Deadlands - Hell On Earth - Spirit Warriors
Deadlands - Hell On Earth - Spirit Warriors
Deadlands - Hell On Earth - Spirit Warriors
Spirit Warrior
Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc. Deadlands, Weird West, Dime Novel, the Great Rail Wars,
the Deadlands logo, and the Pinnacle logo are Trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
Table o’ Contents
Introduction .................... 4 No Man’s Land ......... 35 The Marshal’s
Handbook ................ 103
Posse Territory ............ 5
Chapter Two:
Chapter One:
Makin’ Spooks ..... 37
The Spirit Toxic Shamans ............................. 40 Chapter Four:
Warriors ..........................7 New Edges ....................................... 42
Back to the Future ..................... 8 New Hindrances ........................ 43
Trouble a Brewin’ ....................... 15 Toxic Guardians .......................... 44 Secrets ......................... 105
The New Ways .............................. 18 The Coyote
The Toxic Spirits ........................ 22 Archetypes .................... 48 Wasteland ................................. 138
Indians Today ................................ 27 Deadwood ....................................... 122
Deadwood ......................................... 34 Chapter Three: Relics .................................................... 125
Favors Toxic Spills ...................................... 126
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
Iron Dragon
Remember how I said that not all Sioux
followed the Old Ways? Well, one of the most
important Lakota leaders to reject this belief
was none other than Sitting Bull himself. He
knew the white man’s inventions held power—
power he wanted for himself. However, he
Custer makes his last stand. knew most of his people had become Old
Ways followers, so he professed to believe too. I
Once again, the Sioux would have been guess you could say that Sitting Bull had
better off to kill them all and let the Great learned the power of the white man’s politics
Spirit sort them out. also.
When Custer returned to Wyoming, he He cut a deal with the Iron Dragon Railroad
immediately set about raising a unit of that allowed the outfit to build a line straight
volunteers to return to the Sioux Nations and through the heart of the Sioux Nations—with a
get revenge for the humiliation he suffered spur extending down to Deadwood. In
there. More importantly, news of what had exchange for this concession—Kang’s railroad
happened was reported in all the papers. Soon made a fortune hauling gold and ghost rock
the US public was clamoring for Sitting Bull’s out of the Black Hills—and a cut of the money
head on a silver platter with a nice garnish of the Indians were making in taxes and fees
grapes. Grant began to reluctantly organize a from the miners, Iron Dragon trains made
second expedition to send against the Indian secret rendezvous with Sitting Bull’s most
nation. trusted warriors to drop off loads of weapons
The Spirit Warriors
and ammo. Sitting Bull had no doubt that the deserter—but none of them had been able to
US would attack the Nations once it was done penetrate the ring of hired guns around him.
dealing with the Confederacy and he wanted Even an Agency operation to bag the wayward
to be ready when that happened. While he general had failed.) In hindsight, this was a
couldn’t deny the power of the Sioux shamans, pretty bad idea, but tempers were running hot
he wasn’t confident that the nature spirits and then.
the bravery of his warriors alone would be
enough to stop a regiment of Gatling-armed
steam tanks.
The Battle of 10,000 Arrows
The cavalry, under the command of Colonel
Custer Returns Brook Manning, caught up to Custer about 40
miles southwest of Deadwood. There was only
This situation lasted for a few years, but one small problem: Custer’s troops
growing tensions between the Sioux braves outnumbered Manning’s by about 4-to-1 and
and the miners in Deadwood, and growing the general didn’t feel like being arrested.
conflict between Sitting Bull and the other There were also many men under Manning’s
elders of the Sioux Nations, made for a very command who sympathized with Custer and
uneasy peace. This wasn’t helped by the fact wanted to avenge the death’s of the men of
that Custer had supporters within Deadwood the 7th Cavalry.
who agitated against the Treaty and looked for When the two forces met, there was a tense
opportunities to provoke an incident which standoff that lasted nearly two hours. No one
could once again draw the United States into knows exactly how it would have been
the area. resolved, because it was ended by the attack
Finally, it happened. Some Sioux braves, of a large Sioux force under the command of
angered by attacks from some elusive snipers Red Bear. The hired guns and US troopers were
armed with buffalo rifles, attacked one of the forced to fight side-by-side to defend
larger mines outside the city and slaughtered themselves from the fierce onslaught of
everyone there. The next day, Custer’s army of thousands of mounted braves.
hired guns and money-hungry miners Although the Sioux warriors valiantly made
swarmed across the border. (No history I’ve charge after charge against the invaders, they
ever read has fully explained exactly how were cut down time after time by volleys of
Custer learned of the attack so quickly. Cynical well-aimed rifle fire. The few shamans who
types might suspect that he knew that it was accompanied the hastily assembled force had
going to happen ahead of time.) not had time to prepare powerful medicine for
Regardless of how the fair-haired general the battle, and there was little they could do
heard about it (he gave himself a promotion on the battlefield to sway the outcome. The
once he stopped following orders from Sioux warriors were eventually forced to
Washington), the fight was on. His mercenary retreat, leaving behind hundreds of dead and
army, now swelled with fresh volunteers eager wounded.
to avenge the latest massacre, drove deep into Manning was killed during the battle, and
the Sioux Nations. The Lakota and Cheyenne his subordinates decided to throw in with
braves were caught unawares and General Custer. All of the US troopers followed them.
Custer scored a number of easy victories Although not all them were sympathetic to
before any sort of real defense could be Custer’s cause, those who weren’t didn’t want
organized to stop him. to have to make the trek back out of the
Once news of Custer’s assault reached Nations alone and unarmed.
Washington, a troop of cavalry stationed in The West’s newest Napoleon didn’t waste
northern Colorado was dispatched into the any time. Instead, he pressed on toward
Sioux Nations to find Custer, arrest him, and Deadwood. He arrived there two days later,
return him to US territory for a trial. (A number chasing away a force of Sioux braves who
of US Marshals had tried to arrest Custer were besieging the city’s hastily erected
previous to this—since he was technically a barricades.
The Spirit Warriors
The beleaguered citizens hailed Custer as a Unfortunately for everyone involved, the
conquering hero. Once safely inside the city, Sioux Chief was talking on a party line.
the general opened up his supply wagons and Wasatch agents had tapped the telegraph line
passed out rifles and ammunition to anyone many years earlier and recorded every word
who wanted to join him—which was most. that passed between Sitting Bull and Kang.
Between the deserting US troopers and the Before the first Iron Dragon troop train had left
eager Deadwood citizens, Custer’s force had the station, word of the deal was on its way to
grown by almost 1500 after crossing into the Dr. Hellstromme in Salt Lake City.
Sioux Nations. Hellstromme couldn’t allow Iron Dragon to
gain complete control of the Black Hills, so he
Playing His Hand ordered his troops to saddle up and head out. He
figured that if he helped Custer crush the Sioux
Custer’s early victories and the relief of Nation, a grateful US government would grant
Deadwood made Sitting Bull very nervous. It him the mining rights to the area, especially if
would be days before enough warbands had his troops were already there—possession being
gathered to form a force capable of meeting nine tenths of the law and all that.
the general in the field. In the mean time,
warriors attacked Custer’s scouts and harassed
his foraging parties.
Hell on Earth
Custer began moving north again before the Over the next month, the Sioux Nations was
warbands finished forming—Sitting Bull turned into a slaughterhouse. Ranks of
blinked. He ordered his braves to open the automatons and steam tanks clashed against
hidden caches of rifles, Gatling guns, and massed ranks of Chinese spearmen, kamikaze
cannons and begin passing them out. Then he bombers, and ogres summoned from the
went before the assembled wicasas and told depths of Hell. Custer’s outriders scoured the
them of his plan. countryside, destroying Sioux camps and
Instead of hailing him as a savior, the elders torching stored food. The fires from burning
were horrified by what Sitting Bull had done. villages and shattered ghost-rock vehicles
After hours of debate, the council fragmented caused the night sky to glow red. Neither side
and dissolved. Those loyal to Sitting Bull had a clear advantage, but one thing was
remained, while the Old Ways elders and their obvious—the Sioux were the big losers.
warriors fled north to buy more time to
prepare for their fight against Custer.
This left Sitting Bull with a well-armed force
The Great Summoning
that was inferior in both numbers and The warriors who had remained loyal
experience to Custer’s. He knew he had little to the wicasas and the old ways had
chance of winning a pitched battle against the retreated north across the Grand River.
general’s advancing column, but a big victory These braves, backed by powerful
was exactly what he needed to regain the medicine from their shamans, were
loyalty of his people. In desperation, he turned able to turn back any force which tried 105
to a dangerous ally. to cross the river, but they lacked the
strength to move south and help the Sioux
The Dragon Awakes trapped in the middle of fighting. Any force
that headed south would have to fight both
Sitting Bull contacted Iron Dragon using the Custer’s and Sitting Bull’s troops.
telegraph line running along the company’s Word came that US troops were massing on
tracks. He promised Kang all sorts of the eastern border of the Sioux Nations and
concessions and a virtual monopoly over the that Confederate raiders had slipped across the
ghost rock in the Black Hills if he would send border from Colorado and were headed north.
help. Kang agreed, and within hours, Iron The wicasas decided that something had to be
Dragon troops were being loaded on trains and done to end this fighting before it escalated
rushed to the Sioux Nations. even further and everything they had worked
for was destroyed.
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
decision was made. The Coyote Confederation dry, cracked, dust bowls that still yield
would officially adopt the Old Ways and throw little food to this very day and wells
down their weapons and other possessions became tainted with foul-smelling
made by the white man. sulphur. Pregnant women went into
labor early. Many lost their babies, but
The Great Wasting those that survived were said to possess
dark powers. It was as if the Coyote
Messengers were sent to all the warbands Confederation had been visited by every plague
and to the villages that had not yet been from the white man’s Bible and then some.
destroyed by Madison, telling them of When the dust cleared, the Confederate
the council’s decisions. They were all to army was no more. The neat lines of troops
burn anything they possessed which had been reduced to little more than heaps of
had not been made with Indian hands. dust-scoured bones covered with scraps of
111 Bonfires burned throughout the uniforms. The Coyote Confederation had been
Confederation that night as the people saved, but at much too high a price.
prayed to the spirits for deliverance. At the site As the dazed survivors took stock of what
of the war council, enormous pyres of happened, they realized that the cloud had also
weapons burned late into the night as the claimed their leader—all that was found of
Confederation shamans, led by Coyote himself, Coyote were scraps of his vermillion cloak. The
began their long ordeal. war chiefs felt that the spirits had played some
To the south, Madison saw the fire reflected form of cruel trick on them and they became
on the clouds and wondered what the Hell the enraged. The surviving Old Ways shamans fled
savages were up to. He was more right than he for their lives as the angry chiefs and their
knew. braves fell upon them with clubs and spears.
The Confederate troops advanced quickly. Since the day of the Great Wasting, no
They were opposed now by only the Old Ways member of the Coyote Confederation has ever
warriors with their bows and arrows and some openly acknowledged belief in the Old Ways.
new converts who fought with hastily
constructed spears and clubs. It took them only
three days to come within sight of the war
Rock & A Hard Place
council’s location. That night Madison and his After losing four entire divisions inside the
men camped in sight of the seemingly Coyote Confederation, the Confederacy was
maddened shamans as they whirled and understandably cautious about further actions
chanted around their fires. against the Indian nation. Texas Rangers
The next morning, as the Confederate troops slipped in and out of the Confederation looking
formed up into a line of battle, the Coyote for clues to the fate of Madison and his men.
shamans completed their rituals and invoked What they found surprised them. The tribes
their favor. There was a loud clap of thunder of the Coyote Confederation, despite their
and a tremendous wind that sounded like the “great victory,” were a broken and dispirited
spirits of the damned. It kicked up a dark, dust people. Those who had survived the Great
cloud that flowed over Coyote brave and trooper Wasting were barely able to eke out an
alike and spread across the countryside. existence in the barren wastes. Once fertile
Many within the cloud died, both Indian and land grew crops of weeds and thorns, and the
paleface. Those who survived claimed they tribes’ herds were little more than walking
could see spirits moving in its dark depths. skeletons that gave little milk and only tough,
Everywhere the cloud went people died. It stringy meat. Water throughout the
killed mostly the very young and the very old, Confederation, although drinkable, tasted foul
but it also took those who were sick or badly and brackish.
wounded as well. The people were in little better condition.
The dark dust also did something to my Too proud or too stubborn to ask for help, the
people’s land. It killed crops and cattle and it people worked long, hard days to merely grow
poisoned the soil. Once fertile fields became enough food to get by. Starvation was common,
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
a bio-weapons research facility in the area. The Manitous would speak with the Coyote
Coyote people once again had food and jobs, shamans, and at times seemed unusually
but only at the cost of poisoning their land interested in them, but most of the medicine
even more than it already was. The tribes had men had better sense than to go down that
full bellies, but they also had the highest rates path. Unfortunately, a few of the more power-
of cancer, miscarriages, and birth defects in hungry ones did. Some of them became
the industrialized world. powerful black magicians and practitioners of
As the years passed, the Coyote people ghost medicine (a secret they hid from others
slowly moved up from being merely employees of course), while others simply went mad. More
of these industries to owners. When the Last than one of these insane medicine men went
War began, Coyote Chemical was one of the on killing rampages before they were put down
world’s largest producers of pesticides, by the tribal police.
explosives, and household chemicals. The I actually did some research into this before
company employed nearly 30,000 people in the Last War and made a startling discovery.
Coyote Territory alone. Most of the shamans who were known to
have turned to “the dark side” were
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
spook with a belly full of juice looks like a The recruiters are what we in the biz call
spotlight does to a moth. They can’t help but “toxic guardians.” Many shamans have one of
come over and see what’s going on. I guess all these spirits buzzing around them. They have
that bad attitude doesn’t leave much room for powers which they often use to protect or aid
a brain. the shaman in some way.
Do you want to see a toxic spirit? No, I’m not Why?
going to summon one up for demonstration Well in the case of corrupter shamans, I
purposes. The next time you fill up your car’s think they’re just looking out for someone who
tank with spook juice, take a few swigs is useful to them. The guardians around
yourself. Once things start changing strange caretakers are in it for the candy. Every time a
colors, fire the engine up and watch the tail caretaker invokes a favor, the guardian gets a
pipe. In a few seconds you’ll see a bunch of mouthful of the sweet pollution he’s
“things” flitting around the back end of the car, channeling. The guardians don’t really care
sucking down all the toxic goodness it’s whether their hosts live or die, they’re just
spewing. You’ll see mostly smog spirits, but interested in how useful the people are while
depending on how dirty your engine burns, they’re still drawing breath.
you might see a sludge spirit or even a trash The reason I call them recruiters is because
spirit. they don’t just latch onto shamans. They’ll
buddy up with anyone who looks to be a
Spheres litterbug. Any person who performs an act of
pollution—whether done deliberately or not—
That brings me to my next subject, the can suddenly find one of these spirits hanging
spiritual spheres. The toxic spirits are tied very around them.
directly to the elemental spheres: Earth, Air, Once the spirit has selected a “host,” it
Fire, and Water. Only in their case, they performs little services for that person—until
represent the various polluted forms of these he stops polluting. When that happens, the
elements: Trash, Smog, Radiation, and Sludge. person’s spirit friend is suddenly absent when
Due to this affinity for the elements, toxic he needs it, and he begins to feel subtle urges
shamans must select the sphere they wish to to destroy the environment. Once he performs
“serve.” It seems that the toxic spirits bad another act of environmental sabotage, the
attitudes extend to each other as well. The guardian returns and begins doing favors for
spirits are very protective of their spheres. his buddy again.
They always try to make their sphere the The guardians use this to condition their
predominant one and will have nothing to do hosts into performing bigger and bigger acts of
with shamans who serve an opposed sphere. pollution. The more spectacular the act, the
I’m a sludge shaman, which means the more powerful the favors granted by the spirit.
spirits of polluted water are my buds in the I’ve encountered two shamans, both corrupters,
Hunting Grounds. Although they’re not crazy by the way, who learned the rituals they
about it, I can call upon trash and smog spirits needed to function as medicine men from
in a pinch, but radiation spirits will have their guardians—they had no training from any
nothing to do with me because radiation (Fire) human teachers.
is opposed to sludge (Water). What did they do to earn this? One found an
oil refinery that still had a few million gallons
Toxic Guardians of crude in its tanks. He set the entire thing
ablaze. The second opened the containment
There is one other thing you can say about building at a damaged nuclear plant and
toxic spirits: they’re ambitious. They’re not allowed thousands of gallons of radioactive
content to just sit around and wait for the water to flow into the Missouri River.
corrupters they deal with to finish poisoning How do I know this? They told me. It’s not
the Earth for them. The toxic spirits actively like we wear team uniforms or anything. I met
seek out people who seem likely candidates them, we shared some spook juice and a few
and recruit them to their cause. stories, and then I moved on.
The Spirit Warriors
What do you mean, what happened to You can run into these yahoos nearly
them? What do you think? I said I moved on, anywhere, but they tend to be most common
not we. around urban areas. This is primarily because
there is simply many more opportunities to
Equal Opportunity Polluters cause mayhem in these locations.
I ran into a trash cult outside Dallas that
For most of my little history lesson, I’ve spent each day draining the oil out wrecked
referred to the toxic spirits from a Native cars and then pouring it in the dirt. They had
American point of view. I should point out, been doing that each and every day for over
though, that the toxic spirits don’t give a crap two months. I have no idea how many gallons
about race. Most toxic shamans are Indians, but of oil they dumped, I just know it was a lot.
that’s only due to our culture—we grew up with Once I ended their little pastime, it took me
the spirit world as a very real part of our lives. nearly two weeks of invoking purification
There are non-Indian toxic shamans favors to clean the place up.
(although I’ve yet to meet a traditional shaman
who wasn’t Native American) and their
numbers are growing. There are even more
Insect Shamans
non-Indians who have toxic guardians. There’s one last type of toxic
shaman I should mention: insect
Toxic Cults shamans. I’ll warn you right now that I
don’t know much about them, so you’ll have to
A prime example of these types are the take what I say with a grain or two of salt.
many toxic cults that have sprung up in I had no idea insect shamans existed until I
the ruins of civilization. Most of these encountered one only a couple of years ago. He
start with a single person who does gave me the creeps. He was really quiet and
something to attract the attention of a
toxic guardian. She continues to grow in
113 power by repeated acts of pollution.
Somewhere along the way, she attracts
some followers, who join in the mayhem. Her
disciples’ actions attract their own guardians,
and the group’s power grows.
Usually at this point one of two things
happen. Either the group is wiped out because
their actions have gained them a lot of
enemies, or they are strong enough to defeat
their enemies and go on to commit some truly
heinous act of pollution that causes one or
more of their members to develop into a full-
blown shaman. Groups that reach this stage
are extremely dangerous.
Most toxic cults follow a single sphere. In
other words, all of the headcases have smog
guardians, or they all have trash guardians, etc.
I’ve encountered one cult that was of mixed
spheres, and they nearly did me in. I thought I
was dealing with a smog cult, when I suddenly
discovered there were some sludge cultists in
the group. Their guardians granted them
immunity to most of the favors I knew, so my
companions and I had to deal with them the
old-fashioned way—acute lead poisoning.
Some cultists go to great lengths to cause pollution.
The Spirit Warriors
his eyes never moved. When he tracked The only theory I’ve come up with is that
something, he turned his entire head to follow the insects have a real mad on about
it. He hardly ever blinked either. We got into a something. Maybe they’re tired of being
pretty heated discussion about toxic spirits and stepped on for centuries, or maybe there were
their agenda, and he started mumbling one too many documentaries talking about
something under his breath. One of my how the insects would inherit the Earth after
traveling companions went for his gun, but a nuclear war and the bugs want hurry things
before he could fire, the insect shaman along.
dissolved into a carpet of roaches and skittered It has to be something similar to this,
down a drain pipe. I still have nightmares because the insects’ agenda is a little different
about that at times. than that of the other toxic spirits. They still
I’ve talked to other, friendlier, shamans want the Earth to be polluted, so that new
about these guys and here’s what I’ve been toxic insect spirits are formed, but that’s only
able to piece together: part of what they’re after. Their ultimate goal
Their power comes from insect-related seems to be the complete extermination of the
spirits that were warped by pollution or by the human race.
bombs on Judgment Day. This is unusual This is borne out by the fact that insect
because most other warped animal spirits guardians want their hosts to do more than
work with shamans of a related sphere— just pollute. For an act of pollution to satisfy
warped bird spirits work with smog shamans, one of these supernatural baddies, the
warped fish with sludge shamans, warped pollution has to kill someone.
raccoons with trash spooks, and so on. How Believe it or not, I actually met a second
the bugs rated their own personal shamans is insect shaman who not only was a caretaker,
a bit of a mystery. but a pretty nice guy as well. He says he’s
careful to use his powers only against those
who deserve to die, Black Hats, Doom cultists,
biker gangs, and the like. When he runs out of
bad guys, which he doubts will happen in his
lifetime, he intends to end his gig as a shaman.
I wished him well, and I don’t doubt his
intentions, but I can’t picture the insect spirits
letting him go that easily.
The Spirit Warriors
& The Ravenites and made a fortune off the sale of ghost rock.
Rather than return to the Old Ways, over time
the Ravenites became some of the most
After the Great Summoning, time pretty materialistic and decadent people on the
much stopped for the Sioux Nations. The planet.
United States learned not to mess around in
Sioux territory and the tribes were left to live
in peace. Since all of the tribes had become Bright Lights, Big City
staunch supporters of the Old Ways very little The Sioux elders eventually came to greatly
changed over the years. regret their decision to exile Sitting Bull’s
The biggest problem the Sioux elders faced followers to Deadwood. Over the years some
was the followers of Sitting Bull they had young Sioux became disillusioned with the Old
exiled to Deadwood. The history of the Sioux Ways and left the Sioux Nations to join their
and the Ravenites are inextricably intertwined, brothers in Deadwood. The Sioux tribes lost
so I’ll talk about them together. scores of young men and women to the bright
lights of the treaty city. To prevent the possible
The Deadwood Corridor corrupting influence that those who had been
to Deadwood might have on the tribes, those
Not long after the Great Summoning, the who left were not allowed to return.
Sioux had their first problem with the Most of those who left regretted the
Ravenites. decision. The ability to shoot a bow and ride a
The region to which these Sioux had been horse were of no use in the high-tech society
banished included the area immediately the Ravenites created. If they were lucky, they
around Deadwood and the portions of the managed to find some sort of low-paying
Black Hills where mining was allowed. This menial job, but most ended up homeless and
was the same territory which had been destitute or forced into a life of prostitution
established by the Deadwood Creek Treaty. (which was legal in Deadwood).
Many of the Sioux chiefs argued against
letting the Ravenites have access to the ghost
rock, but the wicasas decided to follow the The City on the Plains
terms of the treaty—the white man could Deadwood grew quickly. At first it grew
break treaties all he wanted, but the Sioux outward, but it soon hit the edges of the treaty
would honor theirs. territory. The only direction left to grow was
Within this area modern inventions worked vertically. Deadwood was the first city on Earth
just fine, but since the Ravenites had no way to erect a modern skyscraper, beating out New
to get spare parts, they quickly wore out. There York City for the honor by three days. That was
also wasn’t much room for the people to grow only the beginning, by the time the Last War
crops, so the exiles were constantly begging began the smallest building in Deadwood
their Old Ways neighbors for food. Finally, the
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
The borders of the Sioux Nations are closed
to those not of Native American descent. Any
non-Indians found inside the Nations are asked
their business. Unless they have a matter
which needs to come before the tribal council,
the intruders are politely asked to leave. If they
refuse, the tribe’s warriors show them to the
border or bury them, as the situation warrants.
Visitors who can prove they are of Native
American descent are welcome to stay as long
as they are willing to take the Old Ways Oath.
Provided they are willing to swear the Oath,
the newcomers are adopted into one of the
clans and become full members of the tribe.
The one exception to this is toxic shamans.
The signing of the Deadwood Creek Treaty. Corrupters are attacked on sight, while
caretakers are warmly welcomed. The reason
for this is that portions of Sioux territory have
Itazipacola, and Oohenupa clans were wiped been contaminated by radioactive fallout and
out in the struggle to defeat War. The few toxic runoff from factories upstream of the
survivors of these clans were adopted into the Nations. Caretakers are welcome to remain in
others. Sioux lands as long as they use their powers to
The clans normally break up into hunting clean up some of this pollution.
parties of 30 families or so during the summer.
They lead a nomadic existence across the
plains, hunting buffalo and finding good
grazing for their horses. If you want to do any interviewing
in the Sioux Nations, you had better
brush up on your shorthand. Any 106
Government interviews you do will be recorded on a
The government of the Sioux Nations tanned deer hide with charcoal because your
remains much as it has always been. Each clan palmcorder won’t work there. You’d better also
sends an elder to the tribal council to become be prepared to grow a beard because that
a wicasa. The wicasas make all major fancy, solar-powered, electric razor I see
decisions concerning the tribe. Their word is sticking out of your pack won’t work either.
final, but nearly anyone affected by their I’ve heard some Sioux say that the medicine
decision can have their say before the council. of the Great Summoning is not as strong as it
The current wicasas are White Cloud once was, but it seems to work just fine to me.
(Oglala), Bucking Horse (Hunkpapa), Broken While I visited with the tribe none of the
Spear (Burnt Thigh), and Leaping Wolf equipment I carried with me functioned, but
(Minneconjou). White Cloud is the oldest of the as soon as I stepped back over the border it all
wicasas and also a powerful shaman. (He also came back to life and performed just fine.
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
Toxic Shamans
As you might expect, there are many toxic
shamans among the mutant tribes. As you
might also expect, they’re all corrupters. Their
lives are dedicated to spreading filth and
corruption across the planet.
The shamans teach that the toxic spirits are
their saviors—only with the changes caused by
the spirits could any of them have survived
Judgment Day. They often lead “worship
parties” outside of Coyote lands. These are
groups of warriors whose sole purpose is to
find a source of pollution and release it into
the environment (any pollutants inside Coyote
territory were released long ago).
Be careful of these fanatics if you journey
inside Coyote lands. Within the borders of the
toxic Hell the shamans call home, their favors
are much more potent than normal. Their
followers are dangerous as well—many of
the mutants have toxic guardians.
The Spirit Warriors
The Spirit Warriors
Matanza’s band numbered less than 50 when about being dead, I suppose. I don’t normally
he first crossed back into what was the drink spook juice for its intoxicating effects,
Confederacy. Now his tribe numbers over 200. but I did this time. Once I had taken a few
He has been joined by Apaches who migrated swigs, I could see the city’s aura was a deep,
west from reservations after the war and by the angry red that seemed to pulse like a heart as
survivors of other small tribes from the area. I watched.
The tribe is extremely well-equipped. I’ve spoken to a few Sioux braves who claim
Matanza and his braves served with the to have actually entered the city. They reported
Mexican Army during the Last War as scouts, seeing a number of strange creatures in the
and many of them still have their power armor. ruins, including some sort of inky, black bats
Matanza himself wears a suit of Wolverine whose shriek could stop a man’s heart, and
armor he scavenged from one of his fallen charred, walking corpses that attacked in
foes. It’s hard to miss him in battle. He has packs. The braves also said that they felt as if
painted his armor blood red and decorated it they were being watched the entire time they
with feathers and other talismans. were in the city, as if a thousand eyes were
constantly upon them. That feeling could come
No Man’s Land
Chapter Two:
Makin’ Spooks
Now that you know where spooks What this means in game terms is
come from and what they’re up to, it’s that nearly any hero can buy a 1-point
time to make one for yourself. This toxic guardian (see page 42). There are
chapter contains everything you need a few restrictions: Junkers with browser
to know to create a toxic shaman or a spirits and traditional shamans (see
warrior favored by the most virulent Ghost Dancers) with a guardian spirit
members of the spirit world. cannot purchase a toxic guardian.
Browsers and guardian spirits are a
jealous bunch and they’re not about to
Spirit Warriors share their hero with some slimy,
warped reject from a B-grade horror
Let’s start with the non-shamans movie.
first. As Dirty Waters described, the To purchase one of these spirits,
toxic spirits are out to turn the world there must be something in your hero’s
into a poisonous playground for their past that attracted it. This means your
exclusive use. To that end, they are brainer has done something to harm
constantly looking for willing humans the environment in a major way. This
they can corrupt to their own ends. can be something done deliberately or
Anyone who shows an inclination to by accident (“Gee, I had no idea that
harm the environment can find himself button would cause the holding tank
the target of these malevolent spirits’ to vent into the river!”). The event
attention. The toxic spirits latch on to must match the type of spirit
these individuals and grant them minor purchased, e.g. polluting a river gets
favors in an attempt to entice them to the hero a sludge spirit, while
further acts of environmental sabotage. releasing CFCs into the atmosphere
Those who cooperate with these attracts the attention of a smog
ghostly corrupters often find their spirit. Your hero might
powers grow. The hardest working of also want to
these polluters can often achieve the pick Edges
powers of a full-fledged toxic shaman. and
Hindrances associated with this event. Your Marshal has the final say on
Enemy, outlaw, and renown are all what it takes to make your toxic buddy
likely results of such an action. smile.
Although most people are too worried
about survival to care about litterbugs, Movin’ On Up
some people, like caretaker shamans,
make it their business, and if your hero As we mentioned, the purpose of
poisoned some settlement’s water these little acts is to encourage your
supply, the townsfolk aren’t going to be hero to move on to bigger and better
too pleased with her. things. By performing large-scale acts
of pollution, it’s possible for your
brainer to increase the power of his
Dirty Deeds toxic guardian.
The spirit’s power comes with a For this to happen, the pollution
price, however. In order to gain the must have a major impact over a large
benefits of the toxic guardian, your area (a 2-mile radius zone or larger), or
hero must continue his polluting ways. cause serious harm or death to a large
Each time your waster commits some number of people (20 or more)—as far
act of pollution which matches his as the spirit’s concerned, preferably
guardian’s persuasion, he gains the use both.
of the spirit’s powers for one week. Once this act has been perpetrated,
Once the week ends, the spirit refuses the hero must make an Incredible (11)
to aid the brainer unless he performs Spirit roll. If the roll succeeds, the level
some more environmental sabotage. of the hero’s toxic guardian increases,
The acts needed to gain the spirit’s i.e. a 1-point guardian becomes a three-
favor in this way are fairly minor. The pointer, and a three-point spirit
toxic guardian views these as a means becomes a five-point spirit. If the roll
to wear down your hero’s resistance to fails, the spirit’s power does not
performing some truly big-time increase, but the hero still gains use of
polluting. In game terms this means its powers for a full month.
your waster must do something which
has a significant impact on the The Big Plunge
environment in a small area, or which
causes serious harm to living creatures There is one last threshold your hero
in the vicinity. A few examples: can cross. Once her carcinogenic friend
has reached the 5-point level,
Radiation: Spreading performing a further, and yet more
radioactive dust over an destructive, bit of polluting can actually
uncontaminated field. Removing transform your waster into a full-
the shielding from a radiation fledged toxic shaman. This requires
source. causing environmental damage on a
Sludge: Pouring a few gallons large scale—we’re talking things like
of oil into a stream. venting a full oil tanker into the sea,
Smog: Venting an air causing a ghost-rock reactor meltdown,
conditioning unit’s refrigerant and the like. The pollution must affect
into the atmosphere. Starting a an area at least 10 miles in radius or
small oil or ghost rock fire. cause serious harm or death to 100 or
Trash: Pouring a drum of more people.
PCBs into an uncontaminated Once your litterbug has wreaked his
field. Spreading ten pounds or havoc, he must make an Incredible (11)
more of non-biodegradable trash Spirit roll. If the roll succeeds, he gains
in an otherwise pristine area. the arcane background: toxic shaman
Edge and the corrupt and immunity
favors (other favors must be learned as
described on page 54). His pollution
I Need a Hero!
Toxic spirits sound like a lovely
bunch, don’t they? Heroes who gain
their favor may sometimes be tempted
to do things which are not exactly
heroic in order to increase their
personal power (which suits the toxic
spirits and the Reckoners just fine). Just
remember that player-controlled heroes
are supposed to be the guys in the
white hats.
How can I kill twenty people with
Guardian Spirits
pollution and still be a hero? Glad you With the number of entities hostile
asked. Toxic spirits don’t care who gets to nature spirits—toxic and tech spirits—
hurt, as long as someone does. If the growing, the old spirits are desperately
toxins your waster pours into a stream in need of allies. Despite this, they
just happen to flow into the water continue to limit themselves to working
supply of a Combine base, or the only with their traditional Native
reactor you overload just happens to American allies. Toxic spirits, of course,
vaporize a tainted junker and his could care less about the race of the
henchmen, you’ve eliminated a great heroes which they latch onto.
evil while still pleasing the slimy creep This is partly due to the many
looking over your shoulder. centuries of trust and cooperation
Be warned that your Marshal will be between the spirits and the Indians, but
keeping an eye on you. If your hero also due to the fact that the other
tries to increase his power at the races have given the nature spirits no
expense of innocents, expect reason to trust them. In fact they have
consequences. These may materialize been the source of the very spirits with
in the form of angry shamans, bounty which the nature spirits are now at
hunters, and vengeful friends and war.
relatives. In the worst cases you may Heroes of Native American descent
even inadvertently start your hero down can purchase guardian spirits using the
the road to servitorhood. Heroes with rules found in Ghost Dancers. They may
toxic guardians are dancing with the also gain the use of shaman favors
devil, and they need to be ever vigilant requiring only one Appeasement Point
that they’re the ones calling the tune. to cast.
Corrupters, on the other hand,
Toxic Shamans channel some of the spiritual pollution
in the Hunting Grounds into the
So, your brainer wants to run with environment around them. Most
the big dogs and be a full-fledged corrupters are down with the toxic
spook. Before your waster can start spirits’ agenda of turning the Earth into
wrasslin’ slime demons there are a few a giant chemical cesspool. These guys
things your hero needs. are usually evil with a capital “E,” but
For starters, your hero must have the there are also well-meaning shamans
arcane background: toxic shaman Edge. who believe that by siphoning off the
He also needs the faith: toxic spirits toxers power in the spirit world they
Aptitude. You’ll probably want to sink weaken them and give the nature
as many points as you can into faith spirits a better chance of victory in the
because your spook starts with one Hunting Grounds.
favor for each level in this Aptitude. Then, of course, there are the
Those are the basics. Your waster can shamans who don’t give a rat’s behind
also buy a toxic guardian (see page 42). about the metaphysical implications of
Unlike the unwashed masses, spooks their actions and are just in it for the
don’t have to prove their loyalty to the power trip. Despite their indifference,
goopier residents of the spirit world; the they must still choose to be one or the
toxic spirits flock to the shaman’s other.
polluted soul. This means toxic shamans Your spook’s school can have effects
don’t have to perform any acts of on the environment around him, so
pollution to keep their guardians’ favor. choose carefully. Your Marshal has all
A spook’s guardian must match his the details about this in his section of
selected sphere (see below). the book.
The process of turning spook juice
into Strain takes concentration and
about 10 minutes of time. In an
emergency, though, it can be done
Downing a pint of spook juice takes
3 actions in combat. Even this is
sometimes too slow, so many spooks
have learned to power drink. This
requires the new Vigor-based chuggin’
Aptitude. Downing a pint requires a Fair
(5) chuggin’ roll. The amount of time
required to finish the pint off is
reduced by one action for a success and
by an additional action for a raise.
Failing the roll means the pint takes a
Pollution Spheres New Edges
Here are a few new Edges to give
your spook a slimy pseudopod up on
S p h e rre
e Opposed the competition.
Radiation Sludge
Sludge Radiation Extra Favors 2
Smog Trash
Trash Smog Your toxic shaman can begin play
Insect None with more favors than dictated by his
faith. Every 2 points spent on extra
favors gets your brainer an extra pick
Absorption (which means that buying an additional
Spooks can also recover Strain when favor which is outside your waster’s
in the presence of a large amount of sphere costs 4 points).
their spheres’ pollution. This has to be There’s a limit, though. Your spook
a sizeable quantity of the stuff; a can only buy an additional number of
puddle of acid rain won’t do it, but an favors equal to half his Knowledge die
industrial holding tank full of dioxin type. A shaman with a faith of 5 and a
will. Radiation shamans have it the Knowledge die of 8, for instance, could
easiest, they can draw from maelstroms start with up to 9 favors.
and all the other radioactive fallout left
behind by the Last War. Your Marshal Poisoned 1/3/5
has the final say as to whether a
source of pollution is large enough for Every one in awhile, the goop doesn’t
your shaman to draw Strain from. wash off and the toxic shaman’s body
Recovering Strain from a pollution pays the price. Your brainer’s soul has
source requires the shaman to immerse collected some corruption that just
himself in the pollution and go into a won’t go away and it has affected his
meditative trance. This means the spook physical being. Each level of this Edge
has to wade in the toxic pool, enter the purchased gives your waster additional
reactor core, sit in a cloud of toxic gas, Strain, but at a cost to his health (in
etc. The good news is that while the form of the ailin’ Hindrance). Check
meditating, the shaman is protected as if out the Poisoned Table for the details.
she had cast the immunity favor. The extra Strain granted by this Edge
Once your brainer is wallowing in the can be recovered through rest; the
filth of his choice, make a Hard (9) faith shaman doesn’t need any spook juice
roll. If the roll succeeds, the spook gains or pollution. Each hour spent resting
1 Strain for each 10 minutes spent in regains 1 point of this bonus Strain.
meditation. Failing the roll means the
shaman is unable to trap the essence of
the pollution in his soul and it passes Poisoned
through him into the Hunting Grounds.
This causes 1 point of Wind for each
point by which the roll was missed. As Le
evve l Strain Ailin’ Le
before, this Wind is recovered at the rate 1 +2 Minor
of 1 point per hour. Going bust means 3 +4 Chronic
the shaman’s immunity fails and he 5 +6 Fatal
suffers the effects of whatever pollution
he’s bathing in.
Spirit Metabolism 3
Your hero’s soul is more receptive to
the effects of spook juice than most.
Each pint of the brew she downs
44 No Man’s Land restores 1d6 Strain on a successful faith
Toxic Guardian 1/3/5
Your spook or spirit warrior has a
toxic buddy watching over him from the
Makin’ Spooks 45
Hunting Grounds. This spirit
occasionally grants the hero special
powers. Non-shamans can purchase a
guardian from any sphere, but a spook’s
guardian must match his pollution
A guardian’s powers are activated by
New Hindrances
spending chips. The level of power After you’ve loaded up on all the
available from a toxic guardian is new Edges, you may find yourself short
dependent on the level at which it is a few points. Here are some brand
purchased. The higher the level, the spanking new Hindrances to help
more powers are available (see the Toxic balance things out.
Guardian Table for details). The
maximum level at which a non-shaman Chew Toy 5
can purchase a guardian is level 1 (but
this can be increased later as described For some reason, the toxic spirits like
on page 38). A toxic guardian’s Legend to shake your waster around like a
chip power is available at all levels. ragged slipper. When checking for a
Besides the powers listed for each toxic spill, draw one card for each point
guardian type (see page 44), they of Strain required to activate the favor.
provide an added benefit for toxic If any of the cards drawn come up a
shamans: extra Strain. Spooks can Joker, your brainer suffers a spill. Oh,
choose to spend a chip to either and have a nice day.
activate the spirit’s corresponding
power or gain some bonus Strain—not
This Strain must be used
immediately to cast a favor; it may not
be stored up or used to replace the
caster’s Strain. White chips provide 1
Strain, red chips 2 Strain, blue chips 3
Strain, and Legend Chips 5 Strain. See
the Toxic Guardian Table for the
maximum amount of Strain which a
spirit can provide.
All toxic guardians can also be used
to provide the immunity favor for those
they protect by spending a white chip.
This ability lasts 10 minutes (although
additional chips can be spent to extend
this period) and may be used instead of
the spirit’s regular white chip power or
gaining extra Strain. This ability is a
favorite among the many toxic cultists
with guardian spirits.
Toxic Guardian
evve l Max Po we r Max Strain
1 White 1
3 Red 2
5 Blue 5
Clogged Pipes 2/4
Your waster’s soul is resistant to the
Toxic Guardians
flow of toxic energy. He has to really
As we mentioned earlier in the
push hard to work his mojo. The 2-
chapter, it’s possible for a waster to
point level of this Hindrance increases
acquire a toxic spirit as a sort of
the Strain cost of all favors by +1. The 4-
guardian angel. Calling them
point level increases the Strain cost of
“guardians” is a bit of a misnomer.
all favors by +2. Beware that this can
These spirits aren’t so much concerned
make life very difficult at times.
with keeping their charge safe as they
are with tempting them into screwing
Juice Resistant 3 up the environment more than it
already is. If their “host” gets offed in
Your waster doesn’t get as much
the process, it’s no slime off the spirit’s
bang from spook juice as most. When
rolling for the number of Strain points
The possible toxic guardians are
recovered by drinking spook juice,
listed below. Each entry contains a
subtract 1 from each die rolled. It is
description of the spirit type and a list
possible to regain zero Strain.
of the powers granted by the guardian.
A spook may not have both spirit
Each power is associated with a chip
metabolism and juice resistant.
color. A chip of this color (or better)
must be spent to activate the power.
Limited Tolerance 2 Each entry also contains a list of
suggested deeds that non-shamans can
Your toxic shaman can’t handle his
perform to stay in the spirit’s good
pollution. Every two points of this
graces (remember that shamans don’t
Hindrance taken reduces your waster’s
have to perform deeds to get their
maximum Strain by 1 point.
guardians’ aid). These lists are provided
simply to give some examples, they’re
Mutant 3 hardly exhaustive.
Oops. Your brainer’s immunity favor
quit a few seconds too soon. Insect Spirit
Many spooks have acquired
Deeds: Insect spirits are satisfied with
mutations during their careers. This is
any of the deeds listed for the other
an unavoidable occupational hazard
spirits, as long as someone is
when you’re constantly mucking
harmed by them. Acts of pollution
around with radiation, carcinogenic
using insecticide cause the spirit to
chemicals and the like.
abandon its host for a full month.
Radiation Spirit
Deeds: Anything which contaminates
an area with radiation: sprinkling
fallout over an uncomtaminated
field, dropping a chunk of uranium
in a well, spraying radon gas inside a
bunker, etc.
Strict Teachers
Toxic Spills As with invoking favors, the toxic
spirits tend not to treat those seeking
Toxic spirits don’t particularly care their knowledge with kid gloves.
whether those who contact them live Communing with these slimy residents
or die (there will always be some new of the Hunting Grounds can be
power-hungry yahoos ready to take hazardous to your spook’s health—they
their place), and they are sometimes a don’t have much patience with slow
116 little rough with those who attempt to learners.
channel their power. This can cause Each time your waster attempts to
your waster all sorts of problems from learn a new favor (regardless of
physical damage to poisoning to whether or not the faith roll was
misdirected favors. successful), you must check to see that
To represent this, you must draw a his spiritual advisors didn’t get out of
card from the Action Deck each time hand. When learning a favor in your
your brainer casts a favor. If the card brainer’s sphere, or a general favor, pull
drawn is a Joker, something bad has a single card from the Action Deck at
happened. Have your Marshal roll on the end of his period of meditation. If
the Toxic Spill Table tucked away in her learning a favor from outside your
part of the book. hero’s sphere, pull two cards. If any of
the cards drawn are a Joker, your
unlucky hero takes 4d10 damage to
guts. If he’s unfortunate enough to pull
Open Portal
TN: 11
Strain: 5
Speed: 1 hour
Duration: 1 hour
Range: 10 yards
This is some big time mojo. Open
portal allows your shaman to create a
temporary gateway into the Hunting
Grounds. Your hero and his friends can
use this portal to physically step into
the spirit world.
Why would you want to do that? Well,
we don’t have room to detail everything
it’s possible to do in the Hunting
Grounds in this book (if you’re
interested, you should check out the
information in the Deadlands book Ghost
Dancers or wait for the Hunting Grounds
book which updates this information
skip all the abominations, road gangs, dream. Changing the dream requires
and other unpleasantness along the the shaman to win a contest of Spirit
way. Of course, there’s no guarantee with the dreamer. If successful, the
that you won’t run into some unsavory shaman can alter the dream as he
spirits while traveling the Hunting chooses, using it to send a message,
Grounds, but that’s up to your Marshal. cause a nightmare, or anything else he
Once your hero has entered the desires.
Hunting Grounds, finding your way to While in the Hunting Grounds, the
another portal requires an area shaman may keep his original portal
knowledge: Hunting Grounds roll against open by paying more Strain, but
a TN of 15. Failing this roll means your keeping an unguarded portal open is
brainer wanders the Hunting Grounds not without risks. If left unattended,
for awhile and can then try again. your spook has no control over who or
Check out the Travel Time Table below what may use the portal in his
to see how long this takes. If the area absence. Many shamans who make use
knowledge roll was successful, subtract of portals work in pairs; one enters the
the amount by which the roll exceeded Hunting Grounds while the other
the TN from the roll on this table. If the stands guard. Shamans with a
area knowledge roll failed, add the conscience rarely open portals near any
amount by which the roll was missed human settlements.
to the roll on the table.
If your toxic shaman doesn’t know of
a portal where he’s trying to go, he can
attempt to make one by invoking this
Travel Time
favor again. This can be dangerous,
because the spirits have never been
1d20 Ti m e
good with geography. By paying just the
1-4 1d20 minutes
base cost of this favor, you guarantee
5-8 1d6 hours
that a portal opens somewhere in the
9-12 1d20 hours
physical world (exactly where is up
13-16 1d6 days
your Marshal). Paying double Strain
17-20 1d20 days
allows you to pick a state to appear in.
20+ 1d6 weeks
Paying triple allows you to specify a
county in the state. By paying
quadruple Strain, you can ensure the Pact
portal opens within sight of a specific TN: 7
landmark. Strain: Varies
While in the Hunting Grounds, your Speed: 5 minutes per Strain spent
shaman can also visit the dreams of Duration: Permanent
people she knows (they have to be Range: Touch
sleeping or unconscious at the time, of Pact allows a spook to spend Strain
course). Finding a specific person’s on a favor in advance and bind a spirit
dream requires an area knowledge: to redeeming that favor at a later time.
Hunting Grounds roll against a TN of 17. Casting this favor requires the
A successful roll gets the shaman into shaman to prepare a fetish as a token
the person’s dream. Failure means the of the pact. This fetish can be any small
shaman can’t try again for another object connected in some way to the
hour. sphere of the favor being pacted. A
Once in someone’s dream, the nuclear plant worker’s ID badge, for
shaman can simply watch (to perhaps instance, would be a suitable token for
gain some information or simply be a a radiation favor. Preparing the fetish to
peeping Tom), or he can try to alter the receive the favor takes only 10 short
Once the fetish is ready, the shaman
must cast the desired favor followed by
62 No Man’s Land pact. The Strain required for pact is
equal to the Strain used to cast the
favor being stored.
If pact is successfully invoked, the
first favor is stored in the object. It can
be redeemed later in a single action by
anyone holding the fetish and
Favors & Relics 63
succeeding at an Onerous (7) Spirit roll.
The redeemed favor uses the caster’s
original roll to determine its success. Should the shaman go bust on the
Once redeemed, the stored favor is contest of Spirits a manitou manages
gone, but the fetish may be used again to slip back into the body along with
to store another favor. the soul. The deceased returns from
Spirits, especially toxic spirits, don’t the dead as a Harrowed. The manitou
like being on call. Every unredeemed begins with total Dominion over the
token a shaman has created imposes a deader’s soul.
–1 cumulative penalty to all faith rolls As with healing, there’s an extra
made to invoke other favors. Your price to pay for those returned from the
brainer must also draw two cards dead by the toxic spirits. The recently
when checking for a toxic spill for this deceased person returns from the Great
favor. Beyond with a toxic monkey on her
back. The resurrected brainer gains a 1-
Resurrection point toxic guardian. This guardian is
unlike a normal one in that it actually
TN: 13 maintains the link between its host’s
Strain: 15 body and soul. The host must perform
Speed: 1 hour an act to gain the spirit’s favor each
Duration: Permanent week (even spooks must perform these
Range: Touch acts). Failure to do so causes the spirit
It’s possible to force the spirit of a
recently deceased person back into its
body. This is a very risky and
dangerous process, but it’s the only way
to bring someone back from the Great
Once the favor has been successfully
invoked, the first step is to convince
the spirit to reenter the body. This
requires the shaman to beat the
deceased person’s soul in a contest of
If successful, the soul is returned to
the body, but it quickly returns to the
Hunting Grounds if the body is not
healed from whatever killed it. In fact,
the shock of returning to a badly
wounded body can drive the
resurrected person insane. The returned
soul must beat his single worst
wound’s TN with a guts roll or gain a
major phobia. Unless healed, the soul
remains in the body for only an hour
before returning to the Hunting
If the contest of Spirits is failed, the
spirit continues on to its just reward in
the Hunting Grounds and no further
attempts at reviving the deceased may
be made. Although the room-
temperature hero may still check to see
if he returns Harrowed.
Spirit Guide
TN: 7
Strain: 2
Speed: 1
Duration: 1 destination
Range: Self
There is very little meaningful
geography in the Hunting Grounds, and
it can often be hard for a shaman to
find his way around. This favor allows
the caster to ask the spirits for
When a spook is walking the
Hunting Grounds with a spirit guide, he
makes his area knowledge: Hunting
Grounds roll as normal. The spirit
summoned as a guide also makes a
Spirit roll (pull a card to determine the
spirit’s Spirit, redraw any Deuces). The
spirit’s total is added to the shaman’s
roll to determine if the waster reached
his goal. This combined total is also
used when figuring the time it took to
reach the destination. Once the
shaman reaches his destination, the
spirit guide splits.
Spiritual Attack
TN: 7
to begin loosening the waster’s soul’s Strain: 3
connection to the body. Each day a hero Speed: 2
fails to perform an act of pollution to Duration: 1/round
satisfy her guardian, she suffers 1 Range: 10 yards/faith level
wound to the guts at sunset. This This favor allows a toxic shaman to
wound cannot be healed by any means. put a hurtin’ on opponents who also
This continues until the waster pleases have spiritual pals—other spooks,
her guardian or she dies. Once she junkers, traditional shamans, and the
performs a satisfactory act, all wounds like.
caused by the guardian are instantly When invoked, spiritual attack sics a
healed. pack of toxic spirits on any guardian
If a resurrected waster manages to spirit, browser spirit, toxic guardian, or
survive a full year of this blackmail, his other spiritual entity associated with
soul manages to form its own links to the shaman’s human target. This horde
the body. Once this happens, the of gibbering slime has a Quickness of
pollution spirit can no longer cause 3d8 and attacks on each of its actions
wounds to the hero, but it does for 3d10 damage. Roll the target’s Spirit
continue to function as a normal toxic rating against this damage (draw a card
guardian (the brainer deserves to determine Spirit randomly if not
something for all the grief he has known, redrawing Deuces). If the
suffered). damage is higher, the target spirit
takes the difference in damage. Once
the target spirit has taken a total of 50
points of damage, it has been defeated.
Insect Speak
TN: 5
Strain: 1
Speed: 1
Duration: 10 minutes
Range: Self
When this favor is invoked, the
shaman is able to communicate with
the members of the insect kingdom. In
general, most insects don’t have much
of interest to say, but they can provide
information on things which are of
interest to them like sources of food
and water.
They can also provide information
about humans moving through their
turf, but only in regard to numbers and
direction of travel. Any requests for a
description of the interlopers is only
going to get the response, “Big.” Insects
are also handy for locating bodies,
buried, hidden, or otherwise, because
the rotting flesh is bound to attract all
sorts creepy-crawlies looking for a meal.
Maggot Infestation
TN: 7
Strain: 2
Speed: 2
Duration: 1/round
Range: 10 yards/faith level
This favor causes the accelerated
growth of maggots in any of the
target’s open wounds.
Once the favor has been invoked, the
target must make a Hard (9) Vigor roll
for each heavy wound, or worse, that
he has. In each location where the roll
is failed, the wound becomes infested
with maggots which begin to burrow
into the waster’s flesh. At the
beginning of each round following the
infestation, the target suffers an
additional wound in each infested
Mantis Warrior
TN: 5
Strain: 2
Speed: 1
Duration: Concentration or 1/round
Range: 5 yards
Mantis warrior allows the shaman to
cause a partial transformation of
himself or others. The target of this
Iron Gullet spell is infused with the essence of the
mantis’ spirit. The brainer’s Strength
TN: 5 and Nimbleness increase by two die
Strain: 1 types, and his skin becomes hard and
Speed: 1 chitinous, giving him 1 level of armor.
Duration: 1 hour
Range: Self
Bugs eat some nasty stuff, and so Pestilence
can your shaman with this favor. Iron TN: 7
gullet allows your spook to digest Strain: 2
nearly anything organic and gain Speed: 2
nutrition from it. Duration: 1d4 rounds
Your hero can eat grass, paper, wood, Range: 10 yards/faith level
dung, and the like, and be fully fed. This favor summons up a cloud of
This may not sound very appealing, but biting flies and mosquitoes loaded
it beats starving to death. The favor down with all sorts of nasty germs.
also grants the shaman a +4 to all The cloud has a radius of 5 yards.
Vigor rolls made to resist any sort of Anyone caught in this cloud must
ingested poison. Wash that rancid meat make an Incredible (11) Vigor roll at the
down with some drain cleaner! beginning of each round or take the
difference in Wind.
The long term effects of this favor
can be scary. Anyone who suffered
TN: 5
Strain: 2
Speed: 1
Duration: 1/round
Range: 10 yards/faith level
Does whatever a spider can. Spins a
web, any size, catches thieves just like
That song is probably a bit before
your waster’s time, but with this favor
he can soon be shooting webs just like
everyone’s favor crimefighter.
Successfully invoking this favor
causes spinnerets to form on the
shaman’s wrists. These can be used to
shoot webbing out to the favor’s
maximum range. The webbing has a
Speed of 1 and a Range Increment of 10.
It can be used to anchor onto an object
and swing or it can be used to
The web is extremely strong. It takes
20 points of damage from an edged
weapon to cut through a strand.
Wings of the Locust Unless the shaman takes a called
shot, the beam hits a random location.
TN: 5 This location takes an immediate
Strain: 2 wound as a fast-growing cancer takes
Speed: 2 root. Armor has no effect against this.
Duration: 10 minutes On each of the shaman’s subsequent
Range: Self actions, as long as he pays the Strain to
Don’t invoke this favor while your maintain the favor, the black beam
shaman is wearing his favorite shirt. continues to infuse its corrupting
Wings of the locust causes a pair of energy into the area, causing the
long, insect-like wings to sprout from cancer to grow and inflicting an
the spook’s back. These allow the additional wound. This continues until
waster to fly with a Pace of 36. It’s hard the location is maimed or the favor
to sneak up on anyone with these ends.
wings. They beat constantly while Limbs which are maimed by this
airborne, causing a loud humming favor actually blacken and fall off. If the
sound that can be heard for some shaman ends the favor before a
distance. location becomes maimed, the cancer
The shaman’s wings can targeted in vanishes, but the wounds remain.
combat with a –2 modifier. Cutting and
crushing weapons do full damage to
the wings, but impaling weapons and
Electrostatic Armor
bullets do only one quarter damage TN: 5
(they tend to simply punch right Strain: 2
through, making only a small hole in Speed: 1
the wing’s surface.) Duration: 1/round
Range: Self
Invoking this favor causes the
Radiation Favors shaman to glow with a crackling green
energy. Anyone who touches the spook
Radiation shamans are sometimes or is touched by her takes damage
mistaken for Doomsayers, but their from this energy.
power comes not from the Glow, but The glow causes 2d6 damage, plus
from the spirits of fire warped by the 1d6 for every raise the caster gets on
spiritual radiation released on Judgment her faith roll.
Energy Form
TN: 9
TN: 7 Strain: 5
Strain: 2 Speed: 2
Speed: 1 Duration: 1 hour
Duration: 1/action Range: Self
Range: 10 yards/faith level Energy form allows a spook to
This is a particularly horrific favor, transform himself into a being of pure
most often used by corrupter shamans. energy. While in this form, the caster is
When invoked, it causes a beam of immune to physical attacks. In fact,
black energy to shoot from the spook’s anyone who attacks the shaman bare-
hand toward the target. Hitting the handed or with a metallic melee
target with the beam requires a weapon must roll a contest of Vigor
successful Deftness roll against a TN of with him. If the attacker loses, he
5 plus 1 for every 10 yards of range. takes a number of Wind equal to the
amount by which his roll lost.
The caster cannot directly affect the
physical world while in this form, i.e. he
Glow Ball
TN: 5
Strain: 1
Speed: 1
Duration: Concentration or 1/10
Range: 10 yards
Glow ball creates, well, uh, a glowing
ball about the size of a grapefruit. This
ball illuminates an area roughly 20
yards in radius. The ball hovers in
midair. The shaman who created it can
Traits. The target’s suddenly increased
weight makes it hard for him to defend
himself, his fightin’ skill is reduced by
a like amount when calculating the TN
needed to hit him in hand-to-hand
combat. The brainer’s Pace is also
reduced by 2.
Each raise the shaman gets on his
faith roll increases these penalties by
an additional point. For example, a
shaman who got a success and two
raises on his roll would cause his
opponent to suffer a –4 penalty to his
rolls, have his fightin’ Aptitude reduced
by 4 for defensive purposes, and reduce
his Pace by 4.
This favor only works against living
creatures and other creatures that
contain significant amounts of water.
TN: 7
Strain: 5
Speed: 3
Duration: 1 round/faith level
Range: 20 yards/faith level
The ghost-rock bombs that destroyed
the world left raging maelstroms in
their wake. These whirling cyclones of
death contain debris, radiation, and the
screaming souls of the damned once
Heavy Water trapped in the ghost rock. With the help
of some radiation spirits and a small
TN: 5 hunk of ghost rock your spook can
Strain: 2 whip up one of his very own.
Speed: 1 This favor requires the shaman to
Duration: Concentration or 1/round have a one-ounce piece of ghost rock.
Range: 10 yards/faith level When the favor is invoked, this nugget
Heavy water—water containing is detonated to form the maelstrom.
deuterium or tritium atoms, hydrogen When the last action required to cast
atoms with extra protons in the the favor is completed, the shaman
nucleus—is a vital component of throws the ghost rock to the point
nuclear research. Now your spook can where he wishes the storm to form.
make it a vital component of his This requires a successful throwin’:
enemies. balanced roll (the rock has a Range
Successfully invoking this favor Increment of 5). If the throw is off
against a target causes the water in his target, use the standard deviation rules
body to become much heavier. This to determine where it lands. The
increased weight makes it difficult for maelstrom forms wherever the rock
the waster to move and imposes a –2 comes to rest.
penalty on all rolls involving Corporeal The ghost rock detonates where it
lands doing 3d20 damage with a 5-yard
Burst Radius. It then forms a howling
maelstrom with a 10-yard radius.
TN: 5
Strain: 1
Speed: 1
Duration: 1/minute
Range: 10 yards/faith roll
X-ray allows the shaman to see
through solid objects up to 1” thick per
faith level. The favor has a limited
ability to see through lead, but each
inch of lead counts as 2” when
determining an object’s thickness.
Acid Rain
TN: 9
Strain: 10
Speed: 1 minute
Duration: Varies
Range: 10 miles
Acid rain is a powerful favor that
affects a large area. It’s most often used
by corrupters, but some caretakers have
found uses for it.
This favor can only be invoked
during a rainstorm. When successful,
sludge spirits corrupt the water held in
the clouds, turning it to highly acidic
rain. This rain kills plants and wildlife
in the affected area (a circle 10 miles in
radius around the spook), pollutes
streams and ponds (water from these
sources is undrinkable for 1d4 days),
and damages exposed equipment.
The storm lasts for 1d6 hours. Anyone
caught outside in the storm must make
an Onerous (7) Vigor roll for every 10
minutes of exposure. Those who fail
suffer chemical burns causing 2d6
massive damage. Only completely
sealed armor protects against this
Roll a d6 each hour a piece of
equipment is exposed to the storm. On
deviation rules to determine where it the roll of a 5 or 6, the equipment loses
lands. When the ball impacts, it a Durability Step. Exposed armor also
splatters over an area 5 yards in radius, loses a level of protection.
causing 3d6 massive damage.
In addition to harming those in the
ball’s splatter zone, the acid is also hard
Acid Weapon
on a waster’s equipment. Roll 1d6 for TN: 5
each piece of equipment in the zone (if Strain: 2
there are a lot, just roll for those likely Speed: 1
to be used in the combat, like weapons, Duration: 1/round
and roll for the other stuff later). On a Range: Self
roll of 6, the item loses 1d4 Durability Acid weapon gives the shaman’s
Steps (remember that each Durability weapon a little extra punch in hand-to-
Step lost imposes a cumulative –1 hand combat.
penalty to the item’s use). This favor can only be invoked on
Many spooks like to use this favor melee weapons, causing them to drip
repeatedly because it quickly disarms with powerful acid. The weapon does
their enemies (while turning them into an additional 2d6 damage on a
toxic goo), but their buddies often aren’t successful strike. Roll 1d6 for any armor
too crazy about it because it doesn’t struck by the weapon. On a roll of 6,
leave much to salvage. the armor loses a level of protection in
the affected area.
In addition, if a strike misses only by
the defensive bonus of a target’s
TN: 7
Strain: 3+
Speed: 1
Duration: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
The old Greek alchemists have
nothing on the shaman who knows
this favor. It allows the spook to
transform ordinary water into a toxic
concoction that burns with an intense
Each 3 Strain spent to invoke the
miracle converts up to a pint of water
into this devil’s brew. Because the stuff
ignites on contact with air, firewater
can only be stored in sealed containers.
Stored firewater lasts up to 10 minutes,
after which it reverts back to normal
water. Once ignited, burning firewater is
consumed quickly. A pint burns out in
only a round.
Each pint of firewater does 3d20 AP 2
damage to anything it comes in contact
with. If a target is hit with multiple
pints, roll a separate hit location for
Special Abilities: each. The firewater itself burns out at
Acid: Blobs secrete a strong acid. the end of the round, but flammable
Anything the blob touches takes targets may continue to burn with a
1d4 damage, +1 for each round it normal flame (2d10 damage per affected
has been attached (up to a location, see the Hell on Earth rulebook
maximum of +10). Figure damage for more details). Roll 1d6. On a roll of 5
when the blob first hits, and again or 6, the firewater ignited the target. On
at the beginning of each round. any other result, the brew burned so
Fearless. quickly a regular fire was unable to
Leap: Blobs can leap up to their Pace catch.
in a single action. To hit a living Many shamans who know this favor
target requires a successful carry small jars and beakers of water
fightin’: brawlin’ roll. The target to hurl at their enemies. These
may use either fightin’: brawlin’ or firewater-filled missiles can be hurled
dodge to avoid the attack. at enemies with a successful throwin’:
Sticky: Blobs are sticky. They cling unbalanced roll. The firewater ignites as
to anything they touch, and they soon as the container breaks, but they
can only be pried off with a Hard don’t always shatter on contact. Roll
(9) Strength roll. The blob can also 1d6. On a roll of 1 the container fails to
be washed off in 1d4 actions with break, and can be re-thrown by the
a gallon of water. target or anyone who cares to pick it
up. The result on which a container
fails to shatter may be adjusted by the
Marshal depending on the target and
Toxic Shock
TN: Opposed Spirit versus Vigor
Strain: 2
Speed: 1
Duration: 1/round
Range: 10 yards/faith level
How do you stop a bull from
charging? Send him into toxic shock, of
This favor affects a single living
target. If the shaman wins a contest of
his Spirit versus the target’s Vigor, he is
able to manipulate the victim’s blood
chemistry and send him into toxic
shock. The target is stunned and
cannot act.
On each of his next actions, the
victim may attempt another contest. As
long as the spook wins, the target
remains stunned. If the target wins,
the favor ends and the victim can act
normally on his next action.
Call Weather
We a t h e r Strain Speed
Wind 2 10 seconds
Storm clouds 4 10 minutes
Rain 6 30 minutes
Blizzard/hurricane 8 1 hour
Caustic Mist
TN: 5
Strain: 2+
Speed: 1
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Range: 20 yards/faith level
Caustic mist summons up a hazy,
burning mist. The size of the area
covered by it is 10 yards in radius plus
an additional 5 yards for every extra
point of Strain spent to invoke the
All living targets within the mist
without a sealed helmet or some form
of breathing apparatus must make
Onerous (7) Vigor rolls when first
exposed to the mist and at the
beginning of each round they are still
within the cloud. Those who fail suffer
Take a look at the Call Weather
1d6 Wind.
Table to see how much Strain and time
In addition, the cloud’s haziness
is needed to call a particular type of
reduces visibility. This imposes a –2
penalty on all ranged attacks into, out
Each level of storm requires the
of, or through the mist. Victims in the
previous storm level to be in place.
cloud without some sort of eye
Therefore, storm clouds can’t be
protection suffer an additional –2
summoned unless the winds are called,
penalty due to watering eyes.
and so on. A lightning strike can be
called from any weather except wind.
Also, instead of summoning up the Coffin Nails
next level of weather, the shaman can TN: 5
call up a more powerful version of the Strain: 2
existing weather. Therefore, if there Speed: 2
was already rain, instead of a Duration: 1/round
hurricane, the spook could call up Range: 10 yards/faith level
torrential rains. Cigarettes are sometimes referred to
Note that it’s not possible to call up as “coffin nails.” This favor allows your
weather that does not fit the season. shaman to make this expression a
Your spook can call up rain in the reality.
desert, but not a blizzard. Your shaman must have a supply of
cigarettes for this favor to work. It
doesn’t matter how old or stale they
are, as long as they’re capable of being
86 No Man’s Land burned—your spook won’t actually be
smoking them, so taste is not a factor.
It takes 2 actions to get this favor
rolling. The first action is spent lighting
some cigarettes (your shaman can light
up to 5 in a single action). The second
Favors & Relics 87
action actually invokes the favor.
Once the favor is invoked, the spook
can flick lighted cigarettes at his The spook has a special attack while
enemies. These coffin nails arrow in gas form. On a successful called shot
straight at the target and bury to a living opponent’s head with
themselves in the victim’s flesh. Each fightin’: brawlin’, she causes 1d6 Wind
cigarette has a Speed of 1, a Range as she prevents him from breathing. If
Increment of 10, and does 2d8 AP 2 the shaman should be lucky enough to
damage. Wounds caused by the nails get two raises on her attack, she has
don’t bleed (the cigarette’s glowing tip managed to flow down into the
cauterizes the wound). brainer’s lungs—completely blocking his
The shaman can continue to flick airways. On each of the shaman’s
coffin nails as long as he has lighted actions, her opponent suffers 2d6 Wind.
cigarettes and pays to maintain the The asphyxiating waster can try to
favor. As long as the favor is in effect, force the shaman out on each if his
the spook may spend an action to light actions by winning a contest of his
more cigarettes (up to 5 an action). Vigor versus the spook’s Strength. While
Shamans who have watched too inside her opponent, the shaman
many John Woo movies have been cannot be harmed without also
known to use this favor to light an oil harming her enemy.
slick filled with bad guys. The spook can compress her body to
fit in very small spaces. An average-
Gas Mask sized person (size 6) can squeeze into
something as small as a one-gallon jug.
TN: 5 The Marshal has the final call on what
Strain: 1 the waster can and cannot fit into. The
Speed: 1 shaman must do this with caution. If
Duration: 1/5 minutes she is still inside a container smaller
Range: Touch than her body when the favor expires,
Gas mask has the same effects as she could suffer serious damage or
the smog immunity favor, but the even death. The exact damage is up to
shaman may use it to grant protection the Marshal and depends on what the
to others. container is constructed of and how
much smaller it is than the spook.
Gas Form This favor does not affect the
shaman’s equipment or clothing. It
TN: 7
simply drops to the ground when the
Strain: 4
spook transforms.
Speed: 3
Duration: 1 hour
Range: Self Guiding Wind
A shaman can use this favor to TN: 5
transform herself into a wispy, Strain: 2
humanoid cloud of smoke. While in this Speed: 1
form the spook is immune to all Duration: 1/round
physical attacks and can change her Range: Self
shape to flow under doors, through Guiding wind summons up a
ventilation shafts, and so on. She can powerful wind spirit to guide the
still invoke favors while in gas form and spook’s missile attacks to their target.
is still affected by magical attacks and The shaman receives a +2 to all ranged
magical weapons. She is particularly attacks with thrown weapons or
vulnerable to any attacks involving arrows. This bonus is increased by +1
wind or explosions, however. These for each raise the waster gets on his
attacks do double damage. faith roll to invoke the favor.
A waster who is knocked down by
the gust must make an Onerous (7)
Vigor roll to avoid being stunned.
Lightning Strike
TN: 7
Strain: 3+
Speed: 2
Duration: Instant
Range: 20 yards/faith level
This favor calls upon the spirits of
the storm to strike the shaman’s foe
Gust with lightning. Although powerful, this
favor can only be invoked when storm
TN: 5 clouds are present in the sky.
Strain: 1 When invoked, the favor’s target is
Speed: 1 automatically struck for 3d10 damage to
Duration: Instant the guts. Each extra point of Strain
Range: 10 yards/faith level spent on the favor increases this
If your spook really wants to annoy damage by an additional 1d10.
his enemies, he should eat some garlic
before invoking this favor.
Gust allows your shaman to launch a Misdirection
blast of air from his mouth. This stream TN: 5
of wind must be aimed. Compare the Strain: 2
spook’s faith roll to the TN needed to Speed: 1
hit the target (the gust has a Range Duration: 1/round
Increment of 10 yards). If it makes Range: Self
contact, the target must make a Hard Misdirection creates a powerful wall
(9) Strength roll. If he fails, he is blown of swirling wind around the spook.
back 2d6 yards and must make a Hard This howling shield is strong enough to
(9) Nimbleness roll to stay on his feet. cause even bullets to miss their targets.
It imposes a –2 penalty to all physical
attacks—both ranged and hand-to-
hand—directed against the shaman.
Cancer Cluster
TN: 9
Strain: 10
Speed: 1 hour
Duration: 10/week
Range: 200 yards/faith level
One of the ways in which illegal
toxic waste dumps are located is to
look for cancer clusters: areas in which
people are getting cancer at rates
much higher than the general
Blight population. Odds are, if you find a
cancer cluster, there is something in
TN: 9 the ground or water that shouldn’t be
Strain: 10 there.
Speed: 1 hour This favor allows the shaman to
Duration: 1 year create a cancer cluster of his own.
Range: 1 mile/faith level Once the favor is invoked, all living
This powerful favor calls upon the creatures within the favor’s range must
earth spirits to poison the land, causing make a weekly Vigor roll against a
crops to fail and streams and ponds to Hard (9) TN. Failing the roll means the
turn bitter. You don’t want to get a victim has developed a fast-growing
shaman who knows this favor mad at cancer. He must make a daily Hard (9)
you. Vigor roll or suffer a wound to the guts.
When invoked, blight causes all plant These wounds can’t be healed naturally
life within the favor’s range to wither while the victim still has the cancer.
and die. This is a gradual process that Anyone living, but infected with
takes a few weeks. At the same time, cancer, when the favor ends must
all natural water sources in the area make one more Hard (9) Vigor roll. If
become bitter and undrinkable, the roll is successful, the cancer goes
smelling of sulfur. into remission and any wounds suffered
from it can be healed naturally. The
cancer remains in those who fail this
roll. They must continue to make daily
TN: 5 Dumpster
Strain: Varies
Speed: 3
Duration: Varies Object Strain Duration Pace
Range: 10 yards/faith level Garbage Can 2 1/minute 4 x Spirit
Dumpster allows your shaman to ride Small Dumpster 3 1/minute 2 x Spirit
around in true style. She can use it to Large Dumpster 4 2/minute Spirit
animate garbage cans, dumpsters, and Garbage Truck 5 3/minute See above
Earth Form The rippling ground caused by this
favor can also damage structures. Any
TN: 7 buildings or other structures within the
Strain: 5 epicenter take 4d8 damage. This isn’t
Speed: 3 enough to knock down most buildings
Duration: 1 hour (the average house has a Durability of
Range: Self 90-100), but it can cause already
This favor gets your shaman in touch damaged buildings and unstable
with his earthy side. When earth form structures to collapse.
is invoked, it transforms the spook into
a hard, rocky statue of himself. His
mineral-hard skin grants him Armor 4,
Garbage Disposal
but drops his Deftness and Nimbleness TN: 7
die types by a level. The spook is also Strain: 3
able to tap into the earth’s power—his Speed: 2
Strength die type increases by 3 levels. Duration: Instant
While in this form, the shaman can Range: 10 yards/faith level
also burrow through the earth. He can Some of the mob-controlled landfills
move through dirt at a speed equal to of the Northeast contain more bodies
twice his Spirit, and he can even move than many cemeteries. This favor
through solid rock at a Pace equal to allows your shaman to add one more
his Spirit. body to the trash pile.
The spook has a special attack in When garbage disposal is invoked, it
hand-to-hand combat. Whenever he causes a 10’ deep hole to open up
strikes someone with his bare fists, the beneath the shaman’s designated
target must make a Hard (9) Vigor roll target. If the target has any cards
or be stunned. remaining, he may attempt a vamoose
action to avoid falling in the hole. This
Epicenter requires a successful Hard (9)
Nimbleness roll.
TN: 7 Once the target falls in or jumps out
Strain: 3 of the way, the hole slams shut. If the
Speed: 2 unfortunate brainer fell in, he suffers
Duration: Instant 3d8 massive damage from the
Range: 5 yards/faith level collapsing hole. If he survives this, he
Epicenter gives your shaman some may attempt to dig himself free on
breathing room. When invoked, it each of his actions. This requires an
causes a shock wave to ripple outwards Incredible (11) Strength roll. Each success
through the ground in a circle around and raise allows the brainer to squirm
the spook. This shock wave extends out 1’ upward. He must burrow 10’ up to
to the favor’s maximum range. reach the surface. At the beginning of
Everyone caught within this area must each round he remains buried, the
make a Hard (9) Nimbleness roll to waster suffers 2d6 Wind.
remain on their feet. Those who fall
down are stunned. On each of their
following actions they can attempt an
Jersey Shore
Onerous (7) Vigor roll to recover. TN: 7
The drivers of vehicles traveling Strain: 3
through this area must make a Hard (9) Speed: 1
drivin’ roll (plus any modifiers due to Duration: 1 minute
speed and the vehicle’s Handling) to Range: 10 yards/faith level
retain control of their vehicles. Ah, the New Jersey shore, the Riviera
of the toxic spirit world. Portions of the
Jersey shore have serious pollution
problems. There is pollution from the oil
Junk Wall
TN: 5
Strain: 1/Yard of wall
Speed: 1
Duration: Permanent
Range: 20 yards/faith level
Junk wall allows your shaman to
whip up some instant cover. When this
favor is invoked, it causes a tangled,
waist-high wall of earth, rocks, and
rusted metal to rise from the ground at
the point designated by the spook.
Each point of Strain spent on the favor
creates 1 yard of wall roughly 1’ thick. In
the event that the wall is attacked, it
large piece of ferrous metal (it must be replay the spook’s words in a deep bass
50 pounds or more) within the favor’s rumble. Any response given by the
range. target is transmitted back to the
Once the hunk o’ junk has been shaman in the same way.
magnetized, the fun begins. All ferrous When the message is sent to a
metal within 10 yards of the new specific person, the message is clearly
magnet is drawn to it. Anyone who is audible to only the selected target.
holding or wearing such an object must Others wishing to listen in must make
roll a contest of Strength against the a Fair (5) Cognition roll (or higher at the
magnet. The magnet has a Strength of Marshal’s discretion) to hear. When the
4d12, +2 for each raise the shaman gets message is sent to a location, everyone
on her faith roll. within 10 yards of the site can clearly
If the brainer fails the roll, any items hear the message and respond to it.
he is holding are torn from his grasp
and pulled to the magnet. If he is Shackles
wearing such an item, he is pulled 1
yard closer to the magnet for each TN: 5
point by which the contest was failed. Strain: 2
If the waster is pulled against the Speed: 1
magnet, this causes damage equal to Duration: 1/minute
the magnet’s Strength plus a bonus Range: 10 yards/faith level
determined by the Marshal (this Having trouble getting people to
depends on what else has been pulled listen to your shaman’s environmental
onto the magnet). spiel? Use shackles to get a captive
In addition, any metal weapons fired audience.
or thrown through the magnet’s area of When this favor is invoked, it causes a
effect suffer a –2 penalty to hit, as they pair of rocky hands to erupt from the
tend to be deflected off course by the ground and grab the shaman’s target.
powerful magnetic field. These hands have a Strength of 4d12, +2
Objects larger than the object for each raise the spook gets on his faith
magnetized are not drawn toward it. roll. The hands normally grab the
target’s legs, but if the target is prone or
crawling, the shaman can have them
Rumble grab his arms or even throat.
TN: 5 Once the target has been snagged by
Strain: 2 the hands, he must win a contest of
Speed: 1 Strength to break free from them. In
Duration: 1/minute addition, if the hands have grabbed the
Range: 1 mile/faith level target by the throat, the shaman can
Rumble allows your spook to have them try to strangle his enemy.
communicate with people over a long On each of the spook’s actions roll a
distance. When the favor is invoked, the contest of the hands’ Strength versus
shaman can pick as a target any the victim’s Vigor. If the hands win, the
person he knows within the favor’s target suffers 1 point of Wind for each
range or a specific location within point by which he lost the roll.
Once a target has been selected, the Shock Wave
shaman speaks and his words are
transmitted through the ground as TN: 7
shock waves. When these waves reach Strain: 4+2 per companion
the favor’s target, they cause the Speed: 1 minute
surrounding terrain to vibrate and Duration: Instant
Range: 1 mile/faith level
Shock Wave is another speedy way
for toxic shamans to get around the
Trash Bridge
TN: 5
Strain: 2
Speed: 2
Duration: 1/minute
Range: 10 yards/faith level
Now it’s your shaman’s turn to walk
on water—or more precisely, floating
When trash bridge is invoked, it
causes bits of trash to bubble to the
surface of the body of water the spook
wishes to cross. These form a semi-
stable platform for the shaman to walk
on. Semi-stable because walking on the
trash causes it to bob slightly. This
effect isn’t bad if the wasters using the
bridge walk, but anyone trying to run
across the trash must make an
Onerous (7) Nimbleness roll on each
action he runs. Failing the roll means
the brainer ends up swimming.
Like ask the spirits, this favor can’t
track someone who is in an opposed
sphere. This means it can’t find anyone
who is airborne, because the sky is
part of smog’s sphere.
TN: 9
Strain: 6
Speed: 4
Duration: 2/round
Range: 20 yards/faith level
If you really need to get someone’s
attention, this is the favor to use.
Volcano creates an honest-to-goodness,
lava-belching inferno suitable for
roasting enemies and virgin sacrifices.
The shaman can center the eruption
anywhere within the favor’s maximum
range. The eruption begins with a blast
of furnace-hot air and a cloud of
poisonous gas. Everyone within 10 yards
of the eruption site takes 3d6 Wind and
must make an Onerous (7) Vigor roll to
avoid being stunned—a bad thing to be
while standing next to a volcano.
At the beginning of the first round
following the favor’s invocation—as long
as the shaman spends the Strain to
maintain the favor—molten lava begins
to flow from the volcano. This spreads
Trash Track in a circle that increases in radius by 5
TN: 5 yards each round the favor is
Strain: 1 maintained. Anything touched by the
Speed: 2 lava takes 4d20 AP 2 damage.
Duration: Instant The volcano also spews random balls
Range: 20 miles/faith level of lava and superheated rocks. Roll 1d6
Trash track calls on toxic earth for every person and vehicle within 100
spirits to locate a person for the yards of the eruption. On a roll of 6,
shaman. The spook must know the that lucky individual won the lava
person being tracked or possess an catching contest. He gets nailed with a
item which belonged to him. bit of pyroclastic debris that does 4d12
To invoke the favor, the shaman damage. If the debris hits a vehicle,
scatters some trash on the ground and treat this as if it were a light weapon
then completes the ritual. If the person (damage is divided by 5).
is within the favor’s range, the trash The volcano continues to erupt for as
rearranges itself into an arrow pointing long as the invoking shaman can
in the direction the spook must travel continue to provide the Strain needed.
to reach the person. If the person is out Once the spook stops, so does the
of range, the trash forms into a volcano; it immediately becomes
question mark. dormant. This doesn’t mean the lava
cools of immediately, though. It
continues to damage anything which
comes in contact with it, but the
Sludge Fa vo rrs
Fav s
Acid Ball 5 3 2 Instant 10 yds./faith Hurls acidic ball.
Acid Rain 9 10 1 minute Varies 10 miles Causes an acid rain storm.
Acid Weapon 5 2 1 1/round Self Coats weapon with acid for +2d6
Blob Form 7 4-6 3 1 hour Self Transforms shaman into blob.
Blobs 7 3 1 5 minutes Touch Animates sludge.
Firewater 7 3+ 1 10 minutes Touch Creates flammable water.
Flush 5 1 1 Instant 5 yds./faith Fires jet of raw sewage.
GERD 7 3 2 Instant 5 yds./faith Causes damage to enemies or
allows shaman to belch acid.
Gills 5 1 1 1/minute Self Shaman can breathe water.
Oil Slick 5 1 1 1/round 10 yds./faith Creates a slippery oil slick.
Poison 7 2/4/8 2 5 minutes 10 yds. Poisons a single beverage.
Quicksludge 5 3 or 6 2 1/round 10 yds./faith Creates an area of quicksludge.
Slime 5 1 1 5 minutes 5 yds./faith Creates sticky, entangling slime.
Toxic Avenger 7 3 2 1/round Self Transforms the shaman into a
hideous, strong brute.
Toxic Shock Opposed 2 1 1/round 10 yds./faith Stuns opponent.
Even More Favors
avvo r TN Strain Speed Duration Range Summary
Smog Fa vo rrs
Fav s
Call Weather 9 Varies Varies 1d4 Hours 5 miles/faith Changes the weather
Caustic Mist 5 2+ 1 1d4 rounds 20 yds./faith Creates a damaging mist.
Coffin Nails 5 2 2 1/round 10 yds./faith Shaman can flick cigarettes
doing 2d8 AP 2 damage.
Gas Mask 5 1 1 1/5 minutes Touch Grants another immunity to
airborne poisons.
Gas Form 7 4 3 1 hour Self The shaman transforms into a
cloud of gas.
Guiding Wind 5 2 1 1/round Self Guides arrows and thrown
weapons to their targets.
Gust 5 1 1 Instant 10 yds./faith
Knocks opponents back with a
gust of wind.
Lighter Than Air 7 3 2 1/minute Self The shaman can levitate.
Lightning Strike 7 3+ 2 Instant 20 yds./faith Strikes enemies with lightning.
Misdirection 5 2 1 1/round Self Causes ranged attacks to miss.
PCB 7 2 1 Instant 5 yds./faith Causes opponent to lose actions.
Purple Haze 7 2+ 2 1d6 rounds 20 yds./faith Creates a blinding cloud.
Smog 7 3 2 1 round 10 yds./faith Creates a choking cloud.
Smoke Ring 5 2 1 1/minute 5 yds./faith Creates entangling smoke rings.
Smoker’s Cough 5 2+ 3 Instant 20 yds./faith Reveals the shaman’s enemies.
Smokestack 7 4+2/companion 5 Special 20 miles/faith Allows the shaman to travel
large distances.
Suffocate 5 1 1 1/round 2 yds./faith Chokes victim.
Whirlwind 7 3 2 2/round Self Creates whirlwind which spoils
attacks and allows the
shaman to fly.
Tr a s h F a
av s
vo rrs
Blight 9 10 1 hour 1 year 1 mile/faith
Destroys crops.
Cancer Cluster 9 10 1 hour 10/week 200 yds./faith
Causes cancer over large area.
Confound 5 2 2 Instant 10 yds./faith
Causes Stability checks.
Cuisinart 7 3 2 2/round 10 yds./faith
Causes 2d8 AP 1 massive
Dumpster 5 Varies 3 Varies 10 yds./faith Animates trash containers.
Earth Form 7 5 3 1 hour Self Transforms shaman.
Epicenter 7 3 2 Instant 5 yds./faith Knocks opponents down.
Garbage Disposal 7 3 2 Instant 10 yds./faith Traps opponent in earth.
Jersey Shore 7 3 1 1 minute 10 yds./faith Hurls infected hypodermics.
Junk Wall 5 1/yd. of wall 1 Permanent 20 yds./faith Creates earthen wall.
Magnetize 7 2 1 1/round 10 yds./faith Creates a powerful magnet.
Rumble 5 2 1 1/minute 1 mile/faith Allows long distance
Shackles 5 2 1 1/minute 10 yds./faith Binds the target to the ground.
Shock Wave 7 4+2/companion 1 minute Instant 1 mile/faith Allows rapid travel through the
Trash Bridge 5 2 2 1/minute 10 yds./faith Shaman can walk on water.
Trash Talk 5 1 1 1/round Self Bonus to overawe and ridicule.
Trash Track 5 1 2 Instant 20 miles/faith Tracks an individual.
Volcano 9 6 4 2/round 20 yds./faith Causes a volcanic eruption.
The Marshal’s
Chapter Four:
Spooky Secrets
Profile: TB
Corpor eal: D:3d8, N:2d6, S:2d6, Q:3d8,
Climbin’ 2d6, drivin: boat, car 4d6,
fightin’: brawlin’ 3d6, shootin’: pistol
4d8, speed load: pistol 3d8, sneak 3d6,
swimmin 3d6
Mental: C:4d8, K:2d8, M:2d10, Sm:3d8,
This method of distributing the ghost Faith: toxic spirits 6d12, guts 3d12,
rock is highly effective. The small leadership 3d10, overawe 3d10,
particles are easily digested by fish and scrutinize 3d8, scroungin’: 5d8
other wildlife. Once in the animals’ professional: law 5d8, search 4d8
systems, the ghost rock’s supernatural Edges: Arcane background: toxic
effects kick in. The areas visited by the shaman 3, spirit metabolism 3, toxic
BWG have shown a remarkable guardian: smog 5
increase in the numbers of mutated Hindrances: Intolerance: caretakers –3
fish and other wildlife. These vicious Pace: 6
creatures are making life difficult for Size: 6
the survivor communities of the Maze. Wind: 22
Many of these towns have tried to Special Abilities:
put an end to the cult’s pollution, but Strain: 10
with little success. The group has Toxic Shaman: Strain: 10, Sphere:
established hideouts in a number of Smog, Favors: Coffin nails, gas
places in the Maze and rarely stays in form, healing, purple haze,
one location for any length of time. suffocate, whirlwind
There will be more details about the Gear: Armored vest (AV 2), S&W Model
Black Water Gang—and the towns they 683, 20 rounds of .44 Magnum ammo,
are terrorizing— in the upcoming Super Fund slug (CSA)
Shattered Coast supplement. Description: TB was once a lawyer for
the tobacco industry. He still dresses
as if he’s about to appear in court. He
wears a nice designer suit
Sickle Cell
As you might have guessed from
Blood Claw’s stats, he’s not the sharpest
knife in the drawer. The true organizing
force behind the mutant king’s drive to
unite the tribes is a toxic shaman who
calls himself Sickle Cell.
Sickle Cell is a weasely little man
who is interested only in power. He’s
currently hitched himself to Blood Claw,
but should he stumble, the shaman will
turn against him in a heartbeat—this
might be the one thing that keeps
heroes brought before Blood Claw out
of the stew pot.
Spooky Secrets 119
Unlike the other shamans in the
Black Talon tribe, who are insect
shamans, Sickle Cell is a sludge
shaman. This has caused some Bloody Spears
mistrust, but none of the mutants dare The Bloody Spears claim the
speak against him while Sickle Cell has northwestern portion of Coyote
Blood Claw’s ear—the few who did have territory west of the Caney River and
ended up as dinner. as far south as the Cimarron River. This
tribe is the second largest in the
Profile: Sickle Cell Changed Lands and the biggest threat
to Blood Claw’s dreams of conquest.
Corpor eal: D:3d8, N:2d6, S:2d6, Q:3d8,
Corporeal: The Bloody Spears’ wily chief, Dennis
V:4d10 Lacklegs has formed a rough alliance
Climbin’ 2d6, fightin’: brawlin’, staff 3d6, with the Growling Wolves and Winged
ridin’: horse 3d6, shootin’: pistol 4d8, Serpents. Despite his best efforts though,
speed load: pistol 3d8, sneak 3d6, the three “allied” tribes continue to
swimmin 3d6 squabble amongst themselves while the
Mental: C:4d8, K:2d8, M:2d10, Sm:3d8, Black Talons’ power grows.
Sp:3d12 Dennis Lacklegs is a tough customer,
Faith: toxic spirits 6d12, guts 3d12, and not someone the heroes should try
leadership 3d10, overawe 3d10, to BS. He got his name because he was
scrutinize 3d8, scroungin’: 5d8, search born with one deformed leg. He forced
4d8 the tribe’s shamans to amputate both
Edges: Arcane background: toxic his legs and he now zips around in a
shaman 3, poisoned 3, spirit tracked, armored wheelchair built by a
metabolism 3, toxic guardian: sludge captured junker.
5 The Bloody Spears worship the
Hindrances: Ailin’: chronic 0, Sludge sphere.
intolerance: caretakers –3, lame –3,
mean as a rattler –2, scrawny –5, ugly
as sin –3, yearnin’: rule the Changed Growling Wolves
tribes –5 The Growling Wolves control the
Pace: 4 southwestern portion of the Changed
Size: 5 Lands from the Red River north to the
Wind: 22 Canadian. They are led by a female
Special Abilities: radiation shaman named Curie. She
Strain: 10 and her council of advisers maintain a
Toxic Shaman: Strain: 10, Sphere: permanent encampment just outside
Sludge, Favors: Acid ball, blob form, the ghost-rock maelstrom over the Red
corrupt, curse, flush, immunity: Rock Nuclear Weapons Facility.
sludge, poison, zombie This Confederate base took a hit
Gear: Armored vest (AV 2), Colt .45, 20 from a conventional nuke as well as a
rounds .45 ammo, 1 frag grenade, 1 ghost rock bomb, so the radiation levels
tear gas grenade, staff here are very high—only Curie and her
Description: Sickle Cell is a short, thin shaman advisers can withstand these
man with a sickly complexion. One levels for prolonged periods. The
of his legs is shorter than the other, maelstrom here glows with an eerie
causing him to walk with a peculiar, green light at night.
rolling gait. One side of his face sags Any heroes brought to this place
as if he has had a stroke. This need to make Hard (9) Vigor rolls every
causes him to speak with a hour to avoid a case of the glows. They
pronounced lisp. The shaman also also need to wash their equipment
has chronic lung problems that cause thoroughly after leaving to keep from
him to cough frequently. taking the contamination with them.
The Hunchbacks harbors dreams of someday ruling the
Changed Lands and beyond. Should
The Hunchbacks occupy the Blood Claw die, Sickle Cell will be at
southeastern corner of the Changed her doorstep the next day.
Lands as far west as Muddy Boggy
Creek. This tribe is the third largest, but
it is poorly led. Many of the clans
Profile: The Changed
within the tribe fight with each other Corpor eal: D:2d6, N:3d6, S:3d8, Q:3d6,
and occasionally against their allies in V:3d10
the Black Talons. Climbin’ 3d6, fightin’: brawlin’, spear
The Hunchbacks are led by an 3d6, shootin’: rifle, pistol, shotgun
immense load of a mutant named 3d6, sneak 3d6, swimmin’ 2d6
Garth (his less respectful tribesmen Mental: C:3d6, K:2d6, M:2d6, Sm:2d6,
refer to him as “Girth”). Garth has Sp:3d8
metabolic problems that cause much of Faith: toxic spirits 3d8, search 3d6,
what he eats to be turned to fat—he survival: toxic wastes 4d6
currently tops the scales at over 500 Edges: Thick-skinned 3, tough as nails
pounds. Despite this, he is immensely 3, toxic guardian: (by tribe) 3
strong and a powerful warrior when he Hindrances: Bloodthirsty –2,
can summon up the energy to lift his intolerance: caretakers –3
butt out of his “throne.” Pace: 6
Garth is more concerned with Size: 6
ensuring himself a steady supply of Wind: 24
non-mutant slave girls for his steel- Gear: Varies widely. About 10% of any
reinforced bed than uniting the tribes. group have a military rifle of some
His warriors spend as much time sort and a full clip, 40% have a
raiding survivor settlements outside the selection of civilian rifles, pistols, and
Changed Lands as they do fighting shotguns, the rest have an
alongside the Black Talons. assortment of spears, clubs, and
Sickle Cell is currently plotting to crude swords.
have Garth meet with an accident—
perhaps his heart will give out while Profile: Veteran Changed
sampling the latest prisoners.
The Hunchbacks worship the Trash These are Coyote braves who spent
sphere. time in the Confederate military. They
form the core of any war parties and
serve as bodyguards to the tribe
Winged Serpents chieftains.
The Winged Serpents are the Corpor eal: D:2d8, N:3d8, S:2d8, Q:3d8,
smallest tribe, and with good reason— V:3d10
they inhabit the central portion of the Climbin’ 4d8, fightin’: brawlin’, knife 4d8,
Changed Lands between the Growling shootin’: rifle, pistol 5d8, sneak 4d8,
Wolves and the Hunchbacks. The tribes’ swimmin’ 3d8
warriors constantly fight both of these Mental: C:4d8, K:2d6, M:2d6, Sm:2d8,
tribes, as well as occasional raids by Sp:3d8
the Black Talons. Faith: toxic spirits 3d8, search 4d8,
The only thing which has allowed survival: toxic wastes 4d8
this tribe to survive is its strong leader. Edges: Thick-skinned 3, tough as nails
The Winged Serpents are led by 3, toxic guardian: (by tribe) 5
Sidewinder, a female smog shaman Hindrances: Bloodthirsty –2,
who is also a Child of the Dust. intolerance: caretakers –3
Sidewinder is utterly ruthless and also Pace: 8
Size: 6
Wind: 24
Gear: SA assault rifle, 60 rounds of
Matanza is a large, handsome
Apache who commands the total trust
of his people. He is quick to anger, and
never forgets a slight or insult, but he
is also doggedly loyal to his friends. His
word is his bond—and he’s vowed to
reclaim the Apache’s home.
The Chiricahua leader is a fierce
warrior who always leads from the
front. He’s hard to miss in his bright red
Wolverine armor bedecked with
feathers and other talismans.
Size: 7
Wind: 18
Gear: Wolverine armor with heartbeat
sensor, helmet-mounted searchlight, Fear Level 6
and targeting system, an M-200 with There’s a fortune in salvage to be
100 rounds of 20mm ammo, combat had in the warehouses and bunkers
knife, and 2 frag grenades. beneath Deadwood’s streets. The only
Description: See above. problem is getting to it, and getting
back out again. Besides all the
Apache Braves supernatural badness waiting for the
heroes, there’s the problem of just
The braves following Matanza are all
physically transporting the goodies out.
committed to his cause. After years of
There’s not enough room to describe
living in a foreign land, he has restored
the city in detail—we’ll cover that in a
their pride and given them a true sense
later supplement—but we can give you
of purpose.
enough to convince your heroes that
The Chiricahua have traded in their
they should take Dirty Waters’ advice.
trusty ponies for dirt bikes. Patrols of
2d6 Apache braves range out from the
tribe’s main body in all directions. It’s Gettin’ There
their job to detect and report any If the heroes have been granted
threats to the tribe before they get access to the Sioux Nations, they can
close enough to be a danger. These simply walk or ride right past the
patrols prefer to flee rather than fight— totems and into the city. Coming out
often leading their pursuers into a will still be a problem, because the
cleverly concealed ambush. Sioux don’t want anything salvaged
from Deadwood entering their lands.
Profile: Apache Brave If the group can’t pass through Sioux
territory, they are going to have to hoof
Corpor eal: D:3d8, N:2d8, S:3d8, Q:4d6,
it in via either the eastern or western
highway. Unless the group has a tow
Bow 4d8, climbin’ 4d8, drivin’: car,
truck and a lot of patience, there is no
motorcycle 4d8, fightin’: brawlin’,
way to bring a vehicle into the city, the
knife 5d8, ridin’: horse 3d8, shootin’:
highways in and out are a tangled
rifle, pistol 4d8, sneak 4d8, speed
mass of wrecks and the roadway has
load: rifle 4d8
collapsed in a few spots.
Mental: C:3d8, K:2d6, M:3d6, Sm:2d8,
Driving along the mag-lev rails isn’t
much better. All of the tracks are
Area knowledge: the Southwest 4d6,
blocked by stalled trains that stopped
overawe 3d6, scrutinize 3d8, search
when the city lost power. It’s possible to
5d8, survival: desert 4d8, tinkerin’
squeeze by on the maintenance walks,
3d8, trackin’ 5d8
but nothing larger than a bicycle will
Edges: Brave 2
fit through.
Hindrances: Big britches –3
Walking in isn’t exactly quick.
Pace: 8
Coming from the west, the posse has to
Size: 6
cover nearly 120 miles to reach the city.
Wind: 16
The eastern route is double this. The
Gear: Infantry battlesuit, SA assault
best rate the group can make through
rifle with 60 rounds of 7.62mm
the wrecks and rubble is about 10 miles
ammo, combat knife, 2 frag grenades,
a day on foot. That means it takes
dirt bike, walkie-talkie.
about 12 days to reach the city from the
Description: See above.
west and 24 days approaching from the
east. Hope the heroes brought some
If the group is fortunate enough to
124 Marshal own a helicopter or VTOL, it is possible
to fly into the city along either of the
rail corridors.
Those travel times don’t include time
to recuperate from getting whupped on.
Spooky Secrets 125
There are all sorts of nasty critters in
the city and some of them wander out
onto the highways.
While the posse is outside the city, One of these spirits manifests itself to
roll for encounters twice a day on the the party and tries to communicate.
Deadwood Table. Ignore results other This requires an Onerous (7) guts roll
than walkin’ dead, veteran walkin’ the first time it happens.
dead, and burned ones. The constant fluttering around of the
Once the heroes reach the city itself, spirit is very distracting. Everyone in
roll for encounters once an hour. the posse suffers a –2 to all rolls while
Deadwood is a dangerous place, and it’s around. The ghost bothers the party
the heroes are going to learn that really for 1d6 hours and then gives up if none
fast. of the heroes attempt to communicate
with it. Subjecting it to a magical attack