Penicillin Peport
Penicillin Peport
Penicillin Peport
The term
term "ant
c" was
was coin
ed by Selm
an Wa
man n in 1942
1942 to
describe any substance produced by a microorganism that is antagonistic to the
growthh of othe
otherr micr
smss in high
high dilu
on.. This
This orig
al defi
excluded naturally occurring substances that kill bacteria but are not produced
by microorganisms (such as gastric juice and hydrogen peroxide) and also
excluded synthetic antibacterial compounds such as the sulfonamides. Many
antibiotics are relatively small molecules with a molecular weight less than
2000 Da.
Beta-lactam antibiotics:
The beta
m grou
groupp of anti
icss is by far
far the
the larg
estt grou
groupp of
antibacterial agents used in clinical medicine. It includes the first true antibiotic
to be discovered and brought into clinical practice, and all the natural and semi-
ticc deri
vess with
with thei
theirr wide
ge of prop
es and
and clin
They can be divide
d into
into four
four groups
groups - penici
ns, cephal
ms and
and mono
amss - on the
the basi
basiss of the
the mole
larr struc
surrounding and supporting this active site, A fifth group in clinical use are the
beta-lactamase inhibitors that do not have intrinsic antibacterial activity.
The penicillin may be divided into four main groups on the basis of their
spectra of antibacterial activity. All the developments and manipulations of the
penicillin nucleus have had the aim of extending the spectrum of the agents
against gram-negative bacteria or increasing their resistance to beta-lactamase
enzymes, or both.
Early penicillin, Benzyl penicillin (penicillin G), the original member of
the group, remains the most active antibacterial agent against sensitive bacteria.
It is the drug of choice for serious infections with beta-hemolytic streptococci,
alpha-hemolytic streptococci (combined with an aminoglycoside in sub-acute
bacterial endocarditis), the pneumococcus, the meningococcus and clostridia
other than Clostridium. Phenoxymethyl penicillin (penicillin V) remains useful
when oral treatment of streptococcal infections is adequate.
Beta-lactam antibiotics:
The beta
m grou
groupp of anti
icss is by far
far the
the larg
estt grou
groupp of
antibacterial agents used in clinical medicine. It includes the first true antibiotic
to be discovered and brought into clinical practice, and all the natural and semi-
ticc deri
vess with
with thei
theirr wide
ge of prop
es and
and clin
They can be divide
d into
into four
four groups
groups - penici
ns, cephal
ms and
and mono
amss - on the
the basi
basiss of the
the mole
larr struc
surrounding and supporting this active site, A fifth group in clinical use are the
beta-lactamase inhibitors that do not have intrinsic antibacterial activity.
The penicillin may be divided into four main groups on the basis of their
spectra of antibacterial activity. All the developments and manipulations of the
penicillin nucleus have had the aim of extending the spectrum of the agents
against gram-negative bacteria or increasing their resistance to beta-lactamase
enzymes, or both.
Early penicillin, Benzyl penicillin (penicillin G), the original member of
the group, remains the most active antibacterial agent against sensitive bacteria.
It is the drug of choice for serious infections with beta-hemolytic streptococci,
alpha-hemolytic streptococci (combined with an aminoglycoside in sub-acute
bacterial endocarditis), the pneumococcus, the meningococcus and clostridia
other than Clostridium. Phenoxymethyl penicillin (penicillin V) remains useful
when oral treatment of streptococcal infections is adequate.
Fig: 1 Basic 3D structure of Penicillin G
History of penicillin:
At first penicillin was made using old dairy equipment and after a great
deal of effort, enough was extracted for experimentation to begin. Eight white
mice were inoculated with deadly Streptococcus germs, followed by injection of
penicillin in half the mice. All of the untreated mice died the next day while the
treated mice all recovered. Now it was time for the first human test. Albert
Alexander, a 48-year-old London policeman had developed septicaemia as a
result of a small cut on his face. When treated with penicillin
Alexander began to recover within the day. However Florey’s team didn’t
have enough of the drug to see the patient through to a full recovery and he later
re-lapsed and died. However
However by 1941, it was acknowledged
acknowledged that penicillin
penicillin was
indeed a worthwhile drug and could save thousands of lives. In the same year
Florey travelled to the United States (which at the time was still neutral) to
continue his work with penicillin.
Because the United States intended to enter into World War II in another
few months the penicillin project, which became declared a war project, was
given top priority (and funding). Florey and his team were able to use beer-
brewing technology to produce the huge amounts of the mouldy liquor needed
for penicillin production. This underwent a slow purification process to produce
the large amounts of clinically usable penicillin that became available for
military use in early 1940’s.
By late 1943, mass production of the drug had commenced and by the
end of the war, many companies were manufacturing the drug, including the
Merck, Squibb and Pfizer. In 1945 Fleming was awarded the Nobel Prize in
Physiology and Medicine along with Florey and Chain.
In the coming years, strains and techniques were improved upon and
Penicillin saved tens of thousands of lives. However, it all began with a bit of
blue-green mould falling onto a discarded culture plate.
2. Penicillin production and Recovery
Penicillin is produced in large scale by fermentation. The success of the
production depends upon proper selection of strain that we are going to use, raw
material selection, optimizing process parameters, monitoring and maintaining
the parameters, product recovery, recovery of solvents and also effective
effluent treatment.
• Microbiology department
• Quality assurance
• Pilot scale plant
• Fermentation plant (Production)
• Quality control
• Product recovery plant
Criteria for the choice of organism:
1. Nutritional characteristics of the organism.
2. Optimum temperature of the organism.
3. Suitability of the organism to the type of process to be used.
4. Stability of the microorganism.
5. Productivity of the organism.
6. Ease of product recovery.
Shake cultures are a convenient method of growing microorganisms in
submerged cultures under aerobic conditions created by shaking; it is a small
scale equivalent of stirred tank bioreactor.
Usually, complex media are used for shake flask cultures, but the
objective is to devise a synthetic medium for the fermentation process. Studies
on inoculum size, temperature, agitation, nutrition are initially done using these
cultures to monitor their influences on growth and product formation.
Two key principles characterize QA: "fit for purpose" (the product should
be suitable for the intended purpose) and "right first time" (mistakes should be
eliminated). QA includes regulation of the quality of raw materials, assemblies,
products and components; services related to production; and management,
production and inspection processes.
Even goods with low prices can be considered quality items if they meet
a market need. QA is more than just testing the quality of aspects of a product,
service or facility, it analyzes the quality to make sure it conforms to specific
requirements and comply with established plans. SOP’s are formulated and
maintained for maintaining the quality.
Raw materials :
Each and every raw material is given a reference number which is called
M.I.N (Material inward number). Raw materials used in the fermentation of
Penicillin-G are: Acetic acid, Activated carbon, Ammonium sulphate, n-butyl
acetate, n-butyl alcohol, Calcium carbonate, Corn steep liquor, Citric acid
monohydrate, Copper sulphate pentahydrate, Corrugated box, Demulsifier,
Dextrose monohydrate, Dextrose syrup, Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate, Filter
aid, Formaldehyde, Maize oil, Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate,
Monopotassium phosphate, Pen G first crystal label, Maganese sulphate,
Phenyl acetic acid, Polypropylene glycol, Polythene bag, Potassium carbonate,
Sodium phenyl acetate solution, Sodium hydroxide solution, Sodium sulphate,
Sucrose, Sulphuric acid, Zinc sulphate, Ferrous sulphate and High maltose corn
Documentation :
2.3 Pilot scale plant:
Pilot scale reactor will be similar in design to the bench-top reactor
except it will have a size of about 100-1000 litres. The aim here is to examine
the effect of scale-up on the culture. At this stage, hopefully growth will
continue as before, however, there are often sudden changes or loss in
performance. This can be due to changes in the morphology of the culture
(remember Penicillium chrysogenum is a filamentous fungi and hence
pseudoplastic) that may or may not be correctable.
Pilot plants are used to reduce the risk associated with construction of
large process plants. They provide valuable data for design of the full-scale
plant. Scientific data about reactions, material properties, corrosiveness, for
instance, may be available, but it is difficult to predict the behavior of a process
of any complexity. Engineering data from other process may be available, but
this data cannot always be clearly applied to the process of interest. Designers
use data from the pilot plant to refine their design of the production scale
Fig: 3 Pilot scale fermeter (70 liter)
2.4 Fermentation plant:
Penicillin G production is done by two stage fed batch
fermentation. In the first stage, primary metabolism will be emphasized. Media
for this stage will typically be focused on achieving maximum growth and
biomass production. In next stage (production stage) we desire to produce PenG
a secondary metabolite, hence the flow rates of the feed is adjusted to serve for
only maintenance energy and not for growth, biomass production in this stage is
undesired. In SPIC pharmaceutical there about eleven 100m3 fermenters and six
60m3 seed fermenters are there for production.
Seed stage:
At this stage, sugar will usually be the primary source of carbohydrate for
the culture. The seed media contains sugar, MSP, AMS, CSM, CaCO3, CSL,
and PPG. Before inoculation Steam is used to keep the reactor running
aseptically. This is achieved because the reactor is designed as a pressure vessel
and steam is sent through at a minimum temperature/pressure of 121°C/15 psi
for 15-30min.
Both these substrates allow maximal growth of the culture at the expense
of product (antibiotic) formation. This is because growth and antibiotic
production are mutually interrelated and inversely proportionate. Readily
available carbon and nitrogen sources tend to inhibit antibiotic production (this
is known as Catabolite Repression, where a secondary metabolite is inhibited
by the presence of a more readily usable substrate).
Production stage:
In this stage the Penicillin G is produced. The constituents used for this
production are sugar (45%), MSP, AMS, CSM, CSL, CaCO3, CSL, and PPG.
Once the broth is seeded with the seed broth from a matured seed
fermeter the time is noted as log0. At the log0 the fermenter is aerated and
agitated to maintain DO2, temperature is set at 25°C; pH 6.5 is maintained with
After 5hrs of feeding, precursor PAA is added as NaPA and care should
be taken that its concentration should be in the range of 0.3-0.8g/l if
concentration exceeds it is toxic to organism.
Once feeding is started Pen-G production will start. The concentration of
PenG or PAA, Nitrogen, and PMV are monitored at every 8 hr intervals.
Depending on residual PAA value PAA addition is given.
Temperature : 25°C
Pressure : 0.6Kg/Cm2
Airflow : 1.0vvm
DO : 60%
PAA : 0.3-0.8g/l
Fig: 4 100m3 Fermenter used for production
Harvesting of fermenter:
For instance, the parameters for a pressure vessel should include not only
the material and dimensions, but also operating, environmental, safety,
reliability and maintainability requirements.
Instruments used:
1. KF titrator (Karl Fischer)
Karl Fisher reagent
Methanol (moisture free)
Sodium sulphate (Na2SO4), moisture free
Sodium tartrate dihydrate (Na 2C4H4O6 • 2 H2O)
Fig 5: KF Titrator
The Kjeldahl method was developed over 100 years ago for determining
the nitrogen contents in organic and inorganic substances. Although the
technique and apparatus have been modified over the years, the basic principles
introduced by Johan Kjeldahl still endure today.
There are two types of titration—back titration and direct titration. Both
methods indicate the ammonia present in the distillate with a color change.
In direct titration, if boric acid is used as the receiving solution instead of
a standardized mineral acid, the chemical reaction is:
The boric acid method has the advantages that only one standard solution
is necessary for the determination and that the solution has a long shelf life.
In QC we use HPLC mainly for determining PAA and PenicillinG
concentration and activity. We use reverse phase chromatography, where the
stationary phase is non-polar and mobile phase is polar. The mobile phase we
commonly used for PenG activity estimation is Acetonitryl in 0.1%PBS and the
stationary phase is ODS (Octo Dodecyl Silane).
Fig 7: HPLC
With HPLC, a pump (rather than gravity) provides the higher pressure
required to propel the mobile phase and analyte through the densely packed
column. The increased density arises from smaller particle sizes. This allows for
a better separation on columns of shorter length when compared to ordinary
column chromatography.
solid support, inside a piece of glass or metal tubing called a column. The
instrument used to perform gas chromatography is called a gas chromatograph.
The gaseous compounds being analyzed interact with the walls of the
column, which is coated with different stationary phases. This causes each
compound to elute at a different time, known as the retention time of the
compound. The comparison of retention times is what gives GC its analytical
Secondly, the column through which the gas phase passes is located in
an oven where the temperature of the gas can be controlled, whereas column
chromatography (typically) has no such temperature control. Thirdly, the
concentration of a compound in the gas phase is solely a function of the vapor
pressure of the gas. Gas chromatography is also similar to fractional distillation,
since both processes separate the components of a mixture primarily based on
boiling point (or vapor pressure) differences.
5. Polari-meter :
A polarimeter is a scientific instrument used to measure the angle of
rotation caused by passing polarized light through an optically active substance.
Some chemical substances are optically active, and polarized light will rotate
either to the left (counter-clockwise) or right (clockwise) when passed through
these substances. The amount by which the light is rotated is known as the angle
of rotation.
in a sample – if it rotates polarized light to the left, it it a levo-isomer, and to the
right, a dextro-isomer.
Amino Acids
Fig: 9 Polarimeter
6. LOD analyzer:
If the volatile content of the solid is primarily water, the LOD technique
gives a good measure of moisture content. Because the manual laboratory
method is relatively slow, automated moisture analyzers have been developed
that can reduce the time necessary for a test from a couple hours to just a few
minutes. These analyzers incorporate an electronic balance with a sample tray
and surrounding heating element. Under microprocessor control the sample can
be heated rapidly and a result computed prior to the completion of the process,
based on the moisture loss rate, known as a drying curve.
5. Crystal washing
6. Drying
1st Extraction unit 2nd Extraction unit 3rd Extraction unit
1 st Extraction unit:
In 1st stage the fermentation broth is collected in a two 70m 3 reactor and
one more reactor is kept for receiving partial discharge. The broth is first treated
with H2SO4 and the pH is brought down to 2. This is done because in this pH
Pen G soluble in organic phase which is provided by adding n-Butyl acetate.
The broth can form emulsion and the extraction will become difficult, to avoid
this situation we are adding a demulsifying agent (Quaternary ammonium salt).
In third extraction unit the residual BAC is completely removed and rich
aqueous phase pH is adjusted to 6.2-6.5 with KOH. Then the RAS is transferred
to crystallization unit. The exhaust BAC is sent to SRP for recovery.
Crystallization unit:
Crystal washing:
Drying is done by fluid bed dryer. Fluid bed processing involves drying,
cooling, agglomeration, granulation, and coating of particulate materials. It is
ideal for a wide range of both heat sensitive and non-heat sensitive products.
Uniform processing conditions are achieved by passing a gas (usually air)
through a product layer under controlled velocity conditions to create a
fluidized state.
In fluid bed drying, heat is supplied by the fluidization gas, but the gas
flow need not be the only source. Heat may be effectively introduced by heating
surfaces (panels or tubes) immersed in the fluidized layer.
In fluid bed cooling, cold gas (usually ambient or conditioned air) is used.
Conditioning of the gas may be required to achieve sufficient product cooling in
an economically sized plant and to prevent pick up of volatiles (usually
moisture). Heat may also be removed by cooling surfaces immersed in the
fluidized layer.
3. Butyl
3. Exhaust BAC with H2O, this comes after L-L extraction in 3 rd stage
Fig:14 Scheme of the BAC sent to SRP
Fig: 15 Counter-current Distillation column
The liquid inlet is given at the top of the column. The pressure at the top
of the column will be around 100mm.Hg and at the bottom it will be around
280mm.Hg. Pressure drop is used as key in this distillation process. After
vapourisation the gas phase is passed to condenser and then to a phase
separator. BAC is collected in a tank and recycled back to PenG recovery plant.
Feed in
K Condenser Vent condenser
N Vacuum pump
Phase separator
To waste treatment plant
In this stage of BAC the water will be present in addition; this can be
rectified by using same strategy. Here a process heater is attached in order to
vaporize the heat. Then it is passed to distillation column then to condenser and
then to a phase separator. BAC and water can be collected separately from the
phase separator.
Distillation Condenser
Phase separator
heater Feed inlet BAC
When the feed contains low amount of BAC and high amount of water
this kind of procedure is used. This kind of mixture is received after the third
extraction unit. In this BAC concentration will be lower when compared to feed
received after second extraction. Usually BAC concentration will be less
First the exhaust BAC is sent to the process heater and then it is sent the
distillation column then to the condenser and then to the phase separator. The
water from the phase separator is recycled back to the distillation column. Until
the clear separation is achieved recycle is continued.
Distillation Condenser
Phase separator
Feed inlet
3.2 Recovery of Butanol:
3. Mother liquor:
4. Ternary phase:
Stripping of Butanol is done by distillation and phase separation
techniques as used in the recovery BAC. The difference in boiling points is
exploited for this stripping process.
The pressure in the column is reduced so that the boiling point difference
can be used as a tool for removing Butanol from the water. As the water
concentration is more we have to recycle the water to distillation column until
complete stripping of Butanol takes place.
Distillation Condenser
Phase separator
Low exhaust butanol
Distillation Condenser
Phase separator
Process heater
In mother liquor the water concentration is low hence the recovery can be
achieved by simple distillation column setup. Recycle of condensate is not
necessary but when water concentration is high we can recycle and butanol can
be recovered.
Distillation Condenser
Process Butanol
Mother liquor
The opposite transfer can be forced by adding an acid to a sodium
phenate stream to spring the phenolic back to a free phenol that can be extracted
into an organic solvent. Similarly, primary, secondary, and tertiary amines can
be protonated with a strong acid to transfer the amine into a water solution, for
example, as an amine hydrochloride salt. Conversely, a strong base can be
added to convert the amine salt back to free base, which can be extracted into a
solvent. This procedure is quite common in pharmaceutical production.
Distillation Condenser
Phase separation
Process heater
The NaOH is first mixed with the feed, here phase dissociation takes
place. Then it is passed to process heater and then to distillation column then to
condenser then to phase separation. Till separation is finished the butanol phase
is recycled. Butanol is recovered as high exhaust butanol and this is sent as feed
to the high exhaust butanol rectification unit.
4. Effluent treatment plant
Effluent Treatment Plant or ETP are used in the pharmaceutical and
chemical industry to purify water and remove any toxic and non toxic materials
or chemicals from it. These plants are used by all companies for environment
Class A water:
Class B water:
Class C water:
Normally the effluent coming from plant has following properties its pH
is around 2-2.5 and its temperature is around 50-60°C. Total solids in present in
the effluent will be in the range of 20-25%.
There are about two UASB systems and an anaerobic sludge digestion
system is present. The intention is to reduce the COD of the effluent. In addition
to this a Multi effect evaporator is present.
4.1 UASB:
aggregates form into dense compact biofilms referred to as "granules". A
picture of anaerobic sludge granules can be found here.
The blanketing of the sludge enables a dual solid and hydraulic (liquid)
retention time in the digesters. Solids requiring a high degree of digestion can
remain in the reactors for periods up to 90 days. Sugars dissolved in the liquid
waste stream can be converted into gas quickly in the liquid phase which can
exit the system in less than a day. A properly designed UASB can reduce upto
75-85% COD.
Fig: 23 UASB plant
Anaerobic digestion is a series of processes in which microorganisms
break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen, used for industrial
or domestic purposes to manage waste and/or to release energy. It is widely
used as part of the process to treat wastewater. As part of an integrated waste
management system, anaerobic digestion reduces the emission of landfill gas
into the atmosphere.
Acidogenic bacteria then convert the sugars and amino acids into carbon
dioxide, hydrogen, ammonia, and organic acids. Acetogenic bacteria then
convert these resulting organic acids into acetic acid, along with additional
ammonia, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. Finally, methanogens convert these
products to methane and carbon dioxide.
The accessories present in this plant are boilers, chillers, compressors and
nitrogen plant.
DM water plant:
The water is got from SIPCOT and this is sent to pretreatment plant and
then to aeration tank. Inorder to convert ferrous iron to ferric iron we are
aerating it, such that it is converted to ferric iron and in the presence of
coagulating agent like aluminium sulphate ferric is coagulated and this is
removed by filters and sent to reservoir.
Then this water is transferred to weak base anion filter. WBA filter has
weak base anion resin (Duolite A-368). This can filter Cl -, SO4-, CO2 then this
water is passed to degasser where CO2 is reduced.
Steam for sterilization and for various processes should be produced in
large volume but economically, since this is a most power consuming process
power consumption should be taken care.
Cold water for heat exchange purposes and for various processes is
produced by chilling unit. The water should be cooled down to 5°C. This water
after fulfilling its purpose and gaining heat it will be around 11-15°C. This
water is then processed in chilling unit and recycled back.
Brine chillers are used to chill down the brine (Methyl ethylene glycol).
This is done because the brine doesn’t lose chillness readily. There are two
brine chilling units.
• Water chiller
• Brine chiller
There are two cooling towers one is utility cooling tower and other one is
for process cooling tower for cooling process water.
Nitrogen plant:
Nitrogen is a cool, dry, inert, gas that can displace Oxygen in a situation
where Oxygen may provide the catalyst for combustion or where it may affect
the quality of a product. Two nitrogen plants are there in the plant:
5.2 Instrumentation department:
Pressure measurement:
Pressure guage
Draft guage
Diaphragm seal transmitter
Differential pressure instrument
Flow measurement:
The volumetric flow rate in fluid dynamics and hydrometry, (also known
as volume flow rate or rate of fluid flow) is the volume of fluid which passes
through a given surface per unit time (for example cubic meters per second [m3
s-1] in SI units, or cubic feet per second [cu ft/s]). It is usually represented by
the symbol Q.
• Orifice plate
• Venturimeter