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Theory Practice - Lesson 28

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ld] as in tht,fother, and smooth

Tongue tip: Between the teeth

Airstream: Continuous r,vithout interruption
Vocal cords: Vibrating

Possible Pronunciation Problems

Tire sound [c)] is another unfamiliarsournd. It may be diliicr-rlt for you to
recognize ancl produce. You probably surbstitutc the more l'ar-niliar sor-ind [cl]
or possibly [z] or [d:].
ExAMPLES If you say [d] instead ol [6]: they will sound like day.
Il you say lzl insteard of [d]: bathe will sor-rnd lil<e bays.
If yor-r sarr [d:] instead of [d]: than u,ill souncl like Jan.
When pronouncing fd], rernember to place your tongLre between your teetl-r
and to keep the airstream fi:om your moLrth continuons.
Look in the miror as you pronounce [d]. Mal<e sure yoLt can see tl-re tip of
your tonglle, and there won't be a problem r.r,ith these, them, and those.

A CI ,,r,"n and repeat.
[d] At the Beginning of Words [6] In the Middle of Words ldl At the End of Words
the that there other gather leather bathe breathe
this they these mother either together clothe soothe
then those though father neither whether smooth
thenr brother

EXERCISE B e , ,r.' a-: -+i,ril
i.1l Lzl
,ren Zen
br-e;i1he breeze
soothe sues

ii r-ithe rise
batl-re bavs

^tl , ,,*- 3-: '*:.*ii , l:ie:i cr to the boldfaced words containing the

- i.*r c':ii']cl

- l:-: i:-.erbrtrther'
' i;: :- ( : - - '" ,nether another c1a1'.
- Tn-.: Lc:l-1.'r'- . ::-: Smooth.
. . - t:'.:r -
-.';" rhan the other one.
- G:r:.,im,,ther rri Grandfather be there?
- -' !. - - feather ---:x together.
'- This cl,:rth:r-ll: . ,.: ---ll:t as a feather.
-: The rh',:rm . the :tl-t:ic is soothing.
[-.,i Circte the l,rord in parentheses that correctly completes each sentence.Then reac
each sentence aloud. Be sure to place the tip of your tongue between your teeth as y'uur
say [0]. (For ansv,'ers to Check Yourself 1-3, see Appendix ll, pages 291-292')

EXAMpLE - ....: rhis ' ',. ,.:.',.'i ,tl'ten/f,a])/that bool<.

'- ,/
1. T:t:: l.-..':: sjlc,es are $'eatherproof.
l, I loathe this "r r't (rr eather/r'r'hether).
3. (This Thes.'' :oar-d is smoother than the other one'
-1. The irL;'nilr riill be (there/their) for the r'vedding'

140 Part 3: Consonants

5. Mother told (they/them) not to be late.
6. (They/Them) are worthy of the award.
7. (Those/That) brothers are rather tall.
8. I don't know (weather/r,r,hether) to buy this one or: that one.
9. (That/Those) lather is soothing.
10. (Their/Thcre) father likes the weather in southern Florida.

:-::KYOURSELF 2 el ,,ra"n and circle the word in each group that is Nor pronounced with [d].
EXAMPLE brrtthcr" motl-rer l'ather

1. clotl-r clothing clothes clothe

2. though although tlrclught those
3. then them themseives den
4. {'eatl-rer {ather faith f urther
5. bathing bath batlie breathe
6. thank than that then
7. soothe SUCS soothing smooth
8. dare there their theirs

:TECK YOURSELF 3 [E n""a the dialogue with a partner and circle the words containing the consonant [d].

Daughter: (,1 t n"), I like 6eid olcl 1ri crr-rles. Who's

Mother: Titat'syourgreat-grandntother.
Daughter: Tl're leerlhered hat is funny! Who's that rnan?
Mother: That's your grandfather. He rvas From the Netherlands.
Daughter: I know these people! Ar"en't they Ur-rcle Tom and Uncle Bob?
Mother: That'.s right. Those are nty brothers. They always bothered mel
Daughter: Tlris must be either Fatlrer or his brother.
Mother: Ncithcr'l Tl'ratis your lathcr''.s lrnclc.
Daughter: Wl-ry are there other people in this photo?
Mothcr: 'l'his r.vas a farrily gathcring. Wc got togcthu'all thc timc.
Daughter: Mother, who's this "smooth-lool<ing" n-ran?
Mother: Shhhhhhhhh! I'd lather not sav. Yor-rr fartl.rer- u,ill hear!
Daughter: Is that your old boyfrier-rd?
Mother: Wcll, even ntothers had fun ir-i those davsl

Read the dialogue again and check to make sure you circled the words containing the
consonant [r)].Then change roles and read the dialogue aloud again with a partner.

Lesson 28 141
words containing
report aloud. pay attention to the boldfaced
EXERCISE A il n"ua the weather
the consonant Id]'

'Ihis is Heather Worthington' here to give you another bother rviLli
rainy irrnoritt.ttt i,ll-eils. Don't
repol.l. The weather is rather will be warm
umbrellas o' h"otf clothing
in the southern region' There
chance of either rain or storms'
; Seas
I weather, uttrro.rg)iiilff;';trrtr
easY. That's all for tonight'

circle all words oronounced

o.r magazin-e article.
EXERCISE B E s"tect a brief newspaper as-you ii Be sure to see and feel the
the consonant [t)]' r-oott in a mirror '"ua "loua'
;i;;r y;;;;";g"" u"i*;"n vou' teeth as vou [d]'

that the tip

is ano/her sound /hat you can master' if you remember
[d] your teeth!
of your tongue go"' l"t-Len

142 Part 3: Consonants

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