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CHRA - Agnisyah S.P - Magister K3 FKM UI

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NPM : 2006559041
Table of content


1. Introduction 1

2. Objective 2

3. Methodology 2

Assessment Findings
4.1 Form A: Work Unit Description 4
4.2 Form B: List of Chemical Hazardous to Health 6
4.3 Form C: Work Unit Assessment 9
4.4 Form D: Control Measures and Recommendations 11

5. Conclusion 18

6. Appendices 21

7. References 22


The Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standards of Exposure of Chemicals
Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2000, or in short, referred to as the USECHH
Regulations, requires the employer of any place of work where chemicals hazardous to
health are used to conduct a chemical health risk assessment (CHRA) at the workplace.
The objectives of the assessment is to enable employer to make decisions on the
appropriate control measures to be taken, induction and training of employees,
monitoring and health surveillance activities as may be required to protect the health of
employees who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals at the workplace.


The workplace selected in this assessment is on Head Office of PT. PP (Persero) Tbk.
This building is located in TB. Simatupang Street No.57, Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta.
Picture 1: Location of Head Office PT. PP (Persero) Tbk.

Source: Google maps


The objective of CHRA done in this workplace is to;

a. To identify the hazard exists and posed by the CHTH
b. To evaluate the degree of exposure, based on the CHRA guidelines, either by
inhalation, dermal or ingestion;
c. To evaluate control measure that implemented in this workplace;
d. To recommend the remedial action / protocol that needed to be revise and
improved, in order to reduce the risk of chemical exposure in workplace.


Methodology used in this assessment are based on the “A Manual of Recommended

Practice on Assessment of The Health Risks Arising from The Used of Chemical
Hazardous to Health at The Workplace (2018)”, and “Industry Code of Practice on
Chemical Classification and Hazard Communication (2014)”, developed by DOSH.

The assessment is done by using Form A, B, C and D from the CHRA guideline
mention above. The data retrieve from the workplace then inserted in the forms.
Methodology of assessment done are according to below;

1. Select work unit to be assessed.

2. Gather data based on the guideline.
3. Conduct assessment at the workplace, workers interview, policy and procedure
review and CHTH.
4. Acquiring data on Safety Data Sheet (SDS) based on CHTH.
5. Assessment report.

Full assessment is conduct because of Carcinogenic Category 1 CHTH were present at

the work unit assessed. Form A – Work Unit Description are used as the demographic
data of the work unit involved.

The data included are the workers information, shifts, current health report and
feedbacks, information gathered through interview and observation. Form B – Lists of
CHTH assessed are the data of chemical register, and chemical data acquired from the
SDS. The data collected then elaborated. Form C – Work Unit Assessment is the
analysis of CHTH exposure through dermal and inhalation to the workers. And finally,
the recommendation and findings based on existing program is discussed in Form D –
Control Measures and Recommendation.


Attach in forms are the findings based on assessment done in selected workplace. The
findings are based on CHRA guideline by DOSH.

4.1. Form A: Work Unit Description

Preliminary examination in procedure and control measures show that there is no

documented protocol of painting handling and mixtures, by the employer. Safety
precaution applied is based on SDS only. By interviewing the worker involved in the
work unit, there is no significant health effect related to the activity. The is no report
regarding incident on the occupational disease.

Form A: Work Unit Description

Painting Team
1. Work Unit
PT. PP (Persero) Tbk.
2. Date of Assessment 22-June-21
3. Work Area Head Office PT.PP (Persero) Tbk.
• 3 (male)
• 1 Supervisor
Technical Supervisor, Field Activity
Supervisor, Equipment Technician
4. Number of Worker • 1 Painter - Worker
Field Activity
• 1 Painter Assistant - Worker
mixture of paint preparator, Equipment

Shifts: 8.00 am to 12.00 pm.

5. Working Hours Average 4 hours
6. Work Health Feedback There is no significant health feedback
7. Report on Health Effect No reports made.
8. Susceptible conditions related
Not Available
to chemical(s) in use
There were two painting brands used in painting
activities. Active ingredients of the paint are
9. Possibility of mixed exposure
varied, but both chemicals were responsible for
cholinesterase inhibitors poisoning.
Through food and water contaminated / cross
10. Possibility of ingestion contaminated with chemicals and low personal
1. There is not enough ventilation in the storage,
strong smell of paint and hydrocarbon
fumes is present. Window is closed, trapping
the fumes inside. Mechanical ventilation is
present, but not turned on.
2. There is no proper storage of the paint in
the located storage. The storage is mixed with
document, broken asset such as computers
and air conditioning, and laboratory test kit
3. Direct assessment on mixing paint
in the field is not done. But on
11. Other information
observation, PPE for paint mixing such as
gloves is absent in the storage.
4. By interviewed with workers, they claim to use
PPE during mixing and painting.
5. Flammable liquid such as petrol and diesel in
not store properly. During assessment, petrol
stored inside bottle, which is not
designated for hydrocarbon storing.
6. There is no safety sign anywhere in the
7. There is no safety written protocol / procedure

4.2. Form B: List of Chemical Hazardous to Health Assessed

Form B1: Chemical Used in Work Unit

Name of Hazardous Physical Source of Dermal Ingestion

No. Hazard Classification H-code HR
Chemical Ingredients form information (Y/N) (Y/N)
Acute toxicity (oral) - Category 4 H302
Acute aquatic toxicity - Category
Chronic aquatic toxicity -
Category 1
Flammable liquids - Category 3 H226
Aspiration hazard - Category 1 H304 SDS
1 Pigment 1. Formaldehida Liquid Skin sensitisation - Category 1B H317 (Effective 3 Y Y
2. Lead / Plumbum Specific target organ (single date:
exposure) - Category 3 11/2013)

Serious eye damage - Category

1 H318
Specific target organ (single
exposure) - Category 3

Acute toxicity (oral) - Category 4 H302

Aspiration hazard - Category 1 H304
Skin sensitisation - Category 1B H317
1. Toluena
2 Thinner Liquid H400 (Effective
2. Isopropanol
Acute aquatic toxicity - Category
3. Butanol
4. Butyl Acetat 2 Y Y
Chronic aquatic toxicity - 11/2013)
Category 1

Form B2: Chemical Released by the Process of Work Activities

Name of Hazardous Physical Hazard Source of Dermal Ingestion

No. H-code HR
Chemical Ingredients form Classification information (Y/N) (Y/N)
Flammable liquids -
Category 3
Acute toxicity (oral) -
Category 4
Acute toxicity
(Inhalation) - H332
Category 4
Aspiration hazard -

Category 1
Carcinogenicity -
Category 2 H351
Thinner Serious eye damage - SDS, ICOP
(Solvent) 1. Toluena Category 1 H318 CHC
1. 2. Butanol Mist 2 Y Y
+ Specific target organ (classification
3. Isopropanol
Pigment 4. Butyl Acetat (single exposure) - H336 of mixture)
5. Formaldehida Category 3
6. Lead /
Plumbum Skin corrosion /
irritation - Category 2
Skin sensitization -
Category 1B
Acute aquatic toxicity
- Category 1
Chronic aquatic
toxicity - Category 1

1. HR : Hazard Rate (Inhalation)
2. ICOP CHC : Industry Code of Practice on Chemical Classification and Hazard Communication (2014)
3. SDS : Safety Data Sheet
4. Y : Yes

HR in Form B2 calculated in this section are based on CHRA Guideline. LC 50 for chemical release in painting activities
(Pigment + Thinner). Concentration of Pigment is 25% and Thinner is 75%. Referring to Table 1 in the CHRA guideline,
it is determined by the level of acute toxicity (inhalation) is fall under Category 4. Chemical release then classified as HR
2 based on the table.

4.3. Form C: Work Unit Assessment

Form C: Work Unit Assessment

Form C1: Inhalation Exposure Assessment

Degree of Degree of
Job or task Name of Chemical FR DR FDR PEL release or chemical MR ER HR RR
exposure level inhaled
Mixing paint with Not
Pigment, Thinner 3 1 2 Low Moderate 2 2 3 6
solvent Applicable
Mixing paint with Not 2 4
Aqua / H2O 3 1 2 Low Low 1 2
Water Applicable under ICOP

1. FR : Frequency Rating
2. DR : Duration Rating
3. FDR : Frequency Duration Rating
4. PEL : Permissible Exposure Limit
5. MR : Magnitude Rating
6. ER : Exposure Rating
7. HR : Hazard Rating (Inhalation)
8. RR : Risk Rating

Form C2: Dermal Exposure Assessment

Duration Of Exposure
Extent of
Name of Hazardous Long
Job or task Dermal Short Term Level of Risk
Chemical Properties Term (>
contact (<15 min /
15 min /
sensitisation -
Category 1B
Serious eye
Mixing paint with
Pigment, Thinner damage - Small / H1
Category 1
Skin corrosion /
irritation -
Category 2
Mixing paint with
Aqua / H2O sensitisation - Small / L
Water based
Category 1B

4.4. Form D: Control Measures and Recommendation

Form D1: Technical Control (TC)

Existing Technical Control

Isolation or Engineering control
Job or Name of ROE enclosure & ventilation PPE Recommendation on AP
task Chemical TC
Adequacy Adequacy Adequacy
Specify Specify Specify adequacy
(Y/N/NA) (Y/N/NA) (Y/N/NA)
1. Mechanical /
permanent ventilation
Inhalation, should be available in
Paint Thinner dermal the chemical storage.
NA NA Ventilation N Using Glove N N risk and
mixing and 2. Gloves need to
ingestion be replaced after the
limit amount of times
used is reached.
1. Use coverall Y
clothing while
Painting activities. 1. Eye wear or Google
2. Use of 3M Y should be used during
respirator mask. activities. The
Replacement of chemical dermal level
Inhalation, respirator filter by of risk is H2 during the
High risk
Thinner dermal following the user activities. PPE should
Painting NA NA NA NA Y and
and guide. be applied at all time
ingestion 3. Ear muff is used. N during painting were
But not with ear carried out.
4. PPE user training Y
should be done
routinely (once a

Form D2: Organisational Control (OC)

Existing organisational control (DC) Recommendations
(a) Adoption of safe work systems and
practice (please specify)

1. Written procedure for mixing solvent of NA A written procedure on mixing solvent should be available, and
Pigment and Thinner. visible at sight (should be placed at vector control storage / workers
job description file). The procedure should include the safety
precaution on handling chemicals, and justify PPE suitable to be
used in such condition of work.

A written procedure for chemical and paint storing should be

2. Chemical storage (safe N available, and visible at sight (should be placed at vector control
storage) storage / workers job description file).

Ventilation in paint and chemical storage is inadequate.

Chemical and paint fumes can be detected during assessment.
There is functional exhaust fan in the storage, and it should be turn
on to make sure the chemical fumes not trap inside. Permanent air
ventilated should be made available.

Chemical and paint stores for the activity should be isolated

from other equipment. A specific storage for painting equipment, and
chemicals used in the activity should be made available.

A rack should be used, and chemical need to be arrange neatly, and


3. Hazard sign N There is no hazard sign at the storage. Hazard sign based on every
chemical used and others hazard sign that is related must be

4. Regular cleaning N Regular cleaning and spillage kit based on the SDS provided must
be done regularly at the storage.

5. Chemical container disposal N All paint empty bottle should be disposed safely, not through
general waste. A policy or written procedure and training on safe
disposal need to be establish.
(b) Providing information, instruction and
training to workers (please specify)

1. Chemical register N Chemical register based on template in Guidelines on Chemical

Management in Health Care Facilities, Ministry of Health, 2010 must
be made available. Chemical register is requirement of law under
Use and Standard of Exposure of Chemical Hazardous to Health
(USECHH) Regulation 2000, where stated on Regulations 5, an
employer should identify and record all CHTH presented at the
workplace in form of a register, as mentioned earlier. Chemical
register must be made available at the storage as it provide crucial
information when an event of emergency. This subject need to be
discuss in safety and health committee meeting.

2. Safety Data Sheet (SDS) N Safety data sheet in not placed at the chemical present. A copy of
SDS should be made available.

3. Training by chemical supplier. Y Training by the chemical supplier is already done in year 2018.
Refreshing course should be planned annually.

4. Training on personal safety Y Training on personal safety such as PPE, chemical hazard and
precaution taken for particular risk identified during working, and
reporting procedure on incident is adequately given by the

5. First aid kit First aid kit must be inspected regularly. Some of the equipment /
N medicine has an expire date. Most of the material contained in the
first aid kit is already expired during the assessment.
(c) Personal hygiene (please specify)

1. Hygiene facilities such as sink, changing Y Hygiene facilities is adequate.

room, etc.

2. No food and drinks allowed policy at N Signage should be placed at storage to ensure and alerted the
workplace. workers not to bring any food or drinks. Supervisor need to make
sure the work unit is free from food and drinks.

Form D3: Emergency Response Preparedness

Emergency Response Preparedness Recommendations
There is no Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for the building
developed during assessment. Therefore, ERP should be
developed. A general emergency response of medical team
should be available, where as included in the emergency
(a) Emergency response preparedness N response plan for the building. This is to prepare for unexpected
events rising from the activity involved such as fire, acute
poisoning (through inhalation or ingestion) or any other adverse
events related not only to this activity, but to the whole workplace
Training should be conduct based on hazard in SDS, chemical
by chemical. As the hazard is stated in the SDS, any training
(other than chemical handling provided by the supplier) should
(b) Training of Emergency Response Team N be conduct, and a Person-In-Charge (PIC) of emergency
response in the team of work unit selected should be made
available. Since the work unit mainly done in the field, PIC trained
should be the person involved with the activities.
Fire-fighting equipment includes installation of equipment as
required in Fire Services Act 1988. Example of this equipment is
(c) Fire-fighting equipment N smoke detector, exit light, emergency light, and fire alarm. The
storage is lack of fire fighting equipment. Only fire extinguisher is
available as fire fighting equipment during the assessment.

Form D4: Exposure Monitoring and Medical Surveillance

Existing Programme Recommendations (Indicate necessary)

a) Exposure monitoring (air monitoring and biological


1. Biological Monitoring; Surveillance on The medical surveillance program is adequate and should be carried out in
cholinesterase level in blood indicate the yearly basis.
paint poisoning is done once a year, under
supervision of Occupational Safety and Health
Those who has positive result of poisoning will
be rotated.

2. Air monitoring is determined as unnecessary Not applicable

due to release of the chemical in the
environment. Control measures taken is stated
in Form D1 and D2.
b) Medical surveillance (Please specify):

1. Medical surveillance is done routinely once a Existing program on medical surveillance is adequate.
year, along with biological monitoring. Workers
involved will be referred to Medical Officer, and
health status then determined based on the
chemical exposed.

Form D5: Specific Action to be taken

Name of Chemical Recommendation

1. Suitable equipment for CHTH storage (e.g; jerry can)
2. CHTH should be place at lower risk of combustion / fire risk (highly flammable
3. CHTH should be handle properly, as spillage is common during handling of this
4. Cleaning of spillage in storage is regularly implemented.
Paint and Thinner
5. Petrol is carcinogenic category 1, then handling of chemical must be
accompanied with proper ventilation, PPE and suitable storage.
6. Person involved in chemical handling must be a trained person. (if there is
changing of workers)
7. Ventilation in the storage need to be adequate.
8. Disposing of chemical must be according to procedure of hazardous waste.


CHRA conducted on the work unit are not full report as shown in the guidelines, as this
report is for study purpose only. As shown in Form A, work unit assessed in this report
is for painting activities. During the assessment done, student can identify the hazard,
and developed risk matrix on chemical hazardous to health (CHTH). After that, assessor
should recommend the remedial action and long terms plan for lowering the risk of
CHTH to the workers involved.

Form B is used to list the CHTH involved in the work unit. Form B1 is for chemicals that
used in the work unit. Form B2 is the list of chemicals released by the process of work
activities. In this assessment, Chemicals have been identified. To fill Form B1, data from
chemical register and safety data sheet (SDS) is needed. The data obtain then transferred
to the form. Route of exposure to the CHTH then were determined based on data obtained.
To fill Form B2, the level of hazard should be determined from substances mixed in the
activities. Hazard determination in Form B2 is vary from Form B1 since the chemical is
mixed. Depends by its ratio of concentration, and the value of lethal dose and lethal
concentration of the chemical, a new hazard classification can be determined.

Form C is based on work unit assessment. Form C is divided into two parts of assessment
which is inhalation and dermal. Assessment for ingestion is not perform since the risk of
ingestion should be low, because of implementation of technical and organizational control
on the work place. Form C1 is focused on inhalation exposure assessment. In this
assessment, data obtained from Form B should be analyzed to obtain the variable in the
table. The whole process in filling the Form C1 is to determine the risk rating of inhalation.
Industry Code of Practice on Chemical Classification and Hazard Communication (2014)
should be used as tools in determining the variables in the table. Form C2 is a dermal
assessment form. To determine the dermal level of risk, data from the activities involving
CHTH should be obtained. In this form, the level of dermal risk would be classified by low,
moderate and high. Although, moderate and high level of risk has the extension of level
which indicate the level is higher than normal, which is M2 and H2. Result from the

assessment determine that risk rating for inhalation is range from 4 to 12. Chemicals
used in the painting activities is ranged from low risk level to moderate risk level of
inhalation. For dermal, the level of risk obtained from Form C2 is ranged from low to
High 2 (H2) depends on the task done.

Form D is used to identify existing control measures in the work unit. Then, assessor
should recommend corrective action or improvements of existing control measures.
Form D contain 5 parts of forms. Form D1 is focus on technical control. Technical
control assessed are isolation or enclosure, engineering control and personal protective
equipment (PPE). Existing technical control measures then will be specified on
adequacy of implementation, and recommendations then suggested. Action priority (AP)
would be determined, to indicate the priority of corrective and improvements on control
measures based on risk level and existing control adequacy. In this assessment, mixing
paint score is 2, which has moderate risk but inadequate controls. Painting in the other
hand scored 3, high risked but adequately controlled.

Form D2 is used to assess the organizational controls implementation. From the

assessment, organizational control on safe work system and practices, providing
information, instruction, training and personal hygiene is inadequate. Recommendation
on action should be taken as listed.

Form D3 is for emergency response preparedness. There is neither emergency

response plan (ERP) developed in the work unit nor for the workplace. An ERP should
be developed to comply with requirements of safety, and to help in facilitating and
organizing the employer and employee during the events of emergencies.
Recommendations is suggested in the forms.

Form D4 is based on exposure monitoring and medical surveillance. Exposure monitoring

on air monitoring is determined unnecessary for the time beings. This is due to chemical is
being release to the environment during painting activities. Biological monitoring along with
medical surveillance is done routinely each year. Biological monitoring will monitor

cholinesterase level in blood by taking blood samples, and medical surveillance will
identify any changes to health of workers, due to exposed to chemical hazardous to

Finally, Form D5 is focusing on specific action need to be taken to the specific CHTH
used in work unit. Assessment findings is more on storage, handling and disposing of
chemicals and chemicals containers. All factor contributing to risk not only to workers,
but to the environment also need to be included. Overall, the work place and work unit
still have rooms for improvements. All non-conformance in existing control measures
taken should be taken corrective action. All recommendations suggested should be
taken in account of safety for the workers. Employers also need to take account of
regulations and law involved in CHTH handling, and to make sure it is complied.



Picture 2; Painting Chemical and Equipment Storage


1. DOSH 2018, A Manual of Recommended Practice on Assessment of The Health

Risks Arising from The Used of Chemical Hazardous to Health at The Workplace
3 Edition, Malaysia: DOSH
2. DOSH 2014, Industry Code of Practice on Chemical Classification and Hazard
Communication, Malaysia: DOSH
3. Use and Standard of Exposure Chemical Hazardous to Health Regulation 2000
(USECHH Regulation), Malaysia
4. Classification, Labelling and Safety Data Sheet of Chemical Regulation 2013
(CLASS Regulation), Malaysia
5. MOH 2010, Guidelines on Chemical Management in Health Care Facility,
Ministry of Health, Malaysia: MOH
6. Safety Data Sheet of involved chemicals.


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