Roadmap A2 Videoscripts
Roadmap A2 Videoscripts
Roadmap A2 Videoscripts
Unit 1 A new lifestyle Come on – you need to get much lower than that. Don’t
R = Reporter S = Steve
R: How many more?
R: Hello, Ronnie your Roadmap reporter here. In the news
S:19 more.
today, there is a report about modern lifestyles and it’s
R: Errrrm …
no surprise that experts say we’re not getting enough
S: Keep going down – you need to get right down, lower
exercise. We’re all spending too much time sitting down.
So how can we make our lifestyles healthier?
R: Oh that’s good, that was good.
Earlier today I invited an expert into the studio to see
S: No, you need to get lower than that, right down. Keep
what it takes to get really fit.
going, keep going, come on!
R: So, I’m here with successful personal trainer and
R: I’m trying.
exercise coach Steve. Welcome Steve.
Are you sure this is good for me?
S: Nice to meet you.
S: Of course it is.
R: Good to have you with us.
So here – and it’s up and down.
Now Steve – I’m obviously pretty healthy, but what do I
A bit lower.
need to do to be as fit as you? Let’s start with the diet.
Erm Ronnie, what are you doing?
What kind of food do you eat?
R: All this exercise is making me hungry.
S: So, I would have a balance of everything. I would have
S: Come on.
chicken, bananas, vegetables. Eggs I would have for
R: So, Steve how long does it take to get muscles as big
as yours?
R: And how much do you eat every day?
S: Well, I’ve been doing this now for 10 years.
S: So, my meals would vary from about 5 or 6 a day.
R: Sorry, 10 years? Guess what? I’ll never be a
R: I’m sorry, can you repeat that, please?
S: So, I’d have about 5 or 6 meals a day.
S: Never give up – let’s just try one more thing. Let me try
R: Really?
some sit ups.
Is it difficult to eat that much?
R: OK.
S: No, you’d get used to it.
Unfortunately, we’re out of time in the studio. I need to
R: That’s a lot of food, Steve. Now I see here you’ve got a
get back to my desk. Err, you carry on Steve.
health drink. So, do you need to drink those and eat all
R: They say it’s best to take small steps if you want to
this food?
change your lifestyle. Sitting down all day isn’t very
S: So, we’ve got a protein shake here and protein is key for
healthy and doing a bit of exercise can make us feel
building muscle.
much better. I feel fantastic after my session with Steve,
R: Well, I’m trying to be healthier, so can I try it?
I really do. This is Ronnie your Roadmap reporter
S: Yeah, go ahead.
signing off.
R: After you.
Hmm. Hmmm, that’s interesting.
Now Steve, to get a body like yours it’s not just about
healthy eating, is it? If I want to get fit myself, what do I
need to do?
S: Why don’t we start now? Drop down and give me 20!
R: What?
S: Drop down and give me 20!
Yep that’s it.
R: OK.
S: All right. Let’s go.
Unit 4 Husky dogs V: Because you’re going to be helping me train the dogs.
R = Reporter V = Vickie R: Er, perhaps this isn’t such a good idea. I’m not sure
R: Hello there, Ronnie the Roadmap Reporter here. about this.
Today the office have sent me out – to the middle of So, Vickie, how did I do?
nowhere – to try and find a story. But there’s no news to V: You did a great job!
report, I’m afraid. No, really is not a lot happening. R: You know, I think I have a pretty good chance of
Nothing! becoming a world champion myself one day. The only
Hello! thing I need to practise now is how to celebrate!
V: Ronnie, its Vickie. May I?
R: Vickie Pullin! The UK’s leading female dog sled racer! What a winner! So, me and the dogs are off for steak
It’s so good you called – I need a story to report and you and biscuits to celebrate!
can be it. This is Ronnie, your Roadmap reporter, signing off.
V: I’m not sure about that. Eurgh, dogs like this?
R: Don’t worry – it’ll be fine! I’m on my way right now –
what’s happening, what can I film?
V: Would you like to come and watch me train my dogs for
the next big race?
R: Yeah – sounds great! I’d love to.
We are back in business!
Ronnie the Roadmap reporter here. Today I’m at ‘Arctic
Quest’ to find out what it takes to be a champion racing
driver – but not car racing, it’s dog racing!
So Vickie, what is Arctic Quest?
V: Arctic Quest is a sled dog company in the UK, where we
offer husky rides, we go into schools and do an
educational programme, and we do talks and demos as
R: And what equipment do you need to use?
V: We use something called a cart – three wheels and four
wheels – and then some dogs.
R: What exactly is a cart?
V: It’s similar to a bike, but it doesn’t have a saddle or
pedals, and it’s designed to be pulled by dogs.
R: How do you train for a big race?
V: The most important thing is giving the dogs a lot of love,
having fun and lots of exercise.
R: Well, could we join you for a training run?
V: For sure!
R: Great! Let’s meet the team.
R: Husky dogs are strong and fast, which makes them
great for racing. They’re also very sociable and friendly,
or so I’m told.
Hi Vickie. Why do I have to wear this?
Unit 8 Getting around With so many advantages, it’s really no surprise that
Reporter: cycling is so popular, especially with city people like me
Hello, its Ronnie your Roadmap reporter here. Now you’ve who live their life in the fast lane.
probably noticed there are more and more cyclists on the This is Ronnie, your Roadmap reporter.
roads these days, especially in our towns and cities. The pizza has arrived, just before the end of the report.
A report by the city of London shows there are four times This is Ronnie your Roadmap reporter signing off.
as many people cycling in London now than in 1999. What
makes cycling so great? Well, obviously it’s an easy way
to get from A to B. But is there more to it than that? I got on
my bike to find out.
Hello, Ronnie here, on the road again. Bicycles are a quick
and cheap way to get around our busy cities. And here are
some interesting facts for you.
Did you know that cars and vans getting stuck in traffic
jams cost companies around 1.5 billion pounds a year in
lost business? Many companies now use bike deliveries
instead of vans to make sure their packages arrive on time.
So, let’s see how fast bike deliveries really are. I’m going to
do a test right now.
Hello, I’d like to order a large pizza please with extra
cheese and ham. I’m really hungry, so I want it right now,
come as quick as you can.
Where am I? I’m at Roadmap Towers. It’s easy to find, you
go straight on down the high street, turn left at the traffic
lights, then turn right. At the end of that road you’ll come to
a roundabout, you’ll see a big building in front of you.
That’s the studio.
Let’s see if it gets here before the end of the report.
So, cycling is a quick form of transport and it’s also good
for the environment.
WOW! Nice.
Hello pizza. Yes, where are you? You’re lost? You’re
where? No, no, go straight on, take the second right, its
next to the cinema.
I can get here quicker on this thing!
So, where were we? Yes, cycling. Research by Stanford
University School of Medicine, shows that people sleep
better if they cycle 20 to 30 minutes a day. And it’s
excellent exercise for our lungs.
Slow down!
Also, people who cycle 30 minutes a day, five days a week
take half the number of sick days off work.
Hello pizza. You’re still lost? Where? Where? At the police
station? Turn right, turn right.
Unit 10 Arundel Castle P: I’m not sure, I think a bit more practice, err, I think you
R = Reporter P = Paul should leave it to the professionals.
R: Hello there! Ronnie the roving Roadmap reporter here. R: Oh I see, oh OK, well they’d miss me in the news room
Now, many people have hobbies – you know things they anyway.
like to do in their free time. Er, some people play R: Wow! What an amazing day. It just goes to show,
football, some go to the gym, some people like cooking, hobbies really can be exciting. This is Ronnie, your
some people even like fishing! Roadmap reporter, signing off!
What do you mean? Fishing?
Yes I know FISHING!
Now, in my opinion, that’s not a very interesting thing to
do with your free time, but today I’m going to meet some
people who do something really exciting!
And their hobby takes them to amazing places. Like
R: So, here I am at Arundel Castle and this is Raven Tor.
That was amazing! So, can you tell me a bit more about
what you do here?
P: Raven Tor is a re-enactment group.
R: Sorry, a what? Can you say that again?
P: A re-enactment group
R: I’m not sure what you mean, sorry. What is a re-
enactment group?
P: Re-enactment is where you recreate history, either in
costumes, weapons or armour, and you’re bringing
history alive.
R: Oh I see! Oh that sounds pretty cool.
Today these guys are bringing the 12th century alive.
So Paul, master of Raven Tor, what exactly are you
P: Well, I’m wearing a hood, a sir coat, and clothing from
the 12th Century.
R: Amazing! And what’s that for?
P: This is a shield, which protects your body from spears,
swords and axes.
R: What was that last part again?
P: It’s a shield, which protects your body from swords,
spears and axes.
R: Impressive stuff!
It looks like they need some help.
Guys – after seeing all the fun today I want to be part of
P: I’m not sure Ronnie. What do you mean?
R: You, me and the guys – I want to join the group. I want
to join Raven Tor!