Training Needs For Faculty Members: Towards Achieving Quality of University Education in The Light of Technological Innovations
Training Needs For Faculty Members: Towards Achieving Quality of University Education in The Light of Technological Innovations
Training Needs For Faculty Members: Towards Achieving Quality of University Education in The Light of Technological Innovations
The aim of this study was to identify training needs of university faculty members, in order to achieve
the desired quality in the light of technological innovations. A list of training needs of faculty members
was developed in terms of technological innovations in general, developing skills of faculty members in
the use of technological innovations and promoting university faculty members in quality assurance
skills. The study followed the descriptive-analytic design in presenting the literature. The data
collection was based on a questionnaire developed to assess university faculty members’ needs in four
areas, these are: teaching, scientific research, community service and promoting quality assurance
procedures. The participants were 135 university faculty members chosen from different Saudi
universities. Results were statistically analyzed using SPSS. The results revealed the need for
university faculty to be trained in the light of technological innovations. The study recommends a
program for training faculty members, to use technological innovations, meet their scientific research
needs, university teaching, and community service and meet course requirements in terms of quality
standards and performance indicators.
Key words: Technological innovations, university education, university faculty members, training needs, quality
management, community service, scientific research.
University education is considered as a major consumer create new specialties to face challenges in the modern
of modern technology as well as the regional and era. The need for faculty training based on the use of
international changes in the areas of teaching, learning innovative technology has emerged to enhance their
styles, scientific research and quality of education. This abilities to face the demands of the labor market and
need to implement technological innovations is directed employ quality standards of education in general and in
towards investment of knowledge and research to their areas of specializations in particular (Altschuld and
develop human resources, satisfy social needs and Kumar, 2002).
Authors agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License
Abouelenein 1181
Preparation and professional development of faculty In-service training programs which are designed for use
members has gained the attention of educational inside the classroom include computer use, internet and
institutions all over the world. Programs for upgrading designing web pages. Results of studies such as
their performance and providing the appropriate (Sopina and McNeill, 2015) indicated the mastery of the
environment are provided to help them play their roles targeted skills. In order to assess the quality of the
effectively. However, with globalization, knowledge, educational process including, students’ method of
revolution and modern technology, a number of studies learning, use of educational technology (distance
revealed that there are problems facing university learning, electronic learning and video-conferencing),
education. These are the poor academic achievement teaching environment, learning and assessment,
level, failure and withdrawal. There are some other curricula and media. On these, survey of the viewpoints
serious challenges faced by faculty members such as of the research participants on the quality of higher
preparation, conducting scientific research and being education was conducted (Alshaghdali et al., 2014).
able to solve community problems. The aim of the In order to investigate in-service training and the use of
present study is to show how quality higher education programmed learning as one form of innovative
can be achieved using innovative technology through the technology, the study of Xian (2014) was conducted to
study of the following: examine training course in five USA states. Results
revealed that only 5% of teachers use programmed
1. The strong impact of technological advancement on learning. Results also indicated that effective employment
the field of education, its systems and methods. of educational technology is closely related to the
2. The shift in the teacher's roles from the traditional to success of training. In addition, teachers need to blend
the role of facilitator and guide. computerized programs with other conventional courses.
3. Lack of skills and experiences required for effective Measuring the effect of total quality assurance on
university teaching. creating the match between needs of labor market and
4. The advancement in developing training programs in educational outcomes was done in Hou et al. (2015)
various areas of teaching and learning. study. They indicated the importance of laying emphasis
5. The need for faculty members to be updated on on the teaching jobs as a core point affecting quality of
scientific developments to help improve teaching quality. education in terms of decisions and policies. The study
6. The increasing number of students, which require targeted a number of higher education institutions in
increased use of technological innovations. Taiwan such as International Business Corporation and
Engineering Institute.
Thus, professional development of faculty as a basic Assessing training needs of faculty members regarding
requirement of improving quality of university education the use of innovative technology and the way this is
can be achieved through: related to achieving total quality seems to be an interest
of many researchers. The study of Stukalina (2012)
Self-development: This is based on a faculty member's investigated the views of 352 faculty members through a
effort to improve themselves by attending seminars, 100 items questionnaire consisted of six aspects. These
lectures, conferences, workshops, conducting researches are; technology processes and curricula, design and plan
and translation, etc. for learning environment, education and curriculum,
assessment, productivity and professional performance,
Institutional-development: This is achieved through and social and ethical issues. Results showed that 30.8%
training workshops, seminars, researches and exchange of colleges administrative systems provide faculty
visits with other universities organized by the institution. members the opportunities for using innovative
Achievement of quality in university education comes technology. Results also indicated that the research
with many challenges including the need for more participants are in need of training on twelve (12)
reliance on technological innovations, increasing social innovative technologies such as use of internet, data
demand on education, and the need to invest resources display and presentation equipments and video
to cope with sustained development. Technological conferencing.
innovations are not objective; their efficacy lies in the way Currently, the higher institutions are assigned important
they are used by qualified and skilled faculty members in roles such as the continuous assessment of professional
the teaching and learning process. development needs of faculty members, demands of
Results of a number of studies revealed some work place and bridging the gap between the educational
challenges and obstacles that are faced in the training of outcomes, appealing for the demands of the community,
faculty members, particularly, those which are related to commitment to quality standards in every activity
the use of innovative technology in higher education, are conducted in campus and ways of overcoming drawbacks
assumed to provide on one hand, a match between resulting from lack of using innovative educational
outcomes of education and the demands of the labor technology (Elabeidy, 2009) Also, the use of innovative
market, and employing it in conducting research and technology is considered one of the major factors which
quality assurance procedures on the other. support quality and research activities in South Africa
1182 Educ. Res. Rev.
(Manduna, 2014). (Florian and Hegarty, 2004). Haesner et al. (2015) points
In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, like most countries all out that identifying professional needs is essential for any
over the world, there is a growing interest in designing a successful training process. Training needs represent the
model for quality control in higher education since the last primary element in a successful training program if well-
decade. This seems important due to the increase in defined.
number of government and private universities and Pop and David (2009) also confirms training needs as
colleges. Also, due to the focus on developing faculty the initial step of building and designing any successful
members’ skills in using innovative technology, creative training program. (Mohamed and Osman, 2014) has
teaching methods and achieving quality standards (Al- justified the importance of identifying training needs for
shafei et al., 2015). the following purposes:
The views of (171) faculty members, towards the
quality of teaching in higher education were investigated 1. Designing training programs.
using a questionnaire by (Veiga-Simão, Flores, Barros, 2. Help focus on improvement of performance.
Fernandes, and Mesquita, 2015) Results indicated that, 3. Directing trainees and identifying the types of training
participants stressed that effective teaching rely on and expected outcomes.
employing innovative technology and opportunities for 4. Overcome the problems of wasting money effort and
professional development. Participants also feel satisfied time.
about their teaching which creates interactive environment
with students. Since identifying training needs is an organized survey
based on co-operative effort by members of the
organization to eliminate the gap between target
LITERATURE REVIEW objectives and reality, many related institutions also take
part in the process (Kaufman, Hughes, and Riccio, 2010).
Training needs of faculty members
Benefits of identifying staff training needs
Training needs means the changes required in the skills,
knowledge and behaviors of university faculty to achieve 1. Building training plans.
purposes and overcome difficulties. (Andronescu and 2. Identifying training objectives.
Solomon, 2010) defines training needs as all of the 3. Designing training programs directed towards
changes required in the knowledge, skills, attitudes and achievement of objectives.
experiences of an individual to get him fit to effectively 4. Improving training effectiveness.
fulfill the duties of his present job. needs are identified by 5. Identifying staff performance problems and difficulties.
(Boon, Lutz, and Marburger., 2015) as the knowledge, 6. Involving staff in community service.
skills, attitudes and behaviors that need to be changed or 7. Helping trainers design programs that satisfy needs of
modified at the trainee to cope with contemporary or trainees (Chan, 2010).
development aspects. The following are some concepts 8. Effective planning of training programs activities.
related to training needs: 9. Defining assessment criteria of training programs.
10. Raising efficiency of university education.
1. There are knowledge, attitudes and skills that need to
be acquired, modified or changed. In the light of these benefits, the present research aims at
2. They represent shortcomings in the target group identifying university faculty training needs in order to
3. They require identification of human and technological improve their skills and knowledge using innovative
innovations and of problems that need training. technology.
4. They entail constant revision of reality to reach
maturity and self-evaluation.
So, training needs represent the difference between the QUALITY IN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION
present reality of a faculty member's performance and
what should this performance be in future in order to face Keçetep and Özkan (2014) identify quality as a set of
changes and developments in knowledge, skills, attitudes standards and criteria that need to be present at all
and abilities. aspects of university education including incomes and
outcomes in order to satisfy individual and social needs
through the effective investment of all human and
The importance of identifying training needs material resources. (Ozcan, 2013) also confirms that
quality is one of the essentials of teaching improvement
Training needs are identified on a scientific basis to help and performance development.
the training program planners design effective programs Liu (2015) in a study conducted in three Chinese
that will help achieve realistic and well-defined objectives universities identified three aspects of quality in higher
Abouelenein 1183
education, the academic, the social, and the individual. 3. Building a set of organizational frameworks that work
The core of quality is to satisfy users' needs, identify aims on achievement of quality.
and specify the product quality requirements known as 4. Constant improvement of academic performance.
the qualitative quality of the product. 5. Overcoming effects of lack of competitiveness of
graduates in labor market.
6. Satisfying needs and facing social problems.
Requirements of quality achievement in higher 7. Improving quality of services.
education 8. Raising the levels of performance.
In order to achieve the aim of qualitative education in
higher institutions, the following essential steps must be Criteria of quality control in education as identified
taken: (Inskipp, 2004). by Mohamed and Osman (2014)
1. Support of quality management system 1. Formulation of objectives: general/specific, knowledge,
2. Establishing a culture of quality among members of the skills and attitudes.
institution. 2. Course design: study plans- course description-
3. Developing university human resources and updating evaluation.
curricula. 3. Teaching and learning: methods, techniques,
4. Involving all faculty members in performance strategies, and technology.
improvement. 4. Faculty members: quality- quantity- ratio of students to
5. Identifying needs of stakeholders inside and outside staff.
the educational institution. 5. Learning resources: library- databases- labs-
6. Practicing self-evaluation effectively (Yunna et al., equipment- websites.
2014) 6. Internet.
7. Developing a system for data gathering to help make 7. Students' evaluations: tests.
sound decisions. 8. Students' portfolios: course descriptions, course
8. Involving all concerned staff in plans of quality reports, student activities sample, and course plans.
achievement. 9. Quality assurance: educational development, quality
guides, internal assessment.
Challenges facing quality in higher education 10. Supportive services: psychological guidance,
academic guidance, and medical care.
1. The absence of market competitiveness of university
2. The poor learning outcomes in some specializations. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS
3. Unemployment of higher education graduates due to
poor skills and abilities. Higher education has recently witnessed a great
4. Over-emphasis on rules and regulations. development as a result of technology use on both the
5. Dominance of traditional methods of teaching levels of concepts and application. The traditional role of
encouraging memorization over analysis and creativity. the teacher has changed into both facilitator and
Such obstacles have directly affected the effectiveness of organizer in the learning environment in order to achieve
university education for the following reasons: quality. The teacher performs these roles relying mainly
6. Neglecting the use of educational technology. on innovative technology (electronic library, multi-media,
7. The gap between results of scientific research and computer-assisted learning, individualization of learning,
applications in society. learning resources center, open university, distant
8. Lack of interaction between university and society. learning, video-conferencing and web-conferencing).
9. Mismatch between university learning outcomes and (Stukalina, 2012) confirms that faculty member's
community needs. acquaintance with concepts related to modern technology
10. Emphasis on quantity over quality in academic helps him develop the ability and skills to use it in
preparation of graduates (Lytras et al., 2010). teaching.
Innovative technology is a comprehensive system
involving all items of modern technology: equipment,
Benefits of adopting quality measures in University programs, learning environments and methods in order to
Education improve quality of the learning process (Al-Naggar,
2009). Thus, the innovative item of technology has two
1. Establishing quality control systems that can improve aspects: the material one involving equipment and
review and develop courses. programs and the second involving the strategies and
2. Focusing efforts on satisfying actual needs of society methods used (Stukalina, 2012).
and labor market. The present study identifies innovative technology as a
1184 Educ. Res. Rev.
Innovative technology is characterized by some features A group of elements need to be considered for successful
essentially related to learning theories, and is designed use of technological innovations: (Sorensen, 2009).
and produced to match the nature of the educational
process. (Casanova et al., 2011) identifies these 1. Staff awareness of the technological innovations; it is
characteristics as follows: important to study and understand the innovation, realize
its components and potentials and how it can help
Interactivity: it is the ability to add the elements of action achieve objectives and overcome obstacles.
and reaction in the learning situation. The learners 2. Study of rewards and benefits before starting the
choose the media, the types of interaction, training, planning process to guarantee the achievement of
communication and feedback. Some of the technological objectives of the educational institution.
innovations allowing this are: computer-assisted 3. Planning the use of technological innovations
instruction, interactive multi-media, hypertext systems, according to circumstances and available human and
live radio, direct TV, video-conferencing and network. material resources at the institution.
4. Providing the suitable environment for the
Individualization: it allows individualized learning implementation of innovative technology.
according to abilities, skills and previous experiences. 5. Funding; identifying sources of funding and making
Some of the technological innovations allowing sure of its availability in order to achieve required
individualization are: outcomes.
6. Providing academic professionals equipped with the
1. Computer-assisted learning. experiences needed to use technological innovations.
2. Learning modules. 7. Needs and financial support; the importance of
3. Audio tutorial systems. establishing an infrastructure and the preparations
4. Video tutorial systems. needed to achieve objectives.
Abouelenein 1185
Core One: Training needs for teaching: 3. Taking into consideration that every item represents the core it
belongs to.
1. Planning, preparation and execution (29) items. 4. Standardizing the list of technological innovations as follows:
2. Teaching methods and strategies (26) items.
3. Educational technology and learning resources (27) items. a) Face Validity: The primary form of the list was presented to (13)
4. Evaluation (42) items. faculty members specialized in technology. The list consisted of the
5. Indicators of teaching performance (21) items. following three cores:
6. Learning outcomes (13) items. Core One: Educational technology (10 items).
Core Two: Multimedia (29 items).
Core Two: Training needs for scientific research (60) items. Core Three: Equipment for technological innovations (16 items).
Core Three: Training needs for community service (58) items. b) Reliability of the List: the needs of 59 faculty member were
Core Four: training needs for quality management (67) items. assessed in terms of the list. Alpha-Cronbach formula was
administered to test the reliability of responses of the participants,
results (0.88).
Reliability of the list of training needs c) In the light of the list reliability and validity, a final copy was
prepared and administered to 95 faculty members from the Saudi
For reliability, the list was to a group of 58 faculty members, quality universities.
and development consultants and quality administrators in Saudi d) Statistical analysis of data was conducted using SPSS program.
universities. Alpha- Cronbach reliability was calculated and reached
In the light of reliability and validity of the initial list, a final list was RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
developed consisting of the following four cores:
1. Core One: Training needs for teaching (82 items). Views of participants on training needs of faculty
2. Core Two: Training needs for research (52 items). members
3. Core Three: Training needs for community service (55 items).
4. Core Four: Training needs for quality management (67 items). To answer this question, statistical analysis of the data
Questionnaire was administered to (138) faculty member's to obtained from the questionnaire of staff training needs
identify training needs.
was conducted using SPSS program. Means, standard
deviations, standard error and variance were calculated
Statistical analysis as shown in Table 1.
SPSS program was used to calculate means, standard deviations,
frequencies, standard error, variance and Chi-square. Views of participants on training needs for teaching
The list of educational quality control standards: Based on the Table 1 shows mean scores of staff responses to
following: questionnaire items concerning training needs for
teaching. Mean was (4.169) with standard deviation of
1. A review of literature in the areas of total quality, curriculum and (0.726) and percentage of (82.3%). This confirms the
2. A review of related studies .
need for training on planning, execution and use of
3. A list of 10 main criteria is prepared; statement of objectives- teaching strategies and evaluation methods. The value of
course design- teaching and learning- staff- learning resources and Chi square was (41.3) which is significant at (0.01)
innovations- student evaluation- student portfolios- quality implying.
assurance- supportive services- management).
4. Regarding the achievement of teaching and learning objectives.
5. Standardizing the list of criteria according to the following Views of participants on training needs for scientific
a) Face validity: the list of quality management was presented to a
group of experts to decide its relatedness to the objectives. Table 1 provides mean scores of staff responses to
b) Reliability of the list: after administering the list to a group of (24) questionnaire items concerning scientific research
staff, reliability factor was calculated using Alpha-Cronbach (4.339) which is considered high, with standard deviation
equation. It reached 0.90.. of (0.703) and percentage of (86.5%). This means there
c) In the light of opinions of experts and reliability factor, a final
is a high need for training on the skills, principles, ethics
version of the list was prepared and administered to a group of (37)
university faculty. and techniques of writing scientific research. The value of
d) Statistical analysis: SPSS program was used to calculate the Chi square was (44.3) which is significant at (0.01) level.
means standard deviations, frequencies, standard error and
Views of participants on training needs for
community service
List of technological innovations: Based on the following:
Table 1. Means, standard deviations, standard error, variance and sum of squares for the four main cores of the
Standards of quality
Valid 370
Missing 0
Mean 4.2973
Std. Error of Mean 0.03724
Std. Deviation 0.71624
Variance 0.513
Sum 1590.00
of 80.5% which represents a high need for training on 0.716 and percentage of 83.4% which confirms the
strengthening ties between university and society. The importance of these criteria. The value of Chi-square was
value of Chi-square was 39.2 which is significant at 0.01 42.1 which is significant at 0.01 level.
level, implying a high need for training on this aspect. Table 3 shows means, standard deviations, standard
error and variance for standards of quality management.
They were all significant at 0.01 level.
Views of participants on training needs for achieving
high quality
Views of participants
Table 1 shows mean scores of staff responses to
questionnaire items concerning quality management The innovative technology needed by faculty
(4.305) with standard deviation of 0.721 and percentage members
of 79.2% representing a high need for training on quality
management systems. The value of Chi-square was To answer this question, statistical analysis of the data
(38.1) which is significant at (0.01) level. related to technological innovations required by staff was
conducted using SPSS program. Means, standard
deviations, standard error, variance and Chi-square were
Views of participants on standards of achieving high calculated. Results are shown in Table 4.
quality university education and its relationship with
training needs of faculty members Innovations related to educational technology: Table
4 shows mean scores of staff responses to the first core
To answer this question, statistical analysis of the data of technological innovations concerning educational
related to achievement of quality in university education technology (3.894), standard deviation (0.763) and
was conducted using SPSS program. Means, standard percentage (76.5%) which confirms the importance of
deviation, standard error, variance and Chi-square value technological innovations related to educational
were calculated as shown in Table 2. technology (Internet- email- web design- learning groups-
Table 2 shows mean scores of staff responses to file compressing programs- concurrent communication-
questionnaire items with regards to criteria of university search engines- file download). The means for this part
quality management (4.297) with standard deviation of was high. Chi-square value was (38.7) which is
1188 Educ. Res. Rev.
Table 3. Means, standard deviations, standard error and variance for standards of quality management. They are all significant at 0.01 level.
Results of core three Results refer to staff training needs in the area of quality
management (disseminating a culture of quality input,
Results show training needs of staff in the area of output and processes assessment; basics of educational
community service (identifying social needs, planning programs evaluation; basics and mechanisms of
1190 Educ. Res. Rev.
international accreditation; quality control; sustained qualitative quality in relation to training requirements
development systems; improving learning outcomes; revealed staff need to master: statement of objectives,
achievement of key performance indicators; referenced course design, learning resources and innovations,
comparisons; applying total quality standards; preparing methods of evaluation, student portfolios, quality
course specifications; preparing field practice specifi- assurance, supportive services and management. Mean
cations; preparing course reports-;preparing program of scores of responses was as high as 4.297 with
reports; preparing program for self-study; preparing standard deviation of 0.716 and a percentage of 83.4%.
institution's self-study; using technological innovations to Chi-square value was 42.1 which is significant at 0.01
achieve learning outcomes). Mean of scores was 4.305 level (Figure 2). Results correlate with the findings of Al-
with standard deviation of 0.721 and a percentage of Shafei et al. (2015), Stukalina (2012) and Elabeidy
79.2% (Figure 1). Chi-square value was 38.1 which is (2009):
significant at 0.01 level. Results agree with the findings of
Xian study (2014) which are as follows: 1. Planning for learning environment
2. Variation in evaluation methods.
1. Relating objectives of training programs to development 3. Analyzing staff skills, capabilities and attitudes.
of staff abilities to achieve quality standards. 4. Analyzing administrative and teaching tasks of staff.
2. Training on formulation of learning outcomes. 5. There is a lack of reliance on technology in teaching.
3. Building and designing tests according to teaching and 6. The importance of quality management in achieving
learning requirements. educational quality.
4. Improving staff abilities to integrate computerized 7. Identifying the strategies and mechanisms that can
programs in their courses. help academic institutions achieve quality outcomes to
5. Ability to relate learning outcomes to requirements of meet community needs.
labor market.
6. Increasing interest in university quality in the light of
communication and information technology. Results of question three: What are the technological
7. Emphasizing evaluation methods as a guarantee of innovations required by university faculty?
quality achievement.
Results confirm that staff need training on surveying the
Internet, designing educational websites, file
Interpretation of results of question two: What are the compressing, concurrent communication search engines,
criteria for the achievement of quality in university in file upload and download in order to achieve qualitative
relation to staff training needs? quality of their teaching and research work and
community service. Mean of scores was as high as 3.
Results of the statistical analysis of data acquired from 894 with standard deviation of 0.763 and a percentage of
questionnaire concerning achievement of university 76.5% which is significant at 0.01 level (Figure 3). Results
Abouelenein 1191
match findings from the studies of Manduna (2014), projectors, Internet digital camera, video text, televised
Stukalina (2012), Elabeidy (2009), in the following points: communication bank, tele-text, telex, electronic
blackboard, and interactive video to achieve qualitative
1. Educational system lacks interest in information quality teaching, research, community service and quality
technology and industrial technology. management. Mean of scores was 4.112 with standard
2. Training on information and communication technology deviation of 0.799 and a percentage of 75.4%. Chi-
3. The need for training on web designing. square value was 38 which is significant at 0.01 level.
4. Lack of reliance on educational technology. Results match the results of Stukalina (2012) and
Veiga-Simمo et al. (2015), in the following:
Discussion of results related to multimedia
1. The most needed training is computer training.
Results of this core shows staff training needs on: 2. Training on the use of data display equipment.
producing multimedia, interactive multimedia, designing 3. Developing the abilities to use technology in education
presentation, Photoshop, mastery learning, distance and planning in learning environment and developing
learning, communication technology, hypertext, virtual material, programs and equipment.
classes, etc. Mean of scores was (4.304) with standard 4. Graduates lack skills on how to use innovative
deviation (0.726) and percentage of (84.1%). Chi-square technology due to the absence of a model
value was (42.2) which is significant at (0.01) level.
Results match results of Stukalina (2012) and Veiga-
Simمo et al. (2015) in: RECOMMENDATIONS
1. Designing educational environment rich in technology The present study recommends conducting training
and its products. sessions that aim at promoting the quality of university
2. Training on preparing electronic books, computer faculty performance by using technological innovations
programs, using the internet and designing web pages. including the following:
3. Multimedia packages.
4. Designing staff training programs to face the digital
age and equip them with skills related to innovative Training sessions to meet training needs for basic
technology. teaching skills as follows
5. Staff need of continuous training to manage virtual
classes. 1. Intended learning outcomes (cognitive, affective and
6. Training on teaching through video conferencing. psychomotor).
7. Training on planning learning environment. 2. Psychomotor performance indicators to compare
students' performance.
3. Ethics of teaching profession.
Results related to educational equipment 4. Content analysis and design skills.
5. Effective and innovative teaching methods.
Results revealed staff need for training on the use of: 6. Cooperative learning and problems solving skills.
1192 Educ. Res. Rev.
7. Evaluation using portfolios: pre-, post, formative and 7. Using technological innovations to achieve learning
peer evaluation. outcomes.
8. Design and production of learning packages. 8. Strategic planning.
9. Course design according to international standards. 9. Preparing course and program descriptions.
10. Using multimedia innovations. 10. Preparing course and program reports.
11. Innovative teaching equipment. 11. Preparing program and institution self-study.
12. Using innovative communication and information 12. Video-conferencing.
technology. 13. Using multimedia innovations.
14. Innovative teaching equipment.
15. Using communication and information technology
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