficiency of the team.
The need of a leader comes from the group. Often this need arises in times of confusion or fatigue to organize their thoughts. In
football, the leader is positive when it is accepted in the interests of the team. However, in a group leadership functions are
allocated with respect to skills, roles or moments and contextual processes. It 'still the group must recognize and work with the
leaders. Each group, however, has its own needs, its own style of leadership. The analysis of a team is the sum of the analyzes
of its members. There, In fact, the characteristics that are typical of the system, ie interactive models that transcend the quality
of individual members. We are accustomed to thinking in terms of cause - effect and systemic theory teaches us to consider the
relationship in circular terms. If a group is composed of four elements (A, B, C, D) if A by a message to B, these in turn will
stimulate the latter C and D which then in turn will give an input to A. This means argue that in a group relationship, a conflict
between two members is inevitably involve He teaches to consider the reports in circular terms. If a group is composed of four
elements (A, B, C, D) if A by a message to B, these in turn will stimulate the latter C and D which then in turn will give an input
to A. This means argue that in a group relationship, a conflict between two members is inevitably involve He teaches to consider
the reports in circular terms. If a group is composed of four elements (A, B, C, D) if A by a message to B, these in turn will
stimulate the latter C and D which then in turn will give an input to A. This means argue that in a group relationship, a conflict
also the other components of the group. A structured group, such as sport, so it is not an
undifferentiated and chaotic dynamics, but also a system that tends to a specific streamlining of
tasks and procedures required for the realization of its objectives. The feeling of being treated as
equivalents by the coach influences the level of commitment, motivation and satisfaction of the
the level of compatibility between the evaluation of the coach and the player about the
the way the coach communicates his ideas to athletes; the athlete's perception of the
coach's desire to help him improve and to be happy. THE' equity It can weld a team, as its
absence can destroy it. You have that indent coaches athletes in an honest, frank and fair;
players must feel that they are treated fairly, even if they are not totally satisfied with certain
decisions. For the coach, please everyone will be essentially impossible; treat all equally and
frankly, represent a starting point, a working method and also an objective to maintain or achieve
as soon as possible. These aspects should also be taken into account and especially in the
management of staff, and finally, the coach must be able to to interact the functional components
of the group, taking them all ' integration, through equitable management and value-adding, with
a adequate communication.
I then firmly, that the primary condition for being able to communicate and to be "real" and the
falsity destroys leaving every chance meeting: be true means, in my opinion, be themselves in the
distorted origin, and our manifest is not like the music coming out of a forgotten tool. There first
falsehoods and the discrepancy between the words and the thought I do not say that I am, I
say the opposite of what I think, the second being false It is to play between what it is and what
it looks or trying to bring up, finally The third false, It is inconsistent , Which states the ideal
values, which denies with his behavior. It is noted at this point that, if we compare what in fact
each of us is, with what should be, we can not often to test for equality; that man "right" tends to
improve on what in fact is. But there who can neither wants to be himself to the end, but at the
same time refuses to recognize its limits. In my experience as a player I always liked the coaches
communique with clarity and sincerity their views. Continuing on communication, I think that
sharing the objectives and the tools to achieve them, on mutual respect of the roles, the pleasure
of working together will prove tools and at the same time preliminary goals than tactical teachings,
technicians and regulations of any sport. Sometimes, it might not be enough. There sharing good
intentions are not alone, in fact, sufficient to establish a true and lasting harmony between the
coach, the players and staff. So, good value depends not only on numerous factors such as
competence, seriousness and integrity, as well as a good form of communication. Often, if the
athletes or others in general do not understand us, depends precisely on our inability to
report adequately with their players in relation to their age, the particular characteristics, moods,
the moments that crosses the whole team. The communication is therefore fundamental element
because much of the training session and life in group always results in informing, training, correct,
encourage, assist, always interacting with the athletes and, of course, with the rest of the staff and
the other components that revolve around the team (companies, etc.). The coach, we know that to
improved with extreme fatigue and in the course of time and refers to:
a) the group
without forgetting the fundamental problem of the feed back, that is, the ability to listen and to
evaluate the return communication. The ideal starting point is the Convergent sharing of reality with
the use of a common terminology as possible. A "collective logic" that should include many
aspects and in which you must sharing rules, values and goals. THE Successful groups They
stability of leadership
all they participate as partners and everyone has their own time they all speak the same
So, the best result is achieved when, in fact, the collective speaks the same language, in particular
the staff, that is, when there is a sharing of human values (respect, honesty, selflessness,
In the locker human relations are never stable, should not be given for granted, the coach must
always fed; It must be so programmed moments of verification of the situations into being. These
checks is more suitable that they are made in good times, for example to emphasize the good
relationship now, communicative and sportswear recalling the shared values, or is it better to
intervene in the technical correction or tactic that also affects other aspects after a win. The
difficulty of talking to the team, the coach must communicate effectively with the aim of persuasion.
When you do not have or can not have communication "face to face" to speak to a group you
be unique
At this point one wonders whether it is practically possible to do something, propose activities,
communicate in any particular way, plan a nature trail, use a method of training, to form a
winning mentality.
The effectiveness of the training and the achievement of planned objectives, in fact, depend
largely on the adopted methodology. The method (in its etymological meaning: "Met - odon", across
the road) is based on the theories and on the fact, forms of learning, it can be considered a choice
and a way with which to operate to achieve the objectives and transmit the principles.
That is the kind of leadership that the coach deemed establish the group. It was codified in:
3) The language
to) deductive, When the coach is prescriptive and assigns a task or have carried out an exercise
b) inductive, when the coach puts students in a research situation of the solution and achieving a
5) The choice of
to) global, when it comes to content or general activities in which there are several aspects they are
pursued more goals. The technical gesture becomes the means to achieve the goal.
b) analytical, when the assets, as the word suggests, analyze the goal and the technical act to be
become a winning certainly it depends on the method used, since the latter is related to
philosophical and psychological choices of the coach. From the mentality of the latter it will be the
training model of the player, the game expression and who goes in the field. For this reason also
the staff and players must have the same mentality. The methodology then, is the choice with
which to operate, that is the way to achieve the objectives; in this case concerns the such as to win.
If a coach wants to win at any cost, you can use the methods to teach how to achieve victory,
perhaps with no lawful means. But the victory is a consequence of using a methodology that
fosters a winning mentality and in an ethical perspective - Training desire to improve and
evaluated for their performance. You often hear about winning mentality, but no one has perhaps
"Winning" is a word that embraces many aspects of life. Often it is the luck that determines it. But
the interpretation is such as to allow to consider a defeat a victory and vice versa. Maybe you win
when you are satisfied with what has been and what it does. Also when you have to do with
objective data, such as the outcome of a football game or the standings, you can actually
determine the winner in the particular situation. There are countless factors that affect performance
health, nutrition and so on. Another author, Maslow talks about education as follows, indicating
how to reach the goals: the training intervention concerns the auxological psychological
development. The coach can assess and intervene with ideas and successes on behavior
Player in ' environment to achieve the targets programmed. But through confidence must support
and form the values and identity that give sense (mission) it's a Faith (trasmission) in what you
do and what it "is" and for those who do. In fact, the level of importance of the psychological
scale (containers) can be schematized in an iceberg reversed where the visible part is easily
The reality and the situation concerning my experience, they are special and have been given due
consideration in my transition from player to coach. Even my willingness to help others has
influenced my new business. Today at the end of the course and of the experience, I can rework
processes and practical aspects that I have implemented in this period. Here, the points, the
design areas of my transmitting a winning mentality, connected to the theoretical part through the
search terms highlighted in bold. Examples of field work, which will be entered as evidence of
technical and tactical activities for purposes many mental goals. In fact, the training that must be
Compliance with rules and opponent (Fair Play) STYLE AND RESPECT.
Finding myself at Milan and working with the guys, I thought that the basis of building a mentality,
there was first of all, the ethical aspect - behavior that distinguished them one style and identity. However
the policy is transferable to all reality. Here's the design of the rules is one of the first steps. It is in
"Building, sharing and respect for the rules" that far from being an automatic mechanism that
can transform from positive factor and growth, obstacle and impediment to the realization of the
process. In fact, what matters most is the transition from obedience to a rule because it sets, to
an internalization of the norm, ie to share it and make it their own because it was deemed
functional to achieve the objective and place of the group's operation. There so-called intrinsic
motivation, It comes as the result of a personal decision, a conscious decision, promoted and
but solid that requires a particular awareness where then, the rule also finds its natural position
and while inside the inevitable difficulties, conflicts, contradictions that become a resource rather
than ballast. Educate and get used to compliance It is not only a necessity to the smooth running
of a competition, an activity, but an ethical and moral duty and a value and above all it must
assume the character of consciousness, mentality, style and identity. The Fair Play it is an
unwritten rule, but dictated by a code of honor present in football and many other sports. The word
play fair (fair play) you can indeed translate loyalty. Fair play is the name of an official commitment
by UEFA - FIFA to increase ' professional ethics inside of football and to prevent discrimination in
the sport.
7. Making a lot of games to donate the proceeds to those who need it.
11. Honoring those who defend the good reputation of the sport.
The race is an "artificial conflict" produced and governed by special rules They have to observe.
The goal of a game is to get a victory by building their own capacity to provide, individually or
collectively, to the detriment of the opponent, using tactics and strategies that are in the limits of
freedom granted by the rules. Compliance with the rules and the opponent goes far beyond the
purely competitive law and provides the moral order than the man as a person. Since tactics and
strategy are the "intelligent" aspect of a race that allow the "small" beat the "big" it is good to focus
on this to the attention of the players, rather than on means and methods unfair (unfair). There is a
compliance with rules, but it provides for the loyalty, respect for self and others, the win without
boasting and knowing how to lose without bitterness and recrimination. So, basically, from the
rules of conduct. The rules affect not only the technical aspect but also the social life of the team,
such as the punctuality, hygiene, order, respect for themselves, for others, for the facilities
and materials (education) etc ... Even during training it was also room for action hard on those
using illicit means to win in competitions to prevent "the error workout." I consider it necessary that
at the beginning of a relationship with a new group, create together a structured code of conduct
Make sense, know the objectives of all that you are doing.
I think it's appropriate, the player is informed of the objectives and content of what he is doing.
Since knowledge of all aspects that govern the sport allows a more objective and accurate
assessment of reality, for this reason, the player needs to know. Learning, training objectives and
rules of action in any situation, do the analysis of the game, sharing the analysis of physical data -
the athletic games and practices, etc ... All this so that targets
They are connected to sense what and how we are doing and especially the
why is for who just do it and where you want to get ( intrinsic and extrinsic motivations). Knowing
the factors of performance, that is, of all those aspects that contribute to a win and then comment
scope, time, and training modes to the players and so your choices and why. It has also been used
weekly analysis overview video of the race to define the objectives on which to work. In particular,
the appearance of the sharing in this area it is very important. In fact, the shared analysis of the
race becomes, method of knowledge growth technical and tactical, at the same time means of cohesion
The analysis and observation of the game can contribute actively and positively determine the
training program and the setting goals to be reached by the staff. If from the point of view of the
methodology of this process it is crucial to finalize the educational intervention and allow us work
on the mistakes, it is even more for individual motivation and group commitment and
prestativo in search of success. The taking of individual and collective consciousness of the race
situations allow, in fact, the share and accept the subsequent intervention of the technical staff,
not only from the point of view of physico-athletic and technical-tactical, but also for what concerns
The site, del'analisi may vary. There are coaches that exploit as anchoring the company's
headquarters to carry out even the analysis of the race; other, if you get lost, use the dressing
room, if you win, maybe the training camp. I think it's also important to evaluate these aspects but
often the choice is forced, in our case after a brief analysis to the resumption of training done on
the field with statistical data references to products from the analysis of the race,
projected selections of the previous race on the goal suffered balls and created to analyze the two
phases. In favor of the convergence analysis, statistical data, and the unanimous opinion of the
staff must support the fundamental balance between two demonstrations of leadership and
In addition, in 'joint analysis, it will prove to be vital that responsibility and deserve to be recognized
and taken with absolute tranquility and transparency from everyone, even from their coach. For
this reason, the coach must introduce shared analysis clearly already prepared to provide, at the
end of the intervention, the practical program intervention, with the flexibility in the implementation
in reference to any newly emerged data. The shared analysis of the race, if it is well structured and
prepared, includes a period of time between 15 and 20 minutes, except in special cases from
which emerge conflicts and divergences. Nothing prevents the coach, or a collaborator
to deepen the analysis of the race, into useful and different times, with some players at the
- correct. The player must find the balance between self-esteem, aspirations and performance. The
presumption and fear of failure are extremes to be avoided. Gaining confidence in himself knowing
your limits and enhancing their skills, It allows the player to assess and face the difficulties, without
being overwhelmed by fear of being unprepared and waste time in indecision and futile attempts,
personally verifying the effectiveness of its action through the acceptance of the result and comparison
( Self esteem). The coach often has to encourage and show appreciation, estimate and the confidence
in respect of its supporting player identity. I therefore sought the intervention corrective to use the
"be" verb in positive reinforcement ( six was good to kick in that situation ..), while the "have" verb in
corrections on "doing" (..but you have erred in not kicking the far post)
So self-evaluation and encouragement to support the identity, but, however, placing the player,
facing objective difficulties to overcome, not avoid or hide behind excuses and disclaimers. The
proposed activities must allow the player to reach goals that are in its possibilities ( success). Therefore,
they must be organized in didactic progressions (from easy to difficult) and allow the player to
verify the effectiveness and implement any self-corrections. In addition, the situational work, in
particular challenges 1c1, It allows self-assessment in comparison with others. Other examples,
used in my management are the tests, the comparison with peers and assessment of changes
over time of the data that reveal an extremely positive methodological support. Observe the tracks
recorded during training, at individual and collective level, from cardio - frequency meters and
telemetry sensors, to become aware of the internal load developed during the session in the
various exercises and compare it with others. Still video analysis that allows assessment of the
errors to be corrected and awareness of the aspects to be improved. Players must then be
stimulated to improve continuously since, the desire to "get over" and "overcome" ( challenge)
The team and the importance of the group. (BE cohesive) About we are and where is
players know the structure of the group (positive or negative leaders, sub-groups, etc.) to improve
communication within and achieve a cohesive force that is aimed specifically at the values,
essential. Players must understand the importance of group and improve availability, friendship,
cooperation and all the social skills of group dynamics. Learning from each other is another
essential aspect. Emphasizing, in victory, the collaborative aspect of the group because, as is well
known, only a good collective can lead to a continuity of results a football team. Pay attention to
the objects and aims of the working group. Moreover, enhancing the attachment to the shirt and
A practical example can generally be to the possession situations in small groups or teams
outnumbered, where it is implied the active participation of each component for a good
performance. In fact, all our situations of attack - defense where a department is shorthanded,
stimulates collaboration and enhances teamwork. The example on the pressure following was
We see in the picture a pitch that can vary in size with respect to level and number of players
participating and physiological intervention to be obtained. The latter must take into account the
working time and number of participants in the situation. In this case we observe a 8C4 where in
possession players are willing: 4 inside the pitch with the possibility of movement and
4 on the external lines with the possibility of moving on the same. The team in possession may
have limited the touches as a variant mail from their coach. The four players on defense, that is
obliged to recover the ball, will have to implement a certain pressure on opponents, working as
much as possible. We see the variations that can be implemented with different objectives:
1. It determines a working time (max 2m.) And count the balls recovered
between 4 players in pressure, alternating between the 3 groups. The team that has recovered
This is to mentally accustom the players to recapture the ball shrinking time and space
2. Because the pressure does not mean in any case, the heat necessary to organize it,
synchrony and reading of situations. In this case we force the four players in pressure to
implement it only on external players forcing opponents to play the ball to the players on the
line and to attack together on the latter. Indeed the pressing is carried out more frequently
on the flanks. In all variants apply the working time rules and to win that is, who gets the most
opponents. Therefore, the motion part of a high passage which must in any case be induced
by 4 in pressure.
that is in trouble in possession and maintain pressure on him forcing teammates to pass
5. Again in free form by noting that the players in pressure with respect
the pressure signal starting from the first player to create pressure on the ball carrier.
This simple progression therefore allows to transfer, not only all the principles of pressure, marked
in bold, but requires a group inferiority Numerical to organize themselves to reach the 'goal. Other
examples: already mentioned previously the analysis usage of shared race; Furthermore, the
division of space in the dressing has not been fixed, but variable in order to allow the integration of
all components; same methodology for places at the table during lunches and dinners of the pre -
race retreats. Behavior that I also very important is the delivery by the Mister of the race jersey
before the game, as a sign of personal confidence, but also to raise awareness among players
attachment of colors.
The consciousness of defeat. (ACCEPT AND ALWAYS FACING THE CHALLENGE)
The player is ready to compete when they understand and live in the right meaning the experience
of victory, but most of defeat. In fact, they are both positive if intended as a moment of knowledge
of their own and others limit stimulate and, consequently, further improvements. The "Losing" is a
goal that seems unrealistic to implement, but the consciousness and culture of the meaning in a
sporting sense, it is easy to learn if defeat is not dramatized and faulted. Since man lives all his
life through victories and defeats, whether it will be able to accept them and overcome them, will
have no fear of facing any test, obstacle competition or confrontation and, by providing the three
possible outcomes (win, draw, defeat) always seek to achieve the first ( success). The player
should, therefore, always be always oriented to consult with peers, monitor progress, address
new situations. Winning and pursue success is, however, a essential motivation (preferably
intrinsic) for development that becomes negative when it is presented as the only goal. We must
make it clear from the beginning that the competitive spirit is understood as a commitment to give
the best of themselves to others, and that a benefit or a victory have, therefore, represent a
meaning when achievement of themselves, the result of a commitment made and tenaciously
pursued. To promote a winning mentality and consciousness of defeat, for example, you are
always executed in the form of race activities, organizing early bets between teams and players. In
challenge, It must be understood, in any case, as habit, and verification means for achieving the
I searched for this increasingly organizing challenges between departments, during the technical activities,
theme and practice matches between players of the same role in specific exercises, making
sanctions agreed at the end. I personally have always felt within myself the urge to want to
compare and try to win, but as I sent my players, I cried when I won, but never when I lost.
Forming competitive capabilities: custom attention, concentration, effort and sacrifice. (KNOW
The achievement of victory is often the result of volitional character and performance, sometimes
even individual of individual initiative. The players have to understand, through experience, sense
of sacrifice and verify the usefulness of their own commitment with specific activities. This is not a
free but suffering to acquire a consciousness about the effectiveness and satisfaction of achieving
goals with tenacity and perseverance. So the motivation objective to be pursued must be high and
Attention and concentration They are indispensable to the player to always be ready for any
situation and any possible changes during the course of the game. Players will be able to keep in
quantity and high quality of these skills, they manage to be reliable and continuous in
performance, and always improvable in training. Keep active focus and concentration is a
fundamental objective of the player who has to find the right motivation as a habit effort and
attention and especially not manage to go 'beyond' the limit of their competitive capacity. I thought
it was important while proposing motivating activities to suit desire to play and learn, and where
motivation to success. In addition, the training resources have had as a feature, a high demand of
physical and psychological endurance in which children experience the "know how to suffer," to
achieve the objective. Modern technologies (telemetry) today offer important tools for assessing the
internal load of proposed activity and its findings can be used as an objective test with the players
on the commitment expressed in training. I then held always under pressure the players during
training with almost identical pace of work or higher in the race and the media have always had a increase
the cognitive load, forever stimulate more attention. The activities, for example, in situations that
relate to the phase of positive and negative transition, namely the loss and regaining of the ball are
It 'a themed game with three teams, with two spaces marked with variable size in relation to the
number of players. The game serves to train the time to negative transition, namely the loss of
possession, from the mental point of view. A team retains possession in one of the two spaces and
get a point every 6/8 steps made. If the opponents win the ball they must immediately pass
another space to the team that awaits. Players who lost possession immediately must fight to
prevent the game changer ( attack on the ball carrier to immediately reclaim), otherwise they run
fast in space where the ball was thrown ( folding) to prevent new rivals to make the 6/8 steps, win
back the ball to earn the point and retransmit the ball in the previous space where there is a team
waiting and so on. The working times have been agreed with the preparer, because the activity is
very intense and is established in relation to the number of players and used space.
avoid mistakes. Both individually and collectively, the error is crucial to achieving the goal and
success. The concrete and effective player who errs not, will have more chances to achieve high
levels of performance and category, as well as an organized team that commits fewer errors will
have greater ability to "get a result." Automate and get used to the technical gestures and
behaviors - incorrect tactical means "work out the error" becoming "good at making mistakes." E
'useful to make aware of this and ask the players in training and in competition, a constant search
for perfectibility ( since there is no perfection) making concrete and effective, objective reference,
game situation or exercise performed. There error correction
improvement. And 'why he has worked in the field placing in situation players and planning the
activities of the week, on the analysis of errors seen in the race. In training, corrective action has
always been timely, to make them understand the player the wrong behavior and making record and
participate in the intervention. In this area, the use of the video area has contributed greatly to
achieving this goal. The boys, even on their own, they had access to an Internet platform through
which an individual account, allowed the vision of tenders assigned and synthesis divided in how
The immediate possession of the ball and space forward. (SYSTEMS AND OFFENSIVE
From a phylogenetic point of view, ontogenetic but also psychological and philosophical man has
always tried to " conquer space "To show its strength and invincibility in wars of conquest,
revolution, at work and in this case in sport, which can be considered an" artificial conflict. " The
basic feature of competitive sport is that it is based on the concept of competition, it understood as
I love to fight. You can not inhibit the tendency to assert himself, whose psychological basis is
aggressive impulse. In sport, man can "attack" without negative consequences, and surpassing
them facing difficult situations in a positive way. I have therefore used in methods and systems offensive
immediately winning the ball and space forward. As for the defense, I favored a defense type
looking active to develop collaborative skills and cognitive with a mentality at all wait, then pressing
to direct the natural aggressiveness on the ball, play forward and get used mentally, as already
seen, the phase of negative and positive transition. Again it comes to forming an active
open-minded and successful that it is based on basic goals that I think of football: build more
In always try to achieve these goals with the group, including its work on the tactic of collective
possession, has always aimed activity, the conquest of space forward. The following is a means
Playing 10c10 with the system adopted in a field divided into sectors, each zone (defense,
midfield and attack), you must try to get the ball in the opposing goal, without losing possession
conquering space forward. With this business you work for both departments for both players
chains. Initially, each player competes only from their industry and must try the space of
Defenders will try to space behind the midfielders will do in amplitude and scaglionandosi,
The possibility of insertion in the advanced sector to allow the numerical superiority and
promote external overlays. Then they delete the subdivisions of the areas and is played with
similar rules and variations to the previous proposal. The further variants which can be
inserted when the field is no longer divided into zones can be:
The "give and go" required after passing the ball to a teammate
The requirement for a pass on the short and one long alternately
The players are not just performers, but they must be able to take the initiative and demonstrate sense
of responsibility. You could summarize it all with the examples of the evolution of roles in football
history: the role taking (marker) to role playing (free) role in creating
(A zone defense), that is, from the role with fixed charges to the interpretation and creation of the
We must therefore organize situational teaching progressions in which the player will be able to:
Take responsibility.
In addition, in the game, some important decisions may be taken by players, such as the choice of
beating a penalty in this case, it will prove more effective for the growth of the individual and then
taking the responsibility for implementing not that it has been designated a priori hierarchy and
responsibility, of initiative and demonstrations character and personality. Again, the proposals
in the field were aimed at those goals, and I valued behaviors and those players in the race and in
training have shown these qualities. Above all, I have always wondered, and in that sense I set
workouts, the play the ball more looking for the right solution for every situation and encouraging
the collaboration of all players ( movement and dissociation without the ball).
The coach com'esempio (HEART AND PASSION)
Knowing how to observe Being aware Knowing how to communicate Knowing how to
intervene if the coach and the whole ' environment around does not create a favorable condition
to date outlined above, the players will adjust to the system that has been created. It 'important
to the whole environment and society encourages the coach's mentality, clearly shared. In
addition, it must show tranquility. His example is crucial to the player. It must convey optimism
and positivity, because if it is too fearful the team will demonstrate the same attitude on the
field. Secure and responsible of their own ideas and beliefs, the technician must still be open to
confrontation and to always improve with the team. Charisma and personality are gifts
Safety and optimism should also not become presumption, even the coach has to show and
transmit humility, inalienable dowry to be successful. If the coach has a winning mentality, in fact,
it will have a good chance that they are also their own players and consequently their team.
I then used the clarity and simplicity in communication to make me understand and transmit
knowledge and principles, and the ability to able to listen and understand the feedback of the
answers of my players.
Finally, victory becomes a consequence the achievement of educational goals - training (social,
behavioral, cognitive, emotional - emotional, ethical - behavioral, professional, etc ...) and specific
educational (technical, tactical, physical and athletic, situational, strategic, etc .. .) of the natural
aspiration to improve themselves and the pursuit of confrontation with others, not just the sporting
results. So, in this sense, the coach has the duty to form winning mentality and be a winner.
2.4 PROGRAMMING THE WEEKLY Because I believe in design, I believe that improvisation has
meaning only within a structured organization and flexibility contributes to the adjustment in
progress, I conclude this essay with the example of the setting of the week type that can be seen
in the table on the last page (p. 60). All contents expressed in the long preceding paragraph,
related to my experience and the transmission of the winning mentality, were structured in that
program, which does not include the race, which is of course an essential component of the
In the pre - training, awaiting the arrival of all the players, then they split the boys
midfielders, strikers). From the point of view of the motor, on Tuesday they attuavano media related
to flexibility as initial recovery, and aerobic power work at the end of the session with different
activities including those who had played or not, Wednesday was the intervention neuromuscular
(strength and resistance to speed) at the beginning of the session, on Thursday you
He is working on activities
gymnastics to conclude work on speed and quickness to Friday. Dry Work only the indispensable,
it is therefore favored the activities with high intensity ball. From the technical and tactical point of
agreed and finalized at the session, this to make the transfer as a gesture, action and reality,
through the analytical technique, individual tactics, concluding with the collective tactics.
Obviously, everything was much more complex, but not within the theme of the thesis. In general
Speakers of all areas of personality Player E ' whole wheat acting on all
Specific since the proposed activities provide functional methodology and live for football
I do not know 'even though I am and will a successful coach, but definitely want to be with the
humility to want to get better and with the spirit that has always animated me as a player. The
experience of the master course has definitely helped me to improve and to transmit new ideas in
reference to the new football training methods that confirm and support different aspects that I
have faced this year and that already had worked in my experience as a player. My progression as
a player, has gone through several stages and with same gradualness
I want to address that as manager, because the experience is one that teaches in the life and
profession, and humility is the first value. I felt, together with my group, analyzing all aspects
explained in the essay, the sporting results of the season (semifinals Italian title) a great success,
a starting point to build a new and better and better project. So I thank my team and my colleagues
for what they have given me in terms of emotions, respect, commitment and collaboration.
contributed to this my product, to my growth and who have shown great professionalism,
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* * All quotations in the thesis were drawn by the authors named in the works present in
the bibliography
individule TACTICS: individual technique exercises from 1C0 to 4c0,
progressions in situations of individual tactical dall'1c1
to 3c3, collective tactical situations and as 6C4 department
at 10c10, themed games.
(Principles of individual BALL pOSSESSION mobility. Work to 75-85% of
Flex between obstacles or rhythm or circuit.
possession, dissociation,
(Construction of the game, conquest and attack differentiated work groups:
support, support) VAM. (Technical
exercises intensive tactics)
RECEPTION AND TACTICAL PERSONAL: POSTURAL 20 ' AT individual technique exercises from 1C0 to 4c0,
THE END progressions in situations of individual tactical dall'1c1
(Principles from ownership to no THE TECHNICAL
3 Thursday (Ruggedization postural to 3c3, collective tactical situations and as 6C4 department
possession individual and vice TACTICAL COLLECTIVE:
muscles. at 10c10, actions of port race.
versa oriented control, 20 'LABOR DEPARTMENT 20' PRESSING,
Functional Strength) Abdominal or isometric holds, Dorsal - Lumbar
(Attack on the ball, folding and restart)