Exclusive Property of Each Spouse
Exclusive Property of Each Spouse
Exclusive Property of Each Spouse
(2) That which each acquires during the marriage by gratuitous title;
Art. 113. Property donated or left by will to the spouses, jointly and with
designation of determinate shares, shall pertain to the donee-spouses as
his or her own exclusive property, and in the absence of designation,
share and share alike, without prejudice to the right of accretion when
Art. 114. If the donations are onerous, the amount of the charges shall
be borne by the exclusive property of the donee spouse, whenever they
have been advanced by the conjugal partnership of gains.
Presumptive Death
Under Article 41 of the Family Code, there are four essential requisites
for the declaration of presumptive death:
1. That the absent spouse has been missing for four consecutive years,
or two consecutive years if the disappearance occurred where there is
danger of death under the circumstances laid down in Article 391 of the
Civil Code;
Art. 391, Civil Code. The following shall be presumed dead for all
purposes, including the division of the estate among the heirs:
(2) A person in the armed forces who has taken part in war, and
has been missing for four years;
The topic that I am going to share with you are the grounds for
transfer of administration of the exclusive property of each spouse.
We all know that couples are bind as one forever during wedding
rites, however, not everything about the couples has to be shared from
hereon. The law provides the terms for his and her properties. Before we
are going to discuss the grounds for transfer of administration of the
exclusive property of each spouse, allow me to share with you what are
these properties that are exclusively own by each spouse and these are
the following: