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Case study on Bayes Ahmed’s, “The Traditional Four Steps

Transportation Modeling Using Simplified Transport Network:

A Case Study of Dhaka City, Bangladesh
1. Rafsanul Haque -1821485625 Trip Generation
2. MD. Nazmul Hasan -1821567625 Trip Distribution
3. Sojib Mia - 1821574025 Mode Split


Department of civil and environmental Eng.
COURSE-CEE350 Sec-1 (summer)
RAFSANUL HAQUE (1821485625)


The four-step urban planning process is comprised of the following:

1.Trip Generation
2. Trip Distribution
3. Mode Split
4.Traffic Assignment.
Trip generation determines the frequency of origins or destinations of trips in each zone
by trip purpose, as a function of land use, household demographics, and other
socioeconomic factors. Trip generation is a model of the number of trips that create and
end in each zone for a given data. The goal of trip generation is to predict the number of
trips, by purpose, that are generated by and attracted to each zone in a study area. Trip
generation estimates the number and types of trips originating and terminating in
zones. For each discrete spatial unit, it is estimated the extent to which it is an origin
and destination for movements. The output is usually the number of trips generated and
attracted by a given spatial unit.


To achieve the goal, traditional four-step transport modeling has been adopted. This is a
macro level working method. The next step is to perform the following four steps:

Population and average zonal income & Employment and land price………. Write
details about these two topics
We know,
1 Lakh = 100000 Bangladesh Taka (BDT)
1 Katha = 720 ft² of land

Calculation Process:
Population after 10 years = Existing population (1+ 0.045) ^10
Here, Growth Rate = 4.5% = 0.045; Projected Year = 10
Use above formula to calculate the

1) Trip production

2) Attraction parameters are calculated.

Trip Production= a0 + (1 a ×Forecasted Population) + (2 a ×Forecasted Income)
Trip Attraction= b0 + (1 b ×Forecasted Employment) + (2 b ×Forecasted Land Price)

So, we can come up for this,

Trip Production= 49018.116 + (1.7966 x 181603) + (-15.73 x 5008) = 296510.2258

Trip Attraction= -204124.3952 + (3.6887 × 65540) + (22843.12 x 25 ) = 608711.0028

After calculation the math, Finally the following two equations are found:
Regression Equation for Trip Production:

production Y = 49018.116+1.7966×X1-15.73×X2
Where, a0 =49018.116
1 a =1.7966 and
2 a =-15.73
Regression Equation for Trip Attraction:
attraction Y =-204124.3952+3.6887X1+22843.12X2
Where, b0 =204124.3952
b1 =3.6887 and
b2 =22843.12


Transportation planning involves the decision-making process for potential

improvements to a community’s roadway infrastructure.


Md. Nazmul Hasan (1821567625)

Trip delivery is the most important part of the four steps of an urban transportation plan.
It connects the trip maker to their destination and creates a trip table in one shape

Matrix This trip delivery process / table began with an overview of the original destination
Each of the ten regions.
According to reports, it has been given Total travel distribution = 9,344,120
Total travel attraction = 12,879,969 Which was more than trip production. And we know the
total trip attraction / destination must be equal to the total trip production. This is why the
attraction of different zones is multiplied by a combination number.
We can see that from the report
Adjustment Factor = Total Attraction / Total Production = 0.73
Adjusted trip attraction = (total attraction / total production) x trip attraction of any region.
The term "network connection interruption" refers to the complexity of moving a node
Other. Equivalent to an obstacle in the case of transportation in terms of electricity. The best
Effective measurement of resistance is important for the modeling process. It is used as a
Output compared to historical data. Varies depending on the mode of measurement
The results of the activity survey on a matrix table of transport showed us the different zone

Here, we can use

Barrier factor = e-siege

The scattering parameter measures the cost sensitivity, β = 0.1

General cost of travel from Zone I to Zone J = CIJ

From another factor value we can see ∑Impedance Factor = 22.1239
Thus, total travel = 9,344,120
Factor = Total Trip / Total Impedance Factor = 422,354
Different zones for each trip zone are calculated using the following formula.

Trip to any region = (Total Trip / Total Impedance Factor) x Impedance Factor for this particular

If we go for Zone 3

Total travel here = 9,344,120,

Total Obstacle Factor = 22.1239,
Zone 3 constraint factor = 0.4493
So, zone 3 trip = (9344120 / 22.1239) * 0.4493 = 189,764.

So, zone three's trip 189764.

After all these studies, they discovered significant differences in trip development and trip
Attraction We can conclude that inter-zonal distribution is based on error

The difference problem can be solved using C ++ programming tools (Appendix J, H). The final
Ten years later the main-destination matrix for the distribution of trips between different
regions, which was
Calculated using C ++ programming, shown below.

# The transportation planning process is a long and expensive process that takes a lot of time
and effort

# The four-step forecast model is highly effective in determining or estimating how to operate
Traffic arrangements.
# Transportation is not only an element of communication or network, but also of a country
economic growth thus, a thorough investigation and remedy will make it more accurate.
# Travel demand control, employer-based trip reduction services, pedestrian and cycling
programs, and land use policies should all be considered seriously or no progress should be

# In some situations, technology-based work is required, and artificial intelligence is preferred

resolve and improve the situation.
# If the data is out of date, the results will be bad or wrong.
# The most successful way to improve the accuracy and quality of the model is to conduct
regular surveys, get a good basis of the latest information and use good technology.

# Better information will help improve the overall view of the record, including representation
of bicycle, pedestrian and road conditions, among other things.


Sojib Mia (1821574025)

Travel demand forecasting model process is the important of urban transportation planning.
Any infrastructure is built on the travel forecasting model and Travel models exist to provide
information about future traffic projects, programs, and policies for decision makers.
Based on the Dhaka metropolitan area, these four steps modeling systems work and collect
various information on the transportation process. Decisions – making have to be made for
urban transportation planning based on the travel forecasting model.
The four-step urban planning process is comprised of the following:
a) Trip Generation: usually determines the number of trips that would be made
(b) Trip Distribution: determines where the trip will go
(c) Mode Split: predicts trip division among modes of travel available.
(d) Traffic Assignment: predicts the route of the trips for the traffic forecasts in highway
system and ridership forecast in transit system.

Dhaka City Corporation area divided into 10 z0nes


The traditional four step transportation modeling system has been taken to
achieve the objectives. This is micro-level working procedure. The following four
steps to be performed in the next Stage.


Mode choice analysis is the third step in the conventional four-step transportation planning
model. Mode choice is the process where the means of traveling is determined. The means of
travel is referred to the travel mode, which may be by private automobile, public
transportation, walking, bicycling, or other means.
It is the step where trips between a given origin and destination are split into trips using transit,
trips by car pool or as automobile passengers and trips by automobile drivers.
This involves a comparison of the "disutility" or "utility" of travel between two points for the
different modes that are available.
Disutility is a term used to represent a combination of the travel time, cost and convenience of
a mode between an origin and a destination.

➢ Moreover, utility functions for these three modes are also assumed. The utility functions
are as follows:(7)
Ucar = −0.060054TT - 0.043648TC
Ubus= 0.945505 − 0.060054TT - 0.043648TC
URickshaw =1.23213 − 0.060054TT - 0.043648TC

Where, TT=Travel Time from one Zone to another zone&

TC=Travel cost from one Zone to another zone
The utilities are calculated for different modes of traffic using the matrices shown in the
Appendix-I and their respective utility functions. Utility matrix tables for different modes of
traffic are shown in Table 11-13

For zone -2
Probability(Car)=e^Ucar / e^Ucar+ e^Ubus + e^U(rickshaw)

=e^ -1.5280/e^-1.5280+e^-0.1246+e^-0.2529 =0.1156

Probability(bus)=e^Ubus / e^Ucar + e^Ubus + e^U(rickshaw)
=e^ -0.1246 /e^ -1.5280+e^-0.1246+e^-0.2529=0.4705
Probability(rickshaw)=e^U(rickshaw) / e^Ucar + e^Ubus + e^U(rickshaw)

=e^-0.2529 /e^-1.5280+e^-0.1246+e^-0.2529= 0.4138

For zone-2
Trip i-j = 189776

Modal Share for any Mode (Car) = Trip i− j × Probability i−j

=189776*0.1156 =21938.10
Modal Share for any Mode (Bus)=189776*0.4705 = 89289.60
Modal Share for any Mode(rickshaw)=189776*0.4138 =78529.30
• The four-step forecasting model is extremely useful in determining or assuming how to
handle the traffic system.
• Travel demand control, employer-based trip reduction services, pedestrian and cycling
programs, and land use policies are all things that should be seriously considered or
there would be no progress.
• If this data is out-of-date, incomplete or inaccurate, the results will be poor no matter
how good the models are.
• One of the most effective ways of improving model accuracy and value is to have a good
basis of recent data
• to use to calibrate the models and to provide for checks of their accura cy.

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