Operating System2
Operating System2
Operating System2
Ans: B
Ans: C
Ans: D
4. Which of the following would lead you to believe that a given system is an SMP-type
system? A) Each processor is assigned a specific task.
B) There is a boss–worker relationship between the processors.
C) Each processor performs all tasks within the operating system.
D) None of the above
Ans: C
5. A ____ can be used to prevent a user program from never returning control to the operating
A) portal
B) program counter
C) firewall
D) timer
Ans: D
Ans: A
7. Bluetooth and 802.11 devices use wireless technology to communicate over several feet, in essence
creating a ____. A) local-area network
B) wide-area network
C) small-area network
D) metropolitan-area network
Ans: C
Operating System
8. A clustered system ____.
A) gathers together multiple CPUs to accomplish computational work
B) is an operating system that provides file sharing across a network
C) is used when rigid time requirements are present
D) can only operate one application at a time
Ans: A
10. Two important design issues for cache memory are ____.
A) speed and volatility
B) size and replacement policy
C) power consumption and reusability
D) size and access privileges
Ans: B
A) supervisor mode
B) system mode
C) privileged mode
D) All of the above
Ans: D
12. Which of the following statements concerning open source operating systems is
true? A) Solaris is open source.
B) Source code is freely available.
C) They are always more secure than commercial, closed systems.
D) All open source operating systems share the same set of goals.
Ans: B
Ans: A
14. A _____ provides a file-system interface which allows clients to create and
modify files. A) compute-server system
B) file-server system
C) wireless network
D) network computer
Ans: B
Operating System
15. A ____ is a custom build of the Linux operating system
A) LiveCD
B) installation
C) distribution
D) VMWare Player
Ans: C
16. __________ is a set of software frameworks that provide additional services to application
developers. A) System programs
B) Virtualization
C) Cloud computing
D) Middleware
Ans: D
Ans: C
Ans: A
41. The operating system kernel consists of all system and application programs in a computer. False
42. Flash memory is slower than DRAM but needs no power to retain its contents. True
44. UNIX does not allow users to escalate privileges to gain extra permissions for a restricted activity. False
45. Processors for most mobile devices run at a slower speed than a processor in a desktop PC. True
Operating System
46. Interrupts may be triggered by either hardware of software. True
47. A dual-core system requires each core has its own cache memory. False
48. Virtually all modern operating systems provide support for SMP. True
49. All computer systems have some sort of user interaction. False
50. Solid state disks are generally faster than magnetic disks. True
2. If a program terminates abnormally, a dump of memory may be examined by a ____ to determine the cause of the
problem. A) module
B) debugger
C) shell
D) control card
Ans: B
Ans: A
4. Policy ____.
A) determines how to do something
B) determines what will be done
C) is not likely to change across places
D) is not likely to change over time
Ans: B
7. To the SYSGEN program of an operating system, the least useful piece of information is
_____. A) the CPU being used
B) amount of memory available
C) what applications to install
D) operating-system options such as buffer sizes or CPU scheduling algorithms
Ans: C
Operating System
8. A boot block ____.
A) typically only knows the location and length of the rest of the bootstrap program
B) typically is sophisticated enough to load the operating system and begin its execution
C) is composed of multiple disk blocks
D) is composed of multiple disk cylinders
Ans: A
Ans: B
Ans: D
Ans: A
13. The Windows CreateProcess() system call creates a new process. What is the equivalent system call
in UNIX: A) NTCreateProcess()
B) process()
C) fork()
D) getpid()
Ans: C
14. The close() system call in UNIX is used to close a file. What is the equivalent system call in Windows:
A) CloseHandle()
B) close()
C) CloseFile()
D) Exit()
Ans: A
15. The Windows CreateFile() system call is used to create a file. What is the equivalent system call
in UNIX: A) ioctl()
B) open()
C) fork()
Operating System
D) createfile()
Ans: B
Ans: A
17. ______ is a mobile operating system designed for the iPhone and iPad.
A) Mac OS X B) Android
Ans: D
18. The ________ provides a portion of the system call interface for UNIX and
Linux. A) POSIX
B) Java
C) Standard C library
D) Standard API
Ans: C
Ans: C
20. _____ is/are not a technique for passing parameters from an application to a
system call. A) Cache memory
B) Registers
C) Stack
D) Special block in memory
Ans: A
Operating System
30. KDE and GNOME desktops are available under open-source licenses. True
31. Many operating system merge I/O devices and files into a combined file because of the similarity of
system calls for each.
32. An initial bootstrap program is in the form of random-access memory (RAM). False
33. System calls can be run in either user mode or kernel mode. False
34. Application programmers typically use an API rather than directory invoking system calls. True
35. In general, Windows system calls have longer, more descriptive names and UNIX system calls use
shorter, less descriptive names. True
36. Mac OS X is a hybrid system consisting of both the Mach microkernel and BSD UNIX. True 37. iOS
1. The ____ of a process contains temporary data such as function parameters, return addresses,
and local variables. A) text section B) data section
C) program counter
D) stack
Ans: D
Ans: A
3. The list of processes waiting for a particular I/O device is called a(n) ____.
A) standby queue
B) device queue
C) ready queue
D) interrupt queue
Ans: B
Ans: C
Operating System
5. When a child process is created, which of the following is a possibility in terms of the execution or
address space of the child process?
A) The child process runs concurrently with the parent.
B) The child process has a new program loaded into it.
C) The child is a duplicate of the parent.
D) All of the above
Ans: D
6. A _________________ saves the state of the currently running process and restores the state of
the next process to run. A) save-and-restore
B) state switch
C) context switch
D) none of the above
Ans: C
7. A process may transition to the Ready state by which of the following actions?
A) Completion of an I/O event
B) Awaiting its turn on the CPU
C) Newly-admitted process
D) All of the above
Ans: D
8. In a(n) ____ temporary queue, the sender must always block until the recipient
receives the message. A) zero capacity B) variable capacity
C) bounded capacity D)
unbounded capacity
Ans: A
Ans: D
12. A(n) ______________ allows several unrelated processes to use the pipe
for communication. A) named pipe
B) anonymous pipe
D) ordinary pipe
Ans: B
14. Imagine that a host with IP address wishes to download a file from the web server at IP
address Select a valid socket pair for a connection between this pair of hosts.
A) and
B) and
C) and
D) and
15. Child processes inherit UNIX ordinary pipes from their parent process because: A) The pipe is part of
the code and children inherit code from their parents.
B) A pipe is treated as a file descriptor and child processes inherit open file descriptors from their parents.
C) The STARTUPINFO structure establishes this sharing.
D) All IPC facilities are shared between the parent and child processes.
17. Which of the following is not a process type in the Chrome browser?
A) Plug-in
B) Renderer
C) Sandbox
D) Browser
Ans: C
18. The ________ application is the application appearing on the display screen
of a mobile device. A) main
B) background
C) display
D) foreground
Ans: D
19. A process that has terminated, but whose parent has not yet called wait(), is known as
a ________ process. A) zombie B) orphan
C) terminated
D) init
Ans: A
35. All processes in UNIX first translate to a zombie process upon termination. True
36. The difference between a program and a process is that a program is an active entity while a process is
a passive entity. False 37. The exec() system call creates a new process. False
38. All access to POSIX shared memory requires a system call. False
39. Local Procedure Calls in Windows XP are similar to Remote Procedure Calls. True
40. For a single-processor system, there will never be more than one process in the Running state. True
41. Shared memory is a more appropriate IPC mechanism than message passing for distributed systems.
42. Ordinary pipes in UNIX require a parent-child relationship between the communicating processes.
43. Ordinary pipes in Windows require a parent-child relationship between the communicating processes.
44. Using a section object to pass messages over a connection port avoids data copying. True
47. The Mach operating system treats system calls with message passing. True
48. Named pipes continue to exist in the system after the creating process has terminated. True
49. A new browser process is create by the Chrome browser for every new website that is visited. False
50. The iOS mobile operating system only supports a limited form of multitasking. True